Playas de Tailandia Khao Lak y zona

[Music] Hello friends Welcome to this new video of tato mateando for those who don’t know me I am tato and today I invite you to take a tour I am in the city of cac Precisely in the lif hotel where I made a video that You can see it

Below in the descriptions when you finish watching this video follow it to the end Because it’s getting very interesting I came to make this video at the request of many of the users of the friends of the subscribers of the Channel who asked me see beaches of Thailand well this

Time we are not going to embark but I am going to take a trip from this point the city of caac to the city of eh tacuapí a city that is located approximately 40 km to the north going on the

Road that goes to Bangkok and that connects us with the north of the country, we are going to take a tour and I am going to go on the route entering each of the little entrances where there are beaches and showing

Them so that you can get to know them. Here I am with my traveling companion, my super mega motorcycle and we start the trip. And as I stop, I tell you about the distances, the characteristics of each beach until we reach the end, there is also a video about

This that I showed you with suggestions and tips about renting a motorcycle. in Thailand, which is something very common, but without dwelling on that, we are heading to the beach today, so far we have a day

With good sun. Although here it is quite changeable, we can have wonderful sun after a while, it rains after a while, we have sun again, it is a super climate. Tropical Let’s take a walk around the beach.

I entered this one for the first time. The truth is that I don’t know the name of this beach. At the entrance there is only a sign that indicates the name of the street that goes towards the sea but it is only about

700 meters away. Met from the hotel and I want you to see today the color of the sea is incredible, amazing what we have here these small channels are normally Fresh Water outlets that bring all the

Rain water from the mountains that would be when we look at the sea at our behind us we have the mountain we see some people enjoying it. It is very normal to see very little or no people

On the beaches, they are very quiet for the most part so well this is the first beach we entered unfortunately I don’t have the name but we already have the images that are the important thing Apparently also on this beach some fishing boats dock

And we can see the color that the sea has today accompanied by this beautiful sun and we continue heading north looking for more of these beautiful beaches there we can see the mountains that I was telling you about, which are the ones that pour all the fresh water from

The rain into the sea, but I didn’t make this stop only for that but also to show you the crops that predominate in the area. Here we can see these are palm trees, they produce Palm oil produces large fruits from which the palm oil is extracted and also

In the background the tallest palm trees, which are the coconut palms, the ones where the coconut is brought, the water is consumed, the shell is used for various crafts to To make grated coconut, it also has an infinite number of uses, coconut oil is also made, so

Well, we are learning several things about the area while we are rolling towards the north on this route that we are taking towards the north, we also cross through the town of bñ where the 813 Tsunami Memorial is located, it is a very very busy, very nice town that

Has a night market that if I have the time I will come to make a video, also very lively, it is a bit touristy nowadays but it is very nice Let’s go to enter here on the left in Bang miang to see the beaches here in this town and then we continue heading

North this would be like the main street of bñ that goes down towards the beach we are going to see many diving centers houses of [Music] hotels there we have where the little flags are the gcob bar which is a meeting point for friends to have a beer the night we were seeing

What I was telling you is a very touristy area laundry hotels [Music] centers diving and we are heading to the [ Music] plaza here we arrive at the beach at the end of pñan eh at this time The tide is a

Little high in any case you can see the beach calmly and the peculiarity it has is that it has dining rooms on both sides there are a couple of hotels is cudal la virgor which is a

Very well known hotel in the area and well this and others like that are small it is what we have in this area AC We are also in another I entered another hotel So we are going to continue heading North

To see what else we find in this area Unlike the one I was recording on the motorcycle, it is much quieter as you can see It is more relaxed only hotels no not so many bars on the

Street a very very nice area to come and rest friends as I told you there are many beaches that I know and many that I don’t so let’s explore together here I see signs that indicate beaches and so on. We are going to enter again to see what we

Find on this path we are going to visit together here you have the Coconut Palms I had told you we are going to get to know new places together That is the main idea of ​​these videos there I continue from the beach to Don’t put so much noise into the microphone because of

The wind here to show you other peculiarities. Here there are little massage shops on the coast of the water there we can see a large hotel I don’t know exactly which one it is because there are several

On the same road here we have another exit fresh water and the sea in the background a beautiful beach on that side above the hotel and now we are going to turn on the path that I entered from the highway I

Turned to the right to show you this but now we turn to the left because I want to show you something very well known for many something very interesting Well friends we arrived at where I told you that more than one would know it for images for memories we are at the

Corchid Beach Resort hey there you remember this hotel was the scene of many shots of the film the impossible recorded in 2012 that tells about what a family experiences, one family in particular among many that were at the time, what they experienced during the Tsunami of

2004, a quite strong film, I am going to show you the pool where many of the scenes are. and then Yes we go to the beach which is what we are for in this video AC we have the

Reception and here we have the patio with a very neat garden very well maintained with lounge chairs and here we have the pool which I told you was the scene of many scenes from that well-known movie, here we are going to cross to the beach, which is what

We came to see. Well, we are on the beach right in front of the Orchid Beach Resort hotel , as you can see, and like many of the beaches on the sea coast in this super area extensive

Super quiet with almost no people with a huge grove of trees on the side look what the color of the water is there well we are going to see throughout this video as

The beaches go by now we have a little wind there is a beach with a little more waves, others with less, the wave season is over. Now I’m going to show you a place where surfing is practiced a lot,

But not much at all at this time of year and the waves are very soft for that activity . Aha, look at the waves. What can I tell you about the color? The tranquility wants to come to either spend

The day here to walk a lot around the area. There is room to do it for kilometers. There is a friend. Let’s see if we can take it with the camera. Hermit Crab already saw me and He prepares to hide inside his snail’s shell, his dogfish, which provides him with incredible protection [Music]

And the entire Andaman Sea in sight, guiding me through the signage now We are in Cuca Beach, it is most likely that I am pronouncing it wrong, I don’t know the correct pronunciation But the important thing is to see the beach

Just like the one we were on recently good eh Very extensive very quiet and the umbrellas and that there are a little more people that we can see there it is because there is a Marriott Hotel right on

This this beach we see like a man selling a few and look at the protruding point, that one is very sunny and there is a downpour coming. What I told you is that Thailand is tropical. It usually happens, we are ending the rainy season. So it is not surprising that at any

Time of the day you I caught a little bit of rain but hey, what’s the problem, we’re on the beach. Hey, if it has to rain, let it come, we wait for it. We wait for it to pass and we continue the process.

Tour, don’t leave, there are still a lot of beaches to visit. For you to know, there is one in particular that I want you to see, there is still a lot to see. So he continued accompanying me

Until the end. I grab the motorcycle again. We take the route and continue with the other beaches to See that they are magnificent, you are going to love them. I will continue to accompany you. I will also continue telling you about economic activities that are not related to tourism, such as

Agriculture, which I already told you about other things that we are going to find along the way and I will tell you about them. show let’s get on the motorbike with me we keep looking for beaches and finally the rain beat me so I stopped here for a coffee to

Wait for it to stop a little and we continue on the route looking for beaches as beautiful as these and between rain and sun the weather changes time we arrive at the entrance of a good

Acquaintance we are at the entrance of the memor Memories Beach bar come with me we are going to visit it and get to know this road it is not the best you have to be careful drive carefully especially if you come on your own and you rented a vehicle, a vehicle

Not prepared for this type of terrain such as this one. So be careful, going slowly, everything is fine, although Thailand has beautiful, very well-maintained roads, there are roads to get to this beach, for example, that are not

They are one of the best between stone and sand, you have to be very careful but we go to the beach another stop along the way to show you the access to the Memoris beach. It is pure jungle as you can see all kinds of tropical plants, trees, this is very beautiful.

Area Well friends we finally got to see if we can hear the thunder in the background between rain sun storm we arrived at the Memories bar a spectacular beach that now I’m going to

Show you but apart from that I also want to show you that year after year this place changes as it grows. evolving eh since last year that I remember this ripc store with directly related items this brand manufactures for those who don’t know it

Eh everything related to the beach to Surf clothing boards of everything eh we have that store we have here also in this beach we can hire lessons to learn to surf from scratch for those who have no idea even for those who want to evolve here we have

The entrance to the ca Classic here a very well-known surfing tournament takes place every year Every year when it is surfing season waves there we have the bar itself I didn’t get there because of the music copyright issue and now this thing that I had not seen they have built a

Skate park that is also very interesting So we go and look at the beach we arrive at the precisely the beach of Memories and I was located in this corner to show you the bar from another perspective, which is very large and right here is where what I told you about the

Annual tournament of s takes place here we have a beach, as you can see, that one is huge. tip is the one that I showed you moments ago that was sunny now you can’t see it with the sun hitting it full on it got

Quite cloudy so well this is the beach so you can see different options on the coast of the Andaman Sea there what we see in the distance with a little sun is caac where I am staying now we continue heading north before continuing north one thing that I

Did not tell you a detail not minor here everything that is lounge chairs all of that is for use free and free, there is no need to consume anything or anything. Afterwards, we have there like bamboo houses that have a table, so if you want to consume something you can calmly consume

The bar and here we have guys who are about to reach out to the waves and do a little of the activity as I have been showing you throughout this video, I wanted to show you that it is another of the economic activities of the region. Here we are in one, in a

Fish farming establishment. The sign says enter, so we respect it, but I wanted to show you this, which is very curious that either to observe the water so that the water is not stagnant for movement another

Of the activities is not only beach and tourism in the area there is everything now we arrive we are going to Smile Beach eh you can see a rocky area how the geography changes and how it goes varying according to

At the height of the tides, how everything varies. Those constructions that can be seen on that side are the Memory where we just finished making the video, so I wanted to show you this one too, which is very well known, and come with me and I’ll show you this structure since

It We brought to the video The Memory of the 2004 tsunami, this structure that is built can be seen on many beaches or places where there are towns nearby, which is an anti-tsunami shelter, a very strong, very tall construction where, well, people have an escape route. where to take shelter

In case of tunami here you can also see how on most of the beaches there is a cafeteria, everything you need, the prices are normally very good, very similar to the city, we continue heading to and Beach another beautiful word, accompany me, we are accompanied by

The rain Finally we arrived at White Sand Beach. We are going to visit it. We get to know it together. We go here. There is the possibility of renting some cabins, a kind of hotel but with the separate rooms, as one part we have parking for the motorcycles and

Cars. Well, here is information, a restaurant. area where we sunbathe massages nails hair very complete that only area where you can smoke You can’t smoke on the beach or in other places and as you can see it has a spectacular super complete bar an

Incredible grove that provides perfect shade well This is new I had not seen it before, inflatables and toys for the beach, as you can see, it is full of little tables, little bars, so that everyone can enjoy the beach in their own

Way and feel comfortable. Well, finally we arrive at the beach, I will show you first. a few drinks the decoration is missing great and here from above I show you the beach so you can better appreciate the distance the colors of the water look despite being cloudy like the color of the water

This beach is incredible Yes it is already more crowded it is a very popular beach many people have a pier that I suppose they moor because they go out with excursions or they come that bring people

To eat here, this beach is also very very beautiful. The typical palm trees, umbrellas on the lounge chairs, and the side that I am focusing on is where we come from and Where we are going, great, we continue with this tour. Our way towards the north, very close to the city of Takuapa,

We arrived at what is called Bac Beach, as you can see, there are also facilities to eat something, have a drink, the beach Fabulous, also a large grove of trees. shade, ideal place to come and spend a full day there, look at the beautiful beach,

Super extensive, quiet with almost no people, a couple of rocks in the distance, very very soft waves, you see that it is a coast with a slight slope, a place incredible sign accompanying me that we are soon to reach our final destination which is taapa in the final stretch almost towards

My destination the rain will be a little stronger than usual so I took advantage of a bus stop to take shelter a little while waiting for the rain to diminish and continue the journey towards tacua, do not

Leave yet, this video is not over, I hope you are enjoying it, dear friends, and now on the coast of the city of tacuapí de de mar that we see here and with this imposing image of Buddha and

Giant we have finished this trip that We did along the coast of the Andaman Sea until here that was it. I hope you enjoyed this video as I enjoyed making it. See you very soon with more of you. There are many missing from here in Thailand. So if you haven’t subscribed yet,

Subscribe. And you’re here and stay tuned. both notifications thank you See you soon and

Desde hace un tiempo muchos de los suscriptores y amigos me pedían playas de Tailandia, en esta occasion lo que hice fue capturar imágenes de una zonas especifica de playas sobre el mar de Andaman, viajando desde Khao Lak hasta Takua Pa, en este video se puede apreciar la extension y la tranquilidad de las diversas playas como así también los servicios que ofrecen, este es solo el primero de varios grabados con la misma temática, espero lo disfrutes!!!

Hotel The Leaf on the sand Khao Lak

Alquilar una moto en Tailandia TIPS


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