
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen I am a married couple who go camping and sleeping in the car with our DIY Hiace Sui-chan. It’s been a while hasn’t it? Did you say that line? Miyazaki accent is not like this. We are now in Wakayama prefecture. The main purpose is to go to Torige Cave.

When I looked into it… There are places that can only be seen at low tide. Please stay tuned to see if you can see it properly. Is this your favorite? “Enema” is the only thing that comes to mind. Shall we spend tonight with an enema?

I’m on my way from Shirasaki Beach right now, but since it’s already noon, I’m thinking of going to eat some gourmet food at a roadside station that I’m curious about. Thank you again this time. Today, it’s a winding mountain road like this until I get to the roadside station.

I’ll be mainly going along the coast, so I’ll have to change my driving when I get to the coast, right? Do you want to drive? No, uh… Are you tired of the mountains? I drove for a long time last time. No matter how much I say “mountain kamuy”

Are you bored? No, after all, look at your power… If you use it too much, you’ll run out of power at Oishi Plateau. (The mountain road) was amazing, I definitely want to take a break for a while. Wakayama Prefecture has many winding roads. Is the coastal road also winding? Kaido… Yeah, that’s right

The temperature outside today was 8 degrees Celsius, but it was actually sunny, but now it’s cloudy. Ryo-kun’s arch-enemy, the cedar pollen, is already turning red. It’s almost time for hay fever. It’s from the second half of February. That’s amazing, look The cedar trees are turning yellow, maybe the pollen is finally reaching us…

If you exceed that… Will it be like Spirited Away? It went away quickly, but it’s normal. It was a moment, the distance was so short just now, W it was too much of a moment. It’s a Spirited Away digest version. From the moment I entered, it was already over in an instant.

I also told you Haku’s name. It was too early So, what are we going to eat in this mountain? Of course you understand, right? I’ve said it over and over again since morning. Since you taught me about it yesterday, I still have the image of the photo in my head. I negotiated

I knew you wouldn’t be attracted to me just by saying what I said, so I showed you the real thing with a photo. I’m very hungry It’s just right The car suddenly stopped. Good, I just needed to go to the bathroom and everything was just right.

I guess that’s what happened, I had it playing in my head too. “The perfect Honda Freed” Well, well, you know, there’s a Haagen-Dazs vending machine. I heard this was the first time I saw a Haagen-Dazs vending machine. I wonder if the price went up

Because it has a sticker on it that I don’t see very often. I’ll enjoy having this Gentle soup stock It feels like the soba noodles are handmade. Shiitake mushrooms are big Soba is delicious I’ll eat a hamburger first. It’s big Is your jaw okay? So that you don’t freak out Did it ring?

W sounded really loud very delicious! The shiitake mushrooms are thick and packed with vegetables, and the bacon looks nice too. Looks like a homemade burger Delicious, seriously “Mehari sushi” with plenty of salt This is salt, not soy sauce. Soba is delicious, shiitake mushrooms are delicious, but this is what I wanted to eat.

You can’t get in unless you open your mouth wide, right? That’s okay. Nameko is also included. amazing! Strong taste of shiitake mushrooms I’ve eaten shiitake tempura before, but never fried. Hearty with bacon, onions, and lettuce This also has shiitake mushrooms cut into thick pieces, making it a satisfying meal. delicious

Thank you for finding it Seriously delicious Thank you for the meal It was very delicious was delicious I’m really satisfied I also bought dinner for today. Is it okay to just have pickled plums for dinner? You bought some umeboshi for dishes that use umeboshi, right? Did you buy it to heal your stomach?

That’s not all there is to it, right? Would Japanese food be okay? I’m fine with rice and pickled plums, but I’m fine too. Really? It’s definitely not enough, right? I have to make some food for the video, right? It’s just for their own stomachs,

Right? This is the first time I said it was for the video. Will I arrive properly? I’ll arrive I wonder if the tide is getting low? If the tide wasn’t low, I’d give you an enema. I definitely thought you would say that. I guess that’s how it’s said.

Did you just think of it? Even if that’s the case, I understand We’re thinking the same thing As expected, you know everything about me. wonderful “The roads in this area are narrow and it is dangerous to park on the shoulder of the road,

So please refrain from doing so.” The location is 600 meters away. It says, “Please use the roadside station parking lot 500m ahead.” It says “in front” I just found it in front of me Apparently there’s a fee here. “Parking at the glamping facility across the road:

500 yen” “Or please use the parking lot at the roadside station 500m in front.” It’s tough, after all it’s low tide so everyone is coming. From what I can see, (maximum low tide) is probably 34 minutes. But if a couple is doing it, it means it’s right, right? No doubt about it

Look, it’s beautiful The sea is right in front of you It’s really nice here Let’s go from here It’s windy I don’t think the wind is blowing more than Shirasaki Marine Park. It was too windy in that place It’s beautiful Looks like this will save Ryo-kun an enema, right? don’t do enemas

800m left The paid facility earlier was a lodging facility. It’s good because I can exercise Oh, it’s 35 minutes now. It’s tough, now is the lowest tide. Do you go for a run? Impossible I guess I have no choice but to walk There may be quite a few people

If you come here, it’s dangerous if you don’t wear shoes. It’s a nice salty scent It’s like a river until the middle of the road Is it over there? I think that’s the place It looks like it’s on the other side I’ll go from the right The water is very transparent,

I have to make sure I don’t slip. It’s quite a walk It seems to come out on the right side Some people come to fish. I think I’ll see it soon Everything around here sinks at high tide, right? If there is water, that means it will sink, right? I don’t know how far,

But I guess it’s all here. Because, look, there’s water all over that area. This alone is enough Dangerous! Be careful It’s dangerous to cross here. Can you go? Is it because your legs are short? amazing It’s really interesting that it’s a cave. A lot of bird droppings fall

She is risking her life to go into the cave. Bird droppings Wow, there’s so much bird droppings I heard that the bird here was actually a pigeon. I thought it was a sea bird After leaving Torige Cave, go back along the road for a while.

There is a hot spring inside the roadside station called “Roadside Station Tsubakihana no Yu.” What would you say? Is there a roadside station inside the hot spring? Is the roadside station a hot spring? It’s the only building, so I don’t really understand. There is a toilet, but I came to the roadside station.

I’m going to take a hot spring here It says “pH 9.9″, which means that your skin is strongly alkaline and probably slippery, so your skin may melt. I see… It’s been a while since I last visited the hot springs: “Be sure to stay hydrated before going to a hot spring.” Let’s go then

After getting out of the hot spring, we finally had dinner. The hot spring felt good I’m hungry and have no energy. (Imitating Anpanman) Actually, if you think about it in real life, it’s scary. What’s for dinner tonight… This is what first appeared Sashimi konnyaku

Well, it’s been a while since I got out of the hot spring, but today is the day to indulge in drinking twice a week. thank you for your hard work delicious It’s cold I’ve never had sashimi konjac and beer. Actually, I’ve never eaten that combination. In the first place, sashimi konjac mosa

I had an image of miso and never thought that sashimi konjac would go well with ginger soy sauce. You made it, so please eat it first. yeah? Had made? Thank you for the chopsticks and for making the konnyaku. When we used to work, we bought green sashimi konnyaku several times

And we used to eat it often. I had decided not to drink alcohol on weekdays. I remember saying, “Can I have a non-alcoholic drink?” Did sashimi konnyaku remind you of so many things? Now, let’s have it here you are how is it? Does it taste good? Soy sauce is also delicious.

This type of konjac is handmade so it’s expensive. I used to buy it sometimes, but I couldn’t buy it often. The moment I saw it today, I knew it would be a must-try. This texture is so delicious Actually, today’s roadside station was good, wasn’t it? A place called “Ryuyu”

I read that “Wasabi and soy sauce would also go well,” so I think wasabi and soy sauce would also go well. Now I’m confused What’s wrong? I bought two green onions, so should I put this one in the pot first? Or can I add it later? But I think I want to

Put it in already. When I lived at home, I had a place to put it. If you’re thinking about that, you can’t do it, let’s just put it in now. Sorry, I’m just looking, but that’s right. Because you think “if you eat it, it’s the same”, right? do what you want

You can’t really be particular about how you eat in the car. That’s also a vain thing. Don’t choose someone else’s pickled plums Because my Nanko plums were small just now. When you think of Wakayama, you think of Nankoume. tasty sour I wonder if this is called “white dried plum”?

This isn’t that salty, it’s sour though. I thought this color was honey and ate it. If it says “with honey” it means it’s sweet. After all, this place feels like a country pickled plum. The delicious pieces are big Umeboshi is delicious, isn’t it? The taste is so different The refreshing sourness and sourness

Are different. The grains are big it’s happiness Delicious Best eaten with freshly cooked white rice Great for plum lovers Today, if my husband hadn’t stopped me, my wife would have bought me a lot of Ume series items. I like it too…

I wanted it all so much that I wanted to say, “You’re going to buy that much!?” If it had already written “ume,” I would have been really tempted. “You don’t have to buy local potato chips anymore,” I said. I bought some spiny lobster in Mie,

But at that time I had a gift certificate. This is what I bought without permission from Ryo-kun. I bought the Nanko plum ponzu sauce because it looked delicious. This one Wow, plums are amazing after all I couldn’t get into it all at once. Can I have it first? It’s thick, with plums.

Of course, please eat I imagined the ponzu sauce to be sour, but it was surprisingly sweet. Was it sweet ponzu sauce? I thought it was definitely sour, but isn’t it? The bonito has a good broth and is delicious. It’s refreshing, but the taste isn’t sour. It’s true, it’s not sour at all.

It’s not sour even if you put it on well, it’s just right I’m grateful to be able to make hot pot in winter. Nabe is really limited to winter. Thank you for the meal I looked at the camera and ate well until the last bowl of udon.

Since I ate udon, I would like to end the video. I was able to drive along the coast of Wakayama, so I think I was able to enjoy some really nice scenery. Personally, I was able to buy pickled plums and eat a shiitake burger. I’m glad I was able to achieve these

Also, I’m glad I didn’t have to give Ryo an enema. For me, the shiitake burger was really delicious. I think that was the best one today. Well, that’s all for this video. If you like our videos, please subscribe to our channel and give us a high rating.

Thank you for watching until the end this time. It was Teradafufu




・道の駅 水の郷日高川 龍遊

Elementor #2

・道の駅 椿はなの湯

0:00 オープニング
3:24 昼食
7:47 鳥毛洞窟
13:31 道の駅 椿はなの湯
14:28 車中飯
20:10 エンディング











▼ チャンネル登録








#日本一周 #車中泊 #バンライフ #ハイエース #夫婦 #和歌山


  1. しいたけバーガー、美味しそー😂フンやら干潮やらw

  2. 梅干し、みてるだけで唾が出ます(笑)美味しいですよね〜。「かつお梅」って海外製が多いんですが、和歌山には国産のカツオ梅があるんですよ。めっちゃ美味しいのでおすすめです。和歌山は27ヶ所?も道の駅があるようで、一枚岩とか虫喰い岩とか橋杭岩とかの道の駅が景色もいいし、オススメです。那智も温泉付き道の駅ですね。トイレが綺麗なのは太地ですね。道の駅巡りだけでも楽しめそう。次はどこかな?楽しみです😊

  3. お二人様いつも楽しい動画ありがとうございます!おー!椎茸バーガーすごいですね~😊お蕎麦も食べたくなりました~😊洞窟もものすごくかっこいい😊ただし鳩のフンに運は使いたくないですよね😅温泉に入ってお食事&ビール🍺最高の1日ですよね✨風邪に気お付けて旅を続けておくんなまし😊

  4. お酒の日の笑顔最高です🍻😆

  5. お疲れ様です。

  6. 美味しいものを食べてる2人が大好きですよ😊

  7. 柱状節理の横?何か入り混じっている様な訳が分からない洞窟でした(◎_◎;)
    鍋は冬に対抗できる最高のマストです( `ー´)ノ

  8. あみちゃんがカンチョーて言ったらつい…りょうくんわかる〜😂

  9. こんにちは👋😃

  10. お疲れ様です😉

  11. こんばんはー⭐️椎茸バーガー🍔蕎麦、美味そうやった🤤かんちょう😆ウケるー、笑えました😊鳥毛洞窟🥹すごいねー、神秘的🥹で、パワースポット💡って感じ☺️2人で眺めてる夕陽も綺麗✨で、いい感じでしたね😊車中飯🍚も、美味しそうでした😋楽しかったです👋✨😄

  12. teradafufuさんこんばんは😊

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