$15 Sleeper Bus in Vietnam 🇻🇳 (Hanoi to Ha Giang)

Right now guys we are going on a VIP sleeper bus from here in Hanoi to Ha Giang we’re going to be doing the Ha Giang Loop seems like a full bus you want to say anything for YouTube hi

Hey all right we’re in A1 Karolina just me sh off please oh shoes off off okay shoes off all right all right come on there go shoes off nice and clean I think we’re on this one over here oh this is a

Double wow I thought uh this was going to be bigger I thought we probably needed to get two all right let’s uh put this over here is this a double uh that one double this is a double yeah I thought this was

Going to be bigger than all right how do we climb up there all right you want to hold this it’s pretty cool I like the lighting yeah so this is the sleeper bus and as you can see there isn’t too much space we’re going have to squeeze

In I know this is this is pretty bad in terms of our our failings we probably should have got two but it looked a lot bigger it looked a a lot lot bigger is there a light I can or maybe just over

Here uh just checking uh third third sheet oh there we go there we go double this is a double oh wow I would have booked both got this side in the Vietnam people but is this one is this one booked it is booked I have someone someone’s booked

This one okay someone’s booked this one okay we can’t really change it but uh wow so she said this is for Vietnamese like Asian body size and we are oh my God I can’t believe actually we’re doing this for hours we got a back we have a we have a laptop yeah yeah

Yeah like on the booking it looked a lot bigger a lot lot bigger yeah and it was like actually people maybe you can ask is there excuse me is there a another another seat we can buy today sorry about that did we full oh it’s full oh wow going me wow wow wow

This is uh we weren’t expecting this literally we sometimes use titles like that and we were not expecting this but you can see you got like the window you got like a one person seat or two for Vietnamese people I don’t even know how we’re going to we’re going to be like

Maybe you want to just try and climb up all right will be okay okay we have 8 hours to go what is this I didn’t that’s wait what nothing there okay we got airon coming out through here and this is it’s moving it’s moving right now you can see but uh

You k you want to move this bag off I’m like I think put it under your feet yeah and this is us for I mean I can’t even extend my legs oh my God byebye have in Vietnam thank you hello hello YouTube say hello for YouTube oh I like your

Hair uh what’s your channel I can type it in for you yeah yeah yeah this is very comfy see this is Vietnamese size yes this is not uh European Foreigner size I can type in all right it’s my name and you guys will be on it yeah

You’ll be famous you too there you go you can are you uh friends ah you got the colored hair as well blue and blue hair blue and uh like pink pink purple pink okay nice all right oh yeah you got this is this is so fun

Sorry all right oh here’s our friend how’s it going good you know we’ve got with we’ve got this space for us two yeah yeah so we are like we’ve got our bags over here and then uh we’re like crumped up so nice and say you have

Space one yeah for two people yeah cuz it said like a double cabin and when we looked at the photos it was like uh it’s this this one here I think yeah the same ones right yeah so this one was part of our booking what’s your

Name uh Jay okay so this was part of our booking that we had through the hostel year five yeah but um there was a mishap and the person that was going to sit here was going to see if he was actually going to do so if

You need to move we go here both of you are supposed to be in there yeah go here okay so I guess I’m taking this spot thank you so much that’s uh and we’re like see you said you needed like a travel friend yeah now we’re travel

Friends for like 8 hours okay guys so I have got my own little sleeper cabin I’m here with Justice from the Netherlands super super cool guy and uh we had a bit of a worry because this was booked but they hadn’t paid for it and there’s a

Lot of confusion they don’t even know that basically I’m here right now but we booked a double cabin which is basically the same as a single cabin but we paid pretty much double the price so um if they want to you know basically charge

Us then we’ll just hopefully just pay the difference but it looks like um so the the girl behind us Ronnie she said that this was booked by her friend but they haven’t paid for it so we pretty much paid for it with a double cin it

Cost 550,000 uh dong and just as you were saying like you paid 350 350 so we’ve pretty much paid for most of it and to be honest the the pictures on the website were saying showing that it was so much wider that did you did you see

The pictures website no but I know the C yeah it looks super wide and a lot bigger so anyways like I just want to show you guys like a little bit more what’s happening here so you can actually recline the seats just over

Here so you can see I’m I’m reclining it backwards and you can also recline it forwards and I think this is actually the the bottom end just over here I’m just doing but anyways um there should be some lights but these don’t

Work uh there we got some a AC on here you got some charging ports just over here but uh what do you say justice do are you enjoying the sleeper bus View’s nice and the bed’s good yeah that’s right and I got good company as well

Like great compy we we’re just having a chat we and we’re just hoping like they’re not going to CH me off the uh bus only one yes yes but uh the space wasn’t big enough and we asked if we could uh book another uh pod but uh pay the difference

Because we paid 550,000 and uh they said it was full but we’ve met someone who said that they’ve booked a like a a friend has booked one of these pods and they’re not going to be taking

It yes but like we told we you mean uh you already one more one more I will stop on the bus on the bus I asked for it and they said it’s full but the there is a space because we know a friend who said it’s their friend booked it uh they

Pre-booked it but didn’t pay and they’re not on the bus so you want uh one more C right yes but uh we paid 550,000 for the double because we thought it was going to be bigger but it’s for one person you need P more 150 how much more

15 so that is so we need to pay 150,000 more yes yeah we can do that uh got you pay already 550 right 550,000 yeah we can pay that should we pay that to the driver yeah they should pay uh 150 for driver okay we’ll pay the driver one

More one more okay no problem all right I’ll find a driver now okay thank you come on by I I thought that might happen at least now it’s official like you don’t have to now it’s official I can relax

And I can give you back your uh pod cuz actually I was there and we were just filming a YouTube thumbnail with Justice’s help um I will be back Justice all right okay let’s go pay all right bye all right so let’s see

Karolina uh Carolina can you give me a 100 hello can you give me 150,000 so I can pay for this one so it’s the difference um let’s uh I’m cheating okay if you just give me 150,000 be that would be good then it’s

Sorted all right we have the 150,000 let’s pay is for the driver ah excuse me uh for the driver for the driver uh 150,000 the for the cabin yes cuz we book yeah he he he could sort out I’m pretty sure like okay all right good night good

Night is this the right location mhm we need to take a taxi taxi all right taxi oh you have to take a taxi okay we have to take a taxi taxi taxi with him uh B you how much yeah ,000 okay 80,000 is fine come on come

On oh yeah we get a luggage out I completely forgot look at all the LEDs that it’s lit up on this bus it’s crazy it’s early in the morning it’s half three all right so we have arrived to

Hang we’re taking a taxi to our homeate and I like how they didn’t try to overcharge it was a reasonable price okay so come on have you paid oh okay there you go it’s it’s okay come on okay come on so we are checking into our place this is good morning early

Morning all right we are oops good morning guys this is funny um we went to bed at you can hear my voice it’s morning time 4:00 a.m. in the morning because we arrived I think it ended up being like

Five cuz we just we arrived we wanted to brush our teeth just kind of just decompress after the Sleeper Bus it was an adventure itself like uh even myself like I couldn’t really sleep because people were talking all the time we were

Stopping in random places yeah I was next to the driver oh okay that’s that’s an issue yeah I was like luckily I found the you would have seen obviously in the footage I found a great spot and I was just talking to Justice for a a while

And talking about travels and um he’s a new time traveler so he was asking so many questions and and sometimes felt lonely because of um the style of travel so it was nice having that conversation and then basically everything went quiet

They just turned the lights off and I just could go to sleep and and we did have a coffee before before getting on the board to have energy because like we came off the cruise in the like literally that same day and we had the

Genius idea to take the sleeper bus like straight up away after the cruise um but I’m glad we did it because um although we didn’t get much sleep with the sleeper bus and you’re like always move and actually with the

Sleeper train we did in Thailand um it was way easier to sleep it was more like a bed style this one was more like a chair which was like bigger where you could it wasn’t fully reclined so you you like kind of still at an

Angle and my knees like if you’re a Vietnamese or Asian and typically like you’re smaller body then it’s basically perfect because you can just literally have good leg space but I my knees were like constantly bent and the difference

With a sleeper train is that a lot of the sleeper train is just kind of going a straight line and then they do some kind of movements but with the sleeper bus you’re it was crazy you’re literally like going like this all the time your

Knees are cramped and I didn’t even realize there was like a until halfway that there’s like a window shutter so the lights from outside were like flashing all the time um we did have a coffee so that could have affected it

But I was speaking to um a French couple and they said that they went for the kind of economy sleeper and I looked at it and it looked crazy like there was like 40 people just sat next to each other there was no kind of privacy and

It was just not very nice nice conditions but um anyways we got good news because right now you can hear the rain in the background and we’re going to show you the place we around in because it’s really in a rural setting

Very beautiful and it’s very nice to for the contrast from Illinois yeah it’s like U maybe 10 minutes by the taxi from the drop off point which was probably somewhere in the city center here in hang and shout out to our Taxi Driver

Like you know when when we arrive the place especially touristy places they usually try and overcharge you and our hom they said it’s about 70,000 for the taxi he said 80,000 so we just gave him 100 it was perfectly organized but they

Must be like waiting for the buses in the middle of the night and they do one trip and then they and then they maybe wait for the next bus but maybe they just go home but we have good news because like I said it’s been raining

The weather in January for the H for the uh for the Hang glute by motorbike is not very good but very unpredictable I’ll sh share with you the voice note that we got this morning it will tell its own story let me put the sound up

Guys I have a good news probably you will be sleeping so uh I can go today but if you can if you can I will start tomorrow 100% okay today was rning whole night but it’s not as bad as we thought so uh

Tomorrow the degrees are increasing to 3° so probably will be the same rain so I will highly recommend to take advantage of the next two days that is going to be good will be sleeping okay so you you pretty much got the point of

That and so we are very uh lucky hopefully it is like that and we’re going to be doing the Hang gloop tomorrow is up tomorrow yeah so we’re staying in this wooden house just over here our room is just over there we have

A cat just going slow slowly finding its prey like a cheetah and we have this very beautiful view and if you swing around oops I just just my fo flop time didn’t have much sleep but uh I think we had like I had like 4 hours of sleep but this is

Our room so this is it’s a bit cooler the temperatures are definitely uh cooler that’s why I’ve got my jumper on and I’ve got some long pants on but um it was very nice to sleep in no no complaints so we just leave the doors

Open we can just turn these lights off there we go so bit dark right now but we’re going to be coming down for breakfast ah C hello we have breakfast for two people yeah okay yeah perfect it’s like pancakes yeah okay you’re making the pancakes here

Beautiful hello so uh this is the gentleman who greeted us late last night uh we’re at the faven Homestay um which is located outside of the town center and it’s more of a kind of rural F hi so we’re going to have some breakfast we got some pancakes he got on oh they

Have like different types of accommodation here I can see the chickens oh yeah the chickens over here they’re going to probably run away or maybe they’re used to human beings but the chickens are just over here they got Bungalows oh wow look at this look at this

Guys check out that that is amazing I did not expect that you can see this stream running through the jungle so we’ve got the pancakes just here we’ve got some honey that we can dip it in so cool have fre of done yeah

Let’s uh I’m just going to set you guys up here it’s going to be wobbly right now there we go how does that look just all right so we have got some honey just like this and we’re going to grab do you want to I I use my hands h yeah

Maybe yeah I think easiest way to do it just tip it in just like that oh got some is coming okay thank you come [Music] on good fruit and then um we’ve actually got like quite a few three of them yeah we got like three pancakes yeah to keep us

Full until later on in the day especially like so many pancakes it’s crazy so many but uh you got to try it with the honey it’s so good the honey I I have a feeling is like locally SAU because we

Hear a lot of the food that they prepare here for breakfast lunch and dinner because there’s nothing around it’s just um it’s just Countryside and that’s the beauty of it it’s very very rural and remote and uh all the vegetables and

Everything are kind of produced on site I’m guessing the Honey’s the same very nice yeah it’s very different from the European honey let me move it this way a little bit there you go banana got some honey here honey is so good hello but I wanted to show you guys

My coffee so basically here we got it in the traditional thin so he put some of the coffee inside here and then some of the water and then it’s dripping like down here so so this is traditional Vietnamese and then I guess oh somebody wants attention then you can just maybe I can

Put it here and try it like this go for it it’s quite bitter it’s quite strong but uh in the morning that’s the best type of coffee especially if you combine it with the sweet breakfast my friend is going away this is like a strong Vietnamese coffee right yeah yeah yeah

You can see the color we have been given the go-ahead for our hang Loop Adventure this is not going to be any hang Loop video or videos we’re not going to be going to the main Backpacker roads and Trails um we’re going to be showing you

The authentic hang Loop experience I’m pretty confident of delivering that and we’re going to be doing 3 days two nights we’ve been given the goahead for tomorrow to start early and we’re super excited because we thought the weather

Was going to result in us not being able to go on this experience so we’re going to be filming that documenting that and we’re going to be bringing that to you guys look out for these hangal Loop videos thank you so much for watching guys we see you guys in the next video

In this video we pack up our things and leave Hanoi to head for an adventure of a lifetime to Ha Giang 😎🛵 We had a VIP Sleeper Bus booked, but of course there were a few things that, as usual, turned out to be a *BIG surprise* for us! Watch the video to see what happened on the way!💥 #vipsleeperbus #Vietnam #travelvlog

✅ For more information about the packages and cruises offered by the Indochina Junk, visit their website https://www.indochina-junk.com. You can also explore their Instagram page for stunning visuals and updates https://www.instagram.com/indochinajunk.

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0:00 Boarding
0:56 We Didn’t Expect This!
4:01 VIP Sleeper Bus
10:55 Arrival into Ha Giang
12:16 Morning & Our Thoughts
15:02 Good News
16:50 Our Accommodation
18:53 Breakfast

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


  1. In Vietnam, most of the double-bed sleeper buses like this one are designed to provide enough space for a couple with an Asian body frame. Anyway, I hope the beautiful landscapes of Ha Giang will bring you many interesting experiences.

  2. Bạn nào đi xe giường nằm nhiều ở Việt Nam sẽ biết thiết kế nội thất của xe . Kích thước chiều dài và rộng của xe thường chuẩn không đổi . Bên trong giường nằm đơn thì sẽ là 3 hàng giường và 3 lối đi . Còn thiết kế hàng giường 2 bên và 1 lối đi ở giữa thì sẽ tránh được diện tích lãng phí . Nhưng sự riêng tư của cá nhân sẽ không ok cho 2 người , nhất là với thể trạng cao to của ngưởi nước ngoài . Xe loại này chỉ phù hợp cho 2 người thân quen , ngưởi lạ ghép chung sẽ rất bất tiện . Nhà xe kinh doanh họ sẽ phải tính lợi nhuận dựa vào số giường . Còn nếu được phục vụ dịch vụ tốt hơn ( giường này là giường đơn ) thì là ở sự hợp đổng rõ với nhà xe lúc đặt vé . Thông tin này hy vọng có ích cho các bạn nào chuẩn bị đi , hãy hỏi cho rõ bên dịch vụ đặt vé .


  4. …⭐️⭐️⭐️ Vòng lặp lại Ha giang đón thêm hai người bạn đặc biệt 👍 Với 350 km có đến hơn 1.500 khúc cua chúc hai bạn có những khúc cua an toàn👍 Arsenal 2-1 Liverpool 🤣🤣🤣💪💪💪

  5. Khi bạn đi xe mà bạn nghe tiếng ồn ào trước carbin là lúc mọi người tỉnh táo nói chuyện là lúc an toàn nhất. Người ta nói chuyện vs nhau tức là 2 người cùng quan sát trên đường nên bạn không thể phiền lòng mà ngược lại bạn được an toàn hơn.😂

  6. Hi Jay! I really love the enthusiasm you have in this video! Vietnam looks so much fun with the Sleeper bus!!

    Hope you don’t mind this long comment. I’m a fellow Brit who always wanted to be a travel vlogger.

    I don’t know the best way to communicate with you so I’m commenting here. I’m also from England, and have been inspired by your content. I’ve always wanted to start making travel vlogs and going around different countries, and be a travel vlogger.

    But I’m not sure how to start this, and what equipment and setup is needed. Is GoPro the way to film?

    Honestly, I found you with your other channel on delivering food with your bike. And I’m actually starting my first day as a Just Eat delivery driver this coming morning (tomorrow). So I was fascinated with how you were doing deliveries and now travel vlogging.

    I rarely comment but I feel the need to change my life for something I’ve been dreaming of for the last 4 years. I’m in my late twenties. I’ve actually travelled over 40 countries, and travelled 7 countries for 1-2 months last year from Singapore to Sri Lanka.

    Note: It would make my day if we can directly message about this.

    I love to hear from you how you went from a food delivery to a travel vlogger and how you start it up. And if I can make it work, I’d love to share my future channel with you (maybe collaboration if I end up doing well 🙈). Thank you!! I’m quite nervous about writing this comment up.

    Wish me luck for my very day working as a delivery driver. Little nervous about it too. 😊😊

  7. i recently visit sapa from hanoi and it's cost me 450k for 1 way ticket solo cabin.I know that feeling because i'm vietnamese but i'm 6.17 feet tall and The driver is really crazy mind he drive like tokyo drift. i can;t even sleep because it's really shaking.

  8. Whether it's worth it or not, you still got to do it for the experience. But you would have been more comfortable if you had gotten the capsule sleeping bus that "2Passports 1 Dream" booked a couple of years ago.

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