
Ride safe This is YU. Today’s video is a Vlog filled with memories of Suzuki’s GSXR, which has been my partner for a while. This is a video of the first time I rode this bike. My first impression was that it was a little difficult and scary to drive.

I felt restless and restless as I rode around Shibuya.One day, the manager said, “I want to sell this bike,” so I asked, “Can I ride it?” and he temporarily kept it. After driving the GSX for a while and refilling with gas,

I realized that the GSX was surprisingly easy to drive. I noticed that you have a surprisingly cute face, which is great! The sound and running are great! Actually, my first motorcycle was a SUZUKI.I was infected with the Suzuki bacteria on purpose, or was I already infected?

When I asked everyone on Instagram stories what the name of this bike was, it was “Jispecke” GSX.As I drove through the out-of – focus expressway, checking out the driving performance of Jispecke, I was captivated by the taste of my first bike with an oil-cooled system. I did. Oil-cooled, the best.

For lunch that day, I went to Demo De Diner , a popular hamburger restaurant based on an American diner located right next to the US military alley.It looked delicious and I had a cheesecake. I made a mistake. I had a cheeseburger.

On this day, I was touring with my best friend Kaoruko who rides a Ducati GT1000. Jispeke is in good spirits today as well. However, the engine took a long time to start. Good morning! Good morning, it’s been a while! It’s been a long time . Yes, it’s Kaoruko-chan

. Today is the first time she’s seen Jispeke. Sorry I’m late. It’s huge! What year? 90’s? Probably 1985 or 1986. Is that the bike SUZUKI used in the race? &%$# Yeah, nice. I like the exterior. It seems like I’m a person who really likes red.The

Exterior is for 750cc and the engine has been customized to be 1100cc.It looks heavy, but it’s heavier than it looks, right? Try straddling it later? No, it’s scary! You think it will definitely look good on you, but you will never reach it, right? Because the height of the seat is here, right?

Because I’m here. Impossible! But it seems like there are some girls riding it, are you serious? One commenter said, “My wife rides it.” really? Yes , it’s true that it feels like the 80’s

When I look at the meter.The tachometer is broken, but I didn’t notice it and yesterday I was filming at a much lower angle.There’s a sports day where nothing moves.There ‘s a sports day nearby. Yes, it ‘s that time of year . Yeah , I hate the nostalgic sound of that pistol. Former

Track and field team. The sound of the pistol makes my blood runny. Lol Kaoruko-chan, you hated the sports festival, right? Kirai Kirai ♪ You like school festivals, right? I like it♪ If it weren’t for the mysterious bike that brought people from athletics and liberal arts groups together, it would be a miracle

That they wouldn’t have met . What’s this? Your backpack is cute today too, Gummy~ Your backpack is always unique. What was it like last time? I like PlayStation PlayStation . PlayStation is something you play on TV, right? that? Was it wrong?

“The lack of knowledge on the level of how to connect it to a TV” is terrible.”I said it wasn’t a PlayStation today, but today’s top is PaRappa Rapper.It ‘s cute~ I waited for about 2 months like it was the world’s first sound game . But… it’s not second-hand clothes made

To order.Oh yeah, I hear he’s wearing a new knit hat , so I thought I’d wear a knit hat too.The shoes are the same color.We have the ability to predict each other’s outfits.And the choker too. You thought I was going to wear it, right? I’m wearing the same cute choker right now.

Is it time to go? Are you going to go to coffee shop? I’ve never been to the cafe today and don’t know where it is, but it’s a cafe in Tokyo. I wanted to know more about it. But it’s a bit embarrassing if you go alone. I understand. Let’s go get some coffee.

Huh? Something fell off or something came loose (miraculously caught) while I was waiting at a traffic light, it suddenly broke. I ‘m sorry for the shock , but let’s pull ourselves together and bask in the sun.. It was Halloween season when we took the photo (updates are slow) Sorry to bother you.

We haven’t had breakfast yet. (11:00 AM) I haven’t had any food lately… Is that so?Eat, eat.I’m celebrating my birthday with a cup of coffee … Oh no no , is there anything like a cafe latte? Here it is . Please make it hot and give me a brownie. It’s my birthday celebration, so

Kaoruko-chan bought it for me🥺I think I’ll move the bike a little more..Yu- chan has a slender body and that cool big bike..Be careful. Put it on~ It looks like it definitely doesn’t want to get off the bike, huh? It must have fallen somewhere near me, I’m sure (kindly) No …I ‘m glad there’s

A white one , thank you very much , this is YU-chan Thank you so much for the big cute brownie . It’s a happy season and it’s the best. It’s the best . It’s so delicious. Delicious? I’m glad I ordered the same one. It looks delicious.

The flare from the backlight is so emotional. The person who is choking on the brownie. The sky is blue.A lot of people pass by when I’m spending time on the terrace.I’m close to a foreigner who seems to be interested in motorcycles (?), but he doesn’t seem to be interested in motorcycles lol.The

Second foreigner is interested in cool Triumph motorcycles.That’s great. Hey, cool Bonneville? Suimasen? Bonneville? Thruxton is true. You say single seat 900, but don’t you mean displacement 850cc? Oh, that’s what I mean. My bike is also called 1000, but it has a displacement of 992cc, right? That’s right, the Abarth has arrived.

Foreigner (3rd person) who is curious about motorcycles. Dogs are also watching. I wanted a Thruxton. It’s really cool to wear very rough clothes. I also want to ride a motorcycle in a cool way! I guess it’s about time I give it to you. The box is huge. It’s so

Big and the box is so big , uh… I ‘m thinking the same thing, but congratulations and thank you , YU-chan . Maybe I’ll make it into a vinyl record, but no, I don’t know what I’m into or what I own right now. YU-chan is putting a lot of thought into

This … Hmm, skin care!!! YU-chan’s skin is delicate, so I chose this one . It’s not a big deal , it’s just that you can see what’s inside . ( (Introduction omitted) Happy birthday , I love you, I love you, hand cream and lipstick. Oh

, it’s such a waste to tear up the cute wrapping paper. It’s wonderful . I’ve never used this skin care lip balm, and my favorite hair oil. Thank you for giving me a free sample of the hair oil that makes me look like KAORUKO-chan ! It doesn’t have a nice

Color or smell, and it focuses on moisturizing.I really wanted something like this.Even though it has a thick texture that I want to use right now, it’s not that sticky.I have a peculiar way of applying it.I like it when it’s this moist.I think it will last a long time.

If it doesn’t suit you, just throw it on that area and have them play with it.There was a time when my skin care didn’t suit me and my face swelled up to twice its thickness, but at that time I applied it to my butt.LOL As a result, my butt became smoother. It

Didn’t change at all. I really liked it. I got a box in my bag! Will the camera fit properly? This bag is so good that it can probably even fit a camera in it . It’s a post office worker’s bag ! It’s huge! It also has a record in it, right?

I happened to have a big bag today, so I gave you a small present.My present is an interesting one and a wonderful one ! Thank you, I opened it and it looks like it would look great on Kaoruko-chan ! cute! ring? Yes, a ring. propose? Please marry me (heart) Proposal…!!!!?

Is this an antique? It’s a one-of-a-kind ring that’s made of brass and has natural stones in it, which is wonderful! It’s a blue-gray color that goes perfectly with Kaoruko’s nail color today . By the way , I can wear the same ring on different fingers if I spread it out. By the

Way, the current size is really the perfect size for my ring finger . Are you getting married? Let’s get married 🥺 Another gift for getting married ! old match “Retro matches that look like those found in old coffee shops” The price is cute , but I found them at an antique market.

They used to be placed on coffee shop tables in the past, but they are rarely seen anymore. They are so cute! Sense~ I’m glad you liked it! What do DUCATI and SUZUKI have in common? After all, it ends with i (love) ❤︎ It’s love (i) lol

I’m sorry for being so lovey-dovey from beginning to end I’m sorry to leave you behind, but Kaoruko-chan has to go home for work, so thank you YU-chan Thank you , let’s go on a date again Take care and see me through to the end

🏍SUZUKI GSX-R 1100 (750 外装)

SUZUKI GSX-R1100 GSXR750R外装 ヨシムラ、オーリンズ GU74A 完調 ガレージ整理の為 https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/l1117189551


📍ロケ地 Tokyo

0:00 SUZUKI GSX-R 想い出
0:30 GSX-R 街乗り
1:08 GSX-R 高速道路
2:34 Kaoruko
5:57 ツーリング
7:00 Coffeeしばく ☕️ https://streamer.coffee/stores/
10:00 Triumph Thruxton登場
13:46 結婚しよう







Google meetで一時間限定のリモートトークしてます。



魔改造SR500と壊れそうで壊れない916スパイダー、じと目のAMI8が愛車です。自分で考案したガレージハウスでみんな仲良く暮らしています🏍🚘 よろしくお願いします!

Instagram ▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/yu.sr500/
Twitter ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
告知用アカウント ▶︎ http://twitter.com/yusr500
Facebook ▶︎ https://m.facebook.com/carcle.yu


📹アクションカメラ 取り逃がしがないから本当に大活躍。
📸一眼カメラ 軽くて持ち運びに優れる一眼
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SC6

ライカ 単焦点 ブレるけど、ピント合わないけど、エモいやつ撮れる
→ https://a.r10.to/h65SoL

Sony 単焦点 暗い時、夜のシーンには欠かせない。
→ https://a.r10.to/h6moOL

タムロン望遠 万能。安い。最高。
→ https://amzn.to/3EA2rTS



通算100回以上続いているカーくる新舞子サンデーなどの車バイクイベントを主催するメディア カーくるに記事をアップしています。

→ https://covo.site/_users/16922374
→ https://carcle.jp/blog/carcleyu

『parcferme (パルクフェルメ) 』
→ https://parcferme.co.jp/article-tag/yu/

『Motorcyclist (モーターサイクリスト)』
→ https://www.yaesu-net.co.jp/motorcyclist/


🚘 🏍
ウラル・ジャパン様, KDDI様, ドゥカティジャパン様, TOM’s様, Triumph Motorcycles Japan様, ハーレーダビッドソン ジャパン様, ピアッジオグループジャパン様, MOTOR FORCE様,ヤマハ発動機様, ロイヤルエンフィールド様,

RSタイチ様, KADOYA様, GOLDWIN様, KUSHITANI様, SHOEI様, Motorimoda様, マックスフリッツ様,


お問い合わせ、仕事依頼は こちら
→ yu@carcle.jp

所属事務所 株式会社カーくる
住所 〒503-0807 
岐阜県大垣市今宿6-52-16 SoftopiaJapan DreamCore 401 
株式会社カーくる YU宛
TEL 052-228-9338


  1. 個人的にはこのバイクの呼び名は

  2. Hello from France ( As always..!!)
    Thanks a lot for introducing us this iconic sport bike !
    he seems in mint condition ?
    it should be heavier than SR 500, and it is very much powered !
    and so what do you feel about handling facilities ?

    john Christopher

  3. 私も(鈴菌中毒)といえばそうでしたが今は治っています。Yuさんの動画で登場するたびに再発しそうです。ジスペケは懐かしい呼び名ですね。油冷、デユアルライトは色褪せないですねー

  4. I always love to watch your videos and dream about my future bike. I cant afford one right now but i always wanted to ride a amazing old-schooled piece and travel around the country. Your videos have the vibe i always thought about!

  5. 限定車や⁉️無いのですか、乾式750RR、当時僕は、GSX750R、同級生が❗ダブルRに、乗ってました(笑)懐かしい油冷バイク、今も、1200SS❗保有、オーバーホールしないと、乗れませんがねぇ~~(笑)

  6. 何だこのカッコイイに可愛いを足して2で割って100乗した女の子達は‼️




  7. いいお友達ですね。それとめっちゃ懐かしい!80年代は私が1回目のリターンした時でした。GSX-Rは憧れでした。私は最終的にカタナの1100の逆輸入車に乗ってました。東京のお洒落さが伝わり、外国の方も多いのも素敵ですね。80年代後半まで東京にいました。YUさんのライフスタイルや車、バイク他の趣味の良さに憧れます。今は2回目のリターンでバイクライフ楽しんでます。YUさんのブログ楽しく拝見してます。

  8. 懐かしい。この年代の250を二度所有した。呼称は自分も「ジスペケ」。今まで所有したバイクのほとんどがスズキ。レーサーレプリカもよく似合っているよ

  9. GSXR、生き残ってくれててありがとう。スズキのバイクは古くなればなるほど愛おしくなるから不思議。

  10. やっぱり油冷ですよね。1100の750カウルなんですね。ほんとかっこいい。油冷最終乗るか迷いゼファー1100にしてしまった。Youさんもスズキんなんですね。

  11. うわぁ! 懐かしいw これの青/白に乗ってましたw メッチャ軽くて乗りやすくて、結構長距離走っても疲れないバイクというイメージが残っていますw 事故に遭って廃車になりましたが、本当にいいバイクです。エンジン音聞いたら涙出ましたww

  12. Kaoruちゃん、お久しぶりですね。きれいになったようです。東京は冬でもそんなに寒くないようですね。ソウルは寒くてバイクに乗れません。❤❤

  13. レストラン「フルール」というマッチが紹介されていましたが
    天気予報のCMにも使われて 名古屋人なら誰でも知っている所でした。

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