
Hello! I am “Coupy channel”. For the first time since I moved to Hokuriku, there was a big cold wave. The sky in Toyama Prefecture is cloudy today. “Sleet snow” is falling. Heavy snow is expected today. accomplished. But there is something to worry about. “MUSH” is a two-wheel drive vehicle.

I would like to go on a winter trip with my family someday. So before that, I’ll take an overnight trip to Hokuriku by myself and get used to snowy roads. Enter the highway and head north. Hokuriku Expressway is an expressway that is often closed. It’s windy today so I’m a little worried.

The Tateyama Mountain Range always looks beautiful, but today you can’t see it at all. Enter the parking area and check the highway conditions. There is no road closure information listed on the electronic bulletin board. There seems to be no problem. Once you enter Niigata Prefecture, the weather may be rough.

When you enter Niigata Prefecture, check the situation at the parking area. I would like to introduce the snow equipment I brought today. This is an escape item for when you get stuck. This is a cover that attaches to the front window. This is a de-icing spray.

I have studless tires installed, but I brought a chain just in case. This is a shovel, tow rope and jump starter. A tool for removing snow. There is a possibility of going to the mountains. Bear spray and a bear bell. I hope you don’t use these.

I’m feeling cold so I’m going to drink some hot tea. If you have leftover tea, it will be difficult to dispose of it, so you only need to put in as much tea as you want. Make by pouring hot water into a tea bag. We eat chestnut buns together. I’ll enjoy having this.

It’s very hot. However, it warms you from the core of your body. It has an elegant sweetness. Makes you want more tea. The bitterness of hojicha brings out the flavor of each other. Thank you for the meal. This combination will last forever. Introducing today’s equipment inside the car.

I had placed a futon on Leah’s bed. Today I will sleep in Ria’s permanent bed. That’s why the living space does not have a bed. Use it for meals and breaks. You can sleep or take a break without having to clean up. This is the easiest pattern.

I brought some new items for dinner. What do you think this is? Found it on Amazon. It’s a machine that makes gyoza. Plug in the power. Press the switch. This is how you wrap the gyoza. I’m looking forward to using it tonight. Bake the gyoza on a mini hot plate.

The ventilation system reduces cooking odors. Air is sucked in from here and passes through a filter. I installed the duct. Insert it into the window. Send air outside. Breathe in the outside air from here. Air comes in through the screen door. There are two power sources for a camper.

The camper’s lithium battery capacity is 300Ah. The remaining capacity is currently 98%. And there’s another battery. But I don’t think I’ll use it. EcoFlow power system. There is 47% remaining. The capacity is 6000Wh. Both are lithium batteries. But there’s a problem. At temperatures below freezing, the performance of lithium batteries decreases significantly.

If the temperature inside the car gets too low, start the camper’s FF heater. Use the battery after raising the temperature with the FF heater. Then we’ll start again. I’m currently in Toyama Prefecture. Head north on Hokuriku Expressway to Niigata Prefecture. After entering Niigata Prefecture, we will take a lunch break.

I can see a sunny day. Part of the Tateyama mountain range can be seen clearly and the view is spectacular. However, the weather soon became rough again. The road is in a sherbet state and the hands holding the steering wheel are straining. I’m currently in the northern part of Toyama Prefecture.

Winter tire regulations have been issued for the expressway ahead. I’m going to enter the mountain path now. The tension increases. After passing through the tunnel, we entered Niigata Prefecture. The scenery changed completely.

You can see the Sea of ​​Japan on your left. You can see with the naked eye that water vapor is rising from the ocean. This will turn into snow. Large drops of snow hit the front window, making a loud noise.

Just by crossing the prefecture from Toyama Prefecture to Niigata Prefecture, the snow situation changed dramatically. View expressway information at parking areas in Niigata Prefecture. The weather is unstable, with heavy snowfall and sunny spells. There are currently six advisories and warnings in place. Warnings for heavy snow, strong winds, lightning, heavy rain, and snowfall.

Hokuriku is amazing. The ground in the parking area is turning white. The snow is wet. This is “sleet”. It contains a lot of water. It’s a mixture of round snow that looks like Styrofoam and “sleet.” When the road becomes rough enough to make driving difficult, take a break in the parking area.

We will have lunch at “MUSH”. Warm the inside of the car with the FF heater. I’ll make lunch for today. Make “ramen bread”. I think it’s an incredible combination. But I discovered. This is very delicious. Curry-flavored cup noodles go well with bread.

There is no juice left behind, so it is perfect for eating in the car. Boil 80ml of water. Reduce the amount of hot water to half the usual amount. Top with cheese and lettuce. After 1 minute, turn it over and let it sit for a while. Top the bread with fresh lettuce.

Cup nude is completed. Add the cheese. Once the cheese is soft, place the noodles on the bread and it’s done. It was completed. Curry ramen bread with melted cheese. It looks delicious. It looks a little different. I like this “Curry Ramen Bread” better than “Yakisoba Bread”. I’ll enjoy having this.

The curry has a rich flavor. Eating it with bread makes it just right. I’m not sure if it’s Chinese style or Western style. But it’s delicious and perfect for lunch. A new journey in Hokuriku has just begun. The inside of the car is as comfortable as Starbucks. Thank you for the meal.

There were two of them, so my stomach was swollen. It’s delicious even if you change it to chicken ramen or other ramen. It’s delicious even if you substitute it with white bread. It’s easy, so please give it a try.

The cutting board was covered with plastic wrap and kitchen paper, so it wasn’t dirty. You can leave now. “A wind and snow warning, heavy snow warning, wave warning, and strong wind warning have been issued for approximately 6 km ahead.” As always, there are many strong wind warnings and advisories issued.

From now on, drive safely and slowly. The snow has stopped, but strong winds of about 10 m/s are blowing. The vehicle body swings from side to side. I have now passed Kashiwazaki City in Niigata Prefecture. It’s very windy today. The vehicle body shakes violently. I was thinking of heading north on Hokuriku Expressway.

However, I got off the expressway at the next stop, Nagaoka City. Today I will go to the mountains and sleep in the car. Tomorrow, I will head north on Hokuriku Expressway. The wind was very strong. The strong winds in Hokuriku are incomparable to those on the Pacific side.

There was a roadside station right after getting off the Nagaoka IC. I’ll take a break here. It is a very large road station. The parking lot can accommodate over 300 cars. The parking lot is equipped with snow melting equipment. There is no snow at all. Apparently they sell local ingredients. I’ll buy it.

I’ll have it for dinner tonight. Current location is Niigata Prefecture. Originally, we were planning to head north from here. But go in the southeast direction at the bottom right. I’m heading to the mountain. Apparently there are many roadside stations. While exploring on the lower roads, if you get tired, sleep in the car.

It’s getting a little dark. The sun sets early. Once we entered the mountain, the scenery changed completely. Snow has piled up on the roads too. The road is wet, so drive at a reduced speed. I entered Uonuma City, which is famous for its rice.

Currently, we are driving through the shopping district in the center of town. It’s a nice townscape with a retro atmosphere. I wanted to head towards the mountains a little more. But it was already nightfall. I’m looking for a place to sleep in the car near here. Arrived. The snow is increasing.

This roadside station has a large parking lot. I couldn’t see the parking line. I will check the parking lot lines later on the Google Maps satellite image. There is a toilet available 24 hours a day. The store is currently closed. I’ll check again tomorrow morning.

There is a food store next to it that is open until 10pm. Buy ingredients at the grocery store. Then park your car at the edge of the parking lot. Food stores in areas with heavy snowfall are equipped with snow melting equipment. You can shop comfortably. The sidewalk is covered with snow.

We will prepare to sleep in the car of “MUSH”. This time, the shade inside the front window will not be used. Install this shade. There is a rubber band next to the front cover. Hang the rubber on the side mirror. Put it inside the car and close the door.

Close the door on the other side as well. I was able to install it. It’s the perfect size. This is usually installed on light vehicles. It could also be installed on “MUSH”. I hang it over the side mirror and fold it into the car. Chock the wheels and warm up inside the car.

Set up inside the car. Ready to sleep in the car. The appeal of campervans is their speed. The current outside temperature is 3.1℃(37.58000℉). How low will the temperature drop tomorrow morning? This is my first time sleeping in a car in Niigata Prefecture. My heart is pounding. Calm down with a non-alcoholic beer.

Drink Heineken non-alcoholic beer. “Car campai.” (Car camp Cheers.) It’s the best. I’ll take a rest. I’ll make dinner. This is the fresh shrimp I bought at the supermarket earlier. This is a mushroom. Wrap this in gyoza dough. Make mushroom and shrimp dumplings. Lay out a cutting board sheet and cut the ingredients.

The ingredients I purchased are shiitake mushrooms and shimeji mushrooms. And shrimp and green onions. Mix all these. Finally, we will use this machine to wrap the gyoza. Can you do it well? Place the gyoza dough here. Spread water around the dough. Place the ingredients in the center and press the switch. I failed.

The ingredients were overflowing. But it’s wrapped up nicely. Reduce ingredients. Makes you feel less sick. I will make it again. It was completed after reducing the ingredients. We will mass produce. I made 10 pieces. Bake. Bake on a mini hot plate. Add some water. Cover and heat.

Currently, the power consumption of the mini hot plate is 670W. Use a ventilation fan to eliminate odors. Screen the windows. Press the ventilation fan switch. The smoke from the dumplings is sucked into the filter of the ventilation fan. The purified air is then discharged outside through the duct.

Fresh air comes in from below. I use it when there are no other cars around. You can see that the smoke is being sucked in well. It was completed. Grilled shrimp and mushroom dumplings. Surprisingly, authentic gyoza was completed. Eat with soy sauce. First, eat it as is.

It has a crispy texture on the outside. The inside is juicy and perfectly cooked. I really want to drink real beer. However, the newer non-alcoholic beers are also quite delicious. I still have the ingredients and gyoza wrappers, so I’m still going to enjoy it. Thank you for the meal.

I added a lot of shrimp. The chewy texture was delicious. I’m filling the tank with water today. I’ll do the washing up. The water in the tank was cold. I would be happy if I could get hot water from here. It became beautiful. What is it like outside?

I’m going to take a little walk. Open the door. It’s amazing. There is a lot of snow. I’m going outside. The snow keeps piling up. This is my third time sleeping in the car in the snow this season. Out of the three times, it snowed the most. It’s amazing.

The mirror is covered with snow. There is also a lot of snow on the roof. However, since the shape is slanted, the snow will fall. Therefore, there is not much snow. About half of the front cover is covered with snow. It looks like there will be more snow tomorrow morning.

There is an exhaust duct for the FF heater under the car body. There isn’t much snow under the car. No problems so far. Turn off the FF heater when you go to sleep at night. The snow quality is heavy. It contains a lot of water.

I only went outside for a moment, but it was very cold. It gets warm inside the car. The jacket is made of waterproof fabric. However, pants are not made of waterproof fabric. I got wet from the snow. Change into pajamas. These are snow boots made by Mitsuuma.

I learned about this product from a comment on YouTube. thank you. I used it for the first time. It was very good. It is waterproof. The fabric stretches so it can be used even in deep snow. Finish brushing your teeth first, then take a break. ”

I tried to watch TV for the first time in a while, but it wouldn’t show up. After all, the TV doesn’t show up. I feel like God is telling me to go to bed early. I will prepare breakfast for tomorrow. I bought “Koshihikari” from Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture at a roadside station. It’s rice.

Let the rice absorb water and cook it tomorrow. Let it absorb water. What does it taste like? I’m looking forward to it. I’ll prepare the bed. All you have to do is lay out the futon. I just felt sleepy so I think I’ll sleep well.

This is my first time coming to Niigata Prefecture. The quality of the food store was very high. The sashimi was cheap and fresh. There were lots of cold yellowtail caught at the nearby port. I’m looking forward to the trip tomorrow. What does the scenery look like in the morning?

Snow absorbs all sound, so it’s very quiet. I think I’ll be able to sleep soundly today. good night. The window is wet with water droplets. There are double glazed windows here. So there aren’t many drops of water. There are many water droplets on the iron parts. I slept soundly. My face was cold.

However, thanks to the futon, my body was warm. The cabcon is great because it allows you to easily load large futons. The temperature inside the car is now 7.5℃.(45.50000℉) It’s cold so I turn on the FF heater. But the door won’t open because of the snow. The door is heavy.

It may be dangerous. The door won’t open. The entire bottom of the vehicle may be buried. Stop the FF heater. What shall we do? For now, I’ll change my clothes. Escape from the driver’s seat. I brought a portable scoop. Secure the entrance.

My pants will get wet again, so I put on a raincoat. Will the door open? The door opened. relieved. It’s snowing here. I understand why the door won’t open. There is a small air passage under the car body. It’s amazing. I changed into rain boots and got out of the car. It’s amazing.

The boots are buried in the snow. The snow was wet and heavy so the door wouldn’t open. Create space in front of the door. It’s amazing. No matter how much I dig, the ground doesn’t come out. Now you can use the FF heater. I’m shocked. The scoop will go in here.

How deep is the snow? The shovel went into the snow until it was wet. Measure the length from here to here. It’s amazing. It is 50.5cm. I was shocked. There is no snow on the front window thanks to the cover. relieved. There is no snow in front of the roof.

What should we do with the snow on the roof? There is about 20cm of snow on top of the solar panels. When I leave, I brush off the snow. It may still snow. Clear the snow in front of you first. The snow is heavy. The snow is wet.

No matter how much I dig, the snow doesn’t decrease. It will still take some time. I could finally see the ground. I wish I had brought a bigger shovel. There is no way. I’ll do my best with this scoop. Now you can escape to the road.

I don’t think it will be a problem even if it snows a little after this. Neighbors were supportive. thank you. This is the end of the parking lot. That’s why it was a place where snowplows couldn’t come. The people of Niigata Prefecture are kind. “MUSH” has a protruding body.

So let’s clear the snow here too. The other side is fine. It was a good exercise. I eat breakfast in the car. It was so hot that I took off my jacket. One T-shirt is fine. I had brought two pairs of shoes just in case. These are snow boots made by Mitsuuma.

This is a long snow boot. I’m glad I brought this. In the case of Mitsuuma snow boots, snow gets inside. This is “Koshihikari” from Uonuma that I prepared yesterday. Actually, I was cooking it earlier. It was completed. It smells very nice. Make miso soup to go with the warm rice.

I will make the miso soup that I always make at home. This is miso soup that I eat almost every day. This “shellfish soup stock” miso soup is very delicious. Make it with tofu and enoki mushrooms. I want to taste delicious rice.

For the side dish, keep it simple with just a fried egg. The frying pan is tilted. Place a tissue underneath for balance. done. Ventilate. I want it to be half-cooked, so I open it early. That’s excellent. Can you do it well? The mini hot plate has a deep bottom.

Make miso soup on a mini hot plate. Bring to a boil. The boil has subsided. Finally, add 1 tablespoon of “shellfish miso”. This is very delicious. I’ve eaten there many times. I’m eating it with my wife. I am impressed by the taste every time. Add the seaweed.

My dream was to eat Koshihikari from Niigata in Niigata Prefecture. I’ll enjoy having this. A set meal of “Koshihikari” from Uonuma. Since I don’t have a ladle, I scoop the miso soup with a rice scoop. it’s the best. Pour soy sauce over the fried egg. I’ll enjoy having this.

First, eat rice as is. It is elastic. The more you chew, the sweeter it becomes and the more delicious it becomes. The flavor of the shellfish is the best. Next, add the eggs and rice. Soft-boiled eggs go well with the glossy Koshihikari. This is art.

It looks like it’s going to be another tough trip today, but it turned out to be a great breakfast. Thank you for the meal. It was delicious. The rice you eat in this country is different from the ordinary one. My heart was pounding because I was eating it in the real place.

I made miso soup on a mini hot plate. The top part comes off, so wash it completely. I’m going outside. Remove the snow from the camper. The roadside station store has opened. There’s something I’m curious about. I will go shopping. It’s snowing again. It’s amazing.

There is a lot of snow on the telephone poles. Where the snow has been removed, the snow is melting. It freezes at night and I think it’s quite dangerous. In front of the roadside station, the snow has been removed beautifully. There is a snow melting device. The snow is melting.

There seems to be a snow melting device on the roof as well. Water is flowing. The snowy mountains around the roadside station are very beautiful. Surrounded by mountains. The upper part is covered with snow and cannot be seen. There is also a lot of snow on the power lines.

It looks like a white rope. This car is amazing. The muffler is covered in snow. The front number is completely hidden. The front window is amazing. Will this car be able to escape? This is what happens when you park your car overnight in Niigata Prefecture. there was. This one. Frozen food vending machine.

They sell something called “frozen soba inari.” It costs 600 yen for 4 pieces. It seems that there is soba noodles inside the inari sushi. I was concerned about this. I will buy “Soba Inari”. I also buy “Okowa”. It’s freezing. I’m looking forward to it.

Defrost it in the microwave and eat it for lunch. Prepare to depart again. Remove the shade. It’s warm inside the car, so it’s wet with water droplets. Remove the rubber front cover. Is beautiful. Processing is faster because the front window does not freeze. Remove snow from the roof. This will extend the handle.

We only remove snow from areas that can be reached. The other side will also be cleared of snow. Carefully remove snow from the front. It’s scary when snow falls on the front window. Climb up the rear ladder and clear the snow. I can’t see in front of me. It’s amazing.

A large amount of snow has accumulated. I think it’s quite heavy. This is on the roof. There is so much snow. It’s scary if you don’t make sure it doesn’t fall to the ground. shed snow It’s heavy. It’s very heavy. We removed snow as far as we could.

It also clears the snow here. I can see the ventilation fan. I see. When it snows heavily, we find that the ventilation fan cannot be used. Almost half of the roof was covered with snow. There’s still some snow ahead, but we’re off. When you brake, weight is applied to the front.

Snow can fall on your front window, making it difficult to see in front of you. Drive slowly. It’s snowing again. You may get hit in the rear when you leave. Step on areas where there is a little snow. Step on it to harden the snow. Now try to escape.

The engine started without any problems. However, “MUSH” is a two-wheel drive vehicle. I have winter tires installed. Will you be able to escape successfully? The snow is getting even stronger. Set the gear to “drive” and pull the handbrake. I removed the wheel chocks. depart. I hope you can escape!

Relieved. It worked without any problems. relieved. I was able to escape safely. This is a view of the cityscape of Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. It is covered in snow and is very beautiful. My body got cold. Apparently there is a natural hot spring nearby. Take a hot spring bath to warm yourself up.

This hot spring is surrounded by mountains and has an excellent location. The parking lot has snow melting equipment. There hasn’t been much snow. I’m going to take a hot spring bath. It was a wonderful hot spring. The cost was 600 yen. It’s cheap. The open-air bath did not have a roof.

It was a hot spring with a spectacular view while bathing in the snow. I will eat the “Soba Inari” that I bought earlier. “Soba Inari” is a frozen food. Actually, I was lightly starting the FF heater. I placed “Soba Inari” here and heated it directly. Almost unzipped. But it’s still cold.

Finally, defrost it in the microwave. It has reached room temperature. I’ll open it. Inari, which contains soba noodles, is rare. But it looks delicious. It’s my first time eating it. I’ll enjoy having this. Contains green onions. The soba noodles in the “donburi” taste like they’ve been condensed into one bite.

Next, I will eat “Inari” with “Okowa”. The sweetness of the “oage” is soaked into the “ocowa”. It’s filling, so it seems to keep you full. Thank you for the meal. I really liked “Soba Inari”. I really like soba. It was a taste that I would like to eat again. it’s recommended.

Prepare to depart again. This is what I felt when I spent the night in a car in Niigata Prefecture for the first time during heavy snow. Niigata Prefecture has a high level of food stores. Fresh sashimi is cheap and plentiful. I lived in Osaka Prefecture for over 40 years.

It felt like I could buy it for half the selling price in Osaka Prefecture. Next is the inside of the car. The dumpling machine wasn’t very good. The ingredients didn’t fit at all. In this case, I thought it would be better to add a lot of ingredients and wrap it by hand.

I slept in the car in sub-zero temperatures using a light cab con. It was cold with just one futon. Today the outside temperature dropped to about -2℃.(28.40000℉) If it goes any lower I think I’ll need a blanket. If the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, one futon is sufficient.

Next, let’s talk about snow. It turns out that heavy snow in Hokuriku is a problem. The snow is heavy. If snow accumulates in front of the door, the door will not open. If you plan to sleep in your car, remove the snow from the surrounding area the night before you stay.

If you don’t, you’ll be in big trouble. “MUSH” has a high seat, so I was able to escape from the passenger seat. But if you can’t get out of your car, you can’t even clear the snow. I think it’s important to prepare the day before. You will need a large scoop.

This time, I used a small portable shovel to remove snow. However, it was quite hard work. I had a large shovel in my rear baggage. I’ll use a larger scoop starting tomorrow.

People who sleep in their cars in Hokuriku on snowy days will need a large shovel. And be sure to remove the snow the day before. Next time I’ll go back to Hokuriku. Continue north. From here to the north there will be more snow. I drive slowly, checking the road conditions.

We departed from Toyama Prefecture. The current mileage is 271km. Fill up with gasoline. I don’t know what will happen. I buy some non-perishable food at a convenience store and then get on the highway. Enter Kanetsu Expressway and head towards Hokuriku Expressway.

According to the weather forecast, there will be an even stronger cold wave than yesterday. ! I was surprised when I came out of the tunnel. The car suddenly stopped. There’s a traffic jam. Turn on your hazard lights and drive slowly. Kanetsu Expressway is a highway that is often closed due to snow.

A few years ago, I was stuck on the Kanetsu Expressway for about 30 hours. I pray that nothing happens to Kanetsu Expressway and Hokuriku Expressway this time. After a while, the traffic jam cleared up. However, the snow was getting heavier and visibility was getting worse.

I have a bad feeling. Enter the parking area early to check the situation. There’s a crosswind, so I’m putting more effort into my hands holding the steering wheel. Even if you switch to the general road, visibility is likely to be poor due to the snowstorm. Continue driving on the highway.

Was this a bad decision? My bad feeling came true, and a blizzard made it difficult to drive. Should I give up on the trip here? Next time, the coldest cold wave ever has arrived! An overnight car trip north through Hokuriku! Please take a look!


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・納車直後に車中泊 | 10年落ち中古ライトキャブコンは低価格なのに最高クラスの居住性だった/マッシュ (YouTube急上昇ランク13位) https://youtu.be/AKXCB1Fe7Ks
・納車したての軽キャンで車中泊/インディ727 (YouTube急上昇ランク26位) https://youtu.be/uINq1Zlk5_0
・高速道路雪中車中泊/インディ727 (YouTube急上昇ランク13位) https://youtu.be/S-WQG_3pNFE







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  1. クーピーさんようこそ新潟へ。気象情報などで新潟も北陸地方に一緒にされることありますが、富山とはまた違う冬模様なのと、新潟の美味しいものを楽しんでいただけたら幸いです。

  2. 新潟県へようこそ❗️

  3. お疲れ様です。私も雪国住みですがキャンピングカーの回りに積もった雪はキャンピングカーの下に入れて段差を少なくするようにしています。以前たった半日で豪雪で自宅駐車場から普通車出られなくなった時にJAFの方がそうしてました。

  4. Znowu mnie zaskoczyłeś kulinarnymi daniami 👌 🥟🌭🧆 . Może tym razem pizza i hamburger 😁🍕🍔 . Czekam na dalszą podróż plenerową 🙏 ⛰️🌲🌲🌨️🌨️⛄🤗 .

  5. なれない気象の条件の際には、自動車専用道路を使用事を決断したのはGoodだと思います。


  6. 初めてコメントします。


  7. In the UK we have a noodle pot called Pot Noodle, they do a curry flavour 🤤 I doubt it’s very traditional like Japanese ones. They do other flavours too. But the curry one, dip some bread into the thick sauce…delicious! Unfortunately, I’m allergic to wheat so I can’t indulge!
    It’s one of the things I crave, when I can’t resist any longer I take my medication, cut myself a 1/4 slice of real bread. Make the noodles and indulge, 4 mouthfuls is my limit, then I pour it into the bin. It’s tough to do 😂 I can’t have it very often or my body would reject all foods.
    My last indulgence I didn’t ha😢more than one mouthful, I’d seen katsu curry flavour…it was a huge disappointment and not worth risking feeling terrible. My partner ate it 😂

  8. It’s good to see someone be wary of the weather. We have a friend who drives very large coaches. He doesn’t mind driving in any weather. I saw a video of him do a 360 degree spin in the carpark the coaches are kept in! They all put some grit salt down and off he went on his journey to London and back. I couldn’t do that, not just because of the weather…I find London incredibly stressful 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s so busy, noisy, traffic is terrible….I go when I have a medical appointment or we have family visiting. Other than that I’m quite happy in North East England 😁

  9. クーピーさん今回も勉強になる動画、ありがとうございます!これからも安全第一で車中泊を楽しんで下さい😊

  10. huhu. was ist das für ein mega Lied beim Kochen??😅❤ macht gute Laune!😅 Deine videos sind supper.danke .liebe grüße aus Deutschland

  11. Very good, nice adventure and great food ideas. I now enjoy gyoza, which I never had before watching your channel. Will make the miso with tofu soon. I know very little about Japan and if permitted, would like to see what the stores look like inside.

  12. يالهي كم أحبك واحب مغامرات.. انا متابع لك من العراق ومتابع قديم لك.. احبك استمر

  13. カレーラーメンも独自な上にそれをパンで挟んでしまう高スキルぶりは流石!

  14. I’m watching this again. Thank you for sharing all the interesting information. I’ve tried the curry noodle bread but I could not find the same one so I tried with the regular ramen noodle instead. It was delicious 👍

  15. こんにちは。

  16. ヘッドライトってLEDかHIDですか?通常のハロゲン電球の方が熱を発するのでライトに付いた雪をある程度溶かしてくれますよ!

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