桜島・指宿で念願の温泉へ!|hayabusa gsx1300r【モトブログ】

Hello everyone, I’m Ruriko. I am currently at KUSHIKINO Port in Kagoshima Prefecture. Today, I will go sightseeing in SAKURAJIMA and SATSUMA Peninsula in Kagoshima Prefecture from here. I’m home. I’m back here. It’s sunny today. I recently went to a remote island called KOSHIKIJIMA.

I returned here by ferry early this morning to enjoy Kagoshima to its fullest. In this area, there is a restaurant that serves tuna ramen that a viewer previously told me about. I was thinking of going there today when I got back here.

However, when I searched for the restaurant, I found that it was closed today. I’m disappointed because I was fully prepared to eat ramen. But that can’t be helped, so I’ll go there next time. I entered the city of Kagoshima. I’m going to go see SAKURAJIMA from now on.

But I don’t see it from where I am now. I plan to cross the ocean and go around SAKURAJIMA. I just saw it. That’s cool. It’s erupting, right? That is awesome. I can see it very clearly. I arrived at the ferry terminal.

The total transportation fee for a motorcycle with a displacement of 750cc or more and the fare for one adult was 1,100 yen. I’m excited about the cruise. There’s a reason I wanted to take this ferry. Because I wanted to eat udon. The “NANKAI UDON” served on the ferry seems to be delicious.

It’s nice to be able to eat it on the ferry. Which of these 6 types of udon should I choose? This is a simple KITSUNE UDON. Eating it inside the ferry is a new experience for me. I wanted to try this once. The soup stock is delicious.

It was just lunch time, so the timing was good. This is normal udon. However, since the location is great, I find it very delicious. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The 45 minute boat trip was over in an instant. I arrived at TARUMIZU port. The udon was delicious. It might just be regular udon noodles.

But eating it on the ferry makes it delicious. I’m full. Wait for me, SAKURAJIMA. I feel good. As I expected, Kagoshima is warm. I feel good when I ride a motorcycle. As I ride my motorcycle along this road, SAKURAJIMA should appear before my eyes. It appeared. That’s very cool.

I’m also impressed by the plume. Opportunities to see active volcanoes are rare. So when I see smoke rising from a volcano, I feel strange. I came near SAKURAJIMA, so I wanted to park my motorcycle and take a photo with it. I found a place that looks good, so I’m going to go there.

I’m lost. I think I can go this route. That is awesome. Where can I go to take beautiful photos? This often happens during travel. People talk to me. But they have an accent, so I can’t really understand what they’re saying. But that’s also interesting. That’s amazing.

I’m glad to see it when it’s sunny. Last time, I wasn’t lucky with the weather and couldn’t get a good look at SAKURAJIMA. So I came to see it again this time. I’ll take this opportunity to go around. There is something very famous about SAKURAJIMA.

Due to a previous eruption, one of the torii gates was buried under volcanic ash. That is KUROKAMI MAIBOTSU TORII. I will take this opportunity to go see it. KUROKAMI MAIBOTSU TORII, Kagoshima Prefecture, KAGOSHIMA, KUROKAMICHO, 647. SAKURAJIMA’s major eruption occurred on January 12, 1914.

In just one day, the area was covered with pumice and volcanic ash. Torii gates are originally very tall. So when I look at this, I get a sense of how big the eruption was. There is a junior high school behind the torii gate. It seems that the students there are cleaning this approach.

It’s very beautiful here. And this is HARAGOSHA Shrine. I went halfway around SAKURAJIMA. It takes about 1 hour to go around SAKURAJIMA. I think I can go around this place in no time if I ride my motorcycle without stopping. Besides that torii gate, there are other places I want to see.

That is YUNOHIRA Observatory. It seems to be the closest observation deck from the SAKURAJIMA crater. I will take this opportunity to go there. The road to get there feels very good. The road is very clean and the sky is close. I arrived at the observatory. I’m scared because there is volcanic ash everywhere.

This is probably volcanic ash, right? I feel like I’m going to slip. I run up the stairs from the parking lot. I see a volcano. That’s cool. How amazing! I can also clearly see the plume rising. I will remember to take a commemorative photo. I went around SAKURAJIMA.

I’m now at SAKURAJIMA Port Ferry Terminal. I will return to the SATSUMA Peninsula from here. The inn I’m staying at today is in IBUSUKI. So, I will go sightseeing in IBUSUKI. It’s easier to cross the ocean by ferry, so I do it. And I will return to the SATSUMA peninsula.

Can I use PASMO? Sorry, that’s SUICA. I can pay electronically here using PASMO etc. The total fare for one adult and transportation fee for a motorcycle is 730 yen. I will board the ferry again. I’ll take the ferry for a while. I arrived here in just 15 minutes.

The ferry arrived at its destination soon after setting sail. This ferry gets me to my destination really quickly. I also visit tourist attractions here. I pass through IBUSUKI SKYLINE to go to IBUSUKI. I tried to ride this road on my motorcycle last time, but I took the wrong turn.

This time I’m taking a path that I couldn’t take last time. I’m finally here. I pay the 100 yen toll and ride this Skyline on my motorcycle. This road is the best. That feels too good.

The fallen leaves have been cleaned thoroughly, so I can ride my motorcycle on this road with peace of mind. It’s fun. There seems to be an observation deck ahead. I’m going to the SUSUHARA observation deck. It’s here. I could see a little of the volcano. How beautiful!

The wonderful thing is that I can see SAKURAJIMA and KAGOSHIMA city areas. It’s very beautiful here. It feels good. I’m too lazy to take off my helmet. This is a good place. I finished passing through the skyline. There are tea plantations here. And I am finally able to see MT. KAIMON.

I couldn’t see it last time. Its shape is very beautiful. I’m heading to a place where I can take pictures with MT. KAIMON. I’ve always wanted to take that photo. I’m on a very local road. Will I really be able to see MT. KAIMON? This is the MAEHARA coast.

I can see the coast. How about this? this is good. I can see MT. KAIMON perfectly. How should I take photos? This is perfect. I will soon arrive at the inn where I will be staying today. I will be staying at IBUSUKI KAIJO HOTEL. IBUSUKI KAIJO HOTEL, Kagoshima Prefecture, IBUSUKI, JUNICHO, 3750.

This is the room I will be staying in today. This Japanese-style room is too large for one person. Moreover, I can see the sea from here. I booked a cheap room facing the mountain, but the hotel prepared a room facing the sea for me. It’s beautiful even after sunset.

Is the OSUMI Peninsula over there? this is good. I am hungry. Izakaya TAMA, Kagoshima Prefecture, IBUSUKI, YUNOHAMA, 5-23-5. I drink lemon sour as usual. The citric acid is distributed throughout my body. As you can see, this is shrimp. This was about 3 months ago, so I don’t remember much about it.

I didn’t say anything at this time, so I can’t remember anything about it. I don’t remember what this is at all, but it’s probably fried small fish. What exactly did I eat? I didn’t talk to anyone that day. This is the main reason why I chose this inn.

What is this place in front of the sea? This is IBUSUKI’s famous sand bath. I chose a place to stay where I could experience a sand bath. I’m really looking forward to trying this. This is weird. I’m enjoying this. They just keep covering my body with sand. Sand is heavy.

Your body is covered with about 20 kg of sand. This is very heavy. I’m glad the staff took a photo of me. I think I was in this state for about 30 minutes. I felt good sweating a lot. But this is heavy. I’m glad I had a good experience.

After that, I took a bath. I was glad that ice cream was provided. This is CRAFT CHUHAI limited to KYUSHU. I love this series. This is something I look forward to after bathing. This has a refreshing flavor and is delicious. I’ll edit the video tonight while drinking.

And when I feel sleepy, I go to bed. Thank you for watching the Kagoshima version video until the end. See you again in the next video. Next, I will go to Miyazaki.




#motovlog #モトブログ #hayabusa
My motorcycle : Hayabusa & Daytona675 & CRF250L
Twitter : https://twitter.com/675Ruriko

制作会社   ⇒株式会社クロボ


  1. 夏に鹿児島市内方面に向けて灰が降ると、かつて鹿児島の友達に教えてもらいました。

  2. 婆ちゃんが生きていた頃は、よく鹿児島に行ってたなぁーって思い出しました。醤油がちょっと甘くて美味しいんですよね。鹿児島弁は、何を言ってるのか分からないですよね😅火山灰は、1日だけで車が真っ白なりますからね😂鹿児島は、海がキレイだからRurikoさんにとっても良い旅になったんじゃないですか。事故だけには気をつけて旅を続けて下さいね😊

  3. 4:12のところは本当に絵になりますね。

  4. 桜島、活火山ですが穏やかな時は綺麗ですよね。

  5. Rurikoさんお疲れ様です😊

  6. Ciao Ruriko. Da parecchio tempo vedo 👀 i tuoi video 📱. Sono contento perché esiste la traduzione di quello che parli. Oggi ti scrivo per il motivo del vulcano 🌋; lo sai che quando il vulcano è attivo come quello del tuo video, il suo fumo e anche l'eruzione inquina il pianeta; prima dove abiti tu poi con i venti 💨🌬️ distribuisce per il resto della terra. Sarà anche bello da vedersi, ma utile no. Ad ogni modo per fortuna ci sono scienziati che studiano il fenomeno. Ricorda, che una eruzione vulcanica 🌋 inquina molto più di tutti i mezzi in circolazione e il riscaldamento delle case. Ciao grazie per i tuoi video 📱👀👍🏼 beautiful girl Japanese motociclista 🏍️👋 goodnight for Trieste Italy 🇮🇹 Giorgio

  7. Это напомнило мне, как я давным-давно гулял по Кюсю. Мне было трудно понимать слова так, как я хотел. Моим первым знакомством с иностранным языком стал диалект Кюсю.
    Я хочу поехать сюда снова в своей ностальгической жизни.

  8. 安定の定休日ありがとうございますm(_ _)m😂

  9. 昨年、指宿の休暇村でソロキャンプしました。桜島も開聞岳も雄大で、また行きたいですね。

  10. 12:40 これはきびなごの天ぷらですね。県民食です( ´∀` )
    ほかの皆さんもぜひツーリングでいらしてください( ´∀` ) できれば泊りのほうが満喫できます

  11. Hello Ruriko San, thanks for the video. I like it a lot. What beautiful places you have visited. The sunset scene with you and your bike wow ! I saw sunset before when I was in Tokyo tower, blew my mind but your way was much better. Drive careful and stay safe 😊

  12. Rurikoさんフェリーに乗って対岸に渡って桜島を周遊でお天気に恵まれて景色も良くて開聞岳の夕陽の景色と隼と一緒に写真も撮れて良かったですねぇ👍🤗

  13. いいですね大学時代鹿児島に住んでましたよ。1997年から2001年桜島も一周経験してますホンダドリーム50でツーリング行きましたわ。本州最南端さった峠も行ったし。カーナビもないのによくいったなー。今じゃ行くだけの金はあるが家で寝てるばかりだわ。

  14. rurikoさんが埋められていくー😱気持ちよかったですか?😊砂風呂行った事ないので行ってみたいです

  15. 九州は何処に行っても綺麗ですね。前回のリベンジも果たせましたね😀桜島、開聞岳も天気が良く良い写真が撮れたかと思います。ビックリしたのが、灰で埋まった鳥居😅あれ〜下の部分見えませんね(^_^;)砂風呂は貴重な体験。私も挑戦したく成りました❗😀

  16. Rurikoさん鹿児島ツーリングお疲れ様😆

  17. ルリ子さーん!お久しぶりです😊
    近畿から西には行ったことないので九州にいつかバイクで行ってみたいと思ってました。 色々 参考になります。ありがとうございます♪

  18. 鹿児島は、鰹節を作る時の途中のなまり節が有り柔らかくて美味しいですよ。それとそうめん流しが有り唐船峡が有名ですね。素麺が円卓の中心でぐるぐる回っていてすくって食べます。唐船峡だけでわ無く県内何処でも有りますよ。

  19. ようこそ鹿児島へ✨

  20. 鹿児島にも来て下さったんですね😊事故も無く楽しめてもらえたら良かったです!因みに桜島、デカい噴火した時はドカーンってデカいおとが聞こえ真っ黒の噴煙が3000〜5000m上がり、夏場は薩摩半島、冬場は大隈半島の方へ風で流されて行き火山灰がパラパラ降ってきます笑そうなるとバイクはシールド無しでは走れんっス(悲)!バイクだから天気も良く火山灰が降らない方がいいですがデッカい噴火も見て欲しい様な気もする鹿児島県民です笑

  21. 鹿児島だけではないですが、九州はフェリーを上手に使うと、

  22. Since i found your channel i have been watching your vids and i did not realize how much i miss traveling on a motorcycle. You also have me looking at the Hayabusa!

  23. 桜島も見てるのは、噴火の煙も綺麗ですよね。


  24. 鹿児島リベンジ天気☀️が良くて良かったですネ!櫻島はちょくちょく🌋するからそんな時に居たら最悪?貴重?でもツーリングは晴天が一番ダネ

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