BLOWN AWAY by $1 BUN CHA in Vietnam 🇻🇳

If you’re not doing this in Vietnam you’re doing things wrong let me show you what I’m talking about so right here we have buncha S this is uh pork meat you can see they’ve got them in these kind of grilling squares all the smoke is going

Through there and out and uh this costs $1 per Bun Cha you can see that they’re making it very fresh they got the pork meat oh hello you got the pork meat just here and they’re putting it in to the squares and they’ve also got a lot of

The fresh T like a lot of the fresh stuff here and uh don’t want to be too invasive but this is absolutely delicious you can see grilling so many all right okay so they’re wondering what I’m doing with the camera but it’s

Honestly so good we’re at this place called buncha quat so our buncha has arrived the meat’s not arrived yet y yeah I haven’t even ordered I thought yeah they just brought it over to us come on it’s just one thing so you have

This kind of Vermicelli like noodle you’ve got your kind of sauce here which is I think there’s some kind of radish inside of here usually they have carrot as well and what you do is you get the Chopsticks and you add the the rice

To this over here and you can like dip it in like that you have some fresh herbs and veggies that you can actually combine together which we’re going to be showing you in just a second but we’re waiting for the meat which is the most

Important part let’s wait for the meat and see how we combine everything together because this is one of our favorite meals here in Vietnam come on okay guys we have got our meat if be coming in closer currently you can see

This is the pork mint it’s like a Patty that he’s grilled just right behind me so before we dig into this beautiful food we have to see season it so with our little Saucy soup here we got to add a bit of pepper has pepper yeah that’s

Pepper yeah and then we want to do is add a little bit of chili so you have all these condiments on the side of your table so we’re can just add a bit of chili I think that’s maybe a little bit less I like the chili yeah a little bit

Of chili just like that and uh I don’t like mine too spicy but I let a little bit of a Ki mix that in and then you want to grab your beautiful noodle here you want to kind of dip it in just like that and then you

Can uh break up the meat this is super succulent super soft the pork mints and there it just breaks off you can see beautiful pieces of meat want to come a little bit closer Carolina yeah and then we want to basically dip it in

Just like that I think this how we do it we’ve kind of learned by ourself and kind of pay attention to the locals around us and see what they do but let’s give this a go some the meat melts in your mouth very nice uh flavor

Report you can tell they’ve seasoned it really well as well and so then this s this kind of soupy sauce I’m guessing it’s what do you think is inside of it fish fish sauce fish sauce with some like radish and uh it kind of soaks up the flavors of the

Sauce into the noodles just like this yeah and what I love is adding all of these like um this is like I think salad some leaves because it gives the freshness to the dish you want to sh them how you do it yes so garia loves

The kind of fresh vegetables and herbs and this kind of soup gives it like a this one’s a bit different to Hanoi this one has a bit more of like a kind of sweet and sour kind of flavored to it so as Jay said like a little bit of pepper

Add a bit of chili sauce bit of the chili fresh chili like flakes or whatever you can see like they’re literally constantly making these pork kind of like squared skewers yeah I will break a little bit of the

Meat all right so you see how soft it breaks up there and you you want to combine it with the that’s your thing right yeah this is my favorite dish and I love to combine it with also there um yeah some of the salads hello hi YouTube hello you’re

Local okay this place is really good right good food yes okay all right so the people here in nimin are very friendly they’re always like waving to us saying hello cuz there’s not many tourists who come to

This area we we’re in nimin City right now so we’re going to be doing a bit of exploration around nimin so this is Carolina’s mine is gone the meat is super delicious I’m going to ask for more a skim uh one more uh one one more one more

Yeah there we go all right he understood me this is just so good you can have it back again I literally ate all of mine just so quickly yeah but people are coming here and passing by it’s such a popular spot for breakfast yeah every want pulls up on the

Motorbikes it is time to pay I had some extra meat so oops the small chair just fell over come on you can see the F fan is blowing all the smoke into the vent they’ve got literally a row of Department okay come on okay all right so what was the

Total 15,000 so it was uh 85,000 for for two buchas and extra meat yes which is around like couple dollars something like that it was $1 yesterday I don’t know what happened so as you can see guys we are on our bikes right now hello and we’re leaving we’ve left nimin

City because to be honest there’s nothing much to do in nimin city it’s just nice to have your kind of restaurants and coffee shops and food options but we’re going to be heading towards Tam qua which I think is where a lot of the tourists actually stay they never

Actually go to nimman City so right now we are almost making our way through to the what I think will be the rice fields yeah we’ve got some rice fields just over here you can see the mountains in the

Backdrop very beautiful so we’ve stopped by a herd of buffalo you can see this is a buffalo here with the horns hello my friend he’s come right up to us he doesn’t feel too scared and there’s I heard of them just over here and I did

Promise you beautiful view so check this out absolutely beautiful and it is very wet very flooded but still there is a charm charm to the area and I just love seeing these Buffalo just in their kind of habitat yes and it’s been nice to be on the bikes because for the past couple

Of days it’s been raining so the best thing to explore the area is to have a bike or a motorbike and it’s been very wet very very wet so uh it’s just fortunate that we had a chance to actually come out because it was just

Raining every day we have made it into Tam qua Village and this is definitely the area where all the tourists are staying cuz you have the rice fields quite close by with the mountains in nin bin there was no tourists there was no

Foreigners and the locals would often say hello because they weren’t probably used to seeing so many foreign owners but definitely is setup here with coffee shops and restaurants you probably will never leave this area if you’re a tourist but I haven’t seen so many tourists here in nid as here in Tam quac

What’s this car doing in front of us vinfast is that electric car that’s electric car come on come on please filming one-handedly with while riding a bike not the easiest you want to go on the top or do you want to go

Down here the top looks good uh we can ah do you want to sit there or do you want to well this is by the fish actually or do you want to go up there can we go upstairs okay okay we go around all

Right all right so if we can get a bit of a bird’s eye view over the place I think it’ be quite nice all right so there’s some fish actually you can go just over here oh actually that place there is better so we got this beautiful seating over here where

Do you want to sit yeah what I really like is the uh koi fish you got a little bridge going through there this is your coffee shop this is yours yours owner boss that’s okay that’s okay okay we’ll have egg coffee and EG coffee okay come

On than you sometimes uh English is a little bit limited egg coffee egg coffee come on wow so this is the egg coffee as you can see it’s in this kind of pool of water yeah it’s this like warm bath it’s yeah it’s like a water water bath and it

Kind of boiling hot I don’t know what the purpose of that is but you can see you got the egg coffee on the top there W I heard the whisking it’s got that look at that and I’m guessing there’s beautiful coffee at the bottom yeah and

Car and I actually ordered black coffee with fresh milk and C so I got separately the ice the milk and the Very fragrant uh Vietnam coffee I love it you want to give it a try I think that I need to mix it right yeah if you want it

Cold yeah maybe add some ice yeah the first time like being served like it’s separately mhm I think it would very good like that and fresh milk Carolina de bista wow if you’re a coffee lover you’re going to love it now look at that perfect yeah that’s how I love [Music]

Vietnam very good very strong and Vietnamese coffee has this kind of like the aftertaste of like kind of margarine like butter and some sugar maybe condensed milk but it’s not sweet it’s weird but I love it I just want to say a

Big thank you to Daniel who we woke up this morning and we saw a PayPal donation which is the equivalent of like 15 or 16 of our buy me a coffee so there is a link in the description where you can buy us buy me a coffees you can

Write us a message and if there’s anything you want to share or things you want us to do that’s the place to do it and there’s no like obligation to donate like as many coffees as you want you can do one or two and people are kind of

Staring at me from uh behind the camera so I’m just kind of losing my focus but uh we’ve got the egg coffee here let’s give us a go and yeah thank you so much Daniel I’m think Daniel’s from Poland I don’t want to say his surname because

Could be anonymous donation on buying me a coffee you can do Anonymous donation look at that coffee there so I think the first thing you do is you have it like a pudding you like this P kind of marshmallow right it’s like really marshmallowy sweet and uh has kind of flavor of

Coffee in it oh yeah it’s really like marshmallow I really don’t know what the water is there probably just to cool it down but I didn’t drink the coffee I think that the foam is very thick mhm M that’s

How you know that the coffee is G oh yeah a combination of the egg on top the marshmallow kind of like taste with the coffee I think the idea behind this was that I think uh when the French were here was it a French in frange so

Basically they wanted milk in their coffee or cream and they didn’t have that much Dairy here in Vietnam and so they had to come up with a way to make the coffee like cream like with dairy and that’s where they’ve made this egg

Into pretty much like the cream on top exactly how it was very good they’re very cute here they don’t speak much English but they just speak the language with smiles it looks like they’re actually living in this uh building just over here I can see some washing just up

There and then you’ve got like a rooftop area but the view definitely is much better in the kind of coffee area how was your coffee good I loved it yes my coffee was good but there was a wasp who just kept on attacking me yeah oh wow

Okay thank you come on got some free water okay thank you so much okay bye bye that’s super kind I was not expecting okay bye bye cool motorbikes that’s awesome thank you you’re traveling all over Vietnam with the motorbike so yes cool oh sorry so first place actually where they’ve just given us

Water I uh sometimes I’m like oh is it because of the camera but they seem very genuine friendly people and I think they love the fact that we’re bringing kind of attention marketing to their place so this is the place that’s called San

Coffee you’ll see has five star reviews so we’re just heading out of the main area of Tam quack on the way back cuz we have to come back towards there we’ll tell you what the reality of it is stay there a lot of Tourist Day there is very

Built up and it’s not really a cup of tea um we like more of the local feel to our travels we don’t like to be just grouped up with a bunch of tourists but that’s just our how we like to spend our time we’ll show you on the way back what

It looks like but right now I can understand why people like to stay near Tam qua because as you come outside you’re just greeted with very very uh beautiful landscapes feels similar to how long right mhm like uh kind of how

Long bay Vibes maybe not as beautiful but still similar kind of to that but you do have trucks like this coming at speed on the roads so when you’re on a bike sometimes it can be a little bit frustrating and there’s also lots of motorbikes I’m not going to lie guys it

Is very touristy around here we have a lot of people this way okay a lot of people trying to get us into their restaurant some massage parlers I think we can park up our bike here this is the uh entrance to the Pagoda quite touristy but uh let’s uh see where do we

Park the bikes I think we park it parking points oh so this looks like the parking area we can maybe Park our bicycles just over here seems like someone’s uh quibbling about the price of the parking all

Right 20 for two how much was your parking uh by the way guys Sor how much is your parking we PA I mean two days ago we paid 15 and today it has okay for two is is about right the price we have M probably the pr it’s good all right okay

Money now money now okay this is the business yeah this is uh the reality of the tourist areas here and uh yeah let’s just pay the man and just get on with thing okay all right bye I love it but uh this is the entrance this way walk walk walk okay

They a friendly no it’s okay um yeah what I thought was going to be more of a peaceful entrance to the pagota ended up being buses uh these like electric kind of cars that take groups of people um

But let’s focus on this area so you got the rock face the beautiful temples I’m sure kolina is going to want to take a photo yes okay so we’re going to take a photo next to this beautiful structure here it looks like it might be free to

Go through here so you know I’m not going to quibble about uh parking I was just confused about what was happening like they were seeming like the other tourists were seeming like uh the very interesting they’re just selling like

She’s just selling stuff there on the side some music um yeah the the other tourists were like quibbling about the price so I thought oh we got to be careful not to kind of get conned cuz uh in kind of tourist places especially

Like here we’re a little bit more on high alert but uh it’s very nice here actually it’s once you get out of the chaos of the entrance the rocks are very interesting then you have this path looks like they’ve got um these are banana growing bananas just over

Here okay so people are taking photos on the entrance here 1992 very [Music] beautiful it’s okay thank you all right so we’re going to be coming into the hello hello hello hello you look very beautiful uh so it looks like this is this the

P this is funny here I’ll show you something in a second but uh this this is kind of funny this place is not for impolite visitors it’s funny to have a sign like that otherwise I feel like there might be some impolite people coming here you

Can hear some music in the background from the temples so we have made it to hello to the Pagoda at the top you do have to do just a little bit of light walking what was that sorry not

The top top you have to go inside the C oh the mountain you can go inside of the cave sure it’s just the beginning all right how long does it take not so far five minutes minutes all right okay thank you so much so we can go through the cave

Here I was not expecting to do this it’s very dark so we’ve made it to the top we’re greeted by this very relaxing music this is the kind of pagoda at the top so we’re going to shortly leave the Pagoda it is very nice you can see behind me this is the

View I love like the landscape here and they’re growing cabbage just here and they do have these kind of banana trees we’ve seen them growing banana trees and they’ve got some Nets just over here which it looks like I think they use

This to fish I could be very wrong but I feel like they put that into the water just over there so there people living here at the pagota um but for the video content I’m not going to film if I don’t feel it’s engaging if I feel it’s not

Providing value to you guys and going to this pagota it’s nice you go up through a Cave System to the top but uh nothing like incredible nothing worth kind of in my opinion sharing what about you Carolina I would say it’s a place that

You can eventually visit and it’s nice to walk around and be around the caves and Etc but it wasn’t like anything like super like captivating and there was no even a view at the top yeah I was I was a bit disappointed but yeah you kind of

Climb a little bit higher up into to the kind of rock face you can see actually the cave is just over there um what we’ve learned it’s actually like when something unexpectedly is the best that’s where people are living all right

You saying sorry when something happens that you don’t expect that is going to be in such a place like this is something that we really like so like even seeing the houses here like how they’re growing the things I think like temp more interesting temples it’s like Asian Heights with the

Cables but uh temples um are some things we try to avoid for Content because a lot of the times a kind of similar vibe to it and for you guys watching I don’t think it’s super interesting maybe I’m wrong so I promised you guys I would show you what it’s like in Tam

Qua all of these restaurants here on the right you can see very identical pretty much all tourists and foreign is just outside doesn’t feel like for us very Vietnamese I feel like it’s and I’m not being a snob here I just really like to

Be when I go to countries to be amongst the locals and there’s no locals here it’s just uh tourist so it’s all built up in this area so uh me and Carolina we find that in these tourist areas the prices are higher uh they’re a bit more

Aggressive in terms of trying to get you into places selling you stuff um and actually it’s not an accurate view of what the culture is of a country of the area as well because when you come to the local places in nmin city like we

Did earlier people are very very friendly very genuine oh my God I don’t want to get hit here best to stop karolina what is one of the reasons why you like to be more in the local areas and not the tourist areas I would say

Authenticity like you basic can see how people live how they react to you like I think it’s even like being treated as a tourist it’s something that we don’t like look at these guys all coming this way I don’t know what they’re going to come my way hello guys so in nin

Bin goat meat is on the menu and uh I’ve heard it’s uh pretty delicious I’m guessing these guys are what’s being served here in nbin all right we have got another spot to show you we’re heading towards the

Mountains so lady just stopped on the road and told us to park here um I think there is a bunch of parking spots along here uh 20,000 so 10,000 per bike same as earlier on okay change yeah she she love change

But um you can see there’s people with a motorbikes they can park here or you can go further down I feel like uh if we could go all the way down it would have been better but she she’s told us to stop oh um they’re being

Very they’re being very forceful I I didn’t really like that to be honest I didn’t like the fact that they literally were acting like they were being very official when they’re not really official it’s like I can see people

Riding their motorbikes and bikes all the way down to the end and and uh maybe we still need we still need to park somewhere yeah so it’s still necessary but we we still got a way to walk so you’re better off coming over here hello

Because the motorbike is 10,000 and the bicycle’s 5,000 there we pay uh for a motorbike is 10,000 for bicycle is 5,000 over there uh 10,000 so 20,000 for bicycle bicycles over there yeah it’s five cheaper okay okay all right come on very cheap

Cheap yeah very cheap yeah oh you got coconuts they got coconuts when we come back yeah okay okay um there you go there you go guys I felt very there was something inside of me that felt I didn’t like how the woman

At the beginning was treating us in a way and again we are in a Tristy we are being treated as tourist treated as tourists and I mean it’s not the money it’s the it’s the principle like they’re stopping you and they’re charging you

More it’s uh double I think we got to pay for a ticket yeah but uh it’s double the price of um what the lady was charging us there oh hey got to get a ticket to go up okay cool 100,000 uh per person

Okay quite a bit quite a bit but hopefully it’s nice get swe War cast is yeah why you have to play theast yeah that’s true I like I like that thinking we should be getting paid to walk up the stairs getting he said we should be getting paid to walk up the stairs

Y uh two tickets we can pay by card no no no card just cash yeah we can get a receipt is okay thank you we get the ticket all right oh we got the tickets yeah is the on there yeah perfect okay come on come on all right

So we’re going to be walking up a mountain I think C thank thank you service with a smile but uh this is what we’re saying about like tourist areas just just feels a bit off doesn’t it sometimes uh you definitely get treated better in the local areas and that’s the

Real that’s the real culture it’s not how people treat the other people what’s we got some horses where where have we decided to go to this is called hangam MOA I like this uh entrance though it’s quite nice I mean um 100,000 ticket see what we get it’s it’s not too bad you

Got like a water wheel here you got these lanterns more koi fish H it’s actually very very pleasant here they had coconuts in here I’d grab a coconut we kind of promised the lady on the outside would get a coconut because she had fair prices to be honest

But um I don’t know where we’re going look this is the place hang Mo I guess we’re heading in this direction Direction so we are walking to the top you can see kind of halfway up these steps are very steep so after cycling

For most of the day my legs are getting pretty tired but uh hopefully I can show you the view just around here H that’s not a bad view actually so nice but it is like a glorified Viewpoint though for uh 100,000 each but it’s it’s

Nice not going to complain yeah I not the Rocks so we’ve come up there around you got these Vietnamese Flags which I like andent these are the rice Fs in the background you can actually there like a boardwalk you can walk through I think

We’re it will be so beautiful season now it’s kind of great what did you say s it would be so nice in the season of like the rice field because it’s now kind of like brown gray yeah not super beautiful we’ made it to the top that was harder

Than I thought but actually there’s two ways to go up you can go up here or you can come up here and there are conveniently places to sit check out the vi was flying a drone but very nice I think I’m going to take the sit that’s our exercise done for today as

Well as riding our bicycles but you can see you can actually see in the distance the view of I’m guessing it’s niman city niman city you want to go up that one as well yeah OB I thought we were at the top but we weren’t actually we’re going

Up this really steep steps and there’s far less people coming up to the top because every every body’s kind of tired just down there but new Point coming to the Viewpoint if you’re not coming to the top a lot of flies

Here and we’re almost there just over there okay now we’re at the top you can see the views over there very spectacular so we are leaving hang MOA you can see there is crazy amount of tourists coming through so we’ve all been touristed out we could get coconuts from here

But uh in the touristy places uh the prices are always inflated see oh my God there’s many buses and vans that are pulled up with tons of tourists we came we came at the right time because it wasn’t this busy probably what time is it

Carolina three half three oh I wonder why people are coming at this time but we’re going to go to the lady who was uh having genuine price points for parking you get we want to reward the people who are doing genuine business so I can’t

Wait for a coconut because after going all the way to the top it was pretty intense I think it was over here right M all right we promised there we’re going to keep our promise you can see the Coconuts are just over here oh hi two coconuts

Hello ah I said we come okay she recognized it straight away because uh a genuine smile I mean two people with a GoPro One Brown guy and one white girl I think it’s very noticeable let’s see if she’s going to chop it okay okay so she she’s got the coconut look

That look at that knife oh oh there we go that’s one and one more one two oh my God I can’t wait to look at the water inside there yeah I’m so excited we love coconuts 2 60 good price cheap price good price come on come on thank you come on

All right so kolina you got small change Maybe 100,000 I have yeah give 100,000 there you go got a hammock I actually just want to sit on one of these chairs let’s go along here this one looks

Comfortable there we go I’m happy all right I’m going to give this a go got a seat next to you here or next to me that climb to the top was I wasn’t expecting it it was actually pretty intense because of the steep steep stairs it’s very kind of

Crowded and you keep thinking you’re at the top but like those three times we thought we at the top yeah wasn’t the case but the view was worth it I would say it’s a very beautiful view but this is heaven yeah like after the climb

Having coconuts is the best way to treat yourself and get hydrated yeah it’s very sweet and what I love about coconuts is that they have just so much water inside of them they’re very deceiving so right now we’re just dropping off our bikes we’ve come to

Duck Hoy this is bike shop this guy is recommended here and I think it’s uh 880,000 80,000 160,000 he’s giving us discount ah discount okay okay thank you my friend goodbye okay thank you guys come get your bike to dugy these are very nice traps here so we’re back in nimman

City and right next to our accommodation there’s a beautiful place where we’re in right now which has beautiful lanterns just everywhere even if you come over to this side you have these boats just over here all have lanterns on them I think

You can go for a boat ride through the lake oh hello I like your uh it’s uh traditional Vietnamese is the aai I think it’s aai yeah but lots of people taking pictures here I’m not surprised but uh you were by the water so I think

These boats from over here can go under the bridge you go on a little bit of a tour around the lake and uh I love the uh Instagram Instagram photos I think it’s funny because here is more Vietnamese um tourists yeah yeah as opposed to the foreigners foreigners

Yeah who were at the uh Place earlier on this is such a cool hi coffee this is a really cool Highlands coffee really really cool you can have nice eating Outdoors here but this Highlands coffee it’s definitely got a nice Vibe even

Even it’s got lanterns on it over there I like the vibe very relax mhm and when the sun comes down and it turns into darkness this place lights up it’s amazing we’re want to show you that it’s around 5:00 so we’ve got about half an

Hour to the sunset but uh definitely this is Instagram Instagram friendly spot or like it’s where all the people are I love it uh people are like posing it’s like when I’m carrying the camera I’m sometimes a bit self-conscious of how I’m speaking

And when people start staring at me it’s kind of offut offputting but it’s the same when people are taking pictures and I’m looking at them they’re also getting a little bit um self-conscious but can see yeah it’s very nice I don’t know

Know what these are I think you can also walk along there I think we’ll do that in a second but I want to see what’s inside of here cuz it looks like it’s very Majestic looking I don’t know if we can actually go inside of here but I

Think we can I think I don’t know if we can I don’t know I don’t want to step like there’s a over here but uh I think it should be fine maybe I think it’s okay I’m going to be brave and you st can you step I was I I didn’t

Know if I could step inside so I was like yeah I was like I’m going to step inside oh wow it goes so high up was oh wow oh that’s beautiful it’s very beautiful unbelievable look at the carings yeah the yeah the coings are

Insane well these kind of vases I have a friend who’s Vietnamese and the vases that he owns are incredibly expensive some some of the vases are around three 4 500 years old and they are like 10 20,000 you can see where’s Carolina Gun I have no idea oh she’s over here but

We’ve also got another one just over there on the water that you can walk along very nice right and uh I love the smell there like a strong smell of like uh maybe some some sort of SC I can see it’s incense they always have it in um

The kind of pagodas there’s lighting it should we uh head over here see everyone is dressed very beautifully in the alai oh they’re taking a picture of them Let’s Go Go pass Go pass we’re getting out of the way me so actually um on that side of the

Water they have places you can eat but uh it’s very nice um it’s not as crowded as the areas were in earlier on so it just feels it’s definitely a tourist spot like a tourist attraction but it’s not uh it’s very relaxing I’m moving the

Camera now but what I wanted to show you are these lotuses on the river like they’re pink and they’re like giant I love it they’re really far away like I don’t know what far they’re maybe it’s just the decoration yeah good

What do you think good work do you like do you like karolina’s vlogging work do you want to take them inside and there that can you yeah yeah you got to interact with the lens you got to there’s the lens that’s the person there

And you got to speak to it and tell them show them their yeah bear with me guys it’s it’s not very natural but uh here is here so this is another like P I guess we can just enter like this this one’s nice as well it’s very

Nice it’s very quiet and I actually really like the ptry here like smells coming from here the ins bring it closer in it’s just the burning incense there’s actually a whole pot full of this incense and if you look up to the sky

That’s the the captures oh wow I didn’t see it yeah look at that there’s Butters everywhere um on the roof yeah and it’s all in Gold but like this Buddha is like female I think and they she looks like female there’s a carvings I don’t know

If that I don’t think that’s a b car that’s someone someone else yeah these carvings are also very beautiful pretty cool did you guys like karolina’s vlogging work I hope so it is not easy this honestly really Noy keep the the the perspective like

Our viewers are here with us but like it’s very difficult sometimes especially when people are watching you karolina hit me with a GoPro once once because I was like oh come on Vlog and like it was the end of the video in a quiet street

And she didn’t want to do it I was just do it and then she said like two words fluffed them and then went to swing swing at me so I did say to you guys that we were going to show you the lanterns we are going to show you the

Lanterns we’re a little bit hungry so we’ve come to a place that we like to come to here in niman City we’re at Fan it’s like a very local place in here our guy here is very nice have you no not yet hello YouTube it’s okay thank you I K uh uh do you want to no corand no no corand for him kongi uh yeah yeah yeah okay I think he understands right now okay so uh Poland yes England we came last time yes yeah okay thank you so we have these uh

Drinks uh is it warm yeah W okay let’s give us a go oh yeah that’s nice it’s like um green tea kind of nice and warm all right I I think he might not understand like the coriander

Thing so I just want to so what we do is we go on to our Google translate and we put no corander because it’s the devil no I’m not going to write that kongi uh this one okay yeah for f okay so K’s got fer and I

Got our food is ready beautiful and uh qu uh we can order qu look at that guys wow look at that beautiful chicken chicken chicken okay and uh are we going to squeeze it in and uh Quay okay I I don’t know if

He’s uh understanding of the oh you know uh qu qu qu qu qu qu here we go here we go yeah so he’s always showing us I think last time all right we got our Chopsticks just here I’m going to put that one on top of my drink like that

And I think he was saying just to get some lime and just uh squeeze that on top like this that’s beautiful and uh you going to have some oh there some chili with some it’s actually some chili garlic yeah chili and garlic it’s a good

Combination yeah I can give some to you oh yeah please thank you beautiful so this you want to mix it up it’s funny because last time he actually um I think he’s bringing the Qui over now let’s uh see okay come on we mix it up than yeah like this it’s

Good like oh he was sh he’s going to show us so he’s going to mix in making sure it’s funny because we’re recording this but the first time we came here is exactly the same and I like the I like the Christmas tree is still

Going okay come on come on come on okay you want to he’s telling you to really I’m not doing this right perect like this no really mixing I love it super friendly yes okay yes yeah jump yes and then dip

In jum jump and in Jump jump and in yes jum so you can dip it in just like this and it kind of absorbs the broth the soup and this is like a fried dough bread so kind of absorbs all of that goodness let’s get this

Go hot oh wow this is even better than last time you know it’s really good yeah really like our I like this cuz it’s kind of crunchy and then you you kind of dip it in and it gets a little bit softer but it still has a crunch yeah people say not to

Leave it for too long because it gets soggy now zoom into this Carina we love our f look at that you got pieces of the B the beef let’s give this a go look at that very very hot I love it when it’s piping hot because it’s fresh yeah this is the real

Vietnam this is so good chicken like with the noodles I love it P being hot yeah blow on it oh you on it and go straight for it better than last time or same I really like it because it’s like pure

Chicken breast and the broth is also very flavorful when you add the lime in it’s just very fresh right it’s funny cuz the lady who made a a foot was W walked in behind you and then saw the camera and then walked back out this is

Hoi men here going to pay yes going to give 100,000 we pay you uh how much for the four uh no it’s okay yeah for you okay come on okay bye bye when we’re vlogging in low light with a GoPro it’s not the best so we do this how’s that guys all right

So at first I thought he was trying to say um like you don’t need to pay but I think he forgot that we uh didn’t pay yeah but uh that was very nice service they gave some bananas and they kept

Topping up our soups I’m so full like I’ve never had such a big dose of like the BR and it was 80,000 for them two very big helpings of uh fur and The Quay yeah actually uh I think that they were so nice that they forgot that we ordered

It so I feel like it was supposed to be more expensive than it was but we gave a bit of a tip because they were very friendly they gave us some free bananas and now we’re in the madness again we’re back in n

City all right Carolina is your time to shine show us what do you love about this place you can see that there’s so many lanterns and actually when you pass by and look around like they’re all around you like I love it I don’t know

What it is but I just love this place and if we swing over this is actually the thing I like the most here it’s very magical I love the lighting it’s like a orange lighting and these boats you can take

Them out onto the water as I said earlier and the great thing about here is that actually there’s not so many people all right guys we hope you enjoyed this video if you did do not forget to subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next video oh God

In this video, we will take you on an adventure around the beautiful rural Ninh Binh! We were cycling around the most scenic routes to show you more of a local side of this city as well as to experience the stunning landscape with karst mountains, deep green valleys and winding rivers 🌿🏞️ And as you know we’re big FOODIE lovers, we *started the day off with the best Bun Cha* we’ve ever tried!!! 👅

If you enjoy my videos and want to show some love, you can buy me a drink 🥤 Buy Me A Drink


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0:00 Bún chả Breakfast
6:08 Cycling to Tam Cốc Area
8:24 + Xanh Coffee
13:50 The Views
14:47 Bich Dong Pagoda
22:59 Goats
23:34 Us Being SCAMMED
25:45 Mua Cave
30:51 Coconut
33:32 Bike Shop
34:01 Hoa Lu Ancient Town
40:08 Daily dose of Phở
46:35 Lanterns by Night

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


  1. 12:32 Giang, the creator of Egg Coffee, was a chef at Metropole that catered to foreigners. He wanted Vietnamese to have a taste of the luxurious capuchino that those fking colonizers deprived us from so he used eggs to substitute for cream and milk

    I hope that what you meant by "they", not those damn French

  2. You try bun Rieu,Thank you for giving me good videos in Vietnam, wish you both good health, hope you will always enjoy delicious food, you should go to local markets to understand the culture better, stay away tourist area, you will not be charged high prices

  3. Thanks for showing the actual city because all the videos I’ve watched of Ninh Binh, vloggers never show what’s there. I love the pagodas you guys went into – so beautiful! And it looks just as beautiful lit up at night, too. I was surprised you guys didn’t read or see videos about how aggressive those parking vendors can be in that area. Just ignore or circumvent them and keep on going until the end. As far as pricing, I wish people would quit using the word dishonest. Yes, dishonesty exists there. But the vendor can charge however much they want because it’s their goods/services, you don’t have to buy it. When you buy things on Amazon and you later find out you could have gotten it for way cheaper, are all the vendors selling it for more dishonest? Or is it the case of you not spending enough time researching and comparing prices? When you buy groceries from one market vs another and there are price differences, are they dishonest or just being competitive? Why is it more so “dishonest” for a Vietnamese vendor than a Western one? Keep in mind, price haggling is also a big thing there, whereas it’s not in the West. I’m not a fan of how the negative connotation are stuck on Viet vendors vs Western ones when it comes to honesty.

  4. 12:20 I could be wrong, but according to wiki:
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Egg coffee

    Egg coffee in Hanoi

    An egg coffee (Vietnamese: Cà phê trứng)[1] is a Vietnamese drink traditionally prepared with egg yolks, sugar, condensed milk and robusta coffee. The drink is made by beating egg yolks with sugar and condensed milk, then extracting the coffee into the cup, followed by a similar amount of egg cream, or egg yolks which are heated and beaten, or whisked.[2]

    The drink is served in cafes throughout Vietnam, originating in Hanoi.[3][4] The Giang Café Archived 2022-07-04 at the Wayback Machine (Vietnamese: Cà Phê Giảng) in Hanoi is known for serving the drink, which it makes with egg yolk, coffee powder, condensed milk, and, optionally, cheese. The cup is sometimes served inside a bowl of hot water or set upon a small candle to retain its temperature. The son of the café's founder Nguyen Giang claims that his father developed the recipe for the drink when milk was scarce in Vietnam in the late 1940s, replacing milk with egg yolk

  5. I really like watching you guys and understand ripping off tourists is just not okay under any forms. But sometimes it’s just not worth fighting or “investigate” the price of just $1 or $2. Considering you guys having such a great time, that couple bucks would go so far for those people so why hesitating over $1. Just my opinion for any third world developing countries, since we live in the west and paying $20 for parking is normal 😅

  6. Hey guys, a viewer from Vietnam here!
    Really love your vlogs, this vid too. Very honest and realistic pov about tourist places since I don't have many chances to travel in even my own country. It's a bit sad because this wasn't the harvest season so you couldn't have a best view of the rice fields. Keep it up guys!

  7. Don’t feel bad. I as a Vietnamese got scammed sometimes 😂
    There is a saying in Vietnam “Của đi thay người.” Means you lost stuffs but those stuffs will bring away your bad luck (sometimes it may even save your life). And thus, it’s a small price to pay and you shouldn’t think too much about it. Live positively.

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