今もアツい!ワンコイン かに飯の かに太郎と白老町竹浦温泉区. Steel on Hayabusa 隼 in Hokkaido 北海道 02‐2024

Please turn on subtitles A famous store along National Route 36 in Takeura, Shiraoi Town will be broadcast nationwide! This feeling at a restaurant is terrible. Kani Taro owner Toshio Yamashita (88) Stir-fry the hairy crab with salt. Program performers clean up debris around the store and repair walls

Watching Untouchable TV made me want to eat 500 yen crab rice again. From Tomakomai to Shiraoi on National Route 36 At the police box entrance on the right Policeman dolls often seen in the Showa era

To the left is the Pacific Ocean, to the right is the hot spring district road to the southwest. Takeura in the 1960s This place is called Drive-in Sand Dunes. A distinctive dodecagonal building appeared. In 1974, Mr. Yamashita purchased this building. Kani Taro is open This area is a hot spring area,

Many inns and restaurants were built. 1975 Shiraoi Town Directory A forest of restaurants! Takeura in Shiraoi Town was very hot! Until recently, Beijing Hanten, sushi restaurant Fujimaru, And what you can see in the back Kanitaro just after opening 50 years ago There was a large signboard at the entrance.

Unfortunately, the crab signboard was lost due to wind and snow. In 1985, the Hokkaido Expressway was extended to Noboribetsu Higashi IC. Changes have occurred around Kani Taro… I saw a seafood shop On the right is the signboard for the hot spring hotel, Fuji no Yu. Like a cod roe shop.

I’m always surprised by the size of brown bears Crab Goten-san There’s salmon too. The salmon climbs the river and the bear catches it. Is it the composition? Seriously, it’s huge! A little detour It’s so huge… Is it more than 10m? At any moment, I feel like I’m going to get eaten

Sturdy construction, I wonder how heavy it is According to rumors, Apparently this salmon and bear cost about 100 million yen. construction fee Beyond the crab palace vacant land and There is a large facility I feel sad that it is no longer open glass window is broken Ruins of Resort Hotel Okura Spaland

Is the pool with a slide suitable for families? Seen from the Pacific side, It doesn’t look that damaged Yes, the glass windows are broken and the eaves are falling. The pool and slider where the family played… The innocent face of the dolphin is heartbreaking. If it happens like this

Hot spring ruins with waterslide Beyond Okura Spa A ruin stands in a vacant lot The coast is sparse, but Large facility on the other side of the national highway Hot Spring Hotel Ocean Bijin no Yu This place is open for business! A series of rental villas and restaurant buildings Oh, the dodecagonal roof

Crab Taro has appeared! Around a uniquely shaped building large amount of debris Huh, the atmosphere is different than usual? ! Lots of cars trying to avoid the debris It’s parked! Too bad, I’m running out of crab food… Round up the aerial shots, depart, hurry!

The land for sale, was something built here in the past? Okay, get on the national highway. Beyond the lamp pavilion in the north Arrived at Kani Taro It was the first time I saw cars parked side by side. There are quite a few customers in the store!

Thanks to the nationwide broadcast, 20 crab rice meals are already sold out. Today, right? I came a little after 10:30. Crab rice is already sold out. A huge number of cars were parked It feels like a big boom When I asked Mr. Yamashita, he said that unfortunately it was already over for today.

So, everyone is going home with a feeling of “Ah!” For reference, record of admissions in 2019 I always order crab rice (this is the only option!) It’s 500 yen, Showa price. Crab and bamboo shoots on toasty rice It had a very gentle taste. Beyond Kani Taro From Hokuyo Yumoto

The view of Crab Taro That is the photo from the 1975 Shiraoi Town Directory. Currently, it is not as lively as in that photo. It may be hard to believe, but this building It was a Beijing hotel. Until a few years ago, the business operated with patrol lights on signboards.

Lots of seafood, ramen Inside the store gives you a feel of the Showa era If you ate a certain amount of food, you could enter the underground hot springs. Satisfied many passersby The famous Chinese restaurant is now quiet. Here too, with time service, Wasn’t there ramen for 500 yen?

It is sold as a property with a rental parking lot and hot springs. Another famous store Sushi Fujimaru The store owner advertises on the radio by shouting “Susu no Fuzumaru!” So, instead of sushi, the sign says “susu” 10 pieces of sushi for 1000 yen, pork bowl starting from 360 yen!

Susu no Fujimaru was also very filling at Showa prices. The primary color signboard has now been taken down. After all, it is being sold as a property with a hot spring. This is the “soot” Fujimaru I can’t tell at first glance

Only the signboard shaped like a fishing boat reminds us of the past. Although I feel a little lonely, A different store was opened, Kani Taro is back to life There are some developments that are different from the previous ones, and it feels good. Returned to Kani Taro

On February 11th, Mr. Yamashita celebrated his 88th birthday. celebration? as I gave away a printed copy of the Takeura Onsen area of ​​the past and Kani Taro at the time of its opening. Well, hey, even with this junk. Shall we take a look? Please feel free to call. !

Exterior wall restored in TV program At first glance, it looks like a pile of rubble, but there are signs that it has been sorted out. Inside the store Amazing, the place was full, even to the back. Lots of debris near the sea As expected, there are signs of tidying up.

This is after eating Chairs and tables where you can relax It’s a smart idea to use junk furniture. Relax while looking at the Pacific Ocean I couldn’t find crab rice, but i feel good A distinctive dodecagonal building along National Route 36 in Shiraoi Town

It was hard to tell if it was in ruins or if it was open for business. Crab Taro It’s obvious when there are so many parked cars, right? If you line up by 10:30 Mr. Yamashita makes it with all his heart. You might be able to get crab rice for just one coin.

A famous store that has been in business for half a century Please visit us once You are sure to enjoy the atmosphere and taste of the good Showa era. Oh, now that you’ve come this far Let’s go here too! Deep into the hot spring area A huge number of items

Antique shop Route 36 Well, I’m thinking of going somewhere that’s not major. Was it this one? Near destination Route guidance ends It’s here though Eh, Mitsuru! Natural hot spring accommodation and rest Fully booked on weekday mornings! Please enter the open garage. Love hotel with hot spring Mizuki

Takeura in Shiraoi Town is still hot! Please subscribe to the channel

アンタッチャブるTVで白老の名(迷)店「かに太郎」を見た。国道38号を走り、周辺のお店をめぐりながら、かに飯500円をめざす。しかし、予想外の展開に! 北海道旅行やツーリングの際、タイミング合えばぜひ味わってほしい、山下さんのやさしい味わいのかに飯。

・竹浦温泉区 白老町勢要覧1975
・北京飯店 食べログ
・寿司の富士丸 室蘭近郊情報ブログ

・Free BGM 甘茶の音楽工房
  [Yume] [Flare]
・YouTube Audio Library
-Shapes shift her 
-Away by Patrick Patrikios
-Earth appears by Brian Bolger

〇効果音ラボ https://soundeffect-lab.info/

〇使用機材 GoPro9, Insta360 onex2, DJI Mavic3

・どらへび dora hebi @-dorahebi
・RISA RISE /りさらいず @risarise5831



  1. 昔、仕事でスパランドに商品を納入していました。他の廃墟系youtuberさんの動画だと、外観はそうでも無いですが、内部の崩壊はかなり進行していますね。かに太郎さんは失礼ながら、店の外が荒れ始めて「もう閉店してしまったのかなぁ、、?」と思っていました。

  2. こんばんは、

  3. あー😩富士さんも美味しかったし、北京飯店も安くて美味しかったのに残念ながら😢
    カニ太郎のマスターは朝早くから炊き出ししていますよ😊 周りのガラクタ?は暖房や炊き出しに使用していますよ!

  4. お久しぶりです。

  5. 故郷へようこそ!



  6. 2019年のかに飯、さらに昔になると「かに味噌汁」と言うがあって、かに飯と一緒に頼む人が多かったのを記憶していますが、おそらくそれ目的の人が多かったんじゃなかろうか?と。

  7. こんばんは!

  8. steelさんお疲れ様です🌟白老のかに太郎さん🌟steelさんの注文したかにめし美味しそうですね✨看板と町のお写真が素晴らしいですね😊

  9. 昔この辺りに貨車の中に泊まれるライダーハウスがあったなあ…椰子の木と言うドライブインがやってたけどちょっと店から離れた場所だったので詳しい場所はよく覚えていません…

  10. 自分はTV見ない(持っていない)ので、現地に行ってこの状況だったら訳分かんなくてパニックになりそうです。

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