COST OF LIVING in VIETNAM Right Now | Da Nang March 2024

I recently read this article at CNBC website that says Vietnam will see the sharpest increase in wealth grows over the next decade Vietnam is developing rapidly and most of the population is benefiting these are great news for locals who are working hard to earn a living

They definitely deserve a better quality of life but what does it mean for foreigners right now Vietnam is one of the best countries to live as a foreigner price quality ratio and for many people it’s the most affordable without sacrificing the quality of life and I bet for many

They actually have a much better one in the city like Da Nang but as the economy grows it must become less affordable to be here that’s just what happens in every country out there so I would say right now is the best time to come and let me prove this to you

I will show you prices for eating out, to rent transportation prices things to do for fun and you’ll be surprised how many things here in Da Nang you can enjoy completely for free if you’re new here I’m Olga I am living abroad for seven years now and me and my husband Rene

Spent a year in Turkiye and now in Da Nang for another year so let’s see what kind of money we are spending here on a daily basis first let’s go and have breakfast this place it’s really close to the beach and it’s quite touristy but still the prices here are quite low

I really like their banh mi sandwiches and it’s traditional Vietnamese and here they are only for twenty to twenty five thousand Vietnamese Dong which is under a dollar and I’ve eaten here several times and that you can see usually the place is full and that’s a good sign

That means that food is fresh here people come here often and the stuff they speak a little bit of English you can even ask for food to be not spicy you can ask them for different kinds of fillings I ordered the coconut and the banh mi and the one I’m having

It’s not the most photogenic but trust me it’s delicious and here is how other sandwiches like this so can look like they can have meat they can have eggs all kinds of vegetables and greens, overall everyone who’s ever been to Vietnam they do get addicted to this one

And they keep coming back for more we ourselves eat them a lot and my breakfast here was 25,000 for a sandwich and 25,000 for a coconut drink so for breakfast I paid under $2 next up is coffee and Vietnam is famous for its coffee there is a coffee shop on every corner

For example like this one I interviewed the owner actually for last week’s video she opened it less than a year ago and and already I see quite some customers and it’s a really cool space and their coffee is good and I would say overall in and then you can find the

Cute coffee shops and they almost all of them serve really good coffee the price in a coffee shop like this would be around 40,000 to 50,000 Vietnamese Dong sometimes more expensive which is still under two dollars and there are coffee shops that are even more expensive

And there the coffees would be for two to four dollars but in a local place you can even get it for a dollar but be prepared that the locals like their coffee sweet so usually it has either a lot of sugar or condensed milk and if you want a more western

Type of coffee like latte or cappuccino then you have to go to a place that’s a bit more expensive and will have it for 40 to 50,000 Vietnamese dome a cup I also encourage you to try all kinds of Vietnamese coffee they serve coconut coffee avocado coffee salted coffee

You really have so many choices here it’s hard to choose just one and the coffee shops themselves you can find a more old style old school coffee shop or more hipster and modern one some of them have really beautiful gardens with a lots of for trees and bushes and sometimes animals

If you want to go to a co working space it would cost you around $5 a day and sometimes the drink is already included sometimes it’s not there are also coffee shops with really pretty desserts and if you have a sweet tooth I can say that in Vietnam

You will be treated very well also the new kind of coffee shops pop up that have dedicated the zone for photo sessions so you basically only pay for a drink that is slightly pricier than average and you can take as many pictures as you want Coming to Da Nang

And want to know all the best spots to eat where to stay rent a bike go shopping and exchange the money? get my guide where I’m sharing top 5 in every category and my own personal Google Maps list with almost 700 locations all over Vietnam and Da Nang already pinned

You’ll also get information on when is the best time to come to avoid heavy rains and how to get the visa to make sure you will find everything you might need I’m also giving you access to my own private Q&A chat where you can ask me follow up questions and connect to other

Like minded travelers right now there are still spots available at the lowest price and you will find the link in the description if you don’t want the Vietnamese breakfast you can have a more western one like a fruit smoothie and this one is a place that’s also vegan for a smoothie there

You pay on average 70,000 Vietnamese Dong so that’s under $3 and the vegan meal there would cost about $5 an outdoor more pricier breakfast option and we do like it for a weekend to come here and enjoy the seaside it’s right on the beach and the western breakfast here is quite good

It’s eggs potatoes some vegetables and fruits on average for a breakfast like this you pay 200,000 Vietnamese Dong for a person which is under $8 and for us too with the drinks either coffees or coconut drinks we pay around $20 and of course I would say that it is such a privilege

To just be able on your weekends come to this place and for $10 a person you can have for the nice breakfast and the view like this during the low season especially there are not so many people but in high season you can find it back once we were walking around with friends

And looking to have lunch somewhere in the city and we found this local place that was so full there was almost no space to sit and the meals there were really affordable they were 40 to 60,000 Vietnamese dome which is about two to three dollars a meal and even one of the staff

He spoke English and was really eager to help so I remember that for four of us we spent I think under ten dollars this is another option for lunch it is more hipster I would say and a bowl like this this is a rice bowl it can be with chicken

It can be with tofu vegetarian option basically with any feeling that you would want and on average it costs from hundred thousand Vietnamese Dong to hundred fifty thousand which is from four to six dollars and I must confess that during this year we had quite some balls over there they are really tasty

But they don’t have just the balls they also have all kinds of western food like eggs on toast and pastas and some other dishes and all of them are under six or eight dollars for dinner let me show you first the more pricier western options for example

Here when they had a steak and well I do remember that he said it’s not the best steak he ever ate but it was still quite good and he paid around 150,000 Vietnamese Dong for this meal which is $6 and in that evening for us to without alcohol we paid 250,000 Vietnamese Dong

Which is $10 and that I would consider on a pricier side not the most expensive but not the cheapest as well and when we want to go out for a dinner date or to celebrate something we like to go to this pizza place and the best part of it

Is that you can sit right next to the cooks and see how they are making pizzas and if you want to sit by the window they have a river view so it’s a really nice place and their pizzas are in our opinion they are just the best in town but they are

On the price here side and for dinner without alcohol we would pay about $20 if you want alcohol I would say it is another 20 and when it comes to alcohol local beers are really inexpensive they can be one or two dollars depending on the place but if you are a wine lover

For example that can be quite pricey it can be four to six dollars just for one glass and that’s the cheaper ones so in general Vietnam is a beer country not a wine country and again I would say it’s a privilege to be able to go out to such a nice place

And to have such a nice food for just $20 for a couple another good option if you want to Mediterranean food go to Mikasa Restaurant they serve Spanish and Italian food and I also didn’t interview recently with the owner he’s been here with his wife for 10 years so a dinner there

I would say again under $20 a couple Da Nang is also quite popular with Korean tourists so naturally there will be many Korean restaurants and once we went to Korean BBQ with a couple of our Korean friends how you go there is your order meat that you want and everything

Else comes on the site included in the price that night we didn’t order the most expensive meat so I think we spent about under $10 a person there but if you some meats can be really pricey so it really will depend on your taste if you want to have dinner

On the cheaper side again you go for Vietnamese food for noodles for rice and they can be quite delicious and each meal would cost you only about 30 to 60 Vietnamese Dong depending on where are you eating or if you have delivery or not because for delivery you pay an extra dollar

So local meal I would say 2 to four dollars you can even go to the market and there the food will be the cheapest you can buy something for just under a dollar but personally I would say sometimes hygienic standards can be much lower there so I would be careful

If you have any stomach problems and now to mid priced dinners actually this is what we eat most of the time it is western food something like for example shawarma shawarma like this would cost you 60,000 Vietnamese Dong or with potatoes it would cost 80 which is around $3 I would say

For western food place it’s really affordable for another time we went with France for BBQ and it was a lot of meat and we ordered the group portions one for women one for men so the men had it under $10 for three persons and us women we had it a bit cheaper

Maybe $8 for three persons another safe option to go for food is KFC and there they have meals with rice which I personally like and for a meal like this it’s rice chicken and salad and water and for it I paid 80,000 Vietnamese Dong and why I say it’s safe

Is because so far every KFC I’ve been to in Da Nang is very clean and well maintained another more western food option to have for chicken with potatoes like this it was about $4 or you can of course order food this also was about $4 so in general I would say we spent

Four to six dollars a meal but of course if you’re on a tight budget you can go as low as two dollars so for one meal now let’s go shopping because I know that many people say that eating out in Southeast Asia it’s cheaper than cooking yourself and to that

I would completely agree especially if you’re eating out in local places but I personally like to balance it out with cooking at home about 50% of the time and in Da Nang you will find many small corner shops where you can already find meat but we also go for example

Around once a week to a big grocery shop and there are at least three of them in Da Nang and they have everything all the fruit all the vegetable everything that you need so for something like 40 cent you can get yourself a dragon fruit half of a small watermelon will cost

You about $1.6 you can find sandwich bread which again would cost you something from one to two dollars all kinds of dessert local favourites the flan it will cost you only 10,000 Vietnamese Dong which is about 40 cent and the baguette will cost you also only 10,000 Vietnamese Dong in a big supermarket

I like to buy flowers for the house this one would cost me about one and a half dollar big package of rice will cost 250,000 Vietnamese dome then it’s for 30,000 Vietnamese Dong for about 1.2 dollars milk is available for about 30,000 Vietnamese Dong which is 1.2 US dollars

And I do really recommend you pay attention if the milk is sweetened or not because if you’re used to plain milk you might be surprised that the sweetened is a very popular here in Vietnam you turn the package around and you see it says fresh milk plain if you’re vegetarian

Or kinds of soy milk is available or sea yogurt and I personally like this one it’s plain it’s not sweetened and it costs about 40,000 Vietnamese zone which is 1.6 dollar sausages and all kinds of meat the cheaper sausages might cost you about 40,000 Vietnamese Dong again 1.6 1.7 years dollars

Salmon is on the pricier side you can see here the prices for a kilo take of this size will cost you hundred twenty thousand Vietnamese Dong about $6 one of my favorites soy sauce is less than $1 frozen beef also can be quite pricey here so

So the cheapest option is half a kilogram for 140,000 which is a bit less than six dollar if you’re a fan of kimchi it’s widely available here but one and a half dollar for this package chicken is one of the cheapest meats that you can buy so for example

The frozen fileto that we see here is the 85,000 Vietnamese dome for a kilo it more than $3 a kilo if you’re a fan of chicken feet you can have it here and on another floor you will find shampoo this one goes for about $5 in general the shampoos and things

For cleaning and things like that they are quite often imported so they are pricier here in Vietnam but you can find local options that are cheaper this is a very popular snack to take home as a souvenir it’s a coconut cracker warm chocolate this one is about $2 I like this local one

And it’s also about $2 package of spaghetti bit less than $2 or you can opt out for a local Vietnamese soup for bo and the package can start at about 9,000 Vietnamese dome which is less than 40 cent all kinds of sauces and if you’re a fan of this ketchup

It will cost you 30,000 Vietnamese Dong bit more than dollar cooking oil bit more than $2 minus under dollar and I must warn you it will have a sweet taste this is the common thing in Vietnam ported these might be price here here so this one is almost $3

And this English one is almost five but as I said before Vietnam is famous for coffees so even this one the cheapest one 63,000 it’s under $3 for 340 g of grounded coffee it’s very affordable in my opinion and this is actually one of the things I do

Recommend taking with you as a souvenir a pack of potato chips will cost you starting 10,040 cent but I like this Japanese ones and they are pricier and it’s a bigger package about 1.2 US dollars here with you they have a special section with things you can buy as a souvenir

And you can find all kind of for house appliances and gifts in the shop as well clothes I personally wouldn’t recommend buying here because they are quite expensive for local prices in malls like this cheese is one of the pricier things in Southeast Asian general for example this small package of hooded cheese

Will already cost you two to three dollars and of course Vietnam is a city by the sea so there is an abundance of all kinds of seafood and it’s quite affordable cheapest fish you can even find for only 40,000 Vietnamese stone per kilo but normally the price is closer to 100,000

As you can see so from 1.6 to about $4 a kilo and I do recommend shopping here for house appliances if you don’t want to go to the Houghton humid street to the street market and the street market you often also don’t see the prices and here the prices are fixed

Even a helmet you can buy here starting at $8 a helmet here is alcohol you can see that beer you can buy for price as low as 12,000 Vietnamese Dong which is about 50 cent only but that’s of course it can if you want it in a bottle it will be pricier

And as I said before wines can be quite pricey you can find some cheaper options like you can see here it’s under five to six dollars so which is so really cheap for local prices but don’t expect it to be that great of a quality for that kind of price

Good wines I would say that they would start at something like fifteen US dollars a bottle and also find all kinds of Korean drinks like soju will cost you about two and a half US dollars for a bottle is an alternative to drinking wine and strong drinks like vodka for example

You can find relatively affordable of course imported liquor will not come cheap we can see this one is already more than $10 it’s about I would say $16 for an imported beers in a bottle will also be pricier than the local one and almost five times the local can of beer

So two point two us dollars for this one and even more expensive for something like $4 as you can see so on that day I didn’t buy too much because my main goal was to film videos for you but I still spent about 500,000 on everything that I bought

And I must say that we usually shop in corner shops so two three times a day and for the two of us we spent almost all the time it’s about 500,000 Vietnamese Dong which is $20 and we buy meat and fresh fruit and vegetables noodles

So we kind of have a balance of more western food also the cheeses we buy and so we do buy local foods as well like noodles and soy sauce and local vegetables every time we find that we spent around that amount of money but if we go to a big supermarket

We can spend about a million two million and a half which is 40 50 dollars but that would last us for about two weeks with sometimes going to a local shop as well so if you’re a single person I would expect spending about 200,000 every time we should make it about $8

But I would say again that we do cook ourselves about 50% of the time and the alternative to going to the shop is to go to the market but personally I must say I’m not a market person I’m really bad at negotiating at haggling and at the market they’re almost always no price

So you have to ask for it they have to show it to you on a calculator and then you don’t know if it’s a fair price or not so basically I am always afraid to be treated as a tourist and given the tourist prices and I understand that not everyone on the market

Will treat me like that but it’s just you never know if you’ll be tricked or not so for me it’s just easier to go to the shop and not worry about negotiating the prices but overall going to the market in Vietnam I would say it’s an experience on itself

And I do recommend doing it and supporting the local farmers the supermarket can be we’re located quite away from where we stay so now let’s take a taxi to go back home and usually the taxi would cost us about 50 to 70 thousand to get mostly anywhere in the city which is about

Only two to three dollars and a much more affordable way to go around town especially if you’re single it’s on a bike and there are also bike taxis and right now I am driving in one and for most locations around town where I go I spent only about starting maybe 15,000 Vietnamese Dong

To about 25 and I think 40 was the most expensive that I had and the price depends on the distance of course so most of the rides are under 60 cents and quite a common I would spend something like $1 so up to $2 to take this bike ride

And I personally love them because this feeling of the warm wind in your face it just gives you this feeling of freedom and I’m constantly pinching myself when I’m on a bike like this and driving by some popular attraction like this dragon bridge for example and I’m just going about my day

Going from point a to point B and I get to side C I get to be in this beautiful location I think it’s really a privilege and there’s also an option of course to rent your own bike and for a day it’s about hundred twenty thousand Vietnamese dome for cheaper bikes and for

Bigger ones more expensive ones it can go up to 200,000 so still it’s under $8 a day and if you rent it monthly it would cost you starting like 1.2 million to about 2 two and a half million depending on the bike so still under $100 a month and the fuel

Is also quite cheap if can be like $10 a week or something like that and if you’re renting a bike you have to be careful you need to check all the damages make a video send it to the person you’re renting it from and in my guide I do recommend

A place where we rented a couple of times and had no problems so when we lived further away from the city centre we did rent a bike for a month but now we’re living writing the hustle and bustle so personally I don’t see the need for a bike we do however

Rent it daily every now and then to go on a trip and there are so many locations around to Da Nang where to go your amount since there are waterfalls basically you can really enjoy your day and for a price of rental than less than $10 one thing that I would mention

When renting your own bike remember that you cannot just park anywhere you cannot just stop somewhere and you see a parking space and you park there course if you’re in the mountains or somewhere inland it is possible but if you’re in the city most of the places they belong to the apartment

That they are adjacent to so if you park somewhere next to a building probably you either have to pay someone to park there so they take care of your bike they watch out for it where are you have to go to that coffee shop to that restaurant where where you’re park

And if you’re parking next to the beach there are also dedicated locations and there you can spend something about 10,000 Vietnamese Dong which is resin half a dollar and then someone will watch over your bike but you cannot just park without bringing that money so now let’s talk about another essential thing

It’s a hotel and apartment trend and again Da Nang is really great as it has a big variety of hotels and apartments and for a very affordable price for example if you’re traveling on a budget even for $10 for 250,000 Vietnamese Dong you can already rent your own room

And for the two of us to stay in a nice hotel on a high floor with a pool we would pay something like 20 25 maybe up to 30 dollars a night if you want to have a better hotel with more amenities maybe more space maybe on a higher floor

Then you might go to 30 to 50 US dollars for two people for a night and if you want to stay on a beach in a high rise hotel there you might go to 80 to 90 to maybe $100 a night I would say that compared say to Europe or even to US

This is an extremely low price for a great hotel right on the beach if you ever wanted to stay in a beach hotel this is your chance now what about if you’re staying here longer for a month or 2 3 months Vietnam is really good because here you can easily

Find an apartment to rent just for one month and then you will essentially be extending month by month and smaller apartments some the low rise they quite often don’t have the pool and they don’t have the gym but they will be also the most affordable the price will start at five to seven

Million a month which is only two to three hundred US dollars a month and usually it will be either a studio or a small one bedroom but it will have all the essentials and it would be usually clean and nice in low season there can be more problems

Thing to watch out for there can be quite some issues as well I mean we moved six times during the year before we found an apartment we were satisfied with and now we’re here for six months without moving and during that time we saw quite some apartments

And some of them were better than others some of them were pricier than others and I would say if you’re looking in a two bedroom then you will be paying four to 5 hundred US dollars a month plus around hundred to hundred fifty US dollars for the bills

It will depend on how much you use the AC and there are basically two seasons in Da Nang one is really hot when you use the AC all the time and your Bill goes up and there is a low season where it’s colder and you almost don’t use the AC at all

Most of the apartments come with a washing machine so you don’t have to worry about that it’s a fully equipped kitchen there will be this and that missing but it’s really affordable to buy things if you need them there are quite some small things to watch out for

Of course and it does come with experience and of course in some low rises there is no pool in others there is a pool and if you’re renting in a high rise there will for sure will be a pool on the top but the price of that apartment will be a bit higher

So on the low end I will summarise expect to pay around 3 3 50 including with the bills US dollars and the mid range will be 5 to 600 a month and on the higher end you can spend up to 1,000 if you want to live in a big

Complex with lots of amenities now let’s buy a SIM card and I personally don’t recommend doing it at the airport especially if you’re gonna stay in Vietnam longer because the SIM cards put it at the airport might expire after a month because basically they are not yours they are not in your name

They are in some local person’s name so I just got my SIM card and for 200,000 I think it’s quite a good deal still a year ago with a different provider I would pay hundred thousand for unlimited internet but this year the prices are different

And there is no unlimited plan as far as I know so we took care of all the basic things and now let’s see what we can do for fun here in Da Nang and we have here a one big shopping mall with a movie theater so for example

You can go see a movie even in English and some of the movies that are Asian are actually have for English subtitles and you will be able to see it I asked the price for one of the movies that was in English Miller’s Girl for 2350 and they quoted me 70,000

Which is about $3 and right next to the movie theater there are massage chairs and we do come here often and for only 20,000 Vietnamese dollars less than a dollar you get a 12 minute chair massage of course you can go to a salon and therefore about to 250 to about 500,000

Depending on the salon you will get a real massage for an hour so it is about 10 to 20 US dollars let me know in the chat that comes with the guide if you need any recommendations in the shopping mall there will be some brands that you might recognize the western brands

And all over Southeast Asia the western brands are quite expensive for example if you want to buy clothes in a shop like this it’s a European shop there are the prices are often 50 to maybe even 100% more expensive than in Europe but so if your body size is closer to European

And body measurements if you’re taller if you’re bigger then the western brands unfortunately will be your only option and if you go to a local market for example there the clothes will be pretty cheap but the quality will also match the price I must say so after one or two washes

The clothes become not so good looking anymore unfortunately but there is also an option to have your clothes custom made so you can go to a good tailor in nearby town of Spoian it’s also a really beautiful town to just visit but there you can have your clothes custom made

And they will offer you one of the available designs and one item starts usually from 500 700,000 Vietnamese tongues there are many attractions and I have a separate video about it but another thing that you can do for fun here is to visit the Asia Park and the entrance

If you only want the wheel will be 100,000 Vietnamese Dong as of 2,024 so that’s $4 and if you want other attractions you will pay double from that another thing to do for fun whether you’re staying here for short term or long term is to go to one of the beach resorts

And they have an option of for having a day pool pass so basically you can use the pool and the managers that come with the pool and of course the beach and you’re paying not that much money compared to how much one night in that resort is costing you so for example

In one of the resorts we paid $250,010 a person and in another one it was double but the pro side of it is that in the first resort you could use all of that money or in in the restaurant and in the resort where it was 500,000 we could use half

It doesn’t get too much in the restaurants in those resorts they are expensive and we ended up spending a bit more money in the restaurant but I would say it was totally worth the price we basically felt like we are on this luxurious holiday and we paid for it

Just 10 in one place and 20 for a person in another place 20 10 and 20 years dollars so I would say if you want to have a luxury feeling and pay not that much this is a perfect opportunity and here we come to another another thing that you can do

Completely for free any day that you want here in Da Nang is to enjoy the beach but it’s not just the swimming or surfing or sunbathing beach actually has a very long and well maintained promenade something that for example I don’t see often in Thailand I would say

That’s a huge bonus of living in Da Nang and of course you can enjoy this promenade completely for free and on the beach in the summer they had several festivals like this it was fun to see and enjoy and they were completely free they were part of the promotional campaign for local brands

And if you go away to the beach closer to the river there is also a relatively short promenade but it was very enjoyable when we lived in that neighborhood to have walks along the river as you can see it’s also very well maintained and again completely free some of the attractions

You can see for free for example here I found a street with street art there was no entry fee and another really popular attraction is of course the Dragon Bridge every weekend it’s a breathing fire in the evening and many people gather there to see in the summer time

There was also fireworks festival that you again could see completely for free and I think it was every other weekend during the course of one or two months so it wasn’t just one evening that there were at least five different evenings when you could see it from different locations in the city

And returning to the beach another thing that you can do in the evening for free is join a group like this it’s called dark dancing basically it’s something similar to ecstatic dance people just enjoying themselves and completely letting go the participation is free or you can play volleyball at the beach

Also as I keep saying it’s free you just need to gather your friends or go to meet up find new friends and go together and play on the beach another thing I see often is a meditation group on the beach again the participation is free of charge

And sometimes for holidays or other special events there will be a carnival like this and what I personally find great about Da Nang is that there are so many meetups they are sometimes board games sometimes just meet UPS for a chat or a beer and of course

You have to buy a drink in the place where it’s held but the participation in the event itself is almost always free of charge another cool thing that we had recently in Da Nang is the full moon on the beach and again something that you can enjoy without paying anything

That’s a huge benefit and a privilege of living in a Beach City like Da Nang so I think now is the perfect time to come to Da Nang it’s really easy to set up your life here whether you’re here for a couple of months your digital nomad

Or you want to stay here longer or you want to so far it’s really easy to stay here either on a tourist visa or start a business and get a two year visa with that but don’t just take my word for how easy and affordable Da Nang is

I also made interviews with other foreigners living here and doing business and you can check it out and hear from them what do they think about living in Da Nang

Get my Guide to Da Nang, Vietnam with an access to a private Q&A chat where I will be answering follow-up questions 👉 💸 Lowest price for the first 30 subscribers who join!
How is the Guide different from others and why you need it NOW 👉

Watch Next: VIETNAM: ROBBED in on the first day, but STAYING for a year 👉

Videos mentioned:
From Barista in UK to a Business Owner in Da Nang, Vietnam (Create Da Nang coffee shop) 👉
Spanish expat living in Da Nang, Vietnam (My Casa Restaurant) 👉
Best of Hoi An, Vietnam 👉

I am staying in Da Nang, Vietnam for a year and here you can find everything about the cost of living in Vietnam: accommodation, eating out, groceries, transportation, entertainment an things you can do completely for free.

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We are Olga and Rene. After spending 1 year in Turkey we are now settled in Da Nang, Vietnam. We review prices, cost of living, our daily life as foreigners.

Cost of Living in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024

00:00 “Vietnam to see the SHARPEST INCREASE in wealth growth in the world”
01:16 Prices for eating out: local and Western food options in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
12:22 Grocery shopping in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
21:30 Transportation: Taxi prices, bike rent prices in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
25:12 Hotels & Apartments for rent in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
29:00 Buying a SIM card in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
29:30 Prices for entertainment in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
30:40 Clothes shopping in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024
33:40 Free things to do in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024


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  1. Get my Guide to Da Nang, Vietnam with an access to a private Q&A chat where I will be answering follow-up questions 👉 💸 Lowest price for the first 30 subscribers who join!
    How is the Guide different from others and why you need it NOW 👉

    Watch Next: VIETNAM: ROBBED in on the first day, but STAYING for a year 👉

    Videos mentioned:
    From Barista in UK to a Business Owner in Da Nang, Vietnam (Create Da Nang coffee shop) 👉
    Spanish expat living in Da Nang, Vietnam (My Casa Restaurant) 👉
    Best of Hoi An, Vietnam 👉

    I am staying in Da Nang, Vietnam for a year and here you can find everything about the cost of living in Vietnam: accommodation, eating out, groceries, transportation, entertainment an things you can do completely for free.

    Recommended videos about SE Asia:
    Vietnam 👉
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    Our TOP Videos:
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    We are Olga and Rene. After spending 1 year in Turkey we are now settled in Da Nang, Vietnam. We review prices, cost of living, our daily life as foreigners.

    Cost of Living in Da Nang, Vietnam 2024


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  2. There will be inflation, but eating out in VN will always be one of the cheapest in the world because the vast majority of eateries and services are family run and they face stiff competition– They have to be really good and really cheap. Chain restaurants really don't exist in VN because they can't compete.

  3. You make a powerful argument for Danang, but could you discuss how expats from the West handle the high heat and humidity? How does it compare say to Miami, Houston or Central America with regard to heat and humidity??? And how does Danang compare to Dalat or Siem Reap or Koh Samui? And to Nha Trang?

  4. How is the overall infrastructure of electricity, plumbing, water, sewage system, Internet, etc. compared to the West? Blackouts? Walkability and roads?

  5. For having travelled all over the world, I can say that whenever I got food poisoning, it was from a restaurant, and not from a market stall. And I think I know why: in the market the food is freshly made every morning from freshly bought produce. So its not very fair to say that market food is less hygienic than a restaurant. In a restaurant the hygiene can be lacking, the food stored too long in the fridges and get contaminated.

  6. Where you can get under $3 USD except in VN .. Right now in the US one bowl of Pho is $15 USD and one Banh Mi is $6 USD and the rent is about $1,500 USD a month for one bed room apt. Enjoy food and fun in VN.😅

  7. I don't think the Vietnamese government will lose control of prices leading to increased food or housing prices. In recent years, Covid-19 has wreaked havoc, causing the global economy to trend toward recession and high inflation, and Vietnam has also been significantly affected. But Vietnam's excellent management keeps the economy very stable, the inflation rate (CPI 3.1% / 2023) is below 4% approved by the Vietnamese parliament. Vietnam has been developing strongly in agricultural exports for a long time, ranking second in the world in exporting rice and coffee, and ranking first in exporting cashew nuts and pepper. Top 5 in the world for seafood exports and Top 10 for pork and poultry production. Thus, food security is guaranteed in Vietnam. Moreover, Vietnam has the top 21 oil reserves in the world along with strong development of renewable energy, has the strongest offshore wind power source in Asia and year-round solar energy source. Future green energy is also guaranteed. Viettel is a telecommunications company in the Top 6 that owns 5G technology, designs and produces its own 5G chips, produces its own transceivers and will complete 5G coverage throughout Vietnam by the end of this year 2024. Therefore, the Internet monthly cost in Vietnam will also be stable. Because Vietnam has policies to attract foreign investment in the high-tech industry with advantages in labor, the Vietnamese government will certainly maintain stable wages to create competition. So the Vietnamese government will do everything to keep domestic consumer prices stable so that all people can benefit. The Vietnamese government's policy is not to sacrifice GDP growth in exchange for social imbalance and destruction of the natural environment.

  8. and best of all, the internet is only about $15 a month with unlimited data and our beautiful country has no laws prohibiting you from accessing any platform like other countries, in general you will be completely free. do, just be respectful and kind to everyone, they will be the same to you.., welcome to Vietnam, welcome to paradise😁

  9. Good information Olga and much appreciated. If you have a chance to revisit visas and immigration runs that might be something many of us would be interested in. Also, if you have any impressions you could share on making new friends in Vietnam would be of interest to me especially.
    Btw, hows Rene managing with gluten-free?

  10. Since a lot of your viewers, like me, are NOT from USA I appreciate if you can please mention VND prices so we can convert to our own currency. I notice you do mostly but sometimes you revert to only USD. Thank you for the video. I loved Danang and would live there too!

  11. I can’t believe you released this video at the perfect moment. I’m coming to the end of my 2 month travel and after 3 countries Thailand, Vietnam and Japan I can vouch how affordable Vietnam is compared to Thailand. Japan wins hands down for value even if the price is slightly more expensive. We only want to stay in Asia from November to March each year and Da Nang is so much better than anywhere we went in Thailand. I could write a blog post comparing the difference on why Thailand is not as good as people think it is.

  12. This is hands down the best video of this type I have seen, your attention to the details on the cost of living in Da Nang along with advice and additional information, a very complete guide to living cost in the beautiful city of Da Nang, thank you

  13. There is a huge economic shift going on in the world and eventually ASEAN countries will be more expensive to live than in EU… the economies are rising in GDP faster than the west and more consistently.. am headed to SGN in 3 weeks and can't wait.. might pop up to Danang so maybe see ya around!

  14. Not so quick ride , real estate properties drop big time and many empty ghost newly build area , will take a while to rebound and with that Trưong My Lan’s situation ( Bernie Madoff type) that affecting commoner banking system . Inflation rising as a entire whole world is doing only …

  15. Not just that the cost of living of Vietnam will be higher (not much yet). But Vietnamese people will suffer because of the inexperienced leadership (can I say corruption?).

    Vietnam is borrowing money to make money for the foreign manufacturers which only benefit few people and leaders (of the government). But Vietnamese people have to deal with the DEBT and the debt will keep growing larger and larger. Last year, I read Vietnam has around 40-50B debt, and the debt could reach 250-280B in 2030 (prediction).

    The Vietnamese government don't realize that they are gaming with world economic, real money not Vietnam Dong. Or it's BILLIONS of $USD not billions of Vietnam Dong ($1 USD = $25,000 Vietnam Dong)

  16. I so Like watching your videos! Just honest content. Keep going! I like watching your videos

    Maybe you could some apartments viewings too and show some prices ?

    Just a idea, would like to see such content too ☺️

  17. Thank you for this great information,,,I appreciate your insights and adventure,,I'm in USA,,,the cost of living here is ridiculous, ,,,

  18. 13:47 in your experience, and knowing how cheap food is in Vietnam do you think it’s cheaper to eat out or buy things to cook at home? I think it’s cheaper to cook out especially if only single or two people. Bigger families will benefit more from cooking large quantities at home. Thoughts?

  19. 32:01 I’ve been to Hoi An and got a lot of clothes tailored made at a very high end tailor. My family spent a large amount of money with them. After several fittings and adjustments I finally got my clothes delivered to my hotel around 12 am before I had to leave to fly home! Which left me no time to check everything was fine. When I got back home, all of my suit jackets, I found the sleeve was too short! I choose expensive buttons and many fell off! It was Yaly Coulture, highly recommended by another traveler. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻.

    NEVER AGAIN WILL I MAKE TAILORED CLOTHING IN Hoi An. IT WAS A RIP OFF AND I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED OF THE FINAL FINISHES AFTER SO MANY FITTINGS! I don’t really know why or what happened, whether they were rushing or what but certainly the quality of sewing did not meet with the expensive materials and buttons etc. that I choose! I spent days going back and forth in the heat for fittings and wasted so much time when I could have gone site seeing! Such a shame as I had high expectations. All that money over $1000 wasted! So be warned! ❌⭕️❌⭕️⛔️⛔️⛔️

  20. I have been to Vietnam many times. I always seem to want to use the bathroom and end up back at my hotel using it. I’ve seen one too many horrid ones! I have never seen public toilets, are there any there? For instance, what about at the Supermarket, are there public restrooms there?
    That’s one thing I think Vietnam needs to improve for tourists, clean free public amenities. Can you tell us if there are?

  21. Олга привет от България.
    Да и в Турция бяхте ,но защо не посетихте България?
    Сега 3 Март е Национален празник от освобождението ни от Русия от Отоманската Империя..
    Имахме през социализма 35 Хил Виетнамци в България.
    Ние като малък народ знаем за големите страни ,но те за нас не.
    И да благодаря ви за труда и хубавият влог за Да Нанг..Ще го посетя.


  22. As a German pensioner I have visited almost every vlog for costs of living in South East Asia for the last 6 months but never ever I could find so much authentic, trustworthy comprehensive infos.
    It is amazing how much information you provided in in one single video.Thank you for making my decision soooo easy to decide Da Nang(and not Siem Reap or Nha Thrang)

  23. My main concern is public restrooms cleaniness. I don't know if I can handle a hole on the ground that I have to squat and stinky smell that makes me sick.

  24. Шалом! Подписался на вас, хорошии контент, жил в Вьетнаме сейчас в Малазии но думаю вернуться в Вьетнам, благодаря вашему видео понял что в этой стране все идет в лучшуу сторону, спасибо.

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