
Today, we will use a scientific perspective to explore the complex truth behind meteorological events. According to the latest news from CNN US Limited News Network, a deadly flood on February 19 led to widespread power outages and devastating mudslides in California, USA. Most of California has suffered new A wave of severe rain

Creates a severe storm. Pacific winds blow across the West Coast as narrow, intense storms bring severe thunderstorms and gusty winds to the Bay Area . Flooding, hail and tornadoes light up on a weather map of the state released by the National Weather Service. Millions of people in California will receive flood warnings Monday

Afternoon as a storm moves into southwestern San Mateo County, south of San Francisco, and a “land tornado” appears, around the same time a string of thunderstorms sweeps through the northern Central Valley. Meanwhile, Southern California bore the brunt of the storm, with up to 10 inches of rain falling

In Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, with the highest amounts in the Foothills. The Santa Barbara Airport was closed starting Monday as flooding struck, causing severe flooding. Until further notice , the California Highway Patrol continues to clear up crashes as rain continues in Los Angeles. A portion of the Pacific Coast Highway

South of Los Angeles has been closed . The storm has prompted a state of emergency in eight counties. Hundreds of homes have been damaged. Rainfall amounts in the area have reached as much as 8 inches and 4 inches of rain fell in Los Angeles, surpassing the city’s

Most single-day rainfall in more than 20 years. Flash flooding continues in the Santa Monica Mountains, Hollywood Hills and Beverly Hills. Disneyland is forced to shorten its opening hours in the South. Other parks in California including Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park and SeaWorld in San Diego are all closed

. Thank you for liking, commenting, subscribing and turning on the little bell. We will update daily and we will update the three cities further north , including San Francisco. The San Francisco Peninsula saw 2.5 inches of rain. The Santa Cruz Mountains saw three to five inches

Of rain. The Big Sur coast saw three to six inches of rain. Much of the Sacramento Valley was under strong winds. One person was in Sacramento early Monday. Man camping near creek in East El Dorado Hills rescued from raging floods Mission Creek turns into a raging river during heavy rains; creek overflowing

During storms two weeks ago led to the evacuation of some families in the city of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has been reminding residents over the weekend to be prepared. In the city’s hilly neighborhoods, homeowners and workers prepared sandbags and laid plastic tarps on muddy hillsides that still bore

Remnants of the last storm. Scar California is located on the western coast of North America facing the Pacific Ocean . It has a Mediterranean climate . The region has humid winters and dry summers. The Pacific high pressure often affects the region to form a stable subtropical high pressure system

. However, due to the influence of ocean currents and lower-level water vapor, the coastal areas of California are still subject to some storms. First of all , California is located in the Pacific Rim Seismic Belt, where plate movements are frequent and earthquakes and volcanic activities are relatively active, which provides favorable geological conditions

For the occurrence of natural disasters such as hurricanes. Secondly, California is close to the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, both of which are tropical areas. The main area where cyclones are generated . If hurricane-level storms originate from the eastern Pacific or the Gulf of Mexico and move northward,

They are likely to hit California. In addition, climate anomalies such as El Niño and La Niña will also trigger an abnormal increase in atmospheric circulation in California and nearby seas. The possibility of hurricane landfall . In addition, California is located at a lower latitude and belongs to

The subtropical high pressure belt. Both the south and north of the high pressure belt are low pressure troughs, which are conducive to the formation of tropical cyclones. If a tropical storm in the eastern Pacific or Atlantic moves northward into the edge of the subtropical high pressure

, it will It may affect the California region. Finally, there are powerful ocean current systems in the ocean around California, such as the California Current and the Arizona Current. These ocean currents will provide the ocean heat and water vapor conditions required for

Natural disasters such as hurricanes . If an El Niño event occurs, the ocean will warm and atmospheric circulation will occur. The possibility of abnormal storms moving northward will increase. Therefore, California is close to multiple hurricane or tropical storm generating areas and is in the Pacific Rim seismic belt;

Ocean currents and subtropical high pressure systems provide favorable conditions for storms to move northward; climate abnormalities such as El Niño will also The combination of these factors that trigger frequent storms means that the California area is often hit by storms. If climate change causes storms to intensify in the future,

California is likely to suffer from extreme weather events with higher intensity and frequency. Climate warming caused by human activities is the biggest cause of frequent extreme weather events. The direct cause is that the greenhouse gases emitted by the burning of fossil fuels continue to warm the earth

And provide energy for extreme weather events. Specifically, humans mainly have the following types of destructive activities that lead to an increase in extreme weather events: First, industrialization leads to large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide and methane. Greenhouse gases can absorb heat

, causing the earth to be nearly 1.2°C warmer than before industrialization. This has changed the global climate system, making extreme weather such as tropical cyclones and heavy rains more frequent and more intense. The Industrial Revolution in developed countries has increased the consumption of fossil fuels since the 18th century. Modern

Industrialization in developing countries has also led to a rapid rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, air traffic has led to an increase in high-altitude aerosols. Aircraft exhaust contains aerosols such as water and sulfates, which will form condensation nuclei , increase the formation of high clouds, and have an impact on radiation absorption.

The rapid expansion of the global aviation network has increased the intensity of this effect . At the same time , large-scale deforestation of rainforests has led to ecosystem imbalances, such as the Amazon rainforest, which is an important global carbon sink. Massive deforestation will destroy The balance of the ecosystem increases carbon emissions,

Which reduces the land’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide. The disappearance of rainforests also affects the water cycle, weakening regional precipitation. What cannot be ignored is that urbanization enhances the heat island effect. The use of buildings and artificial roads makes cities warmer than suburban areas.

This will cause changes in local circulation and affect precipitation distribution. Urban heat islands will also intensify the intensity of heavy rainfall in urban areas. The global urbanization trend has intensified this effect. More importantly, overgrazing leads to a decline in soil quality. A large number of livestock grazing will destroy vegetation

And accelerate the soil. Erosion This reduces the soil’s ability to absorb water leading to an increased risk of flooding Grazing also releases methane which is a potent greenhouse gas and overuse of fertilizers in agriculture leads to an imbalance in the nitrogen cycle Fertilizer use leads to increased emissions of nitrous oxide

Which is a greenhouse gas The gas will also produce oxidative aerosols that affect atmospheric chemical processes and affect precipitation. In addition, overfishing damages the marine ecosystem. Large-scale fishing will lead to the depletion of fishery resources and a decrease in marine biodiversity. This affects the absorption of carbon dioxide by the ocean

And reduces the ocean’s environmental impact. Adaptability to climate change On the other hand, the environment is also affected by the use of mining technologies that contain mercury. Some mining processes release mercury elements, which volatilize into the atmosphere, oxidize in the air to form mercury compounds, and settle into the ocean and soil.

Changing the ecosystem also affects the climate. In addition , over-exploitation of groundwater reduces soil moisture. Over-exploitation of groundwater resources in many areas has led to a decline in groundwater levels and drying of the soil. This weakens the soil’s ability to act as a carbon sink

And also affects the resistance of vegetation to drought. It is worth reminding that large-scale Burning coal causes pollution. Coal burning produces smoke pollution , which will form aerosols in the atmosphere , affect the radiation budget, and have an impact on the climate . If an individual encounters a storm outdoors

, measures should be taken to avoid or mitigate the storm disaster. First, find a tight building as soon as possible. Avoid temporary buildings and simple houses. Choose sturdy high-rise buildings and shopping malls. Secondly, stay away from glass windows facing the street. Broken glass will produce a large number of explosive fragments

, which can cause casualties . Try to stay away from windows to avoid being scratched by the glass . Loose garbage bins, overturned trees, and other flying objects will become dangerous “missiles” during a storm. You should stay away from the paths where they may fly.

At the same time, try to stay on lower hillsides and highlands where the wind speed and wind are strong. The greater the risk, the higher the risk. It is best to move to low-lying areas such as valleys as soon as possible to avoid trees. Trees may be broken or uprooted and

Cannot provide reliable shelter . Stay away from trees and do not stay under trees . More importantly, be careful when operating motor vehicles. When the wind is too strong, there is a great possibility of losing control of a motor vehicle.

Do not drive unless necessary. Even if you are driving, you must slow down and be prepared to deal with emergencies. What is easily overlooked is to stay away from telephone poles and hanging wires as much as possible. Telephone poles are easily damaged during storms. The risk of electric shock is extremely high.

If a utility pole collapses, do not touch broken wires. Stay away from rivers and flooded streets. Rivers can surge during flash floods. Roads and sinking areas may also be flooded . Stay away from these areas to avoid being sucked into the water. When a storm strikes,

Communities should take some important measures to reduce losses and ensure the safety of residents. First, they must establish a complete risk warning system and emergency plan. Meteorological monitoring equipment should be installed in risk areas and shared with meteorological departments. A comprehensive system from early warning to disaster response should be established. process plan

And regularly carry out community risk avoidance drills. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the disaster resilience of infrastructure, check the safety of public buildings, hospitals, schools, etc., and reinforce them if necessary ; check street trees and remove diseased trees and other dangerous factors in advance;

Ensure that traffic arteries, Disaster preparedness capabilities of important infrastructure such as communications, water supply and power supply . At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in transporting people to hospitals and hospitals . For critically ill patients, special groups

, and people in need in areas with inconvenient disaster information, arrangements should be made in advance to transfer to medical treatment or to designated shelters. To protect their lives, health and safety, it is more important to strengthen protection in key areas. Protection in low-lying areas, coastal areas, hillside areas

And areas near transmission pipelines is particularly important. This is related to the risk of secondary disasters, and targeted protection cannot be implemented . What is not mentioned is that it is necessary to improve the construction assessment of evacuation sites , select tight buildings with lower risks as designated evacuation sites

, and reserve sufficient living supplies , water sources, and power generation equipment in advance to ensure long-term supply. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the dissemination of disaster information through community radio and text messages. Platforms, etc. allow residents to immediately grasp disaster risks and evacuation plans,

And provide targeted resettlement guidance for special groups to help them evacuate in an orderly manner. In fact , floods will have a drastic impact on transportation. First, during floods, river water levels surge and water flows are rapid, which can affect bridge piers and bridges. The erosion of the abutment

Will cause the bridge abutment foundation to be washed away, which will lead to the overall damage and collapse of the bridge. Direct bridges and cantilever bridges are especially vulnerable to floods . Secondly , if the flood control and drainage system is not perfect along the road

, it is easy to be flooded, causing traffic interruption in tunnels and underground passages. Severe water accumulation may also cause the road foundation to be washed away and cause traffic disruptions. What cannot be ignored is that if the railway roadbed and bridge culverts are eroded by floods,

The railway lines will be distorted and broken. Floods may also wash away railway power equipment , signals and locomotive traffic facilities. It is worth mentioning. It is mentioned that if oil and gas pipelines are erected in river canyons, once floods and flash floods occur, the pipelines may be exposed, moved,

Twisted, or even ruptured. More importantly, serious water accumulation on city roads will paralyze the city’s transportation system. Water accumulation and flooding accidents may also occur on subways. In addition, When the flood peak hits, ships will be unable to pass , and the port will be suspended . Extreme floods may also destroy docks

And submerge anchored ships . What is easily overlooked is that the airport needs to be temporarily closed until the floods recede and the runways can be repaired before operations can be resumed . Extreme floods may also destroy shipping routes. Station buildings cause damage to facilities , so

We must strengthen flood control and drainage construction of transportation infrastructure to improve the ability of the entire transportation system to resist floods and minimize possible losses caused by floods . On the other hand, floods can also have serious consequences for agricultural production. First of all, during floods, rivers overflow, dams collapse

, irrigation engineering facilities are destroyed, and water conservancy hub facilities are damaged, which directly affects the irrigation conditions of farmland . Secondly, during flood peaks, farmland is flooded and crops are drowned or washed away, such as rice, wheat, Cash crops such as corn and cotton suffered serious losses. In addition ,

Fast-growing vegetables and fruits also suffered heavy losses in the floods. At the same time, the salt content brought by large amounts of fresh water after the floods remained in the soil, causing soil metabolism disorders and severe secondary salinization, affecting soil fertility . What is overlooked is that

Hot and rainy weather before and after floods are conducive to the occurrence and spread of various crop diseases and insect pests, which may lead to the outbreak of aphid pests such as locusts and rice planthoppers , or the large-scale occurrence of tobacco powdery mildew and downy mildew, causing greater losses

. In addition to direct economic losses, The potential flood threat of external reservoirs has also increased the risk of life and property of rural residents, seriously affecting the stability of rural society . We need to pay attention to it, and we should focus on investigating some potential safety hazards after a flood.

First, we must pay close attention to flood control projects and focus on inspecting reservoir dams and embankments. Discover potential safety hazards in a timely manner. If dam leakage, crack slope collapse, buoyancy and seepage abnormalities are found , experts should be immediately organized to assess the safety of the dam

To prevent dam collapse accidents . Secondly, key public facilities such as bridges, bridges, etc. should be inspected . Important facilities and pipe networks such as tunnels, power supply, water supply and gas may be damaged or washed away . Comprehensive inspections must be carried out immediately

To identify problems and deal with them in a timely manner to avoid secondary disasters . More importantly, hazardous chemical facilities such as crude oil and natural gas pipelines must be inspected. And related processing plants and other facilities should focus on inspections to prevent leaks, explosions and other accidents. What is worthy of attention

Is to check the hidden danger points of geological disasters. It is necessary to comprehensively investigate the known and new geological disaster hidden danger points such as landslides and rock collapses and deal with them in a timely manner to prevent them. In the event of mountain collapse,

Only by carefully and comprehensively carrying out various hidden danger investigations can we promptly eliminate safety hazards and effectively contain and reduce secondary disasters. Countries have accumulated and applied a large number of cutting-edge technologies in response to flood disasters. These technologies play an important role in improving the effectiveness of flood prevention

And disaster reduction . For example, high-precision meteorological and hydrological forecast and early warning technology can predict possible extreme rainfall and flood processes in advance and accurately to prevent and reduce losses. Provide scientific support using radar, satellite remote sensing and other methods to conduct high-density hydrological monitoring,

And then use cloud computing and AI technology to establish a refined urban waterlogging/flash flood disaster risk assessment system to identify key defense areas . In terms of engineering flood control, BIM, virtual simulation, 3D printing, Cutting-edge technologies such as robots and drones

Improve the disaster resistance of flood control projects. The “sponge city” concept is used to enhance urban storage capacity through decentralized rainwater storage projects . Light folding flood control walls are also used to have rapid emergency blockage and flood control functions. The application of the Internet and mobile communications is strengthened. Technology

Is used to issue disaster risk monitoring, early warning, and rescue command. Build a smart flood prevention system with high information speed. Use virtual reality, augmented reality and other technologies to conduct disaster prevention drills and rescuer training to comprehensively improve flood prevention and disaster resistance.


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