S0215-捕獲野生King媽,公主變貧民再透過讀書逆襲人生 ft Elaine

Before my mother left, there were a lot of words she kept in her heart. She only told me one thing that even my sister didn’t know. My mother wanted to see her former boyfriend. My mother used to be very miserable. In the Japanese era, after

Graduating from elementary school, she had to have sex with others. I was a Japanese child wearing clothes . At that time, she knew a boy. The boy was very good to her. The story was very long. She told me, “Can you help me find this person ? ” The relationship she talked about,

I tell you, it really made me cry. You missed her and she was buried in my heart for so long. For more than seventy years , life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten. If you have anything to do, come and have a drink. Welcome to the life tavern.

Come and have a drink today. Cheers , the palace gin launched by Cup Tutu Wine ! Welcome to the Bistro of Life . This unit mainly shares touching stories about people and things. I am your good partner in life. I am Xiaoou. Hello. I am King.

We invite the audience. The mother who has been knocking eight bowls at a time for a long time is here . Please say hello to the audience. Hello everyone! You can call me Mom Chen, you can also call me Zhang Liyin, or you can call me Zhang Liyin. My mother’s English name is

Sister Elaine. Then I’ll call you Sister Elaine. Sister Elaine’s childhood experience is different from that of our young children today. It’s unimaginable. Can you introduce it to us? Is that a wonderful story about your childhood? Probably the earliest memory I have is when I was four or five years old.

Our family was a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy. My grandfather was a traditional Chinese medicine doctor . My father is the most brilliant. Our family is very prosperous. I don’t know if you have ever heard of rent collection. I heard this from my elders. Our family can collect rent for a week

. One person goes out to collect it and comes back after a week . Why does it take a long time to collect rent ? Because he is alone. I collected it for a while to play and finally came back like this. I didn’t have much left

After I came back. Yes, I spent all my money. I can collect the rent for a week . So this is very ancient, right? The rent collection was only in ancient times. The previous rent collection was You have to walk. We are Hakkas. We are in the countryside of Miaoli.

What about you? We start from our home and start collecting rent. We have to pay it to Miaoli City and then walk back from Miaoli City . It takes a week to walk. If you don’t drive, there is no way. I don’t have a car

, or I have to ride in a sedan to collect rent. I’ve heard my grandma say this before. In the early days, I stood on the top floor of my grandpa’s house and saw that everything belonged to their house. Wow, the environment was so good when

I was a kid . I wore clothes when I was a kid. There are many long-term workers in our family who take the leather shoes class. My memory is that before the 375 rent reduction and land to the tiller , our family was very rich. I remember that I was very rich

Before the 375 rent reduction and land to the tiller. When I was young, the workers had to eat snacks when harvesting rice , so we would cook snacks at home and carry them to the field on our backs for everyone to have a snack and then carry them back

. We kids would just follow. What are you going to do there to eat snacks there ? Also, we didn’t have water before, so we went to the Da’an River by the river. We called it “㧡dan” in Hakka and picked up water there one by one

. Then the water tank was very You have to choose what to use after it is full because it is very dirty. Our home is a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy, so we have that alum. If you are from the older generation, you have the memory of using alum to dissolve it.

After it is dissolved, it will settle out a lot of dirt. Things can then use the water above , so they have to be picked up once a day. You need to see how many people are needed to pick up the water. I just mentioned that

Leather shoes are used in class. What does it mean to wear leather shoes in class? When we were young, the country people were very poor and we went barefoot . In that town, we are the only prominent family that wears leather shoes. You can’t imagine that in our elementary school,

My classmate looked like this. He put his shoes on his shoulders and walked to the school gate. He quickly put on his shoes and entered the school. The shoes he wore must be several sizes too big. The first pair of shoes you buy must be worn until you graduate from sixth grade

. The children in our family wear leather shoes. Every year during the Chinese New Year , my mother takes her to Taichung. In the past, there were so many good sisters, good brothers, and children’s leather shoe stores. We just went to buy leather shoes.

Then I bought leather shoes and did New Year shopping and then went back to the countryside. We had long hair and we wore dresses. I didn’t bring a photo, otherwise I would show you the photo and it would really look like this

. So our family is in the countryside and we are very wealthy. I once heard my sisters and older sisters saying that when my father was in Japan, Taiwanese people had no meat to eat and had to contribute it to the Japanese . But my father had meat to eat every day

Because the mountains People secretly kill pigs and chickens. My father also knows the way. He will ask people to buy them if they have money to buy them. Because I remember when I was a child, my father said that he had never eaten meat

, and then he said that he only had a chicken leg during the Chinese New Year. If you want three brothers to divide it up, you can’t imagine that our house has a patio . Our house has a bamboo pole that hangs sausages, bacon , chickens and ducks. Our house has several floors.

We kill chickens and ducks and we can’t finish them all. Why? A lot of people said like this, can your family finish eating ? My dad is celebrating the New Year. We have a long-term worker who wants to go back and

Send a red envelope, right? He wants to go home for the New Year , so he needs a chicken , a duck, and some pork to bring back to them for the New Year. We are very We have been busy with these things since early on . As children, we

Stole sausages and went to the roof to grill sausages and eat them. My grandpa married three people. My mother is the youngest in the third family and I am the youngest among our brothers and sisters, so I have been special since childhood. Are you pampered? No , why

Wouldn’t you have this kind of thing when you were a child? Women are especially pampered because everyone is very busy . Don’t think we are rich people. My mother also raises pigs, because people in the past just raised pigs, chickens and ducks. So, we children all have to work.

Isn’t it like you imagine that we don’t have to work and embroider there every day? I want to say that we don’t all wear leather shoes to go to school , but? We have to work, like when we don’t have class, we have to be responsible for driving ducks

, driving a bunch of ducks to swim, and swimming for the ducklings. A long-term worker takes us a child. The long-term worker takes the bamboo pole, which is very long. He walks at the front and we walk at the back . The ducks walked around and got into the ditch.

Our ditches used to have a lot of water. Then the long-term workers had to be in front because the ducks would keep swimming forward. The long-term workers had to fetch water from there , and the ducks would go back. We run here and then we have to fetch water here .

Why do we let ducks swim around like this? Exercise , and duck meat will be strong. Put the concept of pheasant . Ducks are hydrophilic and need to be done every day. This happened after people harvested rice and went to catch frogs in the fields . They brought a bamboo hat

With them. When they saw frogs, they used the bamboo hat to cover them. Then they quickly called the adults to catch them and brought them home to add vegetables. I thought about it when I was a kid, I only had the experience of catching loaches. We have played and

Played with these things. They are all boys and I am the only girl . Because my sister and brother are both very old. My brother’s children are all older than mine. I was born as a mother-in-law. My aunts and uncles are the funniest. My sister’s child is older than mine. When

She was in elementary school, she was in sixth grade and I was in third grade. When I was a kid, there was a healthy baby competition. The healthy babies standing in a row were all from our Zhang family. They ate well. It’s true. I’m not going to lie to you,

That row is full of my sister’s children from the Zhang family , because we sometimes play together. He is very intentional. When there are a lot of people, he keeps calling you aunt, aunt, aunt. You are obviously better than him and you. You’re still young

, but he calls you like this on purpose , and then you don’t know where to run and hide. What kind of healthy baby competition is it comparing to a hygienist? He will check your teeth. Are your teeth straight? Do you have any? Brush your teeth, then your weight, your height, you

Look like this. You really eat well. When you were young, the environment was really good . We were a really good family . When did it start to get worse ? It was probably because my father had myocardial infarction. My father passed away from myocardial infarction in the third grade of elementary school.

Since then, my family has fallen behind. No one has taken up his job. I have an older brother who originally studied with my father. Maybe it was because he was in the countryside and he felt that there was no development. So… He moved to Taipei and went to

The traditional Chinese medicine dispensary in the countryside. There was no one there. No one looked at it. My sister married in the city, so people would think that Taipei is so good. Where to go is so good . So everyone left, so the countryside is like this. What is left

Is for those of us who have not graduated yet and a little brother who added the original 375 rent reduction and land to the tillers. Can you help us viewers first update what is the 375 rent reduction and what is a tiller? There is land. Because I first

Asked everyone to go online and check out the 375 rent reduction. It was at that time when the National Government came to Taiwan from the mainland. It believed that there was inequality between the rich and the poor. After the 375 rent reduction was implemented, the image of “land to the tiller” was implemented.

We are rich people and we have no way to farm the fields. We rent them to tenant farmers . However, no matter how they farm, all the money and the rice will be ours in the end . Therefore, our family is rich and they will never have money. The earliest is

To harvest. After that, seven points will be given to the landlords , and then three points will be taken away. In the end, there is land to the tiller. After a few years of farming, these fields will become theirs, so we don’t have them anymore.

Because my brother and the others don’t know how to do it. Plowing fields, you are standing on the top floor. Suddenly, the land is not yours, so what you are looking at first becomes something that is not yours. Then, my father started to feel depressed and in

A bad mood from that time on. He was originally in a certain place. How do you feel when the noble family disappears overnight? My father started to get sick at that time , and then the family began to slowly decline. Then my brothers all left. Well,

The houses in the countryside are rented to others until the end. Many brothers came back and said that they wanted to sell all the houses. Everyone wanted to divide the family property, so they sold them all and divided each person ‘s share. Then each of

You has done the math. How many brothers and sisters did you have at that time? I am my seventh daughter. Do you want to see how many brothers and sisters I have ? I have five brothers, so there are 12. But how did the Hakka people in the past have

Child brides and other pairs of child brides ? That boy was my eldest mother who didn’t have any children at that time, so my father went and asked for a son to raise, and then he gave birth to a daughter, and then my eldest mother gave birth to a son.

This was passed down forever, and then I was older. My second mother was married to me only after my mother passed away. My father didn’t marry three at once. You know , I thought I was so physically strong. My father used his wife very violently. My mother died in childbirth.

My eldest mother only gave birth to a son. There is nothing else, so my father just wanted to have so much family property and not have any children to inherit, what should I do, right ? He married my second mother , and my second mother gave birth to a son

And a daughter . It sounds like my second mother should be After my second mother passed away from colorectal cancer , because my second mother’s children were still very young , my brother was only three years old at the time, so my father wanted to marry someone to take care of the children

, so he married my mother and then I After my mother came in, I regretted it very much . My mother was very young and wanted to be someone else’s stepmother. Then my father’s eldest son was older than my mother, and my sisters-in-law were two, two, and three years older than my mother

. So my mother, My stepmother was in trouble. When my mother had us, I still had a sister. When I was pregnant with my sister, my brothers and sisters -in-law were all older than my mother. They all thought that my father was not good and that

It was impossible for my mother to get pregnant. So I talked about it. A lot of bad things about my mother were spread from ear to ear. People outside came to tell my father. Then one day when my father was having dinner, he said that

Because in our family women are not allowed to serve on the table , then my brothers… Those in our family and my father said that you should remember one thing. A man can still have children when he is 80 or 90 years old, as long as he is healthy.

So my father is only in his 60s this year. Of course I can have children. Do you understand? So all of my My brother didn’t dare to speak anymore. He used his actions to prove that I was still okay. Yes , what happened after that? After grandpa left, because the previous woman was

A girl, we couldn’t share the property , but we had a share. Why? My brothers and sisters are all grown up and married , and they all have children. Only I am in elementary school, and my older sister is only in junior high school . What my mother means is that

You are all adults, and you will all make money. The rest is here. Neither me nor my sister can make money and you don’t share it with them. Then you call me a woman. How am I going to support these two ? Then should you be the ones to raise them

? In the end, the house will have to be sold for a long time and we can’t talk about it. My brothers insisted that they couldn’t be separated. Later, they invited our family ’s children. My uncle’s child used to be the county magistrate of Miaoli County and he organized a fair coordination committee

. So, my sister, my mother, and I were divided like boys. So many of my other sisters volunteered to take 20,000 yuan , so we took this amount of money to buy a house in Taichung . For you, you are an elementary school student,

What kind of change do you think your mood will have ? Because after all, you said I used to live a very affluent life, and my personality is relatively easy-going. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what you adults do to me. My mother doesn’t want us to get involved. If anything happens in this,

She just goes out to coordinate with my brother and the others . When dad is here, we No one in the family ever quarreled. My mother and father never quarreled. If something happened, my father would explain it to us in a slow and reasonable manner.

He never hit or scolded his father when he was a child. Whenever he was hit, he was always beaten. My mother told me that I didn’t like things played by girls, so I went out to catch frogs , catch fish in the creek, dig clams, and play with these kinds of things

. My personality has been more boyish since I was a child. When I watch these grown-up things, I People think that I am very neutral. I have been very cute since I was a child. I have a round face and big eyes. My brothers and sisters love me the most

And they take me wherever they go. Especially my brothers, they are going on a date and they cannot go out in a legitimate way. So they take me with them. Then put me on that bicycle and take me on a date to watch a movie on the bicycle. How to use it as

A shield ? Wow , it ’s so smart. It ’s been done before, right. It’s like this. So my brothers and sisters all love me and look like me. When my sister gets married and goes back to her family, I must have a gift. The sister I went up with doesn’t have it.

My mother will be unhappy. She thinks my arms are bent outward. This is a big problem in a big family. In fact, I am talking to many friends. When we came to our home, people told me that it’s a pity that you can’t write articles.

If only you could scriptwriters, your family is a very good script. I don’t have a big house gate in Miaoli. It ’s a series of stories from its rise to its decline. It is a portrayal of Taiwan. After my father came over, people in our family had a bad idea of

​​talking about people from other provinces. My grandma told her that I was ruled by the Qing Dynasty , and then the Japanese came and I was conquered by the Japanese again. After the people ruled, then when the Kuomintang came, I was ruled by the Kuomintang. He said that if

I had to choose between these three, I would rather let the Japanese control me than the Kuomintang because his brother was a victim of 228 and was shot dead in Luodong Market. My grandfather next to me also said that our family had a mountain in Hsinchu.

He said that there used to be more than one mountain and fields . But later, because the farmer has his own land , all the land was cut off , and there was nothing , and he became very poor. I don’t hate the Kuomintang

Because of this. He is still a member of the Kuomintang because in the past , you don’t know this history. Like when we were studying in the past , we had to join the Kuomintang and serve as soldiers. To be a civil servant, one must be a member of the Kuomintang

, just like in mainland China now. So we are all members of the Kuomintang. My mother is too, yes. I am also a member of the Kuomintang. We still have party cards . My sister is also the team leader of the Kuomintang. Wow , yes, my sister. My sister teaches,

My brother also teaches , my two sisters both teach, and the sister I went to school also teaches. If you didn’t have the Kuomintang, you wouldn’t be able to teach. Then my brother did n’t join the Kuomintang at Fengyuan High School. After graduating from business school,

He went back to his hometown to teach. But he couldn’t teach, so what should he do ? He could only do clerical work. Zhengmin (King)’s grandfather said that there was a high school in Luodong that was short of a nursing teacher , so he asked me to go there.

We went to take the exam. After the exam, I was asked to go for an interview in the afternoon. When I came back from the interview, his grandpa was a teacher. The teacher at the school called me and said why I didn’t take the exam

Because my Three People’s Principles were not as good as the other party’s . The scoring standards are based on the Three People’s Principles. It’s possible that if my nursing is 150 points and my Three People’s Principles is only 100 points, it might be the other way

Around. If his Three People’s Principles is 150 points and nursing is 100 points, then he will win, so I will After saying a few words, I told his father-in-law that he should not ask me to take this kind of exam next time. I am not teaching the Three People’s Principles

And teaching nursing. Why should I take the Three People’s Principles exam? That was the way it was in that era. It was all my previous experience. Many people now say that it is all a lie. How about I am a member of the Kuomintang ? Hahahaha. How long has the Kuomintang forgotten me?

I am the forgotten member of the Kuomintang , so do I still have to pay? No, after graduating from school. No payment Hahahaha , so we are not members of the Kuomintang now. Xiao Ou, you may not know that my mother used to be a top student and

I was very good at taking exams because I was in junior high school at that time. After I went to high school, I had no money at home. So I Mom said you don’t want to take the high school exam.

She said you can take the high school exam and I don’t have the money for you to study there. You should just take the fifth college exam. I said yes, I’ll take the fifth college exam. She said it doesn’t matter if you study something. Taichung is the only place in Taichung. Business college

Is just like an abacus, but I don’t like that thing. I just like studying medicine. Maybe it’s in my DNA, right? I like to see people sick , because I used to be my dad holding me and sitting on that chair. When the patient came, he checked his pulse.

I sat there and watched. I was a child who grew up like this. I thought, but at that time, there were no majors in the fifth college. There was only one nursing school, and it was for girls . Light science, what kind of laboratory science? I don’t like studying laboratory science

Because I have to touch stool and urine, which I absolutely don’t want. But I didn’t expect that studying nursing also requires touching these things. I can’t get away. I can’t get away. When I took the exam, my scores were okay. I went to Taichung Commercial College , but I chose to apply for

The nursing department . But the nursing department is a private school and requires a lot of money to attend. So I told my mother that I would rather work part-time. I went to work in Taichung during the winter and summer vacations. I went to the student uniform department of

Far East Department Store to sell school uniforms . I did it for two months during the summer vacation and one month during the winter vacation. Then I went to the second grade. My mother said I had no money, so I stopped studying. I told my mother that if you invest in me now,

I will give it to you later. There will be more. This is really something only top academics will talk about. So my mother said yes, my mother does handicrafts. In some families , when we come home from school, we have to do handicrafts at night.

We don’t go to bed until after 12 o’clock or 1 o’clock. Then I got up at around 6 o’clock the next day and had to go to school again. This is how the family used to be in the factory. I think this is very autumn. You are admitted to the first resource.

However, very autumn told my mother that I want to go to a private school. This is also the case. It’s a great thing. And when I take the exam, I don’t have to study very much. I can do very well in the exam. When I was studying nursing, all my teachers liked me.

Then , I was the most disobedient child in my obstetrics and gynecology department. Teacher, I will never get 100 points in the test. I will always be 98. He deducts 1 point from me even for a typo. Is it intentional ? So what should I do ?

After graduation, I went to obstetrics and gynecology. Now I hear this from you. I am no longer afraid of words and deeds, because when I listen to your story, I can see the exact same experience next door, right? He is also a top student, right .

All the teachers in the past have no tricks for me . He thinks that there are various ways to do it. I was not good. I was once caught by the teacher after I finished writing the test paper . I was caught writing A book down there , but he couldn’t do anything

About it . Why did you still do well in the test ? In fact, I taught him how to read. He studied history and geography very well. We can just read and cover the book and draw a map . Then you graduated from the nursing department. After I graduated from the nursing department,

I started to serve in the hospital . Surgery, going to the obstetrics and gynecology department, this is really cool. Didn’t my mother say that she wanted to be a nurse in the nursing department at that time? Then do you know why he didn’t do it later? Because my first job

Was in a surgical hospital. You know when I first got that salary, it was 1,300 yuan a month. That was 1,300 yuan a month in the 1960s of the Republic of China. There are very few people who have to work eight hours a day and feel that it is not worth it.

They want to quit and go to obstetrics and gynecology. The salary is better. But then they just want to say that they have to work night shifts. Well, my personality was not suitable for being locked up in that small and stingy place, so I started to go to

Zhongxing New Village, which was before public health. I was receiving a salary from the United Nations at that time . Wow , so autumn . At that time, we had not broken off diplomatic relations. We had broken off diplomatic relations . But There is also a sum of money from the United Nations

In Taiwan , and the United Nations is helping Taiwan to do public health . We have to go to the countryside to teach people how to use birth control, how to perform sterilization , how to take birth control pills, how to use condoms, and so on .

You have to look at your environment. Some families have children who don’t even have a toothbrush when they grow up to Dalian , so we have to teach them how to use a toothbrush. This is a public health method . We still have a place to live. The pigs

Are sleeping on top, and the pigs are sleeping below . The place where the pig’s feet are now in Wanluan. King’s mother in Pingtung said a very autumn thing. She felt that the salary was too small, right? The salary was too small. Is my value only 1,300 yuan? Hahaha, I just heard

It. It was the young people who were talking to me, hahaha. So when I switched to public health, I received two to three thousand yuan. Then I started to live a wandering life, going to each town for one month and one month for the countryside, so I was all

We have traveled all over the province of Taiwan because we want to improve the life in the countryside. But there is bitterness and sweetness in this. The sweet thing is that people in the past were very poor and had no way to go

Around. Then we can go around and play. Ah, when we didn’t have to work on Sundays, we would ride our bicycles everywhere. At that time, we had the experience of circling the island , and we had to live there for a month . After we were done,

People from the health bureau would come for a meeting. We have to hold a final graduation ceremony with the village chief and award awards to us . Then we have to award awards to the people who have improved your environment the best.

After that, it’s just quilts and we have to go to another town with us. But we also met many people. Very good people. For example, we met a village chief. He was very nice. He built a beautiful house and let us live in him. He loved drinking

. After he finished drinking, he bought a bunch of fruits and passed them on the street . Haha, just give out fruits to people passing by. Hahaha , I think there is a gap in Taiwan. I think the gap should be around the time of King and I. When we

Were young, I remember there was a bus station and a bus center , and they would sell some at that time. Small things like Zhi Zai Bing cost one yuan each. So at that time, there was a conductor lady. At that time, I still have the impression that

It is now called a transfer station . Oh, it is now a transfer station. Hahaha. I used to take the train to Fulong Station just to eat lunch. I had to come down and buy a lunch box to eat, so I went around the island at that time. After working around,

How did you feel? I think that to be honest, sometimes education issues in Taiwan really need to be addressed very hard, like the one in Pingtung who gave birth to ten children. You asked them to perform sterilization. What did you ask them to do? We went to Wanjin Village

, but when we got there, we were greatly hindered . We were not allowed to discuss the issue of sterilization there. He just said that we should obey nature. Go tell him that you need to take birth control pills and you need to get sterilized.

Otherwise, if you give birth to more than ten children, how can you raise them for me ? Hahaha , you are all devils , but you just feel so pitiful, dad. People have to work and raise so many children , but they just have fun in the hardships.

Because I may have been better at speaking since I was a child , and I have better leadership skills. Because I have been the squad leader since I was a child. I have to give orders since I was a child. I also practiced speaking very well

, so when I was in the health department, I almost went to the countryside. Every time I gave a presentation, I was on stage . I was also the one who was scolded the most and kicked off the stage. I taught people how to use condoms at home . The joke

Is that you actually use one thumb and then put the condom on and teach him how to put it on. We are not married, so after that, they only put it on the thumb , hahaha . It sounds like a joke, right , but it is actually like this. Because

We are all unmarried , we went over there and when we were teaching, grandma stood up and scolded us on the spot. You are not married. You keep coming to tell us that we can’t have children and yet you come to teach us this thing. Are you embarrassed and scolded

? Do you know how I felt when I was really ashamed of myself ? It was only two years later and I stopped doing it. I just returned to my profession. I went to the hospital and it was almost over. I was almost done with it in Taiwan. Later. It

Was more than 2,000 yuan. When I came back to the hospital, I was relatively lucky. The reason is that my supervisor has been very good to me until now , including the director of the hospital and the doctors of the hospital. They have many things to offer. Teach me

And I learned very well. I even had a doctor recently tell me that your way of treating wounds is better than me as a surgeon. Because our previous doctors were all educated in Japan , they would explain this to us. How to do it and how to move

It? Today’s doctors don’t have these things. So what we learned in the past are those at our age. It’s just a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. When I was a child, my mother gave me intravenous drips . Hahahaha. Really, their intravenous drips. I gave all the shots

Because you were hit and needed an IV. Hahahaha. I seldom see a doctor. I did it all by myself . When I was a child , I didn’t even have to go to the doctor. Our family still doesn’t need to go to the hospital. If anything happens, I just give it a shot.

OMG, hahahaha, what should I do if I have a stomachache? I think there should be something wrong, because I just heard that I was still studying when I was in my sixties, and I am still studying now. Yes, can you tell me how old you are now ? Thirteen , seventy- two

, seventy-two, ah, seventy-two. My mother is now seventy-two and she still needs to take the exam. What else do she need to take? We are nursing staff. We need a twenty-credit license every year before we can continue to use it. Then I You have to take 20 credits of homework every year

, but you can’t pass the exam, so you have to take it again. Well, then you have to study for the nursing certificate until you pass it. Why do you want to get married? Why do you want to get married? Because you can’t think about it, you can’t think about it , hahaha,

I graduated from school. I’m only twenty-two years old. Well , many of my classmates are married. They started to meet their boyfriends in school and got married after graduation. Many of them were married to doctors. Well, when we were interns, there were many intern doctors. Well,

In fact, we are all very good. It ’s just that for me, I may be more playful and never think about the word “love”. There is also a family factor that bears the family’s finances , so I always think that I want to make money. I want to improve my family’s life.

My mother is old. Then you have supported me in studying for so long. My right hand comes in and my left hand goes out. I have never left a dime on me. Mom, I can take as much money as I want for whatever I want to do

. Even at that time, the financial pressure was very great, so I kept saying , you have to make money, you have to make money, you have to make money . Of course, if you receive 1,300 yuan, you will think that this 1,300 yuan

Is worth it if I study to death. One thousand three hundred yuan , of course you have to go to a higher place. Then some of my classmates went to work and received one thousand six hundred and seventeen yuan. So I am still receiving one thousand three hundred yuan.

It is not worth it. I also studied and got out . I’m not worse than you. You may be more lucky to go to a place with a higher salary. But I can’t do it, because my teacher assigned me to go to work in that place. If I

Do well in my homework, my teacher assigns me to go to that place. Go to work , go to work there, the salary will be low. Ah, that teacher didn’t assign him to run it by himself , but his salary was higher than ours. Wow , he’s older now, in his mid-twenties, and

His family is worried. Your classmates are all mothers, and you’re still here to show off your mother. I started to see if there were any good partners. I told him that all the good partners had been chosen. I had no choice, so we knew each other at that time

. But they were all from other provinces . I have a big personality. Lama, I like to play. At that time, in Taichung, there were many military military villages in Qingquan Gang. I used to go to Qingquan Gang to dance all day long. I knew those soldiers. Otherwise, they were from other provinces.

My mother thought that people from other provinces were not good. Then you had to marry. If you are Taiwanese, then you know Zhengmin (King)’s father. He is Taiwanese. Hahahaha. So just because of this relationship, I was a little angry at that time and got married

Because I liked her and my mother said no. But now you know a Taiwanese. I told my mother that if you know this Taiwanese and you don’t agree with me, then I can’t do anything about it. Well, let’s just get married like this. I also want to escape from that family.

Do you think I am the most loved by my family? I can tell you that the thing my mother regretted the most before she passed away was that she said she didn’t love me since I was a child. At that time, when she was explaining about future generations, she said something .

She said that she never thought in her life that she would end up doing this. I took care of you and said that since I was a child, she has always cared for me the least. Then my uncle said something and she said, “Only now do you realize that

This is the result of the least pain for you. In the end, she was the one who took care of you for five or six years.” Then you said she was the worst. Now I have put it all down. I didn’t care before , let alone when my mother passed away.

So I told my uncle not to talk about these things anymore. I was very relieved. The thing is, before my mother left, she had a lot of words in her heart. She only told me one thing that even my sister didn’t know about. My mother wanted to see her former boyfriend.

My mother used to be very miserable. In the Japanese era, she had to leave after graduating from elementary school. I was washing clothes with others and raising Japanese children. At that time, she knew a boy. The boy was very good to her. The story was very long. She told me

, can you help me find this person ? I really I went to find that man, but he had already passed away. It was near my grandma’s house. My mother was already over 80 years old at that time. Wow, it’s so hard to remember. I’m so touched. That relationship she talked about.

I tell you the truth, I even cried. You think she has been buried in my heart for more than seventy years. Later, when I came back, I told my mother that I had looked for her , but the other party had been dead for more than ten years

Because we moved. After arriving in Taichung, I rarely go back to the countryside. I know that before , but I always felt that I was very suspicious of one thing. When my mother took us back to our parents’ house, we had to pass in front of the man’s door.

The man was opening a leather shoe store , but he Every time, I stand at the door and nod to my mother. When we were children, we would think that when we were young , we would think that this person would nod to my mother.

It turns out that this love that is so painstaking and unforgettable has been hidden for more than seventy years. Wow, the mystery has finally been solved. Don’t hide it, you have to find it quickly , but the person you want to find has been there for more than ten years.

I want to find that handsome guy from Qingquan Gang, that guy from the Air Force . I have met him again , but everyone just nodded and got married. We got married. Only then did I realize that I am not suitable for marriage .




小酒館今天喝的是兔兔酒推出的龐尼維爾宮殿琴酒,「PALACE GIN-Classic」這支所謂的「Classic」是完全為經典調酒而生的一支產品。除了杜松子所帶來的香氣以外,喝下第一口,即可感受到胡羹子特殊口感,慢慢會感受到甘草味道在口中蔓延,尾韻則出現檸的清香口感,讓人口齒留香。

# 章節
00:00 開頭預告
01:10 今天人生小酒館邀請到讓兒子從黑道變老闆的King媽,聊聊從公主變貧民的故事
08:17 因爸爸過世關係,瞬間家道中落
12:28 國小面對這一切改變,心境上得轉變
15:54 教書一定要加入國民黨?
17:35 學霸的歷程,果然學霸的DNA會遺傳的
20:19 拒絕低薪工作,決定去聯合國當公衛人員展開環島旅程
26:46 為何會踏入婚姻?
29:11 媽媽過世前的一句話,希望看初戀男友

#人生啊 #ZOSS #King #小歐 #媽媽 #初戀 #男朋友 #家道中落 #有錢人 #公主 #貧民 #三七五減租 #耕者有其田 #228 #國民黨 #志願 #環島 #初戀 #聯合國 #空軍 #清泉岡 #兔兔酒 #龐尼維爾 #Bunnyville

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