【抗日神劇解說】一口氣看完!箭神兄妹六箭雙殺日軍頭目,神箭大殺四方🔥抗日 mma | kungfu

The unattractive old man in front of him relied on his superb swordsmanship to win the title of Qianqing Wutanhua. Due to the changes of the times, cold weapons on the battlefield have gradually been replaced by firearms. Unconvinced, he decided to pass on all his unique skills to his three descendants. The elder

Sister and his party practiced whistling. The sword has the dual functions of attack and alarm. The younger sister Erxing’s swordsmanship is light and resembles a flying butterfly , so it is named Butterfly Sword. The younger brother Xu Jingchuan has a penetrating sword that can penetrate several obstacles at the same time.

The three siblings have been practicing swordsmanship every day since they were 7 years old. Shooting 20,000 arrows. Not only that, they also practice physical skills and hearing every day in order to make up for the innate gap in the fleet’s ability to mount guns. After practicing day after day,

They can see the enemy’s guns as soon as they are raised. Where should the gun be aimed? Even if they close their eyes , they can hit the target with one sword. But one afternoon, sister Erhang was threatened by a group of bandits in the wild. Erhang was weak in space and

Accidentally hit one of them while hunting in his right room. The incident of the innocent little boy left a shadow in his heart . Even if he is in danger now, he dare not pick up the sword in his hand and shoot at the enemy

. However, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he is still very good in physical skills with his superb physical skills. Martial arts can also subdue the enemy , but it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. There are always negligences. When I can’t parry

, the little girl is quite powerful. Seeing that he is at a disadvantage, the bandit leader backhand picks up the sword behind Er Xing and points it at his throat to threaten him. And right here At that time, the old man used the Qibao Bow

And used an automatic cruiser to charge up and shoot a precise shot, which hit the bandit leader on the back of the neck. The bandit leader drew hatred from the northwest. The other bandits in the northwest quickly fled when they saw this.

It is reported that this is the highest level of the old man’s swordsmanship. The three brothers and sisters have been practicing for 20 years, but they have not been able to do it. But the old man has been practicing for 40 years. The mysterious figure on the other side

Also has superb fighting form. This man who looks like Jin Dong is called Rong Shi. He used to be a shooting instructor in the army. Even the former Tanhua praised his advanced shooting skills. Unexpectedly , after retiring, he inherited his ancestral business and quickly developed it. A rich and handsome man worthy of

His name, he came alone to the bandit house of the former brigade commander who had turned into a bandit, and conducted an arms transaction with the bandit boss . When Shi saw this, he didn’t care. Let’s discuss the money. You keep the weapon and I’ll take it.

But the bandit boss didn’t show martial ethics here. He just started shooting at him, which can dissolve the bullets flying in front of him. He leaned back and easily dodge Hideko’s pistol that followed. His shooting skills were so superb that not a single bullet missed. Then he

Unloaded the gun of the old bandit man with a flying kick. After being pressed down by a mountain , he sent the bandit leader away with his gun . Facing the bandits who came to support him, he took out the weapon inside the camp. The pistol continued to kill everyone.

He still had a gun. When the bullets were used up again, he jumped on the chandelier and used his strength to bend down and take out the gun in his shoe. After one round of shooting, the bandits were all eliminated and he didn’t rush until he landed perfectly

. He was so domineering when he picked up the kitten watching the show. He took this batch of weapons and ammunition to help the Communist Party form a well-equipped anti-Japanese volunteer army. The time came to 1933. After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese invaders occupied the three northeastern provinces.

They deployed a full-scale offensive. Heling City, the important town of Rehe, which is guarded by Xu Tiejun, the father of the three Xu family brothers and sisters, will be the hardest bone for them to crack. Then they extend their claws to Heling, where the Xu family is located,

Planning to surround Xu Yihang. The wedding launched a plan to attack Heling. Brother, this sword can turn. Who can report the information? If there is such a master, why don’t you report it? Pay attention to the newlyweds who have just finished paying homage to heaven and earth.

The groom is slowly lifting the bride’s red hijab for a second. I was thinking about how to get married. The next second , the door of my courtyard was kicked open by a group of Japanese and puppet soldiers. They pointed their machine guns at the guests in the courtyard and started shooting

At everyone. Only then did they realize from the joyful atmosphere that the bride and her entourage had just left the house. Observing Sang Biao, who looked exactly like Wu Song, he shot at the group. In the critical situation, the groom stepped forward and blocked all the bullets. He was killed on the spot.

In order to protect the safety of the family, Xu Tiejun, his father, picked up the dining table to block the bullets for the family . Although the escort arrived, there were too many enemies. They launched an attack on the compound. Unfortunately, the group’s mother was shot to death.

Father Xu Tieshan was also shot. He simply took out his pistol and made a final resistance to the little devil. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the traitor behind him. The sneak attack fell to the ground. Go get the bow and arrows quickly. Yihang, go and get the bows and arrows. Go

. Yihang hurriedly ran back to the room where the bows and arrows were stored. He carried all the bows and arrows on his back , then returned to the hall and threw a set of bows and arrows to the hugger. Seeing that Xiaohang’s grandfather

Had the weapon, the grandfather immediately entered a fighting state. The two used bows and arrows to kill everyone in the yard. At this time, the traitor appeared from behind again. Upon seeing this, the father tried his best to help Yihang block the bullets . You must escape. At

This time, more than 200 people in the Xu family were massacred. Only Yihang and his grandfather escaped with their youngest brother. Helin, the important town of Rehe guarded by the Xu family, had been occupied by Japanese troops. Having already entered the city, even Gao Yaoqi had risen

. However, Lu Liangbiao in the city still led the puppet army to pursue the fleeing Yihang and others. They set up a formation at the intersection of the alley and went up and down the stairs to pair up. The puppet army who had just revealed themselves

Was immediately attacked. The flying arrow hit and killed him. For a moment, no one of the enemy dared to show his head again. In the stalemate , only the old man stared at the acrylic, charged up, shot an arrow, and reproduced the unique skill of Jianghu. The sword deflected in the air,

And hit the strong pseudo in a perfect arc. Jun Lu Liangbiao has never seen such swordsmanship. He has no choice but to take a roundabout way to take revenge. Taking advantage of this gap, the three of them continued to escape to avoid the pursuit of the Japanese. On their way to escape,

Yihang happened to bump into his own father who killed him. The traitor Yihang desperately chased after him. He and his grandfather were separated like this . But at this moment, the Japs had blocked all the retreat roads. The Japs officer learned from his subordinates that he was the sharp archer.

The Japs took out the weapon without saying a word. He took out the pistol from his waist, ah, let’s try it. Today was supposed to be this woman’s big day, but the kid destroyed her house. Looking at her grandfather and her youngest brother who were killed by the kid,

His eyes were full of despair and anger. The next second He turned on the rampage mode, took out three arrows from the quiver on the ground , and shot at the little devil. The whistle sword came out and went directly through the little devil’s throat . At this time,

The rich and handsome Rong Shi who was watching the show also fired. gun support But there were too many Japs and they immediately launched a charge against them. Soon all the bullets in the pistol were shot. Long Shi made a quick decision

And asked his brother to go to the back to find some grenades. Then he took out two pistols from his waist and continued to fire at the Japs . After a while, Xu Yixing had used up all the swords in his pocket. He looked at his grandfather’s sword belt and

Flipped the stick to the ground with one hand to use it as a cover . The butcher advanced to the sword belt and fired three whistle swords, which could hit the enemy. At the same time, his own arm was also hit. He Xing endured the pain

And picked up the scattered wooden planks as a bracket to fix his arm. However, the injury was too serious and the arm that was shot could not be lifted. At this time , Er Xing, the unconscious sister in the Xu family compound, also woke up. When he came over

, he couldn’t believe the scene in front of him. He picked up his father who was still breathing. No. 2 , your sister beat you to death. You are alive . Remember, the robber will not be soft on you. Your sword should be out of danger . Wait. After Hang found his sister,

Long Shiyao’s grenade was already in place . Xiaoxigua pulled out the fuse and was thrown out. With a huge explosion, the second line took his sister and fled quickly. This meant that Heling City was completely occupied by the Japs at this time. The Japanese general Yamamoto stood proudly on the city wall.

His next target was Chengde , but to capture Chengde, Chengde tycoon Long Shi was a difficult bone for him to chew. Rong Shi anxiously rushed home on his motorcycle to discuss countermeasures. He summoned all the rich men in Rehe for a meeting. The purpose was to

Ask everyone to donate half of their property to resist the Japanese army. They wanted to donate the money to the Chengde 5th Group garrison. Hearing that they had to pay for it themselves , almost everyone present refused. Shi’s proposal , but Rong Shi directly showed his big move Yu Ruoshan,

Don’t think that your brother-in-law is a relative of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek. Chang Lvlin doesn’t dare to touch you. No one in Chengde dares to touch you. Let me tell you who wants to donate half of it today. No one with any family property can even think of walking out of my

Place alive. Everyone present was frightened by Rong’s move. They all said that the matter could be discussed further. But the next day, more than 100 Japanese soldiers walked into the gate of Chengde easily. Evergreen Forest of the Fifth Army led tens of thousands of people to abandon the city and run away overnight

. Rong Shi was very angry when he heard the news, but he had no choice but to do anything. At this time, Takeki Junichi was driving an armored vehicle to Rong Shi’s house like this. You can save your life by surrendering , but you live like a dog. You can beat him

Or scold him if you want, and you can even do whatever you want. If you are such a shameless traitor, I would rather pay close attention to see the little devils driving armored vehicles and surrounding him. Rong Mansion immediately surrounded Rong Mansion. Japanese Major General Junichi Takeki personally came to

Visit Rong Shi in a small jeep , which has an important influence on the entire Chengde. The purpose of the little devil’s trip was to force him to surrender and become a traitor to the Rong family. He was ready for battle and was just

Waiting for the order to fight to the death with the Japs. But Rong knew in his heart that once the enemy’s artillery opened fire , this place would be in ruins. The wealthy businessmen who came to the mansion to take refuge would also die innocently,

So he must now There are only two ways to make a choice before us. The first is to kill me. I will not be a subjugated slave. I still have one life. Hundreds of brothers are still alive. At worst, we will fight to the end with them. The second is

To open the door and become dogs . But they haven’t waited for them to make a choice . The Japanese just kicked open the door and rushed in. Come on you . Come on your feet. Come on your feet. The two of them sat at the negotiation table. Takeki Junichi persuaded Rongshi

To give up the resistance for his own benefit , but Rongshi was very determined to fight. If you don’t want to be a traitor , but you little devils, don’t join forces. They threaten the lives of Rong Shi’s descendants and kill one person every few dozen until Rong agrees. The first

Person chose Rong’s fiancée. Brother Nineteen 8 7 Just when the last second was about to count, Rong suddenly raised his hand to indicate that he finally chose to compromise for the safety of everyone, but he made a request to Takeki Chunichi, that is, he must be a dignified traitor

. Pointing at the traitor on the side, he said, “If this guy surrenders, his life will be saved, but he lives like a dog. You can beat him or scold him if you want , and you can even do whatever

He wants . If he were to be treated as such a shameless traitor, he would rather die .” Mu Chunyi also understood what he meant. To put it bluntly, he would not take orders from anyone. However, for the sake of the stability of Chengde, Mu Chunyi also chose to give in and

Agreed to Rong Shi’s request . The little devil wanted to control Rehe faster. The Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army was being wiped out again and again throughout the territory . They used the lives of ordinary people to threaten them and tell them where the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army was hiding. Many people chose to hide it

In order to protect the Volunteer Army , but they were all killed by the hateful little devils on the spot. They even took away the women in the village. This woman was given to her subordinates to humiliate them. The woman couldn’t bear the humiliation and couldn’t help telling the location of the volunteers.

There was a Baiyun Cave 30 miles east of Huangdong where the volunteers were. But what the little devil didn’t know was that this Baiyun Cave was a copycat of a group of bandits . The Xu sisters happened to be bumped into by this group of bandits when they were fleeing

And were brought back to the village. The sister and her group also recovered with the help of the bandits, but the conditions were right. The two sisters wanted to marry the second and third brother of the bandits . Just when they forced the wedding,

A burst of gunfire rang out. The sound resounded throughout the valley. Look at the woman in front of you who had just been wiped out by her whole family on her big day. Now she is being forced by the bandits to marry her stupid son. The bandit leader made harsh words.

Now there are only two ways. 1 I will shoot you all . 2 Just change your clothes and go to the church. At this moment, a gunshot rang out across the valley. The old monk in the mountain village was shot dead by a kid. Only then did he come to report.

The kid came with troops to encircle and suppress the village. After hearing this, the bandit leader was immediately unconvinced and did not dare to kill him. The little Japanese monk was so arrogant. He immediately led his men to find the place , but as soon as he showed his head,

He was shot in the heart by the little Japanese. The two sides started fighting . As the saying goes, the high fights the low and the stupid fights . But the Japanese are so well-equipped. These crappy guns of the bandits can withstand the bandits for a while. They suffered heavy casualties.

Uncle San and their guns are too good. Run quickly. If you don’t run, they will all die. But at this moment, a whistle sword shot out quickly and hit the Japanese directly. Machine gunner Xu Yihang arrived in time with a bow and arrow. Xu Yihang

Concentrated all his anger on his bow and arrow and shot at the little devil . Seeing all the female students fighting bravely to kill the enemy , it also ignited the fighting spirit of the bandits. The third bandit immediately ordered a charge to kill the little devil. All the Japs were wiped out

, and Xu Yihang’s arm also burst open due to another exertion . Blood flowed down his arm. However, Yihang didn’t care at all. The hatred in his heart made him forget the pain. He can go to collect debts. Does anyone owe you money? You owe me your life.

Now that the bandit leader has been killed, the Xu sisters packed up and prepared to leave here. The bandit’s two silly sons took out two battle clothes from the house and gave them to them as gifts. These clothes were all snatched from merchants in Muge. It’s a good thing.

My father is usually reluctant to let us take it out. The two looked at the battle clothes in front of them and were deeply touched. It seemed that only putting on the battle clothes would be their destination. They happily accepted the gift, put it on and prepared to leave

. The next step for them was to prepare for endless revenge , and their first battle was in Chengde, where Rong Shi was. A pair of Japs were ordered to patrol in Chengde City . But in the next second , with a burst of bullets, the little Japs with their heads

Pierced by a Mingdi arrow, that’s right. It was Xu Yihang who came. He came with the hatred of the whole family No. 256 to demand the life of the little devil. The three whistle arrows were shot again, scaring the other devils to retreat and hide. At this time,

The wound on his arm was torn apart due to excessive force. He could only endure the pain because this kind of pain was nothing compared to losing a loved one. He kept drawing his bow and shooting out another sword that pierced the throat. After a while, he had wiped

Out all the Japs. He wanted to save the last Japs. He gave his sister Xu Erhang a good posture, but Erhang didn’t dare to shoot the arrow. The shadow of his childhood was still lingering in Erhang’s heart. He couldn’t let it go . After hesitating, the little devil took the opportunity to escape.

At this moment, the devils in the city heard the gunshots of Saburo Ono. He immediately led people to rush to support. At this time, Xu Hang was already very weak and slumped on the ground, panting. But thinking about his family being brutally murdered by the Japs, he stood up with difficulty

, closed his eyes and listened quietly to the footsteps of the Japs coming. He hid behind the wall and recognized the officer at a glance as the enemy who killed his mother. The scenes of that day emerged again. He drew his bow and arrow, endured the pain, and wanted to avenge his mother.

The little devil had seen the power of the whistle sword . The little devil who dared to hide behind the bunker and had no choice but to take out the grenade of the Demon Sword and threw it over as a cover then launched the second round of offensive.

Xu Hang still fired three arrows directly at the little devil’s throat. The sister on the side saw that his arm was missing. The sister who stopped bleeding tried to shoot the arrow but could not make up her mind. Yi Xing took out the wine from his waist

And drank it down to numb the pain. At this moment, the Japanese threw another grenade over. Er Xing’s Butterfly Sword finally shot out the shooting grenade. Taking advantage of this gap, a group of people rushed out with bows and arrows. The powerful whistle sword passed directly through Saburo Ono’s neck.

When the other Japanese saw this, they also fled quickly. Seeing the enemy who was shot to death, Xu Yihang drew out the sword in anger. Mommy , I will avenge you. This is just the beginning. I won’t let any of those people go. I’ll just stay here

And wait for them to die one by one. I must pay back. Look at the two sisters of the Xu family who are being chased by the Japs. At this time, the Japs have blocked all the people. On the street, just when they were desperate, the door on the side suddenly opened.

Rong Shi rushed out of the door and quickly brought the two sisters into the house. Xu Yihang took off the gloves on his arms and looked at the still bleeding wound. Rong Shi asked puzzledly why not. Use the medicine I gave you last night. It turns out that just last night,

Rong Shi gave Xu Yihang the medicine to treat gunshot wounds. In fact, we have met before, have you forgotten? But at this time, Xu Yihang was blinded by hatred. He was no longer I believe that no one can remember that Rong Shi was the one who saved him on the wedding day

So that we wouldn’t need him. I really have no other intention . But Rong Shi could only put the medicine on the ground and leave . Unexpectedly, Xu Yihang didn’t choose When he went to use it, he watched the stubborn woman Rong Shi directly pick up his injured arm,

Take off the gauze bit by bit , and forcefully apply the medicine. Although he accepted the man’s help in the end , Xu Yihang was still full of wariness about him. Be careful to leave as soon as you get up . Don’t follow me

. Okay, if you need my help in any way, you can come to me at any time. You can leave an arrow pattern on the telephone pole outside the door of the Honor Cafe and I will come to you . Can you find me? Can I? After Xu Yihang left, not long after

, a whistle sword was inserted into the kid’s throat with the sound of breaking through the air. Hearing the sound, the ghost Lieutenant Colonel looked down and was dumbfounded . There was a note attached to the sword. Xu Yihang made a blacklist of all his enemies

. He wanted to kill the enemies on the blacklist. The little devil then showed an unconvinced expression and immediately ordered a city-wide manhunt . All the devils in the city were dispatched in order to find Xu Yihang. Xu Yihang, whose wound opened again due to unstable factors

, could only temporarily find his cousin for help. But as soon as they entered the house, there was a rapid knock on the door. Xu Yihang subconsciously prepared to draw out his bow and arrow, but was stopped by his cousin. He knew that a fight would begin now. It would make no

Difference to die, so he wanted them to go to the warehouse on the second floor first to hide. The little devils didn’t care about people, so they started searching as soon as they entered the house . Just when his cousin tried his best to stop him , he suddenly discovered

The blood stains that Xu Yihang had just dripped on the ground. He quickly fell down and broke the bowl on the cabinet , then picked up the fragments to cover the blood . But the traitor could see all this clearly. Xu Yihang’s blood was still dripping down

. He saw the traitor approaching step by step. Xu Yihang also picked up the Bows and arrows are always ready to fight. Just as the two of them looked at each other , walking, walking, walking, seeing the Japanese leaving, Xu Hang’s hanging heart finally relaxed. He was inside . I

Went to take a look. Don’t look, let him see us. He couldn’t survive. At this time , Rong Shi’s men, who had just returned home, suddenly came to report that a group of Japanese soldiers were coming in to search.

I heard that Rong Shi blocked the door with his men without saying a word. We were ordered to search. This little devil looked very arrogant. appearance But Rong Shi’s character is not used to him at all. Bring the machine gun. Bring the machine gun. You all listen up . No matter who

Dares to step into Rong’s house without permission, shoot him to death . Watch out. The little devil will search Rong Shi’s home with others. After hearing the news, Rong Shi immediately led people to block the door of his house . The purpose of the little devil’s trip was to find

Xu Yihang, who was hiding in the city and killing everyone. His existence was like a ghost, threatening the little devil’s life at all times . But the little devil’s life was always threatened. The Japs obviously came to the wrong place this time. Rong Shi was not only the most influential figure in Chengde

, but the Japs leader Takeki Junichi also promised Rong that he could not listen to anyone’s orders. Rong asked domineeringly, “Little Japs, who are you? ” Are you new here ? Do you know where this place is? I don’t know if you are not allowed to search. Why

Do you see the little devil looking not too smart? Rong pointed him to the sign next to him. Do you know these three words? Do you know Ye ? The mansion understands what I mean, and understands that the little devil is obviously still confused at this time, and keeps asking why.

Rong Shi doesn’t want to talk nonsense with him, he just takes out a pistol from his waist, points it at the little devil’s head, and greets him. Now I understand. Don’t you understand? Rong thought to himself that he hadn’t seen a fool for a long time.

He directly ordered his subordinates to bring out the machine gun and gave a death order . Anyone who entered the Rong house without permission would be shot to death. After saying this, he turned around domineeringly. The kid in the house panicked when he saw Rong Shi’s machine gun and

Hurriedly sent people back to ask for instructions . At this time, Xu Yihang, who was recovering from his injuries at his cousin’s house, learned that the man who had saved him twice might be Rong Shi, the eldest son of the Rong family. I couldn’t help but become interested in this person.

My cousin introduced him to this person. He believed in both good and evil , and he was the biggest force in Chengde. You can ask him for help when necessary. But the only thing is that I don’t know why he became a Japanese. As soon as he heard the word “traitor”,

Xu Yihang’s nerves immediately tensed up and he immediately bowed his head to Rong. In his eyes , as long as he became a traitor, no matter what the reason , he had shown his attitude. Such a person should also be killed.

The Japanese Colonel knew that he was After hitting a wall with the Rong family, I felt very unhappy. If my people were always bullied by the Rong family, wouldn’t it make me, the commander, lose all face? At this time, the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel on the side thought of a bad idea.

Since the Rong family can’t move, let’s go. His fiancée’s house was looking for trouble. The next day, the same idiot led people to the house of Rong’s fiancée, Lu Yixuan. After kicking the housekeeper away, he ordered his men to start searching. When Lu Yixuan saw that the housekeeper was injured

, he ran away in a hurry. He came out to check the situation and then immediately ran into the house to find Yunnan Baiyao. But when he hurried back into the house, he immediately attracted the attention of the little devil

. He only saw him using a gesture to order his subordinates to retreat first. When he retreated, he did not forget to lock the door. Lock it too, haha , what are you doing? Lu Yixuan was so excited by this move that he immediately ran out, but unexpectedly, the door was already locked.

When his brother and housekeeper saw this , they hurriedly wanted to help his sister out , but were stopped by the Japanese and had no choice. The elder brother could only ask the housekeeper to find Rong. When he got the news, Rong immediately wore Yan Shuangying’s fur coat

And killed him with two guns. The Japanese searched for the Xu Yihang sisters and broke into the Lu family. They beat the housekeeper and overthrew him. The eldest young master of the Lu family couldn’t help but broke into the main room without any explanation. Lu Yixuan panicked when

He saw the housekeeper’s ear bleeding. In desperation, his brother asked him to go in quickly to get Yunnan Baiyao Yixuan. He hurriedly entered the door and bumped into the Japanese. The team leader didn’t expect that the pig head would turn his attention to him who was looking for Yunnan Baiyao.

Yixuan was only looking for the medicine and didn’t notice the malicious pig head captain behind him . The pig head approached him step by step. His eyes rolled around on his body, revealing his beastly With his bestiality , he chased away the two Japs who entered the house.

The two Japs really cooperated with each other and closed the door after they went out . What are you going to do? Open the door. Open the door. Brother, what are you going to do? Open the door quickly and let me in . What are you doing ? Don’t touch

My sister . Tell you that she is Rong’s fiancée. I beg you. You can’t hear the message of asking for help in the house like this. My brother instantly understood what happened inside. He hurriedly asked the puppet soldiers at the door for help. We are all Chinese and

We can’t let the devils harm us. When they asked for help, they would definitely repay them in the future and tell them that their sister was engaged to Rong Shi, the president of the Chamber of Commerce. They would regret it. These guys ignored the pleas of Yixuan’s mother and brother. In desperation,

The eldest young master asked the housekeeper to hurry up. After receiving the call for help, Rong Shi rushed to the Lu family courtyard in a hurry. The banyan tree opened the door and faced Captain Zhutou who rushed towards him. The banyan tree stepped on his arm.

Yixuan threw himself into his mother’s arms and cried. The non-stop banyan tree punched and kicked the team leader, and the Japanese crawled towards the door . The humiliated Yixuan rushed to Rongshi, crying and complaining full of grievances. Rongshi comforted Yixuan, and the nightmare was over . Yi Xuan was so frightened that he

Retracted his hand. Rong told him that if he wanted to live well, he must learn to protect himself, and the easiest way was to resist bravely, kill the inhumane beast in front of him, and drive them out of our land, man. He made a clean and

Merciless move and sent Captain Zhutou to collect his lunch box. Rong Shi’s move made everyone present stunned. Everyone thought that he would not really shoot. He was just trying to scare the puppet soldiers. They were so frightened that they were trembling all over

. The one he sent away was Wei Jie, the squad leader of the Kwantung Army. He told Mochizuki Wuxie that he was waiting for him here and told him to get out. In less than a quarter of an hour , Naoki Iguchi broke into your house menacingly. When

He saw his pig head, The captain had just finished eating his lunch and was lying on the ground . This posture was indeed a bit ugly. He looked at Eishi with anger. Eishi opened his mouth. What are you? Sword, you want to take me. I am talking to you.

What is Mochizuki Wuxue? The guy Jingguchi told Rong in a bold manner that he had surrendered to the imperial army. The imperial army gave him a chance to live. Unexpectedly, Rong did not treat him as a dish at all and only concentrated on taking care of the gun in his hand.

Then he stood up and confessed what he had robbed. Brothers stay here. Anyone who dares to step into the yard will rob and beat to death. Then he left with a handsome step, so I want to challenge you. Listen to me. From now on, as long as someone dares to bully Chengde people,

No matter where he is, he will be beaten with one word. Rong Shi’s words made the people present boil with excitement. Jingkou was furious. Returning to the summer resort, he beat up the squad leader of the puppet army and scolded them for not stopping Captain Zhutou from offending Rong Shi’s fiancée,

Causing the current uncontrollable situation. After Rong Shi returned to Rong Mansion, he took the note sent by Xu Yihang saying that he was a lackey and a traitor. He put away the newspaper and put it away. The cousin in the Yang Memorial Hall persuaded Xu Yihang not to act rashly in

Revenge. He should not rush and wait for Yang to make arrangements before making arrangements. Moreover, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. I can hear them as soon as I close my eyes . I shouted 256 times in my ears, all of them came for me.

He told his cousin that if he hadn’t come to attend his wedding, his uncle and aunt would not have died. My cousin asked Jingchuan if he knew what happened at home. He shook his head and said that he had not told his younger brother, Zhang Jie, and Zhang Jie. Brother, ah, ah,

brother , if I know the whereabouts of Xu Yihan and don’t tell him, he will be your next enemy. In order to capture Xu Yihang, Chengde was in a state of unrest . Naoki Iguchi received a report that

A blacksmith shop in the west of the city was suspected of making bows and arrows. He led his people there. The old blacksmith and his two sons were caught in the blacksmith shop . They burned, killed and looted wherever they went. They first turned the blacksmith shop upside down under the order of

Jingguo . Zhishu at the entrance of Jingkou entered the house and saw the bow hanging on the wall. The puppet army let out a sinister laugh and held up a red-hot iron to ask them to tell the truth so as not to suffer physical pain. The old blacksmith told the truth

That they didn’t know anything about Heling’s fake ones . The bows hanging on the wall were from some bosses in Chengde. They were hunted by their luck . Under the pressure of Jingkou Zhishu, Gang Gang named several bosses. The three bows were Li Yang, the owner

Of the restaurant, Shen Huafang, the owner of the props factory, and Junbiao Pharmaceutical Factory . The boss of Liao Junbiao made up that everything he said was true. After listening to Gang Gang’s words, the wellhead straightened up with a fierce look and raised his knife to slash at Gang Gang

. That was how the cruel scene at the beginning happened. Yang Memorial Hall’s cousin found out that the Japs were around. They searched Xu Yihao and then searched in his name. They robbed and killed everywhere. Even Rong Shi’s fiancée was not spared . Xu Yihang became furious after hearing this. He

Immediately went out to find the little devil to settle the score . He must stop the devil from continuing to do evil. My sister warned me that the wound has improved a little. If I go out now, Gong was afraid that the wound would open again. The sister tried to move her arm

And found that the wound no longer hurt. They wondered what magic medicine Rong used that day. The wound could get better in such a short period of time. Then the two sisters came to the street and what kind of medicine they would use. Let us wait and see how we

Can prevent the Japs from searching. Let me go, you shameless hypocrite. It turned out that he was the second young master of the Rong family. He playfully asked everyone not to shoot, and then said that they were all his own people, so don’t hurt him. He Qi

Didn’t expect that Suo Jie didn’t take him seriously at all and ignored him. This guy hurriedly went out to please the banyan tree dog traitor. You thought you weren’t. What did you say? No , hey, don’t hit him. Don’t hit him . Oh, hey, don’t hit him. Oh, oh, oh, oh

, who is one of your own? Bring it, I’ll let you hide. It turns out that when the puppet soldiers and the Japanese met just now , they looked up and saw a beautiful girl. This beast started to use his crooked brains

And followed the Japanese for a few days. He forgot about himself. So the two of them wanted to do something to the girl, but they couldn’t get rid of the Japs behind them. The two beasts together gave the girl to the Japs first and waited until they were done playing. Then they would

Come back. This would not only please the Japs but also satisfy the two beasts. In this way, they I stepped forward and stopped the girl. Don’t fuck you. Come on, let’s get to know each other. You look like a wanted anti-Japanese man. Stand up. I’m not. I’m not an anti-Japanese man. Stop! You

Beast. He called the devil directly and said, “Look at the flowers.” The girl was so beautiful, she was like a beast meeting a beast. They went up to grab the girl and started to attack her in broad daylight . The girl

Was so frightened that she screamed for help. She happened to be hit by a passing banyan tree, and that was how the beginning of the scene happened. The banyan tree beat the two Japanese soldiers and they couldn’t find Beilin. Go to the banyan tree and tell the girl

To ask him to come to the Rong Mansion every day from now on to tell him if anyone is causing trouble for him. If he doesn’t come one day, he will kill these shameless dog traitors and dogs. The Japanese devils and

The common people will show their courage to the second young master. He was full of praise for his approach. The banyan tree took away the photos from the hands of the traitor. He didn’t know what to look at and was shocked.

The photo they were holding was the family photo of Xu Yihang’s family. It turned out that they were arresting Xu Yihang everywhere with the photo of Xu Yihang ’s family. Zuo Jie came back and told Rongshi that the Xu family sisters were hiding in Yangji Noodle House.

Rongshi rushed to Yangji Noodle House without stopping. It has been half a month since your father’s death. How did you know that something happened to the Xu family? I also received a call from Xu Tiejun at that time , but it was delayed because of some things

, otherwise I would not have had the chance to stand. His purpose of coming today is to tell them that since the Rong family can find the hiding place of the Xu sisters, the Japanese can also Being able to find this place reminds him that it is not safe here and that

The Japanese will definitely ask the Rong family to help find out the whereabouts of the Xu sisters. Only by hiding the sisters can he deal with the Japanese. Cousin promised Rong Shi that he would arrange for his cousin to leave Yang as soon as possible. Remember, the noodle shop thief may not be

A thief . There can’t be six or seven people. You can hear it. Pay attention to the man in front of you. He is Xu Yihang’s younger brother, Xu Jingchuan. He has extraordinary hearing . He judged their number by the footsteps of the strangers

And confirmed the gang. The man in black came for him. He disappeared from the door in the footsteps of the man in black. Xu Jingchuan signaled his girlfriend to stop talking and hide first. Then he picked up the bow and arrow, put the sword

On his back and put the arrow on the string, ready to go. Who is it? Who am I ? Who are you? My voice is… Can’t you hear it? Wait a minute. Xu Jinchuan’s armor-piercing sword is indeed worthy of its reputation. Each sword penetrated the body of the men in black,

Letting them feel what it means to be truly heart-to-heart. When he asked who sent these guys, unexpectedly, they swallowed it and hid it in their mouths. The potassium cyanide in it returned to his hometown in an instant. When his girlfriend saw Xu Jingchuan kill the man in black without any damage,

He was so frightened that he trembled and threw himself into Jingchuan’s arms. The Hong Kong police determined that Xu Jingchuan was acting in self-defense. These people died and he It doesn’t matter , but he is restricted from leaving Hong Kong. Xu Jingchuan had an ominous premonition

That something must have happened to his family. The moment Xu Jingchuan turned around, he saw the male letter in the mailbox. He hurriedly took it out. The recipient was none other than Xu Jingchuan. It turned out that the letter was carried by Xu Erhang on his sister’s back. I wrote to my brother

That something happened at home. The Japanese entered the palace, and He Ming died at his sister’s wedding. When the firecrackers went off, his father, mother, grandfather, and brother were all exterminated . At this moment, Xu Jinchuan couldn’t believe the fact that his whole family was exterminated. Suddenly, he felt dizzy

And fell to the ground. Crouching on the ground, let alone Xu Jinchuan, could not accept the fact that no one could accept such bad news. 21 relatives in his family and relatives and friends who came to attend the wedding, a total of 256 people, died tragically at the gunpoint of the Japanese. Only

His elder sister Xu Yihang and younger sister Xu Erhang escaped. Now Xu Jinchuan only has one thought in his mind, that is, go home to save his elder sister and younger sister. He must go back to save them. Jinchuan, it is useless for you to go back now.

The Hong Kong police have restricted your exit. Then I As soon as Takeki Chun on the other side received the news, all the eight killers sent out were shot and wounded and swallowed the love words A. Sacrifice for the Empire Takeki Chun was horrified when he heard it.

He immediately telegraphed the intelligence department in Hong Kong that Xu Jingchuan must be intercepted and killed in Hong Kong and could not be allowed to do so. After he left and received the secret message, they sent killers to surround Xu Jingchuan’s station to prevent him from escaping. The driver took action at night.

How could I say that these national troops were the remnants of the Xu family army? They were baffled by the sudden machine gun support . Everyone stopped shooting and went out to find out. Seeing the corpses of Japanese soldiers everywhere, they were extremely excited when they saw Zhao Hua in front of them.

Is it me or am I ? After the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops and the three exchanges of fire between the Japanese and Japanese, there were only a dozen brothers left. Now that the commander is gone, Zhao Hua is their commander. Brothers, from September 18th to Shanhaiguan

, each of us has been forced to do something. Everyone in Tuanhuo wants to serve the country with iron blood on the battlefield like the 19th Route Army . I swear as I was told , as long as we are in Xu Jiajun, there will be no king. Even if the last man

Breathes his last breath, we will fight them bloody to the end . Zhao Hua’s The appearance gave these brothers a plan. They all geared up and were excited. Rongshu returned to Rongfu and took out the photos of the Xu family that he had snatched from the puppet army. His sister Yi Yi looked

At Xu Jingchuan in the photo and it seemed familiar. Yi Yi recalled that he had known Xu Jingchuan since he was a child. After hearing him play the violin, I accidentally fell down and there is still a scar on my arm. My cousin found out that

Peng Chao was arresting people everywhere with photos of Xu art experts. When the Japanese attacked Heling, Du Yi’en was working as a spy in the Xu family. Peng Chao was in the city. The first response was that they put the Japanese into Heling. Before, Peng Chao was just a company

Commander and defected to the Japanese. Now he is a battalion commander. Xu Yihang decided that the next step would be Peng Chao’s death, which would bring pain to Xu Yihang. He would let these Japanese traitors try. Afraid of death, you want the only man in our family to come back and die, right?

You want to cut off the Xu family, right? What happened to make my sister so angry at her dependent sister ? Just now, my sister woke up and found her sister. She hadn’t slept yet. Under her repeated questioning, her sister lied and said she was writing poetry. Her sister was worried that

He would write down his family’s experiences in poetry and criticize her. Erhang quickly got out of bed to explain that he had accidentally written the poem to his brother Xu Jingchuan. The letter fell to the ground. My sister, Xu Yihang, was the first to avoid the paper in her hand.

When he saw that it was a letter to Jingchuan, he was so angry that he couldn’t control his emotions and hit the Second Aviation Police. He told him that he was the only one in our family. Man, he should know. Yes , he is the only man in our family.

You want the only man in our family to come back and die, right? You want to cut off the Xu family, right? Xu Yihang tore the letter in his hand into pieces and blamed Er Xing for not listening to him. As long as Jingchuan is alive, the Xu family will have hope. If

Something happens to Jingchuan, who can the Xu family expect ? The culprit of all this is the Japanese invaders who invaded our land. While packing his things, Xu Jingchuan told his girlfriend about his past. He asked his girlfriend to go back to Lantau Island to hide from

Him and then come to him after settling the family affairs. Then the two got married. After the two were ready, they quickly got into the car. After Xu Jingchuan escaped, Zhumu Chunyi received the news. They judged that Xu Jingchuan escaped from Hong Kong and went to Guangzhou by train

To Chengde. Zhumu Chunyi sent a telegram to Qingshui Ersan who was inspecting Qingshui in Guangzhou and killed Xu Jingchuan. On the train and then rushed to Chengde to eliminate the Xu Yihang sisters. Pay attention to this man. He is the Japanese army’s bird hunting champion Qingshui 23.

Just now, he shot 9 sparrows with 7 shots and still failed to break through the target of 10 sparrows. He uttered wild words that he hoped this would happen. When he came to China for the first time , he encountered a real opponent. It happened that he received an encrypted message from

Junyi Zhumu asking him to deal with Xu Jinchuan and Xu Yihang sisters who were far away in Chengde. Fortunately, he finally met his opponent. Rongshu and Suojie took people out of the city . Zhang He, the person in charge of picking up the volunteers, entered the city

And just left the city gate when he met the leader of the Japanese squad for interrogation and went to Luliang Mingzheng. Hey, goodbye, goodbye. Both sides were at a stalemate. Jiang Yan came over and quickly reconciled the situation . She pulled the puppet soldiers and hurriedly gave way

And told Captain Zhutou that he was the second young master of the Rong family. Captain Zhutou, who was he? No one was allowed to let him go without a good citizen certificate. Jiang Yan told Captain Zhutou that he was a good citizen. He won’t show it to them , so let them go.

Second young master , put it down. Put it down. I told them to let them go. Don’t be angry. Tell them . Let them recognize my face. Who dares to talk to me again? Asking good citizens to testify that Banyan Tree’s approach was such a relief

That these Japanese and puppet soldiers dared to be angry and dare not speak out . Jiang Yan also told Captain Zhutou that his brother had killed a squad leader two days ago, and Colonel Mochizuki didn’t even dare to fart at Banyan Tree and the others. After meeting Zhang He, they introduced each other

And the group went to the other side of Rong Mansion, Naoki, at the entrance of the well to report to Wangyue Dazuo. Rong Shi’s brother was too arrogant and forced himself in and out of the city gate. He beat their people five times in one day

And robbed them before leaving. Photos of the Xu family. Grand Ancestor Mochizuki was so angry that he asked Jingguchi Zhutou to go and call Rong Shi. Jingguchi Zhutou came to Rong Mansion aggressively and forced his way into the living room without any explanation. Rong Shi asked who allowed them to come in.

Jiang Yan moved out. Colonel Mochizuki asked Rong to go to the summer resort. Unexpectedly, Rong didn’t pay attention to them at all. He told them to go back to where they came from. Zhufa at the well said that he wanted to challenge Rong. Our eldest young master

Did not accept any challenge from junior officers . Although he surrendered If the dragon overwhelms the local snake, then you have to score points. You are so shameless. I see your ass is itchy. Suo Jie asked Jingkou Zhutou to go back and tell Mochizuki

That if he wants to see the eldest young master of the Rong family, he must send a greeting card first and wait for the eldest young master to be free. Only then could he see that Xu Yihang’s sword had knocked down the arrogance of the Japanese and puppet troops

, and his next target was the supreme commander of the Japs, Wang Yue Wuxue. Wang Yue Wuxue didn’t care about Xu Yihang, he wanted to see the head of Xu Yihang. How do you get the puppet soldier on the side to remind you that this is no joke

? But this arrogant guy said that he is too unlike a soldier. When the puppet soldier heard this, didn’t you die in vain? Mochizuki Wuxue said that we are waiting for him to take the bait. Now that he has taken the bait, how can we be afraid

That he will use himself as bait to capture the Xu sisters in one fell swoop? The Xu sisters have been waiting here for a long time . Do you think Wang Yue Wuxue will leave from here? You should know Xu Yihang better than me at this point. The judgment

Was correct. Wangyue Wu Xue appeared in their sights very arrogantly and looked at the approaching kid. Xu Yihang ordered his sister to shoot the first arrow, not the person but the tire . Although the second arrow did not kill anyone , it was okay to block the kid’s progress. Next

, Er Xing shot out an arrow. The kid’s car instantly lost its direction . Although the kid’s car was forced to stop , the adjutant beside him stopped Mochizuki Wuxue. He thought this was a trap. As long as you don’t get out of the car, they can’t shoot you.

But they underestimated Xu Yihang. He told his sister to pierce their gas tank. The sister understood. As soon as he saw it , a hole appeared in the little devil’s gas tank. The gasoline also leaked out like spring water. Wang Yue Wuxue was anxious.

Just as he was about to get out of the car , he was stopped by this Wuhan University. In his mind, as long as he didn’t get off the car, he wouldn’t die. But Xu Yihang didn’t want to play with them anymore. He told his sister to shoot another arrow and create sparks.

But his kind sister thought that this would kill many people. As soon as he saw this, he wanted to do it himself. But seeing his sister’s current situation, he still couldn’t bear the thought of me coming . In this way, the arrogant Mochizuki Wuxue finally died under Xu Yihang’s sword.

Wu Da beside him was furious. This was his commander, and Zhu Mu who was far away on the front line. After getting the news, he was not calm. He wanted to go back to Chengde to meet the sisters. Hahahahahahahahaha. Do n’t be angry

. You can watch it if you want to, my friend. Don’t say goodbye to Wang Damidye and Xiao, who are from Chengde. The Japs had to go head-to-head and had to start with Er Xing’s sister looking for medicine late at night . He thought he

Would go back after buying the medicine without anyone noticing , but he didn’t expect that a group of Japs soldiers suddenly appeared. Er Xing hurriedly hid , but when he secretly watched, nothing happened. He carefully touched the bell on the canvas, which alerted the little devil.

The second line was now riding a tiger and was unable to dismount . A sudden gunshot woke up the sleeping Lava Stone. At the same time, his sister also woke up. It turned out that the second line was attacked by the Japanese. He used his sensitivity. He succeeded in escaping from danger

, but the Japanese did not give up their pursuit of him. Finally, the second line was forced to hide in an alley , but unexpectedly they were caught by a group of puppet soldiers. Without saying a word, the second line began to attack him . Xing was shot once

, but that didn’t stop him from escaping. Because there were little devils on all sides, the second group was in a dilemma. At this moment, a black shadow rescued him in time. However , this operation happened to be caught by the puppet soldiers who came over.

All the Japanese and puppet troops have surrounded this place. People inside, please come out quickly or I will shoot. Who wants to shoot? Where is this from ? Open the store. Rong Shi, officially known as King Chengde, is followed closely by Shou. The severely injured hypocrite No. 2

Saw that this person had a special identity. Rong Shi said that this was his friend. The little devil wanted to step forward to see what was going on, but was kicked back by Rong Shi . The little devil had never been angry like this before he became thirsty. Rong Shi kicked me again

, which completely angered the little devil. Long Shi was not weak and shot him in the forehead. The puppet soldier on the side quickly said that both sides are untouchable. My friend, you can watch it if you want. Don’t, don’t, do n’t, don’t hurt

Heqi. In the end, Rongshi helped Erxing to leave the scene. The little devil was still unconvinced and called out to Rongshi. Then he said that no one could leave without General Zhumu’s order . Rongshi knew that he would solve it as soon as possible otherwise Erxing It was dangerous

, so he stepped forward and once again put his gun to the kid’s forehead. The puppet army was afraid that things would get bigger and started to act as a peacemaker. This is also very close to the villa. General Zhumu came quickly , otherwise you will be strong. If you don’t have time

, tell him to leave now. If you have the guts, let them shoot. Rong Shi’s domineering force forced No. 2 out of the gate of hell. He was saved. But when Xu Yihang heard the gunshots, he also started to search. And this search lasted all night

, and he was surrounded by little devils and faced these little devils as if they were being tortured. Yi Xing dragged his tired body and wanted to make a statement that would shock the whole audience , but he was powerless. The arrow he shot was weak and weak

. Second Line spelled out my sister. The strength of the sword was my sister. His arrow missed the target and Shao Ying was weak and had no range. Less than 50 meters away , he must not be able to hold on anymore. When they arrived,

The little devil was already slowly approaching Xu Yihang. At this moment, Long Shi made a decisive move, catching the little devil off guard and finishing him off. Rong Shi turned around so handsomely. The pace and the extraordinary face made Erhang’s ignorant heart start to flutter. It’s really him, it’s him

. You saved Xu Erhang, no, I saved your soldiers. Not long ago, Rong Shi single-handedly killed a small team of Japanese soldiers. The men and horses successfully rescued the Xu sisters , but this operation put him in a dilemma because Zhumu would not let him go easily. But when Rong Shi appeared,

He actually told everything about saving the Xu sisters. Zhumu was puzzled. If you do this, it can be understood that you saved the Xu sisters and I saved your soldiers . It is obvious that Rong Shi is confusing right and wrong , but Zhumu wants to hear his explanation. Rong Shi

Said that if he did not take away the Xu sisters, they would die. But your Bingwu University said that the killing of our 20 soldiers should have something to do with President Rong, right? The Wu Da who I killed was dumbfounded and even Zhumu was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, Rong Shi didn’t call himself . Why did he protect Xu Yihang and Xu Erhangzhan knew that Rong Shi wanted to confuse the public, so he asked, “What have you gained? I found their residence. Everyone was shocked by Rong Shi’s words. You must know that a top killer

Cannot easily let people know where he is hiding.” But no matter what, now that we have clues and attract attention, we will not let them go easily . No. 59, Chaoyang Street, where they live . Immediately arrange an encirclement and suppression. Hey, wait, the Rong family advises them not to go

, because your recklessness has exposed my identity. The current Xu family Sisters don’t necessarily trust me that much. If you scare the snake and pounce on me, there will be another hole in my throat. More importantly, I ’m afraid no one will provide clues to the general in the future

. Although Rong Shi’s explanation is perfect , Zhu Mu thinks This was the best time to capture the Xu sisters , so regardless of what Rong Shi said , he still led people to the residence of the Xu sisters. But when they got here, it was just as everyone imagined.

There were no Xu sisters here at all. Some were just replaced ones. The gauze Wu Da looked at these gauze cloths with murderous intent in his eyes, turned around and angrily yelled at the guard Suojie, where are you? Haven’t you been staring at them ? But I really didn’t see when they ran

Away. Besides, it’s so easy to withstand them. They have no surname. Xu, you said that Wuhan University was so angry that his face turned red. Suo Jie had seen the big world, and he really didn’t take it seriously when faced with this kind of little Kalami, and turned around and left

. But Wuda University couldn’t possibly give him a chance to become a virtuous king. I can’t afford to offend him , but if a little housekeeper can’t take care of him, then his height as a Wuhan University student will be wasted. I tell you, no Japanese in Chengde

Dares to stare at me with such dog-like eyes. I ‘m sorry to say this. Wu Da was so anxious that he ordered his men to arrest him , but he underestimated Suo Jie’s strength. The person who can take charge of all the thugs in the Rong family is

Also someone you can see and see . Suo Jie is like entering a no-man’s land. No one can enter. In the end, Wu Da’s shot shocked the whole audience. So Jie was arrested and Rong received the news. Not only was he not worried,

Even if his brother wanted to lead people to rob him, he would not stop him because he knew that the Japanese would not be right now. The Rong family has done various things . Brother Rongshu, you really let him go . Just ask Zhumu to help us test

How hard Suo Jie’s bones are . Didn’t you say that Suo Jie is fine? Brother, do you listen to Suo Jie now or do you listen to your brother? Of course you listen to brother, not necessarily , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, this Wu Dalang never thought that

One day he would lose an ear because of his stupidity. Not long ago, Suo Jie was ordered Watching the Xu sisters, they didn’t expect that the little devils came but there were no Xu sisters. Wu Da, who was already furious when he saw Suo Jie’s attitude towards him,

Immediately ordered someone to take them down. But the housekeeper who was a molten stone dealt with these little Karas. Mi still had no problem. Soon these little devils were defeated by Suo Jie. In the end, Wu Da shot Suo Jie to stop , but he was also tied back by the little devil.

At first, the little devil used a whip to get out his bad breath. But Suo Jie insisted on beating him. The little devil was tired and wanted to be softer, but Suo Jie said that he didn’t know the shortcomings of the Xu sisters. The little devil was anxious and

Wanted to make more gestures. Unexpectedly, Suo Jie wanted to confess to Wu Da. Suo Jie was still a little confused . Jie said, “Come over here, I can only tell you to listen to him alone. Wu Da, who was eager to make contributions, didn’t think too much and leaned his ear towards him.

At this time, Suo Jie saw the right moment and bit his ear. The little devil screamed like a killing pig. However , Suo Jie had no intention of letting go until he bit off his ear. The little devil was anxious and thought of shooting Suo Jie .

The puppet soldiers on the side stopped him because Suo Jie was Rong Shi’s right-hand man. Such a person cannot be killed. We still have to rely on Rong Shi for our military supplies. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Uncle Wu stopped his stupid behavior . Outside,

The second young master of the Rong family led his men and came directly to ask for help. He said that the time was only half an hour . If Suo Jie is not released, he will kill the Summer Resort with blood. Zhumu Junyi said that if he dares to shoot, he

Will fight back immediately. Seeing that the time has come, Rong Shu fired a warning shot , but he did not expect that the Japs had already set up their machine guns and were waiting for him to attack. Good guy , it seems that he has been prepared for a long time.

I have to give it a try today to see who has stronger bones. Just then, my sister came over and stopped him and told him that Suo Jie was fine . The kid would take the initiative to send him over. That’s different. Let’s get him here. That’s so majestic. Now

If they don’t occupy it, if you continue to make trouble, they will occupy it. At that time, he will detain you and ask me to provide them with clues about the Xu family sisters. Do you want to give it to me or not? At this time, Rongshu

Also knows that he is too reckless. Rong Yi said that Suo Jie was Rong Shi’s right-hand man, and let Zhumu Junyi take care of it. Let him solve the military supplies matter by himself. After talking about the two sisters , He left the scene in a domineering manner.

When Zhuki Chunyi found out, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Rong Shi didn’t just talk. He gathered in Chengde and told them that if he didn’t speak out , who dared to give the Japanese a big word would be sorry. Let’s destroy the snow

Dragon together. Shi’s influence is still quite great. Everyone present was sweating. In the end, Zhumu Junyi was defeated in this war without gunpowder . He personally visited the house and brought the intact Suo Jie back to see Suo Jie. The two evil-hearted siblings were trapped in the trap

, but Suojie asked the banyan tree to help him pay them a piece of ocean. Why did he eat his ears without giving him the money? The little devil lost the arrogance and turned around and left. Shi’s battle has just begun. Believe it or not, I will kill

The soldier who dared to fight me with one shot. What did you say ? The second girl of the Rong family, who sounded so chivalrous and righteous, was suddenly stopped. Someone came and said that there was a group of little devils who

Not only killed him. A child who is only 5 years old is still raping his wife. Of course, Rongshu, who is the embodiment of justice, cannot just watch and lead his men to beat the shit out of these little devils , but he is still not satisfied

. Rongshu orders his men to bring them out to see those who are not convinced. The little devil, Rongshu, was not polite and raised his gun to kill the two little devils. After all, they had to pay for their brutal behavior. The two puppet soldiers were much better off. They

Just accepted Rongshu’s punches and kicks and did not take the bullets . They pecked at Chun Yi when he was excited. Lu Liang, who came to deal with Xu Yihang, Biao, stop, help, help, you should be looking for death. Lu Liangbiao has the reputation of fighting tigers

. The current banyan tree is really no match for the soldiers who dare to attack me . Believe it or not, I will kill you with one shot. What are you talking about ? Lu Liangbiao spoke so loudly that even if a gun was put to his head, he was not afraid

And uttered arrogant words. There really are some people who are not afraid of death. But Suo Jie didn’t give him a chance to order him to put down the gun . This was very rude. However, Lu Liangbiao suddenly attacked and caught Suo Jie off guard. Seeing this , he raised his leg

And kicked him, but he fell down easily. Then Lu Liangbiao knocked Suo Jie to the ground with a reply. Finally, Suo Jie was captured and the banyan tree was pointed at a gun because he had beaten Lu Liangbiao’s soldier. Lu Liangbiao wanted to take him back slowly. Torture At the same time,

Rong Shizheng and Takeki Junichi signed a very important contract. Rong Yi suddenly broke in and told Rong Shi that his younger brother and Suo Jie were taken away by Lu Liangbiao. Why did four Japanese soldiers and Ruo Jun kill a child? He also raped the child’s mother.

In order to save the child’s mother, Rongshu beat two Japanese soldiers to death and was taken to the headquarters. After hearing what his sister said, Rongshu knew that he could kill Zhumu again. You have heard the general’s words like this How do you think the situation should be handled?

Now Junichi Takeki doesn’t know what to do. But Rongshi’s actions told him that Mr. Rong, Iguchi and Du Yuan would soon send Master Rong back to his house . Rongishi said that he would wait. Let’s talk about it after we go back. Please stay here, President Burong. Do you really not believe that

Zhumu Sound Transmission can handle this matter? Rong ignored him and left handsomely. Zhumu was left holding his breath and getting angry. Then Wuhan University sent Zhumu to Fengzhu. Mu’s order required Lu Liangbiao to release Rongshu and Suojie, but Lu Liangbiao said that they had beaten my soldiers and killed two little devils,

So he released Lu Liangbiao. You only need to carry out the order of General Zhumo. For Wuhan University, Lu Liangbiao had no idea. He doesn’t take it lightly because he only takes orders from his own brain. The rest is nothing to him.

They kill Japanese soldiers and it has nothing to do with me, but touching my brothers is not okay. Lu Liangbiao, remember, everything today is our Empire of Japan. Do you understand what I’m giving you? When I heard Wu Da say this, Lu Liangbiao didn’t want

Him to let the little devils know whose territory this is. Then he told his brother, where the banyan tree hits you, you all go back to me . Wu Da saw that you really don’t treat me. I took it seriously and wanted him to see his power

, but I didn’t expect that Lu Liangbiao was one step ahead of him. Fortunately, the puppet army on the side stopped him . Otherwise, this Wu Da Zhen would have become the last banyan tree in history. The fate of the banyan tree would be to face Lu Liangbiao’s shooting

. It’s none of my business if I don’t tell him that Takeki Junichi is racking his brains to repair the relationship with our Rong family. If you dare to touch the second young master, look at how Takeki Junichi treats you. That’s Takeki Junichi asking for mercy.

That’s why you were so arrogant at that time , but now he also has something to ask me for. I’m sorry. I went to court. When Li Yuanbiao heard this, Rongshu panicked a little. He has always been arrogant and domineering. He didn’t expect that today he met a desperate man. My

Brother will not let you go. What’s wrong, kid? I’m afraid Li Lianbiao is coming. You’re not a good man. He’s loaded and ready . He’s a big traitor who slaughtered the entire Xu family with his own hands. Now he’s actually killing his own soldiers in front of the kid. Not long ago

, the second young master of the Rong family beat his soldiers. Now he’s He wanted to execute the banyan tree , but he didn’t expect that someone would dare to fire a gun to rob him. Naturally, he couldn’t let it go. In the end, the two siblings were captured by Lu Liangbiao

And were ready to deal with them together. At this moment, Zhumu Chun and others rushed over. Because they can’t afford to offend the current Rong family , but this Lu Liangbiao doesn’t care about them. He only knows a little about his soldiers. He can only beat him

And scold others. If they dare to touch others, they have to ask for his gun . Since Lu Liangbiao has a certain effect on Zhuki Chunyi, He also protected him in every possible way, saying eye by eye that when your soldiers were beaten, it was because they did something they shouldn’t do.

Lu Liangbiao is a tough guy . He can’t accuse anyone unjustly. He turned around and questioned these two soldiers. These two puppet soldiers knew that what they did was natural. Nan Rong knelt down. One of them said that the dead child was killed by the two Kwantung Army

, and they only helped the little devils to bully the child’s mother. Hearing this, Lu Liangbiao understood that his soldiers dared to bully the common people. This was something he would not allow. The little devil who gave each of them a shot was dissatisfied with Lu Liangbiao’s actions,

But in order to make it more effective, Zhu Mu could only swallow his anger and turn around and leave . The Rong family siblings were naturally let back . Lu Liangbiao’s appearance made Rong Shi had a headache because he had already agreed with the Xu sisters to use Xu Yihang’s sword

To intercept the military supplies of the Japs. Now that there was such a fuss, he had to send the Xu sisters out of the city as soon as possible. On the other side , Lu Liangbiao told Zhumu that he could find

Rong Shi even if he didn’t have it. The sisters of the Xu family have always been a big concern. When Lu Liangbiao heard that he was so confident, he gave him a big thumbs up . His method was to send letters of challenge all over the street

Because he was the one who planned the extermination of the Xu family. Xu Yihang would definitely see it. We went to the appointment and the place was the Rong family’s cafe. So it seems that the Japanese really don’t need us. So why did they choose our cafe ? Let

’s give the Rong family some color. But it’s not just about giving the Rong family some color. What ’s more important is Xu Yihang would not return that day. Rong Shi told Suo Jie to send someone to take back all the flyers. I’m afraid it would be a bit difficult. I don’t know

How many copies they had already sent out. Just try not to let Xu Yihang see it. Although Rong Shi The family took back the leaflets one by one , but there were still some omissions. When Xu Yihang saw the names on the challenge, he couldn’t help but think of the

Scene when the Xu family was exterminated. He remembered the face very clearly. Now Xu Yihang’s eyes were full of hatred. He wished he could kill Lu Liang Biaorong immediately. This is what he was afraid of. When he came here and saw the challenge letter on the table,

He knew that the matter was no longer under his control , but he still wanted to persuade Xu Yihang. Rong Shi said that this is a trap. If you go, neither of you sisters will be able to come back. I have cleared all the people who came to

The surrounding area and asked my brothers and sisters to escort you out of the city. Xu Yihang knew that he could not harm his sister, so he agreed to Rong’s suggestion and let’s go. This may be what everyone wants to see the most

, but when he arrived at the gate of the city , he was attacked by the puppet army. In the past, the Rong family’s car was stopped and no one dared to stop it. Now , there are so many people who are not afraid of death. Liang Mingzheng, in the past

, he really didn’t dare to attack the Long family . But now they have changed their heads, Lu Liangbiao and Japan. No one looks down on him , let alone the Long family. That’s why they ignore the existence of the Long family.

But Rongshu’s mission is to send the Xu sisters out of the city. Anyone who dares to block his way is undoubtedly seeking death. If he doesn’t attack him, I will shoot him. But this operation not only failed to scare the puppet army, but also made him more aggressive . He

Was ready to shoot . At this critical moment, a gunshot broke the situation. Listen to me. This Chengde City is the place where the Rong family comes. The Japanese are here. Lu Liangbiao came here and his surname was Rong. He was still surnamed Rong, pretending to be confused.

The Long family wanted to send the anti-Japanese hero out of the city. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the puppet army who had no eyesight. Finally, Rong’s domineering appearance was able to stabilize the situation and push him away. Hey, it’s coming, it’s coming

. The appearance of Long Shi made the puppet army a little afraid, so he ordered people to rest assured . In this way, the Xu sisters, who had been fighting against the little devil, were successfully sent out of the city. The Xu sisters were sent out

, but Rong Shi will face a greater crisis. It’s a difficult problem. Junichi Takeki couldn’t easily let go of the riot he made at the gate of the city. If Xu Yihang hadn’t appeared during the duel , then his letting Xu Yihang would have been discovered. By then, he might have been controlled

, but these would be very important to Rong Shi. He said it was nothing. He was most worried about 2 enemies. This group of troops was very important. He recalled that now, help me take care of Su Shirong. Zuo Jie knew that Rong Shi was ready to sacrifice.

He wanted to say something else , but Lu Liangbiao appeared because he asked The place where Xu Yihang announced the challenge was Rong Shi’s cafe. Now he has to wait here for Xu Yihang to show up. Rong Shi is attracted and invited to watch the show

Because this is the best reply to Rong Shi. It’s okay if Xu Yihang shows up. If he doesn’t show up, it will be so real. The matter of letting Xu Yihang go will be confirmed . How could Xu Yihang, who has always been shrewd on the other side, not

See through the key points ? He entrusted his sister to the volunteers. He has to go to the appointment alone . No, I won’t let you go. I have to get out of my way. I can’t. Get out of the way. There was so much noise when we left the city.

If I don’t go back, I won’t be able to clean the Ruyi Banyan Tree . Please send me back to Chengde again. If it’s too late, you won’t be able to see your brother. Although my sister is a little reluctant , Hearing

About the safety of Rongshi, it is better for my sister to take the risk. A dragnet has been set up on the other side where Xu Yihang is about to appear. My sister cannot watch her take the risk alone and ride Ma Ye there. The remaining volunteers are not in vain. They

Also wanted to go to the city to help the Xu sisters. At the same time, Xu Jingchuan, who was far away in Hong Kong, knew that his family had been wiped out, so he hurried to Chengde. There were even a few cards on the road that could not stop his progress.

He easily dealt with his sword on horseback. I can penetrate the little devils. Just these few little Talami are not enough. Who can stop me? On the other side, the banyan tree sent Xu Yihang to the designated place, and then he became a world full of dragons.

My brother was called away by Junichi Takuboku. They must be suspicious. Xu Yihang is back again. He said he is afraid that my brother will have to come back to accept Lu Liangbiao’s challenge because he cannot explain clearly . Come find my brother quickly. The second young master , Miss Xu, is back.

The eldest young master is now safe. After Zuo Jie knew that nothing would happen to the Rong family, he asked all his brothers to help Xu Yihang. Xu Yihang had already found a place to start. The battle was about to break out. The arrow Xu Yihang shot into the sky

Was to comfort himself before the duel. Because his parents wanted to personally kill Lu Liangbiao, who slaughtered his whole family, Lu Liangbiao , here I come. Lu Liangbiao was also ready to fight. At the moment Xu Yihang appeared, Lu Liangbiao kicked up his pistol and spun in the air.

The life and death showdown with Xu Yihang officially started . Worried about Yi Xing’s situation , but there was nothing he could do . He could only rely on Yi Xing to take down Lu Liangbiao’s head. But every shot of his sword touched Rong Shi’s heart

Because he didn’t know the specific situation inside. Such torture made him sit on pins and needles and could only continue. He drank water to cover up his inner uneasiness. After a round of duel, Lu Liangbiao was struck by a sword and Xu Yihang was also shot. Lu

Liangbiao did not want to take advantage of the danger and throw away the gun in his hand. He wanted to experience the kung fu of fists and kicks. Xu Yihang also understood his use. Lifting the burden off his body, Xu Yihang launched an attack at the moment Lu Liangbiao broke his sword. Hahahahaha.

Although Lu Liangbiao received a heavy punch , it didn’t stop him from returning it . This punch knocked Xu Yihang out several riddles. At this critical moment, A little fan of Xu Yihang appeared at the scene and saw that Xu Yihang was at a disadvantage. He did not hesitate to shoot a sword

, but Lu Liangbiao easily dodged it. Lu Liangbiao wanted to kill him with a knife . Xu Yihang stood up to rescue , but he was kicked back and then stabbed in the left side with a knife. Ji Zhumu was very happy that his serious trouble was finally relieved,

But Rong Shi was different. He didn’t know what to do. Xu Yihang, who was seriously injured, used all his strength to crawl out. Rong Shi finally couldn’t sit still. He was shaking all over, but he could only Watching Xu Yihang being tortured from a distance because he had more important things to do,

And the cowardly Erhang saw his sister being beaten, he failed to shoot a life-saving arrow and could only cry helplessly. This scene is exactly What Zhumu wanted to see , but Rongshi couldn’t stand anymore. It was the love hidden deep in his heart.

He couldn’t watch Xu Yihang being killed with his own eyes , so he left the scene for convenience. And his departure was not simply a matter of not seeing it. As he went on, he was thinking about , on the one hand, the military supplies of the Japs.

As long as they could help the volunteers outside the city to capture them, they would be able to break into the city. On the other hand, it was his lover hidden in his heart. But after careful consideration, he still chose the former. But in The moment Xu Yihang was executed was

Also the moment when the bamboo and wood sterling silver became extinct. He hadn’t given it to them yet and didn’t know how to think about giving it to you. Ahang, who had always been cowardly, finally took action, but he didn’t want anything from the other party. The purpose of his life

Was to get out of danger. When Rong saw that things were turning around, he did not take action against Zhumu Chun. At the same time, the volunteers outside the city began to break through the city gate. They wanted to help Xu Yihang. The emergence of the volunteers

Could resist the ambush set by the little devils against Xu Yihang . The Rong family on the side also started to rescue Xu Yihang , but Er Gouzi on the side saw this scene clearly. The appearance of the Rong family made them perform meritorious service. They wanted to report it to their superiors

, but all this had been revealed by Rong Shi. The housekeeper kept a close eye on him and ordered everyone to intercept and kill the two bandits who had saved the lives of the Xu sisters. They fired the first shot to save Xu Yihang. Under their Gatling attack,

The little devil was caught off guard . At the same time, Ergou, who was going to report the news, was secretly executed by the Rong family. Only this one took the lead and fled here on a bicycle. Unfortunately, he passed by Rong Shi and saw his own people chasing him desperately.

Knowing that things were not simple, he did it. The car stopped a guy. Wait a minute. What’s going on? The eldest lady and the second young master rescued Xu Yihang. He was on his way to the hospital , but he was discovered by him. He quickly turned around

And then ordered his driver to let him go too. He had to be silenced on the other side because of everyone’s coming forward. The Xu sisters escaped smoothly , but the pursuing kid never stopped. Suo Jie led his men to effectively stop the kid’s progress, but an accident happened and the car overturned,

Which undoubtedly made matters worse . Now they are all trapped here because The firepower of the little devil was too strong. Suo Jie, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, could hardly stand it. Er Xing couldn’t hold it back and couldn’t run away. It was too dense

. At this critical moment, Xu Jinchuan arrived in time. His appearance was a life saver for everyone. Erxing of Straw saw his brother shouting out a grievance, Brother Erha, Brother, please save her sister. Seeing her sister being tortured like this, she was no longer calm. Every arrow she fired would kill two Japs

. This is With the addition of Xu Jingchuan, Suo Jie also started to fight back . However, due to the many aftermaths that he needed to deal with, he could only leave the eldest daughter of the Rong family to fight side by side with

Xu Jingchuan. Xu Jingchuan was the swordsman. As soon as the opportunity arrives, he will no longer play hide and seek with the little devils. He will use his momentum to defeat these little devils. Xu Yihang appears handsomely. The eldest lady of the Rong family instantly turns into a fan girl. Seeing

Xu Jingchuan’s handsome moves, he can’t just join in the one-sided crushing. In the team, as the saying goes, men and women can work together without getting tired. Soon , all the brats in front of them fled under their lustful power. On the other side, Xu Yihang was rescued and had to undergo surgery

Immediately due to his serious injury . But this was not Rong’s last resort. I’m worried because the escaped Ergou has arrived at the little devil’s territory. My name is Yuan Shiliang. I have an emergency to report to Captain Du. Captain Du is not at the Summer Resort. Where are he

? He is watching the battle in a cafe. He was the only one who saw the Rong family siblings saving Xu Yihang. If he reported the matter to Zhumu Chunyi, then the Xu family would face a crisis.

After Rong Shi learned of Er Gouzi’s existence, he ordered everyone to attack and kill him . But this Ergouzi happened to pass by Rongshi. When Rongshi saw it, he didn’t hesitate to drive and hit him. However, in order to better silence Rongshi, he took the risk to get out of the car

And saw that the other party was still angry. So he called for help while locking his throat. Brother, wake up , wake up , come quickly. Finally, this bitch was strangled to death. The puppet soldiers who came over saw that this was their squad leader. When

They found out that the other party had expired , they told Rong Shi. There is no way to save me, so stop working . Unexpectedly, Er Gouzi recovered in one breath. Rong Shi instinctively wanted to strangle him to death again , but was stopped by Xiao Bing.

This idiot naively thought that Rong Shi wanted to save me, so he said that we would do it for this small matter. That’s fine , but he didn’t know that if this person didn’t die, he would bring disaster to the Rong family. Well, I have no way

To attack a woman who has lost the ability to resist. When the Xu family was bloodbathed, you not only killed the woman but also killed many old people and children . But then Is it a military operation ? Isn’t today a military operation? The man in front of me

Was shot through the arm by Xu Yihang’s sister because of his moment of weakness in a life-and-death duel with Xu Yihang not long ago . The rest of his subordinates were not spared. It was his moment of hesitation that left Xu Yihang with At the same time,

Xu Jinchuan succeeded in blowing up the Japs’ arsenal. These weapons were given to the Japs on the front line. Lu Liangbiao’s carelessness made Zhumu lose everything. Lu Liangbiao said that he could accept the punishment of the military court, but Zhumu wanted it. It wasn’t these things

That he wanted to kill the Xu sisters . This failure made Lu Liangbiao feel ashamed. But the Xu siblings were not in a good situation either . Xu Yihang was seriously injured and fell into a coma. His younger brother was also shot in the leg during the battle with the Japanese

, but the biggest problem was not that big. The problem is that the little devils are searching for their hiding places all over the city and will soon find Rong Shi’s hospital . Now he wants to transfer Xu Yihang immediately. During the transfer of Xu Yihang, Rong Shi’s appearance

With great fanfare made the Wuhan University suspicious . It has been changed , but since the decisive battle between Lu Liangbiao and Xu Yihang took place in the Rong family’s cafe, the Rong family can now use

This to carry out these five great acts of righteousness. It’s not enough to destroy our cafe like this. What are you doing here? I really don’t have anything else. What do you mean ? Why did you set the battlefield in my cafe? Wuhan University said that this was all done by Lu Liangbiao

. How could Master Rong let go of such an opportunity ? He has to approve it one by one. Is it Lu Liangbiao who wants to give the Rong family some color ? The idea was that Wu Da seemed a little impatient. Rong Shi knew that the fire was almost over. He

Rescued Zhu Ke and ordered him to go back to find the Xu family sisters. Don’t make any more noise about the affairs of the Xu family and the sisters. Although Brother Chong and the little devil were angry , he didn’t dare to express it yet and could only order to leave

. Rong Shi’s operation not only successfully transferred Xu Yihang to the cafe , but also let the little devils know that you can’t do anything without the Rong family. Xu Yihang’s safety was guaranteed by Rong Shi. Xu Jingchuan was also searched here by the little devils. It’s okay, but I’m here.

The second young master of the Rong family is not as grand as his brother. The way to scare Ergouzi is to use violence to fight violence. Only Rongshu can do this. Ergouzi is quite confused if he can dare to ask why. Why

Do you dare to ask me? Have a good bowl of noodles here. Do you affect my appetite? Do you dare to ask why such a master would dare to search? I want to leave here immediately. Although the Xu family siblings are protected by the Rong family, there is one thing.

The moment the Rong family rescued Xu Yihang, this two Gouzi saw clearly that although Rongshi knocked him down in time , he did not die as he is now. Zhumu knew that the person in front of him was created by Rongshi. He knew that things here were not that simple

, so he waited in front of Ergouzi. When he wakes up , this may be a time bomb that crushes the Rong family. At this moment, Rongshi is brewing. He will have another war without smoke with Zhumu Junyi. He is caught by the Japanese and locked up

. Has Hu Miao always been here? Do you want to be a coward? Suojie is very calm when faced with the accusations from the second young master of the Rong family. Although the Rong family has spoken online, asking him to take good care of Rong Shu and Rong Yi

. But Rong Shu’s determination not to be afraid of death has ignited his fighting spirit. I will accompany you to this place . It is obvious that there is no return , but there is no coward who can become king in Chengde. Everyone is ready to sacrifice. At this time, Rong Shi

Is being interrogated by Junichi Takeki. 10 people went to watch the official reconnaissance, and 9 of them were killed. Only one ran over and was hit by you. Do you think it was a coincidence? Faced with Junichi Takeki’s question, Rongishi was already prepared. He said that he would do the same

If I were you. I think this is definitely not a coincidence because it is something that even jumping into the Yellow River can’t wash away. Rong Shi’s explanation is very simple, that is, he can’t admit it. Anyway, I can’t control what you think.

But this Jun Mu has already done his homework at home. Zhu Mu You said that the reason why you let your younger brothers and sisters frequently come in and out of the city gate was to better escort the Xu sisters out of the city. But you didn’t expect that

Lu Liangbiao issued a death order on the day they left the city. That’s why you caused a scene in the city gate. You not only colluded with Xu The sisters also colluded with the anti-Japanese elements outside the city to blow up my arsenal. Facing Zhumu Junyi, Rong was obviously a little nervous.

The shaking of his fingers made Zhumu confirm his suspicion , but Rong couldn’t be defeated like this. If Laiwen can’t fight in the next battle , then five of them will come because he doesn’t want to leave alive today, and Zhumu has already seen through him.

In fact, you have already been prepared to submit, right? Why do you see your younger brothers, sisters , and your subordinates ? Where have those brothers gone? I was watching that peak match with you and I didn’t see him when I got home. How do I know it’s reasonable

? But based on my understanding of your Rong family , no matter where you are , as long as you are in danger, they They won’t be indifferent, right? Zhumu Chunyi has already grasped Rongshi’s lifeline. Although Rongshi has 300 brothers , Zhumu has a whole group. This is the disparity in strength.

At this time, Rongshu has already led people to kill him , pointing his gun at him. It will be a life and death battle to force the team of little devils , but the appearance of these people is exactly what Zhumu wants to see. He threw the photo to remind Long Shi

Not to forget the tragedy of the Xu family . The gun is in your hand, you say. After all, I knew it from the beginning You don’t really surrender Huang Yun , but you are too useful for me to stabilize Chengze. It’s a pity. Your gun can not only

Hit the enemy, but also the master. My Rong family does not rely on you for food or survival. You and I are just a cooperative relationship. We must understand that no one is anyone’s master. Rong’s domineering reply made Zhumu get a little excited , and then all the guns were pointed at Rong.

But how could this frighten the king of Chengde? Just when Zhumu stood up to leave, Rong General, you can’t guard against the bomb you installed. General, you might as well squat down and take a look for yourself. The moment the little devil lowered his head

, Lin was stunned by the sight in front of him . As long as Rong Shi’s foot lightly hooked, everyone in the room would be stunned. Wanwan thought he was in control of everything, and the attention was no longer as arrogant as before. General

, there are so many people accompanying us on the road, we won’t be lonely. But at this embarrassing point, the second young master of the Rong family couldn’t help but forcefully He rushed in , and his appearance broke Rong Shi’s plan. Now Zhu Mu has the upper hand again. Who let you in

? Get out , stop his brother . Since he has come in , let’s go together . Rong Shi has already prepared to die together , but he can’t pull him in. His own land , so he was in a dilemma , but things soon took a big turn.

The sudden appearance of the puppet army will bring heavy news. The general, the general , turned out to be a good boy. What did he say? General Yuan Shiliang said that Xu Yihang was The nine people rescued by Lu Liangbiao were all killed by him

. He was the only one who came back alive. News like this made the bamboo trees explode instantly. Say it again loudly, “The primitive people are small. Xu Yihang is the one who was rescued by Lu Liangbiao.” He was the only one Lu Liangbiao sent to kill him and came back alive

. However , he was hit by Young Master Rong’s car. Rong Shi was also confused that this puppet soldier was not one of his people , but now he is excusing himself because he was the one hit by Rong Shi. The first thing I did when I woke up was to tell them

That the Rong family had rescued Xu Yihang himself, who was also injured by Rong Shi , and that these puppet soldiers were soldiers of the Xu family army and had no choice but to become fools, so this man lied and saved Rong. Although Zhumu feels unbelievable to Shi

, there is still a problem that needs Zhumu to explain because Rongshi will not easily let go of such a good opportunity. Your ability to adapt to changes and the way you deal with crises are somewhat confusing to Grandma Rong when facing Rong. Zhuo Mu also responded to Shi’s aggressive question.

Maybe this is really a misunderstanding . I will apologize to you after I find out the matter. But under this premise, you have to find the Xu family within three days. The whereabouts of your sisters , otherwise your brother will never come back. Faced with the current situation,

Rong Shi cannot be firm and can only acquiesce. But what Zhumu didn’t expect was that when he rushed to the hospital, Yuan Shiliang, who could make the truth of the matter known, was facing The people who killed him did not really rebel. The reason why they lived quietly

Was to avenge the Xu family army one day. But this real traitor could not escape the justice after all. At the moment of his death, Zhumu also appeared and faced the people in front of him. He knew that this was a death without evidence. The soldier quickly reported that the doctor

Had tried his best to save Rong Shi . This man walked up to Yuan Shiliang and pretended to be concerned. I was fine when I left. Platoon leader, it was a flashback to the light. You just walked out. He can’t do it. Brother after so many years,

He still owes me a drink. Are you lying ? Zhumu’s words made him panic immediately. Seeing Zhumu’s confident look, the man explained that I am a good citizen. Zhumu said that those nine people were not Lu Liangbiao. How is it possible that you are excusing the Rong family who sent people to kill

? General Wu, did he say that all of you were killed by Lu Liangbiao ? Yes, yes, he said it. Obviously, this explanation cannot satisfy Zhumu’s question. Another puppet army came to assist because Lu Liangbiao met the volunteers on the road that day when he was transferred back from the battlefield.

At that time, Lu Liangbiao defected to them. The duel between Lu Liangbiao and Xu Yihang was also fake. The purpose was to blow up your military soul bank . Although this explanation It was perfect , but it still failed to deceive Zhumu. He ordered people to arrest them

And torture them to extract confessions. They were not the only ones who were arrested . Now Lu Liangbiao and Rongshu were detained. The little devil was about to stage a soul-like discussion. He looked up at this loss with his own mouth. I ‘m going to go out and I’ll peel off your

Ass . The man in front of you is about to undergo the most cruel torture. Following the little devil’s actions, several military dogs rushed in. The little devil wanted his military dogs to bite out the answer he wanted. Long Shi knew this. Let him be exposed and take a preemptive strike.

Let me tell them for them. He said that the answer you want is not to let him say that I rescued Xu Yihang. That is what I saved. This is obviously Zhumu’s game , but Zhumu also It’s not for nothing. He said that it doesn’t matter what you say now.

Even if he said that it was you Rong who rescued Xu Yihang, I wouldn’t believe it. Today’s purpose is to let you brothers and sisters visit my torture. Then the military dog ​​pounced on those people. Screaming one after another, the eldest daughter of the Rong family has

Never seen such a scene. Rong Shi couldn’t stand it any longer. Just as he was about to leave , he was stopped by Wu Da . Rong Shi put a gun in his neck and uttered cruel words that would kill people. Wu Da didn’t take it seriously because their goal was achieved.

Putting on such a drama is to tell Long Shi that if there is no news about the Xu sisters in three days, Long Shi will end up like this. Then Zhumu took him to the next cell because the two most powerful people were imprisoned here. One of them is Rong Shi’s younger brother,

And the other is Lu Liangbiao, who worked for the Japs because Lu Liangbiao was framed and said that he rescued the anti-Japanese people. Now Wuhan University wants to torture his soul . The Japs’ torture tools have no effect on Lu Liangbiao . After carrying it down, Lu Liangbiao was uncharacteristically surprised

When he saw the little devil’s proud look. He was about to confess. The moment Wu Da put his ear close to Lu Liangbiao, it was destined that his ear would fall off again. Lu Liangbiao took one bite and Wu Da made a sound like a slaughtering pig. He was eating and not beating.

Is it symmetrical if both ears fall off? But this angered Zhumu. He ordered the military dogs to wait on him . The scene before could not make Yi Yi calm down. Here it comes again, which frightened him. Please allow my sister to leave first. The moment Rong Yi left.

The military dog ​​ran towards Lu Liangbiao and flew away. No one could stand such torture. The banyan tree couldn’t stand it any longer , so it begged for Lu Liangbiao’s mercy. But in desperation, he said something fatal, General, please let him go. He really didn’t know where the volunteers were.

It really wasn’t him who rescued Xu Yihang. These words not only surprised Zhumu , but also scared Rongshi into a cold sweat. You must know that this sentence means that Rongshu knows the truth of the matter. In this way, Zhumu will point the finger at Long again. How do you

Know that it wasn’t him who rescued Xu Yihang? Can’t you tell ? If he had known that he had said it earlier, Uncle Rong’s answer would not be able to satisfy Zhumu’s desire. Rong saw this and came to take a preemptive strike. You are my brother’s relative. Brother,

Your brother is still useful to the general now. Even if you know what you have done, the general will not embarrass you for my sake, so you know everything. Tell the truth. Do you understand? The banyan tree instantly understood his brother’s intention and began to make up random things. If you don’t

Tell the truth , it was the art of Yingkou that rescued Xu Yihang, and it was Zhumu Shunyi’s envoy Jinkou’s art that rescued Xu Yihang. Zhumu Chunyi betrayed the Kwantung Army, Pei He became the volunteer army, and wanted to capture Chengde. Don’t talk nonsense about the Long family brothers. Lu Liangbiao ‘s performance

Made it clear to Lu Liangbiao on the side that you two brothers should not sing together here. 9-seat Xu Yihang is a member of your Rong family. Both the Rong family and Lu Liangbiao knew the current situation . Only this Zhumu was kept in the dark. But he has the power,

Which is his advantage. He told Rong Shi that you only have 3 days. If there is no news about the Xu sisters , your brother will not be able to go back , and this will bring huge challenges to Rong Shi. How can Dragon and Lion resolve this crisis? We

’ll see you next time. Since Lu Liangbiao was killed and imprisoned, the Japs have no backbone . This batch of arms must be sent to the front line. They called in Qingshui 23, who they thought was a sharpshooter, to escort the arms.

At the same time, after receiving the news, they thought that as long as If Qingshui can be intercepted and killed , it will be much easier for the volunteers outside the city to take down the Japs’ weapons. But now Xu Yihang has been seriously injured and cannot take on this important task

, so this heavy burden falls on Xu Jingchuan. Xu Erhang, as an auxiliary brother and sister, was quickly Send it to the designated place. Since Qing Shui is a rare master, in order to prevent Xu Jingchuan from being distracted, there can only be two of them, his brother and his sister.

The rest must leave. He may not be able to defeat Qing Shui 23. If you don’t take action, your brother will probably die. Well, I know Qing Shui too. The road we took to live up to expectations was the road our army expected. While the car was blocked by a big pit,

Xu Jingchuan spoke a beautiful voice. Qing Shui closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound. He was intoxicated by the sound. Soon Qing Shui came to Xu Jingchuan , and Xu Jingchuan was not polite. He gave him a meeting gift , but Qing Shui easily dodged

It. A life and death battle was about to take place , but because Qing Shui was in the light and Xu Jingchuan was in the dark , this would make Qing Shui very passive . After taking Qing Shui’s head, Xu Jingchuan used a dummy to distract him, and then

Struck out with a fatal sword attack several times in a row, but failed to kill Qing Shui. After getting it clear, Xu Jingchuan spent all his life. He jumped up and spun in the air while kicking the opponent’s face. Qing Shui was kicked several meters away and then became silent.

Xu Jingchuan cautiously stepped forward to see if he could open it. At the moment when he was sitting on the mat, he was dumbfounded that Qing Shui had disappeared. Then things took a big turn. Now Xu Jingchuan was in the light. The wooden stake suddenly appeared, making him unprepared and exposed Qing Shui

‘s death. Not only did the sudden attack fail to capture Xu Jingchuan, but he was beaten all over the floor. Xu Jingchuan didn’t want to play with him anymore and wanted to step forward. The result was that the moment he took action, Qingshui, this common man, actually played

Tricks on Xu Jinchuan. While staying, an arrow suddenly appeared and broke the existing situation. Qing Shui knew that he was now incapable of defeating the darkness, so he left with his tail between his legs . Don’t indulge him. Er Xing took action in time to save his brother

, but Xu Jinchuan thought that Qing Shui was already dead. If he has no fighting ability, you have to kill him , but Erxing’s weakness made him give up such a good opportunity. In the end, Qingshui successfully returned to his own territory. But on the way back to Chengde, they

Unexpectedly encountered a group of ghosts. The eldest lady of the Rong family was not bad at shooting. She used crazy damage against the little devils. Besides that, she also did not forget to show off her identity. In this way, 10 ghosts were wiped out by him just for a so-called plan.

He wanted Xu Yihang to do it. Let go of the hatred of being exterminated because Rong Shi wants to save Lu Liangbiao, which is impossible. Rong Shi knows that it will be difficult to convince Xu Yihao, but Suo Jie said that Lu Liangbiao is a talent. If the Volunteer Army rescues him,

Then the crime of Lu Liangbiao colluding with the Volunteer Army will be confirmed. Only then can the Rong family escape from the rescue. Your suspicions, my family, relatives, friends , and some people I have never met before, I watched them fall one by one in front of me.

256 of them all came for me and died for me . They cannot be as rational and calm as you, Xu Yihang. The description is very clear that it is impossible to let go of hatred for Lu Liangbiao, but Suo Jie mentioned what if it was to save the Rong family.

At this time, Xu Yihang hesitated, but in order to prevent the Rong family from taking risks again , he proposed to change his place and tell the address to Zhumu , all the little devils will go to him , and Rong Shi’s plan to save Lu Liangbiao will be half successful.

Your current physical condition can no longer shoot arrows. I can see Yi Xing’s determined attitude. Rong Shi had no choice but to promise that Xu Yihang would find a place to stay soon. He made all preparations to ensure that the little devil would never come back.

But Zhu Mu seemed to know Rong Shi’s plan. He came to Lu Liangbiao and told him that tonight would be In a sleepless night, your friends will come to save you. If someone comes to save you, kill me and I will die with no regrets. The eye-catching judgment is

That Lu Liangbiao is regarded as a real traitor . Lu Liangbiao’s words made him hesitate, but anyway, tonight’s battle It is unavoidable for Rong to use a chessboard to analyze the current situation. This is the city gate. This is the Summer Resort. This is No. 18 Tongzi Street.

No. 18 Tongzi is Xu Yihang’s location. The reason why it is arranged near the city gate is to make it more efficient to get out of the city . They also set up a formation that was exactly the same as Rong Shi’s. What Rong Shi didn’t expect was that

Zhu Mu brought back a large group of people from outside. The people at the gate of the city can crush all the forces. According to the current situation, Rong Shi knew that he had been fooled. We were fooled, and Woodpecker was fooled. This old fox deliberately let out the wind

To make all the Japanese and puppet troops in the city come out . He went to encircle and suppress the volunteer army just to lure us upstairs. Now as soon as the volunteer army enters the city gate, we will be eaten by them. So 600 people ambush 800 at the city gate.

Seeing the current situation at the summer resort, Zuo Jie suggested that it was too late to cancel the plan, but was rejected by the Rong family. Now it is better to send Xu Yihang out first. This way, there will be no worries when taking action.

The kid in the city will have to rely on the Rong family to solve the problems in the city. Although the Kwantung Army is many , they are just a handful of pawns , and these pawns have to defend so many places, especially the arsenal. They must not have any more trouble,

So this squadron should be unbeatable , but they have basic skills at every point . It is estimated that Xu Jinchuan is seriously injured, Xu Yihang has lost his combat effectiveness , and Xu Erhang does not dare to kill people . Zhumu should not leave too many troops

To deal with them , so there is only one way to make Zhumu Chun think that Xu Erhang starts killing and Erhang starts killing. Borrowing Er Xing’s sword to destroy the Japanese, Master Rong considered everything and now it’s time to see how Zhu Mu will make a move. Two people who usually fight

Openly and secretly want to show off on the battlefield . This big traitor who is a seller seeking glory finally failed. He escaped Xu Yihang’s trial and allowed this cowardly man to appear in Xu Yihang’s sight. It was all created by Rong Shi. In order to mobilize the little devil’s troops,

Rong Shi asked his subordinates to insert Xu Erhang’s sword into the little devil’s throat. After the little devil found out, Rong Shi reported to Zhumu that his brother had discovered the traces of Xu Erhang. My people saw Xu Erhang outside the Chengnan Tea Shop. When and where were my people 5 minutes ago

? Let your people keep an eye on me. The person will be here soon. In order to let his brother do whatever he wants outside , Rong Shi specially emphasized that my brother must see clearly when he is working for you . In this way,

The Rong family is equivalent to getting a gold medal to avoid death. Although Zhu Mu He hesitated , but his stupidity still agreed to Rong Shi’s proposal , and the people he sent to inspect the scene naturally came to nothing. It was this operation that Rong had tried many times, and successfully

Mobilized the Japanese troops so that they could not look at each other . And like this Jaguar continued to attack, and two more brothers succeeded in the north of the city. Zojie suggested that he should not play like this anymore , otherwise the old fox Zhumu would wake up.

Rongshi also knew that it was time to stop , but the last card must be drawn . It is to expose Xu Yihang’s position. As long as Zhumu sees Xu Yihang, his brother will come home safely . Congratulations to Mr. Jiang. The good news has finally come. Thank you, President Rong

. You seem to have been reporting good news to me. Mr. Jiang , Xu Erhang ran into the ruling west. A private house on the street , and Xu Yihang was also suspicious of Rong’s continuous clues . Rong said that my people would personally lead the team to confirm

That the Xu sisters were inside, and I immediately released Young Master Rong . Thank you to the Xu sisters. The address Rong Shi reported to Zhu Mu at No. 18 Tongzi Street this time is true . Now it’s up to Xu Yihang himself. This is what Rong Shi is most worried about.

Because Xu Yihang’s injury hasn’t healed yet, he doesn’t know if the group can carry it down on the other side. Zhumu began to deploy the encirclement and suppression of the Xu sisters. He sent two lines of communication troops to go back and look for the second line of troops

. Unexpectedly, Rong Shi had already reached this point and set up an ambush on the road . All the people sent out were killed by Rong Shi. The men solved it one by one , which forced the little devil to use the troops at the city gate. The city gate showed

The ratio of a squadron of the Kwantung Army to a battalion of the puppet army . About 6 people went towards Tongzi Street. Molten Stone looked at the trend on the chessboard. Now only Xu Yihang If there is a fight there , all the soldiers that Zhumu sent before will rush there

, so that the city gate will have no fighting ability. But the people who need molten stone are in the city, disrupting the deployment of the little devils. It’s time for our people to dispatch the little devils on the other side. A large group of people were already approaching Xu Yihang

, and Xu Yihang’s superhuman hearing sensed all this. The people in the molten stone immediately stepped forward to greet me when they saw the little devil. They are people from the guesthouse. They are still inside. The commander ordered that he must see them. You can get it,

But if you want to come forward to check it out, you have to put on ordinary people’s clothes. Just like this, Rong Shi’s men pretended to be debt collectors and knocked on Xu Yihang’s door. Because this was a predetermined code, Xu Yihang opened the door without hesitation and his The appearance

Of a person who looked like Xu Erhang in the distance convinced the two explorers. But at the moment when the door was closed, Xu Yihang went out from the secret passage according to the original plan and arrived at the place prepared

In advance. Here, they could clearly see what they had seen before. In order to capture the Xu sisters, the Wuhan University went into battle personally. At this time, Xu Yihang was already ready. As the bomb was thrown, Xu Yihang shot out an arrow and let the grenade fly again

. At the same time, the bomb hit the ground and the car was blown into the air. The two idiots played a free roller coaster . The moment the car landed , Xu Yihang made a decisive move with his sword and penetrated directly into the throat of the puppet army. Xu Yihang

Finally put an end to this scum who betrayed his father. But for the sake of the overall situation, he did not fight with the little devil. Lian Zhan came from the tunnel to another place and met Rong Shi’s brother. But just when they were about to leave, Xu Yihang suddenly stopped the brothers.

It turned out that a group of Japs were rushing towards them to attack them. They found us . They may not necessarily want to surround the little brother from here. Faced with the sudden appearance of the Japs, the group was ready to fight with them. They fight to the end, seize the bunker

And prepare to fight. It’s great. No shooting is allowed without my order. All brothers are ready. As long as the little devil dares to come in , there will be no return for them. Xu Hang warmly starts the fight. Now Xu Yihang

Is in the eyes of the little devil. It was the King of Hell who was asking for his life, but his superior did not give them a chance to survive and forced them to attack with guns . This group of devils undoubtedly became cannon fodder.

When Xu Yihang saw that the time had come, he shot an arrow and at the same time let his brothers start fighting. The brothers had already restrained themselves. I couldn’t help but hit the little Japs with all their strength, plus a line of arrows,

Which made it impossible for the Japs to attack for a while. On the other side , in order to prevent the Japs from supporting our army, we put on Japs’ clothes and rushed to support them. The people tried to block it, but it was not enough. I wanted them

To fight dog-eat-dog. They had to first block their sight , and then use the same method to attract the Japs to greet our troops at the evacuation site . In this way, the two groups of Japs started biting each other. This is not done. It’s not easy for Xu Yihang here.

Due to the long battle, his wounds began to hurt again, which made his combat effectiveness completely useless. The enemy’s attacks never stopped. The brothers outside were also defeated. One after another, brothers fell down . Xu Yihang In an instant, he burst into tears.

He knew that these people had sacrificed their lives to save him, and the evil deeds of the little devil were still going on. Xue Yehang was angry. He could not allow anyone to die for him anymore . He tried his best to give justice to the devil. But there were too many Japs.

Even with Gatlin’s assistance , the Japs could not be eliminated. Soon Gatling’s bullets were all shot out, and Xu Yihang’s sword was gone. This gave the little Japs an opportunity. Xu Yihang knew it. This time he was doomed. He felt very guilty about the people around him. He thought he had harmed him.

I finally won the battle and finally avenged my grandfather. This sentence was the inner voice of many people. It was also the voice of Xu Yihang. They had done it at this moment. He was ready to make sacrifices. Just as the Japanese were slowly approaching,

The gunfire suddenly appeared and directly wiped out the Japanese group. Don’t shoot, Miss. Don’t give up. The person coming was none other than Miss Xu Jiajun, who was hiding beside the Japanese. He led the

3rd regiment under Brigadier Xu of the garrison. Zhao Zhengwen, platoon leader of the 3rd platoon of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Company, and deputy platoon leader Zhang Chengwu reported to the eldest lady. Xu Yihang couldn’t believe that his father’s soldiers were still alive. With the guidance of others, he came outside

And realized that everything was really his father’s. The Xu family army is still here. We didn’t hurt you just now, right? Without the eldest lady, we have already planned to hide behind them and annihilate them all at the critical moment. With the joining of these people, Xu Yihang will not just seek revenge.

He will lead his father’s soldiers. Drive the little Japs out. Xu Yihang is no longer in danger here. Rongshi’s housekeepers took action. They wore Japs’ costumes, picked up the brothers, and went straight to the Japs’ headquarters . Since we have a brother who can speak Japanese

, he successfully entered the Japs’ base camp . Their The goal is to rescue Lu Liangbiao. Lu Liangbiao was originally a Japs. Now he has been unjustly imprisoned . As long as he is rescued, the Japs will recognize his crime

, and Rong Shi will get rid of the suspicion in front of Zhu Mu. This is the last move. He involves Rong. The lifeline of the family. Who would like to see someone familiar die beside him? Who would be indifferent? Who would not feel uncomfortable?

Xu Yihang is not ready to join the volunteer army because he can no longer see anyone dying for him. When Rong Shi died , he was angry with him because his brothers were not afraid of sacrificing themselves in order to complete their mission . Their deaths were not just for you, Xu Yihang,

But to save more people from the sea of ​​suffering. Rong Shi’s every word was like a knife that cut deep. Deeply penetrated into Xu Yihang’s heart. Since Japan entered Chengde, each of our lives no longer belongs to us. As long as we can drive the Japanese out of Chengde and out of China

, we can die at any time . Do you think you have killed a few Japanese? You are fine. After paying off the debt, I tell you that you can’t repay Rong Shi’s anger because he wants to tell Xu Yihang that your reputation is a hero in the eyes of thousands of people

In Rehe , not a selfish ghost who only knows revenge . Hearing Rong Shi’s scolding, Xu Yihang also With some motivation, he saw the other side of Rong Shi for the first time , because the usual impression of Rong Shi on Xu Yihang was that of a playboy who couldn’t even speak clearly.

It was Rong Shi. These words made him think differently because Rong Shi That’s right, this is war . Everyone can die , including him, Rongshi. Rongshi’s anger completely awakened the sleeping No. 1. He followed Rongshi’s wishes and joined the volunteers , but he still kept a certain distance from his concern. I’m sorry

. Is what you said just now right ? Although Yihang has always kept a distance from Rong Shi , Rong Shi’s words have taken root in his heart . From that moment on, Xu Yihang has quietly buried a love in his heart. Although he hasn’t felt the seed yet,

It’s because his heart can’t hold anyone else and he can’t forget his newlywed husband , but there is no problem in joining the volunteer army to resist the little devils. Just like that, Xu Hang and his group left domineeringly, and these two bitches Ignorant of life and death

, they began to attack them , and the volunteers outside the city had already prepared a response. Seeing the Japanese soldiers who were chasing them, they began to carry out a powerful blockade. The people in the car also began to attack , ah, looking for death.

Now, the little Japanese have become turtles in the urn, and are in our army. In the state of unilateral crushing, more than half of the Japs had been killed and wounded. Only a few people escaped with their tails between their legs. Dragon Stone and Takeki Junichi looked like a smokeless battle .

It can be said to be a complete victory , and Takeki would be the effective influence of the entire war zone. A team of 5,000 people actually let 300 people from Molten Stone hang and fight . What’s even more annoying is that he still doesn’t know who is going against him. He asked

The brothers to load the bullets. Someone dares to embarrass our Rong family brothers and fight him to load the bullets. The reason why Rong Shi dared to fight openly with the Japanese was because Junichi Zhumu also came to pay homage to his brother at his funeral

. But his purpose was because someone pretended to be a Japanese and rescued their important prisoner. In the process of rescuing people, he said one thing: He wanted to investigate Rong Shi’s brother. Rong Shi knew that this old man came with bad intentions, so he could only agree, but under this premise,

He must meet his two conditions. What conditions are the first generals ? You must clearly tell your men not to frame my brother casually just to find a way out for themselves . Otherwise, I will never let Cha Ning turn over. Second , I will personally watch with the general

To prevent anyone from cheating. Zhumu easily agreed to these two suggestions. Seeing Zhumu’s attitude, Rongshi nodded and agreed to his investigation. But at the critical moment, Wu Da played a trick. He told his soldiers to identify anyone if there was no such voice. In case his boss couldn’t get off,

The soldiers panicked and said they wouldn’t hear it. Next time Masak comes, I’ll take care of you. But how did he know that Rong Shi has many talents around him? Wu Da originally thought that what he did was perfect, but Rong Shi was quick. Let him take care of

Geng Yu and what they said. Lieutenant General Iguchi told the favored Jiro that according to the pre-plan , if you can’t identify him, just identify one to avoid the general being unable to come to Taiwan . Jiro asked them if they would hear what they were passing by. Zhongzuo said don’t worry,

They don’t understand Japanese. Such words made Rong Shi have his nature. He ordered his men to load their bullets. If anyone dares to embarrass our Rong family brothers, you will shoot me to death. Load the bullets. The brothers’ formations have been set up . Rong Shi doesn’t want to stay any longer

, but he is blocked by Zhu Mu. Junyi was stopped, please stay. In order to continue to investigate Eishi’s brother, he glared at Wu Da Kaneki Masaza next to him. ” Don’t you understand Chinese? Why did you give such an order to Jiro Dazhong?

You were not the one who issued the order just now .” I didn’t hear what I was pretending to be a grandson. When these words came out, Wu Da was a little reluctant to know that the little devil had the final say in Chengde now , but Zhumu was not angry

And drove Wu Da out of the scene. Seeing Zhumu’s attitude, Long Shi knew that this old man He would not give up until he checked. Zhumu’s investigation was followed by Zhumu’s default. Then Rongshi’s brothers stood in a row to accept the little devil’s confirmation. Soon Rongshi’s brothers were all confirmed.

Rongshi knew it was time to intervene. Thank you for helping me filter. After looking at my brother, before, I really couldn’t find any excuse to examine him. These words undoubtedly told Zhumu that my people are all good people. When Rongshi proposed to leave, Zhumu motioned to the front

Because There were two other people who didn’t confirm who heard the sound. The little devil shook his head. It was obvious that he wasn’t. When Suo Jie made the sound, he was startled. The sound flashed in his mind for an instant , but Suo Jie was an old

Man. Screaming from the bottom of his heart, everyone focused on the little devil. Maybe he heard too much. He shook his head and denied Suo Jie’s voice. Long Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief , but Zhu Mu proposed to go with Long Shi in order to save face. Shan

Liao Longshi signaled his younger brother to leave the Second Young Master’s backlash, which has always been very strong. If he is not strictly disciplined, he will probably bring trouble to President Rong. How can the Rong family give him such an opportunity? He said that the reason why my brother treats you like this

Is because you bully others too much. But sometimes I will support him . Why is it because Rong Shu is doing things for the people ? The Xu family sisters want me. For the sake of the banyan tree, my life will be saved. Such an answer left Zhumu speechless. He

Was still a little young in the fight with the banyan stone, so he said that the more he goes too far with you, the safer I will be. In this way, the banyan tree wins again. Erhang, who had always been weak , finally took action , but every arrow he shot

Only blew out the tires of the car. As long as the team escorting supplies stopped, the little Japanese would get out of the car and fight back. Our army’s machine gunners began to take action. Before the little devils could figure out what was going on, they had already suffered more than half

Of their casualties. In order to prevent more casualties, they ran to the other side of the vehicle as a bunker. Then the second line used their swords to teleport the grenades to them. Flowers blossomed on the spot. With the continuous output of the second line,

The little devils’ territory was instantly a sea of ​​​​fire. All the vehicles transporting troops were destroyed by the second line. Only the vehicles transporting supplies were left . The little devils also used these vehicles as bunkers to fight back against the opposite side.

But they didn’t know that there were already ambushes behind them. The second line of troops radiated the signal to attack. Zhang He and others began to unilaterally crush the little devils. Everyone had their own goals , and these little devils were stunned . There were sparks everywhere .

As soon as they came down, the remaining little Japs were forced back to the other side. At this time, Zhang He and his group also stopped shooting. Then they left it to the people on this side to shoot 2 lines of butterfly dancing swords. As soon as

The machine gun team received the order, they began to fire. The powerful attack was so exciting that a group of Japanese soldiers who got off the bus were completely wiped out when our army was flanked by two sides. But it was

N’t over yet. There were still some people who didn’t get off the bus . Now we have to be patient. Whoever moves first will die. But In order for our army to not be affected by the outside world, Xu Yihang went to block the Japanese who came to support them.

This group of Ergouzi was not stupid. When the leader heard the gunshots stopped, he knew that the Japanese were more likely to be destroyed , so he asked the people around him to lead the team to resist. The time has come for this fool who thought he had made a meritorious service. Brothers,

It’s time for us to show our faces. Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? This person may have never studied . They have been targeted by Xu Yihang and his group for a long time , but they didn’t expect that they haven’t waited yet. Hit them with Xu Yihang’s whistle.

When they see blood, it scares the shit out of them. Oh Xu Hang, oh , don’t run. Come back. If you don’t run, stay here by yourself. All of you don’t want to be the one who falls under Xu Yihang’s sword. Only this one doesn’t. After studying, I

Wanted to challenge Xu Yihang’s prowess and fired a gun to ask the brothers to come back. This made the hygienist angry and just shot him a few times. Since he only knows how to treat patients, he still needs to practice his marksmanship.

But he had no intention of letting go of this arrogant Ergou. He went straight down the mountain to have a sex with him. The hygienist who came down raised his hand and shot the Ergouzi. He cooperated very well and received the lunch box on the spot

. The rest of the food was taken away with his tail between his legs and he ran away . Such a sword and a gun stopped their support , and the little devils here launched a closed design against our army.

Zhang He and others made the sound of being beaten according to the original plan. It’s time to do this . Ah, ah, hurry up and shout for medicine. Ah, this can paralyze the little devils . When the sound stops, the little devils will think that our army has been wiped out.

They will boldly get out of the car and then give them a pot. In the end, these devils were beaten by our army without any precautions. This time, the little devils are treated in a pot. No one was injured in the ambush , but while they were sorting out their supplies,

The traitor Lu Liangbiao took advantage of the gap when all our troops were fighting the Japanese and kidnapped the guards. He wanted to go back to Chengde , even if he would be misunderstood by Zhumu when he went back, he had to do it at any cost

Because The eldest brother who saved his life is still on duty with the Japanese. He cannot betray his eldest brother, but this time he will go back and do more harm than good. The two rich siblings took the information as if it was a joke and didn’t even care if anyone followed

Them. At the moment when it is easy to get the information , the hidden people suddenly appear and steal the information. The people who control them are the little devil’s spies. The reason why the rich siblings appear here is because our army successfully captured the little devil’s important troops.

Such a great joy must be Inform Rong Shi in the city. At this moment, the Rong family is also waiting for the good news. Seeing that the predetermined time has come, Rong asked his younger brother to get the information back. Wait, Rong Yi, you will also follow. Be careful about what Yiba and

His sister will do this time. The action was full of confidence , but Junichi Takeki did not expect that his team was all eaten by the volunteers. How much the enemy paid, 120 people were all alive. Hearing this, Takeki was also surprised. After the surprise , he became suspicious of

Wu Da. There must be a traitor here. There must be a traitor. It is impossible for our army to completely wipe out the other side without any casualties. I have never heard of such a thing. There is a sprained foot . This battle can be said to be the greatest insult to Zhumu

, but it can be When the battle ended like this, Zhumu must be a master. He couldn’t doubt that it was Rong Shi. During their analysis, someone came to Bao Rong’s family. The eldest lady and the second young master appeared

On the opposite side. Wu Tong, Gao, I went to the mysterious place. This order is for you and him. Ha, and this The two siblings acted like nothing was wrong. Although Rongshu had doubted whether the two rickshaw drivers on the opposite side were tails,

It was easy to think that it might be sent for fun. In this way, the two siblings started to collect information with great fanfare. But unexpectedly, when the information was obtained, the Japs’ people also appeared. The banyan tree also resisted. However, the people sent by the Japs were all elites.

The banyan tree was quickly subdued , but their capture was something Rong Shi never expected, and Zhu Mu took it . According to the information obtained, the Great Sage above represents the Great Sage of our army. At this time, the Rong family

Also knew the news about the Great Sage of the Volunteer Army through another channel. Not only that, the Volunteer Army has returned to the base area. If this is true, the news about Zhang He should have arrived. At this time, Rong and Suo Jie realized that

Something might have happened to the banyan tree. They quickly sent someone to check on the banyan tree. It would be easier for me to go there myself. By the time Suo Jie came here, the Rong family siblings were already gone. Only Suo Jie ‘s eyes were left with the banyan tree.

When he picked up his eyes, he suddenly realized that this meant that he was late. At this time, the two siblings were being brainwashed by Zhu Mu. As long as you say so , as long as you and your brother are willing to continue doing things for me,

I can do what you did before. Everything was wiped out. At this time, Yongyi knew that Zhumu was setting him up. Even if he had to use the cruelest image on him, he couldn’t reveal anything about his brother. But the little devil didn’t show mercy and

Released the military dogs to start tearing him apart. Every bite of the military dog’s bite stung my brother’s heart. Under this inhumane torture, the banyan tree gave in. I said, I said it, Mom, tell me, even if I am killed by him in seconds , you can’t wrongly accuse a good person. It’s

Easy to make my brother sober. He came over and said that what my sister and I did had nothing to do with anyone else , but this was not what Zhumu wanted. He thought he could not get emotional , but now he could only continue to follow the military dogs biting

The banyan tree. His eyes were red from the sight, but He thought about what he had robbed, and he must remember the community Baoshuai. The community Baoshuai is handsome to the eldest young master. When he saw his sister was about to be tortured to death by military dogs,

His last line of defense could no longer be defended. I said don’t shake it. I said it. I said yes. Suo Jie , I want to kill Suo Jie, ah , ah, don’t wrong a good person . Although Rongshu confessed Suo Jie, what Zhumu wanted was Rongshi. What role does Rongshi play here

? You did Suo Jie because you wanted to keep your brother ’s move. Called Sheju Baoshuai, right? Although Rongshu confessed to the robbery , he knew that his brother must not peck the wood and continue to attack Rongshu’s brain. He could not command without your brother’s permission. He was in front of

Your brother’s men. My brother’s banner is made, then I don’t understand why Suo Jie did these things. He is Bao Zheng Rongshu. This sentence gave Zhumu a certain amount of capital. There is no need to ask further . Suo Jie has already been prepared to sacrifice.

But Rongshi thinks that it’s not that time yet. As long as Suojie leaves Chengde, he will blame Suojie and he will be out of the current predicament. But Suojie has made up his mind. Rongshi can’t watch his brother being caught and force him with a gun. Suo Jie left, young master, I know

You won’t shoot your brother. Suo Jie has been with Rong Shi for so many years and can be said to be Rong Shi’s half-confidant. But now the little devil has arrived at the cafe, and now it’s too late to leave even if he wants to. Everywhere you can go out in the cafe

Is surrounded by Japanese soldiers. Tighten your lower body, Young Master, don’t hide. I’m afraid Suo Jie won’t be able to leave this time . So Jie , run, run, run. Rongmu Chuyi lets him go. We are just two children, Suo Jie. Young Master, I’m sorry. At

This moment, Rong Shi knew that Suo Jie was trying not to implicate himself. The puppet army who wanted to blame everything on himself saw this posture and hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him. Unexpectedly, he became Suo Jie’s hostage . How could the little devil compromise because of a puppet army?

Zuo Jie slowly moved to the rear . The time came to give Zhumu a shot , but he was blocked by Zhumu. He threw the puppet soldiers out and escaped through the window. Then Wu Da did not hesitate and chased him out. During the chase,

Zuo Jie shot back with a backhand. The gun hit Wu Da’s leg. The little devil also shot back. Two people fell to their knees at the same time . Wu Da wanted to take another shot. Rong rushed over in time to block the fatal shot. Young Master Suo Jie

Shot me . Don’t do it. Let me fall into the hands of the Japanese. Faced with such a request, it was impossible for Rong Shi to do it , but Zhumu brought his sister and brother to the scene.

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