Bad Insect Bite! – EP. 273

I’m traveling south, and I’m really on the run. Simply because I’ve got three weeks and I have to go across so many states before my visa expired. But… Yeah. And most of the time, I have no idea what I’m doing. Anyway, today’s plan is

To explore hot springs because there’s so many of them on the road, so we’re just gonna stop at one. That’s the plan. [Intro Music] And we’re doing some gravels, Chillie! That’s actually quite unexpected. I just… Hello! I just, yeah. Just picked this road to get to hot springs, so. That’s cool.

A little bit of gravel at the end of the day. Perfect. It’s a really cool road. I’ll show you from here. Very wind-y. Look at that! Such a beautiful forest. There’s a car in front of us. I just don’t wanna eat his dust. There he is. And we’re out of the forest! Going through this beautiful valley and open space. Did you see that bird? Oh my God, Chillie, we nearly killed it. Okay. I think our campground is just here. Let’s see what they say. Okay… Okay… Fee required. That’s okay. $15. That’s okay.

And what do we do? We take an envelope with us. Okay. We can do that. $15. All right. Okay. Chillie, where should we camp? It wasn’t a long ride. Are you going down? It wasn’t a long ride, but I’m exhausted.

And it’s pretty much, it’s gonna be like that everyday. I’ll be exhausted because I’m overdue for my break. But, first things first, we have to have lunch. Sushi. Yes, sushi. It’s a bit – It’s a bit smashed up. That’s okay. It all gonna end up in my stomach anyway. Right. So… Aww. Sun.

Came out. So… What I was going to say? I was going to say that yes, this is, I think, my very first sushi while camping. Safeway has got these great deals for sushi, and it’s actually not that bad. I think it’s quite good.

So I just bought it on the way so I don’t have to cook. Then we’re gonna set up our tent. I don’t like ginger. But I do like wasabi. The more the better. Okay. So, what? What’s gonna happen now? Well now, we’re gonna have sushi and then we’re gonna set up our tent.

And then, we’re gonna find hot springs. Hopefully there are here, because I didn’t see them on the way. Oh, sushi while I’m camping. What an adventure! Life is good. I’m much better now. Tent is ready. The ground is very rocky, so I had to hammer down the pegs. And now,

Let’s check out the hot springs. Yes. I’m very excited about it. I am ready. It’s not too hot, so hot springs will be good. Okay. So where…? Lo – Lolo Lodge. Is that where the hot springs…? I’m not sure. Cabins. Let’s see what’s going on. ‘Lolo Hot Springs. Open to public.’ Cool.

Yeah, it’s a very basic one. But the good thing is, it’s not busy. That’s good. All right, Chillie. Have some rest. I wouldn’t call it a hot spring. It’s just a warm pool. But that will do for a summer day. Oh, the sun came out. Not it’s really hot. I’m like, so soft now. Oh, look at my hair. I look like a cockatoo. Very nice place. Old style, old pool. Sort of hot spring, but… What am I saying? I’m like – Yeah. It was very pleasant. Now I have to ride home,

And I forgot my undies, so this is gonna be a very interesting ride. Yeah. Okay, Chillie. This is interesting. I think this is the first time I’m riding a motorcycle without undies. It’s all good. Freedom! Good morning. Look what happened. I can’t believe this. So something bit me last night, and I could feel it. I thought it was just a mozzie or a little fly. And my eye was a little bit swollen before I went to bed, and then I woke up with this eye.

I can’t even – I don’t know if you – See how swollen that is? Like, really, really swollen. I can’t even open it. Yeah. So this is what happened. So I have like, cortisone cream. I have tea tree oil. I have antihistamine tablets. And I actually did all of that.

All these procedures of allergies and stuff, and bites. But it just got worse. I honestly cannot even open it. I’m just gonna ride with one eye open. What a disaster. Anyway, this is the problem for today. I don’t know what I’ll – I tell ya, I am so tired.

I’m like, really, every day I wake up, and I just… Say to myself, ‘Push it. One more day, Kinga. One more day. In three weeks, you’ll be out of the country. You’re gonna have a proper rest.’

And every day, it’s a struggle to motivate myself to go and do something and just keep riding. Because for one year, I haven’t had a proper break. And normally, I would have a one month break every six months, but I didn’t do it this year because of the seasons chase and all.

And now I have this. What else? What else? I honestly – I just feel like I just park Chillie here and just… Go. But I can’t do that. We’re in the middle of nowhere in Montana. We have to get down south. So, it’s okay. Hopefully my eye will come to normal after,

I dunno. Today? Antihistamine tablets and all of that. We’ll see how we go. If not, we’re gonna have to go to the doctor. I tell ya. It’s not easy to do everything with one eye. It’s like, I have no point of like, distance? So weird.

Jesus. Life is tough if you have one eye. It’s okay. I’m still alive. That was a bit of a challenge. Honestly, I’m not feeling well. Anyway, we have 30 miles to the nearest town that has a pharmacy. We’ll get there. Maybe we’ll get some strong drugs. I’m – I am so unmotivated.

Jesus, I feel like my balance is off. No, like really. Far out. This is gonna be difficult. Yeah. Okay, Chillie. Keep us straight. This is weird. Honestly. It’s so difficult to – It’s so strange. Like I can’t see the mirror for – Oh my God. What a disaster. Jesus. I feel so insecure.

It’s like, I can’t see all of that. And like, I have to do this to look at the mirror. We’ll definitely stick to – sticking to the pavement. Until my eye is all right. I’m going like, 70 k’s per hour and I feel I’m going so fast. Oh dear.

It’s all right. We’ll get there. I think I’m just gonna take a motel and rest for a day. I had no idea riding with one eye is such a challenge. Oh no. And now we’re doing twisties. Like, I can’t – Oh my God, this is bad. I do not recommend that to anyone.

Do not ride with one eye. If you’re not used to it, of course. Oh my God. How -? I’m going so slow. I just can’t – I just want to stop and rest. And we’re in town. We’re in Lolo. So, the pharmacy is just around the corner.

Honestly, I’m really tempted to just find a motel here and just stay. Because I feel like I have no idea what’s going on on the road now. It’s just like, everything is just out of control and scary and… I can’t pay attention to anything. Okay. Sunnies on. You bet.

You’ve suffered enough seeing me this way. All right. I’ve got some big guns, apparently. If that doesn’t help, I have to go to the doctor. And I just learned I shouldn’t apply cortisone cream on my eye. That’s okay. It’s a learning curve. Let’s find a motel now. All right, Chillie.

Let’s see if they have any rooms for us now. We’re in. They charged me extra $20 for early check-in. But I honestly don’t care. I just wanna take my drugs, lay down, and rest. That’s what I’m gonna do. Morning! Two days later, I’m like a new person. My eye is nearly okay. But… I’ll show you. This is what’s going on now. So I don’t know. I already stayed two nights in this motel. I do have work to do, so I’m really thinking, should I just stay here and work? Or

Keep going in the rain because from now on scenery, apparently, is supposed to be so beautiful. But… I’m not having a good run recently. I tell ya. [Outro Music] [Outro Music]

This was probably one of the worst days on my around-the-world trip. After an insect bite, I developed a bad allergic reaction and couldn’t open my eye. But I needed to get out of the woods and I tell ya – riding with one eye open ain’t easy!

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In April 2017 I left Australia for a solo trip around the world on a BMW F800GS. I named it “Are We There Yet” because I don’t know my final destination or the duration of this journey.

Throughout my journey, I’m raising money for a young disabled child in Poland named Franek. Franek was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (weakness of the entire right side of the body) and he will require constant rehabilitation for the rest of his life. All the money raised will go directly to helping Franek and his family lead as normal a life as possible so please donate generously:

None of that would be possible without my official sponsors:
Motorcycle Diaries


Outback Motortek


Lone Rider
Quad Lock


#onherbike #advrider #motovlog


  1. “One year without a proper break.” I spend some time touring the U.S. on my BMW also, but I’ve found I’m only good for about 3 weeks on the road, maybe four if I push it, before I need to sleep in my own bed and give my kids and grandkids an actual hug. But then, I am almost 70. We were in Lolo about the same time. Sorry I missed you! Ride safe.

  2. Hello Kinga. I feel fore you. If its not bugs its rain. I understand that ite hard to keep up thhe motivation. But you know that we are all following and thinking of You. Breth and bite hard. Ride on. And thanks fore the video.

  3. Take care. Known how you feel being on the road is exhausting, just taken a 2 week break after 10 weeks back to back camping through Mexico to get ready for Belize… also lost my mum during this time, so know it can be a pretty lonely place on the road some days. All you need is a hug! @montysmotoadventures

  4. Kinga iyi olmana çok sevindim. Evet hayat bazen bizi zorluklarla karşılaştırır ve biz onun karşısında nefes aldığımız sürece mücadele etmek zorundayız. Seni ve maceralarını çok seviyorum. BÜtün güzel dilekleri seninle. Kendine çok iyi bak. Geçmiş olsun.

  5. Long distance traveling can be incredibly rewarding, but can also be quite draining. Watching videos of day long travels condensed to a half hour or less makes it look like all fun and games but doesn't capture the fatigue and stress that comes with it. I admire your zeal for what you do and have tremendous respect for how you do it! I know your break is your current goal, but that too, will be replaced by the next adventure! Safe travels!

  6. OmGosh Kinga! That was one nasty bug bite, obviously one you were sensitive to. As a Veteran Pharmacy Tech of 24yrs, I replied to you on the TV "oh no dear, do not apply that cream anywhere near your eye"…. Oy, If you could only HEAR (of course it would be very late). Haha but STILL.

    I'm so sorry that happened, I'm also a Rider and having your peripheral vision compromised ( when not used to it) is DEF a struggle! Thank God you were close to a Town with a Pharmacy AND Hotel for you to stay in. I think also it was a "sign" for you to just stay put and wait for the rain to stop. I hope you did.

    LOVE your comment at the end! Benadryl truly IS the most effective AND least sensitivities to, Antihistamine!! Please, always keep that type with you! The generic is fine too (Diphenhydramine) . I'm ready to see your next video now.

    Excited for your New Zealand one's as well. I hope you're staying healthy and refreshed!! ❤🌷🙌✝️✨

  7. Dear Kinga, I can understand that you are tired after chasing around the world for six years. I ask myself why does she do it. Why deprive yourself of a normal family life for many years just to produce U-tube footage? Perhaps it pays extremely well. I don't know. I myself travelled extensively by motorcycle but only for specific trips and excursions, after which it was back to normal. I advise you to go home and take a rest because lately your videos have not been inspiring nor enjoyable.

  8. Hang in there Kinga, you’re stronger than most and yes Benadryl is a life saver for sure. I keep a box in my tank bag. Caught a bee in the helmet, no fun! Ride on and be safe!

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