
It’s my Time yeah go go look me go go make me to f f all the time shining I’m shining now makes no difference if the world and listening I’m never going to change so what if I’m I’m going to shake up his good and down in the I’m crazy baby insane I’m crazy baby insane I move aside I come crashing through you can try and hang on but I’m still too fast for youoh ooh yeah I go go look at me I go go make

Me want to F all the time shining shining now makes no difference if the world and listening I’m never going to change so what if I’m kicking up I want to be hurt St a’t my thing I’m going to shake the down in the rain out sh as I can so you

Understand St ain’t my thing I’m going to shake up these good and down in the I’m crazy baby insane crazy baby insane crazy baby insane crazy baby insane crazy baby in I’m picking up dirt I want to be H silence a my sing I’m going to shake off these boots and dance

Out in the pouring rain so what is I’m kicking up dirt I want to be hurt Sil my day I’m going to shake up down in the floor rain out sh as loud as I can so you’ll understand s ain’t my thing I’m going to shake the his Bo and Dan on it

In the I’m crazy baby in go give me a go go make me want toin go make Mein crazy baby insane


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