【神剧解说】一口看完谍战神剧《零下三十八度》#于和伟 #王丽坤 #史密斯夫妇 谍战 悬疑

The woman pretended to be a doctor and entered the ward. While the Japanese commander was asleep, she quietly opened her quilt and took out the leather bag she was holding tightly. Finally, she put the quilt back . However, the woman did not leave in a hurry but

Opened the bag and opened it. She flipped through the list and quickly found the list of that room. She remembered the name on it and was about to put it back, but found that there was a mezzanine in the middle and there was something

Hidden in it. When he wanted to tear it open to find out, he suddenly noticed something behind him. The Japs moved. At this time, his brain was running rapidly , and the Japs Colonel had already touched the pistol and fired directly at the woman . Fortunately, his hand shook and missed

The woman, thus escaping the bullet. Then the people outside the door heard the gunshot. He came in as soon as he heard the sound. What happened ? It was a spy who stole the human world and caught him. I saw this bag on the patient

Because I was afraid of infection, so I wanted to put it aside and take the bag and return it to him. Then Matsumoto quickly opened the bag to check what he saw. He was relieved when the things were still there. When Chang Qing saw this, he immediately explained

That he didn’t know that the bag couldn’t be moved , and he kept apologizing to the Japanese because the leader of the puppet army who came in knew him, so he didn’t say anything more. Then Chang Qing walked over Next to Matsumoto, Captain Matsumoto

, I am the doctor who will operate on you later. I want to check your wound now . Please cooperate. At this time, Matsumoto sees his own people here, and he has just exhausted all his strength , so he is willing to put the bag in the bag. Putting it aside,

It turned out that Matsumoto suffered a serious gunshot wound , but he refused to undergo surgery because he had to stay awake until he handed the bag to Colonel Togo. The next second, Togo arrived here. When Matsumoto saw this, he wanted to ask him immediately. Reporting to

The patient that the operation should have been carried out yesterday. It is already very dangerous to delay it until now. I don’t care what important tasks you have. You can complete it after my operation. After listening to Dongxiang, let the military doctor take a look at Matsumoto’s injury.

The condition of the wound is indeed as Chang Qing said. If the operation is not performed immediately, General Matsumoto’s life will be in danger at any time , so Dongxiang asked his men to take away the bag and then asked Changqing to perform the operation on him immediately. The operation was over quickly

And was very successful. But at this time, Changqing was thinking a lot. There must be something important in the interlayer of the bag , otherwise Matsumoto would not react so much. But now Dongxiang and Shi Chenglong are guarding here. Even if there is a chance to touch the bag and open the interlayer

, it will definitely be discovered in the end. The operation was successful , but the patient’s The physical condition itself is not good , there is severe inflammation, and the kidneys are failing. When will he wake up? Tomorrow. Well, we will

Come back tomorrow morning. Then Dongxiang and the others left with their bags. Then Changqing came to the church on the street and stole the money. When I handed the list of traitors to my superiors to get the ammunition, I found that there was a mezzanine in the folder. The Japanese

Seemed to pay more attention to the documents in that mezzanine. Unfortunately, I didn’t see it. Recently, I heard that the Japanese became a big thing. Will it be related to this? It’s related to this matter. I guess Matsumoto should know about it, so Chang Qing wants to start with Matsumoto.

After all, the bag has been taken away by Dongxiang , and he has seen in medical newspapers that after injection of a drug, people will be in an unconscious state. At this time, no matter what If you ask him anything, he will answer truthfully. Moreover,

The guards downstairs in the hospital have all been replaced by puppet troops. They should not be too strict. So Chang Qing wants to secretly go to the hospital at night and use this method to make Matsumoto reveal the things in the mezzanine. It is not too dangerous. You ‘re about to leave

. It’s not worth taking this risk. The task given to you now is to go to Kunming as soon as possible without saying goodbye . But Chang Qing did not follow the instructions of his superiors. Instead, he and her husband invited Shi Chenglong to dinner at night.

What she actually wanted to do was Creating the illusion that they were not in the hospital, Shi Chenglong soon sent them home after dinner . In order to prevent her husband from getting up, Chang Qing said that he was going to the hospital to work

Overtime. The next second, the hospital suddenly had a power outage. A puppet soldier guarding Matsumoto’s gate came. I went to check , but the other one fell asleep. The underground party pretended to be an antique dealer and deliberately approached the Japanese officer who was riding the train

. They pretended to sell him a jade pendant. But after seeing it, the Japanese said it was a fake and immediately asked their men to drag the man away . Matsumoto thought He took advantage of it , but he regretted it the next second

Because the attendant in the carriage suddenly knocked out the guard and put a knife on his neck. It turned out that the woman was also an underground party . Then he tied Matsumoto’s hands and feet and wrote in his official document I kept rummaging in my bag because they had a traitor inside.

The list of traitors was in Matsumoto’s bag , but I couldn’t find it after rummaging for a long time . At this time, the guards outside the box also noticed something unusual , so they smashed the door crazily.

The woman saw this and wanted to He jumped out of the window with his briefcase and escaped. Unexpectedly, Matsumoto broke free at this time and strangled the woman’s neck with a rope. Although the woman was a trained agent , Matsumoto was not a vegetarian. What’s more, he was still a man,

So he soon Captain Hongmen controlled the woman and then the woman wanted to get her handbag back , but the guard had already opened the box door. He had no choice but to jump out of the window and escape , but was shot several times while escaping. Fortunately, the train left quickly and

The woman was saved. At this time, Matsumoto also felt uncomfortable because the fork pierced her chest. But what she was most concerned about was that the briefcase contained not only the list of underground party traitors but also more important things . Soon the woman fled to a town. But unexpectedly, an accident happened.

Changqing, who was in the hospital at this time, was preparing to go home to have dinner with her husband. Suddenly Director Shi from the patrol room came to him and said that they had caught a suspicious woman and suspected that he might be an underground party.

But because of his injuries, It’s very heavy , so I want to ask Chang Qing to help with the operation , but it’s off duty time now. Chang Qing is a little reluctant . Chang Qing, you can do Brother Peng a favor, okay? You must revive this person.

Then Chang Qing walked into the operating room and found that he was injured. She turned out to be a beautiful woman , and her injuries were very serious and in urgent need of a large amount of blood. Director Shi was worried and wanted to watch here

, but Chang Qing said that he wanted to untie the woman’s clothes to check the wound , so Shi Chenglong had to go out and wait. Then Chang Qing saw that the woman had something to say. He said , so he leaned down and listened to

The woman. She said, “The king of heaven covers the earth, the tiger is evergreen ,” and returned to him. The pagoda town, the river demon, saw him. When the woman saw this, she asked him if he was evergreen. Who are you? I am Changbai . I have seen Lulu in the morning.

I didn’t expect that I would be like this when we first met. Tingting, I have something to tell you. After hearing this, Changqing got closer. It turned out that the account book was captured when he went to investigate the traitors

, and he already knew that the list of traitors was in Matsumoto’s hand. Changqing instantly remembered. After hearing what had just happened, the dean said that Matsumoto had a briefcase in his hand that should contain the list of traitors , but the most important thing right now was to rescue the account book

. So Chang Qing hurriedly went out to change into surgical clothes , but as soon as he stepped out, he picked up the account book. The needle next to it directly cut open the aorta in the neck. Dr. Zhang, Dr. Chang, please go and have a look . That woman committed suicide.

Chang Qing hurried back to check , but there was nothing she could do because she had already lost too much blood and now she has cut the aorta. Why? The anesthesia he injected has not yet taken effect. He used the needle to cut his aorta, causing massive bleeding and death.

I’m sorry to Chang Qing. If a person wants to die, no one can stop him. Are you okay? It’s okay. Forget it. Since it has happened , Chang Qing’s mood lasted for a long time. Unable to calm down, he knew that he had to complete the task for the ledger,

Get the list of traitors in Matsumoto’s hands, and the female doctor pretended to be wandering around the hospital. When no one was paying attention, he quietly entered the morgue, then took out the penicillin hidden under the bed. Finally They wrapped him in a waste newspaper

And threw it into the trash can when they came out. The next second, the accomplices pretended to collect garbage and successfully obtained the newspaper with medicine. Then they dug a hole in the ice cube, poured the medicine into it, and then covered it with another. Bing Bing

Used this to deceive the Japanese’s search and successfully deliver medicine to the wounded on the mountain. Then the woman came to the church to communicate with her superiors because this was his last mission. The organization arranged for him to go to Kunming tomorrow to accept a new assignment

, but his superiors did not I brought some bad news. The death of General Yang Jingyu is because there is a traitor among us. You will leave tomorrow. From now on, I will not arrange any other tasks for you. As long as I, Zhang Ben and other comrades will be fine,

You can rest assured. Let’s go to Kunming. Then Chang Qing returned to the hospital. This was also his last day at work . But suddenly a group of Japanese soldiers came to the hospital and blocked the entire third floor. Then the director also came to Chang Qing

And said that he wanted him to have an operation tomorrow , but because Changqing will leave here quietly with her husband tomorrow, so she said that her condition is not good and asks the director to ask Dr. Zhou to do it. No, the superiors have told me

That Captain Matsumoto has a special status and must do this surgery. I am the most trustworthy person in our hospital. You are the only one. Chang Qing was stunned when he heard the name Matsumoto because his superior just mentioned that he had a list of traitors

And the dean also said that Matsumoto had injured his internal organs but insisted on having an operation tomorrow because he had to wait until the Japanese soldier Dong Xiang came back . Give him important things. Why is he holding on to a leather bag

? I guess there must be something important in it. He wants to hand it over to Dongxiang Changqing. After listening to it, he knew that there must be something in the bag, which was probably a list of traitors

, so he went to the church to look for it at night. The superior discussed it , but the priest said that the superior would not come back until the day after tomorrow. On the way back, Chang Qing thought about what the account book said before he

Died . Matsumoto still had Pangu’s name in his hand, which was no power . So after returning home, Chang Qing asked her husband to change the train ticket. Cheng Tiantian said that the hospital arranged an operation for him, but in fact it was to steal the traitor list in Matsumoto’s hand.

The next day, he went to work as usual and went to the third floor in the name of the chief surgeon , pretending to know about Matsumoto’s injuries , but the corridor The guards did not let him in. I am Captain Matsumoto’s surgeon. I will perform an operation on him soon

, so I need to understand the patient’s condition. No one can approach Captain Matsumoto without receiving an order from above. It is necessary to understand the patient’s condition before the operation. If there was any accident during the operation, can you bear the responsibility?

But in the end, the Japanese refused to let him in , and the puppet army also sent a large number of guards to surround the entire hospital to ensure Matsumoto’s personal safety and legitimate return. When Chang Qing arrived at the office and was worried, he suddenly saw the puppet army downstairs.

He knew that this was his last chance because he knew the leader of the puppet army, Shi Chenglong, so he pretended to meet him at the stairs. What are you doing? There are so many here so early in the morning. Soldier , we are temporarily controlling this operation. It is very important

. We are afraid that some criminals will try to kill Captain Matsumoto . I think you will only do superficial things and kill the patient without waiting for others to harm you. What do you mean by this? I am Captain Matsumoto’s chief surgeon. Until now, I have never seen a patient

Without personally inspecting the wound, let alone surgery. I can’t even come up with a preoperative plan. Surgery is a very serious matter. If I don’t have a strict preoperative plan, wouldn’t it be equivalent to killing someone if I had to do surgery without a strict preoperative plan ?

After hearing this, Shi Chenglong felt that it made sense. If Matsumoto died in the hospital, he would not be able to eat and walk around . So after explaining to the guard at the door, he successfully brought Chang Qing in. At this time, there was a Japanese in the ward. The military doctor

Introduced Matsumoto’s condition to Chang Qing and said that it was very dangerous now and it was best to perform surgery as soon as possible. But there was nothing he could do if Dongxiang didn’t come back because Matsumoto had important things to give to Dongxiang.

At this time, Chang Qing pretended to care about the military doctor and said, “You are here.” Go back and rest after a night . I’ll check Matsumoto’s wound. It’s my responsibility to take care of Captain Matsumoto. You will have to assist me in the operation

Later. In order for the operation to be completed smoothly , you should sleep for a while so that you have the energy to work. I introduced it to you. Don’t worry, Dr. Chang is a top student at Tokyo Imperial University. It turns out he is a top student at Tokyo University.

It seems that I have studied and considered it, so I’ll leave it to you. At this time, Shi Chenggong happened to go out to smoke , so he went out with the military doctor . As if he knew Chang Qing’s plan, he deliberately left him in the room.

Then Chang Qing quickly walked to Matsumoto and opened the quilt covering the handbag. Matsumoto hugged her handbag tightly. The woman pretended to enter the morgue for easy stealing. He prepared a replacement potion under the bed and waited until night to close it. The hospital manager

Took advantage of the guard outside the door to sleep. He quietly entered a ward and injected the replacement potion into the Japanese doctor. Soon the potion took effect. The woman pretended Matsumoto’s superior, you can report the situation now. If you feel like it, go into the room and listen to the order.

Let me carry the Sunrise Plan. What is the Sunrise Plan ? This operation explodes with 9 gains and losses. It can be signed in full smoothly. Changqing felt Matsumoto’s pulse when he saw this and found him. His heartbeat frequency was weakening , so he gave him a shot of cardiotonic injection

And then asked him what his actions were. Matsumoto only said the word “munitions”. When Chang Qing wanted to continue asking about “munitions”, he suddenly heard someone coming outside the door , so he He quickly packed up everything and ran away from the window. But since this was the third floor,

He stood on the steps . The next second, doctors and nurses came in . Why is his heartbeat so weak ? He was ready to make a plan. When Changqing heard that something was wrong, he fought hard. The cardiac injection hadn’t worked yet, so the doctor gave Matsumoto another injection.

It is very likely to cause the heartbeat to accelerate sharply. As expected, Matsumoto’s heartbeat accelerated instantly to 600 beats per minute, so the doctor hurriedly called the puppet soldiers outside to carry Matsumoto onto a stretcher and sent him to the emergency room . However, the puppet army discovered something unusual.

The window in Matsumoto’s room was obviously closed. Why was it half open now? Chang Qing was nervous and didn’t dare to move. What did he want to see? Hurry up and leave . Then Chang Qing jumped and grabbed the step and pulled

It with his hands. After the footprints in the snow were destroyed , he went to the church on the street, but his superiors were very angry when he saw him because the organization arranged for Chang Qing to leave here and go to Kunming to accept a new assignment

, but Chang Qing insisted on completing this task because he was a doctor in the hospital. So it was easier to get close to Matsumoto. He said that there was a Sunrise Plan that required the Binjiang Police Department to protect a special force named Kujo. Kujo was here to sign

A contract. The content of the contract was related to arms , but I didn’t have time to ask for the details. After hearing this, the superior knew what to say. It was said that it was the order of the organization to tell him not to act again in the future

And to leave the Northeast quickly. However, Changqing was a little worried because Matsumoto had been injected with two cardiac injections in succession. There was a high probability that something would go wrong. As expected, he waited until the next morning. Matsumoto died due to ineffective resuscitation. When Dongxiang learned about it, he

Was furious. The doctor on duty was also frightened and did not dare to breathe. Last night, I was on duty and suddenly the power went out . I was worried about Captain Matsumoto’s safety, so I hurried to his ward. I found Captain Matsumoto. His heartbeat was too weak, so

I immediately gave him a shot of cardiotonic, but I didn’t expect that he immediately suffered from tachycardia and myocardial infarction . After hearing this, Shi Chenglong didn’t know what to say , so he said that yesterday’s Changqing operation was very successful. Why did he arrive? Accidents will happen at night.

The dean on the side hurriedly explained that everyone’s constitution is different and accidents are inevitable after surgery. But Colonel Togo didn’t think so. First, there was a power outage in the hospital , then Matsumoto’s heartbeat weakened, which eventually led to his death from myocardial infarction.

Coincidences can happen no matter what. They got together, but at this moment Chang Qing appeared in the hospital. He wanted to come back to see Matsumoto’s condition because he invited Shi Chenglong to have dinner with him before taking action last night , so Shi Chenglong did not suspect him at all,

But Chang Qing did not What I know is that at this time, his husband Hei Zai went to the black market. Brother, how do you sell these pears? It costs 2 cents and 8 pounds. Brother, do you have any cleaner ones? You are Han Chinese , no. No, brother

, are you afraid that I will have no money ? I don’t dare to sell it even if I have money. Brother, how do you sell this rice? It’s illegal for you Chinese to eat white rice. The man wanted to come to the market to buy rice

, but the boss heard that he was Han Chinese and refused to sell it. But the man was not angry. Instead, he apologized with a coquettish smile and said that his wife had not eaten rice for three years. Eating sorghum rice had damaged her intestines,

So she begged the boss to sell some to herself. I have a way to kill you Chinese. It is illegal to eat white rice and arrest people. Stop to arrest someone. At this moment, suddenly there was a robber on the street and he took Hei Zai’s bicycle,

So he chased him with the patrolman. But suddenly he stopped again because he saw the thief hanging on his waist. He was carrying a bag of rice , so he quietly stared at the alley. Soon the thief was attacked from both sides, but before he was caught,

He threw the rice into someone else’s yard . This scene happened to be seen by Hei Zai , so he waited until the thief was caught. After that, he climbed over the wall and entered someone else’s house. He successfully picked up the bag of rice. After returning home

, he cooked a sumptuous dinner and lit 3 candles and poured red wine. On the surface, he looked like a housewife, but in fact, he was a member of the military. One of the killers , but he kept his name anonymous for his wife for many years.

Soon his wife came back from work and was very surprised when she saw the rice on the table. Where did this white rice come from? You go to the black market to buy rice . Oh, forget about this for now. Come sit down and wait in Manchukuo. It has been 3 years

Since I even tasted the most famous rice outside Guan. Returning to Guan will make people laugh. Then my wife goes to work overtime after dinner . But suddenly someone knocks on the door. Black guy just opens a gun and reaches in. It’s a person. For a middle-aged couple

, they are spies sent by the military commander. They are looking for the anonymous black boy and want him to go back and continue working for the party and state. Russula, you have the wrong person. I don’t know this person. One of the three killers of Fuxing Society,

The deputy captain of the training brigade, Ludong Dong . In the past three years, he has assassinated 13 powerful, traitorous and high-ranking officials in three provinces. He is known as the Thorn of Manchuria. This is the Russula. How could Heizi admit it? He finally got rid of the control of the military commander.

Now he just wants to live a stable life with his wife . He was shown a photo of Hei Zai’s test shot as a killer, so Hei Zai started to quibble, saying that it was indeed similar but not really him. When the middle-aged man saw this, he stopped pretending and

Directly revealed his identity. Hei Zai listened. After that, you looked a little surprised. You are the Kuomintang. Sit down and you have concerns. I understand that before I came out, my boss specifically told me that as long as you can go back and participate in the work of restoring the organization,

The previous problems will not be pursued. I seem to understand , but I am really not what you are looking for. I ‘m just a movie player. Where were you born? I’m in Hunan . Why do you speak without an accent? I’m from Hunan. Are you really doing the wrong thing?

After hearing this, the middle-aged couple finally had doubts. Could it be that he really wasn’t Hong Gu ? So They left Heizai’s house , but they would not give up tracking. How could there be people who looked so similar in the world? But as soon as they walked out of Heizai’s yard, they

Saw Changqing coming back from the hospital. The next day, Heizai came early. When he woke up, the appearance of the middle-aged couple kept him awake all night. Because the military commander’s behavior has always been very tough and he would never give up

Until he achieved his goal. With his skills, it would not be a problem to kill the two of them. But what should he do if he follows his wife? So what is the best way now? He just wanted to leave here , but his wife has

Been acting uncharacteristically in the past two days, always finding various reasons to hold him back . In fact, his wife is not an ordinary person, they just don’t know each other. Then he went to the street to buy breakfast , but met a middle-aged man Hei Zai again. Knowing that

He would not be able to live a stable life if they were not dealt with, he then pretended to go to the cinema to work. As he expected , the middle-aged couple chased him again and sat down below to pretend to watch a movie. Mengzi brought over the anti-Japanese leaflets.

Aren’t you all? Do you want me to burn it ? Stop talking nonsense. You have to be obedient. Take as many as you want . After the apprentice brought the anti-Japanese leaflets, Hei Zai quietly ordered him something. The man pretended to go to the cinema to watch a movie

And deliberately sat behind a couple. Then he took out a few notes from his clothes and finally threw them on the ground and kicked them under them. Then his accomplices called the police and said there were two criminals inside. The middle-aged couple also noticed the abnormality

, so they stuck the gun in the gap between the seats. The next second, the police patrol came to them. You two, come on. We received a tip that a dead vendor was handing out illegal leaflets in the theater. Where are the leaflets at this time ? The middle-aged couple looked confused

, but the next second they were dumbfounded. The patrol found a few anti-Japanese leaflets under their seats. Just like that, the middle-aged couple were arrested. It turned out that all this was designed by Hei Zai. He was once the top military commander. The agent

Kept his name anonymous for his wife for many years , but unexpectedly he was found by the organization. In order to get rid of the entanglement of the middle-aged couple, he prepared to run away and returned home. After that, he packed his luggage and wrote a note for his wife,

Asking him to go to the train after work. He stood looking for himself , but Hei Zai would never have thought that something happened to his wife who was in the hospital at this time. Because a Japanese colonel died in the hospital, everyone in the hospital had to be interrogated.

So as soon as Hei Zai left home, the puppet army brought people to his house. Because even the family members had to investigate, the note left for Chang Qing was discovered by them. But this scene happened to be seen by a mute

. Because Hei Zai’s wife was a devil from the underground party hospital, the report of his murder came in . Director, I have something important. I’m reporting to you . You have something to do in a moment. What’s wrong? I followed your order to deliver a letter to Dr. Chang’s house. But

There was no one in his house. So Chang came and a group of policemen came. I hid on the side and watched them break open the door and go in carrying two children. The box left in the car. Something must have happened to my father-in-law. I came over quickly and told you

What to do. What time did you think it was? It was 9:20. I went to the train station and soon Shi Chenglong came back. He showed Chang Qing the note he found. He wasn’t very surprised when he saw it because he and Hei Zai were about to leave,

But it would be troublesome if Shi Chenglong knew about it because it was illegal for an individual to enter the officialdom privately during the period of civil disobedience , as long as Shi Chenglong informed the Japanese about it. Then he and Hei Zai are dead.

Now he can only give in to Shi Chenglong because Shi Chenglong has always had a crush on him. Brother, I want to ask you for a favor. Then they came to the train station and the train was about to leave Hei Zai. I kept saying nice things to the conductor and

Asked him to wait a moment. My wife, Ding Bao, got on the train first and then said, OK, I ’ll get on here. Hei Zai got on the train and rushed towards the other side . However, Chang Qing suddenly jumped a second before the train left. He came down

Because this was what he promised Jackie Chan. Although he was really reluctant to let go , this was the only way to save Hei Zai. Hei Zai came over in a hurry and found that he only had luggage but his wife was missing. Only from the stewardess did he learn that

Chang Qing actually got off. So Hei Zai threw his luggage down again without thinking. At this time, Chang Qing was going back with Shi Chenglong , and there were a few underground people passing by on the platform. Did Chang Qing expose him? He didn’t identify us two . He didn’t betray

You. First, let ’s go to the flower shop in the city to discuss rescuing the good girl Chang Qing. Don’t worry, I’ve already done everything I promised to help you. Later, someone will give the deportation document to the Ningning Gang so that he will never take it. Looking back

At this time, Shi Chenglong was so happy that he had dreamed of Chang Qing. Now that he got his wish, he was so happy. But Chang Qing’s face was filled with sadness. Because the Japanese were dead, Chang Qing had not been cleared of suspicion

, so Shi Chenglong sent him away again. I brought the detective team back and happened to meet the middle-aged couple who had been released. They knew that this was Hei Zai’s wife , so when Hei Zai got home, they took the initiative to come to the door

And said there was a way to save his wife. Please don’t pester me . I really don’t have time to deal with you. I ’m not pestering you. I’m here to help you . To be precise, I want to help your wife, Chang Qing. How do you know

That Chang Qing, a woman, pretended to be casual and sat on the bed while the puppet soldiers went to search other rooms ? She quickly took out the pistol under the pillow , then took her husband’s shirt and stuffed it directly into the stove , but deliberately left one sleeve outside.

But as soon as the woman arrived downstairs , she saw the puppet army leader targeting her uncle , and the uncle’s There is a new gunshot wound on the shoulder. The disinfectant was injured. My uncle encountered a beard on the way to Binjiang and his things were robbed

. He was also slightly injured. He suffered a gunshot wound and a knife wound. He died a long time ago. I really need to take a look at your injury. What? You’re not a doctor. I’ve already checked it. You see it’s a medical one. I see it’s a police officer. I

‘m so sorry for you. I really see that their family is all spies . Yesterday, Changqing was arrested by the detective team because there was a Japanese colonel. He died in their hospital and everyone had to undergo examination. Just when the husband was worried about this,

Two uninvited guests came to the house. They were the middle-aged couple who had been following him. It turned out that Hei Zai was once a top agent of the military command and had hidden his name for his wife for many years.

They were the ones who came here. I want Hei Zai to go back, but Hei Zai just won’t admit his identity . Please don’t pester me. I really don’t have the time to deal with you. I’m not pestering you. I’m here to help you. To be precise,

I want to help your wife, Chang Qing. The reason why the man wanted to help Heizi was to let him return to the army and continue his work. Then they forged a piece of evidence and successfully cleared Chang Qing’s suspicion . In fact, it was Chang Qing who killed the Japs

Because he was an underground party lurking in the Northeast. The next day When Chang Qing returned to the hospital to work normally, suddenly his superiors came to the hospital to look for him. Yesterday, he was chased by Japanese soldiers and shot in the shoulder , so he couldn’t go anywhere now.

Chang Qing decided to let him pretend to be an uncle and take him back to his home to recuperate and recover from his injuries. At the same time, Hei Zai also found a middle-aged couple in the cinema. In order not to expose his identity, he took some banknotes to them

And thanked them for helping to rescue his wife. The old man still refused to admit it when he saw Hei Zai , so he decided to play with Hei Zai until he Until they admitted their identities, they followed the two black guys all the way

When I got home . Please don’t send me off, okay ? Please go back wherever you live. Didn’t I tell you just now ? I’ll play this game with you. We’re not going anywhere, we ‘re just staying at your house. Hei Zai was stunned when he heard this

, but the middle-aged couple were not polite. He walked directly into Hei Zai’s house. When Hei Zai saw this, Hei Zai hurriedly stopped him and said, “What’s going on with you guys living in my house? How should I explain it to my wife ? We have already thought about it for you.

We are your parents. We came from the customs to join you.” No , my parents have passed away a long time ago. My wife knows that people can’t live again after they die. It’s not easy for you to tell such a lie. It’s really a bully . I told you

To be good and cooperate with me , otherwise we will make things worse . Good luck, you can’t escape so easily with your wife. At this moment, Chang Qing also came back with his injured superior , and told Hei Zai that it was his uncle who

Wanted to stay at home for a few days because he was slightly injured. Today , Hei Zai is already confused. A pair of fake parents and his wife have just arrived, and they have brought back an uncle they have never heard of. The situation at this time is extremely embarrassing.

Five people don’t know each other . These two are you and my daughter-in-law. It’s Dingbang’s father who should call you my uncle. Haha, I’m glad to meet you . I’m glad to meet you. Then they all entered the room. Chang Qing had a lot of questions

, so she pretended to ask Hei Zai to go out to cook because Hei Zai said that his parents were early. Why did he suddenly appear again after he passed away ? Before Hei Zai could explain to Chang Qing, the middle-aged woman chased him out. He just didn’t feel at ease

And came out to take a look. Then he pretended to help with the cooking. In this way, the matter was over for the night. After dinner, Hei Zai said that he was sending his parents to a hotel, ostensibly because there was not enough room,

But in fact, he wanted to get rid of the middle-aged couple. But how could they be willing to leave? So he said that it was okay to lay the floor on the floor. But at this moment, the puppet troops suddenly came. It was said that the suspect was to be searched.

The woman pretended to be sitting on the bed to be examined. When the traitor went to search other rooms, she quickly took out her husband’s white shirt and stuffed it into the burning briquette stove , but deliberately left one sleeve outside.

It turned out that the puppet soldiers While searching for the escaped criminals, they soon discovered the clue that Chang Qing’s uncle smelled of disinfectant. When the leader of the puppet army wanted to ask for details, the shirt upstairs was already wet

, and soon there was a large amount of disinfectant. Seeing the thick smoke, Hei Zai hurried over to check. He wanted to go up to get something but was stopped by his wife because the fire had already reached the stairs. As soon as they came out of the house,

The fire spread to the whole building in an instant . He reported to the director what happened and what happened . It was reported that there was a fire. Do you still need to report it to me ? Captain Gu asked me to report

That there was a fire at Dr. Chang Qing’s house in the Provincial Hospital. Shi Chenglong perked up immediately when he heard this because he had always liked Chang Qing , but he was forced to do so. Of course he would not let go of the opportunity to show off now

That he had not started , so he hurriedly led his men to Chang Qing’s house. At this time, Hei Zai looked at the burning house and felt mixed in his heart. He kept saying sorry to his wife, and soon Shi Shi Jackie Chan came to the rescue

And pretended to be very concerned and said that now that the house is burning coal, he must find a place to live first. When Hei Zai saw him, his eyes were on fire. No matter what happened, he had to have a hand in it.

I was confused for a while and went to find a hotel . Don’t you have to spend money? I’m old. I know how much money a month is. It just so happens that I have a condominium house. If you don’t mind it, you can live there. My

Black guy got even more angry when he heard this. Doesn’t it make it clear that he has no ability? But after all, Jackie Chan is powerful. Hei Zai can only say thank you for his kindness and say, let’s stay in a hotel tonight. I’ll rent a house again tomorrow

. If you want to say that , let me tell you the truth . Qing Lai is pointing at my sister . If you don’t feel cold in this cold weather, you would rather stay here. Then I won’t advise you with such a big family, right?

Besides, I’m afraid that Chang Qing will freeze and Hei Zai will refuse again. Shi Changqing ‘s uncle said that it was okay to go . After all, it was safer to live in Shi Chenglong’s house. Hei Zai’s father also agreed with this view. In this way, Hei Zai was driven away and

Soon came to Shi Chenglong’s vacant villa and arranged for them. As long as a housekeeper is a man, he can understand Hei Zai’s mood at this time. Now it is even more uncomfortable than killing him. It turns out that their family is all spies.

Chang Qing and his fake uncle are actually underground gangs . Hei Zai once called Hong Gu and was the military commander. The current parents of the top agents who were trained are also fake. They were sent by the military to find Hei Zai, but Hei Zai and his wife

Did not know each other’s true identities. The reason why his uncle and his parents wanted to live in Shi Chenglong’s house was that it would be easier to move around in the future. No one will come to investigate this place. Shi Chenglong’s attempt on you has provided our organization with the safest cover

Invisibly. We can use his big umbrella to establish a safe station. No one would have thought that we would live in the police station when we resist. At the director’s house, you said Hong Gu’s fire was so good. It gave us such a good hiding spot. What should we do in Dingbang?

This is a shame for a man. His parents are already uncomfortable enough. Do I want to put pressure on him again? When the superior saw this, he gave Chang Qing two choices : give up the resistance and live an ordinary life , or wrong Hei Zai and lurk for a long time.

In the end, Chang Qing said nothing. At this time, Hei Zai’s heart There was nowhere to vent his anger , so he kept hitting the bed. Chang Qing knew that Hei Zai felt bad, but there was no good solution now , so he said that his uncle had a wound on his shoulder

And planned to wait until the injury healed before leaving. This moment ignited Hei Zai’s suppressed emotions. Emotion: Uncle was stabbed on the arm , not on the leg. Why can’t he walk ? Uncle’s injury is seventy-one. Aren’t my parents here too? If it’s because of them, I’ll kick them out now

So we can leave. Can you listen to me ? Finished , I want to know when we can leave this hellish place. Ding Bao, can you please stop competing? Is this competition? I live in a home where I always think about my wife, but I feel very comfortable.

In fact, Hei Zai kept his name anonymous just for his wife. Otherwise, why would he have endless glory and wealth ? So he could only endure it for the time being. Since he had a safe place to live, his fake parents went wild and carried out espionage work here.

The man pretended to be drunk and came to the bath. The center then deliberately clashed with two strong men. While they were pushing back and forth, the man took the opportunity to knock down the waiter who was delivering the fire. The towel around his neck was instantly ignited.

He then took it off and shook it wildly, deliberately creating a large amount of smoke. This immediately It caused panic among the guests. When the two men just saw this, they told their superiors who were enjoying themselves in the box that he was on fire

And asked him to get out of here quickly . As soon as the man’s front legs came out, the black guy outside locked onto him. Because this is his goal for this mission , but there are many bodyguards around the man. If Hei Zai attacks here , can he escape unscathed?

While he is still weighing the pros and cons, the man has already walked up to him. Will he finally attack here? It turns out that just yesterday, the top agent Hei Zai, who had been anonymous for many years, was suddenly targeted by two agents and pretended to be his parents.

In order to prevent his wife from being harmed, Hei Zai could only tolerate them living at home. But that was not what the middle-aged couple wanted. These are just hoping that Hei Zai can admit his identity and return to the military to continue working. So in order to force Hei Zai to admit,

They arranged a task for him. You want me to kill people. Otherwise, what are we doing with Hong Aunt? You asked me to be Hong Aunt, and I am. Hong Gu , it doesn’t matter , but you can’t let me kill people. I can’t kill people and I don’t dare to kill you.

You are contradicting yourself by saying this. You have already admitted that you are Hong Gu. Getting rid of Dong Yushan is like crushing an animal to Hong Gu. Bedbug , this deal is over and you are free. You go on your Yangguan Road. We cross our single-plank bridge.

We really think that Hong Gu died in the line of duty . After Hei Zai heard this, he wanted to pretend to be stupid because he didn’t want to return to the army , but the man’s tone was different. He was very tough

And said that if Hei Zai didn’t remove Dong Yushan’s body, then he would wait to collect his wife’s body. Hei Zai immediately stood up after hearing this because his bottom line is that his wife will always be green . If a man dares to say this , it means that

There are definitely more than just the two of them here. Military commander , so the wife at this time must be being followed. Now Hei Zai has no capital to bargain, so he takes over the task . But in order not to reveal his identity and assassinate him again

, Hei Zai risks his life and plans to deceive them. Suspicious, he soon came to the door of the detective team , and Qian Zien was following behind. Immediately after, Dong Yushan came back in the car. When Hei Zai saw this, he walked straight towards the detective team

, while Qian Zien and Qian Zien behind him were dumbfounded. Is it possible that Hei Zai is going to do something here? Son, son, where have you been ? Isn’t your father waiting for you here? Let’s go, go, hurry up. And this is the effect Hei Zai wants.

Then he walked into an alley and pretended to be very panicked. He told the two of them that he couldn’t do it, and then threw the kitchen knife away. But how could Qian Zien believe it? So after going back, he gave Hei Zai a pistol. This gun will be yours after many

Years . Hong Bo, stop pretending to be crazy and being stupid. It’s useless. You help me solve Dong Yushan. Let’s break up and everyone is happy . How is this used ? I have never fired a gun. Qian Zien’s pressing step by step

Made Hei Zai have no choice but to assassinate him again . But Hei Zai But he was not willing to accept it. Now he decided to fight with Qian Zien to see who of the two of them could not bear it and gave up first.

Soon he came to the vicinity of the detective team , but the hand holding the gun in his arms attracted the attention of the patrolman on the street . Come here , don’t run, don’t run, stop , stop, stop , stop, hey, hey , Mr. Police, Mr. Police, Mr. Police,

Something happened. Help me, help me. What’s wrong? My bag was snatched by someone. My bag was snatched by someone. Is that kid over there? Hey, help me, you see. Hey, help me, help me. At this time, the black guy has already ran into an alley

And followed the money. Zi En also came over. Hei Zai was still in the same state as before. He just threw the gun in the snow and left. I really can’t tell how he looks like Hong Gu. I feel that the deeper he hides, the more he looks like Hong Gu.

Even if he is Hong Gu , we There are so many important things to do. Why focus on him alone? I tell you , this walk is really indispensable. So the next assassination started again because they learned that Dong Yushan was going to the bathing center.

Hei Zai also decided to take a gamble. The man pretended to come to the bathhouse to take a bath and then deliberately kicked the bucket beside the wall . The water just wet the shoes of the two people next to him , so they had a dispute . At this time,

A waiter came to this side. The man walked up and took the opportunity to see the waiter holding a tray. The towel on his shoulder was immediately ignited by the cigarette lamp , so he took it off and

Pretended to put out the fire. In fact, he wanted to create a lot of smoke. Soon all the people in the box ran out and were just wet. The bodyguard of Shoes immediately went to notify the superiors in the box. When the man came out, Hei Zai immediately focused on him

Because this was the goal of his mission. Then they walked towards each other and when they were about to pass each other, Hei Zai looked at him. Pretending to bump into him accidentally, the next second the man was lying on the ground, while Hei Zai quickly left the scene.

The bodyguard thought that the superior had just tripped, but when he turned him over, he discovered that there was a piece of broken glass stuck in his chest . Turn around quickly . What’s going on? Come on, let’s go. But before Hei Zai

And the others could leave here, the detective team and the Japanese came and immediately surrounded the bathhouse. Everyone was taken to the lobby for questioning. The trigger of the whole thing was the waiter, so No matter how he explained, the Japanese just asked their men to take him away

And then began to question Heizai. Heizi was also ordered by the old man next to him, so he pointed at him. He is my father . Let’s take a bath together. My father has just arrived from Guannai to Manchukuo. He had never been in a Japanese bathhouse,

So I wanted to take him to experience it. Then Hei Zai told what happened. After hearing this, the Japanese adjutant told the East Chamber that what he said was the same as what the witnesses at the scene said, and Shi Chenglong also came at this time. He was a little shocked

When he saw Hei Zai and his son here , so he asked Dongxiang if they were the murderers. How do you know him ? This is Dr. Changqing’s husband. His surname is Yan. Are they the murderers? There is no evidence to prove that it was just a murder

. But from now on From the testimony at the scene, the physical evidence does look like an accident, but Hei Zai and his son are the main witnesses at the scene, so they have to go to the police station tomorrow to make a record. Then Hei Zai and the others left home

. Dongxiang said it was an accident on the surface, but in fact he I felt very strange. Last time Matsumoto’s death was related to Chang Qing, and now Dong Yushan’s death was related to his husband. It was too coincidental, so he asked people to spy on

Heizai’s family to see what they were doing. At this time, Hei Zai and the others have returned home. He died in a complete accident. I really didn’t see how he did it. I feel that Dong Yushan died in an accident . Anyway, we got rid of a traitor . In fact, Dong Yushan

Has long been worthless to the Japanese . I just I wanted to use Dong Yushan to force Hong Gu to show up, but I didn’t expect Dong Yushan to get rid of him . But in the end we still can’t tell whether our son is the real Hong Gu.

In fact, Dong Yushan was killed by Hei Zai. The accidental illusion was also created by him because he didn’t want to expose himself. His true identity turns out to be that he was once a top agent of the military commander

, and his current fake parents are also secret agents of the military commander. They want Heizai to go back and continue working because there is an important task that requires Heizai’s help , but Heizai still refuses to admit it. True identity So Qian Zien and the others decided to make a desperate move

To target Hei Zai’s wife because Chang Qing is Hei Zai’s only weakness. If he were a real dragon, I think he would never let me succeed. If he wasn’t after Hong Gu killed his wife, If we kill him again, both of them know that our identities will never survive, so

Qian Zien got up early the next day and pretended to sit on the sofa reading the newspaper. Soon Chang Qing got up and made breakfast, and Qian Zien picked up Silenced gun , then quietly walked to the kitchen, opened the door and saw Chang Qing chopping vegetables,

So he aimed the gun at him , but the next second the door was closed again. But at this time, Chang Qing in the kitchen heard the noise and hurried out. The man pretended to read a newspaper in the living room and while his daughter-in-law went to the kitchen to cook,

He quietly opened the door and took a peek. Then he took out a pistol, but when he was about to shoot, someone suddenly dragged him away. The person was exactly Hei Zai just got up. It turned out that the middle-aged couple were spies of the military commander.

They wanted Hei Zai to continue working in the military commander- in-chief . However, Hei Zai did not admit his true identity , so they stayed at Hei Zai’s house and pretended to be his parents. Chang Qing, who saw some movement, came over to check what’s going on. It ‘s okay. What

Was the noise just now? Your dad’s cervical vertebra is hurting. Please give him a massage . This child hit his little hand. It’s not light or serious . Oops. Go cook. It ‘s okay . The reason why Hei Zi has been holding back is that he doesn’t want to let go.

The scene when his wife was hurt and Qian Zien was about to kill Chang Qing had already violated Hei Zai’s bottom line , so he had to take action and expose his identity as a top agent . This was exactly what the middle-aged couple wanted

, but they also broke the previous The agreement is that Changqing cannot be touched and I won’t actually shoot. But if I don’t force you to show up, we will really be deceived by you. Bring your things and go back to the room tonight .

Of course the two of you don’t want to leave, okay? It was easy to force Hei Zai to admit his identity. Wouldn’t it be in vain if he left now ? It turns out that they wanted to establish a spy network for Binjiang Military Command and it was impossible

To do it without Hei Zai . So they had to find a way to stay and then slowly work on Hei Zai’s ideological work . Early the next morning, Qian Zi’en and his wife pretended to leave with their suitcases. When Chang Qing saw this, he stepped forward and asked

His aunt where he had gone. You asked him, what’s wrong? What’s going on? Yesterday, he gave us two a drug, Zhuge Liang said. If we don’t leave, let the police kick us out. Is this what you said? Although what Qian Zien said is false , Hei Zai can’t refute it

Because in Chang Qing’s eyes, Qian Zien and his wife are the parents-in-law. As for what Qian Zien said about severing the relationship between father and son, only Hei Zai knew what it meant . Hei Zai wanted to sever ties with the military commander, so he asked what do you want? They are leaving.

Do you think you are such a son? Hurry up and apologize to your parents, right ? Apologize to your parents for driving him away like this. What do you make me think ? Do I have to leave too ? Hei Zai had no choice but to compromise.

But money Zi En was still worried and said that he would ask me to leave later. We might as well leave now. Seeing this, Chang Qing promised them that if Hei Zai asked you to leave again , I would divorce him immediately and let Hei Zai He swore to promise,

But Hei Zai uncharacteristically smiled and agreed, because this was also the result he wanted. If Qian Zien and Qian Zien were really pushed into a hurry , then the wife would most likely be retaliated against , but now she has value, so for the time being. There shouldn’t be any danger.

Then he went outside to get some fresh air and found that the vendors selling things at the door were very suspicious. They couldn’t sell any of them in the winter. Why were they still guarding here? It turned out that this was a secret whistle of the Japanese

Because of Matsumoto’s death and Dong Yushan’s death. They are all related to Hei Zai and his family , and the murderer has not been caught so far, so Dongxiang found the detective captain Shi Chenglong and asked him to secretly investigate Hei Zai’s family

Because Shi Chenglong was friends with Hei Zai and his wife. At the same time, Hei Zai was shopping on the street. After ordering some food, when he was almost walking home, he suddenly noticed someone following him. He knew who it was without even looking back,

So he immediately turned around and walked to the corner. You are alive, I am alive, and you have been alive for so long. Why don’t you come to me ? Do you know that I have been looking for you for the past three years? Which shelter should you go back to first

? What about you? I have other things and tasks to do. You go back first and I will go find you . It turns out that the woman is his former girlfriend , so the appearance of the pigeon will completely destroy her. Chaotic Heizi’s comfortable life.

A man went to the hospital gate to pick up his wife after work , but saw that he was getting into another man’s car , so he shouted . The wife was a little overwhelmed when she saw this , so she pretended to go out for an outpatient clinic

And asked him to go back first . After he finished eating, he got into the car invested by the puppet army without any explanation. But how could Hei Zai not think more about it? It was so late and his wife was going out with another man , so he followed quietly

And saw the car drive in. Hei Zai found a villa and there were Japs guarding the door, which made Hei Zai slightly uneasy. This was the home of the Japs in the East Wing. Then he jumped over and jumped in to avoid the patrolling soldiers.

Then he jumped to the balcony on the second floor and planned to go in. When he went to find out, he didn’t expect that there were patrols in the villa. Soon he saw Shi Chenglong and Dongxiang , but without his wife. It turned out that Dongxiang’s wife had been shot three times

, but in order to prevent others from knowing about it , Dongxiang let him go. Shi Chenglong is looking for a doctor But what I didn’t expect was Chang Qing. Because Chang Qing was related to several cases, Dongxiang didn’t trust him very much. If he was a member of the Anti-League,

If there was something wrong with my wife’s health , even if she took his life, it couldn’t be saved. According to the current situation, Judging from the situation, it is very likely that the kidneys have been injured. The situation is very dangerous and requires immediate surgery. Are you 50% sure

? I can say 50% sure that once you try your best , it will succeed. Now it is too late to find another one temporarily, so Dongxiang didn’t say anything. But as soon as Changqing went in for surgery , Dongxiang asked soldiers to guard the door. If Changqing could not save his wife

, he would kill her on the spot. Hei Zai, who was hiding in the dark, also saw this scene. Then he opened an ammunition box and took out a gun. Load the bullet in the gun . If Dongxiang really wants to attack his wife, don’t blame him for being rude

, because Hei Zai is a top agent and can easily deal with the few Japanese in the room . At this time, the operation is in progress. Chang Qing is also under pressure, and the surgeon is doing the operation. It was very successful that Madam was out of danger.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this , but the one who was most worried was Hei Zai. Then Changqing walked out, Dongxiang bowed deeply to him , and kept saying thank you . A table of food was prepared for Chang Qing , but Chang Qing said she was not hungry

And didn’t want to eat. How could she not be hungry? You seemed to have experienced a war just now. Deputy Director Dongxiang entertained you warmly. So don’t be polite, okay? I’m really not hungry. Dr. Zhang , don’t the dishes of our Japanese Empire suit your taste?

When I came here, my husband brought me food. Besides, according to the regulations of Manchukuo, I can’t just do private restaurants. There is nothing tonight. Japanese and Manchurians only have one husband and My wife’s savior, if you refuse again, I will be embarrassed. In the end, Changqing agreed.

Although he really didn’t want to eat Japanese food, he had to bow his head after all. The danger of Hei Zai Jian was relieved , so he quietly left here to work with Dr. Chang. I suddenly didn’t prepare a gift. I will end it at another time and do my duty.

There is no need to be polite. Chang Qing, let’s go, Director Shi. Well, thank you very much today, General Dong. I have already said that Chang Qing is a very good doctor. You don’t have to doubt him anymore in the future. Personal feelings and work should not be mixed up.

How come you are still like this? The fact that he was able to save Keiko can only prove that he is a good doctor , but it does not prove that he is not disobedient . After returning home, Changqing explained to Heizai

That he did not want to let him go. Hei Zai was worried about him , but Hei Zai didn’t say anything . But the next day, Hei Zai learned some bad news as soon as he arrived at the cinema. Hei Zai was also banned. He originally wanted to plead for his apprentice,

But he didn’t expect that the boss even wanted to let him go. Since no one came to watch the movie, the boss couldn’t pay the salary , so Hei Zai asked Hei Zai to find another way out. Hei Zai knew that it would be useless to talk more,

So He rushed to the patrol room . Fortunately, the apprentice was only detained for a few days for education. At the same time, the Japanese found Changqing in the east chamber and said that his wife was awake and asked Changqing to go and take a look. In fact, he had another purpose.

He had always suspected that Changqing was an underground party , so he wanted to take advantage of it. To test the situation, the woman pretended to come to see a doctor for the Japanese , and then deliberately bumped into the basin that the servant was carrying. The water naturally spilled on him .

Then the Japanese brought his wife’s clothes and asked Chang Qing to change into the next room. At this moment, the phone rang, waiting for the Japanese. When I answered the call, Chang Qing lay at the crack of the door and eavesdropped. Are you sure it’s the Anti-Japanese Alliance?

The operation at 12 o’clock tonight must not let go of a man who was just invited by Chang Qing to Dongxiang’s home. Dongxiang asked him to treat his wife’s illness on the surface . He wanted to test Chang Qing’s details. After seeing the doctor, he invited Chang Qing to drink tea

And deliberately placed the confidential documents on the table with a corner exposed. Then the servant ran over and pretended to say that Madam had something to do with Mrs. Dongxiang. What’s the matter ? Madam, if you have something to say to you, please be sure to come over.

Then Dongxiang asked Chang Qing to wait here and said that he would be back soon . Soon Chang Qing noticed the confidential documents on the table , but based on his understanding of Dongxiang, this was not the case. It was too obvious, so Chang Qing stood still.

In fact, the adjutant had been staring at him from behind the door. As long as Chang Qing dared to touch the documents , he would immediately arrest him. Soon, he came back from the East Chamber and took some banknotes to thank Chang Qing. But how could Chang Qing accept it?

So he said that the nature of a doctor’s kindness would change if I accepted it. Dongxiang was in awe after hearing this , and then asked the adjutant to send Chang Qing back , but Changqing deliberately bumped into the servant . Then Dongxiang went upstairs to get his wife’s Chang Qing

Asked Chang Qing to change into the next room . The reason why Chang Qing did this was to stay at Dong Xiang’s house for a while to see if he could get anything useful. As soon as he came in to change clothes, the phone outside rang.

He said that he had discovered the underground party’s den , so Dongxiang decided to arrest him at 12 o’clock tonight . This happened to be heard by Changqing in the house. When he got home, he told the matter to his superiors. Can you be sure that he is not testing you

? At least I will change. The clothes matter was not planned by him in advance , because I was the one who spilled the basin of water, not his people, who deliberately spilled it on me. What is Dong Qiang’s attitude towards you? He is very sincere

To me. After all, I saved his wife. I think It didn’t feel like a trap at his house today. Anyway , now that he knew about it, his superiors had to send the information out to prevent any of his comrades from being caught , so he pretended to go to church to pray

And waited until his superiors left. Chang Qing kept thinking about it. If the spilled water at Dongxiang’s house was not a coincidence , then it might be a trap, but it was just his guess. Then Hei Zai asked him to eat, but at this moment, his parents were about to go out

And said that a troupe had come from Peking and they wanted to I went to buy two theater tickets , but Hei Zai said he wouldn’t let them go. What’s wrong? It’s already dinner time. The rickshaw driver also wanted to eat. I saw three cars at the door and didn’t want to leave.

Some wanted to do it , but they drove them away. Chang Qing heard something unusual in Hei Zai’s words and immediately thought of something, so he said that since the rickshaw was not soliciting passengers, he couldn’t let his uncle walk to the church, so he hurried out to chase his uncle. Fortunately

, Chang Qing was there one second before his uncle went out. I called him in time and his parents had already cooked dinner. Let’s talk about it after dinner. The person outside the door is a spy. Where are you going? I felt something was wrong with these people at the door yesterday.

I just telegraphed that the coachman didn’t stop me at all. Prince Gege must have come with information. We will have a meeting tonight and inform them tomorrow in a different way. You cannot get together in the past few days. At this time, the plainclothes devils outside the door have been staring at them

Because this is the trap of the Dongxiang Society. As long as the uncle walks out, he will be sure. They will catch them. It turns out that their family is all spies. Hei Zai and his fake parents are military commanders , while Chang Qing and his fake uncle are underground party members.

The devils have also targeted their family. The Dongxiang ship plan did not succeed , so they let people in again. The man who installed a bug in his house would straighten the books every time before going out , and then deliberately tilt the table. Finally, when locking the door, he would

Sprinkle a layer of lime on it. As soon as the family left, several people came to his house, and they all carried it. A small box and opened the door directly with the key. After taking the lead and giving instructions, several people went to different rooms and installed bugs in hidden locations.

After everything was done, they quickly left. At this time, the Heizi family Invited by Shi Chenglong to a hotel for dinner, it turned out that this was a conspiracy designed by the Japanese because Hei Zai and his family were all spies , but the Japanese had no evidence to prove it,

So they arranged the Hongmen Banquet. After the meal , Shi Chenglong sent them back . As soon as Hei Zai opened the door lock , he found that the lime on it was gone. At this moment, he was wondering what would happen if he pushed the door open.

Would there be anyone else in the room ? But Shi Chenglong was watching from behind. In the end, he pushed it open. The door was okay, it was just a false alarm. Then he helped his parents back to the room to rest . No one else knew that anyone had been at home.

Slow down, Mom , that was the red ink I accidentally spilled in the morning. As agents, my parents will understand and guess. Maybe there’s a bug in the room. Old lady, I want some water. Pour me a cup of hot tea. Come on, Mom, go ahead . Dad, I’ll take care of you.

After Mom left, Hei Zai and his son started groping and soon found one under the phone. At this time, Qian Zien was very confused about how his son, who had gone out together and came back together, knew that there had been changes in the family

, so he dipped his finger in some water and drew a question mark on the window , and Hei Zai answered him. A secret but his wife didn’t know about the bugs in the house because Hei Zai and his parents were members of the military

And his wife and uncle were members of the underground party , so Hei Zai couldn’t tell his wife and could only hope that they wouldn’t say anything. Mom and Dad, you should rest early and go back to your room. You too. Go to bed early.

At this time, Shi Chenglong came to the monitoring room. Since the reception distance could not be too far, they rented a house near Heizai’s house. Then he picked up the headset to monitor. At this time, Chang Qing was talking to his uncle , but Fortunately, it was just some small things in life.

Nian Dingbang speculated that something must be wrong with fatigue. Qian Zien, they are well-informed and experienced, so there won’t be any big problems. Chang Qing and his uncle can’t tell. After all , they have not received professional training. After the training, Hei Zai groped around in the bedroom and sure enough

He found a bug behind the dresser, so it must be everywhere in the house now . Shi Chenglong sat listening all night and when he got up the next day and went home to sleep, he discovered that he had back pain. So he asked his men to help him go to Heizai’s house

, because it was always Changqing who was treating him. Who is it? I’m having breakfast. The old map can’t be used anymore. I need to get a new one as soon as possible to avoid the devil. What’s going on, Officer Zhang? Come and see. Do you need to report this? Wait until

The captain and director come back and report it immediately. At this time, Shi Chenglong has already arrived at Heizai’s house and said that he has backache and asked Chang Qing to take a look. Chang Qing first asked him to lie down

And then asked Heizai to go out and wrap it with gauze. It’s the director who came back after taking some blood. Well, how long has your back been hurting ? It’s only been five or six minutes. I’m going to do it with my uncle and aunt . Don’t tremble here

. You hurry up and have breakfast. Don’t disturb you. Hurry up and you can’t get in here. Uncle , please be careful. Soon Changqing helped him get it done. Then he took the bus to work , but suddenly he remembered what the adjutant said and walked over in five or six minutes

, which meant that they were nearby . And if Shi Chenglong hadn’t been sitting for a long time, It had been a long time since his waist had been so painful. Chang Qing seemed to suddenly wake up and shouted to the driver to stop the car quickly and then ran non-stop towards home.

Shi Chenglong had already obtained the intercepted conversation and immediately wanted to send it to Dongxiang. The man would do this every time before going out. He pulled the table crooked and then deliberately straightened the books. Finally, he sprinkled a layer of lime on the iron lock

. But as soon as the family left the house in the car, several uninvited guests came . But they did not steal anything but messed around in the room. Then he quickly left the scene and waited for Hei Zai to come back. He could tell at a glance that someone

Had been there because the lime on the lock was missing , so he whispered to his parents and quickly found the bug. It turned out that the three members of his family were spies of the military commander. And his wife and uncle were underground party

Members. They had long realized that something was wrong with their family. At this time, the detective team was listening , but Jackie Chan suddenly suffered from back pain , so he asked his men to help him to Hei Zai’s house , because he had always been Hei Zai’s wife.

The most important thing for treating him is that the monitoring location is nearby . Who is it? It’s my breakfast map. The old map can’t be used . We need to get a new one as soon as possible to avoid the Japs. What’s wrong with Officer Zhang? Come and take a look at

This. Do you need to report it to the captain and wait for it? The director reported immediately when he came back . Chang Qing, who was upstairs, suddenly heard someone coming , so he came down with his uncle. It turned out that Shi Chenglong came to see him for treatment.

Director, um, how long have you been suffering from back pain ? Five or six minutes, right? I just messed with it , oh, Chang Qing didn’t think much after hearing this , so after Shi Chenglong and the others left, Chang Qing got on the bus to the hospital

. But suddenly he thought of what the adjutant said , so he hurriedly got off the bus again. He rushed home as quickly as possible. At this time, Shi Chenglong also returned to the monitoring point and his subordinates showed him the content they had just intercepted. However, he was unhappy after reading it

Because he had always liked Chang Qing. If his uncle was caught, Changqing will definitely ask him for help. Will he rescue him or not by then ? Besides, just hearing the words “map” and “jail” doesn’t prove that they are an anti-Japanese organization, so he decided to wait a little longer and

Then report it if there is more follow- up. It’s not too late to give it to the Japanese. By this time, Chang Qing had returned home and soon found the bug under the lamp in the living room. No wonder the adjutant said he was walking and they must be listening nearby

, so he hurried upstairs and pretended Speaking of which, I changed my uncle’s dressing and wrote down the situation on paper. I thought about it today and felt that it’s still not safe. According to the map you mentioned, I can avoid the Japanese and pay less tax

. But the mountains are full of beards and are too dangerous. I don’t worry about it. Yes, you said, just take the high road, why don’t you just pay more taxes? If you make less money, you won’t lose your life for these few pieces of leather. Director, wait a minute.

Director, are you okay? I’m talking about you, you guys. You’re too unstable. You know you’re not spying here. You must be patient and don’t criticize Ding. If something is a little unusual, just yell and report it. Tegote might as well let you die of exhaustion.

Just like this, Changqing and the others got rid of the suspicion. Then the uncle found him under the bed. Since he knew what was going on after picking up the bug, Changqing deliberately quarreled with Hei Zai at night, saying that he had no ability and

Let it go. Now he even lost his job because he didn’t know that Hei Zai was a top agent, so he wanted to distance himself from the relationship even if he was exposed. Hei Zai would not be implicated. Hei Zai knew Chang Qing’s good intentions , so he acted a little angry.

At this time, Shi Chenglong, who was listening in, was happy that his chance was finally coming , so he went to the hospital the next day to find a doctor. Chang Qing knew that Hei Zai was unemployed, so he said that the fire department in the patrol house was short of people

And asked Hei Zai to come and work . First, it would make Chang Qing owe him a favor. Second, Hei Zai would work under him , which would give him a chance to contact Chang Qing in the future. It’s more because he wants to slowly get Chang Qing.

At this time, Hei Zai also made an appointment with Ge Ge. Listen, if anything happens to Chang Qing, I won’t miss the old relationship. Do you know how many weapons will enter if the Kujo signing is successful this time? How many people will die in the war in North China ?

This has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with it. It doesn’t matter. I just want to be warm at home and go home safely. After Hei Zai thought about it, he found his fake parents and said they could help. They went to assassinate Kujo

, but the condition was that after the incident was completed, they would help them and take Changqing to leave the Northeast immediately . Qian Zien agreed after hearing this . Heizai helped them because Changqing and his underground party also wanted to assassinate Kujo, so for Changqing. The black

Boy decided to help his wife complete the assassination. At the same time, Chang Qing went to a church on the street after work, but he was followed. The woman pretended to come to the church to pray and then deliberately walked into the confession room. Then he put his hands under the stool.

He soon touched a piece of paper and after remembering the content on it, he tore it up and ate it. As soon as he came out and left the church, a man entered the confessional, but he searched around and found nothing, so he continued. I went to follow Yu

And Chang Qing had already returned to the hospital where he worked. He wrote what he remembered on a piece of paper , then pinched it and threw it into the trash can . Then his accomplices collected the trash and showed me all their operations. Stupid, it’s so perfect.

It turns out that the underground party wants to assassinate Japan’s Oise Kujo. He wants to come to the Northeast to sign a contract. The note is the place where the contract was signed . The superiors asked them to rent a house nearby and then dig a tunnel directly under the signing place

And bury explosives. He was directly blown to death. But in the evening, the man just came to the speaker station and wanted to rent a house in a nearby private house . Hello, sir, could you please ask if this place is here ? Thank you. I am just renting a house.

I am supporting you in renting a house. What kind of house should I rent? I don’t know if there is martial law now. I don’t know. I’m a good person, so I’ll just rent a house. Do you think why should I be arrested? Don’t go back to me. I’m a traitor. If you

Have any trouble, go back tomorrow and tell the man to leave as soon as he sees this. This is obviously a trap. The next day. Qing learned the news, so he went to discuss it with his superiors , but now there is no good way. He can only wait

And think about it first , because the 9th Special Envoy will not come until the day after tomorrow. Now he still has to wait for Chang Qing to go to bed at night at the planned time. Shi Heizai suddenly asked him about something. You said last time that

Director Shi helped me find a job in the police department. Is there still a job available now? You agreed. I haven’t found a suitable job outside these days , and I can’t always be so idle. Well, actually, I don’t have to let you work there. If you don’t want

To, I will. I understand. This grown man has to earn money to support his family. He can’t always let you work so hard alone. Okay, go to sleep. The reason why Hei Zai wants to go to the police The office worker just wanted to protect Chang Qing

Because he was once a top agent, so he kept his name anonymous for Chang Qing. Chang Qing always thought that Hei Zai was an ordinary person , so he didn’t say that he was an underground party. Hei Zai also knew that his wife and the others were going to assassinate Jiu Jiao

. He agreed to help Qian Zien and the two because the military commander’s mission was also to assassinate Kujo so that Changqing would not have to take risks again. But Kujo would not be here until the day after tomorrow, so the next day Hei Zai went to the police station to report that

Shi Chenglong had seen him. I was a little surprised because Hei Zai was usually very arrogant. How could he bow his head now? Because Shi Chenglong has always liked Chang Qing and Hei Zai knew this , so Shi Chenglong didn’t say anything

And asked his subordinates to take him to the post to get familiar with this. At the same time, Chang Qing, who had just arrived at the hospital, saw a notice posted at the door. The Japanese announced the nine signings . The location was still on the loudspeaker stage.

Chang Qing was extremely confused after reading it, so he called his superior and another comrade and quietly entered. Did everyone in the hospital morgue read the announcement? The night before yesterday, I almost exposed that they had failed in the arrest

, so I took the initiative to reveal the location of the unveiling ceremony to see if we believed it was a trap. Do you dare to jump in ? Are there other activities to participate in in our Binjiang ? If that doesn’t work , let’s move to another place. The

Superiors directly rejected this idea. Because the only opening ceremony of Kujo is outdoors , it is the easiest to succeed and you can escape easily. If it really doesn’t work , let’s do what Brother Chen said before. He said to prepare explosives and hide them in the crowd.

As soon as Kujo shows up, he will rush up and cause mischief. I told Chen Dagen a long time ago that the military and police arrived before he arrived. The bullets beat him into a sieve , but now we can’t find a suitable place to dig a tunnel.

I have a second uncle who went on a voyage and opened a dance hall near Lanmu Terrace. Originally, I didn’t want this kind of thing to happen to my relatives. There was no better way to call him in now. Hei Zai worked in the fire department at night

, so he had to patrol everywhere at night. But when he walked to the door of his house, he found that Shi Chenglong’s car was actually parked at his house. This made him think about it for a moment. There must be nothing good when Shi Chenglong came

, so he hurriedly got off the car and went back to check, but suddenly Shi Chenglong came out again. Every time before going out, the man would put a piece of paper , deliberately stand the bottle up , and finally sprinkle a layer of lime on the door lock

. As soon as he and his wife left, a man sneakily ran into their house. He didn’t know what he did when he went in, but he came out again soon . The first thing Hei Zai did when he came back was to open the room. After checking the door

, the note actually fell to the ground , so he asked his father, who had just returned , if he had entered his room. After receiving a negative answer, Hei Zai walked in to check that the standing glass bottle had also fallen. Then he opened his wife’s

The listening device installed behind the dressing table was also gone . Then he picked up the lamp in the living room , but it was not removed. The listening device in the room was removed. What does this mean ? The surveillance has been lifted or Shi Chenglong has changed the surveillance method

. Why did Hei Zai find Shi Chenglong’s car parked at his home when he was driving on patrol last night ? This made him think wildly because Shi Chenglong has always had thoughts about his wife and now he is working under him again . He is also patrolling today.

The more Hei Zai thought about it, the more angry he became , so he planned to go home to see what was going on. Suddenly Shi Chenglong came out, but Hei Zai did not intend to go up and question him. He wanted to find out Shi Chenglong’s purpose in his own way

. After Jackie Chan drove away, Hei Zai went home and sat on the sofa . His wife came down wearing pajamas and hadn’t slept yet. You came back at the right time. We just came to the store for a while. There was a power outage at home. I don’t know what happened to

Eat. It was fine at that time. Then Shi Chenglong came and chatted with his parents at home for a while. Suddenly there was a power outage . We went to check and it was because the switch was broken. He said yes . Then Hei Zai’s mother also came over

And kept praising her. Shi Chenglong said that the chief of the police department did not show any airs at all and just repaired the electric switch himself. Look at whose girl it would be really nice to marry him . If you like him so much , you can marry yourself. Why did Baijin

Gang talk to mom? He just said something casually. Look at him talking to me like this , brat. How come you don’t recognize your parents when you ’re wearing official clothes? Look at how big an official Director Chi is , isn’t it the same for us? Are you calling me uncle or aunt?

Mom and Dad, don’t be angry. He’s a little tired from working all day and he’s talking nonsense . Then Hei Zai and his wife went upstairs to sleep. As an underground party member, Chang Qing was afraid that she would be exposed and harm Hei Zai

, so she kept making trouble. He wanted to divorce him , but now he has changed his mind. Because without Heizi, his life has no meaning, so he cried and apologized to Heizi. Qing’er, stop talking. We haven’t been intimate for a long time . What are you doing ? Exercise, hum.

It’s annoying. The broken window was repaired several times but could not be repaired. Guo Sanle, who was monitoring at this time, did not expect such a good thing. But the next second, Shi Chenglong came back and saw Guo San smiling so excitedly , so he also picked up the headset to listen

. After hearing this, his face changed drastically and he threw the headset on the table. When Guo San saw this, he stood up in a hurry. At this time, he didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter. What’s wrong? I asked you to monitor No. 3. What did I ask you to listen to

? I want you to search for evidence to prove that Mrs. Chang’s family is innocent. I didn’t mean to listen to people’s sexual intercourse. I kept my mouth shut and never listened again. So the next day , Guo San secretly took them to

Heizai’s house when no one was around. The bugs in the room were removed , so there was the scene at the beginning. Is it still there? The bugs were being removed in my room as well as in other rooms. It ’s completely unnecessary to remove the bugs. I understand

That maybe Director Shi is sensitive to the sound in some rooms. Hei Zai . As soon as he knew that his goal was achieved, he just wanted Shi Chenglong to know that he and his wife had a good relationship so that he would stop wasting his efforts.

But when Jackie Chan learned about it, he was furious and beat Guo San severely because the Japanese were suspicious. Hei Zai’s family is an anti-Japanese organization , so they arranged for monitoring. Now that the bugs have been removed, how can they still monitor? Yesterday, he meant not to monitor,

But Guo San got it wrong. At the same time, the Japanese received clues from the undercover investigation. Hei Zai and his family There was no problem with his identity. At this time, Dongxiang was a little confused . Could it be that he was worrying too much?

So he wanted to try again one last time. If there was still no problem, then he would lift the surveillance on Heizai’s family. On the second day, he asked Shi Chenglong to pretend to go to the hospital. The man who was seeing a doctor in Changqing

Pretended to come to the hospital to see a doctor , and then deliberately said that he had a backache and asked the female doctor to take him to physical therapy . But as soon as he opened the door and was about to go out, the subordinates who were preparing in advance came and

Said that the Japanese wanted to talk to the man about something. He was found near the column desk. Unique traces have summoned a suspect. Deputy Director Dongxiang is under emergency interrogation. Please go back immediately. I have official business. I have to go back. You are busy with official duties first

. Well, then you can rest first. I’ll come back tomorrow. After Shi Chenglong left, Changqing fell into deep thought. How credible is this news? Could it be that the Japanese were testing him ? Then he Let’s think about this because Dongxiang tested him once before and Changqing didn’t reveal anything

. Moreover, Shi Chenglong comes to treat patients every day, so this thing should be an accidental thought. Changqing immediately took off his stethoscope. He wanted to pass on this information. He passed it out to prevent his comrade from being caught. Then he changed his clothes and was about to leave

. But as soon as he opened the door , he bumped into his colleague’s doctor. If you want to go out, there’s something wrong with your family. I might as well have left early. But as soon as Chang Qing left, the male doctor picked up the call. There was a call

From Chang Qing, so the man stopped Chang Qing. It turned out that the call was from Dongxiang’s wife because Chang Qing had performed surgery on him before. He was looking for Chang Qing just to ask when he could stop the infusion every day. It’s too stuffy to lie down in the room.

Chang Qing suggested that he use up this course of treatment because once your wound becomes inflamed, it will be very troublesome. Madam, will you bring your room for dinner tonight? Sir, will you go out at night? Mr. said he won’t go out.

Then I’ll be there. Let’s dine with Mr. Chang in the restaurant. I’m sorry , Doctor Chang. It doesn’t matter. That’s all I have to say. After hanging up the phone, Chang Qing hesitated again . The Japs must have been busy after catching the underground gang

, but why did Dongxiang still eat at home? At this time, Chang Qing Qing guessed that this was probably another test, so he put down his clothes and refused to leave. However, the male doctor asked him if he wanted to go home. I saw that it was almost time

, so I should wait until after work before leaving. It turns out that this male doctor is a Japanese spy who specializes in monitoring the chief. At this time , Dongxiang ‘s adjutant was watching in the car at the gate of the hospital .

As long as Changqing came out to deliver the letter , he would arrest him immediately. But the result was a big disappointment to him. Changqing only came out after getting off work. The way he walked was to go home. But he still asked his men to follow him

, and Chang Qing saw the fire truck halfway, which made him a little worried because his husband Hei Zai worked in the fire department. Then he returned home , and the man he was following met with the man selling things at the door and continued. I hurried back to report that

It turned out that the Heizai family was now being monitored by the Japanese. Changqing told his uncle about this when he got home. You suspected that there was an explosion here , so you didn’t tell me right away, right? Yes,

I was planning to come back at that time. What I am reporting to you is that I suddenly received a call from Mrs. Dongxiang. She asked me about my condition. On the phone, I heard his servant asking him about dinner. Dongxiang mentioned that Dongxiang was also at home

, so I suspected that this might be a trap. Your judgment was absolutely correct. It is very likely that the enemy is testing you again. Did Dongxiang deliberately let Shi Chenglong pass the news to you ? Or was Shi Zhengrong deliberately testing you ? I think it was Sister Dong Xiaotan.

You are really mature. But at this moment, Chang Qing heard it again. He was always worried about Hei Zai when the fire truck sounded . In fact, he was right to worry because Hei Zai offended Shi Chenglong’s younger brother Guo San just after he arrived at the fire department of the police station.

So Guo San made arrangements to eradicate Hei Zai. A mission told him that there was a fire in a warehouse near the loudspeaker station. Hei Zai quickly led people there to rescue people. But on the way there, Hei Zai noticed something unusual. His two colleagues who usually like to talk

Were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic today, and soon they arrived at the alarm location. But there was no sign of fire. There was no fire inside. It might be that the warehouse behind was on fire. Then they walked into a warehouse and soon Hei Zai noticed the danger

Because the heartbeats of the two people walking together were speeding up. This was a sign of guilty conscience. The man deliberately did it. He set a fire in the warehouse and lied to his colleagues that there was a fire here. He pretended to bring him in to put out the fire.

Then he went out to look after the fire. The other person took out the ax from behind and hit Hei Zai on the head . However, Hei Zai dodged. The man was a little confused, and then there was another crazy chop, but Hei Zai easily dodged it

Because Hei Zai offended his superior yesterday, so he wanted to kill him. Xie , Hei Zai is not an ordinary person. On the surface, he is an The fireman was actually a top agent , so the man was soon subdued by him . The relaxed man also heard the noise.

When Hei Zai wasn’t paying attention, he picked up an ax and struck it at his head. There was only a small flame just now. The warehouse was quickly set on fire. This was something the mastermind never expected. He wanted to create a small accident

And let Hei Zai die in the line of duty. Now even his subordinates have not come out. The director’s fire is getting bigger and bigger and he has to stop. It was too late to save him or not . The most important thing was to prepare to assemble and set off the firecrackers

. At this time , Changqing, who was at home, heard the siren of the fire truck, which made him slightly uneasy. Because Hei Zai worked in the fire department, he hurriedly ran out to check and follow the fire truck. All the way to the door of the warehouse

, hey, I can’t go in, I can’t go in , I can’t go in, I can’t go in, I can’t go in. When we came , he had already gone in first and never came out. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he can’t go in, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey , he can’t go in, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey , hey, hey, hey, hey, he can’t go in, he can’t go in. Shi Chenglong also came.

He seemed to know the outcome in advance and kept comforting Changqing, saying that people can’t mourn on Easter , but Changqing was very excited. Whoever dies, can you be my sister ? And at this moment, the 2nd floor A man came out of the balcony

And it was Hei Zai who had escaped from death , and he was holding a child in his arms. Seeing this, the Japanese couple hurriedly came forward to thank Changqing for holding Hei Zai and burst into tears because without Hei Zai , he had no meaning to live.

But Guo San, who had been watching, glared at the fat man, and then they went to ask the two people Hei Zai was traveling with. Hei Zai said they were still in the fire and hadn’t come out. Old man, how are you doing well? There’s no lecture hall. It’s okay . Hei Zi,

Hurry up and check with the doctor to see if there is no one to put out the fire. Hurry up. Holy shit. Secretly, Shi Chenglong took his men to the back and shot and killed the fat man who was doing the work

Because he was afraid that the fat man could not withstand the Japanese interrogation. Then Guo San created an illusion , but one of his men saw this scene and was killed. The fat man’s cousin soon came, too. The signing ceremony was going to be held here recently,

So he came over because he was worried. After learning about Hei Zai’s heroic performance, he decided to commend and award him. Then Hei Zai was sent to the hospital for examination. He was all pretending because he solved the assassination before the fire started.

The reason why the two assassins stayed in there for so long before coming out was to create the illusion of escaping death. The next day, Shi Chenglong came to visit him, but actually he wanted to know more. What happened, so that nothing will fall into the hands of Hei Zai ? Officer Yan,

Can you tell me again what happened that day when the fire broke out ? Ah, ah , tell it again . Nian Dingbalu knew in his heart that these two guys were guilty of committing crimes , but he wanted to pretend to be stupid and let them let them go

. When his parents saw that he was fine, they pretended to go for a walk on the street. In fact, it was because the mission of assassinating Kujo had begun to contact the informant. But in order to successfully complete it, they had to design a series of actions

. Then they came to the theater because Kujo was in the theater. We signed a contract with the Germans here and the drama club is rehearsing for this purpose. Their purpose is that the old man from the drama club is here again and won’t even let the rehearsal go . To be honest,

I’m from Guanhai, uh, places like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai. I’ve watched a lot of their civilized dramas and dramas. Did n’t they bring these civilized dramas from abroad? In the farewell scene, I think Wei Yan, who plays the father. Oh, do you have any different opinions

? I just think he is a bit lacking in the father’s Wei Yan. The man deliberately bought a newspaper on the street and then pretended to sit in the car and watch. When the target person appeared, he directly The target was hit with oil on the floor and his legs were broken

On the spot. Then his accomplice came to the theater and pretended to be a theatergoer and sat in the back row . The club was rehearsing a new play. At this time, the director discovered that an actor was missing. Wang is on the stage. Where is Lao Wang? Lao Wang

Hasn’t come yet. What time is it? Director, let me go and take a look. Come on, let’s go. The old man is here again and he won’t even let go of rehearsals. Hahaha, it seems you are right. Our drama loves this civilized drama very much . Didn’t he introduce it from abroad

? You know a lot . Do you dare not take it seriously? Continue talking. Yesterday, I watched a play that seemed to be the scene where the father and son said goodbye. I felt that the performance was Father, do you have any different opinions

? I just think he lacks the majesty of a father. Then Qian Zien started to perform because he knew what the lines were , so the performance was very vivid and well reflected the feeling of a father scolding his children. After watching it, everyone clapped their hands and applauded

The director and gave him a thumbs up. Qian Zien was really unqualified to be a spy. If he became an actor, he would be very famous. He went to find Lao Wang’s young man soon. He came back. Lao Wang, he couldn’t come. What happened to him? His family just called and

Said that he had been in a car accident and both his legs were broken. What should he do? Then Lao Wang, isn’t this a scam? When Qian Zien saw this , he knew that the opportunity had come , so He deliberately told the director that he was going home for dinner.

At this time, the director was still thinking about Lao Wang, so he said okay, okay , but the next second he stopped Qian Zien and said that your figure is similar to Lao Wang . The performance you just performed was also very good. How about you play this role?

Qian Zien pretended to be embarrassed at first and said that he had never performed before. I just saw that you performed very well. This role of Lao Wang, you know, there are only a few words in total . It’s like putting out a fire. Please help me and I’ll give it a try.

Haha. In the end, Qian Zien took over this job, and this was what they had planned. The Japanese had invited a special envoy from Japan to sign a contract with the Germans in the theater , so they wanted to take advantage of it. After this opportunity

, Qian Zien and his wife returned home and bought good wine and food. They deliberately loudly said that they had met a happy event . What a happy event had happened. I , a wine and meat seller, had someone choose me to be an extra. You should be an extra. Okay,

You dragged me in too. People told me that you care about pipes, tools , clothes. What do you call a giant? A giant. I have become a giant. Yes, is this a happy event? Is it worth celebrating ? It’s worth it. It’s great. After drinking two cups,

It turns out that their family is all spies , but they are not of the same party, and their mission is to assassinate the Japanese Kujo special envoy Qian Zien. The reason why Qian Zien spoke loudly is because the Japanese installed a bug in his home. After dinner,

Chang Qing came to the hospital because he was fighting the fire. The injured Hei Zai was still in the hospital , but suddenly a colleague from the police department came and said that Colonel Togo wanted to see you. If you can , go now. Oh, yes, it

’s okay to leave now. Everyone , a very bad incident happened near our station a few days ago . The arson incident was of great significance to the science and engineering staff in this incident. It turned out that Hei Zai was responsible for putting out the fire

, so the Japanese planned to promote him to be the operations leader , and Hei Zai was also willing to wait. Although he did not care about this position , it would be beneficial to the assassination of Jiu Jiao because it would definitely be done by then. They were in charge of security

, so they had the opportunity to contact Jiu Jiao and assassinate him. But Chang Qing was not happy when he found out because the action team was very dangerous and he might die one day. It turned out that Chang Qing didn’t know that Hei Zai was also a spy,

So he was very worried about him. I think your current position is not as serious as before. It ’s not that serious. Guo San has been doing this job for so long. It’s okay. You were frightened by what happened last time. Besides , I’ve been working for half a month this month. So

Why don’t you resign now ? Isn’t it a loss? Why don’t you work for another half month and get the salary ? How about I resign and take you back to Guan ? Okay , then wait another half month . The next day , Hei Zai found his former apprentice

And asked him to follow him. Go to the police station to do it yourself because he needs a capable helper. San Mengzi is the best choice. But what Hei Zai didn’t know was that Guo San already had a grudge against him because Hei Zai had stood up to him,

So Guo San was ready to take revenge on Hei Zai. The man pretended to enter the toilet to observe all the pits, and no one coaxed him, so he deliberately opened the window . Upon seeing this, the accomplice downstairs immediately went into the phone booth

To make a call. The next second the phone of the police department upstairs rang. The old man lied and claimed that he was from the Security Bureau and wanted to check the information with Lao Liu in the archives room

. So the man went to the archives room to call the old man. Liu Heizi quickly came out of the toilet , poked the keyhole of the archives room with a wire, and then opened the file box to be destroyed. Inside was the files of all the deceased people. Soon he found one

And slowly cut it with a knife. Who are you in the photo ? Who am I ? You can’t even hear what I said. Guess what, Old Liu? You don’t have a good memory and you can’t remember it. When Old Liu saw that the man had been going in circles,

He immediately realized it. Something was wrong , so he hurriedly hung up the phone and returned the message . At this time, Hei Zai hadn’t come out yet. He noticed the clue before entering the door because the locked door was opened. It turned out that just yesterday, Hei Zai

And the others needed a sum of money to buy explosives , so they went there. He robbed the Japs’ bank , but unexpectedly he was discovered when he came out. Fortunately, Hei Zai’s marksmanship was very accurate, and he quickly killed the Japs who were supporting him.

Hei Zai thought that the danger was over, but Pu Yunzhi was able to get up, but something went wrong because he had said in advance. At that time, Pu Yunzhi secretly took two gold bars from the vault . The next day, the Japanese came to investigate the scene.

The only survivor was frightened and was stunned. Have you checked the stolen trees? We have checked that the trees are not big, but they were all old factories. The old factories were quite smart. We cannot investigate the currency circulation channels. Apart from the old banknotes, only two gold bars were lost.

Dongxiang lost the gold bars. He instantly became energetic because gold bars were not allowed to be circulated and had to be exchanged, so he immediately asked his men to conduct a full search focusing on gold shops and pawn shops. At the same time, Pu Yunzhi returned home last night

And handed over the stolen gold bars. His wife told him not to use it unless it was absolutely necessary because he could not stay at home to avoid being caught and harming his family. However, his daughter had a fever and fell into a coma in the afternoon. The wife called the doctor and

Said that it was severe pneumonia and that he had to go to a large hospital for treatment , and the medicine required was very high. It was expensive , so the woman took the child to the hospital and directly took out the gold bars and gave them to the doctor

To ask him to treat her daughter as soon as possible . But this scene was seen by a doctor because he was a Japanese trap . Soon Dongxiang learned the news and waited for Park Yunzhi. When he came back in the evening , he was caught by the Japanese on the spot. His

Wife was beaten to death when he resisted. Then he and his daughter were taken to Dongxiang’s home on the roadside and they cut off his daughter’s fingers and threatened him. Park Yunzhi had to make up lies to deceive them. I am just a gangster on the road,

Brothers. When I was short of money, I went to rob a bank. The person who robbed the bank with me has run away. I don’t know where he went. Now you have got the money and I have arrested my wife. You also beat her to death. Why bother to embarrass the child anymore

? You can’t see the coffin without shedding tears. Then Watanabe broke off a finger again. His daughter’s cry made Park Yunzhi’s heart twist, but in the end he still didn’t confess. Such a despicable method was a big mistake. He just refused to take action and there was nothing I could do about it.

So is he recruiting now? I thought he would take the safety of his daughter into consideration. Who knew that Chinese man was so tough-talking? You underestimated the enemy. He was by no means an ordinary robber. He was trained as a deadpool. Maybe psychologically, he His family

Has already been prepared to die for him , so is there no other way? Living is his only temptation. Dongxiang has no choice but to find Chang Qing and ask him to treat the child first. If something goes wrong with the child , then Park Yunzhi I won’t even say it

, but the addition of Changqing made this matter change drastically. Hei Zai was eventually involved. The man pretended to wash his hands in the bathroom and found that no one was in the pit. He quickly opened the window upstairs . When the old man who was waiting next saw him, he

Immediately went into the phone booth and called the police station, pretending that he was from the Security Bureau and wanted to find Old Li from the archives. When Old Li left to answer the phone , Hei Zai quickly came out of the toilet and went to

The police station. A file was found in the archives room , but when he wanted to pull out the photo, Lao Li, who went to answer the phone, came back. It turned out that just yesterday, Hei Zai and one of his comrades were captured by the Japanese

And threatened to break his daughter’s fingers, but Park Yunzhi was The Japanese had no choice but to invite Changqing to help treat the child first. But when Changqing learned about the incident, he said he would take the child away . Unexpectedly, Dongxiang agreed because the child’s mother was dead.

If the child could be taken away, Dongxiang agreed. If a kindhearted person adopts it , Pu Yunzhi can explain it with peace of mind. Then the father and daughter met , and Chang Qing took the child away. Parents, Chang Qing, what happened to whose child this is? I brought it from Dongxiang’s house.

I will tell you later that the child is still sick. I will send him to the room first. Then Chang Qing put the child on the bed and came down to explain to his parents- in-law . In the evening, Dongxiang will interrogate Pu Yunzhi and tell him your true identity

As the Kuomintang military commander. The major and deputy captain of the Binjiang Special Operations Group reported the purpose of robbing the bank. To be precise, the municipal party committee soldiers were victorious. This is the first step in our cooperation with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. They have a secret plan.

Now they are short of funds. What is the content of the secret plan? I don’t know . I just On the night of the robbery, there was a killer with excellent marksmanship who killed more than a dozen of our police officers to cover you and your companions’ departure. Who is this person,

Hong Gu Manwang, the number one assassin of the army ? Dongxiang was shocked after hearing this. Hong Gu is not San. Did he die years ago? Why is he alive now? So he asked Hong Gu what her real name was and whether she was a boy or a girl

. Then Dongxiang asked a lot more questions because Hong Gu was so terrible that he had killed her with his bare hands. There are more than 180 Japanese soldiers , so they have the title of Mengmanci , but no one has seen her true face. I want to meet my daughter first

, and then I will tell you about Hong Gu. I’m very interested. If you can tell me something more, I’ll take you to see her right away. The military commander once sent a group of spies to the Soviet Kazina Spy School to study. Among them was

Hong Gu. In fact, Hei Zai was Hong Gu and was led by Dongxiang. When she came to Heizai’s house, Pu Yunzhi saw Qian Zien here and knew that her daughter was safe now , so she took Dongxiang to a house and said that Aunt Hong was here.

In fact, she didn’t know that Heizai was Aunt Hong who came here. Just to attract the attention of the Japanese , he grabbed Dongxiang’s pistol and fled all the way outside. But in the end he was shot in the thigh and was caught back. After he was caught, he bit off

His tongue. Dongxiang knew that no matter how hard he was, it was useless. Park Yunzhi didn’t He knows how to speak, but he wants to use this opportunity to test Hei Zai’s heart because he has always suspected that Hei Zai is the military commander and has been the captain for a while.

If he can’t fire a shot , he can’t live up to the title of captain . Don’t give up. Brothers, look down on you. Come here, Chief Shen. I really don’t know how to shoot. It doesn’t matter if I don’t know how to shoot. I’m proud. At this time, Hei Zai knew

That if he didn’t shoot , they wouldn’t let him go , and the result would be Pu Yunzhi’s life. It was also a relief for him , so he pulled the trigger without hesitation. Hei Zai thought that the matter was over, but bad news came one after

Another. Qian Zien told Pu Yunzhi at that time that Russula was a graduate of Kazina in the Soviet Union. None of the agents at the military academy knew what Russula looked like before , but there was a photo of him in the Soviet school files,

And it was the only thing that could reveal his identity. I mentioned Kazina to him, so I just said this more , but I want Puyun. Zhi will not tell the Japanese. He even told Hongwu in Binjiang. Is he still short of saying that? Immediately contact the Soviet Union to confirm

Whether anyone has gone to the school to check my information in the past few days. Wait until the next day, and they will receive the telegram. Sure enough, Some Japs went to Kazina Military Academy and took away a lot of student files , including Hei Zai

. And the Japs have already boarded the train and will come to Binjiang tomorrow with the files , so there is the opening scene where Hei Zai is looking for someone to die. After cutting out his photos from someone else’s file, he took the train early

And wanted to change the pictures on his file. The man deliberately sprinkled water on someone else and then pretended to wipe him with his hands , while his accomplice quietly changed his While the fat man was apologizing to the man, Hei Zai quickly went into the bathroom , opened the case

, took off the clothes on it , and then gently pried open the mezzanine board. There was a student’s file hidden under it. Soon Hei Zai found his one and followed him. Use a knife to cut out the photo and then paste the one prepared in advance. After everything was done,

He restored the box to its original shape . But as soon as he came out of the toilet, the fat man blocked him. You said you are this person, not you touching me . Can you spill this water on others? I didn’t mean to do it. You have to apologize to people. Don’t

Come here. You have to apologize to people first. Hei Zai pretended to be helpless . He put the box down and wiped it for the man . The man seemed to be very wary. So he told them to leave quickly. Hei Zai took advantage of bending down to get the suitcase and

Secretly moved it back. This operation was very smooth. When the man saw the suitcase moving, he hurriedly opened it to check . Hei Zai restored the suitcase to its original state . The man didn’t notice anything unusual, and then he got out of the car with the box

, and the file was soon in Dongxiang’s hands. Honggu’s face was full of color. Today, you finally revealed your true face. He has been mysterious for so many years. If it weren’t for the clues left by Park Yunzhi this time,

We wouldn’t know. How much useless work do you have to do ? It turns out that Hei Zai’s true identity was exposed yesterday. The Japanese learned that he had studied at Tazna Military Academy , so they asked their men to bring back his files .

So Hei Zai secretly changed the photos , because apart from the fact that the photos were real All the information on the file was forged. Even if Dongxiang got it, he would not be exposed. Then Dongxiang ordered Watanabe to conduct a full search . His photos were posted in every corner of Tohoku

And published in newspapers . Come on, even if Hong Gu is a little bird , don’t even think about escaping from the Northeast. The next day, the newspapers were all over the place. Everyone in Binjiang was talking about this person named Hong Gu. Isn’t that awesome

? I heard that he killed a whole team by himself. The Japanese military police are known as brutal thorns. I thought people like this were full of violence. Who is full of violence? The newspaper is a wanted criminal. Didn’t you read it? Dr. Jia then took the newspaper and read it.

He didn’t know the red mentioned above. Mushroom is his husband Hei Zai , but the photo above is not the same. At the same time , Hei Zai accidentally heard the news when he arrived at the police station in the morning. Watanabe seemed to be going to pick up an important person

, and he also had to go to Dongxiang’s house for dinner . Hei Zai stopped when he heard the name Dongxiang Meimaru. The past events of 3 years ago suddenly came to his mind . It turned out that his last battle was with Dongxiang Meimaru.

But at that time, because Dongxiang Meimaru had many bodyguards, Hei Zai not only He was shot in the arm without killing him. Fortunately, the pigeon came to rescue him in time. Otherwise, he would have died 3 years ago. Why were you injured? Who fired the gun? Dongxiang Meiwan caught him at this time.

Even though he was wearing a hat and covering his face at the time , his shoulder injury could not be concealed. He suspected that Dongxiang Mingwan was coming for him. Dongxiang Mingwan came to Binjiang. Dongxiang Mingwan, what was he doing here? He and Dongxiang Chaoyi Yes, they have the same surname.

He is the father of Dongxiang Chaoyi. Who fired the gun when you drove? Dongxiang is from a well-known family . Is he coming to Binjiang for a long stay ? It’s not clear yet. I have to find a way to find out. Do you need me to do something?

No. The most important thing now is to solve the 9 nos . As expected, Togo Meimaru heard about the red mushrooms, so he pretended to come over to visit his son. That is Togo Toichi from the Military Police. In fact, it was to investigate Hong Gu. This Japanese

Was hit by a pillar just after he came out of the hotel. Wasn’t the person attracted by the wanted notice already dead? The next day, he hurried to the office and found that the previous file information was indeed the same person as the one on the wanted notice.

So he handed it over to his superiors to check if the Chinese in the photo was I can tell you directly that the person is really what you want to catch. In a test last fall, He is already dead . Such a thing is absolutely true. At this time, Dongxiang is confused.

He finally got some clues. How could it be like this now? It turns out that this is all Hei Zai’s fault. Because his true identity was exposed, the Japanese went to school when he was there. The military academy found his file , so he

Changed the photo above to a dead person before Dongxiang saw the file . Unexpectedly, this Japanese guy actually knew you. I’m sure you read that right. I have a very deep impression on this guy . Compared with other Chinese people, their tolerance for pain is particularly low. How did he die? In October,

Buri was going to do a stress experiment using his corpse. In the pressure experiment, all the corpses exploded. Then Dongxiang He went to his father to discuss it. When he heard the name Hong Gu, he became uneasy because Hong Gu was the top killer of the military.

He almost died at the hands of Hong Gu back then. How could he be captured for experimentation? So he suspected that this file must have Then they cut off the photo with a knife and found that there were scraps of paper on the back, which meant that the photo had been tampered with.

Then they interrogated people in the archives , but no one had accessed the archives recently , so now it was strange that this photo was fake. It clearly came out of the archives room, so Dongxiang’s father suspected that it was done by someone within the Police Department

, and it was most likely a high-level person . Dongxiang immediately thought of Shi Chenglong , because he was the director of the Police Department, and he had the right not to pass it. The administrator directly retrieved the files , and Dongxiang’s men also learned the news

That a murder case a few days ago was seen at the scene of Shi Chenglong , so Dongxiang pretended to have something to do and asked him where he was at the time of the crime. Didn’t you tell me that I was sleeping at home at the time , but someone reported that

I saw him at the scene shortly after the shooting. You must give a reasonable explanation for this , otherwise the gendarmerie may not be able to get through . If they don’t give you a satisfactory answer, I’m afraid. I can’t even get out of this room.

Shi Chenglong had no choice but to tell the truth because he met Chang Qing at the door of the cinema that day, so he invited Chang Qing in to watch a movie. When he came out , he found someone dead at the door of the cinema

. But because Chang Qing Qing is a married woman. He was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to himself , so he lied that he was not at the scene. But how could Dongxiang believe it at this time? So he asked Watanabe to go to the hospital to try . Please come with me.

What’s the matter with me at the hotel ? There’s a case I want you to help investigate. Why did you let me go ? I can’t seal the port. OK, I’m going to change clothes . At this time, Chang Qing’s brain was running fast because the person involved committed the murder.

Everything was going smoothly, but After he returned home, he discovered that he had lost one of his earrings, so he guessed that he was probably exposed, so he wanted to call his superiors. Unexpectedly , Watanabe held him down. Chang Qing had to explain that the call was for home,

And then he was taken to the police station. As soon as he got off the car, he was seen by Si Mengzi , so he asked the driver, the driver , what was wrong with this woman. Do you know her? I asked Captain Xiatian who brought him up. The smallest one was

Si Mengzi. He hurriedly found Hei Zai and said that his wife had been captured by the Japanese and taken to the police station. Because Hei Zai was the captain of the action team, he entered the police station directly . But when he was going to the interrogation room,

He was stopped by the guard outside the door because Dongxiang had given a death order to everyone. Hei Zai had no choice but to turn back. He guessed that his wife might have been exposed. He had always been calm. Now he was very impulsive and had to rescue his wife quickly

Because the interrogation by the Japanese was very cruel . Then he took his gun and planned to break into the interrogation room alone . Facing the entire police department, the man gently cut off the photo with a knife and put it into a special potion. After waiting for 49 minutes,

He used a knife to scratch the back of the photo and soon found some scraps of paper. The file paper is different, which means that the photo was posted later. Someone has changed the photo on the file. You mean that this Chinese person is not Chasm at all. Think about

Where this file came from and who sent it to the restaurant . The superior’s special commissioner escorted it and nothing happened during the journey. According to the investigation, where did this photo come from ? It turned out that Dongxiang found Hei Zai’s file

, but his father looked at it and said it was not Hei Zai because he had dealt with Hei Zai . So They started to check the files and soon found out that he was the only one who had access to the files on Shi Chenglong

. They also found out another thing about Shi Chenglong. A murder case a few days ago was also related to him because someone saw him. At the scene of the crime, Shi Chenglong said that he went to see a movie with Chang Qing

And found out that someone had been killed when they came out . So the Japanese invited Chang Qing to inquire. But at this time, Chang Qing was extremely nervous because the person who died in front of the cinema was He killed himself because he thought he was exposed. What on earth

Did you bring me here for ? Where were you on the night of the 17th of this month ? On the 17th, I went to see a movie after work. After the movie, I went home to watch it. Which movie is “Guanshan Feidu” a movie that you went to see

Alone? I went to see it with Director Shi. You can ask him . Then Chang Qing answered a lot more . Because what he narrated was all true , he completely followed Shi Chenglong. They said the same thing , but the Japs still had doubts , so they asked who could testify.

Chang Qing said that the conductor of the cinema could be because he only knew him. Then the Japs invited another conductor , but the answer they got was the same because what the three of them said. It’s all true. Dongxiang started in the wrong direction.

What was supposed to be an investigation into the files has now turned into an interrogation of Shi Chenglong. At the same time , Hei Zai heard that his wife had been arrested , so he hurried to the police station because he knew His wife was an underground party

And the devil might have exposed him when they caught him , so he wanted to go to rescue him. Just when he was about to rush in with a gun, Changqing came out of the interrogation room . Dongxiang’s attitude was also a little apologetic.

Heizai thought that he might have done it himself. Wrong, why are you here? What’s going on? Something happened two days ago on Wandering Street. Someone saw me meeting the captain. It was a misunderstanding , but it has been explained clearly. Dr. Chang went to see a movie with Director Shi.

Since our family After Chang Qing explained it clearly , can I take him back? Of course, Hei Zai was very angry at this time. His wife was actually caught by the Japanese for interrogation after watching a movie with others . As soon as they walked out of the police station building,

Chang Qing began to explain to Hei Zai that Shi Chenglong and I just met Hei Zai by chance. Knowing that Chang Qing was trying to kill the Japanese, his anger just now was shown to Dongxiang, but Dongxiang’s father saw the side of their conversation downstairs.

He always felt that Hei Zai’s back was very familiar. The man outside was Chang Qing. Is this man’s husband called the captain of the Nian Ding Gang Action Team ? What did he do before and how did he get into the police station

? He is Lao Dongxiang, who is from the action team. I personally found him and planned to test Hei Zai because Hei Zai’s back looks like Hong Gu , so In the evening, he invited the couple to his home for dinner. The reason was to thank Changqing for treating Dongxiang’s wife.

Heizai knew what Lao Dongxiang’s purpose was , so he acted stupid and pretended to be a man who had never seen the world, so he ate it in one meal. Lao Dongxiang didn’t notice anything unusual , but when they were about to leave, Watanabe suddenly came over and reported

That someone was found carrying explosives on Shipan Street , so Hei Zai followed Dongxiang. After all, he was the captain of the action team , and what happened next It was Hei Zai who was an unexpected man. When he was arresting underground gangsters, he accidentally discovered a lead wire on the snow.

So when others were not paying attention , he quickly stepped on it with his foot and ordered his men to enter the room to search. Then he walked to the door of the woodshed. He vaguely heard movement inside , so he walked in alone. With his sensitive hearing,

He was sure that there were people hiding inside , and it was two men. The next second, the apprentice also came in. Master, I can’t see anything . Otherwise, I can go out and light a fire. After hearing this, the hidden underground party wanted to rush out and fight with them.

It turned out that Hei Zai had just received an alarm that someone was hiding explosives near Shipan Street, so he led people to rush over . Unexpectedly, the Japanese Dongxiang also came, so as not to alert the snake. Dongxiang ordered his men to quietly enter the village. At the same time,

Hei Zai’s wife also learned about the incident , so she hurriedly called her superiors and asked him to inform the comrades on Shipan Street that the underground party was making explosives . At this time, Hei Zai’s wife Zai had already led people to investigate and soon discovered what a suspicious man had done.

A gunshot broke the calm of the underground party hall where explosives were being made. He immediately packed up his things and prepared to run away . Dongxiang also heard the sound and came and learned that it was a fake. The army’s gun went off.

He suspected that the puppet soldier was a spy of the underground party , so he ordered him to be arrested. Then Dongxiang asked the soldiers to search quickly because the underground party must have heard the gunshots , and Lao Lu had already arrived. He and the man He quickly packed up the explosives

And then blew out the candles and wanted to leave. However, Hei Zai’s apprentice saw this scene. My sister had turned on the lights just now. When we arrived, the lights went out. Is there something wrong? As soon as Lao Lu and the others came out, they heard something outside. Someone spoke

, so he hurriedly hid in the woodshed , but a lead fell to the ground. The next second Hei Zai and the others opened the door. He saw the lead on the ground at a glance , so he quickly stepped on it

And ordered his hands to go down. The main room looked at him and he walked into the firewood shed because there were two people’s footprints on the ground. Hei Zai knew without guessing that they were members of the underground party , but he did not expose it and left with his men

Because his wife was also an underground party . When Lao Lu saw this He immediately took Chen Dagen and fled , but was discovered by others. During the escape, Chen Dagen was hit in the thigh. Heizi knew that if he didn’t take action , they would definitely die

, so he lit a bomb at an intersection and quickly followed the chasing team. Chasing, chasing , chasing, just like that, Lao Lu and the others successfully escaped and returned to the secret base. At this moment, Chang Qing also came. He was worried, so he came over to take a look,

Just in time to treat Chen Dagen. How did you escape? We are hiding in the office. Your husband came to search inside . Fortunately, he didn’t find it. I was too promising that Chang Qing’s husband wouldn’t have seen you. I also feel puzzled. Logically speaking, he can find you, but we

Don’t know why he really didn’t find it or was there on purpose. Covering us, he probably won’t find out. He drank a lot and was a little drunk when we left . The Japanese received new orders the next day . Because the situation in Binjiang was turbulent,

Special Envoy Kujo had to come here in advance to complete the signing ceremony with the Germans . This happened to be heard by Hei Zai. Ever since we received the news that the Kujo Special Envoy was going to visit Binjiang, the hostile elements in Binjiang were very active.

They first robbed the Bank of Japan and then made explosives on Shipan Street. The Staff Headquarters protected us. I am very dissatisfied with my work , so in order for Special Envoy Kujo to successfully complete the ceremony at the Lama Terrace, the General Staff Headquarters decided

That Special Envoy Kujo’s itinerary will be changed and moved forward. Captain Yan, what are you thinking about? A man pretending to be a fur vendor deliberately parked his car at a martial arts studio. But when they were about to meet at the door , a few puppet soldiers suddenly came

And said directly that they wanted to search the things in the car because there must be something fishy among them. How could a fur seller and a businessman who opened a martial arts school see this? He hurriedly stepped forward to explain. Then he stuffed a bunch of Mane’s puppet

Troops in. Seeing that the man was very sensible , he pretended not to notice and turned around to leave . But the next second, he was dumbfounded. Their captain actually came . Did you search the car? Which hand did you search just now ? When you take out this hand and that hand,

It’s so tiring, isn’t it? Ah , search, hey, hurry up, goodbye, goodbye . Seeing this, Lao Lu hurriedly stepped forward to say good things , and then took out a stack of Manai , but the puppet army commander refused to accept it and

Insisted on asking for it. Lao Lu went to search the pimp’s car but had no choice but to move Heizi out because Heizi was the operations captain of the police department. But the man still didn’t give him face .

He seemed to believe that there was something in the car, so he went to check it out regardless of the obstruction. When Liu Jing saw this, she wanted to draw a gun. But he was held down by Lao Lu. Hey, what’s going on?

Jiujiu, this is the batch of goods from Vietnam you just talked about two days ago. Just that batch of goods. Don’t mention that . Go and move quickly . Who are you? What are you doing? Continue. Hei Zai took out his ID Because he was one level higher than the man,

The man left without saying anything. Hei Zai knew that his uncle and his wife were underground members and they must be doing something here , so he also left here. It turned out that the carriage was loaded with explosives and they were digging under the martial arts hall. I entered a dungeon

And wanted to blow up the Japs’ special forces. At the same time, the puppet soldiers just now were very unhappy, so they told their immediate superiors about it. What’s wrong? He dared to challenge us, didn’t he? I saw it during the day today. There was

A cart of leather goods parked in front of the old Niutou martial arts gym. I was wondering if this old Niutou owned a martial arts gym. Why did he start making leather goods? I went up and just wanted to ask the man surnamed Nian when he came out and

Didn’t even have a cart. If we are allowed to touch, we will blast our brothers out. If we are not allowed to touch, you will withdraw. What’s the point? Ca n’t we open up the surrounding areas? What’s the situation now? You guys, these cowards, always have their own

Benefits in this truck. Let’s take a look. And at this time, Over at the martial arts school, Chang Qing is discussing the details of the operation with his uncle. The Japanese envoy will arrive in Binjiang tomorrow and sign a contract with the Germans on the loudspeaker platform,

Which is also above the tunnel they dug. But suddenly Boss Niu came over and informed that the group of puppet soldiers from the morning were here again. Lao Lu immediately asked Oxford to hide the explosives and then asked Boss Niu to go out and deal with it.

No matter what, they could not be allowed to enter the house. Captain Hou is a rare visitor so late . Do you know our Captain Hou? I thought you only knew Captain Nian. How did I hear that you are Wu? The gym has started a business of batching goods. How about the business

? I’m here to help you , old brother. The business of the martial arts gym is not good. What about these two officers ? Hey, it’s just a point to show off your noblesse . It’s just a point to batch goods. Why is there anything shameful at this time

? Lao Lu in the house knew that the puppet army was well prepared this time , so he went out alone and deliberately fired a gun to attract the attention of the puppet army . However, Chang Qing was not worried and followed him out

. Hei Zai, who was shopping nearby, heard this. Immediately after the gunfire , he drove over to check. He guessed that it was probably his wife. At this time, Lao Lu was running around on the street with the puppet soldiers carrying

A piece of fur . But suddenly his foot slipped and fell to the ground, and he hurriedly ran away without caring about picking up the fur. Chang Qing, who was chasing after him , picked up the fur and put it on his body, and then led the puppet army to him.

Suddenly a car blocked Chang Qing’s figure. Hei Zai took the fur and threw it in the back seat, and then the puppet army caught up. Let’s go and get in the car. You can’t walk back. It’s so late. Who’s driving ? Captain He, thank you for your hard

Work, Director Liang . This is my wife . I’m a surgeon at the Provincial Hospital. I’m a bit carsick in the first emergency. Captain Liang, we are working hard. Please chat slowly with us at the annual meeting. In this way, Chang Qing escaped the chase and he didn’t want to hide it anymore

, so he told Hei Zai that he was an underground party and had a mission to perform now. However, Hei Zai was not surprised because he had known the identity of his wife and uncle for a long time. Zai took Changqing home without saying anything

. The next day, Kujo’s special envoy finally arrived at Binjiang. In order to prevent Changqing from being harmed, Heizai decided to personally take action and kill Kujo before the underground party took action. What were the underground gangs plotting? But suddenly there was a knock on the door. Everyone’s nerves were tense instantly.

The man asked who it was , but no one responded outside the door. So he cautiously opened it to check that the person who came was actually Hei Zai, the commander of the puppet army , but Lao Lu didn’t. He counterattacked and let Hei Zai in. Then Hei Zai took out a map

And said that this was the deployment of all the Japanese forces and arranged their evacuation route . It turned out that the Japanese special envoy wanted to sign a contract with the Germans , so the underground party dug tunnels and buried them. Explosives has also arranged an assassination team on the ground.

Why should we trust you ? I think you know nothing about the deployment of the loudspeaker platform, so you should know that this deployment map should be correct. The positions of my closest relatives are marked in blue and marked in black. The point is a sniper point.

When the time comes, I will cover you in uniform and confuse them. The reason why Hei Zai helped them is because his wife is also one of them. So in order to prevent his wife from being harmed , he chose to complete the mission instead. In the end, Lao Lu also agreed

Because Hei Zai Hei Zai was also the most suitable candidate. Then Hei Zai gave Qian Zien a defense map. He wanted the military commander to assist in completing the mission and let Pigeon carry out long-range sniping to prevent unexpected situations. The Japanese special envoy Jiu Jiao

Arrived soon the next day. Rushing to the signing place , Lao Lu asked Oxford to stay in the room and wait until the designated time before igniting the bomb in the tunnel . He and others were observing from the ground.

At this time, a large number of people had gathered at the loudspeaker station underground in Binjiang. Almost all the party and military commanders were hiding in the dark. This time they were bound to kill Kujo to prevent him from signing a contract with the Germans. Soon Kujo came here,

But the Japanese were not fools . They knew that there must be enemies nearby and they would want them at any time. The mission was defeated , so when Kujo was about to go up to speak, Lao Dongxiang stood in front of him. Dear fellow villagers, today’s program and ceremony

Are also the glory of Manchukuo, a new country. However , in the great situation where the friendship between Japan and Manchuria will last forever, there are A small number of enemies sneaked into this venue in an attempt to destroy our friendship. Some of these saboteurs among you may still be our old opponents.

So Lao Dongxiang thought of a damaging move and then asked the soldiers to control the crowd and said, “I will only have dozens of them.” If the anti-Japanese elements in the crowd do not come out, then I will kill a commoner and so on until you stand up and admit it.

At this time, the agreed time has come , so Oxford got into the tunnel and ignited the 5-minute fuse . The military commander’s sniper Gege also sat in the car to snipe , but because Lao Dongxiang blocked 9, he never found the opportunity

. It seems that no one is willing to take the initiative to stand up. In this case, Xia Junhe , Tian is about to shoot. At that time, Chen Dagen came out and jumped directly to hug Lao Dongxiang. But when they were tearing apart, everyone moved under the stage. Yeah , yeah,

Yeah, yeah , yeah , I am Feng Yifan. The final assassination attempt on Kutiao failed , but Kutiao was still killed. He was shot once , so he had to stay in Binjiang for two days to recuperate. This also gave the underground party another opportunity.

And they also found out that Jiu Tiao was staying at the Mar Hotel , so the next assassination started again. The man went to the hospital to pick up his wife from work , but learned that his wife had taken a car to the hotel. After hearing this, he instantly lost his mind

And turned around and rushed to the hotel like crazy. His wife had already arrived at the hotel door. He hesitated for two seconds and went in. Just as he was about to open a room at the front desk, Hei Zai suddenly appeared and stopped him. He

Told the front desk not to look, and then pulled his wife aside. Unexpectedly, not only did his wife not panic, but she also Look at Hei Zai with an angry look, Changqing, stop it , I know what you want to do, it’s absolutely not okay, you know what I want to do

, so come on, stop me , stop this stupid behavior, there is no behavior more stupid than what I have been doing for the past 3 days. Yesterday when he was assassinating the Japanese special envoy, Chang Qing saw Hei Zai and the female agent together. This subverted his understanding of Hei Zai

Because in the three years after marriage, Hei Zai had been buying groceries, cooking , and being a caring and loving husband. Unexpectedly, It was all fake, which made his three views collapse instantly , and Hei Zai happened to see him. Then Chang Qing quickly returned home

And planned to pack his clothes and leave Hei Zai. Because he was a member of the underground party , when Hei Zai came back, he He put a gun to Hei Zai’s head and asked him who he was. Hei Zai knew that he could no longer hide it,

So he revealed his true identity. In the former Kuomintang assassination team, there was a person codenamed Hong Gu . That was San Years ago, I, Chang Qing, was shocked when I heard this and dropped the gun in my hand because Honggu was the top killer of the military

And had killed more than 100 Japanese soldiers with her bare hands. Her methods and abilities were very strong , so she was called the Mammoth Thorn by the Japanese soldiers. This refreshed Chang Qing’s understanding that her husband, who had been with her day and night for three years,

Was actually a killer who made the Japanese fearful. That night has passed. There is no Honggu between you and me. You are Honggu, you are Honggu. I just want to I know what mission the sickle cauldron is yours. What mission I am yours ? In fact, Hei Zai has no purpose.

He was framed by the military commander and seriously injured . When he woke up again, he found that Chang Qing, a doctor, was operating on him, so he He married Chang Qing and cut off contact with the military from then on. But no matter how Heizi explained,

Chang Qing still didn’t want to believe it , but he was not willing to kill Hei Zai, so he ran out in a hurry. But when Hei Zai chased him out, Changqing happened to get on the underground party’s car and waited until he got to a safe place.

Changqing told what happened to Heizi. Lao Lu was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. Not only because of Heizi’s identity , but also because Heizi knew that they were underground. If he deliberately concealed the party’s secret , it would be terrible to think about it. But he quickly reacted.

Zhang Qing, we should believe Ding Bang. Our organization also received intelligence before this. This special operations team led by Hong Gu was in Fengtian. After that, this incident may be a favor sent by the Kuomintang to the Japanese. Back then, Honggu was more active in the three eastern provinces

And severely attacked the Japanese and many traitors . Moreover, he had never been interested in the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the city or the guerrillas in the mountains. I have never done any international action , so this matter is very big. I think we still need to investigate it carefully before talking about it.

But Changqing still doesn’t want to go home. After all, he can’t accept the reality for the moment , so he has to stay in the hospital dormitory until the next day. It was discussed again that he would assassinate Special Envoy Kujo again . Because Kujo was injured,

He had to stay here for two days and then rush to Xinjing to sign the contract. Then Changqing came to the Mar Hotel where he was staying to see if there was a chance to kill him , but it was the Japanese. Hei Zai set up a trap

And came over to stop him, but Chang Qing didn’t appreciate it and kept saying that Hei Zai was a liar. Your behavior is tantamount to suicide. Dongxiang is waiting for you to fall into the trap . You know what you have done. I tell you

, don’t do it. If you keep pestering me, I won’t believe you anymore. Don’t act out of emotion . This way of doing things will only accelerate your self-exposure. Now the list of all the people staying in this hotel will be sent to Shichenglong and Dongxiang. Have you considered the consequences?

The reason is very simple. I am over I hate you more and more. I saw you with another woman. Your reason is ridiculous. You are determined to do this to a woman. You pretend to be a lady and come to a five-star hotel. Then you deliberately opened a room on the second floor

While the Japanese downstairs were not paying attention. She quickly jumped to the balcony on the third floor, then opened the Bible she brought and took out the silenced gun hidden inside. But the next second there was a knock on the door. The woman’s nerves tensed up . This was an empty room

. Why would someone knock on it? The door was there , so she cautiously walked to it , but finally opened it. The person who came was actually a policeman. The woman’s heart suddenly rose to her throat . It turned out that Chang Qing was going to the hotel to kill the Japanese

, but Hei Zai stopped him and said that this was a Japanese. As long as Changqing rushes in to move in, the check-in list will soon be in Dongxiang’s hands. But at this time, Changqing no longer trusts Heizai because he knows that Heizai is actually an agent of the military commander . Although

They have been married for 3 years, If you are determined to do this , remember my words. Shi Chenglong and Dong Xiang may find you and ask you why you live here. If you decide to use that ridiculous reason, I will cooperate with you , but you Remember that

Dongxiang has a conspiracy in the Horseshoe Hotel. I don’t know what he is going to do, so you are not very sure. Don’t act rashly. Then Hei Zai left. He knew that he couldn’t persuade Changqing now , so he planned to do it himself in Changqing. 9 items were solved before.

At the same time, as expected, the hotel check-in list was in the hands of Shi Chenglong. When he saw Chang Qing’s name, he was not calm. Others didn’t know, but did he know? Mar Hotel is now a target of public criticism in Dongxiang. Kujo’s room was set up to ambush

Changqing. Why should he go there now? So he chose not to hand in the check-in list for the time being and go to the hotel to see what was going on because he particularly liked Changqing. At this time, Changqing in the room just took out his pistol.

There was a knock on the door. It was Shi Chenglong who came to ask. Shi Chenglong, the landlord, may find you and ask you why you live here. If you decide to use that ridiculous reason, I will cooperate with you. Why do you live here? This is not allowed. Do I live?

I don’t mean this. Don’t I care about you? What on earth is going on? We had a quarrel. I came out to calm down. My eyes were busy bullying you. Did you have a problem with me? Didn’t you see that there were military police everywhere at the door ? A horse shop

Is a place of right and wrong . You can’t tell when something will happen. Hurry up and check out. I’ll see you off. I don’t want to go back, so I ’ll change to a hotel. I can’t stay here anyway. It’s too dangerous.

Chang Qing saw Shi Chenglong and was very anxious and worried. He knew that what Hei Zai said was definitely right. Mar Hotel is the Longtan Tiger’s Den. Shi Chenglong persuaded him again before leaving . Chang Qing still refused to leave . Shi Chenglong had no choice but to leave

And handed the list to Dongxiang. At this time, Hei Zai had been standing with his apprentice in the corridor of the police station. When Shi Chenglong came down to use the toilet, he pretended to take his apprentice in to wash his hands. Master, didn’t you come in just to wash your hands?

Didn’t you say that I have a strong smell ? It really smells so bad. You can smell it in the toilet . I remember that my wife doesn’t usually put on makeup or powder. Why do you have such a smell on your body? Great fragrance! If

You have a fragrance on your body, it must be your mistress. Master, you have a lover outside. Don’t lie. Don’t lie in front of your mistress. Also, you can’t tell others that I smell of perfume. Remember, I didn’t follow up, Hei Zi. They went out.

Shi Chenglong, who was squatting in the pit, also stood up . It seemed that Hei Zai had someone outside, so Chang Qing went to the hotel to stay. He thought to himself, wouldn’t his chance come? Wait until Chang Qing came out of the hotel the next day. Then he came to the church

And pretended to pray , but it was actually to get weapons on the street because the operation was taking place today. Then he came to the hospital because he was feeling a little unwell , so he wanted to come over for a checkup . But when he saw the results of the checkup,

He was dumbfounded on the spot. At the critical moment , she was actually pregnant. At this time, he was at a loss , but the mission still had to be carried out. But when he just returned to the hotel room, Heizi suddenly opened the door and came in. What are you doing here?

I came to find you . You go away quickly. I want to be alone. I want to be alone. I know you want to kill Jiu Tiao and I know you are ready to die. You hurry up and leave. It’s very dangerous. It’s useless for you to stay

. I forgot that you are Hong Gu . My concern is unnecessary . It doesn’t matter whether it’s a red drum or a Nian Ding Bang. You will be allowed to take risks alone. Then Hei Zai tied Changqing’s hands and feet and took out the silenced gun that Changqing carried.

He happened to see the inspection results, which made him more determined. He must not let his wife assassinate Kujo alone . The injured man came to the hotel pretending to be a rich man and deliberately opened a room on the second floor. When the Japanese downstairs were not paying attention,

He quickly jumped to the balcony on the third floor . Then he put a string of firecrackers in the kettle and lit a cigarette. The top finally opened the door and threw a smoke bomb. The Japanese in the corridor immediately became commotion. Then Hei Zai went to the balcony

And fired three shots at a window of a room. He then took out two bundles of bombs, lit them, and threw them on the balcony of 303. Finally, he returned to the room on the second floor. His crazy operation made the Japanese envoy in the room panic.

So he asked people to take him away quickly. Calm down. We put you here just to set up a net for fishing, close the door and beat the dog. As long as you stay here honestly, we will have enough troops to deal with them. At this time, the corridor has exploded, and

All the guests are running out. Chang Qing also followed the crowd out. It turns out that the underground party wants to assassinate the Kujo special envoy , so the Japanese An ambush was set up here, but the situation now is that no one who was unexpected in the East Chamber

Was seen, and the whole hotel was in a panic. The Kujo Special Envoy was already frightened, so while the East Chamber was giving orders to his men, he quietly He slipped out and planned to leave this place of right and wrong , but this was the effect Hei Zai wanted

Because Jiu Jiao’s car was equipped with a time bomb. As long as he drove away, he would undoubtedly die. He and Chang Qing could also get rid of the suspicion , but he could only return to the room on the second floor.

He found that Chang Qing, whose hands and feet were tied, was missing , so he hurriedly went out to chase him. Chang Qing, who had just arrived at the stairs, saw Ji Jiao coming down from the third floor. Something happened. Hurry up and go to the right place !

Why is Shi Chenglong’s car here? Damn it. He ran away and chased this fool back to me. Hey, Long Xiang really did. Why did you bring so many people in? This is a test. Is everything okay? Ge Xiang. Who are you? Shi Chenglong, director of the Scenery Department, I’m here to protect you.

Okay, okay, let’s hurry up. Go out, Changqing, Changqing, come with me, hurry up 32, so you can stop Xia Tian. The Japanese will die here if they don’t leave. Special offer, Changqing. Everyone , let’s go out together. How did I stop me ? At this time, Hei Zai was about to go downstairs

When he was suddenly stopped by a woman who said that her husband was sick and could not walk, so she begged Hei Zai to help him carry it downstairs. Although Hei Zai was anxious , she still chose to go in and help the woman

Because it was so harmful to her. It’s good for you. Captain, why are you here? I came to see my wife, Chang Qing. She had a fight with me yesterday. She checked into the hotel yesterday. I came to see her when I got off work today. You immediately joined the fight.

The next second, the car outside exploded, but Kujo He was riding in Jackie Chan’s car , so the assassination was not successful. What happened ? Kujo’s special car exploded. Kujo ‘s special envoy was picked up by Captain Shi. And where is Dr. Chang, Chang Qing ? Shi Chenglong’s in Captain Shi’s car

. After hearing this, the black boy at the station immediately chased after Chang Qing because Chang Qing was pregnant. At this time, Shi Chenglong asked the driver to drive the car to the suburbs to stay away from her husband and prevent the special envoy from being harmed

. But suddenly he urgently got out of the car to urinate , but the car drove away directly. He hurriedly fired three shots into the sky. It turned out that Changqing had controlled the driver , and when they were fighting for the steering wheel, the car unfortunately rolled down the hillside

. At this time, Hei Zai had already chased him. He ignored Jackie Chan’s obstruction and drove directly to chase. Chang Qing and the others waited for Chang Qing to wake up and found Kujo running away into the distance , so he took the driver’s gun. He shot Kujo twice in the shoulder

And when he chased after him, he found that Kujo had disappeared. Finally, Changqing was hanging on a hillside. Just when he was about to slide down, Hei Zai grabbed Changqing like a god descending. Qing’s hand then pulled him up forcefully. Hei Zai knew that now was not the time to rejoice

Because Dongxiang would be here soon, so he asked Chang Qing the cause and effect of the whole incident . But suddenly Hei Zai saw someone, you are Liu Dezhu, don’t kill me. I didn’t see anything. I still have a wife. My wife is sick. My daughter is only 6 years old.

My daughter is only 6 years old. I won’t kill you . Don’t be afraid. I just want to ask you something. If someone asks you what you saw today , just say you saw it. What’s more, I killed the Japanese. My wife is pregnant. I don’t want her to be implicated.

I said you and your wife are good people. I didn’t see anything. Finally, after they went back, Dongxiang began to interrogate. Unexpectedly, Liu Dezhu said that it was Shi Chenglong who killed the Kujo special envoy. There were just three bullets missing from Shi Chenglong’s gun. Combined with everything that had just happened,

Dongxiang concluded that it was Shi Chenglong, so he imprisoned him. Hei Zai thought the matter was over, but unexpectedly there was an internal problem. Now the Kujo Special Envoy is dead and the military commander is dead. He wanted to get rid of the cooperating underground party , including Hei Zai’s wife Chang Qing.

The man pretended to be a drunkard and came to Korea. After successfully deceiving the guard at the door, he quietly walked to a house and observed the Japanese sleeping in the car. He threw the liquor on the ground and quickly walked along the wall to the door.

But when he was about to use the wire to open the door, the man watching in the car suddenly woke up. Well , why are you looking at that ? The two of them were so poor and unemployed. Then they continued to sleep. At this time, Hei Zai had already entered the

House. The family of three in the house were not afraid of him because Liu Dezhu helped Hei Zai frame Shi Chenglong yesterday , and Shi Chenglong was arrested by the Japanese . To prevent their family from being retaliated against, Hei Zai planned to move them away, and Liu Dezhu also knew this.

He helped Hei Zai yesterday because his cousin was killed by Shi Chenglong. But before they could leave, the Japanese in the car suddenly He came down to urinate , but he noticed something unusual . Why was the door of Liu Dezhu’s house left open

In the cold weather ? So he quietly walked over to check, but as soon as he pushed the door open , a big hand locked his neck. Hei Zai violently smashed the Japs and made him hate him on the spot. Northwest Hei Zai quickly dragged him in , closed the door

, took his gun and prepared to leave. Unfortunately, the other Japs also woke up and saw that their companions were gone, so he looked around for his mother . The Japs heard Then he walked cautiously and saw a shoe at the door. Then he opened the door

And his companion was already lying on the ground. When the man saw this, he ran away. Hei Zai also hurriedly came out and shot him to death . Then he drove their car and left here quickly. The next second, the nearby Japanese soldiers heard the sound and came over,

But the guard at the gate didn’t hear the gunfire and just let Hei Zai and the others out. They didn’t know until the people behind came over, so they hurriedly drove after me and drove around a few more times. Lure them away

For a while and I’ll put you in the place closest to the black car. After that, you have to remember that you have to say “come to the box”. My friend Chuan Youjian Chunzi , if they say “get in the big gun”, you get in the car . Remember, don’t you

Remember? Repeat it , go to Moments . In some villages, remember to get on the bus, drive for a while, and fire one shot to ensure safety. When I hear the gunfire, I will fire two shots to lure them away for you . Remember , they will get off if they don’t

Stay quickly. Hei Zai led the Japs around in a circle and jumped off a hillside. Then he took off his clothes and rushed home. When Dongxiang learned about this incident, he immediately asked the adjutant to investigate Hei Zai and Chang Qing No. 3. Chang Qing 7: 50 went to the hospital.

The hospital said there was an operation. He had already arrived in Ningdingbang. He didn’t come . Did he ask for leave? No, he didn’t come to the 4 houses above his head. Did anyone see him going out last night? No, he went back with Shang Qin at

12 o’clock. He turned off the light and never came out of the east compartment. He guessed that there might be something wrong with Hei Zai , so he hurried there with others . At this time, Hei Zai just arrived at the door and saw the car in the east compartment driving in

, so he hurriedly climbed over the wall and went home. Then he quickly put on his pajamas and pretended to go out. The next second, the door of the east compartment was broken open and came in. Director Dongxiang , why are you here in such a big way

? Captain, you didn’t go to work today . I was originally on a business trip to Jinzhou today . Why didn’t I know that I reported to the General Affairs Department yesterday? I was supposed to leave at noon, so I wanted to sleep in. I didn’t go there in the morning

. Si Mengzi went to the General Affairs Department to ask for leave. Then Dongxiang took Hei Zai back to the police station to check that Hei Zai was indeed going on a business trip , so he eliminated any concerns about him. At this time, Shi Chenglong, who was falsely accused and imprisoned,

Asked Guo San to call the headquarters , intending to ask the superiors to put pressure on Dongxiang to release him. Director Shi asked me to ask you about the assassination of Special Envoy Nine. Isn’t the special envoy waiting for you, Deputy Director Dongxiang, to pick you up ? What the hell is that

? Special Envoy Kujo is not dead. What happened to you ? We were still practicing for Special Envoy Kujo last night. What did you say you were Director Shi just now ? Oh, it’s such a big deal. Then Guo San told Shi Chenglong about this. Shi Chenglong couldn’t believe it after hearing it

, but he quickly thought of an idea. Then Guo San found Hei Zai and pretended to chat with him, and inadvertently revealed the news. What the hell? You still thought that the one Lao Liu shot and killed was the real Kujo Special Envoy. Of course it was the Kujo Special Envoy. The special

Envoy was a shitty special envoy. That was just a living target. The fake Hei Zai thought he was joking , but after Guo San left, Hei Zai thought carefully. I took a look at the assassination process. I don’t think it was okay. The more I think about it

, the more I feel something is wrong. The man pretended to be strolling in the police station and deliberately lit a cigarette. When the garbage collector came over, he pretended to use a shovel to put out the cigarette , but he was actually observing. What was inside

? Soon a box of matches caught his attention. It turns out that a German came to the police station just now , and the Japanese commander was very respectful to him. This instantly aroused Hei Zai’s suspicion , because yesterday he learned a piece of news that

The Kujo special envoy who was assassinated last time was a fake, and now the Germans are here again, then… The detective Kujo was coming, so Hei Zai hurriedly came to the hospital to tell his wife about the incident and asked him to notify the underground party

. However, the male doctor said that his wife had gone to the emergency room. At this time, Changqing downstairs just came back and died. I’m following a man . Commander, be careful . You are Hong Gu. Before you go upstairs, ask me to talk nonsense . Get in the car

, go back and tell your master to stay away from Chang Qing. He should know my methods. Do you understand? Do you understand ? It turns out it’s someone from the military command. After killing Chang Qing, Hei Zai told his wife about the fake 9 items,

Saying that our mission has not been completed yet, so we can’t leave yet. When Chang Qing went to report, Hei Zai also drove back to the police station. He thought he would wait until 9 items. Just arrived, but an accident suddenly happened because Hei Zai went to rescue Liu Dezhu’s family yesterday.

The clothes he was wearing were found by the Japanese , and there was a button on it. Dongxiang saw at a glance that it was from the police uniform , so he summoned all the police. The officer pretended to check the scenery , but Heizi and Mengzi also happened to come back.

Then Xia Tian started to check one by one . As long as there were missing buttons on the clothes, they were all called aside to wait. At this time, Heizi finally noticed that there was a button on his pocket. The missing button must have been dropped on the snow

. Mengzi also noticed this , so he quietly threw away his and quickly stuffed it into Hei Zai’s pocket . But before Hei Zai could react, Xia Tian was already in front of Mengzi. In this way, Mengzi was also called out. After Xia Tian’s investigation was completed, Dongxiang took Mengzi

And the others away. Hei Zai sat nervously at the stairs. If something really happened to Mengzi, he would have trouble sleeping and eating all his life. At this time, Mengzi and others were taken to the interrogation room and then asked to try on a piece of clothing one by one.

As long as it doesn’t fit, they can leave. Is it okay? Are you going to be beaten? Don’t you know what Dongxiang did when he let us come in to try on clothes? How did you know about him ? The clothes you gave me

Were too small and didn’t fit, so you let me out. Why did you do that ? I just felt something was wrong as soon as I entered the hospital. It must not be as simple as checking for Jingrong Fengzhi. I felt that there must be something in the buttons of this clothes

To carry it for me . What do you want your disciple to do? Turn your back on me and go to die. I have to fuck you first, silly boy. From now on, you are not allowed to do this. If you hear me, you are not allowed to do this.

If you hear me, don’t dare to do it again . I will break your legs . Then Hei Zai hugs his head. I don’t know. At the same time , Chang Qing and the others had a new plan, which was to approach the Germans first to see if they could get some information.

But when he arrived at the hotel where the Germans were staying and was about to check in, he was suddenly taken away by a pigeon. Because he knew what Chang Qing was going to do, so he came to stop him. Let me do it .

I have more experience than you in this regard , and the most important thing is that even if I am exposed, I won’t implicate anyone. Thank you for your kindness , but I can’t let it. You took the risk for me , but you can’t take the risk.

Why, because you are about to become a mother. I heard the conversation with your colleague at the hospital gate yesterday. Changqing, you can’t have any accidents . In the end, Changqing compromised. He couldn’t do it for the sake of the child. Go take risks , otherwise Hei Zai will definitely go crazy.

At this time, Hei Zai, who was at the police station, heard that everyone was going to Kokuakuji Temple tomorrow to protect an important figure. Hei Zai guessed that it must be Kujo. Then Dongxiang convened a meeting with officials and said From now on, no one is allowed to go home

Until the mission is over tomorrow. This strengthened Hei Zai’s idea, so he called his wife , but the phone lines in the entire police station were cut off . The woman pretended to eat in a Western restaurant and waited until a When the German came over,

He quickly stood up and bumped into him , then deliberately spilled red wine on himself, then bit the man back and said, “Do you have eyes behind your eyes?” The German saw that the other man was a big beauty, so he apologized quickly

And said to help him put it together. The clothes were sent for dry cleaning. Why didn’t you say you would pay me a piece of clothing? But your clothes are still wearable after washing. What about my wine? I spilled my wine. Do you want to pay for my wine

? Okay, I’ll treat you to a drink. After a glass of wine, the woman drank with the German guy and thoughtfully cut beef for him. This moment made the man think about it , so he said that the wine here is not good. I have some good ones in the room

. Do you want to drink? The woman readily agreed. But as soon as they arrived in the room, before the man could wait for the next move, there was a sudden knock on the door. The German asked the woman to go to the ceremonial room first and wait.

He said that he had an important guest. It was me, Andreas. Why was it so late? The event at Kekakuji Temple is canceled tomorrow morning . I will negotiate with them right away. Will the Japanese agree? Please hurry up and wait a moment. I went to Pigeon to listen and was shocked.

I didn’t expect there would be an unexpected gain. It turned out that the Japanese envoy was going to talk to the Germans. They signed the contract , so Pigeon took the initiative to approach him. They wanted to kill the Japanese envoy.

The news they had received before was that the location was Kek Lok Temple , but now it seems that it is a trap , but he has no chance to inform Heizi because Heizi is currently being monitored by the Japanese. So the next day,

The Japs arranged all the police forces at Kek Lok Temple. Both the underground party and the military commander thought that the Kujo Special Envoy was coming here, so they also transferred all the troops. But Hei Zai soon noticed the abnormality. Why did the Japs have only 1/ 10 This is not common sense,

So he quietly found the underground party who was ambushing him. The next second, Pigeon came here and told Heizi about it. The difference between Mengmeng and us was that he made noises and attacked from east to west, attracting the power of the Anti-Union at the same time.

Kujo will definitely appear in another place. Kujo must be in the theater now. The German envoy is still staying in that hotel. Are there guards ? There must be guards , but they are not strict. Soon Hei Zai thought of a way. He asked Lao Lu to take people there. Assassinate the Germans

, and he takes the pigeon to the opera house , intending to retaliate with his own kind. At the same time, Kujo arrives at the opera house. Moreover, Dongxiang personally sat beside him to accompany him, because if something happened to Kujo, he would not be able to live anymore.

The most outrageous thing is that Changqing was also invited by Keiko. The next second, the soldiers rushed to report that they were coming to sign a contract. The German envoy was besieged by the underground party. Dongxiang wanted to take Jiu Tiao with him , but Jiu Tiao insisted on watching the play.

Dongxiang had no choice but to let the adjutant protect him here , and then took people to the hotel to rescue the Germans. In the end, the underground party They were blocked inside because the Japanese’s crazy shooting killed not only the underground party who came to assassinate them

, but also the German envoy. At this time, Hei Zai had already arrived at the theater because he was wearing a police uniform , so he entered easily. Then he quietly killed the soldiers backstage and hid the sniper rifle on the stage behind the seats. When Qian Zien saw this

, he fired three shots at Jiu Jiao . The whole theater was in chaos . At this time, Ge Ge and the others quickly killed the guards and rushed to There was support inside , but they didn’t expect that Kujo was not dead and even took the opportunity to kidnap Changqing.

But he chose the wrong person. Changqing hit his head and quickly took out the hairpin and stuck it in Kujo’s aorta. Kujo immediately hated everyone in the northwest. Kujo , who had assassinated the entire drama, finally died. Then they quickly left the scene and waited

Until Togo came back. It was already too late , but they blocked some people watching the drama. Seeing that both Nanako and Kujo were dead, Togo was instantly furious . They broadcast on the street that if Hei Zai didn’t come out and throw himself into a trap,

He would kill all the captured people. At the same time, Hei Zai and Chang Qing came to the pick-up point and waited until night before they would leave Bingjiang and wait for Chang Qing to fall asleep. Afterwards, Hei Zai went out to buy something and happened to hear the radio on the street.

He knew that he would definitely die if he went back, but in the end he made the choice to give the things he bought to Pigeon and then wrote a letter to Chang Qing saying that they had a goal together. The big black man moved from another passage first. When did he leave

? Why didn’t you wake me up? I have made arrangements and can leave . The telegram said that it would be more eye-catching for us as a couple to go together. He evacuated from other communication lines. We and others Is there a transportation line that can leave the city? Maybe there is

One, but I am only responsible for this line. I don’t know about the other lines. At this time, Hei Zai came to the gendarmerie to kill the guards in the cell and rescue the imprisoned anti-union members . This is Once the bayonets are removed, the bayonets will be removed and given

To a few more people. The cells where the innocent people are imprisoned will be left to you . We will go there now. We can’t go there now. When you hear the explosion, you will run out immediately. The black guy will go out and light the bomb in the ammunition depot

. The panic that instantly caused Dongxiang must be that the red mushrooms were coming , so he hurriedly put on his clothes and wanted to go out , but suddenly a gun was pressed against his head. He wanted to fight back , but he was no match for Hei Zai

, so he was stabbed to death by Hei Zai in the end , but he managed to escape. The Japanese joint forces discovered that Heizai actually took the initiative to expose themselves to the searchlights in order to cover them up. In this way, Heizai was caught. The past gradually emerged.

Heizai had always wanted to take Chang Qing back to Kunming because it was called Spring City . The trees are evergreen, the grass is evergreen, and the water is also evergreen . Evergreen has been transferred , and only then did he realize that Hei Zai can’t come back. Ding Bang

, I’m waiting for you. Ding Bang, you have to follow me. I’m waiting for you in Kunming. Under the evergreen trees , on the evergreen grass, by the evergreen water, I will wait for you until your hair turns white.

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