
A vicious poisoning case that once caused a sensation in Japan resulted in the poisoning of more than 60 people and the death of 4 people. Not only that, it also involved many cases. In July 1998, residents of Seino District, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan were preparing for a summer festival.

This is the event. A regional annual festival where villagers gather to enjoy delicious food and a happy time. The event is scheduled to be held on July 25. The women in the village are mainly responsible for the food cooking. Masumi Hayashi is also a villager here. She is an insurance salesperson.

Her husband, Lin Jianzhi, once ran a termite eradication company. However, an accident left him unable to work. After receiving insurance compensation, the Lin family moved to this community in the mid-1990s. The couple’s house is the largest in the community. They also own A BMW car , but since moving here,

The family does not seem to have integrated into the local community. They only interact with former friends. Although people often come to visit them, locals rarely go to their home. The male owner, Lin Kenji, is considered a no-one. The hostess, Hayashi Masumi, was also known for being unfriendly.

She often honked the horn loudly at villagers who blocked her path. She even refused to let her children play with the village children . Although the Lin family was not popular in the community , they The family also participated in the summer festival. Masumi and other women are preparing food for the festival.

They will customize the menu based on popular dishes from previous years, including delicious dishes such as grilled chicken skewers, teriyaki, eel, and pork chops. The time will soon come to July. Saturday the 25th The food was ready. The most popular dish today was curry. People not only enjoyed it at the festival

But also took it away. The event went very well. Everyone had a great day. As the event ended, people started to return home . But Soon something wrong happened. Many people developed strange symptoms after returning home. Among them, Murakagawa Megumi (slip of the tongue) started vomiting after returning home

, and her neighbor Mr. Tanaka was found by his wife lying on the sofa with his hands tightly wrapped. A local doctor initially diagnosed the patient as suffering from food poisoning. The ambulance sent them to a nearby hospital. By the next morning, July 26, 1998, 63 people had been sent to the hospital

, 4 of whom were rescued. The four victims were reportedly the organizer of the event and his deputy, a 16-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy. Soon the news spread, causing panic among local villagers . Suspicions arose that something was wrong with the food served at the festival.

Local authorities quickly intervened and began an investigation. Doctors performed an autopsy on the victim. Preliminary results indicated that the victim’s cause of death was dehydration due to severe vomiting. The Health Bureau conducted test results on food and water sources. It showed that there was nothing abnormal , so investigators focused

On the food and materials used in the event. They collected vomit samples from the patients and conducted tests. The test results showed that the vomit contained residual pesticide ingredients. Investigators noticed that in this incident Many victims had eaten curry at festivals , so they began to investigate the raw materials of curry.

Eventually, they found that the curry blocks provided by a company called “Fengchi Pesticide” contained high concentrations of pesticide ingredients. Curry cubes were indeed the ingredients used to make curry at the event. Investigators quickly took steps to recall the batch of problematic curry cubes and conducted further investigation into the company

. The investigation found that the company added pesticides to the curry cubes to prevent food poisoning. Corruption and irresponsible behavior led to the death of 4 people and injuries to dozens of others. After the incident was exposed, the villagers were shocked and angry. For them, what was supposed to be a happy festival

Turned into a happy festival because of irresponsible behavior. A tragedy. The police began to collect information about the case. However, a week later, medical experts told the police that the real cause of the patient’s poisoning was arsenic. They believed that someone deliberately sprinkled it in the curry pot.

At this time, the whole of Japan was in trouble. I was shocked because according to this statement, this case is very likely to be a murder , and it is not a personal hatred. Anyone who eats this curry may be poisoned. Although the official investigation is still continuing

, local villagers have found two people. They believe it was all planned by Masumi Hayashi and her husband Kenji Hayashi. Not only did the family have a cold relationship with their neighbors , but the termite eradication company Kenji once ran had easy access to arsenic. Masumi

Was born in 1961. In Arita City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, her father is the president of the local fishermen’s association and her mother is an excellent employee of an insurance company. After graduating from high school, she studied at a health school affiliated with a general university, where she learned a lot of medical knowledge

And got to know a lot of people. Her husband, Lin Kenji, had a wife and children at that time. Masumi relied on her youth and enthusiasm to successfully let Kenji leave his ex-wife. Then the two entered the palace of marriage. However, what is incredible is that since Masumi and Kenji’s life

A series of weird things happened after we got together . One day in November 1985, a young man working at Kenji Company was about to go out when he suddenly felt dizzy. He hurriedly returned to the house and fell unconscious on the sofa within a few minutes.

The couple quickly called an ambulance for him , but he was pronounced dead as soon as he was sent to the hospital. The cause of his death was diagnosed as “cardiac insufficiency.” When people were sorting through the deceased’s belongings,

They found that he had a life insurance investment of up to 25 million yen during his lifetime. Perhaps out of gratitude, the beneficiary of the insurance was filled in as Mr. and Mrs. Lin who provided him with a job and had been taking care of him.

Later, the family of the deceased asked for the insurance money and went to court. In the end, the two parties reached a settlement and the couple received 12.5 million yen. Three years later, Kenji suffered a sudden mental paralysis, causing hemiplegia. He then claimed 200 million yen in disability insurance benefits

From the insurance company . In October 1994, Masumi named herself as the beneficiary and signed a contract for his mother with an amount of up to 200 million yen. 145 million yen life insurance. Her mother died of acute leukemia in October 1996. Masumi received the insurance compensation as she wished. A neighbor claimed

That in June 1996, Masumi was admitted to the hospital with burns. After being discharged from the hospital, her mother moved in to take care of her daughter and grandson, but the strange thing was that her physical condition had deteriorated since the call . She returned to Arita City many times , but

Her daughter rushed to take her back to her shortly after each time in February 1996. A 35-year-old unemployed man lived in Linzhai. What is puzzling is that he actually took out 10 insurance policies with a total sum of 50 million yen. In July of the same year, he ate in a karaoke box.

He suddenly lost consciousness and was sent to the hospital. He was not discharged until September. In September 1997, he suddenly vomited violently after eating at Lin’s house and was sent to the hospital . He was not discharged until January of the following year. But in March 1998,

He was riding a motorcycle again. He fell down while driving and was sent to the hospital again. Although the neighbors did not raise any questions to the police about the strange things that happened in Lin’s house , they all privately discussed that Lin’s house was unknown and that it was a haunted house.

During further investigation, the police noticed a young man who worked at Lin’s house. Behind the death of Masumi’s mother were huge insurance claims. A police spokesman said, “Detecting insurance fraud is the key to solving this case.”

The police decided to set up a task force to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this series of incidents. A team composed of police forensics and medicine A large investigation team composed of experts conducted comprehensive evidence collection on multiple cases. The results of multiple tests showed that

Most of the victims were related to the highly toxic substance arsenic. Facing the interrogation, Masumi insisted that everything was accidental and accidental. She emphasized that she They knew nothing about arsenic or even what it was. However, the police found milk bottles in which arsenic had been stored

Near Lin’s house and her home three years ago. Just when there was a breakthrough in the case, the police encountered a It’s a very difficult matter. The problem lies with the witnesses and the victims. The witnesses’ testimonies are contradictory and full of loopholes.

Some victims are actually unwilling to file a complaint at all . It seems that some people are creating lies to protect the Lins and their wives. They may have been deceived by the Lins and theirs. Bao’s accomplices , the police were so troubled by this

That they had to arrest and release the Lins and their wives. This was repeated as many as three times. According to a friend of Masumi’s, she was extremely fond of diamonds and rubies. Every time she visited a jewelry store,

She was fascinated by the diamonds and rubies. She couldn’t put it down with the natural gem ring. Some neighbors also reported that she loved new cars. Replacing a new car was her greatest pleasure. In fact, the huge insurance payout allowed Masumi to live a different life. She wore famous brand clothes and jewelry

Inlaid with diamonds and jade. The latest integrated kitchen designed by Europe and America is used. The bedroom is also full of famous paintings. Moreover, Masumi’s private life is very fancy. At the age of 17 , she had a relationship with a member of the bad elements. After her husband became hemiplegic

, her lover continued to love her day by day. People are also extremely generous and very infatuated. She once had three abortions for a sweetheart. Masumi used her body and money to find many helpers who were determined to help, many of whom were victims. This is why the police have difficulty

In distinguishing the testimonies of all parties. The reason for the authenticity is that the media speculated that Masumi used the pharmacological knowledge she learned in medical school and her mastery of the insurance business to perform her masterpieces again and again without leaving any trace . There are even reports that

She went to work in an insurance company because of her A convenient door for insurance fraud. Although the insurance company was wary of Masumi, they had to be led around again and again because there was no evidence. When the police arrested Masumi for the last time, one of her babies was already dead.

It is inferred that the day of her pregnancy should be in late June 1998. However, at this time, Lin Kenji was hospitalized and already hemiplegic. Lin Kenji was obviously not the father of the child , and the lover who made Masumi pregnant was probably the father. Her other co-conspirator,

Masumi, used such cruel methods to defraud the insurance company and obtained a huge sum of more than 500 million yen. Due to her extravagant spending, she currently has very little liquidity left. In addition, she spent 5 years in the name of running a piano school. She borrowed a total of 20 million yen

, but she only repaid more than 1 million yen . On October 4, 1998, Wakayama City police arrested Masumi on suspicion of attempted murder and insurance fraud. On December 9 of the same year, she was arrested for murdering curry. Masumi was rearrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder after mixing arsenic.

During the trial, Masumi denied all charges and remained silent throughout the trial. During the first trial, the Wakayama District Court heard the case in public. At that time, 5,220 people wanted to observe this. The trial with the largest number of spectators after the movie star “Noriko Sakai”

Set a record for non-celebrities in Japan. In December 2002, the court found Masumi guilty of the curry poisoning case. She was sentenced to death. However, Masumi has always insisted on her innocence. The court’s decision was appealed. The High Court heard her appeal but upheld the verdict in June 2005. Her defense lawyer

Appealed the case to Japan’s Supreme Court. A lawyer argued that the curry poisoning case was clearly different from the insurance fraud case. He said this There was no motive in the case and no witnesses saw her touching the curry pot. Moreover, there were so many people present that day and

Everyone had the opportunity to poison the curry pot. The lawyer believed that Masumi should not be sentenced to death in the absence of key evidence. April 2009 On March 21, 11 years have passed since the case occurred. The Supreme Court of Japan upheld the death sentence

And rejected the appeal filed by the defendant Masumi. Hayashi became the 11th female death row inmate in Japan after World War II . She is still imprisoned in Japan. In prison, you don’t know when your life will end because in Japan, death row inmates are only informed two hours before execution.


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