[Music] asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhatu wasalamu ala rasulillah wa alalalui wasbihi wa Walah W Haula W quwata illa Billahi wa ba’duh Alhamdulillah, all praise and praise belongs to Allah subhanahu wa taala selaat salam we give to our apostle the great prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi waaalihi [Music] wasallam maasyiral muslimin

Listeners who are glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala and also viewers wherever you are. Alhamdulillah, all puja and praise belongs only to Allah subhanahu wa taala, this morning we are still given favors by Allah subhanahu wa taala so that we can bertalabul Ilmi,

Even though it is through the medium of sawat salam, of course we give it to our apostle Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa wasallam. The theme for this morning is that we will learn a big lesson from the story of the world’s ulama, which inspires of course the

Thabatul Ilmi. What is the perseverance of this cleric in tholabul Ilmi in spreading hadith? -hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam so that we can feel the pleasure to this day and even to the point of being resurrected, who is the imam we will tell about, we will tell about Alim Dar alhijrah

, a very pious imam who lived in the place where the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa alaalihi wasallam migrated, he is Al Imam Malik IBN Anas IBN Malik Rahiahullahu Taala maasyir Muslims who are glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala we know that Allah subhanahu wa taala promised in the Qur’anul

Karim Inna nahnu nazzalnikro wa inna lahufidun Indeed, we have revealed azzikra, the meaning of azzikra here is the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and we also say that Allah will protect it. This means that not only Al-Quranul Karim will

Be protected by Allah subhanahu wa taala, its authenticity is not found in previous books but also Allah subhanahu wa taala safeguards this sunnah with the birth of the The scholars that Allah chose to guard the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, one of whom was Al Imam

Darul Hijrah. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once said in a hadith issued by Imam at-tirmidhi. With the hadith Hasan yusyiku an yadribanas akbadal ibili Fala yajiduna a’lam Min alimil Madinah almost Of course, many people fastened their camels to go to seek knowledge and they did not find

An alim who was more knowledgeable than an alim in the Muslim city of Medina who was glorified by Allah Azza W. Many later referred to this hadith as a sign to aamik a because we know the history of Imam Malik, no there are people who are more

Pious and also more memorized and keep the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam more than Imam Malik and this can be seen from the praise of the ulama after him including his students such as Imam Syafi Imam Ahmad and other Muslims who have been glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala Imam

Malik born at the beginning of the first century, he was born in 93 Hijriah, meaning he was in the first century, meaning Imam Malik lived in the era of tabi atabiin and the era of tabiut tabiin, meaning the third generation after the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam and the companions of the apostles, only then did the third generation appear, called atba [Music] atabiin The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once said Khairun Nas Qarni tummalladzina yalunahum tummalladina yalunahum the best of humans is my era, meaning the era of the Prophet Sallallahu

Alaihi Wasallam and his companions, yes, then the era after that, the tabiin, then after that the tabiu tabiin, meaning Imam Malik still has students students of the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who studied with the companions of the Messenger. Where the companions were the students of the Prophet

Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, this means that the distance between Imam Malik and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was a very short distance , where Imam Malik’s teachers were teachers. teachers of the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, even one of Imam Malik’s teachers included the silsilat zahab which was

Praised by hadith scholars, among whom Al Imam albukhari said silsilat dahahab from Malik An nafi an Ibni Umar an rasulillah Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam the history of Imam Malik which was taken from Nafi where Nafi was a student of Abdullah IBN Umar and Abdullah IBN Umar took it from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam which means He has cashah sunaiah that the distance between him is only two the first cleric, Nafi, the second, Ibnu Umar, to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and that is only in the almuwat of the great work of alimam Malik Rahiahullahu taalaasir Muslims who were glorified by Allah

Subhanahu Wa Ta. Imam Malik was given a priority that was not given to the ulama before and after him, meaning he was a great ulama and ulama. In the world, one of them is Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him

) who is the only Imam of the school of thought who never has a day to do thabul Ilmi, he does enough tabul Ilmi in the city of Medina and he takes it from the scholars of Madinah, he is not like Imam Bukhari

Who is busy going here and there, he is not like Imam Asyafi’i Rahahullahu Taala, his student or Imam Ahmad, who was said to be taa Dunya Marrata, he made Tawaf to the world twice Hatta at Al Musnad until Imam Ahmad was able to collect a great work called

Imam Ahmad’s musnad, but Imam Malik only studied in the city of Medina, it is narrated that He once went to the city of Mecca to carry out the Hajj but he did not want to study only the Hajj, however, Imam Malik was able to master many fields of knowledge, both in Syria

And in Egypt, in Yemen or other Islamic countries. Where did Imam Malik get their fiqh, of course from people who came to the city of Medina to study with Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) If he was from Syria, then Imam

Malik would ask about Syam’s jurisprudence. If he was from Yemen, he would learn about Yemeni jurisprudence about the jurisprudence of other countries. However, even though Imam Malik was not influenced by their Islamic jurisprudence, he still took the practices of the Medina people and knowledge from

The Madinah fuqaul and he only adhered to the opinions held by the Madinah ulama, of course there was a reason because the distance between Imam Malik and the Prophet Sallallahu alhi wasallam was not far. meaning that when in the time of the tabiin

They studied with the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, of course it would not have changed much. What the companions did in the time of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, so when Imam Malik took them from among the tabiin, of course the content would not change much, so from here on Imam

Malik never then adopted the Syrian jurisprudence, the Basrah jurisprudence of Yemen, Egypt and others, he was satisfied with the practices of the people of Medina and no one did this except Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) Then the second Imam Malik was greatly admired and feared not only

By tabatul Ilmi, even Umar, the wuzara, the leaders of the officials, respected Imam Malik very much. They were afraid of Imam Malik and this was not the case with the ulama before or after them. Where their officials submitted to the ulama, when Imam Malik

Then ordered something, they immediately carry it out and this is the Haibah of how Imam Malik was given by Allah Subhanahu Wa taalaamat which is extraordinarily exalted by the scholars and rulers of course none other than because Allah subhanahu wa taala inallah Allah raised with this book several people and Allah subhanahu wa

Taala said and Allah subhanahu wa taala raises the status of those who believe among you and raises the status of those who have knowledge among you, that is the gift that Allah subhanahu wa taala gave to Imam Malik, appreciated, exalted and even feared by the ulama and also the rulers and even

Officials in his time maasyiral Muslims who are glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala Allah subhanahu wa taala gave Imam Malik Rahimahullah Taala a long life because he was born in the 93rd year of the Hijriah and died in the

179th year of the Hijriah, meaning that Imam Malik was almost 80 years old and he met two Daula. He grew up meeting the Umawiyah Daulah until more than 40 years later when the Umawiyah Daulah fell and then the Daula was established. abbasiah who was very strong at the beginning, as in history, Imam

Malik lived in two eras, meaning both the great Umayyad Daulah and also the abbot, so that Imam Malik saw how the kingdom system of these two Daulahs was , but even so, it was still imamic even though later the Umayyads collapsed and then stood, the Abbasids still remained. the

Rulers, ministers, officials of the daulah abbasiahgrespect and also glorify [Music] imamahah subhanahu wa [Music] taala even explained How the ulama praised Al Imam Malik IBN Anas Rahiahullahu Taala, let’s just look at the words of Al Imam as-syafi’i Rahiahullahu Taala Makruf Imam Shafi’ Rahahullahu Taala is a

Very big Imam whose name is his school of thought spread across all regions in all countries, even our own country, Indonesia is the majority of the Syafi’i School. Did you know that Imam Syafi’i Rahiahullahu Taala is the proud student of Imam Malik Rahiahullahu

Taala, even the one who educated the Imam? Syafi’i Rahiahull Taala becoming a world ulama cannot be separated from the role of Malik IBN Anas Rahiahullahu Taala. Imam Syafi’i even said that he was so amazed by Imam Malik. He said ukiral ulamaikun najmu waikun jatatullah alqi

Baab. See what extraordinary praise from Imam Syafi’i Rahiahullahu Taala. Here, Imam Syafi’i Rahimahallahu Taala said, if ulama are mentioned, then Malik is the star, if ulama are mentioned, then Malik is the star, and we know that one of the functions of the star is to give guidance

To travelers, fishermen, people who are traveling according to the star. function and then provide guidance for people who are going on a trip because in those days they were traveling by camel using a boat, sometimes there was no compass, there was no Google Map, the term now, so they could only see

Pintang, so Malik was like a star, as if giving directions to people on the way. which is the light of the Path of Truth, the Sunnah Path of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa waalihi wasallam and Malik is the blasphemy of Allah towards His creatures after the tabiin. This extraordinary praise

Was given by Imam Syafi’i Rahimahullahu Taala towards his teacher Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala Maasyiral Muslims who are glorified by Allah Subhanahu wa taala even narrated from Abdullah IBN greetings IBN asim he said kultul imami Ahmad IBN hambal Rahimahullahu taala one time I asked Imam Ahmad IBN hambal radhiallahu Anhu

Arjulu yuridu hifdal hadith O Imam someone wanted to memorize the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then said P hadisu yahf then to whom he should take the hadith and memorize it, Imam Ahmad recommended and said the hadith of Malik IBN Anas, it is better for that person

To come to Imam Malik. Learn from him, memorize the hadiths of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam from him because Imam Ahmad IBN said tambal Rahimahullahu taala Malik atbat fiulliai because Imam Malik has mastered all fields of knowledge very, very well, so that Imam Ahmad recommended Abdullah IBN Asim Rahimahullahu Taala to

Study with Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala Maasyiral Muslims who are glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala, even Al Imam Annawawi Rahimullah said then Imam Nawi agreed. the scholars regarding Imam Malik’s priesthood, that’s why among Imam Malik’s imams, we have the name Imam Malik, like Imam Bukhari dqabi amiral mukminin fil

Hadith or Imam Ahmad is called Imam Ahli Sunah Wal Jamaah or Imam Syafi’i is called Imam nasirusunah, so Imam Malik gets the title Al Imam Malik’s alimam because he no longer holds the priesthood. Then also his greatness, his greatness, even many scholars respect and honor and glorify Al Imam Malik Rahimahallahu

Taala maasyir Muslims who are glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala. Imam Malik is one of the scholars who Allah has given extraordinary intelligence. intelligence that is rare to have by humans Do you know the history of why Imam Malik really admired Imam Malik’s knowledge? This is told in

The sirah. He had a very beautiful voice. When he was little, he had a beautiful voice, so he admired the singers of his time. Sometimes Imam Malik imitated them, but his mother then gave advice to Imam Malik (may Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon him) and said, O Malik, do you know that

The singers, if their faces were not beautiful or handsome, then people would abandon them, you should divert your favorite hobby to memorizing the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam instead of memorizing the songs then finally Imam Malik’s mother, Rahiahullahu Taala, then immediately dressed Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala to study with Rabbi R

, one of his teachers, Rabiah Arra Ya, and Imam Malik took a lot of istifadah from him, then his mother dressed Imam Malik in such a way, then he took him to Rabiah Ari and told him to study and say Yes. Malik taamal adabblal Ilmi taam aladabblal Ilmi you learn

Adab first before knowledge what amazing advice yes Imam Malik’s mother Rahiahullahu taala said learn adab before knowledge yes kenab Ilmi if without adab it’s as if the knowledge doesn’t benefit even that adab Du per3 science du per3 new knowledge of adab knowledge like Abdullah IBN Mubarak Rahimahullah Taala

Said I studied adab for 30 years and I studied knowledge for 20 years for Muslims who were glorified by Allah Subhanahu wa Taala, even once his father was Imam Malik Rahimahullah Taala because Imam Malik was born into a family of ulama and his grandfather was a Kibar tabiin including senior tabiin who studied

With the companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam such as Umar and others. This means that Imam Malik’s accomplices were not ordinary people, great people, great scholars, even though his father was not named a scholar, however, his father was also a scholar, but

Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) is unknown. one time because he likes his hobby of playing with birds ee what’s his name ee it’s a kind of pigeon yes maybe his hobby is pigeons so sometimes he gets neglected one time his father his father said to Imam Malik a

Question a question because Im Malik has a brother his name is nn this is also abul Ilmi apparently it’s Imam Malik couldn’t answer and his older brother could answer, so his father said Yes, Malik, that’s because you are too carried away by

Hamama and the dove, you should leave the bird to study with Alimam Azzuhri Rahimah, so Imamik then learned a lot from the Ulama of his time, one of the teachers who really influenced him. is the alimam Ibnumuz Rahimahullahu Taala Imam of the world Imam Ibnu is Imam Malik then came

To Imam IBN Hurmus he came in the morning then went home in the evening that’s the enthusiasm for learning from Imam Malik to Imam IBN Hurmus, who among us studied from morning till night, yes and we are bored, but boredom is because we never loved knowledge. If people love knowledge, they

Will not get bored in learning. However, if they are not bored, they will like learning, they will definitely not be bored, maybe they will even forget their hunger and thirst because they are defeated by being devoted to learning the deliciousness of it. the knowledge

He learned. Even Imam Malik had a strategy that if someone came to Imam Ibnmus to learn, he would tell his son serai, sometimes he brings dates and then he gives them to his son. Imam Ibnmus later if someone comes looking for

Your father, say he is busy. Imam Malik didn’t lie, yes, he said it as if he was lying, yes, because he was busy studying, Imam Malik didn’t want anyone to disturb his studies, so he ordered his son. Imam IBN gave him dates and said that everyone who came

Wanted to study, he said, “Your father is busy.” because of the spirit of Imam Tabul Ilmi. How is Imam Malik’s spirit of Tabul Ilmi, Rahimahallahu Taala, even when he comes to his studies ? In the world, there was no one who memorized the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam at that time more than Imam Zuhri and that was Imam Malik, to the point that Imam Zuhri’s assembly, Imam Malik said, was so full that people climbed onto the roof of his house. Imam Zuhri was so numerous that sometimes

Some of them fell and fell. Some of the others, those who used to have thaabul Ilmi, were extraordinary in fulfilling thabul Ilmi which today, like in the past, came from everywhere. They were afraid of not getting a place, so

It was said that Imam Malik said that until people learned from Imam Zuhri, they climbed onto the roofs of their houses until they fell. happened to some of the others, it was extraordinary, so once Imam Malik Rahimahallahu Taala said that when he studied

With Imam Zuhri Rahimahullah, what it means to be present in his assembly, he then recited 40 hadiths or 30 hadiths because in the past, Imams didn’t read, so Imam Azzuhri was silent then there are people who recite hadiths. If they are wrongly reprimanded, yes, around 30 hadiths in one assembly,

The hadiths are read out and then memorized by Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) at that time Imam Malik did not use notes like people do now, so he heard 30 hadiths along with their sanads and reached the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam directly. he memorized it when the next day he

Wanted to go to Al Imam Azzuhri’s assembly. Apparently there was one Hadith he had forgotten. Of the 30 hadiths, there was one Hadith he had forgotten. Apparently Allah predestined Imam Malik to meet Imam Zuhri, meaning he wanted to tell Imam Zuhri the one Hadith he had forgotten to repeat.

But Imam Zuhri said to Imam Malik when he said weren’t you present at the assembly Why did you forget your memorization Imam Malik said Yes I have memorized it But there is one Hadith that I forgot that I forgot so Zuhri [Music]

Said I have lost it by heart dahahaba hifuka Yes Malik has lost it Subhanallah, you have memorized one Hadith out of 30 hadiths, it is said that you have lost it by heart, maybe if we turn it upside down, maybe we will be given Hadith 30, maybe

You have memorized one of 29, right? Yes, this is one Hadith that he forgot, but Imam Zuhri said that you have lost it by heart, he said, that’s why from Imam Zuhri’s words, he kept learning learning learning finally he became the person who memorized the hadith of the apostle after

Imam Zuhri after Imam Zuhriasir Muslimin who was glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala, Imam Malik was also like the previous scholars, he was given by Allah subhanahu wa taala to be diligent in studying Sari Kecil so he had memorized it. Before he was an adult, he memorized

The Koran before he reached puberty and he continued to practice in his time with the scholars of Medina and he once again did not leave Medina so that at the age of 23 or 21 to 23 years he had become the Mufti of the world. Subhanallah, from various countries he

Came to The city of Medina only took the fatwa of Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) because Imam Malik is the Imam of Darul Hijrah. Allah gave him extraordinary abilities. How was Nafi’s teacher, sometimes Imam Malik took hadith from Nafi and Nafi took from Abdullah IBN Umar

Abdullah IBN Umar took from the prophet, sometimes he took hadith from Salim Maula Ibnu Umar then Salim took from Ibn Umar from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sometimes took from Mujahid Mujahid took from Ibn Abbas Ibnu Abbas took from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

This means that his teachers in the hadith sanad call the sanad Ali there is the sanad nazil there is the sanad of Ali nazil, which means that below him, Ali is at the top, the closer he is to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he is called Ali, the farther he is

From the Prophet Sallallahu Ali Wasallam, he is called Nazir, so Imam Malik has the sanad of Ali, that’s why I said from the start, he has a sanad in the hadith, it is called silsilatahab genealogy means a

Golden chain between him and the prophet. There are only two people and it is praised by the scholars, one of whom is Imam Bukhari, Rahimahallahu taala, said silsilatahab an Malik anfi an Ibni Umar an rasulillahi Shallallahu alayii was a Muslim who was glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala. This Imam Malik is a

Scholars who really appreciate the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam if he wanted to teach hadith because Imam Malik was also given by Allah subhanahu wa taala quite extensive sustenance indeed when he recited Ilmi it is said by himself that he

Had time to then dismantle the roof of his house and then sell it just to study but because of that Allah expanded his sustenance so that Imam Malik became a tujar, a cloth merchant, a clothing dealer and Allah subhanahu wa taala expanded

His sustenance. Imam Malik, when he teaches, he doesn’t like to wear ordinary clothes, he likes to wear beautiful clothes, nice clothes, which are expensive, yes, and he burns them for fragrance, yes. So all the time Basically, as long as he teaches

The Tabatul Ilmi students, there are thousands of them, there are more than 1,000 who just read, not just those who just attend, yes, Imam Malik (may Allah’s blessings be upon him) is not separated from beautiful, beautiful clothes that are expensive and the waistband is not removed

Until the study is finished, for no other reason than because he wants to appreciate it. the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he did not want to recite the hadith unless after performing ablution, before performing ablution, wearing buhur perfumed clothes, he taught the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

, Imam Malik was so respectful of the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, that Allah raised him to the rank of Muslim ma’asyir who was glorified by Allah subhanahu wa taala, even Allah subhanahu wa taala gave Imam Malik the ability so that he was able to record

A very phenomenal book called mu. Imam Malik, the scholars of his time, even said that there were no authentic or authentic hadiths after the Koran. There were no hadiths collected. Oh, the most authentic scholar after The Qur’an exceeded the contents of Imam Malik, of course in his time,

Because after that there were of course changes after that, Imam Bukhi wrote the book of Bukhari, then the Muslim Imam also wrote the book Sul Jami, the Muslim Imam finally agreed that the scholars after him were that the Book of Hadith ter Al-Qur’an is

The book of Imam Bukhari, then Muslim. but in his time, at the time of Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala, there was no authorship of the most authentic book after the Qur’an, surpassing the muwata of Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala, even Imam Syafi’i

Rahiahullahu Taala at the age of 18 he had already memorized Imam Malik’s Muwata before studying with Imam Malik. So before Imam Syafi’i’s study had already memorized Imam Malik’s statement so that when he handed it over to Imam Malik, his memorization was amazed that Imam Malik had the knowledge of premonition,

Yes, because Imam Malik was a Yamani, a person who was born from Himyar, although his family then took him to Mecca. and lived in Makkah then finally moved to the city of Medina and became a Darul Hijrah cleric and the Yemeni people were famous for their firasah knowledge, that’s why

Imam Syafi’i when he studied firasah science was from Yemen. Imam Malik had extraordinary firasah knowledge, sharpness in seeing people, so when he met Imam Syafi’i Rahimahullah Taala Muhammad IBN Idris he saw that Imam Syafi’i was not an ordinary person he said that O Muhammad because Imam Syafi’i’s name is Muhammad Muhammad

You will be a great person in the future said Imam Malik Subhanallah Apparently it was true that Imam Malik’s hunch about Imam Syafi’i Rahimah became a reality. In the end, Imam Syafi’i became a great scholar of the world’s ulama and it was as if Imam Malik was given extraordinary

Insight when he saw people, whether this person would become a great person or not. of course everything is a gift from Allah subhanahu wa taala and Im what is his name Malik also studied with extraordinary scholars such as among his teachers were IBN syihab then also IBN hurmuz

Then Nafi Salim Maula Ibn Umar Abdurrahman IBN qasim Muhammad IBN Abi Bakar Ayub Assikhtiani and others, then among his students, including Imam Syafi’i, then Imam Ahmad, then his friends also took it from him, such as Abu Hanifah auza Hammadi bin Zaid and so on

, and his school of thought is spread across various countries, meaning that the blessing of his school of thought is still Allah subhanahu wa taala take care until today though The schools of thought of the ulama such as the Auzaai school of thought and other schools of thought

Are not just EMP, these schools of thought have disappeared over time, but EMP is the wrong school of thought, Malikiah Hanafiah, then Hambaliah . Then Shafi’iah is still still Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, guarding the surface of the earth, one of which is the school of thought of Malik Rahimahullahu Taala to

End this story because it is true that explaining a biography of a scholar certainly cannot take a very short time , but I took the points from Imam Malik Rahiahullahu Taala, who once also received an exam by the ruler of Medina because of that. Because of a fatwa, one day Imam Malik

Was asked about the fatwaak mukr divorce which was forced to divorce under threat. Is it valid or not so Imam Malik then gave a fatwa saying that this is not a g-ar? Then it spread among the people of Medina and also reached the outside world. At that time this fatwa coincided with

The rebellion carried out by Muhammad IBN Abdillah IBN Hasan IBN Hasan IBN Ali Bin Abi Talib radhiallahu Anhu. This means the great grandson of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. His name was Muhammad IBN Abdillah IBN Hasan IBN Hasan IBN Ali Abi Talib. At that time Muhammad bbin Abdillah was carried out

A rebellion at that time so that it was later linked to Imam Malik’s fatwa, perhaps Imam Malik was strengthening Muhammad IBN Hasan’s khurujnya rebellion. to the Bani Abbas, ah, it is also invalid because what is the name of the Abbasid Daulah, this Bani took over from the Umayyad Daulah, so the

Umayyad Bani was overthrown by the Abbasid Daula, as if then the talak mukrah was referred to as a political problem, since then Imam Malik was arrested and then detained until finally then what is the name of the bone? Oh, this side is loose, so when Imam Malik prays then he can’t put

His right hand on top of his left hand, crossing his arms like this because it’s broken, so when Imam Malik prays like this, Irsal, so there are some who think that it’s the sunnah of the Prophet Sahu Wasallam that Imam taught. When Malik prays, so during Takbiratul Ihram, he doesn’t

Put his chest like this, but like this, they don’t know that this is because Imam Malik on the other side, he can’t raise his hand because Imam Malik’s own opinion on the matter of putting the right hand on the

Left hand when praying is sunnah. Even his hadith was placed in the muwatah book , to such a test by the ulama from the rulers, ya wallahuam. Hopefully this will be an inspiration for us about the great figure in Islam Imam

Malik Darul Hijrah and increase our enthusiasm for scientific progress. We are grateful that we are not like them who have to study at here and there the books of the ulama have been printed, we just have to read, study and everything will be made easy for us. Oh Allah Subhanahu Wa

Taalaahu, I will return this to the moderator at Sem. Alhamdulillah, we have submitted an illustrative explanation for questions and answers. You can listen and ask questions on the prayer number 081170066. Questions are welcome. sent via WhatsApp or OK, MK, we will bring questions there from hearing friends, so ask this friend,

Ustaz, what made the previous ilm scholars so taught ? based first on the intention, so the intention is that they really want to learn, sometimes even as Imam Syafi’ Rahiahull Taala said, it may be that someone at the beginning of the knowledge is not their intention because of

Allah, but knowledge cannot be sought except because of Allah. This means that when we have With a strong intention to learn, the Apostle said, manuridillah Khairan yufaqih fidin, surely. Whoever desires something good, Allah will surely make him intelligent, so that is the first intention which is what the people have.

Ulama have a strong intention to glorify Islam to glorify the religion of Allah subhanahu wa taala. If it is said that the ulama used to not work, they worked, yes, they worked while studying, as if we see the sirah of the ulama, they worked, but sometimes there were also those whose

Parents were given sustenance by Allah subhanahu wa Taala so that then the parents are the ones who fund their children. This means that they are like Imam Nawawi, Rahimullah Taala, he has the figure of Imam Nawawi, he looks after his uncle’s shop, so while he is looking after the shop, he studied

With the ulama so he became a great ulama. Who doesn’t know Imam Nawawi? Author So they work while studying, but what this means is that their work does not prevent them from studying because their work is only for studying, not for accumulating wealth, not if they have enough to eat.

A few days later, they When they finished studying, they started working again , but it was extraordinary, Allah subhanahu wa taala blessed those times, so even though they were like that, their lives were more difficult, sometimes some of the great scholars were orphans, for example Imam Syafii. Imam Sfi was an orphan,

Yes, his mother was the one who taught him. Imam Syafi’i Imam Ahmad is an orphan, his mother raised him to become a great scholar. So many of the scholars of the world are orphans, born orphans, their lives are difficult, yes, but with enthusiasm,

They have sincere intentions and then also want to elevate the words of Allah Azza waalla, finally Allah make it easy for them to learn, the point is that Allah has made it easy in this day and age, yes, Allah has made it easy in

This day and age, to study you have to be more diligent, you have to be more clever, you have to be more clever in this day and age, but unfortunately it turns out that when Allah subhanahu wa taala makes sustenance as easy as possible, exactly as

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, poverty is not something that I fear for you, but what I fear is when wealth is spread to you, then you compete like the people of the past competed and later Allah will destroy you like the people of the past Allah destroyed Put it together and we will continue. Next question, ehi eh Ust, of course we all want to learn like science experts, but in this day and age to gain knowledge there are many requirements. There are also quite a few requirements. So

My question is whether to gain this knowledge, a person studying science must be in high school and have The title of Ustaz, what about those of us who are ordinary people who study only at the taklim assembly, yes, alhamdulillahatu wasalamu a la rasulah, if we look at the story of Imam

Malik, who is not at all concerned about going to several countries, because generally when we tell stories about ulama, almost all of them are ulama. that is doing rhlah rihlah is walking from one place to another from one region to another from one country to another seeking knowledge because

Rihlah itself is the sunnah of thabul Ilmi How was Musa alaihalam’s rihlah with Yusa IBN Nun looking for the Prophet Khidr then How was his rihlah Jabir Abdillah is only looking for one Hadith, he has to walk S months to Syria, how about

Imam Ahmad’s rhlah around the world until he collects Imam Ahmad’s musad and and so on, the ulama are defeated, but this Imam Malik is not rhlah, he is only in Medina, he takes it from Sabah’s qaus, experts. The seventh jurisprudence

That was recognized by the world at that time was that he was sufficient in his country, in his city, not in his city, even in Makkah, he didn’t just go home on Hajj, but look at the truth of knowledge, if we want to

Look for it, there is a lot of knowledge around us. We have a lot of Ustaz around us, there are a lot of pious people, if we want to pursue it, for example, we learn Arabic, yes, now Allah makes it easy, now there is Google, there is

The internet, there is already YouTube, so we are looking for Manya to take a class, if we are busy, we can take an online class, OK? If you persevere , God willing, it’s just that sometimes when we don’t want to persevere, we get bored easily

I’m a little dizzy because the lesson is hard to leave behind when it’s finished, so it’s true what Imam Syafi’i Rahimahullah Taala said when he said yes akhi yes knowledge cannot be achieved except because of it, then Imam Syafi’i said Hun [Music] wakaadun k Imam is impossible to achieve

Except because The first six things are enthusiasm, enthusiasm first, yes, there is enthusiasm, yes. Then secondly, intelligence, intelligence comes from Allah, ask for it, then also ijtihad seriously, don’t play around, study seriously, yes

, then if you can, there is an Ustaz, Ee, then bulgah there is a fee then It takes a long time , so these six things are true, if people can get it like that, firstly, enthusiasm, secondly, intelligence, thirdly, seriously,

Fourthly, costs, fifthly, there is an Ustaz who you make a teacher, then after a long time, knowledge will definitely be achieved because Yahya IBN Abi Katir said knowledge is impossible to achieve birahatil jismi knowledge is impossible to achieve except because the soul is tired, the body is tired if

You take a break, study at home while lying around while tilting while eating, listen to YouTube listen, when do you want to get knowledge, yes, if this is the case, don’t wait to free up time, but Take your time to work, yes, but

It’s impossible for you to have 24 hours. When you’re outside of work, use your holidays to study what’s wrong from morning till night. It’s easy. If only there were a lot of ustaz on YouTube now. Yes, it’s good if you can open the language. Arabic nausar jurisprudence of

Various kinds of creeds Try if it’s your holiday on Sunday, don’t go anywhere, just stay at home, take a book, take a pen, listen from morning to evening, take note of this Ustaz, Ustaz, this is finished, Ustaz, I’m sure, from morning S to

Evening between taking notes, there will be many benefits, you will gain knowledge that you have never heard of before and if you do it like that continuously, God willing, even if you do it like that, for the reason that

You are busy, for example, it will become knowledge. Moreover, if you attend the taklim assembly, especially Andi has my target. I’m already working, if I have R million in my account, I want to stop working first, I want to live first, I want to study first, God willing, it will be better,

But then again, sometimes this world binds us, so sometimes it’s difficult and why force Dir to study It’s like the devil is too strong, right? Yes, at least what the Prophet Sallallahu Wasam said. When giving advice to a friend, his name is yaatatanak. It’s best to spend that time sometimes you work, sometimes

You study, so you don’t get sick Walluah



Mālik ibn Anas bin Malik bin ‘Āmr al-Asbahi atau Malik bin Anas, Bahasa Arab: مالك بن أنس, lahir di Madinah pada tahun 711 M / 90H dan meninggal pada tahun 795M / 174H. Ia adalah pakar ilmu fikih dan hadis, serta pendiri Mazhab Maliki. Juga merupakan guru dari Muhammad bin Idris pendiri Madzhab Syafi’i. Wikipedia
Kelahiran: 711 M, Madinah, Arab Saudi
Meninggal: 795 M, Madinah, Arab Saudi
Terpengaruh oleh: Abu Hanifah, Ja’far ash-Shadiq, LAINNYA
Orang tua: Anas ibn Malik, Aaliyah bint Shurayk al-Azdiyya
Tempat pemakaman: Al Baqi Cemetery, Madinah, Arab Saudi
Firkah: Ahlus Sunnah


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