Charleston & Trinity 1974 (Comedy, Crime) Giuliano Gemma, Ricky Bruch | Full Movie

👉 go to video settings ⚙️ to change your subtitle language options. One ticket, please. Hey! Get thin, grandma! Hey, you! Hire back, like all others! A ticket to New York! But a beautiful one! That’s 40 dollars. Now it’s your turn, Sonny! The chair is waiting for you too. Nice stay!

Who are they grilling? Bacon and eggs! – Oh, you! Should I give up? – Yes… …and I need something to drink. Clear? – Sure, sir! These are mine… Man, that’s hot in here. Give it some air! What’s so funny? Listen: This is where it’s coming danced to my pipe!

Always take it easy, or I’ll clean the toilet with you! Ending! You’re a really tough guy, aren’t you? You’re understating! What do they call you? – Well, what’s my name… And you? If you hear that, you’re shitting your pants! But now I’m scared! Ever heard of Tiger? – The kitty cat?

Tell me what your name is or there are cement shoes. You’re… – Yes! Sonny Abernathy! Now don’t get on my balls! Sure… sorry. Help your buddy. Do you know who blew your mind? – No! Sonny Abernathy himself! How did they get you? – You do not have!

I let myself get caught on purpose. I knew you were here and I wanted to tell you: The Bowery and Little Italy are mine! Objection? – Is that a joke? Actually, Little Italy is mine! And Al Capone… I’ve already spoken to Capone. He has nothing against it. I don’t think so!

Are you staying a while? Long enough for a few shops. Here is a little bird, that I want to make you sing. Nice and loud! Now I give it to you… So? Are you singing now, stupid? You better open your mouth or I’ll give you cement shoes. Come on! Sing already! Go ahead…

It’s very easy. Wonderful! That’s great. Come on! Volume up! You’re my buddy. Yes, he sings. It definitely wasn’t easy. Close the door! I’m talking to you, you bum. 5 dollars if you make it, that she keeps her mouth shut! You have to show her where it goes.

Do you really mean? – Yes! Give it to her right! OK… What are you doing? That’s enough. You’ve got it good. With a little bit of luck, let’s go to New York! Then you’ll have lots of company. Thousands! Maybe even millions. This is the last dollar. Take a close look at him!

We will definitely miss him. Buy corn for everyone. Are you sure you can spare him? – No, but that doesn’t matter. Get out already! You know… if I no priest would be… …I would say: We’re up to our necks in… You said it! Hey, look! Prepare the bandages.

Come on, sweetie! Don’t act like that! How nice to see you again! Come in, then we chat. Hey? What are you doing? My jacket was stuck to the taillight. Easy ride to Boston! Thanks! Hey! Backwards. – How come? Because I say so, buddy! Relax. Easy, huh? I’ll get in line! – Go back!

A ticket to Washington. A tour map, please. New York! – Single or return trip? Singles! – 12 dollars. How far can I go with a dollar? Except for the parking lot. They’re really sharp as a razor, aren’t they? Please follow me, sir. Come on… take off your hat! Yes sir… sure.

What do you have a ticket for? – New York. Sorry! – They’re not leaving without you, sir! Wait here! – Yes, sir! New York! The Tiger! Tiger and his gang. Which train? To New York! Great city! I have a cousin in Brooklyn. I said: New York! This way, sir.

Tiger and his gang have escaped! What’s that supposed to mean? Hey? Do you have fire? Give me back my lighter! Hey! You’re not Mike! No! I’m Foxy Sonny! Uh! A flat tire! Nice with the peace and quiet. Otherwise I’ll leave you the air out of your head. Who are you?

Never heard of Sonny Abernathy? Do you see? I’m smart! I don’t want any publicity. He’s right! – Shut up! How did you know we were on this train? On the East Coast no one lets a fart go without that I notice it! You owe your escape to me!

And the cop from whom you got the weapons is on my payroll! Of course! I need proof, to believe you. My tool! You really have it, Sonny! – You can say it out loud. Where did you get those stupid uniforms? We played a little cowboys and Indians… Flap! – Shut up, yes!

Why are you so interested in us? Well, I thought: If I help you, I get some of the cake! Clear? – Which cake? The fat cake called Little Italy! Little Italy is not mine alone. It’s split between me, Nick and Mallone. Do you want a piece? What are you up to?

A bit of everything: blackmail, robbery… …protection money, bribes… …and of course murder. I have a job for you on Mulberry Street. But there… – Shut up! Exactly! Shut up when the bosses talk. Sorry… it started by itself! You understand, right? What did you say? – A nice street. Many Irish people live there.

Make an effort and it’ll be worth it! There’s a bar, a hotel, a few shops and a music bar. I held rigged fights there. There is also a church! – Fine! Churches are gold mines! I’ll grab the collection. You just have to convince the priest. He won’t object! Oh no!

I’m not buying that! – Why not? Because stealing is a sin! – Where does it say that? In the 10 Commandments! I don’t give a damn! Listen, Duke… What? I ask the youth welfare office for help! – They’ll just lock me in the home!

I do not know what to do! – Me, yes. We are building our own distillery. That brings money. This is against the law! And don’t starve, right? You’re right, but we have to be patient. Everything will change. Someone or something will help us. Hey buddy… …where is Mulberry Street?

Such important information is expensive. Where is the street? Under your feet, sports lover. You’re a joker, aren’t you? – No! Are you a very curious person, aren’t you? – How come? Oh, just like that. HEY! Stop! Or I’ll make a sieve out of you! Put your suitcase down!

Come down… and don’t turn around! A man has to eat, right? And I should pay, what? – The way you look… Look for a job! – This is against my religion! Do you have a room? – Yes! $1.25 a week! In advance! – Don’t you trust me? No! Number 5. Not bad…

You’re not flat-footed, are you? How well can you handle it? This is how I shoot the wings off a fly. What can I do for you? – Do you know this area? Know your way around? Sure, of course! I need help, To put pressure on my customers. Insurance broker, eh? Kind of.

Do you know what I’m thinking? If you work for me, remember one thing: I think you follow. I don’t want any advice or stupid questions. I know what I am doing! – Yes? I’m not so sure about that. This thing is pretty loud. This is a very quiet street! – What?

From today on it will be louder here. Exactly! They need a lesson! What’s her name? -Barabas. And you? -Boss! First name? -Sir! Get you a suit and me a car! Work well and I’ll make you rich! Whatever you say, boss! – Something else:

If I make this sign, can you light a fag for me? Go away! The fact is… …this is not easy! – Get it off your chest. If you want to confess, do so. If not, get out! – Father… …She… …you know Conchita Peluso, right? The chestnut merchant’s daughter? – Yes!

And? – We did it. And now you want to ease your conscience? Well I… …do not want! – Do you love her? Secure. I mean, she’s hot! Does she love you? – She said she would do anything for me. Everything is going to be fine, Do not worry.

But talk to her father, before he blows you away. Set the wedding for next Saturday. Is it good? – No it’s not. Listen… I wasn’t her first! Let’s wait a little longer. Defile a girl like that? Do you want give birth to a bastard like you?

We’ll talk more in the sacristy. We are undisturbed there. Please, let go! – So…? I’m marrying her! I’m marrying her! Please let go. I’m sorry, Jim. I lost my temper. Can you forgive me? Forgive me, father! You’re right! She’s a good girl. I… …I could have had it worse.

Don’t take it too hard. You’re not the only one. You’ll see: it’s great to have a family. Do you have a father? He’s a shepherd! Like her? – No. He looked after sheep. Now spread the word happy customer. God with you! I know: you don’t like it, how I sorted things out.

Hey, Mr. Peloso. – “Peluso”… not “Peloso”. Nice day, huh? Have you found work? – No! A woman. And that’s funny? – I have to go think of her father’s face! And? What do you think, Mr. Sir Boss? Just boss! Short test drive? – Later. First the business. A dime! – What? Hey!

This is the boss! Clear? Still costs! Tomorrow we’ll talk about business. Yes? – Yes! Look at me carefully. This is the last time, that I pay for the chestnuts. Fine. Then it’s the last time, that you ate some. A joker, huh? No! The store is top notch! – In an area like that?

Yes, the rich like to watch the poor. Did I say: Absolutely top class. I want to show you something. It’s nice here. – Yes, boss. Can I take your coats? How come? You’re cold? I want to speak to your boss. Table for two? Is everything okay here? Great, thanks mom! Can not complain.

Understand! Are you insured? Yes! At which company? Rocky… – With whom? At Rocky’s. From today on you are insured with us. For 100 a week, everything is fine. I’m not paying for that… get out! Come on! Get lost. He doesn’t want to pay! – It’s okay. How come? These are Mallone’s people.

You urgently need protection! Hello there! I hear you don’t want to pay! Is that correct? – True! Why not? I don’t like the menu. Just rewrote it for you! Is that so? What a nice guy I am! Yes! Too expensive? – No! Eight dollars for the fruit is okay…

– …but $700 for the service is too expensive! – Oh yes? Next time, I want to the bill on a tray. Louis! Hold him tight. Going well, boss! There’s one left standing, boss. Do you want me to help, boss? You’re in luck this time, buddy. This will cost you dearly! – Oh yes?

Go away! I want Never see you here again. Understood everything? 100 dollars a week. The collector is coming this weekend. 100 dollars? And what should I do it because of Rocky? Rocky? He should come to me. I’ll take care of it. Pfft…Rocky! I have to tell Rocky this. That’s correct. Back to work.

You can’t squeeze the bar… it’s prohibition. I think this is a waste of time. Listen… that’s right Milking the cow properly… …you have to grab it hard! Clear? – Clear. Quiet blood… that was the door. The door? – Yes, the door! That’s why I also thought it would be the door.

Do you see? It was the door. He thought it was the door. – It was also the door. I’ll break a truck with this! You’re Joe the Bandage, right? – Hmm? You are Joe the Bandage! What did you say? – You are Joe, the bandage! What makes you think that?

Yes, I am. – And he’s the boss! Say you’re Joe… and I’m the insurance broker… got it? So that means… – This… – VOLUME UP! – …we say… …for 50 dollars a week, you don’t have to worry anymore! I’m not afraid. Not even here? I’m just afraid of Rocky. Rocky again!

How much does he take from you? – 10% of daily income. That is much! I only take 10% a week… he picks up the money. Who is he? My collector. I just said it! – I say that he collects. And again… got it? – Understood! Crystal clear! Well… Bye, Joe! – Bye, guys.

Just the door! – What? The door? Yes, the door! – You already said. How come? Wasn’t it the door? Today: wrestling match. Fritz apple ass, wide ass Betty and the groping Gerthy. Everyone is invited! This apple wants be picked. Let’s go! Moment! Tough little guy, huh?

I like it! – Entry costs 50 cents. You stay here. Keep your eyes open. Hey sweety… …have a cigarette? And fire? Sonny Abernathy! – Come in, sweetie. I’ll be with you in a moment. You’re Gerthy, right? I’m Betty… that is Gerthy and there is Fritz. Come on! Get ready.

Stop it! What can I do for you? Good News: From today, I get a piece of the cake! And I decide who wins. Clear? Sorry, sweetie… no chance! – That’s ridiculous! You, be quiet. You’re so stupid. Listen, buddy… You’re in the wrong place. We’ll be protected!

And from whom? – From Rocky. And he’s tough. I’ll do it for Rocky. Understood? – And how? My partner is collecting $50 on Saturday! You win tonight you in the second round. Clear? Still questions? Who’s talking to Rocky? – I! Tell him to meet me.

We have to warn him! – Ha! Today I win. Problems, boss? – Not worth mentioning. Now it’s the workshop’s turn. If I were you, I would stay away! Listen, you snotlout! Don’t get in my way! I warned you. The short one knows too much. We have to keep an eye on that.

True! What should I do? Wait outside and provide cover? Do you have a search warrant? – Yes! Here. 44 caliber. Neither of us knows anything! Or? – No! Who owns this hovel? – The mob… I mean a society. What? Do you want to protect us? – Yes!

For 50 dollars a week you have peace of mind! But we are already protected. Or? From a guy named Rocky? Exactly from that! Listen… …tell your boss, that my collector… …will come by here. Make him happy! Understood? – Understood! Seriously? Good! Give me the boss… quick!

– Whose turn is it? – It’s me, Nick. A guy wants to rip you off! – What? – He wants $50 a week in protection money. What kind of guy was that? – A smartass! Asked if we were from Rocky will be protected. I said yes, so I can get rid of him.

Then he tells me, that the money now goes to him. Sounds like Mallone’s gang. Let’s wait for Saturday. All right, boss! Come on, children! Time for church school. And? What is that? Are you the parish priest? – No, it’s inside. He’s just hearing confession… come on! Get in with you.

This will be a piece of cake! – Sure, boss! Don’t do any mischief, You little tormentors. Hey, a magic wand! Cover me. I don’t want to take any risks. Will I get hit too? – Only if you honestly regret it! They catch with line and hook maybe a big fish with it!

What can I do for you? We need to talk about money! Money? I can’t quite follow you! I sell insurance. With all the sinners here, you need protection. Not a bad idea. – Yes… And how much should this be? so-called insurance costs? There is a discount for priests! We say… – The hat!

What? – The hat! I think we… – Said? Good insurance costs you 20% of revenue. More or less! – Not a bad price! Exactly! – Let’s see… …20%… …it’s nothing! How? Nothing? – I work for free, brother. For a large employer! – That is her problem.

From now on you pay me a dollar per fair… …three dollars for them Confession and five for communion. Ten dollars for baptisms, Weddings and funerals. If necessary, I’ll get the bodies, okay? Don’t let me hurt him too badly! And this gentleman? – Barabas Smith, my collector! Barabas? A good name for a collector!

Shall we continue to talk in the sacristy? – Secure. Does not take long. You are moving like a lead duck… Up with the left! No no no! You’ll never win the Golden Gloves like this! It will not work like that! Raise your guard. It’s better that way.

A good school helps so that they don’t let themselves get down! True! A man has to know how to strike. Not bad! I was a champion on the East Coast! Got more guys on them Mat sent than anyone else. They’re not bad either!

Do you have… – A long time ago. At that time! In Ireland. I almost became champion. But I have the referee knocked down and was disqualified. He was our bishop. Such bad luck that I’m a heavyweight! How come? What would you do if not?

A little training in the ring, that would be great! Gladly! The bigger they are, the more fun for me. But I’m not sure whether that’s good for you. How come? How come… That’s explosives, brother! Now I’m curious! Shall we? Understood! That is it for today. Back to the classroom.

You heard it! Come on! A few rounds? Takes less than 10 seconds! – Oh yes? Let’s start. Give him shoes and gloves. He has no idea that he is from Train is run over! – Sure, boss! Make it a good one Impression, the guy. You can never know.

Watch out for the left! He’s really good. If he tries a jab, he gets a liver hook! Holy crap! What a muscle man. I’ll just knock him out. Clear…! I’ll knock him away very easily. – He’s just a lost sheep. Then he has to go into quarantine! Ready? Am I ready? Secure!

You know the rule: keep your head up. Don’t hit below the belt! And when I say it, you’re falling apart! Clear? Clear! – Understood. Come on! Hit! Hit! Hit! I don’t want to take money from believers. How come? Just put up a price list. Outside, in front of the church! You’ll get rich.

I think if the bishop When he finds out, he goes crazy. And when he goes crazy, it gets bad! That was nothing! That was nothing! Nothing! That’s it! That’s it! Don’t hold on! – Out of! I am the best. How are you, boss? How are you, boss?

Great! I can knock him out, whenever I want. I don’t want to humiliate him. He is a customer. Sure, boss! If he loses and loses heart, let’s lose this lost sheep. He is fast and can stab. But don’t panic… ring the bell! Complete? Get it, boss! I thought we were talking about insurance!

I just wanted to show that I don’t need one. Ever heard of Rocky? – What? Heard? Yes! What do you know about him? Nothing! Cover up! Tough guy? – Why, surely. If he were that hard, would finish you off too! I doubt that! I slipped! – I saw that.

Do you see! – The priest is standing there. How do you like that, priest? Father, quickly! Someone needs last rites. Sorry, couldn’t stop! – It’s okay. Hey, boss? What are you doing there? Let’s talk about insurance later! – Sure, priest. Well done, boss! He knew I was making him long.

The last rites thing it was just an excuse. Small thing! – That’s right, boss! Fast! The devil otherwise steal the customer from us. A customer, eh? Who is dying? – The Undertaker! Come on! Come on! Come on! With the left-right combination I would have caught him. Excuse me… See you…

We do not know each other, do we? Therefore we have to see you again soon! Do you really think so? – Oh yeah. Yes! I would do everything, to find out your name. Virginia… …I am virgin. You understand… Like the zodiac sign! That is wonderful. When can I see you again?

Right now, if you want! Immediately? – Tomorrow it’s already too late. I can’t eat in the dark. I’ll poke my eye out then. The power went out. – Then light candles! We can’t see anything in the dark! Forgiveness… Sir? Please forgive me… But no more than two! – Thanks!

You have beautiful teeth! And so many! I really have many. You’re the first to notice. I’m proud of my teeth. Me too! It doesn’t work without it. To our dentists. Choose! What would you like? – I would like to have… …and then maybe something…? – Yes! Sounds good. Two hot broths!

After school I go home correct the homework and then I eat. Then I read. I read a lot. And gladly. Shame… – Shakespeare! I love Shakespeare! Is there another man? What a joke you are. It’s your turn! Who are you? What do you do? How do you live? – How I live?

That’s a good question! It’s not easy to answer. Not that I do don’t want to say, but… …all I can say: My name is Steve Calligan. And you are a police officer? Maybe Captain? Who told you that? – Well you! This must remain a secret! If they find out, we’re me, I’m lost!

And I get nothing out of these guys. I mean… …I’m looking for a criminal! He thinks he can trick me… but he can’t do it! Because I know what he’s up to. Oh God! Just look at what time it is. It is already very late. I’m sorry, I have to go.

My guardian is very strict. Let’s go. When can I see you again? – I don’t know it! Maybe tomorrow! If my guardian allows it. I would like to meet him… – There we are. Let’s say goodbye here. I… – I know! Good night! – Hey, boss…

…Boss? Let’s go not to the wrestling match? Sure, the fight! There he is! I knew he was coming. We should keep an eye on that. I have new goods for you! – Thank you, Father. Thanks for keeping the space clear. – You’re welcome, father. What he’s up to… – Let’s wait and see.

Come on! Move! – Clear! 3 to 1 on Betty! Who is there? – I think you’re going to fall on your face today! – Oh yes? Why don’t you bet? – I’m a little short on cash. Does that work here too? – A holy card? Yes! – Is that a joke?

On a baseball card we would have a deal… …I can’t sell them! – Look here! On one side is an image of a saint… …on the other there is a prayer. This is the mea culpa, where you beat your chest. Okay… what’s the value? A fortune, boy!

I’m selling them for a token dollar. I’m putting this dollar on Fritz! People actually bet always on the winner! I don’t know anything about rings. But I think Fritz wins. OK. I’m betting 100 to 1 against it. Deal? – Deal! He really has some nerve, that guy.

– Guys, there’s going to be a lot of excitement on the streets soon! – Do you think so? Yes, that’s what I mean, you idiot! What time is it? Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the next one Fight wins 50 dollars! Ready? Ready? Come on! That’s vulgar! – You’re damn right!

Listen, sweetie… if you don’t stop pulling my hair makes me angry. Who won? – No one. It’s not over yet. The second round will be the last! – And how do you know that? Ha! How does this know… Back to your corner. Come on! Am I mistaken, or? is he in trouble?

It’s all part of the show! So that’s it. 1… 2… 3… The winners. We’re waiting for him outside. He lost, right? – Yes! This is dirty money… but I’ll take it anyway! I like you, priest. I like them too. It’s a shame you don’t have one of mine Sheep are… metaphorical!

Who is here metaphorically? Didn’t mean to offend you! Bye! – See you soon. Good! Talk to Rocky! – We’re at 300 in the chalk! – I wanted to lose to incentivize customers. You even let the priest win? You have to be nice. – That’s right, boss! Good night, boss!

The world will look better tomorrow. Don’t worry, she definitely will. We’re shooting one tomorrow Round with our customers! And we do our best! Get ready! Follow him! We have to keep at it. Always take it easy, he won’t escape me. It’s probably the carburetor. Does not take long.

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Here… in Verona, where this action takes place… Oh, you my love… Romeo, my Romeo… where are you? Oh Romeo! What’s up, baby? Oh, beloved! I long for you. I’m full of love too already burned out, doll! You know: from here to Verona it’s a whole corner!

Come’! And take me in your arms… The cloak of night falls… Blood pools in my cheeks… A starry night?… Blood in your cheeks? Nobody loves you like I do! But I have no idea what are you talking about! Hurry! The morning is dawning. What?! – Get up! But how, my angel? Fly?

Not bad. My beloved… finally you are mine! Oh yes… exactly like that, my sweet! Kiss Me… Is it you, my angel? – It’s me, Barabas. Come in. Hello, boss. Your timing is really bad. Bad news, boss! – What? None of the customers paid. Rocky told them not to.

He wants everyone you pays to smash the skull! And the priest? – Told me, I should shut up. We have to get rid of Rocky! – True. But we don’t know who he is. The priest will tell us. And you take care of the dealers again. Make some noise… break the windows.

You should pay by Saturday, otherwise it’s their turn. Then there are cement shoes. – Understood. Everything repaired. – That was fast. First the workshop. OK, boss. Let’s follow him! And don’t lose. – No worries. That’s the injection! – The injection? There he is! Luckily he didn’t drive far. Get to work.

Center for Crime Research… -Boss? Is that you? – Yes, what’s up? – Mallone squeezes Mulberry Street again. What? Are you sure? This is what it looks like! – Keep me posted. It’s okay, boss. It was the ignition. – You really have it. What time is it? Yet again? – Yet again.

I can’t resist the temptation. – With who? And how often? Three times… at the grocer. – 3 times? Yes it is. Three times… a few scissors… …a can opener and a candle. Sister, you need a doctor. And no priest! If you bring me the things, I’ll give it back.

Thanks father! – Now go. Hello, priest! – May God have mercy on your soul! How many have donations you collected yesterday? 70 cents. Not bad. Together with the money from the fight… …that’s 100 dollars and 70 cents. Correct? – Exactly! You can from the coal buy insurance!

It’s all gone. I had to pay a few bills. You definitely need a lot of meat to stay so strong! I would love to eat nice steak again. What do you live on? Air? Almost… but these help a little. Are those vitamins? Something like that. One a day and you can move mountains!

You’re a real rascal, aren’t you? But don’t play with me! – Can you help me clean them? You said you knew Rocky? – And? Tell me who he is? Then I’ll strike you from my book! – And if not? – Then I’ll delete you from the birth register! – I don’t do it…

…I’d rather be dead than a Judas. Hard times are coming for you. Do you know what Paul is in? wrote his letter to the Philippians? I don’t snoop on other people’s mail. He wrote: I know how it is, to be full and hungry. What it’s like, emergency to suffer and be rich.

For the Lord gives me strength. That means in plain language: You won’t get anything from me, my friend. Stock up on lots holy oil for unction! Soon you will need it. This is what Sonny Abernathy tells you! Who is Sonny Abernathy? It’s me. Is repaired. He is coming. Come on! After!

This time we’ll catch him. Go ahead. It must be the starter! – Fix that. We talk about this later. – Sure, of course. Where are you going so quickly? Leave me alone or… All that matters is a good crew. Smartass, eh? I do look cute, but I can handle you easily.

Understand. This is all camouflage. So what do you want from me? I have some good advice. Is very cheap. Buy a chocolate bar of this! And stay out of my way. Otherwise there will soon be one more missing child. I saw you and Virginia. Like turtledoves.

And what does it matter to you, little smartass? I’m the big guy here! And take the pens away from me. – Do you want to tell me something? – Leave the doll alone or you’ll need crutches! How come? – Because otherwise bad things will happen! Understand. She’s your girl.

If you’re barking up the wrong tree, you end up underground. Want to mess with me? – No! But I could. – What’s your name? – The steely Duke. My friends call me Duke. Will you do me a favor? – What do you want?

I’ve been looking for her for two days and you know where she lives, right? And I would be very grateful to you… – If I bring you together? Yes, exactly. – That doesn’t work. Why not? I don’t set people up… but I know where you can see them. Let’s hear it!

– The Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. – Yes? Where? In the Mucki-Bude. And all the women will be there. The priest will be there too, or? He’s Irish after all. No, he won’t. He has other plans. You’re really a buddy. – You can say out loud.

What is it with you and women, huh? I’ve got it. Hey, sweeties… where do you wanna go? May I keep you company? – Oh yeah! Do you want to teach me something? – Yes! Come on, girls! It’s the windows! – Yes, the windows! Hey, boss… – Keep an eye on him.

The guys from the workshop will… Pay on Saturday! – Well, I say so. You have to show them where it goes. – Exactly, boss! We will see each other on Saturday. – You can bet on it. Until Saturday. There he is. Start the car. Come on! Turn off! We’ll chase him on foot.

You should make up. I’ll take a quick look under the hood. Does not take long. – Fix that! Hey, Boss! Is the distributor. Only takes a second. I’ll be with you in a moment. He got away from us. We’re waiting for him in the car. Well you! – Here, a flower.

Don’t go there until the dance starts. Otherwise they smell you. – Why? Good evening! You said… – Do not worry. He doesn’t stay long. Dear fellow sinners… …we live in difficult times. But with the help of St. Paddy and our faith, we can do it! We need a better deal.

And work and security for everyone. We don’t ask for anything more. Have a lot of fun! I would like to stay, but sin doesn’t take a break. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone. Are you Irish? Are you Catholic? What do you do among honest people?

Honest people don’t drink while of prohibition. That is forbidden. This is just holy water. Who invited you? – Well, him. Is that supposed to be funny? But he… – Yes / Yes… …I hope you have fun here. But be careful: the people have quite a bit of humor here.

Guys, how are you? – Good, father. And you? How is it going? – Everything is in the green. Can you take care of the guy in that one? gray suit? – With pleasure. Music! Get a partner and dance! May I join you for a moment?

Oh beloved, without you I would have gone crazy. I always dream of you! Virginia? – Yes? Be mine! Everything okay? My foot! – Forgive me, beloved. But when I’m with you, I just… I have an alibi… I was with her! What? – Would it bother you if I high-fived?

And whether! – Stop the music! This gentleman wants his Don’t give up your partner! Should I teach him a lesson? This is how it works: whoever loses has to give up his partner. The winner gets to dance with her until midnight. On the positions. What is the range?

Let’s go! Please take off your jackets. Let’s get started, buddy! – Watch out for his corns. Bottom up! So! Not too take it seriously… and go! Thanks! One more round! – Funny, is not it? Ready? And off! You were stunning. Do you have something for a headache? No. Well done boy!

Oh! My darling, my lover! My everything! I thought I lost you! – My cheeks are glowing! Your tooth is infected. Someone should look at this. I tremble with desire for you. You are so beautiful. You have such pretty eyes. Maybe I have really an inflammation…

…and I have to go, before the sun defeats the moon. If it hurts, you have to go to the dentist. He’s on vacation. May I? When will we meet again? Even before I know your taste of them I have lost my lips, oh noble knight. Sorry… I had onions for lunch.

But when will we see each other again? – You are so romantic. Oh! If only the world would today stop spinning at night. This minute! – Let’s get off the road. Sweet dreams, my prince. – How about a kiss? I don’t know. Yeah! This is my baby! I wish you the sweetest dreams.

Wake up! It’s your turn. Who ‘s there? – It’s me, boss. Barabas. You have me again woken up at the wrong time. She was about to give in. – I come again later. No… come in! And the donuts? – I forgot that. How did it go? – Very good.

I barely got away with it. They almost finished me off. The guy from the workshop threatened with cement shoes. Rocky is really tough! Oh yes? I’ll bring them a nice lesson! Help me. – Yes, boss. Nick really dares to do something!

Open the hood. We pretend like we had an accident. – Sounds good. Yes? This is the F.B.I. I have nothing to do with it. I just work here. In an hour my money will be on the table! Otherwise you’ll go in under your own blood. In a burning workshop. Sure, buddy?

Got it, boss! – Good. What’s wrong with you guys? These are Mallone’s men! You shouldn’t show your face here! – But you’re not the boss here. This is my street. And I’ll only say that once! Get out of the field as quickly as possible! – But our cart is gone!

– The injector! – There’s a workshop ahead. Get a mechanic. We do not need! Only takes a second. Get some bikes! – You say it, boss. Boss! Mallone’s boys are back on Mulberry Street. If we don’t pay, They burn down the workshop. Yes / Yes… Okay… our boys are almost here.

Back to the mattresses. – Finally get some sleep! This is what it looks like: He told us the streets belong to him. Yes, he wants that. A trap! Radio:…at the gang shootout there were many deaths… Mulberry Street is ours again. The loudmouth did a good job.

Radio:… it came on Mulberry Street to a shootout. Radio: Both gangs see these Street as neutral ground… Radio: But obviously there is a new one, third party in the gang war… Radio: There is a press conference today the underworld bosses… Priest! Oh no! Oh yeah! Not happy, one to see an old friend?

I thought you were a gangster, like Mallone or Nick. What happened to Rocky? No idea. Hopefully he’s with you the other on the way to heaven. I hope that too. See you! – We have to. I’m really, really sorry! Thanks! I’ll come to you later. To the owner of this car:

It’s your turn, you rat! Signed “Rocky”. Hey, Boss! Bad news: The dealers are standing in the way! -Rocky? Got out of my car built a rolling bomb. Maybe you should move? This is my bone! – Every dog ​​has his day. Do you want to get out?

My old man is sick… – Your old man is definitely already dead! Well then, my old lady. It’s okay. You are the boss. Then get out of here, you nothing! What are you going to do? – So I… …make me thin! – Exactly, boss. That way! – Yes, boss. And your suitcase?

Oh yes. – Bye, boss. Bye! Hey, Duke! – Listen, babe… I don’t like waiting! I’m really sorry. – Do you have the pictures? I tried, but I couldn’t get to it. Then why are you here? You are too late, without the stuff! You’re stupid!

But I… – Blah blah… come back when you have it! Get lost, baby! You’re making yourself thin, aren’t you? – Yes. The syndicate meets in Chicago. That’s where they choose the new boss, right? Will you do me a favor? – Because of Virginia? How do you know?

When you talk about her your eyes will shine! Tell her, I… – You had to leave, but you write to her. You’re really into it, aren’t you? – I know! Hi, Duke. Watch out! She can don’t resist me. Oh, you, my light of life! -Hi, Duke!

Shall we go for a walk? – Whatever you say. Not running. He said, he is not Santa Claus. Have we had enough for today? – Very close. And in the donation box? – Just dead flies. Then we have no choice. He wanted it that way! Come on… Stevie, my lover! -Stevie? Oh yes…

Why the secrecy? – I have to go today. And you’re back again? – Not yet… I will be back tomorrow. Promised! -Okay! I was listening to the radio. The police are cleaning up the Bowery. Aren’t you afraid? You’re putting yourself in danger! – Is my work.

Why do you act like that like you’re leaving? Because of the fish! – Which fish? When everyone thinks I’m gone, the waves can calm down. Then I’ll grab the big fish! He can’t do anything to me. He won’t bite me. Please! Take care. Don’t risk too much. No worries!

Farewell, Steve! – Take care! Come on! Do we take the back door? – Yes! Come on now. Hey! Caution! Your are too noisy. May God forgive us! – With his help we will become rich. That’s enough! Let’s close the door. Let’s get another load. Everything should go on the black market anyway.

Yes you are right. The priest is a moonshiner! We showed him! – Yes. Will he forgive us? He will forgive you. Now off to bed. – Shouldn’t I help? Thanks, I can manage on my own. Stretch it 1 to 3 with water. – No worries… Good night, Rocky! – Night! Goodnight, Duke.

You’re not thrilled, are you? – No I’m not. You forgot them outside… Rocky! – Oh yes? The still is still boiling! Anyone who plays with fire gets burned. That must be pretty embarrassing. Not at all. How is he? Not bad. Real Irish whiskey. – It’s worth a lot. Oh yeah…

Stop the chatter: what do you want? – I want to see your company. Then we’ll talk more. – All right. Come with me. At a good price I get $45 per box. Last month there were 6 boxes. – Not bad. But with a little help, it definitely went better. Here are my swallowers…

Swallower? – Yes! They need everyone Day food and clothing. Like all children you have a right to their share. Who are they? – Orphans, runaways… …a bit of everything. We get them off the streets and show them how to survive. Nobody helps me. So I have to steal it from the dealer.

That’s what I do Liquor and I sell it. I then buy food with it. I am such a criminal! And the protection money? It’s not protection money. Just a share of the cost. Sometimes there are a few behind the ears… …but that has nothing to do with protection money. Nonsense.

Am I supposed to believe this crap? If you believe it, beautiful… If not, run to the cops and rat me out. He’s the police, Rocky! The big fish, right? Which fish? – I can hardly believe my eyes. That is embarrassing. These are serious crimes. But what are you doing here? He’s my brother!

You know that beanstalk? – Be careful what you say! The situation is serious. He’s Captain Steve Callahan. He’s a detective! Oh, Jesus! Are you going to arrest him? – Law is law! It applies to everyone. That’s how it should be. It’s my last job before retirement. Otherwise my career will end in failure.

Being a criminal isn’t really my thing… I mean police officer. I said yes: a knight in shining armor! If you want the delivery to be ready by tomorrow, they have to get to work. There will be the machines have to work overtime. Thanks! A gentleman and a wise man! And whiskey connoisseurs! Thanks!

Please! Don’t torture me. At home I will only dream of you! But it’s already light. Then it becomes daydreams. Oh, my lover! Look who’s back in town. How are you, Sonny? Is the camping trip over? – Yes, thank you! You look bomb, Tiger. – Yes, I want to get back to work.

Work? – You were pretty good… …you bent the priest right! Well, boys! I have a pipe! – Shut up! What are you doing here? Don’t you belong to Nick? They work for me. – Sure. To give you Mulberry Street was a mistake. She is the limit between Mallone and Nick.

They thought the other wanted it they take over. Hence the war. That means trouble. And I’m in the middle of it. Between the fronts, eh? – Exactly… guys! Everyone stand ready! That’s what I call an engine. Are they armed? – No. Fine! Without competition it works better.

We don’t need fireworks. – You said it. So… do it well. Hm? Are you leaving? – No, but you! This is my bone! – And I’ll chew on it. You are a born loser, Sonny… have a good trip. Raise your paws, kitty! Slice it like salami! Quiet, people. He should let off steam.

Hey! Priest! Priest. Do I need my habit? – Not necessary. That doesn’t take long. Should I help? If it’s no trouble! I’m just finishing a prayer, then I’ll come down. Thanks! What’s going on here? I do not know. I just got it. Take it easy, friends! Sorry, bro! – Who is this monster?

The pastor. Nice guy. Come down and help us. – I’m only in my nightgown. Do what I tell you! – I’m just doing my hair quickly! Come on, you cowards! We split up. You’re coming from behind. Go back and finish them off! Nice guy, eh? Be careful! Oh, love! You could hurt yourself.

Behind you! I’m sorry. It was not on purpose! – How dare you? Lover? Please! Shut up. – Forgive me, beloved. Are you whistling at me? The priest can really do it. No, no… me put it back on. Can I call my mom? Secure! Mom comes first. Well, my handsome! – Oh! Let me.

Should I help? – No, I can manage on my own. Fritz needs help. Help! – Leave the little one alone…go! – Help! – You take one half, I’ll take the other. Help me! Get ready to leave. – Okay, boss. What’s up? – Must be the injection pump! Fix that! – Yes, boss.

Listen… – Yes? Because of your sister… – What? Your sister and I, we… – Did you kiss her? She wanted it! Well… this is going to be a long engagement! Fritz again. – Come on. The cops are coming. Understood! Standing still. Thanks! Thanks! – No thing. The spark plugs are dirty.

Sure… the spark plugs! Cautious! Not, that you fall down. As I said: a long engagement period. Long engagement, okay? No! Tell that to your brother.

Sonny, a New York wise guy, dreams of becoming a feared gangster. He runs errands for the mob with some success, as a result the “Don” gives him, as a reward, the control of Mulberry Street, which also faces a boxing gym…

Original title: Anche gli angeli tirano di destro (1974)

Many subtitle language options available

Director: Enzo Barboni
Writer: Enzo Barboni
Stars: Giuliano Gemma, Ricky Bruch, Laura Becherelli
Genres: Italian cinema, Comedy, Crime

00:00 Full Movie
02:33 A chaotic and humorous journey to New York City.
12:50 A mysterious encounter on a train leads to a job offer involving illegal activities and a new living arrangement.
18:19 A series of conversations and events unfold, leading to a decision to marry.
25:08 A confusing and chaotic conversation between multiple characters.
30:51 Two characters discussing protection money and insurance, with a hint of humor.
37:08 A dramatic conversation between two individuals, discussing their readiness to take down someone and their secret identities.
45:25 A dramatic and mysterious encounter unfolds in a late-night setting, involving a criminal, a guardian, and a game of chance.
58:29 An intense scene unfolds with mysterious characters and hidden motives.
1:06:11 A mysterious encounter at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration leads to a request for help.
1:13:39 An action-packed scene unfolds in a street confrontation between rival gangs.
1:24:57 A radio conversation unfolds, involving gangs, a press conference, and a plea for forgiveness.
1:33:16 A dramatic and intense conversation unfolds between characters, involving secrets, betrayal, and law enforcement.
1:39:51 A chaotic and humorous situation unfolds involving a monk, a love triangle, and a commitment to a long-term relationship.



  1. Thank you so much CCC for this incredibly funny and perfect movie 🍿 to start the day 💚🎼🍒🌸
    The music 🎵 is beyond beautiful and I am dancing in my living room 🎷😇😉💃🕺👠👒👗🎩🦋🦅🐬🦥🕊️

  2. 2:33: 🚂 A chaotic and humorous journey to New York City.

    12:50: 🕵‍♂ A mysterious encounter on a train leads to a job offer involving illegal activities and a new living arrangement.

    18:19: 🤔 A series of conversations and events unfold, leading to a decision to marry.

    25:08: 🤔 A confusing and chaotic conversation between multiple characters.

    30:51: 🎭 A dramatic conversation between two characters discussing protection money and insurance, with a hint of humor.

    37:08: 🎭 A dramatic conversation between two individuals, discussing their readiness to take down someone and their secret identities.

    45:25: 🎭 A dramatic and mysterious encounter unfolds in a late-night setting, involving a criminal, a guardian, and a game of chance.

    58:29: 🎭 A dramatic and intense scene unfolds with mysterious characters and hidden motives.

    1:06:11: 🕵‍♂ A mysterious encounter at a St. Patrick's Day celebration leads to a request for help.

    1:13:39: 🎬 A dramatic and action-packed scene unfolds in a street confrontation between rival gangs.

    1:24:57: 🔫 A dramatic radio conversation unfolds, involving gangs, a press conference, and a plea for forgiveness.

    1:33:16: 🔥 A dramatic and intense conversation unfolds between characters, involving secrets, betrayal, and law enforcement.

    1:39:51: 🤪 A chaotic and humorous situation unfolds involving a monk, a love triangle, and a commitment to a long-term relationship.

    Recap by Tammy AI

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