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This is the special express train. This is the train schedule. At Nakhon Sawan Station, it’s actually a train. Same as other stations but the deadline is set. Each province is different. It’s the same procession as other places. Traveling up, yes, it’s Bangkok and up.

Chiang Mai and below, traveling to Rong is Chiang Mai down to Bangkok Thai train There are 3 main types. In fact, there are 4 types, but the main 3 that are found are cars.

Ordinary would probably be the sweet and cool that we are familiar with. Protects against fast cars which are average and cannot protect fast cars. What’s the big deal? They’re both cars with fans. Normal and fast, if you want air conditioning, you must.

It’s also written as special express, meaning it will be a fine-tuned vehicle. The weather usually only has one round during the daytime, depending on each province. What time does it run past, but if there is a night time?

A little special at night, around 17:00 18:00 , it will be a special emergency, sleep is up at the time. This evening until the next morning at the end. The Chiang Mai Mai schedule seems confusing but

Just look at the fact that there is more travel, namely Bangkok. Go to Chiang Mai because Chiang Mai is up there, right? And then travel to the area below which is Chiang Mai. Coming down to Bangkok, he didn’t write it wrong.

Going downstairs, that is, not going downstairs. Let’s travel downstream and look at the origin and destination. Then find the name of our province in the province. Where is this? We’re in Nakhon Sawan, right?

The only thing that is relevant is what time does the bus leave? This is the train that arrives and takes about 2 minutes to leave. What time does it leave? What really matters is the name and type of car.

And what time does the rest leave? Tell the time of departure as well as tell the time of departure from Bangkok. Tells you the time of arrival at the final destination, Chiang Mai, which sometimes We’re not going to the origin and destination, right?

Along the way, like this, we will Nakhon Sawan to Ayutthaya is the fastest way for us to go. It’s up. It’s up. We have to be. How do we go down to Nakhon Sawan and down to Uaithaya?

It has become this time. Just look at the name of the province. So we’re going up this time, meaning the car will arrive on time. Then it takes 3 minutes to leave Ayutthaya. So, why is this one so prominent?

The main points, oh, it takes a little over 3 hours, 12 to 15, that’s 3 hours. This is the Nakhon Sawan-Bangkok express, 5 hours, Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Chiang Mai, Bangkok, 6 hours to arrive. Bangkok 2 hours 9 14 hrs. Fast and special express, Chiang Mai, Bangkok.

Leaving Chiang Mai 850 to Bangkok 1855 was about 10 hours ago. 14 This 10 is a normal car like it stops at every station. Like, it’s a fan. As for a fast car, it’s a fan.

The fans are the same, there is no air conditioning in the car, it’s fast. This means that some stations may be skipped. Normally, it stops at every station. It’s a special express. This means crossing another station, but there is

The air conditioner recommends it to anyone who wants to ride the train and look good. It’s a bit luxurious. You have to go at night. Going up from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, look at train number 9 and number 13.

This is what we see advertised and it is the most beautiful. In the country where this condition is, there will also be a dining room. If there’s something wrong with it, he’ll lay it down as a bed for you. Number 13 means it used to be the most luxurious thing I remember.

Simply put, 13 is a car that used to be luxurious. It’s very luxurious, but it says it’s urgent at night. It’s a sleeping car. You can adjust the seat from You can sleep and sit like in Russia and number

9 is the newest car and what you’ve seen advertised is that this car is 13, which means it used to be luxurious. Number 9 is the most luxurious car . Luxurious means you have to spend the night only on the way up to number 9 and number 13. Notice that

This one departs at almost 1900 and this one departs around 8:00 p.m. and arrives at the same time at 7:00 a.m. and 8 p.m., meaning it takes the same time to travel, but The luxury of car number 9 is more luxurious than 13. It used to be

Luxurious and travel on the way back to Chiang Mai, Bangkok. Number 10, the most luxurious and second most luxurious, is number 14, Chiang Mai, Bangkok as well, leaving at 17, this one at 6:00 p.m. and arriving at approx. 18:00 and

7 hours in Bangkok take about the same time, so who? If you want to take the train and look good, it must be a night trip. During the daytime, we will only encounter cars blowing. The wind is almost gone as usual, right? It used to be.

Where there used to be something like this, there was also a 3rd floor. There are only a few booths available during the slow hours. First is the procession. Any car along the way can mean who it is.

Located in a province other than the place of origin and destination. Oh, but only the main stations of that province. Only at first, I thought it was a direct shot. No stopping at all, no, no stopping, this is how you get to the station.

What is Lopburi and Ayutthaya? It’s better to park like this. The rounds are close together so I recommend focusing on 9 and 10 only because they are the best, it depends. You must make a reservation first. You may have to make a reservation first.

It can take several days because it’s just one train. Every day, people will probably compete with each other. If this is our example, we will leave Nakhon Sawan. Ayutthaya means you can’t reserve on the website, let’s say.

Tomorrow we will travel, we reserved on the website. If you don’t buy any day, it will be on that day. Now they We have already entered the accommodation in Ayutthaya. I would like to share a little bit of my experience at Off.

I’ve taken the Thai train a total of 3 times now, but coincidentally, on the first round, we got to sit. The car has air conditioning and it’s a little ok, so we stuck with the picture. It appears that the train only has one round per day.

The rest are normal cars. And it’s a fast car, but it’s actually a car. The fan is the same, that’s normal. I’ve never ridden it, but it’s very slow. It’s a sweet, cool car.

But because the car is fast, it probably stops at few stops. More than just a fast car is a car with a fan, for example. The same atmosphere and feeling. Is it like you’re here at the flea market?

Sitting here, there will be grilled pork and water. Yes, cold soft drinks, ice cream, can’t be boiled. I mean, it’s good for people who want to eat something. Has the team been sitting for a long time or is it just bored?

Something like this wants to eat, but it doesn’t. It’s strange that Russia, where we’ve been, For sale, but he doesn’t just sell food. Selling belts, selling children’s toys, that is. That’s part of it, but the atmosphere is awesome. I think we’ve only ever ridden in cars that are as fast as they say.

This fast car should be a library. The train should go to a place where trees are planted. Will it be thrown away? It’s like a fast car or a normal car. They’re both fan cars. They should be the cars they go to live in.

In the museum, his express car section is express. It’s special that he has an air conditioner. It should be. It’s a normal car that drives around different cities. What countries have in common is their normal foreign cars.

He is this guy and there are many more than this. The number of rounds is 10, but ours is only 1 train per day, which assumes that it starts from Chiang Mai means you can go up in the morning, but whoever?

Arriving in the middle of the road, no one is coming near Bangkok. Cool means that it’s coming in, and it’s going out. Likewise, it depends on your luck. In which province will I be able to take the air-conditioned bus, which has one trip per day,

Either in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on the province? The only location is that car. It will be a standard car, which I guess it comes from. Japan because its appearance coincidentally is the same.

That’s right, they donated it for only one train per section or something, per route or something like that? Who wants to ride in a nice looking car that is advertised? A few years ago, it had to be a bus that took off at

Night at 5:00 p.m., 6:00 a.m. and would arrive at The morning of the destination must be reserved in advance. A car like that is super express, let’s think about it. You should set yourself a car that has many routes to reserve.

But there should be all sorts of routes. It’s not like you have to sit at night just a lot. The only thing is that we should add express buses. The special thing is that it’s just air conditioning and there are no seats.

You can spend the night. There should be 10 parts. What is his express car? What is there to sleep in? That beautiful type should be there several times a day. I feel sorry for the people who are regulars because they are still confused.

As for why there are still so many people, I guess it’s It might be cheap, but actually it’s not cheap. Today, 2 people and a car with a fan like this costs 855 baht from Nakhon Sawan to Ayutthaya. 85 baht is not considered cheap.

It’s not cheap. I believe everyone believes that it takes 3 hours. If you go in the middle and look at the English map, it’s not. Now that we’ve gotten far, there are 2 important points. The first is that the weather in our country is hot.

Using a car with a fan doesn’t work anymore. His thing is on the ceiling, not a new fan installed. Or what? I don’t know when the fan will fail. And why must every car have air conditioning?

There’s a lot of dust where we’re sitting. Wow, it’s dusty. I was completely full and used the computer. Oh, the dust was all over the computer. Well, my computer suddenly got old from just 2 train rides. It’s not a big deal, but it’s dusty.

It’s really a lot. Wear a mask. Wear a mask. The mask can’t handle it. The mask can’t. The first thing to prevent dust is that a car should be a car. Every car has air conditioning because it is a hot country. The

Second thing is to increase the number of cars because there are people standing. Because I feel very sorry for being drunk, that is, standing like that. For hours and hours, I couldn’t get up because That if we get up then we have to stand, right? Sometimes there is

The child has an old man like him, a man. You have to get up for an old person, right? The person who is Man, he had to stand for hours. It wasn’t just an hour, so I was confused.

There’s a standing ticket too, the first two times. It’s usually good to buy a ticket and have a seat specified. But today, why is it closer to Bangkok? This is why there are also people standing. Why are there people standing?

Also, there are a lot of people in the area near Bangkok. The more people there are, the less traffic there is. As we approached Ayutthaya, we saw that It seems like they are building a new old terrace, but they have

The slogan above says it will be ranked. The level of rail systems provided by ASEAN states in 2027 is expected to surpass Neighbors together, let’s get it in 2027. This year, 2024, in only 3 years, everyone might get it. Have you seen the flipping of Thai trains? Maybe there is.

Some people can think of it or some people just post it and tell me. I saw that you guys looked annoyed. Why are we complaining so much? I can tell you that everyone should complain, but just complain. What is not biased, complains with information is telling. Why can’t we talk about events?

We went and experienced it, not that we were just sitting there. Finished with the house, then complained and listened to the news. And then he kept complaining that it wasn’t right and then he felt it. Whatever we encounter, we say it according to what we can do.

This is all there is to say, it’s good or bad, it’s good. It’s good or bad, and it’s not good, it’s bad, it’s not good. 1 2 3 The service provider or the government sector. You have a duty to do it or not. If you don’t do it.

Well, whatever we do, we don’t have two sides, the service provider and the user. Are you a service user or a service person? They must want to provide service in a way that is easy for them.

They are the most comfortable and cheap, so users must use the service. I want to use the one that is most comfortable for me. But if someone says, hey, it’s the person who used your service. Don’t complain too much. Will the service provider give it to you?

No matter how many trains you get, no matter how many trains you get for 10 years, no matter how slow the change is, it’s still cheap. I think you can do it so you don’t have to improve. No matter what, people can’t complain, it’s slow, it’s not.

It’s convenient, but it’s cheap. It doesn’t end right. Cheap if compared to the results, it’s not. That’s right. Actually, the number seems like it’s small. But actually it’s not cheap, it’s only cheap on some routes.

I don’t know how they calculate the price, but that it’s close to Bangkok and suddenly it’s not cheap And then I thought about it and thought that from Nakhon Sawan to Ayutthaya 85 it was a hot fan.

The window was open and there was dust and they were sitting together. Stand too. Is that right? It’s true. We were sitting in the car. In Romania, it’s 3-400 baht, but the car has air conditioning throughout and comfortable seats for 4-5 hours. In that country,

The cost of living is more expensive too. We really looked at it. And one day he only has a few rounds if Just looking at the amount doesn’t determine whether it’s worth it or not. No, it seems like he’s not tall, so why is he still?

Survived until today, if it were Private companies will go bankrupt a long time ago. Just wondering, hey, there’s only a few trains a day. It’s not too expensive to cycle and store, but the car bracket is. As we all know, if someone tells They said they were very agitated, so they slowed down.

Sometimes, where are you going in a hurry? If you’re in a hurry, take a tour bus. The van goes over there, that’s like That I’m going to criticize everything like this? There’s only 3. This is how I feel.

If we go watch it on YouTube, there will be reviews. Taking the train to travel here and there, that’s it. I’m in the mood for traveling. Do you understand? But I’m just saying. As for the local people who travel everywhere?

The day to work and study is a journey for people. Actually, it’s not a long-term trip. One time, when something went wrong, we came to give a review. It’s okay to travel no matter how hot it is.

The feeling of reviewing a trip is only once in a while. Life or maybe just 10 years at a time? Let’s just say it’s the emotion of vanity. Both from foreigners as well as from Thai people who come to review.

Travel only to the places that Aof talks and talks, that’s what we think. This means we think in terms of people living their lives. Traveling is really difficult, but it’s just people who travel. Traveling means it’s already gone. It means traveling.

Traveling is only for a moment, that’s me. It’s okay to come and visit once . 3 times and then maybe in the future. Don’t come and wait for it to improve first. It is said that people who travel often travel. One of his journeys turned out to be

It’s a big deal, it seems like you have to endure it until you get there. At the destination, ask if the journey is difficult. Now it’s difficult to move. Moving around, right? It’s difficult to go anywhere.

If it’s difficult, then we won’t go anywhere if we don’t. If necessary, we don’t go. When we don’t go, there are too many. There were a lot of people standing, both hot and on the train. He has had it since King Rama 5 and doesn’t know about it.

How many times have we changed trains? Build Bang Sue or Bangkok Central Station Apiwat, we have a big creation. But our train is still a product. It feels strange to live in something like this. If it happens that anyone who thinks why is complaining so much, why?

Speaking in this way, Ji wants to give it. It’s been tried and tested not just once. Try to see whether you will speak the same way or think. As usual, why don’t you think we’re a big deal?

MA is Ayutthaya. You have to get off at the station. Bangkok, Hua Lamphong first, then go to Pattaya again. For one thing, you didn’t go to Apiwat, right? If you were, Pattaya, you can get off at Hua Lamphong.

It is already buying a ticket to travel to the temple. If we buy today then I can travel tomorrow, right? This can’t be done. This place will be a train. It’s normal to buy tickets on the day of travel. There is no way from Ayutthaya to Pattaya like this.

Is that right? The trains won’t run at all. Yes, Ayutthaya goes to Hua Lamphong the first time. 5-7 minutes. Arrive at Hua Lamphong at 6:00 AM. 50 minutes. It will be a 3rd floor fan ride on every train.

There is only one trip to Pattaya at 6:00 p.m., 55 p.m. and arrives in Pattaya at 10:34 a.m. Actually, there is one. van but we happened to have luggage in the car. I didn’t have a car so he advised me to take the train.

The only thing is that Pattaya is the number 2 tourist destination in Thailand. It only has vans. Krungthep Apiwat was built as a van station. So why is it more convenient to take a van than a train?

So, what’s the point of creating an Aphiwat? When going from Ayutthaya to Pattaya, you must go to the head. Loudspeaker is in good shape. At first, G thought that his head had collapsed. The speaker is gone. The speaker head is no longer used.

Heard the news and used Apiwat instead to show that Hua Lamphong is still in use. He will build it. Apiwat Pheuao didn’t do anything to make it convenient. Whether it’s up or not, just go build this new building.

I’ll call Win Tour and ask if Ayutthaya to Pattaya has a car. Have you passed through? No. Is there a bus from Sukhothai that stops? Or something like stopping by to pick me up at Ayutthaya? Hey, there’s no way to go to Ayutthaya. That’s right now.

The problem is that other people may not have it. The problem is because he doesn’t have a big bag. We have big bags, we will travel from Ayutthaya to Pattaya, if it’s a train, take your bags.

It can get bigger, but from Ayutthaya. Directly to Pattaya, there is no need to take a car. The electricity from Ayutthaya to Hua Lamphong is not Hua Lamphong. Bangkok Apiwatana to Hua Lamphong and then from

Hua Lamphong goes to Pattaya from Ayuyama to Hua Lamphong. This is OK, but the problem is that we must Definitely got to stand because when we came to Ayutthaya There were only people standing there. If we go up from Ayutthaya to Bangkok, that is. Stand for sure now from Bangkok, it’s Ho Lamphong.

Ayutthaya, it’s around 6:00 p.m. and we arrived. In the evening, how can we leave at 6:00 p.m.? Can we sleep in a hotel again? Can the train be cut out? So it must be a tour bus.

Tour from Ayutthaya to Bangkok, well, it’s not. Yes, I’m going to call Sombat Tour and I won’t be able to go. Pattaya. Oh, if you don’t have to go to Pattaya, go to Bangkok. Like, are there any that will only go up to Ayutthaya?

Is it Bangkok? Yes, there are cars passing by. It’s a short distance, our car doesn’t stop to pick you up. The big one will only stop and deliver. Oh, that’s OK. Then go up to Ayutthaya, heading towards the northern route.

Sorry, I didn’t accept it. I’ll check and Check the car battery in the area. It might be a car. Van or bus that the bank can try to contact and see. Thank you very much for Sombat Tour.

Provides very good service, answers questions very well. But it doesn’t exist, that is, who would say that it doesn’t come like that? You can know about things, but you don’t know. The real story is because we travel all the time, right?

So it’s like using the console yourself. Ayutthaya should be number 4 or number 5 in the country where foreigners must come, right? I imagine. Well, Bangkok went to Ayutthaya, then Ayutthaya came. Bangkok has vans like this. But I have a big bag that I can’t put in the van.

So, how do you get to Bangkok or from? Ayutthaya to Pattaya is not possible. It cannot be a one stop service that we search for like when we search for airplane tickets at origin and destination.

If we can’t figure out the way, we’ll have to ask for transportation. In the area, what will he link to? He’ll call and ask about his own things and then we’ll go. You might as well ask at the transportation in the place.

Search for the word Pattaya Bus Station and it comes up. I said Nakhon Chai Air, so I forgot Nakhon Chai Air 1624. Called Nakhon Chai Air while we were in Ayutthaya. And when we’re going to Pattaya, where will there be traffic?

If you’re going to Pattaya, you have to come up to Bangkok. There are customers from Ayutthaya to Bangkok. Isn’t it? There aren’t any. Is there a car that comes by to pick up something? Like this, there aren’t any, right? There aren’t any.

There is no air conditioner from Bangkok to Pattaya, right? Yes, go to the Nakhon Cha-rae Center or Doctor Chi. Yes, where do we park in Pattaya? In Pattaya? In the middle, Nakhonchai Air Center is in Bangkok.

Where is it? It’s on Kamphaeng Phet Road. It’s close to Mo Chi 2. It’s a big tour bus, right? It’s a general tour bus. Oh, but it’s not. Is there a place in Ekkamai? There is also Ekkamai. It’s not from Nakhon Chonburi. This one called Rueang Rueang

. In The Number you have Die. This one called the central number at Ekkamai bus station 02 391 2504. Searched from Google Maps. There was no response from the number you called. I called. Rayong tour number from Ekkamai to South Pattaya. Our destinations are Rayong, Bangkok and Bangkok.

In Rayong, there are no medical staff. There is a model for you to use. In the middle of the road, there are no customers, cars aren’t passing by. That is, running on the outside line, but there is a station there. There are a lot of cars. Customers can go in and choose.

Yes, thank you very much. That is, in conclusion, when we go At Ekkamai, we would just go and ask. Are we going to go down here or not? Will we pass or what? He’ll take you there himself. Sometimes we’re afraid that he will.

Like I’ve traveled before and had a bad experience. So I have it in my heart, why do I have to travel in Thailand? I like having people ask where I’m going because there isn’t any. It’s official, it depends on the car.

Passed by at 933, the bus leaves at 9:41, only cash, 15 baht per person, sometimes not. It has to be very cheap, but you can take good things from an unspecified location. Sitting means standing at the station destination.

Bangkok can be visited on 2 sides, whichever side is fine, oops. Forgot to make the announcement. Don’t be in a hurry. 1 As soon as the announcement is finished according to the OA system, we will come quickly.

Why is this short suburban train here the bottom? I’ll take you to look at the front . This one is a hard chair. This one is the driver. There are only 2 adults. And there is no bathroom or bathroom. The water is clean and there is a place to wash your hands.

I would like to say that this is my first time coming. When was the first time when I was a child? I don’t know when I was a kid, Oh Ho Kee, I might have come here but How did you come around? In the past, I was studying in the past.

But I’ve never been here in this area, so I called Hua Lamphong. It still looks okay because he Create a classic style at the beginning, in the 5th century or will we create a station-style classroom? Frankfurt or something like that when we went. Frankfurt is the same as us.

Hey, why is it like Hua Lamphong? It’s a style. Why do cases like Hua Lamphong have to say “Hua Lamphong”? Loudspeakers like Frankfurt train station The thing is, it’s a classic style, so it still looks good. It’s only good if we add more stories. of modern conveniences and

Cleanliness will become very ok. Even though the train doesn’t have that many rounds. You have to go to another one, why do you have to build one? Bang Sue Hua Lamphong is the hottest spot. It’s going to be a central station. It’s also in the city. Yes, it’s closer.

When we passed Bang Sue just now, we were still confused. If we get off the train there, we’ll skip over. There is a large road next to where the building is. How are we going to go? He said that it’s just crossing over.

The road to get to is difficult. You have to cross the road to get to the MRT. On the other side there is the train system. It’s considered okay, but the only downside is that it doesn’t work. If you have air conditioning, if you don’t have air conditioning, it’s dusty.

This country is like Europe with the same weather. They say it’s clean, but this is the air. Dirty but still doesn’t have air conditioning. Who cares? Having to sit and sit often will cause problems.

Let’s take a look at this steam locomotive that we are admiring. If you want to paint it smoothly, he can do it. The train will turn into a hot car if it’s painted. Even if it’s as smooth as this, it can still look good.

It’s painted very neatly, but I haven’t used it yet. How do they block the rope? Can you see that? It’s used for acting. That he showed off the locomotive, this one he didn’t show. I was actually asked to sit down. Isn’t it allowed to get up? It shouldn’t be.

It’s dangerous. Don’t walk in and take photos with nape. Is it dangerous here or should we go up there? It’s dangerous up there. The only danger is that you’re afraid of falling. More than that, it’s not dangerous like being run over by a car.

The locomotive said that it was dangerous and that you should not ride the locomotive. And it’s dangerous, don’t take photos on the train tracks. Wait, is this a decorative sign from the past? When I was using it, I used to hang it up.

I kept this one because it shouldn’t be dangerous. You should have arranged for me to take pictures too. How will it be a promotion for more people to come? I’ll make it like this but I don’t want people to take pictures.

It is forbidden to go inside but it is not used. And, well, he can’t run and it will be dangerous. Where? I don’t know what we’ll go south with. I don’t know yet, maybe it’s a train too.

Let’s stop in the east first and then get off at this one. Is that a locomotive? That’s a tractor pulling a train. So, oh well, he can do it beautifully. Notice that European trains come with two types of trains

: if it’s a long-distance train, it must have a tractor-trailer. Underneath it will be a lot of engines. If it were a short train running in the city He won’t be the root of us. We still walk.

You can go to the end of the train and sit in the driver’s seat. It’s like this with the whole train engine. Because it’s really close to Hua Lamphong Station. This is ok. The train is ok. It can still be used.

I noticed that the old man washed a lot of things. Think about it, the decorated train was put here. That used to be an old man’s house before, which means that this one isn’t. There were nearly 10 old platforms used, but

4 of them were lost to the place where trains were put up as decorations. In conclusion, it is still a platform that can be used.

But he didn’t use it. He should have gone up and looked at Nee for the child. What are you climbing up to play with? Or are you a child? He gave it to me. Adults want to know. But it’s just children. Each city we pass through will be on display.

The tank didn’t work at all and the kids climbed it every day. Like, we really want to know what this thing is. What buttons does it have? How does it work? We also have cherry trees, right? If you give them to us.

Completely, if you want to use this place as a museum, let there be a simulor model, a train driving simulator, and give it to the children. Come play or something that will attract children. If you are familiar with trains, this is considered

The museum then came out of the station. Hua Lamphong train comes out of the tracks. This suddenly came out right here at the entrance to Mo Air. With this, this is it. This is the channel to Pattaya,

1855 hrs., 1 round per day, 18:00 hrs. Oh, is it an air-conditioned car? On Saturday and Sunday, it will be an air-conditioned car, it will be 6:45, there are 2 rounds on Saturday. Sunday, if it’s a weekday,

65 and 645, if it’s a weekday, 655 rounds. The only thing below is the bathroom, 3 baht per person, what’s wrong with the top? The monk has nothing to do with his office. The job here is to buy a ticket to enter the train this way. MRT

This way, come out of the train this way and to the right is There will be buses going this way, taxis going this way, yes. Just now I asked if the taxi was an additional fee. No, this doesn’t add up, but if it were a path

There’s a tuk tuk over there, plus there’s an additional plus [song] right? Pattaya has many of them. This one doesn’t even have minibuses. There’s this one. It’s big. Oh, there’s luggage storage on the side and back. Oh , okay, most buses are vans, this one. A minibus is not really called a minibus.

Oh, this is it, P’Ek, the bathroom is free. Also, the bathroom is clean. Go inside. Over there, the taxi drops you off at Ekkamai at 12:40 and there’s a bus to Pattaya that departs at 13

199 around here. You can park wherever there’s a place. You can park right away. I’ll summarize only the journey. The only thing that matters is how we travel from. Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, which I didn’t travel, I sat.

Kap came to Lamphun and there were no cars at the station. Transportation, so finally took the train from Lamphun to Lampang, and then from Lampang, take a tour bus. The only time we ever rode a tour bus.

A big one goes to Tak. This one we can put. We already have our bags from Tak to Sukhothai. It’s a minibus without a big bus, which is for people. Others don’t have any problems. Ours is a coincidence.

It has 2 big bags and I have no place to put them. I put it next to me. It happened to be a minibus. It can be placed, but it might get in the way of others a bit. Placed on the walkway from Sukhothai to Phitsanulok.

Coincidentally, Ping said, this is the same car. From Tak to Sukhothai, it ends in poison. The world just happened so we called the same car, Ono Ngoen. What do you want him to do? The same car will pick you up at the same place and send you off.

The world’s poison is the same as before. Placed next to it like Originally from the toxic world and came to Nakhon Sawan. The problem is because today’s tour buses have to go. Only from afar there is our big car.

What’s the problem with bags in the morning? To travel, we had to leave first. So I went out to buy a ticket first and then went back to collect it. What kind of thing is this? I asked him, is it a van?

Can it be put in a bag? Can it be put in a bag? If you say you got it, put it next to it. It’s just the ticket seller and the person driving. Can each person have a big bag like this?

He said he could get it once we actually dragged our bags. Immediately the driver cursed, not at us, but at the salesman. The return ticket for the money back was not accepted. Did you see that? As soon as I looked at it I said ‘Oh!’

I thought this was a smaller bag, but I saw this is it. Things we need to be mindful of when traveling within the country Thailand because he wants to sell, there is nothing wrong with him. But he’s not detailed and we don’t know.

It’s only because of Sukhothai. There’s a van. They said they put a fan on it. With a roof, I thought that every van would. It was like that, so in the end we called a car.

Going to the train station from Phitsanulok to Nakhon Sawan, I agreed to sit. The fan car was the first time. Last time it was a car. How about the air conditioner from Lamphun to Lampang and then from Nakhon Sawan? Coming to Ayutthaya is scary because there are only vans.

So we took the train again, the third time, a fan bus from Nakhon Sawan to Ayutthaya. But this one is very strange, so why aren’t the tickets expensive? I know it’s a hot train and the seats are normal.

It’s a fan and there are a lot of people, right like a market. I made an appointment and there were people all over the place selling things. So it was packed very tightly, but the tickets were expensive. I thought we were riding a train in different countries because

I think the first round that was a fan came from Pilok. Nakhon Sawan, they still have employees coming to collect garbage. There were employees who came to sell small items but that was enough. When I came to Ayutthaya, it turned out that I thought I was coming to the market.

I’ve always said, do you mix it with ice? Do you want mama to boil it? Surrounded by milk, snacks here and there all the time, never starving to death. Of course, there are also standing tickets. Previously, He will specify the seat that comes with a standing ticket.

So I’m worried that the last time is today. Ayutthaya must come to Bangkok first and then from Bangkok. Then take a car to Pattaya here first. What we just found out is that Hua Lamphong is still open.

This one was a big surprise because the swim was open. We only know from the news that they said Hua Lamphong was closed. Then made it into a museum and moved to Apiwat. We just found out that the speaker head still works normally.

Wow, what about the surroundings of the car that comes from the speakers? There are a lot of them around the bus going to Apiwat. There are fast cars, air conditioned cars, and luxury cars, which are far apart. Going out, we wanted to hurry because we didn’t want to arrive.

It’s late and it’s expensive too, yes, over 260 baht, yes. So we could just use a normal car, which was before. There are only fast cars, but we think normal cars are sweet. It’s very cold, right? I don’t want to go up in any case.

Today we have given in and we are afraid that it will happen. You have to stand because when we came to Ayutthaya, we stood. It was full, so we decided to leave. We definitely had to stand. After 2 hours, it turned out that we weren’t standing on a suburban bus.

If the city were in Germany it would probably be called Beeva. That is, the car runs from the center of the hand to the outer perimeter. Something like this is better than I thought. They say that it is more luxurious than you think.

That is, people are open and the seats are our cushions. That is, you get to sit there, that is, if you compare the grades according to I hope it doesn’t work, but it’s okay. Than I thought from the beginning, I thought I had to sit.

You have to stand, right now it’s only 15 baht, no. If it has to be cooked this way, it will be more expensive. It’s a little more than this, but it’s a better grade. More than this, we’re okay with not being serious about things.

Are the seats or the car serious about the air conditioning? Because it’s full of smoke and dust. There’s a lot of dust. Now, I’m surprised that 2 of the country’s number 2 tourist cities must have trains.

Definitely because there is a train station here. That there is only 1 round per day at Laem is still 650 in the morning. People who want to take the train to Pattaya will have to wake up. Is it that early in the morning? And on a normal day?

It’s a car with a fan, but if you want to ride with air conditioning on Saturday. This week, if you go look at his website, he will. It’s well written. Tour bus. Oh wait. Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, the tour bus comes.

Pattaya means train, I understand that it’s Thai. What is this loss? He will quit but That he broke up and didn’t find a new way, maybe the train Will there ever be more than this? It’s not enough.

Up, so the parentheses are like that. Who is it? I wanted to get up, so he quit until the end. There’s only 1 round left per day, even if you come to the country’s number 2 tourist city, just take a van.

It’s faster, so we’ll have to call a car to come. You can go to the doctor, you can come to EKM, but you choose. Ekamai because we thought we had bags, so it probably should. There was a big tour bus, but we were able to do it.

A minibus, but it was a minibus that took our luggage. You can put it in the back and it’s quite easy to deliver. It’s close, so it’s OK. It can be said that it doesn’t have anything. Of course, this provincial minibus must be placed next to it.

Van corridors in this province can be placed on The roofer took our bags and tied them up. Take a minibus at this moment, no minibus at this moment. Being able to put my bag on the back is

My common sense. I thought of it myself. that it must be a monkey because it is a city Travel, Ayutthaya, Pattaya, Manya as well. Then it is a tourist city that he must

As we went, we assumed that it would be something like this. We monkey together many times a day, at least 3-4 times, or I just realized that I’m very innocent because I accidentally went abroad.

We are addicted to images from foreign countries that were actually born here. Bangkok is already innocent because, well, I was born in Bangkok and I know where I’m going. So, is it like this when going anywhere?

One has to be Pantip to go. This one has to be seated. Research isn’t like saying hey, go to the central station. Once you’re done, you can go at any moment. It’s the origin and destination. That’s not it.

It also requires research and a van to go. This one is that you have to go up here. Suppose there is no central station but there is a bus station. What’s north, Mo Chi, east, Ekamai way?

Under the southern line, just go to them, they’re vans. Some provinces have to go to this niche, Century bastard. Van Monument of this province must go to this one. Oh, I forgot that it was this big. Parking is different too, the destination is Pattaya, like 60 70% are foreigners, right?

He finished selling tickets as soon as he got on the bus and got off. I don’t know where the driver is. And the service provider is good, but he uses his memory. Take this person and that person and they forget. There are more than 20

People. How are they going to remember? Right? It’s this one. All of this is said without mentioning the people who provide the service. It’s not about the private sector at all. His survival is not the problem, it lies in the part.

In the middle, what do we have right now? Bang Sue, right? Is it Central Station or Bangkok Apiwat? How different they are, I still don’t know today. We took the train from Ayutthaya and it was passing by.

Well, it’s parked, but it’s parked outside. Apiwat, that thing over there is an ordinary train station. Our original form is looking outside the face. They all wondered if we went down here and we

Feels like it’s very big but has a big road. Anyway, how do I cross over? Is there an underground passage? I didn’t have any, so I leaned forward and asked the officer. That said, I’m going to cross to the building opposite.

There is a way to cross the road to get to the MRT, but it’s difficult. A lot if you have big bags or if you’re abroad. That is, as soon as you get off the train, there is an underground passage. Even though it’s far, we can walk.

You can drag and chill. Yes, there is an underground link. Ah, as soon as I get off, where is Alif? Oh, there’s the elevator. That’s where I drag my bag to press the elevator down. Wherever the entrance to the subway is, you have to cross it.

The bags had already crossed the road as if we had to leave. Putting it together, the point is that the central station should It is the center point for all train lines going in and out. Bangkok city or going out to any part of

It appears that this line is on the outskirts of Ayutthaya. Enter Hua Lamphong and run next to it, let’s say Let’s say it’s from someone who doesn’t know anything. Suppose we are a foreigner when we buy a ticket. Origin Ayutthaya, destination Bangkok, then Bangkok. There will be 2 stations at Nonthaburi.

Going down is Bang Sue or Apiwat. There are 2 names. 2 names. I don’t know what the difference is. But it’s a station. The same as the other one is Bangkok Station. And the Hua Lamphong bracket: Bangkok Station is Hua Lamphong, as usual, it’s a train. I ran past Apiwat or him.

It’s called Bang Sue before it’s finished and then it’s gone. The end of the cable is at the loudspeaker head, but there will be some cables that If you don’t go to Hua Lamphong, it will go straight to Apiwat. This is what we normally think about.

It’s like assuming this is Bang Sue. They said it’s a central station, right? All train lines are there. Must run into this factory that has a cover. It has to be in the right place, but this is the car.

To go to Hua Lamphong, it doesn’t enter the dome cover. Well, it came out to the side here, this dome thing. It didn’t pass, it just came out right here, right? How will people go to Doctor Chid and enter Apiwat?

That is, walking out onto the road where cars were driving. Now, suppose someone suddenly comes to join Apiwat. How do you go to Ek? Well, you go to this thing, MRT, but it doesn’t link, doesn’t link, doesn’t link

To MRT, no, even if the game doesn’t reach you again, you go again. Bps, whatever, why are you stupid? If you haven’t researched before, you have to research it. The type of link where you have to go out the door and buy an MRT ticket,

Then get there as soon as you get out and buy a BTS ticket. And when the link goes, It was difficult, so he said it was Thai style because That this is just a reminder of anyone who has been there.

Berlin, Berlin H. They have 5 floors. It’s like the basement is a train station. In the city and the countryside, what parts of the country will you go to? In this country, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 4th floor

Are all train crates. How many more floors can this go on? I only know that our suburban car is running. Outside, why don’t you run inside as well? And there’s no summary diagram with this one.

That is, we have to do research first or we don’t want to. To be excited is to arrive and ask the kind-hearted Ken Thai. Everyone told each other, so we avoided it. Avoid entering the Apiwat coffin. Go to Doctor Chi because it’s a different building. It should be the center of everything.

Even the vans and tour buses appeared to be We’re still separated as usual. Now we’re not. We got the Apiwat because we know it’s difficult. It’s a big distance, so we won’t go down, but let’s assume for now.

I think we’ll come down to Apiwat and then we’ll go to the doctor. I don’t know how close it is, is it too sexy or not? I don’t want to take the bus number 49. I already mentioned it. Now I look on the map and walk there.

Yes, but in practice it is not possible. Because it’s a driveway, people can’t walk on it. It’s not like it’s a path for people walking with bags. Can’t tok, can’t, can’t, can’t, which is it.

It’s so close that it’s very close together. We walk. No, we have to take the bus to Mor Chi or call Take a taxi to Mo Chit again, which is next door. Are we among ourselves confused? But now there should be a path.

Connect or underground now, Apiwat. It’s not next to the MRT, right? It’s not next to my friends. Come to think of it, Off’s face is Apiwat. And now, this guy on the tracks next to Apiwat is it.

It’s a small station where the suburban train goes. Our old model train headlamps will have lines. The train goes straight into Apiwat and then the train line comes. Parked at a small station which didn’t go into the side.

In my case, my friends might think that hey, it’s nearby. Yes, it’s close, but there are people who travel. The bag is difficult to move around and it doesn’t work. The walkway used for dragging luggage is walkable.

It’s difficult now that I arrived at this station. The station next to Apiwat is where you want to go to the MRT. That is, you just have to walk out and finish. Immediately, I started walking, which was not enough.

It’s difficult, but it’s difficult, and now we’ll go to Dr. Chid. Anyway, I can’t. I’m not confused. Is it MRT ? It’s just MRT. It’s not accessible. Doctor Chidni Apiwat, this is Suan Chachuchak

And this thing right here is the MRT and BTS. The station next to Apiwat is right here. The MRT is right here. My question is how to get to Mo Chit station. Mo Chit has both BTS and MRT nearby.

Now there will be Chatuchak Park right next to us. You have to walk in and the best way is to sit. Taxi from Apiwat Station or next to it. Apiwat has gone to the doctor, so now we don’t want it.

Even when we were in Bangkok, which at that time was not There is this supernatural thing that we still try to avoid. Ultimately, when going to different provinces. I’m not going to go to the doctor’s office because from BTS to the doctor’s station,

China looks much busier than us. You will go into Mo Chi Station to buy tickets. We have to separate people from going anywhere. It’s like there are a lot of counters and we’ll be confused.

This is a lot, so we don’t want to avoid it. Going in and dragging the bag a long way, now we So I chose to come to Ekkamai and it was this one. Apiwat, right? This is the station next to Apiwat.

Is that right? Let’s call it Bang Sue, Bang Sue. It’s next to Apiwat, so we just came and got off at that place. Hua Lamphong, now when we get off Hua Lamphong we immediately Called a taxi from Hua Lamphong to Ekamai for

Over 110 baht. When we got stuck sometimes it took about 30 minutes at the most and when we arrived at Ekkamai station. As soon as I bought the ticket I thought it was small. It’s easy, it’s easy because Ekkamai is next.

It looks like a provincial bus station. Problem. The universal thing that is common throughout Thailand is our time. Coming to the van bus station, the tour bus is coming down. Wherever you go, where do you go? What province do you go to?

There is a place here. Sometimes someone will take you there. That’s what the counter calls itself. Ekkamai is still the same. We have to disclaimer first whether the people who do business or Is it him who sells tickets or drives the car? It’s not wrong, it’s actually wrong.

A flea market, that’s what it’s like. It’s the system, let’s just say this. The only easy solution is the person who takes care of the matter. I’ve ordered this before. First of all, don’t be persistent.

Sending out advertising to sell things is prohibited. Push means it’s forbidden. Saying but 2 means you have to make the system happen. Suddenly Ekamai has many channels. That is, the cabinet is like a foreign country. Let’s press and take the tree.

The Ekkamai route is already locked at the destination. The pressing point is that he doesn’t need to know that K is powering. Riding a car from any company is not necessary. Enter the destination. OK, the destination has this price.

Ah, when you buy a ticket, what time do you board at? Which platform is finished, what kind of car is it for you? Choose a van, minibus, tour bus, and that’s all? If anyone doesn’t know how to press it and doesn’t know where to put it.

The counter is fine. Those who sit and sell. This is why I came to receive a little new training. The salesperson provides overall sales, not just specific sales. own company because the sales staff here also

Is there a page that recommends going down here? OK. There are rounds here and there. No need to rely on which company it is. Like this, calling customers because The belief is that if you call, there’s a chance you’ll get it, if not.

Call him and go find someone else to do it for you no matter who. Followed into this cycle, he must speak for To win customers, it is emotion. Of fighting over feelings of unfairness.

I don’t want to do it. Believe me, it’s out of my mouth. Whoever wants to do it all day tries to push customers. If anyone can buy it, who wants to do it, but if it happens If he doesn’t do it, he can’t do it. He’ll just run the car.

It’s not full, so I’m telling you that it’s easy to fix this. It’s just a little bit, but you have to have a system for him to do. 1 is ordering him not to speak, not to advertise, not to do anything. All of them sat idly at the driver’s counter.

I have a duty to drive. Sometimes the driver comes to help sell. Ah 2 is to make a system for him with a kiosk if the person who presses is good at it.

From origin to destination, how many vehicles can you choose to take? What time is the price? Buy it and walk away. Which platform has a board that tells you it’s over or who doesn’t? It’s just that the counter staff can speak English.

At some level, where do you want to go? There’s this round. You don’t have to rely on who you’ll sell to, it’s about the company. It’s not necessary, no matter how much it costs 10 baht from the company. It can only be learned that the queue is already there.

Create a system to study your queue this time. Company A gets to go first. When the next person, Company B, Company C pays the customer, it’s fair, so they don’t have to come. Let’s call it like this and it will come out straight.

Time as well, instead of once an hour It’s 2-3 times per hour because of this. That is, it’s like the ash was full before it was removed. Until it leaves, we don’t know what time it leaves.

Because someone has to call and call is the image of Underdeveloped countries, when we buy tickets, they are not We were told where we were going to get off, but they just gave out tickets. The queue for us was finished as soon as we got on the bus.

The driver took this queue card back. As soon as we got into the car, we had no evidence. No matter how much we pay, where will we get off? The team is not standard. What you say is our place.

Found today that we have no evidence that we bought a ticket. How did we get to him? Because we only got queue cards. And then put it back, uh, and then the problem is that There are about 70-80 foreigners in the car.

There are many places to get off in Pattaya, right? And he didn’t know where he got off. So I came and he said, “Okay, get off here, get off straight away.” As soon as this is finished, I’ll take a tuk tuk and go back.

When you go back, he will know about Myi, that is, Yay. It’s an easy fix, so why can’t you fix it too? Determine where this hole is to be parked. Wherever it is, the driver will just park there.

The driver will not park anywhere else, that is, the customer will have to get off. But right there, there, there, it won’t. Confused because the customer knows exactly where to put it and it might I went to research before and the driver said Pattaya.

In the middle of Pattaya like this, I’m a foreigner. We will know where in Pattaya, do you get off here? K was excited and went down. We haven’t gotten there yet. Isn’t this Pattaya? Where are you going? I asked.

Ask one person at a time. There are 20 people. Where are they going? Where are they going? Wait, wait, wait, where does this one go? Use your memory. A very good memory, but it all comes from a central part. What can I do if I have already set a parking spot?

As soon as you go down, there will be a sign that tells you to continue. Wherever you go, you’ll have to put something up next. It’s like if we make it standard, that’s all. Image improves, reduces cheating, reduces competition.

All kinds of other things, so it’s concluded that the driver is not at fault with the seller. The ticket isn’t illegal. It’s for sale like going to the market . As tuk tuks and taxis will come and call you. Taxi, taxi, wherever we go, let’s say we walk.

As time passed, we didn’t say anything. Where You Come? We’re ready to know why. That’s it. This isn’t wrong, it’s just that if it’s a foreign country. That is, if you come down immediately, then take the big bus.

This is the end of the taxi ride up this way. No need to come. Is it a taxi or a taxi? That is, if the system is good. These seniors will be comfortable and have a good income. It might be higher than it is right now.

No need to compete with each other, work more comfortably and earn more income. The more, the higher the skill, but if you do it like this, it will

It’s like being a salesperson and a normal driver is one of those people. Brothers and sisters, it’s not wrong, but the system is wrong if the system organizes Good deeds will immediately make these brothers and sisters have them. Earn more and work more comfortably.

Come and shout out to customers because they will walk away. Come and find it yourself or from a dealer in the city, it’s the same in some places. It’s a tourist town, so you can just walk around. Why did you just swoop in and get a taxi like that?

It’s just that I showed up and saw the ticket booth first. Beyond it and in the middle is where cars drive in. When we come to park, there are some parking spots that they already have. But he will call the customer with the finished parking spot.

And there was a sign saying the price was this much. Like this, his attitude is that of people who have not yet Read: If we don’t call K, people won’t care about K at all. You have to call, so you have to really push.

People who read it mean people who want it. Maybe we’ve read it and it’s not the same thing. This is true because when we read it I’ve been talking about the video for a long time and then I went to ask.

Suddenly, that sign is an old sign. Look, what I printed is that you can’t see the sign. It is the fault of the central government as well. After using it, take it out or cover it with something.

So, let’s just say that if Thailand were to make a system for us. It’s a standard, it can be done just by making a system. What the hell is wrong with the two of you? You’re coming. What are you complaining about so much? I borrowed the opinion of two foreigners

I once asked and they said “So noisy”. We will say “noisy” to the whole country because Always walking around asking where you go, where you go, where you go, and then I don’t care.

Then he walked and he came up ahead and spoke. It’s estimated that it can seat 2 people. It’s not pig-proof. Let’s say it’s a person who sells things or looks for customers. He’s not wrong, he’s just blaming the system.

It’s just not good, it’s right there. When finished, come back to the same way. Yes, this is what we are all about. As a matter of doubt, we don’t say that if this I have to say that Thailand’s lottery is terrible. I won’t go. No, I just stay at my house.

This is only for foreign countries. Still going, the doubt is that there must be discussion. Argue to get an answer, but here we are talking about We are one-sided because in this country people He has a position of which he has no doubts. This matter is so messy that it seems like we

You can’t go in and fix one thing at a time. Don’t worry about it. Hey, fix this, let’s get involved in that. No, it has to be solved by the whole system working together. National agenda, so why are we wasting time?

Arrived here and haven’t eaten yet, so I’m already confused. I’m about to die of hunger. Why would I say that? Why is it that you come to each place and notice that it is a place? Is that the kind that foreigners come to? I would like to.

Come and learn what foreigners do. Or is it like Pattaya? Come here by car. I thought I was in a foreign country and there were only foreigners. So we wanted to know what he was doing in his life.

How is he here? Let’s see the problem of walking. The way is said and then it’s over and then we go somewhere else. And then finished speaking to record it. If you forget, you will improve. No matter how you do it, you won’t.

No matter what, I can go somewhere else. There are other places. We’ve been shooting a lot of videos in Thailand for how many years? I’ve been talking all this time, but I can’t stop talking at any time. I speak in order to hope for improvement.

Say it in order to record that it’s us. Having encountered something like this, it should probably be like this. We forget and then we go somewhere else. This is The mood of tourists should be like this. This can apply to everything. It’s not that people talk a lot. You’re complaining.

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ขนส่งแห่งที่ 1 มักเป็นรถสองแถว หรือรถตู้วิ่งในจังหวัด หรือไม่ได้ใช้แล้ว เพราะอยู่ในเมืองการเข้าออกลำบาก
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  1. คงต้องรอเปลี่ยนเป็น รถไฟฟ้า ทั้งหมด ทีเดียว อย่างสายสีเเดง หรือ Airport link ครับ ตอนนี้ ผมว่าก็ดีขึ้นจากเเต่เดิมเยอะ คือมีรางคู่กับ หลายๆ สถานีก็ปรับปรุงดีขึ้นมากเเล้ว อย่าง สถานีกรุงเทพอภิวัฒน์ก็ไม่น้อยหน้าใคร เเต่คนการรถไฟเองคงต้องเปลี่ยนเเนวคิด

  2. เห็นด้วยที่ว่า เราบ่น เราติ เพื่อก่อ(เกิดการพัฒนา,ปรับปรุงคุณภาพ) ไม่ใช่ติเพื่อ ด่าทอเอาความสะใจค่ะ และมัยมาจากการที่คุณทั้งสองได้ใช้บริการจริงๆ เดินทางจริง ไม่ใช่บ่นลอยๆ จากหน้าจอที่บ้านอ่ะ

  3. มีกลิ่นเหล็กติดตัวมั้ยครับ อิอิ 😅 ผมก็เบื่อกับระบบขนส่งไทย พูดตามข้อเท็จจริง บางคนรับไม่ได้กับความเป็นจริง พอหันกลับไปดูญี่ปุ่นมีรถไฟที่เป็นไฟฟ้าตั้งแต่ปี 1949 (พ.ศ.2492) ในขณะที่ไทยทำอะไรกันอยู่

    ยังไงก็เดินทางปลอดภัยครับ เที่ยวให้สนุก อย่าไปสนใจความคิดคนบางจำพวก

  4. สวัสดีจ้า..เข้ามารับชมและ

  5. ต้องเก็บตังค์จริงจังอะ อย่าเอาความจนมาบังด้วย ประเทศไทยไม่ไปไหนก็จะอ้างแต่จนอย่างเดียวคงไม่ได้ ราคา คุณภาพ ต้องไปด้วยกัน จากที่นั่งรถไฟแทบจะเป็นขนส่งหลักในระยะเวลาหนึ่ง ก็ 5 ปี 555+ ทั้งรถไฟฟรี และ เสียตังค์ และมีโฆษณาในตั๋ว และมีกลิ่นสนิมติดตัวตลอด

  6. สวัสดีค่ะน้องอ๊อปหน้าผากน้องใสกิ๊กเลยหล่อไปอีกแบบเพราะอาร้อน

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