Y’a que la vérité qui compte 2023 – Prime 6

Good morning. Good evening everyone. – Good evening. Nice to see you on set from It’s only the truth that counts on C8. Good evening. – What a pleasure Pascal! Good evening. – I find you. I’m not going to say that It’s mutual, but almost.

A new number from It’s only the truth that counts. New formula, with obviously always moving stories, funny stories who tell you about real life, life lessons sometimes. This new format of It’s only the truth that counts, you have seen it for several weeks, on C8, has nothing to envy of the old one.

A new formula of the show with old hosts, but also, a very young Rebecca, who always remains young. Rebecca, are you there? Obviously I’m here. Rebecca, you do almost younger than Sam. How are you, Sam? He is fine, can I translate for you? He is delighted. Rebecca, you went to carry since weeks

All invitations to the people we are going to meet this evening. It was ? – Alright. Take care of our guests as soon as they arrive in your dressing room. Pascal, for now, let’s start with our first story of the evening. It’s time to restore contact with the lodge.

How are you, Rebecca? – Alright Frédéric accepted the invitation, so, I’m even better since he’s been here. Hello Frédéric. Hello, nice to meet you. Enchanted, Frédéric. What do you do for a living ? I am an artist. – Yes. I also have theater schools and I’m also a therapist.

You don’t know who is inviting you tonight. – No. It’s a total surprise, incredible stress. No ! – Yes, a little anyway. With Rebecca, the stressometer goes down quickly. Very quickly. We’ll talk about theater, so we’re good. I keep it with me a little. We are going to hermetically cut the box

And we welcome someone who asked to invite Frédéric. His name is Alexander. Are you okay, Alexander? Alexandre, are you okay? Sit down. Alexandre, do you know Frédéric? – Alright. This is a person who played a very important role in your life and very important at a very special moment in your life.

It must be said that you are young. – I’m 20 years old. That you had a very complicated childhood. Very young, you suffered fairly serious kidney failure. You are a child who spent a lot of time in the hospital, who worried a lot his parents, I imagine.

There even came a moment where you weren’t doing so well that you have been put on dialysis. We dialyzed you. For everyone who knows, it is a very complex operation which does that several times per week, for some, we change. For my part, three times per week, for four hours.

We are connected to a machine, a dialyzer, and who carries out the processing what the kidney normally does. Except that there, it’s a machine and it’s something that happens in our life, which is extremely restrictive. We lose all our freedom. So. – At the time, were you going to school?

Me… – Could you take the classes? Before all that, yes. I have never been a very big fan of the school, but yes. I tried to be present as much as possible. After the arrival of dialysis, It hadn’t been easy. A special thing is that the young man that you are,

The child, the young adolescent that you have an absolute passion, and almost an absolute dream, It’s theater! You say, I want to ride on stage, I want to be an actor, even if I’m sick, even if I’m experiencing absolutely terrible things. maybe it will prevent me from becoming one.

In any case, I will do everything to be an actor. It’s exactly that. I was in fifth grade. He’s my teacher, Daniel Regnie at the time, whom I salute, an excellent teacher, who brought with him a theater troupe which is called the company It can’t be. A speaker came, Mélanie Sévière.

Then behind, I had this click passion for theater. Then, I met Frédéric Lemarié. The boy we just saw? – Yes, very big boy. He gave lessons in a small Norman town which is called Forges-les-Eaux. I got to know him And now, he has become a real idol for me.

It’s someone who inspired me, he was like my hero. It was really someone I wanted to become. A model ? – He’s a role model for me. The theater teacher quickly entered in a circle in my head of a second father. In this extremely complicated that you live,

He gave you a taste for life again. He gave meaning to your life. We reconstructed this story, your history, illness, difficult childhood and the meeting with Frédéric in pictures. Look. This is the beautiful story of a dream that comes true. Alexander was born with a problem of kidney failure.

He will spend the first months of his life to the hospital. Regular medical monitoring, treatments and care punctuates his daily life. Alexander is growing up. He is a discreet, introverted child. One day he discovered the theater and that’s a real revelation. Despite his health problems,

Alexandre gives himself body and soul in this passion which makes him forget everything else. This is where he will meet of Frédéric, a theater teacher. Alexandre discovers in this man, a true mentor, but the disease comes back stronger and treatments are no longer enough. To stay alive, Alexandre must be put on dialysis.

So, three times per week and for four hours, it remains connected to a device which replaces his failing kidney. The teenager is going through the worst time of his life, at the age of carelessness. He must face the ordeal with courage. One day, finally, after years of waiting,

We tell him that he will be able to be transplanted. The news is totally unexpected. The operation is a success, life regains its rights over illness and his dream is still intact. He will make a spectacle of his rebirth. The first to believe in this project is none other than Frédéric,

His drama teacher. For many months, both are working hard to write a show where Alexander tells his story. Then miracle, thanks to the support of the Rêves association who grants the dreams of sick children, the show is performed in the theater from the Forges-les-Eaux estate and obviously, the public is won over.

He will never forget everything that Frédéric did for him. Tonight, he just wants to say thank you. Are you okay, Alexander? – Yes, it’s okay, great. You are very moved. Very nice pictures. We’re going to tell the viewers everything, Alexandre, we know each other, you and I,

Because we are familiar with each other. We’re going to lie. I participated a little, as a godfather of the association we were talking about and which is called Dreams, to help put on this show, etc. We found each other by chance, but I know you. I won’t say the opposite. – Of course.

I obviously went to the premiere of this spectacle which overwhelmed me, where you do a one-man show which is called Renaissance. There is a very touching moment, you tell me about it, if you want. It’s when at some point you express yourself and you talk to the young person’s parents

Who gave you his kidney. You cry out to them from the heart and you speak to his parents who lost a child, the child whose kidney you are carrying. One of the essential parts and which allows you to live. Why did you do it? and what do you say to these parents?

It was a message for me, which was absolutely necessary. I couldn’t see myself doing a spectacle of this kind, who spoke of my life, and just say at the end: ” That’s great, I am transplanted and life is starting again. » I’m not like that.

I had this need to say something and this need also not to forget. Because behind, one person died. A person I don’t know. It’s medical confidentiality and we must respect it. Even if caregivers push us to move forward, which is normal, I can’t. It’s not in my genes, not to thank,

Not to give a message to the family of the deceased. An extremely personal for once. It’s a message which was absolutely dear to my heart. How are you today? – I’m feeling very well. How nice. – Still a student? I’m working. Life is full of beautiful surprises,

Since the company who made me discover this passion, today I work for her as a civic service. It was a great moment nostalgia to see this lady again who introduced me to theater. It’s something very magical. I got you on the phone and when we spoke again,

I asked, if you wouldn’t want to invite? At the time, the first row of your room was there. There was nurses from Rouen University Hospital. That’s it ? – Yes. Who were there, who were crying, etc. I asked you : Do you have any medical staff to thank?

You told me, I want to thank lots of people, but Frédéric Lemarié, it was the person who… Of course I could have thanked the nurses and I thank them here. I thank Sarah Ofili, everyone who took care of me, who saved me somewhere. Without them, I won’t be there to witness it.

Frederick, It seemed obvious to me, because what he achieved for me, it’s something absolutely incredible. It was a gift he gave me. I created a myth phrase. Our greatest weakness becomes our great strength. It’s a phrase that is close to my heart. Why Frédéric?

It was because I needed to tell him all these things that I never really successful, I think, to tell him. He’s a character. A complete artist that we are going to discover. We’ll give you a few moments. You remain silent. – See you soon. Not a word.

Time to find the lodge as soon as the curtain closes. Rebecca’s dressing room where our friend Frédéric is still located. Are you talking to me? No no. We’re talking to someone in the audience. Wait, don’t move. Laurent, I promise you that we just heard the final snag, so I didn’t know anymore.

I am always with Frédéric, who I will ask to stand up. Frédéric, you will follow Sam and the truth is just down the hall. Good evening Frédéric. How are you ? – Alright. Welcome. – Good evening. Sit down. – THANKS. How are you, Frédéric? A little stressed though. – Why stressed?

You are a man show normally. Exactly. – The stress of the stage, This shouldn’t happen to you. Yes, but surprises. Who is behind the curtain? You have no idea? – No. An ex? I tell you things. Yes maybe. Look, I’ve been looking ever since. – A thunderbolt ? Maybe yes. A reconquest?

A friend you haven’t seen for 20 years? – Yes. You say yes to everything. – Frédéric is ready for anything. He is ready for anything. Do you want can I offer you a clue? I don’t mind. – Look up there. Frédéric, do you think that when we want, we can?

That’s a question which we often place on this tray. Is wanting the same as power? Does wanting, is that enough to be able to? A real question. What do you think ? That’s a real question. Is there a real answer needed? – We can have two hours. You have ten seconds. Certainly.

At the same time, doing this job, is to trace your path with the people around, with its history, with these projections. If. What is most important, is to continue. Do you teach this to your students? to those who work with you? That it is by wanting Are we really getting there?

It’s a passion so beautiful and strong. Theater can allow sometimes so many transcendences. I have seen extraordinary things since I have been giving lessons. I’ve seen people transform. Even in therapy, I saw incredible things. Theater, passion generally speaking, music, it allows suction. It still moves me to feel that way.

When we hear you speak, we want to be part of those who are lucky To benefit of your courses and your lessons. We propose to you to now discover the face of the one who invited you? Yes. – Do you like blondes or brunettes? I am open to everything. I decided to…

You do not have the choice, because we did not also choose the person who invites you tonight. Look at these screens, Frédéric. Alexander. Do you know this young man? – Yes. Yes. Are you happy to see it? Yes. You understand why are you here this evening? Yes.

Yes, because Alexander has a great history, and I have a great story with Alexander. I develop ? – Say a few words. We know the story, because Alexander spoke to us, explained to us, etc. Maybe you have a word to say to qualify this great story.

Maybe you prefer to listen what he has to say to you and react afterwards. I will listen, Alexandre. Alexandre, it’s your turn. I guess you know why I’m here. Ten years ago, in 2013, taking the elevator from work, because my mother works in an EHPAD, she meets a mysterious gentleman.

You talk to each other and you tell him that you are a director. You open a theater school in Forges-les-Eaux. I don’t hesitate, I go for it. I do not know this person, I do not know who it is. I was ten years old at that time, I’m very scared. I’m a kid.

I’m a super shy kid, ultra-reserved, ultra-introverted. Yet here I am. Then I meet you. I don’t know if I ever told you, but I feel something for that person. I won’t be able to tell you what exactly. Perhaps a savior, a hero… I begin a first year of theater with you.

If you remember, it was a group made up of girls only. I was the only boy. Afterwards, I suffered from an illness. You didn’t know about it. I begin less and less able to hide it. Behind, we continued. Two three four, five, six, seven, eight, nine years, we continued for years together.

You saw me grow up, you saw me blossom. You saw me too in fairly low moments. As time goes by, this director, this Frédéric Lemarié that I see, I do not see you anymore like a simple teacher. I see you… I just see you as a person who is propelling me,

To make me grow. Who, with my parents, is in the process for giving me a wonderful education. Despite hundreds and thousands of ruminations to tell me, I’m a lost kid. Anyway, I’m useless, what is the point of living for a kid like me. I’m fifteen and I do not know why

It’s you who saves me from there. It’s you. That’s it, you are no longer a drama teacher. At that moment you become a father, a hero, you become an idol for me. Someone I want to be like, someone who makes me dream, who draws me out shit, I’m sorry for the term.

Because my God, there was years when it was very catastrophic. For that, I will be with you eternally grateful, because it’s you who has been with me from the start. It’s you who got me out of trouble, it’s you who made me dream for years. I will remain one of your great admirers.

There you go, I love you like a father. Frédéric, Alexandre was an average student or a particular student? A special student. He belongs… Alexandre was very shy. When I spoke of miracles, on stage, he woke up, incredible things were happening. On the scene, he was transformed, he even freed himself,

And this, already very small. I witnessed his blossoming. I learned of his illness a little later and I felt, at one point, that it became essential for him. That is to say, the association who carried you, who is called Dreams… Besides, I want to say how much I could see

That around you, whether hospitals, people are present and we must congratulate all the organizations who help sick children. Because there is a force around you. I was part of it, but there are your family, the people who surrounded you. Even though you crossed extremely dark periods, there were people around you. So.

We put on this show where you asked me to tell your story in artistic form. It was so… I have an incredible anecdote. It is that when Alexander grafted, he called me at four in the morning. We know at that moment that it is serious.

I receive his message at four in the morning. He kept talking to me in message, telling me, When I’m better, we’ll do this show. When I get better, I would like some glitter. When I’m better, I’ll want a decor. Until he falls asleep, I received messages like that

And when we receive this from a child, we say to ourselves that we are going to do the maximum to achieve this. I tried to do the best to make your dream come true, Alexandre. I went to the end of what I could and I wanted to tell you.

What is important to me, is that you are better, that you are as happy as possible, that my door, anyway, will always be wide open. For me, it’s incredible. Frédéric, you are touched by Alexander’s message this evening? Yes, because Alexandre, I knew him in all his aspects.

I knew him well, I knew him awake, I knew him very poorly. We are here. By what I can do, that is to say I can only be there to fulfill your artistic dreams, I tried to accompany you on the path. You had the feeling to have been so important in his life,

As important as he says? To have meant so much to him? Maybe not, no. Maybe not to this extent. Do you hear it today? – Yes. I’m touched, I’m touched. I thank you for this message. It’s beautiful too when we can help the people we love, and you are part of it.

We do the best we can. It’s not always the case, but kudos to you. Frédéric, I am going to ask you to put yourself in front of this curtain. The curtain which will obviously open, so that you can find Alexandre on the other side. He who came to thank you,

Pay tribute to you this evening and tell you how much you meant to him. You helped him to give meaning to your life. Shall we open the curtain? Of course. Congratulations to you both. – We’ll let you go. You continue to do good. – Thank you so much.

In general, but also in the work you do. We were talking about the territories. It’s not just artists in the big cities, but everywhere in France. Passionate people bring the theater to life everywhere and inspire kids who do not necessarily have access. You were talking about it earlier.

The desire to access to theater and art in general. Thank you and welcome back. – THANKS. Alexander. Thank you so much. – Welcome back. We will reestablish the connection with Rebecca’s dressing room to see if she is accompanied. Excuse me. – What’s going on in your dressing room? Did you almost sway?

That is to say, we were not completely ready with Marylise, but of course, I am accompanied, she is there. Good evening. – Are you okay, Marylise? Good evening, things are going very well. What is Marylise doing and who is she? Is it that Do you want to introduce yourself? My name is Marylise.

I am 70 years old, I am retired. I take care of my little mother who is 93 years old and I dance. Do you dance too? – Yes. Because Rebecca dances too. Yes, but not the same dance. When I was younger, I danced like her.

NOW. – She will dance like you with age. Exactly. – No, it’s all dancing. So. You asked yourself questions, on the one who invited you this evening, when you received Rebecca’s invitation? Yes, I asked myself questions. Chance is chance. We will know it before you. We close the connection with the lodge.

We leave you quiet with Rebecca. We will receive on this plateau, immediately, a huge character. His name is Joel, ladies and gentlemen. Are you okay, Joel? Sit down. Joel, you know what? I tell you the truth. This morning I almost got dressed exactly like you,

And my wife stopped me saying: “Frankly, it’s not going to do it. » On me. – Really ? For me, does it do it? Yes. – Severe. It does it well, but he, no, not at all. You, right? I tried Mylène Farmer, but that didn’t work either.

Joël, we’re obviously laughing, to make you feel comfortable. You have two passions. The first, I think that we understood it, it’s your life. It’s the song. – This is the song and it is? Johnny. Marylise first. Wait. The one we just saw? Yes. – Then in two, Johnny. In two, Johnny.

You put Marylise before Johnny. It depends on why. I’m a little fake, because I was rocked with Johnny. I lived with Johnny. It’s a lifelong passion. – Yes. Besides, you have in your voice something a little reminiscent of Tennessee. Really ? Hi, it’s Johnny.

I don’t just sing Johnny, I also sing Aznavour, Mike Brant, etc. You sing everything. – Very much Johnny. Singers with voices all the same. I like French songs and text songs that tell a story, which mean something. Love song, I like it.

This is why you are here, we love these kinds of stories. I like stories. Boom boom songs, no. We’re not going to talk about Johnny. We talk about it because it’s your passion. This is your real kif. This is the person that we saw on the other side.

Marylise – You saw him ? Yes. – We saw her. Can’t she hear me? – Of course not. She doesn’t know. That’s what’s cute. 20 years ago, she made me these pants. – Can we see that? Look at these pants. Just for us to look at.

These pants, and it’s not a proof of love, was made by Marylise 20 years ago. There are over 5,000 beads. She was putting on the pearls. She’s good at that. – To thread the pearls? Sit down. It’s been a while that you haven’t seen her.

It’s been twenty years and I’m 74 years old. You don’t do them. – I still have them. Notice, Laurent is at 47, he doesn’t do it either. I thought he had more. He’s the one who said it. He is right. – He’s the one who said it. No I’m kidding.

Don’t worry. – Very kind. 20 years ago, I lived with Marylise. – For a long time ? For two or three years. – A real love story? Yes. Then we separated. I don’t even know why. I lived with another woman for thirteen years. Laetitia. No, no, it’s not her.

I would have liked. – On board the hull, peace of mind. Pardon. With another woman. – With another woman and I’m separated. There, it’s been three or four years, I’m all alone with my dog. What’s his name ? – Crapouillot. All right. – He doesn’t blame you? Pardon. – For calling him that.

– No no. You started thinking about Marylise. We got in touch again on Facebook about a year and a half ago. So not seen again, but contacted. Yes. – Where do you both live? I live in Avignon and she in Toulon. It’s not too far. At 200 terminals.

When we love, we don’t count. Yes, but… On the Harley, it’s done quickly. I don’t have a Harley anymore. – Shit. I sold it. He has a dog, Crapouillot. – I can’t ride on it. No, no one can go up to Crapouillot. You live 200 kilometers from each other.

You talk again and you tell each other about your lives. Yes. We get in touch again, we talk again. She gives me a lot of likes, because I put lots of songs on Facebook, etc. She likes you. Yes. There is always something. When you say there’s something, to prepare for the show,

You told our teams: “I have a real thing with her. I think it’s coming back and that I feel that there is something. » “She, I’m not sure. » She likes you, but does she love you? I don’t know, but I still think that she is going to pull the curtain.

I believe. – Really ? She shouldn’t pull too hard. She’s going to open it. Yes I think. Because it was a very beautiful love story as yours, Joël and Marylise, we reconstructed it in images. Look. Joel is Johnny’s biggest fan. About twenty years ago, he meets Marylise and falls in love.

Between the two, all it takes is a spark, with a nothing, with a gesture, with a word of love to light the fire, and it works for Joël and Marylise. It’s the most beautiful in the neighborhood and he only wants to shout to the world: that girl, my old man, she is terrible.

Their story will last a few years, but life will separate them and everyone will build his destiny on his side. Joel is going to meet another woman, a love story that will last thirteen years and then separation. For a year and a half, Joël has lived alone.

He can’t forget Marylise, the one that made him madly in love. One day, he starts, he finds her on social networks. He writes to her. Marylise has not forgotten him. They slowly reconnect, they tell each other their lives and Joel’s feelings resurface.

Joël and Marylise did not see each other again physically for twenty years. Tonight, on our set, Joël decided to pull out all the stops. He wants to win back Marylise and even ask her to marry him. What will Marylise answer? to those who wish to remake history?

As if love were king, rewrite history again. Were you moved to see yourself again when you were young? You take it in your arms and your eyes a little… Yes. These are memories. We have memories together. She is also single. She lives with her mother in Toulon.

She is active. – You think she has already sewn pearls on other men’s pants? I do not believe. – You are the only one. I believe. Maybe she did for someone else. I think pants like that, It’s only me who has it.

What makes, all of a sudden, have you decided to take the plunge? To say : I’m going to invite Marylise in It’s only the truth that counts and make my statement to him. I saw you. Me ? – At TPMP. At TPMP. – At TPMP. Yes. I like you.

THANKS. – Me no ? You weren’t there on the show. – No, I wasn’t there. He’s there from time to time. On the screen there was the email and the show’s phone number. I said to myself : why not win her back and end with the marriage proposal?

It’s very beautiful in any case. It’s a very nice step. We hope that it will be crowned with success, that Marylise is going to open the curtain, that she still has feelings. She doesn’t know it’s me. She has no idea it’s you. – She must think of cousins, etc.

You said earlier that you had not seen her physically again, Since twenty years. We brought him the invitation. Yes, we saw it. Rebekah saw her first, brought him this invitation. You will see her again for the first time in 20 years. Look on these screens. Here we are in Toulon, in the Var.

We have the Lafayette course, the largest market in Provence, famous grace to the song of Gilbert Bécaud. We can also find the largest French military port. It’s at a running pace that I go give this invitation to Marylise. Marylise, a peaceful 69-year-old retiree, fan of Johnny Hallyday.

Obviously, we are counting on her to light the fire on the plateau. Here we go. Good morning. It’s Rebecca from It’s only the truth that counts. Nice to meet you. I came give you this invitation, hoping to find you as soon as possible on our set. Okay thank you so much.

Nice to meet you. Me too. See you soon. See you soon. Thank you so much. Bye. – Bye. She hasn’t changed. She’s still just as tall, 1.40 m. She does exactly… Excuse me for knowing your wife’s measurements. She’s not his wife yet. Of your future wife. She is exactly 1.39 m tall.

She weighs 45 kilos. Exactly my opposite. Then she wears a size 35. She has small feet. We were going to buy from specialists for little feet. It’s cute. – Thirty five. Just one last question before leaving for the road:

Are you sure she wants to get married? You are 74 and 69 years old. The wedding is super beautiful. – Yes, and I’m too old? No. See you soon. – Stay seated. You’re not coming with us you stay there. We sit there. – Shit. He wanted to come with us. No, maybe after.

Where am I looking? At the top, the screens. You will see yourself. Everything must be explained. You are about to light the fire. Hi, it’s Johnny. Now shush. – Shh. We close the curtain and we remain silent, time to restore the connection with Rebecca’s lodge. Thank you Franck Broqua. It rhymes.

I want to stay with Marylise. I don’t want to send it to you. Because we are good. – Be a little sharer. That’s why I’m going to ask Marylise to get up, to follow Sam. The truth is at the end of the hall. THANKS. Welcome ! Nice to meet you, Marylise.

This is Laurent. Nice to meet you. Sit behind you. Yes, it’s the public. They are very kind, caring. Hello everyone. – How are you ? Marvelously well. – Is it going well in Toulon? Of course. – Is life in the south great? Yes. – A little intimidated, a little tense?

No. – Everything is fine. You are happy here, we are too. Do you know the show? – Yes Do you know us? – Yes. Do you know how it goes and everything? – Yes. Marylise, do you have children? – Yes. So, I have a big…

No, because I have not bad that wasn’t mine. Yes, the classic, blended families. No not at all, I never married. Are you against marriage? – No not at all. You want someone a little fanciful. Exactly. – Open. Open. – Funny. Funny. Laurent what. No, don’t be soft.

If he knows how to dance, he must know how to dance – You made a face there. He dances very well. Marylise, can I suggest a clue to put you on the track? Let’s go. – Look. Marylise, if I tell you that I love you, what do you answer? That it’s true.

This gentleman, obviously, knows you because… Can we listen to the clue again, Franck? – I wasn’t paying too much attention. Look, listen. Marylise, if I tell you that I love you, what do you say? What does that make you think of? someone who tells you, I love you?

I don’t know, a lot of people tell me that. Yes. A fiancé I don’t know? Do you have a lot of unknown fiancées? No, they are dead. It’s true. We can go far in the show. This is the new version. My son’s father died. – Yes.

My daughter’s father died. – He is dead. It’s not funny. – Yes Life expectancy when someone marries you, it is not important. You make them take life insurance before? No. They die naturally. – I did not say the contrary. I am innocent. – In any case, there is a statute of limitations.

Maybe we need a second clue of this gentleman who says “I love you”. It could help us, to look at a second clue. Lets’ go. Are there any dishes What do you prefer reheated? Which are even tastier. That is to say yes, but which one?

In any case, it won’t bother you to eat a reheated dish. A dish from the day before. No. – Even the day before the day before too. We do after-sales service for the index, Pascal and me. The after-sales service of the index. No no. My mother cooks very well,

Yes, sometimes I reheat this. It does not bother me. Marylise, since the clues didn’t help us much, do you want to find out the face of who invited you and who wants to talk to you on the show? Of course. Fix your screens and Franck Broqua will make appear

The person who is on the other side of the curtain. Earlier, I spoke to him on the phone. How are you, my Jojo? SO ! I don’t understand why didn’t he tell me, that rascal? You didn’t expect until it’s Joel. No not at all.

Are you curious to know what Joël came to tell you this evening? I think so. Joel, it’s yours. Good morning. You did not change, you’re still as pretty. THANKS. – Yes. I have aged a little. Me too. We got back in touch about a year and a half ago

And for a year and a half, I’ve been thinking about you. I tell myself that there is always something in my little heart that beats for you. As I reached an age where I don’t have 50 years left to live, I want to end my life with you. I already told you yes.

Joel, excuse me. Had he already spoken to you about it? – Yes. I tested the waters. When he tested the waters nicely, as he says, you have… I said yes. – Prepared the ground before testing it. Because we lived together for a long time. – Yes, he told us.

She dug the garden a little and I planted my little seed. It’s pretty. – No. Go ahead and finish your statement. I can’t say anything anymore because you cut me off every time. You’re boring, Pascal. I don’t know where I was anymore. If we get back together,

I want to ask for your hand. Yes. – I want to marry you for life. We open the curtain directly and we go… Serious. There is a ritual in this show and you ruin everything for us. I’ll open the curtain for you. I go there and open the curtain.

Does it work for you? Yes, it works. How are you. She didn’t want to get married, she wants her soulmate. Yes, but we’ve been through a lot together. Did you like it a lot, Joël? – Yes of course. Why did you separate? – Was there any distance?

We broke up because he found better elsewhere. That’s not what he told us. Wait, I’ll close the curtain. It’s not certain that you’ll get married. Yes, I was honest with you. I left without a fight, without shouting. No, I didn’t even cry. And here it is again… – You didn’t cry?

After a while, maybe he said to himself. – “She’s not as bad as that. » Here is a man who knows how to talk to women. Plus, she’s a seamstress and everything, she makes me pants. You know what is he carrying with him tonight? Pants you made for him.

Yes, I am here. – Will you do the same? I’ll tell you one thing. There are over 500,000 beads. 500,000? – Yes. 500 pearls. – No, 500,000. They are very small. – 500,000? No, not 500,000. – It took me fifteen days to do it. I finished it at 2:45am.

He put it on in the evening to do the… – Yes. Did he leave you the day after? – No. The next day, he did his… – His show. With his pants. – Yes. Pascal, a real question arises, and I think everyone is asking this question.

Is she going to open the curtain? I’m not sure she opens it. I don’t know about you. It’s an important decision, you get married. You are going to put the ring on your finger. – Yes. It’s not nothing, and you may have to, all your life, sewing beads. I didn’t say put on.

I said sew, I never say put on. However, we put on the pearls. Yes. Pascal, you too, Have you ever put on pearls? You will spend your life sewing pearls, with Crapouillot next to it. It’s still an important decision. You are sure that you are going to fall back into total love?

I always liked him anyway. This is what I wanted to hear you say. Pascal, we can’t keep the suspense going. Joel, you are a happy man. Marylise, according to the ritual of the show, I ask you to stand facing the curtain. Yes.

On the other side, there is Joël who comes, 20 years after your love story, tell you he still loves you and he really wants to marry you, end his life with you. Of course. – Of course. We open the curtain. Be careful when going down. ♪On all the paths of your life,♪

♪in the desert or in the rain.♪ ♪Whenever you want, I will be there.♪ ♪I’ll be there if you want,♪ ♪like these dreams that we live together.♪ ♪If you are there,♪ ♪I will be there.♪ You two are so cute. You know what ? There are two extremely touching in your relationship.

Others must have told you and maybe feel that. One, you assume who you are and you are amazing people. A little eccentric. It’s quite rare among people who are over 60 years old so that it gets noticed. Calm down a little. It’s been 20 years since we last saw each other.

We have the soul of a child, Pascal and I. We are shocked. Second, because in reality, your story has stood the test of time, and that is absolutely splendid. This is what we see here on the show Once again, you are. – When you love someone, you love them… Forever. – Forever.

We’ll let you go. We wish you lots of happiness. Thank you. – Hi beauty. Go back that way, there is a camera following you. THANKS. – See you. Hi, it’s Johnny. We’re going to find Rebecca for a new one guest of Only the truth that counts. Maybe a new guest, Pascal.

A man or a woman ? – In your opinion ? To see your face, we can say that he is a man. No, I have a wife extraordinary next to me, Lætitia. Good morning. – Good evening Lætitia. Lætitia who poses lots of questions since the invitation. Lætitia, I don’t morphological psychology,

But I find that you are very stressed. No way. He’s always been terrible at psychology. – Intrigued, not stressed. In geo, in psycho, anything that ends in O is null. Lætitia is very calm, she asks herself questions. She went through her repertoire, but she has no clue. We haven’t told you yet.

No. – This is the principle of the show. We will let you mature your ideas with Rebecca, cook it quietly. We will discover, without you, Lætitia, who invited you on the set of the show. The lodge is hermetically closed, Frank? Absolutely, it’s closed. – Thank you Frank.

This will be a coffee for you. We will welcome… Manon, ladies and gentlemen. How are you ? – Yes. Sit down. – Good morning. Nice to meet you. – Sit down. How are you, Manon? Very stressed. Very stressed. – Very stressed. Since two months, I keep it a secret from my mother,

Since I live with her. Your mother is Lætitia. – Yes. Let’s be cash right away. What does she think it is? – An ex of hers. An ex of hers? My father-in-law is also afraid, so it’s a bit complicated. Seeing us doesn’t stress you out. – No not at all.

It’s nice to see you again since many years. I call you Manon. In truth, This is not your original first name, but it’s your name today. Was your original first name? Thomas. -Thomas. I was born Thomas, 28 years ago. You were born Thomas, 28 years ago,

And you lived the journey of many children. Great debate and everyone will think what he wants from all this, but the debate we hear often, and because we talk about it, it’s a whole bunch of children, very young sometimes, who, girls, feel like boys,

Feels in a body, a mentality of boys and boys feel like girls. Very complicated, because it obviously creates a trouble personality that is difficult to manage, that we don’t know how to manage as a child. We are powerless in the face of this and above all, there is your entourage.

You lived like a little Thomas as soon as you went to school. How was it going at school when you were Thomas? Young, I felt it, but I couldn’t put it into words. It was at ten years old that I started to put words to it.

With my mother, we lived in Paris, my father lived near Avignon. We moved to the mountains. That’s when I gave him a letter. – Whose ? To my mother, telling her that I was not in my body, quite simply, that I didn’t love myself.

It was very difficult for her. – She didn’t reject you? She didn’t reject me, but she told me no. She said : “You will remain my boy all your life. » It was very complicated and I hid every day. To do what ? I isolated myself. I was alone in my corner.

I didn’t want to talk to anyone, because no one understood me. Whether it be my grandparents, my mother anyway. My friends at the time, at school, I talked about it and everyone made fun of me. It’s no longer period 14, 15 years which was complicated. OK. – For what ?

We were in the mountains with mom for three years. Then we came to Cherbourg to live with my father-in-law. There, it was a disaster, because I was growing up. It was adolescence. Puberty. – Puberty. I have talked about that a little around me, to my friends. It was mockery, but it was insults.

I was hit. Adolescence was very complicated in Normandy. Would you say you were harassed? Yes, completely. There are people who wanted hit me on social networks, who didn’t like me. As soon as I went out: “The tranny, this, that. » It was often like that. Let us understand well, from what point…

What you felt, we prepared this show with you. You felt it pretty quickly. – Yes. It’s hard to say what we feel at five, six years old. I started to see my psychologists from the age of seven. At seven years old, when I made my change of first name and marital status,

They asked me for files like what, I wasn’t in my body. Psychologist reports, my mother never wanted to show me and it was already marked gender identity disorders. Gender identity disorders. Do not mix up with sexual orientation. Of course. – There are enough people who confuse this.

It’s important that you say it, there are parents who listen. Let’s not make tongues. We are parents too. We were not, both of us, faced with this situation. I was going to say this problem, mistake. To this situation. There are many parents who are faced with this today.

They hear everything, and it’s complicated, because we are helpless in relation to that. The parents simply need explanation. We tried to tell this in pictures, to tell your story. Look. Thomas is an only child and he’s a nice little boy, but a little boy who is very uncomfortable in his skin.

From the age of five, he has identity problems. He feels that he was born in the wrong body. His parents didn’t understand not his discomfort. Around 18 years old, he gives an ultimatum to his mother, Lætitia. From now on, he is a girl. Thomas becomes Manon.

His mother will have to understand and accept. It’s an electric shock for Lætitia. She doesn’t want to lose her child. She is ready to accept it as he or rather, she wishes to be. Thomas begins his life change and, contrary to all expectations, his mother is very present

And caring throughout this difficult journey. Mom is there during medical visits and supports her morally. She even goes so far as to accompany him in Thailand for her vaginoplasty. This evening, Manon is coming simply thank your mother to have been there. This life journey has not been easy for her, as for Lætitia,

Who behaved like an exemplary mother. It makes you cry. – Yes already. What images touched you? – All. Since I was 18, since I returned to Paris, that was the trigger with my mother. I finally found her. I no longer had a mother, my mother did not accept me.

As I said to you, I was permanently isolated. The fact that, unfortunately, it was me who gave him an ultimatum, I told him one day that I was leaving in Paris to make my transition. If you accept me, great, if not so be it. There, it was me who abandoned my mother.

Since this period, it’s just incredible. I find a mother. It’s the most beautiful moment. Eventually, you came to pay homage to him. Do you have also want to give it as an example to all these parents who are having a lot of trouble, and we can understand them once again,

To accept the transition of their children? Above all, I have a family, rather on the side of my parents, which do not necessarily have an orientation very open top, basic. The fact that today they open up to me like this, it’s just the most beautiful dream in the world for me.

It’s that not all parents accept. There are some who completely accept, others later. Others reject their children because they are gay, because they are lesbians, etc. We remember it anyway, your story is ultimately A nice story. There are also young girls and boys who kill themselves, who commit suicide.

I was talking about an association, Phare, who deals with grief parents of suicide children. There are quite a number of cases important to kids who kill themselves for exactly this reason. Except that it’s totally unspeakable, unlistenable by those around you and the only solution for them,

Is to throw yourself under the train, take medication, etc. As stupid as that. It’s just an absolute tragedy. It is true that the fact to talk about it, to see it on TV and hear that people have experienced it, in itself, it’s a little millimeter more towards information and understanding. Sorry, Pascal.

How do you feel today when do you look at the photos of little Thomas? I can’t deny it, it’s my past. I see pictures of my father, of my grandparents, etc. It will remain engraved in my heart. Unfortunately, basically, it’s not because we change sex that we change our soul.

There are some who think we are going to change, it is directly characterized, but no. You are the same. I’m the same, I haven’t changed. I would even say that now, I opened myself up to everyone. I have a question which I think is important to ask you. You are happy ?

Today I am happy. I still have a lot to learn and a lot of thinking to be had in relation to different discourses that anyone can have on me, different thoughts, words that can be passed to me. It’s not because about my transition that I am happy.

I receive messages from people who have violence against us. This is what I fought for. I participated last year in the Miss T France competition, to show who we were. My mother came that evening to participate. Applauding his daughter. – Exactly. Another question important, it seems to me,

To make people understand a little to people what it’s all about. What you call transition, change of physical sex, How long does this take place? It’s definitely a physical challenge. Without a doubt, at times it’s painful. Over how many months or years it happens? It’s long and complicated.

Anyone decides operations she wants to do. There are people like me, who do not have sex surgery. I decided to do all operations. In my case, it lasted two and a half years. Tell us more about this type of operation. Without going into gory detail, etc. It’s to understand.

In preparing this story, and yet, I know we often hear about it. but we don’t know. Because we have the taboo of asking questions and quite simply, we don’t normalize things. I admit that I learned working on your story what a vaginoplasty was.

For me, we have a boy’s gender and we don’t want it anymore. What is happening ? Did this come off as trivial to you? We make spring rolls from them in Thailand. – That’s it. Sorry for asking stupid questions, but we say to ourselves that it must be horrible. How’s it going ?

Tell us quickly. Quickly, yes. My first operation was Adam’s apple plus arches, because they are quite pronounced. Then I did my nose again, it was the first operation. The second, where my mother came, was in Thailand for vaginoplasty. It went well. I was lucky. – Excuse me.

A question. – Let me elaborate a little. Your masculine attributes are being cut off. – Yes. Your testicles and your penis, and we use part of all that to create a vagina. It’s called vaginoplasty. – Vaginoplasty. We recreate all the female organs. We put all that in relation to the bladder, etc.

I didn’t study medicine. – Don’t be shocked. It’s life, it exists. – Doctor Fontaine. You experienced it. It’s important to say it. – Afterwards ? Then I came back to France and I redid my chin and my jaw, three years ago. You don’t regret anything. – No way.

For a year and a half, I’m in the blocks. It’s complicated, but I decided, so I accept it well in quotation marks. Your mother, we understand, She supported you, that’s good. How she assumes it towards of his relatives, of his neighbors? I believe that… We live together again now for three months.

I know his friends and those of my father-in-law. My cousin’s friends, my little brother, I know them. They all accept me. We make humor around you about this sex change? I don’t have the references in mind, but at the time, yes. We laugh at the operations level.

For example, spring roll in Thailand and all. It’s lots of things like that. I prefer to laugh about it today only cry. You love your mother. – A lot. You loved him as little Thomas and big Manon. She’s my only mother, I only have one for life.

She’s there. – We will welcome him. We will welcome him. – OK. We’ll give you a few moments. We will wait as the curtain closes, to reestablish the connection with Rebecca’s lodge. With a smiling Lætitia. She is all smiles, but much more stressed than just now.

I told you, that she would be stressed. Ultimately, you were right. Laetitia, I’m going to ask you to stand up. You’re going to follow Sam and the truth is always at the end of the corridor. Thank you Rebecca. Good morning. – How are you, Lætitia? How are you, I can kiss you ?

With undisguised pleasure. Good evening Lætitia. – How are you ? Will you kiss me too? – Yes. I’m not an easy boy. – Me too. My wife may be behind the scenes. It’s been five weeks that I’m dying for it. Welcome and have a seat. How are you ? – I’m doing well.

Not stressed at the beginning, stressed in the middle, you won’t be in the end I hope. I hope not It dragged on a bit. Do you know the show? – Yes. U.S. too ? – Yes. Already seen things of us? – Yes. You are funny both of them, really.

Why are we funny? – I don’t know, it’s mostly you. What I ? The two of them are a real little couple. My baby. Your wife is very jealous. In truth, I love it, I often watch replays. You know that it is announced that good news in this show. Positive, constructive approaches.

And sometimes, especially when we have, and I’m not telling you this by chance, a time machine here. You know, sometimes, we can find a long time behind people who have crossed your life and who chose this evening to wave to you. All right. I am ready. Were you thinking about that?

I made my phone book. I sought. An ex ? – It is not possible. I don’t hope so, because I’m married. We never know. I already have my prince charming, so that’s okay. Listen, I’ll offer you a clue. Look up there, someone will ask you a question.

Laetitia, how far are you ready to go for love? A question which arises for all of us often. Yes. Me, I experience things at 300% and when I like, I do not count. I am ready to go very far. Very far for love. – Yes.

Gender ? – On the other hand, it doesn’t… That doesn’t help you much. – That doesn’t help me much. It’s Laurent who writes them. Who shoots them and who plays them. I’m in the street, I’m dressing up. I also thought that it could be my husband. I told myself that, but in reality.

What would your husband have come to tell you? I am a big dreamer, maybe ask me to marry you again because we got married very quickly. That would be good. – What is his name ? Luke. – Luc, you know what you have to do. A second clue. – So. Look.

You’re more of a language type viper or velvet tongue? Are you more like Pascal? He’s going to say bad things about me, you see how it tickles me. Me who am benevolence made man. The proof. always find a compliment to give to people. No ? – No.

You don’t say bad things about people, you are careful in your words. You have a clean tongue and mouth. – That’s it. Do you care of what people think around you, what people say? No, no, no, I don’t care. I live for myself. Yes that’s it.

Their way of seeing things don’t affect me. You choose to discover the face of the person who invited you? I did 400 km. I would like to know what’s going to happen. You are ready to discover who is behind the curtain? You don’t want to take two minutes, to prepare yourself psychologically?

You put me in doubt. A glass of water then. We let a short advertising page pass. See you on C8 in a few minutes. Thank you faithful to It’s only the truth that counts. Let’s meet on set with Pascal. Laetitia. Laetitia, are you ready? – Yes, I’m stressed.

You are ready to see the person who invited you? Yes. We’ll ask Franck Broqua and to our friends in management to pierce the curtain with their camera. What are you doing here, Manon? I don’t understand. Do you know this young woman? – It’s my daughter. I hope she doesn’t…

All right. – You don’t hope for what? Nothing. It is complicated. Maybe I can’t say it like that. You can say anything. Can I say everything? – Yes. If you are in front of us and Manon is there, you can imagine that we said everything to each other.

It must be serious if she is there, but I’m afraid. I hope she doesn’t let your mustache grow back. I know you don’t understand what happens, but it’s between her and me. There, I’m stressed. Are you ready to listen to Manon? Yes. Manon, it’s yours. Listen, if I brought you to the set,

It was to thank you for everything. Even if I tell you every day I love you, the words that I am going to say to you, I cannot saying them every day is complicated. Being behind a curtain, maybe it’s easier. Today I am so happy to have you in my life,

That you are still here with me. You didn’t accept me for years and when I turned 18, I say to you: “You accept me or you don’t accept me, but I’m leaving. » It’s been difficult for you for years, because you were asking yourself questions on me in relation to many things.

Today you accompany me in everything, you are always there for me. You accompanied me to Thailand, for all my operations. You accompanied me everywhere, you supported me in every detail. You are more than a mother, you are my little fairy too. You are just a sweetheart.

Tell you, I love you, it’s easy every day, but put words every day there, it’s more complicated. There, I want to tell you everything I think. That I love you very much. I experienced very bad times, and if I’m still here today, It’s thanks to you.

I returned to Cherbourg, I came back lower than the ground. You saw me clearly. I arrived in depression, I spent two weeks in internment. There you find me, you finally find your daughter, happy nonetheless. For three months, I have been thinking that we have a lot of good times.

We meet up a lot. It was to say that I loved you more that everything and you are really my mommy. Thank you darling. I love you too and I will always be there for you. We said together for life. With ups, with downs, I will be there.

I know I could have been cruel. I can be mean, I might be upset, and I apologize for that. When I arrived, even I was uncomfortable. I could not any more of life, but you have been there. Otherwise today, I won’t be here anymore. I wanted to thank you for that. It’s adorable.

It’s adorable. Thanks again. Even though I shouldn’t say it, thank you for accepting me. You are my daughter, Manon. It was complicated at the time. – It was complicated, I apologize. I can’t… I was talking about it, I was talking about it and I talk about it every day, in fact,

The evolution of mentalities, it’s difficult in France. We are not necessarily helped. I would like to get more involved at the Cherbourg LGBT center to help young people and parents in difficulty. Because you, you are, but so are we, when we ask ourselves questions and we have no return of the medical profession,

Whether it be psychologists, psychiatrists, etc., we are alone in the world, it’s destabilizing. We don’t have an answer. For Manon’s case, I had to seven years to get around the problem. That’s not nothing, seven years. I wasted his time until she gave me an ultimatum.

There, everything jostled in my head and I told myself that anyway, a girl or a boy, What does that change? It’s still my child. She was accepted throughout the family. It was accepted by my husband, she was accepted by her friends, by everybody. It’s true that we didn’t have a simple route nonetheless.

It’s not a simple journey. It’s also all the beauty of Manon’s approach this evening. Your reaction and the broadcast will have served something about that. To send signals like that in the heads of the people who watch us. I don’t know why am I asking you this question?

Do you believe that we can, in the face of trials, become a beautiful person? Yes. – I’m not talking about your daughter, I’m talking about you. Casually, we are a classic mother or father. We manage our children as life goes. Then we are faced with a difficulty that few other relatives live,

Facing something who questions us a lot about ourselves. I imagine there is a part reproaches at first. What did I do wrong, is this a fantasy, is this a reality, we need to convince ourselves, to hear. Is it that, in this journey as a parent, do we become a better parent?

Did you have this feeling? A better parent, I don’t know. I do not pretend to say that I am better than others with the journey I had. However, These are good life lessons. I want to spread the message to everyone who looks at me. Open your mind.

You must not leave someone suffering alone. Accompany him in his efforts, follow through. That’s all. This seems logical to me today. Yes, I lived in regret, not so long ago, because Manon is 28 years old, and I lingered too long. I should have not gone back.

I apologized for it at least 1,500 times. The train, we both caught up with him. I want her to be happy. His happiness is to see her accomplished as a happy woman. You hear it in what she says that if she is happy today, Is it partly thanks to you?

To this path you have taken. She doesn’t always say that. – She said it this evening. Yes. – Tonight is after all that. Tonight is the T moment, the present. Yes. – Only the result counts. Yes. – Only the truth matters. Yes that’s it. It is only the finality that counts. – Yes.

Happy ? – Yes. Lætitia, I will ask you, to stand up facing the curtain, to place yourself on this little cross. On the other side of this curtain, we have Manon, who came to pay homage to you this evening, tell you, I love you, thank you for being you.

Thank you for being able to accompany me after all the difficulties that we met. I suppose that you are going to open this curtain. Obviously. – Go find Manon. Curtain, open. The curtain will open. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. You see, you are tall. Yes, I’m tall.

I hesitated to take off my heels, – How ? I hesitated to take off my heels, given your size but I will abstain. You are mean. I’m mean now. – No. THANKS. – Thank you. Thank you for having the courage to testify this evening and the intelligence

To show a good mother to the fullest of people watching TV tonight. This show is not only for those who come. We also do it for people who are over there, the people looking at you. Shocked, not shocked. I hope it will do advance things in your heads,

It stimulated your thinking and your listening. Thank you Madam. Shall we not kiss again? Thank you. – Thank you Laetitia. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. – Thank you Manon. You know it, and you really like it.

We come back to the end of this news formula of the show on stories who marked life of the show at the time. A story really touched us, it’s Emilie’s, this very courageous young woman who came to say to his companion at the time

Who was her husband, who she was not only pregnant with him, but that she wanted to marry him. Honestly, the time when this man discovered ultrasound, he was not aware, and the baby, her son, in his wife’s womb, It’s a great moment. You may remember, Look. I will help you.

Good evening Émilie, take a seat. Émilie, we can say that you’re the fast type. Yes. – Are you in love with a boy? You gave him a little girl. How old is she ? A year. One year old, so little baby, adorable, cute and all.

He is in love with you, but he tells you, be careful. Let’s calm things down a bit. If one day you want a second child, we are expecting. We’ll see that later. – Except that ? I am pregnant. Since two months. – Exactly, for two months. Cedric doesn’t know. – Not at all.

You don’t know how to tell him. – No I don’t know how to tell him. You said to yourself that we might be able to help you. Exactly. In addition, you told yourself that you are going to ask him to marry you. Yes. – He’s not very much for marriage?

No, he’s not very much for it. – It’s not very hot. For that matter, we’re going to make a gift package. The second baby and marriage. He did not want, he really doesn’t want to? He’s not for it. What kind of boy is this? Very kind, adorable, a really good dad.

Either way, he has no choice. – We always have the choice. Yes, but he loves me and he wants more children. He didn’t say now, but he told me he wanted more. Why not now ? He must not be bored with you at home. If ever he says no to you for marriage?

For marriage, it doesn’t matter. I can wait, for the second baby… You are great, we leave you for a few moments. See you soon. Daphne, oh beautiful Daphne, Are you accompanied? Yes, I am accompanied of Cédric who is twenty years old. Good evening Cedric. – Good evening. How are you ? – Yes.

You are married ? I live with my wife. We had a little one year old baby, her name is Cléa. Come on set, story to get to know each other better. No problem. Cedric, I’m going to ask you to get up and follow Sam.

The truth is at the end of the hall. – THANKS. Good evening. – Good morning. Good morning. – How are you ? Sit down. – THANKS. Cédric, is this the form? – It can be okay, and you? How are you ? – I am fine too.

We’re doing really well. – So much the better. We’re cool, you can’t imagine. – Alright. Do you know the show? A little bit, I look at her quite a bit. Do you have any idea who is inviting you? – Honestly, no. Ex-boyfriend, a friend seen for a long time.

Have you started thinking about it? – I thought about. No question of daughter, my wife is there. Won’t that do it? – Is she behind the scenes? It seems she’s in the audience. Anyway, you are a faithful and loyal boy. No problem for that. An ex?

An ex, yes, but he would tell her: “I have a wife and everything is fine.” It can be embarrassing. – Although there is a baby. Are you crazy about your daughter? – Yes. Married ? – No, not married. Do you want more?

I would like at least two, but my wife only wants one. You are the large family type. I grew up an only child. It’s true that I would like quite a few children. How old are you ? – Twenty years. And your wife ? – Nineteen.

So you are not in a hurry. – No, we’re not in a hurry. A word of advice, you have time. We will see. – Already, little Cléa. That’s it. – We have time to see it coming. Can I offer you a clue? – Willingly. Look up there, Cedric. Let’s go, Cedric.

You prefer to take your time or let time do things? Take my time or give it time. You are the type to take your time or are you a little quick? I like to take my time to be sure of my decision. Be quick when you’re sure, there is no problem.

Take my time. To seduce your wife, Did you take a long time or quickly? It was pretty quick. You are the one who… We’ve seen each other the first time on February 19, we got together on February 20th. The day after. – The day after. Thunderbolt ? – Yes.

On both sides ? – On both sides, I hope. On my side, that’s for sure. Are you madly in love with her? – Always. Awesome. – Always. This little baby arrived very quickly then. It came very quickly. There it was… – It was desired. Good news. – Very good news.

We suggest you do a sort of virtual jump to the other side of the curtain, by discovering the person who invited you? Go for it. – Look, it will be reflected four times in television screens above your head. Flac. – Oh dear. You got me good. Come on, I listen to you.

What will she talk to you about? No, but I’m waiting for the question to say: I want to listen to what she has to say to me. I listen to you my love. That’s a good start, Emilie. – Yes. Slowly Emilie. My baby, I brought you here, This is for two reasons.

I have two things to tell you and I didn’t know how to tell you about them. It’s true that it’s been two years that we know each other, more or less. It’s been two years that it was love at first sight between us. We had Cléa straight away, it was beautiful.

All is well. There were bad times a few months ago, it’s true, but we already talked several times of marriage. You agree with me. You were never really for it. We got engaged straight away, marriage wasn’t that for you. I don’t know why you don’t want to.

Maybe you feel too young, but for me it is very important. I hope I prove it to you today while being here. I would really like that we both get married and I would really like that you think about it seriously enough. I also have a second thing to teach you.

I hope it’s gonna be all right. Go ahead, I’m ready to hear everything. You remember that together, we were in the hospital last time. Yes. Slowly, Emilie. Don’t get carried away. When I went out from the doctor’s office, I told you it was nothing, but I had a big smile

Up to the ears. It was to say that the second baby that we always wanted is here. I know we didn’t want it. We wanted it, but he was not expected so quickly. Only, he is there, There’s nothing we can do about it now. I’m happy of that. Since I knew it,

I am happy every day I think about it. I really didn’t know how to tell you. I never found the right moment. I was waiting for a truly unique moment to teach you. The show was timely. I hope it pleases you, as is the marriage proposal. It makes me happy, very happy.

I’m touched. Well done. Well done. It is very beautiful. THANKS. I’m touched. She is incredible. – Did you have a little bit? What a character. – I asked. ” No do not worry, It is not me.” Emilie. – I’m sorry. You didn’t come alone. First there’s this little baby in your stomach.

There are also pictures. – Yes. Shall we show them to Cédric? – Yes. This is the ultrasound of your little baby. Oh dear ! It is very moving, especially if it’s his. It’s clear. You couldn’t see them, these images, since you did not attend to this ultrasound.

We hope you will see the others. How many weeks are you? – It’s been eight weeks, two months. Two months already? – Yes, two months. Do you remember the evening? – Honestly, no. I remember almost… – It’s not once every month. They don’t make crosses.

I swear I practically remember of all the nights I made babies. Four in my life, I remember almost every evening. Of course it’s true. However, there it goes. It seems like you are very happy with the news. It’s the case. – About this pregnancy. We will have to give an answer,

Because the baby announcement, it was a capital thing. Do you know how to answer? – Yes, you have to get up. You have to get up, because there was a second thing you heard. For the baby, Émilie thought well that you would welcome the news, even with a little surprise.

There was a marriage proposal. You can say no for now, leaving this curtain closed. That won’t stop us from going home together. I hope so. You can also say yes as she wishes. What do you decide? Already, I wanted to say that his approach touches me a lot.

I agree to open the curtain. I love you. – I love you, love. Laurent, It’s time to welcome Émilie. Emilie. – With her children, Cléa and Enzo. Enzo who we saw when he was little, like that, in his mother’s world. Hi Emilie, sit down. Hi, How’s it going ?

Hi Enzo. – How you have grown. How are you ? – THANKS. Good morning. Are you okay, Emilie? – How are you. What a pleasure to have you! Thank you as well. Seventeen, twenty years old? – Eighteen years. Eighteen years old, of course. Eighteen years later. That you announced to Cédric.

That I was pregnant. – That you were pregnant with Enzo, the little piece of cabbage that is there. We know, you are no longer with Cédric. Quite. – But it’s okay. Everything is going well. Everything is going well. – Everything is going well.

A couple separated in an intelligent way and who manages his children. We separated for a few years after Enzo’s birth. Everyone has rebuilt their lives. Enzo, I don’t know if we have him. Yes, we have the ultrasound. Can we show it quickly? You were there, Enzo. Yes, I was there. It’s you here.

The same. – You haven’t changed much. A bit though. I imagine this story has still marked your childhood. Your parents are on a show facing Pascal and Laurent. There is not enough of children who had this. Yes it’s sure. At first I didn’t know that she had done this show.

I only found out afterwards. Did you find out late? A little. After a few years, we quickly showed him. Even recently, on his birthday, we were able to see the images again. It’s rare to see someone who has been a TV star, before he was born. And it’s true.

Is this a thing who is counted in your life as a woman, of mom and couple? Your married life with Cédric? – Yes quite. I wanted to announce this pregnancy in a special way. Yes, to say the least. And it stayed. We don’t regret having stopped by.

On the contrary, because they are wonderful memories to tell today’s Enzo. Even if life has that our paths have separated, these are wonderful times. Which is very funny, it’s only on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and the networks on which the story passes three or four years, there are some amazing comments.

There are thousands comments from around the world. It says : what an incredible woman, What eyes, what an incredible journey and what a beautiful story. Is that what you read too? – Yes, I read the few comments. For us, it’s our story. What impact that had happened in your life, in your relationship?

It left us with wonderful memories. It was a wonderful time and we have wonderful memories. There is Enzo and you, Cléa. Younger, older? – Older. You are the big sister. – Cléa was one year old. You too were already a star. You too, like your brother, you lived with this idea

That your parents were on TV. I was so happy. – Too happy ? Do you talk about it with your friends? Yes, we talked about it. Proud of mom? – Too much. Especially to have a beautiful baby in her belly. It was still a very beautiful proof of love

That Émilie had given to Cédric, both of your dads. Could this inspire you one day? when you will be in love? Yes, it’s so exciting. We’ll see after. Until then, we don’t know. Today your generation lives a lot through social networks. It’s a phenomenon absolutely generalized, global.

We can think that it is good or bad. Everyone has an opinion on the subject, but your parents were the first generation to come and speak on a platter of something very personal. Yes. – That’s it. There were no social networks, so we didn’t realize of the impact this could have.

It’s since the rebroadcast of the shows that we realized of the impact on generations. It’s great, it’s just great. You told Cédric that you would be there this evening, I imagine. No, he doesn’t know. For what ? Because it was our little moment for all three of us.

He will be surprised when he sees it on TV. Exactly. – He will have a nice surprise. We kiss Cédric, wherever he is and we wish him to be happy, to see it again with pleasure. We congratulate him on his beautiful children, since he contributed 50% to two beautiful teenagers.

Young man, young woman. Clea, how old are you? Nineteen years old. Eighteen and nineteen. – The ages of my two daughters. I have twin girls who are 19 years old, the same age as you. Our team was also nice this time 19 years ago? It’s perfect.

We found ourselves there like 18 years ago. It’s awesome. We will still be here in 18 years. If you want to come back. For your grandchildren. – Exactly. thank you for having been present and for having testified. Thank you for the beautiful sequence from a few years ago

And which still warmed the heart to the viewers who saw it again. We’ll let you go back with your family. Hi Enzo, this way. Be careful. Hi Clea. Bye. – Bye. Hi Clea. Laurent, it’s time to separate from our dear public. We stop now, because it’s time.

We’ve made enough of a fuss tonight, we will meet again very soon on C8 for a new number. We’re going to say goodbye to Sam and to Rebecca in the lodge, who continue to play like kids. That, I think it means: Rebecca, go take the invitations. In language, we don’t know what.

In Sam’s language. – Of course. Rebecca, you are ready starting tomorrow morning, I imagine, not on horseback, but by train. By plane, sometimes by motorbike, you are a biker. You are not listening to me. – I hear everything you say. You are doing stupid things. – Not at all, he rides a motorbike.

I can leave. – No, stay there. He rides a motorbike, he drives a car. He flies. Rebecca, Sam, we kiss you. Excellent week. Work well, and we’ll see you soon on C8. You too, we’ll see you on set, if you want it, you know it, our team is at your disposal.

If you have an important truth to come and tell here, to someone, don’t hesitate. Call us, write to us by email, we are at your disposal. Good evening. Be happy. THANKS.

0:00 Y’a que la vérité qui compte
01:34 Tu m’as aidé à affronter la maladie…
24:39 20 ans plus tard, reprenons notre histoire où elle s’est arrêtée
48:45 Maman, merci de m’accepter comme je suis
1:16:55 J’attends un enfant de toi, marions-nous !

Présenté par Laurent Fontaine et Pascal Bataille


  1. Nagyon szeretem ezt a műsort, köszönöm a fordítást. Üdvözlet Pascalnak és Laurentnek Magyarországról! Fantasztikus ,szeretnivaló emberek.

  2. Alexandre me rappelle à mon frère qui a aussi une insuffisance rénale il dialyse 03 fois par semaine qu'il souffre on espère un jour quil greffe et vivre normalement.

  3. Des histoires de retrouvailles, clarification sur des situations parfois compliquées, mais et surtout des histoires humaines. Au bout du compte, des histoires qui donnent de l'espoir. Du Canada, merci messieurs Bataille et Fontaine. Verrons nous les tourtereaux du CP, Nicolas et Danièle bientôt. Ce sont ceux qui m'ont le plus marqué. Sont-ils devenus des amoureux, un couple, parents ? ?

  4. C'est bouversant ça me touche profondément mon cœur ❤️ merci à cette personne qui l'a aidé qui fait partie du théâtre et qui.lui a tendu la main 👋 et ce à jeune homme qui laisser sa vie et qui l'a fait don d'un rein.
    Ce jeune homme qui l'a don d'un rein est parti rejoindre les étoiles 🌟
    Merci ❤❤️ à ce jeune ❤❤❤❤ homme et qui est maintenant dans le royaume de DIEU ❤

  5. On oublie de parler aussi du Public (qui a du coeur) et qui applaudit toujours surtout lorsque des histoires émouvantes réussissent à ouvrir le Rideau ou quand il y a déception le Public n'est pas content bien qu'il lui est interdit de juger.

  6. Magnifique
    J'ai adoré
    Je regarder toutes vos émissions sans JAMAIS en rater une
    C'est toujours un plaisir de vous retrouver 20 ans après
    Je le suis abonné
    Vite dans vos prochaines vidéos

  7. The women becomes the continuation of the mother that he no longer has…500k beads…is that not enough to show her big heart of love for him that he takes for granted.

  8. Trop minion le petite couple de personne agé❤❤
    Je suis contente pour manon ❤jai toujours dis a mes enfants que je les accepterais peu importe leur choix pour justement être la si jamais ya quoi que se sois 😊

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