北九州からイベントがある佐世保へ|suzuki hayabusa gsx1300r【モトブログ】

Hello everyone! I’m Ruriko. I am located in SHIMONOSEKI city, Yamaguchi prefecture. Today I will go to Nagasaki prefecture in Kyushu! let’s go! It’s finally sunny in Kyushu! ! This is still Yamaguchi Prefecture. I came to Kyushu yesterday and went to SHIMONOSEKI City in Yamaguchi Prefecture! I actually wanted to go to TSUNOSHIMA BRIDGE.

But I wasn’t lucky with the weather. I took my time to sightsee around SHIMONOSEKI city. Tomorrow there will be an event called RIDE SHUKAI in Nagasaki Prefecture. At the event, I will meet the managing director of EZO House in Hokkaido and MUKUMUKUGO. Today, I’m heading to SASEBO, the venue for RIDE SHUKAI.

I have time until lunch, so I’m heading to a certain spot in Kyushu. KANMON BRIDGE. The morning sun is beautiful! The weather wasn’t good yesterday, so I couldn’t see the sunrise. I was looking at this bridge in the DANNOURA parking lot a while ago. The sea currents are fast here.

I entered Fukuoka prefecture! I am in OGURA city, Fukuoka prefecture. I came here because of HIRAODAI! First of all, I came to HIRAODAI for a bike ride! HIRAODAI is easy to access! HIRAODAI is good because it is easily accessible from the city.

If you want to ride a bike, HIRAODAI is a recommended place. Is this my favorite road? The pampas grass is so beautiful! I still don’t have enough vocabulary. This is a great place no matter how many times I come.

HIRAODAI is the place I went to when I arrived in Kyushu for the first time. When I first came to HIRAODAI, I was impressed by the overwhelming vastness of nature. I always come here early in the morning due to ferry time. I prefer to come here when the sun is setting.

At that time, the backlight makes the various plants look more beautiful. Of course, the scenery here during the day is also beautiful. However, if you want to take photos or videos, it is best to come here in the evening.

However, the weather was cloudy at that time, so I couldn’t see the beautiful scenery. Where can I take photos to see the sunset beautifully? Where can I take a photo to make my motorcycle look cool? I like going back and forth from spot to spot while thinking about things like that.

That’s what I enjoy about traveling. By capturing photos and videos, the memories of my trip will last forever! I met him again here. I was planning to meet him in Saga Prefecture. Rider has the same idea. The people riding motorcycles in front of me are riders from Hokkaido.

It’s strange to see Hokkaido numbers in Kyushu, and KUSHIRO numbers are sometimes mistaken for HIMEJI numbers. I came to Saga Prefecture for lunch with them. I’m heading to a recommended restaurant in Saga Prefecture. I will meet up with EZO House regulars at the restaurant!

I’m still not good at riding a motorcycle on gravel roads. CHIMNEY. This is Nagasaki Prefecture’s famous lemon steak! ! I wanted to try this! ! The meat is soft! ! ! This is delicious. The meat is soft! ! ! The lemon sauce is light and delicious!

I thought lemon steak was a specialty of SASEBO in Nagasaki Prefecture. I never thought I could eat lemon steak in Saga Prefecture. This has a light taste and is easy to eat. I could have eaten a large portion of lemon steak. I was surprised at how tender the lemon steak was.

Lemon steak is like a drink. I want to come to CHIMNEY again to eat lemon steak. After lunch, we headed to a certain place under the guidance of a person from Saga Prefecture. Apparently there is an activity called camping in the rice terraces.

I heard that they are building a rice field theme park where children can play. Among the activities, a camping event was just being held. I would like to ask everyone to do their best in this activity in order to pass on the culture of rice terraces to the next generation.

I love the view of the rice terraces! ! However, the path through here is quite difficult. There is a lot of moss on this road! ! We are on a rough road! ! moss! The Japanese word for moss is KOKE, which sounds like the sound of a chicken crowing.

This is not the place to come with a large motorcycle. The road we were on was steep, so I was nervous about riding my motorcycle. We are heading to the westernmost tip of mainland Japan. I’ve been there once, but I got lost on the way there. I’m not good at remembering directions.

I am now going to the westernmost point of mainland Japan! This camera angle is strange. The weather was nice that day, so the clear blue sea was very beautiful. I head to my final destination. Everyone, please pay attention to oncoming vehicles! CAMEN RIDER. I passed CAMEN RIDER! !

I’m super excited to meet CAMEN RIDER. I can’t believe I met CAMEN RIDER. I met CAMEN RIDER before. Did CAMEN RIDER notice me? Today we will be staying at Rider House NISHIKAZE. There are two slopes up to the rider house parking lot.

I recommend that you drive all the way to the parking lot without stopping on the way. After going up two slopes, there is a flat section. I arrived at my destination. CURRY HOUSE NISHIKAZE. There are two houses here: Rider House and CURRY HOUSE. This is a restaurant where you can eat curry!

The staff is preparing for tomorrow’s event. There is a cat in the rider house. The last time I stayed here was at the end of a month-long trip. I couldn’t see my cat and I missed my cat so much.

So, I searched for a place with cats, and I ended up at this inn. The view from here is very beautiful. At night we all had a party. This is an oversized OKHOTSK ATKA MACKEREL. I love OKHOTSK ATKA MACKEREL. This has a lot of fat and is delicious.

I want to go back to Hokkaido. This is gorgeous, grilled whole chicken! Let’s enjoy tomorrow’s event! Today is the morning of the second day. There’s RIDE SHUKAI at SASEBO today, so I’m heading there. The event venue is a park near NISHIKAZE, where I stayed. The view from there is beautiful.

I arrived at the event venue, KUJYUKUSHIMA Tourist Park. This is a very large park with plenty of parking spaces. I wonder how many motorcycles will be here. We will all do our best to prepare the venue for RIDE SHUKAI! ! CAMEN RIDER. We met yesterday, right? I’m glad to see you again.

This time too, I asked CAMEN RIDER to give me some pose instructions. CAMEN RIDER was attracting attention at the venue and was very popular! The owner of NISHIKAZE is giving greetings at the event. His face looks scary, but he is a very kind person.

He is having a conversation with shrine sommelier YUTA SASAKI. He has the ability to communicate to everyone and I always respect him. This is the view from the top of the park! I talked and took pictures with everyone who came here.

Thank you to all the 525 people who came to the event! ! Thank you ZEFU! ! After the event, I thoroughly enjoyed the scenery of Nagasaki Prefecture. After spending two days with them, I parted ways with them and traveled alone again. I arrived at my hotel today!

I’m at a hot spring inn in Kumamoto Prefecture. I’m getting ready for the trip starting tomorrow! ! Next time, I will be unusually weak. Please look forward to the next video.




#motovlog #モトブログ #hayabusa
My motorcycle : Hayabusa & Daytona675 & CRF250L
Twitter : https://twitter.com/675Ruriko

制作会社   ⇒株式会社クロボ


  1. Rurikoさん!、小倉は ”オグラ” ではありませんよ!。アンコじゃ無いんだから!。”コクラ” と読みます。人名と地名は独特な読み方がありますので要注意です!。これからも応援してるゼ!。

  2. 我が故郷の佐世保市へようこそ!でも、佐世保でこんなライダースイベントやってるとは知りませんでした😂それと、北九州市の小倉は「オグラ」じゃなく「コクラ」なので覚えておいてね😊

  3. 「苔、コケ、苔」と「転け、転け、転け」が同じ響きなのが、益々危なさを想像させちゃいますね ( ´艸`)w
    あの時のキャメンライダー! 随分前でしたっけ?🤣

  4. 相変わらず距離走ってますね。九州はいいとこ一杯あるのでどんどん来てください。次は熊本ですね。楽しみです。

  5. レモンステーキ見てるだけでもやわらかくて美味しそうです

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