Fastng Prayr M @Gaurav House #biblebachan #masihsandesh #preachingtheword #masihvachan #biblemessage

Yes, I am not telling you, don’t tell me, tell me, so what are you reading? 20 of 107 Read, read comfortably and you also read further, He heals them through His word and brings them out of the pit in which they were lying. Yes, Aunty, you too. Read this very word: He

Heals them through His Word and brings them out of the trap they are in. Thank God. What is God’s statement here? Through His Word, through whom, through the forest, through the pastor, through the prayers of all human beings today. He will do the work, he will also pray,

He will distribute langar for four hours, he will also give tithe, he will also run the building, but he will not give the word to his heart too much, I say again, which is the statement of the Lord, which is the word, which is the thing, I am Jesus Christ. I

Used to long to see the elder sister or listen to her voice. I kept going on for many years because I was also the same, new and new, and Allah does everything, but neither did I work hard

In the Lord, as my brother told me, there were many shops. He was sitting in the sky and could not walk without a stick. Jesus Christ had given me that set, take it, son, but Jesus Christ was from above, I had

Some prayer and prayer, did anyone have any problem, is there a problem, please help me with 100, 200, 500 words. It has nothing to do with whom to take, it is written here that they are by their word or see, there is no name of any pastor, there is

No name of any building, it is man’s own system, it is declared by God or it is written that they are by their word. He heals some by his word. Read it here. It is written here that he heals them by his word

And brings them out of the pit in which they are lying. You people are in the pit now, not just now, but now you get the number. Now tell me, you will take it out now, I am standing still, time also knows, then you, I am standing still,

This is a matter of faith, or what is the purpose of taking it out of the pit, because whether I know it or not, God knows it yourself. Which

Pit are you in? There are many pits like this, we are not able to tell even to our friends, we are not able to tell to the society either, but there is one place, that is such a word which we can tell,

Right, we are in this pit. And God Himself is the one who will take you out of that pit, but who knows when He will take you out of that pit, it

Is not a big deal to be expert in the Word, it is not a big deal to have knowledge of the Word, if you hold on to even one Word and connect it to God in your life because This promise in this, I say a big thing with the promise, this

Is the promise of our life, isn’t this the promise which He has said that nothing is possible for the one who believes, everything is possible, everything is fulfilled. What do you say brother? All things are possible to the one who believes. All

Things are possible to the one who believes. All things are possible to the one who believes. If you believe in Jesus Christ, I will never let the word of church prayer in your life. La, you pray, yes, you also do, if I tell you now, you pray

For example, we pray for anything, there is no need for anything, you also pray, I too look at you, if you feel bad, then very good. If you don’t like it then it is even better. If you don’t feel bad then it is a good thing and if you

Don’t like it then it is a better thing because this thing is not mine, not yours, it is my father who creates it . Okay, you need a water bottle. How will you pray , show me today I am telling you that example, you will

Have to do it, it is coming to you too, don’t do it, no, no, are you thirsty or do you want to make a latté of this, do you want to make it, or is it about water, it is a matter of necessity. Brother, if you need anything then how will you ask,

How will you pray, then accept that God is here, this forest is here, this God is standing in front of you, now you need water, how should you ask, pray or pray, God is there , brother, it’s okay. Now you need something from someone, how will you pray to God,

Do Na Ya Ra Kalam Ya God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Thank You Thank You Lord Thank You Land Lord You fulfill all my shortcomings I am connected with You Lord make me Lord Those who fall from the tree and can never catch hold,

Have no other work but to eat and burn, the world prays to one person, does all the work among us, the Father, the brother has promised to ask for it, you have also told

Us in the promise. If you ask, it will be given to you. Seek and find. The true Lord gives it to us. We forget you but you do not forget us. Father God, you are merciful and true. We are liars, there is nothing like our prayers.

Lord, what can I give you in your life, Lord, I am yours, my body is yours, my creation is yours, everything is in my hands, it is okay, you have to pray to me, how will you do it, this is the word of God, Lord here.

I am able to thank you Almighty, all the blessings, blessings come from you, nothing is there, you are my victory kalam, Lord, you have taken away all our troubles, by your name , those who need nothing, you know, those who demand from God, even if it takes a long time.

Brother asked about water, you showed the wisdom of your life, Param, he did not show his basic, but I see one thing today, why does the answer to people’s prayers come late, what is the reason, it is written here

That through your word, they He heals the pit in which they are lying and it is the time of prayer for the people, the time of fasting, but when it comes to the word, I do not know which word to claim at what time in their life.

If I am feeling hungry then what promise of hunger can I give? That’s why the prayers get delayed and the answer does not come. Okay, this is what I am seeing in these prayers and it may be me from my point of view, you may be very right but I am

Telling from Kalam’s side. Because I like the devil, who is the best, if I like the words of Jesus Christ, then I do not like the devil. In which case, he knows on Hajj that I am defeated, but my efforts never end.

I am sure about this. Because I am very attracted to his work and he is very honest in his work, he doesn’t have any kind of change in it, so there is no change,

He continues to do the same thing day and night, and here after two hours of the night and day, he will start taking naps right now. You note down the prayer, you see each other’s prayer, what is the problem or the quality in it, I

Look at Gaurav Bhai’s prayer, you are not able to catch it, even if you won’t do it, the way of asking has also become different, don’t ask. I used to say to you that I

Want a husband, earlier I used to say that I am a millionaire, I am my father, he has created the entire universe, I should speak in such a worldly proverb, if I become an Arab husband to him

, then the ocean has returned to him in things in his name. If I take out a tumbler of water from the sea, it will make a difference. The sea will not make any difference to it.

As much as you ask or give as you wish, it will make a difference to us. Brother, that’s enough. Now I don’t want it. Do you understand that we are not only dignified but human beings are the same thing. I am telling you the calculation

Of God which I am able to do and I am able to see. Today, the word of God is not present in our prayer and the word comes only when it has descended in our life because Jesus Christ, what is your caller? It is impure,

It is pure, what should you become, you too become impure, we will not do these things, we will eat local food, we will have pride in us, we will not show our work , these are the things that we have to hold within our life, that if the word is telling us today,

We will come out of the pit. You are ready to find out why there must be a reason for it, and you see what is going on in your life, I don’t know if I have any problem,

Because there is only one person who can check the minds, who can control the minds. So there is one, but there is no one except God, there is only one, now the reason is known to me yourself, if you read the revelation, it says, be aware, where did

Sin come from, how did sin come into me, from whom did it come, and in what way? He came into this world because not through things. From what did he come inside you? So fix it. Give it a sudden change. Who will fix it

? Where did it come from? We are the one who blames, but we have also been blamed in our life. If we feel that there is a problem, then we should check ourselves and meditate on it. Not those who hear the word, but

Those who accept or follow the word, all accept it. Evil spirits have also accepted it. The sons of the Most High God do not go away. The sons of God are ours. What is the use of you, why have you come to give us the stick before time, or to give us pain,

Then his supporters had come from our side, we pray to you, you go away, if you believe in Dath, then you and I are his sons and The daughter is driving and not working, believe me, yes, seeing Yash Masi, she used to shout, go away and send me, who are you,

The army, the army, even after that, they also came, go away from our border, today we know about the evil spirit of everything. Li Satan, Satan is not even that big, we have 36 more like him, he sees them too and it is okay, no matter what happens, God, please

Remove the devil, please fix your system, the devil’s mischief. What will be the fate of those who believe? Okay sir and big stars will give two lives to the dead. If you drink the soul of the dancer then nothing will happen, nothing will happen, you will die.

This is the thing, you have read the word, you have done everything, you are not able to claim it as yours. But brother, there is one thing in my life that is a good thing about you, don’t say this, mother changes, hell changes,

It is written, Lord, call everyone, Lord, what is the matter in the minute, you said, I did not write, bring your forest or come to Rome. It is in verses 14 and 15 because as many as are

Led by the Spirit of God, it is only they who will be the sons of God because you have not received the spirit of slavery or be afraid but you have received the Spirit of obedience by whom we, O

Abba They call out saying ‘O father, take spinach, what is it? That’s why I am asking you , don’t tell me, that’s why I have teased you, don’t ask your brother, tease me, you and I am ready to tease for the sake of Jesus Christ,

No no. I will ask because no, let me make it clear to you, you don’t have a minute to be perfect, listen to me and I am the most down but I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ that my Father will never let me fall, that’s

All . Everyone says no, I just say it, I shout and say it, I will also give my testimony for this, it is okay, brother, my testimony which is sitting here is very big, look, it is not written, it is not okay, God is saying the right thing. What does the Word say?

He who does not have my Spirit is not my man; testimony is only in him in whom the Spirit of God works; there are many dogs and cats roaming around, but I have them, right? There are people like this, among whom

Even miracles happened, no, they do not testify, no, those crowds used to come to Jesus Christ, yes, they are the same, they blame others very quickly, then see, you will walk true in Jesus Christ. Neither, if you are not accused, then you understand that you have

Not walked right in Jesus Christ. Do not say this again and again, you or leave me, perfect, I am saying, you will also call me perfect, until he says perfect, what is your speaking? It will happen that man doesn’t need praise, man’s shoes need shame.

If someone says my words then understand that if someone puts someone on edge, then somewhere he also creates a pit for him. If he talks about mudh, then you will follow the words. Do you understand brother, can you tell me something, can you say something to change the mind for God

, Narayam’s word is that I will remove the heart of stone from within you, 26 out of 36 of the month, 26, this is the kind of mind that is needed. So brother, ask God daily, take out your heart, I am interested in your holy word, give it to me

, today it is very good for all of us, God has taught me a thing through the word and if you become the one to receive it, then only through the word of God. Who will heal? Neither will I be healed by your coming nor will

You be healed by my coming. Yes, if you have come to me with the word of the Lord, then guaranteed the word of the Lord will also heal and will also make you a witness that if this person came to me then the Lord He said, ”

If you come to me with the word of the Lord, then I will tell you that your man has come to take chachan. All the prophets who were there, did they take chaan or paja momas? To whomever the word reached, they became useless and were healed.

Today there is a promise for you also, for me.” The four of the weight code 37 says that all who looked towards him found light and their face never darkened so today if there is any despair then in the name of Jesus Christ color that negative thoughts and thoughts

In the name of Jesus Christ okay Brother, because now your life begins, Jesus Christ, old things, how will everything be new, when Jonah will come into your life, I was the Word, I was with God, God was there, what

Was there in the beginning, brother, not a motor vehicle. I was the original Word, the Word was in God, there was no mummy, no aunt, nor was I in the beginning. Holding the Word, the Word with God and the Word, that’s why I see Masa Saheb, give me darshan and see,

Then I believe so, Lord Masa Saheb. I had seen it, I had seen it in person, Jonah, according to each one, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word itself, I have seen my Jesus Christ, but

I have seen him saving, my ears have heard your gospel, now my eyes have seen your salvation. The same thing has happened in my husband too, okay Pernet, now what do we have to do , I want to tell you the thing that I have come to in my life,

How can the possible be made impossible, the impossible thing can be made possible. It is impossible, it may be possible, it may not be possible, you say, it is not possible, you say, it is not possible, something is possible, it is possible to believe, everything is possible, everything

Is there, repeat this again and again, believe, believe, get bored, 365 times, belief is written in it, 365 times. It is written, do not be afraid, do not be afraid, it is written 365 times, love me with all your body, soul and body,

Love your neighbor as yourself, it is written, all these things are written, Vishwa Vishwasi, tell me what he does, believe it. Yes, isn’t it what you said, don’t be afraid, just believe, it’s okay, these things have become basic things like we send children to school, nor do we do ABC in nursery class,

These things have become normal, anyone will go first, that one. The one who will say the same thing about Jesus Christ, first of all I will make a promise that your faith has healed you, what should I do

On top of this, I will make a bigger promise, faith, as per your faith, it will be done for you, this is how it happened, isn’t it? Who does not believe in Christians? Leave it and go to the Hindu community, what are you doing with faith, the

Previous Purana rules of birth and caste do not give till today, no, from the Purana rules, and what I am seeing till today and what I am seeing now in my generation too, the old and the new are extinguished. And especially those who say that I am a Christian are

Too old, I am a Christian, I am a smoldering soul, so tell me to kill the matter, bring a special matchbox for them, close the doors, the wind should not come, the matchbox should not get spoiled by mistake. O keep the masala, faith happens only once, God’s

Word says, let me tell you, you know more than me, there is only one faith, there is only one Baswa, 15 20 God is there, no, there is only one, see here it is divided, God’s faith is also one. Let’s believe this, as you have just taught me, I have

Faith here for 365 days, don’t be afraid, there is only one faith, the Bible is also saying that it is okay, 32 also happens once, it happens three or four times, childhood is different, marriage is different, one day is different.

Be saved from him and become a different billionaire. There is only one foot and only one God. The Rais were baptized only once. Whose Rais’s name did they carry? When water hit the rock, the sea was divided into two and the rock did not hit them. That

Lathi was hit in the sea. There are two parts and it became a bomb . Look, all these things are less nonsense. Look, let me tell you one thing, what is the Bible or what is the correct Bible? The one who is connected to this will never face shame due to words.

Why are all these things present in our lives today? You are right. Look, I am saying words first and on top of that you have explained it, it is even better than that but

We Why are you so sad and depressed today? Tell me one thing, my conscience, my face is visible in this, my joy is visible in this thing, I have changed from the beginning, I have many things to testify about these many things, but I am sitting silently at this time, it’s good.

The thing is that you are listening to God, I have lost you in my life, I have made you struggle a lot in my life, there is another thing, I will not speak much more than me tomorrow

, I will not speak my words, this is not the same thing, this is in faith, thanks to today, this Have saved the house, come to the house, why yes, why did God say that if you believe, your family will be found there

In one second, God chooses everyone in the house, today let me give a small testimony, a small beginning in the beginning, the beginning in the beginning, when I am in this house. You and your Nozia had come, his

Father was from Kanpur, okay, I had gone to his house, I was telling you in a short shortcut that Neel was by ji Neel, understand that the house of the moment was in Kanpur, whatever was there, whatever God

Had given earlier. Even though they were growing up, they used to jump, there was no one to do the work, they were like mud and water, somehow brother, my fingers got torn, I

Made them beautiful by jumping, I took them to the police station and got them made, why did I go there for the first time. I left my father along with my father ‘s grandfather, here in Delhi I did not believe in Neem Neem, Neem’s root was so big, it

Took out all the leaves, it made me cry, no need to do anything, the walls were found by my grandsons made of clay, this was my festival. She came and that time also passed, okay then we came to Delhi, this boy came to Delhi and then he

Fell ill, now I am telling you in shortcut, his father had told me one thing that Tom, there is no gender test, if there are no tests then it is nothing. If she was mine then her father

Told me that it should not be a girl, son, I have only one son and she told me that I have struggled a lot in my life, if you tell me, her father had a second marriage with me, yes I do not hide it. Okay, yes, two children,

For his father and first wife, that house was blue by blue, as it was, I She was not happy with whatever God and I used to sit with both the children, she used to sit with both the children and what would I say, I used to pray there, my bad

Mother-in-law was 115 years old, she used to look at me, this prayer is about worship, so I asked her I used to be a little happy with this thing, like making roti, tea, doing this, I never cooked food on the stove,

But I used to cook meat in the kitchen, my father was in the railways, so somehow I measured my life and there was no one to tell me what salt and oil were. How much to pour, what to do,

But God took care of me, ji Samarth and even now I have got the same Samarth, it is a good thing, yes, my purpose of saying this is that he fell ill, Holi Ana Holi Family

Hospital is still there, there was no money in Ocala. He was nothing, took him away, made him everyone’s, took him away, put him there, no more, this father’s small chain was put around his neck , the father who was there to earn, even the liquor, there was nothing in the cigarette, whatever

Is true is true. He used to take care of even two paisa of his own, so his father said to Naras, I think Abhay, no one was going to do it, I took it up with him, his father was on duty, there

Was difficulty in getting food, so I bought whatever food he could get. Whenever the little bitch used to come, when they saw from the nurses that I was sitting like this, they started giving me extra. Papa said that we cannot bear so much pain like this, so brother,

I started giving it to her from the age of one month. I have given it to you so that you can’t believe it. His condition worsened and he had a mental fever. When they took him, they

Wrapped him in such a thick cloth that he put it in front of the shed. It was a little cold, it was very hot, neither was it cold. When I fell a little hot, the hairs which were there stood thick and then its condition got worse, so the

Doctor took me by the hand and took me out. There was a small statue made there, so I told me something. I couldn’t see any other place, I leaned on my knees and said, God, I have given you this trust,

If you want to save him, it’s your wish, you can save him, his father came, he didn’t even have a phone at that time, somehow I did it. Got the call done, got the call done from there,

What is it from the vein, then his father came, when the father came, then he saw him, the doctor said that this is his condition, if he is saved, then I will tell him to God for eight months

That the day I hand him over, this work will be done. Also do this and recite this word of God from inside me that day neither will I get much happiness here nor will I get much happiness, even if I die, I am saying in one thing, even if I die,

The soul never dies, neither is my saying. The purpose of this is that if I go into my soul and see this thing coming out of his hand saying the words of the bubble, then I will feel very happy because one person prays, one person prays, thousands of people

Praise him, we pray as one. Above the earth there are thousands of angels haunting us, because we are pure, so how can we make the impossible possible? If anyone of you has something like this, can you tell me? I

Told only one thing to one person, his father. I said to him, listen, it is like this, we will give your [ __ ] immediately, I [ __ ] two, what have I put in my mind, one thing, that is, if it would have made him happy [ __ ]

Two, of course, we can erase the mind of that person. My father , who my father, my mother gave me from the beginning, bears testimony to you, today only today he was my customer. Yes, no, I have ever told the word of God and I don’t know what he

Says, today he has done it, tell me brother, you are very good to me. Well, I ask you to take the cross of putting it in the box, which will become his payment, let me send you a letter, I don’t know you

, you are talking about putting it in it, so don’t put it in it, it is your cross that you always have to bear every day that he has done it for you and me. This man of my faith gave his life

To that cross, this is the only thing we give to him, we keep him from our life, he committed other evil deeds for himself, my brother, I will give you a suggestion, elder brother, my friend, cross. There is no need to put the word of Jesus Christ inside you and it

Will make you alive and free in all things. Lord bless you very much. You have understood me so that I can confess my Lord to you and Lord you believe and this soul knows. What kind of life is this? I sent it, sent it again, I sent it to my

Wife, I wanted to know you, I believe in God, I have won my soul, I have such faith, He said ‘Y’, ‘I put it’ again, today I have spoken only words, only words. Send this one, faith is a thing, God’s religion has reached the highest, everyone has been born number one.

The biggest community is of the people of Christ and not of anyone else, it is Muslim, today they were telling that Hindu comes at third place, fourth place, fifth place, maybe not Muslim, Muslim comes on two pages, today they were telling about this

And this. There is no count of when I grew up then Baba took everything and took the name, only then came the one who provides solution. Now we come to the point, we listened to the testimony of others, everything is done okay, we will open the word of God Genesis 17 its

First The impossible has to be made possible. Jai Prakash Poy. How many years have you talked to me? You don’t tell me one page of it and you read it. Now

You are fine. Hella sub 1 Don’t testify about it. Now I am fine. What was it before? I was sick before. I have become sick. I should also have time, you will feel it now, you will feel better, someone

Better than your own, good, the first verse of Genesis 17, when Aram was 9 years old, then the woman appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God, walk in my presence, yes yes. Yes, it is written on the shirt,

Today you know that a person has fallen into a pit. So brother, many people had fallen into the pit. David also had fallen. Don’t go there, come to yourself. Suleman had also fallen. He also did great things. He returned from you. No sirya, come on your own, just this inspiration, this

Bottle has been kept for us, whoever wants to drink, the bottle will not go away after getting up, so who were the good ones, they also used to do the same, that’s what is being said on the other side. Would have brought you,

Took the prayer robe, mother liked to sit in high places, got food, that’s what I am saying today, no one who is a Christian is so knowledgeable, nor will he shut his mouth in every way. And when the turn of work comes, we

Will meet in Christmas as Peter John, that’s all, the rest of the days are gone to hell, hey, you are testifying for Solomon, you are testifying for David, how much, how much, Solomon, Sarah, testify for Isaiah, whoever you are,

Less . No one gives testimony about Yeti, my mind changed, I listened to the testimony of Skooti till today, even Spati had done that to herself, what had she done, she was hanged and made Jone do the work of the middleman,

Made B do the work of theft, he even kissed her, kissed her too. Took it, got it caught, took Cha’s coins, took Cha ‘s coins, couldn’t spend even a single one, tell me also, buy B’s, leave him, A couldn’t spend even a single one, he regretted [ __ ] The debt is

Returned, the sin is fine. Nay Na Nachi Hai Nawama and Uchai, all three have come in this. You were telling me, okay, I have come, no, where is the man inside me, everything else is there, there is no fear, there would have been no fear, otherwise Adam Saheb would

Not have bowed, it was the woman who instigated him. No, yes, the woman had provoked herself, what not, brother, even today, this thing is also said in the proverb, whether you believe it or not, I agree, believe it or not, should I tell you, you all also laughed that

We went to buy land. A lady said when Sara came to know that she is going to become a mother, she laughed, she is fine, wait, nothing happened, she will undergo a year’s penance, no wait, Sara makes an offer

To Abram Saheb, this is what the maid says, let’s bring Nana Munna from Hajra, brother. Abram Saheb got the cream, what did he need, it was a matter of meaning that he had not reached, Sara gave permission, if Bambu had done it then Sara would have become God’s body, this

Is not an email, Sara is the heir of the promise, what is he doing today ? It is true that brother, what is there to laugh about, it is the reality that whenever it is fulfilled, you understand that Abram Saheb ate the laddus, but God has given us intelligence,

Hasn’t we understood that? Let us also see the point that in today’s era, if someone is deceived by a woman, then God’s word tells us that you also think again, look after him, neither was Yusuf forcibly put in jail, nor

Because of this affair, he had dreams on his husband. Wife is fine, after that she is forcing herself on him. Next one has to run away or run away from every bad thing. If he had stood silently, my own belief is that it is right, their

System would have worked and their money would have clashed. Yes, both of them. So how did God make this Yakub into Israel? Hey, leave that aside, whom did he make into Israel? You see, when you run away from bad things, there is no guarantee that God will support you. Of course, you

Keep in mind that if I am telling you, sir, there is no one within today’s rate. They look for opportunities. Who is alone in the house, whether it is a girl or a boy? Both of them take advantage. I am

Telling you brother, one and the other, these are secret and secret things, the one who is the devil offers me for free and does very wrong things. Now you have come to pray for me and

Do it for me. When you hear the word of God, do not harden your heart, but I have one more line. I would like to add that it is from you, don’t you be too knowledgeable, if someone comes, listen to him and listen

To see what is good, it is written in it, test all things, what is written in the letter of James in the Word, what happens on all things? Check Check If I have come or Ravi Kumar Kanojia Someone has come

What has someone come to do What is the purpose of this If you have checked what I am saying and it matches with the Bible then it is guaranteed that God will bless you And I am going after playing my song, I am going after singing my praises, so I want

To get Babaji’s praise, nothing else, okay, how can we make the impossible possible, what did we read, the first verse of Genesis 1, 17, okay? I also take it out and then read it and this is something to be understood,

Before that I will say the word, you read it, turn on your Bible, Proverbs 16 of 20 says that he who sets his mind on the word finds prosperity. Brother, I am proud of you. Especially for this, which is the book of life, meditate very well on the young man, if

You spend two minutes or even two hours, it is not a big deal . After giving darshan he said, I am powerful, walk and become in my presence, in whose presence you have to walk and what to do, you have to obey his word, you have to keep becoming perfect, whatever you know,

Do it wholeheartedly, whatever is from the word of God, God. Is it of desire? This is the first step. This is the first thing. Do even a small work and thank him. They

All do it. Now the matter of thanking has become different. If you don’t do the work then you will not be thanked. Even if the work is small, don’t you get any work done? A, this brother is not working

For four years, so thank you, no one knows about it or not, what do I know, this is what I am teaching you, small thank you, big thank you, medium thank you, this thank you, when will you know when will this happen, it will be done by the soul. It

Is written that I am the Almighty God, walk in my presence and become perfect. Now if there is a perfect person then what do you think? He would not be giving thanks as soon as he became perfect. He

Would have fought for thanks as soon as he became perfect. Thank you God for your kindness, this happened to me, that happened, thank you, I got this, I got that. Okay, now we read Genesis 3 of this,

Why am I making you read this thing from front to back, first of all, you try to understand the word of the Lord to you. It is better to understand more. God does not scold the knowledgeable people too much. To follow what He says, walk in His presence,

Not in my presence. This is the door of Jesus Christ I have closed, not in this presence. What to do in the presence of God? Walk. And it has to be accomplished, okay, no, no, no, yes, Haji, I also took out 24 of the three, so he took out Adam and

Placed him on the east side of the Garden of Eden and all around to guard the tree of life. Roaming Jwala Jwala also appointed a sword with flame, what are you able to understand? He removed him, took off those clothes and Jwalaan Jwala, who took out the sword,

Why didn’t he obey my orders? Brother, why didn’t he obey Nim’s orders? Didn’t he obey God’s word? He had given the promise not to eat the fruit of this tree, to eat the fruit of every place, to eat the fruit of this tree in the middle, you will

Stop eating, you will die, on this simple thing I felt bad, the Supreme One is so merciful, so compassionate, and does not get angry with Vilam. God created Adam so that he should worship in a dignified manner. It is useless. Well, he is not the only one

To worship. You and I are not there. We came later. Brother, I would have believed that Adam came first. When Adam was created, where were we? Then he The universe was created. Adam was Adam’s. Adam was created from clay. You were created from plastic. Why

Would anyone create you from plastic? The clay is ours too. We are sinners by sin. See, it is a matter of understanding. This is I, the latter and the one before, why His presence. I don’t want to walk and I don’t even want to be perfect, why should I become perfect, there is

No way to be perfect, it means a lot to be perfect, so time is needed, what is even, what is the use of knowing. Time is strong, brother, no one is strong, time is strong, Jesus

Christ is strong and there is no one else, everything has been made equal to time, whatever is the time, don’t talk about your distance, you talk to me spiritually, now I will go to science, neither will I

Move even a centimetre. I will give it, then you will say yes brother, I did not know about this, don’t go into science about that, go into God, what is the word saying, this is what the word is saying, see,

When a person has knowledge, how can he use his knowledge? Now how did you spin it? Refined me in a minute, that time and that and this, oh what will time do, even time was not strong, Jesus was not there, nothing, Jesus Christ said this

When wine was prepared in jars at Cana, then Jesus Christ He didn’t have time for that stuff. He said, ‘My time has not come.’ I am Almighty God, I know everything, what to do when and what to do, today people know what to do, if they tell God then they

Don’t even know how many days Christ has served, and some Christians don’t even know how many. Hey from the day, what can I do even if I know about it? It should be there, it should be there in the knowledge. What will happen with the knowledge? It hurts

Me. It shouldn’t be there in the knowledge or not. I don’t believe that knowledge should be straight and fulfill God’s words in your life. Do His 500 things, don’t you? Fulfill one of His words. Why did Jesus Christ come? How many were the 10 commandments? There were 15. Well, 10 were right. Do

You remember for sure? People used to believe, don’t tell me, shut up. No, I have read it, you don’t believe. What would God have said if they had fallen in the 10th class? It

Is all over, son, whatever Jesus Christ does, brother, this is a very long word, then you will never be able to accept it. 10 It is okay, I have written all the instructions in the letter, there is faith from within. He brought joy, yes Masa Saab, brought Masa,

Shout, brought it for the Lord, do you know what it says, heaven is my throne, what is yes, heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool, Jesus Christ was 100% human, do you know this and God was 100%, God was 100 but if He

Was a human being then He was also 100% God. I will send you to 50 floors from here and from there you have to listen to the voice, Ajay, give me a glass of water or brother, you listen to the voice, aunty, give me a glass of water. Jesus Christ will not come.

I don’t know in which heaven he is sitting in the fifth or third place. He will listen. We sit like this in the presence of God. As if we were roaming around, the sound did not come out for Masa Saheb.

Yes brother, he would come with the 10 commandments. Why don’t they extinguish, they were making noise, they were dancing and singing, yes, this is what I am telling you today, this is the problem, they are dancing and singing, that’s why the Towa does not come in front of us, we slow down,

So what did the devil do? Satan is nothing to Satan, leave him, then he will reach, even today he has no power. If the Kalam is within me, there is victory in that Kalam and if Jesus Christ has come, then Satan has either had to cry or you are in vain.

I have created the wind, Satan, Satan, Satan, I thank God, he made Satan do a big dance, Jesus Christ made him dance with the words of Jesus Christ, and it is clearly written in the Bible, I will make an open mockery of you, read Satan’s

Jesus Christ in Chachan. Have created an open drama, it is written as if I am saying, I will bring my Bible, I have completed it, I would have opened it now and got you checked, today’s trouble is enough for today, worry about tomorrow, do it tomorrow, okay bring the next one

And come in three. What we read in verse 24 So he cast out Adam and placed the crows on the east side of the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life and also a flaming sword that went around. What did he do there?

Now Michael Lal has been put on guard, let’s enter and show him, one can come to God in heaven in the Garden of Eden, someone’s father has courage, Adam has courage, the conversation was done directly by the person, I believe so,

Masa sir, you have come very late, Pete also see Lee Adam had seen God’s face in person, his hair style, hair and clothes. He used to tell everything. He used to see God with his eyes and till today he is longing for us. Today he has given us as a legacy, he

Is talking, talking and showing his back. Yes, he used to talk to Abram too. If you talk to him, he is talking to you and me also. He is talking about giving Sara a loop. Let’s see what Mr. Adam has given us today. Neither did he beat him up nor did

He remove his face. This word is telling from me, I am telling that the speaker must be my mouth, the action must be mine, of course, but the living Kalam

Is telling this today, you and I have come from his yesterday and do not want to come even today. Hey Jacob, please ask me one thing . No one wants to be strong today, brother, I am sitting absolutely silent. Okay, today I am thanking God.

Hey brother, take it away brother, take away your disease, Jesus Christ, I don’t want this, I am your son, I have respect for you. And I believe, my mother believes, okay yes,

In my family I say, you have to speak yourself, yes, my mother, in the house where I was born, in the house where my maternal grandfather was born. Hey, this is what I am saying, and I am not born in a house of 10, but what have you done,

Today there was no faith in my house, how did God catch me, I don’t know if there is any tragedy with me. It didn’t happen, I met with an accident, I got into a lot of trouble, I

Was surrounded by evil spirits, I was tied up with food, then after dissing, Jesus Christ came. I am thankful to God for His mercy even today. God chose me alone in the whole house. Chose alone, okay sir, tell me your holy name, I have a friend Pradeep, okay through him, and

From there, who gives a lot of money in the municipal market, when we do not want to walk with the Lord, then he knows how to give as much as he can, right? You know how to take money from him,

But you were tested for income, you took it, you looted everything, just left it, what happened to that child, you looted everything, ruined it, I like Ayu’s statement because Those who know their God, whom do they know, tell God, look, this is the

Voice, the one who wants this voice of his, near his God, he has everything, he is not there, that is a matter of talk, leave the dialogue, there is nothing, I saw. Brother, there is one thing that I did when I did

All this, God was doing this to me, he used to stick with me day and night, Jesus Christ himself was inside him, he used to set fire wherever he went, he used to wake up there, in his pocket.

A did not even have money, he ate it one time, the other time my father, listen, leave it, father, today let’s talk about this father, Bhai Saheb, sit down and laugh, brother, is there any problem, enjoy Yashu Masi, Amen, it is very good to accept this. I need to slap the devil daily,

I am nothing, I am fine and tomorrow after seeing you like this, I will go to my work, I will also meet people, I will also help my mother, I have tasted the taste of two, two, three, how many marriages.

Got married, two brothers, one, we had done one, oh leave it, two, yes, it is complete, God is a true companion and when He will give a garland, don’t take away the courage of my mother’s son,

Then something can happen, you must not have known how to keep it. I would have put others first. The person who confesses his shortcomings and his crimes does not repeat them. God says that he has mercy. Do you understand

Everything? You are a Christian by birth. His father was a prophet. All this is the Bible. I have a lot of questions about what were the children of Prophet Eli, what were they all, do you all know Eli Eli’s children, Eli Saab Lal’s children, before Shamal, he

Was the father of Jol Samal, during the time of Shamal, he was a priest in the temple, Shamal Saab was in the temple. What were the things that were offered to me, what are the lustful things, not all the wrong deeds,

And leave me, I have to eat and drink to eat, I was eating food, eating and drinking is not a matter, I will get the words read, listen, what else is the weight, take 50, yes, you take it now. I have given a little bit

, no, I am feeling good now, I am feeling good, no, it is not like that, brother, I live the same way, I am more in God, hey, everyone lives in God, what are we without God, I am powerful only because of this. Padhwa Hey, what am I saying, then

Fight me, yes Padhwa, I read, read, read, you, I am true worship, true worship, Almighty God Yava said one minute, one minute true worship, I have done everything, first of all I myself should do it. I say it’s okay,

People who follow a lot are not people with knowledge, I have read what you are saying, whether you like it, whether you like it or not, you can kick me out, even if you want to, but no, no, I am telling you, do you know what you do with your lips? You respect

Jesus Christ no matter where you are, because Jesus Christ is revealed through his works. What does Jesus Christ say? How will you know? If someone comes to you, he will not work, he will come with a bag, he

Will bring money . Will he come with fruits and will you recognize him as a good man? Will you recognize him by his works? If I have come to you really

To seek the welfare of the Lord, if you have come to seek the welfare of God in your life and my coming is not a testimony in your life, then the only thing that is mine is to talk about the Lord and serve Him. Do seek the good of each other or are

You watching each other’s leg, it’s not the end, the palo system is very good, read the end of the word, palo, you read it brother, after this the reading should go till the voice, first the prayer. Did you even do this? Didn’t you hear?

Didn’t Ma listen to me? Tell me what it is, read it, don’t read it, aunty ji 28 read it, 28 23 of 50, sorry, it is of 28, yes, sorry, I am mistaken, the one who offers the sacrifice of thanks

Glorifies me and the one who keeps his character God keeps it the best, let me show it to you, yes brother, how many marriages have you been married to, what are you saying? Promise yes, read, read, read, read the post of 50, don’t tell me, don’t give too much teaching and you

Will find out, because I listen to the conversation all around, I do it and now I read it to anyone who asks for me, anytime in my life. Put the voice, neither is this what is coming,

Nor will the system go away from His word in the name of Jesus Christ, does the one who offers the sacrifice of thanks glorify me? What does he glorify, does the sacrifice of thanks, you were saying the same? Hey brother, thanks for the fifth fifth . You

Did not get air out of the same mouth, but they did not get air out. Why brother, there should be rules, rules, rules. If there are no rules, then there is no rule. Just as we feel thirsty for water every day, we

Feel thirsty for bread. This is not a rule, this is not a rule, then it is not a rule, this is a cheap deal, if you don’t drink, your throat will get sore, then that is what I am saying, this is not a rule, so the purpose of saying this is if you

Apply its meaning in your life daily as per the rules. So surely he has something or the other, he will get his reward. Oh God is ready to give the reward. What is its promise? The one who offers the sacrifice of thanks glorifies me. Whom does he glorify?

God, Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, I am sick, thank you because you healed me. Today I am unemployed, so thank you, you are the God who gives me employment. Thank you Lord, my wife has left me, you are my husband, I

Am the one who gives thanks in this way, but I also pray for my troubles, just as I pray to all three of you. I don’t know which prayer you have to pray, which word you have to say in which prayer,

If you want a motorcycle, I will pray for a motorcycle, or give me a bicycle, I have got the bicycle, now God has given me a bicycle, my friend, I asked for a motorcycle, the bicycle came,

Ask for it directly, right? You have to ask from God, you have to ask with words, he is ready to give even today, those who give are poverty, you have to know what you think of Christ, yesterday you gave the demands, today he is demanding 50 lakhs, I know.

An uneducated person asks questions himself and gets the answers himself. Do you understand that the one who offers the sacrifice of thanks glorifies Me and the one who keeps his character good, I will show him the salvation of God. Today man does all the work

But Your character does not improve, not by sodomy, not by stealing, what you were doing now, nor by the three meetings with each other, this is also spoiling your character. Do you know that you are also depriving God of His blessings because of His words?

That’s why you are careful, what do the little foxes do? Read the word, the little foxes spoil the garden. Now I translate it in my language. This was a thing from the Bible that I said that the little foxes spoil the garden

. Isn’t the word of the Bible true and very effective, it works, it is our small mistakes, every turn, small mistakes destroy our life, it takes away the blessings, we should not blame each other. Respect, listen, first explain it in a loving manner, I made so much omelette in my house, I

Became a full Chaudhary by abusing everyone and fighting, I have six brothers in my entire family, all of my parents are married and everyone has made me a fool. I had kept it as brother, whoever sings will do whatever has to be done, black and white, everything used to be mine

But I saw that because I do not know God, I do not know the matter of Pra, today gradually with the name of God, God gave me a good brother, today I am Ajay Bhai.

It was associated with Kalam, it was with Jesus Christ, it was with the Church, it was with good works, it was also with the anchor, it was also with the word, eat him, feed him, help him, there was no one with the word

And today with the word, you all I remember the words on my fingers and on my face as if Jesus Christ has someone next to him and comes in the morning and tells you the words, but when I am looking at the work, I don’t see even a single one with the word

And that word. Does he heal by spending money or by taking away words? How does he heal? What is healing? It is meant to heal the disease. I have seen all these things in people. If

Someone is sick then he is healed. Brother, everything about the sick is healed, everything is healed. There is a cure for every thing, there is a healing for every thing, that is what I am saying, that is what I am saying, happiness, peace, love, kindness, compassion, joy,

Patience, patience, yes, it is neither a fruit nor a fruit, it is nine, I will make at least 36 fall. And that’s why I, the one who counted, will give away even 365 from the city of God.

Because we have to live 365 days Jesus Christ died every day, isn’t it His word, His love, His work, we have to give to each other, it is better to give than to receive, it is blessed to give and

What does the song say, how is the song translated? That it is better to take than to take, is this your mind to give? Today people’s mind is not ready, they give everything, some

Are giving with a grudge, some are giving after looking at the face, no one is even looking towards Jesus Christ today, my sister. Today my aunt is coming, today my friend is coming, my brother is coming, I am saying that

You should not open the doors for such people, don’t feel bad, I am not feeling bad, there are many people who are new to me now. Have we become among the other castes, they have understood that we have everything in this, money is also in this, we are getting everything in this, you

Said a very good thing in this, you have a promise in this, brother, I am not saying it from my mind. I mean, let’s see people, they get it quickly, one minute, I am saying that you spoke with a bad heart, I am saying that

You spoke with a good heart, who is getting this benefit, those people are getting it, those people are getting it This is the right thing, this is your misunderstanding. Keep in mind, this is what I wanted to tell you, why did I make you read the Word first or will you

Recognize it by their actions, what will you do, there will be fellowship with the Word, I am Lord. I thank God that he gave me a good brother. For what reason did

He give me a good brother? I am not praising him on my face. This brother made me connect with the true Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was found in many places in this church and here in the church there are prayers

Being offered here and there. Here too, Jesus Christ is there, where two or three are one. Well, you see, I see you. Now I go to some fellowship. Now I see. Yes brother, His Word is working. Where two or three

Are, And when there are two, there is no honor, there is less, but there must be His people who follow His type, present in the presence in the Word and those who are made perfect, they will never ever betray each other if they did betray. So, for his progress,

We will give him Ulana, okay, I didn’t say like this, homemade chicken is equal to dal, I am not able to understand this dal here, now take it to Bahadurgarh or Punjab, this tandoori chicken has been made, brother, this

Dal is what people ask, there is no need to ask. God is doing a work inside his life. Today, inside my house, I too am not considered normal. I thank God. Come on Lord. I want to testify in the Lord. I am not speaking for my carpenter. Come on, Bahadurgarh

People will tell us. What do other people also accept? Jesus Christ says what do you say to me? When asked, everyone says this, they say ok, what do you say to me? Then he asked the question: You are the son of Almighty God,

Some are saying Elijah, some are saying this. Someone is saying, he is saying, let us both give our testimony, it is not a big deal when someone else gives our testimony, whom you know, I have a very big testimony, a very big testimony, have you ever got such a testimony that

No one has seen you and you Didn’t see anyone and he came and said, you preach in my house, don’t you have such a brother, God got me, I don’t know that sister, she is a teacher in Bahadurgarh, I was preaching,

He was thanking God. Sister came and said, brother, don’t preach in my house, you were probably when we had gone on the day of Good Friday. Yes, correct, what was her name, her name was Preeti, I don’t know, it

Is you and you only and also sister and brother together, she called me. Invite me but I saw one thing, is the Lord on your side or is there some wicked person who will kill me? I

Thanked the Lord and prayed at night. I was willing to come in the morning, so I asked the Lord to tell me from His word. Brother, I had learned something from the reason, I knew something. So you saw the word, the chosen one goes to the chosen one, to whom did Ananya go?

Bhaji was sitting blind near the shawl, Jesus Christ had displeased Ananya, he went to pray and to see, he went to the house, all the teachers are naked. Good post inside , thank God, there is a medical hospital inside his house, there is also a doctor in it,

Very educated people, we went there, it is okay and we all, aunty, aunty, everyone, thank God, I am proud of the Lord. Jesus Christ called me and silenced the voices of all those who don’t ask for water and feed us food in the end like aunty

Buna coming or God’s carpenter telling us that when we seek God, walk in His direction, we will walk with Him and this cannot happen. What other word do we have? Which word makes the impossible possible? Genesis 24 of three is right and the third is Deuteronomy 31 of eight.

Brother, please remove the curtain, brother, Gaurav Bhai, is there any difference in its Hindi too? Bible, no problem, do not be partial to it, and neither will it wash you nor will it leave you, so do not be afraid, your favorite has come to your mind, brother,

Do not be afraid, I will die. So I say, be afraid brother, mine is the opposite system, fear God, if the fear of Him is not within you, there is no such thing as fear, then take out your matter, you can talk about yourself, tell me, what is your name,

Aunty, will you be able to take your name, my name is. Frak Leena Frak Leena Leena I will say ok short name Leena Maasi now whenever I do bad or good for you I will do it by name

Leena ma aye ok no whatever I will tell you at the same time so far it is very good she is listening to my Lord and You are also listening to your Lord. It is a very good thing. Who is Leena

Masi, what is written here? And the Lord who goes before you and tell me to you. 31 31 28 His 31 brother, the lesson came out very quickly, the big thing is the berry wali, there is a little difference in Hindi in this. The big bull of 31 is saying from within,

There is no problem, it is okay, there is no problem, 31 will show itself like this, or it will go ahead of you, it will stay with you, it will not betray you, it will not leave you, so do not be afraid and

Do not lose courage, praise the Lord. Look, how wonderful this person has written, which is not mine, now read it again, what a wonderful thing has been written, see how wonderful it has been written, Praise the Lord,

This is definitely an English translation, or what will Swayam do for you, Swayam means Swayam, it is written here that in front of you, Aage Aage It is written here that it is Jehovah Himself who is underlining it. No, yes brother, who will walk before you? Who will walk before you

? Why will God walk? To make the impossible possible, to make possible what has not happened till now. God will do it now. Amen, Amen. Thank you again. Amen. Important words. Do you understand what he is saying, Aunty, do that later, she is not coming anywhere in Najabgarh, who am

I talking about, yes, I am talking about them, I am Najabgarh, I am seeing that, I am giving, I have read this, it is left, yes. You have read it, you have understood it, everyone is reading, there is no talk of reading, God never cheats, humans will cheat,

Family members will cheat, the son will cheat, the daughter will cheat, it seems that you are in the son, I am You are busy in applying nipples, tell him this, tell him you are cheating, you are cheating him

And in my language, speak up, you are making him into a rough lady, you told him to say, hey, don’t say, just put the kite now or it will not work. Do you understand that

Whatever position you are in, which is your age, you did not nurture it, now he nurtured you, now it is his turn to nurture you, take blessings and give blessings, brother, don’t talk about that, I am talking about today’s old matter now. What has happened to the old

Things to not remember them? Today I am talking about those things which my brother is sad about in some place or the other. Be active, have faith and hope that your son can make you proud. This is it brother, I am able to see brother, you can do it, there

Is no one who opposes the one who has God with him. Hey, what is the weakness of the body, there is nothing, there is nothing, you eat food yourself, mom feeds you, say this to God, I do all the work myself. I want to do it in this language, Musa

Saheb had taken the right, you are fine by the mercy of God, it is okay, I did not know how to speak, I am ugly, you come, you are going for my work, I am bad, I will do everything, I am okay

And I did it. Bhaji started speaking like this clearly, he is thinking that you talk to God yourself, God himself is walking ahead of you, what is this, isn’t this what you have read, has read

Something else, see brother, has he come, isn’t he here, is he ahead of you? God has sent it to tell me even today I say that Lord Jesus Christ loves a lot and He gives all good things to those who love Him and

Does not hurt anyone in it, enjoy it, it is okay whether it is finance or your body. Okay, he will take my plea, may God bless you a lot, no, at night, no, dogs follow me, if you want to leave, then Ajay Bhai will leave,

If you feel like I am going, brother, will you leave me this way, yes, leave it. Son, I am not at the end, I am not at the end, brother, brother, the boy will come, he does not have any good, he does not do good

, hey, turn off my father’s status and go and leave the worldly worries on the scooter, oh God’s love, worldly worries reflect all these things in us. You will have to make friendship with Jesus Christ, friendship is not there, I am not there, you

Will have to read what is written, you will know about friendship, a friend knows everything, the one who sits in the shelter of the Supreme Lord and rests in the shadow of the Almighty, don’t wait for a minute. Tell me, friendship is

Written in the Bible, who is written in the Bible, what is written in the verse, then find out what is written. Show me, yes, come on, according to me, it is written in the Bible, so write it, write it. If your friend is not able to understand, then ask for

A minute. If you are not there, which train are you taking? Yes brother, I don’t know, I know, I know. Nikalu is my friend, friends are like that, not such friends, how many are roaming around like this

, there are many friends of words, it is written in John’s chapter 4 verse 24 that God is the Spirit, those who worship Him should worship Him in spirit and in truth, please do it sometime and prove it. Worship and worship are like people, people are alone, both are there,

Until Jesus Christ gives you brother, if you want wealth and healing, then make friendship with God, cling to Him, cling to Him 24 hours, learn to cry out to the Lord with your heart. Learn to tell the situation, find out the correctness of Psalm 6, 6 , come in front of him, share

Your thoughts with him, because God is our place, you speak correctly, open it, start from today, whatever comes inside, seems like a burden, a problem, yes, I am this, hey, the day after tomorrow. I am telling you about the night before yesterday, sometimes I feel guilty and it has

Been four years that I have been lying in the house, this feeling comes inside, why do I feel guilty, I don’t feel guilty, I have to go, please go to a good place and pray well. The place is a good place, a good place, it must be a good place, this

Is a dirty place, no, it is okay, but I don’t like the people, who are the people, yes, mummy, I understand you, mummy, yes, these are the people, they are very useless. What are you useless, people, if there is a room inside, then

Sit next to you for 10 minutes, 15 minutes, the day before yesterday, the same thing was happening in my days also, take out a match in it, it turns out that we both came together after worshiping,

The first one was from our Bible. Read it, come back, follow behind, this is a new rule, come back, come forward, F will come after in the rule, you are also there, in the days when people used to do justice, there was a famine in the country,

Then the match was going on, brother, are you turning your back? So gave me brother, you listen, it ‘s okay , take what to do, come on, I am reading from number one, yes, in the days when people used to do justice, there

Was a famine in the country, then a man from Bethlehem in Judah, his wife and his two sons. With him he went to live as a stranger in the land of Moab. Praise the Lord. What is the name

Of the place? Moab, Moab. He lived in Bethlehem. Yes, Bethlehem’s man, where do you live? The man of Balam. Hey, peace, just a minute, is this such a kind of people, don’t you live in Bethlehem? Where have I reached

? Now look, listen now. Let’s talk. Where did you live before? Where did you live before? Hey, tell me the name of the place. Tell me the name. I just know the name. I don’t know how many years ago it

Was. Yes, it has been 20, it has been 24 years. C Come to the issue of Bethlehem Where did you live before in Bethlehem B Where have you reached now Now let’s listen to this very well further

G The man’s name was Eli Melik and his wife’s name was Nomi and his two sons ‘ names were Malone and Killin. These were Erathites, that is, residents of Bethlehem in Judah, and

After coming to the country of Moab, they stayed there. They left Bethel, all four of them came to the country of Moab with a sigh. Okay, yes, and Navami’s husband, Eli Melech, died. Okay, and Navami and his wife. Both

The sons were left and the husband also died. Now three of the four are okay and they have one Maban Bali, one woman’s name was Toph, the other one’s name was Ru. Then they

Stayed there for about 10 years. Okay, they turned me into a flame. Two daughters have also come to the house, you three are matching the fire of your life, this is the greeting of both of them, this is the two, two have come,

Yes we have done everything, please come, you have become a mother-in-law twice in my brother’s life, isn’t this? The husband became a brother twice. Okay. Later, when he and Kalion both died, Navami became bereft of her two sons and her husband. Then she went to the land of Moab, hearing that

The Lord had taken care of his people and given them food. When she and her two daughters-in-law went to return from the country, she and her two daughters -in-law left the place where she lived and took the way to return to the land of Judah. ​​Then Naomi

Said to her two daughters-in-law, go back to your homes and Just as you have loved those who have died and loved me too, may the Lord bless you. Praise the Lord. Look, her mother-in-law is worried about me. My daughter-in-law is worried about you, go with me, it’s okay, the offer

Comes to everyone, yes. Yes, aunty, are you listening? An offer comes in everyone’s life, it has to be caught, it has to be understood, now look here, how much chance will come, what is the matter now, from which region of brother’s first one has gone,

I don’t know, I don’t know. I want someone else, or I don’t know for sure. What is there in me because this house was cursed and in the house like this daughter-in-law has come, this house has become cursed, it is not like that but see, the one who imposes law in God,

Then how the curses are broken, the one who is unblessed, how is he blessed? Can get it and how can it come? What I say has come, right, what I say has come, it will come

Now, more issues will come and in the future, may Jehovah make it so that you get married again and find rest in their homes. Then she kissed them and started crying loudly, both of them blessed her for a long time and she screamed and started crying, she started crying

Even once, why don’t you cry, oh God, what should I say, you say, it is good, say, I would like it that I I have come to the right place to talk about God , you will listen to him, now you have to do the same, that

Is what I am saying – friendship is not achieved by speaking to a friend, now if I told a friend out, then the friend hides, I don’t even know, do this, right now, let’s make friends with him

Like this . Don’t do this, leave this one, I am Budh Bao’s husband, there is no father, no, there is no father, it is not even on his head, I read on him brother, I am his husband, right, Anus has taken care of me a little behind many things. Well, that

‘s their own karma but from what I see so far, all three of you, God’s mercy, get punctured a lot. Ouch, you can’t even get a nail inside, I’m telling you right, it’s God’s fault in them. You three are blessed, what I

Have seen with my own eyes, what a good thing God has kept for you, yes, you are deprived of glory and other things, so check this also, why did it give you this power to repent and become new? As soon as

She saw, she said, ‘Bhai Po, this is something to be understood’ and said to him, ‘ Sure, we will go with you to your people.’ Naomi said, ‘Go back my daughters, why will you come with me? Do I have another son in my womb who can be your

Husband? O my daughters, go back because I want to have a husband and even if I do, I have hope and even if I have a husband tonight and I have sons, would you still wait with hope till they come to their place? Praise the Lord. She is also

Saying that he is fine, my husband too would have given birth to children, he would have given birth to two boys, otherwise what is she saying, would you have kept hope that he would be wise,

If he had been wise, you would have become old. Bu becomes try to understand, do you understand that we have to have hope in God, we have to walk in His presence, right? What does presence mean? Walking together. Look, I have written it, I am with you, it is okay, this is how

God’s presence should be. Leading with the presence means to be in front of God and to walk with Him like I live before you which was our second that walk with God like Enoch walked with God he was serious for God you are serious After walking together, we

Have to be serious. When we walk with God, we have to be serious. His thoughts should remain within us. Lord, it happened like this, now how will it happen, now how will this happen? Talking to yourself and what the third person is saying. The further meaning is that God protects us. Hallelujah

Song, I am saying the truth about your old age, those who have come in today’s generation of 75, neither the glass nor the glass will go, it is a big deal if you drink water while lying in bed.

Bible It has been written in 70 8 verses that no matter how bad it is, there is only one end – to suffer. It has been written that God protects and He protects only when we form a relationship with Him and

Make friendship with Him, isn’t it through prayer? Your life is with God, there is no life with His word. With tears on my lips, I keep saying, son, pray for me, when the food is gone, I feel like this is happening, pray pray pray, you did not pray, one

Work is left. Sometimes she says one thing of yours, after praying these things, one thing is left, one thing is left, it happens to me, then she got up again and Upa kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth felt different from her. Look, he became selfish and said that he has got the permission,

Now he himself said to himself, pack my bed, now I will go and after that there is no mention in the Bible, he took it and said, why should I spend my youth with an old woman, go out son, I have got the right opportunity. Give her a farewell ticket herself. She

Is saying that she left and kissed him and he did not want to separate from her immediately and she did not get separated. Then she said, look, if you don’t have a sister-in-law, then your people have returned to their god, so you are with your sister-in-law. Go back and Lot

Said, don’t ask me to leave me and go back because wherever you go, I will go there, I too will go where you stay, I too will be fine there, your people are mine. There will be people and your God will be my God. Read something again Ha Ha Ruth

Spoke Who spoke Gaurav Who spoke but Gaurav said I beg you not to abandon me, leave me and go back because wherever you go, wherever you go there I am. I will also go where your mother used to go. Yes, you also go there. Your mother

Speaks, does not speak, does not speak, lies. I told you, if you never speak, then mother will sit and pray. Look at what she is saying here, without your husband. Have you got a husband as a gift ? Go ahead and don’t get Angala Kangala. I beat my aunt a lot and

She was born. And I will return to Dawood’s house, you go there, I will go wherever you stay, there I will stay, no, let’s do some work with mother, mom . Please sit and pray, please come, mummy, bring vegetables, do this, do not make yourself

A crazy or depressed person, in the name of Jesus Christ, there is no scolding all day long, mummy, give me everything, please let the weakness come out of me, let the wicked run away, this

Paralysis . Run away in the power of Jesus Christ, I will not sit, I will keep sitting, I will keep sitting like a pillow, nothing, yes, yes, it will be very good, and your people will be mine and your God will be mine, brother, where you die, I will also die and

That is what will ground me. It will be given that if I separate from you for any other reason other than death, may the Lord do the same to me and even more. Praise the Lord.

When he saw that she was determined to go with me, he did not say anything else to her, so both of them left and Where did you reach? Yes, where were you before? Yes, where were you before? Are you awake? Are you sleeping? Otherwise no, I

Have to come back. I have to sit with mother again in the word. I understood that this was with an elderly lady. He did not leave her till now. Right now, we are getting eight rotis. Right now, by mistake, we will only see flour for four hours. If bread will not be made

, what will have to be done for the flour to flourish? If we want to eat bread, we will have to support it, we will have to get dirty, we will have to support it, we will have to love our mother, our God, ours. God will have to plead with Him, or

Will the yoke be broken only if he obeys the Lord’s words today, then this is the purpose of his return to the country to which there is talk of returning, what will God give to another day? After doing the children, first the red one was given, the

Black one was given, the fair one was given to him, he was robbed the same and he was robbed twice, okay read brother, I am ready to go to the house and when he reached the ballet, there was a commotion in the whole city because of him

And the women started asking, is this moisture? He said to me, call me Naumi Nana, call me Mara because the Almighty has given me a lot of pain. What was the fanfare, what was the bell, brother, oh Namani has come, Namani has come back to her country. Seeing this, the

Name was declared Aligarh. Have you gone to Aligarh , haven’t you grown up, from where God has mercy on the one who has attachment to him? He says, “I will fulfill your wish.” You understand, yes, what did this person say when he went back? People are saying this. Namani further said,

Namani, kill me, because Almighty God has given me great pain, she has kept her word, because her husband has been snatched away, her sons have been snatched away, one of her daughters-in-law is gone, now look at these ladies of a fallen and cursed family. Isn’t it

A blessing? Because when someone does good and good deeds, God has mercy on his life. God did not look at Namani’s character, but saw Ruth’s system. However, how much love Namani showed

For her daughter. What is written is that she did such a thing that she ate my son, she did this, she did that ever since I got married, she also ate my husband and it is written that all the four times I got

Married, she also did the same thing, I got sucked, stop giving these insinuations, the word is inauspicious. Look at the thing today, the daughter-in-law of the house is not with me. Okay, from the soul’s point of view, I may be away, but from the body’s point of view, I don’t

See anyone there. Okay, look at them, they are not there, aunty, take that one, leave God for the sake of boys, first boys. Seeing this, the boy was 12 years old, would suck the nipple, would call me at night, would both mother and son go together, would anyone

Not want to teach God’s education to their children, would he have come here, would he not have taken God’s word and gone? It is feeling good, oh good. So I don’t know what will be the feeling of God’s word, when does it feel bad,

It enters inside, then it flourishes, so good and bad, from now on, everything is good, it is also feeling good, it has just entered inside, isn’t it, brother, he will start dancing as long as he is sitting. Run away,

There is an evil spirit, don’t you want to drive out the evil spirit, how can you kill it through bhajan, which chaan is complete, which one is complete, which one is incomplete, not chaan is complete, bara. Tell me whatever I know, I have already told you, what is

That word? I had just read the word in my mind. O people, trust in Him at all times and pour out your feelings to Him because God is our refuge. If there is a place,

Then I would have said that I am sitting in a place under the shadow of the Most High, then I will find a place in the shadow of the Almighty, says the Word of God, I had gone completely away, but Jehovah

Has brought me back, so whereas Jehovah It is she who bore witness to me and the Almighty gave me sorrow, then why do you call me Namani? Thus Namane returned with her mother’s daughter-in-law and came to the land of Maab

And she who reached Bethlehem at the beginning of the harvest again reached Bethlehem. And when you will read the word of God further, then the king, who belonged to his own family, came to work in his fields, it

Is okay, what a big family he was born in, much bigger than his own and he got blessings through his mother-in-law. Bah got it and through Bah, Saas Dawood Dawood, who is Bawas Bawas Kaas, who was the provider, you understand and he

Tells the king the Kalam of Ba I Kha, you will read two chapters and three chapters, the complete revelation will be made, okay then you will know about God. Don’t underestimate the matter and its place. If you have to go from here,

Then break the yoke of your life here, otherwise go to the next street, go to the street beyond that, take it anywhere, okay today, address for his wife, where is she? a

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