경춘선에서 가장 아름다운 구간은 어디일까요?

This is Sangbong Station on the Gyeongchun Line. This is to go to Gapyeong by train. But the Gyeongchun Line subway is a bit strange? The destination is clearly Chuncheon, Gangwon-do…. Bamnuni is waiting to go to Chuncheon to work part-time~ Let me tell you through the map the course we will be taking today:

Get off at Gapyeong Station by subway and pass the old Gapyeong Railroad Bridge. I ride my bike to Gyeonggang Station, a disused station on the old Gyeongchun Line. And from Gyeonggang Station to Gulbongsan Station, which is the subway station of Gyeonggang Station. The plan is to move around, look around, and then return.

Today’s observation point is the view of the old Gyeongchun Line railway. We finally arrived at Gapyeong Station on the Gyeongchun Line. Now I’m going to go by bike from here. Gapyeong Station is used a lot by bicycle riders. The first place to visit is the third station of the old Gapyeong Station.

This is the music station built in 1939. The large violin standing in front is a symbol of the music station. The size of the building at Music Station is much larger than the current Gapyeong Station. Even when I’m shaking a lot, the screen doesn’t come out at all.

Music Station currently provides lodging and attractions for tourists. On one side of Music Station, there is a locomotive that used to run on the Gyeongchun Line. Music Station does not seem to be related to the old Gapyeong Station, but As this was the site of the old Gapyeong Station,

I don’t know if it was an exhibition in a symbolic sense. There is a rail bike not far from Music Station. From here, the old Gyeongchun Line continues again. From this section to Gimyujeong Station, there is a rail bike project.

The track has not been demolished and maintains the appearance of the Gyeongchun Line in the past. Gapyeongcheon Railroad Bridge is the starting point of Gapyeong Rail Bike. When trains ran on the Gyeongchun Line, trains ran here.

After the line was closed, rail bikes are in operation (rail bikes began operating 5 years after the line was closed). Most of the old Gyeongchun Line tracks have disappeared, but This place boasts the best view of the Gyeongchun Line.

Even after the ship was closed, it was able to operate as a tourist facility. The bridge you are crossing now is Gyeonggang Bridge next to Gapyeong Railroad Bridge. You can also see a very special scenery from the top of Gyeonggang Bridge. In addition to the outstanding surrounding scenery, the Gyeongchun Line train

You can see it passing over Gapyeong Railroad Bridge. This section has a spectacular view of the Bukhan River and the surrounding scenery. The best view point on the Gyeongchun Line, not only outside but also inside the train

And this is the old Gapyeong Railroad Bridge (Gapyeong Railroad Bridge appears right after you cross the Gapyeongcheon Railroad Bridge) It’s an abandoned railway bridge built a long time ago, but it looks very majestic, right?

Of course, there is a rail bike that goes here (it seems like there is a constant flow of tourists because of this scenery) If you follow the railroad like this, you will come to Haetgol intersection. There used to be a railroad crossing facility, but it has now been demolished.

The crossing is closed, but rail bikes are still available. Along with Gapyeong Railroad Bridge, this section is the best viewpoint. It was originally a single track, but it appears to have been double-tracked into two-way traffic. Trees that were not present when the train was in operation add to the charm.

From Gapyeong Railroad Bridge, which you saw at the beginning, to Gyeonggang Station, the starting point. It is a course of about 4 kilometers and a round trip of 8 kilometers. Now, head towards Gyeonggang Station on the old Gyeongchun Line!! There is a small crossing in front of you.

When a rail bike passes by, the blocking bar goes down. When there is no rail bike, the blocking bar goes up. Rail bike officials manage it flexibly. This is today’s destination, the closed Gyeonggang Station on the Gyeongchun Line.

Replaced with full video to preserve the sense of realism as if you were experiencing it yourself. The building you see was built in 1958. I don’t know if it existed in the past, but the door to history has disappeared. If you go inside, you can see it at the abandoned Jungang Line station.

You can also see a long chair. Gyeonggang Station was a very famous station even before it was closed. This station is also well-known as a filming location for movies. The platform at Gyeonggang Station is currently being used as the starting point for Gapyeong Rail Bike.

Depart from Gapyeongcheon Railroad Bridge, arrive here, and depart again after a certain period of time. During a short break, you can see Gyeonggang Station and eat food at this cafe. This was the main line of the Gyeongchun Line at the time.

Surprisingly, there is no graffiti on the station sign at Gyeonggang Station (the station sign at nearby Gangchon Station is plastered with tourists’ graffiti). Now, let’s go to Gulbongsan Station for the last course of the day. With the opening of the Gyeongchun Line on December 21, 2010,

Train stations on the Gyeongchun Line were all closed down. And it is located about 1.4km away from Gyeonggang Station. Gyeongchun Line subway Gulbongsan Station opened. Now it is convenient to come from Seoul by subway. However, with the opening of the Gyeongchun Line subway, convenience has increased. There are also a few disappointing parts.

In the case of Gulbongsan Station, due to the straightening of the Gyeongchun Line, This is because the station was built in a place that was virtually remote. So, I couldn’t get any of the advantages of Gyeonggang Station (beautiful view of the Bukhan River, somewhat far from Jaraseom Island and Nami Island)

It is true that transportation is inconvenient due to the awkward location. Another disadvantage is not being able to see the surrounding facilities or the scenery of the Bukhangang River. In a similar case to Gulbongsan Station, Gangchon Station also suffered damage due to the ambiguous location of the relocation.

However, if you come directly to Gulbongsan Station, the view is nice (the air is good and it is a good place for healing). It’s about 1 kilometer from here to Gyeonggang Station, so take the train to Gulbongsan Station. It is also recommended to walk to the closed Gyeonggang Station!!

I think the Gyeongchun Line will be completed by today. An introduction to the closed Kim Yu-jeong Station and the nearby Gyeongchun Line closed line. Please refer to the video that appears on the screen. The two videos above are all of Gyeongchun Line’s closed stations.

If you have time, I think it would be a good idea to continue watching. Come on~! Please like and subscribe Please look forward to the video next Saturday!!

경춘선은 2010년 12월 21일 경춘선 전철이 개통하면서
기존에 무궁화호가 달리던 선로와 기차역은 일제히 폐역과 폐선이 되었습니다.
오늘은 과거 경춘선의 구간중에서 가장 아름다운곳을 찾아 소개해드리겠습니다.

[기차로가자 멤버쉽 가입안내]


  1. 영상 초반부 빨간 뱀눈이 경춘선 알바 뛰었던 경의중앙선 차인데 혹시 최근은 아니고예전에 가셨나요? 지금 그거 경의중앙선에 돌아와서 운행중일텐데요..

  2. 광주광역시엔 언제 오실건가요 오신다면 광주광역시에 있는 간이역인 극랑강역이 있습니다 기회가 있으시면 소개 부탁드립니다 그리고 조선대병원과 전남대병원 사이에 남광주야시장에 폐역된 남광주역(경전선) 소개해주셔으면 합니다 무궁화호 객실이 보일겁니다 그리고 지하철역이 있습니다

  3. 사실 제일 아름다운 것은
    이렇게 멋진 뷰를 볼 수 있게끔 직접 발로 뛰고 영상 촬영하는 기차로가자님이 아닐까 싶어요^^

  4. 경춘선 구역사들이 진짜 추억이죠. 다른 선들도 개량은 하되 경춘선처럼 기존 시설들 보존을 잘했으면 좋겠어요.

  5. 확실히 대한민국 기차 & 전철이 복선화 되면서 과거 간이역 수준의 역을 거치지 않고 이동 할 수 있다보니
    이동 시간이 빠르게 단축되어서 철도 업계의 혁신으로 보여지긴 합니다.

  6. 2010년 12월 말 경춘선을 운행하던 7006호 기관차를 보고 감명을 받아 철도를 좋아하게 됬어요.. 당시 종운기념으로 며칠동안 전역정차 무궁화호가 왕복1회 운행했는데 이때는 카페객차도 달아서 다녔습니다.
    저때 퇴계원ㅡ상천역 까지는 신선으로 달렸기 때문에 경춘선 전구간을 구선으로 가지못한 아쉬움은 있지만 예전역들을 추억할 수 있는 기억이 남아있어 다행이네요.
    언젠가 다시 경춘선을 가게 된다면 .. 좋겠습니다. 퇴계원역 인근 군용선로에 열차가 다니나 모르겠네요.. 아시는거 있으신지 모르겠네요

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