I’m Done (bikepacking Montañas Vacías)

Buenos dias. We are in this ermita like a church. It’s outside this village, very cold and humid here. But if you put a tent under a roof, it’s gonna be very dry also. There’s no humidity coming out from the floor here. The flysheet was unnecessary, it’s dry. I put a flysheet

Because I was afraid maybe they could see the tent from the road. And the green flysheet makes it a little better when you stealth camp. It’s more difficult to see the tent at night. Now let’s make some tortellini. pack up and get to Teruel and finish this adventure of Montañas Vacías

That’s it, my hotel, back on the road. Last day of Montañas Vacías. Let’s see what’s the adventure today. Last day of sun. These are the views this morning. I’ve been passed again by the two guys from Barcelona that they are not very talkative and they didn’t say hello.

Three days ago or four days ago when I met them. Then I went past them the same day. I don’t know where they stopped but when I was with Lluis I met them again. And I didn’t meet them yesterday and I met them again today.

First climb today on paved road, first descent on paved road. Too bad. Such a beautiful forest. They deserve some dirt. Definitely. Oh, look at this nice picture. Let me take a nice picture of this village. So here you can choose. This is tap water from the village pipes.

And this is the one, spring. Guess which one I’m going to drink. Spring one, the one not treated nor controlled. Mountain water taste better Good progress. Wow, 40 kilometers to go. Nice. Very, very nice. Immersed in nature, that’s the feeling.

I would guess I need to go left, but I’m not sure, so I will just check on the map. I need to reverse. Reverse, reverse, reverse. I need to go right. My GoPro is having a moment, I tap to turn it on and it starts a minute later.

There was a fence, I was saying they love to fence everything in Spain. One of the last views. It’s getting closer to the end. Another fucking fence. I wonder if there is electricity in this fucking thing. It’s actually a plastic handle to open and close. No problem even if there is electricity. Beautiful

I need to check what time the rain starts tomorrow and then make a plan for after Montañas Vacías This is where I stopped to have lunch, to this little village 30 kilometers away today is a little warmer tomorrow is gonna get very cold, it’s gonna be 17 degrees but today is warmer

So I shaved my head because I haven’t showered in nine days today and I washed a little bit myself and I washed my t-shirt that was filthy and the hat so let’s keep on going This must be the most straight street in Spain

Up on the other side, to be on the top on this side, it’s the last climb I think, the last long climb at least, then it should be mostly downhill till Teruel have another two kilometers climbing and then I start to be sent I think I don’t even want to check the map

This better be the highest point today and it better be 99% descent from here to Teruel I’m exhausted I don’t know, I just want to be done I’m already thinking about the next two days of rain this is a highway a dirt highway Looks like we are starting to go down.

I’m gonna take a picture. Back on a smaller trail But I think now it’s really going to be fast, fast and furious. Now where? Where? Where? Turn by turn navigation failed. Let’s say the last hour on Montaños Vacias. It’s coming to an end. Like all good things.

I think now it’s really 10 kilometers to go. I made a mistake before. Now 10 kilometers to go. The end is near. Somewhere around here is where I camped when I got to Teruel, maybe a kilometer back. I can’t remember exactly. I think we passed it. Or maybe not. Cutting closer to Teruel.

That’s where I camped. Trail is over. I’m on the outskirts of Teruel. On the bridge. I’m near to the square. Surya Bikepacking is a bike shop in Teruel where you can rent bikes to do Montañas Vacía

And you can rent the bikes with all the bags, different kind of bikes, drop bars, flat bars, everything. Whatever you need, in Surya we have. Yes, and you can see also if you’re missing some bags or some camping stuff, gas canisters, dry food, they have straps,

They have a bit of everything, Nalgene, so a little bit of everything. And you can get also the maps for Montañas Vacías here. Yes, we have the official maps. We have the kits from Montañas Vacías. Yeah, very nice. With the patch, the stickers.

So, Surya Bikepacking, I will put the name so you can find it and when you start Montañas Vacía, if you’re missing something or you want to rent the bike with all the bags and equipment, those are the guys. Yes. Very good. Montañas Vacías, is in the bag. I’m done, officially.

The plaza, I forgot the name of the square, but this is where you start and where you finish Montañas Vacías. It was a great route, highly recommended. It’s not as brutal as Badlands, very rideable. There’s loads of climbing, obviously, but pretty rideable. And yeah, very, very good route.

Cycling the world – Europe: 138 episode
In the final episode of my journey along the Montañas Vacías bikepacking route, I awaken in a chilly valley on the outskirts of a village, Alcalá de la Selva, sheltered under a church porch to stay dry. It’s a bittersweet morning; the excitement of completing this amazing route is tinged with a hint of sadness. With urgency, I head towards Teruel to resupply and find refuge from an impending 2-to-3-day intense storm. Join me as I conclude another incredible bikepacking adventure in Spain, adding yet another remarkable route to my collection.

Montañas Vacías bikepacking route: https://montanasvacias.com

MY GEAR FULL LIST: https://kit.co/davidetravelli

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  1. 🇬🇧🇮🇹🇪🇸
    🇬🇧If you find the videos entertaining or useful and want to "buy me a coffee or drink", consider making a donation to support the channel and my round the world adventure: contact me or simply https://www.paypal.me/davidetravelli
    🇮🇹Se la visione ti è piaciuta, valuta la possibilità di fare una donazione, "offrirmi da bere o un caffe" a supporto del canale e del giro del mondo: contattatemi o semplicemente https://www.paypal.me/davidetravelli
    🇪🇸Si te ha gustado verlo, considera hacer una donación "ofrecerme una bebida o un café" para apoyar el canal y en la vuelta al mundo en bici: contácteme o simplemente https://www.paypal.me/davidetravelli

  2. Thanks for effort in putting this together. As always very informative. Happy New Year too. Interesting to hear you say you passed some fellow tourers who ignored you. As a long distance cyclist myself I am always staggered when that happens. Especially given it doesn't take a lot to acknowledge someone doing the same thing as you in the middle of nowhere. Their loss I guess.

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