
Hi, everybody. Today is the first day of the Spring Festival Fly here to pay New Year’s greetings to everyone Today, there will be nothing to do after the year at home. Wait a minute, take my dad and my mom Then go to Yimeng Mountain Scenic Area for a stroll

Then go out and play today 2.066121. A little light Continue driving ahead 1.4125 I was going to climb Mount Meng Then Mom and Dad, they ‘ve been there before. Say no, go or not We came to the Menglianggu scenic spot to have a look. Menglianggu Park Yimeng Mountain World Geopark Aircraft Scenic Area

There are still a lot of people coming to play. All are people Tickets cost $40. Have you The place where Zhang Lingfu was killed It’s this cave This cave after years of wind and rain is soil erosion has collapsed But there’s also this site Monument to the Battle of Menglianggu

Where will the soul find it next time? The snow on this mountain hasn’t even turned yet. It’s warm now Probably covered by trees. No tanning It is estimated that it will take three or two days to disappear. Also under the mountain. Meng Lianggu Legend has it that during the Song Dynasty

The Yang family will be here, Chen Bing It’s called Meng Lianggu The Battle of Menglianggu is also very famous. This is also a representative battle in Yimeng area. And also quite famous in the history of the world Chen Yi and Su Yu led the troops here Meng Lianggu killed the Kuomintang

74 Division Reintegration Regiment It is now more than two o’clock in the afternoon This car is full The parking lot next door is also full. They all came to play after dinner. We pulled home Then when passing There’s another one over there Temple Then go and have a look

There are on the ground Ouch. Home Oh, it’s been a long day No, I need to rest It is more than 100 kilometers back and forth. Nearly 180km Almost. Meow Hum This lamb Special relatives Too honest Just touch Not that one. Just touch it and run No. This is a little ewe Teacher

He wouldn’t let him touch That one, too. It’s growing fast. I can see it in half a month. Last time Go home It’s not that big. This half month rub long Oh, it’s okay that one can sweat This cure for a cold Today, I took my uncle’s family to understand.

The key is that the wine is slow. Ha ha ha Say family happiness Okay, uh… Family Joy Family Joy All the best Make more money for everything. Who heard it? Didn’t hear it That’s right. You see aunt said this What you say into the title Hi, everybody. Many days no see

Today is the fifth day of the first month Today, I have to tidy up my equipment. Ready to go Tomorrow will be six immediately. Official Departure Today, let’s see what you need. And there’s Washing clothes Pack up the equipment Things used in winter may have to be retired.

Or some small parts that you don’t use. Basically, I don’t have any It is mainly simple. This departure is to go directly south to Guangxi. Let’s line up these equipment and show them to everyone. How much equipment do I usually bring when I’m outdoors? It took a little effort

I spread out all my equipment. Let’s take a look at it once. I ‘ve been outdoors all these years and basically these suits. And then kept riding outside Let me introduce you to these equipment. Looking at more is actually not much Looking less. In fact, there are so many

Let me introduce you to my electronic equipment first. This is a wrist multi charger can be derived from Apple phones and Android phones There is also an ordinary fast charge This is ordinary Charging head with three charging boxes This is 360 And gopro cameras, etc. I have two cameras.

The total battery is five pieces. 3602 block and gopro This is my mobile wifi Then the shelf is three 123 There’s a big set of drones over there This piece of words belongs to my drone accessories. This piece is actually a few pounds for a drone. already accounted for a lot Shaver

There are also some small scissors for daily life. and a thermometer Include This is an outdoor lighter stick But I have never used what I have always brought. The words here are a headlamp Light words I have two sets altogether One is a tent lamp There is also a riding lamp

This way, I bought a pump some time ago. Outdoor inflator It is specially for bicycles. Use this when it’s warm. Can you fill three to four tires? Basically, if it’s warm It is estimated that five should be rushed. It shouldn’t be a big problem.

There is also an outdoor power supply with 1 degree of electricity. Outdoor power supply is 16kg In fact, this thing is quite heavy But if you think about it Is to use charging treasure It doesn’t have that kind of super fast charge If this is normally filled, it will take six hours.

Charging treasure may need 60000ma Or the 100000 May be charged More than ten hours is a long time. If this is the case, it will charge faster. And he brought this exterior light In fact, this external light is not used Basically charging. Use the interface here Can turn 220 volts

It can also be used directly to charge unmanned aerial vehicles. Because with this is to prevent the drone from running out of power. you can use it There is also the interface of type c In fact, anything can be used to fire a car and generate electricity.

This is the piece of electronic equipment. It is an apple phone that I am shooting for you now. Then add one of my cell phones Two cameras A set of drones an outdoor power supply Two sets of lights a wifi Pretty much these things Then there are some small devices that charge.

Data line is to see your own adaptation I almost brought seven or eight threads with me. Thread or something. It’s all those There is also an external The external plug-in here This is a must bring Sometimes when you live in a hotel

How can I get it if I don’t have so many external connections? You can only connect one of your own Then go to charge Because there are too many things to charge Wagon rope And camera hanging. Here are some outdoor bags This backpack must bring one If you stop the car…

Then it may be convenient to go out Because it’s going to take a little wristband bag. At ordinary times, I installed this one and seldom used it. That’s the power wave of a drone Another is the bicycle. Pony bag Can put some charging treasure There are some small accessories and so on

Easy to take right next to the car The second ones are basically stuffed in big bags. That’s why everyone can’t see it at ordinary times. Well, outdoor data Here is a cassette furnace There’s also a wood stove over here. two sets of stoves altogether Gas tank words I usually bring two bottles.

Three bottles are rare. Last time I bought four bottles used a bottle And about two and a half bottles of oil and salt. And, um, a set of knives is a hatchet and one for cutting vegetables And a chopping board For inner tubes, I brought two spare tires.

Then the car repair tool is this one. These are almost some small spanners for tire repair. In fact, these are scattered. Feeling not doha In fact, all add up to a little weight This is an outdoor double Then add a single sleeping bag This sleeping bag may not be used in winter.

If not It may not be used in summer. This sleeping bag can be used in winter But this is generally resistant to minus nearly 30 degrees Pretty much. In summer, I may have to change one. In the next few days, it is possible that we will use it first.

I had a sleeping bag Then I wash it Then send it over This word Put it directly at home. But I need to use my other sleeping bag for a few days. To my friend’s side

Therefore, it is said that we will wait for a period of time to say another bag for goods. This means to put some of my big bags. This is necessary If not, we can only use sacks to pack In fact, the car is usually full. If you put all this in your bag

In fact, not a little bit Very occupied space In fact, I am trying hard to accommodate I feel that my accommodation is OK I don’t usually see that I have so many things. But a spread out the words A look at whether there are many things

Is there two front horse bags and camel bags? And a back bag an inflatable cushion Two defensive cloths And then one, this is a tin paper pad. They are all used for moistureproof Basically, that’s all the outdoor stuff. Then two sets of cookware pots a wok And there’s this pressure cooker

Actually, that’s pretty much all. These things can generally support the four seasons of a year. In fact, there is nothing to change in summer. These can be used Just change the sleeping bag. The tent is the same. The tent is also rainproof The second is clothing. I usually have two sets of clothes

In fact, summer clothes are also simple Not like winter too clunky In fact, it doesn’t take up much space. Is this equipment ready for the next trip or is this, uh-huh? of the winter Like this little bag in the distance It was the warm day in winter before

I don’t need any of these including gloves The gloves should also be replaced with summer ones. Another is this charging treasure. In the past, I was two charging treasures. I won’t take the other one. This one is basically enough for three to four days Basically, it is also an ordinary fast charge.

Also 30000ma But you can’t take it by train or plane. Very troublesome In the future, if you want to carry it, you can only carry 20000ma. Or, uh, build transportation. Anyway, it’s hard to find other ways. And there’s this yellow one See no. This is a car lamp When driving at night.

A taillight This is the equipment. Pack up today load it all up And then wait to brush the bike Prepare for a new journey tomorrow. Guangxi refueling The car has all been installed The equipment has been loaded We will officially leave tomorrow. Take a night off at home today.

You may need to prepare something on the way. It’s just some rain-proof equipment or something. Because Go south After all, the rainy season must be more If it’s cold, it won’t be too cold. Said it was a little cold air. But it’s 12 degrees below zero. Basically, there’s nothing too big. Well… Question

Or do a good job of rain This afternoon and the lid There is also a sister Our local Then we came to the pork stall to sweep Now came to the east of the river I ate in May Square for two hours. There are a lot of people today It’s all over.

This is the fifth day of the year. There are a lot of people Overfull The family has been open for so many years since the first day of the month. First time to eat buffet from 011 Before the time rarely eat Check out the contact buffet this side is also good

70 yuan each is mainly seafood This makes a table Mainly barbecue This is not a rinse It’s 7:30 in the evening. Wow There are so many people in this mall This began to man We came earlier If you eat, eat a person Do you know if

The loneliness and sigh of the heart of those who look up



  1. 大飞,

  2. 你的裝備多到好像開房車,很難想像你是騎腳踏車,太利害,祝你新的一年事事順利,一路平安,什麼事都不要逞強。👍

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