So we’re going to get the touristy stuff out of the way here in agent town but you’ll come to this bridge this is where we filmed the intro this entire area is usually absolutely jam-packed with tourists uh if you come early on in the

Day it is a lot more bearable and you’ve got the guys with the kind of cyclo and you’ll see this often here in ho I mean like I said it’s can be very very touristy but you got the Western tourists on the left on the right you’ve

Got the locals with the Vietnamese coffee um but we’re going to show you the Japanese covered bridge is that how you pronounce it uh it’s a Japanese cover bridge which is over 400 years old uh kolina actually was just e dropping

Into a tour um a tour group um so what is the bridge how is is it this bridge so I think it’s somewhere there okay so this is the bridge this might be covered oh the bridge is covered is this all right I was expecting like a bridge just over here or

Something uh okay so it looks like it’s being protected wow okay this is very old so this is the bridge all right okay so this is the bridge to see the temple please go up the steps okay so to go to the temple we

Go up the steps that’s are these steps oh yeah here’s the Pagoda I was expecting something a little bit different uh so you got a little Pagoda here but uh wow that was uh slightly disappointing I was expecting a beautiful Japanese bridge

Because it was built by the Japanese 400 over 400 years ago yeah and I even remember pictures of my uh dad who took a picture a year ago and it looked very beautiful so we’re on the way to get a little

Refreshment uh we were just told by I think American in one of the groups that actually the Chinese and the Vietnamese government are working together to build the bridge cuz it is very old it’s over 400 years old so hence they need to kind

Of redesign it rebuild it and uh just make sure it’s in good shape because yeah if it’s going to start crumbling and there’s tourists going around I don’t think it’s a good look but uh I can smell a lot of smoke there’s always

Like some people burning stuff here in hoyan but so you can see there’s a lot of shops coffee shops this one’s called hoyan Roastery um resturants people on the bikes people on the bikes uh clothes um again pagodas oh this is not

Actually a pagot it’s a coffee shop it looks like a pagota and ah this is the m drink so this is the drink I think we can go in oops she is coming through on a electric Pike yeah very oh how do we get the drink I think oh he’s over here

So you want oh you’re taking the picture okay sorry I got in I got in the way of a picture uh can we have a two please thank you so this is a herbal drink she’s got her juice over there and so this is a very popular

Thing to do here in poan and it’s very cheap I think it’s 16,000 okay that’s one there you go Carolina all right so got this uh mck dram you can see the presentation’s really nice got more people coming on

The motorbikes or on the bike all right let’s give us a go sh I’ll wait for Carolina how much should it come to uh I think 30 to so 16 each 16 each okay thank you come on all

Right I love it when uh people are taking photos and they tell you to get out of the way it’s like I don’t know seems a little bit rude but uh like I want to take my photo so that I have my special memory and you’re in the way of

It all right so you got these beautiful M drinks this is a herbal drink like I said that’s G us a yeah M oh it’s quite sweet yeah it’s sweet but it’s citrusy and you have like kind of like the hair but after taste I have

No idea what this is right and to the left you can see there’s another tour group it gets even more mental as you go through the day um but um for me it tastes like a majito look it you can see there’s ice on top of

There and then it’s uh you got these kind of beautiful petals and you got a bamboo I love the straw is that a bamboo straw it looks like a Dr yeah so nice refreshing drink definitely so like I said they are burning stuff all this ash

Is going into my face but always burning stuff hiy oh what is this for money in uh for people die when people die you burn this yeah you have the money oh it’s money yeah ah so you’re burning the money yeah okay wowoo so why why do you

Burn the money uh what’s the reason I don’t know okay all right thank you all right so I have the impression that everything that people do is maybe for good luck or like Prosperity they were saying about people dying or I

Don’t know if it’s for the ancestors I think they’re burning the money maybe cuz they think it’s kind of being like sent to the ancestors maybe you can let us know in the comments down below yeah let us know in the comments another tour

Group got a love the tour tourists we are a tourist as well so not trying to be hypocritical but there but there’s different types of tourists definitely different types okay let’s squeeze all on through here so you can walk around ancient town

You got coffee shops you’ve got tailor you’ve got clothing shops um bakeries everything you need as a tourist but there is more to H and then just ancient town so we’ve just spotted these ladies cooking and I have no idea what’s

Happening but hello hello happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year this is H for t for yeah for holiday so this can I sit here on a small chair what is this coconut jam yeah this is coconut Jam so so they’re making it looks like

Some shavings of something and this is same same same and that and that as well same this one still the same and then there’s a lady here candy what is this candy candy yeah uh what kind of candy is it with the peanuts nougat ah okay

Ah you’re making it here oh I can take this oh thank you for your your friend oh for Carolina oh this is the n okay this is the n here yeah you’re taking what’s on the floor over there and you’re combining this the fruits the

Nuts and you’re making this this okay and um maybe uh little marshmallow the marshmallow yeah is Marshmallow in this oh wow okay thank you for this come on thank you this is so Random they’ve got like uh this place is like I don’t know if it’s called

Kong tourism Kong Nam tourism so all of this uh what is it for like is it for t or it’s for T so you’re celebrating T very soon okay and we have some nugat thank you so much I’ll give it to I’m from England England yes she’s

From Poland ah yeah you’re from H okay so this is the new coconut um coconut jam coconut jam yeah and this a marshmallow candy like this one and then happy this is for us uh this is for me yeah oh okay thank you all right

Let’s all right Carolina wow yeah yeah let’s uh if you come over here this so we uh we weren’t expecting this but this is so nice oh be careful of the heat yes so what we have here is what they calling coconut

Jam and then they got nugat all right do you want to I’ve got nugat in my hand as well do you want to put that away into the into the bum bag while we can take this so you can see they’re cooking essentially what we’re having in our

Plate here and this is for T holiday which happens around the 10th of February this year y all right let’s give us a go I think uh Little Forks little tiny Forks should we go for I think we should try the nougat

First it’s very dark it’s very hard oh let’s get it with the hands maybe and they’re always blasting Tunes here in Vietnam like you can hear in the background there’s marshmallow in here there’s sunflower seeds and some nuts as well yeah and it looks like some flowers as

Well it’s very delicious this is why we love it um the people are so friendly they were so smiling when you saw when you approach them some countries if we approach and say can we film they will tell us to go away but in Vietnam that never happens this is so

Good there like white chocolate M it’s a marshmallow inside I think I’m going to try the pink one you’re going to try the white okay this is co they’re saying coconut jam but it’s I don’t understand it they’re just cooking it maybe that’s why M

Wow it’s almost like candy but it’s made out of coconut it’s like dried coconut which is quoted in some maybe sugar M that’s what it is so basically it’s coconut shavings but they’ve added different flavorings to

Them ah and this is the dry and this is dried it’s dried it so this is all dried so they’re cooking it here then they put it out in the sun in the sun in the Sun and they dry it just like that so we’re trying to buy the new Gap but what

They’re doing here is that they’re preparing it for their families to take home so the company is basically paid for all the ingredients and the workers are actually spending today to produce the newat produce the candied coconut

And then for T they bring it home it’s like a gift so we said we could buy the new cat but they said no we can’t buy it it’s only a gift bye bye oh it’s so nice super nice and they’re asking if we want to get a free

Boat experience like coconut boat ah this is a cooking class basket boat this is your uh office yeah oh yeah this is the back end of the but uh what’s happening I don’t know what oh you can oh to film oh you want me to film everything

Okay she’s yeah she’s she’s wrote me into more marketing okay so kangam tourist support center okay thank you so much come on thank you uh I will talk to you on WhatsApp yeah let know what’s up for the next for the

Boat okay thank you so much bye so um she’s like oh do you want to do the coconut boat and I was like oh now maybe they’re trying to sell us on the uh coconut boat and a cooking class but actually she said you can do it for

Free when coming to hoan you need to try there by me it is the best in Vietnam in my opinion the bread here in hoan is just to die for and the one that we’re coming to is not Madame KH it is B me f you can see all right so

C you can see all the fresh ingredients over here and uh it’s actually not too busy right now so we can actually walk on through I’m going to try and film them making the B me but uh a lot of people

Go to Madam can when actually uh we think that bomy Fung is the best one and all the locals that we’ve asked we’ve asked them which is the best bomy and they always say bomy fun not Madame can okay maybe some

People say Madame KH but um this is where we like to sit after you karolina YouTube is okay so uh could we go for the uh B me with uh barbecue pork yeah uh con mu okay and uh that means no coriander guys

For me and for Carolina for me B me G and cheese I don’t know what cheese is in I don’t and that is everything my friend sorry uh that’s everything that’s good so we’ve got the two bummies okay okay I

Something to drink uh do you want anything to drink no good we’re good okay is it okay if I can go downstairs and film them making the buom is okay yeah okay we’ve ordered but uh I want to show like the process of

Making the bar me and uh things are getting a little bit busier so you can see they have the bomy just over there this is like kind of a grill I don’t want to come too far into the back quite busy hello is okay if I

Show so they have all the uh bar mes here and they’re grilling them over there and you can see all the fresh ingredients on this side our bomes have arrived thank you so much okay it’s okay chicken

And yeah okay thank you come on such a nice guy yes sorry uh you can pay now 70 oh we can pay yes yes yes uh 70,000 for both the bomes you can see we have the beautiful bread now this is one of the reasons I love the bombies in hoan look

At that oh my spilling out the juices all right let’s pay first okay you have any tissues ah perfect there we go got some tissues thank you okay thank you so much all right so 70,000 for two bomes I took out the

Bread and the oil started dripping down I think that’s from the Pate um you okay yeah okay all right so we got a nice angle going on here you can see the packaging I love the packaging here in Vietnam for theames

It’s almost like French kind of artisinal style you see the B me fun and you see that bread I’m not going to take it all out because it’s dripping and mine is the actually to show you what’s inside let’s quickly open that up look

At that you got barbecue pork you got some salad some looks like some kind of onions inside of there some sweet corn oh that’s a winner my God I can’t wait again for the 10th time in Vietnam I’ve eaten the bread but the bread’s actually really tasty at least you can hear the

Crisp crispy o I’m choking on the bread but for me bumy fun this is our second time here I’m going to take off some of that bread like eat in the center there let good as go yeah it’s so good I really like the freshness of the veggies and the ingredients

Because there’s so many people coming here so you have the guarantee that it’s going to be fresh and warm it’s Che food as YouTubers sometimes we like swallow and start talking it’s very difficult usually it’s much more busier when we came this whole place was full so I don’t know I

Think it’s is it Tuesday today mhm Friday Saturday Sunday Monday was Madness in ancient Town crowds everywhere we went to Madame can same with uh fun this one completely full but today it’s quite quiet but the thing that we like about this one is it’s fresh it’s Super Fresh whereas The

Madame Canan I we liked it I didn’t like I’m sorry like my sauce was Dripping everywhere and uh it a bit oily for you from the Pate yeah whereas this one is breaked this is fresh like there was some oil coming out from the Pate but

That’s normal with the bomi but one in Madam Khan was um a bit too oily for karolina although I really enjoyed Madam Khan so they two really good bie places um well I’ve got barbecue pork what do you have inside of yours I have the

Chicken and the cheese and I think I don’t know if you can see it but the cheese is kind of like the here over here I think it’s like a goat cheese so it’s not the traditional let’s say bu me but I like it with the bread like this

It’s just such a perfect combination for me so actually Anthony Bourdain I think actually came to this place on the menu on the packaging like K just shown you his face is all over it so I’m guessing he came here so we just

Finished our bomes and yes there is a bum right behind kind of stirring us in our face there I think there a guide maybe there’s something happening there hey and uh yeah so I just thought I’d show you guys what’s happening cuz I just turned around and there was a bum

Staring at me in my face expected when coming to hyan a lot of tourists like to get their clothes made there is a lot of tailor so you can get for the ladies dresses made for the guys who can get suits made and there was tailor

Everywhere but you have to be very careful about the you choose because you can get a lot of overpriced cheap materials but we have got two dresses made for karolina here at Lucy Taylor this is a very good

Taylor sow we’re filming today how are you today yes very good okay we can take a seat over here you can see they’ve got all the Fabrics just along here and all so many fabrics and uh so kolina you had two dresses made for my sister’s wedding

Yes one of them so we’ll show it to you like a little sneak peek hopefully this video will be released afterwards Y and they always greet you with water thank you thank you so they greet you with the water but when we came we sat down here

You can bring your um kind of like templates like I looked on Pinterest and it’s nice because they did it like from scratch exactly how I wanted it three two 1 check it out guys ah it’s really nice this the first time saying it because

You came for all the fitting so this is the wedding dress for my sister’s wedding and you can see it’s all in silk and I really love the material because it’s you can see like it’s not transparent it’s very thick Vietnamese

Silk so when I saw it for the very first time and I compared the Pinterest picture it look exactly the same so karolina is a happy Girlfriend yes uh how much do you pay for that dress uh so the price was

$65 and the good thing is that they calculated did after measuring me so like uh depending on the material and uh the dress like you would pay what you are getting so you find out the price once you’ve got the design the fabric

Chosen and then they just give you the opportunity like if you don’t want to buy it you don’t have to buy it there’s no pressure and we did go to one of the place beforehand that a hotel recommended now I would avoid uh getting

Recommendations from your hotel because sometimes I think that they’re affiliated with some of the tailor shops cuz the Taylor shops ask for your hotel name so I think if they come from an Affiliated Hotel they earn some commission and there’s hundreds of the shops so the competition is quite big

And the first place that we went to they were quoting around 80 to $90 and it wasn’t uh you felt like the service and the uh fabric yeah I wasn’t really convinced like I didn’t see any of the kind of like the templates that I could

Use and I wasn’t really sure and I was quite quite nervous to you know invest in a dress that I will not be happy about and so avoid the hotel recommendations that’s my advice and also you’ll get a lot of motorbike

People coming when if you’re cycling around cuz it’s very popular to cycle around um ancient town and around hoan you’ll get a lot of motorbikes pulling up to you trying to have small chat they’ll ask you about the weather about

Where you’re from um and then they will say oh come to my tayor shop and usually these are the shop which aren’t performing uh as well because maybe their prices are too high compared to the quality or maybe they don’t have

Very good quality and so just by the fact that they’re trying to Market in that way by going around on a motorbike and trying to find tourists it’s insane it shows you that probably it’s not going to be the best

Experience so we are on the bikes because hoyan is a cycling and walking City it is one of the best ways to experience hoan not just ancient town but you literally can go from one end of the city to the other on bikes and it’s

Uh very bike friendly and we’re going to be heading now to our hotel to show you where we’re staying because it’s important to pick the right accommodation we are staying outside of the chaos and we just ride our bikes in

Every day we just get the bikes we get some exercise and you get to see some beautiful scenery on the way so right now you can see we are just exiting agent town you got these small kind of streets you have to go beep beep beep

Beep oh that’s so funny uh but it just get sometimes a little bit chaotic it’s going to be careful of the tourists but uh going to be more careful of the tourists than the locals the locals know how to navigate this you can see there’s a market just over here and a

Pagod and let’s squeeze on through here and let’s head on to our hotel we’ve made a little pit stop because we noticed they’re drying this food now this is what goes into cow la which we’re going to be having tonight it’s

Made out of rice and they’re drying it in the sun and I thought it was fried yeah because these ones are look like fried like look but I thought it was deep fried and no but this is the noodle so this is the noodle that they add they

Add some salad noodles and then they add some meat and then they’ve got these kind of dried crisps which I generally thought they were deep fried but that’s actually do you think they friy them afterwards maybe they fried them after

They dried them but the noodles they could probably boil them a little bit maybe let us know CA we’re going to be having tonight is one of my it’s my favorite dish in hoan so this is the hotel we’re staying at we’re at the

Serene nature hotel in the spa okay we’ve come Hotel thank you hi guys welcome so uh this is the hotel uh let’s come around this way and uh you got a nice little breakfast area so obviously not serving breakfast right now but this entire area is covered with food in the

Morning not just pancakes or just eggs you get a wide variety of stuff lots of different options for vegans vegetarians your meat lovers out there and this is wind because check out this view of the pool you’ve got some sun lounges they’ve

Just built a coffee shop and they’re going to have hello and they’re going to have uh some kind of uh like beanie bags at the top so you can chill out and uh it’s a very brand new hotel it’s already been open for about 2 months something

Like that and if we take you around over here this is why this hotel is so magical you can see kid there swinging on the uh swing you can see the rice fields this is what we’re surrounded by every single day staying here at the rice fields amazing and let’s go into the

Room so we’ll show you the view yeah and uh so you can see it’s very beautiful very very beautiful with the swimming pool and actually today is the first day where it’s been very warm and so going to the swim pool would be ideal right

Now okay so the room cost is around $20 and we’re just up here on the left so this is what you get for $20 it is a new hotel and I find with new hotels they always have reduced pricing yeah I thr in

210 and they’ve cleaned it up yep beautiful still our staff around yeah we got the backpacks and my bag’s down there but so we got the view of the rice fields you got a nice little balcony here you want to switch on the lights

Kolina yeah you can just put the there we go I think we’ve got all the lights on there so you got a nice big bed you got desk space um they refill the waters and uh the teas every day and what’s really

Nice is you got a bathtub so Karine is having a bath every single day I kid you not uh good water pressure it’s kind of like a wet room bath situation got a nice hey guys got a nice little sink here and

Bathroom so this hotel we’re very happy at we stayed here for six nights and if we go outside you have a pool View and you can see the views of the rice fields very very nice hotel we’ll put a link in the description if you want to book this

So we’ve come to our favorite spot on the beach our favorite coffee shop and it’s called ruer coffee and bar you’ll see Hello sow so they got all the drinks over here hello and why we love this spot you’re about to find

Out because you can already see it you want to avoid going we at Ang bang beach you want to avoid going to the main spot so you want to come a bit further down we’ll put the suggestion in the video Chapter so you can

See wow just a beautiful beach yep so you can go on the sun lounges they give you towels they have showers here and uh you can see it’s actually pretty busy but just not over here and you got the view over there and what we like to do is just sit over here

Hi and uh you can order do you know what you want to get yes yes me one uh for me I’ll get the uh Cafe mu uh no condensed milk no condensed milk okay remember you remember yes come on so

We’ve got a little spot over here you enjoy the views we’ve we’ve set up here so we have the sunlight oh look at this we got this is the cafe mu without the condensed milk very beautiful and the coconut giant

Coconut okay come on come on so we wanted to uh be a little bit more in the light for cuz YouTube lighting is very important actually we need to probably turn it a little bit more this way there we go so what we have here is

So this cream on top you can see it’s a salted cream that comes from the hoi region so it’s very particular to the kind of central region and then it’s mixed in with coffee and sometimes it had condensed milk but it’s already

Sweet enough for me yeah and here you canot go wrong with a huge coconut on the beach which is actually cold like it’s kind of freezed I don’t know how they’re doing this they’re putting it in the fridge that’s what they’re doing they love it she’s L addicted to coconuts yeah I

Would have miss it so much oh God I’m I’m a happy go J all right so what I like to do first actually is get the spoon I’m going to switch over to my right hand cuz I’m right-handed and uh grab some of that

Cream from the top so that’s why they serve it with a spoon sometimes as well so you can get some of that cream and then uh just saled right it’s like whipped cream with like salt it’s such such a good

Combination and then uh what you want to do the Vietnamese way is to do it like this and mix it all together I like the sound yeah I love the sound I love that in Vietnam they serve coffees in really nice glasses it makes a big difference

To me to the flavor and also to just the overall look of the coffee it’s very aesthetic M okay that’s good all right let’s get this a go oh wow super strong the Vietnamese coffee is like the strongest coffee I’ve ever tasted which is ironic because I don’t

Drink coffee outside of Vietnam and it’s actually crazy because I’m not drinking coffee but this one fell in love with Cafe Moy Cafe Moy is my favorite that’s nice the cream is like kind of a little bit sweet and it’s uh

Mixed in with the coffee although I would like it a little bit sweeter that’s probably why they add the condensed milk now I know why there was not that many people in ancient town because with the beautiful weather everyone’s coming to the beach makes sense right I want to see what the

Temperature is at the beach let’s have a little walk down wow so this beach actually goes so far around the coastline let’s dip our feet see how cold this is I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be cold woo it’s cold let’s go a bit

Further so the ruer coffee and bar it’s only even open for 4 months and uh it’s so good it’s got five star reviews so we’ll put a link because it’s uh a couple who’s just opened it the one serving my uh the drinks to me but

Uh yeah quite cold actually that’s probably why there’s not many people swimming in the uh in the beach should have taken my flip-flops off actually and uh so you can actually uh pay to rent these sunbeds over here and they

Give you towels so that’s what people are doing just over here and then you can actually head to the kind of coffee shop for food coffee drinks coconuts and uh yeah I’m uh very happy being here in hoan I don’t know we just

Feel really comfortable here it’s got everything you need it is dinner time and it’s time to have cow la which we were showing you earlier when we were out on the Riverside with the dried noodles and kind of chips we’ve come to this place C Kong Janan this place is really

Good and it’s almost like a jungle feel here hello two people okay so I don’t know where where should we sit K maybe over there okay so is it over there okay she saying be careful of the uh wooden beam all right this is good so this is us for

Dinner so we’ve been here before and the portion sizes are really good and they are very good on prices and it’s funny because it’s in ancient town right in the touristy area so we’re expecting it to be kind of uh overpriced and maybe not as good but this place is the real

Deal they do it see pu I don’t know why maybe because it’s quiet okay uh one bunk and one Cowa yeah any rings uh I’m good no it’s okay thank you cheers oh it does taste like vanilla I don’t know why but for me it’s some kind

Of tea I don’t know what is inside of here but some of the teas all they taste all of them kind of taste different some of them are like green tea some of them are like vanilla flavored some of them are strangely flavored noodle thank you beautiful okay so I

Show you the cow you remember guys this was the kind of dried crisp but I do think it is deep fried and uh let’s get some oops I’ve got some and uh let’s bring you into it so what you have is this

Kind of fried crisps on top you have these beautiful pieces of meat and now the reason why I like this place is that they provide a lot of meat so some places a little bit skimpy on the meat but plenty of this beautiful meat over

Here and then them noodles so I don’t know if they boil the noodles but you can see these are the noodles that they were drying earlier on and then you got some salad um and car you want to take them through yours so this is

VN and it’s actually very popular in Hol of Vietnam but it’s originating from the south and you have this beautifully marinated pork oh look at that so juicy you have some peanuts some cucumber some pickled vegetables there’s also salad M

Over here and I have different noodles so these ones are like rice nood yeah they’re different style they’re a little bit softer softer yeah and uh we need the for you oh the chili okay so this is one of the reasons

Why I like the central region of Vietnam is because they do like a bit of spice but not too spicy it’s more like a kind of sweet and sour uh sweet and spicy so you can see this um kind of spicy sauce I’ll add a little bit cuz it is quite

Spicy I’ll add it in there and I’ll mix it in all together looks like jam right yeah it looks like a jam just like that but it’s super spicy Jam all right let’s uh mix it all in together I think you supposed to be doing this like it

Doesn’t make sense just to eat everything from the top down time to dig in I’m going to go for one of these beautiful pieces of M pork it’s so good so they have a bit of fat crispiness on these kind of skin but the meat is really kind of tender and

There’s a bit of fat there as well so it gives really good flavor and then this is definitely fried really good and then the noodle on the bottom so we can combine it maybe so get some of that crispy a Big M crispy

Uh R I’m pretty sure it’s rice and then the noodle is also rice so good look at the I think this is like is this 40,000 mhm mhm it’s actually right in the heart of the Cent it’s 40,000 and the chili It’s like a jam it’s got a sweetness to it super delicious

Okay now Bun n had it for the first time in seon so I do think it’s more of a central and southern Vietnamese dish definitely you want to hold it up a little bit to the camera possible for the eaters to eat with you eat with you go into your mouth yeah

There we go look at it it’s got peanuts pork Karina’s got a bit of red nose cuz she forgot to put sunscreen on went to the beach obviously she while she’s eating you can see fresh so good so the beef is

Marinated as you can see it’s pork sorry it’s okay don’t worry sometimes Carina gets a bit stressed on camera yeah I get stressed because you would like to say what you would want to say but I like it the sauce is actually also infused in

These noodles so when I mix it it’s such a good flavor and sweet actually you got the pork the noodles the vegetables the herbs all kind of mixed together it’s fresh okay so there we go thank you yes thank

You that was super quick okay yeah thank you okay come on thank you you oh okay there we got the change thank you so was 80,000 yes all right let I feel obliged to leave because there’s so many people oh there a lot of people okay yeah so

Basically they uh you can see it’s got very busy thank you it’s got super busy so I understand that they want to uh clear us off and start making some money but actually things are a lot Chiller in ancient town we can actually head on

This way I see they’re making the herbal drink hereo herbal drink okay come on thank you ah the bicycles we can leave it here and come back okay lock yeah it’s locked yeah it’s locked all right so our bikes are just there we got them oh another bike but um

The hotel gives us free bikes for every guest so we can just use the bikes every day for whenever we want to ancient town at nighttime gets pretty chaotic it is just full of people wanting to take boats on the river and then when you get

To the bridge it is is a bit of a mess there’s so many people um you can’t even really walk uh that’s where we started the video it was super quiet in the morning everyone was at the beach but ancient town at nighttime is chaos just

Going to put it straight there is when everyone comes out for the lanterns at night time but anyways guys we hope you enjoyed this video we really do love being in Haan uh if you enjoy the video don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next video h

Everyone knows that coming to Hoi An is an endless architectural, culinary and clothing tailoring adventure 😋👗 Surprisingly enough, the town itself stole our heart but we loved the most interactions with all the local people, rural & sea side areas and unusual experiences we came across! Watch this video to see WHY Hoi An should definitely be on your list when coming to Vietnam 🇻🇳 (and how you can do things differently) #Vietnam #HoiAn

The hotel we stayed at – Serene Nature Hotel & Spa: https://www.booking.com/Share-mIs9YBk (*not sponsored, we just really loved that place) ❤️

If you enjoy my videos and want to show some love, you can buy me a drink 🥤 Buy Me A Drink https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jayeshchhaya


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0:00 Japanese Covered Bridge (Chùa Cầu)
2:00 MOT Drink
5:08 Streets of Hoi An
6:31 Treated by the Locals for Tet Holiday
12:49 Bánh Mì Phượng
19:14 Lusi Tailor
22:45 Cycling Around
24:59 Serene Nature Hotel & Spa
27:53 Rua Coffee & Bar
31:51 The Beach
33:28 Cao Lau & Bun Thit Nuong
37:49 Hoi An Ancient Town

Here are the locations:
📍Bánh Mì Phượng – https://maps.app.goo.gl/mBiyxh1XGD1E1aqdA
📍Rua Coffee & Bar – https://maps.app.goo.gl/H3BRyGeM1Z5yQn727
📍Cao lầu Không Gian Xanh – https://maps.app.goo.gl/2dGb4rNVGnPbCLzT6

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


  1. Người Việt nam quan niệm rằng, người sống trên cõi đời này sunh hoạt như thế nào , thì người chết cũng được hưởng như thế, Nên họ đốt tiền, oto, điện thoại ,,,,giả để gửi cho người đã chết,

  2. YOu are quite correct, they burn fake money, fake clothes, even home appliances, made from paper for their ancestors in the underworld to use.

  3. I've been watching your videos about traveling and exploring Vietnam from the beginning. Seeing you guys happy makes me happy too. I remember traveling to Ha Giang by motorbike was quite interesting, but the funniest thing was when your wife cried because she was afraid of steep, winding roads. I think those are beautiful memories and luggage you carry in life. Have fun in Hoi An

  4. What a amazing video! Very informative and a lot of beautiful recommended spots from the tailor to the homestay, cafe, foods. And you have guessed correct everything:

    5:41 Burning "fake money" for ascentors.

    21:21 Avoid recommendations from hotel.

    24:30 Yes, they fried the squared cao lau crackers and boiled the cao lau noodles before served.

  5. Traditionally, we often burn hell money or paper stuffs to wish for our beloved dead relatives bros. We think that they can get them and live a better life in another world.

  6. 12:31 some girls sounds like
    She is from Sài Gòn
    or from south vietnam

    2- peoples from Hue – hội an
    Accent is differents
    Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. hope you have a really fun tour of the localities in Vietnam, that man is burning money for their ancestors in the afterlife, wish you both good health and peace, hope You also share good videos about Vietnam. On behalf of the Vietnamese people, I thank you very much

  8. Các bạn đã quảng cáo hình ảnh đẹp của Việt Nam của chúng tôi và tôi chỉ biết like video này để ủng hộ các bạn thôi ❤❤

  9. 5:19 By burning the "money" they think they sent "cash" to their ancestors. (So their ancestors in heaven have money to buy bánh mì, phở or invest in bitcoin :)) it is a traditional way of "bank direct deposit" LOL

  10. can't wait til that day you do a video of budget on living in VN. btw, burning the fake money so that your ancestors can "spend" in the after life 🙂

  11. Another excellent video! I would imagine you guys have done Sapa? If so, looking forward to it!
    And I hope you guys will do some no name locations before you leave VN (locations that are not in any of tourist list)

  12. I'm Vietnamese but it's like day dreaming if I'm thinking of traveling right now. Never been anywhere else in Vietnam. Hopefully I can go in the near future. Thanks for the video brother

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