
Yes, hello everyone In the previous video, we went to Senkyobanrai in Toyosu. This time we are overseas . If you watch this video till the end, you will see overseas filming, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, 4 hours round trip on a motorbike, and going on the Mekong River

On your own. Cruise, you can see this here, so please watch until the end. Today ‘s pants are here . Hello , I am currently staying in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. 2nd day in Ho Chi Minh. Today we are going to start on the Mekong River. I’d like to take

A Mekong River cruise, but in most cases you’ll need to join a tour.However, if you go on a tour,

It’s more expensive if you go in a group, so this time I decided to go on my own instead of taking a tour and it’s cheaper. It’s a wise decision that I would like to complete.Click here for details on the Mekong River cruise.Click here for the hotel where I am currently

And here for the destination of the Mekong River cruise.It usually costs about 30,000 yen to go on a tour, but this time I will go to Vietnam. Ride a motorcycle taxi For the motorcycle taxi, I asked the hotel receptionist to call a driver with a high reputation for safety.It

‘s a two-hour motorcycle trip each way from the hotel.Looks like the motorcycle has arrived. I told the staff at the hotel reception about my destination . I was able to get on the motorbike safely. It was my first motorcycle taxi in my life. I

Rode on the back of this guy for 2 hours, and we flew all the way to the Mekong River. It was a mess. There are a lot of motorcycles. I’m worried that they won’t hit me or get rear-ended, but it’s very exciting. I came out on a wide boulevard.

This is a road exclusively for motorcycles. A police car has arrived. I’ve arrived on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City. There are more motorcycles than in the center. As you can see, there are various shops lined up along the road.There are various shops selling

Food, daily necessities, motorcycle repairs, dentists, etc.I came to the cafe for a break . It’s not open, but the motorcycle driver’s older brother is negotiating with the store staff. It’s been about an hour since we left Ho Chi Minh.

Thanks to the motorcycle driver’s negotiation. The staff at the cafe decided to prepare a drink for me.Now , she’s making my drink.It ‘s Pepsi-Cola, without ice.I also bought a drink for the guy on the bike. I

Asked him what he wanted, and he said he’d like coconut juice, so the clerk is making it for me right now.After I toasted with my brother, I drank a Pepsi-Cola.It wasn’t cold, so it tasted normal. It was about an hour and half way to our destination, the Mekong River.The bridge came into view.This

Is the bridge over the Mekong River.We finally came into view.That ‘s the Mekong River.The Mekong River has a total length of 4000 kilometers from the Tibetan Plateau to the South China Sea . Now, let’s head to the pier where we can enjoy a cruise on the Mekong River.

We’ve arrived at our destination soon. We’re on a small island called Tay Son Island on the Mekong River. First, let ‘s board the boat from here and head out for a cruise on the Mekong River. I arrived at the souvenir shop.I

Told the clerk at the souvenir shop that I wanted to take a cruise on the Mekong River, and he made arrangements for me.I’m currently waiting for the boat . The price is 200,000 Vietnamese dong, about 1,000 yen.The madam of the souvenir shop invited me to a tea party.This

Is the rice cracker I received.It ‘s slightly sweet and delicious.This souvenir shop sells various sweets using fruit.This is coconut.The coconut is mixed in a machine.The coconut shell is then burned.This is the coconut that was mixed earlier.It is shaped into a rectangle. It is arranged and looks like caramel.I

Put this in a bag and it is completed.The ship has arrived.I also received a Vietnamese umbrella and I am off to the leisure.There are staff in the front and back , but there is no conversation.We move on. The waterway is mostly straight

, but there are occasional curves.Even if there are curves, they turn smoothly.This is also a cruise operator.We have arrived at the bridge.We have arrived at the bridge.We are barely far away.We can see the house.Over there

. Is there anyone living there? There’s laundry hanging out to dry. There’s quite a lot of laundry. Most of the people I pass on the boat are tourists. I was the only one on the boat. There are a lot of boats in this area .

There is also an old woman swinging in a hammock.This Vietnamese umbrella will be collected later.When we reach the turning point, we change directions.This time, the staff at the back will take the lead and row the boat

. According to the ship’s staff, the brown object you can see in front of the river is a coconut.The river in this area is about 3 meters deep.The waterway is gradually becoming crowded.The Mekong River cruise is a very popular activity. Yes,

We have arrived at the pier. We have returned to the place where we boarded the boat earlier. The entire boat trip took about 20 minutes. This time, we boarded a boat that would take us to the opposite shore.

We were asked to give a tip to the captain of the boat we were about to board. It can’t be helped.This is the boat I’ll be on this time.The captain was happy when I gave him a tip earlier.Let’s get on board right away.The boat departed safely.It’s

Also about 200,000 yen each way to the opposite shore. Vietnamese dong, about 1,000 yen in Japanese yen.I’m the only person on the boat, and it’s a private boat.It’s just me and the captain.What you can see on the other side is the port on the opposite shore of our destination.The wind is blowing.

It feels really good. This is the driver’s arm, which is similar to mine. I just gave him an extra tip. We’ve become good friends. We were drinking a delicious-looking drink. The bridge you can see over there is from earlier. This is the bridge I rode my bike over.It’s quite far away.As

You can see, the boat was chartered.I didn’t sign up for a tour this time, so I think it was chartered like this.We’ll soon arrive at the other side.There ‘s also the other side. You can see the ship. We have arrived safely. We have arrived at the

Opposite shore . On the opposite shore is Mi Tho port. Now that we are hungry, let’s have lunch here. There seems to be a famous restaurant nearby, so we decided to go there. I would like to take a taxi to .I asked a nearby security guard to call

Me a taxi.That’s my taxi.Let’s get in it.First of all, the departure driver will take me here at a reasonable price. This is Mekong Rest Shop Vietnam. It’s a restaurant where you can enjoy food.Let ‘s go in right away.By the way, I asked the taxi driver from earlier to wait in this area for

About 50 minutes.There are no taxis around here.He showed me to a seat. The current time is 16:30. I haven’t had lunch today, so I’m very hungry. By the way, the menu at this restaurant is also written in Japanese, so it’s very easy to understand . This is what the restaurant looks like, and

I’m the only customer. It’s rented out again It’s a bit lonely. There was a fish tank inside the restaurant, and there were a lot of people there. Is this a shrimp? It ‘s a big shrimp. There’s a pond on the other side , and it’s a huge area. I ordered a Coca-Cola .

First of all, the fish appeared , and then spring rolls and noodles were brought along with the fish.It was very wild.The whole grilled fish is elephant fish, which is a specialty of this restaurant. Peel it off and roll it up with other vegetables. Let’s eat it right away.

When you eat it, dip it in this chili sauce. ELEPHANTFISH’s spring rolls are very delicious. The fish flesh is very soft, and the vegetables inside are crunchy. It has pineapple in it. The subtle sweetness is also delicious.This

Is my first time trying this dish, but I definitely want to try it in Japan too.Next, this is a giant ball of fried sticky rice.It looks like a dinosaur egg.The fried sticky rice is also a specialty of this restaurant. When it’s time to eat, the waiter will come to you. What’s inside

Is a lot of mochi rice. This fried tama mochi rice is very crispy on the outside. It’s like chicken skin, and there’s a lot of mochi inside. However, it tastes like sweet glutinous rice

. I think it would be even more delicious if you sprinkled it with soybean flour. It was softer than rice, but harder than mochi. It felt like a snack and was very delicious. It was time for my appointment with the driver. So, I returned to the taxi. We

Were able to meet again safely . We returned to the port from earlier. From here, it was time for another motorcycle trip. We rode the motorcycle for 2 hours and returned to Ho Chi Minh City. The motorcycle we rode was: This is my brother’s bike when I went there.

The guy on the bike is back. It’s been about 4 hours since I last saw him. He bought me some Vietnamese street food. That’s kind of you. This is a pizza-like dish. So

, we said goodbye to the Mekong River and headed back to the center of Ho Chi Minh City.We returned to the center of Ho Chi Minh City after a 2-hour bike ride.The number of motorbikes is increasing.We are in an abandoned building that was originally an apartment building. Apparently,

Strange phenomena occur, so it’s scary because no one lives in the apartment.There are many shops in this area, and it’s Chinatown.We arrived at our destination.We walked from Ho Chi Minh City to the Mekong River. It was a 4 hour round trip, and I was blessed with a very nice driver.I

Was able to go for less than half the price of going on a tour.By the way, the motorcycle taxi fare was 5,000 yen for a 4 hour round trip. The last place I went to was a Japanese restaurant.This is the Japanese town where Japanese restaurants gather.The place

I came to was Yakiniku restaurant “Yakimaru.” I would like to have dinner here.I was shown to my seat. I was guided to the counter seat on the first floor. There was only one other customer besides me, and he was also Japanese. It had been a long time since I

Had seen a Japanese person in Vietnam . It was time for drinks. I ordered another coke. This cola is exactly the same as the one I had at a Vietnamese restaurant.The meat is here.This is beef tongue.The kimchi that was brought to me is also the short ribs I ordered.It

Feels like I’m in Japan . The menu at this restaurant is written in Japanese , so ordering is easy.At this yakiniku restaurant, I ordered beef tongue kimchi cola and short ribs , and the price was about 670,000 dong (Japanese yen), or 3,500 yen.I said yes. This time,

We are introducing a Vietnam Mekong River tour by motorbike taxi.It is a very exciting trip of 4 hours round trip. The Mekong river cruise was also very fun, like a jungle cruise.You

Can do it on your own even if you don’t go on a tour, so I hope it will be helpful when you go to Vietnam.However , a tour is probably safer, so it’s an exciting solo trip. As long as you don’t travel, I think it’s better to go on tour.There

Are still videos and second parts of the Vietnam part, so I’d be happy if you could check them out as well. I hope this helps. If you liked the video, please hit the thumbs up button. If you didn’t, please hit the grasshop button. See you soon.

★Bobby Maihama YouTubeメンバーシップ


★Mekong Rest Stop

〒107-0062  東京都港区南青山2丁目2番15号 ウィン青山942 Bobby Maihama 宛








  1. 自分的には団体行動でぼっちになるよりバイクのお兄ちゃんとサシのほうがはるかにハードルが高い。ボビーさんはホントにすごい。

  2. 私も前ツアーでメコン川行きました!確かにツアーだと団体行動だし余計な場所も組み込まれていましたが、往復4時間バイクを選ぶBobbyさんもすごいです(笑)

  3. ディズニー動画も好きですが他の動画も面白くて見やすい!楽しませてもらってます!(*ˊ˘ˋ*)無理せずいっぱい動画あげてください!🤣

  4. 英語が喋れると世界が広がるな


  5. すっごい楽しい動画なんだけどもはやディズニーも舞浜も関係なくなって海外旅行チャンネルみたいになってるのが面白い笑

  6. Bobbyさんがランチで行ったレストランどっかで見たことあるーって思ったら!大学の卒業旅行で行ったお店だった!!10年前だけどメニュー変わってないw

  7. 始めに誰か助けてって出たのでBobby大丈夫かな?って思ったけど動画みた段階でほっとしました。😅

  8. ディズニーと海外旅行が好きだから毎日交互に見てたんだけど、ついにボビーさんのチャンネルに来ればどっちも見れるようになちゃった…

  9. ココナッツのお菓子を作るのに、殻を燃料にするのはココナッツを余すことなく使っていて、今も自然と共に生活してるローカル感を味わえました。

  10. アジアの旅動画、楽しく観させていただいてます♪

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