SUB|一輛推車就是全部家當… 舊金山滿街”對折人” 三藩市陷落寞 “零元購”害治安 藥物濫用動搖國本│記者 陳佳雯 吳承斌│【消失的國界】20240220│三立新聞台

Is this area the most affluent area? This area is probably where the most boutiques are gathered in San Francisco . We often come here to shop during holidays. There are some like Macy’s, which is one of the oldest department stores in the United States. It is popular with young couples. When we

Arrived at Union Square, there were many luxury department stores. The police patrolled the area and the security was naturally better. But they pointed out that Union Square was not like this at all . San Francisco, which was once synonymous with wealth and prosperity, is no longer what it used to be.

It was only a five to ten-minute walk away. The scene gradually changed from luxury department stores to The display windows have become locked bars where stores are permanently closed. This is actually the Tenderloin , which is the most well-known and scary and dirty area

In San Francisco. So it is only about two or three blocks away from Union Square , but you can see the storefronts . They were all empty, and then the amount of garbage started to increase. Do you usually go to this place? We have only been here once.

Normally, we would not come here. The locals remind us “Don’t wander in by mistake.” The prosperity of the Tenderloin District has deteriorated, and the order on the streets has also followed. Entering the “unmanaged” tents, there is a gathering place for homeless people. One cart contains all the belongings, and

They are being pushed to find a place to stay tonight. However, the Tenderloin District will become a security dead spot among the local population. What’s more serious is that Drug abuse is indeed different from the homeless people we saw in New York before. The difference is that drug use is very serious here

. Sometimes you will see some “people folded in half” on the road or lying on the road and spread out on bicycles. After graduating from New York, a young couple came to San Francisco to work in the financial district . The biggest impact of comparing the “Twin

Cities” is that San Francisco is full of “half-hearted people”. The half-fold people they call them in English are zombies. Zombies are the American opioid painkiller Fen. After the abuse of Titanyl, hallucinations are likely to occur. The limbs are severely weak and weak, so weak that they can’t even stand up.

The body often “hangs” on fixed objects for support , whether it is bicycles, railings, roads, trees, etc. You can see people folding in half and “hanging” I just heard that they want to buy it and it’s very cheap . For 6 yuan (about NT$200), you can be high all day long.

This is what I heard. Even 6 yuan can’t buy it for them. Instead of buying a burger , you might as well buy a happy opioid. Fentanyl, a powerful painkiller, is 50 times more potent than heroin. Because of its highly addictive and strong properties

, it should be a highly controlled drug. It can be sold directly by drug dealers on the roadside for drug abuse. It has become a security concern and another problem that has hit the city hard is the prevalence of zero-dollar shopping crime. I have to take the rest to the counter

, so if you go directly there and want to buy lotion for less than 10 dollars, you have to ring the bell and wait for the clerk to “unlock” it because Since the United States revised the law and changed the crime of theft under 950 US dollars from a felony to a misdemeanor,

There have often been incidents of individuals or groups going out alone or in groups to grab things and make purchases for zero dollars as soon as they enter the store . It has become more rampant after the epidemic. Retail stores are robbed and they are afraid of leaving any store.

Everything from bags to toothpaste is locked up . The triple blow of the drug economy and laws has caused San Francisco to be described as a “ghost town”. I have always thought that San Francisco is a technology town with many big companies. It should be a very lively city.

When we came here last year, we thought … After the epidemic, the whole city felt like there were no people and no energy. Especially people who live in the South Bay said that San Francisco has become a ghost town because there are no people and it is a very unpopular place

. When you walk on the street, you feel that the shops are closed. Especially during holidays, there are really no people in that area. Why has San Francisco been engulfed by opioids in just a dozen years and turned into a famous “drug den” in the United States?

We went to the San Francisco City Hall to visit the key figure Hi Jiawen. Hello, welcome. San Francisco’s first Asian city lawyer, Qiu Xinfu, became famous when he represented the city and won the “anti-drug” lawsuit. 20 or 25 years ago, there were legitimate pharmaceutical companies that developed painkillers that were very effective

But… It is highly addictive. In order to promote their products, these pharmaceutical companies say they are safe, causing a whole generation of people in the United States to become addicted to these drugs. What we are encountering now is the opium situation encountered in China. According to official data,

A total of 806 people in San Francisco will be addicted to drug abuse in 2023. 80% of overdose deaths are related to fentanyl. This fight, known as the “new opium war” in the United States, started when pharmaceutical companies removed fentanyl from its original painkillers for cancer patients in order to achieve higher profits

, and some doctors cooperated with them to prescribe fentanyl. It is prescribed to patients for simple pain relief, coupled with the loose control of pharmacies, which has led to the proliferation of fentanyl on the streets. The current situation is that some doctors will continue to prescribe to the same person

, such as 100 prescriptions so that the patient can go to Walgreens to get 100. But the law requires Walgreens to track if they find a doctor illegally prescribing medication, but they didn’t. When the pharmacists in the store testified in court, they testified that the boss asked for as much medication as possible.

We have to make money . Originally , the U.S. government In this new Opium War, we were at the disadvantage until the San Francisco City Government, represented by Qiu Xinfu, won the lawsuit in 2023. The pharmacy paid a large sum of compensation and finally showed signs of counterattack.

I said that no amount of money can restore the lives lost. Some people are because Too many people have died due to drug addiction , but these compensations can help current addicts and help bring everything back to the beginning. So we still have a lot to do. It seems that Qiu Xinfu’s passion

For taking on the lawsuit in order to save people’s lives is too early. It became a part of his life. Qiu Xinfu’s parents were from Taiwan. As a second-generation immigrant, Qiu Xinfu was strictly educated by Asian parents who

Wanted their children to succeed. He entered Harvard. He originally wanted to inherit his father’s career and studied medicine. However, a racial conflict changed his life. I was admitted to college . Something happened during my first year of college in my pre-med program Eight Asian students threw a party and were attacked.

I was invited to the protest. That’s when I became an activist. That’s when I started studying Civil Rights , Activism and Politics, and changed my major from biochemistry to politics . This photo was taken when he was dragged out. This photo was taken by the New York Times. It was

On the cover of the New York Times. The raging anti-Asian hate movement in the 1970s and 1980s made Qiu Xinfu abandon medicine and graduate from law. He did not join a large law firm with his Harvard classmates. I worked hard to become a partner but entered the system

To seek the possibility of change. I happened to live in San Francisco’s oldest Chinatown neighborhood for a while. There were many problems and challenges in that community. I did a lot of volunteer work. At a certain time, some people said David In the 170 years you have lived in this community,

There has never been a representative who “looked like us” in San Francisco’s Chinatown. I was encouraged to start voting out. I was first elected to the city council , served as president for six years , then elected to the San Francisco Council for two years, and then

Finally served. The San Francisco City Lawyer went from being a civil rights lawyer to being a California Representative , and he took over during the turbulent period of San Francisco’s anti-drug war. The City Lawyer has a higher position in politics and can do more. What I can say is

What can be expected to happen in the future. It’s hard to say at least that this new American Opium War has started with Qiu Xinfu blowing the clarion call to fight back to stop “indiscriminate drug administration in pharmacies” and reducing the abuse of fentanyl on the streets.

He has also used his blood to turn the tide against the poisoning and loss of human lives.

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  1. 法蘭克福中央車站前是政府發毒品給流浪漢。其實也沒怎樣,那些流浪漢也不會去騷擾一般人。

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