【Full Movie】功夫小子獨闖日軍營地,赤手空拳打死日本大佐⚔️#抗日 #抗戰 #功夫

My old friend is finally here. It has been so hard for me to wait. I am also waiting for this moment. The Chinese have a saying. Good will be rewarded with good , and evil will be rewarded with evil. It means that you will not be rewarded when the time comes.

When the time comes, everything will be rewarded . Be smart. I understand the rules of the contest, I hope so. Translator Wang, Mr. Xiao Lin, I heard that Xiao Yidao is a living bastard in your place . Mr. Xiao Lin, please don’t worry about Commander Takeda’s ears.

I want to return the favor in the way of a Japanese samurai, Translator Wang. Keep this secret from the commander for me . Well, I promise to keep this secret for you. But if the incident comes to light, I hope Mr. Xiaolin will not involve me. He will never retaliate. This is good.

This is an excellent way to make everything unconfirmed. Thank you, Translator Wang. Where is the official light ? I wish you good luck . You go down first without my order. Why are you impatient to wait? I am a very patient person , otherwise you would not be alive today.

You are already in the rain and you dare to speak out. Wild words, wait a minute, I have something to say, okay. Even if a person is about to die, he should be kind to his words . Leave your last words, Uncle Xiao Lin, I came today to take your life

. Well, please let me explain. I want you to die clearly. First of all, after the September 18th Incident, our mountains and rivers were shattered and our lives were in ruins. The first thing I want to avenge today is the national hatred of the Chinese nation. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,

Tens of millions of my compatriots died. Second, I want to recover their blood debt today . Third , you are against me. My biological parents were brutally killed. If this revenge is not avenged, heaven and earth will not tolerate it. What else can I say ? Give me, give me ,

I will take it . Hey, stand at attention , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah , yeah, yeah. Blood debt, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah,

Don’t avenge my family, Xiao Yunfei , the motorcycle key is here, good yeah, the world just asked for Eton, burn, burn, coke, die, motorcycle, Klenik Bass , go ahead and open, look to the left, I , hey , prepare to fight , prepare to fight, Station Commander, stop it The city gate

Does not allow anyone to leave the city. Tuan Zuo has ordered to guard the city gate. No one is allowed to leave the city . Tuan President , um , Xiao Yidao is really powerful. He killed the little raccoon bear in the middle of a meal and burned himself in an open fire.

He is self-sufficient . Tuan President That’s reasonable . Stop the car and check . My brothers, Taijun , are also on official duty . Please show your ID. Okay , oh, oh, oh, everyone, don’t be impulsive. Hey , don’t be impulsive. Hey, everyone, please save the life of the regiment leader first,

Brothers in the volunteer army. We are all Chinese. I don’t want to shoot, so don’t move. I ’m going to let you go out of the city and let him come back immediately. Do you understand? Brothers, do what this brother says , hurry up . Brothers, listen to the order of the team

, put down the gun, put it down , put it down, and disperse. Come on, spread out, put it down, spread out, put down the gun, put it down, spread out, spread out, don’t move, get out of the way, get out of the way , thank you, move away

, you don’t have to look, you can see, you can see me, Yilian, wait until I learn. Yi is always talking about helping Yi pull the chain and sitting in the garbage. What can I say to help Yi Nong? How can I be killed if Yi Nong wants me

? I am so terrible and I am also a coquettish person. He follows each other and there are several little Yiduo who type with you. Everything has been given to someone. Hey Kariva, 7 things have been given to whom. You can tell me whether I have to talk about

Kailedomo or not. It’s okay. Is Bela dead ? I’m a man. What the hell am I going to do? There’s a whole building that I want to give to. Get rid of the four people on hand who are basically not shaving heads and faces . Our encirclement and suppression operation this time

Is to eliminate the effective forces of the Eighth Route Army. According to the main force of the Eighth Route Army, the decisive battle is Taijun’s injustice. Report in, Taijun Captain Chen, we have captured an Eighth Route Army outside. Spies, spies from the Eighth Route Army, bring people in. Unjustly wronged. Unjustly wronged.

You are a spies from the Eighth Route Army. No, no, no, I am not a spies from the Eighth Route Army. I am a shaven head, a shaved head and face. Nonsense. I think you look like a spy from the Eighth Route Army. Taijun,

I gave you mutton just now. The owner of the restaurant was so embarrassed that he had his head shaved. He didn’t give Qian Ying. He told me to give me the money, so I quarreled with him . Later, the officer took two boxes of cigarettes from him, grabbed me, and

Said I was a gangster. He said I was a stall. You are talking nonsense. Who is talking nonsense ? Either Taijun or you don’t believe it. He has two princes in his pocket . Take it out. Your conscience is so bad that it’s embarrassing . You are really a barber . I

’m telling you, Taijun, you could choose to. say that call good no to many kill so dear didn’t i mean no nigga he would do the doll home decorate you you look on the skies tied you Du Xue transferred all Lian Li’s machine guns to me, Taijun , you like it Cherry blossoms?

Taijun heard that when winter turns to spring, there are cherry blossoms all over the mountains and plains of your country. I have a beautiful lady, Gaotou Nong, lose Lenon, Chagranon, Yimianhuo, Hanonnon. In the fire, pinch the wool and give me a hard look. Chagranon, halamian. I’m always going to Hanon

Sue 12 to buy foreign Seretii. Sir, the hot water is getting cold. Can you get some hot water ? Thank you, Cao Granon. I went to see No. 10 and was scraped with blood. I can’t tell Yi Ne Cao. How can Granon kill you ? Well, when will I go to

Hadanon? India will take the college entrance examination. No one will consider treating a dog like a big banknote. What do you think of Donit Yi and Tibet in the United States ? Don’t see the Haqiu Xiaoyi. The German standard is Hainan State . Laughter. It’s hard for me

To cut it with one knife. Look it up . Comrades, company commander, prepare to fight. Comrades, give me a blow. Hahaha , cut it with a knife . The name is very resounding. One knife is fatal. One knife will win. Eliminate the traitors and lure the enemy in Hejian Mansion.

You can solve the battle with one knife. Okay. We in the Eighth Route Army must If there are more people like you, the Japanese traitors will not have a good life. Hahaha . It’s a pity that I didn’t witness that scene with my own eyes. If you were there

, it would be even more troublesome . Did Comrade Xiao Yunfei hire himself to escape or save you? This reporter from the Criminal University, then it depends on his consciousness. I believe he is not so ruthless and unrighteous, right? Hahaha , report to the commander. Brigadier Cheng sent someone to send information

. Yamamoto has already issued an order to go to Su from Hejian tomorrow morning. Ning Jinfa is trying to find the main force of our army for a decisive battle. This is exactly what we want. I think the Japanese are not planning a siege this time,

So we must seize powerful fighter opportunities and try to annihilate the enemy on the spot. I think the battlefield will be at Zhang Xinzhuang. Chiefs of the area , do you want to hold tonight’s party with the four districts? Of course it will happen

, and do you want to cancel tomorrow’s basketball game? Why should the things that have been decided be changed ? It’s Comrade Xiao Yunfei , you, Lao Cheng, the enemy’s encirclement and suppression is getting more and more intense . Yan Yan , do you want to move closer to Type 120 ?

If anything happens, you need someone to take care of you. Oh, didn’t you listen to the commander? The commander’s temper is that he doesn’t like others to help. Besides, the commander has experienced so many battles. The 120th Division is from the old Red Army. It’s no problem that he

Is capable of fighting well. Brigadier. 120. What’s wrong with the telegram? The commander’s combat intention has been set. The commander has clearly instructed that the enemy is coming very fiercely and must be dealt with seriously, but he cannot fight head-on . He should avoid his edge , engage the enemy on the plain,

And then concentrate his forces to kill him. One step and finally annihilate them all . Oh, the chief is the chief. Jiang is still old. Well , the chief of staff ordered the troops to assemble in concealment according to the deployment and wait for opportunities to annihilate the enemy. He is reporting. Oh,

You are here. Hey, tell me about the situation over there. I am the chief reporting to you. I said that the execution arrangements will go on as usual. So the party will go on as usual. Yes, let the basketball game the day after tomorrow also go on as usual.

Yes, it will go on as usual . Chief , you really need to be calm. Hey, two good men can be used when they are outside. He can only use you . What a master, big coffee, I believe in you cogo no kbsdn kbsdn or sunshine

What i don’t know who got more than you can’t do i gotta go i’m worried about who could greet us who couldn’t see that you got me this report Taijun, Director He , your conscience has greatly damaged the actions of the imperial army. You did not cooperate with

The imperial army to go to the eighth road in the suburbs of Beijing. Where did you go ? Taijun, you have completely misunderstood. I am here to report to you a major event. What a major event . According to The boy’s investigation revealed that

The main force of the Eighth Route Army came one after another last month. The number is the 120th Division. It is said that there are tens of thousands of people holding cannons and carrying machine guns . What do you mean, the 120th Division? Yes,

I have sent my men to continue to inquire about the 120th Division. Bird snacks Taijun, Taijun, I have found out clearly that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army has been set up in Zhang Xinzhuang. They are now preparing to play basketball.

Playing basketball is really about to end. I don’t know if I will die. Qiu Xize, low q. Chief, what time is this ? Are you still in the mood? Can I not answer your question while watching the game ? Why ? Because this is also a military secret. Hahaha.

There are also military secrets. Well, Chief, can we start? I’ve been impatient for a long time . Who said we can’t start? Let’s start right away. Yes , hey. Oh, jump up , oh, oh, oh, come over here, ok , Xiaolan, it’s okay, it’s okay, keep fighting, keep hitting, walk, walk,

Come here, let go , oh, good shot, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on , oh , come on, it’s safe, come on, almost. I care about the money , hurry up and let go . _ _ _ _ _ Call us quickly.

For the safety of the chief , please move quickly . How many miles are there? If we let go, we are only twenty miles away. It’s not too late to watch basketball first and then fight the devils. Come on, come on, get ready. You can sit here and watch the game together.

Give it to me, President. It’s all over. Let it go. I want to sit down. Good ball. Here, come here. Come here . Good ball. Good ball. Come on. Good ball. Good ball. Here, here, here . Listen to my order. Remove of your choices are tenderness. Chief.

I heard that your team always wins. Of course , that’s not necessarily the case in Jizhong. Here, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose. Director, there are times when you are not confident and you may not

Be confident enough to win, and there are times when you are confident and you can lose. Hey, Chief, this game hasn’t been played for more than ten minutes. How can you say you lost? Well, then we have to see the outcome in the second half. Come on , Chief

, please let me go and take a look. There are so many people watching you, so just watch the game in a down-to-earth manner. Go, go, go , winks at him are of no use to him. I can’t save you. Xiang Yifei, you will be trapped sometimes, Taijun

. This is the telescope lost by the commander of Tubal Road. Seeing this scene reminds me of a Chinese idiom called “Throwing off one’s armor and taking off one’s armor.” Hahaha, my dad is capable of everything. That’s all. Hey , guide Zhang Xinzhuang in pursuit of victory . Go ahead, let it

Go , let it go. Okay, how was your game today? The opponent’s skills are not good and he lacks tall players. He is not our opponent at all . Chief, our team will definitely win this time. Let’s see. Let’s just put it down. The main players need to take a break

And let the substitutes come on and train. That’s right. This not only trains the team but also saves face for the brothers. I think you guys should use all your strength to fight with all your strength. It’s best to beat him 108:28. He is a loser , let them always remember this lesson.

You are confident that if there is no Zhang Xinzhuang Road 8 in front of you, you will definitely be prepared and ready to die. The dragon eats fire and there are turkey eggs . The biggest thing is from Hazi. Long Huo is dead. Hey, report to the chief

. Okay , I understand . Continue to monitor. Hello , chief. I am ordering the first battalion to withdraw from the outer positions immediately. We will rely on the trenches, wall defenses and other offensives in Yancun to fight the enemy. Chief, rush out and

Inform the second battalion. The Third Battalion and the Independent Detachment are here for reinforcements. Why are you in a hurry ? They will come when they are supposed to come . Xiao Fan is here. Put us on the battlefield. Jiang Yunfei, your martial arts is good.

I don’t know if you can play chess or not. Now let’s go. Hahaha, play chess. The Eighth Route Army’s position has been prepared for an ambush. Speak tight. Those words are like explaining yourself after drinking. Taijun’s tactics are really brilliant . Kong Zu ordered the first battalion to stop fighting

And withdraw. Zhang Xinzhuang, call the battalion commander. Hey, order. The First Battalion stopped fighting and withdrew to Zhang Xinzhuang. Why withdraw immediately to Zhang Xinzhuang? The police chief reported that we had just repelled the enemy’s charge and we still have enough strength to withstand the enemy’s attack. This is the commander’s order that

Must be carried out. After Li Battalion withdraws from Zhang Xinzhuang, it must follow the Daohang Wall. We must hold on to the air defense offensive and fight against the Japanese army until dark . Understand, students, let’s inform each company to assemble the team at Zhangxingzhuang Cross Street. Let’s go . Gongshu

, sit down , sit down, chief, play chess, play chess, let me go and take a look . Protect the chief. Be careful. It’s okay. It’s your turn to play chess. Hey, Xiaofan, here is the vault. Hey, you can also play chess. Hey, let’s play . Hey

, the chief’s cannon will be eaten . Then I will use my cannon to hit you, his clan punisher. Who are you targeting ? Oops, are you kidding ? The figures are all the same, so you can’t be an adviser to both sides, right? Why not? We

Just have to be advisers to ourselves and to the enemy, so that they can listen to us and follow us. The idea of ​​​​playing chess, Chima , you , you, sniper, when did you get here? The secret of winning chess, kid, is to hide your own chess path.

I look at you, look at you, look at daddy, daddy, brother, how happy do you want to be? Hey, Guo Youli, hurry over . Hey Taijun, hurry up and give the order. Let the Jiujing Brigade, Wild Brigade and the Third Regiment of the Security Group come to support quickly

. No one dares to care about the gas bomb . Hey, look at me going down. This horse is too greedy, so I just threw myself into a trap to play chess. I need to read more movies. Hahaha, Chief, don’t release poison gas bombs. What kind of poison gas bombs?

The poison gas bombs exploded at the entrance of the village. Hey, Chief, don’t go there. It’s too dangerous. The enemy’s bullets don’t know you. They don’t know you. The enemy hasn’t made the bullets that can hit me yet. You can just be a hundred. Don’t worry. Come on, young man,

Don’t go up . Don’t move. Don’t move . Hey, Xue Yifei, don’t move. Chief, take a look . Yeah, over there, Yan Ru, do it. Why don’t you come up ? Why can’t you come up? Why can’t I go up there? It’s dangerous up there. What should you do if you get hurt

? The chief is not afraid of anything. What am I afraid of ? Don’t touch Xiaoqing. How’s his injury? I’m fine. Just keep it. The scratch will heal in two or three days. Just keep it. Xiao Yunfei hero saves the beauty. You two are really kind of destined. Hahaha

. Staff Li will be here in 5 minutes. When we started to launch a counterattack , we reported to the chief that our troops had come and surrounded the enemy who was attacking Zhang Xinzhuang. You see , I was right. They will come naturally when the time comes. Haha

, just be honest. No , look at the posture of the chief. Ah, we have already secured victory. Commander, I ordered the first battalion, second battalion, third battalion and the independent detachment to complete the encirclement of the enemy before dark. Follow Kuai Taijun quickly. We are surrounded by the old Eighth Route Army

. Brother Hong De has followed me to decide the battle. The deceit is too deceitful. Obey, hey , we are prohibited from seeing the snails on the side. Taijun , let’s wait until dark to break out. If we wait until dawn, it will be over. Gillian, we can’t wait to die here.

Yamamoto asked us to break out at dawn . This old man is not familiar with the terrain. This is our own territory. I think we can get out by following the ditch to the east. I understand what you said, but we How can I explain to him and still raise him together ?

Send my order to prepare for a breakout . Hey , I’m going to arrange a corner day . I’ll ask someone to bring a party. I’m going to drink a cup of coffee to death. If you want to help me smile , just ask me who I want to go . Damn it

, damn you, cocos must who going to pass a shot come on , please give it to me blindly until 80th, hey, you still want to run , ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . _ _ Ah ah it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay get out The battle has just ended.

Comrades are cleaning the battlefield. In this counter-encirclement and annihilation battle, more than 600 puppet troops were killed and more than 500 puppet troops were captured. You have seen the guns and ammunition that were seized. There are also two mortars. A mountain cannon , a dozen large trucks and Japanese cans.

In this battle, more than 1,100 puppet troops were wiped out. This is not a small number. Can the leader say that this battle created a glorious record of large-scale annihilation of enemies in the plains ? You are truly worthy of being a reporter. Commander , you responded quickly enough

. Now I finally understand that you already had a chance of winning . In fact, I only have a 70-80 chance of winning . The reason why I used a battalion of troops to hold back the enemy is because the enemy feared that he could be eaten. If I

Raise the two battalions and the independent detachment prematurely , the enemy will take advantage of the daylight to escape or send troops to reinforce , and we will be passive . Haha, Director Bao concentrated the flag telegram. I just finished the telegram from Commander Lu. Call them back immediately

When we arrive and tell them that we will move to the area around Qihui Village. Hey, Counselor Lu, where did you get the camera ? This is a trophy. Little devil, do you know how to take pictures? Can you order some space ? Let me take a look at it

As taught by the reporter. Ah, this is a good thing. Chief, can you show it to me ? Xiaoqing, I can’t give this to you. Our reporters over there also need this thing. Chief, if I like cameras, I will go to the battlefield and seize one without losing it. It

‘s a bit hard to say that I ‘m so ambitious. Now that the battle is over, brother, I’ll tell you the truth. Brother, I’m lying to you. Haha, brother, you ‘re so good . Commander, all the troops have entered the position . Listen to my order

And prepare for the foreign attack. This is the peerless prisoner slave technology. Brother Modes , come to the reunion. Brother, come to the reunion. Comrade Han Zhi, Commander-in-Chief Wu , the military company , you come and kill me. I will set up several roads and open the three or four roads.

I will strangle me. I will search the population. Brother, good games are ready to be set. Action set are you game deep. The single little devil is really obedient. The soldiers are in Fengshan. Stop it. I will give it to you. I will go with it. Boy are you go with it. Yeah.

Commander Li Guixiu presided over the third company. Stop Yang Gong’s transfer and the stalemate. Is there more? What is the economic territory? QQ smoke QQ smoke. What is the way forward? Forward is a signal to the third squad leader. Comrades are concentrating their firepower to shoot at the ammunition depot . Below,

I remember where you came from . Brother Danyang, how did he come? Little Mouse, why don’t you go behind and fight ? Comrades, the military uniforms and explosives depot asked us to blow the charge horn and charge, charge, pretend to be guns and not kill , hahaha , brother, be careful,

Okay, little Mouse, come over here quickly and take a look at everyone. Move quickly and see if there is anyone alive here or an official . He won’t survive anyway. Give me a shot. Detective , he is our prisoner now and he can’t survive. His life is short. You shoot now. One shot

Is a violation of policy. Call the health worker. He is the regiment leader, health worker. Brother, let me take a picture of the prisoner. Take it and evacuate as soon as possible. Ah , little mouse , are you okay? I am okay, brother. Are you okay?

Taijun, my family members are all here. In the Dongwang community, don’t get accepted. Santuga people must obey orders. Brother, brother , run , run, run, save , save me, hurry , hurry, hurry , hurry, you know, let it go boy now , ah, ah, ah , little children.

Come and take me away , yes, ah, ah, ah, oh , okay, don’t cry, oh, oh, this is Sister-in-law Zhang Xiuhua from our village. She said that it would be pitiful for a child to have no parents. It would be even more pitiful if he was hungry . So

, I will unconditionally nurse the baby for a few days. Thank you. Sister-in -law , sister-in-law, this is the chief of our military region. Chief , you see these two children are really distressing. The older one is called Xingzi and the younger one is called Lily.

Try to get some. Cookies and candies come Okay, the logistics department is processing it for a while and will send someone to deliver it. Oh, darling, you are so cute. Look, sister , Miss Xingzi. Do you want to eat pears ? Well, uncle, I will cut them for you. Haha,

The Japanese imperialists deserved death for launching a war of aggression . But the children Are they innocent ? Do we have to take good care of them and feed them? Sass dog , he is carrying an grandma on his back. He is walking with her grandma on his back. Hahaha , tell me,

What should we do with these two Japanese children ? Chief , we are an army and we are marching . We can’t raise them during the war , so why don’t we foster them in a fellow villager’s home ? Chief, I think so too. Can we give some money to the fellow villagers

? Yes, this is a way. Is there a better way? Is there such a thing? They may be given to the Japanese military authorities in Shijiazhuang and transferred back to their country to be reunited with their relatives. This war has also brought suffering to the Japanese people. It

Has separated many families, wives and children , and many men have become lonely ghosts in a foreign land. These two Japanese orphans are also wars. We should treat the victims of the war with a humanitarian spirit. The leader of the Japanese people in the war. I understand what you mean.

After settling down for a while, I want to carry out this task. You once frightened the Japanese , but this time it is not a combat operation but a diplomatic one. The behavior requires both civil and military skills. I have to do my homework when I go back

And write a letter to the Japanese commander stating the just position of our army . This is also the working day of the Anti-War Alliance. Your Excellency, Commander of the Army, the Japanese invaded China violently. The war between China and Japan lasted for four years

. The people of the two countries were killed, wounded and maimed, and those who were displaced did not know how to turn against themselves, and those who were displaced did not know how to turn against themselves. The responsibility for such tragic events should be copied entirely by the Japanese.

This time our army attacked Zhengtai County to regain Dongwangshe, which brought two weak Japanese women and their fathers were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire. This lonely little girl has been sent to you. We hope to make proper arrangements for the rebel leader . Please stop here.

Xiao Yuefei must be more careful on the road and must protect the child. Please rest assured, chief , Xiao Yunfei will definitely complete the mission, Miss Xingzi. You are a sister. You must take good care of your sister.

You also need to take her back to your hometown to find your grandpa and grandma. Uncle Xiao will take care of your candy. Eat it on the road. Sit down . Sit down. Chief, I’m leaving now . Ah ah ah yeah yeah yeah yeah ah ah ah you you let’s go

Look at the place in my house Oh yes, I just sent the drawing to this place and I came over and did it . I’m very angry . I didn’t ask you to enter very high. I said it was something that even dogs can eat. Do you remember

That? I don’t know what you and I were talking about. I ’m sorry . I should have spoken Chinese to you and waited for you all night. You opened it. You came here to tell me. I’m going to go and you’re going to take it. If I can bring you out again,

I can bring you here. If I bring you out again, I only have Sanniang to love you. I will give it to your mother. What is your father doing ? Haha , remember, you will die first . Now that Nong Yi admits that

Her aunt is not as beautiful as she is. Head to Allah, I respect your personality and you are a very good person , but we can’t talk for three more times, so why don’t you come over good morning and I tell him under the total house that he’s hurt, hurry up, hey,

I’m calling you.

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#抗日 #抗戰 #功夫

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