【ぶらっど大佐のアリブレ配信】#LOOTDERBY #説明 #ArenaBreakOut #アリーナブレイクアウト #公式クリエイター #S3 20240302 No.60

Good evening everyone, this is Colonel Brave Hearts Gaming Blood. How are you all doing? It’s Saturday night. Are you having a lot of fun ? Yes, I feel like I’m finally done with work, so I just started streaming. This time, um, it’s just as it was in the thumbnail. Well,

The route derby will start on March 7th. Well, after I give you information about the derby tournament, I’m hoping to go to a raid or something. Yes, this is the event. However , I think it’s probably an event that will be held all over the world at the same time,

So this is an event that anyone can participate in. It’s Sehin Dabi. The dates are a little different. What’s going on with this? This is that. It’s a little backwards, but it’s written from March 7th to March 13th, so the time is uh…

I think you will be able to enter from late at night to late at night, or rather from 0:00 to 3:59 in the morning, and then from 10:00 am to 23:59. I don’t think so, but this route derby probably appears in this event, this supply supply race, and the power struggle.This

Button is probably like this. I think the Senshina Derby is probably the route derby , so I think that’s how it’s going to be here . There’s also a reward for participating, so this is the first qualifying round for individuals. It’s going to be an individual battle

, so the map isn’t meant to be used for route dubbing , but it looks like it’s going to be a farm, so you can only play this 5 times in total, or 5 times. I’m not sure if I can get more than that

, but it seems like if I go 5 times and get a total of more than 500,000 yen and 500,000 points, I’ll be able to make it through to the qualifying rounds. I still don’t understand how to calculate the points.Is it possible to only go up to those 5 times?If I can go

More than 5 times, what is the total? There are only 5 rounds, and within those 5 rounds, the so-called 500,000 points or those who have exceeded 500,000 points will be able to pass through the qualifying round.I guess it hasn’t been fully announced yet. If you enter that event, the items you brought back

Will be exchanged for additional points as soon as you exit the event. So, uh, that means you can’t bring back the so-called supplies, and everything will be converted into points, so if you defeat that one contractor, you’ll get 50,000 points, and if you change the boss’s advantage, you’ll get 200,000 points. Well

, it’s pretty big, so you’ll have to go by yourself to get the Boss Talk , so if you ‘re confident in your skills , go get the Boss Talk as well. I think it’s a great idea.I think it might be a bit of an all-or-nothing situation, but I think that

‘s where the reward for participants comes in. Well, it’s still a little unclear whether you’ll get all of it or not.Yes, the rules are that way.Well , from March 7th, it’s March 14th.Well, that’s right. I explained this to you. It’s a farm tournament mode. I

Think this Frenzy map is the map that people who pass the preliminary round go to. I’ll explain more about this later. It was brought up. Supplies are converted into tournament points, so I thought I would explain this on the KonomakonoKorehama Fan G map, but the supplies you take out for your teammates

Can also be returned to your teammates, and they can also be converted into points. That means there isn’t any, so here it is. It might be a little redundant with the information on the Fan Frenzy map for the team match in the finals

, but even if you bring back medium equipment, you can return it to your opponent. Yes , it means that there are story-type tasks that require you to bring out special items, and there are some that cannot be cleared on the Kamoe tournament map, so Mako has participated in the tournament.

Well, I think it’s better to stop trying to clear the tasks. Now, anyone who is eligible to participate in the derby can participate in the qualifiers, so this is the Frenzy participation qualification. Well, it says there are 5 matches in the so-called preliminaries or preliminaries.

Isn’t it more than 5 matches? 5 matches will give you a total of 500,000 points. That means you can only do this 5 times. If you get 500,000 points in 5 matches, you will pass the preliminaries

. I wonder if I’ll be able to get through this? I’ll do my best. It’s pretty tough. Yes, the reward is to earn points by playing in the preliminaries and friends. You can get rewards by upgrading on the tournament battle bus. Yes, I

Got them in the top 5 matches in the preliminaries. In Frenzy, the ranking is determined by the total of points and rewards are earned.In Frenzy, this is what is called the final team match.The ranking of the players is determined by the total of

Individual points, slash, and squad points earned in 5 matches. You can earn rewards. Once Frenzy ends, you can receive qualifying and Frenzy ranking rewards on the event screen. I see, you must receive them on the event screen. However, be sure to receive all rewards before the Elimination Round ends. Please

Be sure to receive this as the event ends with the Elimination Round. If you do not receive it, it will disappear. Please make sure to receive it. For details on the Trophy Derby, please check the validity of your participation. You can participate by entering the Derby Map.

If you start a battle during the match period, but end it after the match period has passed, you will still be considered to have participated.This is probably at the last minute, 23:00 in the morning. You say you participated in the game after about 50 minutes, so even if you exceeded that time,

If you entered before that time, you would have participated up to that point.You started the battle before the match period started. Yes, those who participate before 0:00 are not considered to have participated. Yes, the results are valid. As long as the result is calculated correctly, points

Will be included in the individual match result.If the participating team members are from the same league squad, the sum of the values ​​of supplies exchanged by all squads will be included in the squad’s match result. If it’s included, if it’s not, then it’s just the individual game results.If

It’s not, it’s a little difficult, but yeah, it’s the squad results for those who passed through that preliminary round. Yes, it seems that you can form a team and that team will be fixed to a certain extent. I wonder if I’ll be riding it again later. I wonder if it’s the squad

Rules, or players who get 4 who advance to Frenzy. Players who left the game can create or join a squad during the Frenzy period. There can be up to 6 squads. This is important. You can form a team with 6 players. I thought it was 4 people, but the

Management is pretty good about this. We were having a little conversation with the manager of Neeko no Iko no Takumi, and he asked how many people there are in this squad, and there are 6 players.Each player can only belong to one derby squad

. This means that you can’t have multiple players, so if a player leaves a squad, whether it’s voluntarily or not, the results of the squad that were generated by that player’s participation will be deleted.This is troublesome. This is completely outrageous, so I guess it’s okay to leave the squad.If

The people who are really good at this are able to make it through, then they can form a team. But you have to be a little careful here. Please, everyone, after the third time since the start of Frenzy, players cannot leave the squad. That’s what it’s called. Registration means that

You become a fixed fixed team member, so what are the results of the ranking preliminaries and the Frenzy raid? Ranked separately Rankings are calculated based on the sum of the top 5 matches of an individual squad If less than 5 matches played, the total score of all matches played is added

Calculated or 5 matches played That may be the case. I wonder if it’s possible to play more than 5 games. That ‘s something I’m really concerned about. Yes, safety. No. 1 cheating throughout the tournament. Players who act

Will not only be given the corresponding punishment, but also the following penalties: Cheating players will also be expelled from league squads that they are not eligible to participate in. If you can do it properly, it is natural. Cheating players participating in the tournament The results achieved by

This will be consumed, including the results of individuals and elite squads.This is true, so be careful when forming a team.There is even a possibility that it is better not to team up with people you do not understand. It’s difficult, it’s scary, but it means yes. This

Is the preliminaries, Friends, and this is the finals. Well, in the finals, the participation fee has changed. I feel like nothing has changed. I feel like nothing has changed. Check it out here. Well,

I guess I’m the one who heard this from the management, but I don’t know how many other official creators know about this, but I personally think it’s a little bit. When I talked about various things about this route derby,

I asked a lot of things.I heard a lot of things, like how to participate, and I just decided that I could guide them. So, um , I was going to open it right away , but I’m curious, but actually,

There’s some information here that I haven’t posted.It’s true, there are quite a few people who watch my streams. I think it’s going to be crazy , but I’m still a little confused. It’s raid time right now, so the number of connections may be small, but I’m

Going to say something really important. Probably not many people know about this, so I’m seriously going to say this. There is a product called a prize for the ranking of the final team , so I think the one around here riding here

Is a product for the individual ranking of the final match. You should ask , uhm, the final team rankings, the team rankings, the individual rankings for the finals, and even the ranking products for the preliminaries, umm, are disclosed from here, but

Actually, this Frenzy will be the finals. It seems that there is a consumable item for the team’s ranking of the team itself , but if this is changed for that reason, Brad, you might be told that you’re not lying. I don’t know, but based on the information I’ve received,

I guess it’s going to be the world rankings of the teams, starting from 1st place, and basically all the teams that participated. However, I do know that this permanent title will be given to all team members from 1st place to 9999th place.

I don’t think everyone knows this, but I’ve heard the name of the title for a while, but maybe this is a little bit. I’ll refrain from talking about the title as it may change , but I’ll say it one more time as a permanent title.The

Final team ranking product will be permanent for all team members from 1st to 9999th place. It means that people from 10,000 rank onwards can also receive the same title , but that title will disappear in 7 days.Yes , for those of you who like titles. You, I like titles too, so I’m

Going to talk about this.When I first heard about this route derby, I was told that there was also some kind of prize money.Until now, there had been a lot of things like “Study Musou,” but it was quite difficult. I thought it was a no-brainer

, but if you win something like this, are there any prizes or something you can get?For me, it’s the most burning permanent title. I was really excited because there was this. Well, I guess I asked the management before I distributed it, and they said it was okay,

So as long as there are no problems, I’ll do this. I don’t think things will change, so please don’t think that I’m lying if things change.I hope you will think of me as a victim of that brat. I think I’m going to get the title.

I think I’m going to get the title too, so I’m really excited. So, yeah , this route derby tournament starts on March 7th. Everyone, definitely do this. Everyone can participate, so I think I’ll be participating as the official creator while streaming, but everyone, please come along.The

Main character is myself.Really, the main character is myself.I am the main character. I hope that you will play the leading role and do your best.I also hope that you will make it through the preliminaries and form a team with various friends to

Take on the finals.I will also form a group of members mainly from my own clan. I’m thinking that I might have a connection with someone right now, so I’d appreciate your help in that case.So, um, I’d like to inform you about the route derby derby tournament from Colonel Blood. Okay, so

From now on, I think I’ll just do some normal raiding, and I think I ‘ll be able to get around 34,000. Well, for now, I wonder if there are any members of my clan here. I wonder if Kanakana High School will be there.Oh yeah, that ‘s right.I wonder what’s going on,

But if you have any questions, Aka-san, good evening, Amano-san, good evening too, thank you.I didn’t watch it for a while because I was so excited about the stream.Good evening , that’s it. Yes, I heard what you said , so if you don’t understand what I said, please go check it out. Yes, I

Heard it. Yes, it’s permanent. It’s permanent. It seems that it’s permanent. Wow, I heard it correctly. What kind of tournament is it? I asked him what kind of thing he was, like water or something, and he said yes.Well, that means it’s okay.Ah, yes,

Yes, I understand.Ah, yes, I understand.I wonder if we’ll have a chat the other day?March 7th . Well, finally, I guess it’s true that the competitions that have been held so far have been like “There’s no one winner,” or something like that.Maybe this is that POD.It’s coming from the head office,

Mainly the creators who belong to the Lions Golden Lions League. Now that I’ve received information about the tournament, I’d like to reach out to the creators from each country.However, from the perspective of the average player, it ‘s a battle where creators are the only ones doing this. I think it’s been about

Half a year now since it was released from July 7th to July 14th or July 14th. After half a year, the time has come for you all to play an active role. This is probably where players from all over the world will

Be excited. I don’t know where the stars will come from, but it’s interesting. Yeah, well, that’s my tactical squad move. Well, I’m sure there are people who say that it’s not a tactical squad or something like that, but that it’s all about individuality.I wonder what that means,

Because those people are already able to show their abilities to the fullest . The last person has come. It’s become a pattern that I have to go. I was open for a while, but I wonder if some cool Japanese people came. Thank you. I’m a creator, I’m a creator. I’m a creator, and

I ‘m streaming now. But is that okay ? Yes , it’s okay. Everyone seems to be very lively people, isn’t it? Let’s go. It’s just the three of us. Well then, I hope you’ll have a good time. Thank you very much. Let’s go. Well, I’m sorry if

There’s a voice from an unrelated person, so I’ll just delete it for a moment. Um, wait a second, so I do n’t want to hear your voice on the stream. Please understand that I can’t hear you. Is it okay? Is it okay? Yes , I ‘m really nervous.

Let’s go. It’s been a while . It’s been a while, but I don’t think so. I’ve heard that my fellow teams are beating me up, so I didn’t have anything like that when I was playing when this power struggle just started, so I’m

A little worried about that. Yours doesn’t come in parallel, so we can’t tell . Yeah , it’s the same as usual. Okay , if you get too close, you’ll lose. [Applause] It’s dangerous because it’s here , right? I’m going to take that chair. I’m going to go here . It’s here. It’s coming

. I’ll leave it to you. Which way is the lane? Which way is the lane? Understood, understood, understood. The other one is cutting the lane. My friend went home, I don’t know, I don’t know, a Japanese guy came. I didn’t come to the path, but the friend who shot the comic is shooting

It. There was a dangerous one. That one from Chim who took the one. That one has passed away. I wonder if you really went home. I feel like I’ve been beaten. I wish you could take your equipment home, but if you told me that much, I

‘d be in a lot of trouble. It’s really dangerous here. I’m just waiting for you to stay in the hallway. I haven’t had to watch it yet , so I’m pretty pissed off by my friends.The other person who was copying my friends was also really pissed off. If you

Know when the enemy appears, you won’t be able to pass. I wonder if it came from the manager . [Music] I think two copies came from the manager. It’s from the library, but it’s okay. They’re still fighting. I ca n’t see where it is. I think it’s probably here. I wonder where it’s underneath or somewhere . Should I cover my whole body? No, the bot is coming that far. My friends have come up there and I ‘ll give them a gift.I’m going to move forward a little higher.I wonder if it’s on the bottom floor.It looks like it’s a bot here.It’s over here.It ‘s over here.It ‘s Roser. It’s okay because it’s not a long distance.

People who are very cautious are like, “I ‘m crushing the hell out of here, so I understand . Damn, I have to give you a gun, but you don’t give me anything. [Music] What’s wrong with me ? ” I’m going to take a look at No. 4 Bushi. I

‘ll leave it to the front lines. Since we won , I’ll go home for now. It seems like one of my friends is missing, so I’ll go back for a while so I do n’t get pasted. It seems like my friends took the supplies.

I’m going to clear the parking lot. Let ‘s do our best. Are you okay? This is so big. Yeah, that’s good. Hey, the enemy I defeated earlier did a good job. At least get a silver ball . I want Dairikichi to do it. Ah, I know. Hey,

I opened it a little while ago. That’s right, Mr. 3 and Mr. 4 have come in , so it’s okay, okay , okay, thank you very much . I’m sorry, because earlier I made it so that anyone can participate. ] What’s going on with my PC

? What’s going on with my PC? What’s going on with my PC? Say hello, come on, come on, let’s go. So, if we don’t create a proper distribution mode, Rio will hate us if we say it’s 100%. Distribution is about 80% usage, about 75%. That’s good. I ‘ve been waiting for a while,

So let ‘s wait for 10 seconds. Then I wonder if it’s Torres or Nobunaga. Nobunaga Town. I looked at the explanation of my route derby properly. I said some pretty valuable information. I understand that it’s really valuable information. I’m putting it out, so it’s a different thing. I

Don’t know what’s wrong, I don’t know, that para came here Hello, Hello, Hello, why is this? I’m wondering if you can stop that, but if you tell me who this guy is in parallel, I’ll delete it.I don’t know his name.I do n’t know his name.Maybe everyone

Doesn’t know either.If he’s the head of that clan, that’s fine, but yeah, I looked at it properly. I explained the route derby and gave you some great deals. I’m not going to say anything right now, so you should take a look at the archives. You should take a

Look. I’m really excited. The tension goes up as it goes up, the tension goes up.Maybe it’s because everyone is going to go up.It’s boring.It’s boring.I’ve never gotten one before, so I don’t want to get one like that.I gave it to them. It’s worth more than it’s worth, so I brought it.

That’s amazing, that’s amazing, Nobunaga, isn’t that 66 Beth? Isn’t that borrowed? Oh, look at that, what’s the mileage value? The mileage value? The mileage value

Is so bad. That send-back is terrible. You have to do your best. Do your best at that rate. As you increase the rate, your assets will decrease in proportion to the rate.If you increase the rate , the rate will be boosted considerably and it will go up rapidly, but your

Assets will decrease considerably.After all, the most important thing is to live and change. That’s because I think it’s absolutely important, so there have been many times when I’ve done 3 redos, 4 redos, 0 rets, but I feel

Like I’m making a lot of money just by being alive.If I don’t use that system, I’ll make more and more money. Nobu-chan is an idiot when it comes to decreasing numbers. My parents have increased a bit, but they

Haven’t increased by a lot. I’ve been seen as having the power to increase, so there’s been some kind of power struggle and a lot of grenades from my friends. It looks like he died from a Molotov cocktail or something. I ‘ve seen him with that X quite a lot, so be careful. It

‘s not yours, it’s yours. Everyone is on the Kuregremon distribution, so it’s Kurere and Furegre too. Do you understand ? Basically, I think everyone is nice, so I think they’re good people, but I hope they’ll at least

Be a little more considerate when they meet their relatives. I think it would be fine if they would like to stream it in the same way as their relatives Basato.Okay, I’ll go.Enough is enough, Nobunaga.That’s okay.I can’t let him have weapons.It’s okay for the big man. It’s okay, you

‘re out, so I don’t have a red backpack. Don’t worry about the length. It’s okay. I’ll put this away, so I’ll give you a physical gift in the middle. This only comes out at the end, so it’s bright. My equipment is pretty green and colorful . It’s stylish. It’s important to

Be fashionable. I’m wearing a green volleyball rig and a red ribbon on my head. Just by looking at it, the enemy will wonder what kind of equipment this is. I walked to Harajuku. I don’t know where I am. I’m leading the way

. There’s some kind of sound. It sounded like MM 61. Right now, I’m on the other side. I’m fishing . There ‘s something. Don’t drop two cards. Do it now that you’re dead. [Applause] But I’m in the way. I can’t get through either. Thailand will protect me. I can run the other day.

I’m trying to think I can run . I was shot in the back too. [Applause] Just like that now. Kip , I almost died, I almost died too, I’m in danger, I almost died too, I can keep it like that, I can do it, I can do it,

Let’s go and finish it off. I can’t hear it, but no, it’s because there was a noise. There ‘s a serious one, but for now, Nobunaga and I can hear the sound of the blockade. That’s why Nobunaga goes there and it’s okay. To that person who was there earlier, there’s one

Of them. Where did you get it? Where did you get into the office? Of course that big red bug stabbed you and you’re broadcasting. Yes , it’s okay to talk to me during the broadcast. Good evening, I’ll tell you the location of M10, which

Is the M10 that I was just typing. Pin M Green , outside, inside, about 2 passages, yes, at least 2. There’s still a position in that position. Yeah, that position from earlier, that position is strong, right? It’s going to break, so my position is super weak when the grays come flying at me.

It’s okay, I’m going down, so I guess they’re running. I ran down and they made an escape point. Where did M go? I wonder if he got off when I played MM. I couldn’t hear him , but he seemed to have gotten off and ran. There are two players under the office

. The elevator passage is coming up. The stairs are lined. I’m pasting it. I put it on, but it’s open, there ‘s a wall I can’t see . One dead person. I think I hear the sound of a Molotov cocktail behind the outside door. There was one L person inside.

LG. How many times? Two times? I’m sorry for the person who was in L. I couldn’t see right now.Which is on the library side? No, it’s in L normally, so please tell me where it is. Well, the stairs are also here twice. Oh elevator passage. Something is being thrown from the side. I

See the flames . I can see it here. I see. It’s almost coming in. Now which way should I look ? It’s better to go over there.It’s where I was originally.I’m here now.I’m here now.I know.Wow , what’s wrong with that one card?Nice, nice, but the enemy is dead.I did this.I can’t do

This.I can’t do it for the most part.My team has only one card. It seems like it’s falling, oh, you’re probably watching too.Okay, it ‘s there.It ‘s there.I heard the sound of it.If I open it, it’s probably there.My sound has also come in.Why

Don’t you open it?If you open it, I’ll attack too.I’ll throw it. Shall I open it? Should I open it? Shall I open it? The glare bounced off of me. I’m already in front of my eyes. It’s stuck to me.

It’s stuck to me. If I open it like that, it’ll be long. Yeah, I’ll do it long. Don’t think about it. The moment I open it, I’m ready to throw Mar 2. What are you going to do ? You can open it. You can open it. Now

Wait a minute, wait, it’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. I think it’s okay to open it. I wanted to open it. I want to run away. Wow, quite a few of my friends have died, ah, my second one has died . The elevator hall is pretty occupied. There was that guy.

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. There’s probably an enemy around here. Maybe it’s in the middle of the elevator. No, the one in the middle is there, there’s an elevator, there ‘s no way, there’s an elevator

, there’s no way, there’s no way, there’s an elevator, there’s a team that’s doing a lot of damage right now. I went over there, it’s okay, it’s okay, yeah , thank you for not being too forward. Just now, a player ran off. I think

He bought 10,000 for escape and escape . [Music] There’s no way. Oh , I ‘m going to park here. I feel like I ‘m leaving . I’m going to take a break or something. I’m going to take a break. I’m going to take a break in the parking lot.

Or here, listen to the sound of the outer passageway. Look at me, Rios. You’re okay, yeah, okay, okay. Right now, there are probably people near the sound of the gunshots. Let’s move on. What should we do then? How should the two of us proceed ? It’s dangerous. What are we going to do

? It’s 25 now. Is this place clear? I ‘m going home. Should I go home? I’ll probably go home okay. Hey, I want the members to take turns and combine . Oh, I’m gone, I’m gone , I’m gone,

Ok, I like the power struggle. It’s not really good to be able to go there quickly. I like the convenience, but yeah, I like the convenience, but I don’t like it. There are too many snipers in some places, really seriously, that one, that one on the library side, that squirrel-like M10, etc. I

Hate it . I use it because I’m ugly from the enemy. It’s scary, but it’s a glow 10 body and that one. I don’t know what it is , I don’t have any of those things, so I really want some good bullets . I almost died for a moment earlier.

What should I do? Don’t worry about where I should go. I’m sure there are some leg-striking enemies, Dum Dum, I guess . I don’t know what that means with those feet, which are pretty dangerous.There are a lot of people who look like 6-year-olds, and

That’s what they did earlier when they killed India.I don’t like it, but it’s weird, so there’s a full-fledged Indian. That’s strange. I saw the first person in India. I also saw the second person in India. What should I do if it’s addressed to India and it’s an Indian party ? It ‘s like

This , and then I do this. 5 is fine. Basically, there are a lot of 4-penetrations, so it’s like Pabda’s boo. When I think about adding Dum Dum Dum Dum , the equipment would be strong if it was a countermeasure for Dum Dum at all.That full play of God is heavy

, but I wonder if I can run like that.The colonel from the nostalgic exercise and the colonel from the exercise are oops. Then you say it like it’s an exercise. Should I go ahead ? I don’t trust this IM7070 or 80, so it’s okay, okay,

I’m deaf, so it’s the most important thing. My ears are the most important thing. As long as you’re a team member, I don’t really care. I just need to compensate for the inability to hear. Not being able to hear orders is probably the worst, but I’ll be sure to stay safe.

Hmm, basically, can’t they come from above? The enemy won’t come. Maybe it’s better to stop sending messages. You can see it in a long shot. It ‘s coming here. Where did it go? I think it ‘s probably that way.

I lost two cards. I wonder if it was near the escape area on the first floor. Maybe no, no, no, maybe not. It ‘s probably a player or this is the player. The person in the party who pulled this sound must have pulled it. The manager just did it. Money, money, money.

Manager understands, I have a pal, don’t overdo it , it’s been taken quite a lot , it ‘s been taken up to around here, it’s been taken, it’s been taken quite a bit, it’s dangerous up to around here I ca

N’t take it, I’m a wampa who will think about it if I die. Maybe it ‘s a manager type jump . I’m trying to climb up somewhere. It’s probably here. It’s around here. I’ll shoot it a little. If the two decoys below die, I’ll fight

Rios. You should really watch around here. 2 Yeah, I’m looking at everything on the floor. I took one. Nasu. Where did I do it? He ‘s walking around sneaking. He should be right above me. He’s all over here. I took one

. That’s nice. I managed to get it mixed in with the deco. But I can’t drink it. I guess I’ve finally gotten a little too preoccupied. I’ve come down. I haven’t gotten down. I’m right next to me. I’m right next to me.

For now, there’s definitely one for me. Rios I looked around here and there’s Aiwa . I think my friend was shot and he’s recovering now. Deco under me was shot. I got two photos from the second floor. Let’s see here. Be careful. That person is coming down, so be careful. What

Happened? 2 times, 1 time, 1 time, 1 time, 2 times . [Music] It’s right there, right above me. It looks like I’ve been there once, too. One by one, one by one, one by one. I came down the stairs with an eggplant twist . [Music] Who got shot now? It’s okay,

I’m going to go up from there.I can’t go up.I see.I see.Rios.Maybe I can move forward.Maybe I can get the line for the elevator.Emi.What ‘s the opponent’s weapon ?What’s the item?I can’t hear it at all. What, what , Dada Dum Dum U,

What the heck is going on here? Where are you in the middle of nowhere ? They ‘re shooting at the ceiling above the manager . I mean, I’m the manager of Unkaso, who’s right above Nobuo Sairug, no, I mean, he’s probably better than G, but he moved to that

Lily, and until I got there , he was still dead, not dead yet, dead, dead, dead, now dead. Now that I’m dead from a gun, the trick is to be the manager there, or whatever, but if that

‘s the case, I’ll probably take a piss where it looks like it’s going to be a problem, and then I’ll be able to believe it and pick where it looks like Nobunaga. There are two places, there are two places, here, here, and here. It’s okay there, I guess. I

Feel like I’m probably somewhere around there, too. My voice has died, and I ‘m in the light. Okay, that’s a nuisance. I’m going to go sneaking. I guess Deko died there

. No, she was there a little while ago. I don’t know, but it looks like she was shot from diagonally to the left, so what ‘s that? 56 Eh, Rios is dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. Rios. Yeah, it’s not the elevator in that elevator aisle, it’s that staircase.

Go down the stairs where you can see the elevator. It’s the one that you can get down in the middle of. That’s about 2 lines or about this box. Oh, enough to go. Okay, then I’m going to go along the wall on the left. Now 34340

Okay, Nobunaga go straight and stick to the wall on the library side in front. Use sneaking. I think it’s okay to go, my friend. Okay, let’s go. I ‘ll take a closer look at that elevator side, so I asked you to look at the elevator side

. Rather, yeah, that’s my friend. What do you mean, that decoy is alive? I don’t really understand Nobunaga. Um, the straight hallway is okay. That decoy. What does it mean to be alive ? It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s still here, it ‘s here, it’s here, it’s on, it ‘s

On it Isn’t it the end? Maybe it’s the end. We can’t go home either . Okay, I got it. The head was hit a lot. The body was hit a lot, but it was okay. Oh, the field that came here will be taken away.

I guess it’s your VS. I’ve got it for now. No, it’s okay, that’s fine, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don’t have anything anyway, so I’ll take it with me. Okay, Samurai, let’s take this Defender rig is okay, oh yeah, that’s okay, the border rig is me, ah, I got it, I didn’t have Groose, I picked up Groose

, okay , that’s all. So what are we going to do? Where did he go? He was running like crazy. Ah, Rios. There are quite a few. Yes, I’m glad. There are quite a few. Most of them. Yes, most of them. Some of them are

Idiots . Most of them. Most of them. Yes , most of them. Yes, there are. Seriously, the Chinese are dangerous. It ‘s dangerous. It’s terrible. Wait a minute. It’s dangerous. It’s dangerous. It’s dangerous . Okay , I’ll put that one in. No, I can’t put it in, so I ‘ll

Put it in on the live broadcast. I’ll put in the timing of my parale. Okay , let’s do it . You didn’t do a big job earlier, but you did a great job, but thanks to me, it’s okay If I hadn’t stood up, I might have been shot and died. Seriously, what did

That guy do? He hit me hard in the face and body , but I didn’t die. I was able to fall face down at the last minute. I don’t understand. But for now, I have no choice but to lay down. I have no choice but to lay down.

A. If you’d like, Rios can bring it back. No, it’s really scary. Kyuu. There’s 4 of us doing it. Nice Asa. Thank you . League. I’ll go again with this rig. 310,000 yen. The power of the team members is what matters after all, so it’s important

That even if a friend dies, they can take something home with them.If they can be stable , that’s the best thing.Maybe I should sell them all or don’t have them. I think Nobunaga and I played 7 cards. That’s great. I think

Rios did it as well. This time, I didn’t have any opponents for that long on iron. Yeah, well, that’s how it is, but it depends on someone’s positioning and that. It’s great that you can accurately attack the enemy that came by using the enemy’s route. Okay, wait,

It’s so loud that you can hear it right now. It’s a nuisance that you’ll be hit by a wall again . Well, nice play, nice play . That guy is using S , and he’s waiting a little bit for a bullet. It ‘s no good even if he just uses this.

I bought 151,500 shots, so I can’t stream it tomorrow. I should stream it today. It’s okay if I don’t have it. I’ll do it the day after tomorrow too. I’m going to have to work tomorrow so I can’t do it. Maybe I’ll have to eat another meal or something. I’ll bring ST.

Okay, I’ll go here. Okay, I’m going alone right now. No, I don’t want to do it. Oh, we’re going to switch places , so what are we going to do? Someone took a nice break one by one. Thank you so much, let ‘s mix up the tres. Oh, it’s so cool.

Make sure to wear a nice tan color for that outfit . It’s really tan. I should have made it in color, but yeah, it was a little greener for me , too . No ,

This is really interesting. It’s a route derby. Let’s all survive. I’m not sure if I’ll make it through the preliminaries, but it’s like 500,000 yen for 5 rounds and 5 rounds. I can probably only do 5 solos on the farm. I think so, but it seems

That if you get a total of 500,000 points in 5 rounds, you can pass the qualifying rounds, so wasn’t it 5,005,000,000,500,500,000 ? Even if I don’t need it, I

Won’t be able to get out of it.I’ll get 5 million in 5 times, 500,000. That’s definitely true, and many people can get out.Basically, once we get that 500,000, we’ll form a team . What should I do, where should I go , this is the same, it’s not much different from before,

No, it’s this , this, this side, that side, that’s it. I always watch long videos, so in terms of frame, it’s probably on this side. What the hell is this really about that bot? I can’t move forward at all because I’m getting in the way of bots

. The good parts are all taken away. It’s stupid to go slowly with people who are good friends, so I can’t go a little ahead of them. You’re scary. If I throw gas at you, will you say “Geho, Geho?” No, oops, S is here, S, it’s dangerous, it’s

Dangerous to be attacked in one place, what’s that, it’s in front of Long, uhm , there’s a blue pin, there’s also a blue pin , so I’m sure I’m being shot at, too. And the blue pins and pins are really cool too. I’m probably the blue one. Wait a minute,

Wampa’s been beaten by the stairs. I’m the only one left. Yeah , this is dangerous. There’s a pin in there. If that’s the case, there might be a blue pin in there . If there’s one left , I’ll pick up one more.The player’s friends seem to be a bit of a nuisance, so

It seems like they’ll lose out on not being able to do it.I’ll make sure to grab one so I don’t get left behind.Nice pin side. So I’ve dropped 2 cards, so it’s a blue pin, but both snipers are still 10. I’m not beaten yet. I wonder if I dropped SJ too.

If I drop SJ or something, I’ll be able to get it in front of me. Yeah, I dropped it during the spa. I’m the player now. The surviving player is probably going to climb up the stairs

Over here, so the only survivor should have climbed that way.Unless the two of them in front of Rios are killed. [ Music ] I wonder if I got ten pieces of Hasako.I think I did a nice job. Andre was saying

That, so I started to muck around a little.Well, I was running towards the blue pin, and the words [MUSIC] were also running.Maybe I was just fishing inside the other person.I stood on the other side. For some reason, the deco in the center was damaged once, so it hurt so

Much that it went down. I want to do the blue pin and reload. Nice. Let’s go to safety a little bit. Let’s go to safety. Oh, that guy opened the door with my decoy. Damn, he opened it twice and didn’t go open it. Hey, stop it. It’s a report,

It’s a report, it’s dangerous, he’s coming to report it, it’s really dangerous, it’s dangerous, he’s coming to open it, stop it, seriously China Kabu still has a blue pin, I’m playing 3 pieces, I’m playing 3 pieces, oh I’m dead, I’m on the left, the site is on the left. Where are

The stairs on the left ? The stairs on the left . Don’t die, first of all Al Alba. This is the enemy’s weapon. This cat follows me all the time and opens the door I close. What do you think about this? What do you think about this? Is this this still here? This

Pin is blue. There’s probably still more. I thought, so I was careful, and I saw the tip of something ugly on the blue pin, but it looks like it might be a bot, or maybe it’s a bot . Yes, I can use alpaca. Kaorukasu I can see this,

Where is it? Pipi, this is it. It’s definitely blue or blue . For now, there’s a tree, so I think I’m going to decorate it. I feel like the number of my decoys has increased. Should I go that way

? If there are decoys just below this. Or rather, who are those decoys in that temporary rest room? He’s dangerous. He’s strong. He’s strong, one by one. He’s an elite. He’s too strong. For now, I’ve got Bubus’s custom for the pin. Us’s bots. Customs that aren’t bots. Comes with customs

. Hey, look here, where are you looking? I’m on the right, I’m looking on the right. Go, I’m on the right side. Wait a minute. Me too, I’m getting closer. Tomorrow, I might be betrayed too, but I’m going that way. What

‘s that? That angle is strange, the library side, the library side, the library side, right? The voice of the player is still the voice of faith right now. The one that came out is still ah, it’s still not good. I’m drinking a little now. 5 By the way, I

‘m in the library right now with the door closed . Probably not. Maybe one of the drawings from the library is already there. The number of dead bodies is too much.If I don’t fly quickly , I’ll be taken by my friends.I know, I’ll be taken by my friends

. I think all three of them are probably dead. 246161 That’s too much of a coincidence . I’m glad he’s home now, not that one. It was the SVD guy, but LPS saved him. Seriously? I think I should go home. I think I had about 4 of them.

When I looked at them, I saw that they were like you. What you’re doing is dangerous. You should collect them. What should I do? Stop it. I’m sorry. It’s live streaming right now, right? Yeah, that ‘s right, I’m a bit lazy when I have expensive equipment. Most of the time I’m

Playing Legends. Oh no, Legends. It’s too dangerous for me to do it all . I’m at a spa . It makes some noise. I heard a sound, and now I hear this sound, who’s my friend, who’s watching this, right now, me, this, oh,

Wait a minute, I’ll take this home, someone’s been rocking me. When I go home , I bring back my head and stuff.I can’t take my armor home with me.I brought my armor, I brought it, I brought it all, it’s heavy. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s

Okay, it’s okay, let’s go home, it’s really bad, it’s good, it’s a bit of a shame that Tore got killed in the battle in the end, but we won anyway , it’s creepy, isn’t it? My sniper is going to jump down here, but I’m flying plate, but

It’s 0. This is here. [Applause] It’s so nostalgic. A while ago, Sasa ran up here and hit one shot, and about 5 people came. He said Kokoro lost the A. I was able to collect it. 200 points went up, now I have 5 kills on Contra. Sniper, damn,

I think all of them have come back. If it had been 0, yeah, yeah, I probably would have been able to get past it, and I was stupid with that and RPK. Didn’t it die? It happened 3 times. I probably dropped it on the RPK. Did I hit it with a sniper or

After quitting? Oh, that’s what I mean. This is the strategy of putting out one head. This one is too bad. This is that one, or the green one. Be careful, it’s dangerous , so next time it’s Nobunaga. I’m going to fall, or should

I say fall, or should I say it was me? Naka-san was gone, and I went and said, “ What ‘s the phone call?” What did you call us for? Seriously, the black money is being distributed. They’re cleaning up the warehouse, so go and the village is out.

Is the darkness out? This is the black money, because if you look at that Ushijima-kun thing, you’ll see a caption, it’s a crime. So it ‘s no good, is it no good? Shima- kun, are you serious? Yes, Shima-kun, it’s interesting. Shima

-ka, wait, now, now, this is amazing, I’m mesh, right now, 6 so is selling for 50,000 yen, oh, I bought it, I couldn’t buy it, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible. I really couldn’t buy it , but it was 36,000 yen, 5,000 yen.Isn’t it okay to even bring some food?Something like

That orange juice and that one bookstore. I think it’s fine. I seriously don’t want one bookstore. I don’t know what that means at all. That orange is simply that one with the meat in it. Is there a bookstore that should have it? That orange is oh well

. It’s good to have that for when you’re recovering and you’re dehydrated. Yeah, yeah, one real book and one orange are fine, so I have that composition right now. I had about 3 at first, but I’m worried. I also have the usual amount that I usually have,

But I’m fine with this too. I have bullets, meat rounds, and no STO. Please sell me Andre S. But then I thought, Andrei can’t do it anymore. You said no. You ‘ve already sold 5 today. You’re here now. Let ‘s do this and this . Ooh, what’s not enough? This, oh,

That , red, red, red, red, because it’s a drug, red parking pot , blue, blue, it’s not that important, all you need is one blue, you just have to fix Nobunaga.I wonder if there are some who can’t come.

I’m going to do it so that the cat, Tiki-san, can also join in parallel, so if Tiki-san also comes, it’ll be good practice. Hey, even just a little bit of that, how about making that green green thing break? If I lose this, I’ll go home with a rig, so

I don’t need that huge rev. I’ve lost this and that, so I wonder if it’s lost . Hamas I wonder if I should use it, but Famous is taking up a really bad place compared to Famous. I just saw all the contractors with one punch on their heads

. What should I do with the 5 of them? I wonder if I’ll use Lotus. It’s 2025 in a row, so in an emergency, it seems like it’s useless, so sell it. Let’s just sell this.If we were just taking up space , we ‘d sell it.But please leave it, please

Leave it. Yeah, it’s 10 in a row and sometimes there’s a 6, so it’s creepy, so yeah, I’m sorry I only have a 61, I don’t have that Mozu.It was my appearance.Yes, but it says 8K.That ‘s 8,000 shots, 8,000 shots. Eh , it’s 8K, so

When it goes to 1,800 yen, it’s selling really well.That’s why it’s so troublesome.There aren’t that many bullets.That kind of thing is annoying.Also, I feel like I don’t have one more person, so I’ll have to come out here. I wonder who did it ? I’m in the process of contacting them.

Who is it? There’s no way this is going to be the case when it comes to organizing the warehouse. It’s strange that the mpx I sent back came back . It ‘s me . Let’s get out. Nobunaga. Hey, what should I do now? Isn’t this equipment perfect?

​​Well, it’s perfect. I can do it up close, I can do it up close , I can do it far away, but I’m deaf, so I have eyes, so it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Unchi-san and 4 pieces. Thank you, I’m putting it on top of the 4, but it’s not

Very expensive. That’s 1. Let ‘s go higher, higher, faster. Let’s go faster, faster. JIS JUST 20. I ‘m about 250,000. I think the difference is probably the highest. It’s simple, no, just the head is fine, but recently the head is cheap 3

150,150 yen I had too much and sold it all the time I ‘ve reduced it to 3 but if it goes down I’ll just say 1 Yes, that’s okay. It’s okay if you don’t stock up on a lot of nerds. It’ll be 1 hour more. In terms of streaming,

It might be strong if it’s multiplied by 3.5 times. I’m a big fan of saury in general, so I watch 3.5’s thermals. 3.5’s and Ba’s have never hit me. I think I’ve finished the 6 boxes so I’m thinking of selling them.Let’s go and find a parking lot.That

‘s probably what people who do this in general are thinking.It’s time to get this sniper strong. I don’t have any bullets, but I hope you die. Maybe you know someone named Ta. Yeah, it’s an emotional event. It might be the person who burned you with a Molotov cocktail.

Stop it. I’m streaming it, so that accident will bounce back from each other . Taa, it’s two people, it’s burning, it’s two people [applause] Taa, there, it ‘s two. I was on this side at the beginning, so I’m always going to do something like that at an angle. Oh, okay,

Okay, if it’s like poop on an angle, it’s okay. Well, it looks like it’s okay. [Applause] The elevator is definitely nice. Where did that attack come from? Is it outside? Or outside? Or outside? That one person , that one person. Ah, it was that

Big. Red pin. Red pin. It’s always the squirrel. There’s an enemy player here in front of the elevator. Maybe it’s Nao who took one card, but there was one person on the LG side as well . What ‘s this grenade? The player entered the library and

Got on the library. It’s really scary. That’s scary. Anyway, I took a look at the stairs, but I guess it’s okay. Is that the stairs? One picture of poop came, which means it would be a bit dangerous if there was another picture. I’m hurt right now, so just look at that. It

‘s a little suspicious here It’s suspicious around here You don’t have to get off Yeah, you don’t have to get off You don’t have to get off Api Yatana One person went here with the red pin confirmed Now I understand. Nice finished. This time.

How many cards did you drop? I lost one or three. I ‘m completely recovered. [Music] Look at the L in the L room of the room, Rios. Torres is okay too . I feel like there’s a high glow in there. I want Rosa. It’s in the back. Did I drop anything? I forgot.

I must have dropped 230,000 yen. I killed the dangerous guy who just dropped it, but it turned around. You can go. I’m in the elevator. I’m already looking over there. That’s nice . After all, Grose Nisco is stable. The first move is the ace

. I’m serious. Stop it, please stop it. Please don’t take my part. Yes, the bullet was the only thing that went into it. It’s okay here. I’ll collect my armor. I’m going to pick it up.I’m sorry if I picked up this guy.I decided not to pick up 4.I was starting to

Hear something in my ears, so I picked up 4.After 4, I picked up as much as I could . It’s funny to hear . It’s quiet now. It’s not over . Thank you, Topapa . It’s over. It’s not

Like it’s over. There are times when no one can do it. Me too. It’s been like that many times since then. It’s zero. I ‘ll take it with me and put it in the rig just in case. I’ll do whatever I can. There’s nothing there. There’s something there.

There’s nothing there, but I think I want it for now. 926 Hunter and I’ll probably stay here. I’m really into the 926 Hunter who went out. Where is this? Is this our starting line? I’m standing on the cart line.

I’m going to go to Recosta right now. The backpack I brought with me is kind of crappy, so wait a minute, I’ll have to put it in here. I can’t walk like Volta anymore, and I can’t walk like Bot’s Ton Ton Ton. I can’t walk at all. Okay,

Okay, I picked it up, but where did it go ? Everyone here and there left me behind. Well, bye bye. If you get hit with this, it’ll be my fault. If you’re about to get hit, move quickly and let me pass. Oh, I’m so screwed,

I can’t help it, I can’t help it, I can’t help it, I can’t help it Yes , I can’t help it Really, I want that like button to be infinite I wonder if it’s no good after the last train twice or twice Take a look at the trailer

I wonder if I want an answer, blue blue Jisoo, let’s turn it [Music] Congratulations 6363 Oh, I can go once too. Yeah, it’s good. It’s refreshing to be able to do things like this. It’s refreshing to

Be able to flow like this. Nobunaga has already fallen asleep. I don’t understand. I don’t know. I’m not doing it . I don’t know what I do, I haven’t done that, I don’t do it. I can come out again. What ‘s wrong with you

, Kina-san ? You can come out one more time. The basics of this game is to accumulate money steadily. My final secret is that damn 30,000 yen. Even 30,000 yen is fine with SKS . Yes, SKS, if you hit that with AP bullets, you’ll be fine for now. Don’t worry about it

on a serious map. When you’re in a dum dum situation, this equipment is the best. This armor is the best . I don’t have any response at all. I’m killing it with Guza, and I’m feeling a surge of excitement

Inside me.I don’t feel even one inch of it , but I’m still alive.My M is doing great right now, so that’s good, but I’m at home right now. The kill rate with the sniper rifle on this team is probably Rios’ number one.Since Kapi-maki hasn’t come back, it’s true that Rios is the

Sniper.If Kapi-maki comes back, there are two snipers on the team. I feel like it’s pretty strong to be able to put one sniper in Alpha and Bravo , but Ma Rios has passed the mark. It’s also a sniper in this game.

Use Sniper A, use A, use A, use it, let’s go back once and have Jacho. Come on, let’s go back, let’s go back. Let’s go back once, then the next one is fine. I’ll be streaming until 3 o’clock, so the next one is fine. I’ll be back in about 15 minutes.

If I could play 4 games in an hour, it would be really great. I don’t know if it’ll be over in 5 minutes, I’ll be dead if I hold it, it’ll be over in 5 minutes.I’ll hurry up and get a position.Slowly, I’ll go to the spot where

Magic Sub is too much of a nuisance.For now, the scariest thing is that one. I ‘m really scared of the one who’s coming next As promised, it will die in 5 minutes, so it’s safe because I haven’t even taken 5 minutes. These guys are a bit dangerous. These bots

Really don’t want to do anything anymore. If they really get killed, the chances of them being defeated are terrible, right? This guy is really annoying This guy is really annoying This guy really wants a little bit Where do I want cover

I can’t go to the office I can’t get through because the bot is blocking me The bot is this bot This bot is seriously taking over This guy is really annoying I can’t get through This bot is

So heavy that I can’t jump because it’s heavy. I can’t jump over it because it’s heavy. This bot. This bot. It’s so heavy. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. If you come out now, you’ll probably die. Open it. Open it and

Come out. It’s on the second floor. It’s already been two times since I told you so. Shoot me from behind. I’m hitting one in the back. It’s too fast for one person to go down. Why do I have to recover inside? I can’t do tags. I’ve been attacked. You ca

N’t do that [Music] Who’s here ? What happened? Where is he dead now? [Music] Stop caring about me, this is impossible. He’s hunting for me. Ah 1 Where did I do that? I was fishing downstairs. I did one video, but I got about 3. I tried to do one that came from behind, but where was it? 2nd floor, 2nd floor. Well, I’d rather be over there. I’m going, maybe I should go from there.That’s impossible.If I go from this side, I have no choice but to betray you.I have no choice but to go.You’re

The first to survive, and the first is to survive until I arrive. It would be great if these friends could do their jobs properly, but I have no choice but to lose them. Taka, who told me the position you are in.

That’s the position that Osoto always goes out and looks at. Osoto’s long position. Ah, that long position. Okay, I got it, I think I was lucky in the beginning that it seemed like one Japanese was following me, but it was too fast. I had Rios’ equipment, Le’s equipment, and mine, and I

Probably had M, which is what most people do. It feels like the office is there.The office is here.I know, I pinched it.I defeated it.Nice.I’m about to join too.It ‘s not going to the left.This is wrong, it’s below.It ‘s on top.It’s on top of this.I clicked the grenade.

I mean, I went to the main office, and I’m currently in the office. Two people from the office have joined, so I guess you understand. There’s probably no sign of contact with Mr. Hidaka. I understand. He’s over there. On

The other hand, if it makes a sound, I’ll make it come from the person who manipulated it, and that might be a good thing.I’m here on purpose.If that’s the case, I want that guy outside to make it.If this comes out, it won’t taste bad.

There’s no one who goes to that door, so the one who comes through that door just has to wander around there. You don’t have to go that way. You can lure him to come from there, and if you want, you can open the door. I want you to open it up and

Close it. I want the hate to be directed towards you. Yes , that’s right. You should close it, open it and close it. It would be ridiculous if a grenade comes flying.

But my allies are probably colliding with each other, so it’s okay. I don’t think you need to look at me yet. [ Applause ] Okay, one more point. Are you going to die? [Applause] You’re going, you’re going, you’re going, you’re going . When I started shooting,

He stopped telling me to come in. That was a bit of a mistake on my part. I followed the instructions and killed him. Hey, the person I went to help died. One more photo would have been nice , but it was mine. It’s hard to get equipment, so please

Kill one more enemy before you go back. No, it’s already over. Is it okay? I’ll make it in time. My equipment is heavy. I wonder if it’s okay, but my equipment can’t be done anymore. That’s it. Yeah, 24, yeah, it’s impossible, I can’t say it’s impossible, but the jig type is still

Good. I’d appreciate it if you could bring back the 10 parts and the real helmet. I think the main thing to focus on is the bike helm. I think something is coming . Those bullets are red after all. I’m going home to a park or a big park. I

Don’t need it . If I just say Nisco and the bike helm, my rig is huge, so I should change my rig. My rig is huge. It’s facing towards the entrance so I can see it. kara oh oh oh Just the big rig, the bike, and Nisco [Applause] Escape at all

Where is the place to escape? Parking lot Parking lot Parking lot Door door [Applause] [Applause] I thought I should give up on that rig, but that rig I’m glad I kept it. By the way, I ‘m also 24. I also have 24

Rigs . I think the contents are fake, but yeah, if you die this time, thanks to this league, it’s better to escape. I wonder if the enemy has escaped by now, but it seems like the enemy has been killed quite a lot, so I don’t think we can attack that far.Yeah, I

Think so.I returned it to a certain extent.It was a bit scary at first, but it’s gone. But I turned around and turned it around, what are you? You should have returned it, but it flew away, but it’s coming fast. It’s behind you. The bot is coming. It’s

Probably Tawa-kun. It bounced off the long part behind you. It’s probably here. Look, it’s here, and then it’s down. I can’t hear you, my friends, my friends, I can only hear it from my team members, I guess, wow, seriously, dum dum, you should go home now, high fire

, it’s been a long time since I ‘ve lost . It was cool to be able to let two enemies run towards me, and then they’d run and I’d shoot them, so they’d shoot and then come in. If I could say that, it would be really cool. Just for the record,

Only the 9mm and 77mm ra were hit.If this guy was Dum Dum, I wouldn’t have been hit.Ado Dota Gonon has finally come out.It’s finally here.What’s coming out?It’s finally true. Wait a minute, thank you, that’s nice. Seriously, if I don’t have a backup, I wo

N’t have to change my weapon at all, but this bullet is really strong because I can throw away that bullet. I don’t think this bullet is good at all, so I’m sure Agato is strong . Oh, that’s helpful

. No, I’m looking for a shitty ergo, so I’ll just do it here. I need to use what I’ve accumulated. Oh, you’re just going to use the cheat cheat. I’m going to use the cheat, too, so there’s no need to use it depending on the right to win.

SJ and such SJ are strong enough, but that’s why I’m buying it now, so I won’t win. Yeah , I played a battle where AED was activated, and I died . If it was an oyster, that would have been the case, but if you jumped in

, you would have been able to do it, but you could have done it even if I was down and fished for me. I took this league, but it seems like it’s good, but I already played one, but I was shot from behind, and I was so frustrated . It ‘s

Ready, the number of stops has increased as before. It ‘s like the second generation of the Amaji Taira series, and the parts are about 40,000 stutter. Yeah, Riko Sebu plus 23 sps . Okay , let’s go with this . It’s okay to look like this, too. Enjoy. It’s better if you enjoy

It and have fun.Okay , this might be the last one.This might be the last raid.I wonder if everyone has fallen asleep already.This will be the last raid.Let’s do our best.It’s only 5 hours left.No, I The broadcast is over for now. I want to go home. Headquarters I’m not

Going home from the headquarters. The icon isn’t showing up. The icon isn’t showing up. It’s me, but it’s showing up. I’m the only one on my screen. Yeah, I’m the only one on my screen.

There are times when it’s not there. That’s right, I don’t see it either. There’s no Rios icon. It’s not there all the time, but it appears sometimes. Why is it that Rios might be a ghost? Here, here, here, here , here and there. Is it ticking like it’s strong? It ‘s good.

Ah, I’m back. It’s here . After I wake up after the broadcast, I can do it with Nobunaga . Finally, I’ve been waiting in the AX. Finally, I’ve brought the A. It’s more merciless than the 61, so it’s a green cover. This time, it’s a green one . If

You wear a helmet , [Music] Don’t stop suddenly, you ‘re in the direction of the general office, I thought it might be too dangerous. Where ‘s Esan ? That’s where that Rios zone with one head sticking out

Is. That’s where I saw it. If you do, it’s definitely dangerous, it’s dangerous, you’ll die too. I’m going to go all the way to the other side. Ah, I’m dead . I might be coming from behind. It’s very different. It ‘s from the back of Resta

. I’m sure Recosta’s back is going to get hit too. It’s hard to say that it ‘s a bit impossible to say that , even though I don’t know the name, but I can see the direction in which it was attacked. It’s a bit impossible to say that

. If any more of my friends die, I’m going to be attacked . Rio is going that way . Which one is that office? I was trying to figure out how to go down, but it was cut off, and I knew where I was conscious.I was already familiar with the diagram,

So if it’s coming out from the side that’s coming in, I can’t do it.I’m sorry, I can’t do it, so I’ll just leave it there . When the second person and the first person did it, they got the first one.The library side was looking behind their backs.The library

That was hit with Na was probably worth 10,000, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it came from behind. I’m going to die. It would be a shame if I made this much money. I should have gone to Kitagawa after all. Two people went to Kitagawa first, so I

Thought it would be better to abandon the north and go south. I went there, but I knew that the north side was trying to win after all.What do I think?But I couldn’t watch it long unless the library director gave me the back door, so I don’t know.No,

So I ended up going north, and I went to the north with you for the first time. But I didn’t go there

, right? I looked at that side for a moment and went to that recording, right? Rios and I went there, but when we both went there, it was on the north side, so I didn’t go there. Yeah, I poked at the recording and went straight to the aisle.

I went to a place where I could see the passage, so it’s actually better to secure the north side, so I always go there, but I was on the north side, but I thought there was no point in going to the north side anymore, so

Even though it’s expensive, I can go north quite a bit. I continued on with the other party members , but after using 63, I thought, oh well, things like this happen, so I lost, but today… I think I’ll end my stream here.

Thank you everyone . Let’s get through the Ludo Dubby preliminaries with Redan, so for now, I’ll end my stream here . Alright.


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②チーム部門(決戦)3/14〜3/20 毎日9:00〜12:59と19:00〜翌日8:59

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