[2] Höhen und Tiefen auf Mallorca | Was kann Mallorca? | Rennradurlaub auf Mallorca

Road cycling in Mallorca! There are many beautiful pictures or short videos like these on social media. But is it really that nice to ride a racing bike there? Or do you perhaps need to take more time to get an authentic impression? In this four-part video series we find out: What can Mallorca do?

Welcome to this new video. Day 2 was supposed to be at the sea, but I didn’t really know what the day would bring and then, quite unexpectedly, it turned into a day full of ups and downs and that’s where it started. This day’s goal is this bay,

But let’s look at the entire route and zoom in. From Inka we first head towards Palma and then via the Coll des Vent, Galilea and Es Grau to the Port des Canonge. And from there via Valdemossa back to Inca. At the end there are 135 km

And a good 2000 meters of altitude on the clock. The alarm went off at 6 a.m., the bikes spent the night in the basement and we still had to wear something against the cold. In the darkness we left Inka and along a large, flat road towards Palma.

After 10 km it is already much brighter and now we have a coffee. Anne just said, horrible coffee or cappuccino. I drink it, everything is fine. There’s a lot of milk in it. Do you need the coffee bean? Cold water. Very cold. Not my case. Then we need another coffee.

Yes, we’ll get it again. We still have enough kilometers. Yes, it’s almost light now, right? That’s strange too. It’s raining, but above us… Yes, maybe okay from the cloud there. Now I see them too. On Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. we encountered heavy rush hour traffic in the outskirts of Palma.

That wasn’t fun. And I almost got hit on a roundabout. The woman behind the car was already clasping her hands in front of her mouth, but I was able to brake in time. So now we’ve fought our way through Palma’s city traffic. It’s real chaos! This is a cramp.

I’m really not in the mood anymore and we’ll do the next tour on the third day somewhere else. This is just completely crazy here. It’s super tiring, lots of traffic. Exactly, now we actually wanted to continue here, but the path is somehow blocked. Now that adds to our happiness.

We’re really a little demoralized right now. We’re leaving today and we’re exactly here right now. The road in front here is closed, now we have to make a small turn and then we continue on blue and then we meet but here the third day continues

And because it then leads along the coastal road here. From then on we’ll take the black line, day 3. Because that’s because we won’t do it anymore. I can just be changed. So then we take the blue line. and then flat back here. Yes, exactly. That’s the plan now.

So now we drive the normal route for a bit, then switch to the beautiful coastal road. I hope that makes up for the quark up here in Palma. And then we replan the third day and go somewhere completely different. drive to Petra to the market square and yes… Gran Canaria was nicer, right?

No, I didn’t find it at all. But what we have planned here is not nice. Yesterday was wonderful. Okay, so now let’s drive around the route closure here. A second good coffee would have helped me to improve my mood. Well, my plan didn’t work. Second coffee at the yellow M.

Unfortunately they are still closed. What a day. Too, right? We would have treated ourselves to that now and then it would have been a long day. Well at least we would have had some form of reinforcement now. From this junction the tide turns. The road leads to a military base

And on the pass behind it, not a single car was driving. We actually made it out of the city area. Now take off our warm clothes and hopefully we’ll be fine from now on. Gruschdel Gruschdel Gruschdel. Hours later. And it’s only 9 o’clock. If you can already say what a day at 20.

It doesn’t happen very often either. So we are now driving the Coll de sa Creu. 5.1 km and 5.8% on average. The pass is also called Coll des Vent and is considered the perfect training mountain for cyclists from Palma. Easy to reach, practically car-free and stunningly scenic.

In addition, it is always in very good condition due to regular cycling or rally events . Zack… The side street and it’s incredibly quiet. Splendid. Unfortunately , our plan to leave extra early this morning to avoid the traffic jam didn’t work out. Now let’s see

How we can perhaps reschedule the tour a little. The narrow road appears to be continuous and now even a median strip. The last 750 m. Here we see the route from Inca towards Palma. Then we drive around the city and then onto the Coll des sa Creu.

So we’re at the top, I think. I don’t see a sign. Shall we put on a jacket? With the jacket on, we now walk 2 hours down this beautiful street. There is an exploited car here on the right. Stop again for a moment, put your gloves on and continue down.

Continue left to Calvia. Nice, right? Nice! It’s really very beautiful here. I was already thinking whether we should drive normally and the third day leads somewhere completely different, it doesn’t lead through Palma at all. Yes, we look at the nice ones. But we can drive the route like this.

We’ll take another look tonight, but I’m currently willing to go through with it as normal. Yes! There were boccadios for us in Calvia. That definitely lifts the mood. And the next climb to Galilea. I’m having a bit of a lack of motivation right now. But that’s just what happens sometimes.

These ups and downs on these cycling trips. The following thing I wanted to say is that I have my Hammerhead with me again this time and I really like this climb mode. So we now drive the next 4.4 km, 282 meters in altitude and somehow I like this display better

Than with my Wahoo Element Roam V2. Or I haven’t discovered the right page yet somehow. Yes, but the presentation is simply better. Yes, the presentation is better with the Hammerhead. So… now let’s pedal our way up this climb. These small, narrow streets with the median strip

In them almost look like toys like in Toyland. We are now at 410 m and now we go straight down. From here it’s 4.2 km down and then comes the next climb. There is already the next climb. So what kind of increase do we have here now? It is 2 km approximately

With 9%. Actually like the last 2 km from Galibier. Except that it had a total of 18 km. That’s the whole climb here. I’m looking forward to a long lunch break. But it’s not possible because of our time management. We have the lupine with us.

And you don’t have to put up the tent anymore today. Okay, we’re upstairs. Do you have the gloves on all the time now? Yes, that’s good, then you don’t need to get dressed now. The descent from Es Grau was nothing special.

But at least we can now go down from here to the sea. This little ramp and then the bay comes to the right. By the way, I find the following situation quite interesting. I have to turn right immediately and can swerve into my lane to take the curve.

But since I have to expect the bus to carry out its overtaking maneuver, I prefer to pull back. This also leaves more space for the cyclist on the other side. It’s better to show some consideration than to insist on your rights. So this is the descent down to the port of the Canonge.

In 5.5 km it goes down 320 m and there are 27 very tight corners. A real chop in corners and that was the opposite of smooth. But down there was the only restaurant nearby. We wanted to eat there and also had to fill up our drinking bottles. That was firmly planned.

So get down there. While I overcome this intermediate ramp in the rocks, we briefly switch over to Anne. Yes, things just aren’t going so well today. Very tiring somehow. I do not know either. But you don’t make progress like that. But sometimes that’s how it is.

We’ll switch over to our outside reporter again. As we all know, she always has the hardest job. I’ve already driven down a lot of serpentine roads, but it’s really difficult for me here. You have a view of the open sea. Actually it’s really nice, but it’s somehow really steep

And somehow I’m really afraid of heights. Mario is probably already downstairs. Help, I’m slowing down here. That was the worst descent ever. Oh God, that was really hell. How come? It was awful. Those flat curves you mean? Yes, those flat curves. I don’t want to be filmed anymore. OK.

Then we roll into the Hundred Souls Village. Because of the difficult descent, few people get lost here. There are also only two or three restaurants or cafés and they are only open during the season or on weekends. According to Google, our restaurant should be open, but none. It was closed. That was bad

Because the aid station was no longer available and we had to go back up with almost no water. The path from Coll de sa Creu down to the bay. Beautiful bay. Completely secluded here. Great sea view. Unfortunately the restaurant is closed and now there is nothing here,

Even though we really needed the food. Now we have to go up and maybe we’ll see if we can find a water source somewhere here or maybe we’ll talk to someone. Yeah let’s see. Okay, yeah, so let’s get to it now. It’s not getting any better. The restaurant was completely dark

And we didn’t meet anyone on the street that we could ask for water. That’s why we went up like that. 8.8 km, 478 meters altitude, 5%. But at least we now have a nice view here, despite all the hardships. Can enjoy it in peace. Enjoy the pain. Automobile.

Yes, we have the first serpentines. But so far things are going better than expected. Even though we are completely in the sun. Just hope the water is enough. Yes, those are furrows from trucks that pull out at the bottom. Yes, up here we are back on the big road.

This went better than expected. We did it well. Now there are still 4.5 km to go further up. With 4%. Now we can do that and we’re longing for a supermarket or a gas station somewhere. Cool drinks. There is improvement in sight. And then comes the beautiful Coll den Claret.

I find that I still want to pronounce a lot of things in French. But it’s different in Spanish. There is super cool air up here. This is really good and nice road and very good road yes. I don’t know if this detects, but I see a yellow line on my hammerhead

That comes after the blue one now. Blue means increase, yellow means no entry. and we drive the last 100 m into the last 5 meters in altitude. Put on a jacket, right? Yes, we have to put on a jacket, that’s right. Nice! So now we’re really heading down towards Valdemossa

And cool drinks were in sight. Just a few more turns and then we were at the gas station. Good day! Good gas station air! Yes, but I don’t want to drive any further right now. You have to refuel here first. So left to Valdemossa. Final spurt! Goes down a few more kilometers

And then 27 km flat. The descent down from Valdemossa was really fun again. You could drive pretty fast. That puts us at the bottom and we still had a bit of transfer route bombing ahead of us. All in all, the route wasn’t really nice today.

The day is remembered more for the emotional ups and downs. Our hotel is in front of us in the gray building. The route out of the bay back to Inca. A day full of ups and downs will definitely be remembered. I didn’t really know what to expect today.

I thought it might go under the working title Drive to the Beach. If you can’t think of anything better. But yes, and then a day like that. Really heavy. Yes, then yes the hotel room looks like this. Here is a small balcony. We are right in the city. There’s the space in front

And then we’ll go through here again . Yes, bathroom toilet. Shower and here a wardrobe. Okay then ciao! Ciao! Until the next video!

Palma de Mallorca, Coll de sa Creu, Tramuntana Gebirge, Bucht, Was kann Mallorca?

helden.de: “MADO9”

Meine Ausrüstung (aktualisiert Nov 2023):
Socken: Rapha Pro Team Socks – Regular
Baselayer: Rapha Pro Team Base Layer
Trikot: Rapha Men’s Pro Team Training Jersey
Bib Shorts: Rapha Men’s Cargo Bib Shorts
Schuhe: https://amzn.to/3R7J0J0
Helm: https://amzn.to/3PTArj3
Sonnenbrille: Rapha Pro Team Frameless Glasses
Fahrradhandschuhe: Rapha Brevet Mitts
Brustgurt: https://amzn.to/46mZvVT
GoPro: https://amzn.to/3ctro8m
Rücklicht (StvzO) mit Bremssensor: https://amzn.to/3300sZI
Pulsmesser: https://amzn.to/481V1FF
Fahrradcomputer: https://amzn.to/3RaAV6i
Schloss: Ottolock Hexband 76 cm
Positionslicht: Reelight Ugo
Daunenjacke: https://amzn.to/3zIAxl0
Badelatschen: Rapha Slides
AirPods: https://amzn.to/3uoyK69
Kartenspiel: https://amzn.to/47vfm6o
Ersatzschläuche: https://amzn.to/49KfH6B
Ladegerät: https://amzn.to/3MSN1OW
Luftpumpe: https://amzn.to/3szJX3u
Kettengleitmittel: Muc-off Hyperdynamic
Antriebsreiniger: https://amzn.to/3r5ZEM7
Rucksack: Rapha Pro Team Lightweight Backpack
Kamera: https://amzn.to/3RbnnHU
Objektiv: https://amzn.to/3MQeZef
Ultralight-Rucksack: https://amzn.to/3R9WB1p
Schuhüberzieher: https://amzn.to/3J0VRXM
Beinlinge: Rapha Thermal Leg Warmers
Armlinge: Rapha Thermal Arm Warmers
Buff: https://amzn.to/3R93GQH
Regenjacke: https://amzn.to/3zVYgOK
Trinkflaschen: https://amzn.to/3SQ8w6I
Saddle Bag Stabilizer: https://amzn.to/3Q6NWdZ
Werkzeugbox: https://amzn.to/3Gedu37
Ratsche: https://amzn.to/3uxipvW
Chamois Crème: https://amzn.to/3g9eKdu
Klett-Kabelbinder: https://amzn.to/3MTNuAk
Adapter Autoventil: https://amzn.to/3G3NdW6

Fahrad: OPEN WI.DE.
Fahrradcomputer-Halter: https://amzn.to/3gqv1uF
Bikepacking-Taschen: Apidura Expedition-Serie

Die Links sind Affiliate-Links. Kommt über einen solchen Link ein Einkauf zustande, werde ich mit einer Provision beteiligt. Für Dich entstehen dabei keine Mehrkosten. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung! 🙂

Mein Komoot-Profil: https://www.komoot.de/user/600175519160
Mein Strava-Profil: https://www.strava.com/athletes/89453524


  1. Video 2 ist auch gut gelungen. Kompliment. Und Respekt dass ihr durchgehalten habt trotz der zeitweiligen schlechten Verhältnissen. Port des Canonge habe ich im Mai auch gefahren und gefilmt. Mini Sa Calobra. Bin gespannt auf den nächsten Beitrag von euch.

  2. Liebe Anne!🚴‍♂️lieber Mario 🚴was für ein Tag! Schade, dass Ihr so Pech hattet- angefangen mit fast zusammen gefahren zu werden u dann diese Anstrengung und weder was zu trinken , noch zu essen ! Ich hoffe die restlichen Tage waren nur noch ideal? Danke fürs Mitnehmen u die tollen
    Aufnahmen! Ganz liebe Grüße Oma Berti 👍😍🙋‍♀️🌷

  3. Hallo Anne, hallo Mario. Das war wieder eine nette (Video) Etappe von euch. Geht ja dort ganz schön hoch und runter😳. Genau das richtige…zum Trainieren. Hoffe, Corona hat sich mit den Nachwirkungen bei dir mittlerweile verabschiedet🤒. Gut, das ihr vorher…im letzten Jahr davor noch gut Sonne getankt habt. Freue mich schon auf den dritten Teil. Gruß an euch beide aus Göttingen.

    Edit: Wow, die Strecke bei 6:03 sieht ja umwerfend aus..eine gute kleine "Entschädigung" für den nicht so guten Start…Und als Kaffeefan weiß ich…wie ein nicht ordentlicher Kaffee den Start ordentlich runterziehen kann.., mich jedenfalls…Von daher…Kaffeeee, ein Leben ohne Kaffee ist möglich, aber sinnlos…😋🙃

  4. Ziemlich unverständlich, dass in solchen "Sackgassen" nicht wenigstens ein Getränke/Snack-Automat aufgestellt wird. Wenn die Restaurants sich nicht an ihre Öffnungszeiten halten und so schlecht liegen, brauchen sie irgendwann überhaupt nicht mehr aufsperren.

  5. Vielen Dank für das Video! Und auch danke das ihr bei mir alte Erinnerungen an Radtouren auf Mallorca geweckt habt, speziell an den "Kasernen-Buckel" 😊

  6. Das ist das, was mich am Rennradfahren generell sehr stört und ich daher mein Hardtail niemals hergeben würde. Man ist einfach in der Wegwahl eingeschränkt und im Straßenverkehr extrem gefährdet. Schönes Hobby aber wird, wie man sieht, manchmal zu sehr romantisiert.

  7. Inca ist auch nicht der Beste Start.. wir sind immer in Can Picafort untergekommen. Von dort kann man dann die schönsten Touren fahren. Palma, Inca und Manacor meidet man eigentlich, weil nicht schön. Der Norden bietet so viele schöne Touren, dass Du 2 Wochen fahren kannst ohne doppelt zu fahren. Habt trotzdem eine gute Zeit 😘

  8. Hallo
    Um zu wissen was man will, muss man wissen was man nicht will 😀 Darum muss man ausprobieren 👍
    Wie immer ein motivierendes Video👍
    Wie seit ihr mit den Fahrräder zurecht gekommen?
    Habt ihr euere Räder vermisst ?
    Viele Grüße 🖖

  9. Tolles Video ! Eine Frage hätte ich an Euch..Anne hat ja in dem Video den Karoo 2 am Rad gehabt. Wie zufrieden seit Ihr mit dem und wie schlägt er sich im vergleich zum Roam v2 ? Mich würde interessieren wie die Ablesbarkeit in der Sonne ist und wie war bzw. ist nach so einer langen Tour der Akkustand des Hammerheads? Wenn Ihr euch zwischen dem Roamv2 und dem Karoo2 entscheiden müsstet-welchen würdet Ihr nehmen ?

  10. hallo ihr Zwei, erstmal vielen dank für das unterhaltsame video. ja diese sackgassen. echt ärgerlich, wenn dann auch noch alles zu hat, aber "der weg ist das ziel". ihr habts bestimmt auch schon gut drauf, euch gegenseitig bei launeeinbrüchen, aus dem tal zu ziehen. eine gute übung für die ehe. ihr machts richtig. noch viele schöne gemeinsame erlebnisse und ich freu mich schon auf das nächste video von euch. liebe grüße aus stuttgart, Mark.

  11. ….und noch was: eure transformation vom 30kg pedelecer zum 9kg graveller ist echt beachtenswert! wie unglaublich mehr sportlich ihr rüberkommt! hätte auch große lust auf biobike umzusteigen, besitze ja auch diverse, aber mein asthma macht mir da oft leider einen strich durch die rechnung, aber ich versuche es auch mal.

  12. Hallöle, ihr habt doch mal eine Zeit lang die Rode-Funk-Ansteckmikrofon am Körper gehabt. Warum jetzt nicht mehr, doch nicht gut. Habe das Mikrofon auch. Deswegen frage ich. Grüsse.

  13. Ihr macht es richtig👍👍Sowas geht nur als Team, tolle Bilder, klasse und offen kommentiert ❤❤Ganz liebe Grüße von uns beiden Martin&Angelika 👍😘😘👍

  14. In einer Großstadt wie Palma über Berufsverkehr entsetzt zu sein ist schon sportlich 😂 hab mal ein Jahr da gewohnt und mir in mühevoller Kleinarbeit Strecken erstellt, um möglichst ruhig rauszukommen. Aber im Unterschied zu Deutschland ist die Nummer mit Verkehr dort deutlich weniger aggressiv gegenüber Radfahrern. Col de sa Creu aka Kasernenberg ist IMO einer der nicesten Anstiege und war mein Hausberg❤

  15. oh man… zwei Prototypen des Models "Meckeralman" 😂 Kaffee kalt, Verkehr doof, Himmel doof, Straße doof,….ALLES doof. Dann bleibt doch in Bielefeld oder aus welchem Nest auch immer ihr herkommt und heult nicht rum. Ich fahre seid 10 Jahren 2 – 3 mal auf die Insel zum Biken und kann euer Genörgel nicht nachvollziehen. Sucht mal den Fehler bei Euch !

  16. Moin Mario, vielen vielen Dank für deine entspannten Videos!! Freue mich jedes Mal auf ein neues Video!!
    Ich hab mal eine kleine technische Frage: Ihr nutzt doch noch die Gopro oder? Bearbeitet ihr den Ton im Schnitt nach, oder nutzt ihr noch ein externes Mikro? Ich empfinde den Ton immer als recht dumpf. Bei euch aber nicht. Vielen Dank und Gruß von der Nordsee

  17. Hallo ihr beiden, eine tolle und anstrengende Tour ! Aber Mallorca kann auch auf dieser Strecke wesentlich mehr, wenn man Palma de Mallorca nördlich (Establiments) oder südlich (Radweg am Meer) umfährt. Schade, dass ihr euch in Canonge nicht versorgen konntet und ohne aufzutanken diese steile Rampen bezwingen mußtet. Ich fahre seit 50 Jahren auf meiner Lieblingsinsel Rad und habe dabei über 100000 km mit dem Rennrad zurück gelegt und kenne auch Straßen wo mir selten ein Rennradler begegnet.(ja auch das gibt es noch auf Mallorca) Ich freue mich auf euer nächstes Video! Liebe Grüße aus Untergruppenbach Günter

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