【竹富島】離島でレンタサイクル。♪( ´▽`)【八重山諸島】

Spe For [Applause] [Applause] E I fore Up About [Applause] spe spee foreign speech Co Yeah Oh [Laughter] Ch For I’ve seen a lot of change been through a lot of pain some things are not the same as they were a year ago but all will be okay I move on each and every day the past is where it stays way back a year ago I’ve changed for the better this

Time I thought I would never never be fine I strive just to say I’m all right and for the first time in a long time I’m all right I’ve seen a lot of change been through a lot of pain some things are not the same as they were a year

Ago but all will be okay I move on each and every day the past is where it days way back a year [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Ago I ain’t going back I’m not falling I’ll push all my chips and C alling bet on myself you keep stalling I hear Destiny and it’s calling I’ll keep my head up high through the downs and lows and we’re all going life still nobody knows but I’mma choose what’s right and

Take what comes and goes and ain’t no one in life holding me back no more seen a lot of change been through a lot of pain some things are not the same as they were a year ago all be okay I move on each and every

Day the past is where it stays way back a year [Applause] [Applause] Ago [Applause] [Applause] Way back a year Ago For he this come all For Yes E

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#川平湾 #石垣島 #沖縄

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