超リアル模型!フォルクスワーゲン T1 Type2を作ってみた。#サンババス

Keep safe. Thisi is YU.This cute samba bus came to our house! Volkswagen Type 2. T1 generation samba bus. There may not be another car that is so loved all over the world.It’s so cute! I ‘ve never seen a model of such high quality.Today’s request is from DeAgostini Japan. Currently

, there are 1/12 scales on the market, but this is the first time we have seen a samba bus as large as 1/8 scale.This is a product that will only be sold online, so if you are interested, please check out the overview section. Please give it a try.I

Think it’s quite rare for a model like this to be sold, and I think it’s very valuable.As a motorcycle lover, I often share information about various things, but I also love cars.I rode a Volkswagen Bus last year. I had the opportunity to drive it, and I fell in love with it.It

‘s such a long and heavy-looking car, but the engine is surprisingly powerful. It feels like the human and the car are running as one. I’d like to drive it in 1/8 scale, but as usual, I’ll give my impressions. First of all, I’ll give you an impression of the exterior.

The entire body is actually made of metal, so it has a very solid feel. It’s cool.The exterior color is the original color.There’s also a mechanism to enjoy it as a car.Speaking of wagon buses, the double doors

Can be opened all the way, and the seats can be folded down to accommodate 3 rows. You can also access the eye ore.The door handle here that I want to go inside also works properly.The details are well expressed. The window hinges, the flaps of this body , and the roof are also movable.This

Model also captures the flavor of the 60’s and 70’s.The passenger seat window can be opened. It will open with a slide , wait a moment. I didn’t know that the triangular window could open until now.It opened properly.Yes , the seat is so fluffy.The cushion is in place.Even

The interior parts have been faithfully reproduced.This clock in front of the passenger seat is this retro and cute clock. The steering wheel, shift lever, meter, etc. are all detailed in the actual car , so it’s very realistic! The handle can be moved. When it moves, the tires also move properly.

This unusually long leek-like shift lever reverse is pressed, and it’s not engaged.There are 3 pedals, and the wiper works.The mirror is on the left side, is n’t it on the right? Maybe it’s out of stock? That’s what I thought, but since I’ve recreated the specifications of the time, it’s just the left mirror.You

Can also turn on the headlights and tail lights.Speaking of the Volkswagen Bus, the engine is mounted in the rear.It’s well made and detailed. I don’t know much about engines, but this timing belt is made of a rubber-like material. The wiring and carburetor are also nice.Items that add to the atmosphere.In

Addition to car parts, we also have accessories such as carriers and surfboards.The atmosphere is perfect.25 packs in total. One pack will be sent every month, which means it will take more than two years to complete.Also,

If you are a regular fan of Samba Bus (Wagen Bus), you will receive a nice item as a gift.This is along with the second delivery. This is the poster that will be sent to you.It ‘s a really nice photo.The third delivery will give you this mug.You’ll be traveling along the coast.And

The fourth delivery will include a toolbox. In the 14th delivery, you’ll receive a yellow miniature model of the Volkswagen T2.Okay , now I’d like to actually assemble Pack 1 and Pack 2.An easy-to-read “assembly guide” in color. It is now available for download, so

I think it might be easier to print it out on paper.Body Front This is it.The packaging is cute too.It’s well-packed in cushioning material.It ‘s a heavy separate windshield . But, that’s one of the features of the Volkswagen Bus.There’s a driver in this pack, so I’d like to open it.Tires , these

Are Continental tires.Here ‘s the driver.We’ll use this driver to assemble them.Assemble them quickly. If screws are included, there are always spare ones included . Check it out! The screws are made to stick together with magnets. Ah , maybe I’m clumsy. Oh , I’m concentrating. I’m having a lot of trouble at the beginning.

Oh, that’s not true. It was different when I put it in. I made it ! It was a little difficult ! Before I started assembling the wheels , I soaked the tires in warm water for a few minutes . Now , the tires are really hard. It looks good so

Far, but with the contents of pack 1, I’m going to move on to pack 2. Here are the parts that will be transferred.This is also the part where the tension will increase as you can clearly see.The front bumper and engine lid.Let’s make the front bumper.R and L… right and left are properly determined.Next

Is the front number plate mount This screw The holes are large and the screws are large, so it’s easy to do. Wow, the processing of this press is realistic. It fixes properly . The license plate has a sticker like this ! It stuck beautifully.

Next is the front. I’m going to stick a license plate on it. Oh my god, it’s broken! It’s a very delicate sticker . I was conscious of the angle of view of the camera, but it turned out to be a big problem. It’s Stage 4 on the left side of the front door

. Somehow the spring came flying off. The parts of the door are small. There are a lot of things.The hinge is attached here.I couldn’t take pictures of this small thing because it was so small and small, so I changed to a macro lens.Ah , it’s in.The

Screws are bigger than the one before, so it’s a bargain. I painted my nails orange to match the color of the bus, but it was a completely different shade , and since I painted it myself, the door handle was bald . It’s an important part. It’s beautiful.

You’ll never be able to find it if you drop it, so I put a part like a mechanical pencil lead in here. Bracket . The window glass is already in it. Hinge . This time, the screws are big, so it looks easy. It was very easy.

There’s a shiny place under the window. It looks like all you have to do is put it in. It clicks into place without using any screws. I was able to assemble it so far. I think it went pretty well. The license plate also has a vintage feel.I was able to assemble it properly,

Although I made some mistakes.It was fun.This time, I assembled up to Pack 2, but I would like to show you a little bit of Pack 3 and beyond.There is one more tire. Is it a part door that looks like the seat surface ? This time, it’s quite a large pack.This pack has 4

Seats, but what part is this?Is it the door trim? And this is pack 5.What part is this? Is it the bottom part? There are a lot of parts with wide surfaces.Yes , this is pack 6.The only ones I have are up to 6.What is this? Is this the floor?

My impressions from Pack 3 onwards are pretty impressive.This time, I introduced a very retro and realistic Volkswagen Type 2 T1 generation Samba bus.It was

My first time to experience assembling a model, and I was surprised to see how many parts were used. It’s fun to spend time assembling things while imagining how things are going.I plan to continue updating this channel [YU.SR500] at my own pace, so please support me.See you in the next video. Keep safe

提供:デアゴスティーニ・ジャパン #フォルクスワーゲン #サンババス #レトロ
●デアゴスティー二『フォルクスワーゲン T1をつくる』

URLはこちら→ https://deagostini.jp/sn/vsb/yp/

●パック1お試し価格 : 990円(税込)
パック2特別価格 :3,990円(税込)

#フォルクスワーゲン T1

魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

Instagram ▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/yu.sr500/
Twitter ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
告知用アカウント ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
Facebook ▶︎ https://m.facebook.com/carcle.yu


📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



通算100回以上続いているカーくる新舞子サンデーなどの車バイクイベントを主催するメディア カーくるに記事をアップしています。

→ https://covo.site/_users/16922374
→ https://carcle.jp/blog/carcleyu

『parcferme (パルクフェルメ) 』
→ https://parcferme.co.jp/article-tag/yu/

『Motorcyclist (モーターサイクリスト)』
→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338提供:デアゴスティーニ・ジャパン #フォルクスワーゲン #サンババス #レトロ
●デアゴスティー二『フォルクスワーゲン T1をつくる』

●パック1お試し価格 : 990円(税込)
パック2特別価格 :3,990円(税込)

#フォルクスワーゲン T1

魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

Instagram ▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/yu.sr500/
Twitter ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
告知用アカウント ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
Facebook ▶︎ https://m.facebook.com/carcle.yu


📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



通算100回以上続いているカーくる新舞子サンデーなどの車バイクイベントを主催するメディア カーくるに記事をアップしています。

→ https://covo.site/_users/16922374
→ https://carcle.jp/blog/carcleyu

『parcferme (パルクフェルメ) 』
→ https://parcferme.co.jp/article-tag/yu/

『Motorcyclist (モーターサイクリスト)』
→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338


  1. YUさん、おつかれさまです😮最初、ワーゲンバス🚌自体の何かをするのかなぁ〜と思ったら模型ですかぁ🫨でも、懐かしいなぁ〜って思った🙂中学生ぐらいまでは、本当、プラモデル、ラジコンなどに夢中でした😊車🚗バイク🏍️🛵戦車、飛行機✈️、ガンダム‥本当、色々作ったなぁ〜🤔でもYUさん、やっぱ、器用ですね😮流石です👍🙂

  2. I'm very glad these are still popular all over the world, I will have to sell my 1967 VW bus sooner or later and its nice to know i should get a good price for it. My family have traveled all over Tasmania and the east coast of mainland Australia in ours. The model is quite accurate but the headlights on it are round, the headlights on the real splitty are actually oval, just like the ones on the early beetles but mounted sideways.😀

  3. 以前ルイス・ハミルトンマクラーレンF1を作ったけど総額11万以上かかりました 此れはそれ以上掛かるのでしょうね 月ごとに作ると合わせが合わないので全部揃ってから作った方が良いでしょう

  4. Yuさん、こんにちは。今回の映像もとても面白いです。ヴィンテージ volkswagen とてもかわいいです。 私もこういう作業が大好きです。 やっぱりyuさんは最高です。❤❤❤❤

  5. 昔からデアゴスティーニの目の付け所は夢があって好きだったりする^^

  6. 個々の組み立てモデルはいつも気になってました。今CB750も発売になっていて迷いましたが、期間が長すぎて・・・。このVW T1も作りたいです。真剣に考えます。まさにリアルタイムで見てきたモデルです。ちなみに私が自分のお金で買った最初の車はビートルの6V車でした。東京で買って大阪まで高速で持って帰ってきたのがいい思い出です。ライトも暗いし、指示器は途中でつかなくなるし散々な車でしたが、今でも好きです。最後のビートルも1303Sですが乗りました。スキー板をリアに斜めに立ててスキーへ行ったものです。それからずっとVW乗ってきました。去年ゴルフ7を売ってしまいましたが、又乗りたいです。

  7. Soludos! Exelente combi T1 se ve genial al terminarlo, sabemos muy bien que si quieres adquirir una Combi de este modelo estaría fuera de nuestro presupuesto $. es genial que exista este modelo a escala para realizar tu sueño, yo estoy armó la T2 Combi se ve genial, felicidades por tu proyecto 👏👏🤗👍🇲🇽

  8. Я не знаю Ваш язык, но я так чувствую искры любви и интереса к жизни, радости что-ли… Мне очень нравится как вы это выражаете в мир… Мне нравится что вы зажигаете своим теплом других людей… Спасибо за душевные рассказы, за особенную атмосферу Ваших видеороликов, очень приятно смотреть, слушать… Успехов Вам и новых путешествий, открытий и новых, интересных построек моделей.

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