[Review Phim] Những Báo Thủ Ẩn Danh Đi Học | Review Phim Hàn Hay

The girl’s body smelled bad because she was running in the rain to class. She even felt a bit cilantro because her clothes were drenched in sweat. That’s why the girl borrowed her new friend’s uniform to wear temporarily to reduce the smell. After borrowing clothes, she immediately went to the bathroom to change.

She had no idea that the class’s cat-headed bully was watching her. Luckily, the class president saw something was wrong. The class president immediately ran to block the bully’s path. He wondered what bad intentions the gang had in mind when he followed someone’s daughter to the bathroom like that.

Seeing other people poking their noses into my business, the bully gets very angry with me. He immediately invited the class president to the field behind the school to talk privately.

It was said that it was a private conversation, but actually the bully called the class president out here to teach him what a festival is. Who would have thought that the class president looked bewildered like a shaking dog, but he was actually a sleepy-headed master.

With just a few simple movements, the class president beat the bully to call his father and mother. After a few heavy punches, the bully officially fainted. The angry class president punched the tree behind him so hard that each grain of wood broke in half. The tree also followed suit and fell.

The class president doesn’t look very smart, but he has special powers like many other superheroes. This curly-haired boy was born with an extremely special superpower. Every time he feels excited and happy about something, his body will float like a balloon.

For this reason, since birth until now, his mother has always had to carry him on her back. The mother thought that only by doing so would the boy not fly away, and only by doing so would her son be absolutely safe.

Not only that, his mother also rented a factory with a dome to prevent her little son from flying high into the sky. Ms. Hao Phong paid 3 years of rent so that the boss and others could not come to this place. Time passes quickly like a dog running in the field.

The boy grew bigger and bigger, and his body gradually became as heavy as an elephant. At this time, the boy’s mother suddenly realized that she could not carry her child all her life. So she bought a pair of heavy dumbbells to put on the boy’s feet.

Furthermore, she carefully placed the rope on the boy’s body to make sure. She wanted her little boy to learn how to move on his own. But after walking a short distance, the boy would float in mid-air. To make a living, the boy’s mother opened a restaurant selling fried meat to serve every meal.

Until now the boy still has to stay in his room for an entire day. The mother absolutely forbade the boy to go out and play with his peers. But when he reaches school age, he still has to go to school and class like any other child.

One afternoon, while standing in the playground, the boy accidentally saw a friend disguised as a superhero standing high up and jumping really hard. This somewhat naughty action was met with a chorus of cheers from his friends standing below.

In the eyes of adults, that is stupid play, but in the eyes of children, that action is as cool as a gourd. Because he also wanted the candle to flow with the four words of brilliant aura, the boy immediately took off his leg chains and climbed up very high.

Then he flew to the ground like a true superhero. This extraordinary action made friends around him exclaim in admiration. But in the distance, a mysterious man accidentally saw and discovered the boy’s superpowers. Immediately after that, the homeroom teacher invited the boy’s mother to school to reprimand him.

The boy’s actions made other classmates race to catch him first. As a result, a friend was seriously injured. When he went out, his mother scolded him and slapped him. This is not the time for you to brag about your superpowers.

If you do so, not only will you not be rewarded, but it will also hurt your friends around you mentally and physically. That’s not what a superhero should do. After being scolded by his mother, the angry boy ran to the terrace and cried loudly.

Because of his excitement, the boy was thrown into the sky in the middle of a night of heavy rain and wind. Fortunately, the boy was quick to cling to a rope. Luckily, his mother appeared in time to pull him back to the sad and loving land.

If his mother hadn’t appeared, I don’t know which planet the boy would have flown to. The name of the boy who possesses this superpower is Kim Bongseok. Time passes day by day and now Bongseok has grown up. Just then, Bongseok became a 12th grade student.

Every day, Bongseok’s mother forced her son to eat a lot so that he could gain a super weight. Only then will it be difficult for Bongseok to float in mid-air. Not only that, every day she stuffed Bongseok’s backpack with giant super heavy weights.

Of course, Bongseok’s feet cannot lack two pieces of iron that he has always carried with him since childhood. Thanks to that, Bongseok gradually integrated into the community, and his life was no longer too different from his friends of the same age.

Except that Bongseok always has to carry a suffocatingly heavy backpack on his body. While riding the bus to school, Bongseok accidentally saw a girl using all her strength to chase the bus. Seeing that pretty girl was also on the same bus as him, Bongseok was quite excited.

But the girl’s riding card ran out of money. Oh how rural it is! Uncle Tai was about to chase her out of the bus when Bongseok generously paid for the bus fare for her. After a short conversation with the purpose of getting used to Bongseok’s eyes,

He accidentally fell in love with her friend’s beautiful features. Because he was so confused, Bongseok almost floated in mid-air. Bongseok immediately mumbled the pi number in his mouth to distract his attention. He did so just because he didn’t want people to know that he could float.

Going to class, Bongseok drank a giant bottle of water in one gulp. Every day before going to school, his mother told Bongseok to drink lots of water to maintain his weight. Not long after, the homeroom teacher led a girl Bongseok had just met on the bus to class.

She is a new student transferring to this school. Her name is Jang Hee Soo. Bongseok was once again fascinated by Hee Soo’s beauty in rowing. His body once again lost weight. Bongseok recited the familiar pi mantra again to prevent his loss of control.

Even though Hee Soo is a new student, she is loved by her homeroom teacher more than other students. The homeroom teacher also personally asked class monitor Kang Hoon to lead Hee Soo to the gym. Not only that, Hee Soo also gets to keep the key to the gym so she can practice comfortably.

The homeroom teacher did so just because he wanted to help Hee Soo take the entrance exam to Seoul University of Sports and Physical Education. Not long after, the class president came to the teacher’s room to talk to the homeroom teacher.

The class president is curious to know if Hee Soo possesses super powers like him or not. The homeroom teacher said the two of them are similar, Kang Hoon still needs to keep an eye on Hee Soo. Who would have thought that this stupid class representative Kang Hoon would possess special super powers.

Hee Soo is currently living with her father. Hee Soo’s father is a chicken who doesn’t raise children. Every day he has to run meals every day to earn money to support his daughter. At this time, Hee Soo’s father was planning to open a fried chicken shop to make a living.

That’s why Hee Soo and her father moved to this street. The next day it rained, and it was still pouring rain with no signs of stopping. Bong Sae Ok is determined to wait for Hee Soo to get on the bus to school together.

But I waited and waited and still couldn’t see Hee Soo. Who would have thought that as soon as the car rolled away, Bong Sae Ok would see Hee Soo wearing a raincoat and using all her strength to run to school.

Hee Soo jogged to school because she wanted to save money on the bus. By the way, she also wants to exercise. When the two arrived at school, the homeroom teacher started the countdown to close the gate. Hee Soo flicked him lightly, but Bong Sae Ok was thrown a few meters away.

Bong Sae Ok’s elbow fell on the road until she bled. Because of this, both of them were punished by their homeroom teacher to clean the bathroom after class. Who said why come to school late? Returning to the classroom, the homeroom teacher asked where Kisoo, the bully, was not present in the classroom.

Kang Hoon frankly replied that Kisoo didn’t feel well so he left first. After finishing the morning class, Bong Sae Ok invited Hee Soo to clean the toilet together to complete the punishment for being late to school this morning. However, Hee Soo invited Bong Sae Ok to go shopping for uniforms with her.

After buying uniforms, the two of them went to the convenience store to eat noodles. The two sat down to talk to better understand each other’s family situation. While we were having a drunken conversation, we saw the gang leader Kisoo with a face full of injuries walking away.

Bong Sae Ok was about to come and ask but was stopped by Hee Soo. After that, the two continued to chat very well and happily. When returning to school, Hee Soo confided to Bong Sae Ok that she still didn’t dare tell her father about her move to the sports market.

Bong Sae Ok immediately encouraged Hee Soo to muster up the courage to tell her father the truth. “If he sees that you are determined, your father will definitely support you.” Entering the classroom, Kang Hoon immediately asked if the two of you seemed to get along very well, right? Hee Soo immediately answered yes.

Our families both run shops and neither of us have any friends. Hearing that, Kang Hoon felt a little jealous. After that, can you two go to the bathroom to complete the mission? At this time, Bong Sae Ok went into the men’s restroom to clean up.

He took off his heavy backpack and happily cleaned it. But Hee Soo suddenly walked in, making Bong Sae Ok startled. Then Hee Soo applied wound disinfectant to Bong Sae Ok’s elbow.

The first time she had physical contact with the opposite sex, Bong Sae Ok tried her best to chant a spell to prevent her body from flying. As soon as Hee Soo stepped outside, Bong Sae Ok’s body began to fall off the ground and swing suspended.

The water hose splashed and made Bong Sae Ok as wet as a rat. At this time, at Bong Sae Ok’s mother’s restaurant, there were many customers coming to enjoy fried meat. That night, Bong Sae Ok’s mother was busy and had no free time.

However, the situation at Hee Soo’s father’s chicken shop is completely reversed. Hee Soo’s father struggled to make two large batches of fried chicken but waited forever without any customers. There was only one call, but it wasn’t from a customer who ordered chicken.

The caller is again a new marketing person and an old bird. Hee Soo came home and saw her father devouring chicken thighs without rice. She entered the house and remembered her friend Bong Sae Ok’s words of encouragement.

Hee Soo mustered up the courage to confess to her father that she wanted to change her direction to enter a sports university. After listening, he was extremely surprised. However, Hee Soo said that she wanted to study that field because she didn’t have to spend money on tutoring.

Not only that, but when you go to university, you don’t have to pay tuition fees. Then Hee Soo said goodbye to her father to go home first. This long-haired uncle is a Korean-American. He just arrived in Korea to carry out the mission assigned by his organization. In fact, he is a skilled assassin.

Every day he pretends to be a shipper to track down and eliminate all people with special super powers. When he first came to Korea, his uncle was assigned the task of eliminating a director. This director possesses greater strength than others.

After learning that the assassin was planning to send him off to visit the king, the director immediately beat him to death. But the long-haired assassin is more dangerous. He got up and stabbed the director once. Then the assassin asked if you had any children? The director scolded the assassin for being a bastard.

After hearing this, the assassin immediately chased this director down from the top of the high-rise building. Immediately news of the assassination was posted on social networks. Bong Xe Snail’s mother also read this news. She discovered a long-haired shipper appearing at the scene.

She then took out a gun and hid it under her sewing machine and proceeded to clean it thoroughly. She is ready to deal with the evil person who is about to appear. Because Bong Xe Snail’s mother also possesses a special super power.

A pair of well-balanced ears helps the snail’s mother to clearly hear sounds coming from nearby. At the same time, she also has extremely sharp eyes. She can see objects that are very far away. In the second mission, the assassin must eliminate a bookstore owner. This boss is known as an Electric Man.

Because he has the ability to recharge his own body. In order to neutralize the super power of the bookstore owner, the bookstore owner immediately took a battery and applied electricity to his body to have the strength to fight the assassin.

The electrical energy emitted from the bookstore owner caused the electrical system in the bus passing by to be disturbed. The bookstore owner repeatedly electrocuted the assassin. When he was almost about to knock down the long-haired assassin, the battery in the boss’s hand ran out of energy.

Because of that, he also ran out of electricity in his body. The assassin immediately got up and delivered a fatal blow, killing the bookstore owner. After looking at the burned photo of the bookstore owner, the assassin guessed that he had a son studying at Geongwon school. But he couldn’t see his son’s face.

The assassin then burned down the bookstore to destroy all traces. After finishing the story, he went to Geongwon High School to investigate his son’s whereabouts. Because to kill weeds, you have to kill them at the root. Once we eliminate people with superpowers, we must also eliminate their lineage. Because superpowers are genetic.

After standing and admiring in front of the school gate, he was chased away by security because he was not allowed to park his car in front of the school gate. The security guard then called someone to tell the news.

The next day, the security guard installed a camera in front of the school gate to observe. That morning, when I took the bus to school, I didn’t see the familiar driver anywhere. Snail bubbles are a bit sad. Looking outside, I saw Heesoo jogging to school and the snail felt fresh again.

That evening, while all his friends had left, Heesoo was left alone jogging around the school yard. Bong Snail saw it and immediately ran to turn on the switches of all the equipment in the school. Then he ran outside to cheer for Heesoo.

When Heesoo saw the snail’s action, he was extremely excited and excited. Currently, Heesoo also receives great attention from his homeroom teacher. He tried his best to guide his student to practice so she could pass the entrance exam to a sports university.

Because he practiced too much, when Heesoo went to the cafeteria for lunch, there was only a little food left. But the snail came to share some food with Heesoo in his big butt.

Then the homeroom teacher asked Kanghoon to go to the school’s gym to turn on the ventilation fan so Heesoo could practice easily. Kanghoon immediately went to the gym to turn on the ventilation fan. When I looked down, I saw Heesoo changing his outfit.

Kanghoon immediately met the person who came down and stood watching Heesoo practice with eyes full of affection. At this moment, the snail bubble entered. Seeing Heesoo fall from jumping high on the snail wheel, he jumped ten meters to get to Heesoo’s place. Kanghoon standing above saw everything.

Heesoo said he just fell normally and wasn’t injured. Then she continued to practice. Seeing Heesoo’s fat body, Heesoo immediately asked him to make weights to hold her legs so she could do crunches. So the snail has to face Heesoo every 2 seconds. His butt began to leave the ground.

Snail bulbs continuously meditate on staying to distract attention. After finishing the sit-ups, Heesoo asked to do one more time because the snail wheel did not reach her number of crunches. During this second time of making dumbbells, the snail was no longer able to control itself.

That’s why Heesoo’s snail balloon was thrown several meters away. At this moment, she was busy cleaning up, so they both had to go out. At this moment, Kanghoon suddenly walked out from nowhere. He jumped more than 5 meters high and imprinted his entire hand on the concrete wall.

The next day while practicing in the school’s gym, Heesoo suddenly remembered trying to bounce up to ten meters of the snail wheel. After that, Heesoo invited the snails to go to the convenience store to eat noodles. While eating noodles, Heesoo remembered that she had left the shoes her father gave her at school.

After listening to the conch bubble, he accepted the responsibility of getting Heesoo’s shoes. The school’s snail bike team came to the school during a storm to get shoes for Crack. Heesoo also followed behind.

When the snail wheel found the shoes, the two sat down on the stairs to confide. At this time, Heesoo asked the snail wheel what kind of spell he had mumbled when the snail wheel helped her meet her stomach. Snail Bong calmly replied that he only read the Pi number sequence.

Then use the screws to remove the backpack to make it less heavy. Seeing the fried band-aid on the elbow of the screw peeling off, Heesoo immediately helped him re-fry it. At this time, the snail bubble slowly flew up in the middle, causing Heesoo to just stand still and watch.

Bong Snail immediately asked Heesoo to help him get the briefcase. But the bag was too heavy for Heesoo to lift. Heesoo immediately ran up to find a launch pad and then flew to grab the leg of the snail wheel to pull him back to the ground.

After that, Heesoo immediately put on his backpack to help remove the snail and hugged him tightly so he wouldn’t fly away. But the more you hug, the higher the balloon tends to fly. Everything that has happened and is happening is recorded by the school’s cameras. So the security guard saw everything.

Then Heesoo helped the snail step by step out of the school. At this time, Heesoo’s backpack also had a backpack. But the situation has not improved much. Finally, the two arrived at Bong Xe Snail’s mother’s restaurant.

Seeing her son bring his daughter home, she was extremely surprised. She was very happy because the snail finally had a friend. Besides that, she is also a very pretty girl. Then the snail’s mother waited to treat Heesoo to a huge portion of fried meat.

Heesoo borrowed the snail’s phone to call his father to let him know that she was having dinner at a friend’s house tonight so she would be home late. Then Heesoo’s father also received an order. He had to deliver fried chicken to a shopping mall.

Snail Bong told Heesoo that because this was the first time in his life he brought a friend home, that’s why his mother was so excited. It seems like my mom thinks you’re my girlfriend. Then my mother brought out a very large plate of apples.

Even though he was very full, Heesoo still tried to eat the apple because he didn’t want to disappoint his mother. After that, Heesoo wanted to go upstairs to change because his clothes were soaked. Here, the snail car led Heesoo to tour his special bedroom.

Heesoo looked up at the ceiling and saw many foam mattresses placed up there. Bong Xe Snail said that every time I feel excited about something, my body will automatically fly up. Whenever this happens, I often mumble the numbers in the Pi sequence to regain composure.

Before, I rarely chanted that spell, but recently it’s been different. Hearing that, Heesoo immediately came closer and asked clearly we had just met but I saw you chanting that number continuously. Do you feel excited when you’re next to me? Hearing that, Bong continuously shook his head.

When Heesoo asked if he liked me, the balloon flew straight to the ceiling. The snail continued to recite the Pi number sequence and then dropped the bowl to the floor. Then he used a weight to place it on the waistband of his thigh to continue talking to Heesoo.

Snail Bong asked Heesoo how come you know my secret and aren’t you surprised? I thought you would be surprised to know that I am such a strange person. Heesoo immediately said he was surprised. But in this world there are such and such people. I will keep this secret for you.

You are not strange at all, but a very special person. Hearing that, the snail’s bubble was extremely excited. He also didn’t forget to say thank you to Heesoo. Through her favorable ear, Bong Xe Snail’s mother heard the entire conversation. She was also happy that her son had found a friend.

Then Heesoo went downstairs to say goodbye to his mother and took the snail to leave. She immediately called the car snail to send her girlfriend home. Bong held an umbrella and sent Heesoo away for a while before returning inside the house. Seeing that, the snail’s mother immediately attacked her son.

My mother asked if there was a girl who went to a boy’s house she didn’t like to play. So you stayed and talked to me for an hour. You’re too naive. Hearing that, Bong Xe Snail immediately asked his mother if she had any raincoats. I must definitely chase him.

Because he doesn’t have a phone. Then the snail car wearing a raincoat chased after the grass in the middle of a heavy rain like water. Bong also removes the weights tied to his legs so he can run faster. The snail wheel runs and flies like a jumping frog.

Heesoo turned around and saw a snail balloon flying towards him. Heesoo feels that the snail balloon is very cool. After landing in front of Heesoo, the snail immediately said to come and take him home. Seeing that his friend was so cute, Heesoo immediately smiled. Then the shuttle bus took Heesoo onto the bus.

They both looked at each other, smiled and said goodbye to each other. As soon as the bus rolled off the bus, I felt lightheaded. That’s why the snail balloon soared into the air. At this moment, the long-haired assassin received a mission to eliminate the hair salon owner at a shopping center.

After entering the hair salon, he locked the door and asked the owner to wash his hair, cut and pluck his hair. After chatting for a while, this guy asked the hair salon owner if she had any children? Is your child also studying at GeOn High School?

Hearing this, the hair salon owner immediately pulled out scissors and stabbed the assassin in the head a few times. He calmly pulled out each pair of scissors that were pinned to his head. Only then did the hair salon owner realize that this guy had the super power to restore his body.

So even if the store owner used a gun to shoot him continuously, he would not be harmed. Even using a gun loaded with bullets continuously, I couldn’t stop this guy from killing me. However, the hair salon owner still stubbornly used her see-through ability to shoot the assassin.

The shots sent the assassin flying several meters away. However, the wounds on his body eventually recovered. He got up and attacked the hair salon owner. He then continued to ask where her children were. The shop owner continued to use scissors to resist. But then he was restrained by the long-haired assassin.

At this time, the owner immediately said that you are only the 2nd generation. Then you will also go to visit the king alone. The assassin immediately said that if you have children, I will meet them at your funeral. Then the killer coldly ended the hair salon owner’s life.

Hisu’s father also came to this mall to deliver fried chicken. Just inside, he encountered the long-haired assassin. He immediately asked this guy if he knew an electrical repair shop. When the assassin turned around and left, he called him back and gave him a business card advertising his fried chicken shop.

Hisu’s father finally found a phone shop to deliver fried chicken. But unexpectedly, he encountered a group of Dukens at the front of the road to help him. They gave me a card to pay. He immediately said that his fried chicken restaurant did not have a card machine.

Hearing that, they immediately threatened to report to the police because Hisu’s father’s store was using hidden machines to evade taxes. He repeatedly apologized and told you to receive the goods first, tomorrow I will bring the card machine to you so you can pay. Saying so, he turned around and left.

The next morning, Bong Xeoc created a new hairstyle to send him out of the house. When his mother saw his new style, Bong Xeoc shyly ran to school. At this time, Bong Xe-oc’s mother read news of a murder that occurred at a hair salon at a shopping center.

Bong Xeok and Hisu had just entered the school’s gym when they saw a handprint on the wall. The important thing is that this handprint is more than 5 meters away from the ground. Hisu immediately asked Bong Xeok if he did it?

Bong Xeoc immediately said no. After that, Bong Xeo continued to support Hisu in training. Hisu criticized Bong Xeo’s hair, which didn’t look right at all. Bong Xeo shyly fixed his hair back to its original position. Hisu then told Bong Xeok a hidden secret of his.

The reason Hisu transferred to this school in the final semester was because she was expelled from her old school. Because Hisu once defeated 17 young men alone. Hisu was not injured at all while the others were seriously injured.

Hisu’s father had to pay all the hospital bills. Furthermore, he had to pay compensation so they wouldn’t report to the police. That’s why Hisu’s family is so poor. Hearing Bong Xe-oc’s song, he laughed loudly. He expressed doubts about her 17-year-old miracle.

Hisu immediately said that Bong Xe-oc could touch the sky but her body did not know what kind of injury it was. Those are secrets that only two people know. Then Hisu threw himself into practice. Bong Xeok was there to enthusiastically support Hisu.

At this time, Hisu asked Bong Xeoc, aren’t you curious about the reason why you beat 17 guys and then got expelled? Bong Xeoc said he was curious, but it was his bad memory so he didn’t ask. Hisu sat down and told Bong Xeoc his secret.

From childhood to adulthood, Hisu had to move house countless times. Hisu’s father drove her everywhere like he was running away from something. He worked in all kinds of jobs as long as he could earn money to raise Hisu. The nomadic life of father and son continued like that.

When Hisu entered high school, her father decided to stay in one place so she could focus on studying. He also found a permanent job as a mining employee. Hisu also attended a local high school. In Hisu’s class there is a young lady from a rich family. But this girl is quite calm.

This girl was also the first victim of bullies in class. They continuously solicited and took her expensive items. All friends in class know about this but no one cares about this girl. Because Hisu was so upset, he reported this to the school board.

The teacher then summons a group of rowdy students who are most likely to be bullies. After that, the teacher asked them to reflect on themselves. And that’s all teachers can do to tackle bullying in schools. The bullies tried to find out who had gossiped with the teacher.

After that, the girl in charge tried to use a paper knife to attack the other girl. When the class president stopped him, the leader girl’s lover appeared from nowhere and gave the class representative a serious beating.

One time, they poured a bucket of water on her head and then covered the poor girl’s body, Hisu, trying to pretend not to see anything. Because Hisu feels that his father had to try very hard to have a stable life in this place.

But then, because Hisu couldn’t stand it anymore, he stood up and invited these idiots out. The whole school rushed out to watch Hisu’s 1/17 battle. They tried to beat Hisu continuously. The girl in charge also used a paper knife to cut Hisu’s hand. But she was unharmed.

Then one of them picked up a rock and hit Hisu on the head. The girl in charge used a knife along the paper to tease her. Seeing that Hisu was not injured, they were extremely scared. Only then did Hisu know that he had the ability to heal his own wounds.

The girl’s boyfriend took the lead and used a stick to hit Hisu repeatedly. But Hisu got up and gave him a fatal blow. A disciplinary committee was established. Hisu was then expelled from school with only one semester left before the university entrance exam.

At that time, Hisu’s father came to school and repeatedly apologized to the teacher. He used all the money he had saved plus selling the house to get even so that no parent would report to the police. It was because Hisu was not injured that the bullies became victims.

That’s why Hisu’s father had to suffer because of his leopard daughter. Dad told Hisu that she looked a lot like her mother. Can’t sit still when we see something wrong happening. If I knew you also had that spirit, your mother would be very happy.

It took a long time for a school to accept Hisu as a transfer student rather than an expelled student. That’s why Hisu transferred to Jeonwon High School. In fact, right after Hisu was expelled, the principal of Jeonwon High School came to talk privately with the girl in charge.

This girl said that it was obvious that Hisu was seriously injured. Its skin was torn open but then all the wounds healed. That girl is a monster, not a human. Because he knew Hisu had superpowers, the principal accepted her to school.

At this time, Hisu’s father was bringing the card machine to the shopping center so that the gangster could pay for the fried chicken. At first this guy wanted to cheat , but when he saw that he spoke very firmly and decisively, he was relieved.

As soon as he went outside, he saw police surrounding a hair salon. Because this is where the murder happened. He learned that people from the National Intelligence Agency were also coming to investigate this mysterious case. The snail’s mother also came to secretly monitor this murder.

On this side, the employee is reporting to Director Min Jong-jun. It seems that the assassin wants to kill all retired former agents. Director Min said that perhaps the US CIA sent people to kill all former agents because they knew too much.

The deputy head of the office told the employee to absolutely not let the press know about this. Otherwise, it will affect their business. After that, School Principal Jae-on Won went to the National Security Bureau to meet with Director Min. The Principal said our natural talent development project is developing very well.

This year we will reap the rewards. Director Min informed the Principal that someone was killing their former agent. What the Principal needs to do is to manage young talent well at school. If you leave any information behind, it’s dangerous.

The assassin went to the funeral of the hair salon owner he had just executed. He wanted to know what the hair salon owner’s children were like. When talking to one of the shop owner’s sons, he learned that the owner had adopted many blind orphans.

She also had a biological daughter but she passed away 10 years ago. At this moment, the assassin felt a bit relieved. He asked the hair salon owner if she was a good mother? The son immediately replied that his mother was a very good person and then turned and left.

At the same time, the assassin’s second victim, old man Electricman, was also being held here. His body was detained by the forensic agency for investigation and has only now been returned to his family.

The assassin passed by but did not know that the biological son of the old electric man was sitting there crying for his father. It turned out that the son of the old electrician was the bus driver who often took snails and friends to school. This uncle’s name is Jean Guido.

From a young age, Guido was a special child because he received genes from his father. With super powers, the boy has the ability to charge electricity into his body and then emit it like a real lightning man.

When he was in high school, Guido also studied at the school where Bong Xe Snail was studying. Despite possessing special super powers, Guido is physically quite weak. So even though he really wanted to take the entrance exam to the gymnasium, Guido did not meet the physical requirements. But Guido practiced very hard.

The homeroom teacher advised Guido to pursue a career in entertainment and television. Guido immediately obeyed and went to a cutting session to select people to play the role of lightning man. When it came to his competition, Guido was quite insecure about himself so he performed quite clumsily in front of the judges.

Of course he was invited back to his seat immediately. Guido then boldly demonstrated his ability to accumulate static electricity on his body. He caused the surrounding light bulbs to become disturbed and then turn off according to his emotions. So Guido got the role of a lightning man performing tricks for children.

Guido also proved to be a talented performer, so the young audience was very excited. One time, while preparing to go on stage, one finger of Guido’s glove was torn. When he stepped onto the stage to perform, due to not being able to control the power of one finger

, Guido emitted a huge source of electricity. The entire stage electrical system was broken, causing children to cry out of fear. The power emitted from Guido’s fingers also damaged all of the technical team’s equipment. So Guido was fired. It’s even worse when Guido’s mother suddenly passes away, making him extremely sad.

Electricman’s father also came to the monk’s ceremony to comfort Guido. Dad has not lived with Guido and his mother for many years. After that, Guido applied everywhere for jobs, but no matter where he applied, he was rejected. One day Guido saw a bus stalled in the middle of the road.

Guido immediately took off his gloves and used both hands to charge the battery so the driver could start the bus. The driver was very surprised with Guido’s abilities. That’s why Guido was hired as a bus driver. As the years passed, Guido maintained a steady job as a bus driver to make a living.

Then he met the snail and then the girl Hisu. When Electricman’s father was murdered, his boss gave Guido a leave of absence to take care of family matters. In addition, Guido also has other super powers. You can see what happened to someone when you touch their objects.

That’s why Guido saw that the long-haired assassin was the one who assassinated his father. After a few days off to celebrate his father’s funeral, Guido awkwardly tried to return to work.

Even though his boss advised him to rest more, Guido still wanted to go to work because staying in one place was too uncomfortable. After being forced to kiss her for a long time, Su went away without ever returning to class. At this moment, the homeroom teacher brought a new girl to class.

This girl specifically asked to be in Bong Xe Snail’s class. It turns out that the new girl is the girl who was bullied at Hisu’s old school. The other day, when Hisu was having a meal with the snails, this new friend asked to sit with the two of them.

Then a friend of mine who was a Youtuber in class also came over to ask to sit at the same table. Because she was always filming and disturbing others, everyone avoided her. At this time, the four people felt tense and were eating alone.

Snail Bong was about to sit down to eat with the kiss when Kisu suddenly appeared and poured leftovers into the kiss’s rice tray. Kisu challenged the kiss. “You should hit me again. Aren’t you really good at fighting?” Kisu then whispered into the kisser’s ear, “I will expose what you guys are doing.”

Thanks to his ears as sharp as a dog’s and a snail’s, he can hear everything. Kisu then took the kisser’s glasses and buried them on the dinner tray. Before leaving, Kisu even spat into the kisser’s rice tray. At this moment, the kisser is going crazy.

But he cannot use his superpowers in crowded places. Kisu walked over to get his glasses so he could wipe them clean to help tighten the kiss. When Kisu arrived at the gym, he saw that Kim was also sitting there. She immediately gave him back his glasses.

Kisu felt very good at being patient and tense. Violence is the easiest way but also the stupidest way. Kisu had experienced that before but she couldn’t stay calm like that. The kisser affirmed that he would not leave Kisu alone. Kisu then asked the manager to help him with the ventilation fan.

The kiss didn’t forget to thank Kisu for cleaning the glasses for her. Kisu immediately said that the snail was the one who cleaned the glass to help tighten the kiss. When I got to the door and kissed, I suddenly turned around and said my dad also ran a store.

Kisu wondered what the point of talking about this with her was. After letting investigators Director Min of the National Security Bureau know that the person who massacred his retired agent was Frank. Since childhood, Frank was trained by an American agent to become an assassin. Director Min immediately asked to call the American consultant.

At school, Bong Xe Snail is creating a playlist of upbeat music to cheer Kisu up while she practices. Kisu saw it and immediately thanked the snail and killed it. When the two faced each other, the snail felt his whole body glow. Kisu immediately put on his backpack and helped remove the snail.

But the snail shell told you not to touch me. Then the snail carcass continued to chant the spell. Once he was able to control his emotions, he immediately turned on the music and put the phone on the ground. Bong Xe Snail told Kisu that I use an unlimited internet package

So you can listen to music freely. Kisu was also extremely excited about the cuteness of the snail balloon. After class, he went back to the gym to get his phone back. Kisu said the snail’s phone ran out of battery so it was turned off.

Bong Snail panicked and said he had to go home right away because his mother might call him. Bong took the bus to go home and saw that the familiar driver had returned to work.

Bong Snail told the driver, Guido, that he had not seen me for a few days and was very worried about him. When Guido heard it, he was deeply moved. At least there is still one person in this world who cares for you.

At this moment, the assassin received a message to do a new mission. His next victim is the snail’s mother because she possesses special senses. It was late at night when Kanghun returned home. At this time, his father was waiting for his son to come home like always.

Kanghun has such special powers because he inherited genes from his father. His father also possesses a supernatural power. Kanghun immediately apologized to his father because for so long he had always hidden the fact that his father only ran a small retail store.

As soon as Hisu returned home, her father gave her a new phone. Hisu really liked this gift. She promised to keep it carefully. Hisu’s father told his daughter to always carry her phone with her. If something goes wrong, you must call him immediately.

The snail’s mother was engrossed in the fried meat shop when she saw a truck parked in front of her restaurant. Then a long-haired shipper walked in. She just took a look and recognized this guy because she had seen him on murder news before.

As soon as she walked out, she saw that he had removed the bell hanging on the door of her shop. She calmly asks what you want to eat. When she entered the kitchen, she quickly took out her phone and texted the snail not to come home right now.

But when she brought food to the assassin, she heard the footsteps of a snail approaching. As soon as she opened the door, she immediately said hello to the guests. Then she calmly invited the snail to sit at the table.

When she got inside, the assassin asked him if he was studying at GeOn1 High School, right? Inside the snail’s mother took out the gun and put it in her pants to prepare for battle. At the same time, the American consultant came to see Director Min. This consultant is a CIA agent.

He was also the one who texted the long-haired assassin a mission. Director Min of the National Security Bureau said I heard that you sent your subordinates here to eliminate all of our retired agents. If you don’t stop that, there will be big trouble in our diplomatic relationship.

The American consultant agreed to postpone this matter. Then he asked Director Min, are you guys raising the next generation? Director Min calmly said, aren’t you guys also training an army of assassins to sell to the whole world?

During the battle, the snail driver’s mother had just brought out food for her son when the assassin stood up. She also prepared to take out her gun to fight. The assassin suddenly received a message to pause this mission. The killer then paid the doorbell and drove away.

As soon as he left, she immediately asked the driver: Didn’t you read the message I sent? Bong driver immediately said his phone was out of battery so he couldn’t receive the message. After hearing that, she immediately scolded the snail driver. Mom told me to always be careful and alert.

Why don’t you listen to your mother like that? Then the snail driver asked his mother who the long-haired man was? Finally, what’s going on? Seeing that his mother was still silent, he got angry and ran upstairs and decided to skip dinner tonight.

The assassin was driving the truck when the American advisor texted him to assign him a new mission. The victim this time is Hisu’s father. Because he was busy looking at the victim’s file, he almost crashed into driver Guido’s bus.

Just by looking at him, Guido recognized that the driver of the truck was the one who sent his father off to visit the King of Hell. Guido immediately invited all passengers to get off the bus. Then he alone drove the bus at full speed to chase the assassin.

Guido hit the assassin’s truck hard. Then the bus driver moved forward to approach his truck. The assassin immediately stepped on the accelerator and swerved into the opposite lane. Then he crashed so hard that a car somersaulted several times. Finally he stopped the bus that was chasing him.

Seeing the assassin drive the truck into a meadow, Guido drove the bus to continue chasing. Then the assassin drove the truck and crashed hard into the bus. Guido held the battery in his hand and walked down, ready to fight the assassin. But with just a few small movements, he defeated Guido.

When the assassin asked who you were, Guido immediately said why did you send my father off to heaven? Guido tried to stand up but the assassin immediately restrained him. At this time, the assassin also realized that Guido also possessed special abilities. Moreover, he is also the son of old Electricman.

Guido asked the assassin why did you harm my father, you bastard. After hearing this, the assassin immediately beat Guido to the ground. Then he turned and left. The assassin went to Hisu’s father’s fried chicken shop but the shop was closed.

He quickly looked at the note and learned that Hisu’s father was delivering goods at a shopping center. The assassin immediately drove a truck to find him. He drove wildly, scaring passersby. Then he ran straight into a shipper. Unexpectedly, it was Hisu’s father. The assassin drove his car into him repeatedly.

Then he drove past him several times. The assassin walked down and saw that Hisu’s father was already asleep. But he still tried to run over him again before driving away. Arriving at the grass field, the assassin texted to report to his superiors that the mission had been completed.

Who would have thought that Hisu’s father would suddenly pop out from under the truck. He then punched the car window and pulled the assassin out. After looking at the list of victims, he realized that this was the person who had executed many people with superpowers. All of his victims were retired agents.

The assassin shouted, “I have to kill you.” Then two people who possessed the ability to restore their bodies began to fight. Hisu’s father is Zhu Gun, the person the hair salon owner mentioned. She once said he was the only one who could handle the assassin neatly. That’s the truth.

Zhu Gun possesses stronger superpowers than the long-haired assassin. After a long fight that dented the truck, Zhu Gun finally knocked down the assassin. He asked the assassin, “Who sent you here? Why do you want to send me and the others off to visit the king?

At this time, the assassin still asked if you have any children? Your children are studying at Jeon School.” -won right?” After hearing this, Zhu Gun got angry and repeatedly punched the assassin in the face. Zhu Gun even conveniently texted the person behind it saying “I will kill you”.

Zhu Gun then burned all the files and burned down the truck. Zhu Gun came home with his shirt covered in blood. He naturally sat down to eat dinner prepared by his daughter. On the side of the car, mom bought him a charger for backup.

From now on, Bong Xe Snail no longer needs to attend evening self-study classes at school. After studying, you must go home immediately. Bong Xe Snail heard that and sadly walked to school. Going to class, Hi-su invited the snail to go to the convenience store after class but he refused.

Bong Xe Snail said he had to go home to study on his own. Day after day goes by. Every day, Bong Xec snails are engrossed in studying. Bong Xe Snail also no longer goes to the gym to support Hi-su’s practice.

The two of them no longer talk to each other as much as before. Only one day left until university entrance exam day. That evening while studying, the snail suddenly received a text message from Hi-su. The two texted each other to wish each other well on their exams.

Seeing Hi-su texting him telling him to turn off the lights and go to bed early, he immediately looked out the window. With his ability to see far away, the snail saw Hi-su standing near his house.

Seeing that Hi-su was about to leave, he immediately put on a thick warm coat and flew over to her. Hi-su said that she just wanted to stand here and send a message of encouragement to the snail driver to do well in the exam tomorrow.

I know you’re intentionally avoiding me to focus on studying for the exam. Bong Xe Snail immediately said that was not the case. He came home early because his mother told him to come home as soon as he finished school. Furthermore, the snail also saw that Hi-su did not want to talk to him.

Then Hi-su carried a big rock and put it on the snail’s lap because he knew he would fly away when he heard what he was about to say. Hi-su said he really wanted to meet the snail, so he came here.

At this moment, snow began to fall, making the two of them extremely excited. The day of the university entrance exam has finally arrived. After taking the university entrance exam, the whole class had some time to study at the gym, and Kang-hun invited a snail to play badminton with him.

At this time, Hi-su was still tired of practicing high jumping to prepare for the physical exam to enter physical education university. At this time, a screw holding the height measurement board suddenly fell out. Soon the next snail also fell. Hi-su jumped again and the board fell down.

When Bong and Kang-hun saw this, they rushed to save Hi-su. Due to wearing heavy weights on my legs, the snail bike moves a little slower. Kang-hun flew like a bird and hugged Hi-su tightly. Thanks to that, the two avoided the falling iron board.

All of this extraordinary scene was filmed by a Youtuber in class. She immediately pressed the button to upload the video online. The bully Ki-su was also very happy when it was revealed that Kang-hun had super powers. The Youtuber’s video quickly spread on social networks at breakneck speed.

On this side, the employee is reporting to Director Min. She tried to delete the video but it spread too quickly. Director Min was extremely angry when his business was exposed. Hi-su’s father and Bong’s mother also saw this unusual video.

At this time, Bong Xe Snail is feeling very disappointed when he cannot use his superpower to save Hi-su. Snail Bong decided to go out and practice flying. Bong’s mother drove up to her room and couldn’t find her son. She immediately went out to find Bong and the snail.

Outside, Bong Snail is still busy practicing flying. But because I don’t know how to control my body, I’m still very confused. I don’t know how many times Bong Xe Snail has fallen to the ground. After a while of trying, flying seemed to be better. Bong Snail suddenly saw his mother waiting below.

The snail was distracted and fell to the ground. Bong Xe Snail’s mother angrily asked her what she was doing? Why don’t you wear weights on your feet? Bong Xe Snail said from now on he won’t wear weights anymore. I have endured enough.

Mom, do you know why I’m so passive and lacking in confidence and always afraid that others will think badly of me? It’s all because of mom. I hate myself so much. Since childhood, my mother always told me not to do this, not to do that. Mom always forces and controls her child.

If mom didn’t control me, I could fly and I can save Hisu. Now I want to fly. Hearing Bong’s mother clearly shouting loudly, do you want to be like your father? Then she burst into tears. Xe snail was very surprised to hear his mother say that.

Until now, my mother has never mentioned my father in front of Bong Xe Snail. Even Bong Xe Snail himself doesn’t know who his father is. Snail Bong only occasionally dreams that he is flying and talking to his father. Back in time to 1987, a passenger plane was flying over the Indian Ocean.

Right now outside there is a man flying in the sky like a true superhero. He tried to approach to inform the pilot that the plane had been bombed. But the flight’s captain and co-pilot suspected he was a terrorist. So they swerved to cut off the man.

That’s why the bomb exploded, incinerating the plane and everyone on board. This man is Du Sik Bo of Bong Xe Snail. At this time, Mi Hyeon is also the mother of Bong Xe Snail , who is the youngest agent of the National Intelligence Agency. Mi Hyeon is a comprehensive agent in every aspect.

During the operation called “Seagull”, Mi Hyeon and her teammates were tasked with finding the spy who provided information to North Korea. When she saw her boss repeatedly use a gun to kill people he suspected were spies, Mi Hyeon felt this was too cruel.

When the boss told Mi Hyeon to activate another dry gas bomb, she looked back at the poor victims. When going to get a grenade, instead of taking the tear gas grenade as directed by her boss , Mi Hyeon took the explosive grenade.

She then removed the detonator and let the grenade explode, making the other agents dizzy. Mi Hyeon used a gun to break the door and then signaled for everyone to escape. The boss immediately informed the eagles outside to act quickly. But the one called the eagle did not eliminate those who ran away.

Mi Hyeon’s mission this time seems to have failed. That’s why she was demoted to an information strategy officer at the office. Deputy Chief Min assigned Mi Hyeon the task of finding a way to get as close to Du Six as possible. Because Du Six is ​​about to be assigned an extremely important task.

Deputy Chief Min wants to find out Du Six’s psychological developments to see if he is ready to do the assigned task or not. Deputy Manager Min promises that if Mi Hyeon completes this mission, she will no longer have to be a desk clerk. He will promote Mi Hyeon to black agent.

Mi Hyeon wondered why she was the chosen one. Deputy Head Min frankly said because she has the most beautiful face. Mi Hyeon researched Du Six’s background and exclaimed how handsome he was. After that, every day Mi Hyeon deliberately flirted in front of Du Six to impress him.

Every time Du Six and Joo Won go to headquarters, someone will call to let Mi Hyeon know. After that, Mi Hyeon deliberately appeared by chance to attract Du Six’s attention. After many times like that, Mi Hyeon finally made a special impression on Du Six.

Seeing Mi Hyeon buying coffee at the Du Six vending machine, she immediately approached but she walked away. The next time Mi Hyeon was standing at the coffee vending machine, she heard Du Six walking towards her holding coins. After seeing Mi Hyeon, Du Six immediately hid the coins.

When they reached the coffee vending machine, the two encountered each other. Then they both said hello and introduced themselves to each other. Du Six asked Mi Hyeon to borrow a coin to buy coffee. From now on, Du Six began to slowly fall in love with Mi Hyeon.

Du Six seems very shy every time he meets Mi Hyeon. Coffee vending machines also become a place for two people to often confide in each other. While drinking coffee, Du Six suddenly asked Mi Hyeon if the deputy manager had assigned her the task of approaching me, right?

Mi Hyeon immediately asked how he knew that? Du Six immediately said because every time I met her, she brought very similar documents. After hearing this, Mi Hyeon immediately apologized to Du Six. Du Six said the deputy chief is a very sinister person. He stopped at nothing to achieve his goal.

It must have been very difficult for Mi Hyeon to work with the deputy manager. After learning of Mi Hyeon’s plan, Du Six was not angry at all. He also invited her to eat his fried meat and potatoes.

With her superior taste buds, Mi Hyeon only needs to take a bite to know what ingredients the owner has added to this fried meat dish. When Du Six heard it, he was very surprised. The next day, the two continued to meet at the coffee vending machine.

Mi Hyeon asked Du Six how did you know I intentionally approached you but you didn’t take any precautions? Is it because I’m so beautiful? Du Six immediately answered yes, the first time I saw her I liked her. Mi Hyeon heard it and was very shy.

It turned out that the headquarters was not where the two first met. The two once met during Mi Hyeon’s failed mission. In that plan, Du Six was the mysterious eagle. At that time, Du Six was outside, ready to wait for orders.

But because he felt that killing all those suspected of being spies was too cruel, he decided not to shoot. That’s why the plan to hope for the sea failed miserably. Du Six tells Mi Hyeon that Deputy Chief Min will not forgive anyone who fails twice in a row.

If Mi Hyeon’s plan fails again this time, he will eliminate her. Then Du Six suddenly said let’s continue with this plan. Because I want to meet Miss Mi Hyeon. Mi Hyeon went to meet with Deputy Chief Min to report on the progress of the plan to reach Du Six.

Entering the office, Mi Hyeon accidentally saw many tapes placed in Min’s deputy office. Mi Hyeon told Deputy Chief Min that my plan to approach Du Six was going very well. The deputy chief asked her what kind of person she thought Du Six was. Mi Hyeon said Du Six is ​​a very serious person.

After listening to the deputy chief, she told him that she hadn’t figured out his secret yet. She has to try harder because he still hasn’t opened up to her. Then Mi Hyeon walked out. Going outside, Mi Hyeon showed the secretary how to make coffee according to Deputy Manager Min’s liking.

She had to add a lot of sugar because he had a sweet tooth. Mi Hyeon then told the secretary to wear black clothes and low shoes. That’s the way Deputy Head Min is suited. After hearing Mi Hyeon’s instructions, the secretary returned to thank her and then killed her.

That night, while working overtime at Mi Hyeon’s office, she suddenly heard a strange noise behind her. Mi Hyeon looked back and saw no one. Then Mi Hyeon saw Du Six standing outside. Mi Hyeon suddenly asked if this was the 5th floor.

At this time, Mi Hyeon knew that Du Six had the ability to fly like a bird. Moreover, Du Six flew here just to bring Mi Hyeon hot fried meat. Mi Hyeon was extremely touched. She thanks Du Six for letting her know his secret. After speaking, Du Six immediately flew away.

After that, Mi Hyeon enjoyed the fried meat in an extremely delicious way. Mi Hyeon used her celestial eyes to observe and saw Du Six sitting on top of a high tower. Just like Mi Hyeon Du Six is ​​also a humane person.

When practicing shooting with Joo Won, he never shot at the victim’s heart but always shot a little off. Du Six did so because he wanted to leave a way for the victim to live. The next day Du Six went to the office to talk to Mi Hyeon.

At this time, Mi Hyeon also told Du Six her secret. Mi Hyeon said all her senses are very good. Especially the ears and eyes. Her ears are very sharp and her eyes are very sharp. After listening to Du Six’s heartbeat, Mi Hyeon discovered that his heart was beating rapidly.

Then Du Six suddenly gave Mi Hyeon a passionate kiss. The feeling of euphoria made Du Six’s body soar. Then the two walked under the beautiful cherry blossoms. Deputy Chief Min summons Mi Hyeon to the office immediately. Just arriving, the deputy chief asked Mi Hyeon if she had ever slept with Du Six?

Mi Hyeon honestly replied that the two had not slept together. The deputy manager asked again what Du Six’s secret was? Mi Hyeon frankly replied that she still didn’t know. Who would have thought that Deputy Chief Min would say that Mi Hyeon’s plan this time was completed.

Then he asked Mi Hyeon to come out. Deputy Chief Min told his assistant that Mi Hyeon was an excellent agent. Therefore, it is impossible for her to confuse tear gas grenades and explosive grenades in the seagull plan.

Mi Hyeon was manipulated by foolish humanism so she found a way to spare the lives of the spies. He added that Du Six was also a humanist. Because an excellent agent like Du Six cannot fail in a mission that is not too difficult like a seagull.

Knowing that the two of them had the same desire, Deputy Head Min paired them up. Who would have thought that the two would develop true feelings. At this moment the secretary brought in water. When the secretary left, she stayed and listened a little more.

Then she immediately called Mi Hyeon to let her know that Deputy Chief Min knew she was lying. Saying that, she quickly hung up the phone. After checking, Mi Hyeon discovered that there were many hidden cameras secretly monitoring all of her and Du Six’s activities.

With the technology of that time, all this data was stored on tapes. Mi Hyeon then went to see Deputy Chief Min. He said that Du Six had no family but was alone. He feared that after completing the upcoming mission, Du Six would escape. So he needed someone to make Du Six return.

Deputy Min then assigned Du Six an extremely important task. When leaving for the mission, Du Six flew to headquarters to see Mi Hyeon one last time. In the following days, Mi Hyeon waited patiently for news of Du Six. Then the intelligence agency received extremely shocking news.

A senior leader on the North Korean side has passed away with only 15 days left until the summit between South Korea and North Korea. Deputy Chief Min was extremely surprised to hear that the other party had passed away because of a heart attack, not assassination.

Because the task he assigned to Du Six was to assassinate this leader. Deputy Chief Min immediately ordered his subordinates to drag Du Six back at all costs. Du Six knows many secrets of the organization. If Du Six reveals these secrets, it will be difficult for the organization to live in peace.

Therefore, Deputy Chief Min mobilized all forces to hunt down Du Six everywhere. Mi Hyeon is now an important scent to lure Du Six out. That night, when it was raining and storming outside, Mi Hyeon looked out the window and saw Du Six there.

Du Six told Mi Hyeon that he felt very frustrated not being able to see her for so many days. Hearing that, Mi Hyeon immediately hugged and kissed Du Six passionately about the banana fish. At this moment, many agents surrounded Mi Hyeon’s house. They then proceeded to arrest Du Six.

And that is the love story of Bong Xe Snail’s parents. And Hee Soo’s father’s love story is completely different. When he was young, Joo Geun was a gangster in a famous social gang. Because he possesses the extraordinary ability to restore his body, Joo Geun is called a monster.

Joo Geun’s courage helps his gang easily defeat other gangs and successfully gain the right to protect large nightclubs. Because of his extraordinary abilities, the gang members greatly respect Joo Geun. Even though he is a street gangster, Joo Geun is a very kind person.

Although his seniors often took advantage of his juniors and sold them out, Joo Geun did not know. During an outing, Joo Geun discovered that his boss was trying to sell him to a hostile gang. Joo Geun continuously protested this decision but to no avail.

In the end, Joo Geun decided to leave the gang because he did not want to serve the man who was his enemy. After that, a close junior of Joo Geun, Minzy, made an appointment to meet because he wanted to resolve the conflict between Joo Geun and the big brother.

Who would have thought that Minzy would mix anesthesia with alcohol. When Joo Geun woke up, he found himself and his boss stuck in a car. The leader of the hostile gang appeared and ordered his subordinates to push the car into the sea.

Joo Geun used his foot to step on the brake, but the gangsters still tried to push the car forward. When the car was about to fall into the water, Joo Geun begged the leader to let his big brother live. The leader immediately said he felt sorry for you.

You’ve been taking advantage of that big brother for so long without knowing it. Not only that, your junior Minzy is also worthless. It was he who told me that whether you stab or shoot, you won’t give up. It was he who showed me this way to get rid of you.

Joo Geun was extremely shocked when he heard these words. Then they pushed the car into the water. The car slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Joo Geun broke his own arm so that one hand could slip out of rope number 8. Then he untied the rope himself and escaped.

Knowing he couldn’t save the boss, Joo Geun climbed to the surface alone. Joo Geun wore a No. 8 spear in his hand to eliminate the leader who had just pushed him into the sea. Seeing Minzy, who had just sold her out, she tried her best to plead with Joo Geun to forgive him.

But when he reached the door, Joo Geun suddenly turned back. He lost his hair and then used the No. 8 port to cut off his mixed beak. Then Joo Geun turned around and left. Not long after, Minzy came to find deputy manager Min and told him everything.

Deputy Chief Min ordered Minzy to mobilize all forces to search for Joo Geun. He wanted to see with his own eyes how powerful Joo Geun was. After leaving the gang, Joo Geun only used to hang out in the motel. Because he was unemployed, Joo Geun had no money to pay rent.

After being poisoned, Joo Geun immediately used his superpowers to make a living. Every time she sees a car coming, Joo Geun will lie down in the middle of the road and let the car roll over. He then demanded compensation from the car owner. That way Joo Geun has money to pay the rent.

His daily living expenses also come from here. Also at this motel, Joo Geun often encounters a coffee seller named Jihee. Jihee often comes to this motel to deliver coffee to Nam customers. One time Joo Geun crashed a car, he pretended to be unconscious, but the car accelerated and ran away.

Seeing that, Joo Geun immediately chased after him. On the way, Joo Geun accidentally met Jihee. Because he ran too far, Joo Geun forgot the way back to his room. Because I said Joo Geun is the number one blind person. Every time he comes to a different road he will get lost.

Seeing that, Jihee immediately showed Joo Geun the way to the inn. But the more Joo Geun pointed, the more he lied. Saying that, Jihee also left. Joo Geun tries to follow the instructions Jihee gave. But he kept walking and walking but still did not return to the motel.

After walking around for a while without knowing which way to get back, Joo Geun encountered Jihee again. At this moment, Joo Geun suddenly burst into tears like a lost child. Joo Geun told Jihee that he was lost.

Jihee was surprised and bewildered to see a big, sharp man like Joo Geun crying when he lost his way. Then Jihee took Joo Geun back to the motel. Since then, Joo Geun started to have a crush on Jihee.

Joo Geun cleaned the house and then mustered up the courage to call the coffee shop where he ordered coffee. After that, Joo Geun went into the bathroom to pee all over his bush. He also deliberately left the roof 7-3 to impress Jihee.

However, the person who came to deliver the coffee was someone else, not Jihee. After making coffee, the flight attendant asked Joo Geun if he wanted to buy a bus ticket. Joo Geun shows himself to be a serious young man. Joo Geun told the flight attendant that he just needed to drink coffee.

The next time she ordered coffee, Joo Geun still did not meet Jihee but another waitress. On the third bet, luck smiled on Joo Geun. This time the person delivering coffee to Joo Geun was Jihee. Opening the door to see Jihee bringing coffee to Joo Geun, his face was exposed.

Jihee told Joo Geun that I have never seen anyone living alone with a place as neat and clean as this. Jihee sees that Joo Geun has a lot of rights to novels in the romance genre. The two immediately gossiped about love stories in the pages of literary novels.

Then Joo Geun took out the money and said I wanted to buy a ticket. Jihee immediately told him to go take a shower first. Joo Geun says I didn’t mean that. I just want to talk to you.

Hearing that, Jihee seemed quite upset. She packed her things and asked Joo Geun to pay for the coffee delivery. Next time you want to drink coffee, go to the store and drink it. At this point, Joo Geun asked me to order coffee delivery because I missed her so much.

After listening, Jihee was not worried at all. She immediately left the room. At the coffee shop, Jihee told the shop owner that I was sick of this type of man pretending to be romantic. The main purpose is still to drag me to bed. The shopkeeper immediately said that maybe he was really stupid.

All the people who delivered coffee to room number 408 returned immediately. Seeing the landlady say that, Jihee began to have a different view of Joo Geun. During the next coffee orders, Joo Geun asked the shop owner to appoint Jihee to deliver the coffee to him.

Day by day, the two chatted happily and became more compatible. The two people’s familiar topics are stories in romantic love novels. Then Joo Geun’s savings were exhausted. So he can’t order coffee delivery anymore.

Currently, in another room in the house, there are four thugs who also want to use the special coffee delivery service at his coffee shop. One of them has a personal grudge against Jihee. So he wanted Jihee to bring coffee to settle the feud.

Joo Geun returned to the bedroom and saw Jihee’s coffee delivery vehicle parked in front of the door. When passing by the room of Joo Geun’s children, he suddenly heard Jihee’s screams. Joo Geun tried to open the door and go in, but the door was locked.

Inside, Jihee is looking for a way to resist the four dangerous Joo Geuns. At this time, Joo Geun suddenly used his head to smash the wall behind him to rescue Jihee. The thugs said they were juniors of the town’s largest gang. But Joo Geun did not flinch.

Joo Geun punched them and made them lie on top of each other like tired canned fish. Joo Geun then asked the motel owner to lock the door. Joo Geun told the motel owner that as soon as this matter was resolved he would leave. The motel owner trembled and heard what Joo Geun said.

Joo Geun then called the coffee shop to see Jihee, but the shop owner informed her that she was in the hospital. At this moment, one of the group of thugs escaped. He must have immediately called his social brothers to the motel to take revenge on Joo Geun.

After that, Joo Geun alone fought with these thugs. With his body, Joo Geun knocked out each of them one by one. Even though they used all sorts of weapons to cause damage, Joo Geun still stood up and knocked them all down.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Joo Geun would encounter the person who once pushed him into the sea. Joo Geun immediately pulled out the knife stuck in his face to fight with them. At this time, Minzy was sitting in the car waiting for Joo Geun to appear.

Minzy suddenly saw a person falling from above to the ground. He turned on the car lights and saw that it was Joo Geun. Joo Geun also saw that the person sitting in the car was Minzy, the junior who had sold her out. Joo Geun immediately launched the flowing ball stick towards Minzy.

Minzy immediately signaled her juniors to chase Joo Geun. At this time, Deputy Chief Min was sitting in the car next to him. He ordered Minzy to push Joo Geun to the brink. If Joo Geun has a problem, he will be responsible. Hearing that, Minzy immediately mobilized her juniors to chase after Joo Geun.

Deputy Chief Min orders Doo Sik to go outside and observe Joo Geun’s every move. He tells Doo Sik that we need to find a monster, not someone with human feelings. You just need to stand and observe from beginning to end. If he’s weak, it’s because he’s not strong enough.

If so, then he is not the person we are looking for. After returning to the coffee shop, Jihee learned that Joo Geun had called to find her. Jihee immediately called the motel but no one picked up. Knowing that there were many police surrounding Joo Geun’s motel, Jihee immediately drove to find him.

Jihee drove her car across the road and passed through the police barricades to look for Joo Geun. Seeing Joo Geun being chased by the thugs, Jihee chased after her and told Joo Geun to get in her car.

Even though Joo Geun told her to go ahead and not show any signs of knowing me, Jihee said I wouldn’t go anywhere. Jihee then informed the social circle that she was Joo Geun’s girlfriend.

Joo Geun had no other choice but had to get in Jihee’s car to escape from the group of Joo Geun who was chasing her. While sitting in the car, Joo Geun said I was not a good person.

This is all karma I have to pay for the bad things I did in the past. Jihee thinks that Joo Geun is like this because he saved her. Jihee then told Joo Geun to hug her tightly. The two raced across the highway.

Suddenly, a car driving in the opposite direction hit Jihee’s motorbike very hard. Joo Geun used his hand to protect Jihee from hitting her head on the ground. After that, Jihee lay still and motionless.

Seeing that the car was accelerating to hit them both again, Joo Geun immediately ran forward to attack the two thugs. Then he steered the car to pass Jihee. The car plunged straight into the abyss. At this time, Joo Geun was being crushed by the car. Minzy suddenly appeared.

He intended to use a gun to finish off Joo Geun but suddenly ate a copper candy straight to his head. The one who took action was Dusik who was floating in the sky. Dusik ignored Deputy Chief Min’s instructions to just stand and watch.

Luckily, Dusik acted promptly and Joo Geun was able to escape with his life. After 6 long, bitter months, Joo Geun was accepted by Deputy Chief Min into the National Intelligence Agency to become an agent because of his supernatural abilities.

Deputy Chief Min warns Joo Geun to try to serve the country if he doesn’t want his criminal record to be exposed. He assigned Joo Geun to stand by Dusik’s side in every mission. He gave Joo Geun the codename Junpyo.

Deputy Chief Min told them both to use code names instead of their real names. As soon as he finished speaking, Dusik quickly introduced his real name to Joo Geun. Because I said Dusik always disobeys Deputy Chief Min’s orders.

Since then, Joo Geun and Dusik have always worked side by side in every assigned mission. After that, Joo Geun also went to the coffee shop to find Jihee. The two chatted happily. The love story of the two also blossomed from here.

Then the two of them collaborated to create a product, the adorable baby girl Hee Soo. Unfortunately, Jihee died in a car accident when Hee Soo was only 4 years old. Since then, Joo Geun has become a chicken who doesn’t want to raise children.

After becoming a special agent in the national security planning agency, Joo Geun became Dusik’s companion in every assigned mission. At this time, Dusik was using a rope to hit Joo Geun on himself. Then the two flew like birds into the sky and flew to Russia to rescue a Korean doctor

Who was being held by a group of North Korean soldiers. When he arrived, Dusik removed the rope to let Joo Geun fall freely to the ground. Joo Geun fell through the glass on the roof and crushed the Korean soldier. With his iron body and the ability to restore his body,

Joo Geun quickly eliminated each person in the North Korean soldier’s gang. Even though they fired continuously, Joo Geun was unharmed. Dusik also flew down to support his colleague. Then the two successfully rescued the Korean doctor.

The doctor was extremely surprised when Joo Geun was still safe and sound even though he had eaten countless candies. Dusik then pulled the doctor along and flew into the sky to escort him back to Korea. The blind guy Joo Geun was left screaming in vain.

One day the two had to go to Hong Kong to carry out a mission. After completing their work, the two sat down to eat dumplings together, at this moment Dusik suddenly pulled out a knife and gave it to Joo Geun so he could take the bullets pinned in his hand.

Dusik told Joo Geun that this knife is my father’s keepsake, I don’t lend it to anyone. Days passed like that until one day Dusik met Mi Hyon at the intelligence meeting. Their love story began to bear fruit. Deputy Chief Min orders Mi Hyon that if Dusik comes back, he must be captured alive.

Not only that, he also used Mi Hyon’s father’s life to threaten her. Then one day Dusik returned to find Mi Hyon. While the two were hugging each other, special police officers appeared and arrested Dusik. Dusik immediately resisted and took a police agent hostage.

But when Dusik tried to take out the gun, the gun flew away. At this time, the gun is in Mi Hyon’s hand. She immediately pointed the gun at Dusik. He let go of the hostage in frustration and dropped the knife he was holding in his hand to the ground.

Dusik obediently let the special police escort him away. In the room, only Mi Hyon remained alone. She quietly picked up the knife from the ground. Dusik was then escorted to intelligence. The security team leader led Dusik upstairs to meet the deputy chief.

Dugun wanted to meet Dusik but the captain did not allow him. Dusik told Dugun to just go get coffee and do everything like he usually does. After listening, Dugun immediately went to the coffee vending machine. At this time, Dugun encountered Mi Hyon. Mi Hyon slowly took out a knife from her pocket.

Dusik was escorted to meet the deputy chief of staff. The deputy chief wondered why Dusik disappeared without reporting the results of his assigned mission. What finally happened in North Korea?

Dusik immediately replied that if he wanted a report, I could inform the blue house about the mission to assassinate the North Korean leader that he had assigned to me. It seems that the green house did not know about this.

When the deputy chief scolded Dusik, he said I would survive in my own way. I will survive for both North and South to pursue me. Dusik then used his fast speed to counterattack. He fired continuously, causing the deputy chief to immediately take a bullet in one eye.

Dusik then took Deputy Chief Min hostage and broke the glass door. He and his deputy flew out. Seeing that, everyone in the intelligence department and Mi Hyeon rushed outside. I only saw Deputy Chief Min being bullied by Dusik. Both of them were floating in the middle of nowhere.

The deputy chief ordered the agents below not to open fire. The possibility of shooting them is very high. Dusik looked down and called Mi Hyeon’s name. Then he coldly fired a shot at her. But Dugun used his arm to block the bullet for Mi Hyeon.

After that, Dusik and Deputy Chief Min quickly flew far away. It turns out that’s not the case. Mi Hyeon did not intentionally take the gun from Dusik’s bag. While Mr. Mi Hyeon, it was Dusik who asked her to do so. Dusik knew everything.

Dusik whispered in Mi Hyeon’s ear to threaten him with a gun. Then give the knife to Dugun. When he sees the knife Dugun will understand and save you. It turns out everything was part of Dusik’s plan. Dusik doesn’t want to turn Mi Hyeon into a traitor like him.

Dusik did that because he didn’t want Mi Hyeon to be punished by Deputy Chief Min. After receiving the knife from Mi Hyeon, Dugun immediately understood Dusik’s intentions. That’s why Dugun used his hand to block the bullet for Mi Hyeon. Dugun initially intended to use a knife to remove the bullet,

But in the end he decided to keep it in his arm. Dugun sees the bullet as a souvenir every time he remembers Dusik. Deputy Chief Min was then found on a high tree branch in the green house. Because of this, he was investigated by the green house.

Because he could not explain everything clearly to the green house, deputy manager Min was demoted. Since then Dusik also disappeared without a trace. Not long after Mi Hyeon’s father passed away, Mi Hyeon felt extremely lonely and lost. After that, Mi Hyeon was also transferred to another organization.

Mi Hyeon wants to sit and work near the window so she can look outside. Mi Hyeon still maintains the habit of drinking coffee from vending machines. Mi Hyeon also often eats her and Dusik’s favorite meat dish. Mi Hyeon often looks up at the sky hoping to see Dusik’s silhouette.

The days just passed like that and autumn went nowhere. That night, when Mi Hyeon was walking alone on a snowy road, she suddenly smiled. Mi Hyeon just turned around and saw Dusik behind her. Mi Hyeon said I searched for you in the sky but you came to me on foot.

Dusik told Mi Hyeon that he wanted to show her the snow-white city from above. Dusik walked over and slowly hugged Mi Hyeon from behind. Then he lifted her up into the sky. They both looked at the beautiful night sky. A lot of snowflakes are falling on the city.

Then the snail boy was also born. The young couple took turns taking care of their baby. At this time, Dusik was a genuine farmer. Although small family life is difficult, it is always filled with laughter. One day while the couple was playing with the snail balloon, the boy suddenly flew up.

Mi Hyeon quickly hugged her son tightly. The couple looked at each other with worried expressions. After learning that the snail had inherited his ability to fly, Dusik immediately installed a barrier. By doing so, the snail balloon will not hit the ceiling every time it flies up.

The couple’s peaceful life also began to appear turbulent. The defense department has also been restored to work at the National Security Intelligence Department. The National Security Planning Agency ASNP also changed its name to the National Intelligence Service NIS.

The intelligence agent began planning to gather agents with superpowers to continue carrying out his personal missions. One morning, Dusik and his wife were diligently harvesting apples in the garden. At this time, the snail boy was alone in the house. Snail chasing a butterfly. The butterfly flew out the window.

When Mi Hyeon entered the house, she didn’t see any snail shells. She immediately told Dusik the news. Two news of Dusik’s son’s disappearance immediately flew to Mi Hyeon. She told her husband that she couldn’t find her son anywhere. The window is wide open again.

After hearing this, Dusik immediately told him that he understood, so he should calm down. After that, Dusik immediately flew straight up to cloud 9 to look for the snail shell. After flying everywhere to search, Dusik finally found the snail balloon floating in mid-air. Dusik immediately flew to hug his son.

Later, when he grew up, he often dreamed of this scene. To prevent the balloon from flying away every time he played in the house, Mi Hyeon tied a rope to the boy’s body. At this time, a man came to the house and asked to buy apples.

Even though Dusik said we only sell wholesale, he still begged to buy a box of apples. This man is the deputy chief’s bodyguard. Later, he was also the principal of GLNagwon High School. That night, when the whole family was drunk, Mi Hyeon suddenly heard many footsteps coming towards her house.

Mi Hyeon informed Dusik that they were surrounded. Dusik pulled out his gun and said he would distract them from the front door while Mi Hyeon took the snail car and escaped through the back door. They came here in the middle of the night which means they understand Mi Hyeon’s family very well.

Therefore, their family of three could not run away together. Dusik doesn’t want anyone to know that the snail also possesses super powers like him. Dusik doesn’t want the snail to have to live the same life as he did before. Dusik promises he will find Mi Hyeon and her mother at any cost.

Having finished speaking, Dusik boldly walked out. At this time, many agents surrounded the house. Leading the way are three agents possessing three different superpowers. The electric agent nicknamed Electric Man told Dusik that we would escort him back to the deputy chief. After hearing this, Dusik immediately attacked and arrested a police agent.

Then he continuously fired shots at the enemy. At the same time, another group of police agents entered the house looking for Mi Hyeon and her mother. Outside now, a female agent uses her see-through ability to fire a shot, causing Dusik to fall.

The agent possessing supernatural strength ran to attack and then pulled Dusik to the ground. The old electric agent also moved out to attack Dusik, but his speed pushed him close to a nearby electric pole. Seeing that, two police agents approached and handcuffed Dusik. He immediately flew straight up to escape.

But Dusik had a rope tied to him. The agent possessing extraordinary strength tried to pull Dusik back to the ground. A group of special police officers were searching inside the house when they were ordered outside to provide reinforcements. Taking that opportunity, Mi Hion immediately carried the snail into her car.

After hearing Dusik’s announcement that it was time, Mi Hion quickly drove away in her car. Seeing that his wife and children had escaped, Dusik immediately landed on the ground and agreed to be escorted by special police agents. After that, Mi Hion carried her son on her shoulders and ran everywhere.

When mother and daughter went to a restaurant to eat, a close soldier of Deputy Chief Min was also secretly following. Perhaps Deputy Chief Min predicted that the snail would inherit his father’s superpowers. Therefore, he let Mi Hion and her mother go.

When the snail grows up, the boy will become a factor in the plan to nurture young talents that he has created. Mi Hion always waited for the day Dusik would come to find mother and daughter. That’s why she painted the roof of the factory she rented purple.

When opening Mi Hion fried meat restaurant, the rooftop was also painted purple. Because that is the couple’s favorite color. Mi Hion decided to open a fried meat restaurant because that was her and Dusik’s plan when the whole family was still together.

After Dusik left, Dugun was transferred to the office department to continue working at the Intelligence Department. At this time, Dugun also married Jihee. The two are living in an apartment for public employees. Every day, Dugun struggles with the job of a desk worker.

He had to practice typing with each of his fingers and then began to learn how to use the computer. Every month, both Dugun and his wife will eat meat once. Dugun confided to Jihee that his new job made him tired. He felt like he had no reason to exist in this world anymore.

Jihee immediately said that he was the reason for her existence and she was also the reason for his existence. After hearing this, Dugun burst into tears like a child. Jihee told me already that we have a home to be together. Not only that, the couple can also eat meat once a month.

As long as we work together, we can overcome anything. Just do what you like. Following his wife’s encouragement, Dugun immediately wrote a letter of resignation. He prepares to pack his things to leave the office. Soon after, Dugun learned that the house he was living in was only for rent to civil servants.

Now we need to extend the deadline to continue living. So Dugun could not submit his resignation. Because if we do that, both husband and wife will have to live on the street. The couple’s life went on like that. Dugun carries his briefcase to the office every day.

Then he gradually got used to the job of a desk clerk. At night, the couple returned together. Remember, I’ve been waiting forever but still can’t get pregnant. That evening, when all his colleagues had left, Dugun had to stay alone because he had not finished his work. Suddenly he saw deputy manager Min appear.

Dugun immediately asked if he had recovered yet? Deputy Chief Min immediately replied that if he knew too many secrets, they wouldn’t let him leave easily. After that, Deputy Chief Min tried to take Dugun’s desk job off tomorrow. He convinced Dugun to return to his job as a black agent to serve the country.

Because he missed his previous job so much, Dugun suddenly felt agitated. When he got home, he thought so much that he couldn’t sleep. Seeing this, Ghi Hi immediately asked him what was going on? After that, she encouraged her husband that no matter what happens, I will be by your side.

Just do what you want. The next morning, Ghi Hi was extremely excited when she saw her husband taking off his shirt and carrying a backpack to go on a long business trip. After that, Dugun and a group of Korean troops tried to find and eliminate intruders from North Korea.

One time, Dugun’s group was searching for intruders from North Korea when they saw a very suspicious person. They quickly pointed their guns at him, but this guy said he was from the Intelligence Department. He also said Deputy Chief Min sent him here.

After that, this guy started getting acquainted and introduced himself to Dugun. His name is Ray Hugh. This guy told Dugun that he had been kicked out of the Intelligence Department once for stealing public funds. Luckily, Deputy Head Min returned to practice to continue working.

Ray Hugh also told Dugun that Deputy Chief Min had gathered people with supernatural abilities and let them hide in departments at the Intelligence Department. Ray Hugh is also one of those people. After listening, Dugun immediately asked what superpower he had?

Ray Hugh said I don’t have any super powers but I’m very good at investigating and searching. No matter how well that person hides, I will follow even the smallest traces to find them. At home, Ji hi looks forward to Dugun’s return every day.

Months have passed and meat has filled the refrigerator, but Dugun has not yet returned. Ray Hugh uses every skill he has to find traces of a North Korean defector. When Ray Hugh discovered a footprint of an intruder, he immediately informed the army behind him to move forward to search for those North Koreans.

As Dugun advanced with the army, Ray Hugh pulled him back and said this North Korean’s stride was more than 2 meters long. It is possible that he also possesses some supernatural ability. The deputy chief of staff knew this well, so he sent Dugun here.

The deputy chief said that since 1994, North Korea has trained an army of superpowers to fight South Korea. In total, more than 2,000,000 people were sent to search for them but all failed. Dugun must be here to confirm whether those intruders really have superpowers or not.

Ray Hugh said as he prevented Dugun from advancing to help the army in front. Ray Hugh told Dugun to wait until the gunfight broke out before appearing. Movies have to be like that to be dramatic. Moreover, the two of you will also become heroes.

Dugun immediately grabbed Ray Hugh’s neck and ran forward to help the army in danger. The army moved forward when it was ambushed by a group of North Korean intruders. Many people in the army had to die.

Dugun ran to the place and saw a North Korean about to shoot a soldier in his army. Dugun used his hand to block the bullet for the soldier, then ran and fell. He directly threw this North Korean guy out. He rose up and was immediately defeated by the army.

Dugun continued to run forward and was hit by a bullet right in the eye. The army continued to defeat another Korean man. Dugun was using water to wash his injured eye when he saw the enemy throwing a grenade towards the army.

Seeing that, Dugun immediately flew over and lay on the grenade. Then the grenade exploded, sending Dugun flying a meter into the air. But the explosive power of the grenade was neutralized by Dugun’s body. A Korean soldier shot a bullet into Dugun’s face and ended the army captain’s life.

The wound on Dugun’s face began to heal. At this moment, from the mountain many heavy rocks began to spread down, crushing each person in the army in turn. A Korean man with extraordinary strength pushed each rock down below. Dugun moved forward alone.

The super talented Korean continued to use his strength to push a small hill down, crushing the rest of the army. Dugun alone advanced forward and confronted the North Korean intruder. He asked if Dugun also has super powers? South Koreans keep raising dogs all the time. After hearing this, Dugun immediately attacked this guy.

After a while of fighting, Dugun fell down and hit him repeatedly in the face. He got up and used his lightning-fast movement ability to continuously attack. Then, he knocked Dugun down to the foot of the mountain. The Korean superpower said, “I will definitely come back to take revenge.”

Then, he flew like a bird straight across the mountain back to North Korea. Many people in both the North and South were killed in the recent encounter. Duy Hi Uc approached Dugun to talk and then asked about the Korean superpower owner.

Dugun immediately said, “From now on, don’t ever appear in front of me if you don’t want me to send you off to heaven.” Jihee was at home watching the news and saw that many people had died in the TriQuest campaign.

“So she was very worried about her husband.” Seeing Dugun return healthy, Jihee burst into tears and hugged her husband. After confirming that North Korea was building a super-power squad to fight against South Korea, the deputy defense department also rebuilt a team of black agents.

Dugun with the code name Junpyo is the head of this team of black agents. Three people possessing superpowers in the black agent team include an old electric man named Electricman with the code name bong mi yong. The agent with the ability to see through has the code name Naju.

The agent possesses more power than the person whose code name is Jin Jae-won. Jin Jae-won approached to shake hands with Dugun and used his super strength to squeeze Dugun’s hand. But very soon Dugun’s hand healed again. Dugun told Jin Jae-won that he was lucky today then turned and left.

Every day Jihee sends her husband off to work, but she is filled with some sadness. One day when seeing Dugun off on a business trip, Jihee said today is the day we eat meat. Dugun immediately said we’ll eat later. Hearing that, Jihee immediately said it was only once a month.

Do you know what it means? Don’t work overtime today and go home early. The day you eat meat is also the day you eat eggs. Dugun immediately asked do you want to have children? Jihee replied that we’ve been together for a long time but I’m still not pregnant.

I really want a baby girl who looks like you. It’s all my fault. Maybe because of the job I did before, I couldn’t give you a child. When Dugun heard it, tears welled up in his eyes and turned to face the door.

Dugun decided to take off his shoes and then walked over and hugged Jihee into his arms. He then carried his wife into the room to carry out the baby production process. Not long after, Jihee warmed baby girl Hisu in her arms.

Every day, both mother and daughter send their father, Dugun, off to work. The days gradually passed, Hisu was now 4 years old. The life of the small family is very joyful and happy. However, Dugun often travels abroad with his team of black agents.

One day, as soon as he stepped off the train back to Korea after a long business trip with a team of black agents, Dugun immediately called his wife. But he received extremely heartbreaking news. Jihee and her mother had a car accident.

Jihee died in this accident and little girl Hisu was taken to the emergency hospital. Dugun went to the hospital to visit his daughter and then walked out. Dugun burst into tears as he went to his wife’s funeral. He cried while wearing mourning clothes.

Dugun walked up to Jihee’s photo and said don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Hisu. After the funeral, Dugun carried Hisu and brought Jihee’s photo home. From now on, Dugun also became an anti-chicken chicken.

After that, Dugun went to see Deputy Manager Min to ask to be transferred back to work at the office. Dugun cannot leave his daughter alone at night. Every day he needs to take her to kindergarten. Deputy Head Min also agreed to let Dugun return to the office to work.

But he told Dugun that it would only be for a while. I will call you if needed. If you want to keep this job, you must answer the phone when I call.

At this time, not far from Dugun’s residence, there was a street of street vendors about to be demolished to build a modern street. Among the street vendors on this street is a foolish guy named Zeman. Zeman possesses superior strength but has a rather simple and stupid personality.

Zeman always wears an electronic watch on his hand and considers it a treasure. Zeman’s wife always tried to protect her husband so that he would not be invited by other clever men to join the movement against the neighborhood’s demolition.

The wife tried her best to persuade her husband not to get involved in things like this if he didn’t want to get into big trouble. And 3 years ago, when Zeman could not control his extraordinary strength, he injured a gangster who destroyed his wife’s street vendors.

The wife advised Zeman to raise his hands and surrender and then follow the police to the station. Zeman was then escorted away by police. At this moment, in the couple’s street vending cart, an electrical device suddenly caught fire.

Next to the couple’s son Kanghoon, Zeman was escorted by police into a car and taken to the station. His wife saw smoke rising from her car. She immediately ran over and carried Kanghoon to the emergency room. After serving 3 years in prison, Zeman returned home

And had to get acquainted with his son all over again. The boy has a large scar on his hand caused by a fire in the past. Zeman takes Kanghoon to school every day. Because they had just met again, Kanghoon also seemed very excited with his father.

Some time later, Kanghoon and Zeman became closer than before. Every time the electronic clock rang, both father and son happily walked hand in hand to kindergarten. At this time, on the street selling street food, all the small businesses were protesting against the mobile police dismantling the neighborhood where they were making a living.

His wife tried to prevent Zeman from participating in this protest. Zeman’s wife told her husband that only she could participate. He already has a criminal record so he cannot participate. If he gets caught again, he won’t be able to see Kanghoon for a long time.

Then she asked Zeman to quickly go to school to pick up Kanghoon. At that age, protesters holding torches in their hands continuously threw the objects they had at the mobile police. After that, a group of people from the dismantling team came and used sticks to repeatedly attack the group of protesting merchants.

Not long after, another demolition team arrived with sticks to assist. They continuously attacked and destroyed street vendors on the street. Zeman’s wife ran to attack one of the dismantling team but was immediately knocked down by them. At this time, Zeman was at home waiting forever but still did not see his wife return.

Zeman immediately told Kanghoon that his father would go pick up his mother. Dad promised to be home before 10 o’clock tonight. Zeman stepped outside and saw that it was pouring rain. He quickly ran to find his wife. When he arrived, he saw his wife being escorted to the car by the police.

Zeman immediately rushed to the car and used his supernatural strength to knock down the mobile police. Zeman then flew into the car that was holding his wife. Police used water guns to shoot at Zeman. The wife tried to stop her husband from attacking the police.

After that, Zeman was knocked into the crack by the water gun. He listened to his wife’s words and immediately flew far away to run away. At this time, Joo-Gun was at home cooking dinner for his daughter when he received a phone call from the deputy director.

He informed Joo-Gun that a monster appeared. He defeated an entire mobile team. Joo-Gun must come to deal with him. Joo-Gun said he couldn’t come now, but the deputy director threatened to change his job. Therefore, Joo-Gun had to leave his daughter sleeping at home to go to the place where the riot was happening.

At this time, Zeman was hiding under a sewer. In his wife’s police car, Zeman tried to beg the police to let her go see her husband because he didn’t listen to anyone. My husband is an idiot, he is retarded.

After that, a subordinate ran to inform the deputy chief that the monster hiding in the sewer was mentally retarded. After listening, the deputy manager was a bit disappointed. Joo-Gun arrived at the deputy chief’s office and immediately ordered him to go down to the sewer to capture the monster.

Joo-Gun took the flashlight down below then slipped and fell into the water. Joo-Gun followed the sewer and saw a red-shirted monster hanging above on a swing. Joo-Gun immediately said get down here because there is only one way out of here. Right then, Zeman also flew down.

After knowing that Joo-Gun wanted to arrest him, Zeman immediately punched Joo-Gun far away. The two then punched each other continuously. Zeman unleashed a powerful blow that sent Joo-Gun flying far away and pinned his body against an iron rod. When Zeman flew towards him, Joo-Gun immediately headbutted him hard.

Joo-Gun leaned out of the iron tree and told Zeman that both of them were monsters. “Come home with me, your son is waiting.” After hearing this, Zeman immediately attacked and then chanted continuously in Joo-Gun’s face. Joo-Gun wakes up and continues to fight the monster Zeman.

After his opponent repeatedly punched him in the face, Joo-Gun used his handcuffs on Zeman’s hands. Now the foolish Zeman can’t leave Joo-Gun’s arms no matter how much he fights. Zeman is then knocked unconscious by Joo-Gun.

At this moment, on the street selling street food, there was a fish shop owner who was falling asleep. Her son immediately ran out into the rain to catch fish. When the fish shop owner woke up, she could no longer see her son. She immediately ran to find her child.

Then she saw her son’s slipper in the sewer. The fish shop owner immediately ran to ask the police chief to help her find her son who had fallen into the sewer. At this time, Joo-Gun was dragging the monster Zeman upstairs when he heard a boy calling for help.

Joo-Gun then sees a boy trapped behind a bar. Joo-Gun immediately punched the wall with his fist. At this time, the monster Zeman also woke up. The two worked together to rescue the boy.

When the police went down to the sewer to find the missing boy, they saw Joo-Gun alone holding the baby on his shoulders. The mother was extremely happy to know that her son was still safe and sound.

Deputy Chief Min told Joo-Gun that I asked you to arrest people but you went to save people? Where is that monster? Joo-Gun said Zeman was on his way home because he had promised his son that he would be home before 10 p.m.

Deputy Chief Min immediately said I thought he was a fool, but it turned out you were even more foolish than him. Zeman came home and found Kang-Hun very scared because he was home alone. Seeing that, Zeman immediately apologized to the boy for coming home late then hugged Kang-Hun in his arms.

At this moment, mobile police entered and pointed guns at Zeman. Joo-Gun and deputy chief Min also came to the house. Deputy Chief Min ordered Zeman to be handed over to the police because he was not worth using. When he and Joo-Gun left, suddenly many mobile policemen were thrown into the glass door.

Joo-Gun rushed over and the police officer informed him that it was the child who did this. Deputy Chief Min realizes Zeman’s abilities have been transferred to his son. That’s why he began to be interested in this child.

From this moment on, Joo-Gun began to realize the sinister and sinister nature of Deputy Chief Min. Zeman’s son later became class president Kang-Hun at Yale-Onerun High School. After returning home, fearing that Deputy Chief Min would know that Hisu had also inherited superpowers from him,

Joo-Gun immediately packed up all his belongings and little Hisu ran away. After that, father and son fled everywhere. Deputy Chief Min sent people to search everywhere for Joo-Gun but still couldn’t find any trace. He believes that it was because of his daughter that Joo-Gun ran away.

The employee said they weren’t sure if the superpower was mobile. Listening to the story, Uc Lien said I’m sure that girl inherited super powers from her father Joo-Gun. Because after that accident, she only stayed in the hospital for a week before being discharged. Furthermore, a normal baby could not survive such an accident.

When the accident happened, I sat nearby to observe everything. So I’m sure she inherited her superpowers from Joo-Gun. Then Hi Uc wire gave deputy manager Min a draft of national talent development. He told Deputy Chief Min that they needed to train a younger generation. Now they know that three children have super powers.

Foolish Ze-man’s son is one, Joo-Gun’s daughter is two. The third child is Kim Du-sik’s son. I went to Du-sik and his wife’s house to find out. I also followed Mi-Hyeon and her mother. So I’m sure Du-sik’s son inherited his father’s ability to fly.

Not only that, the electric man Electric Man and the female agent with the ability to see through Na-Zoo also have children. The team of black agents will grow over time. We need to train the next generation. We should also expand the search across the country to discover more talents.

I think we should open a school now because growing up children have to go to school. Hearing what Ray Hi-uk said was very suitable for handling, deputy manager Min approved it immediately. Deputy Head Min assigned Ray Hi-uk to implement this natural talent development program.

That is why GLNWon High School was born and gathered many students with super powers. The video of Kang-hun flying like a bird to save Hee-soo has spread at breakneck speed online. Not only that, this video also reached the hands of a senior North Korean manager.

He immediately ordered a junior officer to go to South Korea to find out about this immediately. At this time, Kang-hun and Hee-soo are wandering around a convenience store. Hee-soo immediately asked Kang-hun if he had superpowers? Teacher Kang-hun was silent. Hee-soo immediately told him that he didn’t want to talk.

If I were like you, I would get a perfect score to get into the University of Physical Education. Hearing that, Kang-hun immediately told me that I would not go to university but that I would work for the government.

Kang-hun remembered the first time he went to meet the Principal of GLNWoon School 3 years ago. The Principal told Kang-hun that his father had two criminal records. Even though he has completed his prison term, he is still under house arrest.

Does your father always have to stay at home and not be allowed to go out? After that, the Principal took out a card to introduce himself as currently working at the National Intelligence Agency. Then, he told Kang-hun that if he served the government in the future

, he would both have a good job and erase his father’s beautiful record. Since then, Kang-hun was scheduled to become an officer in the National Security Bureau. After that, Hi-su and Kang-hun returned to school. Kang-hun told Hi-su not to tell anyone about the job he just talked about.

At this time, the Youtuber girl in class was having her video camera confiscated by the homeroom teacher. The teacher told her not to record videos in school. Afterwards, she complained to her friends in class that her Youtube channel had been deleted even though she had not violated anything.

She felt sorry because the video she filmed of Kang-hun had 200,000 views. After that, the homeroom teacher entered the classroom and announced that because the gym was exhausted, all physical education classes would be canceled. Saying that, the teacher called Hi-su to the teacher’s room to talk privately.

The teacher told Hi-su that the gym needed to be rebuilt so she needed to go to a sports center to practice. That place was closed so very few people went there. Hi-su has to try harder to be able to get into the gymnasium. Hi-su walked out and met the gang leader Ki-su.

He immediately asked her what the homeroom teacher said. “Be careful, don’t trust anyone.” Hi-su entered the classroom and saw Bong Se-ok sitting alone, reciting poetry. Hi-su immediately asked Bong Se-ok not to carry his iron backpack anymore?

Bong Se-ok said from now on he would get used to not having his iron backpack. You can’t keep living like that forever. After that, Bong Se-ok told Hi-su that I’m fine anytime, anywhere, only when I’m near you do I need that backpack.

Hi-su immediately placed her hands on Bong Se-ok’s cheeks. This action caused Bong Se-ok to float upward. Hi-su pulled Bong Se-ok back to the ground and brought his backpack to Bong Se-ok. Hi-su said I was worried about you. Afterwards, Hi-su invited Bong Se-ok to come to the sports center to practice with him.

Outside, Bong Se-ok asked Hi-su, don’t you feel cold in this weather? After that, Bong Se-ok tried to take off his jacket so Hi-su could wear it. But she refused. Bong Se-ok immediately took his room charger and gave it to Hi-su so she could keep her hands warm.

As the two of them were walking, a mysterious man was following behind. At this time, Bong Se-ok’s mother Mi-hyun was heading to school. At this moment, Hi-su’s father Joo-won is also doing the same thing. After watching Kang-hoon’s superpower video,

Both of them became suspicious of the Je-il-neung-won high school that their children were studying. Mi-hyun took a gun to carry with her, and Joo-won dipped her hand into a pan of boiling oil to test whether her self-healing ability was still working well or not.

At this time, Bong Se-ok and Hi-su were taking the bus to go to the sports center. When getting into the car, the two met driver Gi-do. Bong Se-ok gallantly paid Hi-su’s bus fare. Then, a man with a large scar on his forehead also got in the car.

Gi-do told him to scan his phone to pay and then get in the car. When he saw that this man seemed so confused, Gi-do immediately asked him to show him his phone. With the ability to see a person’s past when holding an item of theirs,

Driver Gi-do seems to have seen some secret of this scarred-faced guy. This guy immediately took his phone back and went down to sit on the bus seat. After that, Gi-do drove the bus away. He drove while looking in the rearview mirror to see the expression of this scarred-faced guy.

At this time, the guy with the scarred face was taking out a photo of Hi-su and Kang-hun to compare with Hi-su’s face. At the same time, Mi-hyun took a taxi to her child’s school.

When the security guard stopped her, Mi-hyun immediately said that I was the student’s parent and had come to meet the homeroom teacher. The security guard immediately showed Mi-hyun the homeroom teacher’s office. After that, Mi-hyun called to see where the snail car was. Bong said he was on his way home.

Mi-hyun immediately told her to go straight home. Mom had something to do tonight so she’d be home a bit late. Hi-su immediately told the snail that he had just lied to his mother. Bong Snail immediately said it seemed like my mother was outside so I could come home a little late tonight.

I will help you practice. At this moment, Hi-su also received a phone call from his father. Hi-su tells her dad that because the gym is broken, she needs to go to the sports center to practice. Hearing that, Joo-won immediately told Hi-su to go straight home and not go anywhere.

Hi-su promised his father that he would come home soon. But as soon as he hung up, Hi-su told the snail that we had to go to the sports center to practice. Then Joo-won goes to school. All of Joo-won’s movements are monitored by the school security guard.

Joo-won entered the school and saw security cameras everywhere. The security guard immediately called to inform someone that Mi-hyun and Joo-won had both gone to school. Then he took the key and went inside. At this time, Mi-hyun is in the homeroom teacher’s office.

The teacher invited Mi-hyun to sit down at the table to talk. Mi-hyun asked the homeroom teacher about the recent incident that happened at school. The homeroom teacher said there was an accident caused by outdated equipment in the gym. Fortunately, Kang-hoon stopped it in time so no one was injured.

Mi-hyun immediately asked that student, right? Hearing that, the homeroom teacher immediately made a face and said that Kang-hoon is very talented at sports, but calling it superpower is a bit too much. Kang-hoon only jumps a little farther than a normal person. Mi-hyun continues to say this won’t affect my son’s application and college?

The homeroom teacher immediately replied that maybe Bong Xe Snail didn’t have a very outstanding record, but it wasn’t too difficult for him to get into college. Mi-hyun stared at the homeroom teacher and said, how do you know I’m the snail’s mother?

At this moment, the homeroom teacher’s face began to stiffen like a tree. The teacher tried to find a way to cover it up and explain that it was because I had seen her on the snail’s social network. Then the teacher asked permission to go out.

Mi-hyun immediately asked the teacher when he started this job. The homeroom teacher seemed hesitant. Mi-hyun quickly looked at the hole in the leg of the house and realized there was a camera watching her. Joo-gun entered the school and encountered the vice homeroom teacher. Joo-gun says I’m a student’s parent.

The deputy head teacher said the school was closed so there was no one here. Joo-gun immediately asked me if I could visit the school? The deputy head teacher happily agreed to let Joo-gun tour around the school.

However, the teacher ran to the principal’s room, closed all the curtains and opened a secret surveillance system behind the wall. Then the vice-homeroom teacher wore a listening ear to monitor Joo-gun’s every move. At this moment, Joo-gun is walking into the gym.

Joo-gun then went to look and discovered the basketball platform lying on the ground. Joo-gun looked straight at the cameras pointing at him. He approached a camera and asked who are you? Saying this, Joo-gun immediately destroyed this camera.

At the same time, in the car, there was a group of North Koreans trying to find the bloodline records of parents with superpowers. Among these was a man who had fought with Joo-gun in the mountains. This group of people is trying to eliminate all people with superpowers in Korea.

The leader received a phone call from someone telling him to go to the back door of the school to take action. The bus and Hi-su were about to get off the bus when the guy with the scarred face also approached and stood behind the two students.

Driver Guido saw that and immediately pressed the button to announce that he would no longer accept passengers and then drove quickly forward. Guido drove the bus continuously through the traffic on the street. He even passed the red light to rush forward. Everyone in the car was shaking with the movement of the car.

Only the guy with the scarred face remained standing still because his feet never touched the floor of the bus. Hi-su dropped the portable milk charger on the floor. The evil car driver didn’t understand why the driver did that.

Realizing that the guy with the scarred face had unusual signs and seemed like he had some intention with the snail and Hi-su bike, driver Guido immediately drove the car forward quickly. Once at a police station, Guido immediately changed direction and threw an obstacle all the way.

Then he stopped the car right in front of the police station. The police came out and knocked on the bus door. Each person on the bus started to get off. Guido looked at the scarred-faced guy in the back of the car.

After a few turns of the light bulb on the car, he flew away and disappeared. Back at GLON school, Kimi Hyon asked his homeroom teacher when he started teaching. The homeroom teacher replied that I have been teaching for 10 years or so. This teacher’s story of becoming a teacher began in 2004.

At that time, the homeroom teacher was a former officer. He went to the National Security Agency to meet with the Deputy Chief of Staff to ask to become a black agent. When the Deputy Chief of Staff asked how he knew about our secret organization, the homeroom teacher said,

“Eight years ago I met you during an armed raid. A black ops soldier saved my life.” ” So I really want to join the black agent team to devote myself to the country.” The deputy chief said that if he was a black agent, he would have to hide his identity.

You even have to keep it a secret from your family members. After that, the Deputy Head of Department assigned the homeroom teacher the task of finding potential talents. The Deputy Head of Department requested the homeroom teacher to always keep a cool head and put silly emotions aside.

Only then can this work be done. So the homeroom teacher started going to Yale High School where he always became a physical education teacher. The first talent that the teacher had to take care of was the student Guido, son of the electric agent Electric Man.

Every day the homeroom teacher has to try his best to discover whether Guido has inherited superpowers from his father or not. But Guido has quite weak physical strength. He never completed the physical training exercises given by his homeroom teacher.

Because he was so impatient, principal Jay Hieu Uc Lien asked a group of bullies in the school to torture Guido. Do you want to see if Guido exhibits any super powers? Because it’s almost time for Guido to graduate from school. The homeroom teacher tried to stop him, but it was in vain.

The gang approached and threw a battery to Guido. After that, they repeatedly ordered Guido’s body. The homeroom teacher stood and observed and saw that Guido did not show any super powers. Even when he was kicked until his throat bled, Guido could only lie down and take the beating.

So the homeroom teacher concluded that Guido did not have super powers. Then the homeroom teacher advised Guido to pursue a career in entertainment and television. Because Guido’s sports test score was not enough to get into physical education university. I apologize for orienting you to the field of physical education and sports.

The next student that the homeroom teacher has to keep an eye on is female student Se-eun. Because Se-eun is the daughter of a female agent who can see through Na-ju. Se-eun also loves her homeroom teacher very much because he is a very dedicated person and loves his students very much.

That’s why when she heard her homeroom teacher say he knew she had the ability to see through things, Se-eun also honestly showed him all the talents she had. However, this incident was banned by Na-ju. Na-ju came up with a plan so that Se-eun wouldn’t have to live the same life as her.

At this time, the homeroom teacher felt very happy because he had finally found a talented person with superpowers. That morning, the whole class practiced high jump exercises in the gym. Just as she made a jump, little Se-eun suddenly fell and lay unconscious. Se-eun was immediately taken to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Se-eun was later confirmed to have passed away. The homeroom teacher and class friends visited Se-eun’s funeral. The homeroom teacher apologized to Na-ju because as a teacher I didn’t know Se-eun had cancer. The teacher and friends in the class were extremely sad because of the sudden passing of student Se-eun.

As time passed, the homeroom teacher gradually integrated into the life of a true teacher. Many students love the teacher. Every day the homeroom teacher tries his best to find students with superpowers. Although many students have been tested, they are all just slightly different abilities and cannot be called super powers.

Many years of school have passed, but all the efforts of the homeroom teacher have only resulted in the exact number 0. One day a student Jun-tak wanted to apply to transfer schools. The homeroom teacher did not know that Jun-tak had the ability to stop time.

So the teacher calmly agreed with Jun-tak’s decision to transfer schools. Realizing that many years of school have passed and the homeroom teacher still hasn’t found a bright candidate. Therefore, principal Dwayne Hi-uk immediately sent special agent Jun to assist the homeroom teacher.

This agent will work at the school as a contract teacher and assistant to the homeroom teacher. Then the principal gave the homeroom teacher a new set of profiles of young talents. He advised the teacher to pay special attention to Dusik’s son.

In this file, there are the resumes of class president Kang-hun, student Mam-mi-bong-se-oc and student girl Hee-su. All three of these students received the utmost attention from the homeroom teacher. Back to the present, Joo-gun is studying the room diagram at the school.

The deputy homeroom teacher tried his best to observe Joo-gun’s every move through surveillance cameras. Joo-gun opened the door to a room and saw Mi-hyun sitting and talking with the homeroom teacher. Joo-gun told the homeroom teacher, “I am Hee-su’s parent. I want to meet the homeroom teacher to discuss something.”

Mi-hyun dialed her phone and put it in the trash. Mi-hyun then stood up to say goodbye to the homeroom teacher. Mi-hyun whispers in Joo-gun’s ear that there are security cameras. Mi-hyun then went out and put on her headphones to hear the conversation between Joo-gun and the homeroom teacher.

Mi-hyun then went exploring everywhere in the school. The deputy head teacher was monitoring the camera when Mrs. Lao-kong from the school knocked on the door. The teacher immediately closed the camera system door and walked out to ask Mrs. Lao-kong what was going on. She said she needed to clean this room.

As soon as the deputy head teacher opened the door, Mrs. Thieu immediately gave him a knife on the day of the little servant. Mrs. Lao-kong coldly helped the knife out. The vice-homeroom teacher easily persuaded me and said I couldn’t do anything yet.

After that, he also went to pay his respects to the king. Ms. Lao-kong immediately put on her headset and observed all camera systems. She carefully listened to the conversation between Joo-gun and the homeroom teacher. Joo-gun said I think I know who the class president’s father named Kang-hun is

Because he can also jump very far like that class president. At this moment, Kang-hun was also in the school’s self-study room. The young bully Ki-su also sneaked into the homeroom teacher’s office to investigate what secrets this teacher was hiding.

Joo-gun tells the homeroom teacher that there is a hidden camera on the foot of the house. Don’t you know that someone is watching you? Who are you anyway? It turned out that the homeroom teacher was a soldier and officer who joined Joo-gun in the raid on a group of intruders from North Korea.

At that time, the homeroom teacher was saved by Joo-gun himself. Joo-gun used his hand to block a bullet for his homeroom teacher. Joo-gun also used his body to shield himself to prevent the grenade from exploding. After observing the camera, Ms. Lao-kong immediately called the group of North Koreans

Outside to tell them to go inside the school to take action. Mi-hyun also heard the entire content of this phone. Mi-hyun then slowly approached the principal’s office. Through camera observation, Mrs. Lao-kong knew Mi-hyun was standing right behind the door. When Mi-hyun opened the door and walked in, she saw Mrs. Lao-kong cleaning normally.

Mi-hyun looked around the room and saw a body hidden under the desk. Mi-hyun immediately closed the door. Outside, the talkative YouTuber friend was planning to sneak into the school to get back the camera that had been confiscated by the vice-homeroom teacher. Unexpectedly, the security guard found out and didn’t let her in.

At this time, the group of Korean superpowers began to enter the school. Furthermore, there is someone hiding in the trunk of the car. A guy used his super strength to unchain the back door of the school. Then this group of people boldly marched inside.

At the police station Guido was trying to explain to the police that the bus had run out of power so he cleaned the bus to the police station. Hee-soo told the snail that we both lied to our parents so we had to hide before the police got the information.

Hee-soo told the snail that I dropped your cell phone charger on the bus. The driver immediately told me that I was very close to the driver, Guido. I’ll find it again later. After that, both of them went to the sports center for Hee-soo to practice.

Hee-soo and the snail went into the sports center and told the security guard that the homeroom teacher introduced them here. The security guard also agreed to let the two go inside. Both boys and girls were extremely excited about the beautiful gym here. Hee-soo said he started to like Yale-Nur-Won High School.

I really like the teachers and friends here. Then Hee-soo ran a few laps around the stadium to warm up his body. Bong immediately went outside to buy Hee-soo a drink. The scar-faced guy entered the gym and locked the door. He flew up and landed behind Hee-soo.

He called Hee-soo and asked how many laps she had run. Hee-soo was extremely surprised and said it for about 10 rounds. But who are you? I already have permission to practice here. He immediately grabbed Hee-soo and threw her down to test to see what super powers she had.

When the snail car entered the sports center again, the security guard was nowhere to be seen. Then he discovered that the gym was locked. Bong used his hearing ability to know that Hee-soo was fighting and screaming inside. Bong quickly ran outside.

Inside, after fighting with Hee-soo, the scarred man also knew that she had the ability to heal herself. He begins to test Hee-soo’s flying ability. He grabbed Hee-soo and pulled her up into the sky, then prepared to let her fall freely to the ground.

Remove the backpack and then remove the weights from under your feet. He remembered the words his mother had said. Mi-hyun once told Bong Xe Snail that her father once said that if you want to fly well, you must know how to land properly.

If you really want to fly, don’t be afraid of falling. The car’s balloon immediately flew up and crashed into the window. Then he flew to pick up Hee-soo who was falling freely to the ground. Hee-soo held the car in his hand and looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

The snail balloon flew around the stadium and then landed safely. Bong Xe Snail was very happy to know that he could control his ability to fly. Scarface North Korea was also very excited to find another person with superpowers.

Inside the school, Mi-hyun, after closing the school principal’s door, asked Mrs. Lao-kong where she came from. Then Mi-hyun quietly turned off the lights. Mrs. Lao-kong said I was from Pyongyang and then used a knife to repeatedly attack Mi-hyun. She began to reveal her ability as an assassin.

But she didn’t know that Mi-hyun was once an outstanding young female agent in the Korean intelligence department. After only a few afternoons, she was knocked down by Mi-hyun. Mi-hyun listened and learned that this assassin’s accomplices were coming. Mi-hyun quickly ran out and smashed a flower vase on the assassin’s head.

She looked out the window and saw Mi-hyun’s thick mark outside. The Korean accomplice entered the room. Both of these people are high-ranking officers in North Korea. The accomplice looked at the body and asked her if she was nice to him? Your mission is to find the documents.

The janitor assassin told me she would eliminate everyone who stood in my way. Mi-hyun outside also heard this conversation clearly. At this time, two people entered the homeroom teacher’s room. One of them was a high-ranking officer in North Korea,

Who was assigned by the general to go to South Korea to coordinate with the janitor to destroy the deputy printing department’s plan to train young talents. The two of you must bring the file of children with superpowers back to him.

The leader directly asked the homeroom teacher where the records of students with superpowers were. If you’re smart, quickly hand it over to me. At this time, the killer janitor and her accomplices were looking at all the cameras to find Mi-hyun but couldn’t see her.

Therefore, she called on her accomplices to deal with the delinquent student Kisu. The immediate task is to handle all those present at the school. The accomplice did not agree and said I needed to investigate what training they had received. Then he went outside.

The cleaning lady continued to look at the camera and saw some screens were broken open. It turned out that Mi-hyun used snow to throw at the cameras that were tracking her. Mi-hyun entered the school’s power control room. She used her hearing ability to open the lock.

A camera lit up again so the assassin saw Mi-hyun’s current location. Outside, the YouTuber still refused to leave. The girl went to the back of the school and saw the door wide open. Seeing that, the little girl happily went inside. Mi-hyun shut down the entire electrical system in the school.

The leader of North Korea asked the homeroom teacher to quickly give him the records of students with superpowers. If there is any delay, it will be a big problem. The homeroom teacher bent down and rummaged through his locker and took out a baton. He said only teachers are allowed to see student records.

Then the teacher boldly confronted the Korean leader. The tall bully teacher outside stepped in and told you that if you take one more step, I will break your legs. The delinquent student Ki-su rummaged through everything on his homeroom teacher’s desk but found nothing suspicious.

After searching for a while, he walked out of the room. At this time, Ki-su suddenly encountered a North Korean intruder. This guy stopped Ki-su from walking and asked if his homeroom teacher taught physical education. Then he grabbed Ki-su’s collar and continued to ask what his ability was. Ki-su immediately punched him.

The North Korean guy immediately punched Ki-su to the floor. Kang-hun saw that the school’s electricity had been cut off and decided to leave. When I went outside, I encountered a North Korean intruder. After learning that Kang-hun had just come out of the self-study room, he immediately took out the photo to compare.

He recognized Kang-hun as the main character in the super power video spread online. At this time, Jae-man stood in front of the house and waited forever but still did not see his son come home.

The lady came out and said that the boy was probably staying at school to study for the public exam that was coming soon. Then she went inside to call Kang-hun. Seeing his mother calling, Kang-hun immediately picked up the phone. The Korean superpower guy immediately flew over and kicked Kang-hun.

Hearing her son’s screams, she quickly told her husband what happened. “Brother, it seems like something happened to Kang-hun.” Because I heard the boy screaming on the phone. Knowing that Kang-hun was at school Jae-man immediately ran to the school to find his son.

At this time, the homeroom teacher used an opener to hit the tall bully once, but he remained peaceful as if nothing had happened. Joo-won immediately kicked this muscular gangster’s leg and hair. Then he knocked him down and he lay down on the ground.

The janitor assassin entered the electrical control room and opened the communication bridge. Joo-won told the homeroom teacher that I would take care of it here. Go out and find the kids. At this time, the leader of the North Korean side still appeared confident.

In the electrical control room, Mi-hyeon asked the assassin if she had found the documents. I heard everything she said. The assassin intended to attack with a knife, but Mi-hyeon gave her a shot right in the middle. Mi-hyeon even made a silencer so that no one could hear the gunshot.

The homeroom teacher ran out and heard Ki-soo scream. When the teacher ran to the place, he saw the student being beaten to death. The teacher immediately fought the Korean intruder. But with just a little martial arts, the homeroom teacher was quickly dragged to the ground.

Teacher Ki-soo called the police and the North Korean guy immediately used a gun to shoot the phone into the homeroom teacher’s end. The homeroom teacher immediately hugged Ki-soo and said please spare his life. This student is not related. I’m the one who knows it all.

The North Korean asked the homeroom teacher to hand over the documents. On this side, Joo-won grabbed the North Korean gangster’s head and repeatedly slammed it into the wall until the wall broke before stopping. At the same time, the leader received a phone call from the scarred-faced guy who was fighting with Hi-soo.

The leader asked the scarred-faced guy to see how their abilities were and then report to me. The bully who was hiding his head against the wall suddenly woke up and grabbed Joo-won’s head. He punched Joo-won in the face repeatedly then knocked him to the ground.

The leader said, do you think only 5 of you people have superpowers? We even have a legion of superpowers. The leader continued searching for the superpower file. The North Korean gangster repeatedly punched Joo-won in the face, causing Joo-won’s face to become completely distorted.

The leader told Joo-won, do you know why it came to this? It’s all the fault of the swinging bastard. Mi-hyun listened and learned that the leader had mentioned her husband’s name. She called the snail car company but couldn’t get through. Mi-hyun went out and locked the door of this control room.

Then she loaded the gun in her hand. The side of the snail bubble is also not very positive. Hee-soo told the snail that I don’t know who that guy is but he’s about to die.

Then Hee-soo loudly called out to the guy with the ugly face to come down and compete in martial arts. The ugly-faced guy also flew over and landed in front of the two students. Hee-soo told me I was 1 against 17. This time it’s only 2 against 1. It’s as simple as knitting.

The snail bike flew up to fight, but the guy with the bike face fell down and lay in a heap on the ground. Hee-soo ran over and was kicked by the face-faced guy and lay down in the same place as the snail. Then he flew and floated in the air.

Bong the snail stood up and flew over but was controlled by the guy with the red face. He cornered him against an iron goal, causing the snail to fall to the ground. Then he flew up and kicked Hee-soo once, sending him flying far away.

The snail-cart flew along and was hit with a net by the guy with the dirty-faced face. The snail fell onto a ping pong table and began to struggle easily to escape the net that was covering his body. At this time, Hee-soo was lying unconscious.

The guy with the face told the snail that you look a lot like someone I know. Is your father Du-sik? Bong Xe Snail was very surprised when he heard what this face guy said. Inside the school Mi-hyun begins entering the school to fight the remaining intruders.

The Korean soldier was controlling the homeroom teacher and when Soo was shot right in the cheek by Mi-hyun. He also used a gun to get back at Mi-hyun. At this moment, Mi-hyun’s gun ran out of bullets. She immediately flew through a glass door and proceeded to reload her gun.

The Korean soldier praised Mi-hyun’s skills, but he also boasted that he was a good marksman. Mi-hyun used elegant eyes to look at his reflection on the faucet. Then she fired a bullet into the faucet, causing the bullet to fly past his head.

Very quickly, Mi-hyun also fired another shot to send this guy back to eternal life. The homeroom teacher and Kisoo walked out. Mi-hyun immediately said that this place was very dangerous and they needed to quickly take refuge. The homeroom teacher told Kisoo to immediately leave the school.

Then the teacher ran to pick up the gun of the North Korean who had just stopped breathing and ran to fight. Kisoo was about to run out of school but heard someone’s voice in the vice homeroom teacher’s room. When I went inside, I met a talkative Youtuber friend hiding under the table.

This girl intended to sneak in to find her camera, but she didn’t expect that she was entering a death zone, which scared her to the point of peeing her pants. The North Korean leader and bully was walking down the stairs when Mi-hyun pointed a gun at him.

The leader immediately asked where my soldiers were. Mi-hyun said I eliminated both of them. Mi-hyun then continued to ask what happened to Dusik. The story of Dusik’s disappearance also began to be revealed. On that fateful night, Dusik flew to see Mi-hyun to say goodbye.

Dusik then immediately flew straight to North Korea to do the task assigned by Deputy Chief Min. At this time, in the residence of the North Korean leader, the guards here disappeared one after another as quickly as possible. After that, these soldiers were wormed into insects and pulled up behind the screen door.

A soldier on guard was immediately shot in the shoulder. Dusik appeared behind the door forging. The guard immediately pressed the button to raise the alarm. After that, many soldiers surrounded him and continuously fired at Dusik. Dusik uses his ability to move at lightning speed to dodge bullets.

Then he flew around to take down each of the guards here. After a while of flying, Dusik also eliminated all the guards here. However, there was not a single wound on Dusik’s body. Dusik entered the area where the North Korean leader was staying.

Here he encountered a high-ranking North Korean officer. Dusik flew in and took down this officer in plain sight. He grabbed Dusik’s leg and told Dusik not to go inside. Dusik immediately told me I didn’t shoot at their dangerous spot. Save those who can live. Dusik then directly opened the door to the room.

The officer intended to take out the gun from his shirt to attack, but Dusik turned around and shot him using one of his fingers. Dusik pointed the gun at the leader who was lying in the sick forest, but he was able to open his hands and walk outside.

The high-ranking officer who just had Dusik’s finger on him was ordered to search every corner to find people with the same elements as those in South Korea. At all costs, complete this mission and don’t forget that sacrifice is inevitable. A year later this officer had gathered a trained army.

All of these soldiers stood on a mountain top and began to explore the potential within each person. The officer told the elemental soldiers that we no longer have time to wait for your powers to awaken. It is better to sacrifice gloriously than to die in disgrace.

He then ordered all the elemental soldiers to jump into the abyss. The army behind began to point their guns at these elemental soldiers. All the soldiers were now trembling, no one dared to jump down. The commander began to order the army to open fire. Then all these soldiers also jumped into the abyss.

The officer approached and looked down below. He was very sad when he realized that there was no one left alive. When he turned his back, a guy with a scarred face flew up from below and hovered in the air.

The guy with the scarred face cried as he spoke because all of his teammates who had participated in training with him had died. Then he screamed loudly and condemned this selection as being too cruel. The officer said all the soldiers who died would be honored by their country.

If you escape now, you will be guilty of treason. Then all the troops started pointing their guns at him. The scarred-faced guy also began to give up and landed on the ground to join Uncle Trieu’s superpower squad. On the night that the agents surrounded Dusik’s family’s house,

Dusik asked Mihyon to lead the snail to escape and absolutely not reveal the story of the snail’s possession of superpowers to anyone. When he saw that his wife and children had left safely, Dusik immediately landed on the ground and accepted to be arrested by Deputy Chief Min’s agents.

Dusik was then taken to deputy chief Min with all the chains wrapped around him. Deputy Chief Min told Dusik that there must have been a reason why he was arrested. Who can stop you?

How long do you think your wife and children can hide? Dusik was about to attack Deputy Chief Min but was interrupted by him. If you do anything to me now, you will be internationally wanted by Interpol for the murder of a high-ranking official of the National Security Agency.

At that time, the North Koreans also hunted down the teacher and killed him. Without me, no one would protect you. Now do you choose to do this mission or run away for the rest of your life? So Dusik had to accept the next mission to assassinate the North Korean leader.

Dusik continued to break into the leader’s residence. But now things are no longer as easy as before. Scarface stepped out, only to receive a shot from Dusik, he responded, causing him to fall to the ground.

Then the guy who possessed the ability to move as fast as lightning held a chain in his hand and ran out to catch Dusik. All the troops came out pointing their guns at Dusik.

At this time, the senior officer also came out and told Dusik that my life had been spared, but do you think you are very noble? I told you not to enter that room. All my comrades died that night. After that, Dusik’s face was covered with acne.

Back at school, the leader asked Mihyon if she was Dusik’s wife? The first time we met, Dusik took a finger from me. Mihyon said I only care about what Dusik says. Realizing that this guy could see her through the mirror, Mihyon immediately shot and shattered the mirror in front of her.

The two guns went back and forth when Mihyon was shot in the leg. Mihyon tries to escape from two intruders from North Korea. At this time, at the sports center, the snail was still struggling with the net.

After hearing the guy with the scarred face mention his father, he immediately asked him if he knew what his father had given him? The guy with the scarred face immediately said he knew because I was the one who captured him.

Hearing that, the snail immediately tore off the net and ran to attack the guy with the scarred face. Then he punched the snail in the face. This guy told the snail that you already know how to control your abilities. You are very similar to your father.

After listening to the Snail Ball, he immediately told me I was like my mother. Then the snail balloon rushed to hug him and flew around. At this time, Hisu also woke up. She suddenly remembered what her homeroom teacher had taught her to be able to throw the ball accurately.

Hisu then picked up a dumbbell. The snail ball hit the scarred-faced man’s head and flew to Hisu. Hisu immediately used a dumbbell to gently tap the scarred man’s cheek, causing him to lose blood and spit it out. At this time, the scarred-faced man was lying motionless on the ground. Back to school.

At this time, Kanghun was being slapped repeatedly by the super talented Korean man with hairless hair. Kanghun asked who he was. Then the two people possessing super powers and super speed started to fight each other. But the Korean soldier was more powerful, so he easily knocked Kanghun down.

At this time, the Korean leader was following the blood trail to find Mi Hyon but could not find her. He immediately told the gangster to go find the homeroom teacher and get the documents. Mi Hyon went to the bathroom and bandaged the wound on her leg.

Mi Hyon then took out her phone to call Jugwon. The dents on Jugwon’s face began to return to normal. Then Jugwon also picked up the phone. Mi Hyon immediately said Jugwon, I need you. We need to protect our children. Hearing that, Jugwon tried to stand up and walked outside.

The leader went outside and saw Mi Hyon’s glasses dropped in front of the electrical control room. He immediately broke the door and went inside, only to find his female soldier killer lying there, dying. Then he entered the school and saw one of his subordinates had also been executed by Mi Hyon.

The leader immediately called the guy outside and told him to put on his glasses and come in here. One guy opened the car’s trunk lid. He put on glasses and boldly entered the school.

At the same time, class president Kang Hoon’s father was also running over. He jumped from building to building to get to school. At this time, Kang Hoon was also trying to fight continuously but could not do anything to the super talented Korean man.

Moreover, he was continuously fed powerful punches. Then Kang Hoon played a hand-to-hand game with this guy. His 5 iron punches seriously injured one of Kang Hoon’s hands. Kang Hoon used his remaining hand to continue fighting.

The leader entered the homeroom teacher’s office to look for documents. Hearing the teacher making a noise, he immediately called the person hiding under the table to come out. Kisoo and the Youtuber girl began to show their faces and tried to plead with this guy to spare their lives.

Kisoo said we are just normal students. The leader also put down the gun and told the two children to hide here carefully. Then he turned and walked away. On Kang Hoon’s side, the homeroom teacher suddenly appeared and shot continuously at the North Korean soldier.

He used super speed to escape into a room. The homeroom teacher opened the door and was attacked by him and he lay motionless. Then he kicked again and saw the homeroom teacher fall back to the ground. He kicked the homeroom teacher’s gun and asked where the documents were.

The homeroom teacher immediately said “I don’t know”. Kang Hoon went to pick up the gun, but he grabbed the homeroom teacher’s collar and threw it hard at Kang Hoon.

He approached and restrained Kang Hoon to make his lips appear as if he were forcing the homeroom teacher to tell him where the documents were.

At this moment, Je Man Tung broke the wall and entered. Je Man, whose son was being tortured, immediately ran over and threw a punch, knocking the Korean soldier out. “You dare to hit my Kang Hoon?” Je Man frantically attacks the super-powered Korean.

Je Man then threw a blow that sent him to the floor. The bully was about to go to rescue his teammates when Du Gun threw a fire extinguisher at his head. After having a fire extinguisher hit in the face, he actually knocked Du Gun out.

Du Gun continued to approach him and hit him in the face, then he actually knocked him out. At this point, the two started punching each other to test who was tougher. After 7-7-49 punches, the North Korean bully began to feel pain.

Realizing that this guy was in pain in Du Gun’s leg, he immediately attacked that place. Du Gun then made a decisive punch to defeat this gangster. Inside, the super powerful father Je Man Tung took the Korean soldier and threw it out the window.

Kang Hoon went to call his father and said he didn’t want to leave him anymore. After that, Kang Hoon cried with joy. Je Man also apologized to his son for being late. The homeroom teacher told Du Gun to end everything as soon as possible.

Du Gun saw a very dangerous stranger just appear and said I don’t think it’s over yet. This stranger possesses an even more extraordinary power than Je Man. He is the son of a Korean defector couple.

His parents went back to the main stream when trying to get to Korea and he was captured by the army and imprisoned in the dark until he became an adult. This guy just needs to smash his hands together to create a wind that can destroy everything.

Teacher Du Gun ran away and created an earthquake to block his way. The homeroom teacher shot continuously at him and immediately waved his hand, causing the entire room where the homeroom teacher and Je Man and his son were standing to collapse.

Du Gun rushed forward and wanted to finish off this super guy, but was blown far away by his earthquake. Je Man and his father and the homeroom teacher were crushed by pieces of concrete. Je Man used his strength to shield his son.

The leader entered the principal’s office and saw the appearance of the vice principal. After checking the camera system, he took out his phone and turned back to the snail’s side. At this time, the snail car was asking Han if Hisu was okay.

Hisu immediately said that he was unharmed and that his father was shot by a gun and it didn’t even matter. Hearing that, Bong Xe Snail immediately said, “But you’ve been beaten a lot, and you’re also the person I like.”

Hisu immediately said that you just said something strange, you just said you liked me. Who would confess their love like that? They both looked at each other awkwardly, then Hisu said I like you too. Suddenly the scar-faced man woke up. He received a phone call from the leader who was at the school.

After picking up the phone, he immediately reported that the two people here had super powers. The leader told him to quickly go to the school to help because Dusik’s wife had already finished off two of our people. Bong Xe Snail also heard this conversation very clearly.

The scarred man stood up, pointed his gun at the two boys and said, “Don’t follow me.” Then, he fired a shot at the snail’s shell, but Hisu used his body to block the bullet. After waking up, the snail cried out Hisu’s name. But not long after, Hisu also woke up immediately.

Seeing that the snail was still worried about him, Hisu immediately told me it was okay and you should go quickly to your mother. You come to rescue everyone first, I’ll run after you. After that, the snail balloon flew into the sky and flew straight to the school.

After the first few seconds it seemed a bit chaotic, the snail finally regained its balance and flew away like a superhero going to save the world. Inside the school, Dugun got up and continued to rush towards the guy with super strength.

He was lucky to avoid one of his attacks. The bully who had just been defeated by Dugun also began to regain consciousness. On this side, Kanghun repeatedly hit the wall on his side to create a hole. Thanks to that, the three people were able to escape.

At this moment, the scarred man was flying like a Superman to school. Driver Guido also felt something flying over his head. After picking up the spare battery, Guido was convinced that this belonged to the snail bike and Hisu.

At this moment, Dugun suddenly saw Geman standing on the other side joining forces with him. Dugun rushed forward and threw a piece of metal at the super guy. When he was about to swing his hand, Geman flew towards him and punched him repeatedly, making him lie motionless.

Dugun told Geman that thank you because your son saved my daughter. Your son said he’s growing up so fast. The Korean supervillain woke up from his coma. Seeing him scream loudly, Geman flew over and kicked him hard. Geman then continued to lock this guy’s arm.

Finally, he bent one arm so that he could no longer create any more attacks. At this moment, the Korean gangster suddenly ran to attack Dugun. Mi Hyon is dragging her feet outside.

Seeing the Korean superpower guy lying motionless outside in the snow, Mi Hyon immediately told him that I will deal with as many people as you have left. He immediately called Mi Hyon a monster and asked why she brought them back to the motherland.

Mi Hyon said she could become a monster just to save her child. He pulled out a piece of broken glass and was about to attack, but Mi Hyon killed him on the spot.

Guido was driving the bus and was about to go home to rest when suddenly Hisu blocked his way. Hisu quickly apologized and said she had to go to school immediately. Thanks to the dangerous-looking scar-faced guy who used to follow Hisu and the snail, Guido quickly drove the bus to school.

At this time, the bully was punching Dugun repeatedly. What’s strange is that every time he wakes up after being knocked unconscious, he becomes much stronger. He threw Dugun into the door so hard that it broke the glass then ran down to prepare to attack Geman.

But before he could do anything, Geman knocked him down and fell down the stairs. He tried to get up but was repeatedly hit by Geman like a sandbag.

After waking up from the coma, the thug thuong discovered that one of his arms had been bent. He could only stand helplessly and watch his wise friend being tortured. He shouted loudly the name of the Korean gangster and then jumped down below.

When the supervillain’s hand touched the ground, the ground suddenly cracked, causing part of the school to collapse. At this time, Dugun was pierced by an iron rod so he did not fall into a deep hole. Dugun grabbed Geman’s hand and threw him onto the roof of the school.

The homeroom teacher and Kanghun went outside to reunite with Kisu and the Youtuber. Teacher Geman woke up and Dugun immediately asked him to quickly go to Kanghun’s place. Geman immediately flew to meet Kanghun and told him and his father to go home.

Dugun pushed himself out of the iron bar and crawled up above. Having just escaped from an accident, Dugun was shot in the eye by a scarred man flying around. But then the scarred man was suddenly attacked by Mihyeon. Mihyeon hid to avoid the bullets from the scarred man.

At this time, the Korean gangster was carrying out each block of concrete to save his super friend. But the super classmate told him to go away and live his life like a human. Having said that, he also closed his eyes. The bully burst into tears and climbed up.

Mihyeon fired a shot into the scarred man’s shoulder. As he was about to fire a few more shots, he discovered the gun was out of bullets. The scarred man showed his face and was about to finish off Mihyeon when a snail-cart came and hugged him and flew him far away.

Then the two landed on the rooftop of the school. Bong Xe Snail immediately shouted loudly not to touch my mother. Then he started punching him to pieces. Who would have thought that the scar-faced guy would promptly resist and then fly over to lock the bike’s hand and lock it.

Seeing that, Mihyeon immediately ran upstairs. Guido was riding the bus to school when he saw a snail balloon flying with the scarfaced guy. Guido immediately drove the car through the door to enter the school.

The scar-faced guy tried to hit the bus straight into the car, but Guido swerved the car, leaving the injured scar-faced guy lying on the ground. That’s why the bus overturned. The snail balloon flew up alone and saw the North Korean leader standing on the rooftop.

At this time Jooheon also woke up. Jooheon took out the bullet stuck in his eye and left the eye there. The scarred man picked up the gun and flew up to fight the snail.

Bong was about to rush forward and decide to live with this guy, but seeing that he was holding a gun, he avoided it. Mi Hyon ran up to restrain the leader and asked the scarred man to put down his gun.

Mi Hyon mumbled for the snail to run, mom will handle things here herself. But the snail bubble still did not leave. At this time, Hee Soo had just run to school when she encountered a Korean gangster.

Seeing the fat uncle who was full of pity and still crying like a child, Hee Soo immediately patted and comforted the tall uncle. Gido crawled out of the bus and opened the lid of the vehicle’s electrical system.

He stood on the battery to recharge his body and then emitted a huge thunderbolt that hit the scar-faced man. This thunderbolt caused the scarred man to fall with his hand intact. The leader told the scarred man to leave here, then he gave Joo Gun a copper candy.

The scar-faced man also listened to the leader’s words and flew far away to escape. The leader shot continuously at Joo Gun and then turned the gun toward the snail. But at this moment he suddenly remembered that the children were not part of the plan. That’s why he let go.

Mi Hyeon took the gun with no bullets in her hand and ran to hit him so hard that he dropped the gun to the ground. Taking this opportunity, Joo Gun also ran to beat the leader onto the field.

The leader was about to throw himself to the ground but was stopped by Joo Gun. Mi Hyeon also ran to him to ask for Dusik’s whereabouts. Snail Bong ran to hug his mother. The leader tried to escape from Joo Gun’s hand and then fell freely to the ground.

Many police cars arrived at the school but were stopped by the security guard. At this time, the security guard showed off his National Intelligence Service employee card. Then he connected the phone so the policemen could talk to the police chief. Not long after, su immediately ran to school.

Seeing that his mother was injured in her leg, she immediately sat down and carried her on her back like the way she used to help him wander around as a child. Then the snail flew straight to the hospital. Joo Gun stood on the rooftop looking at Hee Soo running towards him and smiled.

Time flies and Jeon Won-ho High School’s graduation day has finally arrived. At this time, Joo Gun only had one eye left. But on graduation day, Joo Gun still smiled brightly and took commemorative photos with little Hee Soo. Kang Hoon’s mother also came to school to attend her son’s graduation ceremony.

The homeroom teacher then handed over Hee Soo’s superpower file to Joo Gun. Hee Soo went around the school looking for it but couldn’t find the snail shell anywhere. Hee Soo sadly walked into the classroom and sat at her desk.

Looking towards the desk of the snail car, she remembered all the beautiful memories the two of them had experienced. Hee Soo had just stepped outside when a yellow object flew past the window. Jae Man is still sitting in front of the house waiting for his son to return.

Because Jae Man is still under house arrest, he cannot leave his residence. After graduating, Kang Hoon kept his promise to become an employee of the National Intelligence Service. Kang Hoon asked Deputy Chief Min to erase his father’s criminal record as he promised. Unexpectedly, Deputy Chief Min told him to think more.

As soon as Kang Hoon left, the security guard brought a girl to meet Deputy Chief Min. Even Deputy Chief Min had to be as respectful as me before this young girl. Who would have thought that this girl would be a classmate who was bullied at Hisu’s old school.

Joo Kwon also fulfilled his promise to Principal Jae Hyuk. Previously, Joo Kwon once promised Jae Hyuk that if I ever met him again, I would send him back to the main stream. The scar-faced guy flew back to North Korea and reported the entire incident to the senior general.

The mission failed and documents of the talented people with superpowers could not be found. The scar-faced guy wondered if it wasn’t enough to just send people related to the project back to the main stream and why he also had to take the documents back.

When the general told me I liked it that way, the scarred man immediately lifted up his intact hand and gave him a copper candy. Then the scar-faced guy came to see Du Sik. The scar-faced guy informed Du Sik that those bastards would take advantage of his son the same way they used him.

Saying that, he threw Du Sik a gun and left with the door wide open. Not long after, deputy chief Min was executed by Du Sik. Du Sik did so because he did not want the snail’s super power to be exploited.

At this time, the Korean gangster was also accepted by Dugon as an employee at the fried chicken shop. Hi Su came to the store and told his father not to bully the tall, dark employee. Then on TV there was a scene of a high-rise building burning fiercely.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure wearing a yellow raincoat flew into the house to rescue the trapped people. People call this superhero Yellow Man. After causing countless earthquakes many times, Guido still kept his job as a bus driver.

Du Sik was flying around the city admiring the scenery when he saw a house with a purple terrace. Du Sik landed on the rooftop and suddenly encountered the snail and Mi Hion. The small family was finally reunited after many years of separation. The movie ends here.

It can be seen that the movie has a quite happy ending for the members of the super teenage squad. But the film also opened up many new details.

After Deputy Chief Ming passed away, the person who took over his position was the heartless agent who worked with Mi Hion to carry out the seagull plan. Not only that, the assassin who specializes in hunting down people with superpowers is still alive. A new assassin named Elias was also revealed.

Along with that is the mysterious appearance of a girl who has the ability to not age. This girl is also the girl who was always bullied at Hisu’s old school. If you like the above content, remember to like and subscribe to support us spiritually. See you again in the next videos!

[Review Phim] Những Báo Thủ Ẩn Danh Đi Học | Review Phim Hàn Hay

Link Phim: https://youtu.be/6aay1-aU0LA

Kể về Kim Bong-Seok, Jang Hee-Soo và Lee Gang-Hoon học cùng trường trung học. Họ trông giống như những học sinh bình thường, nhưng họ có những khả năng đặc biệt mà họ thừa hưởng từ cha mẹ. Kim Bong-Seok có khả năng bay.

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  1. Nếu cha mẹ mấy người đấy là f1 và con của họ là f2 lại sinh ra f3 với 4 siêu năng lực thì phải chăng vài đời nữa thì 1 thực thể siêu nhiên sẽ suất hiện chăng? Siêu tốc độ, siêu sức mạnh, siêu hồi phục, biết bay, siêu thể chất, kháng lão hoá, vv….😂

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