宮古島 自転車で一周

Irabu Bridge 17END Sawada Beach Sunayama Beach Yonaha Maehama Kurima Bridge Kurima Island Ikema Bridge Higashiheianzaki Perimeter of each island, Miyakojima 120km, Irabu Island and Shimoji Island 30km, Kurima Island 5km, Ikema Island 10km The Irabu Bridge connecting Miyakojima and Irabu Island The Irabu Bridge connecting Miyakojima and Irabu Island

The Miyako Blue spreading out below The total length of the bridge is 3540m, it is the longest bridge in Japan that can be crossed for free When you cross the top of the bridge, you can see Irabu Island There is a small beach at the base of the Irabu Bridge

At the Irabu Bridge Sea Station, you can eat and replenish Just before entering Shimoji Island from Irabu Island, there is “Watariguchi Beach” It is a white sandy beach that spreads out like an arc There is a narrow strait between Irabu Island and Shimoji Island There are compact beaches scattered on Shimoji Island

You can snorkel at Nakanoshima Beach Go further north and aim for 17END 17END is the approach direction of the airplane landing at Shimoji Island Airport It seems to be called 17END because it is the end (END) on the 17 side It is a mysterious landscape even though it is artificial

The sandy beach spreading on the left side appears at low tide The bridge-like structure visible in front is a pier for guiding airplane landings If the timing is right, you can also see the airplane landing scene The sandy beach of 17END is very beautiful Go around the east side of Shimoji Island Airport

On the left hand side, Sawada Beach spreads out It seems that fishing using the difference in tide was done here A little further on, it will be Irabu Island again This area is the boundary between Shimoji Island and Irabu Island Sawada Beach is very wide, so there are many observation spots

This is “Fureai Square” where you can see Sawada Beach from the east side The scattered boulders seem to have been carried by a tsunami in the Edo period Go north on Irabu Island There is Shiratori Cape ahead This is a place called Funausagibanata, which was a place to see off ships

There used to be a large bird monument on top of this staircase The left hand side is a cliff with quite a height This video was taken before it was off-limits (Iguana Rock) This video was taken before it was off-limits (Triangulation Point) Enter the Sawara Beach settlement

The tension rises at the sight of the Irabu Bridge beyond the rock wall Cross the Irabu Bridge again and return to Miyakojima Head to Yonaha Maehama, said to be the most beautiful in the Orient Overwhelming scale of sandy beach, and you can see Kurima Bridge

Yonaha Maehama is also the starting point for the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima Tournament Kurima Maehama Port on the southeast side of Yonaha Maehama The bridge in front is Kurima Bridge You can also enjoy the scenery of Yonaha Maehama from this side I wanted to spend all day here

Kurima Bridge is a bridge with a total length of 1690m connecting Miyakojima and Kurima Island You can see Yonaha Maehama very well on the right hand side As soon as you enter Kurima Island and turn right, there is Kurima Port Kurima Port also has a beach

What you can see in front is Yonaha Maehama, it seems you can swim and go There are also wonderful beaches ahead To Sunayama Beach, which is relatively close to the city of Miyakojima Sunayama Beach is famous for its scenery from this cave Swimming at Sunayama Beach is also the best

There is also a beautiful coast just before the northern end of Miyakojima This seems to be a hidden beach called Mannatsu Beach I looked it up, but it seemed that there was no particular name for this coast It was a beautiful beach where large pieces of coral were washed up

Quite large corals were also falling Turn left to Nishiheianzaki, go straight to Ikema Island The first bridge to cross to Ikema Island, Yowatari Bridge Next is the Ikema Bridge, which is 1425m in total length As you proceed about halfway across the bridge, you can see Ikema Island

At the entrance of Ikema Island, there are souvenir shops and restaurants You can go down to the sandy beach below from the stairs on the right of the souvenir shops and restaurants There were a lot of Morning Glory flowers blooming on the sandy beach The Ikema Bridge seems to continue indefinitely

And to the left, you can see Oogami Island It’s about 10km around Ikema Island To see the famous Heart Rock, go to the gelato shop The gap in the rock that you can see in front looks like a heart depending on the angle

We will look for a place where we can go out to the sea When you go through the grass When you go through the grass, you will come out to a sandy beach called Ikizu Beach If you go further, there is a place where parking is available

You can go to Funakusu Beach from here Funakusu Beach is a small beach There is also a little walking course, and you can go inside In the end, it becomes a path about the size of one foot We were able to proceed up to here

Near Funakusu Beach, there is a coast where you can go down with a rope It is made so that you can go down to the coast, which is appreciated Cross the Ikema Bridge again There is a place with a good view between the Ikema Bridge and the Yowatari Bridge

This is a famous spot for the spectacular view of the Ikema Bridge Cross the Yowatari Bridge again and return to Miyakojima When you turn at the fork in the road heading to Ikema Island from Miyakojima There is a factory famous for its salt that looks like powdered snow

From the adjacent Nishinohama, you can overlook the Ikema Bridge Beyond the windmill is a scenic spot called Nishiheianzaki This is the parking lot of Nishiheianzaki Nishiheianzaki has an observatory When you climb to the top, a panoramic view spreads out If you turn left here, you can run along the east coast of Miyakojima

We will proceed aiming for Higashiheianzaki This is a viewing spot called Higa Road Park You can enjoy a good view from the hill Head to Shirohama Beach, a popular beach on the eastern part of the island Shirohama Beach is spread out under a steep uphill that seems to be tough

The beach was very calm and there were shops, it was a place where you could enjoy all day Near Shirohama Beach, there is Yoshino Beach You can also eat light meals here You will reach the coast by going down a steep slope There were fewer parking lots here than at Shirohama Beach

The road surface changes, and from here it is Higashiheianzaki You will proceed on foot from here There was a pattern of the Miyakojima Triathlon Tournament This is the lighthouse of Higashiheianzaki You will feel like you have come a long way I stopped by Horagawa Beach a little west of Higashiheianzaki

There is a beautiful beach at the bottom of a steep slope here as well This is also a very beautiful beach This is a place called Ingya Marine Garden This is not a white sandy beach, but a place like a natural pool using a bay

A promenade is maintained and you can go to the observatory on the mountain on the other side of the sea I think it will be a good memory to go around Miyakojima by bicycle

#宮古島 #輪行 #ロードバイク

0:00 オープニング
1:09 伊良部大橋
2:03 渡口の浜(下地島)
2:34 中の島海岸
2:57 17END
4:20 佐和田の浜(下地島空港)
5:15 佐和田の浜(ふれあい広場)
6:05 フナウサギバナタ
6:28 イグアナ岩
6:45 三角点
7:01 ヤマトブー大岩
7:18 伊良部大橋
7:50 与那覇前浜
9:28 来間大橋
10:08 来間港のビーチ
10:48 砂山ビーチ
11:21 間那津ビーチ
12:46 池間大橋
13:35 池間大橋の砂浜
14:02 ハート岩
14:18 イキヅービーチ
14:40 フナクスビーチ
16:15 池間大橋展望スポット
17:33 西の浜
17:41 西平安名崎
18:18 比嘉ロードパーク
18:38 新城海岸
19:19 吉野海岸
19:50 東平安名崎
20:40 保良川ビーチ
21:39 エンディング(来間大橋)

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