
Yeah I home oh wow nice to meet you yeah uh I’m a Tomy okay I’m his assistant okay so I’m his translator okay okay sure is this your first time coming to Japan hokido hoko is my first time come to Hokkaido but like maybe three or four times to

Japan oh you’ve been here four times before uh Japan yes first time mhm okay so you went somewhere else like before I mean like in hoko in h no just here here oh really oh wow oh yeah yeah but I’m going to Neo snowboarding snowboarding so you you came to hok to

Snow to to go snowboarding yeah okay okay okay and also do some SI m m did you have anything that you wanted to do do in in hak like a in particular uh sushi sushi oh I see the burger oh the famous burger lucky P yeah but I haven’t

Eat it like I will come back after snowboarding oh really okay okay how long have you been doing like snowboarding a lot first time first time in in Japan yeah so Ino you mean yeah my first oh my God you’re you’re very brave I have a coach with me uh in oh

Coach oh really okay so it’s not just me oh okay okay okay good good are you traveling alone by yourself byself many you’re used to it you you are used to you are used to it like you’re traveling by yourself yeah MH sometime I’m with my friend I like doing solo

Chip oh okay myself and M mhm so in Hong Kong is it colder than here no no okay this is cold colder definitely okay yeah so did you have any specific like impression of like H like before you came here yeah because of the first love the drama

The first love uh the Japanese like drama called First Love First Love yeah they said they is been in Hokkaido so I always want to come here to visit so after you came here do you have like a the the impression um has changed really you very peaceful okay

People are friendly just like you guys thank you I need to buy the sorry to let’s go he’s coming okay oh my God I thought I thought where are you from fr first time what made you want to come to snowboarding so I do saur arrived no for the onset in hiking then

Sa for Yuki yeah then I do snowboard SAU Tapo and I live fora Sao oh really oh that’s nice I like I like it there’s lots of snow right now lots of snow he he he wants to hang out with you in support too yeah sure I’ll get your information afterwards impression of

Japan uh hu or Japan Japan as a whole um okay uh I Come From Paris so Paris in Tokyo say 80% of Tokyo is the same as Paris because both capitals big city lots of people working you know all that stuff so they are kind of similar then of

Course you have differences uh like cultural all of that that stuff but so lots of difference uh in there main difference but everybody knows it for me it’s there is no trash cans in the street so that’s very different from France otherwise I think in France we get exposed to lots of

Japanese culture soft power you know so I knew a bit of Japan uh they are some details that are different of course but um so you have chances to um get to know like Japanese culture in Paris like a Japanese if you want yeah yeah if you

Make the effort I okay personally I watch lots of anime and I read lots of manga and I Also number one food L Mis do you like Mis I love it first thing I yes I arrived yesterday I found a good lamon shop and I had it over there I have the oh wait wait wait maybe I have it yeah I actually have it you lucky Oh

Yay I think it’s this one I’m not sure no no that’s not this one wait that’s uh sapur L okay that’s a good show is there anything that you were impressed in Japan or you thought wow this is great like whatever he F impressed um okay one thing that I was like

Impressed was you know trains is very efficient in Japan so I’m like that’s good but I knew that so I wasn’t impressed what I was impressed with was Osaka to Tokyo you have shinin every 7 minutes you know or 10 minutes and I was like oh because if it was one every hour

Or 30 minutes you know if it’s on time it’s good but it’s less impressive like each 10 minutes there is one and it’s always on time and like just the 10 minutes every 10 minutes you have a shin content that’s really impressive I think in France it’s like I think Paris Mar

Right the the trip right but we have maybe one every 30 minutes or hour I don’t know like he’s like I’m proud of that that culture it’s good I mean it’s good it’s good it’s nice it’s nice thank you very Much

International visitors, do you enjoy Japan?





#ニセコ #外国人の反応 #ラーメン #温泉 #ラッキーピエロ


1 Comment

  1. 「ファーストラブ」はネットフリックスのドラマですね。


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