
Last night, I filled the charging treasure here. Didn’t you charge the outdoor power supply yesterday? Guide the electricity Now it’s one hundred percent If this is added with a mobile phone or something That’s 74%. Today, I’ll take the power supply to the bathroom and rush it.

It is now more than nine o’clock in the morning Let’s rest safely here today. Oh, take a day off When I came over last night, um… It is In the middle of the night it began to rain down to today’s words Today seems to be a day of light rain Sunny tomorrow

It will be sunny the day after The day after tomorrow is still big It seems that the moon will rain the day after tomorrow. Wait for the express here Express, um The latest session seems to arrive the day after tomorrow. But all the others have arrived Take a day off here today

Then the more we leave tomorrow. Grandpa is up. Open the barrage Look outside. What kind of weather still jump Mao Mao Is the drizzle still falling Uh-huh. I am indeed a little gloomy today But it’s also good It feels like snow. But there is no snow in this season in Zhejiang.

Live in the winter It’s not cold today It’s not cold today Cold yesterday Yes, no. It was cold yesterday. This said grow really fast The feeling of spring The willows have sprouted Within a week, huh The earth is green. Sure The scenery must be getting better along the way.

We had instant noodles here this morning. Brother Ye burned a little hot water Wait a minute, if you don’t eat this instant noodles We’ll take it away again later. There are also steamed bread with duck eggs Eat a little simple Large bowl of noodles Breakfast this morning.

See if my equipment is very fine. Just a small tent a small car There are not many scattered things. Look at Brother Ye’s side. It’s just… You can’t say, huh Too many things This is definitely heavier than my car. This is completely brought out of a home. Pots and pans

Oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar Nothing is lacking He can stay for a week. Various lamps It’s not about you You can, too. You should streamline it. There is no need to bring so much food and drink There are many towns. And can fill at any time Give You take so much

You are not how much you buy fresh Is the coastal area not the northwest area You have to bring, um… Easy to buy supplies You see I can bring up to three bottles You see, he brought seven or eight bottles You can buy it in any small town. So say Sanping

You can get to the next town and then resupply buy three more bottles You can use it for almost five days. More than five days More than one bottle. It can be used for two or three days now. Yes, you, what’s the use of bringing so much Not to increase the load

Well, there are indeed these little things And you see these useless too much I have more clothes than I have. I only have two sets Then he changed it. He had to bring several. No, no This dress is really very few. Just a pair of thermal underwear And then this sweater

If you go north Maybe it should be thicker Slowly also reduced. In fact, the more I go The less clothes you bring Because my clothes are all summer clothes. Only when you go south will you need summer clothes. That’s all. You don’t need it, do you I am wearing these down jackets now

It will be replaced in a few days. If you go down in Ningbo Basically all these thick clothes changed I can’t wear it When the sun comes out It’s too hot during the day It’s raining today and it’s cooler. Does this equipment really need to be streamlined?

Think about it this time, really think about it Did you know that cars add up to 150 pounds? But that’s all. You need several bottles of water. Nothing else is water. I think you always buy a bottle. To me a bottle of a bottle of weight-bearing Then you can ride.

Otherwise, I would have brought so many things. Just like bringing a home. And a long ride. The injury is too heavy Leg and waist injury The most important thing is to hurt the waist Do you know why your legs and waist are more uncomfortable it is heavy

Then the hard work relieves you some There is no such thing Think of some way to streamline things today. Close to home, yeah No, just send it back, right It’s not raining anymore Take this lyu3 bu4 down Last night because of the rain I put this rain cloth up

Today, the clerk’s words will be rushed to the small cafe here. Just a little to 30% 28%. Have a cup of coffee here We’ll come by in the afternoon to pick up the power. It can be Ah, nothing is bitter close-fitting I couldn’t sleep. It’s lower. Come to town Buy some pastries here

It’s all some snacks here. This high-speed rail time This is the local time. To thousands of layers of cake Moss Pair Pair This gold. This is the oil in our hometown. This is the meat of the meat of the high That’s the same How about your price Three dollars a dollar

You rest assured Let’s try two. One to two Taste it. There are only a few famous ones. It’s really a foreigner who is called Qing Tuan This is the meat wrapped in the pot. Don’t worry about this meat. This is somebody else’s happy event here This flower cake is used

And this tea cream This dropped line is called tea cream Go back and taste the meat. And what is this called the Youth League Youth League This baked out with nothing in it In this case, there should be a bag. something with a bag We’ll go back and taste it in the evening.

I think there is still no good The price is not expensive That’s only 16 bucks. Not bad, not bad pretty good Okay. Not love Yes, I will think it over. Let’s weigh these Okay, ha, ha, ha Buy a veteran mei in a watermelon Rare Row thanks, huh Uncle ha ha

Bought more than ten dollars of meat And eggplant Uncle sent some of these 40000 I also sent this And the sheep, this garlic Thank you Dabao is so good Ah, Nanjing did not buy a bottle I’m leaving tomorrow Gone tomorrow Have a good meal tonight. This power supply is full Take it.

Thank you, Miss Wang Take it back directly Then we’ll go out for a spin. Thank you, sister. Bye, yeah, okay, let’s go This time there are so many pads. On this side of the public toilet, we’ll get some water. Then wash this dish This eggplant is so long

It seems that I have never seen this before in Shandong This is our Zhejiang this kind of these Especially our potato eggplant is bigger You haven’t seen anything but that. Not to say that there are no more see more see more Daily 83 Busy things finished

Let’s go to the lake and take a stroll around the cycling road by the lake. I went out for an afternoon. It’s back for a spin. It’s afternoon now The sun is about to go down make some dinner Tonight may be the two of us together again The last meal. Uh-huh.

Next time, it is estimated that we will meet in Tibet or Xinjiang. I guess not Tibet It’s Xinjiang. It will take another six months or one year. This time may be longer. The food we bought tonight Then make yourself something to eat here. While it’s not dark Start now. Cut this eggplant

This is the first time I have eaten eggplant. I have never eaten this before. Will it be delicious tonight? Put it in this pot Cut large pieces Otherwise, if the cut is too small It’s easy to fry to a thousand I can’t find that one. A little taste Sucking two peppers

It’s the millet pepper I bought two days ago. This meat may not eat To be divided into two meals Then cut half back and keep it for Ye Ge. It’s about half tonight. These, keep these This fat is a bit of a fryer. These words shredded pork bar today Pour some oil

Pull this grease out This grease pull Old incense Chili and Plus a little Raw smoke Into the eggplant Such a pot of eggplant Otherwise, can you fry it? These eggplants are all fried This eggplant is gone once it is fried. It shrinks quite badly. The slices cut this time are smaller.

It’s better to turn it over at this time. If this water needs more I just let it cool Come on. This is pepper, huh This fried shoes can put pepper Salt Just a little. Does it feel a little weak? I’m afraid to put too much I eat salt taste is heavier

And chicken essence This is all Ye Ge’s That pepper powder is also turning back I’m going to buy a pack of 13 incense Keep it for yourself You can also buy a bag of monosodium glutamate A little chicken is enough. Look for it first Almost Finally put in the chopped green onion

Turn off the fire, turn off the fire, turn off the fire No lid Cover it up first. prevent it from getting cold I smell good old Ye Ge is still making chicken legs over there. We’ll have to wait a few minutes Eating early tonight. Two dishes again. This is

Ye Ge, this was left from yesterday Well, there are three suns Well, I’m well-off again tonight, eh towards a well-off society towards a well-off society What is this called This is a chicken leg torn by hand Hand-torn chicken leg pair Then this is this is the one that sent the snow vegetable grass.

That broad bean right Here’s another eggplant He is warm I touched the pot or warm This meal is also warm Let it go OK OK, right can eat just right Because it’s hot now Yeah, it’s not that cold Right. Dinner’s ready, huh Dinner Let’s try this group. This is called the Youth League

What other knife? Oh, it’s stuffed Yes, I said with a line delicious without stuffing delicious without stuffing Uh-huh. That is to say, five or five rooms are also sold there. I have never eaten this feature before. It’s almost the same This meat is delicious. Heat What kind of food is in it?

That’s it. It’s almost snow, snow, snow, uh-huh. Then the shrimp skin radish Wow. This is delicious There’s meat in it, too. it tastes good Just tell me the truth I ate it for the first time. The first time I ate I have eaten none There’s no stuffing in it

Not bad, really, not bad You can also eat rice You feel delicious You buy some food tomorrow morning This kind Mainly not expensive Three bucks a piece, yeah Two is enough. I want to marry you here. How much does the bride price usually cost Look at the place. Usually 20. 20 pairs. 20

There are 30 places. and then It is really a little bad family conditions are more than ten are more than ten More than ten The man only needs the bride price. What else is needed In the south, bride price is required. Then sometimes he adds BMW Mercedes Audi these

Is the south will basically return half of it even more than half Some women she will post money and buy a better car or something We especially hold a wedding banquet here. Well, this dish is amazing. If you do that dish over there It’s the wedding banquet. How much is a table?

400 or 500 500 or 600. The 700 or 800 kind is very, very good. That’s about ten times worse than ours. about ten times Our side is basically 2000~4000 Some good people have 7100 tables. 7000 8100 table a table of all kinds of rice How delicious Delicacies, um There are a dozen tables

There are 20 tables. All 30. There’s no way Zhejiang’s custom is like this It’s expensive, mainly seafood. Is your 7000 or 8000 5000 or 6000 2000 or 3000 Generally speaking are more than 3000 About 4000 More than 3000 a table You see, like my uncle who married his daughter 60000

That is a table with more than 2000 It’s also pretty good. Your side is too good The South needs a car and a house. Basically, there will be Then there are millions here Can’t it cost so much to get married once? It’s all like this. It’s all like this.

Or a suite in a suite How much does your house cost? It is estimated that the house is like our Ningbo city Is it all 100 or 200? 100 or 200 100 or 200 Dozens of you It’s all 100 or 200 in politics. Then add the car Plus the house.

But yes, he already has a house. No need to buy it Some have their own houses. Then some of them have houses in their hometown. He won’t buy it It’s also not that he buys it every time. Can 1 million get married? Can solve can solve ah

My brother seemed to be over that moment. That’s the time before marriage. A few 10 years ago More than ten years ago There is a 50 or 60 also can’t knot 33 43 40 It’s amazing. It’s amazing. Yeah How much is it after receiving more than 200,000 yuan?

Anyway, I lost tens of thousands of dollars. Lost tonight, right No struggle They all lose money. Because most of the many Then the more krypton The crowd is too dirty or lose money It’s all a dozen or 20. A dozen of 20 More than a dozen 20 28 ah 18. That’s it.

If some are rich, they will be 30. No, I said with the car Plus the house. If there’s nothing You can’t go there 100 much. That’s 10.More than 0. That’s not more than 100 million. Then just finish the meeting Ha, that’s it. A lot of pressure Oops.

So you see I am now single 40 Almost 40. 39 years old. It’s still off Are you going to get married? Well, I don’t know When you meet a true love, it’s over. He doesn’t want a bride price. Don’t Wish you find the other half soon Yes, yes, yes.



  1. 说来说去还是北京成本低,没有听说要彩礼的,俺侄子结婚女孩什么都没有要,侄女那就是裸婚了,也许地方不同家里的人观念也不同,听的最多的就是只要他们好就行了

  2. 大飛和老叶.娶老婆慢慢來不要太急找不到網路交比較快.喝一杯咖啡精神好.好吃就好了..祝福大飛和老叶你們一路平安健康.快樂吉祥.開開心心過好每一天.⛽⛽⛽♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍💪💪💪

  3. 🤔😑算了吧!那的姑娘小姐,你没钱没豪宅豪车的会要嫁,要求的条件顶天了,哥我也不要交,娶,我只要四隻脚的忠心的狗子妹陪我过这辈子就好😂

  4. 現在都嘛流行公證結婚就好了,還辦什麼婚禮,浪費錢又浪費時間,大陸結個婚還要那麼大陣仗?都什麼時代了,從簡就好吧

  5. 現在結婚壓力真的大,家裡如果不富裕,基本光房子就是個問題,別提彩禮,車子,喜酒,喜餅了……所以現在很多年輕人乾脆就不結婚了,薪資上不去,物價一直漲,要存錢買到一棟房子加上車子,真的很難,如果貸款,大概率被綁一輩子,超級痛苦

  6. 自由戀愛的都沒有太多條件啦!要車要房,要彩禮?然後娶回家後又不幫忙工作賺錢😂😂😂。然後還要被老婆管的死死的!

  7. 这种帽子不适合长途骑行,有一种专门单车帽容易晾干,下雨天有风很快就干,帽子可以夹在车上骑行让风吹干,可以买二到三顶,没太阳可以戴自行车魔术头巾 ,可以的话多买几条每天换洗,也是很容易干。 胡椒粉最好不要放,容易遇到苏丹红问题。

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