Today is day one of our Ha Gang Loop tour as you can see the conditions aren’t the best but hopefully they’re going to improve now this isn’t going to be any hang Loop tour this is going to be a very authentic tour over 3 days and 2

Nights we’re going to be going to places that tourists don’t usually visit we’re not going to be doing a group tour of 30 motorbikes it’s just me here karolina on that motorbike right now so this is the start of our trip we’re heading just out

Of the city right now we’re with hello my name hi hi yes so hi is our Easy Rider so what an Easy Rider is is that you hop on the back of the motorbike and in conditions like this it can be very dangerous to ride a motorbike especially if you haven’t got any

Experience hello Danny hello how how’s it going so quite foggy today right a little bit foggy yes the conditions are very foggy hopefully it clears up let’s see now we we are going to to visit the village we are going to be for 2 hours

Let’s see when we finish how it’s going this is the village we cannot say the name of exactly and the reason is short short answer we want to protet from the massive tourism s Danny so Danny helped us to organize our tour through his home

Stay called Be’s Home we’ll put a link in the description and like he said we are going to a village which is where his wife is from and we cannot see the name because there is been instances where waterfalls have become basically

Ruined because of lots of beer cans plastic that is not being cleaned up because here in hang it’s very rural so need to preserve these places for as long as possible we have made it guys to the unknown unnamed Village it is very

Very beautiful even with the fog you can see the atmosphere here it’s very kind of like mysterious but you have have what looks like Ricefield Terraces how long have you been living in this Village for with your wife uh well I’ve

Been here 8 years ago so I came here in 2016 my first time as a tourist as everyone else MH and then I fell in love with the place and and the wife no my wife I only met her four years ago four years ago I was working for her as an

Easy Rider oh right she boss she was the boss and I realized right because here a long time ago the only English speaking guide was me here in the Ha Giang City yeah because the loop start to become famous and some companies they call me know to

Have a little bit of guy someone who can inter communicate with the in English English with the others so we actually got introduced to the culture here a little bit and the woman on my left she’s wearing a a blue kind of like

Jumper and underneath she has a black dress and tie people on the wear two colors so the most amazing thing about the Tay Community here is how self-sufficient they are Danny’s been telling us a lot of information that

We’re going to be re relaying to you but as you can see this Pond over here so this is water coming from the mountains they’re coming down through here now this is cement but in the past it used to be bamboo but the cement is just

Better of fortifier they don’t need to keep repairing it and the running water as you can see just along here here is going all the way through to the rice fields which you can see just in the distance bit foggy but that’s the

Running water and they’ve got these pipes here which is the water going to these ponds as you can see here on this bed they’ve got all these vegetables over here they’ve got the fish under there this duckweed will expand and grow

Very quickly and Danny was saying that the sun can’t penetrate it during the summer and so they have fish they got vegetables they’ve got their main staple which is rice and also the Ducks around they have ducks and uh they do have uh

These kind of water tanks just over here and over here and that’s what they use to wash dishes to uh have showers and the very interesting thing is that they do have electricity so the main road has uh connecting grid to these homes

Through pipes or through cable sorry and uh even some of them Danny you were saying some of the homes have Wi-Fi yeah yeah some have Wi-Fi now they want to adap to the new uh mod life okay and they have TV they have Wi-Fi because here in

Vietnam they are really fond of uh football of football yeah it’s crazy for example in in the in the last year when was the the World Cup yeah I went with in Hanoi with my my my wife family and they walk up me at 3:00 a.m. Danny

Spain’s going to play I say I don’t care but they’re really big on football so that’s one of the reasons they want to be they want to still maintain their self-sufficiency but they if they can improve their life by having some

Internet and now now most of the famili is IND they have incomes and all the things they can do to have a better life like new kitchen new bathroom and new tools they will they will they will absolutely they don’t want why they have

To maintain for the houses the Traditions when they can live better they can have better better life better life yeah like everyone else wants but it’s very beautiful I love yeah every you see here guys everything is super green so we’re beginning our journey through this Village wow you can see now

The the mountains in the distance and these are the this is the Danny this is the rice uh Fields the rice fields because there’s difference Danny was teaching us there a difference between the rice patties and the rice fields so

From the rice patties you put it to the rice fields and what is she transporting here Danny hello you can see she’s got like uh some ink yeah I think she’s going just to take it to home to something but I’m not

Surea my wife what kind of bag is that some kind of vegetables and so they’re all walking barefoot hello the duck weed oh this is the duckweed this is the duck weed all right this is the duck weed is it okay to touch yes it’s very it’s much it looks

Very thick yeah very thick so the ducks eat this even can be thicker than that the ducks eat the duck weed and it’s also used to protect the fish W the the feet okay I like your hat oh okay there we go Vietnam is a

Very large country but the area about the area of the country is smaller than my country Spain mhm but there are 100 million pop so the land is a problem here that’s why many houses in big cities are narrow but really high I’ve noticed that they very small but they’re very high because

There is not enough land not enough land to support the population exactly that why many families are living all together because they cannot afford to buy a house buying a house in Vietnam is very expensive for the you compare with

The incomes they have of the incomes they have are we going this way yeah okay so and what is the reason you like to bring people to this area and not maybe what the typical tours do well the idea came from from my wife actually

Because she wanted to do a is she from hang yes she’s from hang yeah she’s local she she’s vietamese from Ha Giang and Tay and she’s Tay okay t y not not t not the Tha like Thailand ta Y and she wants to to show more or less a little

Bit of the local life know because as you know the loop is really famous to take the motorbike and enjoy the Landscapes which is amazing okay but uh she wants to show a little bit more know about the people understand the culture

Here and try to teach them about how they live in to also to protect a little with the environment because now the loop in in summer become really famous for the big tours to go like 40 people in line drinking one beer with the

Speaker oh God and it’s a little bit frustrating for the it’s not very authentic yeah it’s more like a just now a tourist attraction exactly and the that kind of ruins the uh environment as well everything everything okay to me AB

I understand like like some people like it we need to respect all kind of Tourism but I don’t know sometimes a little bit sad because I been here for years and I don’t want this become like know cou on road now we are going to

Visit the this Tay house okay uh before entering the house I want to show you a little bit about the structure of the house because have a reason why uh in the main village we have seen a lot of water water in the

Rice field a lot of water water there is a river here long time ago they established near the rivers what happen in what can happen in rainy season flooding that’s why there are two floors long time they buil the houses into

Floor because they were settle down near the river in case it was the rain and the River float they are protected that makes sense cuz I was noticed the the house is raised and they’ve gotten the bottom they just park the motorbikes and

So it’s because of floating they can just be protected and also to protect themselves against animals hello hello welcome to my house oh thank you oh yes thank you so much yes and uh all right you go for it okay

So we’re coming inside and so uh con you got the light yeah all right so if I just yeah it’s very dark in here but you can see this is the lower level right now and you’ve got the dog just over here and I think the lights here perfect

You can see this is actually rice this is sticky rice this a sticky rice for a special occasion so they keep them over here this has been here for a year and they only use it for special occasions and so that’s because it takes uh a

Little bit more effort it’s a bit harder to make sticky rice you can see the rice is bit bit thicker than the normal rice and where Karolina is so this is how the normal rice looks like it’s more like uh it’s more like

Thinner y thinner thinner and smaller and if I just show inside of here Karolina this is where they keep the rice and this was full yeah like this and it’s now January but they’ve eaten since November the rice they’re eating a

Lot of rice that’s the main staple here and so they you can see they’ve got a whole load of rice and this is a family home for six people and you can see they have their motorbikes over here they can dry their washing just along here very

Cool and they use the is this the machine Danny is this the machine this for the corn H No it’s h rice the rice for the rice so that’s when they need to deshell the the rice I’m guessing yeah but it’s new I didn’t know because uh

Yeah they put here they put the rice just into there and the reason being is because in the olden days they would uh one by one they would peel the rice and that would be so laborious but the machine like uh Danny was saying is that

They want to maintain their self-sufficiency but if they can make their life a bit easier with some Modern approaches you can see they can use this machine so they can take that Rice just over there put it through the machine

And then they have their food their main staple and it looks like they’ve got a little kind of paddock in the back you can see there’s chickens just going around and uh they’ve chopped some wood I’m guessing they’re using that for uh

For certain things here the wood uh Danny the the wood what do you know what they use the wood at the back for this wood just over here ah just for now we we are going to go to the kitchen ah okay let’s go to the kitchen now we

Going to the kitchen and normally the they they wood to Barn like for for the kitchen oh it’s for like firewood firewor firewood firewood firewood and they got chickens so they’ve got eggs and meats this is the the small door for the K oh he’s going inside there you can see just

Inside there there’s a little door see for the video These are chicken coops chicken coops all right should we head to the uh the kitchen Danny guys I think it’s not raining I look shiny a little bit let’s go for the rest please yes

There’s no uh there no rain now which is super grateful for because it’s uh and the last thing here what is that what is this uh is this for the it’s a grave this is a grave there a coffin you know there a

Coffin can Shine the Light long time long time they they made own coffin because the people can’t choose so this is a coffin that is crazy so is it just just nowadays they keep it because it’s a good good and they can

Put some things over there okay they using like a table why we are going to waste a good quality Goods put things over there but this is a coffin for for the so they had like old style coffin with the wood but now

They don’t want to waste the wood it’s very good quality wood you can see the structure is actually kind of small for like small Vietnamese people and the bags they do themselves for the plastic to go to the want to go to the to the

Market or they go to the to the Garden they made themselves but it’s perfect made there you can see it yeah I bet it’s going to be fashionable in the future yeah all right sustainable all right Danny you want to take us to the kitchen yes now with the only thing guys

We need to take our shoes off yeah be careful of your head still we take off our shoes take up our shoes all right so this is uh how supposed to be inside of one Tha house mhm and now the big boss is going to say

Hello to you okay she’s the essence of the house she’s the essence of the house she half a really good hering so now I’m going to do like a a small tour to show you a little bit what

Are the houses are the house things let’s have a look on the roof you can see the roof as I said before is made by bamboo and palm leaf okay so before the the leaf it’s very dry still green you made a lace and you tied it and it comes

Strong but what happened with the past of the years some parts as you can see for example here are getting loose yeah look here yeah you can see it’s loose yeah so with how many area of these are loose is one big St some part of the

Roof can fly away and you need to repair it normally if you maintain the roof in a good shape can last between 10 and 15 years then yes you have to change all because it’s really old and you need to change it okay but normally if you

Maintain correctly 10 105 years okay now let’s go to the middle of the house remember oh the sun there some sun oh we have some sun maybe I wasn’t so encouraged about the weather oh yes so we are here we are living here to

Protect ourselves from the from the flooding and from the animals but now we have a very fancy stairs over there why because now remember easier life for everyone the proper way to go into the houses long time ago it was with the

Bamboo ladder this just behind you oh wow this is a lot they have probably two and they put the feet here and the and they go into the and is it too so the ladder is good because for the animals they they can’t climb the the bamboo it

Was a hole over there and you climb this is long long time ago but now they they keep it why two reasons to fix the roof for example you see the hole over here and here in case you have to repair the roof

Somehow uh you can not repair from outside because if you go from outside and you step on the leaf you will damage if you can go here for example you see this piece of wood over here like this uh-huh and you see also over there yep

So in case something break it you pull at this like Lego and you climb and you fix the roof like Lego yes you can you can use it to climb to the roof to fix the roof that’s why because from outside no if you step you can damage the leaf

And they will not protect you from the rain so that why we need to do from inside okay different thing is when you need to reped all when you need to reped all yes you go up and you go step by step we’re talking about fixing the

Small just small parts of the roof but also they keep it here too because for the kitchen they use many many things also to cook and to dry and for example we have peanuts over peanuts just there that’s peanuts guys long time ago we

Have here the corn H the rice so they always have something here everything’s ready to be exactly and this is wow this is a traditional this is so interesting so material is is stone stone and this is good and this is Stone and can you

Figure it out why the the the goodat is in a circle instead of like in Europe we to put like it’s easier to keep it running in a small place and it’s good but also to to they need the main reason

This or the fire is not to keep you warm is to cook and for cook you need the fire low yeah you need a low heat exactly need and also is that why it’s kind of just having a small flame right now to keep

It low temperature and sometimes the fire the fire can be like this when it’s more but the the main point is to keep the fire low you don’t want a huge fire because this is concentrated in one areaa are these These are chairs I’ve

Just realized this is Tiny chairs for the grandma yeah yeah I can sit on it yeah you can sit on it look at that sitting on a little I mean we used to in Vietnam but these are even tinier but this feels so cozy so this is the

Firewood they had outside they’ve got a small kind of low heat just cuz it’s that’s how they cook things here on a how they cook and also it’s a way to be safer because you can put the fire here is running very low you can go to the

Garden or to the r to do something and you make sure this will not burn the house you know and what do they typically eat uh they eat everything in Vietnam there is a exper of my wife everything it’s Smo can be eat okay so

They can be cooking all sorts of things here but normally what they have here mostly is H vegetables rice and meat and like duck and chicken exactly okay and is this running for the whole day like this yes yes sometime they they turn it

Off here guys yeah sometime they turn it off okay but uh mostly yes in winter is H day in summer so one of the amazing things that Dany and his wife are doing is supporting like the local Community here with Chung and uh Chung this is

Your English teacher yeah English teacher so they’re uh basically so Danny is teaching Chung English and your wife and Danny are helping a few of the local Lads the boys as I call in England Lads uh to become easy Riders okay and this

Is chun’s home yeah Chun and Chung like what is uh this area here this is the the sleeping area yeah it’s my grandmother he is sleeping here this is the grandmother yeah he is my grandmother Bo and this is the mattress that she uses to sleep on the ground this is the

Mattress yeah yes so when you go to bed you get the mattress and you put it down on the ground and uh there but all the family are all the family all the family are living here so this is uh green tea from your garden yes myard uh grandmother’s joining us

[Laughter] you can see she’s wearing the traditional clothes like traditional and it’s all black and uh can be all black or all blue or black and blue okay it’s black and blue or all black all right so

I can there is no ritual just drink just drink it okay so I’ll turn it away to me the lighting in here is uh a bit low so I have to use the torch but this is CH this is green tea from your garden yes green tea from my

You will like it it’s very yeah it’s very very good quality green tea I love green tea cuz it’s got a little bit of caffeine mhm but I I started drinking green tea actually when I was very young so around like 10 years

Old how to say good in Vietnamese you you can say In tha or say Good In tha good in Thai uh uh [Music] I similar V with to to yeah to to to to to you want to say like kind of thank you In tha is

B b so this is the tea place it’s not in the middle of the house this should be always with wider space but the main reason that we are drinking tea here because they want to show you they hand here the the all thei okay of the

Grandfather of tan went to the war or they have some certificates about University or college this is the grandfather and he was uh in the in the Army in the Army was in the Army and these are all the medals yes he and

These certificates uh what exactly are they for probably that when they finish the degree in the school or the college they like to put they have some important achievement or like competition they will also put it there because they are like to Pro off but as we say before no mother lives are

Changing around the world so because they know it’s the te Place let’s put the TV over there ah so that’s the modern modern addition to the you can see like tradition and mod at the same time we got introduced a lot of

Information about the daily life of the grandma which is so cute next to me and she’s always uh welcoming the foreigners because she’s also curious of us and um how old is she she’s actually 81 and she’s still like helping with the family

With the cooking with taking care of the kid and 81 is uh like a long long life here in the usually hard to calculate statistically because there are 100 million population here in Vietnam but they the statis was around

7075 and she’s above that so yeah and uh we could see that she was walking with like kind of slight Bend to the back and that’s from the working in the rice field from the hard working life mostly like to carry the kids to go to the

Agriculture to plant the rice also to cook so everything is leading and there is one moment the back to not come back yes but she’s uh always smiling full of life very happy is Beautiful what did she say she say that she’s not beautiful I love the jokes so the grandmother just said you’re very beautiful yeah very handsome very handsome now say no he very handsome oh your Beard’s too long yeah too long you needs to be needs to be

Clean shaven like Chung very handsome handsome man handsome thank you okay guys so we are leaving we’re saying bye bye-bye bye okay thank you Chong for thank you showing us your home um one of the interesting things is that actually uh

Like we said earlier in the video they have uh Wi-Fi and so I wanted to see the speed of the Wi-Fi as YouTubers is very important and the speed was about 45 download and 45 upload which is faster than the internet back home for

And we spend a lot of money on internet back home and so for the UK uh internet is very poor but here in Vietnam even here in a remote Village the Wi-Fi is double the speed of what I have back over it’s super

Interesting we’re going on an adventure into the oh into the backyard well be careful be careful that I hit my head on that you can see they’ve got the duck weed they got all the ducks in the back and so they’ll have fish inside of here they got vegetables and again another

Home all right let’s make sure we don’t fall over this looks like a a rice cooker is this a rice cooker yeah yes oh they got a puppy hello baby hello puppy hello and we got sweet corn so they’re shredding the sweet corn yeah is this

The machine to to uh Shred the sweet corn no yeah yes wow so the sweet corn goes into here yeah and then you grind all right laty like it so it’s very difficult very oh wow like grating this sweet corn and so you see all the sweet corns going out

There oh there we go that’s the wow wow it’s perfect yeah yeah that’s great and you can just put it into here yes that’s so cool so they have I just love it I love how they uh have everything they need to

Live uh and they got a little puppy hello I got to be careful oh Kina is going to try doing it this one out mhm so I’m putting it here okay and you just make sure not to put your fingers in

Down there you go so this is what you’d be doing in the old school Vietnam this is so cool and sweet Corn’s coming out there beautiful it’sing it’s coming out yes now you take it so it goes like that so

When it’s finished it just automatically goes down yeah wow almost you can uh nibble at [Laughter] it okay and these are your uh dogs yeah yeah the this is the mother no no um the the mom uh no my mom uh no Mom okay he’s a brother oh the brother of

These brother say very protective you can hear him growling and puppies is so cute they’re so cute be careful slivery liy okay CH very nice to meet you nice to meet you thank you bye byebye so earlier on he just gave me a big hug it

Was very nice he just came over and gave very slippery yeah yeah careful this like MH but uh I was so surprised uh that he just came over and gave us a very big hug this is I I must tell you like it’s a little bit a Spanish thing oh it’s a Spanish

Thing because you know uh as I say no I I don’t like social media I st of work you know is not about myself no yeah and and but H the people nowaday when they travel they share my contact no and some people like sadly about my age we don’t

Have uh enough opportunities to speak English okay and uh they know I am Spanish and a lot of people from Spain come to my to my place no oh yeah yeah yeah and Spanish people are all day hugging Daisy Riders ah so they that’s why he’s hugging because he thinks it’s a normal

Thing to do with like tourists like foreigners now they they only they also learn how to say let’s go in Spanish like bamos when they have Spanish bamos B and your driver the crazy one you can say locco Lo is in Spanish so is also

Called crazy yeah you can call him Loco that he understand Loco so again guys look at how stunning this is mother of Chong ah this the mother of Chong in the rice fields and and the wife and the wife hello so you can see they have the rice

Fields over here you got the running water they need that water to flow down through the rice fields and you can see Chong’s wife and mother hot at work and they’re doing lot of bending down and so that’s why the grandmother as I was

Saying earlier has kind of a Bend to the back because as well they also sometimes carry the children on the back so uh Danny the when they’re working in the rice fields if they’ve got a young baby they also carry the baby on the back

Long time ago the baby doesn’t go to the school and there is no one to take care of the kid yes right there we go I have to get my leg over this okay now we go over there for take the picture with the river and

To the valley okay beautiful I’m going to take off this helmet helmet we can take it off yeah yeah beautiful we got the lovely helmet ha and uh they’re driving super fast well not super fast but they’re driving

Faster than I would drive uh if I was doing the loop um and actually I don’t I wouldn’t feel super safe so it’s one of the reasons why uh we went for Easy Rider wow wow wow wow wow

Wow this is crazy you know what I love is this kind of mountain here is just covered in green you got some boats just over here so can probably grab a drink and then just enjoy the views but uh kind of winding through the mountains look at this guys absolutely

Stunning but this view over here through the valley is just spectacular you can see there a tiny little boat just going through there imagine going on the boat through the valley is super beautiful how did you find the motorbike

Being on the back I really like it it’s very refreshing and I feel safe we feel safe like uh that was one of the reasons I was saying earlier is that with the weather conditions and also they’re going at a speed which I wouldn’t be

Comfortable with driving myself because I’m not used to driving a motorbike they just know the roads the p and just makes your exper there’s probably more for us to see and more for us to experience with having a local guide who’s from the

Area it’s like a shuttle yeah like a shuttle uh the people from here like to like uh it the same to the bedminton there ah oh okay do you want try to play yeah yeah yeah I’ll try yeah do you want to

Film it’s like you use your knee and your feet uh whatever you want yeah yeah it’s good all right let’s try this again I’ll do it my feet wow with your feet is better wow the Vietnamese people like to play

Not just here in hang everywhere in Vietnam they play this yeah yeah what’s that called what is the name of this game uh it’s uh is the name vietnames yeah go go d d yeah D yeah I now I with him okay you play it’s perfect cuz you’ve got like a astro turf

Here okay oh these guys are good Carolina it is finally lunch time we’ve come to this establishment just in the middle of the mountain and we haven’t had any breakfast so we’re looking forward to a delicious Vietnamese Feast so let’s head on inside

Got the motorbikes already parked up and we’re going to be heading on inside you can see there’s a lot of food out yeah been so many there lots of people already been eating they’ve all left it’s like imagin local we eat a local food team Ram okay so we’re going to be

Having beautiful local food that’s great but it’s just funny because uh it looks like there was a large group that have just left which is great cuz we like we like our peace and silence and you know it’s fun to go on a group tour um

Especially if you’re with friends I think that’s it’s quite fun I will tast for but uh when we’re filming when we’re a couple we want to have more kind of intimate cultural experiences um and it’s yeah it just shows you like the the

Amount of groups there’s probably at least maybe 20 30 chairs so they’re the kind of group sizes that you can expect so our food has arrived we have absolute Feast come on okay so we have got some spring rolls this looks like

Omelet this is uh beef or pork pork and this looks like some kind of uh what is it called Morning Glory morning no no it’s the light to the it looks light light light light look look like yeah it’s p p Choy P Choy

Yeah it’s a pork it’s a chicken oh this is chicken over there it’s a local chicken local chicken yeah that is fr fry is french fries yeah interesting spring roll me cabbage soup cabbage soup and some rice rice okay yeah let’s dig

In guys yeah go for it give me ah okay we can give the bowls for the rice I like how uh our guides are eating with us is very nice yes it’s very nice okay for you l first ladies first we have just devowed our beautiful

Vietnamese lunch there was so much food that’s why if you saw earlier on there was actually a lot left over cuz it was just eat to your heart’s content but we want to say a big thank you to one of our most loyal supporters he’s called HW

And he’s coming with 25 buy me a coffee drinks if you didn’t know there’s a link in the description where you can buy us drinks and it helps support our journey our travels uh we spend it on uh street food on activities and we pretty much

Are filming all of that content for you guys um and he said Happy New Year may 2024 bring you more exciting Adventures keep on traveling and making great content yeah so thank you HW Happy New Year to everyone who’s watching yes I

Got myself a ginger tea I got myself a black Vietnamese coffee which smells so good it’s like smells like chocolate yeah but it’s not sweet it’s creamy and it’s very very like strong so so kolina is addicted to her coffee and I don’t think you’ve oh you had one early this morning

I had one as well theck anyways let’s uh try our ginger tea oh I love it kind of spicy it’s warm and the climates here in Northern Vietnam definitely warrant drinking ginger tea so we lost karolina for a second I thought maybe they fell off the

Bike but it looks like they’re there look at this guys check this out I love love that the fact that it’s blue skies now the visibility has arrived motorb guy just beeping along but look at the views you have these mountains that are covered in a layer thick layer of

Green and then you have all these peaks in the [Music] distance super beautiful and one of the things we were worried about was if our entire hang Loop trip would be just fog and this look there’s no one here no one here it’s so beautiful did you stop for

A picture or something no we stopped because he just needed some oil for his motorbike so he just randomly stopped I thought you might have fell off or something no you just let go but uh one last look look at that wow

So hi do a lot of the tourists who are renting bikes by themselves do they fall off the bikes yeah uh it happens a lot yeah because uh you know in the road from H it’s very difficult yeah so the the the conditions

Are very difficult the roads are difficult uh is it very difficult when it’s raining it’s it more slippery yeah it’s uh for the raining the road very slippery yeah yeah for the easy driver we driver every day this easy for easy easy for you yeah it’s easy for easy drivers

Easy but uh how often do you see people falling off the bikes every day or often uh yeah it’s uh sometime yeah yeah sometimes and the police when it comes to the the the tourists if they don’t have uh if they have a license do they

Still get fined yeah if the people have license is fine it’s fine uh the people don’t have the license M uh they need uh pay for very very big bive for the M you were saying earlier around 1.5 to 2 million per per bike yes so if me and

Kolina were riding ourselves and the Police Stopped us for a bribe they would want probably around 4 million Dong and the cost of this entire trip for us is 8 million so it’s a very big cost so you recommend easy Riders yeah I recommend

Easy Driver Easy driver and Easy Rider easy driver so you’re the easy driver and I’m the Easy Rider so right now we’re heading through that Valley that I showed you earlier on so we’re going to be going through the valley so we have hello so this is the hamong

Children hello she’s putting up the Vietnamese flag so right now we’re going to be going through the village so the people who live in this Valley these are the mixture of the ethnic groups so hamong Hong z z

And and Tai andai the group that we went to earlier in the video you can see the conditions for the roads aren’t the best especially if it’s you see the houses there ah they’re playing like Li Bon like badminton yes you want to try uh we

Can uh we can show yeah maybe we can show so there’s like badminton but with like uh a wooden paddle very interesting and if from here you can see the hemp hemp hemp hemp hemp yeah there there is a hemp okay so we H this uh the

Hem look like the ah like the Cannabis yeah like the Canabis cousin of cannabis yeah it’s a people the Hong people from here they grow to the hemp for make the clothes like the textiles ah okay so this is the hemp here guys so it looks

Just like cannabis but it does it smell like cannabis it does yeah really yeah it smells like like smells very similar to it yeah but not super strong yeah yeah it does yeah okay now we go to we go over there over there see

The children player local badminton local badmon I love it with there’s no Nets you we’ll show you guys but uh you can see this is where they this is where they’re living here yeah and surrounded by these Mountain views very beautiful place to to live so the kids I wonder how they’re

Going to react to the uh to the GoPro ah I can see the shuttle [ __ ] wow these guys are good oh oh that so good oh that’s so good hello okay thank you so this is the wooden paddle and this is the shuttle

[ __ ] it’s made out of feathers and uh it’s like uh some metal here it’s a it’s a bullet is it a bullet it is a bullet so this is a bullet shuttle Co that’s crazy hello we can just play like this maybe could you uh film

Maybe I’m not that good you just do it like this like this They’re laughing at you that is good all right so you really need to use a lot of power okay mine there go you basically have to hit it really hard it’s not like uh

Badminton where you just kind of aim and it just bounces off you have to really put effort into it with the paddle so we’ve been invited into one of the homes here this is a ham home H okay hello we go inside all right so let’s head on

Inside I think they want to give us some happy water hello okay you got the light on the phone so this is inside one of the homes over here they’ve got some food in the middle should we go here or

You are lucky because today the T of the H oh it’s the T of the ham today the first day for the T today holiday okay so T holiday in Vietnam is usually in February but no only but her mom right now it’s okay so that’s why they are

Having all the food around and they spending some time and they want us to try happy watery happy water okay I guess we’re going to be trying yeah have a seat yes yes Yes all right we got some happy water all right I wonder you see everyone’s inside everyone watching you want to hold that a sec while I uh turn this around the lighting is uh it’s a bit low so I’m got the iPhone out but do we

Uh it’s funny how we just stopped on the side of the road started playing this uh badminton and now we’re inside drinking okay [Music] okay want oh Cheers Cheers all right we drink yeah all all one shot one shot no no no not one shot oh my God it’s so

Strong we drink it’s okay we wait we wait for for everyone we wait for everyone okay uh he say for the people Vietnam only way friendly people of Vietnam are very friendly yeah okay what what is happening I don’t know what’s happening right now but oh yeah it’s

[Music] cute but I uh we’ve been holding these happy waters for a long time but I think there’s only we only drink it a certain period of time okay This is the longest Che I’ve ever had okay okay okay is a corn wine corn wine corn oh wow were you all drunk you’re very drunk of this first of all like we’ve just ended up in a hom house on tet having corn wine and the longest cheers I’ve ever

Ever experienced in my life and do we drink oh Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers wow okay you just sip or oh that’s was an I think people are sipping it CU it’s very strong yeah but actually it’s a little after Taste of

Corn just a little a little bit I think after a few of these it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be happy water happy water happy water yeah yeah setting some fire to the is that the tobacco inside oh wow is good I uh have no idea what was

Happening there but they were celebrating their tet and they kept on pouring the um happy water so uh our guides were like okay we better get going otherwise uh they will just keep serving us happy water and I don’t think that’s the smartest idea for uh when we’re riding the motorbikes okay

Bye bye so we’ve all per hook up after having the happy water and hi was saying that every day they Farm but they what do they Farm though they Farm on the mountain on the mountains and they and they Farm uh sweet corn yeah it’s uh

Sweet corn uh some uh potato and uh it’s uh Bean like a bean yeah so sweet corn potato and bean and then they Farm in the morning and then they come back and they drink Happ water every day every

Day every day okay I thought maybe it was just for TS but every day okay you guys ready to go yes all right let’s go let’s [Music] go I thought this would be the viewing point so you might be wondering why there is music playing but we found

Ourselves at a viewing point you see absolutely beautiful we do have quite a few people there but check out that view that looks like a postcard it looks like a wallpaper that would be on your laptop and your computer but uh we’re going to

Grab a drink and enjoy the view ask uh hi if you want a drink hi you want a drink I coke coke coke okay uh any kind of Coke uh you want uh a Coca-Cola yeah yeah like this this one here yeah this one what about thank you

Hey oh what was that I don’t know yeah there is red I’m going to get myself another ginger tea with lemon and honey all right all right we get it for [Music] you hello ah Red Bull Red Bull look these are the Red Bulls here in Asia

Okay Red Bull uh what would you like think for me do you have C zero zero Maybe not maybe not no it’s not in there then just okay uh I’ll have a ginger tea with lemon and honey they have that one there I can see it’s just over there she going to get

The fresh ginger out there I can see she’s already getting the ginger just got also for ginger tea like ginger tea just ginger tea and also uh one ginger tea honey so ginger tea with lemon honey one and uh ginger tea okay this is

Making the fresh ginger over there you got a Pikachu you can see the colorful dress of the H people 95 okay there you [Music] go it’s okay we don’t need to change that’s okay thank you no problem all right we have the Red Bull for H where’s I think he’s over here

Somewhere you guys love this game there you go I can give yeah okay I’ll all right you give all right I’ve got my ginger tea with lemon I love that it’s fresh ginger and I think we’re just going to go to this viewing Point here and enjoy over just like

This we have arrived to what what I think is our home stay this is our homee okay thank you and you guys are going to check out this view that is opposite where we’re staying I can get this helmet off sometimes an of donut trying to get there we

Go after riding for feels like the whole day it’s nice to be somewhere where we can just rest and look at this view very beautiful view I think we might be staying in these these on the front here over here let’s find out this is where we’re staying Carolina looks cool mhm hello

Brother oh hello nice to meet you nice to meet you for me at the moment yes yes no problem nice to meet you nice to meet you good have you good today yeah it was very good oh very good good weather right there is good weather today yeah

We’re very happy beautiful yeah okay welcome to my home so we go there and have a check in there check in yeah sure oh that’s a cute little puppy look at this hello hello my friend hello oh that’s cute okay hello all right let’s check in all right we are going to our

Room we have a good view H yes we The View over there oh perfect is it one of these over here uh yes this one okay that’s what I thought one nice I think he said one of the finest ones with the uh GoPro just some of the reactions as

Funny but it looks like they got a little bit of a farm going on here where they can grow some of their produce I’m really excited for like dinner obviously I’m always excited for food all right welcome okay you can see it’s all in Brick this is the view on the left hand

Side of oh we got a nice view so we’re in home number three welcome home let’s take off our shoes wow wow this is so nice this is really nice all right and with the view over there yeah from here we The View we

Going literally just look straight through this is so nice very okay guys so we will be have dinner at 7:00 p.m. 700 p.m. and this time take your rest and then have uh some beer and see you at 7 p.m. thank you so much thank you

Have what was your name monkey monkey this my nickname but I also the owner so for the owner this name for easy for you guys to remember monkey monkey I like the name all right good okay see you later thank you bye

Thank you wow guys this I wasn’t expecting this yeah it’s so cool and there’s even a pink uh Kettle I love this place all right so car Carolina loves cett sped we have a hair dryer and like check

Out this VI like I think might maybe we can actually open this for now and get some Li in there we go I think actually I think it opens like this like this and like this oh right okay y there we go wow

So we can literally just wake up and we have the view otherwise karolina’s blocking it with the bag okay so it’s a very nice comfy bed we got a mosquito net um let’s see what the bathroom situation is wow this is so cool yeah it’s I think this is one of

The best home stays we’ve stayed in and I was just it’s funny because sometimes we don’t usually stay in these kind of places we stay in places that are a little bit cheaper and um what I’m trying to say is that we’re

Very surprised by this combination is very nice you just fall off the bed um I actually have no idea what’s happening now he said uh we’re going to have dinner so I think this is the end of our day one we’re going to have day two and

Day three I think here on the loop so look out for them videos um and I hope you guys enjoy this video I mean we started filming from morning till evening and a lot of effort goes into it like I’m literally like my is frazzled

Because um yeah int like I think it’s intense doing it just as a as a just as a regular tourist I can’t imagine when you’re driving I think that’s going to take a lot of focus so being with a Easy Rider you get to really just enjoy the

Views and and then filming on top of it can be quite challenging yeah any final words yeah like if if you enjoy this video don’t forget to subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next video I mess it up donut

In this video we will take you on *the most authentic experience* we’ve filmed on this channel! Thanks to our amazing guide Dani, we were explored the Tay local village and learned about the life of Northern Vietnamese people. Unexpectedly got invited to H’mong people’s house and celebrate the day with some happy water too 🤪🍶 This was also our DAY 1 of the famous #HaGiangLoop! 🛵

If you want to experience the same journey, check out the Be’s Home in Ha Giang, which would organise it all for you! This is not an ad, we were extremely looked after and loved every single minute of our trip: ❤️

If you enjoy my videos and want to show some love, you can buy me a drink 🥤 Buy Me A Drink


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0:00 Start if the Adventure
1:47 Tay Local Village
8:52 Tay House Tour
20:51 Authentic Tea Time
25:07 Northern Vietnam Farm
30:47 Valley & The Game!
34:10 Steamed Rice Lunch
36:24 Coffee Break
37:44 On the Road
43:26 Unexpected Hmong House Party
51:38 Afternoon Views
54:37 Du Già Cozy Homestay

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


  1. I've watched quite a few vlogs on Vietnam and it always surprises me how they don't show any animosity towards westerners after all they went through.

  2. Ha Giang does not have a Thai community but only Tay people. Tay and Thai are close in language and culture. But Thai is only found in the Northwest such as Son La, Lai Chau, Yen Bai…

  3. Mọi điều tốt đẹp đến từ người dân dưới sự dẫn dắt của chế độ CỘNG SẢN. ,một chế độ vì lợi ích của toàn dân, lấy lợi ích của người dân làm gốc ,không phải ngẫu nhiên mà WiFi vùng xa xôi hẻo lánh tốc độ mạnh gấp đôi vùng nông thôn của vương quốc Anh,giá điện, giá xăng thống nhất mọi miền, mọi địa phương….

  4. Such a fantastic video, guys! The two viewpoints you guys stopped at were breathtakingly beautiful! Your first stop at the home was so fascinating that I was literally hanging on to every word trying to absorb all the info about how they lived from the cool ladder to thatch their roof to the rice to the corn machine. Really loved that a lot!

  5. BTW, regarding riding/driving there, even with an IDP and motorcycle license from your home country, unless your country signed the 1958 Vienna Convention (I believe England did), then it’s technically illegal for you to ride there. This means Americans, Canadians, Australians and others cannot legally ride there. That hasn’t stopped people from doing it. But many people whom ride there then complain about the cops when technically, they were in the wrong to begin with.

  6. Guys, you're making me MISS VIETNAM SO MUCH!! Your video brought back all the memories of the loop – I loved the black Hmong homestay too. Did you guys also see anything of Ho Chi Minh?

  7. Thank you guys for your good journey. I really enjoy all of your videos and sharing. You guys have been bringing joy, warmth to the others, of course including me as well

    As a Vietnamese people, It seems like we got a big luck along with your jouneys💢

    And the other countries also feel the same I guess💥

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