
I’m currently en route to Taipei Station to meet someone. Surprised? Уау! I’m so tired. Seriously? Appreciate your effort. Your luggage looks heavy. Hey, let me introduce you! This is Hiro, who will be accompanying me as my travel partner from now on.

He is a travel specialist who had been traveling around the world for 5 years before COVID! I can count on him! Don’t raise the bar! I’m hungry. Let’s eat. Let’s go! Today’s first Taiwanese gourmet spot appears to be an ordinary donut shop at first glance.

However, take a look at this long line! It seems to be a hidden gem, known only to a few, doesn’t it? This donut shop seems quite similar to those you’d find in Japan, nothing particularly distinctive. Why did you bring me here?

Well, well, it’s a donut shop that I always come to when I’m in Taipei. Is it that good? Well, of course, compared to Japanese donut shops. .. I’m not so sure. They resemble to the simplicity of Showa-era doughnuts, if I were to draw an analogy.

I’m not sure if it willmeet your expectations, but I appreciate that rustic flavor. I’ll give it a try then. I’m going to try a freshly made hot doughnut! This is so yummy! It’s kind of rustic, right? Well, it’s something like…

My grandma would make something very similar for Christmas and other events like that. It’s a very old-fashioned taste. (In Ukraine) it’s made in a shape of a ball, so the shape is a little different, but the taste is very similar. Delicious! Was it worth buying? I’m glad I bought it!

Oh, that’s great! The guy at the next store said this goes really well with doughnuts. He promoted it heavily! So, it’s a honey lemon drink. I’m going to try it too! Oh! Amazing! And very sour! It’s mostly Lemon and a little hint of honey. Wow! This is delicious.

Let’s try in a combination. Mmm! Nice… (laughs) Nice… Is it good? Yeah, it’s good. Good! There are many restaurants where you can eat Xiaolongbao, but the most famous is Din Tai Fung. Although there are branches in Japan, I really wanted to taste the authentic flavor, so I decided to visit.

I’ll try it. Mm-hmm! Mmm! Inside, there’s just… There is so much broth inside, you can feel it spread into the mouth. Delicious! Compared to the xiaolongbao we had yesterday, this one is so much more delicate and the dough is so much thinner!

If you’re craving a substantial meal, consider heading to yesterday’s place; however, if you prefer something a bit more refined and elegant, you might want to visit here. I also ordered the restaurant’s recommended “Boneless Pork Spare Ribs Fried Rice” and wonderewhat it tastes like. Just OK. My judgment is “average”. Mmm! Mmm!

Is it hot? – It’s tasty. I mean… Well, it’s just a little hot. …well, not just a little. Aww, it’s delicious with plump shrimp on top! The breakfast spot I planned to visit the other day still has a lengthy queue today too. I was really surprised to see that many people lining up, especially on a regular weekday, not even a holiday or anything! Surprise! LOL

In Taiwan, many households have both partners working, leading to a culture of having breakfast outside the home. There are numerous shops offering breakfast with a wide variety of choices. Among them, this particular shop is especially famous and has been awarded the Michelin Bib Gourmand. This is salted soy milk soup.

I’m going to try it. It’s delicious! The fried bread inside is so crunchy and delicious! Slightly different from the one I had last time. There’s no sourness and has a more gentle taste. So, It’s subtly different in taste, huh? I agree! It’s somehow crunchier, isn’t it? It’s crunchy.

It’s totally different from the last one. Yeah, the last one was soft, like a dried wheat gluten. Yum! Yeah, it’s really tasty! I can’t remember the name, but it’s a thin bread with thinly fried eggs and deep-fried bread inside! Bread in bread. The dough is like pie crust. I’m going to try some.

Try some! Bread in bread is a bit heavy for me. Oil is… Its a bit oily. Oily? Hmmm… I can’t comment on this. I like it! Oh, really? If you enjoy oily or greasy food, this is for you. I believe it would particularly appeal to guys.

Does it have enough seasoning for your taste? I’d like to put something more in there. Sure, if you want to, but I actually prefer it the way it is. This oiliness! It’s so crunchy. Taiwanese cuisine often has a lot of greasy dishes, so… I always think it’s quite heavy, you know?

But this one, you can enjoy it almost like a snack, and I really love this kind of thing. The egg is falling out. Ohh! Yeah! I think it’s delicious. Yeah, it’s delicious. Gentle taste Very gentle So this is Taiwanese breakfast, right? I’d have it for both lunch and dinner without hesitation. Right!

It’s finally time to say goodbye to Mika, now that she’s going back to Japan. I don’t want to leave, but I have to. Mika, thank you so much for your company over the last few days. Thank you. Thanks! Thank you. It was fun.

From now on, I, Hiro, will take turns with Mika. Have fun! I’ll do my best! Yay, goodbye, Bye! – Bye. Have fun! See you next time somewhere else! I’ll be waiting for you. Let’s hang out again! Yes, bye-bye! Maru-chan! Yes! – We finally got a bike rental here in Taiwan! We rented it!

And? And what a surprise, starting tomorrow we want to use these bikes to go around Taiwan! Tomorrow marks the official start of our journey around Taiwan. Yes, let’s do our best! Now, let’s discuss driving a car or motorcycle in Taiwan.

By getting a Chinese translation of Japanese driver’s license, Japanese people can also drive cars and motorcycles in Taiwan. However, regarding motorcycles, in Taiwan, 100cc to 150cc scooters are predominant, so be cautious when renting. This is the famous Taiwanese spot known for their delicious Lu Rou Fan.

It is a little far from the station, so access is inconvenient. If you’re thinking about eating Lu Mei in Taiwan, I highly recommend coming here. It is a famous restaurant strongly recommended by both local residents. We have arrived at the most delicious Lu Rou Fan restaurant in the outskirts of Taipei.

Now, let’s see what the taste is like! Bon appétit. Maru, you had Lu Rou Fan at another restaurant on your first day in Taipei, right? I did What do you think? I like this one a lot better.

The seasoning is perfectly rich, and it tastes somewhat like pilaf commonly eaten in the Middle East. It feels like something you might often eat in Ukraine too. It’s incredibly tasty and has a familiar flavor. What do you think? Mhm. Wow, it’s so delicious.

I’ve been to quite a few different Lu Rou Fan restaurants, but this place is seriously good. I recommend this place, I really do. I’ve also ordered a boiled egg, tofu, and soup, so I’d like to try them one by one.. Lu Rou Fan tastes great with boiled eggs.

Egg has a lot of flavor. But, to be honest, these yolks… I’d rather have one like in Japanese ramen than a hardened one. Soft-boiled egg? Yes, soft-boiled. I like it more. What about that soup? Okay, soup… Hm? This is a strange … complex flavor. Complex flavor?

Yeah, I am wondering what this flavor is. Oh, this is definitely shiitake. Well, it has a strong shiitake flavor. And there’s a nice flavor from the clams. Well, it’s delicious! It’s very light soup, a nice addition to Lu Rou Fan. Yeah! It’s very gentle. Well, it’s like Japanese soup “osuimono”. Yes, yes, yes.

Similar to dobin mushi (food steam-boiled in an earthenware teapot). It goes really well with the rice. This place is delicious. Absolutely! This place is a bit inaccessible, but I think you should come here by motorbike or car if you can.

Alternatively, if you use MRT it will take about 15 minutes of walk from the station. But it’s worth coming even if it takes a lot of time to get here. Shilin Night Market is a lively place packed with street food, as well as arcade games and miscellaneous shops.

Every day, not only local residents but also many tourists visit here, too. From around here, it seems like there are quite a few souvenir shops and game stores. It’s kind of like a Japanese festival vibe.

This time, after getting full with Lu Rou Fan,, I couldn’t explore the night market extensively, but since I wanted something sweet, I chose this treat. I’m going to try the tomato candy. Maibaru said it was delicious, so I decided to give it a try. Uh-huh? Uh-huh? Tomatoes are sweet, sure, but… nothing impressive.

Let me try! Compared to Japanese apple candy… Well, apple candy (is more delicious), you know. Look what I have found here in Taiwanese 7-Eleven. It says “джин грейпфрут, напій слабоалкогольний” in Ukrainian. What does it mean? Grapefruit gin, a low-alcohol drink Is this really made in Ukraine?

It looks like it’s made in Kyiv. Oh, really? And this is in Taiwan, far from Ukraine. Well then, let’s have a celebration for our Taiwan trip, that starts tomorrow, with this drink. Yes, let’s have a toast with this..! Hooray!




#台湾旅行 #台湾一周 #バイク旅


  1. マルちゃんお疲れ様(`・ω・´)ノシ☀

  2. トマト飴は美味しそうですね!私は日本のりんご飴も食べたことないですけど。😂

  3. マルさん、こんばんは😃動画を見ました。台湾旅行を楽しんで下さい😃これからも頑張って下さい😃

    Good evening, Maru 😃 I watched the video. Enjoy your trip to Taiwan 😃 Keep up the good work 😃



    Їжа теж виглядає смачно 😃


  4. 経験豊富な同行者を得てのバイクツーリング。車の旅とは一味も二味も違ったものになりますね。キーウ産のお酒で出発進行。😺

  5. マルさん、強力な助っ人の仲間が出来て嬉しいですね😊👍👏👏👏バイクで台湾一周は楽しみです😊👍だけど運転だけは気を付けて下さいね😊👋👋

  6. Maruちゃーん・・あけましておめでとう!(^^)! ヒ、ヒ、ヒロ君て日本人なの?ミカちゃんとの共通の友達かあ・・
    次の動画を待ってまーす しかしいっぱい食べますねー(*ノωノ)

  7. 🇯🇵🇺🇦🎍賀正🎍 今年もよろしく👮 ミカちゃんご苦労様👋 へぇ~ ドーナツはパンプーシュカに似てるんや! 食べた事無いけどな🥴 まだ日本食が恋しくならんかな バイクは、気を付けるんやで バ~イク👋👋 

  8. ウクライナのお酒のレビューはないんかい!w

  9. メッセージを送らせていただきます。素晴らしい台湾の旅の動画を見る事が出来てとても嬉しく思います。ただ日本では、元旦に北陸の能登半島で大震災がおこり飛行機事故もあり大変なですが台湾の旅を見させていただきこれからも台湾の旅が幸せ😃💕な旅になる事を心から🛐お祈りさせていただきます。あともしよろしければ親しくないのに失礼とは思いますがこれからお名前を様付けでコメントさせていただきますので「マルちゃん様」とお呼びしてもよろしいでしょうか。馴れ馴れしくかんじらたらたらこれまでどおりにお名前をお呼びすることは遠慮させていただきますのでどうかお呼びしてよろしいか教えていただければありがたく思います。これからもこのYouTubeチャンネルの動画を楽しみにしています。旅先でのご健康には十分にお気をつけてください。またこれからもメッセージを送らせていただきます。失礼します。

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