1461-2【キャンプ】【4K】2022年オープン 貸切キャンプ場!千葉県八千代市、ディーズフィールド紹介

1461-2 [Camp] [4K] Private campsite opening in 2022! Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture, D’s Field Introduction 2500 I’m heading to my first campsite. The location is Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture. The name is Deesfield. ■Basic information about the campsite This is a reserved outdoor field. It is also listed as a campsite.

I made a reservation from the website. You can make a reservation by contacting us. Enter your name, phone number, and email. Write the details and send. You will receive an answer via email shortly. Further communication will be done via email. The site area is 300 tsubo. Day camps and overnight camps are available.

It can be used from solo to circle. The fee is for one day. Price is 2500 yen per person for 10 people or less. For groups of 10 or more, the fee is 25,000 yen. The fee is for 1 night and 2 days.

The fee is 5,000 yen per person for 10 people or less. For groups of 10 or more, the fee is 50,000 yen. There is support for the healthy development of youth. This includes priority reservations and discounts. You can check the location from the image gallery.

Payment can be made in advance or on the day using PayPay. If you look at the photo, the ground is dirt. It looks like there are bamboo and trees growing around it. There seems to be a hut, but the facilities are unknown. Open 24 hours from Monday to Sunday.

Check the website for details. ■ Head to the campsite It’s near the campsite. Follow the navigation and turn left. It is wide enough for one car to pass through. Turn right at the private house and proceed. Proceed while being careful of oncoming vehicles. Once it opens a little, turn right.

Turn left in front of the shrine. We will go further into the forest. It’s starting to open up a little bit. Turn right at what looks like an entrance. Continue all the way to the back. Park in an open area. We arrived at the campsite. ■Check the equipment

There’s no one there because it’s reserved. Is the reception in the building on the right? Get out of the car. This is the overall state of the site. Head towards the building. The owner is nowhere to be found. A bus is parked nearby. You can see kitchen utensils inside.

Gas equipment and wooden table. You can see the wood stove in the back. It is a one-touch tarp. There is an incinerator when you go outside. You can see the water hole behind it. The back of the site is a bamboo forest. I’ll go to the back.

You can see what looks like a toilet. There is a field in the back. ■Check the site Check the site while you wait. There are large trees around here. The atmosphere is nice under the trees. I head towards the bus. The bus is closed and cannot be used.

There are storage areas and materials. The front of the building is concrete. It’s flat, but you can’t hit a peg in the center. There is also a storage room on the other side of the bus. The left side is flat. If it’s on the ground, you can probably drive a peg into it.

The sunlight filtering through the trees is beautiful. I returned to near the entrance. I drove in from the left. There is also a path to the right. The site is fenced. There is also a path to the right of the entrance. When you enter, the front is open.

There is also a bamboo fence on the right side. There are dead trees on the site. There is a dead bamboo here. At the corner of the site is a well water pump. This area is soil and dead leaves. This is a good place to pitch a tent.

There is a bamboo forest on the right. There are trees growing here and there. It continues for about 10m. There are leaves left on the trees here. That’s all for checking the entire site. ■Receive the reception and check the water source I missed the self-reception email.

It looks like you can pay with PayPay inside the building. Enter and go left. There is a barcode on the top left of the refrigerator. I paid with PayPay using the app. Check inside the building. There are materials in the back. If it rains, you can take shelter from the rain.

On the other side, there is wood leaning against it. Also check the water and restrooms. It comes with two sinks. I confirmed that water is coming out. There are pots and other items on the shelf on the right. There is a water shower at the entrance.

Leave the water hole and go around the back. It has a light so you can feel safe at night. If you look closely, you can see what looks like a toilet on the left. There was a western style toilet. There is also toilet paper. I’ll check the other side as well.

This one doesn’t seem to be used. Please use the toilet on the left side. Both sizes are washable. That’s all for the reception and water area. ■Cook the rice and heat the curry We set up a tent at the site. We made drinks on the wood stove. Next, let’s make camping food.

Place rice bowls containing rice and water on top. I’ll try to see if I can cook rice on a wood stove. This time I’ll make curry. A blissfully sweet Bon Curry Gold. I bought this because I don’t see it very often. The recipe is the same as bon curry.

You can also warm it with hot water. Warm it up in a 750ml cooker. Open the package. It also says “Demi” on the bag. Fold it in half and put it in the cooker. Pour water from the bottle. Stand the handle up and place it on the wood stove.

You can cook two things at the same time. I eat carrot salad while I wait. I also brought Japanese-style dressing. I’m thinking of grilling misoba pork. Clear the table. The front room of the tent is very hot. Take off your down jacket. Take out the titanium Sierra cup.

Serve the salad in Sierra cups. Drizzle with dressing. Take out the titanium chopsticks. I’ll have carrot salad. It’s refreshing and delicious. Before you know it, steam is coming out of the rice bowl. It’s boiling over, but it looks like it’s fine as is. The spill will settle down eventually.

Eat a salad and relax. Thank you for the meal. ■Grill misoba pork The firewood in the wood stove is calm. Turn the knob to open the door. Put the cedar firewood in from the side. It sticks out a little, so leave it open a little. Turn the cooker around and heat it up.

Open the meat package. The light reflects on the meat and it looks delicious. Get out the titanium frying pan. Warm the olive oil as it will solidify. Add oil to the frying pan. The boil has settled down and steam is coming out. I’m curious about what’s inside the rice bowl.

Wear leather gloves and remove the lid of the rice bowl. It looks like the rice is cooked. Put the lid back on and let it steam. Place it on the shelf of your wood stove. For the curry, the water is starting to boil. Move to the left and increase the firepower.

I could hear it starting to boil right away. Have a drink and wait. When viewed from below, it is being sucked into the chimney. The tent seems fine. Lie down and relax. This tent can use a fan. It looks like it can blow the warm air from the wood stove.

The curry is warming up. Put on leather gloves and lower the cooker. Place the frying pan on the wood stove. The oil warmed up and steam came out. If you put it in like this, the oil will probably splatter. Lower the frying pan once. Add the meat using chopsticks. Slide to add heat.

Stir-fry, being careful not to splash the oil. Turn the meat over halfway through cooking. The color of the meat has changed. The fire has subsided and the firepower is just right. Cooking on a wood stove makes cleaning easier. The meat was deliciously grilled. Remove the skillet from the wood stove. ■Eat camping food

I’m done eating rice unevenly. I’ll taste the rice. It is cooked fluffy and delicious. Wipe off any residue from the shella cup. Place the rice in Sierra cups. It’s curry, so I’ll take out a spoon. The rice on the bottom was a little burnt. Serve the curry on the table.

Open the package and pour over rice. Camp food is ready. It looks like Bon Curry. I’ll enjoy having this. A sweet curry based on demi-glace sauce. I’ll also have pork. It has just the right amount of heat and is delicious. Eat while burning the wood stove. ■Summary This is a summary of campgrounds.

I drove down a narrow road. I paid by myself inside the building. Facilities include water and toilets.


#キャンプ #キャンプ場 #千葉県

0:00:00 ■はじめに
0:00:22 ■キャンプ場の基本情報
0:02:35 ■キャンプ場に向かう
0:03:43 ■設備を確認する
0:05:10 ■サイトを確認する
0:07:38 ■受付し水場を確認する
0:09:41 ■炊飯してカレーを温める
0:12:33 ■みそばら豚肉を焼く
0:15:56 ■キャンプ飯を食べる
0:17:19 ■まとめ

No.1466: https://youtu.be/svuT_EEDB30
No.1461-1: https://youtu.be/6Vc0_XQQcD8
No.1461-2: https://youtu.be/UJsyX9RBd54
No.1462: https://youtu.be/7sRrYpH1-j4



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千葉県八千代市、ディーズフィールド https://ds-field.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral

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Thous Winds オイルランタン ランタン https://amzn.to/3Wbcpmo

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FIELDOOR 火消し袋 炭処理袋 【Sサイズ】 https://amzn.to/3ikIbO8

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COOK’N’ESCAPE チタン 飯ごう キャンティーン キャンプ https://amzn.to/3ZRRbKV

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  1. カミさんと見てました。😅サイレントヒルみたいで怖いそうです。あの大型バスが気になるそうです。

    …カミさん離れていきました。😅 煩いのなんのって。『あの薪ストーブ欲しいんでしょ?今お金あんましないから駄目だよ。』っと。流石にMECA買ったの言ってません😁

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