ČUDNE PRIČE 206 – BABA VIDA u paklu najstarijeg zanata‼️Ubistvo u javnoj kući u Skopljanskoj‼️

Dear friends, tonight in Strange Stories we will cover a story that is really strange. It happened in 2010 in Požarevac, Republic of Serbia. And what is actually so strange about this story? This is about an event that was actually a showdown between two ladies who practiced

The oldest craft. How did it all start? On October 5, 2010, some of Vidosava Miletić’s relatives came to visit their cousin because she had not answered their phone calls for several days. When they broke into her house in Skopljanska Street in Požarevac, they were shocked

By what they saw. And they immediately called the emergency service of the police department from Požarevac. They reported that their cousin was dead. And the police immediately came to investigate at the specified address in Skopljanska Street in Požarevac. And they found that 83-year-old Mrs. Vidosava Miletić was killed in

A very cruel way by being hit in the middle of the head with an ax. And the ax was still in her skull. The police immediately conducted an investigation. They immediately started working on determining who could be the killer

Of this elderly lady who was known to the police files of the city of Požarevac. Actually, who was Vidosava Miletić? Vidosava Miletić was born way back in 1927 in Požarevac in a respectable Miletić family. She became a beautiful girl at a very young age. And she was noticed a lot

By the guys who were walking around Požarevac at the time, riding those bikes that were in fashion before the war. In fact, it was that dandy fashion that came to our region at that time as a fashion. However, when Vidosava was a 15-year-old girl, the damned war came to our region

. Germans and Bulgarians actually came. The second world war began. Many girls joined the partisans or other movements. Vidosava stayed in the town of Požarevac. She was not a Skojevka. In fact, as the locals of Požarevac say, she was very young, as a high school student, she started

Practicing the oldest trade. In fact, she was such a favorite among German and Bulgarian soldiers. It was even said that when the war ended, since she was very beautiful, Widosawa had more rice marks than Göring himself. Now, is that true or not? I do not know that. But that’s how

People talk around Požarevac. And of course, the fact that Vidosava was a lady who practiced the oldest trade as a very young girl was not a reason for, say, the partisans to cut her hair after the war, as the French

Partisans did to girls in Paris. Ours saw it through the fingers of Vidosava. And they said: “Good Vidosava, there is even some information that you cooperated with the Resistance Movement and that you revealed some positions to the Germans.” Vidosava Miletić could not immediately find a job after the war. There was still

No temporary work abroad, which is why this region is known as a guest worker. Vidosava was looking for a job in the city of Požarevac. Since it was already registered in the files of the then Ozna, there was no work. And

Of course Vidosava offered some of her services to the officers of Ozna. And she solved some of her problems. I don’t know if she worked in some companies on some specific contracts and when. But it is said that in one period she worked under contract in both Bambi and Dunavka. However

, Vidosava never established a permanent employment relationship. And Vidosava never found a guy to marry because she continued to practice the oldest craft known to ladies. And she lived decently from the services she provided. She knew all the gentlemen in the Braničevo district. Time passed, the border opened. Many went abroad.

And Vidosava stayed exactly in her town of Požarevac. And she lived in her parents’ house in Skopljanska street, which is, in fact, one might say, a little wider in the center of the city of Požarevac. Since Požarevac was built like all cities after the war, it became a large economic and

Industrial center. Large thermal power plants were also built. A large mine opened near Požarevac, in Kostolac. Off-road vehicles were coming from all directions. A new railway, new roads, new bridges were being built. They all made money. They were SUVs. And they were eager to party. And of course all

The waiters in the city knew that Vidosava with her team of girls was always ready to serve those people who came to the field from who knows where of Yugoslavia at that time to cheer up and make their stay in Požarevac more beautiful. And

The years passed. Everyone knew about Vidosava. It functioned that way until the lady reached some serious years for the job. When she turned 60, she realized that she was no longer so young or so beautiful. And she’s not even that desirable anymore. She had less and less customers. And old

Customers who knew her from before would buy her a drink while she was sitting in old Serbia in the center of Požarevac or in some other well-known tavern. But they never asked Vidosava for favors. And she saw that she had to change something in her business. Actually Vidosava has now become Mama-san. She

Noticed that a large number of girls from Eastern European countries were coming to what was then Yugoslavia. And she immediately hired girls from Romania. She took them to her house, registered them neatly as if they were her guests. She always had

Three to five of those girls from Romania. The nineties started. Pozarevac was still being built. There were still mines there. The SUVs were looking for fun, entertainment. She constantly brought young and beautiful Romanian women. And her business began to flourish. Vidosava lived better than during the occupation. And now

In the role of Mama-san, i.e. the manager of these girls who practice the oldest craft, she has made great progress. In what way? It works like this: First, he has to know all the policemen and all the inspectors from

The city. Why? In order to be protected in a way, in the sense of: “If I find out from my girls that one of her customers has done something terrible, and you are looking for him on any basis, I will tell you right away.” And of course

All Mama-Sans in the whole world do that. That’s nothing unusual. Why shouldn’t Vidosava do the same? She understood how it worked now. And she, as a manager, spread a whole network of her associates among waiters, waitresses, and among those entrepreneurs, those same masons and miners who came from various regions to earn

Their daily bread in Požarevac. There was always one of her associates who said: “Guys, if you want to have a good time, let’s go to Mrs. Vidosava’s in Skopljanska Street.” And everyone in Požarevac knew that. Because a girl, for example, if she comes

From somewhere now, she doesn’t know how to immediately get involved and do that job if someone doesn’t put her in, that is, to be her pimp. As a rule, a pimp does not have to be a man. It could be a woman. Even female pimps are crueler and more dangerous than

Male pimps themselves. Vidosava did not like to say that she was a pimp. But she called herself a landlady. She always said: “When you go out with a friend of yours if he wants to have dinner. And if you happen to meet a martyr who came from who knows what region or

Rolled down from who knows what mountains here in Požarevac, you must bring her to me. Because the lamb must not be given to other wolves. It must be in my fold. And you must be a team. And the captain of that team means me. I will get you

Good customers, you will have steady work, I will take a part of your earnings and we will all be happy The workers are satisfied, you as girls are satisfied because you have a permanent job. And of course me too.” And besides, Vidosava

Kept telling those girls of hers: “I have excellent connections with doctors in the city, if you need any help in that sense. And of course with the police. Because you can’t do the work you do without protection. And I I enable

Everything that I mentioned to you.” I have no doubt at all that Vidosava functioned in that sense, albeit in a slightly more primitive way in my opinion. Her team of girls practiced the oldest trade, but it was not for the first league. However, Vidosava was overjoyed. When the 90s passed, when

Girls from Eastern Europe went to the West, because of the geopolitical events in Europe, their countries became an integral part of Europe, they no longer had the need to practice the oldest craft in Požarevac and its surroundings, but went west. And now we will not deal with the Romanian and

Bulgarian women, where they went. But grandma Vidosava now had to find new players for her team from our fields, that is, from our cities. These were girls who came because of various problems, or ran away from home, or ran away from their husband because he was mistreating her. And of course over

Unfortunately, those ties also reached grandmother Vidosava. Grandmother Vidosava would find them accommodation in the city, that is, near her house, through her friends, so that they could quickly reach her if necessary. She had several such rooms in her house that she arranged for her girls to practice the oldest craft. And now

She had those friends of hers that she knew from before. And she used a new means of technology, actually a mobile phone. And her friends, that is, her clientele, when they were looking for entertainment, they would make an appointment with

Mrs. Vidosava. And she would invite a certain girl who is into that kind of fun. And of course she would take her share of the cake. Actually, with her, that story was about 15 EUR, and she would take half of it. Mrs. Vidosava was above all

A good psychologist and a good manipulator. She was also a big narcissist. She never said about herself: “Well, I’m tired, I’ve been trampled by time.” On the contrary, she presented herself to her girls as a real star. She said

: “What you are doing now is nothing. You just complain about this or that. In my time, it was done much, much more seriously. We didn’t complain either. We couldn’t wait to have as many customers as possible.” She wanted to

Present herself to them as someone they can’t live without. And she succeeded in that, because Vidosawa was an extremely good manipulator. Now I don’t know the brains of those girls who worked for her. But many accepted her story. They also saw her as their own grandmother. How did those

Girls perceive Mrs. Vidosava as their grandmother? Vidosava knew exactly how to approach those girls who worked for her. She was extremely cunning. She knew what girls really wanted to hear. She behaved like a real grandmother who listens to her granddaughter and gives her the right advice.

That’s how she always knew how to listen to each of her girlfriends. And when someone confided in her that she had fallen in love with one of her customers, she would say: “That’s great, that happened to me too. He will surely come and

Propose to you one day. Even if he is married, he will divorced his wife. Because you must have bewitched him crazy. And he only thinks about you. Good girl. Now I will personally tell you about a case of mine that I had many

Years ago. A German officer kept coming back to Požarevac to visit me , until he died in the 70s. He was so in love with me. And I made such an impression on him that it’s an amazing story. And because he

Was a quartermaster during those war years, actually a baker, and he’s often like my girlfriend used to bring bread and canned goods. Even today, I mean not even today, but even in that period of the 60s and 70s when he came, he knew how to buy the best cans of

Ham and to buy bread and come. And of course now there were also chocolates and all kinds of things. You see when someone loves you he loves you for the rest of his life. He was ready to leave his whole family there in faraway Hamburg just so

I could go live with him. But I loved this particular house of mine. I loved this street and I loved Požarevac. And it never occurred to me to leave this city.” And she said, “Girls you have to believe in yourself and

Of course in me. And each of you will find and meet your happiness. Your prince will appear . Will you have enough time to decide if you are staying here? Do you go back to any of your places where you came from? Or are

You going to the end of the world with the prince? And this is the best way for you to meet as many potential princes as possible. Because actually your fairy tale is happening right here in Skopljanska street, in my house.” Unfortunately, they also believed in it. They thought

That Vidosava was a good fairy. But in fact she was one of the witches from the blackest fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. At Mrs. Vidosava’s a Bosnian woman named Anita Jovanović also came to work . She was 35 years old and

Beautiful. And Mrs. Vidosava was overjoyed when she saw Anita. She immediately found Anita an apartment near her house and let her into traffic. a large team of those workers came because they heard: a new girl has come . And now Mrs. Vidosava has one small problem in her

Business. A large number of girls went to work abroad. And now she had the problem of how to find as many as possible girls who would work for her. And Anita said: “Anna, honey, you are a beautiful girl. When you happen to go out with a friend of yours and some

Martyr complains to you that she needs a piece of bread, and she looks like something, bring her to me immediately.” And she said: “Mrs. Vidosava, I think I respect you as my mother, actually as my grandmother. I will immediately bring you the first girl

I find in town.” Anita also lived in a house in Skopljanska street near grandmother Vidosave so that she could be close to her for work. She was a tenant. She paid the rent. And now she decided to reduce those rent costs. The best

Way to reduce the cost of rent is to find a roommate. And she placed an ad in the newspaper, actually in Pozarevac’s well-known newspaper Reč Naroda, that she needed a roommate. And now many girls responded to that ad. However, they were mostly girls who were looking for accommodation in order to get

An education. And of course, their parents also answered that phone. Anita refused all that. In fact, she didn’t like the idea of ​​a young girl coming and going to school. Because Anita deals with the oldest craft. And then she came up with an idea and said she was a waitress. She added to

Her ad that she is 35 years old and is looking for a roommate who does the same job. There were some girls who were actually waitresses. Anita refused them. And one day Mrs. Silvija Živković answered her phone

. She said that she was 25 years old, that she had just run away from her husband and that she simply did not know what to do with herself. That he does not have a job, that he is looking for accommodation. And if possible, that accommodation is not too expensive. Experienced Anita immediately

Saw that this could be the girl for her. They arranged a meeting. She immediately came to the conclusion that Silvia is a beautiful young girl. And she concluded that Silvia was suffering and had no money. And she immediately

Said: “Cat, you’re coming to my place. You can live for the first month, bro, and later we’ll organize when you find a job. And I’ll take care and do my best to help you find the best possible job.” And Silvia was overjoyed. And of course Anita immediately reported to her Mama-san, actually

Grandma Vida, that she found a beautiful girl who could most likely be Grandma Vida’s potential new employee. And that her name is Silvija Živković. And who was actually Silvija Živković? Silvija Živković was born in Požarevac in 1984, in the Živković family. When she was one year old, her

Parents left for Vienna and left her to be looked after by her grandmother. Little Silvia grows up with her grandmother until she is six years old. Her parents used to come on those annual vacations. In the meantime, they had more children there. And when Silvia

Was old enough to go to school, they took her to Vienna. She starts living there with her parents, brother and sister. However, that life actually became a real hell for her because her father was a big alcoholic. And he beat everyone in the house. They were actually exposed to real family

Violence. And Silvia had a hard time fitting into that whole story when she left for Vienna. Unlike her brother and sister who were born there and who spoke German very well, she had a hard time fitting into that school environment where she had to study in German and do those tasks. And that

Didn’t work for her at all. And in addition to everything, the fact that her father is a bully also bothered her a lot. Because he came drunk, he mistreated his brother and sister and mother. And Silvia couldn’t stand it anymore. She complained on the phone to her

Grandmother. Grandma also insisted that Silvia be returned to her home in Serbia. And Silvija is returning to Serbia. He starts going to school here. She went to the fifth grade. And then now it’s a bit very unusual, she suddenly stops going to school

Because she supposedly no longer had money for further education with her grandmother. That’s very strange. Did the two of them change their residential address in the meantime, so they left Požarevac to live in a village or something? This is already highly debatable. But it is a bit unusual, that the parents work abroad

And the child has no money for education. Silvia now lives with her grandmother. She turned 16, she has already become a girl. And at the age of seventeen, she already marries a guy in the village of Simićevo in the municipality of Žabari. She had a child

With that young man . However, to her great regret, he was too an alcoholic. He was violent towards her, he beat her. And she decided after some time to leave him. She ran away from him when she was about 20 years old. And soon she got married. However, she was not lucky again.

Her second husband was also an alcoholic and violent. She continued to suffer beatings and torture. It was a certain period, about a year, two days. And she is getting married for the third time. And guess again for the alcoholic. She had no luck

With this third husband either . She lived for several years. She suffered beatings, mistreatment. She decided to run away from him. And he runs straight from his house to Pozarevac. He is with Anita and comes to live in her apartment

As her roommate in Skopljanska street in Požarevac. Upon arriving at Anita’s house, Silvia immediately began to organize her life. She had a very small amount of money which she tried to stretch as much as she could. She also brought very little personal clothing. And she looked at every possible way to

Save on everything, including food. I assume that by running away from her third husband, she also had a great fear of him. And that she was afraid that he might accidentally find her. I believe she even changed her cell phone number. And that she did whatever she thought was necessary to protect

Herself from him. Silvia found herself in a very unenviable situation. She couldn’t choose a job much. She could only work somewhere as a hygienist because she didn’t even have an elementary school. And that was also the problem of doing that job. And she couldn’t even

Think about any other job. And of course the days passed. The end of the month was approaching. And the moment was coming when she should start paying Anita half the rent as a roommate and all the necessary things. After all, to give half the money

To fill the fridge. And there arose a big problem. And she complained to Anita that she had no money for the next rent. The fact that she had a little money, despite the savings in food, she ate it. And now she was expecting who

Knows what Anita’s reaction. But Anita said, “Okay, don’t worry. I’ll try to find you a job these days. And count it over. You look nice and we’ll find a job.” Silvia was surprised. First, what kind of

Job is Anita offering her? And she also says: “No problem, it will be in a couple of days.” And as soon as Anita left for work, she went to Mrs. Vidosave and said: “Grandma Vido caught a fish. Most likely, she will start working these days.” And

Grandmother Vida said in her experienced way: “Okay, we will dress her up, put on make-up and let her go. Just bring her to me for coffee and the rest is my problem.” And that’s how it was. Anita took Silvia to grandma Vida’s for coffee.

She went to buy something at the nearby market. And the experienced lady stayed to talk with her new future worker. She served her coffee and fig sweets. She said: “Feel free, son, serve yourself a few more times. It is very

Important to recover the sugar. You made me very pale. And I see you are beautiful. You look just fine. There is work for you.” Of course Silvia listened to her as she tasted the sweet figs. She swallowed and slurped the fig in her mouth. There was no way she was going to

Swallow it, impatiently waiting to find out what she was supposed to do. And grandmother Vida said :” Son, men are a species that can’t even be compared to us. We are higher beings for them. And we have what they like. And

We just need to take advantage of their blindness and we are effectively their masters. Because as you can see yourself, you have been married three times. You were unlucky in love. What do you get out of it? And now you should use this

Time while you are young, beautiful and desirable, to milk them as much as possible, that is, to make them wax and make a good life for yourself. Listen to Grandma Vida, my daughter.” And when Grandma Vida said that to Silvia, she swallowed that fig and almost choked. Grandma Vida had to intervene by

Slapping her on the back and saying: “Come on, come on, drink some more vodice.” It was now completely clear to Silvia what she was going to do. And she said: “I mean, I’ve never done it in a professional sense. What I was doing was like a marital

Obligation. But I don’t know if there’s anything special about all that.” She said, “Girl, don’t be afraid of anything. What you did with your husband is what you will do work with these gentlemen. They are all nice gentlemen, they are all selected elderly people who have earned pensions abroad. And after all,

They have a lot of young relatives working in the west. You will also meet one of them. And be sure that you will twist someone’s brain and he will take you to the west where you belong.” And then she kissed Silvia as tenderly

As a real grandmother. And that’s when Silvia experienced her as her late grandmother. And everything is believed this lady. And she didn’t even know that next to her and in front of her was actually a predatory witch who was preparing her as an innocent

Lamb to the wolves. And at first it really was like that. Gentlemen came, older gentlemen who were nice to Sylvia. And she said: “Oh, this is great.” She agreed with grandmother Vida that she organizes meetings with clients and that she charges. And Silvia received half of everything.

And if she had, say, two or three gentlemen during the day, she would receive everything 15 EUR. Actually, in 2010, it was 1,500 RSD. And now she said: “Well, I mean three customers for 750 RSD, that’s 2,500 RSD. Well, I think

That’s better than being hungry and having no makeup to wear like this, having nothing to wear.” Of course, grandma Vida always had some wardrobe in her closet. She dressed her nicely and did her makeup. And quickly word

Got out among the clients that a new girl had arrived, that she was beautiful, young and attractive. And everyone rushed to spend time with Silvia. She was a little confused at first because now suddenly Grandma Vida is forcing her to have five

Six seven clients during the day. She said, “Grandma Vido, I can’t take all that.” She said, “Come on, son, it’s a lot easier than going and doing some hard work.” You’re not crazy to go there in the villages and become a village wage earner.” And she said: “Okay, I believe you. Let

‘s go further.” And in the beginning Mrs. Vidosava gave 50% to Silvia. However, later as the number of customers grew, she said to her: “Look, I am your manager now. And since you have 10 customers each, if you get 300 RSD each, be

Satisfied, that’s 3,000 RSD. Where are you going now, you poor and wretched person who ran away from your husband to earn that money? And at the end of the day, word has already spread about what you do. There is no way back for you from this job.” And Silvia now became furious about

All that. She complained to her roommate Anita. However, Anita said: “Look honey, I googled everything about it. You have to prepare your stomach for this job. And at the end of the day, come to terms with the fact that you are a…” And Anita again, despite

Initially protesting a little, went to all the invitations when Mrs. Vidosava called her. However, the elderly gentlemen from abroad were no longer there . There came those who were off-roaders, actually miners from the surrounding mines. Then there were masons who came from who knows where to

Build buildings around Požarevac. And there were drivers who worked in the road section that had just started to build new highways in the vicinity of Požarevac. However, real hell broke out for Silvia. Because among those SUVs there were people who had slightly perverted views on sex and making

Love. They perceived girls who practice the oldest trade as animals. And when Silvia complained that some clients beat her, mistreat her, that for the same money they force her to make love in some perverse ways, grandma Vidosava just waved her hand and said:

“Son, if only you knew what I’ve been through. This is all honey and milk for you. Be happy that you have a job. And be happy when I land you a client. No matter what he does to you, it’s better than not having anything to

Eat and dying hungry.” And now there was a problem with the payment again. Because grandmother Vidosava insisted that she now also take 80% of the work. There were daily arguments. Finally she said, “Listen girl you have to put up with

These guys who are a little rougher because they pay. Money doesn’t steal from anyone, you have to adapt to everything. And you have to get used to that way of making love. Because that is better than being beaten by your husband at home.” Of course,

Silvia listened to all this day after day. She nodded. And on the third of October 2010, by God, a serious quarrel arose between her and her landlady. grandma Vidosada. Silvia said: “Listen, it is no longer possible for me

To give you 80% of my earnings. I don’t want half, but I want to take 80% of my earnings because I plan to go abroad.” Grandma Vidosava, when she heard that Silvia had decided to change the distribution of money, said: “Well,

Since you are so rude and ungrateful now, I won’t take 80% from you, but I will take 90% from you now. So if you have a better job somewhere else, go so j.. But everyone knows you were at my place. And be sure you won’t find a job anywhere. After

All, look at what you look like. If I didn’t find you customers, you wouldn’t even be a truck driver.” And when Silvia heard that, she grabbed the bottle with sour water in anger and hit Vidosava in the middle of the forehead with all her might. And when the unfortunate old woman fell,

She hit her several more times with the same bottle until it broke . And then she took the squeegee. It’s that little chair. And she continued to beat her on the head with it. And since she wasn’t sure now that she had

Killed Vidosava, she threw that little girl next to Vidosava. She went to the door. And from behind the door she took an ax and with all her might hit Vidosava on the head. And that ax remained in her head. Now she was sure that she had

Killed Grandma Vidosava. She took only her belongings, went outside, locked the house and left, hoping that one day if there was a police investigation, the police would think that Grandma Vidosava had been killed by one of her clients, not because of some steamy sex, but to kill her. robbed. Because

Many assumed that grandmother Vidosava had a lot of money. Which was not true after all . And now, when she went to her apartment and found her roommate there, who had just returned from a tour, she told her friend that she had killed Grandma Vidosava. Of course

They were shocked, scared. But Anita said: “Okay, what are we going to do now?” She wasn’t worried, it was: “Grandma Vidosava was killed. Alas, poor woman.” But she was worried about how she would find a job now to do what she does. She even

Suggested to Silvia that after some time they should go to the capital because they will surely find a pimp and a better job there. And now, while waiting for some time to pass, grandma Vidosava’s relatives, since they were worried why grandma Vidosava is not answering her landline? They decided to visit it and

See what it was all about. When the relatives came, they saw that the front door was closed. They pushed open one of the many old windows and went inside. As soon as they entered the living room, they saw grandmother Vidosava

Lying in a corner with an ax stuck in her head. And she was covered in blood. They immediately called the police. The police came and the investigation began. Everything indicated that Silvija Živković had committed this criminal act. The very next day, they brought Silvija Živković and her roommate

Anita Jovanović to the police station in Požarevac for an informative interview. They were detained by the police for up to 48 hours. During that period of time, Silvia also refused to defend herself by remaining silent. She actually admitted that she killed Grandma Vidosava because she mistreated her and took 80%

Of her earnings. However, Silvija involved her roommate Anita Jovanović in this whole story. And how? Well, just like that, because she told her that she killed her grandmother Vidosava, and Anita did not report that information to the police. In fact, she concealed the commission of the crime. And the police

Filed a complaint against her for not reporting the crime of murder. And since Silvija Živković admitted to the commission of this criminal act, the prosecution ordered detention for up to 30 days. She was taken to the remand prison. The well-known Požarevac lawyer Novica Pantić was also assigned to her as

An ex officio lawyer . After some time, the trial started. And Silvia did not repent at any moment for the commission of this criminal act. She talked about her difficult life since childhood. That later she had a lot of problems as a wife in marriages, that she was mistreated by everyone, that

She was also mistreated by the late Vidosava. That she really hit her on the head with a bottle and then with a hammer. But that her roommate later injected Mrs. Vidosavi with benzedine solution into her vein, which is total madness. Because

The autopsy did not find it. She also said the same thing that when Vidosava fell, her roommate took an ax and that she killed her with several blows to the head. And that this is why Mrs. Vidosava died. Of course, the court

Established that Anita Jovanović has an alibi for that time period. And that she was initially only charged with not reporting the crime of murder because her roommate Silvia confided in her that she had killed Vidosava. After some time, she was released from any responsibility. And she appeared in court

Only as a witness. This lie shows that Silvia never repented. The court took into account all the aggravating and mitigating circumstances for her and passed the first-instance verdict, which read 12 years in prison. Later, after two years of trial, the Appellate Court in Belgrade confirmed

This verdict of the High Court from Požarevac. Silvija Živković was also sentenced to 12 years in prison, which she later served in the KPZ for women in Požarevac. She served this prison sentence and is now free. I don’t know if she went abroad. But she served this sentence for which

She was convicted. And she should not be persecuted and lynched now for what she did. Actually her crime is something horrible. But after serving a prison sentence, no matter how short or long it may be, a person

Who has served it is a free citizen. And this woman has the right to live. She was not pampered by life. She was exploited and mistreated by everyone. In the end, she accepted this Mrs. Vidosava Miletić as the most born. And she loved her like her grandmother. And after months of exploitation and

Mistreatment, in the end when she realized that she was not earning anything, that she was in a slave position with Mrs. Vidosava, she killed her, most likely out of emotion. She did not plan to commit this crime of murder that day, that’s for sure. But something snapped in her brain because everyone

Betrayed and sold her. She killed Vidosava, she was convicted. Now she is a single woman. The fate of this unfortunate woman must be a lesson to all women: Dear ladies, once you divorce your abusive husband who is an alcoholic, do not enter into any relationship with any man again if he

Drinks the third drink while you are getting to know each other. As soon as he drinks the third drink, get up from the table and say: “Goodbye and goodbye”. That’s my advice. Because I can’t understand this young woman making the same mistake three times. As if she was chasing drunkards and

Thugs, as if she wanted to be bullied. And instead of going to a safe house, to go to the police to report her abusive husband, she goes to some old Mama-san to do the oldest trade. I hope this woman is doing some honorable work now. And that she has sorted out her

Life now. I have nothing more to say about this event, except let it be a lesson for you. And this event must not be forgotten. Because this is a very complex case. And here it is very difficult to actually determine who is really the victim and who is

The culprit. And I would ask you to make a decision about it in your comments. And until the next Strange Story, I greet you.

ČUDNE PRIČE 206 – BABA VIDA u paklu najstarijeg zanata‼ Ubistvo u javnoj kući u Skopljanskoj‼

U Skopljanskoj ulici u Požarevcu, u jednoj strinskoj žutoj kući živela je Vidosava Miletić – zvana baba Vida. Njen život je bio obeležen burnim aferama i raznolikim klijentima, a pod starost je angažovala i devojke koje su radile za nju… a onda je sve pošlo po zlu.
00:00 Čudne priče
01:05 Tog dana
02:10 Ko je bila Vidosava?
03:51 Najstariji zanat
05:07 Posao
08:01 Devojke iz inostranstva
09:54 Potencijalne mušterije
12:53 Potraga za novim devojkama
16:22 Bogati klijenti
21:17 Oglasi za posao
23:08 Ko je Silvija?
25:09 Školovanje
26:38 Nasilje u porodici
29:20 Potraga za poslom
35:25 Novi klijenti
38:38 Problemi
40:26 Svađa sa Vidosavom
42:44 Telefonski poziv
44:43 Tužilaštvo
45:51 Presuda
49:03 Savet


  1. Žrtva života potom sopstvenih izbora, kroz muškarce, sa kojima je, živela su samo, kopija, njenog oca, nešto što je već👀kao mala, u svojoj, porodici, nezdravi, disfunkcionalni, odnosi su ostavili na njoj,traume. Tako emotivno nestabilna, bez podrške lako je bilo manipulisati njome! 😉

  2. Koliko god da je baba bila zla, sa 80 godina, za ubicu nije bila pretnja. Problem je u njoj samoj. Do 25. godine se udavala tri puta za alkoholičare i nasilnike, ubila zbog para a ne zbog moralnih načela, mogla je jednostavno otići.

  3. Poštovanje gospodine Braco.❤❤
    Inace ne komentarisem, ali me zanima prvo kako ste vi ne izgledate bas najbolje tacnije dosta izmoreno. Nadam se da je samo umor u pitanju. 😊

    Sto se gospodje tice ne podrzavam nikoga u ovoj prici, svako sebi kroji zivot i vjerujem da su ga i same izabrale zbog lakoce jer lakse je leci u krevet nego krpu i metlu u ruke i cistiti.

    Vama svako dobro cuvajte se i s nestrpljenjem ocekujem sljedeću pricu ☺️

  4. Uvek te zene ispastaju,a najveci krivci su klijenti, makroi i ovi zenski makroi tzv madam, mama san i slicno. Ne mogu da opisem nivo gadjenja koje osećam prema njima

  5. Nije ona kriva, krivi su njeni roditelji. Nisu vodili brigu o njoj, lako je napraviti dete, treba to dete i odgajiti. I mene je odgajila baba, nisam imao roditelje, ni mene zivot nije mazio i znam sta pricam. Bio sam kod psihologa, imao sam 7 godina i psiholog me je pitalo ” zasto si dozvolio da te odgaja baba”? A ja sam joj odgovorio ” A sta je trebalo da dopustim da me odgaja ulica”? Na zalost zivimo u vremenu gde niko nikoga ne razume. Ova prica je jako tuzna, zao mi je ove devojke, nadam se da sada zivi nekim srecnim zivotom jer je to zasluzila, ona nije nista kriva. A baba je dobila sto je i zasluzila. Pozdrav iz Nemačke !

  6. Postoje Socijalne radnice koje pomažu ljudima u nevolji da stanu na svoje noge i ne odu stranputicom tj. da pronađu sebe .“Gospođa”Vidosava je bila Asocijalna radnica koja je iz narcisoidnosti prodavala svoje a onda tuđe Tjelo i tuđu sudbinu.Shodno tome čime se je bavila i koliko zla je nanijela živjela je veoma dugo uzeći u obzir koliko njih se je suzdržalo dok ih je gazila a već su bile na dnu.Svaku sreću u daljem životu želim gospođi Silviji Živković!

  7. Slučaj je samo još jedan primjer koliko su suci retardirani i koliko je ustvari to školovanje nepotrebno. Jer zna se da samo u prazne glave stanu nepotrebne informacije koje se uče na fakultetima.

  8. Kud baš imamo ista imena , to je zaslužila nisam osvetnik , ali mi je žao te mlade cure koja je pobjegla od nasilnika i baš naišla na ovu staru sotonu , a najviše krivim njene roditelje .poz Braci.❤❤❤

  9. Citam komentare i nije mi jasno razmisljanje pojedinih.Kazu da Silvija nije kriva za ubistvo madam babe.Punoletna je bila i sama je pristala na prostituciju.Ako joj se nije dopadala isplata mogla je da radi na pijaci ili bilo gde,uvek ima izbora.Vidi se kakve je samo izbora imala za supruga,ne jedan nego tri.Da je zaradjivala dobro jos bi bila prostitutka…nema opravdanja

  10. Braco , hvala Vam na emisiji . Postoji u psihologiji nesvesni izbor partnera po modelu ponasanja oca . Neretko zene koje su imale oca alkoholicara i nasilnika , nesvesno biraju takvog partnera .

  11. I opet, pohlepa, raskalasnost i nemoral i nesavjesni rad onih koji su zaduze i da sprovode zakon, odvedose u propast?
    Sta god da se kaze nije dovoljno da se opisu ljudi koji dozvole da sa njima upravljaju stras i pohlepa.
    Bog nam dao razum, instikt a vecina ne koristi ni jedno ni drugo.

  12. Ćerka alkoholičara se kao po pravilu udaje za alkoholičara. To je poznato u psihologiji. Kopira obrazac ponašanja.Silvija je iskopirala u potpunosti sva tri puta; alkoholučar i nasilnik, kao njen otac.

  13. Gospodine Braco,da lj ce biti emisije o Vaidi Šaćiri iz Pirota koja jw poginula 9.3 kod niša mislim da devojka zasluzuje emisiju kao i njena porodica🤍

  14. Po meni ova djevojka nista nije kriva ona je žrtva naselja i zli ljudi i to je moralo negdje eskalirati na žalost izmnipulisana je od strane loših ljudi demona itd.. NIJE kriva

  15. Ova priča Vam je masterpiece. Ovo je priča za film. Završetak priče je jasan i glasan. Ovde se ne zna ko je žrtva, a ko krivac.Svako je žrtva na svoj način. Najviše mi je žao ove jadne devojke, mučenice koja je 3 puta bežala od nasilnika i onda došla mečki na ruku.
    Inače, imate svi pozdrave i od moje porodice. Pustio sam im ovu emisiju, i moja majka, koja je socijalni radnik u penziji, upućuje Vam sve čestitke kako ste obradili ovu priču.

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