Today is day two of our Ha Giang Loop tour hence the motorbike helmets on our head but we have woken up to an absolutely stunning view here in the valley check that out what a way to start the day good morning good morning ready for an

Adventure yes are you ready yeah I’m ready you ready let’s go you’re a donut we need to be careful over on these roads so we is a local to this area so he’s taking us on some very sketchy looking roads you can see on the right hand side

Wow and uh my driver hi is saying to stay close to him because these roads probably are very difficult to drive in there these cables yet yeah so this is definitely not your average Ha Giang Loop T another cable again okay we’re good we’re good how do you

Feeling I thought we were going to die genuinely at one point I was like is this all right let’s is this even safe all right yeah I was like Wow even the cables there was cables that were like very low down with the motorbike you had

To duck they got have take taken your head off okay so this is we this is your secret spot secret spot like uh hidden like not many people know only he know because he’s a local local okay guys wow this is very nice

Very very nice oh wow and they’re even working there what are they doing down there uh they uh clean uh weed they’re cleaning the weeds Yeah clean with anding yeah for Farm ah cuz you can see there’s patches of farms so even over

There there’s uh they’re growing vegetables so they’re doing the same here to farm here yeah and uh there look this time for you go to the herong Village you can see the corn corn there it’s uh corn like this yeah this ah this

Thing here yeah what is this uh it’s a corn it’s corn yeah but it looks like wood a corn tree ah it’s a corn tree because uh it’s from here only the Rocky Mountain don’t have the what what yeah they don’t have the wood wood and uh so

They make it out of the Corn yeah ah gasoline is very expensive and they dry uh corn tree for the fire to cooking ah so there’s no wood in here there’s no trees so it’s okay I’ll go over here and show you guys this is the

What they’re talking about so they’re saying that the the corn tree that produces the the corn they use the the wood just over here can’t get any closer but there there is like you can see there’s only like one tree one like palm tree there’s not much the

Trees the beautiful thing about where he’s taking us to is that it feels very like Off The Beaten Track so I don’t mind risking our lives a little bit but how did you feel like when you came off onto the roads like just randomly

Started I like Adventures like this but when I saw the chickens in front of us basically not moving and we were going full speed on a bumpy road I was like H yeah this is very adventurous but no it’s it’s it’s amazing it’s amazing I

Love it mhm mhm mhm this is the adrenaline in my head so apparently we we going on some even smaller roads I’ve been instructed to stay very close to houi okay ah she’s hamong so the woman she’s a part of the hamong ethnic tribe here in Vietnam

There is uh 54 yeah tribe ethnic minorities in Vietnam yeah okay and uh he he’s telling me to stay close to him because he doesn’t want to wheelie because we’re going on some pretty crazy uphill roads and even now we have to be very careful very

Slippery okay this is so sketchy slowly slowly slowly slowly this is so sketchy I’m trusting my life with you hi as you can see see we’re going through the village on these small roads just over here I wasn’t expecting this kind of Adventure where you’re risking your

Life these cables what are these cables what is it for like electricity uh water for water water water okay so then pipes cables that are almost taking off our head are water cables looks like we’re going around here through the valley so we are going all the way down through the

Valley we got some of the local M oh hello so they are living down here in the valley growing their crops hello hello hello the Hong people are very friendly very friendly people they’re living in this area here in these kind

Of Hutts which are made out of brick probably in the past they would would have been made out of bamboo Okay so we’ve stopped off and uh these are cows can I go closer what is happening here so they’re using these cows to oops hello what is what are you

Doing okay so he’s using this is to make the lines the lines for the crops oh this cow is so there’s two of these cows and they’re making these lines across here to plant the crops yeah so they they’re planting making the lines so they have ready these lines for planting the crops

Hello this is so Random what are you doing me that’s funny okay [Music] so what you want me to do it all right okay he’s instructed me to do this okay H I’m going to give it a go oh this is so Random

Okay I you feel me I I do this I can do yeah yeah all right see you just no and you this yeah and you it ah okay you’re using the Rope to kind of oh he’s going oh the cow stop stop stop don’t stop stop oh it’s stopping

Yeah okay I am a farmer for today oh my God okay oh wow okay stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay she stopped okay she stopped or he I I think it’s a he I can see the balls on it are very large okay so we

Just slap a little bit I don’t want to hit him too him too hard’s going so cool this is amazing I love this come from the [Music] front oh okay and it’s actually oh no stop stop stop st stop stop okay things get out of control getting out of no

Don’t don’t run away don’t run away okay now the master is doing it all right hello oh okay so the the cow knew that she could take or he could take advantage of me so he’s getting him back in line okay he’s getting him back in line

By using this kind of oh there we go he’s got him in back in line okay that was pretty fun like you would think like the cow wouldn’t listen to you but actually you just tap him lightly with the rope and he goes and then you stop you just pull harder but I

Think he could have he knew that I wasn’t uh doing mybe things properly so he knew he could like get out of hand and try to run off but there they know exactly how to control them that was fun you don’t want to try

It no no did I was having fun watching you yeah it was fun was it like kind of funny to watch yeah this out you can see the rice terce is just over here very nice but I feel like it’s very cold high up into the mountains you can see we’re quite high

Up and that’s why there’s kind of foggy area but I love how cozy it is like um they’re making these coffee shops with the best view and like it it just feels like amazing it’s like every stop off we go to we just have like a nice coffee or

Tea and then we just have a look at the view so let’s get ourselves to support the people here they were smiling that’s always nice so we have some music in the background but I just wanted to show you the ginger tea I’ve ordered myself full

Of Ginger look at that I love that here in Asia they really load it up because uh Ginger here in Asia grows I think quite vastly it’s not as expensive I think it’s quite cheap so this is the reality sometimes here on the loop you have these big groups enjoying it so

Much hi is it time for lunch yes now we go to the rest t for lunch okay sounds good so this is how I get onto the bike I just lift myself up and it and just like that all right so we’ve

Made it to a town so a lot of the way from our last stop was construction you can see there’s loads of these kind of heavy duty Machinery because they’re building a lot of the roads so wasn’t super interesting there were some nice views but nothing interesting enough because of

All the construction I would say just being honest lots of they’re creating a lot of New Roads yeah right now is the the bumpy road the bumpy roads are finished you see all these signs along the road what I have a little look here at what they’re cooking

Hello wow smells good and he’s cutting up the spring rolls just over there very beautiful everyone’s super friendly yes um like uh Vietnamese people are friendly in general but when you come out to hang area and you have you meet

All the ethnic groups super friendly and all of the people from the rural areas are so welcoming yeah I mean you’ve seen it if you watched our first video they invited us in for happy water in the middle of nowhere hi it’s got some

Cabbage soup yeah I make this cab soup they have uh more chili here yeah the there is this areaa has more chili yeah because in the winter from here really cold the people is the spicy for making it warm to warm up the body yeah so you

Have the spice there’s a lot more spice eaten in this area and you can see without me causing too much trouble you can see all the very red chilies and there’s some chili sauce probably with some fish sauce there and then they’re cooking everything here everything’s freshly prepared hello PE [Laughter]

Hello she got um she got nervous in front of the camera and uh slapped me like a Vietnamese auntie in the back that’s so funny all right so I’m going to get up here so the lighting is a bit better I think this is some sort of pork

With ch this looks so good pork I think it’s maybe pork with spring onions this looks like a vegetable spring or there could be some meat in there this is tofu I think it’s egg I think it’s egg with tomato sa that looks like

Tofu to me to be honest look eggy oh wow very good this is a egg or tofu tofu tofu tofu I thought this egg okay as always hi is ready to pour the rice and it’s always ladies first yes

Always ladies first my lady first what happened too too spicy yeah okay so we likes to do this kind of spicy concoction over here and then mix it in with everything but uh I’m going to try this pork this is pork yeah and uh you

Remember you to you tell me uh you told me you like spring roll yes it’s from here spring roll really good the spring rolls are really good here okay so I’m going to try the pork first M the spring roll is good the meat is like salty got a good

Amount of fat on there very good I love the pork here in Vietnam and Carolina I would try the tofu then maybe with some rice you sure it’s not egg I think it’s tofu very soft I think it was fried but it’s a very uh is it in a tomato it’s

Like a tomato kind of sauce right yeah it’s but it’s not like tomato we no it’s very very soft and I like spicy no it’s more like steamed to now my favorite thing here is the spring rolls and you guys are saying the spring rolls are

Really good the best the best ones are here okay so you can see spring roll I’m addicted to this stuff here in [Music] Vietnam is it vegetarian is there some meat in there or vegetarian veggie meat me I can taste

The meat yes and uh what is this it’s it’s a CH food of the local mhm they make is the Bean with uh green onion mhm and uh more chili okay so it’s spicy yeah how do you eat it with the rice with the like with the rice and uh

To the sauce you can I recommend you to this uh pork pork and dip in oh a lot yeah I I think I I think you Joy you Jo okay a little bit okay all right let’s

Try this out I’m a little bit worried to see how spicy it is chy okay ooh wow wow wow wow yeah how you okay very spicy okay it’s like a tastes like a fermented be it’s like a fermented Bean yeah it’s very similar to the cre and for

Inter our guides they’re pretty much living off cigarettes Red Bull and uh delicious Vietnamese and CA and caffeine so they have coffees cigarettes Red Bull and that’s pretty much their diet as well as all the delicious food we’ve been having so I

Feel like this job they’re doing it they’re doing multiple trips a week probably like two trips a week and it’s very intense and they’ve got to be super focused so they’ve got to have a lot of stimulation so in the distance you can

Actually see China there is a border somewhere in the distance but it separates Vietnam and China so that is how close we are to China right now we’re in the very northern part of hang and we are still making our way up the mountain and actually people are coming up on

Motorbikes and for me it’s very nerve-wracking because literally there’s no barrier along here if they just make one wrong movement and this part’s kind of not that steep but if you actually come over here I’ll show you so somewhere I think over there is China Vietnam

China and you can see over the edge here it is just crazy to think that people are riding motorbikes and literally one bad move and yeah that is that’s the end of you that’s insane we’ve seen quite a few of the local people carrying all that stuff on their backs right right with

This view here they’re making their way all the way to down by foot it’s yeah it’s it’s pretty insane sad to think that they you know to live they’re having to do such hard work like very grueling work having so much weight on their

Back yeah they kind of just caught us off guard so we have made it to the top these are the views I’m trying not to misst step because as you can see it’s very far down kolina are you coming up any higher

Are you happy there I’m happy here okay that’s her safe spot yes and this is the views there’s a river just down there it looks very blue but right now it’s not so visible I’m going to try and get a little bit higher just got to be careful cuz

I don’t want to fall down just because I’m trying to make a very nice YouTube video even this side it’s very nice wow you can actually see here they’re farming so they’ve already prepared the land so one of the really interesting things here in hang is they

Use any available land to grow their their food so we were at the top here looking down at the valley you can see all the crops and they are tending to the l ha is the Hong people here see they are planting a lot of cabbage and this is super beautiful in

This Valley here that it looks like they’re all living in that one building over there and then living off the land and you can see there’s no trees anywhere so what we’ve learned is that they’re using this kind of wood here that is actually from sweet corn from the sweet corn crop

So it must be the stalk M when it grows up and then they must dry it out and then they kind of store it there for whenever they need need an alternative for wood I’m guessing they would be using that for cooking for keeping warm

Especially during the winter when it can probably get quite cold is the winter winter time now yeah it is but during the night it would be quite cold you actually see there’s cabbages are actually starting to grow just over there but we’re making our way through this beautiful Valley it’s a very nice

Walk got our exercise for the day and there’s no tourists here there’s no one around we have for ourselves and that’s what we like and just like any other tourist you don’t want other tourists to be there because you want to feel like it’s a little piece of your own piece of

Paradise so we are still hiking but look at these USS it’s crazy because there are some people tending to the grounds I think they’re prep preparing the crops just on the side it’s a very steep drop and it looks like we are following our

Way around the mountain I’ll show you a better view of what is happening and it’s just mind blowing that there is no one here had to take off the jumpers cuz it’s super hot right now especially after hiking but oh wow so it looks like we’re going to be making our way

Down somewhere there we are making our way down the mountain and see this is our view the entire way down the interesting thing is actually we can see the trail it’s this silver barrier goes all the way around the mountain and we’re actually going to be going looping around so we’ve almost

Made it to the end see these are the views and what is really astonishing is all these crops about like a vertical angle on the side of the kind of cliff and that we’ve been seeing the locals local farmers

Literally just standing and tending to the to the crops here and I’m just like it’s like a vertical drop yeah how is that possible we have made it down into a some kind of Village little kids just here walking up the mountain there’s a

Long way to go my friends 2 hours we weren’t expecting it either and we’ve made it to some kind of Village we go straight hello hello hello hello so cute and a baby so it looks like hello they’ve got Ducks

Literally everywhere along there they’ve got Ducks they’ve got a pig I can see a pig they’ve got a pig so here they have their crops their vegetables they’ve got their livestock they got chickens Ducks cows they’ve got I think that was a cow

Was a cow uh they got also pigs um and I’m guessing the water uh you know for for the people living here the water they get from the ground yeah pipes from the pipes ah from the mountains yeah okay so the water runs down the

Mountains so very fresh clear delightful water comes through the pipes and so they have everything they need they even have a school uh here in the mountain so this is super interesting to see how the mountain people live even on the side of the mountains they are growing crops like I

Said earlier they grow crops pretty much wherever they can and probably the side of the mountains they’ve got motorbikes as well so like they’ll have just on the side of big mountains they’ll have crops and they’ll be kind of working vertically on the mountain which is for

Me super interesting like I would feel scared I would feel like I’m just going to fall down the Mountain but they’re literally working like a vertical and I guess they’re so used to it but I it looks like we coming to the end tired M yeah how little be little bit tired Same so small these roads yeah that was crazy that was so good my mind racing my heart pping I’m alive I was so scared oh God I love that that was so much that was like the best part I felt

Like I was like these guys are insane I all around no way but honestly that was like that just showed how good drivers they they are yes very good all right so we have made it to our accommodation it’s a little bit dark

Okay they come out this is home yeah and this is your home very interesting so the 1 2 three okay you got the bathroom just through here toil and the toilet oh you have hot water yeah beautiful that’s what we need after yeah cold ride yeah oh hello hey

We take shoes off here okay we take our shoes off and oh where are we going to now I always do that I always fall over this is cool here we go nice this is where we’re sleeping yeah oh very nice and cozy so we’re going to

Be staying in here is the light on yep it is on you can see just got all these beds along the floor yeah very seems very traditional lights pretty good privacy oh we have privacy we have a curtain the cross okay and then we have okay very nice I’m happy thank

You very happy iome to my home oh thank you yeah very happy and uh about 640 dinner my friend 6:40 dinner okay we always are looking forward to food hi this is you will be famous my home ni to you so this is

Where we’re going to be having some tea green tea green tea beautiful yeah and you’ve got like a it’s like a sewing machine the old school sewing machine and then this is inside your home yeah okay okay hello the baby’s on the back I can go inside yeah it’s okay there oh okay

So you got all of these kind of farming tools I hope look at how big them knives are got the instrument up there and it looks like they are drying some kind of meat here or like smoking it this looks like a lot of

Pork and you can see they lit a fire and it’s uh smoking the meat hello and then they got some instruments more instruments on the wall but that’s super interesting I think we’re going to be trying some of this uh this smoked meat and then over here look all these tiny chairs very

[Music] random the baby and then inside of here looks like I have no idea I’ve never seen anything like lik this before might be some kind of kitchen but uh and then all right a little kitten [Music] hello very interesting I wasn’t

Expecting this oh this why they were keeping it a little bit of a secret but uh let’s actually head outside get some tea I saw I saw smoked meat my friend okay I saw uh the meats inside it’s smoked pork pork pork smoked pork wow

Nice never tried smoked pork we can try this smoke pork yeah go cooking okay so we have some green tea yeah so nice oh nice I really like the vibe here mhm it it brings you a little bit closer

To the culture I think this is a hamong home possibly is that a yep of you know or you I would say so H people are you follow me H language are you ready are you ready are you ready Ebody strong wow that’s very strong happy friend enoo we got spring rolls pork pork beef beef beef beef egg French French fries I pork pork and what is this this one here is like this is all vegetable vegetabl some flowers yeah yeah you can try come on my friend okay thank

You so this is your father over there okay very handsome father and son and this hat is called jaella jaella it looks like almost like the French beret yeah yeah same same same I Spain in the best in the north of in the best country like where

Is ch ch so you have this in in Spain hey interesting so we got stopped by the police because we were with the with the bikes without the license without the license he’s the only one with the license the only so you have no fine so he’s happy so we got like four

Bikes for the of five of us because we thought like one of us could like go behind with the GPS and with the and just like to be looking at at things like recording and [ __ ] yeah so yeah we got like he we were all stop he was the

Only one with license so the other three of us like the ones who who driving they brought us to like a a checkpoint they had like like a police checkpoint yeah police checkpoint and they started them to say to say to us like with the

Translator because they didn’t speak English okay yeah they would say like oh we have to like stop you for seven days and you like uh we have to pay you have to pay a lot we were like okay uh they were trying to make you feel uh

Uncomfortable really like really guilty yeah so the thing it was like we were like okay like what do you want because we knew like everyone knows you need to bribe them like basically we knew like because in the

Inan we’ve been told that we didn’t have like the license so we thece told us like we have to pay fine and the yeah so it was uh 1.5 million per so actually they said like 2 million for bike so 6 million but we got it to 5 million so

You had to NE negotiate the price and we were like trying to say like 4.5 but they W they W no no no so it was uh in total 5 million for four of you for three bikes for three bikes three bikes okay so it’s like 1.52 million something

Like this okay 50 but they give you a receipt so that you’re free now it’s not even a receipt it’s like a like paper like like the T tourist paper to have information they put like the like the license like like the the number plate

The number plate and they were like okay you got this if the police stopped you just show that and you are fine and you’re good so there you have it if you want to ride a bike without a motor uh without a motorbike license just pay the

Fine 1.5 to 2 million and then you get a receipt for the bribery [Music] oh [Applause] that was so good wow so I think the instruments made out of bamboo that’s that’s crazy it sounds like almost like back pipes but I was

Just amazed how he was jumping around dancing it was like a workout like it’s like it’s very go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] on are we going to sit down now this is the pork just smoking while we’re enjoying the fire I absolutely love this experience it’s really nice

You fainting her face but I had no idea no idea what’s happening we’ve had a great meal we had entertainment the Spanish guys are really nice so we’re just going to enjoy enjy our evening if you enjoy this video do not forget to subscribe we’ll see you guys in the next video

Woke up to these incredible views 😍 If you find yourself in Northern Vietnam, don’t forget to *put the HA GIANG LOOP on your itinerary* 📌🗺️ In order to show you the real life of people living in the mountains, on our Day 2 we were taken by our fantastic easy riders outside of the usual route! Join the journey for more 🛵🛵

If you want to experience the same journey, check out the Be’s Home in Ha Giang, which would organise it all for you! This is not an ad, we were extremely looked after and loved every single minute of our trip: https://www.booking.com/Share-8TYmFE ❤️

If you enjoy my videos and want to show some love, you can buy me a drink 🥤 Buy Me A Drink https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jayeshchhaya


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0:00 Du Già Cozy Homestay
0:25 Ride through Rural Areas
6:23 Jay The Farmer
10:08 Viewpoint Ginger Tea
11:22 Steamed Rice Lunch
17:07 Ma Pi Leng
26:44 The Craziest Ride Ever!!!
28:05 Staying at the authentic H’mong house
32:01 Dinner & Happy Water!

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I’ll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


  1. Jay, please don't point your chopsticks on another person. In Chinese culture, ppl will think you're angry at the one you point them at or worse they think you're a madman. It may sound ridiculous but that's culture, mate. 😅

    Life in mountain is harsh tbh especially if it that steep. I wouldn't mind going there for a trip but not living there permanently tbh. It's hard to walk on that inclination tbh.😅

  2. Ha giang loop is one of most exciting experience for travel to Vietnam and the food in Vietnam is so delicious food that made peoples want to come back again

  3. What an amazing adventure you guys are on now. The views just don't stop, do they? You couldn't really tell from the video how far down everything is until you see how small the cars are on the road below. Absolutely phenomenal all around!

  4. OMG Carolina I would have died. That was something else. Jayesh you almost gave me an anxiety attack. I’m scared of heights and I was almost shaking when you climbed up on those rocks. You guys are brave for sure. Thanks for this video. It was so informative and now I feel like I’ve kinda been there. I feel like I know about the people and their real culture. I sure would like to try that food.

  5. I think you mean cornstock. Corn doesn’t come from trees. By the way, milk comes from cows. I don’t think you want to milk that bull you were plowing with. City boy 🫤

  6. I feel embarrassed when that guy shared his story. I think that situation makes image of Vietnam will be ugly to foreign people. However, tourists drove motorbikes without driving license have violated Vietnamese law.

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