《谁懂啊,嫁残疾军官竟然捡到宝啦》1- 30

Chapter 1 Entering the city   The green-skinned train from the 1980s kept clunking, and the carriage smelled of stinky feet and pickles. Su Ying held her breath, her head hurting.

  She had just won the medical award in the 21st century and when she was about to be promoted to vice president, she fell asleep and died. When she opened her eyes again, she was in Su Ying’s body in the 1980s.

  The original owner was twenty years old and a native of Shangyang Village, Changjiang County. She had just been admitted to university this year, but she had not received the admission notice. When she went to inquire about it, she found out that she had been replaced. She was so angry that she went to the county town to ask for an explanation and was beaten. She was seriously injured and thrown out, but the county hospital said it couldn’t be cured. Her mother, Chen Shuyun, had no choice but to take her to the city for medical treatment.

  Chen Shuyun is very dark and thin, with rough skin on her face, and her eyes are always full of fear and panic. At this time, she is holding Su Ying tightly and pulling her legs towards her, for fear that she will touch the person next to her. .   “ mom! ”

  The corners of Su Ying’s mouth twitched for a while before she finally called out “Mom” with difficulty.   She grew up in an orphanage. The name mother was unfamiliar to her, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she was called.   Chen Shuyun’s eyes were red and her voice was hoarse.   “

It hurts again? Another piece of metamizole? ”   Su Ying was hit on the head and the pain was severe, so Chen Shuyun gave her a piece of metamizole. Not many people take this medicine in the 21st century, but in the 1980s it was a common medicine at home.   “

Mom, I’m feeling better. I won’t eat now. ”   Su Ying struggled to sit up and looked at the rolling mountains and lush trees outside. It was hot, but the car was stuffy again, and her stomach felt uncomfortable.   “ Mom, where are we going to see a doctor? ”

  Chen Shuyun also spoke in a low voice. In the memory of the original owner, she always looked submissive and only focused on working. Su Jianshe had been away from home for seven years, and she was the one who supported the home and outside. People in the village said She can support two strong laborers by herself.

  “ Your dad is in Jiangcheng. Let’s go find your dad. ”

  Su Jianshe used to jump in to Shangyang Village and married the daughter of the old Chen family in the village, that is, Chen Shuyun. However, he later returned to the city without his wife and daughter. In the memory of the original owner, Su Jianshe treated their mother and daughter He was always very indifferent. He basically didn’t work and only liked reading. Chen Shuyun said that he was an educated person and couldn’t do the work in the fields, so she pampered him.

  The mother and daughter took the train for two days and two nights before arriving in Jiangcheng. They didn’t even want to stay in a guest house. They followed the address and asked people all the way to find the Linxin Textile Factory.

  Su Ying was panting because of the heat. Chen Shuyun’s face turned red from the sun, and she even used a broken bag to shield Su Ying from the sun.   “ Mom, my dad is here? ”

  It was Chen Shuyun’s first time in the city and she didn’t know many words, but she would definitely remember this factory because Su Jianshe had mentioned it in previous letters.   “ Yes, right here. ”   She glanced at the concierge and hesitated to go there.

  Su Ying saw her fear and walked over by herself.   “ Hello uncle, I would like to ask, does Su Jianshe work in this factory? ”   The old concierge fiddled with the radio, and a few broken tones came from the radio from time to time.

  Hearing the name Su Jianshe, he raised his eyes and looked over.   “ Who are you? What are you doing with him? ”   “ I am his daughter, my name is Su Ying. ”   Su Ying gently pulled Chen Shuyun over again.   “ This is my mother, his lover. ”

  The old concierge’s expression became a little strange, and he looked at Su Ying and Chen Shuyun with contempt.   “ You, my daughter, want to ask Director Su to do something, right? How can you recognize your father randomly? We all know Factory Manager Su, and his daughter doesn’t look like you. ”

  Of course, the old janitor didn’t say it out loud. The girl in front of him was prettier than the daughter of the factory manager Su’s family, but her clothes were too tacky and she couldn’t compare with the daughter of the factory manager’s family.

  Factory director? His daughter? Su Ying’s intuition was not very good, but Chen Shuyun automatically ignored the conceited old man’s words, excitedly held Su Ying’s hand, and nodded her head vigorously.   “ Yes, that’s right here. Mom was right, it must be your dad. ”   She turned to the old concierge again and said, ”

Uncle, is your Su Jianshe here quite tall? Big flowery eyes, mouth…”   The old concierge glanced outside, suddenly put down the radio, and stood up with a smile on his face.   “ Director Su, are you back? ”

  Su Ying and Chen Shuyun turned around at the same time and saw a middle-aged man walking in pushing a bicycle. He was wearing a white shirt with two pens in his shirt pockets and black suit pants. He was upright and energetic. .   “

Lao Liu, your radio is so loud that I heard it from the door. ”   “ Hey, I know the factory director, let me turn it down…”   When Su Jianshe came over, he glanced at Su Ying and her daughter.   “ Who is this for? ”

  Su Ying’s face froze, and she didn’t even recognize them.   Feeling the pain in her hand, Su Ying looked at Chen Shuyun and saw that her eyes were red and she was staring at Su Jianshe closely.   “ Her dad, I am Shuyun. ”

  The old janitor originally said that these two people probably wanted to deal with the factory director and pretended to be his wife and daughter here, but after seeing Su Jianshe’s expression change, he decisively chose to shut up.   Su Jianshe’s pupils dilated and he looked at Chen Shuyun in shock.   “ You…who? ”

  Chen Shuyun’s fingers were trembling with excitement. She grabbed Su Ying hard and pushed her in front of Su Jianshe.   “ Su Ying, our daughter, I…I am Chen Shuyun, from Shangyang Village. ”   Su Jianshe’s eyes suddenly froze, and he finally thought of his wife and children in Shangyang Village.

It’s just that besides being panicked and angry, he didn’t feel any surprise at all.   He glanced at Lao Liu, pulled Chen Shuyun and walked out of the factory.   “ What are you doing here if you’re not staying in Shangyang Village? ”

  Chen Shuyun was like a piece of dough, being grabbed by the arm and dragged hard. She didn’t say a word, but she looked panicked as if she had done something wrong.   “

I know you… didn’t let me come to you, but the child was injured and the doctor in the county said he should go to a big hospital, so I took the child to come to you. ”   “ Then you took her to the hospital, why did she come to the factory? ”

  Su Ying stood aside and watched as he not only showed no joy at seeing his wife and daughter, but instead accused Chen Shuyun angrily, not even looking at her injured daughter.   They don’t even exist in this person’s mind.   “

You leave now and don’t come to the factory to look for me again. You don’t even look at yourself. Did you come here on purpose to embarrass me? You don’t want me to feel better, do you? ”

  Chen Shuyun looked at the husband she had not seen for seven years. These words were very hurtful and made her feel uncomfortable, but she could only explain and did not dare to get angry.   “ No, child, Su Ying is injured, very seriously, we need to see a doctor for her. ”

  Su Jianshe was very impatient and took out ten dollars from his pocket and handed it to her.   “ Then take her to the hospital for a checkup. Take this money and don’t come to my factory to look for me again. ” Chapter 2 Abandoning Wife and Daughter

  Su Ying walked over, snatched Chen Shuyun away from Su Jianshe, and glared at him.   “ Are you so afraid of us coming to your factory because you think we will be embarrassed? Or are you feeling guilty? ”   Su Jianshe’s face became even more ugly.   “

What am I guilty of? Why are you so uneducated? Is this how your mother taught you to talk to your father? ”   Su Ying looked at him coldly.   “ dad? What kind of dad are you? Are you someone else’s father now? ”

  As soon as Su Ying finished speaking, Su Jianshe raised his hand to hit Su Ying.   “ Damn you, how dare you talk to your father like that? ”   “ Don’t hit your daughter…”   Chen Shuyun, who was being protected by Su Ying, suddenly stood in front of her, crying and begging Su Jianshe.   “

Don’t hit your daughter. She has a serious head injury. You are her father. ”   Su Jianshe’s face was full of anger. He looked at the dark and skinny Chen Shuyun, the disgust in his eyes was undisguised, but he finally put down his hand.   “

Okay, I’ll let her go this time, Chen Shuyun. Your family originally forced me to get married when we got married. Now that you’re here, we’ll go through the divorce procedures later. ”   Chen Shuyun opened her eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief.   “

You…what did you say? Do you want a divorce? ”   Su Jianshe glanced towards the textile factory and pondered slightly.   “ Now, go for divorce now. Have you brought your household registration book, letter of introduction, and so on? ”

  Chen Shuyun’s body felt weak. She looked at Su Jianshe and wanted to ask why? They also have a daughter. When did her family force him to get married? It was obvious that he said at that time that he liked her ability and wanted to marry her.

  Why is it her family forcing him now?

  Su Ying watched with cold eyes as Su Jianshe went to push his bicycle in front of the factory. She also understood that this was a scumbag. He probably had a new home in Jiangcheng and didn’t care about the life or death of their mother and daughter.

  When Su Jianshe was pushing his bicycle to leave, a tall woman came out of the factory. She was also wearing a white shirt and had curly hair. She walked quickly towards Su Jianshe.

  Su Ying and Chen Shuyun stood in the distance, watching the woman tidying up Su Jianshe’s clothes and holding his hand. The two of them didn’t know what they said and looked towards them frequently.

  Chen Shuyun tried to block Su Ying’s sight. She deceived herself and told herself that they were not in that kind of relationship. Su Jianshe would not treat her like that. When he was in the village, he was obviously very good, thin and good-looking, and had a bookish air. Why would he look like this when he saw him again? how about this?

  Su Ying held her hand, not wanting her to escape.   “ Mom, this man is not worth it. Even if he wants a divorce, he will have to ask clearly in a while. ”   Chen Shuyun shook her head vigorously.   “ I can’t get a divorce without getting a divorce. ”

  Su Ying couldn’t understand that this man had treated her like this. He hadn’t been home for seven years and hadn’t cared about them. Now he came to see him with this attitude. And judging from what the concierge just said, he must be here again. Got a wife.

  There was no such thing as bigamy in the 1980s, but since Su Jianshe was the director of the factory, he should care about his reputation.   Su Ying narrowed her eyes, she didn’t mind destroying him.

  Su Jianshe talked to the woman for a while and then pushed the bicycle over. The woman was still standing at the factory gate looking towards them.   Chen Shuyun was so obedient that she didn’t even dare to ask who that woman was.   Su Ying had no choice but to ask directly.   “

Who is she? Is this your new love? ”   Su Jianshe frowned and tried his best to endure his impatience.   “ She is a female employee in the factory. Since you are here, let me find you a guest house to stay in first. ”

  Chen Shuyun was pleasantly surprised and grabbed Su Ying tightly to prevent her from talking anymore.   “ Okay, then… can we stay here? ”   “ Didn’t you say you need to see a doctor if you’re injured? Stay here, I’ll take her to the city hospital in the afternoon. ”

  Although he said he would take Su Ying to have a look, he didn’t ask her what happened to the injury on her head. He just looked at her face with a deep look in his eyes.   He pushed the bicycle in front, while Chen Shuyun supported Su Ying and followed step by step behind.

  “ Yingying, look, I said your dad can’t care less about you. He still cares about you. Let’s take good care of you. ”

  Su Ying hummed softly, but she didn’t think so in her heart. Su Jianshe’s attitude changed too quickly. He was in a hurry to divorce before, but now he acted like he wanted to take care of them. It was very wrong.

  The guest house Su Jianshe found was not far from the textile factory and the environment was not good.   But in the 1980s, guest houses were like this. Fortunately, it was a double room and they were not allowed to sleep in a large bunk.   “ How did she get this injury? ”

  As soon as he sat down, Su Jianshe asked.   Chen Shuyun told him about Su Ying while looking for a thermos and a teapot to pour him water.   “ What? Admitted to university? ”   Chen Shuyun dried the hot water for him and looked at Su Ying’s face with pride.   “

Yes, our Yingying’s score seems to be enough to go to a university in the capital. She is the only child in our village who has been admitted to a university, but someone pushed her against her. When Yingying went to find someone, she was beaten. ”

  Su Ying had been observing Su Jianshe’s expression. When he heard this, the first thing he heard was not anger or concern about her injury, but praise for herself.   “ As expected, it is my daughter who has a talent for learning. ”   Chen Shuyun also nodded happily.   “

Yes, just like you, I can read. ”   Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying again, looked at her face carefully, and then looked at the gauze on her head.   “ Seriously injured? Is the wound big? ”   Su Ying didn’t speak, so Chen Shuyun said.   “

The doctor at the county hospital said that there seemed to be blood inside the head. Yingying always had headaches, but the external wound was not big, just a small wound. ”   Su Jianshe nodded, sighed, and finally said a word of concern.   “

Alas, I have made my child suffer. I have to go back to work. I will take her to the hospital in the afternoon for a checkup. You can eat something first and rest for a while. ”

  After he finished speaking, he stood up and left. Chen Shuyun followed him and asked in a low voice.   “ Won’t you eat with us? ”   “

No, I still have a job. You can eat. Didn’t I give you ten yuan? Give Su Ying something good to eat. She is too thin. After eating, you take her to buy some clothes. The clothes on her body are patched. Too much. ”

  Having said this, he thought for a moment and took out another thirty yuan from his pocket.   “ Buy the one you picked out for her. ”   Chen Shuyun held the money and sent Su Jianshe out of the guest house and watched him leave before returning.   “

Yingying, what do you want to eat? Your father gave you money to take you to eat well and buy you some clothes. ”

  Su Ying frowned, always feeling that Su Jianshe had no good intentions and cared about her daughter. Only her mother, Chen Shuyun, would believe it. But she didn’t know why Su Jianshe changed his attitude. Not only did he not mention divorce again, but he also said that he wanted to divorce. Take her to see a doctor.

  Su Jianshe rode his bicycle directly back to the textile factory, but instead of going to the workshop, he returned to the family dormitory in the factory. Chapter 3 Su Jianjia’s plan   Seeing him coming back, Zhao Yumei stood up quickly.   “

How about it? I was so far away just now that I didn’t even look at her. She looks pretty good, right? I think the height is okay, but the rural people are not good-looking, but if they dress up well, they can get by. ”

  Su Jianshe sat down on the stool, drank half of the water in the teapot, and then looked at Zhao Yumei.   “

I think we should not let her marry that cripple? She studied well and was admitted to college this year, but she was replaced by someone from the county. Isn’t our Xiaohan going to take the college entrance examination next year? I think I will keep her for a year and let her take the exam next year. If Xiaohan fails the exam, she can go to college in Su Ying’s place.

”   Zhao Yumei immediately changed her face, stood up suddenly and glared at him.   “ Su Jianshe, why do you think my Xiaohan can’t get into college? You just want to say that your daughter is amazing, right? Do you think she is better than Xiaohan? ”

  Su Jianshe saw that she was angry and quickly stood up to comfort her.   “

Oh, what are you thinking? Of course she is not as good as Xiao Han. Although she is my biological child, Xiao Han is the child I have loved since childhood. I love her the most. Don’t I also want to leave more notes for Xiao Han? Well, if she gets better grades than Xiao Han’s school, wouldn’t Xiao Han have one more choice? ”

  Zhao Yumei shook him off.   “ Huh, you still think she will do better than Xiao Han. Our Xiao Han is a good student praised by the teachers in school. She is a country girl, can she compare? ”   “ Can’t compare, definitely can’t compare. ”

  Su Jianshe held Zhao Yumei in his arms and comforted her. He did everything according to her. He actually felt that Su Ying could not study better than Su Xiaohan. He just heard that she had been admitted to university and wanted to leave more paths for Su Xiaohan.

  Since Zhao Yumei disagreed, he stopped mentioning it.   “ Then I’ll listen to you, but is the other party really willing to marry someone from the countryside? Will they not only refuse to help us, but also make us angry? ”   Zhao Yumei looked at him sideways.   “

Then do you have any other ideas? Don’t worry, my dad just asked about it, and they said that as long as the older young man’s personal problems can be solved, the state-owned factory will definitely be able to leak a batch of yarn for us. ”

  The performance of the textile factory has not been good in the past few years, and the superiors have already thought of changing the factory director. Su Jianshe was already worried. Zhao Yumei found out that the army was looking for a partner for an older veteran, so he had already contacted him and wanted to get into this relationship. However, As soon as the introduced girls heard that the other party was crippled and slumped on the bed, they all ran away.

  As he was worried, Chen Shuyun came with Su Ying.

  Su Ying and Chen Shuyun rested for a while in the guest house, and then they went out to eat a bowl of hot noodle soup. After eating the noodles, she sent Chen Shuyun back to the guest house, while she said she wanted to walk around nearby.

  Walking on the streets of Jiangcheng, the sound of bicycle bells can be heard all over my ears. People are wearing blue formal suits, and there are also young people dressed fashionably, all of whom have a sense of simplicity unique to that era.

  This is an era full of opportunities. She used to be a doctor and has specialized in medicine for 28 years of her life. Now her life is difficult. If she wants to survive in Jiangcheng, she must first find a job.

  She definitely wouldn’t be able to get into a big hospital. It was a regulated job. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have a diploma. It was almost impossible to work in a hospital.   As for pharmaceutical companies, I don’t know if it will work.

  After asking around, I found that there is actually a pharmaceutical factory in Jiangcheng, about ten kilometers away in the north of the city.

  Su Ying searched along the bus stop sign and found that there was a tram to the pharmaceutical factory. However, she didn’t have time to pass today, so she walked around the area first. If she wanted to stay here, she would have to rent a house and couldn’t live in a guest house all the time.

  When Su Jianshe arrived at the guest house in the afternoon, Su Ying had not come back yet. When Chen Shuyun saw him, she silently closed the curtains, then lowered her head and slowly unbuttoned her own buttons.   Su Jianshe stood up suddenly and said anxiously.   “ Chen Shuyun, what are you doing? ”

  Chen Shuyun raised her head and looked at him blankly, pursed her lips and whispered.   “ Didn’t you always have to go home first… Although this is a guest house, it must be hard for you to not have it for seven years. I don’t mind that. ”

  Su Jianshe twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression froze, and he coughed after a long time.   “ Please put your clothes on quickly, I don’t want to, it was because…”

  Thinking that he felt guilty for Chen Shuyun in the past, when he saw her when he came home, he wanted to make it up to her. Besides, Yumei hadn’t agreed to him at that time, and he needed it too. Now that he has Zhao Yumei, and Chen Shuyun is like this now, She’s dark, old, and thin, and he doesn’t want to sleep with her.

  “ Okay, anyway, I don’t want to, and didn’t I say I wanted to take Su Ying to the hospital for medical treatment? Do you still have the heart to do this? ”   Chen Shuyun’s face flushed red at what he said, and she was too embarrassed to look up.   “

Yingying hasn’t come back yet, you…sit down and wait for a while, I…I’ll go get hot water. ”   Seeing her running out in a hurry, Su Jianshe’s eyes flashed with displeasure. He went over to open the curtains and glanced at the large packages they brought.

  There wasn’t even a bag, it was just a cloth bag wrapped in a large piece of cloth. It didn’t seem like anything good at all, it was just rags.

  After waiting for about half an hour, Su Ying came back. Su Jianshe was impatient and worried about what Chen Shuyun would do to him. When he saw Su Ying come in, he immediately stood up and asked.   “

Where have you been? This is Jiangcheng, not the small place in Shangyang Village. What if you run out and look for it and can’t come back? Aren’t you worrying your mother? ”

  Su Ying stood at the door, stunned by the scolding. Seeing that Chen Shuyun looked unnatural, she thought she was really anxious, so she ignored Su Jianshe.   Su Jianshe pulled down the hem of his clothes and walked out directly.   “ Let’s go to the hospital. Everyone will be off work soon. ”

  Su Ying glanced at him and said to Chen Shuyun.   “ Mom, I’ll just go. You can stay at the guest house. The hospital is not far from here. I’ll be back soon. ”   Chen Shuyun took a long-sleeved gown and put it on Su Ying.   “ No, mom has to go. ”

  Su Ying actually had a rough idea of ​​the condition of her head. Chen Shuyun followed her to avoid worrying her, but Chen Shuyun was very determined and would follow her no matter what. Su Ying had no choice but to take her with her.

  After leaving the guest house, Su Jianshe pushed his bicycle and said to Chen Shuyun.   “ I’m taking Su Ying with me on my bike. You can walk there, keep walking along this road, then turn left, and then…”   “

No need, I can just take the tram there with my mother, the No. 5 bus, right? ”   Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying with some surprise. His daughter should have never been to the city before, but she actually knew about trams and that they had specific routes.   “

Does Changjiang County also have trams? ”   Seeing Su Ying ignoring Su Jianshe, Chen Shuyun was afraid that he would be embarrassed and said quickly.   “ Where is the tram in our county? They are all donkey carts and ox carts. What is this tram? ” Chapter 4 Hospital Examination

  Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying even more strangely. A country girl actually knew something from the city.   Su Ying couldn’t stand his contemptuous look, so she sneered.   “

I have studied for a few days after all. Even if I have never been to the city, I still don’t know about the city’s trams? Besides, I saw it just now when I was out walking. ”

  Su Jianshe was right. Su Ying had studied and was naturally more knowledgeable than village women like Chen Shuyun, but that was all. Country people were always country people.   “

It’s the No. 5 bus. You can sit in front of it, but it costs 20 cents per person. I gave you 40 yuan, so you can save some money. It’s for your medical treatment. ”

  see a doctor? Su Ying really felt the shallow and almost non-existent father’s love from Su Jianshe. The forty yuan just for making a movie may not be enough, and seeing a doctor is probably just a drop in the bucket.   She pulled Chen Shuyun and walked towards the stop sign.

  Su Jianshe looked ugly. His biological daughter had such a bad attitude towards his father. Sure enough, she came from the countryside and had no education at all. She couldn’t even compare to Xiao Han’s heels.

  The city in the 1980s was not that big, and the No. 5 tram didn’t take long to go around, so Su Ying and the others didn’t have to wait too long before the bus arrived.

  Su Jianshe looked at his bicycle, thought for a while, locked the bicycle on the side of the road, and got on the tram.   Su Ying just found an empty seat for Chen Shuyun to sit down. Seeing Su Jianshe come up, Chen Shuyun immediately stood up.   “ Her dad, sit here. ”

  Su Jianshe didn’t hesitate at all and sat down directly.   Su Ying grabbed Chen Shuyun and pushed her onto the seat again.   “ He works in an office, and his back must have hurt from sitting all day long. Standing for a while is good for his back. ”

  Chen Shuyun really believed it, looked at Su Jianshe and said.   “ If your back hurts, I’ll massage it for you when you get back. ”

  Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying, his eyes were definitely not gentle. He found that his daughter was really unpleasant, domineering and unreasonable, and did not know how to respect her elders. How could she be as obedient as Xiao Han?   “

No one in the village likes your temperament, right? Your mother must have had a hard time because of you, offending people everywhere. ”

  Su Ying accepted the memory of the original owner. She was really not popular in the village. Some talkative women chewed her tongue behind her back every day. Either she dressed up every day and showed off her hair, or she had no regard for her elders. They don’t even know how to scream.

  Su Ying used to be quite arrogant. She always felt that her father was from the city, and she looked down on these people in the village. Even the relatives of the old Chen family, she always looked at them with long eyes and head. Over time, naturally, So no one likes her.

  After taking the film, the three of us waited on the wooden bench for a short time before the film came out.

  The moment Su Ying got the film, her hands tightened subconsciously. Although the instruments in the 1980s were not very sophisticated, Su Ying, who had eight years of experience as a doctor, could still see the problem at a glance.

  There was no blood clot as previously judged by the county hospital doctor, but there was obvious brain damage. The sequelae of this kind of brain damage are very serious and may even cause hemiplegia, epilepsy and other symptoms.   Recovery is a long process, and during this period, medications and regular checkups are indispensable.

  She felt a little heavy in her heart. She knew that there might be something wrong with the injury, but she didn’t expect it to be more troublesome than she thought. She originally planned to work hard to make money and start a career in the 1980s, but this goal had to be put on the back burner for the time being. You have to take good care of your body first.

  “ Come on, let’s go and ask the doctor how this movie is. ”   Chen Shuyun took a look at the film. It was so dark that she couldn’t understand anything.   Su Jianshe couldn’t understand either. He looked at the sign on the door and took Su Ying and Chen Shuyun to the doctor.   “

Mom, I’m thirsty. Please help me get some water. ”   Chen Shuyun saw her chapped lips and nodded.   “ Okay, Mom, go ask someone for some hot water. Just wait for me. ”   Seeing Chen Shuyun walking away, Su Ying took the film and walked straight forward.

  Su Jianshe followed her, saw her expression, thought she was worried, and gave a rare comfort.   “ It won’t be a big problem. Can’t you still walk, jump, and curse? That is to say, make a film to reassure your mother. ”   Su Ying ignored him and continued walking.   “

You actually have bedsores. How did you become a security guard? What’s the use of you? Is this how you take care of the chief? ”   While passing by a ward, Su Ying heard a deafening roar and glanced inside subconsciously.

  I saw several people wearing green military uniforms and military caps. One of them had one hand behind his back and pointed the other hand at a young man in front of him.   There was another person lying on the bed, covered tightly by a white quilt, with only a lock of black hair exposed.

  Suddenly, the quilt was lifted a little, and the person on the bed suddenly turned his head and looked over.   When she met those sharp black eyes, Su Ying’s heart skipped a beat subconsciously. The coldness and depth made people feel excited. The first feeling this man gave her was that of danger.

  Such keen senses, he must have felt someone watching him, so he turned around.   Su Ying narrowed her gaze, but subconsciously looked at the man’s waist, but she couldn’t see anything under the quilt. She felt that the man’s eyes were even sharper, so she hurried away and followed Su Jianshe at a fast pace.

  He was somewhat useful and found an older and experienced doctor for Su Ying to watch the film.

  The result was similar to what Su Ying thought. It was unclear whether the sequelae of brain injury would worsen, but if you wanted to treat it, you would need to take medicine for a long time and have regular check-ups. If the sequelae worsened, you would probably need a craniotomy.

  Coming out of the doctor’s office, Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying with complicated eyes. She was his daughter anyway, and even if he didn’t like it, he didn’t want her to become paralyzed or die.   “

You have heard what the doctor just said. He recommended that you be hospitalized, and you will have to take medicine every day in the future. There is no guarantee that your condition will not get worse. This will cost a lot of money. ”   Su Ying looked at him coldly.   “ so what? ”

  Su Jianshe coughed lightly and sat down on a wooden chair nearby.   “ So you must have money for medical treatment. Dad can pay for today’s treatment, but I can’t afford the subsequent hospitalization. Although I earn a salary now, it’s not much, so I can’t give you that much money. see a doctor. ”

  “ so what? ”   Facing Su Ying’s calm eyes, Su Jianshe felt a little guilty and his eyes flickered.   “

So you and I…I was thinking, how about you get married early. Anyway, now that you are old enough, you can marry in the city, and it will be convenient for you to see a doctor and take medicine in the future. ” Chapter 5 A man encountered by chance in the hospital

  Su Ying narrowed her eyes slightly and suddenly realized that this was the reason for his change of attitude. Poor Chen Shuyun thought that he had changed his mind and accepted their mother and daughter.   “ I will consider this matter, you go back first. ”

  Su Jianshe frowned. Su Ying said she would consider it, but why was she not angry or aggrieved when she heard this? She didn’t even ask anything, she just said she would consider it.

  Su Jianshe felt that he could not push too hard, so he should go home and persuade Zhao Yumei that if Su Ying could be allowed to take the exam for Xiao Han, then it would be okay for her not to marry that cripple. After all, Su Jianshe was afraid of her with her current body. You can’t live long after you get married, and you can imagine how long it will take to take care of another person like she is now.

  Su Jianshe stood up.   “ Okay, then I will go back first. Your mother has money, so ask her to buy you some food. I will visit you tomorrow. ”   Su Ying raised her head, looked at Su Jian and said.   “ Don’t tell my mother about my illness. ”

  Su Jianshe nodded. He suddenly had a change of opinion towards Su Ying. She seemed to care about her mother.   “ OK, remember to get the medicine. ”   Seeing Su Jianshe walk away, Su Ying lowered her eyes slightly, held the film in her hand and sighed.

  No wonder Su Ying always had headaches before. It turned out that the sequelae were so serious. She really had to find a job quickly to make money. Otherwise, what if there was a serious problem with her body?

  It was possible to do business in the 1980s, but it required capital. She suddenly realized that she wanted to cure her body, and it seemed that the method Su Jianshe said was the easiest.   “ Yingying, the water is here. ”

  Chen Shuyun was carrying an aluminum lunch box and changing her hands as she walked.   “ Drink it quickly, Mom just blew it all the way over, it’s not so hot now. ”

  Su Ying took the lunch box and quickly put her hot hand on the wooden chair. She took Chen Shuyun’s hand and saw that her fingers were red, but there were calluses on her hand and there was no burn.   “ It’s okay. You drink water quickly. After drinking, we’ll go find the doctor. ”

  Su Ying picked up the lunch box and took a few sips before asking.   “ Where did this lunch box come from? ”   “

I borrowed it from a patient. She just had to wash the lunch box after dinner. I said I would wash it for her and borrow it by the way, so she lent it to me. ”

  Afraid that Su Ying would be picky, she also emphasized that she had washed it five or six times and scalded it with hot water. Only when it was very clean did she give Su Ying the hot water.   Su Ying smiled, drank a few more sips, and handed the rest to Chen Shuyun.   “

Mom, you have a drink too. ”   “ Mom is not thirsty. If you are not thirsty, we will go to the doctor and watch a film. ”

  Su Ying insisted on giving it to her, but Chen Shuyun had no choice but to drink the rest of the water and quickly helped Su Ying up.   “ Watch the movie first, and I’ll return the lunch box later. ”   Su Ying held her back.   “

Mom, I just saw a doctor, we don’t need to go. ”   “ seen it already? ”   Chen Shuyun looked at her anxiously.   “ What did the doctor say? How should this blood clot be treated? ”   Su Ying smiled at her.   “ No blood clots, no problem, don’t worry. ”   “

No? But didn’t the doctor at the county hospital say…”   “ The doctor at the county hospital made a guess based on experience and didn’t take any films. The films now show that there is no evidence of it. ”

  She breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn’t help laughing when she looked at Su Ying.   “ That means, are you okay? It’s not a serious illness, right? ”   Su Ying nodded, took her arm and walked out.   “ Yes, it’s not a serious illness. You can just go home and take some medicine.

”   Su Jianshe hurried home. Zhao Yumei had already prepared dinner. When he saw the three dishes and one soup on the table, he quickly washed his hands.   “ Is there braised pork today? My wife’s craftsmanship can be smelled in the corridor. ”

  Su Xiaohan came out of his bedroom and went to help get the chopsticks with a smile.   “ Dad, my mother made this specially for you. I wasn’t allowed to eat it until you came back. She feels sorry for you. ”

  Su Jianshe first took a piece and gave it to Su Xiaohan, then turned back to Zhao Yumei.   “ Don’t wait for me. If Xiaohan wants to eat, give it to the child first. She is tired from studying and needs to eat more good food. ”

  Zhao Yumei took off her apron and sat down.   “ Isn’t she eating well? She doesn’t miss out on the eggs and meat at all, but our Xiaohan is sensible and will leave some for you whatever is good to eat. ”

  Su Jianshe looked at Su Xiaohan very fondly, and couldn’t help but think of Su Ying. Ever since he saw his father, he was either cold-faced or expressionless, which was unlikable.   “ By the way, how is your daughter? The injury is not serious, right? ”

  Su Jianshe held a steamed bun in his hand and sighed.   “

It’s not good. She suffered a traumatic brain injury, but she has the sequelae of brain injury. She often has headaches and dizziness. The doctor said she may also experience symptoms such as vomiting and fainting. If it worsens, she may also suffer from paralysis or epilepsy.

You need to take medication to control it and have regular check-ups. ”   Su Xiaohan heard this and looked up at Su Jianshe.   “ Dad, is your sister injured that seriously? ”   Zhao Yumei glared at Su Xiaohan.   “

What sister? You are the only daughter in our family. Where did you get your sister? ”   Su Xiaohan looked at Su Jianshe quietly and motioned to Zhao Yumei to stop talking, but Zhao Yumei snorted coldly.   “

Su Jianshe, did I say something wrong? How many times have you met your daughter? Can a girl from the countryside be Xiaohan’s sister? ”   Su Jianshe smiled coquettishly and said to Su Xiaohan.   “ Your mother is right, you don’t need to call her sister. ”

  Su Xiaohan pursed her lips and sat down, but still carefully pulled Zhao Yumei’s arm.   “ Mom, stop talking and eat quickly. ”

  Su Jianshe saw that she was thinking about him in every aspect, and he felt even more sorry for this unrelated daughter. Looking at Xiao Han and then at Su Ying, he firmly believed that his choice was right, and Xiao Han was the one he could count on. daughter.

  Su Xiaohan ate a steamed bun and a few pieces of braised pork and said she was full.   “ I went back to my room to read. ”   Su Jianshe was pleased.   “ If our Xiaohan studies so hard, he will definitely get into a good university. ”   Zhao Yumei was also very proud.   “

Of course, Xiaohan will have an iron job in the future, and maybe he can still stay in Jiangcheng. You will have to look up to your daughter from now on. ”   Su Jianshe smiled and nodded.   “

Yes, let’s work hard to support Xiaohan’s education. If she joins the system in the future, our family will benefit from it. ”   Su Xiaohan sat at the desk, trying to recall the events of her previous life.

  In her previous life, she had never paid much attention to Su Ying, but later she failed the college entrance examination and did not even pass the college entrance examination, but Su Ying was admitted to college. At that time, her mother gave her father an idea and asked her to go to college instead of Su Ying. She I also think this decision is a good one.

  But on the day she was going to report to the university, Su Ying actually made a big fuss in the Education Bureau. Not only did she remove the leader of the Education Bureau who had appointed her replacement, but her father was also implicated and lost his position as factory director. Fired from a textile factory.

  Because my mother was too domineering in the textile factory, she offended many people, was plotted against, and lost her job. Chapter 6 Su Xiaohan

  She immediately changed from the daughter of the factory director to an ordinary person. She finally found a job as a salesperson in a supply and marketing cooperative, and was replaced by others. Finally, she married a car repairman. The man looked good at first, but he fell in love with her at night. She tormented people and beat her mercilessly, and her mother-in-law was even more patriarchal. Because she never gave birth to a son, she was forced to keep having children. Finally, she bled to death when she gave birth to her eighth daughter.

  As for Su Ying, she actually became a doctor after going to college and married a doctor from a military hospital. This doctor’s family had a strong background and several brothers all worked within the system.

  Every time she took her children back to her parents’ home, she would always hear Su Jianshe talking about Su Ying, saying that she bought her mother a house, brought her meat, bought her mother new clothes, and also gave her mother some food. He bought one.

  Su Jianshe treasured the dress Su Ying bought. Su Xiaohan was so angry that he secretly cut the dress into pieces when Su Jianshe went out to work that day.   Su Ying, in this life, I will never give you the chance to go to college, let alone the chance to marry Zhou Xubei.

  Zhou Xubei should be in her sophomore year at Harbin Medical University now. She had checked the scores of that school before, and she was studying hard now. She must get into his school.   Early the next morning, after Su Jianshe went to work, Su Xiaohan went to Zhao Yumei’s room before going out.   “

Mom, dad’s daughter looks pretty good, right? In fact, I should be able to marry into a good family. ”   Zhao Yumei tidied the bed, then looked at Su Xiaohan and laughed.   “

You and your mother decided to get together. That girl is better than her mother and even scolded your father, so I think it is appropriate for her to marry the disabled veteran and help your father. ”   Su Xiaohan lowered his eyes slightly and held the strap of his satchel in his hand.   “

Since she is her father’s daughter, she should be very willing to help him. The situation in his factory is also very urgent? Moreover, it costs money for them to live in a guest house, so it is better to settle this matter as soon as possible. ”

  Zhao Yumei was also very anxious and wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible, but Su Jianshe’s nagging character was really unfavorable.   When she went to work in the morning, she found some time and hurriedly went to Su Jianshe’s office to put pressure on him.   “

The superiors will come down for inspection soon. If this batch of yarn cannot be received, the factory’s output will not meet the standard. What will you, the factory director, say then? ”   Su Jianshe was actually anxious. He lit a cigarette and sighed while smoking.   “

I’m anxious too, but what should I do about this? I’ve also discovered in the past few days that Su Ying has a very tough temper. I’m afraid what will happen if she doesn’t listen to us? ”   Zhao Yumei looked at him sideways.   “

You are her father, why shouldn’t she listen? Besides, this is her chance to stay in the city, why doesn’t she agree? How did those old bachelors in our factory get wives? Aren’t they all from rural areas? They are all little girls, more than ten years younger than them. This one is still a soldier. Although he may have some problems, he is better than those old bachelors, right? ”

  Su Jianshe took another heavy drag on his cigarette. He was a disabled person. How could he be better than an old bachelor?   But with subsidies, the standard of living should be better.   He put out the cigarette in his hand and stood up.   “

I’ll go over there now and ask her directly. Her disease is not curable either. If she returns to the village, it probably won’t be cured. ”   Zhao Yumei also stood up and helped Su Jianshe tidy up his clothes.   “

Yes, she still needs medical treatment. If she wants to stay in the city, she must get married. Otherwise, she doesn’t even have a registered residence in the city and will be driven back in a few days. ”

  In the 1980s, urban household registration was very valuable, and various subsidies and benefits only subsidized urban household registration. If Su Ying wanted to stay in Jiangcheng with Chen Shuyun, she really needed Jiangcheng household registration.

  Su Ying was sitting at the table eating a roasted sweet potato, while Chen Shuyun was squatting on the floor washing clothes.   “ Mom, why don’t we bake sweet potatoes and sell them? These sweet potatoes are much more expensive than in our village. ”   Chen Shuyun said while putting the clothes on the washboard.

  “ It is much more expensive than in the village, but coal is also expensive in the city, and firewood also costs money. Plus the cost, I don’t know if I can still make money. ”

  Su Ying sighed in her heart, and suddenly felt why she chose medicine in the past. It was difficult to find a job. It would be better if she chose finance, otherwise she would not be able to worry about medicine money and livelihood in the 1980s.

  But the sweet potatoes were so delicious. She quickly finished her half and put the other half to the side of the table.   “ Mom, you can wash it after you finish eating, it will cool down after a while…”

  Just when she said this, she felt a pain in her head, the sharp pain was like a needle prick, and she also felt dizzy and black in front of her eyes.   She quickly closed her eyes and clutched the bed board with her hands.

  Why does this damn problem happen again? The symptoms of this sequelae are different every time. Sometimes it’s a headache, sometimes it’s nausea and vomiting, and sometimes it’s even hard to see.

  She originally wanted to prepare some Chinese medicine for herself to take first, but she went to the medicinal material market in the morning and asked about it. A set of medicine actually cost twenty-two dollars. She spent a lot of money on western medicine before taking a film, and now Chen Shuyun should only have all that is left. For thirty yuan, they are still living in a guest house and need food and drink.

  If you spend all the money to buy medicine, what will you do in the future?

  Su Ying also wanted to go to the hospital to find a job, but jobs in the hospital required a diploma. Most of the small clinics did not recruit people, and they were all done by their own family. She could not find a job for a while.

  When it comes to doing business, there is no capital for trial and error yet.   The sharp pain impacted the messy thoughts in her mind. She couldn’t think of anything anymore, and she just tried her best not to scream out.

  Chen Shuyun was washing the clothes. Except for the sound of washing water, the room became a little quiet.   “ “Dong dong dong”   Hearing the knock on the door, Chen Shuyun wiped her hands on her clothes and opened the door.   “

Her dad, why are you here? You do not need to work today? ”   Su Jianshe just hummed, walked in, and walked straight to Su Ying.   “ I want to talk to you. ”

  Su Ying slowly opened her eyes. Due to the pain she endured, a thin layer of sweat formed on her head and her eyes were slightly red.   “ good”   Standing up with support on the bed board, she smiled at Chen Shuyun.   “

Mom, I went out with…he said, remember to eat sweet potatoes, they won’t taste good when they’re cold. ”   Her feet were shaking a little, but she was still steady, but she walked a little slowly.

  Chen Shuyun was focused on Su Jianshe and didn’t notice anything strange about her. She didn’t know what Su Jianshe wanted to talk to Su Ying and was a little worried.   “ Yingying, tell your dad carefully and don’t quarrel. ”

  Su Ying nodded lightly and closed the door. She leaned against the wall and grabbed her hair with her hands. Chapter 7 Sky-high Betrothal Gift   “ Su Ying”   Su Jianshe was startled and quickly supported her.   Su Ying looked up at him and whispered.   “ Let’s go and talk outside. ”

  Maybe it was because the pain was over, or maybe it was the cool breeze outside, but Su Ying felt a little better anyway.   The two of them stood under a big tree. Su Ying leaned directly against the trunk and looked at Su Jianshe calmly.   “

If you want to say something to me, just say it. ”   Su Jianshe looked at his biological daughter, whose face was somewhat similar to his, and felt some affection for her in his heart, and his words seemed somewhat sincere.   “

Su Ying, you can’t go on like this. Did you have another headache just now? I don’t want your mother to know. ”   Su Ying didn’t say anything. She didn’t need Su Jianshe’s so-called concern for her at all. She just wanted to know if Su Jianshe came to mediate her again.

  He said when he was in the hospital yesterday that Su Ying should get married, but he didn’t expect to be in such a hurry.   Staring at Su Ying’s sharp eyes, Su Jianshe felt a little guilty for no reason and coughed lightly.   “

You don’t have a city registered residence, and you can’t stay in Jiangcheng. Your illness is so serious, you have to find a way to get a city registered residence, which will help you treat your illness. ”

  Su Ying almost laughed in anger. Sure enough, could she really expect him to have any paternal love for her?   She leaned against the tree and looked at Su Jianshe with her head tilted.   “

You should have a Jiangcheng registered residence, right? Can’t it be enough for me and my mother to live in your house? Anyway, we are your wife and daughter, so this should be allowed. ”   Su Jianshe was choked and speechless for a moment.   “

Well, I… I can’t do it there, you have to find a way on your own. ”   “ why not? Because there is someone else on your household registration book? ”   Su Ying stared at Su Jianshe. The coldness in her eyes made Su Jianshe tremble inexplicably. He took a step back slightly before sighing.

  “ Your mother and I have an arranged marriage, and we have no feelings. We will definitely get divorced. ”   Su Ying sneered, slowly stood up straight, and took a step forward.   “ Since we are getting divorced, why do you worry about my marriage? Do you have a position? ”

  Su Jianshe looked at Su Ying in surprise. He had never thought that his daughter would be so aggressive, as if she wanted to bring out all the ugliest sides of him.   In comparison, Xiao Han is much more obedient and well-behaved. She will never force his father like Su Ying.   “

Su Ying, I’m doing this for your own good. If you don’t have a city registered permanent residence, you can’t stay in Jiangcheng, and you need a lot of money for medical treatment and medicine. If I weren’t your father, I wouldn’t care about you, just because you are My daughter, I cannot bear to see you suffer.

”   Su Ying stared at Su Jianshe’s face. This was a student. His face was thicker than the city walls. Was it for her own good? I’m afraid he can take advantage of it himself, otherwise he would be so interested in it?   “

So tell me, how can I stay in the city? How can I have such a large amount of money for medicine? ”   Although Su Jianshe felt guilty by Su Ying’s eyes, he still said.   “

Of course, I have a good choice for marrying someone. Not only does the person have a city registered permanent residence, he is also a soldier, and the conditions are very good. ”   Su Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, would you be so nice to introduce him to her?   “

You’d better make it clear, otherwise if I find out by myself, I will go to you to make trouble. ”

  Su Jianshe is really a little afraid of her now. On the first day he came here, she yelled at him, his biological father, at the door of the textile factory. If he caused trouble in the factory again, the impact would be too bad.   “

That, there is something wrong with him, his health is not good, mainly his waist, and he has to lie in bed to rest for a long time. ”

  Although what he said was very cryptic, Su Ying, as a doctor, naturally understood that lying in bed for a long time to rest, wouldn’t that be paralysis?   It’s really ironic to think that he actually wants her to marry a paralyzed man, who is also his biological father.

  After Su Jianshe said this, his heart sank to the bottom. He thought that Zhao Yumei would definitely scold him when he went back. If he told Su Ying about the man’s illness, then the marriage would definitely not happen. I don’t think any girl would be willing to marry a paralytic. Even if the other party’s conditions are good, you can’t be willing.

  Just when he was thinking about how to persuade him, Su Ying smiled faintly.   Then he slowly stood up straight.   “ OK, I agree.”   Su Jianshe thought he heard wrongly and looked at Su Ying stuttering a little and couldn’t believe it.   “ You…you said, you agree? ”   “ Yeah, I agree. ”

  Su Ying looked at him with colder and colder eyes, and finally turned completely indifferent.   “

However, I want a thousand yuan as a bride price. In addition to three new clothes, my mother also wants two new clothes, 20 meters each of corduroy, true leather, and floral cotton. A gold ring, and then help my mother solve the problem of housing, and the household registration problem of our two mothers, and finally…”

  “ I haven’t thought of it in the end, I’ll tell you after I think of it. ”   Su Jianshe was shocked and was angry for a long time before he said angrily.   “

What kind of rich lady do you think you are? Even if the secretary of the county party committee marries his daughter, he would not dare to do this. ”   Su Ying didn’t want to talk nonsense to him, so she waved to him and walked straight to the guest house.   “

Isn’t he paralyzed? Can your secretary marry his daughter to a paralytic? ”

  Su Jianshe always felt that Su Ying’s words were talking about him. He was trying his best to marry his daughter to a paralytic. He felt angry and anxious. He felt that Su Ying was crazy. He really dared to ask for it and even wanted a gold ring without even thinking about it. , she is a country girl, is she worth the money?

  In fact, Su Ying just wanted to silence Su Jianshe, otherwise he would always bother her. She was already worried enough and really didn’t have the energy to deal with him anymore.   Chen Shuyun looked worried when she saw her coming back.   “

Didn’t you quarrel with your dad? Yingying, he is your father, don’t always go against him. ”   Su Ying looked at Chen Shuyun with complicated eyes, and finally couldn’t hold back and asked.   “ Mom, if he wants to divorce you, are you… willing to leave him? ”

  Chen Shuyun’s lips trembled a few times and she didn’t speak for a long time.   “ Yingying, you don’t have to worry about us adults’ affairs. No matter where you go, mom will definitely accompany you. You must listen to the doctor and treat your illness. I just want you to be well now. ”

  Su Ying hugged her gently.   “ Okay, we’re all fine. ”

  When Su Jianshe returned home, he told Zhao Yumei about Su Ying’s request. They both felt that Su Ying was deliberately making things difficult. Who would pay such a high price to marry a wife? Even if you have the intention, you are powerless. All these things add up to four or five thousand yuan. Not to mention anything else, how many households in the entire Jiangcheng have a total of ten thousand yuan? Wouldn’t marrying a daughter-in-law like this take away all the money in the family?

  The couple figured it out. Although they knew that Su Ying was making trouble unreasonably, they still wanted to talk to the man. If it didn’t work, they would let the troops put pressure on her. Anyway, Su Ying had to get married even if she didn’t want to.

  When Political Commissar Ye heard the demands she made, he was also a little angry and almost slammed the table.   But he was persuaded by another director next to him.   “ Don’t be angry, let’s take a look first. ” Chapter 8 Find a job first   Political Commissar Ye really couldn’t control his temper.   “

I just want to know what kind of golden branches and jade leaves this is, and it actually requires so much, a thousand yuan as a gift? There are still a lot of requirements. ”   “

Oh, please calm down, don’t think about it, Gu Shou… With his current situation, it’s appropriate to have more betrothal gifts. ”   Political Commissar Ye was angry and helpless. The conditions here were indeed…

  Thinking of this, he felt a little melancholy, Gu Jinghong, that was Gu Jinghong, a great hero in the army, a hero who had been personally awarded by the chief. Now the hero is short of breath, and he has to be so humble to marry a wife.   “

Do you have any pictures of the girl? Shall we show it to the man first? ”   The director still asked Zhao Yumei calmly.   Zhao Yumei was secretly annoyed that she had forgotten this matter. She should have taken a photo of Su Ying and brought it over first.   “

I didn’t take a photo, but the girl looks pretty good. ”   The director and the political commissar looked at each other, both feeling helpless. Even though Gu Jinghong was like that now, they still had to check when choosing a wife for him, and they couldn’t just accept anyone.   “

Then tell us her name, we need to review it here. ”

  Zhao Yumei’s face changed. She was a little worried that their investigation would find out about her and Su Jianshe, so she felt that she had to go back quickly and let Su Jianshe get a divorce. If they got divorced, it would have nothing to do with them. people.   “

Well, her name is Su Ying. She has always been from the countryside. She just came to Jiangcheng these days…”   After Zhao Yumei left, Political Commissar Ye and the director left the office together, passed through several training grounds, and reached the family courtyard at the back.

  When I walked to an independent courtyard, there were two guards at the door. I saluted immediately when I saw them.   “ Political commissar, director. ”   The two returned the gift and walked in together, hands behind their backs.

  As soon as he entered the room, the room was filled with coldness. A man was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open. Although he was paralyzed, his eyes were still sharp and his aura was very strong.

  Facing him, Political Commissar Ye and Director Du both put on smiles, and their official airs were gone.   “ Chief, we have found a suitable person for you. The girl is just twenty years old this year, and she looks… not bad, you…”   “ “Return”

  With a cold and hoarse voice, the man slowly turned his head to look at the two of them.   “ Do you know how old I am? ”   The two looked at each other and knew that they knew and understood the chief’s concerns. Director Ye said quickly.   “

Chief, although you are thirty years old, you have been on the battlefield for the first half of your life, which has delayed your personal issues. In our team, it is normal to get married at the age of forty, let alone thirty, and that girl is also willing Yes, there should be someone around you who understands both cold and hot situations.

”   As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the man’s eyes were like knives. He stiffened his neck and silently took a step back.   Director Du saw that Political Commissar Ye was too timid to speak, so he carefully considered his words before speaking in a low voice.   “

Chief, that girl is from a rural area. We don’t know her specific situation yet, but we have sent people to investigate. You really can’t go on like this anymore. You must have a caring person beside you to take care of her. ”   “ intimate? ”

  The man’s voice was still cold, but there was a bit of self-deprecation in this indifference.   “ Do you think being my wife will make you considerate? Can you not dislike it? ”

  Both the director and the political commissar were silent. They didn’t know this. They didn’t mind it. They could take care of the chief personally, but they also had a lot of work to do every day and couldn’t always come to wash the chief’s clothes and wipe his body.   “

Don’t harm other girls, just retreat. I don’t need to find a wife, you all go and do your work. ”

  The two of them stood there and refused to leave. They really felt sorry for the chief. They had replaced several guards for the chief before. Either they were driven away by the chief, or they were driven away by themselves because of lack of dedication. Now this person next to the chief…   well……

  Although the two of them were afraid that this person would get angry, they had to resist the pressure no matter what they said. They would definitely marry the chief a wife. Even if it was expensive and the demands were many, she still had to marry her. As long as she was truly willing and could take care of others. Just fine.

  But when Su Ying’s review report was delivered, the two of them were worried again.   Slutty, lazy, contradicting elders, these words are piled up, can it still be a good thing?

  Director Du finally found an advantage in Su Ying’s pile of information, which was that she was doing well in school, but she didn’t get into college this year.   “ Maybe you just didn’t pass the exam, so you want to work in the city? ”

  Su Ying didn’t know that someone was investigating her. She had just rented an adobe house in the north of the city. Three families lived in this house. She and Chen Shuyun rented one for five yuan a month. The mother and daughter took the package with them. , moved in after checking out the guest house.

  In the evening, Chen Shuyun cleaned the house inside and out, and looked at the wooden bed with some worry.   “ We don’t even have bedding, so we’ll just have to cover ourselves with clothes for the night. ”

  She was mainly worried about Su Ying. She was very picky when she was in the village and the quilts were all covered with thick cotton. Now that she had hurt her head, she was afraid that she would be uncomfortable.

  Su Ying found some clothes from the package and spread them flatly on the bed.   “ Mom, it’s not cold now, so let’s sleep with our clothes on. I’ll go out to find a job tomorrow. Let’s stabilize ourselves first and make money first.   “

Find a job? Mom goes to find you. You rest at home. ”   Su Ying took another package and used it as a pillow. It felt okay when she put it on it. It was quite soft and she didn’t have a headache.   “

I also have to work. I can’t support me by you alone. How much money do you have now? ”

  Chen Shuyun rummaged through the pocket sewn on her long johns for a long time, and took out several pieces of money, some in small pieces and some in whole. Su Ying picked them up and counted them, and there were actually 83 yuan, 6 cents and 5 cents. Chen Shuyun had paid more than 93 yuan for two months’ rent before that.

  “ Mom, your money…”   “ When we went out, my mother rented the old sow to Erdan’s mother for fifty yuan. ”

  The old sow could produce two litters of piglets a year, which cost more than fifty yuan. Su Ying could see that she was feeling regretful and felt that her family had suffered a loss.   Chen Shuyun smiled.   “

We are about to go out, and we don’t know when we will return. There is no one to feed the pig at home. Someone will take care of it if we rent it out. ”

  In fact, she wanted to take Su Ying back to the village, but Su Ying said she wanted to stay, and since Su Jianshe was here, the family wanted to be together.

  Su Ying asked Chen Shuyun to look around the house and ask if anyone was hiring. If not, go home and wait for her. She took the tram and went to Jiangcheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

  This place is far away from the city, and the factory looks quite large. Standing at the door, you can smell the unique smell of the pharmaceutical factory. Chapter 9: Pharmaceutical factory hits wall   The door was open, and when Su Ying was about to go in, two security guards came out immediately.   “

Comrade, who are you looking for? ”   After Su Ying explained her purpose, both security guards laughed.   “ find a job? Where do you think the pharmaceutical factory is? This is a state-owned enterprise, and jobs are all allocated. How can anyone come here to find a job by themselves? ”

  Su Ying knew it wouldn’t be easy, so she tried her best to sell herself.   “

Can I meet with the factory manager or the HR department? I have medical knowledge and I also know about diseases. As far as I know, the two technical talents assigned to the pharmaceutical company this year are both technical secondary school students, right? ”

  The two security guards’ eyes widened a bit and they looked at each other.   “ You are college students? ”   Su Ying did not answer, but looked at them confidently and calmly.

  The expressions on their faces became solemn. In their opinion, Su Ying’s appearance was acquiescence. Otherwise, where did the confidence come from? It must have come from the diploma.   “ Why don’t you go in and find Deputy Director Liu? ”

  The main reason why they sought out Deputy Factory Director Liu was because he had a good personality and did not scold others casually. They did not dare to disturb the other factory directors.   The two discussed it, one went in to report to Su Ying, and the other invited her into the security room.

  He poured hot water for her in a teapot and asked insinuatingly why college students didn’t wait for assignments and had to find jobs on their own.   Su Ying didn’t have a diploma, so she felt a little guilty, so she ignored him and didn’t answer directly.

  After a while, the security guard came out with a middle-aged man. The man wore a pair of glasses and blue work clothes. His eyes lit up when he saw Su Ying.   “ Comrade, are you a college student? Which medical university did you graduate from? We are short of technical talents here. ”

  Su Ying coughed lightly, shook hands briefly, and explained.   “ Well, I’m not a college student, but my professional skills are no worse than those of college students. ”

  Although Su Ying was confident in what she said, Deputy Director Liu still looked disappointed after hearing her say that he was not a college student. He looked at the security guard.   The security guard was also anxious.   “

You just said clearly that as far as you know, all our factory recruits this year are technical secondary school students. Why do you say that because you are not a college student? ”   Su Ying felt wrong and apologized sincerely.   “ Sorry, I just wanted a chance to recommend myself. ”

  She looked at Deputy Director Liu and said solemnly.   “

I know that college students are very valuable nowadays, and professional counterparts are even more rare. Although I don’t have a college degree, I know a lot about medicine. You may not believe me. In this way, there must be professional technicians in the factory, and I can talk to them. Let’s talk. ”

  Deputy Director Liu frowned, completely losing his previous enthusiasm for Su Ying. As for the exchange Su Ying mentioned, he felt it was unnecessary and waved to her.   “ No need, what we are lacking here are college students with excellent professional skills. No one else can do this job, so you can go. ”

  After saying that, he didn’t forget to glare at the two security guards and quickly walked out of the security room.   Su Ying was unwilling to give in and chased him out again.   “

Deputy Director Liu, please give me a chance. I can prove to you that I am no worse than a newly graduated college student. ”   Deputy Factory Director Liu was not happy with Su Ying’s deception, so he didn’t listen to her at all. He broke away from her and quickly returned to the factory.

  The security guards also came to stop Su Ying. Their attitude towards Su Ying was really not good at this time.   “

Go away quickly, you are deceiving people under the guise of a college student. Fortunately, today is Deputy Factory Director Liu. If you were the factory director, he would have to scold you. You really dare to say anything. Can a college student pretend to be casually? ”

  Su Ying was said to be a little embarrassed, but she didn’t want to give up. She knew it would not be easy to enter these companies without a stepping stone, but she didn’t expect that they wouldn’t even give her a chance.

  After being kicked out by two security guards, she stood at the door and refused to leave, hoping to give her a chance to prove herself.

  When they got off work at noon, the workers in the factory took aluminum lunch boxes to the canteen one after another. When they saw Su Ying standing at the door, they couldn’t help but glance at her.

  Some male workers’ eyes were still filled with surprise, and they discussed in low voices that if this girl entered their factory, the factory beauty would probably have to be replaced.   Su Ying felt uncomfortable with those eyes, so she silently walked out the door and stood next to the factory sign, avoiding those people.

  The factory takes a two-hour break at noon and starts the afternoon shift at two o’clock.

  Su Ying not only didn’t eat, she didn’t even drink. She stood at the door for more than five hours. The sun was scorching at two or three o’clock in the afternoon. She had already started to feel dizzy, and acid water kept rising in her stomach.

  She wiped the sweat with her sleeve and persisted for more than an hour. The dizziness in her head became more and more intense. She couldn’t hold on any longer, so she could only turn around silently and walk towards the tram stop.

  The two security guards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her leaving.   “ This lesbian is too persistent. If she doesn’t leave, I can’t stand it any longer. She just stands upright like a delicate woman. This is unbearable. I even want to go find Deputy Director Liu again. ”

  The other security guard shook his head.   “ It’s useless to look for it. Anyone can enter our factory? It doesn’t matter that she has no education, she can’t get in. ”

  Su Ying quickly got off the tram and started to vomit while holding on to the wall. She was afraid of vomiting on someone else’s car, so she had been holding back.   But there was actually nothing in his stomach, and all he vomited out was acidic water.

  After leaning against the wall for a while, she felt a little stronger. She regretted that she had tormented herself. She should have gone home early if they didn’t want her. She didn’t know that this sequelae was triggered again.   She walked home slowly, enduring a severe headache.

  Just as he entered the alley, he saw a car parked outside and two soldiers in military uniforms standing at the door.   Su Ying was confused, moved to the door, glanced at the two soldiers, and entered the yard.   Chen Shuyun, who was feeling awkward in the room, saw Su Ying and hurried out.   “

Yingying, why are you back at this time? ”   She tried to push Su Ying out, but Su Ying was very weak now. When she pushed her, she sat down on the ground.   Chen Shuyun was shocked.   “ Sakura Sakura”

  She quickly squatted down and helped Su Ying up. Su Ying held her hand, her face pale and weak.   “ Mom, I’m hungry. ”   Chen Shuyun was so frightened that she couldn’t react for a while.

  Political Commissar Ye and Director Du also came out at this time and were shocked when they saw Su Ying lying on the ground. Is this girl a sick girl? How can you marry the chief?   Director Du should observe more carefully, he said to Chen Shuyun.   “

Quickly get her some water and some food. ”   Chen Shuyun reacted and hurriedly wanted to carry Su Ying on her back and walk into the house.   Su Ying shook her head.   “ Mom, I’ll sit down for a while and you go cook. ” Chapter 10 Marriage for survival

  Political Commissar Ye’s security guard brought out a bowl of water. Su Ying held the bowl and drank it all in one breath before slowly standing up.

  Before Chen Shuyun went in to cook, she looked at Political Commissar Ye and Director Du. The two people suddenly came to say that the bride price was ready, and they had calculated the date and wanted to discuss Su Ying’s marriage with her.

  Chen Shuyun was very angry with such a faceless character, and immediately wanted to drive them away, but they were accompanied by men in military uniforms, and these two men had strong auras. She couldn’t speak to them in a polite way, so let’s forget about it. Nothing else.

  Seeing Su Ying’s head covered in cold sweat, Director Du quickly ordered the soldiers outside to buy some peach cakes.   “ We are here to discuss marriage, but the matchmaker didn’t tell us about your physical condition before. Please tell us now. You seem to be in poor health. ”

  Political Commissar Ye really tried his best to suppress his temper, so he could talk to Su Ying so calmly.   Su Ying glanced at Chen Shuyun, who was cooking at the door, and spoke in a dry voice.   “

My mother doesn’t know about this. Su Jian… did the matchmaker make it clear to you about the betrothal gifts I mentioned before? ”   Political Commissar Ye’s face turned a little darker.   “

As we said, we all agree on the bride price of one thousand, the three ring and the ring, the cloth, the clothes, the household registration, and the issue of where your mother lives. However, because of the man’s health, we may have to keep everything simple when getting married. ”

  Su Ying was actually very conflicted. She was frustrated in finding a job today, which made her feel like she had nowhere to go. However, the visits of these people seemed to have opened another window for her.

  She struggled with whether she should exchange marriage for these. Thinking about it, she didn’t like anyone now, and it was not certain whether she would meet him in the future. But right now, their situation was too difficult, so maybe there was nothing wrong with making an exchange.

Besides, that man might not be able to make it through one day, so she didn’t have a chance yet.   After thinking about it for a long time, she said.   “ All of this is fine, but I have one last request. ”

  Political Commissar Ye and Director Du all changed their expressions, especially Political Commissar Ye, who almost couldn’t control himself and slapped the table at Su Ying. Fortunately, he still remembered that she was a lesbian and a young girl, so he was afraid of scaring others.

  He patted his chest to calm himself down and asked through gritted teeth.   “ what else do you want? ”   Su Ying’s face was pale, and she could see her displeasure, but since she was planning to sacrifice her marriage, she must be doing it for her own benefit.   “

I want a job, preferably something related to medicine. ”   Political Commissar Ye and Director Du looked at each other, both of them a little confused.   Director Du asked.   “

Medically related? These professions have very high professional requirements. People who have not studied can’t do these jobs at all. Something will happen. Even if you want to marry our Gu Shou…comrade, we can’t lose our principles for you. ”

  Su Ying was really helpless. She suddenly changed her body. The girl in her current body has not yet gone to college. Even if she has knowledge in her mind, she doesn’t know how to use it.   She picked up the teapot on the table and took a few more sips of water, saying sincerely.

  “ Comrades, I understand what you are saying. I really like medicine. I have read many books on this subject and have some medical knowledge. Nothing will happen to me, I promise you. ”   Have you read a lot of books? Have a reserve of knowledge?

  Director Du and Political Commissar Ye finally intuitively felt the arrogance written in Su Ying’s information. They suddenly hesitated. Should such a proud, lying, and arrogant girl really be assigned to Chief Gu? With his temper, he would probably have to drive people away within a few days.

  Of course, they felt more sorry for the chief. When they married him, they wanted to find a caring and lovely person to take care of him, not to marry such an arrogant person and anger him.   “

Well, we have to think about this matter and can’t give you an answer right away. Today, let’s go here first and we will give you an answer soon. ”   Su Ying stood up supporting the table and nodded.   “ Okay, let’s discuss this. This matter is very important to me. ”

  She meant that this condition could not be cancelled. She was expressing her attitude, but it made the two leaders feel that she did not want to marry, which seemed to be deliberately making things difficult.   But before leaving, they still wanted to take away a photo of Su Ying.

  Chen Shuyun sent them to the door and felt very distressed when she saw the photo that Political Commissar Ye held in her hand. It was taken by Su Ying to the county town when she was admitted to college. She wanted to keep it to record her going to college. No more now.

  When she returned to the house, she saw Su Ying squatting beside the pot, looking eagerly at the steaming pot.   “ Mom, when will this steamed bun be ready? I was really starving to death, especially since I could smell the white flour steamed buns. ”

  Chen Shuyun walked over, opened the lid of the pot, quickly took out a steamed bun, put it on the spatula, then found a bowl, put it in the bowl and handed it to Su Ying.   “

Come on, where did you go to find a job today? Why didn’t you go home at noon? Also, what is going on with these people today? Why do they say you want to marry their comrade? ”   Su Ying ate the steamed buns with big mouthfuls and said vaguely.   “

I just want to enter a pharmaceutical factory, but they don’t want me, that, these people…”   She took a few more bites of the steamed buns, swallowed them in her stomach, and then felt better all over. She looked at Chen Shuyun and whispered.   “

Mom, I need money for medical treatment. Their comrade is a little older, but… with a salary, it can solve our household registration problem. Who should I marry now? It’s nothing if you can get these things by marrying him. ”   “

What does it mean to marry and who doesn’t mean to marry? How old are you? Su Ying, do you want to piss me off to death? ”

  Chen Shuyun has always been a submissive person who only knows how to work hard. No matter how Su Ying offended people in the village, she never blamed her. Even if she sometimes felt that Su Ying did something wrong, she would only gently persuade her. Tell her that she shouldn’t do this, but of course Su Ying won’t listen.

  This was the first time she yelled at her and asked if he was going to piss her off.

  Su Ying also felt a little guilty. She didn’t expect that the other party would take it seriously. When Su Jianshe told her this matter before, she made so many requests and thought that the other party would decisively refuse and let it go. But who knew they would Come to discuss marriage.

  She put the bowl down, pursed her lips, and held Chen Shuyun’s hand.   “ Mom, my brain is not very good and I need to take medicine all the time. If we don’t have money, I may…the disease will become serious in the future, so…”

  As soon as she said this, Chen Shuyun started crying, grabbed Su Ying’s arm and hit her twice.   “

You child, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why didn’t you tell your mother? Is it also because of this disease that you want to stay in the city? Mom didn’t know anything and thought that you wanted to stay with your dad. It was Mom’s fault. She didn’t know that your illness was so serious, so you were forced to think of marrying someone to pay for the medical expenses.

” Chapter 11 The Difficult Lord   She cried while talking. Su Ying was an orphan in her previous life and had never experienced family affection, so she decided everything by herself. At this moment, she truly felt Chen Shuyun’s love for her.   She hugged her gently.   “

Mom, it’s okay. I’m not that serious. Even if we get married, we don’t just rely on others to support us. I just need a job. I’ll make money to support you. ”

  The mother and daughter talked about their innermost thoughts in this small house all afternoon. Su Ying truly accepted this mother. Chen Shuyun also felt that her daughter had grown up. She was not as domineering as before and did not consider the consequences. She would do everything for herself. I will have my own plan.

  As soon as Political Commissar Ye and Director Du returned to the family home, they went to Gu Jinghong’s house.   As soon as I entered the door, I saw the guard squatting on the ground, collecting the leftovers on the floor and chanting.   “

You said that you are already like this and it would be nice to have someone to take care of you. Why are you still so angry? I know you used to be a hero, but now you are lying on the bed. Don’t use that trick to bully others. I was also ordered to take care of you. Why do you think you keep getting angry at me? Do you think I want to come here to be angry with you? Isn’t there no one willing to take care of you? Just say that you, a person who doesn’t know shit, how much courage does it take to take care of you? ”

  Political Commissar Ye had a bad temper. Hearing these words, he rushed over and kicked him.   “ What did you say to me? Do you dislike him? He is a hero, why do you dislike him? ”

  The guard was kicked to the ground. Only then did he see the two men and quickly stood up and saluted.   “ Political commissar, director. ”

  Political Commissar Ye looked at him like he was so angry that he wanted to give him a few more kicks. These ungrateful things have forgotten how the leader saved them before? Bastard, white-eyed wolf.   Director Du also frowned and looked at him coldly.   “

Li Weimin, what’s going on? Did you make the chief angry again? ”   Li Weimin is twenty-three years old this year. He is a young man. Speaking of which, he feels aggrieved.   “

I don’t know what happened. When I was feeding him at noon, he suddenly lost his temper and knocked over the lunch box with his head. I knew that the leader had a bad temper and tried to coax him to drink water, but he even knocked over the water and spilled it. All over me.

”   He was indeed dripping wet, so he should be telling the truth.   Director Du waved his hand.   “ Okay, you go out first. ”   After Li Weimin went out, Director Du and Political Commissar Ye were both worried. They looked at Gu Jinghong lying there still staring at the ceiling and sighed helplessly.

  If you have any idea, please coax me.   Director Du put on an ugly smile, bent down and said respectfully.   “ Chief, what’s wrong with you? Why are you angry? Did Li Weimin do a bad job? ”   Gu Jinghong closed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.   “

Don’t let him come again, and you won’t come either. ”   Political Commissar Ye also bent down.   “

Chief, aren’t you talking angrily? The general has given the order to let us take good care of you no matter what. He will also take the time to see you. The best hospital in Beijing has assembled an expert group for consultation on your illness. There will definitely be a way, you can’t give up.

”   Gu Jinghong raised his head slightly, and the veins on his slender neck were bulging, expressing his emotional instability at the moment.   “ You go and do your business, you don’t have to come to see me all the time. ”

  Political Commissar Ye took out Su Ying’s photo from his pocket and held it up in front of Gu Jinghong.   “ Chief, this is the girl. You see, she is very good-looking, young, and… can read and can read and write. We have visited her home and she is very good. How about you…”   “

I said, retreat…”   Gu Jinghong opened his eyes suddenly and roared angrily.   However, his voice stopped abruptly when he saw the photo, and then he slowly tilted his head and stared at the photo carefully.

  The girl in the photo has a ponytail, a floral shirt, and blue trousers. She is slim and fair. She has delicate and small facial features, and is delicate yet charming.

  Seeing Gu Jinghong’s appearance, Political Commissar Ye and Director Du secretly glanced at each other, and both saw a smile in each other’s eyes. It seemed that the chief liked this girl very much.

  No matter what excessive demands she makes, she has to find a way to fulfill them. It’s rare for the chief to like them.

  Su Ying has no medical knowledge, so why not go to the hospital as a treasurer to collect money? She must know the money, right? After all, he is a person who has passed the college entrance examination, so he should be able to do arithmetic. The financial manager of the hospital is also a medical worker.

  The two of them made up their mind to immediately complete Su Ying’s work and marry her back to Chief Gu. They were really afraid that if this continued, the Chief would commit suicide and his current state was very wrong.

  This was a hero who had made great contributions to the country. How could he be allowed to die in such a miserable way?   “ Chief, let’s set a date early? ”

  Gu Jinghong came back to his senses, looked at the two of them for a long time, and finally said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence.

  He had seen this girl before in the hospital. What attracted her was her fearless eyes, so Gu Jinghong had an impression of her. Maybe she was too lonely. He was also very selfish and wanted someone to accompany him.

  Su Ying originally planned to rest and recuperate before going to stand in front of the pharmaceutical factory. Maybe she would be lucky enough to meet the factory director, and if she was lucky enough, the factory director would give her a chance.

  This time she brought a big teapot and two big steamed buns. She felt that she would be able to last longer this time than last time.   She didn’t originally put her hope in Director Ye and the others. She still had to work hard to find the job she should be looking for.

  But just when she opened the door full of fighting spirit, she saw two people standing at the door. This time there was no car or people in military uniforms following them, just these two people.   “

Comrade Su Ying, we have agreed to your request and are ready. You can report to the city hospital tomorrow. I am here to discuss the specific wedding with you. ”

  Su Ying opened her mouth slightly and looked at the two old men dully. Of course, these two people were actually about forty years old, but they were both bald and looked older.   Chen Shuyun stood behind Su Ying, also a little at a loss. Is she really going to get married?   “

Comrade Chen Shuyun, we need to discuss this wedding matter with you carefully. ”   After being called like this, Chen Shuyun didn’t know what to do. She looked at Su Ying, waiting for her daughter to make up her mind.

  The breath Su Ying had been holding finally calmed down. Now that she had come to this point, she didn’t want to look back. Let’s discuss it.   When we invited people into the house, the other two households in the yard looked over and whispered.   “

Are you marrying your daughter? But didn’t they just move here? Why did someone come to propose marriage? ”   “

Who made that girl look good-looking? Didn’t you notice that the two sons from the house next door are always staring at me? Yesterday, I saw the young man in his family buying soda for the girl, but the girl didn’t seem to want it. ”

Chapter 12 explains the situation and gives you one last chance   Political Commissar Ye said that she was discussing Su Ying’s marriage with Chen Shuyun, but in fact, Chen Shuyun had no sense of presence throughout the whole process. She listened to Su Ying in everything, and it was Su Ying who made the decision.

  “ You said you can just go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate? No wedding? ”   Political Commissar Ye didn’t understand. Whoever married their daughter wanted to be glamorous. Why was Su Ying so hasty? Is it because he dislikes the chief? Do you know that the chief minister cannot attend?

  Su Ying smiled.   “ Don’t get me wrong, I just don’t think there is any need to go through those formalities. My clothes include a red wedding dress. You can just come and pick me up when the time comes. ”

  In fact, the red wedding dress is not the same as it is now. It is a red dress, a pair of red socks, and red leather shoes.

  In fact, some people even wore wedding dresses when they got married in the 1980s, but Su Ying had never met a man before, and it was not a relationship based on love, so she felt that those romantic forms were not necessary.

  As for the man, he naturally felt that it was a good thing to save trouble. After all, the leader couldn’t move anywhere except his head and neck, so it was inconvenient to lift him around.

  Su Ying didn’t know how they counted the days. Anyway, the day after she and Chen Shuyun had just moved out of this courtyard and moved into the tube building prepared for them, the car that came to pick her up to collect the certificate arrived.

  She tidied up a little, took the household registration book from Chen Shuyun, and comforted her with a smile.   “ Mom, it’s okay. Why don’t you just register me? Don’t look like I’m going to the battlefield. Life is actually just that. After so many years, you should understand. ”

  Chen Shuyun was worried just because she understood. She and Su Jianshe knew each other anyway, and she got married because of her crush on him. But Su Ying was about to marry someone without even meeting her. She felt uncomfortable and scared no matter how much she thought about it. Su Ying is not happy after getting married, what should she do then?

  Su Ying patted her hand.   “ It’s okay. I’ll be back after registering. The red quilt you sewed yesterday hasn’t been sewn yet, right? I’ll sew it today, maybe I’ll need it soon. ”

  In fact, when Su Ying and Chen Shuyun were preparing their wedding quilts, a group of women gathered together in the military compound to make quilts and clothes.

  They were both military wives and lived in the same compound. They would actually bring food to Gu Jinghong and clean up the house for him. However, because of his body, it was not convenient for them to take care of him as they were women.   “

Have you seen the bride? I heard from the political commissar that she looks very pretty and doesn’t look like a country girl. ”   A woman asked as she rubbed a needle on her head and lowered her head as if to tie her shoes.   “

I haven’t seen it, but there seems to be a photo, but the political commissar hid it tightly and didn’t show it to us. This Chief Gu is actually a good person, and I hope he is a person who knows both cold and hot. ”   “

No one can say otherwise. They say the chief has a bad temper, but that’s not his fault. Once I went to deliver food to him, and I saw with my own eyes that the guard didn’t let him wear clothes and left him hanging naked. He said he peed and had to dry it. Oh, how pitiful!

”   The other women also sighed. They all felt that Gu Jinghong was pitiful, and they also hoped that the daughter-in-law they married this time would be a hard-working person who could take care of themselves and not dislike him.

  Su Ying took a car and arrived at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Today there was actually a queue outside, with many people standing outside.

  Were there people waiting in line to get married in the 1980s? But in the era she lived in, there were only queues for divorces, and there were very few people for marriages.

  She walked straight to the back of the queue. She knew that her husband might not be able to come, and there was a high probability that someone else would sign for him, but she didn’t know how to get the photo on the marriage certificate.   “ sister in law”

  Su Ying was stunned for a long time before she realized that she was being called. She was really a little uncomfortable being called sister-in-law all of a sudden.   “ you call me? ”   “ Yes, if you marry our chief, then you will be our sister-in-law. ”   Chief?

  Su Ying felt that this title was a bit confusing, but she didn’t think much about it.   “ Sister-in-law, just go in directly, Chief Gu is already waiting for you inside. ”   Su Ying was surprised, are you here? Brought here?

  She was actually a little nervous about meeting her soon-to-be newlywed husband. She didn’t know what he looked like. In his condition, he was skinny and skinny, had bags under his eyes, was bald, had cracked lips, and was pale. He could be anything.

  Su Ying took a deep breath. After working in the hospital for so many years, she had seen all kinds of patients. She just treated him as a patient without any psychological burden.

  When she walked into the Civil Affairs Bureau, she saw many people in military uniforms walking back and forth. As soon as she came in, everyone looked at her, especially the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau. They were all sitting in their seats, but their eyes were Move with Su Ying.

  Someone came to show Su Ying the way.   “ This way”   Followed through a corridor and walked into a room with a photo spot written on it.

  Su Ying walked in and saw Director Du standing beside the bed, pushing a wheelchair. The man in the wheelchair was wearing a straight military uniform and a military cap. His body was slightly tilted, but he seemed to be trying his best to sit up straight. , because Su Ying saw his shaking shoulders.

  Shoulder……   Her eyes suddenly widened, because on this man’s shoulder was a gold star with a beautiful olive branch at the front. This was…   Her heart was racing, Major General?   Looking at his chest, he is wearing many medals, almost occupying the entire left chest.

  Seeing Su Ying’s shocked and frightened reaction, Director Du was very satisfied. That’s right, their leader should be worshiped by everyone.   He pushed the wheelchair and took a few steps toward Su Ying with a gentle smile.   “ Comrade Su Ying, this is Chief Gu, Gu Jinghong. ”

  When Su Ying looked down, Gu Jinghong looked up. Although his body was tilted, his eyes were full of righteousness and still cold and cold.   Su Ying was shocked again.   “ You…how can it be you…no, you, how can it be you? ”

  Her reaction seemed to please Gu Jinghong, and a rare smile broke out on his cold face.   “ You have a good memory. ”   Su Ying coughed lightly and swallowed.   “ That day, I was just passing by. ”

  Gu Jinghong didn’t seem to want to find out whether she was passing by or peeping, but said seriously.   “

Comrade Su Ying, they should have told you about my situation. I don’t have the ability to take care of myself now, so I still have to ask you clearly, are you really willing to marry me? I don’t want this to be your impulse, because you may not be able to bear the consequences. You cannot file for divorce in a military marriage. In other words, if one day you want to leave me, you can only leave if I am willing to let you go. are you willing? ”

  Director Du heard Gu Jinghong’s words almost in time. How much effort did they put in to find such a good-looking girl for the chief who was willing to marry him? Why did the chief still persuade people to regret it? Chapter 13 Obtaining a Marriage Certificate   He quickly made amends.   “

Well, Comrade Su Ying, there are actually many people in the compound, and you are not the only one to take care of the chief. Lao Ye, I, and the other aunts and sisters-in-law will all take care of us when we have time…”   “ “Lao Du”

  Director Du was scolded by Gu Jinghong. He looked at Su Ying nervously and prayed in his heart that she wouldn’t regret it. Otherwise, what would he do?

  Su Ying looked at Gu Jinghong, his words recurring in her mind. He told her the consequences, made his situation clear, and gave her a chance to choose.

  This man did not match the images of paralyzed people she had imagined before. Although he looked very embarrassed, his aura was not reduced at all. He was very wise and… kind.

  His eyes were like black holes of stars, dark but shining with light, which made Su Ying curious and couldn’t help but want to explore.   She pursed her lips and smiled.   “ I agree, I’m not a pushover either. ”   Gu Jinghong seemed not to give up and asked again.   “

Are you sure you don’t regret it? ”   Su Ying shook her head.   “ No regrets”

  She felt there was no need to regret it. Gu Jinghong’s injury seemed to be serious. She didn’t know how long he could survive. Although she couldn’t ask for divorce in a military marriage, she couldn’t be allowed to remarry after being widowed, right?

  Gu Jinghong felt very uneasy at this time. He did not expect that the girl in front of him would actually be willing to marry him, and she would do so without hesitation.

  Of course, if Chief Gu knew what Su Ying was thinking now, he would probably be furious and call Su Ying a snake-hearted person.   Director Du held Su Ying’s hand with excitement on his face.   “ Comrade Su Ying, you are really a good comrade, and we all thank you. ”

  The corner of Su Ying’s mouth twitched and she said sarcastically.   “ No, no need to thank you. ”

  Director Du was really worried to death just now, fearing that Su Ying would change her mind and finally find a leader who would like her. If this girl didn’t want to marry, he and Lao Ye would be busy again.   “ open”

  The cold and solemn man behind him spoke, and Director Du quickly let go as if being loaded with a spring, stepped back, and stood back to his previous position.   “ Chief, can we take pictures now? ”   The photographer held the camera and asked Gu Jinghong in a low voice.

  Gu Jinghong looked at Su Ying.   “ Comrade Su Ying, are you ready? ”   Su Ying took two steps forward and stood next to his wheelchair.   “ Let me do it”

  Director Du saw that Gu Jinghong didn’t speak, so he gave up his position and let Su Ying push him to the red cloth where the photo was taken.   Su Ying moved a stool and fixed the wheelchair there. She sat on another stool and glanced at Gu Jinghong.

  Seeing the man’s sharp eyes looking at her, she felt slightly uncomfortable and asked.   “ Do you need me… to support you? ”   There were veins on Gu Jinghong’s neck, and the strength of his neck allowed him to straighten his body slightly.

  Su Ying saw the sweat on his forehead and his slightly disordered breathing, so she leaned the stool closer to him and took the initiative to move her shoulders towards him, so that Gu Jinghong could support his body against her.

  Gu Jinghong stared at her with slightly moving eyes for a while, but did not refuse. He slowly moved towards her, and the moment he touched her shoulder, he pursed his lips slightly.

  Director Du stood aside with a smile, feeling moved and happy in his heart. He was happy for Gu Jinghong. This girl was very kind and would definitely live a good life with the chief.   “ Come on, let’s laugh together, lesbian, lift your chin a little bit, eh, yes, that’s it…”

  The photographer directed the two of them, and after Su Ying cooperated, they heard a click, and with the sound of the shutter, the two were finally able to move.   Su Ying first reached out to support Gu Jinghong, then stood up and pushed the wheelchair to Director Du.

  Director Du looked at her with gentler eyes than before, even with deep gratitude.   “ Comrade Su Ying, I still have work to do. I will collect the certificate in a while. Can you be responsible for sending the chief back? ”   Su Ying was stunned for a moment, then nodded.   “ Can”

  After Director Du left, Su Ying had no choice but to push Gu Jinghong to apply for a marriage certificate. However, because his special chief was getting married today, the Civil Affairs Bureau was emptied, so only they could apply for it first, and the speed was naturally very fast.

  The moment she got the marriage certificate, Su Ying looked at the photo. Gu Jinghong’s face was cold and resolute. Maybe it was because he had tidied it up before going out. His beard was cleanly shaved and he was very handsome. If you just look at this face, it doesn’t matter. One would think he would be a paralyzed man.

  Gu Jinghong’s eyes glanced at the steel seal, and then at Su Ying’s face as if unintentionally. There was a bit of emotion in his eyes. He raised his eyes to look at Su Ying, and saw that she was staring at the marriage certificate in a daze, and her eyes were slightly dim. Go down.

  “ Let’s go, the car is outside. ”   Su Ying came to her senses and quickly stuffed the marriage certificate into the satchel she was carrying. After thinking about it, she prepared to put away the marriage certificate on Gu Jinghong’s lap, but she was scolded by Gu Jinghong.   “

What are you going to do? ”   She pulled back and explained.   “ I was afraid of dropping it and wanted to put it away together. ”   Gu Jinghong pursed his lower lip slightly and said nothing.

  Seeing that he didn’t speak, Su Ying didn’t dare to touch the marriage certificate anymore, but she pushed the wheelchair slower for fear of falling from his lap.

  There were soldiers waiting outside for a long time, and Li Weimin was also waiting outside. As soon as he saw them coming out, he quickly took over from Su Ying.   “ Sister-in-law, I am Li Weimin, the chief’s guard. Let me push. ”

  Su Ying felt that this man was surrounded by people and his bodyguards, so she shouldn’t need to send him away, right? But thinking about the promise he had just made to Director Du, he still got in the car.

  Gu Jinghong’s seat was fixed, and his body was just stuck on the seat. When he saw Su Ying coming up, he turned around and said.   “ If you have something to do, do it. ”   Su Ying shook her head.   “

It’s nothing. My mother makes lunch at home. I can just eat the ready-made food. I don’t need to go home early. ”   “ your mom? Are you new to Jiangcheng? Why are you here? Come to work? ”

  Su Ying smiled helplessly. She really didn’t know how to answer, but this man was now her legal husband, and he actually had the right to know. But now, in front of so many people, Su Ying didn’t want to say anything.   Seeing her embarrassment, Gu Jinghong stopped asking and quickly changed the subject.   “

Lao Du said you have moved into Tongzi Building? Living habits? ”

  Su Ying glanced at him and wanted to say that we had just moved in, and we hadn’t even taken a breath yet, so weren’t we being pulled to get the marriage certificate? She didn’t know if she was used to it or not.

  But when I thought that this man seemed to have a good temper, a good personality, and was a good person, yet he was so miserable, I couldn’t bear to criticize him.   I can only say with a smile, it’s okay, it’s pretty good.

  Gu Jinghong is not good at finding topics, but Su Ying really doesn’t know what to say to him. After all, she thought she was marrying an ordinary disabled veteran before, but now, this person is the one who carries the star on his shoulders. She is confused. Soon, she seemed to have become an officer’s wife for no apparent reason.

Chapter 14 Standing up for Gu Jinghong

  Although this officer was disabled, he was still an officer. But when she faced him, she always felt like she had faced the hospital leader in the hospital before. Moreover, this person was much higher than the hospital leader. She didn’t know what the future would be like. How to get along with him and be your boss? As a friend? You can’t really be your husband, right?

  Thinking of modern people’s view of love, a husband is someone who can do whatever he wants, act coquettishly, and lose his temper at will, but this man…

  She couldn’t help but glance at Gu Jinghong secretly. She couldn’t act coquettishly or give orders. If she dared to lose her temper, she might be beaten into a pig’s head by his soldiers, right?

  Gu Jinghong’s senses were sharp. Su Ying had peeked at him several times. How could he not feel it? However, he never turned to look at her. He always faced the window and looked at the scenery outside.

  It was rare for him to go out. The sky outside made people yearn for it. He cherished the opportunity to see these scenery outside every time.

  It was Su Ying’s first time to come to the military family home. There were soldiers on duty with guns at the door. They would stand at attention and salute when they saw this car.   The car drove straight in and stopped in front of a yard in the last row.

  Li Weimin slowly got out of the car, opened the door on Gu Jinghong’s side, and squatted down.   Su Ying glanced at him, helped to untie Gu Jinghong’s body, helped him from his seat to Li Weimin’s back, and Li Weimin carried him into the house.

  Su Ying found that the yard was quite large, but it was all deserted. She looked inside and hesitated whether to follow in or not.   She should also live here with Gu Jinghong in the future, so there’s nothing wrong with going in early to take a look, right?

  As soon as she entered, there was a musty smell in the room. Su Ying couldn’t help but wrinkled her nose and followed Li Weimin into a bedroom. When she saw him, she covered Gu Jinghong with a quilt and hurried over.   “ Aren’t you going to undress him? It’s summer. ”

  When I touched the quilt, it was also thick, the kind of quilt you would use in winter.

  She finally understood how Gu Jinghong’s bedsores came about. Even a normal person would have to cover up the maggots in summer clothes and a thick quilt. What’s more, his lower body was paralyzed and he was incontinent. It would be strange if he didn’t get bedsores.

  She opened the quilt with force and looked at Gu Jinghong.   She found that he didn’t say a word, just looked at her blankly.   “ What are you looking at? You can’t even say it’s hot? ”   After calling Su Ying, she regretted it. She had forgotten that she was the chief just now.

  She dodges her eyes and quickly explains.   “ Well, I…I mean, you can’t be too talkative. ”   She looked at Li Weimin and asked.   “ On a September day, do you wear such a thick quilt in your home? Sleeping with your clothes on? ”

  Li Weimin looked at Su Ying, as if he didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong at all, and he was very confident.   “

The chief is in poor health, how can he be like a normal person? Afraid of catching cold, you haven’t gone through the door yet? Why are you putting on the airs of the chief’s wife? Also, I’m just the chief’s guard, and you, my wife, have no right to yell at me. ”

  In order to ridicule Su Ying, he also emphasized the word “ma’am” very hard and added it in a low voice at the end.   “

Isn’t she just a country girl? In other words, even the girls in the city are unwilling, so it’s your turn. Do you really think you are a clove of garlic? ”

  Su Ying’s face turned red with anger. She had always had a filter for their profession, but she didn’t expect that there were such disgusting people.   “

Do you still know that you are the chief’s bodyguard? But is this how you take care of people? Even if the chief is in good health, he will probably become serious if he is taken care of by you for such a long time.

You have done something wrong and don’t want to repent, so you still dare to talk like this? I don’t care who the political commissar is, he is my husband now. If you dare to harm my husband, I will never sit idly by. ”

  Li Weimin clenched his fists and took two steps towards Su Ying.   “ How do you want to manage it? I……”   “ Get out”

  There was a deep coldness in the deep voice. Although Gu Jinghong was lying there, Li Weimin still did not dare to act rashly as he was stared at by his tiger-like eyes.   He glared at Su Ying fiercely, turned around and walked out.

  Su Ying’s heart was raised. At that moment, he thought the guard was going to hit her. She was usually as good at talking as anyone, but in a fight, the difference in strength was too big and she would definitely suffer.

  She turned back to look at Gu Jinghong, and there was still a coldness in his eyes. The coldness made Su Ying’s body inexplicably stiff and she did not dare to approach him.   Seeing the tight body of the girl in front of him, Gu Jinghong’s lips curved slightly.   “

Weren’t you very tough just now? Am I scarier than Li Weimin? ”   Su Ying glanced at him quickly and turned her head away. She couldn’t help it.   “ You are obviously the chief, why are you bullied like this by a guard? ”   “

Because I was paralyzed. If it were before, if these little brats dared to yell in front of me, I would have kicked them away. But things are different now. Let alone kicking people, I can’t even lift my legs. ”

  Su Ying looked back at him. His face was expressionless. Those words just now seemed to be unable to arouse any emotions in him. He was not angry or self-pitying. It seemed that he was talking about other people’s affairs. He was like a bystander.

  How strong of a heart does one have to be so calm?

  The fact is that she has a bit of a filter on Chief Gu. The reason why Gu Jinghong doesn’t care or care is just because he is numb. It is said that there is no filial son in bed for a long time, not to mention that these people have no blood relationship with him. Who can really be dedicated?

  Su Ying knelt down beside the bed and reached out to touch his leg.   “ What are you doing? ”   She ignored Gu Jinghong and carefully moved up his calf.   “ Let me see what caused your paralysis. ”   Gu Jinghong was slightly surprised.   “ Do you know medical skills? ”   Su Ying smiled covertly.

  “ I had learned a little from the barefoot doctor in the village and read some medical books. I knew that I might not be able to find anything by touching it, but it wouldn’t do you any harm to touch it. ”

  Gu Jinghong pursed his lips slightly and lowered his eyes slightly, watching Su Ying’s movements.   He felt nothing when such slender and soft hands touched it. He had not felt this kind of frustration and anger for a long time.

  But the girl in front of him was too young, so he tried his best to suppress his suppressed anger and did not get angry.   Su Ying didn’t feel his emotional changes at all, she only carefully touched every bone and skin of his.

  Due to paralysis, his legs had shrunk a lot and were extremely thin. Su Ying felt like she could hold his legs and wrists with one hand.

  Perhaps because the person who took care of him was not attentive, his skin was extremely tight. Su Ying rubbed his skin vigorously while touching it. When she saw that she was about to touch his thigh, Gu Jinghong said anxiously.   “

No need, I… the doctor in Jingcheng has seen it and said it’s not a problem with the legs, nor… it’s a problem with the roots of the legs. ”

  Su Ying was stunned for a moment. She completely regarded Gu Jinghong as a patient now, so she didn’t think much about it. But Gu Jinghong was different. Su Ying was his wife who had just received her certificate. Her behavior made it difficult for him not to think too much.

Chapter 15 Embarrassment and embarrassment   Su Ying said oh, but her hand movements didn’t stop until she touched his waist, and her expression suddenly condensed.   Is this… a spinal nerve problem?

  Su Ying was not completely sure. After all, she used to rely on instruments to see a doctor. Now she judged that it was a spinal nerve problem just by feeling and experience.   “ Chief, what injury did the doctors in Beijing diagnose for you? ”   Gu Jinghong frowned imperceptibly.   “

You don’t need to call me chief. ”   Su Ying asked subconsciously.   “ What’s that called? ”   The two of them stared at each other for a moment, and Su Ying stopped asking. If that didn’t work, she was going to call him by his first name. He was not allowed to call him anyway.

  “ So what injury did the doctor in Jingcheng diagnose for you? ”   “ Spinal nerve rupture”   Su Ying’s heart sank. Sure enough, it was more serious than she thought. If it was only damaged, it could be healed slowly, but the break was irreparable.

  Thinking that this man might really be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life, she looked at Gu Jinghong with sympathy.   He was only thirty years old. He was clearly in a high position now and it was time for him to make great achievements, but his eagle wings were broken. How cruel.

  “ Xiao Li was driven away today. There is no one to cook, so I won’t let you eat. You should go back first. ”   Su Ying was confused by his sudden eviction, but Gu Jinghong turned his head and closed his eyes.

  Su Ying took a deep breath and treated him as a boss instead of being familiar with him. How could a boss not be embarrassed?   “

It’s summer now. Let me help you take off your clothes. For lunch, don’t you have a canteen here? Do you have a meal card? I’ll go get your food back for you. ”   As she spoke, she began to undress Gu Jinghong.

  He was wearing a straight military uniform. Su Ying first unbuttoned his collar to let him relax, and then carefully removed the medals on his chest.

  Each of these medals was heavy, and she did not dare to show any slightness. She took them off one by one with great piety and seriousness, and put them on the bedside table aside.

  Gu Jinghong opened his mouth. He originally wanted to chase someone away, but his words turned sour when he came out.   “ There are boxes in the cabinet in front, put them all in. ”

  Su Ying stood up and opened the cabinet. When she opened the cabinet, a puff of dust floated out. She choked and coughed several times. When she touched it, she found that it was full of dust. It had obviously not been wiped for a long time.

  She somewhat understood why Political Commissar Ye and the others were anxious to find a wife for Gu Jinghong. They just wanted to find someone to take care of him, but could they really take care of him so wholeheartedly once they got married?

  Quickly finding the box, she placed the medals one by one according to their shapes, and finally closed the box and put it back in the cabinet.

  After finally flipping Gu Jinghong to take off his military uniform shirt, Su Ying was panting from exhaustion. When she saw Gu Jinghong staring at her, she hurriedly spoke.   “ I’ll iron it and fold it up later. ”   “ Thanks”

  Su Ying smiled and was about to reach out to take off his pants, but Gu Jinghong stopped her.   “ No, no need for pants, you go back first. ”   Su Ying didn’t care about him. As long as she didn’t look at his face, she wasn’t afraid.   “

You have to take them off, otherwise you will get prickly heat. Although it is autumn, the weather is still very hot, especially if you don’t open the windows for ventilation in your house, so you can’t keep wearing them all the time. ”   “ No, no, you go back. ”

  Seeing Su Ying taking off his belt, he shouted urgently.   Su Ying moved quickly, unfastening her belt and taking off her pants.   “ You don’t have to be shy. Just treat me as a doctor. Can you treat me without being seen by a doctor? ”

  As he spoke, he took off his pants halfway, and an unpleasant smell of urine hit his nostrils.   Gu Jinghong’s strangled neck instantly relaxed and he fell into the pillow. He closed his eyes in embarrassment and breathed unsteadily.   “ You go out, don’t come in. ”

  Su Ying only paused for a few seconds before continuing to take off his pants.   “ Wash and then dry at night. Don’t wear it wet, otherwise you will definitely get rashes and bedsores on your body. ”

  Thinking about it, it had only been a few days since I last met him in the hospital, and the bedsores on his body probably hadn’t healed yet.   Gu Jinghong opened his eyes suddenly and stared at Su Ying. He didn’t see disgust or disgust in her eyes. She was just the same as before.

  “ I am a doctor. In the past, my patients…”   Su Ying later realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly rounded it off.   “

There are also patients like this in our village. At that time, I followed my master to treat people and pick their feces out, so this is considered okay for you. ”

  Su Ying was not completely lying. When she was just graduating from internship, she really encountered the kind of patient who couldn’t be treated. She had no choice but to be a doctor.

  However, she only encountered that situation once. Later, she became a formal doctor and was evaluated for professional title and advanced performance. Finally, she was promoted to deputy director, and she did not have much time for consultations.

  Despite Su Ying’s relief, Gu Jinghong’s whole body was still tense. Li Weimin usually took off his pants so rudely and even changed his clothes without feeling anything, but Su Ying was a lesbian.   “ You, go and call Li Weimin back. ”

  Su Ying pretended not to hear, but moved much faster, took off her wet pants and threw them directly on the ground. Then she took off her long johns again, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs. She raised her head and looked at Gu Jinghong.

  But I found that he was sweating profusely, craning his neck and turning his head to look aside, as if…like a child who was afraid of an injection.

  Su Ying’s hand movements paused. She thought if she took off his underwear directly, would the man faint on the spot? She was so intimidating when she had a cold face, but now she looked like a little daughter-in-law being bullied by a bully.   “

Lao Gu, although this wedding is said to be simple, but…”   Political Commissar Ye’s loud voice suddenly sounded outside the door, but as soon as he opened the door, he froze at the door.   But Gu Jinghong shouted to Political Commissar Ye, as if grasping a life-saving straw.   “

Champion Ye, let her out, take her out quickly. ”   Political Commissar Ye blinked, still not understanding what the situation was, but Chief Gu hadn’t been this angry in many years. He swallowed and couldn’t help but admire Su Ying.   This lesbian is really capable, she actually provoked Chief Gu into this.

  But when his eyes fell on Gu Jinghong’s bare lower body, the corners of his mouth twitched again.   He quickly walked over and stood in front of Gu Jinghong, laughing twice.   “

Comrade Su Ying, let me do it. Let me do it. Why don’t you go sit on the sofa in the living room for a while? You can watch TV for a while, and I’ll change the chief’s clothes. ”

  Su Ying actually hesitated just now, because Gu Jinghong looked like he was going to the execution ground, which made her a little afraid to take action. At this time, someone came, so she nodded.   “

Okay, it’s noon now, so I’ll go back first. As long as the wedding is simple, I think it’s best not to do it, right? Just post a happy message in your house tonight and I’ll come over. ”

  She is completely relieved now. With Gu Jinghong paralyzed like this, it is impossible for anything to happen to her. She was married to take care of patients, so she is in a good mood now. Chapter 16 The newlywed husband is the boss

  Hearing Su Ying say she was leaving, Gu Jinghong seemed to be quietly relieved.   But before she could catch her breath, Su Ying suddenly turned around when she reached the door.   “

Oh, by the way, he hasn’t had lunch yet, and the guard didn’t take good care of him at all. Please check and adjust him. His body can’t stand the torment of wearing thick clothes and a thick quilt in the summer for a period of time. have to……”

  Su Ying didn’t say any more, as long as Political Commissar Ye understood.   Hearing the sound of the door closing for a long time, Gu Jinghong turned his head around. However, his neck was already working a lot, and it was so sore from holding the same position for so long.   “

Lao Ye, please pinch my neck first, it’s cramping. ”   Political Commissar Ye looked at him with a suppressed smile.   “ Can’t you move more? Why are you twisting like that? Besides, what’s so scary about Comrade Su Ying? How can a lesbian who is so small still eat you? ”

  Perhaps sensing that Gu Jinghong was not in a bad mood today, Champion Ye became more courageous and dared to laugh at him.   Gu Jinghong didn’t say anything, he just looked at him coldly and slowly moved his neck.   “

What about the wedding? It’s okay if you want to hold a big event. Anyway, there are many people in our courtyard, so we can definitely make it a lively event for you, especially those old ladies… No, comrades, those female comrades in our family courtyard will start early. I’ve made a wedding quilt for you. I’ll leave the wedding to them and they will definitely be able to handle it.

”   “ No need, just follow what she said and just post a happy message in the house. ”   Political Commissar Ye always felt that holding a wedding like this was really not worthy of Gu Jinghong’s status, but thinking that he could not attend normally, he felt helpless and nodded in agreement.   “

Okay, you are the parties involved. Since you said you want to do it this way, let’s do it this way. After those expert groups in Beijing come up with a way to cure your disease, we will reissue it. ”

  Gu Jinghong didn’t say anything. He knew his injury best and it couldn’t be cured.   Thinking of that kind and upright young girl, he shook his head helplessly, feeling wronged.   “ What about Li Weimin? Want to replace it? ”

  When Ye Guanjun said this, he looked at Gu Jinghong with a bit of resentment. In fact, Li Weimin was already the fifth guard he had replaced. He actually didn’t know who to replace.   Gu Jinghong said calmly.   “ Make a call to Beijing and bring Du Feng over to me. ”

  Champion Ye was shocked. The admiration in his eyes when he looked at Gu Jinghong almost spilled out of the screen, but then he became a little worried.   “ Chief, is this Du Feng the ultimate individual soldier of the special forces? Can he be transferred here? ”

  Gu Jinghong is not sure now. Du Feng used to be his guard and was supposed to move up in the army, but that kid seemed to only like to challenge the limits and didn’t care about his position at all, so he joined the special forces.   “

You should call first. If he is too busy, forget it. Just ask the capital to pick someone from my original army to come over. ”   Champion Ye sighed and felt ashamed.

  The chief came to Jiangcheng to recuperate, but he couldn’t find anyone who could take care of him wholeheartedly. He felt that he had failed in leading people.

  When Su Ying returned to Tongzilou, it was almost twelve o’clock. As soon as she entered the corridor, she could smell the smell of various foods. The sounds of cooking, chatting, and children crying in the corridor formed a lively scene. Fireworks painting on earth.

  She walked to her door and saw Chen Shuyun carrying a small pot of porridge to come in. She quickly helped open the door and raised the curtain.   “ Mom, shall we have porridge today? Are there any pickles? ”   Chen Shuyun put the porridge down and said with a smile.   “

What do you think mom did this morning? ”   Su Ying took the bowl and chopsticks and put them down, and asked cooperatively.   “ What have you been doing? ”   Chen Shuyun took out a small jar from next to the cupboard.   “

I found this in the house. In the morning I followed the Aunt Li next door to the vegetable field and picked up a lot of cabbage leaves. They sold the good ones inside but didn’t want the ones outside. I picked up two baskets today. Well, I washed it and marinated it in the afternoon. It was enough for us to eat for several months.

”   Su Ying smiled and gave Chen Shuyun a thumbs up.   “ My mom is awesome, we can eat pickles without spending any money. ”   Chen Shuyun is extremely humble.   “

It’s not completely free. We still have to buy salt. You like chili peppers, and mom is going to buy some more chili peppers to marinate it in. ”

  The bit of pickled rice that Chen Shuyun made in the morning was actually not very tasty, but the mother and daughter ate it with plain porridge and it was very delicious.

  Chen Shuyun asked about getting the certificate, especially the man, whom she had never seen before. She asked Su Ying what she thought of the man, and asked Su Ying what the disability was and whether it affected her life.

  Su Ying said something vaguely. She wanted to see if there was any hope for Gu Jinghong’s illness, but she was afraid that Chen Shuyun would be sad, so she didn’t tell her clearly.   “

What about marriage? What are they going to do? I came to discuss it that day and asked for your opinion. Mom thought we should go back to the village to do it? Take him to Shangyang Village. All our relatives are in the village, and there are not many people to do it here.

”   Su Ying took a quick sip of the porridge and shook her head.   “ Mom, I think it’s better not to do anything now. My body can’t stand the stress now, and he’s not in good health either. Let’s wait until we are both better. ”

  Thinking that Su Ying always had headaches and even vomited that day, she was also worried and could only nod her head, but she was still confused. A big girl got married without even a decent wedding. This was a lifelong regret for a woman. The replacement was the same as the original one. Weddings are different.

  In the afternoon, Su Ying and Chen Shuyun made a small jar of pickles and a large basin of pickles together. By the time they were all cleaned up, the sky was already dark.

  The mother and daughter were just preparing to cook when someone came from the military compound, saying that Su Ying was going to live with Gu Jinghong tonight.   When Chen Shuyun heard that she was about to pick him up, she immediately started crying.   He hugged Su Ying hard and didn’t let go.   “

How could you just get married like this? Yingying, how can my Yingying go to someone else’s house like this? ”   Su Ying felt uncomfortable because she was crying, so she patted her back gently to comfort her.   “

Mom, I’m not far from you. I’ll come back to see you every few days. If you have anything, just go to me. I don’t care about weddings. I told them not to do it. You don’t have to worry about it. I am wronged, I am not wronged. ”

  Chen Shuyun is a traditional woman with the inherent ideas of this era. In her opinion, if she doesn’t even have a wedding, the man’s family will look down on the woman and think she is not worthy.   Su Ying didn’t think so, and she couldn’t change Chen Shuyun, she could only comfort him.   “

Mom, I’m leaving now. They are still waiting outside. In a few days, three days, I will definitely come back to see you in three days. ”

  Sitting in the car in the military zone, Su Ying looked back at Chen Shuyun, who had been following the car, and lowered her head to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She originally had no feelings about going to Gu Jinghong’s place. She regarded it as a job.

  But in Chen Shuyun’s view, this means that her daughter is getting married and becoming someone else’s family. Chapter 17 Chief, you are a good person

  The two quilts that Chen Shuyun made for her were also brought over. When Su Ying came in with the quilt in her arms, Gu Jinghong was stretching his neck and looking at the door. When he saw her coming in, he immediately lay down on the pillow with a calm expression and asked One sentence.

  “ coming? ”   Su Ying was in a low mood, so she just hummed, then hugged the quilt and asked.   “ Which room should I sleep in? ”   Champion Ye was sitting on a stool peeling an apple. When he heard Su Ying ask, he pointed directly to a single bed on the side.   “

Of course you will sleep in this room. The bed has been moved over there for you this afternoon. Of course, this big bed can also fit in. You two can just discuss this. ”   After saying that, he smiled at Gu Jinghong, earning a cold look from Gu Jinghong.

  He put down the half-peeled apple and straightened his clothes.   “ Well, you should go to bed early. Tonight is also the wedding night. Comrade Su Ying, thank you for your hard work. We will leave first. If you have anything or need anything, you can come to me. ”

  Su Ying watched Ye Guanjun and the others leave, holding two red quilts in her hands, looking at the small bed that seemed to be only 1.2 meters, feeling tangled and uncomfortable.

  Although Gu Jinghong is a patient, she also wants to have her own space, and she plans to report to the hospital tomorrow. If she doesn’t sleep well, she will have to go there tomorrow with dark circles under her eyes.   “

You don’t have to listen to them, just take your quilt and pick a room. ”   Su Ying’s eyes lit up and she quickly agreed.   “ Well, sir, you are such a considerate and good person. ”   He hugged the quilt and ran outside, like a rabbit that was driven away.

  The corners of Gu Jinghong’s lips twitched slightly, the arc was very small, and he quickly stopped.

  He slowly moved his neck, his eyes fell on his arm outside, and he tried hard to command it to move, but it seemed that the hand and arm were not his at all, and he could not receive any instructions.

  Su Ying chose a room closest to Gu Jinghong, but it was also very large, especially with a large bed, measuring 1.8 meters by visual inspection.   The wedding quilts made by Chen Shuyun are all double quilts, so she can cover them by herself.   She put the other quilt in the cupboard.

  After carrying in some toiletries left at the door, she went to Gu Jinghong’s room.   “ Chief, have you had dinner? ”   “ Eat, Champion Ye just went to the cafeteria to get some. ”   “ Oh, that’ll do.

“Su Ying silently walked to the stool aside, picked up the half-peeled apple, and twitched her nose a few times.   When I smelled the pesticide-free apple again on an hungry stomach, I felt my mouth begin to secrete saliva, and I cursed secretly that I was worthless.

She cut a small piece and fed it to Gu Jinghong’s mouth.   Gu Jinghong looked at her and asked.   “ Didn’t have dinner? ”   Su Ying pursed her lips and nodded.   “ It’s too early for you to pick me up. ”

  Gu Jinghong didn’t expect Su Ying to be so sincere and couldn’t help but smile.   “ There is my meal card in the cabinet. You can take it and get a meal and come back to eat. ”

  Su Ying was very grateful. This man was actually really nice. He thought about others and was a kind and good person.   “ Then, I’ll just use it. After I report for work tomorrow, I’ll come back and buy some groceries, so we can cook for ourselves. As for this meal…”   “ Su Ying”

  Gu Jinghong’s suddenly deep voice made Su Ying subconsciously purse her lips and retreat, her heart beating suddenly.   She seemed to be able to feel the mentality of Li Weimin who didn’t dare to say anything or refute when he shouted.

  The way this man suddenly yelled was quite scary, but he just didn’t know why he was unhappy.   “ What are you doing? When you are sick, you need to maintain a stable mood. Being angry is not good for recovering from illness. ”

  She finished her words with some stuttering, wondering if it would be safer to stay farther away from him, but thinking that he was paralyzed and she was afraid of what he would do, she stood there hunched over and didn’t move.   He looked like a frightened rabbit, trying to escape but holding on.

  Gu Jinghong took a deep breath and softened his tone.   “

I’m not angry, Comrade Su Ying, we have obtained the certificate. Although we cannot be a real couple, it is my responsibility to raise you. Moreover, when you come to me, you have to work hard to take care of me, a paralytic. No need to be so divided, you have a share of everything in this house.

”   Su Ying opened her eyes wide, is she a part of it?

  She immediately began to imagine in her mind, the leader with the star on his shoulders had no idea how much his salary was. Was this house also given to him? There are all TV series, radios, refrigerators, and washing machines in the house, as well as the mahogany sofa outside, and…

  Su Ying shook her head vigorously to calm herself down. They were all other people’s things. She couldn’t overthink or be greedy. Now that she had a job, at least she had a living security.   Gu Jinghong told her to remember to bring a flashlight. It was already dark outside.

  But as soon as Su Ying opened the door, she saw a woman wearing a floral half-sleeved shirt standing at the door.   The woman immediately laughed when she saw her.   “

Oops, Chief Gu’s new wife is so pretty. She is getting married today and wants to eat well. I made dumplings and brought them to you. ”   As soon as she finished speaking, another woman came over.   “

Is the Wu sister-in-law here too? I made braised pork and brought some to Chief Gu’s new wife. I also fried two vegetarian dishes and boiled some eggs. I wanted to be full on the wedding night. ”

  Facing the enthusiasm of the two women, Su Ying was a little helpless, so she quickly opened the door and invited them in.   “ Thank you. It’s too much. Keep it for yourselves. ”   The two put down their things and shouted towards the back room.   “

Chief, let’s see our new wife. Is there anything else you can help with? Do you have any clothes to wash? I took it back and washed it for you. ”   Gu Jinghong usually has a cold face, but when facing these well-intentioned women, he is very respectful.   “

There is nothing to be busy with, thank you two sisters-in-law. ”   Su Ying also quickly followed him and called her sister-in-law.   The two women pulled her to sit down, and the sister-in-law of the Wu family whispered to her.   “

This is how we women live our lives. Don’t feel aggrieved. The chief’s body does not allow for a lot of things. He cannot withstand the torment. We know that it is quite difficult for you to get married. You are still so young, so if there is anything at home in the future, If you have any problem, just come to us.

”   The other sister-in-law also nodded.   “

Yes, although you can just talk, there is another reason why you can’t hold a grand wedding. It is because you are afraid of alarming the people in the capital. Chief Gu stayed in Jiangcheng by himself. He is originally from the capital, and his parents and relatives are all in the capital. He should There is this level of consideration.

”   Su Ying was a little confused.   “ Since his home is in the capital, why does he live in Jiangcheng? Doesn’t he have family who can take care of his mother when he lives at home? ”   Both shook their heads.   “

We didn’t know that Chief Gu was a cold person, and we seldom talked to him. We only came to help clean up and wash clothes. We didn’t know anything about his family. ” Chapter 18 Gu Jinghong is embarrassed   Su Ying couldn’t help but glance towards the back room, feeling very confused.

  Is there anything special about Jiangcheng to Gu Jinghong? He doesn’t want his family to know about his marriage?   The two women chatted with Su Ying for a few more words and then left. Su Ying originally said to free up the bowls and basins for others, but they both waved and smiled.   “

Don’t worry, we’ll pick it up tomorrow. You eat first and feed the chief some while it’s still hot. ”   Su Ying sent them out of the yard and watched them leave before returning.   “ There are dumplings and very fragrant braised pork. Chief, would you like some more? ”

  While Su Ying was talking, she had already taken out the bowl and chopsticks, put a few pieces of relatively thin braised pork into the bowl, and put three dumplings in it, and brought them to Gu Jinghong’s bedside.   “ If you smell it, it’s really fragrant. ”

  Gu Jinghong turned his head and looked at Su Ying.   “ I’ve eaten it, you go ahead and eat it. ”

  Su Ying felt that she was able to eat braised pork because of someone else’s fault. She had never smelled the smell of meat since she traveled through time. Moreover, she had been hungry all afternoon. Some people may have experienced that feeling, when a person is hungry. Everything I see smells delicious, especially meat, which is very precious in this era.

  She couldn’t eat alone if she was taking advantage of others, so she picked up a piece of braised pork and put it to Gu Jinghong’s mouth.   “ Try it, it’s very fragrant. ”   Gu Jinghong’s eyes swept over the piece of braised pork, and then looked at Su Ying.

  It seemed that she finally felt Su Ying’s discomfort and opened her mouth to eat.   “ How about it? Is it delicious? ”

  Su Ying felt that the smell of meat was stronger, but now that Chief Gu had eaten it, she also took a piece and put it in her mouth. The smell of meat spread in her mouth, and she squinted her eyes in enjoyment. It was so delicious.

  When she earns money, she must buy a piece of fat and thin pork belly for Chen Shuyun and let her make braised pork. She didn’t think so before, but now she thinks this is simply the most delicious food in the world.

  Gu Jinghong stared at her lips, and then glanced at the pair of chopsticks that the two of them had shared. There was some tenderness in his eyes that he didn’t even notice.   “ Come, have another piece. ”   Su Ying wanted to feed him, but Gu Jinghong avoided it.   “

I’m not going to eat. You can eat. It’s getting late. Take a shower and rest after eating. ”   “ Don’t you eat dumplings? ”   Gu Jinghong shook his head.   Su Ying didn’t insist this time and took the bowl out of the house to eat by herself.

  The two sisters-in-law were both very generous, and the amount they brought was more than enough for two people, so Su Ying only ate a small portion and put the rest in the refrigerator.

  This was the first time she saw a refrigerator from the 1980s, a Wanbao brand. When she opened it, she found a lot of stuff inside. There were fruits and watermelon in the refrigerator, and there was even meat in the freezer.

  She was a little confused. Gu Jinghong was paralyzed. Is there anyone still cooking at home?   After closing the refrigerator, I saw the word Wanbao on it. This was a very powerful state-owned electrical appliance brand in the 1980s. However, it later declined and became Supor.

  She looked around in other rooms and found the bathroom, washroom, and kitchen.   Her toiletries are very simple, including white jade toothpaste, a piece of soap, a towel, and a bottle of Dabao facial oil that Chen Shuyun bought for her.

  After spending one yuan, Chen Shuyun felt very distressed, but she still bought it for her, saying that as a bride, she wanted it to be free and fragrant.

  After washing up quickly, she searched for a long time in the bathroom, but could not find the basin where Gu Jinghong washed. There was only a small red basin, but it was very dirty. She felt that it should be used to wash his wet pants.

  After hesitating for a moment, she took the hot water in her basin and mixed it with some cold water. She felt that it was neither hot nor cold anymore. She found a towel again, but it was not clean either. She wrinkled her nose and threw it into the basin. Wash the towel first. After the first wash, the entire basin of water was black.

  After changing the water several times, it was washed clean. Then he washed the basin again, took the water, and brought it to Gu Jinghong’s room.   Chief Gu seemed to have a deep relationship with the ceiling. When Su Ying came in, she found him staring at the ceiling with his eyes open again.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, he slowly turned his head to look over, and then immediately turned his head away.   “ Why don’t you go to bed? What are you doing here? ”

  She didn’t look at Su Ying when she spoke, because she was wearing a vest, her trouser legs rolled up to her knees, and she walked in with a pair of black cloth shoes.   “ I’ll wipe it for you too, so it feels fresher so you can sleep better. ”   “

No, you… don’t worry about me, go to bed. ”   Gu Jinghong reacted greatly, with a frightened look on his face. If he could move, he would have jumped up and run away by now.   Su Ying put the basin on the stool and threw the towel in.   “

Chief, you don’t need to feel embarrassed. We have both received certificates and we are also husband and wife, and I should be required to do the job of wiping you down in the future, so you don’t need to exclude me so much. ”   “

No need for you, someone will come in a few days. Let Lao Ye and the others come over in the next few days while you go to sleep. ”   Su Ying stood by the bed and looked at him.   “

Political Commissar Ye and the others all have their own jobs, and they can’t go to see someone in the middle of the night. If you really feel uncomfortable, then I’ll wipe your upper body for you first. Do you think that’s okay? ”

  Seeing that Gu Jinghong didn’t say anything, Su Ying took it as his acquiescence.   But when she went to take off other people’s clothes, she was still a little cautious.   Perhaps because of his marriage, Gu Jinghong was wearing a red autumn coat and a red two-strand vest underneath.

  When Su Ying took off her autumn clothes and was about to take off her vest, Gu Jinghong turned to look at her.   “ There is no need to take it off, just wipe it… wipe it. ”

  Su Ying wanted to give him a good wipe because she smelled something on Gu Jinghong. If she wasn’t afraid of scaring him, she wanted to strip him naked and then clean him bit by bit.

  But Chief Gu seemed to be thin-skinned. She only took off her autumn clothes, but his ears were so red that they were bleeding.   “ Take it off and wipe it off, otherwise the vest will get wet. ”

  After convincing Gu Jinghong, Su Ying rolled up the vest to his chest, then walked to the bedside, picked up his head, and quickly took off the vest.   She didn’t notice anything wrong with her posture. At this moment, all her strength was used to hold him, so she naturally didn’t notice.

  But Gu Jinghong kept his eyes tightly closed, but the soft breasts were still pushing straight towards his face. The touch and fragrant smell made his heart almost burst.   There was no physical reaction, but in his heart he was still a normal man who had feelings for the opposite sex.

  After Su Ying took off her vest, she realized something was wrong with Gu Jinghong and was blushing fiercely.   “ how? Did I hold you back just now? ”   Gu Jinghong didn’t look at her and hummed softly.   “ Oh, sorry, I’ll pay attention next time. ”

  Su Ying also threw his vest to the ground, and Gu Jinghong frowned.   “ Why did you throw it on the ground? ”   Su Ying had already twisted the towel and came over.   “ Of course you have to wash it. ”   “ Just replaced it today. ” Chapter 19 Getting along with each other

  Su Ying put the hot towel on his face and wiped it while saying.   “ That needs to be changed, it’s summer now, the clothes have to be washed every day, and the body has to be wiped every day, otherwise the bedsores won’t heal. ”

  Gu Jinghong, who was originally very cooperative, immediately shook his head and refused when he heard about bedsores.   Su Ying held him down with one hand and wiped his face and neck with the other.   “

Don’t move around. Bedsores will heal if you take good care of them. And I also know an ointment that won’t leave scars when touched. You don’t have to be afraid. We keep it dry and use the medicine and it will get better. ”

  After Su Ying wiped her neck, she washed the towel, and then wiped her chest along her collarbone. Gu Jinghong trembled, and his long eyelashes trembled like small brushes.   Although he still has a stern face, it makes people feel pitiful inexplicably.

  Gu Jinghong was so thin that Su Ying could feel his ribs when she rubbed her waist.   The abdominal muscles are also disappearing, but some muscle lines can still be seen vaguely, which shows that he was very physically fit before he was paralyzed.

  She reached out to take off his long johns. Gu Jinghong couldn’t feel it, but he knew what she was doing.   He closed his eyes, hiding his emotions.

  Afraid of making him uncomfortable, Su Ying did not directly lift the quilt, but took off his red long johns under the quilt. However, because she could not see clearly, her hands would always touch his body accidentally.   It’s very warm, very hot, but very dry, the kind of dryness that doesn’t provide enough nutrients.

  First, she simply scrubbed her lower body, then changed the water again, and this time she took off her underwear for him. She could not help but frown when she really saw the bedsores.

  That kind of festering wound is really sad. It seems that it has not been cleaned properly, which is why the wound has not scabbed for a long time.   She couldn’t help but raise her head and look at Gu Jinghong and asked.   “ Doesn’t it hurt? ”

  Gu Jinghong still didn’t open his eyes, but his voice was very calm.   “ No, I feel no pain. ”

  Yes, he had no feeling in his lower body. Although he looked very calm, after just one day with him, Su Ying’s impression of him changed from a big shot with a star on his shoulders to a pitiful little guy who no one loved.   “

You went to the hospital before and the doctor prescribed medicine for you, right? Where is the medicine? ”   “ “in the drawer”   Su Ying opened the drawer and found it. The doctor’s prescription was quite comprehensive, including gauze, cotton, medicine for application, and medicine for taking.

  Su Ying quickly cleaned up the ulcerated areas for him, her movements were skillful and deft, and she even applied the medicine in a professional manner.

  Gu Jinghong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her. He was a little surprised. This girl was only twenty years old, but she acted as if she had been a doctor.

  He regretted not asking Ye Guanjun and the others about Su Ying’s specific situation. He only knew that she was twenty years old and came to Jiangcheng with her mother. Mother and daughter depended on each other.

  Su Ying was really tired that night. It was almost one o’clock when she lay down on the bed. It took more than four hours to wipe Gu Jinghong’s body, brush his teeth, and finally wash out all his dirty clothes and hang them to dry.

  She was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow and snored for the first time.   Gu Jinghong was sleeping next door, and his ears were very good, so he couldn’t sleep at first. At this time, he turned his face slightly and the corners of his lips curled up.

  I didn’t expect that such a slender and delicate girl would snore. She seemed quite cute.   When the alarm clock rang the next day, Su Ying sat up immediately.

  Looking at the iron double-ear alarm clock, she rubbed her face, forced herself to wake up, got out of bed, cleaned up, and made breakfast for Gu Jinghong.

  She saw rice and noodles in his kitchen yesterday. For simplicity, she cooked porridge and two eggs for Gu Jinghong in the morning. After feeding him, she quickly put on her shoes and went out.   “ It’s too late to wash the dishes. Wait until I come back. ”

  Gu Jinghong asked when he saw how anxious she was.   “ What are you going to do? ”   “ I have to report for work today and I will be late. I will come back to cook for you at noon. If you are really bored, just stare at the ceiling all morning. ”

  As Su Ying spoke, she quickly changed her shoes and then carefully pushed the newly purchased bicycle.   Gu Jinghong: “ ……”   Seeing that Su Ying looked a little petite while pushing the car, Gu Jinghong couldn’t help it.   “

Can you ride a bike? If you don’t know how to ride, don’t force it, it’s dangerous. ”   Su Ying parked her car at the door and came back to close the door.   “ Of course I know how to do it. Don’t talk about it, I can ride a motorcycle very smoothly. ”

  Gu Jinghong felt that her words were a bit watery, but Chief Gu was aloof and reticent, especially because he was very considerate and did not expose her.   He turned his head silently and continued to stare at the ceiling in a daze.

  It’s just that I didn’t feel sleepy or bored when I looked at the ceiling in the past, but today, I felt that the room was too quiet and uncomfortable.

  The military compound is in the south of the city. It is in a good location and not far from the hospital where Su Ying goes to work.   She tried the 28-large bar, but felt that the middle bar was too much in the way and stuck in her crotch.

  She looked at the road and saw that people rode bicycles from behind, so she pedaled a few times like others, and then rode up from behind.

  Well, it feels good. It’s just that I couldn’t hold the handlebars at first and it was a little crooked, but I’ll be able to ride it very well soon.   Although people drive cars in modern times, bicycles can also be driven.

  Political Commissar Ye arranged for her to go to Jiangcheng City Hospital where she had gone to see a doctor before. It was only eight o’clock when Su Ying arrived at the hospital, and many medical staff had not yet gone to work.

  She waited at the door for about half an hour before she saw a yawning middle-aged woman wearing a plaid coat coming over. She opened the door and took out a white coat from the cabinet.   Su Ying followed and took out her letter of recommendation.   “ Hello, I’m here to report. ”

  The woman was wearing a white coat and yawning at the same time. She didn’t even raise her eyelids, and she didn’t even pay attention to Su Ying.   Su Ying held up the letter of introduction and stood there looking a little embarrassed.

  The woman fastened the buttons one by one, took a white teapot and poured hot water into it, and then started wiping the table with a rag.   Completely ignore Su Ying.

  Such a disgrace to Su Ying caused Su Ying to accumulate emotions in her heart, but for the first time here, she could only endure it and walked to the woman again.   “ Hello, I’m here to register and go through the onboarding procedures with you, right? ”

  The woman slowly wiped the table clean and looked at Su Ying with the rag.   “ Why is it so dirty? ”   Su Ying pursed her lips, then smiled.   He put his letter of introduction on the table and took the rag.   “ Let me wash it for you. ”

  The woman threw the rag directly to her and sat down.   Su Ying held the rag, but when she dipped her hand in the water, she couldn’t help but tremble. The water was as cold as freshly pumped well water.

  Su Ying was not in good health, so when she was aroused by the cold water, she immediately felt a sharp pain in her head. Chapter 20 Su Ying’s Work   Su Ying immediately took out her hand, turned around, took the thermos from the window sill, and poured some hot water into it.   “

What are you doing? That’s the water I want to drink. Who asked you to wash the rag? ”   The woman yelled angrily.   Su Ying wrung out the rag and put it back on the windowsill, then looked at the woman.   “

If the water is too cold, it will irritate the nerves and cause damage to my hands. Moreover, if you need this hot water, I will go to the water room and help you get it later. But do you want to read my recommendation letter now? ”

  Su Ying’s neither humbleness nor arrogance made Yang Tianjiao feel a bit weak.

  She picked up the letter of introduction and looked at it, and smiled contemptuously. It was nothing special. It was recommended by the section chief of a small state-owned factory. It seemed that he was not a well-connected person. She didn’t know why Director Zhao paid attention to her.   “

Your name is Su Ying? ”   “ yes”   “ Didn’t get into college? ”   “ I passed the exam, but was replaced. ”

  Yang Tianjiao looked up at her and saw that her face was calm, as if she was talking about someone else’s business. He immediately felt that there must be something wrong with her brain. The opportunity to go to college was taken away. How could she not be angry and still be so calm.   “

The doctors in our hospital must be professionally trained. You have never had any knowledge in this area, so you go to the logistics department. ”

  Su Ying frowned. To put it bluntly, the logistics department was just a handyman. Of course there was work like purchasing, but that was a fat job, and it must be occupied by someone now. It would be her turn. Besides, she came to the hospital to get the scalpel again. Yes, even if she could be a nurse or caregiver at the beginning, she would at least have contact with patients, but now she is asked to work in the logistics department.

  “ I came to the hospital mainly because I am interested in studying medicine. Can you help me arrange another job? ”   Yang Tianjiao looked her over and smiled at her.   “ Yes, there is a shortage of body bearers at the hospital morgue. You can go there. ”

  Su Ying grimaced. She actually didn’t mind carrying the corpse, but there was no progress. After thinking about it, she still chose the logistics department.   After Su Ying went out, Yang Tianjiao put down the teapot and hurried upstairs.   “

Director Zhao, I put her in the logistics department. I have already said hello to her and asked her to clean the toilet. ”   Director Zhao, who was wearing a pair of glasses and a blue professional suit, was very satisfied and praised.   “

Tianjiao, you have done a good job, work hard, you are very capable, there is a chance to transfer personnel in the future. ”   Yang Tianjiao was so surprised that he smiled so hard at Director Zhao that he couldn’t even see his eyes.   “

Thank you, director, don’t worry, I will take good care of myself.” Take care of her”. ”

  Su Ying didn’t expect that she could be even more aggrieved. The job assigned to her was to use the toilets on the fifth floor. This hospital was very big and there were two toilets on each floor, so her daily work consisted of these ten toilets. .

  There didn’t seem to be much work, but most people were unwilling to do it, so the dirty work fell on Su Ying.   In order to keep this job, she gritted her teeth and did it.

  When Su Xiaohan heard that Su Ying was assigned to work in the hospital, she hesitated before going to school in the morning. It wasn’t until Su Jianshe left for work that she pulled Zhao Yumei and said anxiously.   “

Mom, what’s going on? Why did Su Ying go to work in the hospital? What did dad mean by what he said just now? Did he help arrange it? As expected, he still loved his daughter the most. ”   Zhao Yumei was also so angry that her teeth itched.   “

I didn’t expect that she could actually work in the hospital, but your dad doesn’t have that ability. I think it was probably the disabled veteran who asked for help. Otherwise, how could she, a country girl, work in the hospital? ”   Su Xiaohan grabbed her arm hard.   “

Mom, no, we can’t let her be a doctor or work. Didn’t she marry that cripple? What kind of job does her disabled husband work when he is not at home to take care of her? ”   Zhao Yumei looked at Su Xiaohan strangely.   Why did she feel that Xiaohan seemed nervous and scared?   “

Xiaohan, why are you in such a hurry? Even if she goes to work, she won’t be able to interfere with anything. Your father has decided to divorce her mother. By then, we will have nothing to do with them. No matter what she does. ”   “ No, how can it be done? ”

  Su Xiaohan roared suddenly, making Zhao Yumei stunned.   “ What’s wrong? Are you? What doesn’t work? ”   Su Xiaohan hugged Zhao Yumei’s arm and said anxiously.   “

Mom, we can’t let her work, especially not be a doctor, otherwise she will definitely pose a threat to us in the future. She came from the countryside, so she should take the disabled veteran back to the countryside. ”

  Zhao Yumei became a little serious when she heard that she would threaten them, but she and Su Jianshe didn’t have the ability to let the veteran follow him back to his hometown. It seemed that he could only find connections.   “ Okay, Mom knows, I’ll think of a way, you go to school quickly.

”   As soon as Su Ying came home at noon, she went into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, she felt refreshed, and then she went into the kitchen to cook.

  Gu Jinghong had heard her coming back a long time ago, but he waited and waited before anyone came in. Then he heard the sound of rushing water.

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly, but he didn’t know what he thought of and his ears turned red. He quickly opened his eyes and continued to stare at the ceiling.

  When Su Ying was washing vegetables in the kitchen, she remembered that she had forgotten to visit Gu Jinghong. A paralyzed patient must have peed his pants all morning, and he also had to drink water.   He quickly dried the warm water and carried it into Gu Jinghong’s bedroom.   “

Not sleeping? Are you thirsty? Drink some water. ”   Gu Jinghong used a straw to drink water more conveniently. After feeding him a few sips of water, Su Ying went to check what was going on under him.

  Although it was not the first time, Gu Jinghong still closed his eyes tightly, but he was not as resistant as yesterday.   Seeing that the pants Su Ying had taken off were wet, he was even more embarrassed and said in a hoarse voice.   “

You should be fine if you stick to it for two more days. ”   Su Ying brought water in and cleaned him up while smiling bitterly.   “ It’s okay, anyway, I seem to be stuck with these jobs. It doesn’t make any difference if I have one more or one less. ”

  Gu Jinghong looked at her with flashing eyes.   Su Ying shook her head and said nothing more.   Her job has been arranged for her, so it would be a bit shameless to come to him for these things.   Fortunately, she now has a salary, and she will have money in her hands until next month.

  After wiping his thighs clean, Su Ying wiped his calves as well, and finally wiped his crotch. However, when she saw the lump sticking up from her underwear, she couldn’t help but turn her head away.

  Although this man couldn’t stand up now, he was still very powerful. She actually felt it was a pity. He used to be popular with women, but now everyone avoids him.   After scrubbing it clean, Su Ying pulled the quilt directly and covered his belly, leaving her lower body exposed.   “

Let it cool. I’ll cook and give you a massage after dinner. ” Chapter 21 The first day of marriage   At noon, I cooked stir-fried lettuce, a plate of fried tofu with meat, and a small bowl of rice for each person.

  Before feeding Gu Jinghong to eat, Su Ying washed her hands again and brought the rice to his mouth, but Gu Jinghong only looked at her and asked.   “ Is work going well today? ”

  Su Ying touched his lips with a spoon, and Gu Jinghong immediately felt a little chill. The scent of rice filled his nose, mixed with the fragrance of Su Ying’s body, which was the refreshing scent of soap.   “

I’m not tired from work. I should be able to come back from get off work on time every day and cook for you. ”   Su Ying changed the topic and asked.   “ By the way, do you still have those medical records of yours? I’ll take a look later. ”

  Gu Jinghong stopped chewing the rice as soon as he took it into his mouth, and he said calmly.   “ See what it does? ”   Su Ying rubbed his legs vigorously, raised her head and suddenly smiled at him.   “

Chief, if I say that I am also a very powerful doctor, would you believe it? ”   Gu Jinghong looked at her.   “ Is that why you want to work in a hospital? ”   Su Ying nodded.   “

Yes, this is the only field I am familiar with. I need to make money now, and I also want to…” Get better.   When Su Ying was stimulated by the cold water in the morning, she thought she was going to have an attack. Fortunately, she didn’t have an attack at work.

  Gu Jinghong nodded lightly. When Su Ying came, she said that she had studied medicine with a barefoot doctor, so Gu Jinghong had no doubt that she knew medical skills.   But he didn’t take her words seriously, and his eyes darkened when he thought of the conclusion given by the experts in the capital.   “

They are all in the small cabinet in the living room. You can find them yourself. ”   Su Ying picked up another piece of bamboo shoot and fed it to him. Gu Jinghong was not picky about food and would eat whatever he was fed.

  After finishing a bowl of rice, Su Ying took a handkerchief and wiped his mouth clean before asking again.   “ Do you feel sick to your stomach? If you feel uncomfortable, I’ll rub it for you. ”   Gu Jinghong pursed his thin lips and shook his head.   “ No, go and eat quickly. ”

  When Su Ying walked to the door with an empty bowl, she couldn’t help but look back at Gu Jinghong again.   The boss had just eaten so voraciously that she thought he had been hungry all morning, but it seemed…

  She couldn’t help but smile. Although the leader had a cold face, he was actually a very warm person.

  When Su Ying ate, the food was indeed a little cold, but it was okay. She finished quickly, tidied up the kitchen, washed the clothes Gu Jinghong had changed, and then went to the cabinet to look for Gu Jinghong’s medical records.

  Good guy, there was a whole pile. She took them all out and found that these cases were very detailed, including every subtle change in his body.   Even the recent bed sores were mentioned in the medical records, but there were a few vigorous words in the previous medical records.

  Consultation with the best expert doctors in the country.   Although it was only a short sentence, it was very powerful. Su Ying looked at those words and felt heroic in her heart. The person who wrote these words must be very powerful and definitely not a simple person.

  Taking a deep breath, she started looking at Gu Jinghong’s initial case and saw the cause of the injury written on it.   (Two bullets penetrated the spine, causing spinal cord nerve rupture)   bullet?

  Su Ying thought of Gu Jinghong’s identity and wondered what he had gone through to cause such irreversible injuries, so serious that he was paralyzed.   She checked the subsequent cases one by one, but when she was halfway through them, it was time to go to work again.

  She closed the medical record, pinched her eyebrows, closed her eyes and rested for a few seconds, stood up and stretched her neck, then went in to see Gu Jinghong.   Seeing that he had his eyes closed, he must have fallen asleep.   Then he walked over quietly, bent down and covered him with the quilt.

  The sleeping Gu Jinghong really looked like a cartoon character, with distinct facial features, thick eyebrows and straight nose, thin and shallow lips, and a fair and smooth face.

  Smooth, this word flashed through Su Ying’s mind, and she couldn’t help but verify it with her hands. Her fingertips gently touched his forehead and slid along his forehead to his nose.

  It’s really smooth and feels great in the hand. Because I was taking wedding photos, I must have shaved myself, so I could only feel the thin stubble on my chin.   “ When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will shave you. Sir, I want you to feel fresh and refreshed. ”

  Su Ying murmured lowly, stood up, opened the door and went out.   It wasn’t until she rode her bicycle out of the yard that Gu Jinghong slowly opened his eyes on the bed.

  His lips were slightly open, as if he had been holding his breath for a long time, and his eyes were moving around trying to see his forehead and nose. Of course, they were all on the same face, and he couldn’t see anything.

  The sound of opening the door sounded again outside. His eyes froze, he quickly closed his eyes and quickly pretended to be asleep.

  He wasn’t pretending to be asleep just now, he was really asleep. He didn’t know why. He didn’t feel sleepy after staring at the ceiling all morning. But when he heard the sound of Su Ying digging things outside, he slowly fell asleep. .

  Just as a soldier’s vigilance, he woke up when Su Ying opened the door, but he didn’t expect that Su Ying would touch him.   “ Lao Gu, how are you doing as a newlywed? Very moisturizing, right? ”

  Hearing the voice of Ye Guanjun, Gu Jinghong opened his eyes suddenly and saw Ye Guanjun walked in with a teapot and a smile.   “ old……”   When he met Gu Jinghong’s cold eyes, his lips trembled and he immediately changed his words.   “

Chief Gu, I’ve finished my work today, so I came to wash your clothes. I also brought you dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage, which are very delicious. ”   He opened the lid, put the teapot under Gu Jinghong’s nose and let him smell it.   “ How is it? Fragrant? ”

  Gu Jinghong glanced at him sideways and said calmly.   “ No need to wash it, Su Ying has already washed it. ”   Champion Ye was stunned and looked at Gu Jinghong.   “ Did your new little wife wash your clothes? What’s worn there…”   “ Also washed. ”

  Champion Ye felt that he was hallucinating. Why did he feel that Chief Gu’s eyes were so proud and arrogant?   He said with a smile.   “ Then this girl made the right choice, so let’s just say that the sky-high price of the gift was not wasted. ”

  He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Gu Jinghong.   “

Chief, look, this is the bride price for your little wife’s family, as well as the things she bought, the watch and the bicycle. She brought them here. The radio and sewing machine are all at her mother’s place. This last item It’s five yuan a month to rent a house for her mother. ”

  Gu Jinghong just glanced quickly and nodded lightly.   “ Can”   Champion Ye put another bankbook under his pillow.   “

You still have more than 700 yuan in your bankbook. It’s all there. Keep it away. How about I help you put it somewhere? Don’t let your new wife look at everything. After all, she has only been here for a day. Let’s see how she gets on with her life from now on, what do you think? ”

  Gu Jinghong pursed his lips slightly and said calmly.   “ No, just put it here. ”   Ye Guanjun was speechless. He felt that the leader’s IQ was declining rapidly. How come he no longer had any sense of defense?   Gu Jinghong didn’t care about the passbook, but asked.   “

Where is the job you arranged for Su Ying? What exactly does it do? ” Chapter 22 Bullying goes too far   Champion Ye was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked.   “ Chief, did Su Ying come back and say she was not satisfied with the work arranged? ”

  Gu Jinghong thought of Su Ying’s expression when she said she was involved in this job, and looked at Ye Guanjun with a slightly serious face.   “ What kind of work have you arranged? ”

  Champion Ye felt that something was wrong with his mood. He thought it was Su Ying who complained to Gu Jinghong and didn’t want to collect money to settle accounts, so he quickly explained.   “

Chief, although the hospital also gives us face, she can’t do that job without foundation, so… Lao Du and I thought about letting her go to the registration place to collect money. Doesn’t she like it? ”

  He asked cautiously and leaned back slightly, as if he was afraid that Gu Jinghong would suddenly go crazy and he could escape in time.   Gu Jinghong frowned. Registering to collect money did not match the information Su Ying revealed.   “ You can go to the hospital and ask if her job has changed. ”

  Champion Ye looked at Chief Gu and wanted to know what would happen if he changed again? It’s nothing more than changing from a paid worker to a small nurse, and that’s all medical-related work.

  But Chief Gu was obviously not in a good mood right now, and he didn’t dare to say more. He just said okay, he would go and ask.   Back in his office, Champion Ye drank a large teacup of water and began to complain.   “

You think I am also a battalion-level political commissar after all, right? Now I become a mother every day. ”   Director Du put down the document in his hand and looked up at him.   “

What are you complaining about? When Chief Gu was coming to Jiangcheng, who was so happy that he jumped three feet high and even went to the train station to pick him up? Now you think you are a mother-in-law? ”   Champion Ye’s face fell, and he sat on the stool and panted.   “

Alas, I’m not complaining, I’m just angry at myself for being such a coward when facing Chief Gu. He asked me about his little wife’s job today and told me to check it out again. I didn’t even dare to ask why. ”   “ puff! ”

  Director Du couldn’t help but smile when he looked at him, and he patted Champion Ye.   “

I said Political Commissar Ye, isn’t this normal? When Gu Jinghong was in Kyoto, even the army commander didn’t dare to talk to him when he met him. Let alone you, we are already very good, and we met the now down-and-out Chief Gu. , his temper has improved a lot, at least he doesn’t kick people anymore, right?

”   Champion Ye glanced at him speechlessly. Gu Jinghong wanted to kick him. Can he kick him now?   “

Oh, forget it, I’d better call and ask again. I guess the little wife went home and complained. She might want to be a doctor, but I’m worried to death. If someone who has never studied medicine becomes a doctor, then Isn’t it harmful to people’s lives? No matter what, I can’t help her do this.

”   As he spoke, he stood up, picked up the phone and called a director of the municipal party committee office.   The director was also confused. He left it to the people below to handle it, but he didn’t expect it to be handled well.

  Su Ying finished cleaning the toilet downstairs in the afternoon and was just about to put away the broom and mop when she saw Yang Tianjiao walking towards her wearing a white coat and high heels.   “ Have you finished cleaning? ”   “ Um”

  Su Ying didn’t want to say anything more to her. She felt that this woman not only liked to show off, but was also a little bit targeted at her, so she didn’t want to talk to her.   But Yang Tianjiao didn’t intend to let her go.

  As soon as Su Ying came out of the bathroom, she scolded her.   “ stop”   Su Ying turned around.   “ What’s wrong? ”   “

Look what this is? How do you clean? Don’t you know that the walls have to be wiped clean? This is a hospital. If it is not wiped clean, it is easy for bacteria to breed. Can you bear the impact on the patients? ”   Seeing that Su Ying didn’t speak, she mocked again.   “

If you can’t even do hygiene well, you really don’t know what else you can do. ”   Seeing Su Ying standing there motionless with a broom, she immediately shouted in a loud voice.   “

Didn’t you hear me talking to you? Come quickly and wipe the walls inside. Do you think it’s enough to just clean the pit? ”   As he spoke, he went to take a look at the pit and found a urine spot nearby, and pointed at it.   “ Wipe this place clean for me too.

”   Su Ying squeezed the broom tightly in her hand, turned around and left, ignoring her at all.   “ Stop right there, didn’t you hear what I said to you? Want to leave without cleaning up? Do you still want this job? ”

  Su Ying’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and she turned back to look at Yang Tianjiao who was catching up.   He threw the broom and mop directly at her.   “

Who are you? Is the toilet your home? Since you care so much about this toilet, go ahead and clean it yourself. I can lend you my tools. I’m used to you. Who gave you the illusion that I will always swallow my anger? ”

  She still had a mopping bucket in her hand, so she walked straight to Yang Tianjiao, smashed the bucket at her.   “ And this, I’ll lend you this too. ”   “ ah! ”

  Yang Tianjiao was stunned by the broom and mop just now. When a bucket of water was poured down on him, he didn’t have time to react. He only felt that his body was extremely cold and he screamed out.

  Her broken voice screamed so loudly that many people who were queuing up for medical treatment looked over, and some doctors hurriedly ran out.

  Seeing Yang Tianjiao standing there like a drowned rat, she was only wearing a white shirt underneath and a white coat outside. At this time, everything was soaked through, and the curves of her body were looming.

  Su Ying stood aside and raised her eyebrows. This woman didn’t even wear underwear. She was really confident in herself.   “ Oh my god, this…her insides are exposed. Who is this? It would be a shame if you don’t leave quickly. ”   Some patients whispered, and some brave men whistled directly at her.   “

Are you still in good shape? ”   The head nurse reacted and hurriedly took off her white coat and put it on her.   “ Doctor Yang, what’s going on? Put it on quickly. ”   Yang Tianjiao grabbed the head nurse’s clothes and stared at Su Ying with resentment in his eyes.   “

Su Ying, you…you dare to splash me? ”

  Su Ying also knew that she might not be able to keep her job today, so she couldn’t bear it anymore. This woman kept asking for trouble again and again, but today she actually wanted to humiliate her. I really thought she had no temper at all in the 1980s. Already?

  She took a few steps toward Yang Tianjiao, and Yang Tianjiao rushed over to tear her apart.   Su Ying quickly picked up the mop on the ground and touched her face.   “ ah! ”

  There was another scream, and Yang Tianjiao took a few steps back and began to retching. While vomiting, he pointed at Su Ying with trembling fingers.   “ Get her, get her, she’s trying to kill me, bitch. ”   Su Ying put the mop on the ground and looked at her while holding the mop.   “

Am I going to harm you? Since I came to work here, who is hurting whom? I would like to ask all the doctors, did you have to clean the cement walls in the toilets before? Can’t the toilet even have a place to pee? Do I have to squat in the toilet and watch whoever has finished using the toilet quickly go in and wipe the urine? ”

Chapter 23 The benevolence of doctors   The head nurse and the doctors who had just arrived looked at each other, and they all looked at Yang Tianjiao.

  Yang Tianjiao was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit out everything in her stomach. The mop that hit her face just now was for the toilet. The key point was that she was scolding Su Ying with her mouth open, and the thing came in when it hit her. In the mouth.

  Seeing the head nurse and others looking at her, she quickly raised her head and explained.   “

I just asked her to clean up a little. After all, she was new here. I was afraid that she wouldn’t know how to clean up. Who knew she had such a bad temper that she would hit me directly. ”   Su Ying rested her elbows on the mop and looked at her coldly.   “

Yang Tianjiao, is that what you just said? How about we restore it for everyone and let everyone comment on it? ”   “ okay”   A roar interrupted Su Ying.   Director Zhao walked up to Su Ying on high heels. She looked at Su Ying for a few times and said in a deep voice.   “

Now that you accept this job, do it well. What kind of place do you think a hospital is? Is this where you are so brave and fierce? Or the fields in the countryside? Just do it when you say do it? how? Look like you’re awesome? Or does it appear that you are unqualified and uneducated? ”

  When Yang Tianjiao heard these words, he felt very happy. He got up and dragged Director Zhao to complain as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.   “

Director, such an uneducated person is not qualified to work in our hospital at all. She is not even qualified to clean the toilet. I think she should be fired directly. ”   The head nurse and several other doctors greeted Director Zhao. They glanced at Su Ying and felt helpless.

  It seems that this girl just came today, but she offended Yang Tianjiao. Who didn’t know that she was Director Zhao’s person? She might really lose her job.   Director Zhao wrinkled his nose and pushed Yang Tianjiao away. Especially when he saw the water stains on her face, he felt disgusted.

  She looked at Su Ying and said.   “ You don’t need to come tomorrow. You’ll go through the resignation procedures later. ”   Su Ying asked.   “

What’s the reason? If you ask me to resign, will I resign? I came in through formal procedures, and I still don’t know who the director is. Do you have this right? ”   Zhao Dongmei’s face turned cold. Before she could speak, Yang Tianjiao had already taken the lead for her.   “

This is Director Zhao from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. You are a handyman. Do you think the director has the right to tell you to leave? ”

  Su Ying raised her eyebrows. She turned out to be the director of the department. She had just discovered that there was something fishy between the two of them, especially Yang Tianjiao who had become inexplicably more confident after seeing her.

  She suspected that being targeted might have something to do with this woman, but she didn’t know why. She didn’t know Director Zhao at all, so why was she targeting her?   But her airs don’t quite match her position.   “

Oh, it turns out to be Director Zhao. Since you want to fire me, then please ask the hospital to issue a written document and follow the normal procedures. Do you have anything to do now? If not, I have to get off work, and there are still people at home waiting for me to come home.

”   After Su Ying finished speaking, she was about to leave. Yang Tianjiao was furious, grabbed Director Zhao and shouted.   “ She was too arrogant. She didn’t take the director seriously at all and couldn’t just let her go. ”   Director Zhao glanced at her with disgust and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  She found that this Su Ying didn’t seem like an ordinary country girl. She was arrogant, didn’t suffer any disadvantages, and seemed to know a lot. She didn’t look like a little girl who didn’t understand anything at all.   “ Director Zhao…”

  A nurse hurried over, followed by a man wearing a two-strand vest. The man was holding a woman covered in blood in his arms. As he walked over, the blood dripped all over the floor.   “ I gave birth to a baby at home and suffered heavy bleeding. ”

  The nurse was very anxious, but Director Zhao gave Su Ying a cold look before going to check on the woman who had just given birth.   “ Postpartum hemorrhage, shock has already occurred, and it is estimated that she will not survive. She should be carried to the operating room and resuscitated first. ”

  The head nurse immediately organized people to push the patient into the operating room, while Director Zhao took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hands.   Seeing Su Ying staring at her, she raised her head and looked at Su Ying, saying coldly.   “

It just takes a little time to follow the normal procedures. You can stay here for a few more days to clean. ”   Su Ying ignored her. She looked at the blood on the ground, and the scene of a man holding a woman and walking past her flashed in her mind.

  According to the woman’s current amount of bleeding, she would really die if she didn’t receive a blood transfusion.   She quickly caught up with Director Zhao and said quickly.   “ Let the nurse check her blood type now, transfuse her first and then perform surgery to stop the bleeding. ”

  Director Zhao glanced at her disdainfully and emphasized.   “ I am the doctor and you are responsible for cleaning the toilet. ”   Seeing her walking away in a hurry, Su Ying was a little anxious. She didn’t want to argue with her at the moment. She grabbed a female nurse and said urgently.   “

The woman who went in just now, quickly test her blood type and prepare blood first. Judging from the amount of bleeding she has now, she will die if she doesn’t get a blood transfusion. ”   The nurse shook her head at Su Ying in embarrassment.   “

I can’t make the decision on this. The director will perform the surgery on her personally. We have to follow the director’s instructions. ”   Su Ying was anxious to death. If she told her, the mother might die.

  But she can’t do anything now, but she thinks that it is a human life, and she has just given birth to a child, and she still has a child.   The doctor was kind-hearted, so Su Ying could only run quickly to find the head nurse just now.

  The head nurse also got dressed and was about to enter the operating room when Su Ying stopped her and said quickly.   “

Let’s test her blood type first. According to her face and symptoms just now, in addition to heavy bleeding, there may be incomplete removal of the placenta. We need to check the placenta and check the surrounding blood vessels first. To do this, the mother has time. She must be given first blood transfusion. ”

  The head nurse looked at Su Ying blankly.   “ You, what did you say? ”   “ I said check the blood type first, blood type…”   The head nurse reacted, but looked at Su Ying with doubt.   “

Aren’t you a cleaner? Director Zhao is here to take care of the treatment, so you don’t have to worry about it. ”   Su Ying was helpless.   “

I don’t want to care about it, but my professionalism prevents me from watching patients being delayed in treatment. Anyway, I told you, it’s up to you whether you want to do it or not. Finally, I still want to say something to the head nurse. , since we are engaged in medical work, it shows that everyone has the spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded. It is a life, and being more prepared and serious may save her life.

”   The head nurse turned around and looked at Su Ying’s back. She was very slender and tall, holding a mop, which was a bit inconsistent.   She pondered for a while, then waved for a nurse.   “ Check the blood type of the mother inside and let the blood bank prepare it. ”

  After she entered, she saw that Director Zhao had already begun to operate. She quickly walked over and whispered.   “ Director, I think we should check her uterus again, in case there is still placenta remaining, this operation will be dangerous. ” Chapter 24 You manage the money at home

  Director Zhao turned to look at her.   The head nurse quickly explained.   “ The family members are still outside, and they all know that you performed the surgery yourself. We should check again. If we can save this mother’s life, their family will definitely be very grateful to you. ”   Director Zhao looked very unhappy.

  “ I’ve checked it and you’re questioning me? ”   The head nurse was a little shaken. She had already checked everything, so there was no need to check again.

  But Su Ying’s anxious and solemn look flashed through her mind, and she was a little worried. She couldn’t help but go to see the mother. Her face was pale at this time, and the data on the instrument was also very unstable.   “

Director, life is at stake, please check again. When this pregnant woman was brought here today, it attracted a lot of people’s attention. If you can save her, your medical skills will definitely be known to more people. ”   Director Zhao paused slightly, seeming to be thinking.

She doesn’t care about anyone’s life, but she cares about her grades. If she has grades, she can climb up. Her ambition is not just to be a department director.   “ Okay, so check again. ”   Su Ying dragged her heavy steps home and sat alone in the living room, feeling a little melancholy.

  Why did all the bad things happen to her? She finally got a job, but she couldn’t hold it back today. Those people were too much. She had never encountered such blatant targeting when she entered the workplace before, so today I couldn’t control myself.

  But the consequence is that the job that was finally obtained may be lost.   She couldn’t help but look towards Gu Jinghong’s room.   He should have a very high status. If you ask him for help…   Su Ying quickly shook her head again, let’s forget it.

  She had witnessed with her own eyes the guard’s abuse of Gu Jinghong that day. Even if he still had an identity, he probably would have no practical use. If even a guard didn’t take him seriously, how could others respect him.

  Su Ying felt that Gu Jinghong was such a pitiful little boy, and she had better not let him go through the warmth and ups and downs of human relationships.   “ came back? ”   Gu Jinghong’s deep voice came from the room.   Su Ying quickly responded.   “

Well, we’re back, do you want to pee? I’ll come right away. ”   Su Ying quickly went to the bathroom to get the clean pants, which she had already dried, and brought a basin of water into Gu Jinghong’s room.

  After tidying up for Gu Jinghong and changing the mattress, she breathed out a long breath unconsciously.   “ are you tired? ”   Su Ying raised her head and met Gu Jinghong’s sharp eyes, and she couldn’t help but smile.   “

On the first day, I was a little uncomfortable, but I’ll get used to it slowly. ”   Gu Jinghong’s eyes moved slightly, but he did not continue the topic, but said.   “

Don’t cook at night. Take your meal card to the canteen and come back to eat. There will be porridge and the meat you like. ”   Su Ying raised her eyes to look at him.   “ My favorite meat? ”   Gu Jinghong raised his eyebrows.   “ Don’t you like eating meat? ”

  Su Ying blinked, okay, she likes it. People in this era have no fat in their stomachs. Everyone is greedy for meat.   “ You can eat and drink whatever you want, no need to save money for me. ”

  Su Ying was just about to say what the boss said about the boss, when she heard Gu Jinghong say again.   “ There is a bankbook under the pillow. You should also keep it. If you need money later, just go and get it. ”

  Su Ying opened her mouth slightly and pointed at herself in shock.   “ Passbook? Give it to me…to keep? ”   Gu Jinghong looked at her with a faint smile in his eyes.   “

We have already received the certificate, but we don’t want to take care of the money? Or don’t you consider yourself my wife? ”

  Su Ying was a little speechless, even a little guilty. She really didn’t regard herself as his wife. Although Gu Jinghong was good-looking, with his current appearance, even if she really had any feelings for him, it would be impure. , now it is at most a doctor-patient relationship.

  She took out a red passbook from under the pillow, opened it and looked at it.   I found that there was still a balance of 763 yuan, so I checked forward again. The monthly income was about 300 yuan, sometimes more than 400 yuan, and I never spent much.

  Turning to the last page, there was actually a long list of expenses, one thousand yuan, three hundred, three hundred…   These should be the money spent on marrying her.   She looked at Gu Jinghong with some confusion.   “ Well, I paid the bride price before because…”   “ Nothing, as it should be. ”

  Gu Jinghong’s words were reassuring and made Su Ying’s favorable impression of him rise again.   This man looks cold and melancholy, but he is a very caring person.

  Su Ying may not be very kind, but she has a heart-for-heart personality. She will definitely treat others how others treat her. If Gu Jinghong treats her well, she will naturally do her best to take care of him.   “

There isn’t much money left in it, but your monthly salary will come in from now on. If you need to add something to your family, you can take it from here. ”   Su Ying pursed her lips, thought for a while, and nodded.   “ Okay, I’ll keep it then. ”

  It was already dark after Su Ying washed the dirty clothes that Gu Jinghong had changed. Gu Jinghong urged her to go to the cafeteria to get food. If she went late, she might not have any food.

  At Su Ying’s house, there were still bowls and basins that the two sisters-in-law had left when they delivered things yesterday, so she took them together and prepared to return them to others.   But I also feel that I should bring something to others as a courtesy.

  I rummaged through the kitchen and found that there was nothing at home, but I saw a few barrels of malted milk and milk powder in a cabinet, but these things should be for Gu Jinghong to drink.

  Su Ying felt that it was not good to give it away, so she opened the bottom cabinet and found that there were fruits, so she ran in and asked Gu Jinghong.   “ When did you buy those fruits? I see there are quite a few left. Can I get some for others? ”

  Gu Jinghong looked calm, as if he didn’t care about this kind of thing at all, he just reminded Su Ying.   “

This is your home. You can do whatever you want with the things at home. Those fruits should have been sent by people from the municipal party committee a few days ago. They have been there for several days and will spoil if you don’t eat them. You can just take them. ”

  Su Ying smiled at him.   “ Okay, I understand, then I will take some and leave some for you to eat. ”

  Oranges in September were still very new fruits, and Su Ying was reluctant to take them. Kiwis had high nutritional value, so they also left them for Gu Jinghong. Her family got a bunch of grapes and three pears. Fruits are very rare in this era, so they should be fine. .

  I took off a satchel from the wall, put the fruits and bowls in it, and picked up two aluminum lunch boxes.   “ Then I’m out. ”   Su Ying didn’t know which courtyard the two sisters-in-law lived in, but she thought it would be enough to ask around.

  There are not many people living in the military area family home, so everyone should know each other.   There was a sister-in-law from the Wu family that day. Su Ying grabbed a person who was also holding a lunch box and asked her.   The man looked Su Ying up and down, then smiled very enthusiastically.

  “ Are you… the little daughter-in-law of Chief Gu’s family? Oops, I heard from my wife when I came back early in the morning that Chief Gu married his wife. I didn’t expect that she was such a beautiful and young girl. She was very nice and took good care of the chief. ”

Chapter 25 Chief Gu’s little daughter-in-law   Su Ying could only respond awkwardly, thinking that you should tell me where Sister-in-law Wu’s home is.   The man talked for a long time and finally got to the point. He turned back and pointed to a yard in front of him.   “

There is the house with the fenced vegetable garden. I am probably cooking at the moment. Look, there is still smoke coming from the chimney. Go quickly. My house lives next to her house. If you are bored, go to my house and talk to my wife. , my wife is from the Northeast and is very generous.

”   Su Ying couldn’t help laughing.   “ Brother, you are actually very generous. ”   After thanking the person, Su Ying looked at the chimney of Sister-in-law Wu’s house and wondered if it was wrong for her to go over there now. She didn’t feel good about meeting someone for dinner.

  But she didn’t know the other sister-in-law either. She had to go to Sister-in-law Wu’s house first before she found the other one.   After thinking about it, she went to the cafeteria first.

  This was her first time in the cafeteria. Of course, she had only been married for a few days, but there were so many people in the cafeteria. At a glance, they were all in green military uniforms. They were all tall and tall, walking with wind.

  Su Ying stood at the door and looked at the energetic soldiers. She felt much better and her whole body was full of energy.   But when she walked towards the window, she saw someone she knew, Li Weimin.

  There were not many women here. Su Ying was wearing a white sweater and black trousers. She was young and beautiful. She attracted a lot of attention just standing there.   After waiting in line for a long time, Su Ying felt uncomfortable, and finally it was her turn.

  She stood by the window and said to the fat chef who was cooking inside.   “ I want one meat dish, two vegetables, two steamed buns, and one rice. ”   Her voice was crisp and clear, with the unique clearness of a girl.

  This time more people looked back at her. A slightly fat woman patted the young soldier standing in front of her.   “ Stupid? Don’t want to eat anymore? Teacher Lin has never seen you like this before when he came to dinner. ”

  Speaking of Teacher Lin, many people are talking about it. They are trying to catch up with others but have not caught up. Teacher Lin is a primary school teacher and lives with his uncle in the family home. He is beautiful and educated. Many young soldiers like him. She, but she has a very high vision and looks down on ordinary people. This does not stop people from being courteous to her. She has always been a popular figure in this courtyard.

  The soldier scratched his head in embarrassment, but couldn’t help but glance at Su Ying.

  She had a curvy front and back, and her slender waist was outlined in a sweater. She was long and white. In the eyes of people like them who were exposed to the wind and sun all day long, Su Ying simply glowed white.   “

This girl looks so thin, but I didn’t expect that she can eat quite well. ”   “

What can be eaten? Maybe they are bringing food to the family, and the whole family is eating, but I don’t know whose family it is from, and whose family has such a beautiful daughter? Why don’t I have any impression? ”   There were women discussing and they all stared at Su Ying.

  The fat woman took out a handful of melon seeds from her pocket and ate them while lining up.   “ This must be the new daughter-in-law of Chief Gu’s family. I looked at her when she came yesterday. She came by car. Judging from her figure, it must be her. ”

  After the fat woman finished speaking, someone immediately started teasing her.   “ Sister-in-law Yan, you remember your figure very clearly. ”   The fat woman spat on the melon seed peel.   “

Go, besides Teacher Lin, there are not many young girls in our courtyard, but this girl looks really too young. How many years is the difference between her and Chief Gu? ”

  When the others heard this, they seemed to be very excited, and those who were familiar with her came directly to Su Ying’s side.   “ Hey, are you from Chief Gu’s family? ”   Su Ying took the aluminum lunch box from the chef’s hand, closed the lid, and nodded lightly.   “ Um”   “

Oh, it’s true. ”   The woman turned around and said something to the others, then looked at Su Ying.   “ So how old are you? You don’t look like you’re twenty yet? Is Chief Gu almost thirty this year? ”

  Su Ying was not happy with this woman, so she quickly put her lunch box into the basket and said.   “ My little Gu is so young and good-looking. What’s the problem with being young? ”   After she finished speaking, she picked up her basket and left.

  Others were laughing behind them, especially the woman just now, who was laughing very wildly and was discussing with others.   “

Chief Gu is slumped on the bed. How can he be unshaven? She can still be young, I think she may be much older than her actual age. This girl can tell lies even if she keeps her eyes open and still cares. ”

  After the woman finished speaking with a smile, she saw several people staring at her angrily.   She seemed to have just reacted and said sarcastically.   “ I’m not telling the truth. ”   Then he stood back in line dejectedly.   When Su Ying walked to Li Weimin, Li Weimin suddenly said.   “

Now you know how troublesome it is to take care of him, right? I want to see how dedicated you can be and how long you can persist. ”   Su Ying paused and turned to look at him.   “

Trouble? He is not a trouble to me. Also, I still want to give you a piece of advice. Don’t be too snobbish. Maybe one day the person you have offended will get back up, and you may be in trouble. ”   Su Ying left with the basket in her arms.

  Li Weimin held his chopsticks tightly, stuffed a piece of potato into his mouth, and chewed hard.   “ fall? Don’t even see if he can stand up again. ”

  The young soldiers who had been staring at Su Ying all looked melancholy at this time. They felt they had lost their appetite in front of the delicious food. Such a beautiful girl was actually married, and she was also the paralyzed leader.

  They all felt sorry for, envied, and sympathized with Su Ying. Although Gu Jinghong was the leader and had status, he could only lie in bed. They really didn’t know how Su Ying would live her life, and Su Ying was a widow after she was married.

  Gu Jinghong was a little confused when he saw that Su Ying had brought back the fruits and bowls.   “ Not found? ”   Su Ying moved a small stool to the bedroom and placed the two lunch boxes on the big stool. She sat on the small stool and fed Gu Jinghong a bowl.   “

I found it, but it was dinner time and there was smoke coming from the chimney of Sister-in-law Wu’s house, so I didn’t go in. ”

  Su Ying broke off half of the steamed bun and tasted it first. She thought it was pretty good, so she broke it into small pieces and fed it to Gu Jinghong.   “ Then let them pick it up themselves. They should pick it up in a few days. ”

  Su Ying nodded, picked up a piece of egg and fed it to Gu Jinghong’s mouth.   “ I’ll tear some chicken for you later. The chef uncle gave me two chicken drumsticks. ”   Gu Jinghong swallowed the egg in his mouth, looked at Su Ying and said.   “ You eat too. ”

  Su Ying nodded and put a piece of steamed bun in her mouth. It was sweet, soft and actually quite delicious.   She used to be from the south, so she ate more rice and didn’t want steamed buns. Now she feels really fragrant when eating them, and the noodles are also delicious.

  She tore off a piece of chicken leg meat, broke off some more and fed it to Gu Jinghong, but Gu Jinghong didn’t open his mouth and just looked at her.

  Su Ying had no choice but to put it into her mouth first and feed the rest to him. Gu Jinghong opened his mouth to eat this time. Chapter 26 Getting Familiar

  The two of them had a very warm meal. They chatted about everyday things while eating like a normal couple. Gu Jinghong didn’t talk much. Su Ying said most of the talking, but he would respond.

  In fact, Su Ying didn’t know that talking like this was not allowed at the dinner table in his family. He didn’t talk during meals or sleep. The rules in his family were very strict, and all his brothers and sisters grew up under this kind of education.

  But he likes to listen to Su Ying talk. Su Ying usually has to go to work, and it seems that she doesn’t have time to talk to him so much except for eating.   “ What exactly does your job do? ”   Gu Jinghong asked suddenly.

  Su Ying’s hand holding the spoon paused and smiled at Gu Jinghong.   “ I work in the logistics department of the hospital, doing odd jobs. ”   Gu Jinghong frowned.   “ The job assigned to you by Champion Ye is to do odd jobs in the logistics department? ”

  Su Ying fed him a spoonful of rice.   “

It should be the arrangement of the hospital. It’s okay. If I can’t persist, I won’t work. I was in urgent need of a job before because I was afraid that my mother and I wouldn’t be able to survive in Jiangcheng, but now I’m supported by you, right? , and my mother also has some money, I can slowly find a job, or find ways to make money on my own, without returning to the previous predicament.

”   Su Ying picked up the cup, put the straw in Gu Jinghong’s mouth, and fed him a few more sips of warm water.   “

You don’t have to worry about my affairs. I want to tell you about your illness. I have read your case. You suffered a rupture of spinal nerves due to a bullet penetrating the spine. Theoretically, the current medical level is really impossible. Treatment, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be tried, it’s just that… it may be risky. I don’t have a specific plan yet. I’ll think about it again and check some medical books.

”   Gu Jinghong listened to her carefully and suddenly felt that she seemed really professional.   “ Where did you learn this? ”   Even the medical professors in the capital didn’t know much about this disease. Su Ying, a country girl, actually knew so much.   Su Ying smiled coquettishly.   “

Haha, I just read about it in some medical books and heard a little bit about it from my master. ”   “ Your master? That barefoot doctor? ”

  Su Ying could only nod her head. It would be a bit of a lie to say that the barefoot doctor knew about this disease. With such medical skills, he would have worked in a big hospital long ago.   “

My master traveled to our village. I am lucky, so lucky. Well, let me peel a pear for you to eat. Fruit is good for your health after eating. ”   After she finished speaking, she stood up and left in a hurry, not even having time to finish the half-eaten chicken leg.

  Gu Jinghong has never seen anyone in so many years. How could he not see this little girl Su Ying’s tricks? He just smiled helplessly and did not expose it.   Su Ying felt annoyed while peeling the pear. She should have thought of a good reason, so now it was full of loopholes.

  Forget it, anyway, if Gu Jinghong asked, just refuse to admit it, could he still jump up and hit her?   At night, I wiped Gu Jinghong’s body as usual, but he still had his eyes closed, as stiff as if he couldn’t move his head.

  Su Ying took special care of her thighs and butt, because these two areas were most prone to ulcers. Finally, she used some talcum powder, and after cleaning them, she let out a long breath.

  When he looked up, he found that Chief Gu was frowning, his eyes were closed, and his ears and face were red.   She didn’t think it was anything at first, but when she saw his expression, she felt her face get a little hot for no reason.   “

Well, you go to bed early. I’ve laid out the changing mat for you and I’ll wash it tomorrow. ”   After saying that, he lowered his head to tuck him in. Gu Jinghong breathed heavily, and his warm breath sprayed on his face. Su Ying’s heart beat a few times uncontrollably.

  When she came out with the basin, she took a long breath.   I secretly cursed myself for being a beast. It was crazy that I could feel this way about a paralyzed person. No matter how good-looking he was, I couldn’t be deceived because he was paralyzed.

  After going to the bathroom and taking a shower, she felt a little better. She couldn’t help but go to Gu Jinghong’s room to take a look at him before going to bed.

  He was already asleep, well covered by the quilt. Su Ying put her hand in, and Gu Jinghong’s face tensed up for a moment.   “ This quilt is a bit thick. I’m going to see if there is anything thinner that I can’t cover. ”   Su Ying muttered something to herself and went out.

  Gu Jinghong opened his eyes, and the alluring fragrance of Su Ying was everywhere in the room. He had never thought that the scent of soap smelled so good before, and he couldn’t help but take two deep breaths.   Hearing the footsteps, he quickly closed his eyes.   Su Ying came in quietly holding a quilt.

  He took the heavy quilt off Gu Jinghong’s body, covered him with a relatively thin quilt, and finally went out with the thick quilt in his arms.   “ I’ll wash it tomorrow and dry it first. ”   Su Ying muttered to herself, put the quilt on a chair, and returned to her bedroom.

  She slept quite well, but she felt uncomfortable in her stomach in the middle of the night and kept wanting to retching, but after using a pillow to prop her up for a while, she got over it, and she fell asleep covered in sweat.

  Gu Jinghong couldn’t sleep that night. When Su Ying went to change his changing pad in the morning, she saw the heavy dark circles under his eyes.   “ Were you feeling unwell last night? What’s wrong with you? Why do you look so haggard? ”

  With such an angular face, the dark circles under the eyes make the whole person look haggard, especially today, the stubble has grown longer, and it looks very vicissitudes of life.   “ After brushing your teeth in a while, I’ll shave you. ”   “ No, wait…Ye Guanjun and the others will come and shave. ”

  Su Ying looked back at Gu Jinghong.   Chief Gu turned his head away in a nonchalant manner, not looking at her.   “ You can’t always rely on others, right? Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, and it’s not like I haven’t shaved anyone before. ”   Gu Jinghong turned his head sharply.   “

What did you say? ”   Su Ying took the dirty changing mats and went out, leaving only Chief Gu with a frosty face, staring at the door.   Su Ying gargled his mouth very carefully. After rinsing, she applied soap and shaved him first, mumbling to herself while doing it.   “

After shaving, I will wash your face and hair properly. It will make you feel refreshed and comfortable. ”   Gu Jinghong had a cold face and said nothing.

  Su Ying was only focused on her own movements and didn’t notice that Chief Gu was talking less than usual today. She was mainly afraid of actually giving him a scratch on his face.

  She had shaved patients before when she was a nurse, but she always used electric razors, which would not hurt people. With manual razors, you still have to be careful. With such a handsome face, if you have A scar, what a pity.   “

You must not move, I will be very careful, I will do it gently. ”   Hearing her coaxing tone, Gu Jinghong’s face turned even darker.   “ Is this how you coaxed that person when you shaved him? ” Chapter 27 Are you going to fire Su Ying?

  Su Ying was stunned for a moment and looked down at Gu Jinghong.   “ What did you say? ”   Gu Jinghong said annoyed.   “ Nothing, you continue. ”   Su Ying pursed her lips and couldn’t help but smile.

  He held Gu Jinghong’s neck with his hand, and scraped it very carefully with his other hand. It felt good. The hand was not very stable, but it would not hurt Gu Jinghong.

  Although she used to hold a scalpel, this body is not hers now, and she does not have that kind of body’s instinctive reaction. If she wants to be a doctor again, she still needs to practice hard.

  Gu Jinghong raised his face slightly. The senses on his neck were particularly sensitive. He felt that Su Ying’s hand was too hot, and the heat continued to enter his body from his neck.   “ This quilt is a bit hot too. Do you have any thinner quilts at home? ”

  Su Ying was seriously fighting against his stubble when she heard his sudden words but didn’t hear them clearly.   “ what did you just say? Wait for a while, wait until the scraping is finished before speaking, or I will hurt you. ”

  Su Ying moved her finger up, and this time she pressed it directly on his lips. The soft touch made Gu Jinghong’s breath hitch, and then he started to protest.   “ Don’t talk, wait until you finish shaving. ”

  Being stopped by Su Ying, Chief Gu was very depressed. He glanced at Su Ying with cool eyes, but he saw that the girl had a serious face and a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.   His eyes moved slightly, stopped moving, and cooperated a lot.

  It took almost ten minutes for Su Ying to finish shaving the last bit of beard, and then she took a long breath.   “ It was such a tiring job, but it was finally finished. ”   She wiped Gu Jinghong clean with a towel and looked at it carefully.   “

The leader of my family is handsome, and after washing his face, he becomes a fresh and refreshing young man. ”   Gu Jinghong’s eyebrows relaxed, and a subtle smile flashed in his eyes. But it quickly subsided.   “ What time do you go to work? ”

  Su Ying looked at the clock on the wall. It was now seven forty-five. It would be the same for washing Gu Jinghong’s face and feeding him. Even if she was late, she would be late for more than ten minutes.

  She probably couldn’t keep her job anyway, so Su Ying didn’t care about these ten minutes.   “ It’s okay. Let’s wash our faces first. I’ve cooked the porridge. It should be ready soon. It’s just enough to eat after washing our faces. ”

  Li Weimin should have used a towel to wash Gu Jinghong’s face before, because now his face would turn red and his skin was a little sensitive.

  So Su Ying washed his face directly with water this time. She first wrapped Gu Jinghong from the neck down with a towel, then tried her best to turn him over so that he lay on his stomach, and then washed his face and hair.

  It took a lot of effort. For Su Ying, a little girl who only weighed 90 pounds, it was not easy to move Gu Jinghong. It took half an hour to wash her face.   I gave him breakfast again, and it was already past eight-thirty when we arrived at the hospital.

  But no one cared about her as a toilet cleaner. Yang Tianjiao was frightened by her mop attack yesterday and didn’t come to cause trouble today.   Su Ying continued to work with a broom and mop when she didn’t receive a notice asking her to go through the resignation procedures.

  Just after dragging down the fourth floor, I heard two nurses talking.   “ Director Zhao is so awesome. Didn’t you see how hard the family member cried? They bought a lot of things for the director. I thanked her for saving the mother. I heard that she even made a banner for the director. ”

  Su Ying stopped and listened for a while.   The mother, probably the one from yesterday, survived.   But Director Zhao’s medical ethics really gave her an advantage.   She shook her head and continued to do her work. After finishing her work, she took the mop and went to the hospital library.

  Because she was wearing cleaning clothes, no one stopped her. Su Ying walked past the bookshelves one by one. When she saw books on neurological issues, she stopped to check them out.

  The collection of books from this era may not be as large as modern ones, but there may also be some old books or records about these difficult and complicated diseases.

  But Su Ying was a little disappointed. There were not many books on neurological issues here. It seemed that she had to go to the authoritative Medical University Affiliated Hospital to find them. There should also be professional professors studying this disease.

  At this time, in the conference room on the fifth floor, the hospital’s seminar was coming to an end. When the meeting was about to end, Director Zhao stood up.   “ Dean, I have one more thing to say. ”   Dean Li Gang looked at her.   “

Director Zhao, I have heard about the incident where you brought a pregnant woman back from hell yesterday. Will her family members send you a banner today? Well done. As doctors, we must have this spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded. Everyone must learn from Director Zhao. ”

  The chief physicians of other departments all applauded.   Director Zhao enjoys the feeling of being noticed, especially this incident has brought her a good reputation, which will add some help to her future competition for deputy dean.   “

Thank you, Dean, but you also said that saving lives and healing the wounded is what we should do, so you don’t need to praise me specifically. ”   Seeing everyone laughing, she immediately became serious again.   “

Everyone, what I want to say is about a new cleaning lady in our hospital. She just joined our hospital for two days and beat Yang Tianjiao yesterday. As a result, Yang Tianjiao did not come to work today. She is probably still at home. It makes me vomit, so I suggest that this kind of person should be fired.

”   Some people here were confused, while others whispered to the people next to them about yesterday’s events.   “ Isn’t Yang Tianjiao in charge of personnel affairs? Why don’t you even manage the toilet? ”   A doctor said directly.

  Everyone couldn’t help but look at Director Zhao again. Yang Tianjiao was her person. Now that she brought this matter to the meeting, everyone speculated that the cleaning lady must have offended her.   The dean also frowned and waved his hand.   “

This matter is a matter for the logistics department. Just let them investigate. If she is really not suitable to stay in our hospital, then ask her to leave. ”   After saying that, he stood up and prepared to end the meeting, but before leaving, he turned back and asked Director Zhao.   “

What’s the name of the cleaner you mentioned? How many people were hired yesterday? Is there anyone named…”   “ Called Su Ying”

  Director Zhao was in a very good mood when she heard that the dean did not intend to take care of this matter. The logistics department would solve it, so she invited their director to have a meal and the matter was settled.

  I was thinking about going to the director of the logistics department after the meeting was over.   But the dean suddenly stopped and looked at her steadily.   “ What did you call it? ”   People from other departments who stood up to leave also stopped, looked at the dean, and then at Director Zhao.

  Director Zhao was a little confused and his voice was not as loud as before.   “ My name is…Su Ying”   The dean’s eyes narrowed, he put his hands on the table and asked again.   “ How many newcomers came to report yesterday? ”

  Director Zhao is a good person. When she noticed that the dean’s expression was not right, her mind began to spin rapidly.   “ I don’t know this either. I’ll have to ask before I know. Dean, what’s wrong? ” Chapter 28 So that’s how it is   Dean Li shook his head.   “

It’s nothing. Let me first ask how many newcomers came yesterday and tell me if they find out. ”   After saying that, he opened the door of the conference room and left.   All the department directors and doctors looked at each other in confusion.

  When did the dean start paying attention to the newcomers, and he seemed to be a cleaning lady.   Someone approached Director Zhao and asked in a low voice.   “ Are there any relatives of the dean among the newcomers this time? ”

  Director Zhao frowned. She was still confused at this time, and she was in a very bad mood. Are they relatives of the dean? How can this be?   But thinking that Su Ying, a young girl with no academic qualifications and no medical qualification certificate, could enter their hospital, she felt a little uneasy.

  No matter how you look at it, these conditions seem to be related.   After coming out of the conference room, she went straight to the personnel office. Yang Tianjiao didn’t come to work today, and someone took her place. When she saw Zhao Dongmei, she quickly stood up and put on a smile.   “

Why is Director Zhao here? Is something wrong? ”   Zhao Dongmei is a candidate for deputy dean, and after yesterday’s incident with the pregnant woman, she is now famous. The deputy dean has almost stopped running, and there are many people who want to curry favor with her.

  Zhao Dongmei sat down on the chair and said without taking the water handed to her.   “ It’s nothing. I just wanted to ask about the new people who came to our hospital yesterday and what positions they were assigned to. ”   “ I’ll check it out for you right away. ”

  After checking, he raised his head and said to Zhao Dongmei.   “ Director Zhao, only a new person came yesterday, named Su Ying, and was assigned to the logistics department. ”

  The man observed Zhao Dongmei’s expression as he spoke, and found that her expression changed greatly and seemed to be very anxious, so he asked carefully.   “ Director Zhao, is there anything wrong with Su Ying? ”   Zhao Dongmei stood up and smiled reluctantly at her.   “

It’s nothing, I just heard Tianjiao say it and asked casually, I’ll leave first, you can do your work. ”   After leaving the human resources department, the smile on Zhao Dongmei’s face had completely disappeared, replaced by worry and concern.

  She quickly returned to her office, took off her white coat, and gave instructions to the other doctors in the department.   “ I want to go out for a while, please support me. ”

  It means that if the dean or hospital leaders come, help her smooth it over. After all, it is working time now.   Zhao Dongmei rode her bicycle straight to Linxin Textile Factory. The old concierge didn’t recognize her, but he saw her extraordinary temperament and was very polite.   “

I’m looking for Zhao Yumei. Is she at work now? ”   The old man smiled. Peking opera was playing on the radio. Seeing that Zhao Dongmei looked unhappy, he deliberately turned down the sound.   “ OK, I’ll call it for you. ”

  Soon Zhao Yumei, wearing a white hat and overalls, came out and was surprised when she saw Zhao Dongmei.   “ Sister, why do you come to me now? In the evening, wait until I get off work and go home directly. I’ll stew the ribs for you to eat. ”

  Zhao Dongmei was anxious now, wondering what kind of ribs she wanted to eat.   She pulled Zhao Yumei and walked aside.   “

Yumei, let me ask you, what happened to that Su Ying? Who is she? You said before that you wanted me to find a way to make it impossible for her to work in the hospital. Why? What’s the problem between you and her? ”

  Zhao Dongmei regretted it now. She didn’t ask anything before, but Zhao Yumei asked her to drive Su Ying out of the hospital, so she agreed with her chest. Now it seems that this matter is not simple.   Zhao Yumei asked doubtfully.   “

What’s wrong? She is Su Jianshe’s daughter, and she followed her mother to find Su Jianshe. So tell me, can I let them destroy my family? So I just want her to go back to the country. ”   Zhao Dongmei frowned.   “

Su Jianshe’s daughter? From the countryside? So how did she end up in the hospital? Is Su Jianshe looking for a relationship? ”   Zhao Yumei curled her lips, loosened her arm holding Zhao Dongmei, and subconsciously turned her head to the side.   Zhao Dongmei grabbed her arm.   “

Yumei, tell me clearly, what is going on? Do you know that I may have offended the dean because of her? ”   When Zhao Yumei heard this, her expression changed, and she was also very upset at the same time.   “

Oops, I didn’t expect this either. There was something wrong with the supply of goods in the factory, and dad said the army was looking for wives for veterans. ”   Zhao Dongmei’s eyes widened in disbelief.   “ You…you won’t marry her to someone in the army, will you? ”   Zhao Yumei nodded.   “

Yes, now our factory’s supply problem has been solved, and because of the relationship there, Su Jianshe’s position is much more secure. ”   “ Then you still want me to target her? “Zhao Dongmei was a little anxious and shouted directly at Zhao Yumei.   Zhao Yumei’s face was filled with resentment.   “

I just want to drive her back to the countryside. Isn’t it an eyesore for her to stay here with her mother? I’m not feeling well. Sister, please help me. You must find a way to drive her away. It’s best to take her disabled husband with you and leave only your connections to us.

”   Zhao Dongmei frowned, thinking about the dean’s previous attitude, and felt very irritated. This matter would probably not be handled easily.   “ So she was admitted to our hospital because someone in the army spoke for her? ”   Zhao Yumei squinted her eyes, very dissatisfied.   “

That should be the case. I didn’t have this rule when I talked about getting married before. I wonder what the people in the army think? Isn’t the veteran a disabled person? If you take a wife and don’t leave her at home to take care of the disabled person, why do you let her go to work?

”   Zhao Dongmei glared at her speechlessly.   “

Just cause trouble for me. I didn’t make it clear before. Let me think of a way. Let’s talk about it first. If the army is more concerned about her affairs, then there is nothing I can do. If I just help her casually, , won’t care about what happens next, so it shouldn’t be a problem if I kick her out of the hospital.

”   Zhao Yumei was delighted when she heard this and quickly hugged Zhao Dongmei’s arm.   “ Thank you, sister. I know that my sister is the most powerful. There is nothing that my sister cannot do. ”   Zhao Dongmei was helpless.   “

Okay, you go to work, I’m going back to the hospital. By the way, what is Su Jianshe’s attitude towards this matter? If he knew you were going to deal with his daughter, would he make trouble with you? ”   Zhao Yumei snorted from her nose and said disdainfully.   “

He, he dares to make trouble with me? Don’t worry, he is completely on my side now. He likes my Xiaohan more. He has no feelings for his daughter. ”   Zhao Dongmei nodded and rode away on his bicycle. Zhao Yumei shouted from behind.   “

Sister, come to my house for dinner this weekend, Xiaohan misses you. ”

  When Zhao Dongmei returned to the hospital, she originally planned to find a way to cause some more trouble for Su Ying so that she could leave without being able to do it anymore, but as soon as she entered the department door, she heard a colleague say.   “ Director, the dean came just now.

”   Zhao Dongmei’s heart tightened and she said anxiously.   “ What is the dean doing here? Looking for me? ” Chapter 29 The dean looks for him personally   Seeing her being so nervous, her colleagues couldn’t help but smile.   “

No, don’t worry, we didn’t find you were not here, we helped you get through it. He came to see a cleaning lady named Su Ying, but it’s really strange. The cleaning lady seemed to be cleaning our floor at that time. The chief actually came here to find someone. ”

  The casual chatter of her colleagues sounded like a thunder in Zhao Dongmei’s ears, making her heart suddenly rise again.   Didn’t Zhao Yumei say that Su Ying just married a disabled veteran? Does this disabled veteran have such great dignity?

  She quickly shook her head and rejected her thoughts. She must have thought too much. It was impossible. Maybe the dean came to her to ask her about beating Yang Tianjiao. She couldn’t scare herself with random thoughts.

  Zhao Dongmei pretended to be calm and sat back on the chair. A colleague immediately poured a tea jar of hot water for her.   She hugged the teapot, still feeling uneasy, so she stood up and walked out.

  The others looked at each other and felt that the director was not in the right mood today.   “ I heard that Su Ying seemed to have had a fight with Yang Tianjiao yesterday. Was the director aggrieved for Yang Tianjiao? ”

  Others also thought it made sense and nodded. At the same time, they all thought to themselves that Director Zhao is a good boss and they will not suffer any loss if they follow her.   director’s office.

  Su Ying stood opposite Dean Li, holding the thing she had eaten with, the mop, in her hand. She didn’t know why the chief dean came to find her in person, but she thought it should be Yang Tianjiao’s. thing.

  So the dean asked her to sit down, but she didn’t sit down. She felt that there was no need to sit down and talk about things that could be explained clearly in a few sentences. She was mentally prepared to resign.

  She originally wanted to work in the hospital because she wanted to get back to her job, but she ended up cleaning toilets. If she was doing this job, Su Ying felt that she could still find another job like this even if she left the hospital.

  Seeing Su Ying staring at him solemnly, Dean Li was also confused. He didn’t look scary, right? Why does this girl look like she is dead and refuses to sit down?   “ Ahem, um, Xiao Su, I’m looking for you this time because I want to ask you about what you did yesterday…”   “

Why did I beat Yang Tianjiao yesterday? ”   Dean Li opened his mouth, smiled helplessly and nodded.   “ Um, yes, first tell me why you hit her yesterday? She was so frightened yesterday that she asked for leave today. ”

  Su Ying muttered in her heart that her mental quality was really bad. She didn’t even hit her, but she pretended to be sick.

  She had no intention of shoving the mop from the toilet pit into someone’s face. The key was that Yang Tianjiao had eaten it several times. The taste was such that it would be excusable for her not to be able to eat for a whole year, let alone a day.

  The dean left a good impression on Su Ying, so Su Ying had a very good attitude when she told the whole story. She didn’t add any fuel to the fire, she just made things clear.   “

Is she causing trouble for you? Arrange you to clean the toilet? And asked you to wipe the entire toilet wall? ”   Su Ying looked at Dean Li.   “ It’s not all because of this, her mouth is too ugly, and those bad words make me uncomfortable, so I must make her uncomfortable too. ”

  Su Ying’s frankness left Dean Li speechless. He didn’t know whether to say that this girl was stubborn or that her personality was too sharp. But when he thought of what the municipal party committee called and said, he looked at Su Ying and let go. He softened his tone.   “

Comrade Xiao Su, I know that Yang Tianjiao did something wrong. Let’s forget about this matter. Our hospital will come to comfort Yang Tianjiao. Let’s talk about your matter now. ”   Su Ying opened her eyes wide, forget it? Isn’t asking her to question her just to fire her?

  Su Ying’s reaction made Dean Li feel that she was still a little girl, so he could forgive her previous sharpness. After all, she was young. Who wouldn’t be full of energy when they were young?   “

Can you sit down and talk now? I’m getting older, and it’s so uncomfortable to have my neck stretched out all the time. ”   Su Ying blinked and quickly pulled up a stool and sat down.   “ Sorry, Dean, I didn’t consider this issue. ”   Dean Li asked with a smile.   “

Do you know who put you in my hospital? ”   Su Ying shook her head. She knew it must be Political Commissar Ye and the others who helped, but she didn’t know exactly who they were looking for.   Seeing Dean Li’s proud look, Su Ying opened her eyes wide.   “ Could it be… you? ”

  Dean Li nodded.   “

It’s me, but I was afraid that you would be criticized, so I didn’t say anything. The job originally assigned to you was in the registration room downstairs, but for some reason the HR department actually assigned you to the logistics department. Now, I’ll help you readjust it, so you can stop being so resentful, okay? ”

  Su Ying lowered her head and smiled.   “ I have no complaints, you misunderstood. ”   The dean didn’t talk to her about it.   “ Then go to work in the registration room in the afternoon. ”   Su Ying took a deep breath, looked at him and asked.   “

Dean, can I be a doctor? I also learned medical knowledge, even as an intern. ”   The dean opened a resume in his hand and looked up at Su Ying after reading it.   “

But there is no record in your information that you have been engaged in medicine. Xiao Su, I don’t treat you as an outsider, so I will tell you straight.

Being a doctor is not something you can do just because you like it or work on a whim. In this way, if you really want to be a doctor, then you should first take the medical practitioner certificate and medical qualification certificate. If you have these two certificates, I can find a way to arrange another one. If you pass the field theory course exam, you can practice as an assistant physician in a hospital.

”   Su Ying was very excited and stood up and bowed deeply to Dean Li.   “ Thank you, I understand, I will take the certificate exam, thank you for giving me this opportunity. ”

  Dean Li looked at her with a very embarrassed expression on his face. In fact, he just followed Su Ying and said so. He had read Su Ying’s information.

  For someone who has never gone to college, not even a technical secondary school, and has nothing to do with medicine, he was just telling her that it was difficult to be a doctor, but Su Ying didn’t seem to understand.   “

Well, Xiao Su, you may not understand what I mean. It’s like this. These two certificates are not so easy to pass. It is not easy for a college student who graduated from a serious medical university to take these two certificates. What’s more, you don’t have any basic knowledge in either. People who don’t have both will have no chance of passing the exam.

”   Su Ying was still smiling. She had confidence in herself. After all, she had also obtained a chief physician certificate before, and she was the top expert in orthopedics in the country. She felt that it was no problem to get the junior physician qualification certificate. .

  The dean felt that she still didn’t understand, so he was going to talk to her more earnestly. Anyway, he was going to spend this morning with Su Ying.   But before he could open his mouth, he heard someone knocking on the door.   “ Please come in”

  Zhao Dongmei opened the door and came in. When she saw Su Ying sitting there, her eyes suddenly froze. Chapter 30 Transfer of posts

  Su Ying also glanced at her sideways. She didn’t like this director who was not serious about patients and almost caused a medical accident. Besides, this woman was obviously hostile to her, but Su Ying was very confused and didn’t know this. Where does women’s hostility come from?

  It’s not like he has a face that she hates, right?   “ Director Zhao, is something wrong? ”   Facing Zhao Dongmei, Dean Li was much more serious, and he naturally had a sense of being looked down upon by a superior.   Zhao Dongmei quickly looked away from Su Ying and smiled.   “

Dean, I’m here to talk about the mother who gave birth yesterday. Her symptoms were more severe. Although the heavy bleeding has been stopped through surgery, I think she still needs to stay in the intensive care unit for a few more days. ”

  The dean frowned slightly. The intensive care unit was very nervous. If she had been living there, if another patient came in, she would not be able to stay there.   “ How is she doing now? Is anyone awake? ”   “ I woke up, but I was still vomiting badly. ”

  Su Ying, who had been listening quietly, said something at this time.   “

Her vomiting was probably due to anesthetics. Some people are intolerant to anesthetics. If her other body test data were normal, she would not need to be admitted to the intensive care unit and could just let the nurses pay more attention to her. Moreover, based on the conditions of her home, she could stay in the intensive care unit. The intensive care unit is also a huge burden.

”   Zhao Dongmei’s face was ugly, and she looked at Su Ying with drooped eyes, feeling very contemptuous.   “

What do you know? Just interrupt casually? Do you understand the patient’s condition? After hearing some theories from some messy place, I dare to come up with it and say, “We are here to treat illnesses and save people, not to show off your lack of knowledge.” ”

  Su Ying was also a little annoyed. This woman must be sick.   “

My knowledge may indeed be limited, but I think I should be better than you, Director Zhao. At least I won’t take the patient’s life seriously. As a medical worker, you are even the most serious and responsible person. If not, you are taking human life lightly. ”   “ What did you say? ”

  Director Zhao was so angry that she didn’t think much about the meaning of Su Ying’s words. She only felt that Su Ying was humiliating her and provoking her.   She really didn’t expect that a country girl who had never seen the world would dare to provoke her.

  Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Dean Li quickly waved to Zhao Dongmei.   “ Director Zhao, please sit down first and don’t be angry. Young people are a little irritable. ”   He looked at Su Ying again, looking very interested.   “

Comrade Xiao Su, you seem to know a lot about the mother’s condition. ”

  Su Ying glanced at Zhao Dongmei and thought for a while, but still didn’t tell her about finding the head nurse. What she was thinking about at that time was to save people. Now the mother-in-law is still in the hospital and has follow-up treatment, and this Zhao The director obviously doesn’t have a broad mind, so it’s better not to cause trouble to the patients.

  “ Oh, the nurses chatted and listened while I was cleaning. ”   Dean Li raised his eyebrows.   “ oh? So tell me, has her situation stabilized? ”

  Zhao Dongmei was grinding her teeth aside. Su Ying, a country girl who had never even gone to college, was crazy for the dean to discuss patients with her.   Su Ying shook her head helplessly.   “

I don’t know about this. As I said just now, it depends on the specific physical data. Generally speaking, if Director Zhao’s surgery is indeed successful, the patient will be able to recover slowly, but it is better to observe her uterus and internal organs more. . ”

  Speaking of this, Su Ying felt a little sad in her eyes. Their hospital had encountered this kind of situation before.

  After the maternal hemorrhage was rescued, the uterus and various organs suddenly failed. Later, the hospital held several seminars to find out the cause, hoping to avoid such a situation from happening again. Therefore, it is necessary to make judgments based on data and physical examination. .

  Dean Li looked at Su Ying with admiration. He now somewhat believed that she could become a doctor. Although it was difficult to get the medical certificate and medical qualification certificate, with Su Ying’s rigor and love for this job, he felt that she could become a doctor. With her time, she should be able to pass the exam.

  Dean Li looked at the time and smiled at Su Ying.   “ Okay, hurry up and go to the registration room downstairs. It’s already past eleven o’clock. It’ll be off duty there soon, so we won’t be able to move you to another position. ”   Su Ying stood up and bowed to Dean Li.   “

Thank you Dean. ”   Zhao Dongmei suddenly stood up.   “ Dean, do you want her to go to the registration room? How does this work? ”   Dean Li raised his head, his eyes a bit stern.   “ why not? Director Zhao, you seem to be biased against Su Ying. ”   Zhao Dongmei said quickly.   “

No, Dean, she just joined the job yesterday and she beat up Yang Tianjiao. The logistics department also said that she is not serious about her work at all and complains that her work is not good. Such a person is not suitable to stay in our hospital. You know? Why do we still need to reassign her? ”

  Zhao Dongmei was very excited and angry, but in fact she was also very anxious. She knew that Su Ying’s sudden change must be because she was a military wife, but she felt that the dean took her too seriously. A disabled veteran, he could What energy is there?

  The dean doesn’t need to transfer Su Ying to another position at all.   Su Ying rolled her eyes and looked at Zhao Dongmei blankly.   “

Director Zhao, when did I complain that my work was not good? And I didn’t hit Yang Tianjiao, right? She just accidentally dropped the broom and bucket on her. Why do you have any grudge against me when you slander me like this? ”   “ shut up. ”

  Director Zhao was very angry with Su Ying and scolded angrily.   “ You have no place to speak here, a wild girl from the countryside…”   She wanted to tear Su Ying’s mouth apart now, but when she saw the dean looking at her, she could only calm down.   “

So many people saw it yesterday. You know whether I slandered you or not. Also, you are not suitable for working in a hospital. In fact, while you are young, you can actually find a job in a supply and marketing cooperative or a restaurant. There is no need to rely on it. In the hospital.

”   Although she spoke more tactfully due to the presence of the dean, her contempt for Su Ying was hidden in every word.   Dean Li didn’t want to hear their quarrel, so he waved to Su Ying to let her go first.   Su Ying pursed her lips, nodded, turned around and went out.

  Zhao Dongmei had a sullen face and looked back at Su Ying with cold eyes.   She would never allow this thorn in her side to stay in the hospital.   She turned around and said.   “ Dean, does this Su Ying… have any background? ”   Dean Li raised his eyebrows, then chuckled.   “

Xiao Zhao, do you know why I recommended you to be the director of obstetrics and gynecology at that time? ”   Zhao Dongmei immediately sat up straight, thinking a lot about the dean’s gratitude and flattery.   But Dean Li continued.   “

Because in addition to your professional skills, you are also very smooth. To put it bluntly, doctors also have to deal with people. You can handle the relationship between doctors and patients very well. This is your ability. As for Su Ying, she is indeed young. , sometimes there may be some tempers, but we will all be colleagues in the future. We should help each other and avoid conflicts.


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