
You are in Totsukawa Village, Nara Prefecture, Japan. You are in the vicinity of Totsukawa village. From now on. It’s called Hatenashi village. Let’s go to an old village on top of a mountain. They are going in from here. It is on the way to Kumano Kodo, isn’t it?

It is on the route of Kumano Kodo, isn’t it? That’s why this place became famous. You have to reach it by yourself. And experience it And that’s why it’s worth it. You can go to a car or a motorcycle and go to a bar. And you say, “That’s a beautiful view.”

That means it’s less than half the charm. but we are trying to make a quick climb on a motorcycle This is a forest road. This is still going here. Gegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegege This is a bad place to go. precipitous cliff Well, but it’s places like this that It’s like the Kii Peninsula itself.

We’re climbing up. We’re in the lookout zone. This is the beauty of the Kii Peninsula. That’s a good part of the Kii Peninsula. It’s this deep in the mountains. There’s hardly any black bears. There are some, but I know there are black bears, but…

Compared to Toyama and Gifu, there are not so many. There is a bus stop here. There is a bus stop here. This is where the buses are coming from And there’s a bus coming right up ahead. There’s a house up ahead. There’s a bus that goes there. That’s amazing.

It’s amazing how many buses have come this far. Is it a spring? That sound is bad. This bus stop is amazing. In front of the monument There’s a World Heritage stone monument. It’s a village. People live here. That’s amazing. I thought it was going to go all the way over there.

I think we’re in the right place. World Heritage Stone Monument It’s crazy warm here. The sun Because it’s sunny. And butterflies are flying. How did you build that? How did they get the materials, I wonder? So they had to be brought in by hand? So let’s go home. It’s getting dark already.

Only that village It’s unusually sunny. It was so warm. What the hell was that? It’s definitely a settlement over there. I don’t know, it’s kind of like living there. Maybe it makes sense. It was crazy warm. You don’t get to go there very often. It’s dangerous! Scary! What kind of throttle is that?

I’m already scared. Throttle is a little bit something It doesn’t respond to twisting. I thought I’d twist it a little bit more. I twisted it a little more, and then all of a sudden it just went “bam. Where there is no guardrail I almost ran into a curb.

I’m about to run into it. 100% drop. Down to Totsukawa village Totsukawa village city Now we’re going home from here. I think I’ve got enough points. We’re a little short on time. I’ve come here with the intention of just going in quick and leaving quick, so…

Because the old townscape of Totsukawa Onsen still remains. Maybe I’ll look at it again next time. It’s too fast a road. What is this, a racing game? That’s it. Look, look up, look up, look up, look up, see? This is a rock.


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