
These are all stone towers of people who committed seppuku and died. This place is truly amazing. Places like this are rare. I can’t move my legs anymore. wait a minute. It’s a scary face. please wait. I heard a voice. It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous. I’m feeling very anxious. Hello, my name is MAME.

This is the fourth day of the Kyushu edition of a trip around Japan to visit haunted spots. Current location is in Saga Prefecture. Current location is Saga Prefecture. On this channel, he travels around Japan on a motorcycle and visits haunted spots all over the country. Good, it’s sunny today.

But it looks like it’s about to rain. It’s very cloudy in the direction we’re heading. But what happened last night seems like a lie. It didn’t seem real. Now then, we’re heading to the haunted spot in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, where 100 Hatamoto Harakiri were performed.

This place is closely related to Kishitake Castle, a haunted spot we visited yesterday. Mr. Hata is the lord of the castle. I can’t think straight due to lack of sleep, so I’ll explain it for you.

Approximately 400 years ago, the Hata clan, the lord of Kishitake Castle in Saga Prefecture, was killed in a fit of rage by the military commander at the time, Toyo Hideyoshi. Afterwards, his vassals were ordered to commit suicide, and more than 100 of them committed suicide.

And it is said that the place where the 100 Harakiri, which they are heading to now, is the place where their vassals committed suicide.

It is said that as a result of such a heartbreaking death, the Hata clan and their vassals became a mass of powerful grudges after their death, and became a cursed god. Even now, he is feared by the local residents, who call him “Kishidake’s youngest grandson.”

Because it is such a place, there are many reports of ghost sightings here. It seems that this place was originally a temple, and there is a memorial tower etc. I would like to go and say hello while it’s still bright. Looks like we’ve already arrived. I passed by.

I’ve already arrived, but it’s quite a residential area. This is a gateball field. It was there. Probably where it is now. I think this is it. Temple ruins. This one. arrival. Then I’d like to get ready and head out.

My youngest grandchild. A strangely shaped stone tower where Kishitake’s youngest grandchild is said to dwell. Each one has a slightly different shape, and it is believed that there is a curse if handled roughly. Since it is not known where the youngest grandson is kept, standing urination is strictly prohibited in this area from childhood onwards.

Going now. Wow, that’s a really amazing place. The air is clear and it feels like a truly sacred place. What is this? It’s a pot. Hello. There is a hut above. Maybe this place is under control. Hello, sorry to bother you. There are many Buddha statues. Excuse me, It’s really big. Training ambassador.

This seems like a well-maintained place. But this is not a destination. Where is it? Well, it might be at the top. Excuse me, There’s a lot of moss here. Dangerous, dangerous. There are storehouses lined up on the side of the road. I found. Excuse me, amazing.

We have arrived at the place where 100 Hatamoto Harakiri will be held. These are stone towers of people who committed suicide, one by one. Is this the Bodhisattva Kannon? amazing. Each of these stone towers has a mysterious shape. Perhaps each of these is the youngest grandchild of Kishitake.

Go to the hut at the entrance. It is written as Yakushi Nyorai. this is. You can see a little bit inside. It’s pretty rough inside. There are several Buddha statues enshrined in the back. I bother you. There should be a memorial tower for Haman. Found it. Hello, sorry to bother you.

It started to rain. seriously? The moment I arrived here. It’s raining a lot. I’m sorry to disturb you this evening. thank you. I heard some noise. I bother you . Wait, that’s really scary. It’s the 12 o’clock bell. I bother you. I’m really thankful to you.

What smell? Is it the smell of incense sticks? Suddenly I smelled incense. The rain has stopped. It was just a moment there. It rained. cool. Look, there are traces of rain. It’s quite wet. Then let’s go to the hotel.

A vassal’s death poem. “No matter how powerful Hideyoshi is, he will destroy the family with his self-reflection.” A death poem left by a vassal of the Hata clan who committed seppuku has been passed down to this day. A few years later, Hideyoshi died of illness, but was it the curse of Kishitake’s youngest grandson?

I came to Imari City in Saga Prefecture. It rained a little, but it was really sunny. It’s a big clock tower. It’s very beautiful. Imari City seems to be famous for its pottery. Is this Imari Station? The cityscape is beautiful. The buildings are just new. Arrived at Central Hotel. This is it.

There is also a hot spring facility next to it. huge. wonderful. But it’s not check-in time yet, so let’s leave the bike and luggage and go eat. I’m hungry. This is Imari Station. It’s cold, it’s cold. There’s a coworking space. This is amazing, it’s free. There’s no one there.

A great man of Imari City. Founder of Morinaga Takashi. Hello. He has milk caramel. You’re from Imari City, right? What’s this. Full of plastic bottles. It probably looks like a plastic bottle object made by children. What’s this. There’s something disgusting about it. A horseshoe crab?

This area seems to be a habitat for horseshoe crabs. Inside Imari Station. Imari Nabeshima Gallery. Admission is free. There are a lot of plates. A pot. Is beautiful. Is this an ashtray? dish. hang on. Surprisingly, there are no places to eat. If this continues, it will turn into a gust. We arrived.

Dining kitchen, Kaze no Oka. corn soup. Set garnish. Warm your cold body. Imari beef hamburger. One play and set. Imari beef is said to be a type of Japanese beef that surpasses Matsusaka beef and Kobe beef. It’s soft and goes great with demi-glace sauce. Fried foods are also delicious. To the hotel.

Central Hotel Imari. arrived. It’s beautiful. Was this 10,000 yen? It’s really right in front of the station. It’s a nice view. Now let’s go to the hot springs. Sento no Yu. Takeo Onsen.

Imari ware. Originated approximately 400 years ago, it is a general term for porcelain produced in Hizen Province (present-day Saga Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture), centered around Arita Town, Saga Prefecture. Arita ware is also famous, but they are the same thing, just called differently.

So it’s night, so I’d like to head to a haunted spot. It’s lit up at night. Is beautiful. Are you going to go back to that place? It’s scary just thinking about it. I’m almost there, but there aren’t any street lights around here, so

I thought it wouldn’t be that scary, but it’s actually quite scary. This or this on the left. Bad, bad, bad. It’s so scary. Wait a minute, Light. This is a gateball field. We arrived. Excuse me, Bad, bad, bad. wait a minute. It’s a lot scarier than I imagined. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.

Why? Why did the light go out? My body is heavy. Let’s go then. I’m ready, so let’s head over. Excuse me, wait a minute. I didn’t notice it during the day, but there is also a shrine near this entrance. The guardian dog has fallen.

They say it’s not good to touch things like this. What should I do? Should I bring the guardian dog back? Oh, right and left are different. It’s this way. That’s normal, isn’t it? It’s like this. The place where offerings are made is also in disrepair. It is surrounded by Jizo statues.

It’s a strange stone head. First, let’s go to the building in the back. I looked into it, but I couldn’t really figure out what this building was. Hey. Didn’t you hear the man’s voice? Good evening. Sorry for being late at night. This place is truly amazing. There aren’t many places like this.

I did say it seemed to be under control. but. Like Jizo. Good evening. A container for offerings. It’s all dirty. Good evening. amazing. This area is also full of moss. Let’s go a little deeper. take care. Didn’t you hear something like a voice? Good evening. Excuse me, sorry. huge. Super big.

It’s about 5 meters. There was also a Jizo statue in the back. Good evening. It’s a dragon. A dragon is sticking out from below. Good evening. I bother you. Excuse me. Now I would like to go to the main 100-person Harakiri place. Can-can. What is that sound? Good evening.

Sorry for being late at night. I’m here again. This Buddha has a unique pose. Excuse me, big brother. fine? big brother. fine? amazing. It’s a great atmosphere. Good evening. Fudo Myoo. what. This is terrible. Calm down, calm down. Arrived. This is the place where 100 hatamoto were killed. My back hurts.

My back was suddenly starting to hurt. Oh my god, what is this? My legs don’t move. wait a minute. Oh no, I can’t move. Good evening. I wonder how many there are. Shall we count? No, it’s impossible. Good evening. Perhaps this Bodhisattva is the one to guide these people. Good evening.

I was thinking of giving you some incense, but is that not possible? Looks like it can be inserted. Give it back. wait a minute. What is that sound? Sorry to bother you. hang on. what. I hear a creaking sound. a little bit. It’s tough being here.

You can see the inside of the hut from the back. It is like this. There are Buddha statues lined up. I bother you. So let’s go up. Here too, Buddha statues are lined up on the roadside. It’s a radio tower. There’s a sound. Radio towers at night are scary. Excuse me,

Fudo Myoo is also here. The number of stone statues is really strange. It seems that these Buddha statues are suppressing evil spirits. Good evening. It seems like you can’t give incense here. sorry. I gave you some incense. I will take a photo. sorry. film camera.

I’ll take a picture, please show it if you like. Yeah. I’ll try using a spirit box. “A machine that allows you to talk to ghosts.But it also has a radio.” Good evening. Sorry for being late at night. Is anyone there. are you female? May I ask you a few questions? why? Oh, yes.

Are you from Kishiki? saw. sorry. I saw it. I do not understand. Sorry, thank you very much. Excuse me. I bother you. Would you like to take a look this way? I also came during the day. Is this place completely forest? There are Buddhas in places like this too. i’m back.

Wait a minute, no, no, no. This is overwhelmingly dangerous. The atmosphere is completely different. To the hut where the Buddha statues were lined up. It can also be seen from the side. All the tatami mats have already come off and the inside is in tatters. wait a minute.

Can you see a little inside? I was surprised. Looked. It looks a little scary. This is what it looks like inside. thank you very much. Sorry, I’m shining the light. If you look closely at this. It’s not locked. It will probably open if you push it sideways. My back hurts.

Let’s take a photo here too. It can be rolled infinitely. I wonder why. Stopped. I’ll take a picture. Would you like to try using an older spirit box? Good evening. Late at night. noisy. Did I mention it was loud? sorry. This is noisy. sorry. Can I talk to you for a little while?

After that, there was no reaction. It was only the beginning. On the contrary, it’s scary. thank you very much. Excuse me. This is no good. I can’t stop feeling cold. That’s terrible. Now, let’s make it dark for the last time. Place an infrared camera. Are you okay?

Now, I would like to turn off the lights for a moment. erase. terrible. wait a minute. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. I felt a strong presence. Wait a minute, it might be the best ever. I guess I say this every time. wait a minute. Let’s be quiet for a moment.

Oh no, I can hear the sound. From this area, you can see multiple orb-like objects. terrible. wait a minute. I made a mistake. what’s this. I’m in a weird mode. My heart feels like it’s going to explode. I’ve been there for about an hour now. I was surprised. I’ll be there.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Here, I heard a voice, I heard a voice. terrible. The presence is amazing. Sorry for being late at night. thank you very much. Please rest in peace. Excuse me. Let’s go home. What is that sound? different. The sound is coming from my backpack.

Sorry. thank you very much. Excuse me. It was an amazing space. cool. I’m home. Let’s go home. Let’s go home. So, it was the place where 100 hatamoto had their harakiri. It was an amazing space. When it was dark, I really felt like I was surrounded by a lot of people.

It was scary at times, but it was also a sad and strange place. I guess it’s because it’s a place with a sad history. Cutting yourself open is a terrible thing. It’s absolutely impossible, with normal mental strength.

Okay, so I’m going to continue traveling around Japan like this, so please subscribe to the channel if you’d like. Thank you for watching until the end. Thank you for your viewing. Please subscribe to the channel and give us a high rating.











0:00 ダイジェスト
0:31 オープニング
2:15 百人腹切り場所(昼)
7:47 ホテルへ
10:52 心霊スポットへ
11:56 百人腹切り場所
26:26 エンディング



  1. いやいや!攻めましたねー

  2. 囲まれてるのがわかるの流石ですね。

  3. 今回も怖いところでしたね。ドキドキしながら寝る前に布団の中で見てしまいました。



  4. うおー、豆さん、伊万里にも来てくれたんだー!会って話したかったなー!すげー。ダーツの旅で当たったらこんな喜びなんかなー!笑笑

  5. 心霊スポットに行ってビビるんやったら最初から行くな!!


  6. まめさん‼️動画配信ありがとうございます✨今回は本当に大勢の気配があったように感じました💦オーブも声も聞こえました😱一人で検証しているまめさんは凄いです💦ヨンフォア見えると安心しますね😁無理しないで安全運転で旅を続けてくださいね‼️また次の動画配信楽しみにしています✨

  7. いつも見てます!

  8. まめさんの更新待ってました‼️
    17:44 左上に白いモヤが飛んでますね。
    25:11 右上にこちらも白いモヤが見えました。
    あと、隙間から古屋の中を覗いたとき、 21:31 確実にお面のような物が見えたのに、ちゃんと照らされたときはありませんでした。

  9. 声めちゃ聞こえたし、スピボの返事もあったし、とっても良かったです(´˘`*)♡

  10. うちの母がマメさんの事が心配だと言って毎日動画を見てます!!これからも元気な姿を配信してあげて下さい!!お願いします!!

  11. たとえば、完全な無音を録音し、録音前に質問する必要があります。その後、オーディオエディターで録音するときに、Bass と HF を調整し、ノイズを抑制してピッチを変更し、速度を落として信号を楽しませます。そして死者たちの声が聞こえるだろう

  12. Вау круто а зделайте транскоммуникацию эгф надо записать на цифровой диктофон или диктофон в смартфоне потом а адоби аудишен или аудиосити надо убрать шумы нормировка сигнала потом замедление скорости изменение высоты тона и басы вч в интернете есть подобные информации как делать транскоммуникацию эгф с душами мёртвых вы сможете у уверен

  13. まめさんお疲れ様です😊

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