「死ぬのが怖かった」20歳で創業。六畳一間から上場企業に! 植物を使った空間演出のプロ集団・ユニバーサル園芸社【関西リーダー列伝】

No, this is why everything is alive. Everything is real. Everything is real. The day before the recording, a group of people brought food into the studio. The display, which was completed in no time, looked like a work of art or an oasis. It always gave me a little motivation.

It’s a little more spirited than Tsuntsuruten.Today’s biography of Kansai leaders is Universal Entertainment, a professional space production group that handles things like rental plants.The leader and founder of Universal Entertainment has been leading Universal Entertainment for 55 years. Chairman Takumi Morisaka Founded at just 20 years old An essential keyword when talking about Morisaka

Is “I’ll do it!” Founded in 6-jo Hino’s apartment, the association is a listed company from the industry with over 1,000 employees. I was able to do my best.If I worked harder than someone else, I would get a cut in my head.If I worked harder than someone else, I would

Have improved.That’s why it became Japan.What is the time limit for work that is done overnight at a commercial facility? What is the time limit for the next morning? What are they making ? Furthermore, the huge entertainment shop is described as being like a theme park.

There is also a corner where you can interact with animals and an experience of picking lobsters.Sales continue to grow year by year, and last year, there were approximately 13.8 billion aliens. I’m saying it’s for display, but the aim is to be the best in the world.Eventually, they ‘ll

Play in the space bedroom.The success of the key persona of the Kansai leader series, which goes behind the scenes of universal entertainers.Let’s have a look at the leader of this edition.Universal entertainer Morisaka. I’m Chairman Takumi . Please come in. Yes, please. Please come in. Thank you. So, today on the studio set, we’re

Going to have this kind of Mido Nenaru. It’s nice to hear that there’s green in our background. Yeah , I don’t know what it is. I feel different than usual. I feel like I’ve always felt that way , but he hasn’t come as far as me. That’s right. That’s true. I’m

So isolated. What’s the point of feeling? Please tell me a little bit about what’s amazing about it. Balance. I haven’t done it recently either , so the word “balance” comes up quite often, but here it is. But this is how I’m going to do this. Tell me one thing. It’s balance. It’s balance.

It’s balance. Balance . Just Meat and Takumi Morisaka were born in Fukui Prefecture in 1948 and lived an ordinary and leisurely life in a rural town, but in his first year of school he had to move to Funabashi, Chiba. You can’t clean it, it’s your fault Morisaka was bullied and could n’t get

Used to the difference in language and food , so there’s no information on that, right? But it was very hard for me to go to a different place.In order to change myself,

I met in my 1st grade class in junior high school.My name is Morisaka.My hobby is to make people laugh.My hobby is to make people laugh . I’m going to make everyone laugh for a whole year. Morisaka-kun is really funny considering his name. I’m starting over from middle school. It’s a good start. I

Thought I’d succeeded and become popular, but now I’m a second year student. When I got older, I ended up in the same class as my classmates from elementary

School, and I was bullied again.When I entered high school, I decided that I had to transform myself this time, so I took on many challenges, such as bicycle trips between Tokyo and Osaka, and trips around the Kanto region. Immediately after entering high school, I

Traveled and worked part-time, climbing over 20 famous mountains.I asked my parents to lift the ban on me.When I was in junior high school, I was always thinking about going somewhere. I’m sure they’ll get mad at me

, but I’ve never been to a sports day or anything, and I’ve always skipped everything and gone somewhere else, so I’ve become a bit of a slob, even though I don’t have the money to go on a radio trip to Hokkaido.

When I was in high school, I wanted to climb the Japanese Alps someday, but there are some mountains in the Kanto region that I haven’t climbed yet.Mountains are good, but traveling might be good too, like tropical Kyushu.Ah, no matter how much time I have, it’s

Never enough. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do from April? April, hey, hey, I’m graduating soon. I’m graduating soon. I forgot to study for three years. And my relatives… Through an introduction, Morisaka

Was able to get a job at a reinforcement company in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture, with only the 29-year-old company president, his younger brother, a neighbor’s uncle, and himself working there more than anyone else. I decided to quit this place after a year. Now, I’m going to quiz Mr. Naji from the studio.

What was the reason why Morisaka quit? Please answer in 10 seconds. The reason why I quit. The commute was a bit far. It’s too far. I guess that’s wrong. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. Isn’t it already 10 o’clock?

Isn’t it 8 o’clock at the training company? The reason why I stopped was because the president of the company went to work. The president of this company started at 8, right ? I’m here because I’m weak in the mornings. I’m not like this. I quit this company after a year.

Morisaka was looking for a leader who could be respected. 18 If you say 18, you have high ideals, don’t you? It’s cool to have a president who can use his own president. You won’t be satisfied unless you’re a great person and someone you respect,

Right? I won’t compromise.The next day, I went to Osaka and got a job at the biggest entertainment company at the time.But here I am, thank you for your hard work.Also, Gojijust Ahomu members. So even though it’s the biggest company in Osaka, it’s

Hard to find someone to respect in this small industry.I’ll do it twice in my life.At the age of 20, I started Universe Entertainment in Ibaraki City, Osaka. Establishment This is what Universal Entertainment continues to do today.While there was no warehouse, no sound quality, and no telephone

, I started renting plants in the 6 tatami apartment I was living in. Well done!In the winter, I finally lived on a tatami floor surrounded by plants. The sound quality of my popular castle isn’t there yet, but if you work hard and grow your company and become successful,

It was a time when small shops were established and renting out plants was becoming more and more popular. I knew that the customers were going to have to pay attention to such details, but it wasn’t like there were no minor changes at all

, and I thought that if that was the case, things would be fine.Yes, the hotel started around the time of the Osaka World Expo. Construction Rush Morisaka has noticed the number of hotels that are increasing near his office.I’m sorry, but I’d like to set up this hotel,

But who is the president?Hmm, the president already owns several businesses and is a contractor. It would be better to just give up and think it’s not going to change.But Morisaka didn’t give up.For a hotel to stand in a place like this, God must have made it for me.This

Is a gift from God.Morisaka is a hotel. Even before it opened, I mingled with the liquor store and the laundry company and started cleaning without permission.As I did so, I realized that it seemed like a kimono store.I told them to bring it tomorrow.Thank you very much.And

When I was 22 years old, I wanted to increase the number of plants and the quality of the plants. I want to own a 6 tatami mat soon, so I guess I’m at my limit

. I decided it was time to buy some land, and I decided to buy the land I had always wanted, but Morisaka couldn’t get 5 million yen from the bank because he didn’t have a guarantor. The strategy that Saka adopted is good.If you follow these in order from top to bottom,

He created a ranking of the richest of his business partners.He thought that he would have his customers become guarantors.The guarantor was me, who started his own business in Osaka. We haven’t known each other for 32 years and a half, or 3 years,

So in the end, we’re only customers.The person who became my guarantor was the president of the hotel I had contracted to clean, and he was a good president. I can trust you

If you don’t want me to give you something back.If you don’t want me back, I’d be happy to work for you.I like you very much now , but I think 50,000 yen and 50,000,000 yen is a little more than 7 million yen. When the bubble burst , he diversified his risk

By going to the Kanto region and expanding his business despite the turmoil.Furthermore, he became the first company in the industry to go public just before he turned 60. After all, he is a person who has taken the plunge, so I think his spirit will come out no

Matter what he does in life.Also, even if I don’t make it, the second or third generation may come out . So, if you don’t do it properly, you only have one life and it will be gone in the blink of an eye, so I can say here

That as long as I live, no matter how old I am, I will do my best. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but

When I was in elementary school, I got sick with a disease that made me scared of dying. I was scared of dying. I was scared that someday, if I lived for a few more decades, I would be dead, and there would be no shadow like this. It’s the fear of losing all form

And being limited to living only this long in human history , and that’s what’s been there all along, and it’s still there even now. It’s still there now, and it’s connected to the fact that you don’t live twice.When I

Was a child, I was more afraid of this kind of thing, and even now, it hasn’t changed much, but isn’t it embarrassing? Now that I’ve made this kind of investment, I ‘m like, what are you saying? I’m telling you to get ready, but yeah, there’s no doubt that I

‘m closer to the end of my life now than when I was a kid, and I still feel that fear. Does that mean I’m recruiting ? No, I’m not recruiting. It’s the same. Maybe it’s a little weaker. Yeah, that’s right.

Even if you’re a child, you don’t have anything else to do, so you end up thinking about things like that all the time. I’m busy right now, so if you think about it, plants are precious because they’ve been around for hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years.I’m jealous of plants.The

Reason why I was active and traveled all over the country when I was in high school is because I’m a strong-willed person. I’m stronger than that, so when I stay still like this, it makes me go crazy, so I guess that’s why I become so active in order to confuse things.Well,

When I was in high school, I was very active.I climbed all kinds of mountains. Because when you’re climbing a mountain, you tend to forget things like that.So, when you take action, you feel relaxed when you’re moving.Oh yeah, when did you

Decide to start your own company? This is an image of Toro, who did something yesterday for the president he liked and wanted to do something that would make the company great by working twice or three times as hard as anyone

Else.If the Oda woman found him and worked hard, he would do the same thing. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking when I had the image that I was performing, but in the end, I was

N’t blessed with a president, so I thought I had no choice but to do it.The entertainment industry is such a small industry, so from now on, I’m going to do 3 or 4. I realized that it would be very difficult to find someone who was looking for someone to help me.Yeah, but

I’ve also gotten to know the president of the first company I worked for, so I’m now on good terms with the president of my first company who was a cross-talker. I’m sure you’ll get angry if you see this.

There are many ways to run a business, and whether you come at 10 o’clock or three times a month, it’s all good as long as the company is growing enough to survive. There are many different ways to do it

, but since he’s 18, it must have been an amazing idea that people don’t think about anymore.Yes, I think the president had a foresight in his mind. Rental plants are extremely popular these days, and even in the United States,

There are quite a few IT companies that have turned their offices into jungle-like spaces.Putting plants in the office increases the sense of happiness of employees and makes them feel better about their work. The efficiency of the system is steadily increasing, reaching 15%.That’s because experiments and research

Have already made it clear that this is the case, so even so, the movement of introducing this and that is spreading, so it was started at a fairly early stage. What were you thinking when you were 20 years old at that meeting

? Your apartment probably wasn’t that sturdy, so did you ask for a poop floor to come through ? That wasn’t the case. But that VTR was a bit sputtering, so if I put it outside, all my winter foliage work would wither, so I’m sure I’ll put just one and

Pull it out somewhere.I raised the tatami mats and there are already 3 tiers there. That’s about it. If you take advantage of what’s coming next, things will start to get better from around May in the spring. So much so that you want to take advantage of it,

And it feels like you’ve already packed in as much as you can. What do you think? The company has grown so much since then. Have you ever had that vision of what you want to become? You only have one life to live that so-called life

, so if you don’t work hard at something , there’s no point in living. All you have is the small business in front of you. Then , of course, the only way I could live my life was to develop and grow that business.Is

That what you would call purpose in life?I was given one life, but I guess it ended half-heartedly.Well, for what purpose? I’m talking about other places that I think have come to terms with Osaka, so I think if they could at least become as big as Osaka,

It would have become something like this again. Yes, no, no, welcome. Welcome now. Universal entertainer in Ibaraki, Osaka. I heard that there was a slightly unusual culture, so I came to interview you in the morning. Good morning . Good morning. Yes,

Please excuse me. Please raise your hand before you say something. A woman comes out and says hello. Yes, no, no. Welcome. Good morning. Good morning . This is called Hi-Oasis, which is derived from the Japanese character for greetings. It is a training session where employees

Evaluate each other’s loudness of voice and attitude. I was concerned that my hair was falling off quite a bit , so I’d like to keep in mind that my body is in a straight line from my waist to my head , and aim for something a little better. Thank you

Very much. Excuse me. There are other slightly different cultures. The name of the contest is once a year, where the chairman commends employees for their smiles.This is held every year.At the cultural festival held in October every year, all employees present their work as a gathering for the year. Oh, I see.

Morisaka Kaikyo also conducts a physical fitness test that involves performing squat turns. Why do they do these strange cultures? Is there a smile contest? Is that held every year? Oh yeah, the judge is the chairman, right? I

Decided based on my own opinion and bias. That’s right. Isn’t it true that all employees bring in pictures of themselves smiling? Is that the number one standard? Is there a point that makes this smile good ? It’s just a human being. I mean, yeah, that heartwarming, yeah,

Yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that warm-hearted person, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that kind of nice, nice person, especially when I’m overseas or somewhere, I’m sure there are 10,001 people I won’t be able to meet, but yes, it’s fun.

That smile, oh, I see. That employee. Isn’t it fun to see people’s faces when they smile? Well, I wouldn’t want to see their faces if they looked bad, but they all have smiley pictures, so that’s fun. If you come out on top, you’ll get some extra rewards. Does that happen

? Well, yes, if you win the chairman’s car event, do you get paid ? Well, I don’t do it for the money, so I don’t do it for the money, but I feel like it. Yes, I feel like doing squats and turning. I don’t get anything

, but I guess the sledding is like that, but I won at a school festival or something.If it was an event where I would never win, I think 1 would have been 55,000 yen.1 50,000 yen50,000 yen2 would have been 4. 30,000 yen or 30,000 yen

Is a good feeling.It’s a feeling, but if you say it’s for money, it’s for money.That may be true for some people.Why do you do something unusual? Not everyone, you don’t have to do it, but just because you do it doesn’t mean your salary

Will go up.Yes, but why would you do something like this? Yes, that’s what we want people to think about the squat election. Yeah, we do things that are weirder than other entertainment companies, so why are we doing it? We don’t want to be the best in

The world , so we’re doing it so we don’t forget that . It’s all kind of weird. Don’t you think so? Yes, I see. We are not aiming to be an ordinary company,

We are aiming to be the best in the world, so we want you to realize that we are not aiming to be an ordinary company. Then, in ordinary companies,

It seems like there is a tendency to stop doing things like that, but when I look at the video of that now, I can see that the employees are not reluctant to do it, and it seems like they are doing it on their own initiative.

However, when I listened to the chairman talk about this, I felt that because all the employees are in the same direction, such as making the company bigger, they are all positive and doing things properly.It shows that we are not an ordinary company.

We do it with an understanding of what we are trying to do, but we don’t do it separately because we only like plants.That’s a problem.Even if people follow us because we like plants, yes, we like plants too, but what we are

Aiming for is that we like plants and meet people. I want to be treated like that, so I have to like the chairman, the president, and my boss. I don’t like the president’s strange behavior anymore. I

Love plants, which is why I work at this company. When I get a little worried, I think, “I’m done with everything.’ ‘ What you want us to do together is Fumie. I see. I see. The assumption is that you can do High Oasis properly, Kadokura-san, you’re definitely not good at this.

No, I’m good at this. No, I can’t make a big sound in the first place, so I’ll do my best to say thank you. Please tell me, you don’t really have to aim for it, so just give it your best shot.I kept my head down, too.Thank you for doing that.I

Don’t know what it is, but I feel like I’m thanking you for that cabaret club. I did, hey, is that all your power? It’s power. Yes, Ina-san, no. 7-san, you have power. No, I can go. Yes, yes, yes, yes, thank you. What should I do about this? Please do

This. No, it’s usually not good if I can’t do this . That’s why I need to go in more. Please make sure the white area is properly reflected. Yes, yes, thank you. Oh, you ‘re wrong. Please take this into account. Yes, thank you. No matter how you look at it, it just

Sounds like it’s done on purpose, but it’s squishy. That’s right, I was surprised. Right now, I’m scoring 100 points, but that’s how it is. It’s so cold, but we live in an age of diversity, so it’s not like it’s about diversity, but it’s like that. But in the end, it’s good because it

Makes the place lively.This high oasis is no longer an ego shop, but a popular spot that has become a theme park. Universal Hana no Moriya, where brightly colored flowers are lined up in rows, and areas are separated by plant, such as a forest of ornamental plants.It is one of the largest in Kansai,

Handling about 3,000 types of plants.More than 400,000 people visit each year, and it has a plant theme. The park is designed with the idea of ​​creating displays that you can imagine when you take it home.The

Farm is located approximately 40 minutes by car from Osaka city center and 25 minutes walk from the station, and the headquarters is located on a vast site. There is also a corner where you can interact with animals, which is very popular among offices and children, and a cafe surrounded by greenery where you

Can enjoy special baked pizza in a rich natural environment and stylishness that looks great on social media.The number of visitors and sales soared during the event. In the midst of this, the main business was renting plants to companies, etc., but in 1996 it started selling ice to general customers.In 2015, it

Was renovated into Zam.Oshi and unusual peaches were placed to create an atmosphere. And then, of course, it’s the world of SNS. How did we know about it? I think we’re from our generation, but things have changed. It’s completely different. It’s like before. Now, there are 42 stores nationwide.

What’s more, it started as a seasonal event where you can collect the strawberries you’ve harvested.They started it in order to keep up the number of customers even in the winter, which is said to be the season for art stores, and now they sell five types of strawberries. They grow a lot of these,

They’re interesting and beautiful, and it feels like it’s easy to spend time with.They sell by weight with no time limit, and one pack costs about 1,700 . I’ll have some strawberries. Shall I get some ? Yeah, it’s sweet, sweet, and I’m starting to feel heavy. Yeah,

This is delicious. Yeah, this is good. But, Mr. Kakura, that’s it . I’m going to experience strawberry stacking when there aren’t many customers. That’s a nice idea, and I think you’re making the most effective use of your resources.Also, spending money on experiences tends to increase your sense of well-being.

I think everyone is really happy and contributing to society through hunting , but I wonder if Mission, a commercial facility after closing on Christmas night, will be able to reach Osaka in time for last Christmas’s glittering Christmas tree that decorated the city. This display in a commercial facility in Namba was

Created by Universal Entertainment. It was so beautiful that so many people stopped and took pictures. I thought it would be a late night work as people gathered around the display at 9pm. I am very sorry for the inconvenience, so please take care to avoid injury from the accident.Thank you for your cooperation

Today.The work to remove the Christmas tree started immediately on the evening of December 25th. It’s okay to ask someone to come up and unload a truck.I’m in charge of running the scene.I also give instructions to my 27-year senior employees.Actually, there are

Quite a few young employees at Universal Entertainment. I was surprised to see that 54 of the 1,043 people were in their 20s.The New Year ‘s decorations were brought in

At the same time as the Christmas tree was taken down.The display was changed from Christmas to New Year at night, which is a unique feature of America. It’s New Year’s Eve, so I’m fishing.Here’s the design idea I’m making this time.It’s

Amazing, using giant pines and bamboo to create a gorgeous pond.The number of people coming from overseas is increasing, so I took a quick look and realized that it’s Japanese New Year. So that you can understand that, I proposed something that is quite voluminous and leaves a lasting impact.Place

A tatami mat in the place where the Christmas tree was.Place a large tatami on top of it.First, create a base with greenery.Assemble here. In fact, Universal Geisha currently has 53 employees with a first-class national qualification as a decorative technician. Nodar’s staff is a group that uses plants to create spaces

. What should I do? There are quite a lot of flowers to make it look like this.Since I use real flowers, I need to be fast so that they don’t wither.Identifying each shape and arranging the flowers is a professional skill.It’s almost like a competition.It’s

True. Looking at it, it seems like he’s making it while he’s composing it.I want to let it sit a little longer.It ‘s a good balance.Well, after 2 a.m., the shape finally came into view , and Mr. Yamashita somehow cut out a piece of Styrofoam.What exactly is this?

In fact, this is an improvised rock movement made by covering it with moss.It looks so much like the real thing that even if you tell me, you won’t be able to tell.It’s so amazing that you won’t even know it.It’s so funny that it took about 8 hours to start working on it.A

Gorgeous New Year’s Day to celebrate Kado in 2024. It’s amazing that everything is complete.This is amazing.As you can see, it creates a completely different atmosphere compared to the Christmas display.We spent a lot of time preparing for it, so it’s great to have it decorated like this

. I’m glad I did, so it feels very rewarding.Yes, my goal is to become the best entertainment company in the world, and I’ve said that I also want to decorate it with aliens . Kiruno is a publicly traded company that develops a network of companies, Universal Entertainer Kiruno is the founder, Morisaka, who

Started his business at the age of chairman Morisaka.His power of speech is different from the one you live twice.I’ll do it.The company, which started from 6-jo Hi, has 1,000 employees. On this day , I visited Osaka to visit one of the major pillars of our business, which is the seasonal

Display of plants in commercial facilities and other commercial facilities. The shared office building in Kita Ward is filled with greenery created by Universal Entertainment.The rental plants are not just displayed, but are checked and maintained by watering and blowing the blades once every two weeks. The same goes for the customers, and even

The people who came to see us for the first time saw the ingredients, and we received comments like, “It’s hard to feel the underground space.” There have been many cases in which we have concluded such contracts due to food ingredients , and we

Are very disappointed in that.Furthermore, we have actively pursued M&A and acquired approximately 20 companies both domestically and overseas, in order to expand our business results. Nikkei Shimbun’s reporter Tanimoto, who continues to write about this , says how he views Universal Entertainers.While

There are quite a few small and medium-sized sole proprietorships, it is difficult for such operators to survive due to the lack of successors. What is your current dream, Mr. Morisaka, that we aim to grow as a plant conglomerate by absorbing and merging with other teachers and doing M&A to become a large company?

Lately, people have been saying things like, “They’re so desperate that they even decorate space with aliens.” Actually, when I joined the company, I ended up doing a job that didn’t seem to be about space at all, but I think that kind of thing is important, right?

It’s a dream, so it’s still a good company. It’s amazing how you can make a piece of art in such a short amount of time, and it feels like you’re already looking at a piece of art, and you can make it in a short amount of time.

It probably wouldn’t be possible to make something unless there was a proper cooperative play among the employees.Underneath that moss is Styrofoam.It’s like that today and this too.That’s right.Yes, that’s what it ‘s like.I’m moss. I like it a lot, and I was wondering what happened to the people here,

But it’s a foam sticker, and if it’s a foam sticker, it’ll be easier to remove. Isn’t that better? The word “space” came up in the scale video , but what does that mean ? I’m aiming to become the world’s most distant company, but yes, I’m

In my mid-70s and above. Now, I want to work hard for about 10 more years , but I can’t work hard for another 50 years.If I do that, things will change, and if that energy goes down like this, I’ll be in trouble. It’s often said that

A company becomes strange when it reaches its third generation, so even if I’m gone, I won’t let that happen anymore.In order to keep working hard, I think I need to have big dreams.Three years ago, I started thinking about this. Yes

, the world’s first space station in space. I don’t know if it’s on the moon or on Mars, but it’s there. It ‘s definitely true. Yeah, yeah, you mean you want to put essential greenery on space stations. Part 1 I’m going to become a battler, and in order to do that, I

Have to become a decent company.If I were to do it now, I wouldn’t be getting any orders from YesN anymore , so I’m going to work hard to do that. When I announced that kind of goal, which is a bit difficult to achieve, I

Was like, “Yeah, that’s what I want to achieve.” Yeah, I’ve been saying things like that a lot lately.I see, that’s the name of the company we first named. It was Universe, right? Universe means space. Yes, that means I

Was already conscious of space from then on. Not at all, but was it just a coincidence? After all, that name is something like that. It’s a word, but I’m not consciously aware of it, but my unconscious mind is at work, so I

‘m thinking now that that may be the case.It came out of something completely unconscious. This is a universal entertainment that aims to spread greenery towards the universe.Okay, I ‘ll leave you with the next question.The last question is what Chairman Morisaka thinks is necessary for a leader. My final question is,

How do we think about one life? What does Chairman Morisaka think is necessary for a leader?I would like to ask you, if you don’t live twice, you should live once. When I think about how I should think about my life, I

Think that many small and medium-sized enterprises quit when they reach a certain scale and they can make mistakes, and that ‘s a bit of a waste. Everyone

Is doing all kinds of things in their own worlds, but do you mean to do as much as you can in that world and leave a legacy behind? Aren’t those people leaders?That’s the expression “no life.” I started a business, and I

‘ve grown to this point in my life, and that’s how I want to continue doing things.I wonder what it’s all about.Greenery makes people feel better . It’s going to change, right? So the white background up until now was certainly nice and simple , but there’s something about the addition of greenery that

Makes people’s hearts a little richer. I had a strong feeling that they were animals, so to put it another way, I was convinced that the demand for greenery would increase as more and more AI social partners lived there. If you’d like to see more, please visit our YouTube channel Osaka News

. You can watch all broadcasts.The next biography of Kansai leaders will be about President Hide Kuroda, a country that continues to take on challenges to help people.What is the future vision of President Kuroda, who aims to become the best in the world?

00:00- 六畳一間から業界初の上場企業に!植物を使った空間演出のプロ集団
03:49- 18歳で造園会社に就職するも…なぜ1年で辞めた?
07:48- 20歳で創業! 世はホテル建設ラッシュ 勝手に㊙㊙して契約ゲット!
11:22- 大ピンチ!銀行から融資が受けられない! 取引先から保証人を探せ!
13:00- モットーは「人生二度なし」10年連続で過去最高売り上げを更新
19:34- 変な文化があります。ハイオアシス、スクワット…会長に理由を直撃!
26:57- 園芸店が“植物のテーマパーク”に! 窯焼きピザに! いちご狩りも!
31:26- クリスマスから正月に大転換! タイムリミットは12月26日の朝
36:47- レンタル植物で快進撃! 「世界一の園芸会社へ」いずれは宇宙進出!?
43:04- 森坂拓実会長が考える「リーダーに必要なこと」


弱冠20歳で創業、 六畳一間から始まった会社は
植物を使った空間演出のプロ集団が魅せる !
将来は宇宙進出!?  波乱万丈な成功秘話!




#植物 #植木 #園芸 #ガーデニング #ユニバ #ユニバ園芸 #ユニバーサル園芸社 #動物 #いちご #イチゴ #上場 #起業 #創業 #人生二度なし #コケ #園芸装飾技能士 #園芸センター #福澤朗 #ナジャグランディーバ #門倉貴史 #ドキュメンタリー #インタビュー #森坂拓実 #関西リーダー列伝 #farm #garden #宇宙

“four red chairs in the white studio”



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