
[Monk Who Rehabilitated 1,000 Delinquents by Treating Them Like Family, Dies Surrounded by Children]1/3 The temple is located in the mountains of Okazaki City, Aichi prefecture A Young Man visits this place for the first time in 11 years “Ojisan, it’s been a while. It’s Takuma” “Yes”

Kunimitsu Hironaka aka “ojisan” is a chief priest, he is battling terminal cancer The temple used to house many children “Let’s eat” Who could not live with their parents because of various reasons Delinquency, Abuse, Recluse, Drug addiction “The parents weren’t aware of their child’s distress and cries for help”

Mr. Hironaka takes care of these children for free In the past 20 years, he has helped to rehabilitate more than thousand children At that time, takuma was so boisterous that he was called Kyushu’s Junior Yakuza Takuma was one of the children saved by Ojisan

Takuma took care of Sho, who is 13 years old, like a brother Sho’s parents divorced when he was three months old When he was in seventh grade his mother got remarried and gave birth to his younger brother Sho stopped going to school He would run away from home and started to steal

“Did you steal a lot of motorcycles?” “Three…” “Wow…” “Were you a member of a gang?” “Yes” “Really? Ok” He repeatedly stole motorcycles and was caught by the police multiple times He was about to enter a juvenile home but instead odisan took him in “He steals motorbikes pretty fast. How many seconds?”

“30 seconds” “30 seconds!?” “I’m going to hide the flathead screwdriver” It’s okay as long as he doesn’t do it again Sho was welcomed by Ojisan and the others at the temple He was provided with full meals regained his daily rhythm And became more cheerful

However, one day, Sho was assaulted by a group of 16 local delinquents “You beat up Sho, didn’t you?” “You beat him up with 16 guys. Call them all! I’m heading your way right now” Ojisan decides to take this opportunity to disassociate show from the local bad guys

By confronting them face to face “Let’s go” However when they arrived at the meeting spot, the delinquents was holding A metal bat “This way”

ナレーション 斉藤舞子(フジテレビアナウンサー)
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統括プロデューサー:東 康之(フジテレビ)
プロデューサー: 加藤裕将(フジテレビ)
プロデューサー: 蒲田智恵(フジテレビ)

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