
Look at this! Way too fast. Lift the plate. How? How many kinds of sushi do they have here? This is incredible! Delicious, man! This is incredible! It’s just amazing! Ori’s dad and his wife traveled all the way from Colombia to Japan. Today we’ll be their first time trying Japanese sushi.

We brought them to this conveyor belt sushi spot. The name of this restaurant is ‘Kura Sushi’. They’ve got sushi circulating around the restaurant. Let’s see what they think about that! People wait here, huh? Yeah, it’s really famous here. People wait here. Maybe people need to wait at least 30 minutes here. Really?

‘Kura Sushi’. ‘Kura Sushi’. Just in Yamaguchi? No, everywhere in Japan. Wow. Amazing. We’re in “Kura Sushi”, guys. It looks like a nice spot. Lots of people here. Can’t wait to try the real sushi. The real sushi. There are a bunch of kids enjoying sushi. They really like it!

We thought sushi wasn’t for kids, but look at them. Yeah. In Colombia, sushi places are open, but here it’s more like cubicles. It’s just different. That girl is looking at you. Yeah, she was saying hi. Does the 632 mean there’ve been 632 groups of customers today? Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s possible.

It’s absolutely possible. Because it’s Saturday today. There must be… Oh, look! Look at that! Look! Go ahead. Go ahead. You guys can seat here. Look at this! Wow. What is this? What is this place? How does the service function here? Let me explain you guys. You basically have two options.

We can either order with this tablet, or if there’s a sushi that you like, you can just grab it. Way too fast! That’s when someone orders it! I was looking at those fries and they were too fast. Ready? You’ve got to leave your hand here. The fries might end up in your face.

Is this an all-you-can-eat place? No, you pay for what you eat. Normally, you get 2 sushi on a plate and it costs 115 yen. For the two pieces. Let’s say you liked this one. You just have to lift the plate and take it. Or you can order what you want with this tablet.

So all of this is 115 yen? Yeah. Each is 115 yen, right? You just lift the plate and take it. So you grab the plate, right? You lift it and take it. How cool. They go around on this conveyor belt. How cool. Look at that! Pretty cool. Ready?

Kaito, the upper band is a Shinkansen (bullet train). The potato fries Shinkansen, man. It went too fast, man. The speed is too fast. Shinkansen. This is the normal metro. The Shinkansen goes above. Everything looks delicious. I like the idea of picking what we like from this belt. Yeah, me too.

Yeah, just grab the ones you like. Are those fish eggs? That’s tuna. Ah okay. If you see something you like, just grab it. Wow. I can’t beleive this! This is amazing. – Want to try it? – Go for it, Pao. Lift the plate. – How? – Lift it from here. Don’t break it.

Be careful. The lid stays open. Exactly. You have to lift the plate. Like this. It’ll come out. Try another one. Pull it. Pull it. There you go. It’s pretty easy. You just pull it. How cool. What a cool place. Why are these looking the other way? They’re empty. Just ads, nothing else. Right.

You can open this lid on the table. You got the sauces here. The chopsticks. Wow. Look at this. Close the lid. Wow. Look at this! How cool, man. What’s this for? To clean your teeth. Interesting they have it here. This is pretty cool. This is tea. This is raddish. Pao likes this.

Pao, you’ll like this. This is green tea and you get hot water from here. You put the glass there. Can you pass me a glass, Gross? You can add one or two spoons of this tea. This is the spoon I use for my matcha in Cali. One or two. Kaito, you too?

Yes, please. Everyone needs to try it. And now, you can add the hot water from there. Smell it. I believe that’s enough. Kaito. Thank you. Be careful ‘cause it comes out really hot, Pao. And you stir it. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. It’s delicious. Cheers. Cheers. Try it. It tastes like chicken broth.

Watch out. It’s hot. I tastes like chicken broth, not like tea. Just throw in some cilantro, and you’re good to go! We’re not big tea fans. Definetely not. This is soy sauce. Do you usually dunk your sushi in soy sauce or pour it on top?

You can put the soy sauce on the side and dip your sushi as you like. Press here. You need a tutor for this. Now I get it. I can do this too, right? Yeah. Go ahead. Very special. Shrimp. Shrimp. How is it? Good? Tell the truth. It was delicious, man. Very fresh.

Very fresh. Delicious. Delicious, man. It’s crunchy. Wow. Delicious. It’s honestly good. Yeah, very good. You want some? Okay. Tuna tartare. The sushi is a good size. Spectacular. They can be easily eaten. When the bites are too big, it’s hard to swallow. Try it. I’m loving this dispenser. Try it. Delicious. How is it?

What a soft texture. The tuna. It has a soft texture. Can you believe this? Tuna tartare. You can put the plates through that hole. Through there? Don’t tell me. Yeah. Hold on. First press “play” on the tablet. Confirm. Okay. Should we put the plates there? Yes, put them through there. Go ahead, Pao.

Oh my God. That goes on another belt? That’s the subway. That takes the subway. Now, everything’s clean. It’s as if we hadn’t eaten. The tea is really good. Did you like it? Have some. Don’t worry. It’s not matcha. No, no, no. Thank you. He’s happy looking at the sushi go by. Yes, absolutely.

We’re going to order a few. Okay. So you can try them. Do they stop, or do you have to snag them? They stop. Ah okay. They look like two little kids looking at that sushi like if they were toys. I want to try this one. You’re an expert now. Yes.

I want to try this one. Wow. Look at this. What an awesome selection! How many kinds of sushi do they have here? Is that egg? Yes. You’ve got to try this one. Is the one with egg good? You’ve got to try it. That’s like the egg and rice from Colombia.

You’ve got to try it. Look! They’re already here. Those are yours. You ordered this? Yes. They ordered it just a minute ago. Okay. It stops at the station where it was requested. Shinkansen. Try them. Shinkansen. You guys eat too. We have here… What’s this? That’s tuna. We’ve got tuna, squid and bonito.

I believe “katsuo” is bonito in English. The “bonitos”. Wow, man, this is incredible. Wow. All fish. How incredible! Well, let’s dig in. Go for it. How is it? I added this “magic” powder. It’s good, isn’t it? This all looks delicious. Are there options for vegetarians? I order the cucumber maki.

That’s what I order. Pao, take it. That’s the one is usually order. That’s basically a tofu pocket filled with rice. Really good, man. Soft. This is absolutely delicious, man. This is amazing. Amazing! Try this one. Do you know how much this costs? 115 yen. That’s only 3,000 Colombian pesos. The two pieces?

Yeah, both pieces. That’s about… That’s, like, 3,000 Colombian pesos max. 2,900 COP. So each bite is just 1,500 COP. There’s protein. Very fresh. It’s delicious. Squid. Tell me, guys. All this fish here is completely raw? The majority, yes. If you look at this one, you’ll see it’s a bit grilled on the edges.

But the norm is the raw fish. Try that one. This one is salmon with mayonnaise and onions. Salmon with mayonnaise and onions, Pao. Try it. I used to eat that one before. My cucumbers are here. Cucumbers. These are called “maki”, but in Colombia they called them “sushi”. Yes. Dig in.

Is the powder good? Spicy? Just a bit. Add a bit. Too spicy? No. They’re adding… What is it? They’re adding this powder. What is this? A spice called “shichimi”. A little spicy. How is it? Delicious, man. Every five plates, we get to play a game. For real? If we win… If we win…

Did we win or not? We lost. If we win, we get one of those capsules. It’s a small toy. Wow. We get a prize. – Every 5 plates? – Yes. I already lost count of the plates. Games here are even for adults. I’m going to try these.

Today’s visit to this restaurant is absolutely awesome! It’s awesome how the sushi comes right to your table and how it’s served. The way they handle the plates is pretty neat too. It’s just awesome! It’s a must-do when you come to Japan. Amazing. It’s way better than Colombian sushi.

Colombian sushi is basically just a bunch of maki rolls. Here, it’s a sushi animal kingdom! Delicious. It’s really good. Really good. What do you want to order next? This one’s called “popcorn chicken”. We can find that one in Colombia. Have you tried the tempura? Let’s try a tempura. Let’s order fries.

It’s coming. Onion rings. Wow. The Shinkansen’s here! Onion rings. The salmon is really good. One piece. Order. Amazing. This is mind-blowing! This has to be one of my favorite ones. The balance between the salmon and onion flavor is fantastic. Everything’s delicious. Put it through. One at a time. The game starts.

We’re going to win. No, not the cat. He’s saved. We lost. I’m happy for the cat. Gross is always happy with his fries. “Kura” fries. Very good. Have some. It’s the first time I have fries here. It’s good. I haven’t tried one that doesn’t taste good. They are all delicious. All of them.

I’m genuinely impressed with the food’s quality. Wow. Amazing. So far we’ve eaten 12 dishes. Maybe more. Can you see how many dishes we’ve ordered? We’ve eaten 12 so far. The 12 plates we’ve sent through. Yes, plus what we have here. Kaito has quite the stock there.

After how many plates can we start playing? Every 5 plates. It’s hard to grab this one. I still don’t know how I’ll bite it. How did you grab it? It’s too big. It’s quite hard. Here I go. I did it. How long does a family stay at this place? About an hour?

Yes, about an hour more or less. Long stay for people. This place has tables, and there’s also a counter where solo diners can sit and eat. Just like the ramen shop in Tokyo. Yes. Tuna. This is a different tuna. Look at Kaito’s tower. What happened there? We didn’t win. Are we still playing?

We lost. How many sushi have you eaten? I haven’t been counting. Maybe about 15. Maybe. Yeah, it may be. Can you put them there, please? Let’s play. Ready? These are lighter. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Let’s play. Ay no. No way. Delicious. Kaito’s first sushi this month. It’s really good.

You’ve got to say “brutal” (delicious). Delicious. It says here we’ve ordered 25 plates. 25 plates have passed through this hole. Plus what we have here, 30 plates. 31. Put these through. Do you see how it’s being counted here? 29. 30. 30. Another game. We won! We won, guys! Pao, it’s coming.

How do you open it? Squish it and turn it. I can’t open it. Too difficult for you guys? Oh, okay. Kaito has experience with this. It’s a tape. Is it a sushi tape? That’s a very cool tape. It has an anime character design. I can see it now. Look. How cool. How cool.

Now I know why kids love coming here. They urge parents to eat so they can get this ball. This is Japanese pudding. Try it. Try it, guys. How is it? It tastes very good. Really? It tastes very good. It’s good. Try it. When I heard pudding, I thought it was something sweet.

This is different. Try it. It’s like a cream-style soup. Japanese pudding. It’s good. What is it made of? I’ve got no idea. That’s not something you’ll guess. There’s no way we can guess. Kaito. No, no. Go ahead. You can finish it. No, no, no. Really. It has a weird texture. It’s a pudding.

But savory. It’s no something sweet, right? It’s not sweet. It is hot. It’s a pudding. Never eaten something like that. It’s like a cream-style soup. It’s savory. It’s good. It’s doesn’t have a strong fish flavor. What is it made of? It’s basically steamed eggs. It doesn’t taste like eggs. Wouldn’t have guessed.

Salmon with “yuzu”. I want to get a cup like this one to put in my matcha. How is that “yuzu” flavor? Well-balanced? Amazing. Try it, Pao. Hold on. I’m full. I need to have some tea first. This is absolutely delicious. Try it. This tastes and smells like something familiar.

It has a subtle sesame flavor. Delicious though. Delicious. The “yuzu” is absolutely amazing. We’ve got 30 plates here, plus what we have on the table… 4 plates. 2, 4. 34, 35 plates. That’s the count for now. Are you full? I’m 80% full. I’m 300% full. I can’t eat anymore. I’m 100% full.

Pao, why are you looking at me like that? You are not full yet? You aren’t full? He wants more. I’m really full. Just watching him eat makes me feel even fuller. We’re just starting. We’re warming up the engine. Tomorrow I’ll be part of the “Tour de Yamaguchi”. I’ll keep drinking tea.

We’ve got to eat. What’s fantastic here is the incredible variety of fish they offer. We’ve probably tried around 15 different kinds of fish. They’ve got the tuna in 5 or 6 different variations. Raw, of course. Fresh. Very fresh. Very good. Very fresh. What an awesome restaurant!

It’s going to be hard to beat this restaurant. We’re in Japan, man. How cool. Wow. Cheers. Not with tea, but with water. Cheers. Cheers. Shinkansen. Still hungry? Hey. Here it comes. One more? One more? No. You’ve eaten too much. I’m okay. What’s the count now? 39 is the number. The number.

The number today is… “Osaka Namba”. 39 sushi plates. 39, man. Check out? “Completed”. What a cool experience. We will come back. The ball! Can I take it home? Yes. How did you guys like this sushi? It was amazing. A unique experience. Everything was delicious. Delicious. Kura Sushi.

“A full belly and a happy heart”. Excellent. It was delicious. I wasn’t expecting them to be this happy. Everything was delicious and we’re full. If you guys liked this video, please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. See you in the next video. Bye.




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#初来日 #海外の反応 #日本食


  1. くら寿司バイト経験者なので、数ある回転寿司チェーンの中で、蓋付きお皿や、片付けのお皿投入や、ゲーム体験などあらゆる仕掛けがあるくら寿司を選んだのは大正解だったと思います👏👏👏

  2. 自分らの親と変わらない年代の両親が無邪気に日本の食を楽しんでる姿がとても新鮮でほっこりしますね!

  3. 初めましてm(__)mとても素敵な家族ですね。

  4. 回転寿司は青物もきっちり冷凍されて衛生面も安全ですからお腹に優しいレベルで楽しんでくださいね



  5. おススメに出てきて、今日一気に何本かの動画を見ましたか、このお父さんとお母さんの無邪気に喜んで頂く姿がただだ嬉しいです。ありがとう。

  6. このチャンネル好き❤️

  7. とても楽しく拝見させていただきました!素敵なご家族でほっこりしました〜

  8. ポップコーンチキンに反応したお父さんに奥さんが「コロンビアにもあるでしょ」ってツッコむところに笑った、

  9. 回転寿司のいいところは好きなものを自分のタイミングで好きなだけすぐに食べれる事なんだよな…。

  10. パパ「これはポップコーンチキンだ」

  11. カップヌードルも日本生まれだし、あれこそがインスタントヌードルの始祖です。と、パパに教えてあげてください😁

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