人生で初めてヒッチハイクしたらまさかの展開に、、、【日本旅 静岡編#1】

Hello! In the previous video, we were a couple traveling around Japan with almost zero living expenses , and we enjoyed a week of visiting Yugawara, visiting New Year’s shrines, and sightseeing with our hosts! In this video, we say goodbye to our host and hitchhike to our next destination!

Hitchhiking for the first time in my life! Will you be able to reach it safely? Masato-san (Host) Bye-bye I’m at Yugawara Station as I say goodbye to my host. Yugawara → Morimachi (Shizuoka Prefecture) It’s been a long week, but it’s been a pretty fulfilling week. I was thinking of hitchhiking from Yugawara, but

Apparently the main street in Yugawara is Station → Mishima Futsukamachi Station Let’s do our best! I hitchhiked for the first time in my life , changed trains in Atami, and then changed trains at Mishima Station from JR to Izu Hakone Railway? I couldn’t transfer directly to Izu Hakone Railway

Because I couldn’t use my IC card at the exit, so I asked the station staff to pay the bill directly and transferred to Izu Hakone Railway Can I use an IC card here? I wonder if there’s a collaboration about purchasing tickets that don’t allow IC cards ? I don’t know,

It looks like they’re forming a band(?) Arrived at Mishima Futsukamachi! ! Finally arrived at the hitchhiking venue Where did I get my ticket? Nani collection? Where can I get this ticket? I made a mistake!

I wanted to do it along Route 1 right next to the station, but that road was for cars only and pedestrians were not allowed.I walked to a road that looked like it would be possible to hitchhike . Lack of research Well, that’s something that comes with traveling.I’m

Not saying this as a beginner traveler, but I arrived at a road where I thought I could hitchhike.Is it possible to go around here? Well, I have no choice but to try. I can’t help but think about it. Maybe it’s the Kakegawa area ? I’ve already made a mistake lol

(I) always make mistakes in Katakana! The person who wrote YouTube as YouTube in the last video can go! ? Everyone notices that there aren’t any cars and looks at me…but let’s change our location to be in front of the convenience store ! There’s nothing we can do now

. There’s no choice but to do what’s left for us . Please! Chacha chacha ♪ Sazae-san version (?) Player change Even so, it doesn’t stop easily… You can change your destination to Shizuoka and go as long as you’re halfway through! If only halfway! I probably can’t pick it up here,

So is it okay if I ride it at high speed and use the PA to drop it off? Is that ok? ! Isn’t it easier to pick up that way? Well, can you ride fast? I ride fast! Thank you very much for making me want to get off at around Fuji ! please!

What made you want to pick it up? No, I’m curious about this (*voice has been changed), and I’ve picked it up once before.I was thinking of doing a shikata today, but I thought I’d regret it, so I thought I’d catch it on the expressway instead. Is it easy? Absolutely!

I think it’s pretty easy to win if you ride at high speed.It was the only one going in that direction, so I had them take me all the way to Nihondaira.The first driver kept the camera running until I found the next car, so I think

The two of us might have already been caught. Is it just? There are two of us! I’m planning to go all the way to Nagoya and it’s really small, but is that okay? it’s completely okay! I have some luggage, but if you can put it on the back, it’s totally fine!

I just got my brother to give me a ride (so far) and I passed the baton! It’s a miracle that I can find the next one in an instant! I asked the first guy to give me a ride to Nihon-daira, and there was one guy who said he was going to Nagoya

In about a minute. Please decide to go to Kakegawa ! Excuse me for the luggage, I had to say goodbye to the first brother outside, so why did you decide to give me a ride? Well, I also like to travel, so I was on vacation,

And I had some business to do in Nagoya, so I wasn’t in a hurry, so I thought something like this would be interesting. Thank you. Are you here? I live in Numazu, and there’s a store I’d like to visit in Nagoya today.What kind of store is it? There is a motorcycle supplies store

Only in Nagoya, so I was on my way there, so I wasn’t in a hurry, so I decided to ride a motorcycle as well. There are a lot of people on motorcycles, but I happened to come by car because I thought I had some luggage with me, so I met

You. What are you doing now? I usually go on a boat! A fisherman? Well, that’s how it was.When I heard about it later, it turned out that it was a passenger on a whaling boat.We arrived safely at Kakegawa Station! Arrived at Kakegawa station very early! Arrived from Mishima to Kakegawa in 2 hours

To get to Nagoya, I had to get off the expressway and was taken to Kakegawa Station. Don’t take it for granted. The station looks like this, it’s quite stylish. My next host is Kakegawa Station. We met at Enshu Mori Station, which is about 30 minutes away by train.The meeting time

Is in the evening.It ‘s 13:00, and it’s really cold after that, so I’ll go to a nearby cafe.After doing some work at the cafe, I finally go to Enshu Mori Station, which is quite cold with my host. Now that we’re merging, which line should I take? I used the Tenryu Hamanako Railway

From Kakegawa Station on the Tokaido Line to Enshu Mori Station ! Very local Tenhamasen, huh? Tenhama line? 480 yen one way to Enshu Mori from Kakegawa Station on the Tenhama Line. I can’t use Pasmo, so I buy a ticket. 90% of the passengers are students. Enshu Mori Station. Old-fashioned local atmosphere

. I’ll meet the host here. It looks like he hasn’t arrived yet. He hasn’t arrived yet, so I go to the 7-Eleven. The land is so spacious that I can hear your voice. I’m glad there’s a 7- Eleven in front of the station. I’m going to buy some gloves

(chime at 5pm) . Finally, I meet up with the host (a 4-year-old girl appears), please. We’ve arrived at the host’s house. ! ! This time I used workaway and stayed here for 2 weeks.The wonderful room made of wood was so cute😂I’m so glad we arrived safely.It was

My first time hitchhiking in my life.At first I was nervous, but before I knew it, we were having a lot of fun together. I had so many wonderful encounters. Let’s not take them for granted and always live with gratitude. Thank you for watching.







0:00 あらすじ
0:17 ヒッチハイク準備
2:51 ヒッチハイク実践
4:49 1台目
5:56 2台目
8:03 目的地到着
8:54 掛川→遠州森
9:52 遠州森

#日本一周 #ヒッチハイク #日本旅行


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