【Full Movie】出軌丈夫謊稱出差卻陪小三逛街,貼身試衣曖昧至極,豈料被妻子當場撞破,不哭不鬧直接離婚!

How about the factory? Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on it Don’t say since the magazine interview we’ve been getting orders one after another Lao Dai, coming How’s your stomach? It’s okay Lao Dai, we’re getting a lot of orders so your original design has improvement thanks to Ms. Xie

You should really thank Ms. Xie Yes I’ve been looking for a chance to thank By the way I’ve already paid you your share hurry up and pay off your mortgage Okay, no rush I have other uses for the money Don’t spend it carelessly How are your sales going? We’re talking

Who are you talking to? Wei Keming Wei Keming? He You know him? I know him too well that is a big pervert especially indecent he did not harass you, right? No Remind you to stay away from him Thank you, I can handle it You can handle it, how do you handle it?

It’s a big pervert, really you don’t know him He’s a man who is very anxious to see a woman Our old saleswoman, Xiao Liu met him, Wei Keming Really, you handle it, how can you handle it you can’t handle it You’ll know that man when you see him

That it is not easy to handle This is my job the leader has repeatedly stressed to me several times and we are the normal contact You work also with whom he can not be normal with you No, you can’t sacrifice everything for work even if you sacrifice your health

You can’t sacrifice your sex anymore, really you don’t know him I’m talking to you in a good way Really, I’m telling you about that man you, you, you Can you separate sex and love? you can’t do anything Our men can’t be that open-minded I found a job now

Willing to do anything for work, really I don’t care about you, will do anything, really Be worthy of post-80s, sex What are you talking about? What do you mean? I’m telling you, you’re such an adult what you say, what you do be responsible, understand? No, what did she mean

Responsible for what you say and what you do? What does she want me to be responsible for? What kind of responsibility did you say? I don’t know I think she’s interested in you How do you know? Because I can see that you’re interested in her I’m interested in her Are you kidding me?

Who knows who’s interested Not sleeping well? The first day of the new arrival is not very adaptable You’ll be fine after a while nine-to-five life is all like this Yes I haven’t eaten breakfast yet I go eat something You should be careful not to let the supervisor see you he is watching you

Why he staring at me? You don’t know? Our company’s faction is chaotic this supervisor is not to be trifled with he is riding on foreigner’s coattails heard that is Smith from the headquarter He and the boss who introduced you to the company seem to be not get along well you should be careful

Not to let him make trouble for you There are so many things in this office You’ll find out later I thought foreign companies should not have these things Where there are people, there are rivalries and where there are rivalries, there are feuds Let it go Newcomer, come here hurry up

Sort out these files and get them to me before work, quickly Ning Xin, so early Mr. Wang I have something to show you What? What is it? Mr. Wang, don’t be mad at me this is a video I took of you during class Look how handsome you are so charming You, you

Okay, okay, delete it now Mr. Wang, actually I have a purpose I want you to lecture at the TV station Although you’re indifferent to fame and wealth when you reach the age people who are not as good as you can get a professorship and a special allowance I think you must also need

This kind of recognition of fame and fortune You have a point but I still have reservations about lecturing on TV But if you lecturing on TV would allow more people to hear your lectures and spread more knowledge All right, let’s go to class Relatives in law today, we have prepared a family dinner

And invited you here mainly to talk about the children’s affairs I know we have some misunderstandings between us for example, the matter of the ash Mom Not talk about it, not talk about it Actually, I understand your feelings we’re also anxious Grandma is also anxious We’re all good for our children

Who doesn’t want their children to have a good life? Yes, son’s mother-in-law, you are right I understand But we’re both women women should understand that we should understand what men do not understand It’s not easy for a woman to get pregnant once she’s over 35

It’s not like having a baby like a girl as easy as pulling a carrot Mom, what are you talking about? What, you think I’m rude? Your mother is uneducated but she raised a college professor No, no, no let your mother speak, good speech, good speech rough words are not rough ideas

Yes, they’re young, don’t understand we should understand to birth, or not to put it mildly, it’s only a matter of two years But in a month can only work for a week or so If we don’t create conditions for them to do well That daughter’s mother-in-law I don’t understand

I tell you the truth son’s mother-in-law, although your house is large after all, there are many people living there, it is not convenient three daughters living on the same floor sharing a bathroom and a small one how do you think they can do that? Mom, you keep saying that how can we eat?

Let your mother say, let your mother say I mean Xiaonuo is buying a house Guoqing can buy a house and move out together the upper floor will be vacated for Xiaoduo’s family so there’ll be spacious Xiaonuo, you want to buy a house? No, I’m not buying a house

My colleague introduced me to a property so I went to see What see first? I saw you at the sales center you even looked the house type let the sales lady with a calculator to calculate for you with your male colleague standing next to you But son’s mother-in-law I’ve already thought about it

If Guoqing buys a house can’t let your daughter pay for it all Guoqing, you pay for the bulk of it and then you can let Xiaomi pay less for the loan Xiaonuo, why didn’t you tell me you were moving out? Mom, I haven’t decided yet What do you mean by final decision?

Bought the house and everything else is done you’ll tell me when it’s time to move out right? What kind of person do you think I am? It’s like staying in a hotel you have to make reservations and check out of a hotel Mom, don’t worry let’s talk about everything Yes, yes, yes

Mom, Xiaonuo was going to talk to you What do you mean? Are you both complicit? You’ve all agreed to hide it from me? I was planning to buy a house and move out I didn’t plan to tell you now because even if I say you wouldn’t agree

Mom, you’ve been taking care of everything since I was a kid my study, my work I’m an adult now I have my own ideas I was afraid you’d take a roundabout course Even if I take a roundabout course, I’ll accept it I have to be responsible for my own actions

Do you guarantee that what you decide is wise and right and will be a blessing for me? You eat first, I go up first Xiaonuo Don’t mind her Come on, daughter’s mother-in-law, let’s eat Come on, let’s eat You like to talk too much just one went I’m just being kindness Lao Mao

Ms. Ha, welcome Sit down first, sit down Come on, have a drink first Lao Mao, has Lao Dai been asking you to drink a lot lately? No, no He didn’t say anything to you? Say what? What do you mean? He didn’t mention Xie Xiaonuo to you No, he didn’t

Come on, have a drink Come on Why did you drink up? In fact he and Xie Xiaonuo seem to have something Oh You should know him, right? ou should know him better than me I understand you do not need to persuade me in a roundabout way Well, let’s not talk about it

You think about it, okay? Come on Actually, it’s not that I want to talk too much after all these years, you say why do you have to pester him? If you two were interested in each other you would have gotten together long ago, right? I mean

When the time is right, you still need to find a husband Looking for who? You? Me, I’m no worse than him, look for me Am I worse than him, you say Let’s go get a marriage license tomorrow Okay, that’s what you say Come on, have a drink Xiaonuo tell me clearly

What is going on Buying a house is such a big deal you didn’t tell me about it do you really respect me? Do you want to live on your own? You don’t like this family, you don’t like me? I’m telling you it’s not over, you have to tell me clearly

Such a big girl you’re buying a house and you want to go out make sense? What will the neighbors think? What will the people in your company and the people in our company think? Hello, Mr. Zhang it’s me, Xie Xiaonuo I’ve decided to buy the house I saw earlier

I’m going to sign the contract tomorrow Yes Xie Xiaonuo, open the door Who are you talking to? The trumpet of war is blowing again I know it’s my mother’s fault I really can’t help her As you can see I couldn’t stop her at that time Forget it, it’s not all her fault

She didn’t know that Xiaonuo went to see the house without our mother’s permission Guoqing, what do you think about our family buying a house? To be honest, I didn’t decide Our savings over the years is only about 500,000 with the money my mom gave us is only about 600,000

The housing fund loan is 800,000 1.5 million at the most according to the current housing price we can only buy a one-bedroom and we still need to leave money for decoration Yes the price of housing is really too high now Or we buy a little farther away

Mix the accumulation fund and commercial loan together maybe we can get a little more credit at least buy a two-bedroom unit In case we have children in the future we can also live more spacious That’s true but how much money do we have to pay back to the bank every month?

I’m not busy, I go out as a tutor I heard that tutoring for children is quite expensive now Xiaomi, I don’t want you to go out no matter how hard and how tired I am I don’t want you to go out and work hard again It’s late, go and get rest

Hello Ning Xin the last time you talked about the TV station if I can have a try What’s going on? Ask you something You say Do you love me? What do you say? Come on, do you love me or not No, I Love or not love Love All right

Get ready to get married What kind of program did you do? Did you all fall asleep in my meeting yesterday? Didn’t you hear what I said? Get me a glass of water and give me a cucumber There were ten proposals nine of them were wrong, right? You didn’t hear me, right? Dai Gushun

We’ve been married for two years can’t you change your clothes at home? Even the apron should be changed You didn’t change either How dare you can talk back What’s wrong? Nothing, I fell asleep and had a dream Scared me What dream? It’s not an erotic dream, right? May be or not

Why are you daydreaming in the middle of the day wake up now Okay Guoqing is back Mom, I’m back Just in time Come here for a minute What’s up? What are you busy with? Mothballs are not in the cabinet It’s full of worms I arranged clothes just now I found out some clothes

The Chinese tunic suit that your father wore back then Look how good it is Yes, well-preserved The material and workmanship were excellent Come, have a try Come, come Now you really can’t find such a style Other styles are not look like Chinese tunic suit cheongsam, either Well Let me tell you something

For this Chinese tunic suit Your father had a big quarrel with the school leader The school leader said Why don’t you just make a suit when you go abroad Your father didn’t do it Just because he went abroad, he wanted to wear Chinese tunic suit

This reflects the cultural problems of the Chinese nation Yes, yes Then your dad had a anxious and pale face Too stubborn But reasonable and backbone Yeah, yeah Don’t take it off. Just wear it Just wear it to lecture It’s a little inappropriate I think it’s ok The sleeves are short, I’ll lengthen them

It’s all right. I think this suit is better ti be a souvenir I bought some clothes for lecture This one… You bought some? Let me see, let me see Let me see Why did you buy so much? Just a few So many Such a big thing Why don’t you discuss it with me?

Thousands of Yuan! You need discuss with me Mom, I don’t think these clothes are a big thing This is not just a little thing It directly involves spending money indiscriminately Now, look at tycoons The more funds he has, the more he saves Instead a parvenu, what a waste gambles at high stakes

No, boy We can’t do like this, really We have to live a hard and plain life Isn’t there an old saying in the past? Neither eating nor drinking can lead to poverty But waste And you Really, I’m so distressed How can you do that? Young people are so extravagant now

You can’t form such a habit You are such a good child, aren’t you? Look at your dad’s clothes You can wear any of them If it short, I’ll lengthen them Boy, you are so waste You really don’t eat You were angry alone here Mom, she is such a kind of person

She is kind But sometimes It’s unacceptable that her way of expression It just a few clothes for more than 3000 yuan How could she say like that I don’t even have the right It’s even not up to me No one said you don’t have a right Is it not up to you?

Of course you can Don’t worry about that About buying new dress I’m behind you 100 percent I’m here to express my opinion I’m not just supporting you on a spiritual level I will also support you with practical actions Do you pay? All right Absolutely Cheers! I heard what you are talking about

Is a fond dream Not a nightmare What’s terrible? Why not? Dreams like this really come true Isn’t it terrible? Get married, get married For people like you and me Isn’t it a terrible thing? What does it mean, you know? Like two of us It’s impossible in the future that drink whenever you want

I drink at your house Go back whenever I want It will not be so simple Yeah, you can’t give a phone number casually When you just get home A call comes in Xie Xiaonuo, hot temper You can’t hold her God, this is terrible This is destined to be a nightmare, you know? Well

It’s terrible for you to think about her all day When did I miss her? Don’t you miss her? How can you have this dream? What you dream about at night reflects what you think about in day And I tell you One person cares about one person If it’s far beyond your imagination

Or you think about this person at least three times a day Then you should believe you are in love Believe in love Don’t you think the word is vulgar? What’s vulgar about this? Just see whether Xie Xiaonuo is worthy of you She is worthy of me if I want

What do you mean if you want? Xie Xiaonuo White collar executives Young and beautiful She is worthy of more than two of you What do you mean? I mean You can get along for a while Try to fall in love Try to fall in love? Haven’t you seen the blind date of her?

She totally aims to get married How can I fall in love with her Really? Last time you two made love Then Xie Xiaonuo said Just pretend nothing happened Not necessarily what you think Right I think too much I’m timid I think You should find her tomorrow Face her directly and honestly

Just one word, do you want fall in love with me? Why are you preparing lessons here in the middle of the night? You wake up easily when you sleep, I am afraid to bother you It’s too late, what are you thinking? I’m thinking How about I return my clothes tomorrow Forget it

What a shame if you can’t return it I had a look just now, it’s good When did your taste improve? Taste? I just want to change my style I don’t believe it Even if you want to change your style There’s no need to buy clothes in a hurry Besides

I used to buy it with you Is there something wrong? My brain is temporarily short of oxygen Brain fart, ok? Wang Guoqing, if you want to lie to me You need practice for another two years Ok, tell you the truth I’m going to record a program on TV Go to the TV station?

Who helped you get in touch? My student, Ning Xin It’s her She is quite concerned about you She interned on TV Said it was an opportunity Of course, I want make more money for the family If I let you go I’m afraid you’ll say too vulgar and uneducated If Ning Xin asks

You’re not only going You attach great importance and dress yourself up Wait, did she accompany you to buy the clothes? Yes, she accompanied me to buy it No wonder, the school colleagues are gossiping on the sly It seems that it is not all groundless Xiaomi, you really think too much

Of course, I’m thoughtless Needless to say I’ll return my clothes tomorrow And I won’t record the TV program either What are you talking? Wear clothes, record TV, very handsome You two get along first Try to fall in love Hello, President Xie Morning Will you go? By the way, well

I have something to do with you What’s the matter? I’m looking for you…I’m… I want to tell you something What? Say it Well Actually, it’s about work Yes, last time you recommended me to accept the interview of magazine It finished It’s on sale in the newspaper hall It will be full-line forcing

With elite magazine You have to buy an elite magazine Then give away a copy of that magazine I don’t know if you know this I don’t sell magazines How do I know? Then I just want to interview you What’s going on in this situation? How do I know what’s going on?

But magazines that not popular will be used as a gift Well, I… Anything else? No, nothing I’m busy I have an appointment with President Wei. I’m in a hurry OK, go on with your business Appointment with President Wei? Beauty President Wei, hello please sit, sit Thank you

Have you read all the information of our company? Yes, I’ve read it Are you satisfied? Not bad, content is very good Are you interested? Well Toys dealers like you other companies are also doing it The price is cheaper You don’t have advantages The material quality of our company must be the best

You know you get what you pay for So Actually whether we can make a deal The key is that I has the final say The most important is who is the most suitable partner This is the key I personally think Cooperating with Miss Xie a talented beauty is the most appropriate That’s great

Are you free this afternoon? Of course I’m free How about we talk in another place What do you think? That’s not what I meant I mean, if you have time I can show you to the factory that is close to the airport It won’t delay your flight at night

There’s no need to go to the factory There is a good bottle of red wine in my room upstairs Why don’t we go and taste wine carefully Take our time What do you think? Sorry, I don’t drink during the day That’s good, let’s drink at night

Don’t you have to catch a plane tonight I’ll stay here, ok Wei Keming Why are you so shameless? Flirt anyone you meet A leopard can’t change its spots What do you mean? Dai What do I mean? Do you know who she is? You flirted with her Who is she? Is your girl?

You’re right, how dare you flirt with my girl -Do you want to fight? -No, no Don’t you? Ok, your girl Continue Crazy! Rascal What are you talking about? Dai Gushun Am I wrong? Who’s your girl? Didn’t I say that to help you? Do I need your help? Why not?

Wei Keming, I tell you he’s a hooligan Why did you contact him? He’s a hooligan. What’s the matter? I’m talking about work You can’t risk everything for work He passed you the room cards, work? If I don’t come Will you go upstairs with him to open a room?

I say this for your own good To be a woman, cherish yourself, okay? Why didn’t I cherish myself? Besides, it’s none of your business whether I love myself or not Do I have anything to do with you? Why don’t we have a relationship? If not. What were we doing at that night?

Which night? The night by the sea What’s wrong at that night? What’s wrong at that night? Well We both get up in the morning, we… What’s the matter? Didn’t you take off my clothes and pants? Yes, I did That’s because you threw up on your clothes So I helped you

I can understand what you say What a shame to say this in public But sooner or later, we have to make it clear I threw up? You took it off? What about this? Which thing is that? That… All adults, don’t you understand? Where’s that? I can’t find it Why are you so shameless

I fell sick I buried the pit. I threw it in the sand Who believes you You! I tell you Dai Gushun Nothing happened to us that night Why are you such a girl? I, a man, even can’t How can you be so casual What you’ve done as if nothing had happened

Did nothing happen at that night? Dai Gushun, you’re an asshole You are a bastard You’re an asshole How dare you care about me? How dare you blame on me How dare you insult me I’ll tell you I do whatever I want I’ll go to bed with him whenever I want

I don’t need you care about me Who are you? How dare you blame on me I tell you even if all the men are gone I don’t need you to care about me Who are you? Who do you think you are? What are you doing? Who told you to throw it. Come back

Do I let you throw it? Why are you so self righteous? All bastards Dai Gushun Bicycle Club Workplace stress value Workplace stress value Bicycle Club Don’t keep us guessing Tell me about your impressive record Then I’ll be happy with you, too Come on, it looks like no one cheers for you

There are no impressive record I’m unexpected this time You were rejected? I haven’t had time to confess Then rejected This girl is not easy She is good at cat and mouse game Not rejected Just slapped me in the face Do you think it’s a game? Why am I confused? Did you stimulate her?

Business is off while friendship is on Why did she slap in your face? I went for her I saw a client molested her And handed her the hotel room card I can’t stand it As a result, Xie Xiaonuo slapped me This seems a little illogical I just said if I don’t come

Did you just go upstairs to the room with the old man? She should slap you If it’s me, beat the pants out of you Do you know? Well, you… What are you talking about? How pure girl she is Look what did you do How did you push her to someone else

What did I do? I have nothing to do with her What do you mean? She told me in person Really? Do you think I’m a little fool? I find you are a fool, too What are you analyzing with me? What physiological needs, make love after drunk I blacked out. Do you blacked out?

Didn’t you see it You analyzed it with me I slept with her Would you comfortable? Well This It’s not a big deal. You can go back to the happy single life Isn’t it over? Still drink and play Come on, cheers The key is I feel like I can’t go back

Go to take a bath Did you hear me? Go to take a bath, right now, right now Right now I’m curious You play games every day but nothing You don’t do housework bath, neither You really live on by games Alright, alright, stop it I’m coming, I’m coming I’m coming

Don’t touch me. You are so stinky Go to take a bath. Go Dai Yaya I find you are so tired of me now No, I just think I’m a little tired after working all day Who is not tired? Would I like to dress garishly every day?

Then I have to code-switching from English to Chinese when I’m working Finally, it’s time to have lunch Finally, it’s time to have lunch I have to eat that Caesar Salad with Perrier I like spicy meal, steamed buns What’s the matter? I endure humiliation and be humble every day What am I doing for?

I just want to make you happy Just to make your dad happy For the rest of our lives OK, ok, you’re wronged It’s all my fault, I’m sorry, okay Well, you can figure it out I’m just like an unmanageable horse They must put me in a horse pen I do what they say

Isn’t this dehumanizing? And our company has a manager He is young but full of sourness making trouble for others and speaking ill of others behind their backs Do you think he will have a happy ending? I don’t understand He is as fragile as a glass If I’m not flatter him, he will break

Besides, I’m not easy to serve I have a temper, too If he challenges my limits next time I’ll resign I will slap… Resign? I’ll tell you, Fang Jia, if you mention resignation again This isn’t over. Believe it or not Well, Fang Jia, are you a man? with a little sense of responsibility?

You thought you’re the only one who’s wronged, you’re the only one who’s humbled Do you think I feel better working under Xie Xiaonuo Didn’t I get scolded every morning work overtime at night I struggled, too We’re different, okay What’s the difference? I would like to answer this with a quote

The leader told us Both work and life are the same as acting Stop, stop Do you have anything to do with what we said now? Don’t worry. I haven’t finished yet We must feel life from the inside out Realizing the true meaning of life on that level That is what we call happiness

Understand? Got it You’re happy, aren’t you You just know you are happy Have you ever thought of me? Fang Jia. I’ll tell you today I solemnly warn you There’s no way you want to resign Well, think about it My dad, he is such a face-saving person He never asks for help

He worked hard to find you a job Can’t you be a little grateful I am… Those who know me are worried about me Those who don’t know me ask what I want I can’t communicate with you anymore Life I go to sleep in the living room

I’m really going to sleep in the living room Would you please help me close the door from the outside? Lao Tzu’s greatest characteristic is to use his gentle way to explain universe for us What is Human follows land ,land follows sky sky follows Taoism ,Taoism follows nature Xiaonuo, why didn’t you sleep?

I can’t sleep, come down and breathe What are you doing? I’m going to record the program Practice first Keep going on, I’ll listen Well In front of my family I’m too embarrassed to say Why you are embarrassed? You are a university professor Aren’t you confident in front of us? Really not Really?

I listened to my sister You were in high spirits in class Many girls admire you What? Of course, that’s two different things Speak in the classroom, I think this is my profession But speak on TV I always feel strange It’s an unspeakable feeling It’s like doing business You are really a scholar

In fact, lecturing on TV is also labor The money you take is labor income You can hypnotize yourself Having the will of improving the aesthetic of the Chinese working people When you stand on the stage That is the big stage to promote culture You think so It seems to make sense

I really didn’t think so My world is too quiet Too quiet, so I can hear my heartbeat At least once in your life Forget yourself for someone Not for results. Not for partners Don’t ask for what you once had Even don’t ask you to love me I just want to meet you

In my most beautiful years We parted ways as we walked Memories fade Look, then be tired and the starlight becomes dark Listen, then wake up and start to complain Look back and see, you are gone Suddenly I mess up Dad You like Xu Zhimo’s poems, too Why are you here?

I fell asleep while watching TV Why do you watch TV with a quilt? This Yaya may have done it She was afraid that I would be frozen She covered me with a quilt Go back to the room and sleep Ok I also like Xu Zhimo Mr. Wang Are you ready?

All right, attention of all departments Five, four, three, two, one Action Hello, everyone I am… I am… Hello everyone I am… Stop Mr. Wang, you are too nervous Relax, ok I’m so sorry Okay, let’s restart Okay, action Hello audience friends in front of TV I’m Wang Guoqing

Today I want to tell you about Pre Qin culture, Zhou Zi, hundred schools Sorry, it’s the ancient philosophers So what are Zhou Zi, hundred schools? Excuse me, what is the ancient philosophers? Mr. Wang let’s have a rest first Record later Ok I’m so sorry Mr. Wang Ning Xin Sorry It’s fine, Mr. Wang

You don’t have to be too nervous Otherwise Start with the place you are most familiar with Don’t you like Lao Tzu best? And you admire his ideas most But that’s what I’m going to talk about in the second half It doesn’t matter, Mr. Wang TV programs can be edited later

There’s no problem starting from any part That’s good That’s it Director, Mr. Wang has adjusted it You can start recording now -Okay, let’s do it again -Yes Action The biggest feature of Lao Tzu is his gentle way To explain to us the universe is vast Human follows land

That is to emulate the tranquility and massiness of the earth What about the land? The sky doesn’t express itself, neither the land Of course, that doesn’t mean doing nothing Put your hands in your pockets Looking around That’s all for today See you next time Thank you Nice Great Mr. Wang, how wonderful

I have a meeting afternoon. Don’t be angry I didn’t say no, did I? I’ll arrange it now No, there’s many people in the office, too messy Ok, ok, ok Yeah Wait a bit What happened? Manager I’ll go out later Do something for the company Arrange a car for me Excuse me, manager

The driver asked for leave today asked for leave? Yes, I heard his mother-in-law was hit by a car Didn’t his father get hit last week? I don’t know I heard it’s serious Where’s the car? It’s in the downstairs parking lot Okay, you can go Yes, manager Newcomer Newcomer Hey

It’s you, come here soon, hurry up Manager, I’m not called hey neither newcomer My name is Fang Jia, okay Ok, ok Can you drive? What’s up? I’ll go out later. I have something to do You drive for me Here’s the deal, manager I still have several reports to finish

The director said I have to hand it in today I don’t have time to do it after I come back It won’t take you long time It’s so unbridled to play the field Wait, come here What were you saying? I said I wasn’t applying for a driver Apply for whatever you like

Working here You do want I want I didn’t sell myself to you Why should I do whatever you want me to do Touch me again, I’ll kill you Do whatever you want me to do Don’t you just use your working time to flirt with girls with company car Can you flirt with girls?

I do what I love What’s wrong? Not convinced, right? I’m in charge here, even if you believe it or not I’ll fire you now Don’t bother you You don’t worth my word resign I won’t do anymore I am… Blood boils with indignation Fight for the truth Come back Playing games

Looking at Granny’s micro blog It add several fans It’s right for Granny to ask you as an assistant Did you show up on the TV station? Did you sign your precious student? You’re guessing again, just work Did I said it’s not work? Look at you, so nervous, guilty conscience?

A gentleman is open and poised OK, I’m a villain What this? Remuneration So many What time did you get off work? Five o’clock You didn’t work overtime? Sometimes, not today Dad, he gets off work finally Can we just eat without talking? Come, let’s have eat You didn’t work overtime Rare leisure today Why?

Because Xie Xiaonuo didn’t come to work today Is it strange? She didn’t come to work What’s the matter? Is she sick? Nope But strangely It is said that she even didn’t ask for leave today Then the personnel department of the company called her home Her sister said she went to join guerrillas detachment

Guerrillas detachment? Cycling team What’s that? Just riding a bike in the mountains and forests I see. Decompression She do has been under pressure recently I heard that neither of two deals was negotiated But I think she should give us work before she leave as she did before Do you think so?

It’s a little strange Dad, why do you care about her so much today? Why do I care about he? I care about her? I’d rather care about Fang Jia than care about her Eat Thanks, dad Anytime Xie Wudi The number you dialed is turned off Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is not answered

Please redial later How could he be sorry for me What did I do wrong? Nothing, don’t cry Why are you crying? Come, drink like a fish Yeah I tell you I can’t like him How could I fall in love with him? He is 40 years old And he has a 20-year-old daughter

What? Mister Yes How can I like him I’m annoyed when I see him, you know As long as we meet We just quarrel after a few words Always, endless quarrel But after the quarrel, I’m very happy Am I so cheap? Why are you shaking your head? I’m cheap Why am I not cheap?

I Just thought I’m similar with him It seems to be getting better It seems a little… We have a little feeling to each other He asked me out He wanted to meet me I was happy I went to see him But I saw him, you know what He was flirting with another woman

He told me it was his girlfriend I wanted to find a hole and I drilled into it I didn’t want to slap him at all I just want to slap myself, you know No You should slap the woman if you want I feel ashamed of myself. What a shame Come on, cheers

Am I ugly? Xiaonuo, you are the most beautiful I’m beautiful, aren’t I I don’t think I’m ugly, either I think I’m beautiful, too I think It’s easy for me to find someone to marry But I just want to I just want to find someone I like

Is it that hard to live together for a lifetime with someone you really like Dad, I just want to find someone I like Is it that hard Xiaonuo I want to talk to my father You need to talk I’ll find my father Where’s your dad The number you dialed is power off

The number you dialed is power off Why are you stunned Nothing I’m so busy Someone wanted to order just now The schedule is too tight I refused because I’m afraid it will affect products’ quality Are you okay with that? I’m okay. Guarantee the quality Well, do you know why

Miss Xie didn’t go to the company these two days Yaya didn’t tell you? It’s like this Mr. Kim made a call to me just now He said you’ve been very hot lately I don’t know who sent a post today The title is “the most handsome original designer in history”

Because you are popular now The thing about peripheral toys design With that overseas film and television company He wants to finalize it Then I asked him, wasn’t it managed by Miss Xie Then he told me Xie Xiaonuo hasn’t been in the company these two days She didn’t ask for leave

Don’t know where she is So, how about thinking about it According to this order receiving speed You are gonna pay your 1.2 million mortgage back soon I have to go out Hey, where are you going? I have something to do Laodai You don’t have to be so worried

Well, Xie Xiaonuo is not an 18-year-old girl She is a strong woman She’s successful and smart She’s beautiful Why are you so worried Why am I not worried Her cell phone has been power off I called her last night Her phone is power off I called her in the night, still power off

I called her in the morning It’s already afternoon The phone is still power off So what You fell asleep the other day I called you, your phone was power off for several days Why are you… Can she be the same as me Her work

Requires her to turn on the phone 24 hours a day There must be something wrong with her But it’s none of your business How come Didn’t I tell you We argued the other day Can be in a good mood after being slapped No

It seems to be you who was slapped in the face last time It’s me But her mood must be affected Wouldn’t her mood fluctuate after she quarreled with me It must have something to do with me Do you need to be so worried How can I not worry She’s your daughter? No

Your girlfriend? No Why are you so unsympathetic Xie xiaonuo helped me If she didn’t introduce famous journalist to give me an interview My original products will not be recognized by so many people Why are you looking at me like that What about your compassion What about your sense of justice

Yes, she has nothing to do with me But I Enough, enough All signs show that You fall in love with her Hello Hello, is that Mr. Dai Gushun It’s me I’m the manager of the Riding Team Do you know Ms. Xie Xiaonuo I know her. Where is she

She disappeared on her way back to town today We don’t know where she is now Can you come to us if it’s convenient for you Okay, okay. Where are you? I’ll be right there Wait a moment, I’ll go with you Mr. Dai This is the girl who was with Xie Xiaonuo yesterday

Dingding, hurry to tell him the situation Hello You are the old man You are not handsome What does it matter with your appearance Let me ask you Xie Xiaonuo was with you last night before she disappeared Then did she…you Did she tell you anything

She said she came here to relax because she was lovelorn She said it’s not she couldn’t get married but she just wanted to marry someone she liked But she fell in love with someone she shouldn’t love That man likes to flirt He dated her the day before

The next day he was flirting with another women It’s you She really misunderstood you and Lan Feier Why did she tell you these We all drank too much last night She said something to me I also said something to her Then…then we both cried Cried Then…then she

Did she finally tell you where she went to She seemed to tell me She was going to see her father Where’s her father Her dad’s gone Could she really… It’s so troublesome now You riding team Are you qualified Sorry How can you do it without qualifications I’m so sorry You…you…you don’t

Okay, okay, okay. This is not the time to talk about responsibility Calm down. Think about it Where can Xie xiaonuo go If she misses her father Where can she go if she misses her dad Where else can she go if she missed her dad The grave Go home

Even if she wants to suicide She has to have a ceremony and find a place I know a place Xiaonuo What are you doing here? Why can’t I come here? It’s grandma’s birthday I have to come, right, aunt Yes What are you doing here? I didn’t invite you Hao Ren, Hao Ren’s here

Grandma You are here Grandma, hope you longevity Look at you You don’t have to bring anything here Aunt, this is a health product for you It’s for me? Why didn’t you bring me anything? It’s too hurry, next time Come Get in, get in Make dumplings Let’s wish grandma health and longevity

Come on, come on Congratulations Grandma, your health is the happiness of our family Wish grandma health and longevity Wish grandma a long life Baby Drink, drink Come on, eat food Drink less and eat more Oh dear We’re having dinner Don’t be too close Grandma, I wish you happiness and longevity

You are the key stand in our family As the saying goes, the elders are treasures in the family I’ll drink it up Ok, Hao Ren, drink less and eat more Pour the wine, pour Pour some Baijiu Grandma, aunt Our family is here today And today is another day of reunion

I have a message to announce to you I’ll cook some more vegetarian dumplings Slow down, slow down, slow down Go ahead Xiaonuo What? Xiaonuo, today, in front of aunt and grandma And in front of the whole family I propose to you What are you doing, stand up

Xie Xiaonuo, I hope to be family with you Hug each other when we are tired Let me accompany you through the rest of your life okay? Marry me, Xiaonuo That’s enough, Hao Ren Xiaonuo What are you doing, Xiaonuo And you, Hao Ren You propose with a broken can ring?

What do you think of Xiaonuo? You are so insincere It’s just a symbol as long as he has sincerity Grandma, aunt, I bought the ring And I proposed, too Xiaonuo took the ring Today is for you to witness my proposal Xiaonuo, you took the ring? Yes, but Why didn’t you tell me? Mom

Didn’t you say you two were breaking up? What do you think? I didn’t agree to his proposal I took the ring, but threw it away Threw it away, why? You have no idea what’s going on I can’t explain it to you now, mom Stop arguing, calm down Stand up, Hao Ren

Stand up, child, come on Xiaonuo, I mean it Nonsense Why do you read your broken love letter again What are you doing? Disgusting me? I didn’t mean that Is that important? It’s not important I was saving you face, Hao Ren And let you go after dinner You’re shameless, aren’t you?

Sorry, please leave now Xiaonuo, don’t be rude Grandma, leave us alone I tell you, I’ll give you the ring back Don’t think if you propose in front of my family, I’ll forgive you and pretend that nothing had happened Xiaonuo, don’t be angry Grandma, aunt I’m sorry, I let everyone down today Hao Ren

Come here if you want dumplings I can’t eat What would you like to drink? Cafe Americano One moment please Miss Xie, you don’t look very well today Do I? Maybe I didn’t sleep well yesterday Miss Xie, what does Mr. Kim think He is very satisfied with you But there is one problem

Did your company have a debt unsettled before? Yes, there was a project that stopped Our company is afraid of this kind of problem it will cause legal disputes We hope you can solve the problem before we buy your company Otherwise, it may be difficult for us to cooperate Is there any other way?

It’s the company’s decision, and I can’t help it Ok, I’ll talk to Lao Dai as soon as I get back to the company Is Lao Dai the designer? Yes, yes, yes I think he’s good to you Is he your husband? No, no, no, you misunderstood

We are friends who have worked together for many years It’s not easy for you to support the company alone What can I do I’m used to it By the way, Miss Xie, I have something for you This is the original product of our company Hope you like it

Is this designed by that designer? Yes, all the original products of our company are designed by Lao Dai It seems that he is not good for nothing How about the company? They said we had to settle the debt ourselves before investing Is there no other way? Can they invest first?

No, and that’s the situation anyway Anyway we have to pay back a million first Hey, this is Don’t sigh, I’ll do something, okay? As one door closes, another door opens Don’t sigh There must be a way Xiaonuo I’m already asleep, mom Why did you go to bed so early today?

Yes, I’m very sleepy today Hello, master Master, master Master, you hit me Why are you shouting? Louder For what? I won’t I beg your pardon? Leave me alone Shut up, you hear me? Shut up What’s this? What’s your name? My name is Tony How old are you? 7 Are you married?

I don’t understand, master Don’t shout, shut up Don’t let my mother here, understand? Shut up, shut up, shut up Hello, Mr. Li I’m Xie Xiaonuo I have the copyright of an original toy I wonder if you are interested Xiaonuo I don’t know what she’s tossing about every day Don’t you sleep?

No way, time is tight and the task is heavy The school has many tasks this year I want to finish more in the first half of the year Leave more time to take care of the baby in the second half of the year OK, I know you’ve worked hard However, our internal organs

Have been detoxified since ten o’clock Staying up late is bad for your health I know, but special treatment in special times You go to bed early The main reason is that our baby can’t stay up late Then I’ll go to bed first Remember to drink the milk Good night Hello, Miss Xie Hello

This way please, Miss Xie That’s ok I’m here to tell you something Please I contacted a toy company for you and I showed them your toys They are very interested They want to buy your original brand And the price is very high If you like this can not only solve your debt problem

But also promote our cooperation That’s it if there’s no problem I can contact them as soon as possible No, Miss Xie We won’t sell this brand Why We never intended to sell it And this brand has always been in charge of Lao Dai But this opportunity is very important to you

Would you like to discuss it with him again? Discuss it with him Miss Xie, you don’t know him Thank you so much for being so concerned about it Well, forget it That’s ok I just wanted to promote our cooperation In that case, I’ll go OK, Miss.Xie, I’ll see you off Miss Xie

Miss Xie, what’s going on so early? Nothing No What? What about the ring? Ring? What ring? Miss Ha, you go back first. I’ll talk to her Ok Then you send Miss Xie What did you say? Can you give me back my ring? That, that ring It’s not with me Where is it?

It’s with someone else now How could it be with someone else? How much? How much is that ring? You convert it into RMB and I’ll give you the money I don’t want money, I want my ring I don’t know, it’s not with me Then just bring it back, bring it back to me

I can’t get it back Why can’t you get it back? I gave that ring away Are you okay? This is not your ring, why did you give it away? Are you sick? Why did you hit me? It’s just a ring How much is it? I’ll give it to you You are rich

Why did you give away my ring if so? Are you sick? I think you have a personality problem Why do I have personality problems? I found the ring and I wanted to give it back to you, didn’t I? You didn’t want it, did you? Do you remember that day?

I didn’t want it, but it was also my ring And it’s not your ring You can’t give it to others Bring it back to me I have a very honest character I have a very honest character I I just need give it back to you, right? What are you talking about? Nothing, nothing

All right, Miss Xie I’ll contact you later, take your time Why did you come to my office? Have a sit, Lao Dai What do you have to do with Miss Xie? Nothing I think She has a bad impression of you Who knows I don’t know, we’re at odds I just came across her

I told you last time What about the ring? Nothing, in the bar I was playing magic Do you want to date her in the bar? Date her? What’s wrong with me? A bachelorette like her is a terrorist who retaliates against society Who are you talking about? Not you At least you’ve been married

Don’t be unkind Miss Xie is very kind to us OK, I’ll apologize to her later, OK? Tell me Today, Miss Xie What was she doing here? Nothing Don’t always sigh. It’s okay I think the more difficult we are the more we have to struggle and the more we have to have the ambition

It’s easy to say Lao Dai What if our company is closed? Don’t worry, it won’t happen I mean if If If our company closes, I’ll jump from here Give myself to the earth This is the third floor. Crippled if jumping from here at most I thought I thought I had my own career

I could be fearless But I finally found that family is the woman’s last destination I found you a little sentimental these days I can’t help it. I’m a woman, too Tell me the truth, do you want to get married? Want to have a husband and children, right? Go to hell

What’s the matter? It’s not embarrassing to tell the truth I’d like to marry, but no one wants to marry me It’s true It’s a problem You can jump now Fine, I won’t jump yet I’m going to help you find a way The money Don’t worry, as one door closes, another door opens

Long time no see, Mr. Zhang Yes, yes Please have a seat You’ve been doing well lately It’s nothing Just received an order of Disney That’s great Say what you want to say, Dai I have another meeting later. I don’t have much time Got it, got it

Don’t worry, I won’t waste you too much time That’s it Well, Dai You take and sell it on the street If you can get 200 yuan each Let’s talk about this toy again Right? Mr. Zhang Sorry, I have something else to do Sorry By the way, Dai It doesn’t work

The design company like yours will fail soon It doesn’t work See you later Disney doesn’t work Hello, sir, would you like to order? If I gave this to you what food would you give me What do you mean? Don’t you have money, sir? No, I mean

If I gave this to you this toy Then what food will you give me Is an egg OK? Are you going out with your suitcase? No It’s not luggage, it’s toys Why did you bring toys here? Nothing Why are you depressed? Nothing Laomao Can you lend me What Nothing

Tell me, what do you want to borrow? Nothing I just lent you money Won’t you borrow it again? No, how could I Give me some wine Water? Water is free, but wine costs money I want some wine I’ll pay And I’ll give you the money back

Please give me a whisky without ice, sir Ok, a whisky No, two whiskies Ok, two whiskies Laomao, give me a pen, please What do you want? Leave me alone Give me 1 million RMB, and I will be your lover Let’s go to my house What are you thinking? Nothing I’m leaving So early?

I’m so tired Beauty, two whiskies for you Ouch Nowadays newspapers are worse than before There are advertisements everywhere Marriage and love survey of high-end people Now the real-name marriage network has become an important way or single men and women to find their partner Miss Xie Just a cup of coffee?

Order everything you want, it’s my treat No, what do you want from me? Go ahead Nothing Miss Xie I want to talk to you You also basically understand the situation of our company I want to discuss with you again Can we cooperate first? Can you invest first? We can consider

Making concessions on equity My equity That’s impossible Don’t say that Our company won’t agree Then I’ll borrow the money okay? After the product is put into production I’ll make it up Sorry Don’t say sorry, I I know you’re embarrassed But my power is limited Yes, I got it This one is great

This one too Unmarried, 31 He is a doctor and a financier It’s so good He and your little aunt are just made in heaven Save it, save it Come on, come on It seems that the Internet is really a good thing Grandma, how many more do you want? 183

Give me the iPad. I want to play games The more, the better Don’t you want your little aunt to find a good man? Then she can’t marry them all That’s why we have to choose By the way, you can’t tell your little aunt about it Do you hear me? I think

You should consider selling the original copyright Selling the original copyright? That’s impossible Can’t sell That’s like my own child I’ve been in charge for this so many years Why is this impossible? The company offered good terms And this original brand can’t be developed well by small companies like yours

You might as well sell it to someone else Wait, wait What do you mean? What company? What terms? Didn’t Ha Le tell you? No You know it now What do I know? Make this a condition? How can this be sold? I can’t sell it anyway Do you think

It’s worth a lot of money? It’s worthy or not This is priceless to me Money or beauty can’t change this Whatever You take yourself too seriously What? Nothing I didn’t take myself too seriously You are too young to understand it Miss Xie In this world, money is not the only measure of value

I didn’t do this for money A broken house is priceless Because it’s my own home It’s also my hard work and effort My joys and sorrows It’s impossible to sell it anyway Thank you I’m wasting your time And I said, it’s my treat Idiot What happened? Tell me

Did Xie Xiaonuo tell you about selling copyright My original copyright You know that? Why didn’t you tell me? Why are you hiding it from me? How many times have I told you that my original copyright can’t be sold It’s priceless. It’s my work Who said I was going to sell it?

I turned her down If I wanted to sell it, I would have sold it You refused? Crap She’s looking for trouble Who dares to sell it? I know you That’s all your babies What are you doing? Liquidate the company’s assets See if we can pay our debts in the future

We have to be ready, Lao Dai What Don’t worry Our company won’t go bankrupt. I have a way You always say you have a way Your house certificate, land certificate and mortgage agreement have been signed Then I’m going through the mortgage formalities for you now Ok Ok What you need to know

Is that the amount of house mortgage is 1.2 million and the term is one year If you can’t repay when due your property right is ours Your property will also be auctioned If you have no questions about these just sign here Hello What are you doing, honey I I’m working overtime

Why is it so late? I am busy recently I have nothing to do tomorrow. Shall we go to the movies? I’m not free tomorrow I have to work overtime during the day Why are you working overtime again? What do you mean by working overtime every day? It’s true

Are you hiding something from me? Of course not The boss called me, bye Sir I must be here this afternoon You’re paying us salaries this afternoon I will go What happened, Fang Jia That’s it You’re calling at work again Manager, I’m sorry That was very urgent Please forgive me

You’ve been late and left early several times these days Do you still want to work here? Leave if you don’t want to Yes, yes Manager, this has changed Has it? Yes, yes, yes Is your hair freshly cared? Yes I just found out This is the Korean style You have a funny face

Nice, nice, nice Let me see Where did you buy such beautiful clothes? Look at this mirror This way, right? This button! Fasten it Then you’ll find Why did your cell phone ring again? No, my cell phone didn’t ring Look at you Your cell phone is ringing No, no, no

All right, do your job Sir Who are you looking for, sir? Is Xie Xiaonuo there? Xie Xiaonuo Yes You mean Miss Xie Yes, Miss Xie Have you made an appointment with Miss Xie? Are you an expert clinic? Why do I need an appointment? I’m not here to see a doctor

No, I don’t have an appointment I’m just looking for her Sorry, Miss Xie is very busy Her schedule is all set You don’t have an appointment today Maybe Well, I’ll call her Where is Miss Xie’s office, please Hello Xie Xiaonuo, it’s me Dai Gushun What? I’m under you now Sorry

I came to register without an appointment I want to talk to you May I come into your office?? Yes Ok, thank you How can I get there, please? This way, please There are stairs Ok, thank you Someone came to the queen without making an appointment Come on, Mr. Kim needs an appointment

It won’t be the queen’s new It won’t Security room? Does the man who just came in have an appointment? You let him in without an appointment? Don’t you understand the company’s rules? How many times do I have to say it? Don’t explain. You don’t have to come to work tomorrow What’s the matter?

Let me show you something You mortgaged your house? Yes Do you think this is OK? I will implement this matter with the finance department as soon as possible If the debt of your company has been cleared I will report it to the leader as soon as possible Ok Please tell Ms. Ha Le

That I will do my best to buy the company Reassure her Ok There’s one more thing I need to tell you According to the agreement if we can successfully buy your company you need to participate in the toy design of our company Ok, I knew it But I have one condition Please

After the acquisition your company can’t interfere with my original design After I finish the design task of your company I have the right to freely allocate my time That’s to say You don’t have a veto on my original design I know you like to deny others

Mr. Dai, I don’t know what this has to do with our cooperation First of all, I have no interest in your personal time and hobbies Besides, I don’t have time to deny your original design I think what you said is a little puzzling Actually, I mean I have to make some comments

Or I always feel suffocated Miss Xie Come in The meeting room is ready, Miss Xie Amy make me Yaya Oh, my God Yaya Ya, ya, ya Miss Xie, I’ll clean it up now I’ll clean it up now I’ll do it No, no, no I’ll do it myself Yaya Sofia, Sofia, Sofia Sofia, what?

You two should be familiar I don’t have to introduce it again, do I? Yes, yes No, no Don’t you know me? I got it Because that night that night I’m not interested in your private affairs I don’t want this to affect my judgment of partners In addition, I don’t want my employees

To bring emotions outside of work to work Ok What? This is a misunderstanding Actually, that night Mr. Dai, here is our company. Please be self-dignified You can go if you have nothing to do No, I can’t go I have to explain it clearly That night Miss Xie, Mr. Kim is calling for you

May I put you through? No, I’ll get it outside Dad, what are you doing here? Miss Xie is going to buy our toy company Right, you told me you work here Dad, you can’t tell her about our relationship You know that Why Don’t you see she had a misunderstanding about us now?

She had a misunderstanding about you Because you didn’t tell her the truth that day You didn’t tell her I am your father No What? I said you were a hooligan Yes, I remember Then you should make it clear to her now It’s too late to explain it You don’t know

Miss Xie hates people lying Our company has Three No principles No emotional No shirking of responsibility No deceive Violation of any rule will result in dismissal The turnover of our company is like turning a book If she knew I lied to her I’ll be fired I finally got this job

You don’t want me to be dismissed, do you? I see You use me to trap the wolf No, dad Can’t you sacrifice for your daughter’s work? Well, I wash the dishes for a month Ok? Just a month So? How about a year A year? Can it be that simple? I have one condition

Ok, tell me Promise me first No dealings with Fang Jia from today on You promised me What are you doing? This is a company, not a bar Yes, here’s a company, I’ll go Wait You can’t go now Why Mr. Kim called me He said he wanted to talk to you

But I suggest you let Ms. Ha Le come Why No reason Ok, I got it In fact, there is a misunderstanding between us I must explain it clearly Actually, that night Will you or I call Ms. Ha I’ll call her You can go out Sofia, Sofia What? Did you see? What?

The man upstairs Who? Listen to me Isn’t the man upstairs particularly tasty? Tasty? What? Feet taste? You don’t understand. It’s a man’s charm Who is he? The queen’s new boyfriend? The number you dialed is not in the service area There’s no way. It seems that

I’ll be the only one to talk to Mr. Kim Yaya Yaya, come here, I have something to tell you Yaya Yaya Yaya Yaya, sorry, I have something to tell you Yaya, I’m sorry. I need to talk to you Yaya Oh, no, dad’s still upstairs What should I do

Yaya, I know you don’t want to see me because of him But please come out I’ll be out of here when I’m done talking to you So romantic Hello Hello, you know… You know what you should do Yes, I know We have promised Yes, I know Do you understand Yes He looks handsome

No way I think his haircup looks a little pompous Yaya, I know he’s always looked down on me I want him to hear me You all think I’m unreliable But I am going to tell him Fang Jia, what are you doing I am not useless What do you want

Get out there. I’ll talk to you Don’t say anything Yaya What do you want Come with me Let’s go to have a look That night is it because of this Yes, that’s right. It’s him Did you hear me This kid’s giving me a fight right now He is declaring war on me

Do you know what his job is He is DJ working at disco You are no better than he is Am I not better than him Can he compare with me At least I have my own career I can give her a happy family

How can you make a happy home when you have a mortgage on your house You don’t understand Do you have any water No There’s a water dispenser, isn’t there Get it by yourself I forgot to tell you the water dispenser, is broken. We have only hot water

What do I say to him when I see him Say what you have to say What is that supposed to say Figure it out by yourself Fang Jia, what are you doing What do you want? My dad is inside I saw him This is for him I am not going anywhere

I’m here to make it clear today What do you want to say Fang Jia, I am telling you We’re done with each other Please don’t come to me again And I have a friend now Hi, I’m her new friend Wait Let me get you clear Are you her new friend

Or her new boyfriend Fang Jia, what’s wrong with you Is there any problem in your mind I have problems everywhere Don’t you notice What the hell are you doing here Sophia Let go of her Sophia You surprise me You even change your name after entering this foreign company I ask you

Do you know that guy? Do you know him Who Why don’t you understand Don’t I make it clear to you Yaya It’s the two of us living together Your father has nothing to do with this, do you understand How can it be okay if he’s my dad Are you being foolish today

What’s wrong Yes, he is my boyfriend My dad likes him What’s the matter Are you okay Is it true If he is your boyfriend If he is the person your dad likes do you like him Do you like him Yes, I like him. Get out I see

You and your father both think I’m a jerk Is it right You don’t think what I’ve done is meaningful Do you want to marry the guy like him I will marry her if she wants to marry me I wish you happy How’s that young man in your company Our Marketing Department is weird

I thought the queen’s ex-boyfriend was a freak I didn’t think it could get any weirder Sophia Sophia Let me ask you something Is that guy a good person Can you stop talking? What does it matter to you What do you think where you are This is a company

Not the place to settle your personal emotional affairs You are all unbelievable What are you going to do Yes, boss Call Sophia come to me What are you doing Why did you call her up here Do you want to fire her Don’t be impulsive Calm down I think a leader

Must investigate the situation before making any decision I don’t need you to tell me what to do I am not guiding you Actually, I was trying to talk to you Sophia is a good worker I don’t have a special relationship with her I just want to explain it to you

I had a few drinks the other night I was making fun of her We don’t know each other What’s the matter I am telling you The queen was on the phone for you She seems very angry She’s not gonna fire me, is she I tell you

She is willing to accept gentle persuasion rather than coercion You have to admit your mistake to her No, what am I supposed to tell her I am telling you I’m sure she’ll get fired She just got the job, didn’t she She still has two months left on her internship Is that so

At least let her finish her internship Give her a chance Don’t be impulsive You know a lot about her I don’t know. I don’t know I think you are kind to her No I thought you gave her my ring Boss Boss I made mistakes today I was wrong

I know I have caused you and the company trouble But it’s the best job I’ve had since I left school I really cherish it I think our company is good I think the atmosphere of the company is good and my boss is good I can learn so much here I hope

You can give me another chance Then I’ll try harder But if you don’t forgive me then I won’t trouble you I resign You can see I’m all typed up She’ll forgive you The company also needs youth and vitality Does she work for me or for you Of course. She works for you

I don’t want it happen again Did you hear her. Work hard There’s one more thing I want you to know You are young Don’t be fooled by some middle-aged man He is old enough to be a father He looks as if he had money

In fact, his company is on the verge of collapse His house was also mortgaged What did you do to the house What’s the matter with you Boss, Mr. Jin is coming. Please go to the conference room Go to work Mr. Jin is here She is here Did you get fired. It’s not working

Why are you laughing Guess I can’t know. Tell me. What’s going on You know so much about her You know what? Your method works like a charm I gave her my fake eye contact and she fell on my trick How can you be so naughty How do you thank me

All right. I’ll buy you dinner It’s a big dinner Let me just put my stuff away Dear Arale Alright Work Xiaonuo Time for dinner Stop playing and have your dinner I was going to your office today Then I went to a meeting with Xie Xiaonuo I saw chairman Jin He is Korean

He speaks Korean I showed them my abilities I rammed out my ideas You were not there I tell you They were all shocked I’m sure the translator did a pretty good job Mr. Jin was convinced You can tell by the look on his face Xie Xiaonuo was also convinced

There is one more thing How about Xiao Li in your company Since you just started to work I think you made a good choice He is better than Fang Jia What’s going on with the house mortgage I am talking to you about Fang Jia Listen, Xiao Li looks nice Fang Jia is nothing

He shouted at me I am asking you What’s going on with the house mortgage Listen to me He took a loudspeaker to your company to shout Won’t he consider if he would trouble you What’s going on with the house mortgage Nothing I am talking to you about Fang Jia

At least Xiao Li has a job Is this only your house This is my home and my mother’s home You took out a mortgage on our house Where did we live Why do you worry so much You will always have a place to sleep You have father

I won’t let you live on the streets That’s what your dad was responsible for Fang Jia can do nothing for you Can he work like me I hope he could He is useless Dai Gushun Please don’t try to avoid my question by these stupid ways How could I be stupid

You are an over forty-year-old man Do you think you are still a kid Do you think I am a kid I am asking you What’s going on with the house mortgage It’s for my company It’s for my career and dream No Can you stop using your ideals to satisfy your little child’s mind

No, what kind of business do you have You design that stuff every day Do you think you’re an international designer Did you sell anything You’re mortgaging your house now What else do you have You have nothing Since you have nothing why do you disdain that Fang Jia has nothing

Why don’t you let me stay with him How can you talk to me in this way I am your father Are you going to tell me you’re Dai Yaya’s father When you pick up girls in bars and when you’re talking to a beautiful woman why didn’t you remember you’re my father

You are old enough Have you ever taken responsibility for what you’ve done Do you look like a dad If I was my mom I’d get depressed No more drinking You’re gonna go crazy after drinking too much What’s wrong with you Tell me about it It’ll make you feel better There’s nothing to say

You don’t want to hear it I want to hear it I’ll listen today Come on What do you think of Yaya Is she a good girl Yaya is definitely a good kid She is good She is good Do you know how old she was when she got to me Eight years old

I remembered her grandmother was leading her to me She hid behind her grandmother Her grandmother told her to call daddy She didn’t know me but then she called me dad After she called me, she ducked back and looked at me I felt like I was sorry to her mother For the kid

I’m just gonna take good care of her I can’t let her wronged anymore Never let her suffer any injustice I know I was there for her I didn’t do anything but grow up with her The child hid in the toilet and cried during her first period I ran to the supermarket

And bought her all the menstrual pads What did I do I threw them one by one through the toilet window That little punk in high school harassed her I was so rude I rushed in and slapped all of them I almost knocked their teeth out Did she worship you from then on

I don’t know if she worships me or not But she became close to me Do you know why I like making toys Why Because of Yaya We had just moved and there were buildings all around We didn’t know anyone I stayed with my child since she didn’t have any friends

I made her toys and played with her She loved the toys I made for her I made her a bunny She cuddled with it every day and night She talked to her She had to kiss it before she went to bed When she was young

She wrote a composition called The Greatest Person in The World Do you know who she wrote Who It was me My father is the greatest man in the world He is a toy maker It’s like painters and writers and sculptors in the world It is an artist A great artist

That’s how she saw me when she was a kid Now I am a fart What about that artist I am nothing Because of this DJ boy She said I was nothing Not only she thinks I’m nothing but I think I’m nothing Yes, Laomao I’ve never doubted myself in my life

What am I to you I lost my business. I lost my house I lost my daughter I’m telling you my life is this shit and it’s not fresh It’s dry shit Sorry Lady, I’ll buy you a drink Naughty boy Xiaonuo Good You’re finally acting like women I am a woman Is that necessary

Of course it’s necessary Since you’re going to have a new start you should take it serious Come in Mother What’s this How do you like Where did you get it From Internet, how do you think I think he’s the first one Yeah, he’s perfect for you

Mom, all that stuff on the Internet is a lie It can make flowers to be cow dung Can I believe this You can rest assured of that I let Duoduo do make an investigation in the real-name system of marriage online one by one, no any problem You made Duoduo do this for you

Yes. What’s the matter What are you thinking about I… Mom, I just broke up with Haoren I don’t want a boyfriend right now Why Xiaonuo, take a seat I have to tell you You think Since you have broken up with Haoren so many times It means you are not the perfect couple

For each other So just forget about him I am telling you Your feet know which shoes fit best So you should try a few more and you’ll know which one is comfortable Mom, that’s not the problem right now The problem is I have blisters all over my feet

No pair of shoes fit me You got blisters. Let me see Mom, what are you doing I just don’t want to wear shoes Do you understand My bare feet are comfortable It’s comfortable without wearing shoes Do you understand Xiaonuo, I am telling you If your feet really have blisters

You need to pick it with a needle Let the water out The bubble would be gone slowly Your feet will be comfortable at the end Trust me I am right You see, this one’s job is related to water conservancy I think he is good. I… Why are you looking at me like this

Mom I am tired Why I am really tired I get tired every time you ask Because I know I say the same thing every day Do you know You showed me a desert I’m going back to bed Don you know that I…

I had a hard labor when I gave birth to you. Was it easy for me Was it easy for me I know you are bothered You don’t listen to anything I say What can I do Your father died young I have the whole family on me

What should I do to this big family It’s not easy for a woman to live by her own Only I know how hard it is I want to tell you something, but none of you will listen to me You don’t understand Mom Mom, don’t cry Will you stop crying I am wrong

I’ll go if you want me to, okay Really But I have one request What’s it You should make a meeting of those people in one afternoon Is it okay if I meet them all in different sessions Why’s that I am busy I don’t have much spare time There is a advantage

Like our interview It’s fast and efficient It’s easy for me to find the outstanding person Alright Xiaonuo, I’m confused today Why did you listen to mom this time What can I do There’s nothing I can do about her as soon as mom said I had a hard birth with you

Does this thing work without sticking to my face You can rest assured of it This is the latest skin rejuvenation technique in our beauty salon The effect is quite good Is that so? It sounds fashion Look at you. You know nothing but work No wonder you can’t get married I think

Marriage should be natural Why are you pushing me every day You know what This year the birth ratio of boys to girls is one hundred and seventeen to one hundred What does it mean That means by the year of 2020 thirty million men are single Thirty million! How can’t I find a husband

Forget it It’s not your turn to worry about what happen in twenty years Don’t you know A 40-year-old man can find a 20-year-old woman What about 40-year-old women They’re hard to get a old man The old saying is true It’s the perfect time for a forty-year-old man Did you see your brother-in-law

He is at his perfect moment Do you know what they call him What Handsome man Yes, that’s right Work hard This electric curtain is my selling point If your quality improves there will be no problem with my balance payment The balance will be fine and your bonus will be fine Hold it easy

A little more high High up Left Alright Shanshan, what are you doing here I just came by for a tour It seems Mr. Liu is doing quite well in business No It’s fine It’s pretty dirty in here Let’s go out and talk Sure Excuse me.This way please Good You’re finally acting like women

I am a woman Is that necessary Of course it’s necessary Since you’re going to have a new start you should take it serious Alright What brings this beautiful lady here Nothing Here’s your rent There’s no rush Sooner or later, rent has to be paid You’re charging me one thousand yuan a month

For the house with three bedrooms and one living room If you don’t take it I would be so worried Alright I’ll have it to make you a good day But don’t you say you are moving away next month Yes. I am about to move in the middle of next month

I have to live there about ten days Then I’ll cut you in half No This is for you Please take it No Go back to your work Shanshan What about having a dinner What would you like to drink A bottle of ice water A bottle of ice water for this lady Yes

Line up It’s fine there Fight him Can you come back Here is your ice water Waiter, why don’t you go see what’s going on Are you alright, brother Dai Who put me in this dark room My boss What’s wrong with him Hello Hello Hello Hello I am sorry I was just hit by a car I can’t be there. I’m sorry. Bye Hello Lady are you here for a blind date

AFK (Away from the keyboard) We’ll talk about it at home You woke up What are you talking about Are you crazy You know I’m drunk And you put me in a dark room Don’t you know I’m scared There were no windows in that room You’re trying to scare me Hey

Who set you in that room You came there by yourself No body pushes you You were happy when you went in There was no feeling of phobia at all I came there Yes Help me take a look at this How am I supposed to cuddle with her for a selfie

Did I really go into that room alone last night What do you think Why are you laughing What’s going on with this money Why do I have hundreds yuan in my wallet Where are they from I blacked out. I can’t remember. Don’t laugh You’re awake now Rich woman with Maserati

With a lot of cash Actually, I didn’t think how could you be down to such extent Am I down now What do you mean What’s going on Please tell me Hello I notice there are no normal people in this bar Why does she wear sunglasses in day time. She will be falling Stop

If there were normal people why are you here Get me a glass of water Don’t you want more wine No Get a glass of water and an ice cube. I need to wake up I’ll see if I can recall what happened last night Miss Xie nice to meet you. I am Tony

The woman makes blind date one of her jobs It looks like a job interview It seems pretty formal Don’t talk to me Excuse me Welcome Coffee, please How many minutes does the guy have for the interview Miss Xie is beautiful. Your skin looks good You don’t look at all like a woman

Of thirty-one years old I am twenty-nine years old Five minutes is the limit for him Excuse me Here is your coffee Don’t I look like my picture It’s me That’s my work picture Mom put it up for me Do you smoke No I don’t smoke either You know people at our age

Have troubles from their parents We have no choice but go to a blind date A lot of blind dates We know what’s going on But we lie to ourselves Miss Xie, if you don’t mind could I take a picture with you so I can go back to make my mother happy Alright

I’ll have one, too Miss Xie, would you please take off your sunglasses I… You’re so pretty. Take it off No way Do you know her She is the one that day throwing the ring Is that her How did she change What happened to her short hair It’s her wig Wig Beautiful You too

I am talking about me She looks prettier on this outfit Do you want to have a try Maybe you can earn more money Go away I think you should try Try another one Which one That one Well, let’s call it a day I am leaving Will you Go away

It’s glad to meet you, bye Take care Welcome next time Your beard is so sexy Is that so Yes Let’s take a picture together Take a picture here Here Excuse me Don’t be afraid. It’s me One Two I hate you You look good in long hair Lao Dai

Why are you on a blind date here I thought you were just here to work What’s wrong with you? Get out of my way What’s wrong with that What’s so normal about blind dates He is a nice guy Why don’t you like him Why do you let him go

What are you talking about Nothing I think he’s feminine and you’re masculine You are perfect Get out What’s the matter if I am masculine What’s wrong if I have a blind date Yes, he is good He works in finance. He has a car and a house He earns a good living

He doesn’t sell sex like some people do Who are you talking about Who sell sex Is this your wallet What’s wrong There is lots of cash It’s easy to earn money like you What do you mean What do I do Why do you talk about nonsense Excuse me Here comes my next candidate

Get out Hello, it’s me I am here Alright Why do you do that You gets troubles Here is one hundred yuan Tell me what happened last night Two hundred yuan I want to know Why did I sell sex Listen to me Go home first You were here all day long yesterday

Yaya would miss you if you don’t go home She will not miss me What are you doing here Watching What’s that smile? Pavarotti is here I raised my child alone Now I just want to find a good mother for him I can’t see this Marry me. I’ll be nice to you Marry me

Marry me -I’ll be nice -It’s my turn He is covered in fat I’m covered in muscles Flute? Xiao? Which one is he playing? I have nothing but money If you marry me I promise you a good life You will get cars and houses Have a daughter, a million

A son, five millions It’s so late Why doesn’t Xie Xiaonuo come back Mom, are those people you found online reliable Is there any pervert in them Of course not I chose them online with Liu Xieduoduo Come on You and Liu Xieduoduo One old, one child. How can you choose for her?

She hasn’t come back so late Maybe she had a crush on someone Now they are watching a movie How could that be Don’t you know Xie Xiaonuo She seemed to have done physical work after a day’s interview Am I right? Is it so hard to find a satisfactory one

Come on. Not so good is also ok Not so good is also ok Then why don’t you just find one Still single That’s not easy I’m just waiting for my Suancai She’s been gone for more than ten years You still waiting for her Just ten years

The memory she left me is enough for me to live I’m not lonely at all What memory did she leave She just made you a northeast accent Lao Mao, you are from Shanghai Now you have a northeast accent It can be seen how much this woman affected you

You are still waiting for her Fine Don’t mention her again It’s getting late You should go back I’m tired today If there’s nothing to do later I’ll go back to rest too I won’t go back. You haven’t told me yet Tell you what What happened last night

Open a bottle of XO for me, okay? Why didn’t you say it earlier We are good mates 50% off I’ll drink with you Ok This is how it happened Just this? What did you think? Impossible, absolutely impossible Absolutely impossible What did I think Who knows? I don’t understand too

But why you cried in her arms after two drinks From how you knew your wife To how did she die And how you get Yaya back Formed the company, sold the house You told her everything Her eyes were puffy from crying It’s real. She looked sadder than you And then? Then she cried

And gave you all the cash she had She said you are a good father She wanted to use this money to help you out You can pay her back when you’re better And then? Then Me, what did I do Then it was light She left by driving Maserati

Then it was dawn and she drove away Yes It’s not so bad Why does this sound so unreal to me Unreal You think what is real Miss Xie Miss Xie Are you Miss Xie? What time is it? Sorry, you’re late My working hours are over Working hours Isn’t this a blind date

No difference excuse me Miss Xie Are you kidding me? It seems that sometimes a little fantasy is better than reality I’m back How I knew you are all here To prove that I was serious about dating and what I said is true I recorded a video of everyone

Thirteen people, six hours and thirty-eight minutes Enjoy it All in all What happened today is a very meaningful experience for me I suddenly found that there are so many strange creatures in the world that I have never been in contact with Because of the shocking education of this activity to me

I decided, from now on You, you and you No matter who Don’t even want me to go on a blind date again If you let me go on a blind date again I’d rather go back to find Hao Ren Ok. The above is my acceptance speech Oh no, it’s blind date speech

I’m going back to bed You can enjoy the video I believe it will bring you a very pleasant evening Good night Survey it What kind of freaks are these You keep watching I can’t hold it I can’t afford to stay What kind of freaks are you found I know

I know Xie Xiaonuo is busy But I’m not busy We should check before let her meet them Ok. You, you Starting tomorrow You two get ready, let’s What? Help Xie Xiaonuo choose a husband Mom Baby What? Mum wants you guys to go on a blind date for Xiaonuo All women together Good idea

Not good at all Isn’t this crazy I think it’s good Xiaonuo doesn’t have time All right, I don’t want to talk with you My mom is always right in your mind Of course I can’t comment mum too much More talk, more mistakes You are kind You can tolerate me

Honey, I want to tell you something Say Do you remember the beauty salon where I often go to the spa Yes Is the landlady very beautiful Just so so, not so beautiful What? You need top-up the card? I’d better stop talking Stop prevaricating I’m not your mum, come on Insane Stop reading

The landlady Her child is going to primary school She needs to back to her hometown to take care of the children I think duoduo has grown up I can’t help him solve those math problems I got you Do you want to buy that store I didn’t say that It’s good Really You think

You stay at home every day and have nothing to do It’s fun to go out and do something But if I do this Who will take care of you and the child You don’t have to stay there everyday Ask someone to take care of it for you We don’t need those money

Your happiness is everything Ok. I will buy the store for you Don’t regret it It’s hard to find another good husband like me in the world “I don’t? I don’t? wanna grow up” “Lao Dai: Sorry!” Dad When did you get the hobby picking up girls Since you were young Or after you’re old

Of course when I’m old Who says I like picking up girls You don’t admit it How did you catch up with my mother Because I’m handsome Come on Handsome and sincere I moved your mother with sincerity What did you do On one occasion We ate and drank with many friends

Your mum drank too much I sent her home That’s all? That’s all Isn’t that what you should do What I should It’s miles away We didn’t have the money to take a taxi, you know No matter how far away, you still should do that Why was my mother moved Why she couldn’t

She threw up on the way and I patted her on the back That’s all I won’t be moved if a boy does this to me Of course you won’t Dad did all the good things you can enjoy for you Of course you won’t feel special when other boys pay their addresses to you

Reasonable How can I find a good husband like you, dad I’m not good Mortgaged the house It’s nothing When your toy sales are getting better Our house will come back What if those toys can’t be sold Can’t be sold Then let’s sleep in the office Because you are my father Silly girl

Dad, do you remember my favorite game when I was a child You liked to play house and be a bride In fact, this is also my greatest ideal now I quite envy Xie Xiaonuo She has her own career and her own dream But I don’t know what I should do I just think

I like beautiful clothes Like delicious food Then I will find someone I love in the future Hold a romantic wedding Then have a baby I think my life can end like that Dad, do you think this dream is particularly useless In fact, dad doesn’t care if your dream is useful Dad just

Wants you to be happy In fact, I was very happy when I was with Fang Jia I mean a lifetime of happiness, okay How can anyone be happy all his life Why can’t I think you will be very happy if you are with Ha Le mother Why do you say this Nothing

I just think she’d love to be with you Otherwise why doesn’t she get married for so long time She is a good woman In fact, some people are destined to be friends all their life It has nothing to do with personality, appearance or money I think Fate But I think if you are

Really with her Will I be jealous What will you be jealous of I feel so complicated It’s like someone is going to marry my daughter Stop laughing And I heard that someone will be promoted in the future Hide, come on Welcome, president Dai What? What are you doing?

Lao Dai, the company owed you this time Xie Xiaonuo has contacted me They’ll have someone here in two days to rearrange the office Our crisis is officially lifted Just this? I thought you all won the lottery Will we be a foreign company in the future Yes. Should we have to punch in

You guys think too much You really give me a feeling that you don’t know the hatred of lost Ok Just treat it as welfare Thank you, boss Stop. Don’t thank me We’re not your boss anymore You can call us sister Ha, brother Dai But don’t call us boss, remember

No. You will always be our boss in our hearts I tell you again We’re really not your boss anymore Do what you should do, go What? Nothing Really? You looked a little upset just now Lao Dai, I suddenly thought too much just now Our company is almost ten years old

Why is it going to be purchased all of a sudden I feel Anyway Thank you I wouldn’t be able to hold on for so many years without you What are you talking about. We are old friends You don’t need to thank me Too polite Yes We have been old friends so many years

I’m rarely so polite to you We can only be old friends How did you get that million You want to know Don’t tell anyone Say Sell my body Hey, be serious. I’m not kidding. It’s real Am I not worth the money Stop kidding Oh, there’s something I need you to help me with

Say Will you accompany me to the mall after several days Mall Yes Why would you want to go there You never go to places like that This is a long story Just go with me Then you’ll know Fine Hello President Xie Yes, he is here OK, I’ll inform him right now Ok

Ok. Goodbye, president Xie It’s Xie Xiaonuo She asked you to go to the company later Hold a toy planning meeting Why you sit down She called me to work in their company so soon Why am I so angry This is called capitalists extracting surplus value Won’t give you a minute to breathe

Come on Didn’t we just sign the contract And now is the key time for the company Just be patient Yes. Of course I should go I just feel unhappy I won’t go with you later Watch yourself I find that Miss Xie is a little impatient Don’t joke with her

What can I joke with her I won’t What are you looking at It’s ok. You can go What kind of person is this He can’t. He seemed to be sleepwalking Next one This man is so absentminded Next Next Why nobody Didn’t you say there were more than twenty people waiting in line Yes

Go and have a look, come on Calm down -My baby -I’m here Don’t run Slow down I go to play games No Do your homework first, you hear me -Finish your homework -Brother-in-law Ready for the meeting, just waiting for you I Come here, come on It’s a meeting Sorry

Sorry, I don’t know I didn’t know there is a meeting Everyone is here, mainly Where is the old lady She is resting upstairs Her blood pressure is a little high She had a little excitement this afternoon What kind of excitement All right, let’s have a meeting now

If you have any ideas or suggestions you can start talking I think this is a completely wrong direction Xiaonuo is not bad Why do we have to go online to find a boyfriend for her Those people online are strange How can we find a good man You all saw

What kind of people came today. All weirdos Find online Who gave this bad better than another idea Good, pretty good So, what’s the topic today It’s about Xiaonuo’s blind date Mum wants to help her check those men first at home But those men who came are all weirdos

Recently, our school has been promoting that online love is risky, we should be careful when meeting I think it makes sense Make sense Make what sense The Internet is unreliable and the marriage agency is unreliable Nothing is reliable So Xiaonuo doesn’t need to have a love affair And doesn’t need to marry

You are all hindsight Not just say no Come up with a suggestion I think we should lock in a range when we help Xiaonuo find a boyfriend Only find elite Everyone here knows what conditions and character Xiaonuo is Only the most elite man can control her What you said is quite reasonable

If we introduce Xiaonuo to the regional general manager of Blizzard China She will certainly agree Brother in law, you’re right But where can we find this man Besides, people with that kind of conditions may not be able to fall in love with Xiaonuo According to you Bad man can’t, good man can’t

Anyway, Xie Xiaonuo can’t get married You all solved your own problems Have a good life So you don’t need to care about Xiaonuo No, mum We just throw away a brick in order to get a gem The key is to listen to you What should we do later Fine In this case

Let me say something This is our company’s main online game this year It is expected to go online next month Oh my god. If we are found, we will be scolded to death Just watch them for a while. It’s ok After I met that uncle I think no man in the world

Can be cooler than him Are you ok? Wait more a minute Uncle will talk later To attract some female players and peripheral product collectors This task is very urgent So, designer Dai I hope you can give me a plan of peripheral products as soon as possible Of course, our colleagues

In the design department will cooperate with you Here are some character models of these games Take a look Give me a plan in two days So, we We now begin to perform the contract Now I’m going to participate in the degisn of the products, right Yes I didn’t quite understand just now

Do you have any questions What do you say I’ll do in two days Submit design scheme General manager Xie, do you know what is the biggest disadvantage of this society What do you want to say? That is, there are a group of laymen who think they know this field

So they pretend experts to lead the real experts It’s a little complicated I think what you just said is very, very childish No artistic creation can be completed in two days without inspiration Sophia, I finally know why you like old men He is so cool No, he, I

I don’t like old men, are you I wrote a report just now Let me read it to you Mom, just a moment One moment After an afternoon of summary and self reflection I think About Xie Xiaonuo’s blind date I, Wang Xinyan as a leader made misleading mistakes in formulating principles and lines

Mom, we didn’t do well too I shouldn’t just look for strangers in the beginning Instead, we should make the best use of available resources Start from your side, find one by one That is, from today on Our whole family Our whole family must take action Liu Liu Yi, Guoqing Yes

Mum, we are both here You know a lot of people The people around you are of high quality and rich resources Liu Yi knows many big business owners and people in government and business And Guoqing knows a lot about literature Highly educated and intelligent scholars and experts

I hope you can collect as much information as possible about the single people among them for Xiaonuo And feedback timely In view of this The preliminary task indicator I have set for you two is to found three goals each in one week Don’t need any elite or VIP

Just equal in social status is ok Three? Mum, this is Mom, most of the students in Guoqing’s school are doctors They are not young when they graduate Especially the Department of Sinology Yes You can find out if you choose carefully Is there no single man in such a big university

It just depends on your attitude Mr. Dai, I don’t think you are in the right position on this issue What I asked you to do is not a work of art but a commodity It seems that its aesthetic value has nothing to do with your artistic preference You just need to finish it

Sorry, I can’t design this product You’d better hire someone else Mr. Dai, I think you should be able to adapt to your role change You’re working with a big company now You should know what team spirit is If you have a problem in one link

It will affect the operation plan of the whole company What I need now It is your ability to grasp the structure of physical toys and your professional quality Not your idea, okay Oh, I see What you need is a craftsman You use me to do this is the same as

Break a fly upon a wheel Since you don’t need my design concept I don’t need to get involved, do I Dai Gushun, please don’t misunderstand I’m your leader now. I’m ordering you Not bargaining with you Leader Xie, I feel you are angry Do you think saying you’re a craftsman belittles you

Let me tell you, you are a craftsman What you do is what craftsman do Did you serve in the military? If you didn’t, it’s ok You’re a soldier now All you need is obedience I don’t care what original design you did before Now you have to listen to me I’m your boss

Give me the plan in two days If you can’t You, and your team won’t get salary this month Sorry, general manager Xie If you are so autocratic I’ll apply for withdrawal from this design team I think if we should do this thing without showing any trace Xiaonuo has now made it clear that

She will not go on a blind date If we force her to go on a blind date What will happen Instead of getting married she will offend all the friends we introduce I mean We can hit on what she likes We lure Xiaonuo by work

Let her go on a blind date with the person we introduced forwardly, voluntarily, consciously Then everything will be ok Do you think my opinion is feasible -It’s not -Mum What do you think What resources do you have now Coincidentally, there happened to be a customer He is the general agent

Of network video south Double degree, and he is a returnee He is thirty-eight years old He complained to me two days ago Said his family force him to marry He is worried about this His condition is very good. Will he be satisfied with Xiaonuo Mum, I don’t know he will or not

We need to let them meet before Didn’t Xiaonuo say she wants to promote the game online Take this opportunity Let’s make a good match between them Match How can we make a match between them Like this You can quit But if you quit Your team must leave with you

May I see your leader I am your leader You have no right to report beyond your level Break up the meeting To design a game we must have a lively and flexible attitude Brother-in-law, Xiaonuo Come on It is just fine The best black tea I just got Come and have a taste

Let me try How Have you been working well lately Not bad We just bought a toy company Prepare to establish a design department Then publicity Brother-in-law, why do you suddenly ask this I just care about you Recently I have a new client who is in the same industry as you Really

Mr. Wang, he said that he is the general manager of the largest video website in southern China I know this man Their company is developing well It accounts for 13% of the market share Only advertising has surpassed other portal websites in one year It seems they want to be listed Good

You know it in detail Of course, this is my job Brother-in-law Are you familiar with him Not bad It’s this In fact, I’ve always wanted to establish a relationship with their company Our company’s new game wants to promote advertising on their website If it’s convenient Can you meet him, and I’ll try

He is very busy I, I’ll try, ok? Thank you, please I’ll buy you tea later You don’t need to do that I am your brother-in-law, and I should support your career development Besides, there’s mom’s face Terrific If anything happens to my sister I’ll help you

Ok, come on, wish you success in your career President Wang, I have made your situation clear to her But I have one thing to tell you first My sister-in-law is a bit of a workaholic You have to bear it Ok, ok No problem Ok That’s settled. Ok. Bye Husband, how’s the thing

It’s done. They’ll meet tomorrow Great I’ll tell Xiaonuo now Don’t be in a hurry You can tell her tomorrow morning Tomorrow Be formal Fine Come on, do yoga Build up a good physique and improve your health -No -Come on, stretch You did it yesterday Stretch, follow me This Ok Am I right Ugly

Arms, legs Enough, I can only reach here But why do I always think it’s inappropriate for us to do this We seem to be working together to cheat Xiaonuo If you say that No, you’re wrong to say that Is it easy to find rich people like President Wang

I don’t think you have to worry about this thing anymore Have you considered the matter of opening a beauty salon I don’t have time to think about it I’ve been busy with Xiaonuo’s thing these days You still have to think about it Honey, give me a demonstration Give me a demonstration Come on

Look carefully Your movements are more standard Listen You should consider this matter as soon as possible After you considered it we have to talk to mom Why, I won’t tell her We should tell her about this kind of thing Wait a minute Ok Good Leg up, up Good, leg up, up

President Xie, this way, please I like to work quickly But we’re not ready yet This is our new superior company leader Let’s welcome This is our colleague in HR department Go and check all the personnel information of their company Yes Come on, Xiao Lai, give him a reception This is the structural engineer

He will evaluate the overall structure of the company Go and have a look Tell me when you find any problem Yes Add an entrance guard system based on fingerprint on the door Yes This is the staff area Yes Please sit down Sit down I hope this area

Will be clean and tidy in the future All office supplies must be matched uniformly Open the work bar of the schedule and strictly implement it In addition, you must go to work on time and punch in when you enter the door Lunch time at noon can not exceed one hour

You can’t leave early before 5 p.m If you ask for leave you must submit your application three days in advance One month’s salary shall be deducted for those who are absent for three times without reason Three months’ salary for five times Over five times The company will decide

Whether this person will stay or go Other rules and regulations will be conveyed by Ms. Ha for me Now I’ll give you an hour to pack up your things The moving company will come to clean up professionally in an hour All things that are not packed up will be cleared away as garbage

What are you waiting for Come on, move Replace all these desks with new ones Here is This is designer Dai’s office President Xie, please come here There’s something wrong with this house What From the perspective of geomancy This room is not suitable as a design room It’s not suitable for brainstorming

Aren’t you a structural engineer Our chairman is Korean Pay more attention to this aspect I see Is there any solution I suggest to move the design room to the room in the northwest Let’s change this room into a utility room What do you think, Ms. Ha I have no problem But Lao Dai

He is Where is he He usually arrives a little late, president Xie Late How late It’s hard to say When After noon What Here? Right Are you going to break the door Would you mind not coming in I don’t want to go in What time is it? What time is it Ten twenty

Ten twenty, so what Shouldn’t you be in the company at this time Come on, Is your company leader still responsible for waking up employees Cut the crap. I’ll give you five minutes You have to go out in five minutes Five minutes I need three minutes to pee Crazy President Xie, let’s go

Is he crazy Choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator He has claustrophobia Afraid of confined space, so Is he? Yes This kind of person still has something he’s afraid of Dai Gushun, what are you doing Have breakfast, lady Boss, a bowl of beef noodles A bowl of beef noodles

Hey, do you know what time is it now What time is it? You still have breakfast No matter what time is it, I should have breakfast If I don’t eat in the morning I’m prone to hypoglycemia and faint This beef noodle restaurant is good, quite delicious Why don’t you two have a bowl

No What time did your company go to work When we used to go to work depends on when we finished our work the night before Your workshop is private From now on Our employees must go to work at nine o’clock Two hours late is equivalent to a day’s absence from work

One month’s salary will be deducted if you are absent from work for three days You still have fifteen minutes You must get to the company in fifteen minutes Come on, boss Xie Aren’t all the rules and regulations for one purpose Improve work efficiency, right The game product you asked me to design

I will finish it for you Don’t be so serious Your beef noodles This is your design Yeah, what’s the matter What does this have to do with our company’s game Of course it does Are you blind Don’t you find that I made all the characters in your game cute Look This doll

I specially designed a sound imitation device for it It can talk Dai Gushun, do you really don’t understand What I don’t want your originality and modification I just want you to turn virtual things into entities Yes, I know But I really can’t stand the aesthetic taste of your original design

Hey, this is a public place Can you restrain yourself Can you let me finish this bowl of noodles first Please Go to work, now, immediately A new revision must be given to me tomorrow Don’t be so tough We just started working together Can you make a good impression on me Sorry

You didn’t make a good impression on me What’s this President Xie wants to adjust our company Something needs to be rearranged But president Xie, you’re so fast Adjust what? How? What are you doing Don’t touch my stuff. It’s all mine This is my office, don’t you know

From a geomantic point of view, this room is not good Not suitable as an office If it is the leader’s office, the leader tends to make failed decisions As a designer is even worse Your mind will be confused So now this is the utility room Utility room Where is my office, president Xie

I’ve been in this room for many years Now I’m not a leader I don’t need to make decisions I’m really a designer If I’m confused, it’s my own business You have no right to interfere with what I designed, okay Even if I’m crazy, it’s none of your business Okay Yes, no problem

You can stay with the clutter Fine Are these things you think useless Could you put them back, please Let me stay with the clutter, okay Put all the sundries in this room This is a clutter now Put in my room He was born that way Anything else

Why do you just stand, carry sundries Brother in law Really? That’s good No problem OK, I’ll go right away I’m used to staying in this room I don’t like those feudal superstitions Ms. Ha, I’m going to meet a client Here is up to you Ok, count on me

Give me the revised version tomorrow. please Goodbye, president Xie Put the sundries in this room Sundry room, no admittance Enough You are a man, can’t you just bear it and bow your head Am I not patient enough Don’t I bow my head enough You can’t do this

You two still have to work together You need to ease the relationship between you two I want. But look at her She always acts like I owe her something Ok Quickly change the plan she asked you to modify Do you have time to go to the mall with me What

You want me to teach you Or I will do it all for you To save time, you’d better do it OK, please sit down and have tea And the last dish, shredded pork with green pepper Let me cook the last dish You do it Do you think cooking is fun

I see you cook just now I think it’s interesting I want to learn it And I can’t always trouble you in the future That’s right, I’m not your relative Where do you want to start I don’t know Can you cut vegetables? No Start with cutting vegetables Cut this green pepper like that

As for how to do it, think of your own way first Wait You should set yourself up for work Take it easy. Put on your apron Don’t cut it like that You’d cut cucumbers like that Cut it in the middle Pull out the seed Look, you can’t do anything Why not

Don’t I do well here OK Listen, wait a sec Look at this hand position Use this part Hold the back of the knife to prevent cutting This hand should hold the knife tightly What What’s the matter? I’ll teach you to cut vegetables No, I can cut it Why are you so nervous

I just teach you to cut vegetables What are you thinking I No, are you okay It’s okay I’m fine. What are you doing here? Here’s your band aid What are you nervous about Didn’t I just teach you to cook But you’re nervous which explains you were nervous just now Band aid Hi Hey, Lao Dai What are you doing Nothing. What’s the matter Yesterday, the investment company called me again What’s the matter They asked me for your phone, so I gave it to them But after that I think there’s something wrong What’s wrong Didn’t you say it was recommended by President Xie yesterday?

A woman called me today I was not sure. I asked her again But they said Xie was a man They didn’t know someone named Xie Xiaonuo at all How is this possible Fraud company All right, all right, I see No, no, Lao Dai The key is that I gave him your phone number

It’s okay If they dare to call me, that’s another story All right Okay, okay Could you tell me Do you know a man named President Chen of Jufulong investment company No Are you sure You never contact this investment company right? Nor don’t you know their boss surnamed Chen I’m sure Well I mean

Have you never helped me find a partner Why should I help you find a partner Didn’t you say it’s none of my business I won’t flatter you by it I’m flattering my self One more there Take it when it’s done No, that’s all How much does it cost to cook these dishes

Why mention money Why don’t you want money I’m helping you Why should you help me I want to repay you You helped me find a partner. I want to repay you I said I didn’t help you find one I forgot I think my wedding dress is different from its picture online

OK, even if you didn’t find it for me It doesn’t matter if friends help you We’re not friends How can there be a woman’s voice in our family Let’s clean our slates 200 yuan for cooking We’re even Why are you acting like this Why are you changing by the minute

You cut your hand. It hurts a little It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t mean it I just wanted to teach you cook, nothing more Nothing more? I know about people like you A playboy No, why is the sound familiar I feel familiar, too What do you mean You think you’re instant noodles

You think you’re instant noodles Everyone wants to have you? Who Miss Xie Why are you here Sorry to bother you No, Miss Xie. Listen to me Our relationship is actually No explanation I don’t care about your relationship They are really not a couple They broke up Broke up Yes, we’ve broken up Nonsense

I’m telling you, we can’t break up No, Miss Xie We really broke up I came back this time to get my things And this key Here’s the key I I’m dying to leave you I’ll give you the key now I won’t come here again You won’t come here again. Where are you going

She’s going to get married Who will she marry Fang Jia Stop it. The play is almost done Right Yeah, screw you Don’t even wanna marry Fang Jia I will cut his hands and feet and bury him Dai Gushun, don’t bully her Why don’t you let her get married

And you dare to cut his hands and feet and bury him Who do you think you are Sophia, you can get married I’ll see what he can do to you Who bullies her Do you know what our relationship is I don’t need to know what your relationship is

Just knowing you are a bastard is enough What do you mean by knowing No, you think You think I Who am I What happened Why are you following me Thank you, Miss Xie Don’t thank me Your business has nothing to do with me I just couldn’t stand it No, Miss Xie

Actually, after I met you It’s really changed a lot You have inspired me I think we should be women like you Having your own career and dream I won’t live on others in the future You are my goal to study hard I have nothing to learn from But, a woman should be independent

I hope you have considered this marriage carefully Not out of whim Take your time, Miss Xie I’m scared to death You told my dad I was getting married Are you crazy Thank me. It’s called counterplot I didn’t know you are a smart girl Draw your blade at the right moment, do you understand?

Now I suddenly felt I don’t seem to have lied to my father Because I told my dad I was getting married You impressed me, sister How can you act like A Q? Entertain yourself Duoduo Keep it for grandma. Keep it for grandma How does it taste? It’s OK? Better than takeout

Xiaonuo, bring me another bowl of rice Stop when you’re almost full for dinner No I want more, more OK Less Don’t stop me today I haven’t eaten such great braised meat for a long time Give it all to grandma I tell you I’ll eat this braised meat every day in the future

Give me some rice, too Stop eating and lose weight If it weren’t for the wife’s tight control I want another bowl of rice, too Xiaonuo, I suggest In the future, this braised meat will be double One for our grandma, one for us Are you kidding Once a week, we’ve agreed

I don’t have the right to deprive you of cooking Don’t make a fuss, or I’ll continue to order takeout All right, all right According to my experience in addition to what we have just said I think What Xie Xiaonuo cooked this time is beyond everyone’s level What does this prove more

It proves that my judgment is right She is not a matter of ability She’s just has a bad attitude Xie Xiaonuo I hope you can make further progress Guard against arrogance and impatience Teach others your unique skills Let’s share our success Grandma, bravo Mom Sorry(Mom) Mom Hello Mom, what’s the matter

My father is ill again Is it serious It’s very serious. Then hurry to the hospital ASAP You will come to the provincial capital for inspection Well, well, try to come here tomorrow I’m going to arrange a place for you By the way, let my father be careful on the way OK

What’s the matter? Guoqing Your parents are coming here My father is suffering for a lumbar disc protrusion again It’s so serious that he couldn’t even walk It’s bad You don’t know The lumbar disc protrusion Sometimes it hurts people to death Then they’re still coming here He would be worse with all that travel

After a few days in the county hospital, it’s a little better But the doctor advised them to come to the provincial capital for examination Don’t worry I’m going to arrange a place for them Wait, Guoqing Where are you going to arrange for them It’s the school hostel They used to live there

It’s very convenient for them Now you shouldn’t do so You take your father home No, mom, that’s not good What’s wrong with that The father comes here to see a doctor and but he can’t stay at his son’s house So, are you putting me in a bad place? That’s not good

Besides, this hostel isn’t a place to stay Except for wall paper What’s inside is Enough, that smell Besides, the steps So so So high Even young people struggle to climb up How painful your father’s illness makes him If something bad happened to him How could I face him in the future

Mom, it’s not that serious Stop talking. Come on, you sit here You sit here and I’ll talk to you Since the parents of Guoqing are coming here I suggested that he take them here directly to live in our home, is it okay? No problem Yes, yes, yes It’s a good idea, Xinyan

But which house are you gonna let them live in The question raised by grandma is very good Well, let’s talk about it Let’s discuss it in depth No, mom Just stay with us and we won’t bother everyone How can that work Xiaomi rests early You have to prepare lessons every night

Even if you two can stick to it Uncle and aunt can’t rest well It’s okay I think it’s better to stay with us Let’s live in the company for a few days Can you live in the company We have a house Isn’t that house rented out Let them move out

Why do you want to let them move out again All right, all right, stop arguing Now you see the benefits of being single Stay with me I can handle it anywhere by myself anyway No, Xiaonuo You always work overtime and don’t have a good rest

In this way, I have no stance to face the students in class Now you’re off the topic What does this have to do with your class They must live with us Stop talking, they should live with us I have an idea Tell them to live in my house

I will live in the homes of my granddaughters one by one, OK? Grandma, have some meat Grandma, don’t make a fuss All right, all right, let’s stop arguing Stop arguing I’ve decided it. Uncle Wang has a bad waist it’s difficult for them to go upstairs We’ll move this table

Build a bed here and pull a curtain You have decided it. What else should we discuss? Isn’t it over to announce it directly So everyone agreed Yes, yes, yes All right That’s good By the way, mom, there’s another question Did my brother-in-law’s parents come Our cooking system Do you have to change it

You see, I cook for the first time There is the price of blood If anything goes wrong in the future then the elders won’t have anything to eat So our reputation Mom, you can’t afford to lose face, can you Yes, you’re right Well While his parents lived here Let’s stop taking turns cooking

I, Xiaomi, and Guoqing The three of us will cook As for when to resume execution, we will issue it later Mom, you’re so wise OK, that’s it Xiaomi You take the three of you later to clean up the room Liu Yi, you are responsible for carrying the table away

Guoqing, after your parents came here Just let them come here All right, that’s it. Dismiss No. Go on We do so Is it too simple It’s okay. They’re used to living in the countryside Not so fastidious I think it’s good to stay in a hotel Convenient and with private space

Children don’t know anything. Don’t talk nonsense It’s my ignorance It’s all about your married women Why will the parents of Guoqing come here this time Didn’t he tell us His father has a lumbar disc protrusion These are old problems Why will they come here right now? No, you think too much When

Can you say less Stupid Do they think I can’t be pregnant again Xiaomi, you can’t think like this You can be pregnant In fact, this time I had a miscarriage I was afraid to meet his parents Guoqing is the only son in his family He’s over thirty

Having endured all that hassle to have a child I lost it It was an accident, not your problem Fair enough But I don’t understand Are children that important You can have one anytime So if you rule out other odds you can’t have one, so what? Your life is not incomplete without children

No children Your marriage can still continue He, Wang Guoqing married you because he loves you but not for you can be pregnant About the child It’s beyond two people to give the final say It’s beyond two people to You won’t understand either way In short, it’s all connected Do you understand

I don’t understand Why do married women carry such obligations for this man, for this man’s family to have a baby Well, if so What are men’s obligations Men’s obligations are six words Make money to support the family Why Who stipulates that men must earn money to support their families Women can’t support themselves

Why do you women have to make yourself a man’s accessory You only can live on men Only when you have a baby can you stable your place It’s 21st century If there is only such a dilemma in marriage Then I’d rather not get married all my life

And never have children all my life Xiaonuo These comes from a woman who never gets married Once you get married, you will understand Sometimes marriage It’s really like a domino If one of them is pushed down Whether it’s a house, a car, or a child Or parents, money, brothers or sisters

Whether it’s important or not Your life will collapse with it Marriage is like a domino, everything is connected Do you know Dai Gushun Who Nothing I just think it’s better not to get married So how’s that thing going What Angel investment Angel investment? Dung investment, I presume What’s the matter with you Fraudster

Right Don’t think bad about everything What? Don’t think bad Now liars are everywhere Some time ago, I received a message on my mobile phone Said my cell phone number was lucky to get the second prize for Good Voice in Asia The prize is a hearing aid worth 30000 Do you believe it

Did you get it Others just send me a message Mom, I’m out of money again Wire money to some bank Even Yaya won’t call me Mommy to ask me for money It’s just that I didn’t think about it If it’s true, what are you going to do? You can’t die, that’s the point

You can’t kill yourself Lao Mao You, you, now Do you have Do I have what? Money How can I have money here? I’m all out I have only wine left Why don’t you take the wine to the bank See if they want to If they want

Then my wine is not worth 1.2 million How about this Why don’t you look at that Maserati She can certainly help you solve this urgent problem Borrow 1.2 million from her 1.2 million, for her it’s nothing. I’ll tell you She has always looked up to you She’s been taking you

For an artist for a long time aagician, toy maker She thinks you, I tell you you’re definitely good. I can see it This is the only way That’s OK Or there’s no other way Bring me a glass of wine and I’ll think about it OK, think about it

Other than that, there’s no way around Go to my house Naughty I can’t do it Forget it, that’s it Hello Yes, it’s me You are the angel investor What You have a lot of money OK, where are you going Well. You can send my You can send your address to my cell phone

Okay, okay Wait up Whose phone Dung investment I tell you, fraud call, call the cops Lao Mao We are by no means people without a sense of social responsibility Right We must deal with it Hello, is this 110? Hello Hello, are you here I’ve arrived here Then come in Don’t move

Don’t move or you’ll get hurt Liar, you’re very unfortunate Because you met the detective Very willing to spend money Finding such a high-end place to cheat What do you think Mr. Dai Think this is not enough Sister Li, give me another 20000 What are you doing It’s me. What’s the matter

Lao Dai, you know each other I see because I punched you last time That’s why you’re trying to lie to me, right Lie to you Are you mistaken I came to you today to talk about cooperation Cooperation Yes. I drank too much that day The mood was not very good

It was your punch that woke me up Because of this punch I could feel that you are kind I also saw the present you gave Chenchen I’m very interested I’m a businessman So I invite you here today to know if there is any possibility of our cooperation

At is there any possibility of our cooperation There seems to be a misunderstanding You call 110 again Explain, it’s a misunderstanding So that’s the story Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings Thanks to my quick reaction Otherwise, there will be a big misunderstanding I’ll tell you what’s going on That day with Xie Wudi

We went to the creative market Who Xie Wudi, that Xie Xiaonuo We went to the creative market to pick up a child Then we sent the child back to her father As a result, I still had beef with her father I can’t stand his attitude towards children

Then you know what her father did The child’s father is the boss of an investment company He took a fancy to the retro toy I gave his child He liked it very much, so he came to me He took so much trouble to find me That’s why. Do you understand

And now he wants me to work with him to invest in retro toys business together Do you understand What does it mean He wants me to think about it and come up with a simple plan If I have a personal intention And this plan gets accepted by their think tank

He will invest in my company At the beginning, he holds a large share I invest in small shares in the form of technology When the company gets bigger slowly He will gradually transfer some shares to me Do you understand If that’s true, that’s great Of course

Not only can you do your own business you can also pay back the money owed to the bank in advance Yeah That’s a good thing That’s definitely a good thing No What no Do you understand what we were talking about? I listened to them all Don’t forget

You have a contract with our company There’s a contract There should be no problem Besides, I made it clear before signing the contract I have the sovereignty of my own original design And my Feidi makerplace Isn’t that my attitude You should have no right to interfere You! Should have no right to interfere

Excuse me, Mr. Dai One thing, you don’t seem to understand Your identity as an original designer is independent But you are also an employee of our company Please abide by your duty during the deposit period Keep my duty. Why do I start to think

It’s like the words criticizing women in the old society I’m sticking to it Don’t I help all the things I should help All right All right, all right Sit, Miss Xie What manager Xie’s mean is Don’t you haven’t started yet What’s the hurry That needs to be considered in the long run

So during this period We should do what the company needs us to do That’s what she means Enough I think it is putting emotions outside of work to work Bluntly speaking, I just want you not to take yourself too seriously Cooperate with investment companies in business With your brain

I’m sure you will be flustered Finally, you can only follow the market What’s the difference between what you’re doing now None, so I suggest you look over your shoulder Don’t try to be too greedy What do you mean by greedy Do you call this greedy? So what’s with my brain?

Even if you are a good employer I don’t want this now, okay You don’t like my design anyway Have you been satisfied with this plan Which part of it suits your desire? I’ll make a change Are you satisfied with my change Is there any dissatisfaction? Are you completely dissatisfied?

OK, if you’re not satisfied now, I’ll change it I’ll change it to your satisfaction I’ll leave when I finish the job I’ll quit, okay I’ll quit, okay Dai Gushun, you really treat yourself as a dish I tell you, Xie Xiaonuo I am a dish and a big dish

I just want to do my own business He’s going to have an investor party next week He invited me to meet their team I was thinking whether I should say yes Now I think I want to promise them Why not Why am I getting aggrieved here Don’t Such a nice thing, why

We can talk nicely, ok Xie Xiaonuo. I’ll tell you You’re using violence to manage Any labor law won’t give you the liberty You are in your thirties How does it look like menopause Don’t you think you’re neurotic Dai Gushun, I warn you now We are a big company Everything follows the process

You want to resign, don’t you Fine Let’s take care of your yearly contract first You are an employee of our company who signs our contract Please respect your identity Please don’t bother our Ms Ha without any consideration Miss Xie What does she mean She just said that

Hope I don’t bring unnecessary trouble to her and Ms Ha, what does it mean? What does this unnecessary trouble mean Does she want to sue me? Did I sell myself to them? She didn’t mean that What does she mean Why would she do that Why did she lose her temper so suddenly

You ask me Psychopath Today all the family is here Welcome to our home, in-laws We are very happy to be with you guys Welcome, welcome, welcome Sit I have a bad waist Thank you for so many dishes You’re welcome. You’re welcome Eat more vegetables Come and eat Have a taste Come and eat

Come on, come on I will make Xiaomi make you more food in the future Dad, I’ll line up early tomorrow morning to register After that, I’ll let Xiaomi accompany you to see a doctor I’ll take it. I have a car I’ll take my uncle to the hospital tomorrow

No need, you are so busy No, we can just go by bus, right How can that be? You have low back pain and can’t move easily I’ll take you Let me say it, you’re a private enterprise There are bosses and employees So prying eyes It is convenient for me to send you there

Thank you. Thank you I won’t bother you anymore, let’s eat Eat Guoqing, we’re out of tissues Take another box Take this away Eat this Thank you. Thank you Come on Eat The food is very fresh The way I see it, we family have San’er as the most competent

A girl who can make a fine living by herself Working all day long It’s not easy Did you make a fortune? Have you bought a house? Mom I didn’t make much money to buy any house That won’t work A girl without something to depend on That’s not ok

The same applies to farmers in the countryside who don’t have a piece of land That still makes sense, your life is not stable Mom, Xiaonuo hasn’t got a family yet She’s not in a hurry to buy a house Eat vegetables Eat You need to work faster on that I watched the news

The housing price in the city is soaring See, Beijing, Shanghai How can ordinary people afford a house San’er, aren’t you over thirty Listen to your aunt, you have to be fast Either get married or buy a suite That will be reassuring Don’t end up with neither

Then you’d be wasting away in your life Am I wrong Aunt is right Aunt was right Yes, aunt, eat tofu Tofu will clean your mouth Okay, okay Taste our food So you should buy the house quickly To put it bluntly You can’t rely on your mother all your life

Mom, Xiaomi, and I haven’t bought a house yet Aren’t you laughing at me You’re not like them You house were it not for Xiaomi’s being pregnant and wanted to live with her mother-in-law for care-giving you’d have bought one long ago Besides our big house that’s yours

Your sister has her own clan, which is beyond our control In-law, now you’re losing the plot Aren’t all daughters and sons the same now Look at Guoqing, Liu Yi I’m always treat them like my own sons Yes, yes, yes You see, Liu Yi owns a house outside But he lives together with us

Yes That’s right She’s not an informed person No, she can’t keep up with that idea, huh Come on, let’s eat together and have a drink Drink one, come on If I knew it I shouldn’t have worked with her Boss A guest over there harassed me Get over yourself, who wants to harass you

It was really flirting Go to work, go, come on Molesting, there’s someone molesting him Lao Mao, let me ask you something So your employees you don’t think much of him What should you do What can I do? Fire him Laying off Yes Yes Will you hit him

That’s absolutely not. You can’t hit people Besides, beating one’s own employees is against the labor law Yes, but Xie Xiaonuo She hit me She hit you, really Of course it’s true Just what I told you about investors She was furious when she heard about it She hit me with a clip

That was fierce of her That’s cruel, isn’t she Even if this is not work introduced by her If she didn’t recommend it That doesn’t need to end up with so extreme opposition What was she thinking Do you know how I treat her recently I taught her to cook delicious food, didn’t I

I worked hard to help her She just doesn’t like me If she thinks what I did doesn’t work If she doesn’t like me She can fire me Fire me, end of story Why did she still use me Why lose her temper when she hears I’m leaving

As for whether I will suffer if I do it alone Will I be cheated by others Does it have anything to do with her Psychopath You may not understand that I don’t know if your female boss acts like that There are only two possibilities Which two I’ll tell you the first one

The female boss is a sadist This kind of person is very controlling, you know She likes to manipulate you Get oppressed, devastated, trampled Getting trampled and humiliated All right, all right, all right Say another She likes you What’s the matter I’d rather be the first All right The first one, ok?

Help me analyze it again Right now, I just told you about the investor party this weekend What the hell should I do You have to discuss this with Ha Le It’s no use telling me Ha Le advised me to go, saying it was an opportunity She let me have a look first

Go to the investor party Poke around and ask about the whole team over there It seems you should go. Ha Le is right So you’re going, What about Xie Xiaonuo Leave her alone Anyway, I’ll finish this activity first OK Xiaonuo Come in Xiaonuo Sister Sorry today What’s the matter What Guoqing’s mother said

Don’t take it seriously It’s okay. I didn’t take it seriously You know I have difficulties I know If only you knew Then I’ll go out first Anything else? I want to ask you something Speak Do you want to get married or not You know I never wanted to ask you this question

I know it’s your freedom But Guoqing’s mother’s words It reminds me Do you know what you want If you’re single So good But you should always plan for your future If you want to get married What kind of man is really suitable for you Think about it I’m leaving

Sister, I just want to live the life I want What is the life you want Think about it What I want What do I want Name Xie Xiaonuo Past medical history Menstrual turbulence Hypomania Marriage phobia Climacteric syndrome What disease I don’t know What’s wrong I don’t know I just feel empty

I don’t know what I want I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t feel well How long has it been It’s thirty years old How old are you Sixty eight Where’s your other half There wasn’t one Where’s the daughter No kids Public expense or self expense Foreign company, self-expense

Get the medical insurance card This card has only one yuan Do you have a deposit I spend all of my monthly salaries Do you have any stocks No stock Any futures contract? No Any real estate? I live with Mom Fortunately, my hair is not white I haven’t lost my teeth Why am I crying Who says I have nothing I’m still young I just started I just started Guoqing, he lined up at the hospital in the middle of the night I don’t know when he’ll be back

It’s going to take a long time. Seeing a doctor now is all like this Damn it This line up is very painful Guoqing must have been flustered So their family is pretty well-to-do They don’t know anyone in the hospital Now our Guoqing has to take this pain Can you just be quiet

You’re afraid people can’t hear you, right Yes, such a large family After all these years in the city how can they not know a doctor in the city But do you know how big of a hassle it is to resort to networking People don’t ask for it if they can

We’re outsiders after all, you know How can we be outsiders Why are you not an outsider We are outsiders But our son is one of them Even if we’re out of the equation we should care for our son If Guoqing suffers What good can it do to their family Ok You, you, you

You’d better keep your voice down Let me tell you After all, they are nice to us They provide you with food and accommodation. What else do you want? In the living room, that’s called hospitality? Can’t you just get by for a few days?  What you said yesterday

I told you again and again Don’t talk about buying a house You have to mention it to them Now you made Guoqing upset I was talking about San’er, I didn’t mention them Besides, I wanted San’er to buy a house It is good for Xiaomi What does that mean

You men lack street smart huh? You have come to Xie’s house several times You haven’t sensed it? What You numb nut Our in-law mother likes Xiaonuo The old man likes Xiaoduo So our Xiaomi, who loves her? These two elders will go after all So what about the legacy of this big house?

In my opinion, that San’er is determined to be single She doesn’t own a business After that, she’s lonely Don’t you think she’s a pity? These two old people had to care for her and give her the house Even if they do not give her all There is a Liu Xieduoduo in Xiaoduo’s family

His great grandma loves him Then she will give her more In the end, isn’t Xiaomi the unlucky one This is someone else’s house politics You as an outsider can sit this one out Why is this house politics Why not That Xiaomi is not your daughter-in-law, huh? I did this all for her

Why don’t you sleep more on weekend, what are you doing? Mom, I got up early and went out for a while Why do you have to get out I want to ride a bike for a while San’er, going out In-law, what are you doing? Guoqing went to the hospital to join the queue

I’ll make him something delicious Let me help you No, I Let me help you This lousy tongue Xiaonuo, keep an eye on the road Guoqing Come and help me cut this meat Here I am Guoqing, give me A big man wears an apron, how embarrassing Come It’s okay

Come on, give it to me Stop it You don’t need to do it Mom, so Cutting the meat and cleaning up the fish or something No one here is better than me I know you can work Then you can’t do everything You rush to do women’s work Enough of that

Mom, what are you talking about In-law, Guoqing is a good kid He does a lot of work in the kitchen Be careful, Guoqing. Don’t cut your hands Don’t worry What’s the matter, in-law Quick Guoqing, band aid Get the band aid -It’s ok -Wipe it Working at home A cut is fine

It’s okay, it’s common Just like me Housework is full of chances to get injured We women are so careful and dexterous yet we still get injured Do you think it’s reassuring for a man to do this job? You’re making sense When Lao Xie was here He couldn’t even peel a scallion

I wouldn’t let him do it either He would just complicate things Yes, men have to do their own work That’s right So our Guoqing is good at studying The others, not so much Actually, I didn’t let him do anything He wanted to show off in front of you Guoqing, where is your band-aid

Coming Good morning, everyone Comrades Look here, look here, look here The time has finally come for me to avenge myself Here Behave Take your own stuff, don’t be shy I’m so happy Oh, yours Five this month. The accounts almost reached zero I still have two classmates

What are you talking about? I got eight last month How many times have I got over the years I must earn it back this time No I’ve worked for so many years It’s less than 300000 RMB Where did I spend it Yaya, will the Queen go? If you can move her around

Then, two for each of us Really What if you can’t We won’t go Don’t All right, just for you double I’ll invite her in a minute Then I want to buy a helmet Hey, hey They say this acupuncture is very powerful But what it really feels I still don’t know

The doctor is a relative of my student He should be good, at least not bad I asked you At your wife’s house Did they use you as labor Mom, what are you talking about Not telling me the truth, are you I did some housework But a job is a job

Someone has to do it I love working Man should work But you have to know what kind of work you do You don’t need to do everything I’m very unhappy about your attitude Ok. mom I won’t do this housework in the future All right Keep your word Yes, yes, yes

So she has so many daughters She can distribute the work to them Don’t let them think you are a pushover You can’t get used to this problem I see, mom I won’t disgrace you in the future Our Wang family’s men will always be kicking ass everywhere Right Do you know I’m going

Good luck Come in Miss Xie This is the outline of going to Peripheral Expo on Monday So fast I hope you can attend this weekend This weekend is the day after tomorrow But the next day we had an Expo Won’t it affect your work Certainly not, you taught me everything OK, I’ll go

By the way, by the way, that Don’t tell Dai Gushun, please I know Hello, Miss Ha OK, I’ll be right over How does it feel, old man It’s OK, but it’s a little weak Not having fun Mom This cupping may not work well and can easily hurt the skin

Let’s change to electric one in the future Yes, that was painful The traditional Chinese medicine has been cooked Let dad drink it when it’s cool Okay, okay Where are you going, Guoqing I feel dizzy. I want to sit in the yard for a while Mom, did this cupping work for my father

Don’t worry, I’m an artisan Hurry to the vegetable market to buy vegetables It’s getting late If you go late, others will pick the rest You can go Besides, you women are also good at bargaining Don’t you always bargain for shopping It’s a woman thing to do the shopping Not just shopping

And buy meat, buy fish, buy chicken and buy ducks Come back, make stewed meat, stewed fish, stewed chicken, stewed duck It’s all about women And this is like a spider web on the wall Waste paper on the ground And the greasy on the table Dirt on the window

And the pots and pans waiting to be washed in the kitchen Rubble and broken tiles to be treated in the yard It all needs women It’s all under your watch clean it up right away So did you open a new public elective course Do the shopping as I said Why so much talk

I didn’t say anything Aren’t you the one talking So I don’t have the final say, do I One sentence is worth ten Go, go Now you are a husband That’s right By the way, Xiaomi, remember to buy stupid eggs That color is lighter than red eggs And darker than that white egg

Smaller than that meat egg It’s about eleven per 500g Don’t pick fresh meat egg Don’t get deceived I see, Professor Wang This smelly boy You are proficient in everything in the field of farmers’ trade Practice makes perfect I mean Though I don’t do this job

But I have to know how to do these things I can do that thanks to my parents’ good education My son is smart and ambidextrous capable of writing and martial arts Okay, mom, you stay with my dad I’ll walk around the yard Miss Xie, coffee Thank you

The list of the Expo is here Yes Speak, what can I do for you If it’s just to show me the list you shouldn’t have let me attend Miss Xie, after this activity Would the task that Lao Dai gave to you be accomplished? Right  Here are the resumes of three designers

Miss. Xie, have a look Miss. Xie, if you are satisfied These three designers can enter the company directly As for the handover of Lao Dai I am familiar with it. I can help him finish it Sorry, I don’t quite understand It’s like this, Miss Xie This Saturday

Lao Dai is going to talk to the investment company If it goes well I hope President Xie can approve Lao Dai’s resignation as a peripheral designer to give him more time for original design Why Because this opportunity is too important to him I mean, why did you do that

Agreeing to Dai Gushun’s resignation That means he won’t be with you You will be missing a helper May I ask How many boyfriends did you have Does this have anything to do with what we’re talking about What do you think is the last thing men want to give up The pursuit and ideal

Look, Dai gushun is over forty years old Poor and idle with nothing to lose No money, no car, no wife Now his house will be almost gone What do you think supports him to move forward? Of course, I know that in Xie’s eyes He’s just another clumsy and stubborn designer But for himself

Toy design is his everything I don’t want to deprive him of this joy I don’t want him to feel like he has nothing Xie, Dai is in the office now Don’t you want to What if I refuse Miss Xie is a reasonable woman

As the saying goes, you can’t make too grand a promise Then there would be no fail-safe What do you mean It doesn’t mean anything Xie is also a woman. You know it I know what you mean It’s almost time. I’m going back to the company OK Miss. Xie, take your time

In fact, he’s not the one who has nothing to lose Xiaomi, I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it Professor Wang, how dare I Why do you buy so much I was mingling to the crowd What do you mean Look at me. I love my parents I I hate your parents

I didn’t mean that What do you mean I mean, I want to be acting like a boss in our family in front of my mother Speaking with authority The effect is good You handed over satisfactory answer to your parents Yes, they are very satisfied Look at my parents. I hope they are happy

And then you’re my wife I hope you are satisfied So I’m here to make amends Putting on a show, right OK, I’ll cooperate with you Thank you. Thank you Then you have to tell me the role in advance I’ll try my best to play You are talented and smart

When I give you a hint, I believe you will understand Thank you. Thank you Wife, come come Come on When you go in, you have to act hardworking and aggrieved Working without complaint Easy, easy, easy More on legs, my waist hurts Xiaomi, look at you, putting on a drama

Why are you working in the field You didn’t know It’s more tiring than going working in the field Damn Wang Guoqing is really a chameleon His parents have only been here for a few days It’s like a different person When my parents leave, I’ll teach you a lesson

Don’t wait for his parents to leave then that man will develop his temper Things are better for my brother-in-law. There’s not so much to do He has other things to worry about All those sisters here they had tens of thousands invested in the membership But so far

No sister has ever spent it once Brother-in-law is working Then who knows Even if he wants to cheat, he doesn’t have that courage If he really wanted to cheat, he would have kept it from you So I said I can just play dumb Anyway, he gives us a confession on time every month

Not a penny less He just can’t do any damage Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone It’s good for both sides to have a relaxed and happy life Then what’s the point of being together It’s better not to get married without feelings Who says no feelings

After all, we still have the crystallization of love Liu Xieduoduo Playing is one thing Feelings are another thing When you were with him You know what he is You have to accept it when you marry him His past, present and future In marriage no one wants to change another person Because it’s impossible

Arabian Nights Yes, I’ve thought over it That’s what marriage is all about Be more tolerant and less demanding A lifetime, end of story But sometimes I just don’t understand If I still pregnant with a child of the Wang family Will they boss me around like that Look at you Why mention this

It’s not the same thing at all Actually, I envy Xiaonuo In fact, it’s good to be alone Then you two can divorce Enough Students Today we’ve known about the most important one among a hundred schools of thought contend in the pre-Qin period and put forward their own core values That’s

The three parts of benevolence One is the compassion towards people you love Why should Confucianism emphasize Justice and self-improvement And why benevolence, justice, and bravery became a core value OK, that’s all for today Thank you. Class is over Mr. Wang Mr. Wang Ning Xin, what’s up I’m here to hand in my paper

The paper Here’s the paper You think you’re instant noodles Everyone wants to have you? Who Miss Xie Why are you here Sorry to bother you No, Miss Xie. Listen to me Our relationship is actually No explanation I don’t care about your relationship They are really not a couple They broke up Broke up

Yes, we’ve broken up Nonsense I’m telling you, we can’t break up No, Miss Xie We really broke up I came back this time to get my things And this key Here’s the key I I’m dying to leave you I’ll give you the key now I won’t come here again

You won’t come here again. Where are you going She’s going to get married Who will she marry Fang Jia Stop it. The play is almost done Right Yeah, screw you Don’t even wanna marry Fang Jia I will cut his hands and feet and bury him Dai Gushun, don’t bully her

Why don’t you let her get married And you dare to cut his hands and feet and bury him Who do you think you are Sophia, you can get married I’ll see what he can do to you Who bullies her Do you know what our relationship is

I don’t need to know what your relationship is Just knowing you are a bastard is enough What do you mean by knowing No, you think You think I Who am I What happened Why are you following me Thank you, Miss Xie Don’t thank me Your business has nothing to do with me

I just couldn’t stand it No, Miss Xie Actually, after I met you It’s really changed a lot You have inspired me I think we should be women like you Having your own career and dream I won’t live on others in the future You are my goal to study hard

I have nothing to learn from But, a woman should be independent I hope you have considered this marriage carefully Not out of whim Take your time, Miss Xie I’m scared to death You told my dad I was getting married Are you crazy Thank me. It’s called counterplot I didn’t know

You are a smart girl Draw your blade at the right moment, do you understand? Now I suddenly felt I don’t seem to have lied to my father Because I told my dad I was getting married You impressed me, sister How can you act like A Q? Entertain yourself Duoduo

Keep it for grandma. Keep it for grandma How does it taste? It’s OK? Better than takeout Xiaonuo, bring me another bowl of rice Stop when you’re almost full for dinner No I want more, more OK Less Don’t stop me today I haven’t eaten such great braised meat for a long time

Give it all to grandma I tell you I’ll eat this braised meat every day in the future Give me some rice, too Stop eating and lose weight If it weren’t for the wife’s tight control I want another bowl of rice, too Xiaonuo, I suggest In the future, this braised meat will be double

One for our grandma, one for us Are you kidding Once a week, we’ve agreed I don’t have the right to deprive you of cooking Don’t make a fuss, or I’ll continue to order takeout All right, all right According to my experience in addition to what we have just said I think

What Xie Xiaonuo cooked this time is beyond everyone’s level What does this prove more It proves that my judgment is right She is not a matter of ability She’s just has a bad attitude Xie Xiaonuo I hope you can make further progress Guard against arrogance and impatience Teach others your unique skills

Let’s share our success Grandma, bravo Mom Sorry(Mom) Mom Hello Mom, what’s the matter My father is ill again Is it serious It’s very serious. Then hurry to the hospital ASAP You will come to the provincial capital for inspection Well, well, try to come here tomorrow I’m going to arrange a place for you

By the way, let my father be careful on the way OK What’s the matter? Guoqing Your parents are coming here My father is suffering for a lumbar disc protrusion again It’s so serious that he couldn’t even walk It’s bad You don’t know The lumbar disc protrusion Sometimes it hurts people to death

Then they’re still coming here He would be worse with all that travel After a few days in the county hospital, it’s a little better But the doctor advised them to come to the provincial capital for examination Don’t worry I’m going to arrange a place for them Wait, Guoqing

Where are you going to arrange for them It’s the school hostel They used to live there It’s very convenient for them Now you shouldn’t do so You take your father home No, mom, that’s not good What’s wrong with that

The father comes here to see a doctor and but he can’t stay at his son’s house So, are you putting me in a bad place? That’s not good Besides, this hostel isn’t a place to stay Except for wall paper What’s inside is Enough, that smell Besides, the steps So so So high

Even young people struggle to climb up How painful your father’s illness makes him If something bad happened to him How could I face him in the future Mom, it’s not that serious Stop talking. Come on, you sit here You sit here and I’ll talk to you

Since the parents of Guoqing are coming here I suggested that he take them here directly to live in our home, is it okay? No problem Yes, yes, yes It’s a good idea, Xinyan But which house are you gonna let them live in The question raised by grandma is very good

Well, let’s talk about it Let’s discuss it in depth No, mom Just stay with us and we won’t bother everyone How can that work Xiaomi rests early You have to prepare lessons every night Even if you two can stick to it Uncle and aunt can’t rest well It’s okay

I think it’s better to stay with us Let’s live in the company for a few days Can you live in the company We have a house Isn’t that house rented out Let them move out Why do you want to let them move out again All right, all right, stop arguing

Now you see the benefits of being single Stay with me I can handle it anywhere by myself anyway No, Xiaonuo You always work overtime and don’t have a good rest In this way, I have no stance to face the students in class Now you’re off the topic

What does this have to do with your class They must live with us Stop talking, they should live with us I have an idea Tell them to live in my house I will live in the homes of my granddaughters one by one, OK? Grandma, have some meat Grandma, don’t make a fuss

All right, all right, let’s stop arguing Stop arguing I’ve decided it. Uncle Wang has a bad waist it’s difficult for them to go upstairs We’ll move this table Build a bed here and pull a curtain You have decided it. What else should we discuss? Isn’t it over to announce it directly

So everyone agreed Yes, yes, yes All right That’s good By the way, mom, there’s another question Did my brother-in-law’s parents come Our cooking system Do you have to change it You see, I cook for the first time There is the price of blood If anything goes wrong in the future

Then the elders won’t have anything to eat So our reputation Mom, you can’t afford to lose face, can you Yes, you’re right Well While his parents lived here Let’s stop taking turns cooking I, Xiaomi, and Guoqing The three of us will cook As for when to resume execution, we will issue it later

Mom, you’re so wise OK, that’s it Xiaomi You take the three of you later to clean up the room Liu Yi, you are responsible for carrying the table away Guoqing, after your parents came here Just let them come here All right, that’s it. Dismiss No. Go on We do so

Is it too simple It’s okay. They’re used to living in the countryside Not so fastidious I think it’s good to stay in a hotel Convenient and with private space Children don’t know anything. Don’t talk nonsense It’s my ignorance It’s all about your married women Why will the parents of Guoqing come here

This time Didn’t he tell us His father has a lumbar disc protrusion These are old problems Why will they come here right now? No, you think too much When Can you say less Stupid Do they think I can’t be pregnant again Xiaomi, you can’t think like this You can be pregnant

In fact, this time I had a miscarriage I was afraid to meet his parents Guoqing is the only son in his family He’s over thirty Having endured all that hassle to have a child I lost it It was an accident, not your problem Fair enough But I don’t understand Are children that important

You can have one anytime So if you rule out other odds you can’t have one, so what? Your life is not incomplete without children No children Your marriage can still continue He, Wang Guoqing married you because he loves you but not for you can be pregnant About the child

It’s beyond two people to give the final say It’s beyond two people to You won’t understand either way In short, it’s all connected Do you understand I don’t understand Why do married women carry such obligations for this man, for this man’s family to have a baby Well, if so What are men’s obligations

Men’s obligations are six words Make money to support the family Why Who stipulates that men must earn money to support their families Women can’t support themselves Why do you women have to make yourself a man’s accessory You only can live on men Only when you have a baby can you stable your place

It’s 21st century If there is only such a dilemma in marriage Then I’d rather not get married all my life and never have children all my life Xiaonuo These comes from a woman who never gets married Once you get married, you will understand Sometimes marriage It’s really like a domino

If one of them is pushed down Whether it’s a house, a car, or a child Or parents, money, brothers or sisters Whether it’s important or not Your life will collapse with it Marriage is like a domino, everything is connected Do you know Dai Gushun Who Nothing

I just think it’s better not to get married So how’s that thing going What Angel investment Angel investment? Dung investment, I presume What’s the matter with you Fraudster Right Don’t think bad about everything What? Don’t think bad Now liars are everywhere Some time ago, I received a message on my mobile phone

Said my cell phone number was lucky to get the second prize for Good Voice in Asia The prize is a hearing aid worth 30000 Do you believe it Did you get it Others just send me a message Mom, I’m out of money again Wire money to some bank

Even Yaya won’t call me Mommy to ask me for money It’s just that I didn’t think about it If it’s true, what are you going to do? You can’t die, that’s the point You can’t kill yourself Lao Mao You, you, now Do you have Do I have what? Money

How can I have money here? I’m all out I have only wine left Why don’t you take the wine to the bank See if they want to If they want Then my wine is not worth 1.2 million How about this Why don’t you look at that Maserati

She can certainly help you solve this urgent problem Borrow 1.2 million from her 1.2 million, for her it’s nothing. I’ll tell you She has always looked up to you She’s been taking you for an artist for a long time aagician, toy maker She thinks you, I tell you

You’re definitely good. I can see it This is the only way That’s OK Or there’s no other way Bring me a glass of wine and I’ll think about it OK, think about it Other than that, there’s no way around Go to my house Naughty I can’t do it Forget it, that’s it Hello

Yes, it’s me You are the angel investor What You have a lot of money OK, where are you going Well. You can send my You can send your address to my cell phone Okay, okay Wait up Whose phone Dung investment I tell you, fraud call, call the cops Lao Mao

We are by no means people without a sense of social responsibility Right We must deal with it Hello, is this 110? Hello Hello, are you here I’ve arrived here Then come in Don’t move Don’t move or you’ll get hurt Liar, you’re very unfortunate Because you met the detective Very willing to spend money

Finding such a high-end place to cheat What do you think Mr. Dai Think this is not enough Sister Li, give me another 20000 What are you doing It’s me. What’s the matter Lao Dai, you know each other I see because I punched you last time

That’s why you’re trying to lie to me, right Lie to you Are you mistaken I came to you today to talk about cooperation Cooperation Yes. I drank too much that day The mood was not very good It was your punch that woke me up Because of this punch

I could feel that you are kind I also saw the present you gave Chenchen I’m very interested I’m a businessman So I invite you here today to know if there is any possibility of our cooperation at is there any possibility of our cooperation There seems to be a misunderstanding You call 110 again

Explain, it’s a misunderstanding So that’s the story Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings Thanks to my quick reaction Otherwise, there will be a big misunderstanding I’ll tell you what’s going on That day with Xie Wudi we went to the creative market Who Xie Wudi, that Xie Xiaonuo

We went to the creative market to pick up a child Then we sent the child back to her father As a result, I still had beef with her father I can’t stand his attitude towards children Then you know what her father did The child’s father is the boss of an investment company

He took a fancy to the retro toy I gave his child He liked it very much, so he came to me He took so much trouble to find me That’s why. Do you understand And now he wants me to work with him to invest in retro toys business together Do you understand

What does it mean He wants me to think about it and come up with a simple plan If I have a personal intention And this plan gets accepted by their think tank He will invest in my company At the beginning, he holds a large share

I invest in small shares in the form of technology When the company gets bigger slowly He will gradually transfer some shares to me Do you understand If that’s true, that’s great Of course Not only can you do your own business you can also pay back the money owed to the bank in advance

Yeah That’s a good thing That’s definitely a good thing No What no Do you understand what we were talking about? I listened to them all Don’t forget You have a contract with our company There’s a contract There should be no problem Besides, I made it clear before signing the contract

I have the sovereignty of my own original design And my Feidi makerplace Isn’t that my attitude You should have no right to interfere You! Should have no right to interfere Excuse me, Mr. Dai One thing, you don’t seem to understand Your identity as an original designer is independent

But you are also an employee of our company Please abide by your duty during the deposit period Keep my duty. Why do I start to think it’s like the words criticizing women in the old society I’m sticking to it Don’t I help all the things I should help

All right All right, all right Sit, Miss Xie What manager Xie’s mean is Don’t you haven’t started yet What’s the hurry That needs to be considered in the long run So during this period We should do what the company needs us to do That’s what she means Enough

I think it is putting emotions outside of work to work Bluntly speaking, I just want you not to take yourself too seriously Cooperate with investment companies in business With your brain I’m sure you will be flustered Finally, you can only follow the market What’s the difference between what you’re doing now

None, so I suggest you look over your shoulder Don’t try to be too greedy What do you mean by greedy Do you call this greedy? So what’s with my brain? Even if you are a good employer I don’t want this now, okay You don’t like my design anyway

Have you been satisfied with this plan Which part of it suits your desire? I’ll make a change Are you satisfied with my change Is there any dissatisfaction? Are you completely dissatisfied? OK, if you’re not satisfied now, I’ll change it I’ll change it to your satisfaction I’ll leave when I finish the job

I’ll quit, okay I’ll quit, okay Dai Gushun, you really treat yourself as a dish I tell you, Xie Xiaonuo I am a dish and a big dish I just want to do my own business He’s going to have an investor party next week He invited me to meet their team

I was thinking whether I should say yes Now I think I want to promise them Why not Why am I getting aggrieved here Don’t Such a nice thing, why We can talk nicely, ok Xie Xiaonuo. I’ll tell you You’re using violence to manage Any labor law won’t give you the liberty

You are in your thirties How does it look like menopause Don’t you think you’re neurotic Dai Gushun, I warn you now We are a big company Everything follows the process You want to resign, don’t you Fine Let’s take care of your yearly contract first

You are an employee of our company who signs our contract Please respect your identity Please don’t bother our Ms Ha without any consideration Miss Xie What does she mean She just said that Hope I don’t bring unnecessary trouble to her and Ms Ha, what does it mean? What does this unnecessary trouble mean

Does she want to sue me? Did I sell myself to them? She didn’t mean that What does she mean Why would she do that Why did she lose her temper so suddenly You ask me Psychopath Today all the family is here Welcome to our home, in-laws

We are very happy to be with you guys Welcome, welcome, welcome Sit I have a bad waist Thank you for so many dishes You’re welcome. You’re welcome Eat more vegetables Come and eat Have a taste Come and eat Come on, come on I will make Xiaomi make you more food in the future

Dad, I’ll line up early tomorrow morning to register After that, I’ll let Xiaomi accompany you to see a doctor I’ll take it. I have a car I’ll take my uncle to the hospital tomorrow No need, you are so busy No, we can just go by bus, right

How can that be? You have low back pain and can’t move easily I’ll take you Let me say it, you’re a private enterprise There are bosses and employees So prying eyes It is convenient for me to send you there Thank you. Thank you I won’t bother you anymore, let’s eat Eat

Guoqing, we’re out of tissues Take another box Take this away Eat this Thank you. Thank you Come on Eat The food is very fresh The way I see it, we family have San’er as the most competent A girl who can make a fine living by herself Working all day long It’s not easy

Did you make a fortune? Have you bought a house? Mom I didn’t make much money to buy any house That won’t work A girl without something to depend on That’s not ok The same applies to farmers in the countryside who don’t have a piece of land

That still makes sense, your life is not stable Mom, Xiaonuo hasn’t got a family yet She’s not in a hurry to buy a house Eat vegetables Eat You need to work faster on that I watched the news The housing price in the city is soaring See, Beijing, Shanghai

How can ordinary people afford a house San’er, aren’t you over thirty Listen to your aunt, you have to be fast Either get married or buy a suite That will be reassuring Don’t end up with neither Then you’d be wasting away in your life Am I wrong Aunt is right Aunt was right

Yes, aunt, eat tofu Tofu will clean your mouth Okay, okay Taste our food So you should buy the house quickly To put it bluntly You can’t rely on your mother all your life Mom, Xiaomi, and I haven’t bought a house yet Aren’t you laughing at me You’re not like them You house

were it not for Xiaomi’s being pregnant and wanted to live with her mother-in-law for care-giving you’d have bought one long ago Besides our big house that’s yours Your sister has her own clan, which is beyond our control In-law, now you’re losing the plot Aren’t all daughters and sons the same now

Look at Guoqing, Liu Yi I’m always treat them like my own sons Yes, yes, yes You see, Liu Yi owns a house outside But he lives together with us Yes That’s right She’s not an informed person No, she can’t keep up with that idea, huh

Come on, let’s eat together and have a drink Drink one, come on If I knew it I shouldn’t have worked with her Boss A guest over there harassed me Get over yourself, who wants to harass you It was really flirting Go to work, go, come on Molesting, there’s someone molesting him

Lao Mao, let me ask you something So your employees you don’t think much of him What should you do What can I do? Fire him Laying off Yes Yes Will you hit him That’s absolutely not. You can’t hit people Besides, beating one’s own employees is against the labor law Yes, but Xie Xiaonuo

She hit me She hit you, really Of course it’s true Just what I told you about investors She was furious when she heard about it She hit me with a clip That was fierce of her That’s cruel, isn’t she Even if this is not work introduced by her If she didn’t recommend it

That doesn’t need to end up with so extreme opposition What was she thinking Do you know how I treat her recently I taught her to cook delicious food, didn’t I I worked hard to help her She just doesn’t like me If she thinks what I did doesn’t work If she doesn’t like me

She can fire me Fire me, end of story Why did she still use me Why lose her temper when she hears I’m leaving As for whether I will suffer if I do it alone Will I be cheated by others Does it have anything to do with her Psychopath You may not understand that

I don’t know if your female boss acts like that There are only two possibilities Which two I’ll tell you the first one The female boss is a sadist This kind of person is very controlling, you know She likes to manipulate you Get oppressed, devastated, trampled Getting trampled and humiliated

All right, all right, all right Say another She likes you What’s the matter I’d rather be the first All right The first one, ok? Help me analyze it again Right now, I just told you about the investor party this weekend What the hell should I do

You have to discuss this with Ha Le It’s no use telling me Ha Le advised me to go, saying it was an opportunity She let me have a look first Go to the investor party Poke around and ask about the whole team over there It seems you should go. Ha Le is right

So you’re going, What about Xie Xiaonuo Leave her alone Anyway, I’ll finish this activity first OK Xiaonuo Come in Xiaonuo Sister Sorry today What’s the matter What Guoqing’s mother said Don’t take it seriously It’s okay. I didn’t take it seriously You know I have difficulties I know If only you knew

Then I’ll go out first Anything else? I want to ask you something Speak Do you want to get married or not You know I never wanted to ask you this question I know it’s your freedom But Guoqing’s mother’s words It reminds me Do you know what you want If you’re single So good

But you should always plan for your future If you want to get married What kind of man is really suitable for you Think about it I’m leaving Sister, I just want to live the life I want What is the life you want Think about it What I want What do I want Name

Xie Xiaonuo Past medical history Menstrual turbulence Hypomania Marriage phobia Climacteric syndrome What disease I don’t know What’s wrong I don’t know I just feel empty I don’t know what I want I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t feel well How long has it been It’s thirty years old How old are you

Sixty eight Where’s your other half There wasn’t one Where’s the daughter No kids Public expense or self expense Foreign company, self-expense Get the medical insurance card This card has only one yuan Do you have a deposit I spend all of my monthly salaries Do you have any stocks No stock Any futures contract?

No Any real estate? I live with Mom Fortunately, my hair is not white I haven’t lost my teeth Why am I crying Who says I have nothing I’m still young I just started I just started Guoqing, he lined up at the hospital in the middle of the night I don’t know when he’ll be back

It’s going to take a long time. Seeing a doctor now is all like this Damn it This line up is very painful Guoqing must have been flustered So their family is pretty well-to-do They don’t know anyone in the hospital Now our Guoqing has to take this pain Can you just be quiet

You’re afraid people can’t hear you, right Yes, such a large family After all these years in the city how can they not know a doctor in the city But do you know how big of a hassle it is to resort to networking People don’t ask for it if they can

We’re outsiders after all, you know How can we be outsiders Why are you not an outsider We are outsiders But our son is one of them Even if we’re out of the equation we should care for our son If Guoqing suffers What good can it do to their family Ok You, you, you

You’d better keep your voice down Let me tell you After all, they are nice to us They provide you with food and accommodation. What else do you want? In the living room, that’s called hospitality? Can’t you just get by for a few days?  What you said yesterday

I told you again and again Don’t talk about buying a house You have to mention it to them Now you made Guoqing upset I was talking about San’er, I didn’t mention them Besides, I wanted San’er to buy a house It is good for Xiaomi What does that mean

You men lack street smart huh? You have come to Xie’s house several times You haven’t sensed it? What You numb nut Our in-law mother likes Xiaonuo The old man likes Xiaoduo So our Xiaomi, who loves her? These two elders will go after all So what about the legacy of this big house?

In my opinion, that San’er is determined to be single She doesn’t own a business After that, she’s lonely Don’t you think she’s a pity? These two old people had to care for her and give her the house Even if they do not give her all There is a Liu Xieduoduo in Xiaoduo’s family

His great grandma loves him Then she will give her more In the end, isn’t Xiaomi the unlucky one This is someone else’s house politics You as an outsider can sit this one out Why is this house politics Why not That Xiaomi is not your daughter-in-law, huh? I did this all for her

Why don’t you sleep more on weekend, what are you doing? Mom, I got up early and went out for a while Why do you have to get out I want to ride a bike for a while San’er, going out In-law, what are you doing? Guoqing went to the hospital to join the queue

I’ll make him something delicious Let me help you No, I Let me help you This lousy tongue Xiaonuo, keep an eye on the road Guoqing Come and help me cut this meat Here I am Guoqing, give me A big man wears an apron, how embarrassing Come It’s okay

Come on, give it to me Stop it You don’t need to do it Mom, so Cutting the meat and cleaning up the fish or something No one here is better than me I know you can work Then you can’t do everything You rush to do women’s work Enough of that

Mom, what are you talking about In-law, Guoqing is a good kid He does a lot of work in the kitchen Be careful, Guoqing. Don’t cut your hands Don’t worry What’s the matter, in-law Quick Guoqing, band aid Get the band aid -It’s ok -Wipe it Working at home A cut is fine

It’s okay, it’s common Just like me Housework is full of chances to get injured We women are so careful and dexterous yet we still get injured Do you think it’s reassuring for a man to do this job? You’re making sense When Lao Xie was here He couldn’t even peel a scallion

I wouldn’t let him do it either He would just complicate things Yes, men have to do their own work That’s right So our Guoqing is good at studying The others, not so much Actually, I didn’t let him do anything He wanted to show off in front of you Guoqing, where is your band-aid

Coming Good morning, everyone Comrades Look here, look here, look here The time has finally come for me to avenge myself Here Behave Take your own stuff, don’t be shy I’m so happy Oh, yours Five this month. The accounts almost reached zero I still have two classmates

What are you talking about? I got eight last month How many times have I got over the years I must earn it back this time No I’ve worked for so many years It’s less than 300000 RMB Where did I spend it Yaya, will the Queen go? If you can move her around

Then, two for each of us Really What if you can’t We won’t go Don’t All right, just for you double I’ll invite her in a minute Then I want to buy a helmet Hey, hey They say this acupuncture is very powerful But what it really feels I still don’t know

The doctor is a relative of my student He should be good, at least not bad I asked you At your wife’s house Did they use you as labor Mom, what are you talking about Not telling me the truth, are you I did some housework But a job is a job

Someone has to do it I love working Man should work But you have to know what kind of work you do You don’t need to do everything I’m very unhappy about your attitude Ok. mom I won’t do this housework in the future All right Keep your word Yes, yes, yes

So she has so many daughters She can distribute the work to them Don’t let them think you are a pushover You can’t get used to this problem I see, mom I won’t disgrace you in the future Our Wang family’s men will always be kicking ass everywhere Right Do you know I’m going

Good luck Come in Miss Xie This is the outline of going to Peripheral Expo on Monday So fast I hope you can attend this weekend This weekend is the day after tomorrow But the next day we had an Expo Won’t it affect your work Certainly not, you taught me everything OK, I’ll go

By the way, by the way, that Don’t tell Dai Gushun, please I know Hello, Miss Ha OK, I’ll be right over How does it feel, old man It’s OK, but it’s a little weak Not having fun Mom This cupping may not work well and can easily hurt the skin

Let’s change to electric one in the future Yes, that was painful The traditional Chinese medicine has been cooked Let dad drink it when it’s cool Okay, okay Where are you going, Guoqing I feel dizzy. I want to sit in the yard for a while Mom, did this cupping work for my father

Don’t worry, I’m an artisan Hurry to the vegetable market to buy vegetables It’s getting late If you go late, others will pick the rest You can go Besides, you women are also good at bargaining Don’t you always bargain for shopping It’s a woman thing to do the shopping Not just shopping

And buy meat, buy fish, buy chicken and buy ducks Come back, make stewed meat, stewed fish, stewed chicken, stewed duck It’s all about women And this is like a spider web on the wall Waste paper on the ground And the greasy on the table Dirt on the window

And the pots and pans waiting to be washed in the kitchen Rubble and broken tiles to be treated in the yard It all needs women It’s all under your watch clean it up right away So did you open a new public elective course Do the shopping as I said Why so much talk

I didn’t say anything Aren’t you the one talking So I don’t have the final say, do I One sentence is worth ten Go, go Now you are a husband That’s right By the way, Xiaomi, remember to buy stupid eggs That color is lighter than red eggs And darker than that white egg

Smaller than that meat egg It’s about eleven per 500g Don’t pick fresh meat egg Don’t get deceived I see, Professor Wang This smelly boy You are proficient in everything in the field of farmers’ trade Practice makes perfect I mean Though I don’t do this job

But I have to know how to do these things I can do that thanks to my parents’ good education My son is smart and ambidextrous capable of writing and martial arts Okay, mom, you stay with my dad I’ll walk around the yard Miss Xie, coffee Thank you

The list of the Expo is here Yes Speak, what can I do for you If it’s just to show me the list you shouldn’t have let me attend Miss Xie, after this activity Would the task that Lao Dai gave to you be accomplished? Right  Here are the resumes of three designers

Miss. Xie, have a look Miss. Xie, if you are satisfied These three designers can enter the company directly As for the handover of Lao Dai I am familiar with it. I can help him finish it Sorry, I don’t quite understand It’s like this, Miss Xie This Saturday

Lao Dai is going to talk to the investment company If it goes well I hope President Xie can approve Lao Dai’s resignation as a peripheral designer to give him more time for original design Why Because this opportunity is too important to him I mean, why did you do that

Agreeing to Dai Gushun’s resignation That means he won’t be with you You will be missing a helper May I ask How many boyfriends did you have Does this have anything to do with what we’re talking about What do you think is the last thing men want to give up The pursuit and ideal

Look, Dai gushun is over forty years old Poor and idle with nothing to lose No money, no car, no wife Now his house will be almost gone What do you think supports him to move forward? Of course, I know that in Xie’s eyes He’s just another clumsy and stubborn designer But for himself

Toy design is his everything I don’t want to deprive him of this joy I don’t want him to feel like he has nothing Xie, Dai is in the office now Don’t you want to What if I refuse Miss Xie is a reasonable woman

As the saying goes, you can’t make too grand a promise Then there would be no fail-safe What do you mean It doesn’t mean anything Xie is also a woman. You know it I know what you mean It’s almost time. I’m going back to the company OK Miss. Xie, take your time

In fact, he’s not the one who has nothing to lose Xiaomi, I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it Professor Wang, how dare I Why do you buy so much I was mingling to the crowd What do you mean Look at me. I love my parents I I hate your parents

I didn’t mean that What do you mean I mean, I want to be acting like a boss in our family in front of my mother Speaking with authority The effect is good You handed over satisfactory answer to your parents Yes, they are very satisfied Look at my parents. I hope they are happy

And then you’re my wife I hope you are satisfied So I’m here to make amends Putting on a show, right OK, I’ll cooperate with you Thank you. Thank you Then you have to tell me the role in advance I’ll try my best to play You are talented and smart

When I give you a hint, I believe you will understand Thank you. Thank you Wife, come come Come on When you go in, you have to act hardworking and aggrieved Working without complaint Easy, easy, easy More on legs, my waist hurts Xiaomi, look at you, putting on a drama

Why are you working in the field You didn’t know It’s more tiring than going working in the field Damn Wang Guoqing is really a chameleon His parents have only been here for a few days It’s like a different person When my parents leave, I’ll teach you a lesson

Don’t wait for his parents to leave then that man will develop his temper Things are better for my brother-in-law. There’s not so much to do He has other things to worry about All those sisters here they had tens of thousands invested in the membership But so far

No sister has ever spent it once Brother-in-law is working Then who knows Even if he wants to cheat, he doesn’t have that courage If he really wanted to cheat, he would have kept it from you So I said I can just play dumb Anyway, he gives us a confession on time every month

Not a penny less He just can’t do any damage Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone It’s good for both sides to have a relaxed and happy life Then what’s the point of being together It’s better not to get married without feelings Who says no feelings

After all, we still have the crystallization of love Liu Xieduoduo Playing is one thing Feelings are another thing When you were with him You know what he is You have to accept it when you marry him His past, present and future In marriage no one wants to change another person Because it’s impossible

Arabian Nights Yes, I’ve thought over it That’s what marriage is all about Be more tolerant and less demanding A lifetime, end of story But sometimes I just don’t understand If I still pregnant with a child of the Wang family Will they boss me around like that Look at you Why mention this

It’s not the same thing at all Actually, I envy Xiaonuo In fact, it’s good to be alone Then you two can divorce Enough Students Today we’ve known about the most important one among a hundred schools of thought contend in the pre-Qin period and put forward their own core values That’s

The three parts of benevolence One is the compassion towards people you love Why should Confucianism emphasize Justice and self-improvement And why benevolence, justice, and bravery became a core value OK, that’s all for today Thank you. Class is over Mr. Wang Mr. Wang Ning Xin, what’s up I’m here to hand in my paper

The paper Here’s the paper I see Ay Have you finished I just got off the phone. Come in Ay Let’s have dinner after work Not today Mr. Chen called me and invited me to their investor meeting this weekend I have to perfect all of my designs Don’t you always say my designs

Are too idealistic Now I’m telling you I’m going to make it close to life and incorporate my ideas as well Look, take a seat please Alright Let me show you Look at these improvements Look at this one Hello Hello, is that Dai Gushun Yes, is that Boss Xie Yes, it’s me

I think you have the wrong number Can’t I call you Sure, what can I do for you Well Didn’t you say you wanted to leave I have thought about it You may choose to leave when you finish your current job Hello Did you hear what I just said Yes, I did I wonder

If you’re firing me No I’m saying you have a choice to leave I see You’re a nice person All right, I’m done Wait Actually I’d say you’re gentler on the phone than you are in life Wow, you look beautiful What do you think You look super beautiful Get your snack

I hope your dad doesn’t hold a grudge that I lied to him with you this time You know, my dad was having a hard time to raise me It’s not easy for him to raise me by himself Maybe I would hurt him this time

I’m so tired of it. I don’t want to get married No Haven’t you dreamed of getting married in a wedding dress since you were a kid Do you want to give up so easily What’s more Your dad didn’t pick you up until you were eight

You have learned how to go to the bathroom by then So it would be more easier to raise you up What should I do What should I do Guoqing Try to have a seat on this chair. I wonder if you would feel comfortable Where did you get it

My big sister kept saying she would give it to me before But I didn’t want it because it was too big Here, try to make yourself comfortable There’s a Qumei furniture company in our neighborhood I’ll buy a bigger desk some day You can prepare your lessons at home At home

I don’t think so It is more comfortable for me in school When you are reading, preparing for class and writing papers I never bother you I support you all the time I know It’s easier for me to communicate with students at school There are some students running around you all the time

I don’t think they focus on their study And I know there is a student called Ning Xin who likes to be with you What’s going on Nothing I don’t think he who would be good at his study if he comes to you all the time But Ning Xin looks smart

She seems a good learner Yeah, she pours me tea and buys me a meal sometimes If you let her do this, it will cause gossip You should keep your distance from her Ning Xin is my graduate student How am I supposed to keep my distance from her You are thinking too much

I don’t think so It’s late What time is it now I know, mom Have a good rest Mom was up so late She was running around upstairs and downstairs She’s like a secret service of the Ming Dynasty Stop it I didn’t care about all this gossip before

Since I am not able to have a baby You’re all I have If you go and cheat on me someday My life would have no meaning Xiaomi What are you thinking about Don’t you know me I don’t understand You said you were in a bad mood Why didn’t you tell me at home

Why did you tell her at school I can’t get quiet at home There was a lot of noise in this house I just wanted to be alone I think you’re not at peace with yourself You will be peaceful with her You It’s too much Mr. Wang Ning Xin, what are you doing here

I came to celebrate your father’s birthday Ning Xin is here Come on in Hello, Mrs. Wang I’m sorry, I just knew it was Mr. Wang’s birthday I didn’t prepare so much This cake is for Mr. Wang Low sugar and low fat Wish you a happy birthday and good health Thank you

Guoqing, take it Take it This suit is for you You use it every day in the future. You can be as beautiful you are now How can I be beautiful Just come why do you give me presents That’s very kind of you This cosmetic suit was given to my mom by someone else

She doesn’t use it I think you usually have high requirements for yourself You dress yourself exquisitely So I brought it to you Thank you Haven’t you eaten yet Come sit here and eat I happen to be hungry, too Then I eat here Then sit down Sit down, sit down Thank you, Mrs. Wang

Guoqing, get her some rice It’s okay. I’ll do it myself By the way, Mr. Wang Why isn’t Mrs. Xie here She suddenly felt ill So she didn’t come I’ll give you two a toast I wish you two good health and good luck -OK, thank you -Thank you Come and eat. Come and eat

I knew you didn’t leave Didn’t my brother-in-law come to pick you up Why didn’t you go I don’t want to go there Isn’t it appropriate for you not to go his father’s birthday I, as long as I don’t give them a baby My mother-in-law will not be satisfied with what I do

But I understand her If she changes daughter-in-law My mother-in-law has long been a grandmother What’s up? Is Ning Xin talking to you again Don’t let her affect your mood No, she doesn’t affect me However I think she is with Guoqing every day It’s also quite appropriate You see, Long Yingtai’s book says

The real fourth emotion It’s a path full of understanding, warmth, friendship and many other plants But once there is a romantic rose This path is like going to the trap The name of the trap is called extramarital love All right, you…don’t hesitate here What’s your problem now

Do you want to live with him or not Is it that complicated Marriage is a matter of two people Talking about mother-in-law and the child There are so many dinks They have a good life without children Infrared love You made it all yourself What you said is simple

How can you understand, you don’t get married I’m not just married with Guoqing I married their family What you said is clear I don’t want to persuade you If you want to live with him There’s still time for you to go If you don’t want to live with him, then you don’t go

It’s up to you Mrs. Wang, look, am I right? Up and down Right Right You’re so clever Master something without too much effort These days there aren’t many people knitting sweaters like you Who said that? Mrs. Xie must have knitted a sweater for Mr.Wang She wouldn’t do that She bought in the mall

Ning Xin, look I knit this close fitting round neck sweater It’s for Guoqing You can’t buy it outside Mrs. Wang, look at the shoulder Don’t you think this shoulder is a little smaller Although Mr. Wang looks thin But his shoulders are still big Mr. Wang, come here Let me compare it with you

No need Just compare it I’ll get it Xiaomi, do you feel better Come in, come in Dad, Xiaomi is coming for celebrating your birthday Dad, mom Hello, Mrs. Xie Ning Xin is here, too Dad, this is the tea set I bought for you I wonder if you like it

I wish you health and longevity It cost a lot of money Thank you so much Guoqing, cut some cake quickly Have some cake from Ning Xin No need I don’t feel well in my stomach today The cake is very good-looking I’ll pour you some water No need

I just came to see dad and mom today I’m afraid there’s no bus when I get back late I’ll go first Why are you leaving as soon as you get here Live here tonight I have no clothes I’m afraid it’s inconvenient to go to work tomorrow I’ll see you another day I’m gone

Xiaomei Don’t go tonight We’ll take a taxi to work tomorrow Take a taxi at every turn, you are rich now, huh? Guoqing, I have something to tell you Guoqing You can’t go after Xie Xiaomi You chase her once and there will be twice You’ve already spoiled her You have no initiative at home

Mom, don’t mess up She must have misunderstood me Guoqing, Guoqing, you come back Xiaomi Xie Xiaomi Xiaomi Hello Mom, I didn’t find her I don’t spoil her I can’t find her so late What if something happens All right, all right I know I know Wait until I get home Okay, hang up Xiaomi

Xiaomi Guoqing, I told you not to chase her. You didn’t listen my words That’s good. Ning Xin also left Guoqing, don’t be sad I think it’s good for you not to catch up but it’s troublesome to catch up Mom has a word to persuade you

I don’t know whether to say it or not I think Ning Xin is a good child You see, she looks good Mom, what do you mean Do you know what you’re talking about You should know it clearly What did the Xie family do to me Without their help I may be nothing now

Just say this house It’s Xiaomi who advised me to find a way to buy it for you You live in now But say something like this You can’t be like this I just talk nonsense This idea shouldn’t exist I also tell you people like Xiaomi That can only be cultivated by generations

That can only be cultivated by generations A lady of a family I can marry her It’s the greatest blessing of my life It’s the greatest blessing of my life In my heart, no one can compare with her I’m leaving. I won’t come back tonight Xiaomi, Xiaomi You just misunderstood

I’m here to explain to you I What do you mean You want to divorce me Don’t be silly, will you Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not I’ve made up my mind You have a bright future now I shouldn’t drag you down any more You’d better find your own happiness Xiaomi

Do you know what you’re talking about I go to find my happiness My greatest happiness is to be with you That’s because you haven’t tried to be with anyone else Maybe one day You’ll thank me Please sign your name Xiaomi Xiaomi Come on, don’t do this okay

After all these years, you should know who I am You should know where you are in my heart You really want to separate from me Do you really want to separate from me I’ve been thinking about it for a long time I know we’ve been together for so many years

I’m not used to being separated But I’m tired I want to take a time and have a good rest Xiaomi Please trust me I really want to be with you forever Don’t leave me Nothing lasts forever It’s our fortune that makes us be together for more than ten years

I think it’s time to say good bye We never get divorced Please think it over again This is my choice anyway Are you jealous No Say it again Of course I’m jealous Do you want to be reunited with him You’re jealous when I eat and drink with him You’re with Lan Feier

Aren’t you afraid I will be jealous I’ve realized it I had a profound reflection That’s why I decided to make something delicious Apologize to you I said I’ve eaten Have some more. Come on, come in and have a rest Don’t move What’s wrong? I don’t want Platonic love

My sister said I had Platonic love with you Sooner or later you’ll have sex with another woman I don’t want Platonic love long time ago Why do I hear a doorbell Why didn’t I hear it We are scared Right, we are scared How can I hear doorbell either Could it be my mom?

No. How could it be such a coincidence Xiaonuo Open the door. It’s mom and grandma -You need to hide -Where Under the bed Open the door There’s no room for me to hide under the bed Xiaonuo, grandma is here We bring delicious food to you Go inside. Hurry up No, I have claustrophobia

Get into it firstly I really have claustrophobia Clothes. Don’t make a noise Xiaonuo Why did you open the door so long I was in the bathroom You drank the wine, didn’t you You are so blushing Drank some for work Drank some for work Mom, come in

Xiaonuo, your house is well taken care of Hey, Xiaonuo, look at you You don’t ask me to have a look when the house is ready It haven’t been cleaned up yet I didn’t have time I made you some food to eat I don’t think you will make food by your own

Thank you, mom Is it okay for you to live alone It’s OK. I’m used to it It’s really good Where’s your bedroom? I’ll clean it up for you No need, mom I am shameful to ask you to help me clean up Look, you’re so polite

When is it not for me to clean up your bedroom Is it over there Look at the house It’s so messy Look, look, look Look! Such a good room How many times have I told you The clothes you don’t wear. Just hang them up Coat hanger

Isn’t there a cupboard here? Put them in the cupboard -No -It’s all messed up These clothes are to be washed Why don’t you put them in the washing machine for me You are going to wash them Where’s the washing machine In the outside bathroom It’s so messy Thank you, mom

Xiaonuo, your uncle Zheng asked her to come here Mom Sit down and have a rest Let me show you the other rooms Enough, enough. Don’t show us then You should take me Mom, just sit down and have a rest Hey, sit down I’ll talk to you about something

Come on, sit down and rest Has Lao Dai come recently No, he didn’t come her Really? He has been very busy recently There’s no time for me That’s good These days, you Your uncle Zheng talked with me I think again and again Actually, Lao Dai I don’t mean he’s not good

I just think he is not young And I always feel this man I always think he’s a little tactful You’re not suitable Look at the Internet now always reports rich man and senior officials They have lovers or something like mistresses Finally, it is exposed

Do you think is there a pair of couple getting a good result Mom, Dai Gushun is not such a person I Know, I know He is not such a person and he really likes you But it’s meaningless if he just likes you Right? Did he tell you about getting married

He didn’t say it, right Yeah, I knew it Now, there are some of these Men in their forties These men play with women As a way of adjusting life They don’t want to get married at all Why? Because they evade responsibility They fear of responsibility Like Dai Gushun He’s not young

Once married and even has an adult kid What is he afraid of It’s no use for him to get married or not But what about you? You can’t afford it with him I’m telling you, once a woman are thirty Every year is a year

Once a woman is 35 years old, one year will become two years Xinyan, as you say One year is ten years to my age Mom, I’m talking to Xiaonuo Mom, I’m talking to Xiaonuo What if he wants to marry me He is willing to marry you Then we have to think about it

You mean he’s busy these days He didn’t come, did he Well, do you think if it’s normal It’s not normal Now you are passionate You’re in a hurry to be with him But he’s cold Once your passion has passed What will you do I’m telling you for this kind of man

Who doesn’t even have the courage to commit to marriage I don’t like him What’s going on? Aunt, I really can’t listen You ask me to contact Xie xiaonuo We need to be rational Then you think I’m too calm In fact, I’m really not so calm I did not evade or resist responsibility

I admit I didn’t think about marriage That’s because I think marriage is a commitment For women That’s a word for a sense of security But can marriage really bind a sense of security What is the source of security Still is men A good man, whether married or not

It is a sense of security for women On the contrary, a bad man Even if you get married It will only bring greater harm to women To be honest, recently I’ve been thinking about for Xie xiaonuo am I a good man Or I’m wondering why you don’t like me

Xie Xiaonuo, didn’t you say he didn’t come Didn’t you say he didn’t come No, aunt Listen to me. I’m here But…but I really We don’t…we don’t do anything I believe I believe Don’t say anything, Dai Gushun You’re worse than I thought Do you know What are you doing hiding in this cupboard

Do you know the rule I’m talking to my daughter Everyone else goes out Xiao Dai Tell me what’s going on What’s going on Mum, well Dai Gushun Lan Feier Lan Feier Hello, Lao Dai, why didn’t you answer the phone just now Where are you? Dai Gushun is not here

He left his phone to my house Who is that? Why do you have his cell phone I’m Xie Xiaonuo Miss. Xie Where’s Lao Dai I don’t know He asked me to have a drink tonight I kept calling him and he didn’t answer, damn it

I really don’t know where he is. Do you know, Miss. Xie I don’t know Find him yourself Yaya came to see me yesterday What is going on with you two Nothing It’s not easy to meet someone you like and she likes you at the same time in this world You must be grateful

I understand it. Nothing happened between us Why did you move back home Didn’t you two get along so well the other day Or do you think that being in love and being together are different Maybe I’m just getting along with Xie Xiaonuo and all of a sudden there are so many obstacles around

One after another, one after another Yaya came to me this time Xie Xiaonuo’s mother came to me that time It seems that God wants me to be in troubles Do you think it’s accidental or inevitable I think to be love is easy while to be together is difficult

Actually, there wasn’t just me and Xie Xiaonuo living in that house Many people live in this house Are you alright I’m not talking about horror. I’m talking about feeling In that room There are not just me and Xie Xiaonuo There are Yaya and Fang Jia There are Xie Xiaonuo’s mother and her sisters

And you After a while Xie Xiaonuo was quarreling with her mother Fang Jia was arguing with me And then Yaya and I was getting into an argument Just a minute I had another fight with Xie Xiaonuo’s mother Xie Xiaonuo’s mother quarreled with Yaya again Yaya and Xie Xiaonuo quarreled again

Fang Jia and Xie Xiaonuo’s mother quarreled again Lao Dai I understand These are not your obstacles The most important thing is your heart You’re scared I am scared Yes You had courage when you were with Yaya’s mother Yaya and Fang Jia are also courageous And you

The older you get, the more timid you get Are you alright, Mr. Wang What’s the matter, Ning Xin What do you mean I was worried about you You did a good show today What were you worried about Your mother told me about what happened last night

I’ll take you to dinner later to relax No, I’m not in the mood There is no need to relax You’ll be in a good mood when you relax Let’s go. I made a reservation at the revolving restaurant I will feel dizzy at the revolving restaurant I must leave now

Let’s go to the park and watch the water from the boat You’ll be in a better mood I’m afraid of the noise Then let’s find a quiet place Only you and me Ning Xin Whatever my mom told you I have to tell you Even if I did get divorced

I wouldn’t be married anymore And I will never accept anyone else Mr. Wang, but I’m not just anyone I only love Xie Xiaomi Xiaonuo Today Forget about it Why did you come in without knocking You left the door open Are you going to propose to Xie Xiaonuo Yes

It seems I don’t get a chance anymore When In an hour and a half. Wish me luck Good luck Thank you Thank you You’re welcome Take care Lan Feier Hello I have a fever What’s the matter I have no idea. My stomach hurts Can you come to me for a second Now

Can you take me to the hospital Okay, I’m on my way Door is open. Come in please How’s going Lao Dai What’s the matter I have a stomachache It really hurts today Why do you suddenly have a stomachache I have no idea Lao Dai, take me to the hospital Okay Get up

Slow down Take care Hello Xiaonuo, do you have a minute I’d like to make an appointment with you What’s the matter? I’m busy later I have something to tell you It’s important I’m really busy. Can we talk about it later It’s a short meeting

I’m at the coffee shop across from Tomson International Apartment Please come over now All right, I’ll see you later Xiaonuo What’s going on As your friend I hope you find someone who will treat you carefully I don’t want anyone hurt you What do you want to say I know something about Lan Feier

I wonder if I should tell you Why don’t you just tell me what you got This woman is not simple I have a friend who knows her She has been divorced many times The point is she is not a self-respecting woman What do you mean by telling me all this I saw

Dai Gushun and her coming out of that apartment They seem to have a very special relationship That’s why I was so anxious to get you here I don’t know what to tell you in this situation anyway You should calm down There might be nothing happened between them Right Stop talking about it

Look, I know I’m not proud of what I’m doing, okay I wasn’t planning to tell you But you’re the woman I loved before There’s no need to explain Think about it If you need someone to talk to Call me Slow down, slow down, wait a minute Come on

Lean on the bed for a while Thank you Do you feel better Yes I don’t have any other friends I have no choice but to trouble you It’s okay You have to take a good rest and lie down Take the medicine later I get to go You are such a good man

Can you stay with me a little longer I have something else to do You have a good rest Okay How could I forget Today is the day you propose to Xie Xiaonuo Well, you have to go I am leaving You call me back if you need anything Lao Dai Good luck Thank you

Xiaonuo, I have something to do right now. I’ll be a little late If you get here first, you can go around for a while I’ll be right there I’m already here. Where are you Dai Gushun I have decided to work abroad We should break up Platonic love is suicidal

We were all so naive Take care. Bye There’s no need What do you mean There is no need to break the glass No, I mean I mean there is no need to hurt yourself I don’t get it How could she do this to me I am ready I am ready finally

In this world There are confusions Now that she has her choice You can’t stop her Let her go You still have me, your brother Love is like toys They belong to fairy tales I hope you don’t get frustrated The fairy tale is true if you believe it

I’ll introduce you to some nice girls in a few days All kinds of girls Have one more I was wrong I am wrong I thought I told you The safest distance in the world The best distance in the world It’s to keep the distance I crossed the line this time

Can I break one more glass I’ll do it with you Lan Feier: I’m not feeling good recently. I want to take a break for half a month Wish you happy forever. 3:44 p.m. Look, how the wind blew the flowers all over the floor last night I’ll sweep it away Xinyan, don’t do it

Look They looks beautiful on the floor Hurry up and get a camera It would be nice to take some pictures All right, all right, wait for me to take pictures for you I’ll take more pictures of you Right What? You’re divorcing Wang Guoqing I saw Ning Xin at Wang Guoqing’s home that day

I can tell she gets along well with my parents-in-law My mother-in-law likes her What does it matter if your mother-in-law likes her What is Wang Guoqing’s attitude I don’t want to wait until I become embarrassed to get divorced It’s the perfect time They look great Ning Xin appreciates Guoqing She knows his advantages

What’s more, she is young She can make him a father Nonsense. Have you asked Wang Guoqing What did he say What a nice man Wang Guoqing is He cares about you so much How could you just let Ning Xin marry him so easily Have you thought this through, Xie Xiaomi

Liu Yi and I have a lot of problems in our marriage Even though we fight a lot, we still have to live together You are different You have a kid If I had a baby we could be better What’s wrong I think Xiaomi has been in troubles these days

I don’t know about them Xinyan, take it easy They are adults They can deal with it They will tell you if they want to Take it easy It’s not about the kids It’s about the two of you Wang Guoqing is so considerate Liu Yi is used to taking a project

And going away for several months I never say anything about this I would never get divorced if I were you You should know there are reasons for divorce But they all have one thing in common Their hearts are broken Xiaonuo, what are you doing Say something, she’s getting a divorce

I can’t say anything about it right now I broke up with Dai Gushun I’m going to work abroad Go Mom Mother There are all kinds of people on the Internet these days This husband had a mistress Then his wife wrote a suicide note to lash out at them Then she hanged herself Look

Just when everyone was feeling sorry for her She was alive She gives an interview now She gives an interview Mom, what are you reading I don’t want to read it You will know it when you turn on the computer There is all rubbish And then I would like to know it

I look at them and I look at us We are better than them If we have troubles like them Your grandma and I would be worried Why do you three come to me What happened Xiaomi, go ahead What’s the matter I Xiaonuo, go ahead Mom Mom, I’m going to go to England What

Xie Xiaonuo You always change your mind How long have you been with Dai Gushun Why is this all of a sudden going abroad And you plan to go abroad for years When will you come back What about your marriage when you come back As for Hao Ren Now that you’re with Lao Dai

You need to stop hanging out with Hao Ren I can’t believe you’re out of the country with him now What’s all of this Your marriage will be affected Are you having some problems with Lao Dai What’s going on Xinyan Take a seat Xiaonuo can deal with it by herself Mom

Xiaonuo has to think this through Why are you going abroad What do you want If you make your decision Grandma will be there for you Mom Grandma If you two get any troubles just talk to Grandma Okay Don’t you think your grandmother and I don’t know anything I know you get some troubles

Your grandma knows it But I want to tell you We’ll always be a family No matter what choice you make Your mother and I will support you Do you understand Xiaonuo Remember it Hello, Xiaonuo I’m already at the door Hurry up or you’ll be late Okay, I got it. I’ll be right there

Your documents have no problems Just tell them what they ask you, okay You can do it I don’t want a divorce Before we got married we promised to love each other for life You can’t get a divorce I have hidden our marriage certificate I remembered

That your dad took me to dinner at your house Everyone was laughing You were the only one keeping quiet You washed the dishes and served the meals And then you washed the dishes At that moment I thought If I could marry you I would be satisfied

Yes, you want me to work as your maid No I am such a terrible speaker I didn’t mean it Guoqing I’m grateful to be married to you I don’t hate you even if we get a divorce You are at your best time You need to find someone who’s really good enough for you

I need you Mom was right. She told me I need to think about it But then I though about it All I saw was you I will not be popular forever What’s the point of having a big career What I want is my wife is waiting for me when I get home

This kind of happiness lasts forever for me I can’t have a baby Let’s think about it All you want is a caring wife and a mother of kid I can’t be her I don’t care I just want you You are mine I don’t want you to leave me Go home with me Xiaozhang

What’s wrong with these accounts These are all signed by manager Lan She said you knew it Is that so The account has problems That can’t be all we have on our accounts That Manager Lan said the money had been transferred to the factory’s accounts Would you like to ask manager Lan again

You go out first Yes Hello, Laoguo. I am Lao Dai I ask you Has the company transferred a sum of money to your factory account That’s impossible. Haven’t we settled the bill yet Fine. I’ll keep trying to figure it out Xiaozhang Are you Dai Gushun Yes. What’s the matter

You’re involved in contract fraud You are summoned by the Law I need you to sign this subpoena Contract fraud Cheers It was not easy getting the visa I can’t believe this is going so well Thank you so much for this job Xiaonuo To be honest I’ve always felt happy and comfortable with you

Is that so Actually I still have feelings for you I don’t mean anything by that I know you’ve been treating me like a friend But friends should be honest with each other Right Yes Thank you for your honesty If there’s a chance for me I want to try for it

Will I be the lucky one Hao Ren Excuse me Hello, Yaya, what’s the matter What? Don’t worried. I’ll be right there Okay What happened Dai Gushun got in trouble I’ll go for a look Xiaonuo, I’ll drive you there I just called my lawyer about this The lawyer said

There are a lot of scams like this now Lan Feier found an Italian company as a cover to lure Dai Gushun and then she used Dai Gushun’s current reputation to attract some domestic investment companies to increase their investment When she got the money she fled with the money and disappeared She is merciless

He can only be released if he pays for the money that he was defrauded of There’s no way the bank can give him money because he has a loan on his house What are we going to do about this Hao Ren has helped Dai Gushun find the best lawyer

The lawyer will take care of some things for us What we need to do is to raise the repayment as soon as possible I will continue to negotiate with the lawyers about the damages Try to keep it to a minimum Well, what’s the lowest you can get How much is it It’s about

Two million Two million Let’s collect the money We got to get him out of there I have fifty thousand yuan I have six hundred thousand yuan My dad gave me one hundred thousand yuan before We haven’t spent any money yet I’ll sell this store out if I have to No

I still have some savings. I think it should be enough Xiaonuo Aren’t you going abroad You don’t have to worry about that The most important thing is to get your father out safely Everything else is not important Thank you Don’t worry, as long as we all work together your dad will be fine

Okay, well, you check me in first I’ll send you all the house info later We’ll meet and talk then All right. Thank you. Bye What’s wrong The agent says I’m in arrears on my house It may not be as quick to find suitable buyers I see

How much discount do you think I should give Xiaonuo, if you’re short of money right now I can lend Dai Gushun the money I really appreciate you getting him a lawyer It should not bother you anymore To be honest, I was jealous of him You broke up

And you still help him so much We broke up and we’re still friends Aren’t you kind to me What if I was in jail right now Would you do this to me There is no if Excuse me I want to withdraw all of my money Hello Is it an agency

I wonder if a lady named Xie Xiaonuo registered an apartment with you just now Xiaomi, Xiaomi You just misunderstood I’m here to explain to you I What do you mean You want to divorce me Don’t be silly, will you Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not I’ve made up my mind

You have a bright future now I shouldn’t drag you down any more You’d better find your own happiness Xiaomi Do you know what you’re talking about I go to find my happiness My greatest happiness is to be with you That’s because you haven’t tried to be with anyone else Maybe one day

You’ll thank me Please sign your name Xiaomi Xiaomi Come on, don’t do this okay After all these years, you should know who I am You should know where you are in my heart You really want to separate from me Do you really want to separate from me

I’ve been thinking about it for a long time I know we’ve been together for so many years I’m not used to being separated But I’m tired I want to take a time and have a good rest Xiaomi Please trust me I really want to be with you forever Don’t leave me

Nothing lasts forever It’s our fortune that makes us be together for more than ten years I think it’s time to say good bye We never get divorced Please think it over again This is my choice anyway Yaya came to see me yesterday What is going on with you two Nothing It’s not easy

To meet someone you like and she likes you at the same time in this world You must be grateful I understand it. Nothing happened between us Why did you move back home Didn’t you two get along so well the other day Or do you think that being in love and being together

Are different Maybe I’m just getting along with Xie Xiaonuo and all of a sudden there are so many obstacles around One after another, one after another Yaya came to me this time Xie Xiaonuo’s mother came to me that time It seems that God wants me to be in troubles

Do you think it’s accidental or inevitable I think to be love is easy while to be together is difficult Actually, there wasn’t just me and Xie Xiaonuo living in that house Many people live in this house Are you alright I’m not talking about horror. I’m talking about feeling In that room

There are not just me and Xie Xiaonuo There are Yaya and Fang Jia There are Xie Xiaonuo’s mother and her sisters and you After a while Xie Xiaonuo was quarreling with her mother Fang Jia was arguing with me And then Yaya and I was getting into an argument Just a minute

I had another fight with Xie Xiaonuo’s mother Xie Xiaonuo’s mother quarreled with Yaya again Yaya and Xie Xiaonuo quarreled again Fang Jia and Xie Xiaonuo’s mother quarreled again Lao Dai I understand These are not your obstacles The most important thing is your heart You’re scared I am scared Yes You had courage

When you were with Yaya’s mother Yaya and Fang Jia are also courageous And you The older you get, the more timid you get Are you alright, Mr. Wang What’s the matter, Ning Xin What do you mean I was worried about you You did a good show today What were you worried about

Your mother told me about what happened last night I’ll take you to dinner later to relax No, I’m not in the mood There is no need to relax You’ll be in a good mood when you relax Let’s go. I made a reservation at the revolving restaurant

I will feel dizzy at the revolving restaurant I must leave now Let’s go to the park and watch the water from the boat You’ll be in a better mood I’m afraid of the noise Then let’s find a quiet place Only you and me Ning Xin Whatever my mom told you

I have to tell you Even if I did get divorced I wouldn’t be married anymore And I will never accept anyone else Mr. Wang, but I’m not just anyone I only love Xie Xiaomi Xiaonuo Today Forget about it Why did you come in without knocking You left the door open

Are you going to propose to Xie Xiaonuo Yes It seems I don’t get a chance anymore When In an hour and a half. Wish me luck Good luck Thank you Thank you You’re welcome Take care Lan Feier Hello I have a fever What’s the matter I have no idea. My stomach hurts

Can you come to me for a second Now Can you take me to the hospital Okay, I’m on my way Door is open. Come in please How’s going Lao Dai What’s the matter I have a stomachache It really hurts today Why do you suddenly have a stomachache I have no idea

Lao Dai, take me to the hospital Okay Get up Slow down Take care Hello Xiaonuo, do you have a minute I’d like to make an appointment with you What’s the matter? I’m busy later I have something to tell you It’s important I’m really busy. Can we talk about it later

It’s a short meeting I’m at the coffee shop across from Tomson International Apartment Please come over now All right, I’ll see you later Xiaonuo What’s going on As your friend I hope you find someone who will treat you carefully I don’t want anyone hurt you What do you want to say

I know something about Lan Feier I wonder if I should tell you Why don’t you just tell me what you got This woman is not simple I have a friend who knows her She has been divorced many times The point is she is not a self-respecting woman

What do you mean by telling me all this I saw Dai Gushun and her coming out of that apartment They seem to have a very special relationship That’s why I was so anxious to get you here I don’t know what to tell you in this situation anyway You should calm down

There might be nothing happened between them Right Stop talking about it Look, I know I’m not proud of what I’m doing, okay I wasn’t planning to tell you But you’re the woman I loved before There’s no need to explain Think about it If you need someone to talk to Call me

Slow down, slow down, wait a minute Come on Lean on the bed for a while Thank you Do you feel better Yes I don’t have any other friends I have no choice but to trouble you It’s okay You have to take a good rest and lie down Take the medicine later

I get to go You are such a good man Can you stay with me a little longer I have something else to do You have a good rest Okay How could I forget Today is the day you propose to Xie Xiaonuo Well, you have to go I am leaving

You call me back if you need anything Lao Dai Good luck Thank you Xiaonuo, I have something to do right now. I’ll be a little late If you get here first, you can go around for a while I’ll be right there I’m already here. Where are you Dai Gushun

I have decided to work abroad We should break up Platonic love is suicidal We were all so naive Take care. Bye There’s no need What do you mean There is no need to break the glass No, I mean I mean there is no need to hurt yourself I don’t get it

How could she do this to me I am ready I am ready finally In this world There are confusions Now that she has her choice You can’t stop her Let her go You still have me, your brother Love is like toys They belong to fairy tales I hope you don’t get frustrated

The fairy tale is true if you believe it I’ll introduce you to some nice girls in a few days All kinds of girls Have one more I was wrong I am wrong I thought I told you The safest distance in the world The best distance in the world It’s to keep the distance

I crossed the line this time Can I break one more glass I’ll do it with you Lan Feier: I’m not feeling good recently. I want to take a break for half a month Wish you happy forever. 3:44 p.m. Look, how the wind blew the flowers all over the floor last night

I’ll sweep it away Xinyan, don’t do it Look They looks beautiful on the floor Hurry up and get a camera It would be nice to take some pictures All right, all right, wait for me to take pictures for you I’ll take more pictures of you Right What? You’re divorcing Wang Guoqing

I saw Ning Xin at Wang Guoqing’s home that day I can tell she gets along well with my parents-in-law My mother-in-law likes her What does it matter if your mother-in-law likes her What is Wang Guoqing’s attitude I don’t want to wait until I become embarrassed to get divorced It’s the perfect time

They look great Ning Xin appreciates Guoqing She knows his advantages What’s more, she is young She can make him a father Nonsense. Have you asked Wang Guoqing What did he say What a nice man Wang Guoqing is He cares about you so much

How could you just let Ning Xin marry him so easily Have you thought this through, Xie Xiaomi Liu Yi and I have a lot of problems in our marriage Even though we fight a lot, we still have to live together You are different You have a kid If I had a baby

We could be better What’s wrong I think Xiaomi has been in troubles these days I don’t know about them Xinyan, take it easy They are adults They can deal with it They will tell you if they want to Take it easy It’s not about the kids It’s about the two of you

Wang Guoqing is so considerate Liu Yi is used to taking a project and going away for several months I never say anything about this I would never get divorced if I were you You should know there are reasons for divorce But they all have one thing in common Their hearts are broken

Xiaonuo, what are you doing Say something, she’s getting a divorce I can’t say anything about it right now I broke up with Dai Gushun I’m going to work abroad Go Mom Mother There are all kinds of people on the Internet these days This husband had a mistress Then his wife

Wrote a suicide note to lash out at them Then she hanged herself Look Just when everyone was feeling sorry for her She was alive She gives an interview now She gives an interview Mom, what are you reading I don’t want to read it You will know it when you turn on the computer

There is all rubbish And then I would like to know it I look at them and I look at us We are better than them If we have troubles like them Your grandma and I would be worried Why do you three come to me What happened Xiaomi, go ahead What’s the matter I

Xiaonuo, go ahead Mom Mom, I’m going to go to England What Xie Xiaonuo You always change your mind How long have you been with Dai Gushun Why is this all of a sudden going abroad And you plan to go abroad for years When will you come back

What about your marriage when you come back As for Hao Ren Now that you’re with Lao Dai You need to stop hanging out with Hao Ren I can’t believe you’re out of the country with him now What’s all of this Your marriage will be affected Are you having some problems with Lao Dai

What’s going on Xinyan Take a seat Xiaonuo can deal with it by herself Mom Xiaonuo has to think this through Why are you going abroad What do you want If you make your decision Grandma will be there for you Mom Grandma If you two get any troubles just talk to Grandma Okay

Don’t you think your grandmother and I don’t know anything I know you get some troubles Your grandma knows it But I want to tell you We’ll always be a family No matter what choice you make Your mother and I will support you Do you understand Xiaonuo Remember it Hello, Xiaonuo

I’m already at the door Hurry up or you’ll be late Okay, I got it. I’ll be right there Your documents have no problems Just tell them what they ask you, okay You can do it I don’t want a divorce Before we got married we promised to love each other for life

You can’t get a divorce I have hidden our marriage certificate I remembered that your dad took me to dinner at your house Everyone was laughing You were the only one keeping quiet You washed the dishes and served the meals And then you washed the dishes At that moment I thought

If I could marry you I would be satisfied Yes, you want me to work as your maid No I am such a terrible speaker I didn’t mean it Guoqing I’m grateful to be married to you I don’t hate you even if we get a divorce You are at your best time

You need to find someone who’s really good enough for you I need you Mom was right. She told me I need to think about it But then I though about it All I saw was you I will not be popular forever What’s the point of having a big career What I want is

My wife is waiting for me when I get home This kind of happiness lasts forever for me I can’t have a baby Let’s think about it All you want is a caring wife and a mother of kid I can’t be her I don’t care I just want you You are mine

I don’t want you to leave me Go home with me Xiaozhang What’s wrong with these accounts These are all signed by manager Lan She said you knew it Is that so The account has problems That can’t be all we have on our accounts That Manager Lan said the money

Had been transferred to the factory’s accounts Would you like to ask manager Lan again You go out first Yes Hello, Laoguo. I am Lao Dai I ask you Has the company transferred a sum of money to your factory account That’s impossible. Haven’t we settled the bill yet

Fine. I’ll keep trying to figure it out Xiaozhang Are you Dai Gushun Yes. What’s the matter You’re involved in contract fraud You are summoned by the Law I need you to sign this subpoena Contract fraud Cheers It was not easy getting the visa I can’t believe this is going so well

Thank you so much for this job Xiaonuo To be honest I’ve always felt happy and comfortable with you Is that so Actually I still have feelings for you I don’t mean anything by that I know you’ve been treating me like a friend But friends should be honest with each other Right Yes

Thank you for your honesty If there’s a chance for me I want to try for it Will I be the lucky one Hao Ren Excuse me Hello, Yaya, what’s the matter What? Don’t worried. I’ll be right there Okay What happened Dai Gushun got in trouble I’ll go for a look

Xiaonuo, I’ll drive you there I just called my lawyer about this The lawyer said There are a lot of scams like this now Lan Feier found an Italian company as a cover to lure Dai Gushun and then she used Dai Gushun’s current reputation to attract some domestic investment companies to increase their investment

When she got the money she fled with the money and disappeared She is merciless He can only be released if he pays for the money that he was defrauded of There’s no way the bank can give him money because he has a loan on his house

What are we going to do about this Hao Ren has helped Dai Gushun find the best lawyer The lawyer will take care of some things for us What we need to do is to raise the repayment as soon as possible I will continue to negotiate with the lawyers about the damages

Try to keep it to a minimum Well, what’s the lowest you can get How much is it It’s about two million Two million Let’s collect the money We got to get him out of there I have fifty thousand yuan I have six hundred thousand yuan

My dad gave me one hundred thousand yuan before We haven’t spent any money yet I’ll sell this store out if I have to No I still have some savings. I think it should be enough Xiaonuo Aren’t you going abroad You don’t have to worry about that The most important thing

Is to get your father out safely Everything else is not important Thank you Don’t worry, as long as we all work together your dad will be fine Okay, well, you check me in first I’ll send you all the house info later We’ll meet and talk then All right. Thank you. Bye What’s wrong

The agent says I’m in arrears on my house It may not be as quick to find suitable buyers I see How much discount do you think I should give Xiaonuo, if you’re short of money right now I can lend Dai Gushun the money I really appreciate you getting him a lawyer

It should not bother you anymore To be honest, I was jealous of him You broke up and you still help him so much We broke up and we’re still friends Aren’t you kind to me What if I was in jail right now Would you do this to me There is no if

Excuse me I want to withdraw all of my money Hello Is it an agency I wonder if a lady named Xie Xiaonuo registered an apartment with you just now You’re back Honey What’s this Open it and have a look I’ve got another pack here Don’t write it down. I can remember it

Come here Let me hug you. Don’t cry Don’t cry It’s not big deal. Don’t cry Alright I thought you didn’t like my dad Don’t cry I do dislike your dad But he bought me suits He cooked for me So we’re family. Stop crying Did you hear me I wonder how’s my dad now

He must have lost weight I really miss him To be honest, I miss him too He’s not home and nobody’s nagging me I feel lonely Don’t worry. Dad’s gonna be fine As the saying goes Life has its ups and downs Fifteen days later Our father is a hero again I’ve figured it out

After your dad gets out I will work hard with your dad We will run a family business It’ll take less than two years to pay it off Don’t cry You have a great husband What about your musical dreams Musical dreams are important but not as important as my wife

Now the most priority thing is to earn money Everything else is secondary Don’t cry Hello Miss Xie We are the agency Your house has been sold Really Great Can you make an appointment with the buyer as soon as possible I want to meet him and transfer the house I am sorry

We are entrusted by the buyer to act as his agent Is that so Can you tell me who the buyer is Xiaonuo I think we’ve got the money Thanks to you and Hao Ren otherwise Lao Dai would have been in trouble We’re all friends But you sold the house for him

How did you know It’s easy to guess You can’t raise such amount of money easily It’s not a big deal I’m going abroad anyway Since I won’t rent the house to anyone else It’s better to have the money But you use the money to help him

Would you mind not telling Lao Dai about this Why Because Hao Ren paid for the house You know He has a strong sense of pride I’m afraid he won’t be able to bear it I see What’s your choice I don’t know Xiaonuo It’s a conspiracy between Lao Dai and Lan Feier

You know it clearly Lan Feier had her plan Lao Dai might hurt you in those other days Can’t you forgive him It’s a pity if you two break up for it Your choice really matters to him It’s not my choice It’s our choice There was probably a misunderstanding That could be a temptation

But it is more of a test between us That means our relationship is not strong enough I want to give us some time Let Lao Dai make his own choice I’ve got my visa I’m going to England next month He’ll be out in two days I am not going to see him

You take good care of him Don’t worry Mr. Wang I just got a call from the director He said you were not in the next show I called you. Your phone was off I went to your parents’ house They said you were here So I’m gonna be an uninvited guest today Sorry

Come in please I guess you’d be talk about this to me But I really don’t want to be on TV anymore I am well aware that I am not a knowledgeable person To be honest I’m not even one percent as good as my father-in-law

And I’m really not used to that kind of life I’m tired of running around signing books But your career is just beginning No, my future lies in my study room My future lies at the side of my wife Ning Xin I’ll make it all clear in front of my wife today

I know how you feel about me but unfortunately That is not gonna happen between us In fact, I am just a simple scholar In my heart no matter in the past, in the present or in the future I will always love Xie Xiaomi I love her for her quiet quality

She can provide me with a peaceful life That’s what I need most in my life Guoqing, what are you talking about I am leaving Be careful Go inside. It’s cold outside How can you say that to this kid It hurts her It helps her to grow up She will have her own happiness

You scared me Don’t cry Alright I am fine You have lost weight All right, Yaya, stop crying Your dad’s out. No more crying Lao Dai, we’re taking you home to change your clothes and then come to my pub to have some fun Let’s go Go, Yaya. Get in She didn’t come here

She went to talk with Hao Ren about going abroad If you want to find her I can tell you where she is Enjoy your salad, Sir Thanks Cheers Try the red wine and the dishes The food here is delicious Hao Ren, I want to ask you something What is it

Did you buy my house Is that you How did you know It doesn’t matter Xiaonuo I just want you to have a home Thank you for everything you’ve done for me I appreciate it I understand You don’t understand I don’t want you to thank me It doesn’t mean anything to me Sir

Good luck Xiaonuo, it is still the same ring It is still the same heart I’ve never changed my love for you Will you accept me Nuonuo, I prepared this for you Will you marry me Do you say yes, Xiaonuo Sorry Why Is there something I’m not doing well enough Or

Are you still loving Dai Gushun Excuse me, Sir What can I help you It’s not about this We can’t be together We’re two different people I want to know the reason It’s my fault I am sorry I can’t accept your love right now I need some time

Well, I can give you time to think about it I thought we could arrange an engagement ceremony with friends and relatives if you say yes to me and then we could get married in London It will be easier for you to go through immigration procedures

The reason I want to go to London is that I want to fight for my career for another two years I understand Take it easy. There’s still plenty of time Cheers Closed for a day, please understand Welcome Come on, put this on What’s this Red shorts It brings good luck Is that so

Yes Master said you should put this on for a day long Don’t take it off Come on Rise your head Now let’s welcome Mr. Dai Gushun to deliver a speech after the disaster Alright Miss Excuse me A gentleman asked me to give it to you Where is he He had already left

-Thank you. -You’re welcome Take your seat Take your seat Wait for a moment Do I have to Yes At least three points Three points Fine First point. Thank you Thank you Second point I will work hard to make money to pay you back as soon as possible Of course. You borrow money

And you should pay it back You must pay back the money with interest Yes Pay back with the interest Third point Can I have a drink Sure Of course I take the wine We won’t go home till we’re drunk Cheers Clap for me Lao Dai, give me a big clap Xiaonuo Sister

You start packing now What can I help you No, thanks I only have a small luggage to take Xiaonuo You’ve been so distracted lately Are you all right I am fine I had to leave so suddenly for so long I kind of missed you  Did you break up

With Dai Gushun for real You’re going abroad with Hao Ren Do you want to be with him someday He asked me to marry him Did you promise him No, of course not Xiaonuo What do you want I don’t want anything Are you alright I am fine What are you doing out here

Look at the moon Xie Xiaonuo did not come today Did you feel upset No No, I don’t Did you go looking for her this afternoon Yes What did she say to you Nothing You as a woman could choose to be independent for life You could choose to love a man for life

You could choose to only love yourself for life Or you could choose to find a general husband like everyone else You always change your mind What exactly do you want Don’t you care about anything now If I said yes to Hao Ren’s proposal It doesn’t mean that I care nothing

Hao Ren is not bad It’s not about him. It’s about you You have to think it clearly No matter how you want to fight for your career or go abroad Or why you want to get married You should know why you do it You should know the result of it

Do you think about that She is leaving for England soon A woman like her can’t live without a career I bless her everything’s all fine Is this the end of you two Isn’t it good? What else can I do Don’t you think it’s a shame I think you love each other Nonsense Love

What’s love Don’t you think love is boring Love is like farting It simmers unknowingly but explodes violently No matter how hard you try Love is always a fart Drifting in the wind without a trace No Love means understanding and tolerance Love is giving and interdependent You will feel more happy

When you see she is happy Love is out of sight and out of touch But you can feel it if you put your heart on it Would you like to marry me What did you say Would you like to marry me Even though I don’t have anything right now

You’re too drunk. Let’s go back You think I’m drunk I’ve been thinking about it these days What exactly do I want Lao Dai I don’t want to hear your drunken talk I swear I promise it’s true I’ve thought about it What do I want The most pathetic thing is not to have

Or to lose The most pathetic thing is you don’t know what you really want Ay Xiaonuo I know you’re an adult now You’re not the little girl who’s been running around behind us Sister You’re at your most critical moment and none of us can help you Mom and I are worried

But that’s something you can only decide on your own You’ve got to figure it out Whatever choice you make I hope you will be happy right Thank you You figure it out for yourself I want peace now I want to live my life now I am forty years old I want a family

I want someone to understand me and tolerate me Although I’m being a little selfish right now This is what I want to say to you I am not drunk Lao Dai If you wake up tomorrow you would not change your mind I would like to think about it Alright Stay with me

Look at the moon for a while Fang Jia What time is it now Uncle Cat is sleeping on the floor Stand up Stand up Don’t leave me, Suancai. Don’t go I am not your Suancai Fang Jia. Wake up Please help Uncle Cat Hurry up Please help Uncle Cat Uncle Cat It’s dawn

Did I just sleep on the floor Where is my dad Dad Where is Ha Le Dad Ha Le Come and have breakfast together I don’t know what to tell you in this situation anyway You should calm down There might be nothing happened between them Right Stop talking about it

Look, I know I’m not proud of what I’m doing, okay I wasn’t planning to tell you But you’re the woman I loved before There’s no need to explain Think about it If you need someone to talk to Call me Slow down, slow down, wait a minute Come on

Lean on the bed for a while Thank you Do you feel better Yes I don’t have any other friends I have no choice but to trouble you It’s okay You have to take a good rest and lie down Take the medicine later I get to go You are such a good man

Can you stay with me a little longer I have something else to do You have a good rest Okay How could I forget Today is the day you propose to Xie Xiaonuo Well, you have to go I am leaving You call me back if you need anything Lao Dai Good luck Thank you

Xiaonuo, I have something to do right now. I’ll be a little late If you get here first, you can go around for a while I’ll be right there I’m already here. Where are you Dai Gushun I have decided to work abroad We should break up Platonic love is suicidal

We were all so naive Take care. Bye There’s no need What do you mean There is no need to break the glass No, I mean I mean there is no need to hurt yourself I don’t get it How could she do this to me I am ready I am ready finally

In this world There are confusions Now that she has her choice You can’t stop her Let her go You still have me, your brother Love is like toys They belong to fairy tales I hope you don’t get frustrated The fairy tale is true if you believe it

I’ll introduce you to some nice girls in a few days All kinds of girls Have one more I was wrong I am wrong I thought I told you The safest distance in the world The best distance in the world It’s to keep the distance I crossed the line this time

Can I break one more glass I’ll do it with you Lan Feier: I’m not feeling good recently. I want to take a break for half a month Wish you happy forever. 3:44 p.m. Look, how the wind blew the flowers all over the floor last night I’ll sweep it away Xinyan, don’t do it

Look They looks beautiful on the floor Hurry up and get a camera It would be nice to take some pictures All right, all right, wait for me to take pictures for you I’ll take more pictures of you Right What? You’re divorcing Wang Guoqing I saw Ning Xin at Wang Guoqing’s home that day

I can tell she gets along well with my parents-in-law My mother-in-law likes her What does it matter if your mother-in-law likes her What is Wang Guoqing’s attitude I don’t want to wait until I become embarrassed to get divorced It’s the perfect time They look great Ning Xin appreciates Guoqing She knows his advantages

What’s more, she is young She can make him a father Nonsense. Have you asked Wang Guoqing What did he say What a nice man Wang Guoqing is He cares about you so much How could you just let Ning Xin marry him so easily Have you thought this through, Xie Xiaomi

Liu Yi and I have a lot of problems in our marriage Even though we fight a lot, we still have to live together You are different You have a kid If I had a baby we could be better What’s wrong I think Xiaomi has been in troubles these days

I don’t know about them Xinyan, take it easy They are adults They can deal with it They will tell you if they want to Take it easy It’s not about the kids It’s about the two of you Wang Guoqing is so considerate Liu Yi is used to taking a project

And going away for several months I never say anything about this I would never get divorced if I were you You should know there are reasons for divorce But they all have one thing in common Their hearts are broken Xiaonuo, what are you doing Say something, she’s getting a divorce

I can’t say anything about it right now I broke up with Dai Gushun I’m going to work abroad Go Mom Mother There are all kinds of people on the Internet these days This husband had a mistress Then his wife wrote a suicide note to lash out at them Then she hanged herself Look

Just when everyone was feeling sorry for her She was alive She gives an interview now She gives an interview Mom, what are you reading I don’t want to read it You will know it when you turn on the computer There is all rubbish And then I would like to know it

I look at them and I look at us We are better than them If we have troubles like them Your grandma and I would be worried Why do you three come to me What happened Xiaomi, go ahead What’s the matter I Xiaonuo, go ahead Mom Mom, I’m going to go to England What

Xie Xiaonuo You always change your mind How long have you been with Dai Gushun Why is this all of a sudden going abroad And you plan to go abroad for years When will you come back What about your marriage when you come back As for Hao Ren Now that you’re with Lao Dai

You need to stop hanging out with Hao Ren I can’t believe you’re out of the country with him now What’s all of this Your marriage will be affected Are you having some problems with Lao Dai What’s going on Xinyan Take a seat Xiaonuo can deal with it by herself Mom

Xiaonuo has to think this through Why are you going abroad What do you want If you make your decision Grandma will be there for you Mom Grandma If you two get any troubles just talk to Grandma Okay Don’t you think your grandmother and I don’t know anything I know you get some troubles

Your grandma knows it But I want to tell you We’ll always be a family No matter what choice you make Your mother and I will support you Do you understand Xiaonuo Remember it Hello, Xiaonuo I’m already at the door Hurry up or you’ll be late Okay, I got it. I’ll be right there

Your documents have no problems Just tell them what they ask you, okay You can do it I don’t want a divorce Before we got married we promised to love each other for life You can’t get a divorce I have hidden our marriage certificate I remembered

That your dad took me to dinner at your house Everyone was laughing You were the only one keeping quiet You washed the dishes and served the meals And then you washed the dishes At that moment I thought If I could marry you I would be satisfied

Yes, you want me to work as your maid No I am such a terrible speaker I didn’t mean it Guoqing I’m grateful to be married to you I don’t hate you even if we get a divorce You are at your best time You need to find someone who’s really good enough for you

I need you Mom was right. She told me I need to think about it But then I though about it All I saw was you I will not be popular forever What’s the point of having a big career What I want is my wife is waiting for me when I get home

This kind of happiness lasts forever for me I can’t have a baby Let’s think about it All you want is a caring wife and a mother of kid I can’t be her I don’t care I just want you You are mine I don’t want you to leave me Go home with me Xiaozhang

What’s wrong with these accounts These are all signed by manager Lan She said you knew it Is that so The account has problems That can’t be all we have on our accounts That Manager Lan said the money had been transferred to the factory’s accounts Would you like to ask manager Lan again

You go out first Yes Hello, Laoguo. I am Lao Dai I ask you Has the company transferred a sum of money to your factory account That’s impossible. Haven’t we settled the bill yet Fine. I’ll keep trying to figure it out Xiaozhang Are you Dai Gushun Yes. What’s the matter

You’re involved in contract fraud You are summoned by the Law I need you to sign this subpoena Contract fraud Cheers It was not easy getting the visa I can’t believe this is going so well Thank you so much for this job Xiaonuo To be honest I’ve always felt happy and comfortable with you

Is that so Actually I still have feelings for you I don’t mean anything by that I know you’ve been treating me like a friend But friends should be honest with each other Right Yes Thank you for your honesty If there’s a chance for me I want to try for it

Will I be the lucky one Hao Ren Excuse me Hello, Yaya, what’s the matter What? Don’t worried. I’ll be right there Okay What happened Dai Gushun got in trouble I’ll go for a look Xiaonuo, I’ll drive you there I just called my lawyer about this The lawyer said

There are a lot of scams like this now Lan Feier found an Italian company as a cover to lure Dai Gushun and then she used Dai Gushun’s current reputation to attract some domestic investment companies to increase their investment When she got the money she fled with the money and disappeared She is merciless

He can only be released if he pays for the money that he was defrauded of There’s no way the bank can give him money because he has a loan on his house What are we going to do about this Hao Ren has helped Dai Gushun find the best lawyer

The lawyer will take care of some things for us What we need to do is to raise the repayment as soon as possible I will continue to negotiate with the lawyers about the damages Try to keep it to a minimum Well, what’s the lowest you can get How much is it It’s about

Two million Two million Let’s collect the money We got to get him out of there I have fifty thousand yuan I have six hundred thousand yuan My dad gave me one hundred thousand yuan before We haven’t spent any money yet I’ll sell this store out if I have to No

I still have some savings. I think it should be enough Xiaonuo Aren’t you going abroad You don’t have to worry about that The most important thing is to get your father out safely Everything else is not important Thank you Don’t worry, as long as we all work together your dad will be fine

Okay, well, you check me in first I’ll send you all the house info later We’ll meet and talk then All right. Thank you. Bye What’s wrong The agent says I’m in arrears on my house It may not be as quick to find suitable buyers I see

How much discount do you think I should give Xiaonuo, if you’re short of money right now I can lend Dai Gushun the money I really appreciate you getting him a lawyer It should not bother you anymore To be honest, I was jealous of him You broke up

And you still help him so much We broke up and we’re still friends Aren’t you kind to me What if I was in jail right now Would you do this to me There is no if Excuse me I want to withdraw all of my money Hello Is it an agency

I wonder if a lady named Xie Xiaonuo registered an apartment with you just now You’re back Honey What’s this Open it and have a look I’ve got another pack here Don’t write it down. I can remember it Come here Let me hug you. Don’t cry Don’t cry It’s not big deal. Don’t cry

Alright I thought you didn’t like my dad Don’t cry I do dislike your dad But he bought me suits He cooked for me So we’re family. Stop crying Did you hear me I wonder how’s my dad now He must have lost weight I really miss him To be honest, I miss him too

He’s not home and nobody’s nagging me I feel lonely Don’t worry. Dad’s gonna be fine As the saying goes Life has its ups and downs Fifteen days later Our father is a hero again I’ve figured it out After your dad gets out I will work hard with your dad

We will run a family business It’ll take less than two years to pay it off Don’t cry You have a great husband What about your musical dreams Musical dreams are important but not as important as my wife Now the most priority thing is to earn money Everything else is secondary Don’t cry Hello

Miss Xie We are the agency Your house has been sold Really Great Can you make an appointment with the buyer as soon as possible I want to meet him and transfer the house I am sorry We are entrusted by the buyer to act as his agent Is that so Can you tell me

Who the buyer is Xiaonuo I think we’ve got the money Thanks to you and Hao Ren otherwise Lao Dai would have been in trouble We’re all friends But you sold the house for him How did you know It’s easy to guess You can’t raise such amount of money easily

It’s not a big deal I’m going abroad anyway Since I won’t rent the house to anyone else It’s better to have the money But you use the money to help him Would you mind not telling Lao Dai about this Why Because Hao Ren paid for the house You know

He has a strong sense of pride I’m afraid he won’t be able to bear it I see What’s your choice I don’t know Xiaonuo It’s a conspiracy between Lao Dai and Lan Feier You know it clearly Lan Feier had her plan Lao Dai might hurt you in those other days

Can’t you forgive him It’s a pity if you two break up for it Your choice really matters to him It’s not my choice It’s our choice There was probably a misunderstanding That could be a temptation But it is more of a test between us That means our relationship is not strong enough

I want to give us some time Let Lao Dai make his own choice I’ve got my visa I’m going to England next month He’ll be out in two days I am not going to see him You take good care of him Don’t worry Mr. Wang I just got a call from the director

He said you were not in the next show I called you. Your phone was off I went to your parents’ house They said you were here So I’m gonna be an uninvited guest today Sorry Come in please I guess you’d be talk about this to me

But I really don’t want to be on TV anymore I am well aware that I am not a knowledgeable person To be honest I’m not even one percent as good as my father-in-law And I’m really not used to that kind of life I’m tired of running around signing books

But your career is just beginning No, my future lies in my study room My future lies at the side of my wife Ning Xin I’ll make it all clear in front of my wife today I know how you feel about me but unfortunately That is not gonna happen between us

In fact, I am just a simple scholar In my heart no matter in the past, in the present or in the future I will always love Xie Xiaomi I love her for her quiet quality She can provide me with a peaceful life That’s what I need most in my life

Guoqing, what are you talking about I am leaving Be careful Go inside. It’s cold outside How can you say that to this kid It hurts her It helps her to grow up She will have her own happiness You scared me Don’t cry Alright I am fine You have lost weight

All right, Yaya, stop crying Your dad’s out. No more crying Lao Dai, we’re taking you home to change your clothes and then come to my pub to have some fun Let’s go Go, Yaya. Get in She didn’t come here She went to talk with Hao Ren about going abroad

If you want to find her I can tell you where she is Enjoy your salad, Sir Thanks Cheers Try the red wine and the dishes The food here is delicious Hao Ren, I want to ask you something What is it Did you buy my house Is that you How did you know

It doesn’t matter Xiaonuo I just want you to have a home Thank you for everything you’ve done for me I appreciate it I understand You don’t understand I don’t want you to thank me It doesn’t mean anything to me Sir Good luck Xiaonuo, it is still the same ring

It is still the same heart I’ve never changed my love for you Will you accept me Nuonuo, I prepared this for you Will you marry me Do you say yes, Xiaonuo Sorry Why Is there something I’m not doing well enough Or Are you still loving Dai Gushun Excuse me, Sir

What can I help you It’s not about this We can’t be together We’re two different people I want to know the reason It’s my fault I am sorry I can’t accept your love right now I need some time Well, I can give you time to think about it

I thought we could arrange an engagement ceremony with friends and relatives if you say yes to me and then we could get married in London It will be easier for you to go through immigration procedures The reason I want to go to London is

That I want to fight for my career for another two years I understand Take it easy. There’s still plenty of time Cheers Closed for a day, please understand Welcome Come on, put this on What’s this Red shorts It brings good luck Is that so Yes

Master said you should put this on for a day long Don’t take it off Come on Rise your head Now let’s welcome Mr. Dai Gushun to deliver a speech after the disaster Alright Miss Excuse me A gentleman asked me to give it to you Where is he He had already left

-Thank you. -You’re welcome Take your seat Take your seat Wait for a moment Do I have to Yes At least three points Three points Fine First point. Thank you Thank you Second point I will work hard to make money to pay you back as soon as possible Of course. You borrow money

And you should pay it back You must pay back the money with interest Yes Pay back with the interest Third point Can I have a drink Sure Of course I take the wine We won’t go home till we’re drunk Cheers Clap for me Lao Dai, give me a big clap Xiaonuo Sister

You start packing now What can I help you No, thanks I only have a small luggage to take Xiaonuo You’ve been so distracted lately Are you all right I am fine I had to leave so suddenly for so long I kind of missed you  Did you break up

With Dai Gushun for real You’re going abroad with Hao Ren Do you want to be with him someday He asked me to marry him Did you promise him No, of course not Xiaonuo What do you want I don’t want anything Are you alright I am fine What are you doing out here

Look at the moon Xie Xiaonuo did not come today Did you feel upset No No, I don’t Did you go looking for her this afternoon Yes What did she say to you Nothing You as a woman could choose to be independent for life You could choose to love a man for life

You could choose to only love yourself for life Or you could choose to find a general husband like everyone else You always change your mind What exactly do you want Don’t you care about anything now If I said yes to Hao Ren’s proposal It doesn’t mean that I care nothing

Hao Ren is not bad It’s not about him. It’s about you You have to think it clearly No matter how you want to fight for your career or go abroad Or why you want to get married You should know why you do it You should know the result of it

Do you think about that She is leaving for England soon A woman like her can’t live without a career I bless her everything’s all fine Is this the end of you two Isn’t it good? What else can I do Don’t you think it’s a shame I think you love each other Nonsense Love

What’s love Don’t you think love is boring Love is like farting It simmers unknowingly but explodes violently No matter how hard you try Love is always a fart Drifting in the wind without a trace No Love means understanding and tolerance Love is giving and interdependent You will feel more happy

When you see she is happy Love is out of sight and out of touch But you can feel it if you put your heart on it Would you like to marry me What did you say Would you like to marry me Even though I don’t have anything right now

You’re too drunk. Let’s go back You think I’m drunk I’ve been thinking about it these days What exactly do I want Lao Dai I don’t want to hear your drunken talk I swear I promise it’s true I’ve thought about it What do I want The most pathetic thing is not to have

Or to lose The most pathetic thing is you don’t know what you really want Ay Xiaonuo I know you’re an adult now You’re not the little girl who’s been running around behind us Sister You’re at your most critical moment and none of us can help you Mom and I are worried

But that’s something you can only decide on your own You’ve got to figure it out Whatever choice you make I hope you will be happy right Thank you You figure it out for yourself I want peace now I want to live my life now I am forty years old I want a family

I want someone to understand me and tolerate me Although I’m being a little selfish right now This is what I want to say to you I am not drunk Lao Dai If you wake up tomorrow you would not change your mind I would like to think about it Alright Stay with me

Look at the moon for a while You’ve all had enough I have an announcement to make Yaya All these years your Aunt Ha Le has been taking care of you and me I really appreciate it But that’s not what I want to talk about today I want to say after this incident

My mind has changed I think you’re a adult and you have your family Dad doesn’t want to be alone anymore I want to marry your Aunt Ha Le Is that a proposal Yes What a proposal it is It looks like there’s something missing I proposed with a steamed bun in my hand

It looks funny But I think it has a special meaning We together is the combination of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea Besides I have nothing left I don’t know if you can accept this awkward little steamed bun I wonder if you would marry me or not Dai Gushun

Are you in a meeting Are you talking about something You’re just in time, Xiaonuo I want to tell you Dai Gushun and I are getting married Under the circumstances we are not planning a big wedding we will just get a marriage license Is that so Congratulations Congratulations Thank you You I I That

I think there are some things you can’t run away from If two people don’t meet It doesn’t mean nothing happened So I think if two people fall into a misunderstanding they will get stuck in a tangle they will be lost they will regret in the end You all know me

I hate doing things I regret I’m struggling with this I don’t know what I want It was my sister who reminded me She said I might be go to try the feeling of death I did It’s great It’s good I think if I ignore everything If If If I put my pride aside

Without reservation Then I will truly face my heart So So You wear ballerina skirt to come in This is your courage Yes It’s my second time to wear it I think I should wear this skirt to talk to you Because it gave me courage to show you my true heart I

I said yes to Hao Ren’s proposal We decided to hold an engagement ceremony before going abroad It’s a wedding in a foreign country Dai Gushun, don’t you want to congratulate me Excuse me I just think it happened so fast Yes, it did I think so Because I suddenly make my decision Alright

I came to tell you the news I hope you’ll be at my wedding I must go now I like this dress very much But it doesn’t belong to me Maybe I should say it never belonged to me It should be returned to you Wish you happiness Dad

Dad, what’s the matter? Are you alright Are you trying to go after her No I just want to see her off Let’s get married Are you going to get married What about Xie Xiaonuo sold her house for him Don’t we tell him about this Xie Xiaonuo told me not to tell him She

I think it is kind of mean Xie Xiaonuo marries Hao Ren I think It looks like we plan to trick Lao Dai Xie Xiaonuo has already given up Lao Dai also agreed on it I am going to be married What do you mean by that now Calm down I didn’t mean it

Lie, what’s the matter if I lie to him I think it is the best result It’s what I want Can we just accept it Laomao, I am a woman I am a woman just like Xie Xiaonuo Why can’t Laodai love me Why can’t we be married

Why can’t I just be selfish for once Hey I didn’t mean it That’s not what I mean Yes, you mean it You just think I took advantage No no no Don’t cry please That’s not what I mean I am a bad talker I should be to blame Xie Xiaonuo She is nothing

I am definitely on your side If you marry to Laodai I will be really happy I will be also jealous Don’t cry Laomao I am going to be married I should be happy, right But I feel sad inside Alright, don’t be sad Everything is going to be alright Alright Don’t be sad

If you cry hard I will be so sorry for that



👉💥《緣分💕我們註定相愛》——Female CEO Loves A Poor man





《失憶💕讓我們相遇相守》——President fall in love with a single mom



#熱劇不停 #霸道總裁灰姑娘 #EngSub #Spanishsubtitles


  1. Mr lovable rogue is at it again.Sniffingfor another couple of concubines to enhance his harem.He,s looking like a worn out emperor,past his sell by date.😂😂😂😂😂

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